This topic presents some approaches to solving range filter problems.

Similar to record search, the user-specified interaction of this feature enables a user to request a range that does not match any records (as opposed to the system-controlled interaction of Guided Navigation in which the MDEX Engine controls the refinement values presented to the user). Therefore, it is possible for a user to make a dead-end request when using a range filter. Applications implementing range filters need to account for this.

If a range filter request specifies a property or dimension that does not exist in the MDEX Engine, the query throws an ENEConnectionException in the application. The MDEX Engine error log will output the following message:

[Sun Dec 21 16:03:17 2008] [Error]
( - Range filter does not specify a legal dimension 
or property name.

If a range filter request does not specify numeric range values, the query also throws an ENEConnectionException in the application. The MDEX Engine error log will output the following message:

[Sun Dec 21 17:09:27 2008] [Error]
( - Error parsing numeric argument
<argument> in predicate filter.

If the specified property or dimension exists but is not configured as numeric or geocode, the query will not throw an exception. But it is likely that no records will be correctly evaluated against the query and therefore no results will be returned.

You should also be careful of dollar signs or other similar characters in property or dimension values that would prevent a property or dimension from being defined as numeric.

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