Disabled refinements are returned in the same way regular refinements are returned. In addition, you can identify from query output whether a particular dimension value is a disabled refinement.

In the Java API, you can identify the dimension value with the dgraph.DisabledRefinement property. You can identify the value of this property by accessing the PropertyMap with the DimVal.getProperties() method.

For example:

DimValList dvl = dimension.getRefinements();
for (int i=0; i < dvl.size(); i++) {
  DimVal ref = dvl.getDimValue(i);
  PropertyMap pmap = ref.getProperties();
  // Determine whether this DimVal is a disabled refinement
  String disabled = "";
  if (pmap.get("DGraph.DisabledRefinement") != null) {
    disabled = " ("+pmap.get("DGraph.DisabledRefinement")+")";

In the .NET API, to determine whether a dimension value is a disabled refinement, use the Dimval.Properties property to obtain the dgraph.DisabledRefinement property. For example:

DimValList dvl = dimension.Refinements;
for (int i=0; i < dvl.Count; i++) {
  DimVal ref = dvl[i];
  PropertyMap pmap = ref.Properties;
  // Determine whether this DimVal is a disabled refinement
  String disabled = "";
  if (pmap["DGraph.DisabledRefinement"] != null) {
    disabled = " ("+pmap["DGraph.DisabledRefinement"]+")";

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