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更新: 2018年8月8日

ovmtconfig (8)


ovmtconfig - configure Oracle VM for SPARC templates


/opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d domain-name [-b] [-c command,command] [-C] [-f] [-h|H] [-n]
[-p name=value,name=value | -P prop-filename,prop-filename] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-z]


ovmtconfig(8)                System Administration               ovmtconfig(8)

       ovmtconfig - configure Oracle VM for SPARC templates

       /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d domain-name [-b] [-c command,command] [-C] [-f] [-h|H] [-n]
         [-p name=value,name=value | -P prop-filename,prop-filename] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-z]

       The  ovmtconfig  command  enables  you to run one or more predetermined
       actions on logical domain file systems.

       Run this command on the control domain of the system that contains  the
       domain to configure. Currently, the ovmtconfig command operates only on
       domains that have virtual disks with the internal  format  zpools,  ZFS
       file systems, and a single boot environment.

       You can configure only one domain at a time.

       You must run this command as superuser.

       The ovmtconfig command has the following options:


           Sets the OpenBoot auto-boot? property value to true.

       -c command,command

           Specify  one or more commands to run. command can be a full path to
           any valid executable found in a file system that is visible to  the
           control  domain. However, command cannot be on a file system in the
           target domain. Encapsulate any command options in quotes.

           The commands that you specify are executed in the  order  specified
           on the command line.

           When  the specified commands are run, the following properties file
           is updated depending on whether the command  includes  command-line

               o      Command-line  options.  Updates  a  temporary properties
                      file on the mount point for the file system in the  tar-
                      get domain.

               o      No  command-line  options. Updates the master properties
                      file on the mount point.

           If command returns any non-zero value, the ovmtconfig command exits
           with  an error level of 99. Any updates made to the properties file
           are removed.

           The following scripts, in  the  scripts  directory,  can  configure
           basic  Oracle  Solaris  11  and  Oracle  Solaris  10 domains. These
           scripts are used in conjunction with the sample  solaris.properties
           file and any additional properties specified on command line:


               Configures  an  Oracle Solaris 10 domain based upon sysidconfig
               property values.


               Installs the OS by using the default Oracle Solaris 10 interac-
               tive installer on boot.


               Configures  an  Oracle  Solaris  11  domain  based upon sc_pro-
               file.xml property value.


               Installs the OS by using the default Oracle Solaris 11 interac-
               tive installer on boot.


           Clears  local  properties that have been set by using the -v option
           and the either the -P or -p option.

           You can use this option to clear the local variables after  deploy-
           ing  a domain from a template. Or, you can use this option with the
           -v option and with the -P or -p option to clear the local variables
           before setting them.

           Note  that  the -C option does not clear VMAPI variables. It clears
           the local variables that are configured in the ldm variable  names-
           pace  under OVMT_VAR, which typically are used for application con-
           figuration first-boot properties. Starting with the Oracle  Solaris
           11.2  OS,  other  Oracle Solaris configuration variables and client
           applications that use VMAPI are cleared automatically when read  in
           on the client side.

       -d domain-name

           Specifies  the  name of a domain that exists on the current system.
           The domain state must be inactive. However, all resources  such  as
           disk images must be present and part of the domain constraints. Use
           caution if you attempt to use the -f option for domains that are in
           a  running  state.  The  -f option method might lead to file system

           Caution -

             Do not stop or interrupt ovmtconfig during operation or the back-
             mounted domain is not rolled back automatically. Perform all man-
             ual actions by using another terminal window or session.


           Forces a running domain to stop.

       -h or -H

           Shows a summarized help file.


           Performs a dry run, which performs all operational steps  including
           the  stop  and unbind of the domain, and the backmount of file sys-
           tem. In this case, a message shows the  commands  to  be  run  with
           arguments and an listing of the temporary properties file.

       -p name=value,name=value

           Specifies a comma-separated list of properties as name-value pairs.
           The specified properties are combined  with  any  other  properties
           into  a  temporary master properties file. The name-value pairs are
           parsed in order and take precedence over identical  property  names
           in  the  supplied  properties files. Property names and values must
           not contain spaces or escape characters.

           An example of a complex property might be:


       -P prop-filename,prop-filename

           Specifies a comma-separated list of  plain  text  properties  files
           that contain properties in name-value pair format. Each property in
           the file is on a line by itself. The properties files are parsed in
           order. If a property is duplicated in a later one of the properties
           files, it overwrites the value specified  in  an  earlier  property
           file. If a property file format is incorrect, ovmtconfig returns an
           error level of 2.

           Note that a name-value pair that is specified on the  command  line
           takes precedence over a name-value pair in a configuration file.

           The props/solaris.properties file describes the properties that you
           can use to configure  Oracle  Solaris  11  and  Oracle  Solaris  10


           Reports only errors and error levels.


           Automatically  starts the domain after the successful completion of
           the backmount, command execution and rollback. The ovmtconfig  com-
           mand  does not attempt to start a domain if a failure occurred when
           running the commands. If the -s option is not specified, ovmtconfig
           returns the domain to its original state.


           Creates  logical  domain properties from consolidated properties in
           the following form:



           Pauses the ovmtconfig command  to  enable  you  to  perform  manual
           actions after the backmount even if no commands are specified. This
           option shows the temporary root mount point and the path to a  tem-
           porary properties file, if appropriate.

       Example 1 Performing Manual Actions on a Domain

       The  following  command backmounts the ldg0 domain so that you can per-
       form manual actions. The -z option pauses the command so that  you  can
       perform manual actions during the backmount.

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d ldg0 -z

       Example 2 Running a Single Command and Setting a Property

       The following command backmounts the ldg0 domain and runs a single com-
       mand, command.sh, and sets the  com.oracle.solaris.system.computer-name
       property to solaris:

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d ldg0 -p com.oracle.solaris.system.computer-name=solaris \
         -c command.sh

       Example 3 Configuring a Domain by Using Configuration Files

       The  following  command  configures  the  ldg0 domain by using a sample
       script, properties, and property files. The domain is  forced  to  stop
       and unbind, and then re-start upon completion.

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d ldg0 \
         -p com.oracle.solaris.system.computer-name=solaris, \
         com.oracle.solaris.network.ipaddr.0= \
         -P solaris.props,apps.props -c path-to-utils/scripts/ovmt_s11_scprofile.sh -s -f

       Example 4 Setting Variables, Stopping, and Restarting the Domain

       The  following  command  sets  logical  domain  variables  for the ldg0
       domain. This ovmtconfig command does not  run  any  commands,  but  the
       domain  is  forced  to stop and re-start after the operation completes.
       The domain is not backmounted.

         primary# /opt/ovmtutils/bin/ovmtconfig -d ldg0 -v -s -f

       The following exit values are returned:

       0            Successful completion.

       1            An error occurred.

       2            A usage error occurred.

       99           An error in the execution of the commands file.

       See the attributes(7) man page  for  a  description  of  the  following

       |Attribute Type                Attribute Value              |
       |Availability                  pkg:/system/ldoms/ovmtutils  |
       |Interface Stability           Uncommitted                  |

         attributes(7),   ovmtadm(8),  ovmtcreate(8),  ovmtdeploy(8),  ovmtli-
       brary(8), ovmtprop(8)

       Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.6 Developer's Guide

                                  August 2018                    ovmtconfig(8)