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更新: 2018年8月8日

ovmtcreate (8)


ovmtcreate - create Oracle VM for SPARC templates


/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtcreate -d domain-name -o template-name [-c class-name] [-C] [-f]
[-h | -H] [-m packaging-mode] [-n] [-P filename[, filename]] [-q] [-s description]
[-S] [-v version] [-V major-version] [-w directory]


ovmtcreate(8)                System Administration               ovmtcreate(8)

       ovmtcreate - create Oracle VM for SPARC templates

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtcreate -d domain-name -o template-name [-c class-name] [-C] [-f]
         [-h | -H] [-m packaging-mode] [-n] [-P filename[, filename]] [-q] [-s description]
         [-S] [-v version] [-V major-version] [-w directory]

       The  ovmtcreate  command  examines  the topology of a logical domain to
       create a template, which is in the form of an OVF archive (.ova).

       Run this command as superuser on the control domain of the system  that
       has the domain for which you want to create a template.

       This  command  creates  a  template from a domain that has virtual disk
       files based on the devices that are present. The virtual disk files can
       have  any name, including a name that has any file-name extension or no
       file-name extension.

       The ovmtcreate command requires that you specify the name of the domain
       and the name of the template to create as follows:

       -d domain-name      Name of a domain that exists on the current system.
                           The domain state must be bound  and  inactive.  All
                           resources, such as disk images, must be present and
                           part of the domain constraints.

       -o template-name    Specifies the full path name of the template.

                           The directory in which you create the template must
                           have  sufficient  disk  space to contain all of the
                           compressed disk images and  supporting  files  that
                           are  required for the domain. template-name is used
                           for information in the OVF specification  file  and
                           forms part of the template name.

       The ovmtcreate command has the following options:

       -c class-name              Specifies  the  class  name  of the software
                                  product in the  resulting  template.  class-
                                  name  is used to populate the OVF file prop-

       -C                         Validates that the resulting template can be
                                  read. This option does not validate the con-
                                  tents or the metadata in the template.

       -f                         Forces the  operation  to  complete  without
                                  making  checks  such  as for sufficient disk

       -h                         Shows a summarized help file. Specify the -H
                                  option to show the entire help file.

       -m packaging-mode          Specifies  the  packaging mode. Valid values
                                  are the openstack disk image format  or  the
                                  default ovf template format.

                                  Use  the  ovmtcreate -m openstack command to
                                  create a single,  uncompressed  SPARC  Open-
                                  Stack-compatible  disk  image  directly from
                                  the first virtual disk in a  source  domain.
                                  Note  that  this  command  does not create a
                                  complete template, which includes additional
                                  payload   items   such  as  additional  disk
                                  images, an OVF metadata file and a  manifest
                                  file.  Also,  this command does not encapsu-
                                  late these components in an .ova  tar  file.
                                  Other  metadata options are ignored, such as
                                  those that provide  a  description,  specify
                                  boilerplate  files,  or  specify  minor  and
                                  major versions.

                                  The ovmtcreate -m ovf command creates a com-
                                  plete  OVF  template,  which  is the same as
                                  running the ovmtcreate command without using
                                  the -m ovf option.

       -n                         Performs a dry run, which performs all oper-
                                  ational steps including  template  creation.
                                  For  the  dry  run, small placeholder images
                                  are used instead of the actual  disk  files.
                                  This  option  speeds the operation and still
                                  enables you to inspect  the  resulting  tem-
                                  plate  including,  OVF properties. A dry run
                                  produces a valid template, so  you  can  use
                                  this  option  to import (but not clone) tem-
                                  plates into other applications such as  Ora-
                                  cle VM Manager.

       -P filename[, filename]    Specifies  one  or  more  XML fragment files
                                  that provide a list of configurable  proper-
                                  ties  that  are  used  by  the template. The
                                  specified files are combined into  the  tem-
                                  plate  OVF file during the template creation

                                  You might use these files  to  indicate  the
                                  properties  that  are  required  to properly
                                  configure the template.

                                  See the ovmtdeploy(8) man page for  informa-
                                  tion  about  how to list properties that are
                                  contained in a template.

                                  Typically, you maintain a separate file  for
                                  each  operating  system and application used
                                  by a template. Update the file as the appli-
                                  cation  configuration  parameters  change so
                                  that  the  template  reflects  the   updated

                                  See  the  ovmtutils/props  directory  for  a
                                  boilerplate fragment in  XML  form  for  the
                                  Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

       -q                         Reports only errors and error levels.

       -s description             Specifies  a  description  of  the template,
                                  which is used to populate the OVF file prop-

       -S                         Provides  a  summary of the domain after the
                                  template is created.

       -v version                 Specifies the software product version  that
                                  is contained in the resulting template. ver-
                                  sion is used to populate the OVF file  prop-

       -V major-version           Specifies  the major version of the software
                                  product that is contained in  the  resulting
                                  template.  major-version is used to populate
                                  the OVF file properties.

       -w directory               Specify directory as the directory in  which
                                  to  compress  files and create working data.
                                  By default, the ovmtcreate command uses  the
                                  current working directory.

                                  Using  this  option  might cause problems if
                                  you run the command from the original  loca-
                                  tion  of disk files as they would need to be
                                  manually  decompressed  after  creation.  To
                                  avoid  this  problem,  specify  a  directory
                                  other than the  current  working  directory.
                                  Note  that  directory  must  have sufficient
                                  disk space to contain all of the  compressed
                                  disk images and support files.

       Example 1 Creating a Domain

       The  following  commands  show how to create a domain, ldg0, by using a
       disk file that can be used with both  the  ovmtcreate  and  ovmtlibrary

       This  example  assumes that the base Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual
       switch and disk server services are available.

         primary# ldm create ldg0
         primary# ldm add-vcpu 4 ldg0
         primary# ldm add-mem 2048m ldg0
         primary# mkdir -p /domains/ldg0
         primary# mkfile 10G /domains/ldg0/System.img
         primary# ldm add-vdsdev /domains/ldg0/System.img ldg0-vol0@primary-vds0
         primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk0 ldg0-vol0@primary-vds0 ldg0
         primary# ldm add-vnet vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg0
         primary# ldm bind ldg0
         primary# ldm start ldg0

       Example 2 Creating a Template With Minimal Properties

       This example shows how to create an archive in the  ~/templates  direc-
       tory for the ldg1 domain.

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtcreate -d ldg1 -o ~/templates

       Example 3 Creating a Template That Specifies Product Properties

       This  example  shows how to create an archive in the ~/templates direc-
       tory for the ldg0 domain. The -c, -n, -P, -s, -v, and -V  option  argu-
       ments specify property values.

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtcreate -d ldg0 -o ~/templates -n OVM_SOL11_SPARC \
          -s "Oracle Solaris 11 for SPARC" -v 11 -V 5.11 -c com.oracle.solaris \
          -P path-to-ovmtutils/props/solaris_11.boilerplate

       The following exit values are returned:

       0            Successful completion.

       1            An  error occurred. Property value not set or property not

       2            A usage error occurred.

       See the attributes(7) man page  for  a  description  of  the  following

       |Attribute Type                Attribute Value              |
       |Availability                  pkg:/system/ldoms/ovmtutils  |
       |Interface Stability           Uncommitted                  |

         attributes(7),   ovmtadm(8),  ovmtconfig(8),  ovmtdeploy(8),  ovmtli-
       brary(8), ovmtprop(8)

       Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.6 Developer's Guide

                                  August 2018                    ovmtcreate(8)