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pdftoppm (1)


pdftoppm - verter (version 3.03)


pdftoppm [options] PDF-file PPM-root


pdftoppm(1)                 General Commands Manual                pdftoppm(1)

       pdftoppm - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM) con-
       verter (version 3.03)

       pdftoppm [options] PDF-file PPM-root

       Pdftoppm converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to  color  image
       files  in Portable Pixmap (PPM) format, grayscale image files in Porta-
       ble Graymap (PGM) format, or monochrome image files in Portable  Bitmap
       (PBM) format.

       Pdftoppm reads the PDF file, PDF-file, and writes one PPM file for each
       page, PPM-root-number.ppm, where number is the page number.

       -f number
              Specifies the first page to convert.

       -l number
              Specifies the last page to convert.

       -o     Generates only the odd numbered pages.

       -e     Generates only the even numbered pages.

              Writes only the first page and does not add digits.

       -r number
              Specifies the X and Y resolution, in DPI.  The  default  is  150

       -rx number
              Specifies the X resolution, in DPI.  The default is 150 DPI.

       -ry number
              Specifies the Y resolution, in DPI.  The default is 150 DPI.

       -scale-to number
              Scales  the  long  side of each page (width for landscape pages,
              height for portrait pages) to fit in scale-to pixels.  The  size
              of  the short side will be determined by the aspect ratio of the

       -scale-to-x number
              Scales each page horizontally to fit in  scale-to-x  pixels.  If
              scale-to-y  is  set  to -1, the vertical size will determined by
              the aspect ratio of the page.

       -scale-to-y number
              Scales each page vertically to  fit  in  scale-to-y  pixels.  If
              scale-to-x  is set to -1, the horizontal size will determined by
              the aspect ratio of the page.

       -x number
              Specifies the x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner

       -y number
              Specifies the y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner

       -W number
              Specifies the width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)

       -H number
              Specifies the height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)

       -sz number
              Specifies the size of crop square in pixels (sets W and H)

              Uses the crop box rather than  media  box  when  generating  the

       -mono  Generate a monochrome PBM file (instead of a color PPM file).

       -gray  Generate a grayscale PGM file (instead of a color PPM file).

       -png   Generates a PNG file instead a PPM file.

       -jpeg  Generates a JPEG file instead a PPM file.

       -tiff  Generates a TIFF file instead a PPM file.

       -tiffcompression none | packbits | jpeg | lzw | deflate
              Specifies the TIFF compression type.  This defaults to "none".

       -freetype yes | no
              Enable  or  disable  FreeType  (a TrueType / Type 1 font raster-
              izer).  This defaults to "yes".

       -thinlinemode none | solid | shape
              Specifies the thin line mode. This defaults to "none".

              adjust lines with a width less than one pixel to pixel  boundary
              and paint it with a width of one pixel.

              adjust  lines with a width less than one pixel to pixel boundary
              and paint it with a width of one pixel but with a shape in  pro-
              portion to its width.

       -aa yes | no
              Enable or disable font anti-aliasing.  This defaults to "yes".

       -aaVector yes | no
              Enable or disable vector anti-aliasing.  This defaults to "yes".

       -opw password
              Specify  the  owner  password  for the PDF file.  Providing this
              will bypass all security restrictions.

       -upw password
              Specify the user password for the PDF file.

       -q     Don't print any messages or errors.

       -v     Print copyright and version information.

       -h     Print usage information.  (-help and --help are equivalent.)

       The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:

       0      No error.

       1      Error opening a PDF file.

       2      Error opening an output file.

       3      Error related to PDF permissions.

       99     Other error.

       The pdftoppm software and documentation are copyright 1996-2011 Glyph &
       Cog, LLC.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | desktop/pdf-viewer/poppler |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted                |
       pdfdetach(1),  pdffonts(1),  pdfimages(1),  pdfinfo(1),  pdftocairo(1),
       pdftohtml(1), pdftops(1), pdftotext(1) pdfseparate(1), pdfsig(1), pdfu-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source   was   downloaded   from    http://poppler.freedesktop.org/pop-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://poppler.freedesktop.org/.

                                15 August 2011                     pdftoppm(1)