Conceptually, keyword redirects are similar to dynamic business rules in that both have trigger and target values.

However, keyword redirects are used to redirect a user's search to a Web page (that is, a URL).

The trigger of a keyword redirect is one or more search terms; the target of a keyword redirect is a URL. If a user searches with a search term that triggers the keyword redirect, then the redirect URL displays in the application. For example, you can create a keyword trigger of "delivery" and a redirect URL of Or you might create a keyword redirect with a keyword trigger of "stores" and a redirect URL of

You organize keyword redirects into keyword redirect groups in the same way and for the same reasons that you organize dynamic business rules into rule groups. Groups provide logical organization and multi-user access in Oracle Commerce Workbench. For details about how groups work, see the topic “Grouping rules." You can create keyword redirects in both Developer Studio and Oracle Commerce Workbench. For details, see the Oracle Commerce Developer Studio Help and the Oracle Commerce Workbench Help.

Displaying keyword redirects in your web application requires application coding that is very similar to the coding required to display rule results. The MDEX Engine returns keyword redirect information (the URL to display) to the web application in a Supplement object just like dynamic business rule results. The Supplement object contains a DGraph.KeywordRedirectUrl property whose value is the redirect URL. The application developer chooses what to display from the Supplement object by rendering the DGraph.KeywordRedirectUrl property rather than rendering merchandising results. In this way, the application developer codes the redirect URL to take precedence over merchandising results.

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