The ENEQuery class has calls that handle Automatic Phrasing.

The Automatic Phrasing feature requires that the MDEX Engine compute whether an automatic phrase is available for a particular query’s search terms.

The MDEX Engine computes the available phrases when setting the Java setNavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings() method and the .NET NavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings property to true in the ENEQuery object.

You can then optionally submit the phrased query to the MDEX Engine, instead of the user’s original query, by calling the Java setNavERecSearchRewriteQueryToAnAlternativePhrasing() method or the .NET NavERecSearchRewriteQueryToAnAlternativePhrasing property with a value of true.

You can also call these methods by sending the necessary URL query parameters to the MDEX Engine via the URLENEQuery class, as shown in the next section.

When the MDEX Engine returns query results, your Web application displays whether the results were spell corrected, automatically phrased, or have DYM alternatives. Each of these Web application tasks are described in the sections below.

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