Once refinement dimension values have been retrieved, these dimension values typically are used to create additional refinement Navigation queries.

As an example of creating a new Navigation query, assume that this Red Wine query:


returns two refinement dimensions (Year and Score).

The application needs to create a new query from the current query results to expose the refinement dimension values for the Year dimension. Using the Dimension.getId() method (Java) or the Dimension.Id property (.NET), the application needs to build a link to a second request:


Now that we have results with actual refinement values exposed, we need to create a third query that combines the current query (Red Wine) with the new refinement dimension value (1992). To create this new value for the Navigation (N) parameter, use the ENEQueryToolkit class. The application creates a DimValIdList object by using the following method with Navigation and DimVal parameters:

Calling the toString() method (Java) or the ToString() method (.NET) on this object will produce the proper Navigation (N) parameter for this third query. If the refinement dimension value ID is 66 for the dimension value 1992, the following query would be created for this refinement:


If you want to render implicit refinements differently than standard refinements, you can use this method to determine if a refinement is implicit:

You can also use the procedure documented in the previous section, "Extracting implicit refinements from a dimension."

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