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更新: 2018年8月8日

ovmtlibrary (8)


ovmtlibrary - manage Oracle VM for SPARC templates library


/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary [-V] [-h | -H]

/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c init [-f] [-q | -v] -l library

/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c store [-d description] [-f] -l library [-n template-name]
-o URI [-q | -v]

/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c list [-a | -p | -o | -t type] -l library [-m]
[-n template-name | -i template-id] [-q | -v] [-s [-e event-id]]

/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c delete [-a] -l library [-n template-name | -i template-id]
[-q | -v]


ovmtlibrary(8)               System Administration              ovmtlibrary(8)

       ovmtlibrary - manage Oracle VM for SPARC templates library

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary [-V] [-h | -H]

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c init [-f] [-q | -v] -l library

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c store [-d description] [-f] -l library [-n template-name]
         -o URI [-q | -v]

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c list [-a | -p | -o | -t type] -l library [-m]
         [-n template-name | -i template-id] [-q | -v] [-s [-e event-id]]

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtlibrary -c delete [-a] -l library [-n template-name | -i template-id]
         [-q | -v]

       The  ovmtlibrary command enables you to manage Oracle VM for SPARC tem-
       plates information in the following ways:

           o      -c init initializes the library

           o      -c store stores a template

           o      -c list lists templates

           o      -c delete deletes templates

       The template archive file that is used to store templates requires  the

           o      A file extension of .ova

           o      An XML configuration file that has a file extension of .ovf

           o      At least one compressed disk image that matches the informa-
                  tion in the .ovf file

           o      A checksum information file that has a file extension of .mf

       Note that an event ID is printed when you store a template. You can use
       this ID to check the status of a store operation.

       You do not need superuser permissions to run the ovmtlibrary command.

       The ovmtlibrary command includes the following options:

       -a                          Lists all versions of  the  specified  tem-
                                   plate  or  templates.  By default, only the
                                   latest version is shown.

       -c init                     Initializes the template library.

       -c store                    Stores a template in the library.

       -c list                     Lists templates in the library.

       -c delete                   Deletes templates from the library.

       -d description              Specifies a template description.

       -e event-ID                 Specifies the event ID for  which  to  show
                                   the status of a store operation.

       -f                          Forces an overwrite of an existing library.

       -h                          Shows the help message.

       -i template-ID              Specifies the ID of the template to list.

       -l library                  Specifies the path to template library.

       -m                          Produces  output  in machine-parseable for-

       -n template-name            Specifies the template name.

                                   For the store operation, this option speci-
                                   fies   the   template  name  to  store.  By
                                   default, the  OVF  name  is  used  if  this
                                   option is not specified.

                                   For  the list operation, this option speci-
                                   fies the template name to list. By default,
                                   the  latest  versions  of all templates are

       -o URI                      Specifies the URI of the template object to
                                   store.  Valid  URI  values include file://,
                                   http://, and ftp://.

       -o                          Lists the objects for  the  specified  tem-
                                   plate.  You  must specify the template name
                                   or template ID. If you specify  a  template
                                   name,  only  the objects in its latest ver-
                                   sion are listed.

       -p                          Shows property information for the template
                                   ID that you specify with the -i option.

       -q                          Suppresses headers and messages.

       -s                          Shows event status.

       -t type                     Specify an object type for a specified tem-
                                   plate. You must also  specify  the  related
                                   template name or template ID.

       -v                          Shows detailed information.

       -V                          Shows  version  information about this com-

       The following exit values are returned:

       0            Successful completion.

       1            An error occurred. Property value not set or property  not

       2            A usage error occurred.

       See  the  attributes(7)  man  page  for  a description of the following

       |Attribute Type                Attribute Value              |
       |Availability                  pkg:/system/ldoms/ovmtutils  |
       |Interface Stability           Uncommitted                  |

         attributes(7),  ovmtadm(8),  ovmtconfig(8),  ovmtcreate(8),   ovmtde-
       ploy(8), ovmtprop(8)

       Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.6 Developer's Guide

                                  August 2018                   ovmtlibrary(8)