Because EQL is a filtering language, it does not contain functionality to perform actions such as triggering Content Spotlighting, sorting, or relevance ranking.

However, EQL is compatible with other query parameters to provide these features for queries. A brief summary of these interactions is:

The following table provides an overview of these interactions. The sections after the table provide more information.


Similar function in EQL?

Why use this parameter rather than Nrs?

Parameter interaction


Yes. Dimension filtering can be done in EQL.

Use N to trigger Content Spotlighting and refinement generation.

The results of Nrs are intersected with the results of N.


Yes. EQL can filter on properties or dimensions.

Use Nr for security reasons or to explicitly exclude certain records from being considered in the rest of the query (e.g., for spelling suggestions).

Nr is a pre-filter. Only the records that pass this filter are even considered in Nrs.

Ntt, Ntk

Yes. EQL provides the ability to do record search.

Use Ntt/Ntk to trigger Content Spotlighting, as record search within Nrs does not trigger it. Use Ntt/Ntk with Nty for DYM spelling suggestions. (Nrs record search does support autocorrection, but not DYM.)

Similar to N , the results of Nrs are intersected with the results of Ntt/Ntk.


Yes. EQL provides the ability to do range filtering.

No reason to do so. EQL actually provides greater flexibility because range filters within Nrs can be OR’ed, whereas Nf range filters cannot. Similar to N, the results of Nrs are intersected with the results of Nf.

Similar to N, the results of Nrs are intersected with the results of Nf.


No. EQL does not have the ability to sort results.


As long as the property specified in Ns exists on the records being returned, the Ns parameter will sort the results.


No. EQL does not have the ability to expose dimensions.


As long as the dimensions specified in Ne exist on the records being returned, the Ne parameter will expose those dimensions.

Nrk, Nrt, Nrr, Nrm

No. EQL does not provide the ability to relevance rank the results.


This set of parameters allow the ability to apply relevance ranking to results even if record search does not exist.


No. EQL does not provide the ability to modify refinement configuration.


The Nrc parameter lets you modify refinement configuration at query time (for dynamic ranking, statistics, and so on).

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