You can set constraints for the spelling dictionaries in Developer Studio.

By default, Dgidx examines dimensions and properties enabled for search and adds words that are larger than 3 characters and smaller than 16 characters to the dictionary. However, because performance of spelling correction in the MDEX Engine depends heavily on the size of the dictionary, you can set constraints on the contents of the dictionary. For example, you might choose to either increase the default from a minimum of 3 characters or reduce the default from a maximum of 16 characters. These configuration settings are useful for improving the performance of spell-corrected search operations at runtime.

These configuration options can be used to tune and improve the types of spelling corrections produced by the MDEX Engine. For example, setting the minimum number of word occurrences can direct the attention of the spelling correction algorithm away from infrequent terms and towards more popular (frequently occurring) terms, which might be deemed more likely to correspond to intended user search terms.

To configure spelling dictionary entries:

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