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postconf (1)


postconf - Postfix configuration utility


Managing main.cf:

postconf [-dfhHnopvx] [-c config_dir] [-C class,...] [parameter ...]

postconf [-epv] [-c config_dir] parameter=value ...

postconf -# [-pv] [-c config_dir] parameter ...

postconf -X [-pv] [-c config_dir] parameter ...

Managing master.cf service entries:

postconf -M [-fovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type] ...]

postconf -M [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type=value ...

postconf -M# [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type ...

postconf -MX [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type ...

Managing master.cf service fields:

postconf -F [-fhHovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type[/field]] ...]

postconf -F [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type/field=value ...

Managing master.cf service parameters:

postconf -P [-fhHovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type[/parameter]] ...]

postconf -P [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type/parameter=value ...

postconf -PX [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type/parameter ...

Managing bounce message templates:

postconf -b [-v] [-c config_dir] [template_file]

postconf -t [-v] [-c config_dir] [template_file]

Managing TLS features:

postconf -T mode [-v] [-c config_dir]

Managing other configuration:

postconf -a|-A|-l|-m [-v] [-c config_dir]


POSTCONF(1)                 General Commands Manual                POSTCONF(1)

       postconf - Postfix configuration utility

   Managing main.cf:

       postconf [-dfhHnopvx] [-c config_dir] [-C class,...] [parameter ...]

       postconf [-epv] [-c config_dir] parameter=value ...

       postconf -# [-pv] [-c config_dir] parameter ...

       postconf -X [-pv] [-c config_dir] parameter ...

   Managing master.cf service entries:

       postconf -M [-fovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type] ...]

       postconf -M [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type=value ...

       postconf -M# [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type ...

       postconf -MX [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type ...

   Managing master.cf service fields:

       postconf -F [-fhHovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type[/field]] ...]

       postconf -F [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type/field=value ...

   Managing master.cf service parameters:

       postconf -P [-fhHovx] [-c config_dir] [service[/type[/parameter]] ...]

       postconf -P [-ev] [-c config_dir] service/type/parameter=value ...

       postconf -PX [-v] [-c config_dir] service/type/parameter ...

   Managing bounce message templates:

       postconf -b [-v] [-c config_dir] [template_file]

       postconf -t [-v] [-c config_dir] [template_file]

   Managing TLS features:

       postconf -T mode [-v] [-c config_dir]

   Managing other configuration:

       postconf -a|-A|-l|-m [-v] [-c config_dir]

       By default, the postconf(1) command displays the values of main.cf con-
       figuration parameters, and warns  about  possible  mis-typed  parameter
       names  (Postfix  2.9  and  later).  The command can also change main.cf
       configuration parameter values, or display other configuration informa-
       tion about the Postfix mail system.


       -a     List  the  available  SASL  plug-in  types  for the Postfix SMTP
              server. The plug-in type is selected  with  the  smtpd_sasl_type
              configuration  parameter  by  specifying one of the names listed

              cyrus  This server plug-in is available when  Postfix  is  built
                     with Cyrus SASL support.

                     This  server  plug-in  uses  the  Dovecot  authentication
                     server, and is available when Postfix is built  with  any
                     form of SASL support.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.3 and later.

       -A     List  the  available  SASL  plug-in  types  for the Postfix SMTP
              client.  The plug-in type is selected with the smtp_sasl_type or
              lmtp_sasl_type configuration parameters by specifying one of the
              names listed below.

              cyrus  This client plug-in is available when  Postfix  is  built
                     with Cyrus SASL support.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.3 and later.

       -b [template_file]
              Display the message text that appears at the beginning of deliv-
              ery status notification (DSN) messages, expanding $name  expres-
              sions with actual values as described in bounce(5).

              To  override the bounce_template_file parameter setting, specify
              a template file name at the end of  the  "postconf  -b"  command
              line.  Specify  an empty file name to display built-in templates
              (in shell language: "").

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.3 and later.

       -c config_dir
              The main.cf configuration file is in the named directory instead
              of the default configuration directory.

       -C class,...
              When  displaying main.cf parameters, select only parameters from
              the specified class(es):

                     Parameters with built-in names.

                     Parameters with service-defined names (the first field of
                     a master.cf entry plus a Postfix-defined suffix).

              user   Parameters with user-defined names.

              all    All the above classes.

              The default is as if "-C all" is specified.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.9 and later.

       -d     Print  main.cf default parameter settings instead of actual set-
              tings.  Specify -df to fold long  lines  for  human  readability
              (Postfix 2.9 and later).

       -e     Edit  the  main.cf configuration file, and update parameter set-
              tings with the "name=value" pairs  on  the  postconf(1)  command

              With  -M, edit the master.cf configuration file, and replace one
              or more service entries with new values as specified with  "ser-
              vice/type=value" on the postconf(1) command line.

              With  -F, edit the master.cf configuration file, and replace one
              or more service fields with new values as specified  with  "ser-
              vice/type/field=value"  on  the  postconf(1)  command line. Cur-
              rently, the "command" field contains the command name  and  com-
              mand arguments.  this may change in the near future, so that the
              "command" field contains only the command name, and a new "argu-
              ments" pseudofield contains the command arguments.

              With  -P,  edit  the  master.cf  configuration  file, and add or
              update one  or  more  service  parameter  settings  (-o  parame-
              ter=value  settings)  with  new  values  as specified with "ser-
              vice/type/parameter=value" on the postconf(1) command line.

              In all cases the file is copied to a temporary file then renamed
              into  place.   Specify  quotes to protect special characters and
              whitespace on the postconf(1) command line.

              The -e option is no longer needed with Postfix version  2.8  and

       -f     Fold long lines when printing main.cf or master.cf configuration
              file entries, for human readability.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.9 and later.

       -F     Show master.cf per-entry field settings (by default all services
              and  all  fields),  formatted as "service/type/field=value", one
              per line. Specify -Ff to fold long lines.

              Specify one or more "service/type/field" instances on the  post-
              conf(1)  command line to limit the output to fields of interest.
              Trailing parameter name or service type fields that are  omitted
              will be handled as "*" wildcard fields.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.11 and later.

       -h     Show  parameter  or attribute values without the "name = " label
              that normally precedes the value.

       -H     Show parameter or attribute names without the "  =  value"  that
              normally follows the name.

              This feature is available with Postfix 3.1 and later.

       -l     List  the names of all supported mailbox locking methods.  Post-
              fix supports the following methods:

              flock  A kernel-based advisory locking method  for  local  files
                     only.  This locking method is available on systems with a
                     BSD compatible library.

              fcntl  A kernel-based advisory  locking  method  for  local  and
                     remote files.

                     An application-level locking method. An application locks
                     a file named filename by  creating  a  file  named  file-
                     name.lock.  The application is expected to remove its own
                     lock file, as well as stale lock  files  that  were  left
                     behind after abnormal program termination.

       -m     List  the  names of all supported lookup table types. In Postfix
              configuration files, lookup tables are specified  as  type:name,
              where type is one of the types listed below. The table name syn-
              tax depends on the lookup table type as described in  the  DATA-
              BASE_README document.

              btree  A  sorted, balanced tree structure.  Available on systems
                     with support for Berkeley DB databases.

              cdb    A read-optimized structure with no support for  incremen-
                     tal  updates.   Available on systems with support for CDB

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.2 and later.

              cidr   A   table   that   associates   values   with   Classless
                     Inter-Domain  Routing  (CIDR) patterns. This is described
                     in cidr_table(5).

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.2 and later.

              dbm    An indexed file type based on hashing.  Available on sys-
                     tems with support for DBM databases.

                     The UNIX process environment array. The lookup key is the
                     environment variable name; the  table  name  is  ignored.
                     Originally implemented for testing, someone may find this
                     useful someday.

              fail   A table that reliably fails all requests. The lookup  ta-
                     ble  name  is used for logging. This table exists to sim-
                     plify Postfix error tests.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.9 and later.

              hash   An indexed file type based on hashing.  Available on sys-
                     tems with support for Berkeley DB databases.

              inline (read-only)
                     A  non-shared, in-memory lookup table. Example: "inline:{
                     key=value, { key = text with  whitespace  or  comma  }}".
                     Key-value  pairs  are  separated  by whitespace or comma;
                     whitespace after "{" and before "}"  is  ignored.  Inline
                     tables  eliminate  the need to create a database file for
                     just a few fixed elements.   See  also  the  static:  map

                     This feature is available with Postfix 3.0 and later.

                     A  non-shared, in-memory hash table. Its content are lost
                     when a process terminates.

              lmdb   OpenLDAP  LMDB  database  (a  memory-mapped,   persistent
                     file).   Available on systems with support for LMDB data-
                     bases.  This is described in lmdb_table(5).

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.11 and later.

              ldap (read-only)
                     LDAP database client. This is described in ldap_table(5).

                     Memcache database  client.  This  is  described  in  mem-

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.9 and later.

              mysql (read-only)
                     MySQL database client.  Available on systems with support
                     for MySQL databases.   This  is  described  in  mysql_ta-

              pcre (read-only)
                     A  lookup  table based on Perl Compatible Regular Expres-
                     sions.  The file format is described in pcre_table(5).

              pgsql (read-only)
                     PostgreSQL  database  client.  This   is   described   in

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.1 and later.

              pipemap (read-only)
                     A  lookup  table  that  constructs  a pipeline of tables.
                     Example: "pipemap:{type_1:name_1,  ...,  type_n:name_n}".
                     Each  "pipemap:" query is given to the first table.  Each
                     lookup result becomes the query for the next table in the
                     pipeline,  and  the last table produces the final result.
                     When any table lookup produces no  result,  the  pipeline
                     produces  no result. The first and last characters of the
                     "pipemap:" table name must be "{" and "}".  Within these,
                     individual maps are separated with comma or whitespace.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 3.0 and later.

              proxy  Postfix  proxymap(8)  client for shared access to Postfix
                     databases. The table name syntax is type:name.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.0 and later.

              randmap (read-only)
                     An in-memory table that performs random selection.  Exam-
                     ple:  "randmap:{result_1,  ...,  result_n}".  Each  table
                     query returns a random choice from the specified results.
                     The  first  and  last  characters of the "randmap:" table
                     name must be  "{"  and  "}".   Within  these,  individual
                     results are separated with comma or whitespace. To give a
                     specific result more weight, specify it multiple times.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 3.0 and later.

              regexp (read-only)
                     A lookup table based on  regular  expressions.  The  file
                     format is described in regexp_table(5).

              sdbm   An indexed file type based on hashing.  Available on sys-
                     tems with support for SDBM databases.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.2 and later.

              socketmap (read-only)
                     Sendmail-style  socketmap  client.  The  table  name   is
                     inet:host:port:name  for  a  TCP/IP server, or unix:path-
                     name:name for a UNIX-domain server. This is described  in

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.10 and later.

              sqlite (read-only)
                     SQLite database. This is described in sqlite_table(5).

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.8 and later.

              static (read-only)
                     A  table  that  always returns its name as lookup result.
                     For example, static:foobar always returns the string foo-
                     bar  as lookup result. Specify "static:{ text with white-
                     space }" when the result contains whitespace;  this  form
                     ignores whitespace after "{" and before "}". See also the
                     inline: map.

                     The form "static:{text} is available with Postfix 3.0 and

              tcp (read-only)
                     TCP/IP client. The protocol is described in tcp_table(5).

              texthash (read-only)
                     Produces  similar results as hash: files, except that you
                     don't need to run the postmap(1) command before  you  can
                     use  the  file, and that it does not detect changes after
                     the file is read.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 2.8 and later.

              unionmap (read-only)
                     A table that sends each query to multiple  lookup  tables
                     and  that  concatenates  all  found results, separated by
                     comma.  The table name syntax is the same as for pipemap.

                     This feature is available with Postfix 3.0 and later.

              unix (read-only)
                     A limited view of the UNIX authentication  database.  The
                     following tables are implemented:

                            The  table  is the UNIX password database. The key
                            is a login name.  The result is  a  password  file
                            entry in passwd(5) format.

                            The table is the UNIX group database. The key is a
                            group name.  The result is a group file  entry  in
                            group(5) format.

              Other table types may exist depending on how Postfix was built.

       -M     Show  master.cf  file contents instead of main.cf file contents.
              Specify -Mf to fold long lines for human readability.

              Specify zero or more arguments, each with a service-name or ser-
              vice-name/service-type  pair,  where  service-name  is the first
              field of a master.cf entry and service-type  is  one  of  (inet,
              unix, fifo, or pass).

              If  service-name or service-name/service-type is specified, only
              the matching master.cf entries  will  be  output.  For  example,
              "postconf  -Mf  smtp" will output all services named "smtp", and
              "postconf -Mf smtp/inet" will output only the smtp service  that
              listens  on  the network.  Trailing service type fields that are
              omitted will be handled as "*" wildcard fields.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.9 and later. The syntax
              was  changed  from  "name.type" to "name/type", and "*" wildcard
              support was added with Postfix 2.11.

       -n     Show only configuration parameters that have explicit name=value
              settings  in  main.cf.  Specify -nf to fold long lines for human
              readability (Postfix 2.9 and later).

       -o name=value
              Override main.cf parameter settings.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.10 and later.

       -p     Show main.cf parameter settings. This is the default.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.11 and later.

       -P     Show master.cf service parameter settings (by default  all  ser-
              vices  and  all  parameters), formatted as "service/type/parame-
              ter=value", one per line.  Specify -Pf to fold long lines.

              Specify one or more "service/type/parameter"  instances  on  the
              postconf(1)  command  line  to limit the output to parameters of
              interest.  Trailing parameter name or service type  fields  that
              are omitted will be handled as "*" wildcard fields.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.11 and later.

       -t [template_file]
              Display  the templates for text that appears at the beginning of
              delivery status notification (DSN) messages,  without  expanding
              $name expressions.

              To  override the bounce_template_file parameter setting, specify
              a template file name at the end of  the  "postconf  -t"  command
              line.  Specify  an empty file name to display built-in templates
              (in shell language: "").

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.3 and later.

       -T mode
              If Postfix is compiled without TLS support, the -T  option  pro-
              duces  no  output.   Otherwise, if an invalid mode is specified,
              the -T option reports an error and exits with a non-zero  status
              code. The valid modes are:

                     Output the OpenSSL version that Postfix was compiled with
                     (i.e. the OpenSSL version in a header file).  The  output
                     format is the same as with the command "openssl version".

                     Output the OpenSSL version that Postfix is linked with at
                     runtime (i.e. the OpenSSL version in a shared library).

                     Output the lower-case names of the  supported  public-key
                     algorithms, one per-line.

              This feature is available with Postfix 3.1 and later.

       -v     Enable  verbose  logging  for  debugging  purposes.  Multiple -v
              options make the software increasingly verbose.

       -x     Expand $name in  main.cf  or  master.cf  parameter  values.  The
              expansion is recursive.

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.10 and later.

       -X     Edit  the  main.cf configuration file, and remove the parameters
              named on the postconf(1) command line.  Specify a list of param-
              eter names, not "name=value" pairs.

              With  -M,  edit the master.cf configuration file, and remove one
              or more service entries as specified with "service/type" on  the
              postconf(1) command line.

              With  -P,  edit the master.cf configuration file, and remove one
              or more service parameter settings (-o parameter=value settings)
              as  specified  with  "service/type/parameter" on the postconf(1)
              command line.

              In all cases the file is copied to a temporary file then renamed
              into place.  Specify quotes to protect special characters on the
              postconf(1) command line.

              There is no postconf(1) command to perform  the  reverse  opera-

              This  feature is available with Postfix 2.10 and later.  Support
              for -M and -P was added with Postfix 2.11.

       -#     Edit the main.cf configuration file, and comment out the parame-
              ters named on the postconf(1) command line, so that those param-
              eters revert to their default values.  Specify a list of parame-
              ter names, not "name=value" pairs.

              With  -M, edit the master.cf configuration file, and comment out
              one or more service entries as specified with "service/type"  on
              the postconf(1) command line.

              In all cases the file is copied to a temporary file then renamed
              into place.  Specify quotes to protect special characters on the
              postconf(1) command line.

              There  is  no  postconf(1) command to perform the reverse opera-

              This feature is available with Postfix 2.6  and  later.  Support
              for -M was added with Postfix 2.11.

       Problems are reported to the standard error stream.

              Directory with Postfix configuration files.

       The  following  main.cf parameters are especially relevant to this pro-

       The text below provides only a parameter summary. See  postconf(5)  for
       more details including examples.

       config_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)
              The  default  location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf con-
              figuration files.

       bounce_template_file (empty)
              Pathname of a configuration file with bounce message templates.

       /etc/postfix/main.cf, Postfix configuration parameters
       /etc/postfix/master.cf, Postfix master daemon configuration

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability   | service/network/smtp/postfix |
       |Stability      | Volatile                     |
       bounce(5), bounce template file format
       master(5), master.cf configuration file syntax
       postconf(5), main.cf configuration file syntax

       Use "postconf readme_directory" or "postconf html_directory" to  locate
       this information.
       DATABASE_README, Postfix lookup table overview

       The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.

       Wietse Venema
       IBM T.J. Watson Research
       P.O. Box 704
       Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

       Wietse Venema
       Google, Inc.
       111 8th Avenue
       New York, NY 10011, USA

       This software was built from source available at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from  https://archive.mgm51.com/mirrors/postfix-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.postfix.org.
