The following figure illustrates the place of the Assembler in a Guided Search application:

As shown in the preceding diagram, the following things happen when the Assembler queries the MDEX Engine to obtain the information that a customer requests through Guided Search:

An application page typically requires several queries to the MDEX engine to retrieve all the content that it will display; these queries are made through a single call to the Assembler. The Assembler issues the individual queries and assembles the individual responses into a single result content item.

The content item tree can contain content items from sources of information other than the MDEX Engine, such as RSS feeds, Database Management Systems (DBMS), Data Asset Managers (DAMs) and Content Management Systems (CMSs). Note, however, that the search features affecting the management of records, dimensions, and properties, as described in this guide, are applied only to content that is processed by the MDEX Engine. For information about how to use the Assembler to manage information from sources other than the MDEX Engine, refer to the Assembler Developer's Guide.

For information about the Assembler API, refer to the Assembler API help (javadoc). The Assembler API can be invoked directly in a Java environment, but it can also run as a RESTful service accessible by any language.

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