The format for using the Ns URL parameter with the rel option to specify the stratify relevance ranking module is:


where EQLexpressions is one or more of the EQL expressions. Note that you must prepend the Endeca prefix to the module name.

For example, assume you wanted to promote Spanish wines. This N=0 root node query returns all the records, with the Spanish wines boosted into the first stratum (that is, they are displayed first to the user):


And if you wanted to boost your highly-rated Spanish wines, the query would look like this:

N=0&Ns=Endeca.stratify(collection()/record[P_Region="Spain" and P_Score>90],*)

The query results will boost Spanish wines that have a rating score of 91 or greater. These records are placed in the highest stratum and all other records are placed in the unmatched stratum.

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