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更新: 2018年8月8日

sg_sync (8)


sg_sync - send SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command


sg_sync   [--16]   [--count=COUNT]   [--group=GN]   [--help]  [--immed]
[--lba=LBA] [--sync-nv] [--timeout=SECS] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE


SG_SYNC(8)                         SG3_UTILS                        SG_SYNC(8)

       sg_sync - send SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command

       sg_sync   [--16]   [--count=COUNT]   [--group=GN]   [--help]  [--immed]
       [--lba=LBA] [--sync-nv] [--timeout=SECS] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE

       Send SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(10) or SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(16) command to  DEVICE.
       These  commands are defined for SCSI block devices (see SBC-3). If suc-
       cessful these commands make sure that any blocks whose latest  versions
       are  held  in cache are written to (also termed as "synchronized with")
       the medium.

       If the LBA and COUNT arguments are both zero (their defaults) then  all
       blocks in the cache are synchronized. If LBA is greater than zero while
       COUNT is zero then blocks in the cache whose  addresses  are  from  and
       including  LBA  to  the  highest lba on the device are synchronized. If
       both LBA and COUNT  are  non  zero  then  blocks  in  the  cache  whose
       addresses  lie  in  the range LBA to LBA+COUNT-1 inclusive are synchro-
       nized with the medium.

       Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well.

       -S, --16
              performs a SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(16) command. Default is to  perform
              a SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(10) command.

       -c, --count=COUNT
              where  COUNT  is  the  number  of blocks to synchronize from and
              including LBA. Default value is 0. When 0 then all blocks in the
              cache  from  and  including  LBA  argument  to the highest block
              address are synchronized.

       -g, --group=GN
              where GN is the group number which  can  be  between  0  and  31
              inclusive.   The  default value is 0 . Group numbers are used to
              segregate data collected within the device. This is a  new  fea-
              ture in SBC-2 and can probably be ignored for the time being.

       -h, --help
              output the usage message then exit.

       -i, --immed
              sets  the  IMMED  bit  in  the  SYNCHRONIZE  CACHE command. This
              instructs the device, if the format of the  command  is  accept-
              able,  to  return a GOOD status immediately rather than wait for
              the blocks in the cache to be synchronized  with  (i.e.  written
              to) the medium.

       -l, --lba=LBA
              where  LBA  is  the lowest logical block address in the cache to
              synchronize to the medium. Default value is 0 .

       -s, --sync-nv
              synchronize the (volatile) cache with  the  non-volatile  cache.
              Without this option (or if there is no non-volatile cache in the
              device) the synchronization is with the medium. The SYNC_NV  bit
              was made obsolete in SBC-3 revision 35d.

       -t, --timeout=SECS
              where  SECS  is the number of seconds the OS allows the SYNCHRO-
              NIZE CACHE(16) to complete before it tries to  cancel  the  com-
              mand.  Cancelling  commands  (typically with the task management
              function "abort task") is best avoided. Note this option is only
              active  together with the --16 option. The default timeout is 60
              seconds  for  both   SYNCHRONIZE   CACHE(10)   and   SYNCHRONIZE
              CACHE(16).  Note  that  timeout  issues  can be avoided with the
              --immed option.

       -v, --verbose
              increase the level of verbosity, (i.e. debug output).

       -V, --version
              print the version string and then exit.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | system/storage/sg3_utils |
       |Stability      | Pass-through uncommitted |
       With the SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(16) command LBA can be up to 64 bits in size
       and  COUNT up to 32 bits in size. With the SYNCHRONIZ CACHE(10) command
       LBA can be up to 32 bits in size and COUNT up to 16 bits in size.

       Various numeric arguments (e.g. LBA) may  include  multiplicative  suf-
       fixes  or  be given in hexadecimal. See the "NUMERIC ARGUMENTS" section
       in the sg3_utils(8) man page.

       The exit status of sg_sync is 0 when it is  successful.  Otherwise  see
       the sg3_utils(8) man page.

       Written by Douglas Gilbert.

       Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

       Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Douglas Gilbert
       This  software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO war-
       ranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR  A  PARTICULAR  PUR-


       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source was downloaded from  http://sg.danny.cz/sg/p/sg3_utils-1.42.tgz

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html.

sg3_utils-1.37                     July 2013                        SG_SYNC(8)