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更新: 2018年8月8日

ttauth (1)


ttauth - TT authority file utility


ttauth [ -f authfile ] [ -vqib ] [ command arg ... ]


ttauth(1)                      ToolTalk Commands                     ttauth(1)

       ttauth - TT authority file utility

       ttauth [ -f authfile ] [ -vqib ] [ command arg ... ]

       The ttauth program is used to edit and display the authorization infor-
       mation used in connecting with Tooltalk.  This program is usually  used
       to  extract authorization records from one machine and merge them in on
       another (as is the case when using remote logins or granting access  to
       other users).  Commands (described below) may be entered interactively,
       on the ttauth command line, or in scripts.

       The following options may be used with ttauth.  They may be given indi-
       vidually (e.g. -q -i) or may be combined (e.g. -qi):

       -f authfile
               This  option  specifies  the name of the authority file to use.
               By default, ttauth will use the file specified by the TTAUTHOR-
               ITY  environment  variable  or  .TTauthority in the user's home

       -q      This option indicates that ttauth should  operate  quietly  and
               not  print unsolicited status messages.  This is the default if
               a ttauth command is given on the command line or if  the  stan-
               dard output is not directed to a terminal.

       -v      This  option indicates that ttauth should operate verbosely and
               print status messages indicating the results of various  opera-
               tions (e.g. how many records have been read in or written out).
               This is the default if ttauth  is  reading  commands  from  its
               standard  input and its standard output is directed to a termi-

       -i      This option indicates that ttauth should ignore  any  authority
               file  locks.   Normally, ttauth will refuse to read or edit any
               authority files that have been locked by other  programs  (usu-
               ally xdm(1) or another ttauth).

       -b      This  option  indicates that ttauth should attempt to break any
               authority file locks before proceeding and should only be  used
               to clean up stale locks.

       The following commands may be used to manipulate authority files:

       add protoname protodata netid authname authdata
               Add an entry into authority file. The entry must consist of the
               five fields delimited by spaces. protoname used by Tooltalk  is
               TT.  protodata  used  by  Tooltalk is an empty string. netid is
               made up of a combination of Tooltalk  Session  ID  and  the  IP
               address of the machine. authname used by Tooltalk is MIT-MAGIC-
               COOKIE-1.  authdata is specified as an even-lengthed string  of
               hexadecimal digits, each pair representing one byte.  The first
               digit of each pair gives the most significant  4  bits  of  the
               byte, and the second digit of the pair gives the least signifi-
               cant 4 bits.  For example, a 32 character string  would  repre-
               sent a 128-bit value.

       extract filename <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$>
               <authname=$>"  Extract entries into file, filename.  Authoriza-
               tion entries that match any of the values specified  by  either
               <protoname>, <protodata>, <netid> or <authname>.  The extracted
               entries can be read back in using the merge  command.   If  the
               filename  consists  of  just a single dash, the entries will be
               written to the standard output.

       list <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$> <authname=$>
               All authorization entries are printed on the standard output if
               no  selection  is specified. Otherwise, only entries that match
               any of the values specified by either <protoname>, <protodata>,
               <netid>  or  <authname>  are  printed  on  the standard output.
               authdata is always displayed in the hexadecimal format given in
               the description of the add command.

       merge filename ...
               Authorization entries are read from the specified files and are
               merged into the authorization database, superceding any  match-
               ing  existing  entries.   On  exit,  these entries will then be
               written from the database to the authority file.

       remove <protoname=$> <protodata=$> <netid=$> <authname=$>
               Authorization entries that match any of the values specified by
               either  <protoname>,  <protodata>,  <netid>  or  <authname> are
               removed from the authority file.

       source filename
               The specified file is treated as  a  script  containing  ttauth
               commands  to  execute.   Blank lines and lines beginning with a
               sharp sign (#) are ignored.  A single dash may be used to indi-
               cate the standard input, if it hasn't already been read.

       info    Information  describing  the authorization file, whether or not
               any changes have been made, and from where ttauth commands  are
               being read is printed on the standard output.

       exit    If  any  modifications  have  been  made, the authority file is
               written out (if allowed), and the program  exits.   An  end  of
               file is treated as an implicit exit command.

       quit    The  program  exits, ignoring any modifications.  This may also
               be accomplished by issuing SIGINT (usually CTRL-C).

       help [string]
               A description of all commands that begin with the given  string
               (or all commands if no string is given) is printed on the stan-
               dard output.

       ?       A short list of the valid commands is printed on  the  standard

       This ttauth program uses the following environment variables:

               to  get  the name of the authority file to use if the -f option
               isn't used.  If this variable  is  not  set,  ttauth  will  use
               .TTauthority in the user's home directory.

       HOME    to get the user's home directory if TTAUTHORITY isn't defined.

       Users  that  have  unsecure  networks should take care to use encrypted
       file  transfer  mechanisms  to  copy  authorization   entries   between
       machines.   Similarly, the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 protocol is not very use-
       ful in unsecure environments.  Sites that are interested in  additional
       security  may  need  to  use encrypted authorization mechanisms such as

       Spaces are currently not allowed in the protocol name.   Quoting  could
       be added for the truly perverse.

       This  example illustrates how a cookie can be shared with a remote sys-
       tem using the list, extract and merge commands.

       To extract an entry from $HOME/.TTauthority file

       - start ttauth on the command line,

       using authority file /home/username/.TTauthority

       - get the netid using list

       ttauth> list
       TT "" 1289637086/1/ MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c8fc131e9c216bb7f177334135ceffc500

       - extract the entry into the file, /tmp/cookie

       ttauth> extract /tmp/cookie netid=1289637086/1/
       1 entries written to "/tmp/cookie"

       To merge this cookie on a remote system

       - Transfer the cookie file /tmp/cookie in a secure manner

       - start ttauth on the remote system

       using authority file /remote/username/.TTauthority

       - merge the tranferred cookie file, /tmp/cookie

       ttauth> merge /tmp/cookie
       1 entries read in: 1 new, 0 replacement

       - save the new cookie by exiting

       ttauth> exit
       Writing authority file /remote/username/.TTauthority

       Mitchell Greess, Solutions Atlantic

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | library/tooltalk |
       |Stability      | Committed        |
ToolTalk 1.3                     07 July 2000                        ttauth(1)