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更新: 2018年8月8日

ldmd (8)


ldmd - Logical Domains Manager daemon




ldmd(8)                      System Administration                     ldmd(8)

       ldmd - Logical Domains Manager daemon


       The  ldmd  daemon  is referred to as the Logical Domains Manager. It is
       the daemon program for the ldm command, which is  used  to  create  and
       manage  logical  domains.  The  ldmd daemon runs on the control domain,
       which is the initial domain created by the service processor (SP).  For
       those platforms that have physical domains, the Logical Domains Manager
       runs only in the control domain of each physical  domain.  The  control
       domain is named primary.

       A  logical domain is a discrete logical grouping with its own operating
       system, resources, and identity within a single  system.  Each  logical
       domain  can  be created, destroyed, reconfigured, and rebooted indepen-
       dently, without requiring a power cycle of the server. You can use log-
       ical  domains to run a variety of applications in different domains and
       keep them independent for security purposes.

   SMF Properties
       You can use the svccfg command to modify the following properties:


           When inter-vnet-link=auto, this property is the maximum  number  of
           virtual  networks  that  are  permitted to enable inter-vnet links.
           When the number of virtual networks connected to the  same  virtual
           switch  exceeds this limit, inter-vnet links are disabled automati-
           cally. The default value is 8.


           Specifies the autorecovery policy. This property can  have  one  of
           the following values:

               o      autorecovery_policy=1   -  Logs warning messages when an
                      autosave configuration is newer than  the  corresponding
                      running  configuration. These messages are logged in the
                      ldmd SMF log file. The user must  manually  perform  any
                      configuration recovery. This is the default policy.

               o      autorecovery_policy=2  - Displays a notification message
                      if an autosave configuration is newer  than  the  corre-
                      sponding  running  configuration. This notification mes-
                      sage is printed in the output of  any  ldm  command  the
                      first  time  an ldm command is issued after each restart
                      of the Logical Domains Manager. The user  must  manually
                      perform any configuration recovery.

               o      autorecovery_policy=3   - Automatically updates the con-
                      figuration if an autosave configuration  is  newer  than
                      the  corresponding  running  configuration.  This action
                      overwrites the SP configuration that will be used during
                      the next power cycle. This configuration is updated with
                      the newer configuration that is  saved  on  the  control
                      domain.  This  action does not impact the currently run-
                      ning configuration. It impacts  only  the  configuration
                      that will be used during the next power cycle. A message
                      is also logged, which states that a newer  configuration
                      has  been saved on the SP and that it will be booted the
                      next time the system performs a power cycle. These  mes-
                      sages are logged in the ldmd SMF log file.


           Specifies  the CPU autoreplacement policy for the Fujitsu M10 plat-
           form and the Fujitsu SPARC M12 platform. This property can have one
           of the following values:

               o      autoreplacement_policy_cpu=1   - Enables the CPU autore-
                      placement  process,  which  attempts  to   automatically
                      replace  faulty  CPU resources. This is the default pol-

               o      autoreplacement_policy_cpu=0   -  Disables  CPU  autore-
                      placement process.


           Specifies the maximum number of retries for the CPU autoreplacement
           process on the Fujitsu M10 platform and the Fujitsu SPARC M12 plat-
           form.  A value of 0 specifies that the number of retries are unlim-
           ited. The default value is 5 retries.


           Specifies the interval in  seconds  between  retries  for  the  CPU
           autoreplacement process on the Fujitsu M10 platform and the Fujitsu
           SPARC M12 platform. The minimum interval is 1 second.  The  default
           value is 300 seconds.


           Specifies  which  shutdown  method to use. If default_quick_stop is
           set to true when the Logical Domains Manager is started,  the  next
           ldm stop-domain command uses the -q method unless overridden on the
           command line. If default_quick_stop is set to false, the ldm  stop-
           domain  command  uses  the shutdown command method, if available in
           the specified domain, or automatically falls back to the -q option.
           The default value is false.


           Specifies  the  CPU  core  remap policy to use when the SP uses the
           deleteboard command to make a CPU core remap request, or  when  CPU
           autoreplacement requires a CPU core remap.

           Valid values are as follows:

               o      auto  selects  the  most suitable policy for the system.
                      The default value is auto.

               o      enable enables the all CPU core remap operations.

               o      disable disables the all CPU core remap operations.

           This property pertains only to Fujitsu M10  platforms  and  Fujitsu
           SPARC M12 platforms.


           Enforces  the setting of fj-software-limit-pagesize=256MB for a new
           domain. The default value is false.

           This property pertains only to the Fujitsu  M10  platform  and  the
           Fujitsu SPARC M12 platform.


           Enables  or  disables  Power  Management  (PM)  at  ldmd startup on
           Fujitsu SPARC systems. The default value is true, which means  that
           PM is enabled.

           This  property  pertains  only  to the Fujitsu M10 platform and the
           Fujitsu SPARC M12 platform.


           Specifies the resource removal policy to use when the SP  uses  the
           deleteboard  command  to  make  a dynamic resource removal request.
           This property applies only to the  Fujitsu  M10  platform  and  the
           Fujitsu SPARC M12 platform.

           The following are valid policy values:

               o      auto  - Uses the most recently supported fj_ppar_dr_pol-
                      icy policy value, which is ratio. The default policy  is

               o      ratio   - Keeps the resource for each domain in the same
                      relative proportion until  the  specified  resource  has
                      been removed from the domains.

                      This  policy requires that all the domains in the system
                      are installed with at least the Oracle Solaris 11.3  OS.
                      The  targeted  policy is used if any domain is installed
                      with an older version of the Oracle Solaris OS.

               o      targeted  - Removes resources only from domains that are
                      assigned resources on the board to be deleted.


           Specifies the number of hops (or subnets) a MAC collision detection
           message is permitted to traverse before  the  message  is  dropped.
           Valid  values  are 0 (use default value), 1 (same subnet), 32 (same
           site), 64 (same region),  128  (same  continent),  and  255  (unre-
           stricted). By default, hops is set to 1, which means that multicast
           messages are sent only to other managers on the same  subnet.  When
           hops is set to 0, ldmd uses the default value, which is 1.


           Enables a guest domain migration from another system to this system
           if xmpp_enabled is also set to true. The default value is true.


           Specifies the property values that you can also set  by  using  the
           ldm set-logctl command. Separate each property with a colon charac-
           ter (:). For example, to set the cmd property value to resp and  to
           set  the  debug property value to on, run the setprop ldmd logctl =
           cmd=resp:debug=on command. To make the changes take affect, refresh
           and restart the ldmd service.


           Performs  a MAC address collision check during startup if the value
           is true. The default value is  false.  Performing  this  validation
           might  delay  the  start  of  the  Logical Domains Manager. Any MAC
           address collisions are logged and the Logical Domains Manager  con-
           tinues to run.


           Specifies whether to permit a domain migration between servers that
           support Silicon Secured Memory (SSM) even if one  of  the  machines
           does  not  have  support  for  the  migration  of  Application Data
           Integrity (ADI) version information that is introduced in Oracle VM
           Server for SPARC 3.5.

           If  both  the source machine and the target machine are running the
           latest versions of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software, you  do
           not need to use this SMF property.

           Caution -

             If  you intend to perform a domain migration on your servers that
             support SSM, it is best that they run  at  least  the  Oracle  VM
             Server  for  SPARC  3.5  software.  If this is not possible, take
             extreme caution when using  the  ldmd/migration_adi_legacy_compat
             SMF  property.  Improper use of this property can result in unde-
             fined application behavior if ADI is in use in the  domain  being

           By  default,  the  property value is false, which prevents a domain
           migration unless both the source machine  and  the  target  machine
           support  SSM  and  run the required version of the Oracle VM Server
           for SPARC software. This property has no effect on servers that  do
           not support SSM.

           When  the value is true, the domain migration proceeds without sup-
           port for the migration of ADI version information.

           So, if either the source machine or target machine runs  a  version
           of  the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software that is older than 3.5,
           which does not support the migration of  ADI  version  information,
           the migration is permitted.

           Only set the ldmd/migration_adi_legacy_compat SMF property value to
           true if both the following circumstances are true:

               o      You cannot upgrade both the source  machine  and  target
                      machine  to  a version of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC
                      software that supports  the  migration  of  ADI  version

               o      You  know  for certain that ADI versioning is not in use
                      within the domain to be migrated

           Setting this property to true permits migrations where ADI  version
           information  is  not transferred to the target machine. This situa-
           tion can result in undefined application behavior if ADI is in  use
           in the domain being migrated.

           The ldmd/migration_adi_legacy_compat SMF property is not recognized
           by Oracle VM Server for SPARC versions older than 3.5. Use of  this
           property is applicable only on a source machine or a target machine
           is running at least Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.5.


           Enforces the authentication of domain migrations to the system. The
           default  behavior requires the user to be authenticated. This prop-
           erty does not affect migrations from the system. To permit a migra-
           tion  without specifying a password set migration_authn_required to
           false on the target machine.

           This property is used only by the XML/XMPP interface and not by the
           ldm  migrate-domain command, which always requires a password to be
           given for a migration.


           Controls whether an SP configuration is saved following a  success-
           ful incoming or outgoing migration.

           If the property is not present or is set to false, no SP configura-
           tion is saved following a migration. If the property value  is  set
           to  true,  the  post-migration  SP configuration is saved under the
           reserved name @post-migration. The default property value is false.

           If the migration_save_spconfig property value is different  on  the
           source  machine  and the target machine, an ldm migrate-domain com-
           mand that does not specify the  -s  option  rejects  the  migration

           If  either  the  source machine or the target machine is running an
           older version of the Logical Domains Manager, the migration request
           is   rejected   immediately   if   the   newer   party  has  migra-

           The automated saving of a post-migration  SP  configuration  inter-
           feres with the way that Oracle VM Manager maintains the system con-
           figuration.  If  Oracle  VM  Manager   is   running,   the   migra-
           tion_save_spconfig  property  is  ignored. The ovm_manager property
           indicates whether Oracle VM Manager is in use.


           Enables or disables Power Management  (PM)  at  ldmd  startup.  The
           default value is false, which means that PM is disabled.

           In  addition, when the ldmd/pm_enabled property value is false, the
           PM Observability Module functionality  is  also  disabled  at  ldmd
           startup.   This   functionality   is  disabled  regardless  of  the
           ldmd/pm_observability_enabled SMF property value.


           Enables or disables the Power Management (PM) Observability  Module
           at  ldmd startup. When this module is enabled, you can run the ldm-
           power command to view power-consumption data. See  the  ldmpower(8)
           man page. The default value is true.


           Enables a guest domain migration from this system to another system
           if xmpp_enabled is also set to true. The default value is true.


           Determines the action that is taken when recovery mode is requested
           by  the SP. This property does not apply to the SPARC T4, and SPARC
           M4 servers. The following are the valid values:

               o      auto performs a recovery  without  intervention  by  the
                      administrator. This is the default behavior.

               o      never  specifies that no recovery is to be performed and
                      that the system remains in the factory-default  configu-


           Specifies  the root domain boot timeout during recovery in minutes.
           Valid values start at 5 minutes. The default value is 30 minutes.


           Specifies the amount of time in seconds that  a  graceful  shutdown
           waits  for  the domains to stop. The ldm stop-domain command issues
           an error if the domain or domains do not stop after  the  specified
           timeout  expires.  The  shutdown_timeout value must be greater than
           zero. The default value is 100 seconds.


           Enables the ldmd XMPP server to listen for  configuration  requests
           from  third-party  management  applications. Also, permits the ldmd
           daemon to communicate with the ldmd daemon  on  another  system  to
           coordinate  a  migration between the two systems. The default value
           is true.

       See the attributes(7) man page  for  a  description  of  the  following

       |Attribute Type                Attribute Value                |
       |Availability                  pkg:/system/ldoms/ldomsmanager |
       |Interface Stability           Uncommitted                    |

         svcs(1),   attributes(7),  smf(7),  drd(8),  ldm(8),  ldmad(8),  ldm-
       power(8), svcadm(8), vntsd(8)

       The ldmd service is managed by the Service  Management  Facility  (SMF)
       and uses the svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default service identifier. See the smf(7)
       man page.

       To have the changes made to these SMF properties take effect, you  must
       refresh and restart the service.

       Use  the  svcadm command to perform administrative actions on this ser-
       vice, such as enabling, disabling, refreshing, or requesting a restart.
       Use the svcs command to query the service's status.

       For  more  information about the ldmd SMF properties, see the Oracle VM
       Server for SPARC 3.6 Administration Guide.

                                  August 2018                          ldmd(8)