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更新: 2018年8月8日

ptpd (8)


ptpd - 2008)


/usr/lib/inet/ptpd  [-?]   [-B] [-c] [-C] [-S] [-f FILE] [-R FILE] [-d]
[-D] [-P] [-x] [-O NUMBER] [-M NUMBER] [-t] [-T ttl] [-a NUMBER,NUMBER]
[-w  NUMBER]  [-b NAME] [-K] [-u ADDRESS] [-U] [-e] [-h] [-J DIRECTORY]
NUMBER]  [-V  NUMBER] [-g] [-v NUMBER] [-r NUMBER] [-N NUMBER] [-s NUM-
BER] [-p NUMBER] [-q NUMBER] [-Q NUMBER] [-W] [-Y NUMBER] [-L] [-j]


System Administration Commands                                         ptpd(8)

       ptpd - Precision Time Protocol daemon (1588-2008)

       /usr/lib/inet/ptpd  [-?]   [-B] [-c] [-C] [-S] [-f FILE] [-R FILE] [-d]
       [-D] [-P] [-x] [-O NUMBER] [-M NUMBER] [-t] [-T ttl] [-a NUMBER,NUMBER]
       [-w  NUMBER]  [-b NAME] [-K] [-u ADDRESS] [-U] [-e] [-h] [-J DIRECTORY]
       [-l NUMBER,NUMBER] [-o NUMBER] [-i NUMBER] [-n NUMBER] [-y NUMBER]  [-m
       NUMBER]  [-V  NUMBER] [-g] [-v NUMBER] [-r NUMBER] [-N NUMBER] [-s NUM-
       BER] [-p NUMBER] [-q NUMBER] [-Q NUMBER] [-W] [-Y NUMBER] [-L] [-j]

       The ptpd program is a userland daemon that does very  precise  synchro-
       nization  of system clocks of LAN connected systems.  It implements the
       Precision Time Protocol (PTP)   Version   2  as  defined  by  the  IEEE
       1588-2008 standard.

       PTPd is a complete implementation of the IEEE 1588 v2 specification for
       a standard (ordinary) clock. PTPd has been tested with and is known  to
       work properly with other IEEE 1588 implementations. The source code for
       PTPd is freely available under a BSD-style license. Thanks to contribu-
       tions from users, PTPd is becoming an increasingly portable, interoper-
       able, and stable IEEE 1588 implementation.

       For more information, see http://ptpd.sourceforge.net/

       ptpd in Solaris works over any Ethernet based data link.  It  can  also
       take  advantage of PTP specific hardware found in certain NICs (Network
       Interface Card) for improved accuracy.

       The operation of ptpd is managed as a service by the service management
       facility, smf(7), under the service identifier:


       Administrative  actions  on this service, such as  enabling, disabling,
       or  requesting  restart,  can be performed using  svcadm(8).  The  ser-
       vice's  status  can be  queried  using  the svcs(1) command.  There are
       several options controlled by services properties which can be  set  by
       the  system  administrator. The available options can be listed by exe-
       cuting the following command:

         svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default listprop config

       Each of these properties can be set using this command:

         svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default setprop <propname> = <value>

       See svcadm(8) and svccfg(8).

       Available options and their meaning are as follows:

              A string specifying the name of the link  to  which  ptp  daemon
              should  bind  to.  By default, ptp daemon picks the first usable
              link with an IP address configured.

              A string specifying the working mode of  the  ptpd.  It  can  be
              either "slave" or "master". Default value is "slave".

              A  boolean  which when true, instructs ptpd to take advantage of
              the PTP hardware assist in the NIC. If set to true and NIC  does
              not  have  PTP  hardware assist, the ptpd will exit.  Default is
              false. See EXAMPLES on how to recognize a NIC with PTP  hardware

              An integer specifying PTP domain as defined in the IEEE specifi-
              cation.  It can take  values  from  0  to  127  both  inclusive.
              Default value is 0.

              An integer specifying the interval in seconds between successive
              PTP ANNOUNCE messages sent by PTP master.  Default value is 2.

              An integer specifying the interval between successive  PTP  SYNC
              messages sent by PTP master. Default value is 1.

              A string specifying the location of the file  used  for log out-
              put. The default is /var/log/ptp.log

              A boolean which when true, instructs ptpd to log synchronization
              and  other  related  information  in  the file specified by con-
              fig/logfile. Default value is false.

              A string specifying other command line options  mentioned  below
              to be passed to svc:/network/ptp:default at startup.

              A string to specify a readable and writeable directory were ptpd
              can store drift files. Specifying a  drift  directory  automati-
              cally  enables  the  use of drift files. Drift files are used to
              store the native measured drift of the system clock relative  to
              the upstream master clocks.

              A  number  of  seconds to delay before starting the ptpd daemon.
              Used if the network interfaces on the system are not  done  ini-
              tializing befoe ptpd starts.

              Only  wait  the delay seconds from the startup_delay property if
              the interface specified in the  listen_ifname  properter  is  of
              type  aggr.  An aggr interface can be partially initialized so a
              delay may be necessary to allow it to  fully  initialize  before
              starting ptpd.

              Set  the debug level. The default is zero, no debugging. Maximum
              is 3.

              Send debug messages to stderr if true, to the syslog  if  false.
              Default is true.

       -?     display a short help text

       -B     enable debugging if it has been previously compiled in

       -c     run in command line (non-daemon) mode

       -C     run in command line mode and display statistics and logs

       -S     do  not  log  information  to  syslog, except messages at NOTICE
              level or above.

       -f FILE
              send output to FILE

       -R FILE
              record a quality FILE

       -d     display stats

       -D     display stats in .csv format

       -x     do not reset the clock if off by more than one second

       -M NUMBER
              do not accept delay values of more than NUMBER nanoseconds

       -O NUMBER
              do not reset the clock if offset is more than NUMBER nanoseconds

       -P     display packets received for debugging purposes

       -t     do not adjust the system clock

       -T     set multicast TTL for packets.  Defaults to 1.

              specify clock servo P and I attenuations

       -w NUMBER
              specify one way delay filter stiffness

       -b NAME
              bind PTP to network interface NAME

       -K     use PTP hardware in network interface. Exit if PTP  hardware  is
              not usable or available.

       -u ADDRESS
              also send uni-cast to ADDRESS

       -U     enable hybrid mode which uses both unicast and multicast

       -e     run in ethernet mode (currently unimplemented)

       -h     run in End to End mode

              specify  the  directory  to use to read and write the driftfile.
              There is no default. Specifying the directory enables the use of
              driftfiles.  The  directory  must have its permissions set to be
              readable and writeable by the ptpd daemon.

              specify inbound, outbound latency in nsec

       -o NUMBER
              specify current UTC offset

       -i NUMBER
              specify PTP domain number

       -n NUMBER
              specify announce interval in 2^NUMBER sec

       -y NUMBER
              specify sync interval in 2^NUMBER sec

       -m NUMBER
              specify max number of foreign master records

       -N NUMBER
              announce receipt timeout

       -V     limit displaying statistics by setting the seconds  between  log

       -g     run as slave only

       -v NUMBER
              specify system clock allen variance

       -r NUMBER
              specify system clock accuracy

       -s NUMBER
              specify system clock class

       -p NUMBER
              specify priority1 attribute

       -q NUMBER
              specify priority2 attribute

       -Q NUMBER
              Specify  an  offset above which the clock will be stepped rather
              than slewed. The units are nanoseconds. The default is 0.1  sec-
              ond. The maximum is one second. All offsets above one second are
              always stepped.

       -W     run as master only

       -Y NUMBER
              set an initial delay request value

       -L     enable running multiple ptpd daemons

       -j     turn off IGMP refresh messages

       Example 1 Identify the presence of PTP  hardware  assist.  If  the  ptp
       property is equal to 1, PTP hardware assist can be enabled for that NIC
       through the config/use_hw property.

       #dladm show-linkprop -p ptp

       net1     ptp        r-    0        0          0          0,1
       net2     ptp        r-    0        0          0          0,1
       net0     ptp        r-    0        0          0          0,1
       net3     ptp        r-    0        0          0          0,1
       net7     ptp        r-    0        0          0          0,1
       net8     ptp        r-    1        1          0          0,1

       In the example above, the link net8 supports ptp in hardware.

       Example 2 Starting the ptp service in slave mode.

       First bind ptp service to net8 -
       #svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default \
           setprop config/listen_ifname=net8

       Then set the mode to "slave" -
       #svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default \
           setprop config/node_type=slave

       Enable the service -
       #svcadm enable svc:/network/ptp:default

       Starting the service in slave mode will allow the ptp  service  to  set
       system  time to an external clock (PTP master) on the network connected
       to interface net8.

       Example 3 Force ptp service to use PTP hardware in the NIC.

       First configure the service to use the PTP hardware -
       #svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default \
           setprop config/use_hw=true

       Then refresh the service, assuming it is enabled and online already -
       #svcadm refresh svc:/network/ptp:default

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | service/network/ptp |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted         |
       Be careful when logging is enabled. In default setting it can  generate
       upto  40  MB  of  data  in  a window of 24 hours and many times more if
       enabled with -P option.

       Solaris does not allow ptpd to run inside a zones(7).

       svcs(1), svcadm(8), attributes(7), smf(7)

       IEEE Standard 1588-2008, Precision Clock Synchronization  Protocol  for
       Networked Measurement and Control Systems, 2008

       Gael Mace <gael_mace@users.sourceforge.net> & Alexandre Van Kempen.

       Steven Kreuzer <skreuzer@freebsd.org>

       George Neville-Neil <gnn@freebsd.org>

       This  manual  page  was  written by Gael Mace for any Linux environment

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source     was      downloaded      from       http://downloads.source-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://ptpd.sourceforge.net/.

version 2.2.0                    October, 2015                         ptpd(8)