You can configure a geocode property and add a Perl manipulator to the pipeline if necessary.

Dgidx accepts geocode data in the form:


where each is a double-precision floating-point value:

For example, Oracle Commerce’s main office is located at 42.365615 north latitude, 71.075647 west longitude. This geocode should be supplied to Dgidx as:


If the input data is not available in this format, it can be assembled from separate properties with a Perl manipulator created in Developer Studio. The Method Override editor would have the following Perl code:

#Get the next record from the first record source.
my $rec = $this->record_sources(0)->next_record;
return undef unless $rec;
#Return an array of property values from the record.
my @pvals = @{$rec->pvals};
#Return the value of the Latitude property.
my @lat = grep {$_->name eq "Latitude"} @{$rec->pvals};
#Return the value of the Longitude property.
my @long = grep {$_->name eq "Longitude"} @{$rec->pvals};
#Exit if there is more than one Latitude property.
if (scalar (@lat) !=1) {
  die("Perl Manipulator ", $this->name,
  " must have exactly one Latitude property.");
#Exit if there is more than one Longitude property.
if (scalar (@long) !=1) {
  die("Perl Manipulator ", $this->name,
  " must have exactly one Longitude property.");
#Concatenate Latitude and Longitude into Location.
my $loc = $lat[0]->value . "," . $long[0]->value;
#Add new Location property to record.
my $pval = new EDF::PVal("Location", $loc);

return $rec;

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