There is a special type of refinement dimension value, found only in dimensions with either explicitly defined or dynamically generated hierarchy, that is referred to as a non-navigable refinement dimension value.

These special values do not actually refine the records returned with a navigation request, but instead specify a deeper level of hierarchy from which to display normal refinement dimension values.

For example, if the Wineries dimension contained 1000 wineries and there was no geographic information from which to create meaningful hierarchy (as in the example above), the best option would be to have the MDEX Engine create dynamic alphabetical hierarchy.

The first set of refinements that would be returned for this dimension would be non-navigable refinements (such as A, B, C, etc.). When a user selects the refinement dimension value A, the resulting query would not limit the record set to only bottles of wine whose winery begins with A. It would, however, return the same record set but with only valid refinement wineries that begin with A. After selecting a specific winery, the resulting query would then limit the record set to only wines from the selected winery.

By this definition, it is important to note that refinement dimension value IDs for non-navigable choices are not valid Navigation (N) parameter values. Therefore, they should not be used with these methods:

(Note that these methods will ignore the request to refine based on a non-navigable refinement.) In order to expose the next level of refinements, this non-navigable dimension value ID must be used with the Ne (Exposed Refinements) parameter.

If a non-navigable refinement (or more than one) has been selected for a given dimension, the non-navigable dimension values can be retrieved from the resulting dimension object with:

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