While this section assumes that you use the Tomcat server, you can use other application servers.

The JSP reference implementation depends on several paths related to the Tomcat Web server and Java SDK. This section assumes the following path names:

To set up the JSP reference implementation:

  1. Copy the reference implementation from $ENDECA_REFERENCE_DIR/endeca_jspref to the Tomcat /webapps directory (for example, /usr/local/tomcat-version/webapps).

    The $ENDECA_REFERENCE_DIR variable is set as part of the Platform Services installation.

  2. (Optional.) Go to the /usr/local/tomcat-version/conf directory and open the server.xml file in a text editor. You can modify the file as follows:

  3. Set the appropriate Tomcat environment variables.

  4. Copy the following file from the PresentationAPI/<version>/java/lib directory to /usr/local/tomcat-version/webapps/endeca_jspref/WEB-INF/lib:

  5. Copy the following file from the $ENDECA_ROOT/lib/java/ directory to /usr/local/tomcat-version/webapps/endeca_jspref/WEB-INF/lib:

  6. Copy the following Report Generator file from the $ENDECA_ROOT/lib/java directory to /usr/local/tomcat-version/webapps/endeca_jspref/WEB-INF/lib:

  7. Start the Tomcat server.

The JSP reference implementation is set up and you can now test your Guided Search installation with it.

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