When a geocode filter is applied to a navigation query, the MDEX Engine creates a pair of dynamic properties for each record returned.

These dynamic properties are similar to those created from geocode sorts.

The properties show the distance (in kilometers and miles, respectively) between the record's geocode address and that specified in the filter.

The property names are composed using the name of the geocode property or dimension and the values specified in the geocode filter.

For example, if Location is the name of a geocode property, this Nf parameter:


will create these properties for the record that is tagged with the geocode value of 42.3,71:

kilometers_to_Location|GCLT 38.900000,77.000000 500.000000: 338.138890
miles_to_Location|GCLT 38.900000,77.000000 500.000000: 210.109700

The properties are not persistent and are informational only (that is, they indicate how far the record’s geocode value is from the given reference point). There is no configuration associated with the properties and they cannot be disabled. Note that applying both a geocode sort and a geocode range filter in the same query causes both sets of dynamic properties to be generated.

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