Expression evaluation of large OR filters and large scale negation can impose a performance impact on the system.

Because expression evaluation is based on composition of indexed information, most expressions of moderate size (that is, tens of terms and operators) do not add significantly to request processing time. Furthermore, because the dgraph caches the results of record filter operations, the costs of expression evaluation are typically only incurred on the first use of a filter during a navigation session. However, some expected uses of record filters have known performance bounds, which are described in the following two sections.

One common use of record filters is the specification of lists of individual records to identify data subsets (for example, custom part lists for individual customers, culled from a superset of parts for all customers).

The total cost of processing records can be broken down into two main parts: the parsing cost and the evaluation cost. For large expressions such as these, which will commonly be stored as file-based filters, XML parsing performance dominates total processing cost.

XML parsing cost is linear in the size of the filter expression, but incurs a much higher unit cost than actual expression evaluation. Though lightweight, expression evaluation exhibits non-linear slowdown as the size of the expression grows.

OR expressions with a small number of operands perform linearly in the number of results, even for large result sets. While the expression evaluation cost is reasonable into the low millions of records for large OR expressions, parsing costs relative to total query execution time can become too large, even for smaller numbers of records.

Part lists beyond approximately one hundred thousand records generally result in unacceptable performance (10 seconds or more load time, depending on hardware platform). Lists with over one million records can take a minute or more to load, depending on hardware. Because results are cached, load time is generally only an issue on the first use of a filter during a session. However, long load times can cause other dgraph requests to be delayed and should generally be avoided.

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