A typical Guided Search application displays a list of Endeca records in the user's current navigation state.

The navigation state initially matches the user’s search query. The user can subsequently click named links to subsets of the list of records in the current navigation state. The subsets are known as refinements.

For example, a search for "35mm film" might return, in addition to a list of brands of 35mm film, a list of refinements such as "color" and "black and white". By clicking the refinement "color", the user refines the navigation state and limits the list of film brands to color films. The user might then click the refinements "print film" or "slide film" to limit the list of film brands to color films for either prints or slides.

The record list can be displayed as a table, with each row corresponding to a specific record. Each row displays some identifying information about that specific record, such as a name, title, or identification number.

A list of records is returned by every query to the MDEX Engine. Your application can iterate through this list, extract the identifying information for each record, and display a table that contains the results.

An MDEX Engine query returns a list of records in an ERecList (Oracle Commerce records) or AggrERecList (aggregated Oracle Commerce records) object.

The lists of records are returned in a Navigation object. To retrieve lists from a Navigation object, use these methods:

Note that because the Java versions of ERecList and AggrERecList inherit from java.util.AbstractList, all the iterator and indexing methods are available for these objects.

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