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更新: 2018年8月8日

desktop-file-install (1)


desktop-file-install - Installation and edition of desktop files


desktop-file-install [--dir=DIR] [-m  MODE|--mode=MODE]  [--vendor=VEN-
DOR]  [--delete-original]  [--rebuild-mime-info-cache]  [EDITOPTION]...

desktop-file-edit [EDITOPTION]... FILE


DESKTOP-FILE-INSTALL(1)     General Commands Manual    DESKTOP-FILE-INSTALL(1)

       desktop-file-install,  desktop-file-edit  - Installation and edition of
       desktop files

       desktop-file-install [--dir=DIR] [-m  MODE|--mode=MODE]  [--vendor=VEN-
       DOR]  [--delete-original]  [--rebuild-mime-info-cache]  [EDITOPTION]...

       desktop-file-edit [EDITOPTION]... FILE

       The desktop-file-install program is a tool to install,  and  optionally
       edit,  desktop files. The desktop-file-edit program is a tool to edit a
       desktop file. They are mostly useful for developers and packagers.

       Various options are available to  edit  the  desktop  files.  The  edit
       options  can  be  specified more than once and will be processed in the
       same order as the options passed to the program.

       desktop-file-install and desktop-file-edit will always try to  validate
       the  resulting  desktop  file.  A failure to validate might lead to the
       abortion of the installation of the desktop files.

       The list of registered categories and desktop environments  is  defined
       in   the   Menu  specification:  http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifica-

       The following options are supported:

              Install desktop files to the DIR directory.

       -m, --mode=MODE
              Set the permissions of the destination files to MODE.

              Add a vendor prefix to the desktop files. If a file already  has
              this  prefix, nothing happens; else, the file will be named VEN-
              DOR-FILE. For example: if VENDOR is freedesktop.org and FILE  is
              specification.desktop,  the result file will be freedesktop.org-

              Delete the source desktop files, leaving only the target  files.
              Effectively "renames" the desktop files.

              Rebuild the MIME types application database after installing the
              desktop files. See  update-desktop-database(1)  for  information
              about this database.

       The following edit options are supported:

              Set  the  KEY  key  to  the value passed to the next --set-value
              option. A matching --set-value option is mandatory.

              Set the key specified with  the  previous  --set-key  option  to
              VALUE.  A matching --set-key option is mandatory.

              Set  the  name (key Name) to NAME. If a name was already set, it
              will be overridden.  Localizations  of  the  old  name  will  be

              Copy the value of the Name key to the GenericName key. Note that
              a desktop file requires a Name key to be valid, so  this  option
              will always have an effect.

              Set  the  generic  name  (key GenericName) to GENERIC-NAME. If a
              generic name was already set, it will be  overridden.  Localiza-
              tions of the old generic name will be removed.

              Copy  the  value  of the GenericName key to the Name key, if the
              GenericName key is present.

              Set the comment (key Comment)  to  COMMENT.  If  a  comment  was
              already  set,  it  will  be overridden. Localizations of the old
              comment will be removed.

              Set the icon (key Icon) to ICON. If an icon was already set,  it
              will  be  overridden.  Localizations  of  the  old  icon will be

              Add CATEGORY to the list of categories (key Categories). If CAT-
              EGORY  was  already present in the list, this operation is a no-
              op. A non-registered category should be prefixed with X-.

              Remove CATEGORY from the list of categories (key Categories). If
              CATEGORY was not present in the list, this operation is a no-op.

              Add MIME-TYPE to the list of MIME types (key MimeType). If MIME-
              TYPE was already present in the list, this operation is a no-op.

              Remove MIME-TYPE from the list of MIME types (key MimeType).  If
              MIME-TYPE  was  not present in the list, this operation is a no-

              Add ENVIRONMENT to the list of desktop  environments  where  the
              desktop  files should be displayed (key OnlyShowIn). If ENVIRON-
              MENT was already present in the list, this operation is a no-op.
              A non-registered desktop environment should be prefixed with X-.
              Note that an empty OnlyShowIn key in a desktop file  means  that
              the desktop file will be displayed in all environments.

              Remove  ENVIRONMENT  from the list of desktop environments where
              the desktop files should be displayed (key OnlyShowIn). If ENVI-
              RONMENT was not present in the list, this operation is a no-op.

              Add  ENVIRONMENT  to  the list of desktop environments where the
              desktop files should not be displayed (key NotShowIn). If  ENVI-
              RONMENT was already present in the list, this operation is a no-
              op. A non-registered desktop environment should be prefixed with
              X-.  Note  that  an  empty NotShowIn key in a desktop file means
              that the desktop file will be displayed in all environments.

              Remove ENVIRONMENT from the list of desktop  environments  where
              the  desktop  files  should not be displayed (key NotShowIn). If
              ENVIRONMENT was not present in the list, this operation is a no-

              Remove the KEY key from the desktop files, if present.

       Some environment variables change the behavior of desktop-file-install:


              This  variable  can  be  used  as an alternative to the --vendor
              option. If the --vendor option is used, this  environment  vari-
              able will be ignored.


              This variable can be used as an alternative to the --dir option.
              If the --dir option is used, this environment variable  will  be


              This  variable  is  set when building RPM packages. If the --dir
              option and the DESKTOP_FILE_INSTALL_DIR environment variable are
              not  used,  it  will  automatically  be prepended to the default
              install directory to install  the  desktop  files  appropriately
              when building packages.

       If  you  find  bugs  in the desktop-file-install program, please report
       these on https://bugs.freedesktop.org.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |        ATTRIBUTE VALUE         |
       |Availability   | desktop/xdg/desktop-file-utils |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile          |
       desktop-file-validate(1) update-desktop-database(1)

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source was downloaded from   https://www.freedesktop.org/software/desk-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community  website  at   https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/desktop-

                                FREEDESKTOP.ORG        DESKTOP-FILE-INSTALL(1)