The query-level syntax supports prefix-oriented Boolean functions (AND, OR, and NOT), colon-separated paths for dimension values and property values, and numeric dimension value IDs.

The following BNF grammar describes the syntax for query-level filter expressions:

<filter>      ::= <and-expr>
                | <or-expr>
                | <not-expr>
                | <filter-expr>
                | <literal>
<and-expr>    ::= AND(<filter-list>)
<or-expr>     ::= OR(<filter-list>)
<not-expr>    ::= NOT(<filter>)
<filter-expr> ::= FILTER(<string>)
<filter-list> ::= <filter> 
                | <filter>,<filter-list>
<literal>     ::= <pval> 
                | <dval-id>
                | <dval-path>
<pval>        ::= <prop-key>:<prop-value>
<prop-key>    ::= <string>
<prop-value>  ::= <string>
<dval-path>   ::= <string>
                | <string>:<dval-path>
<dval-id>     ::= <unsigned-int>
<string>      ::= any character string

The following five special reserved characters must be prepended with an escape character (\) for inclusion in a string:

( ) , : \

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