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更新: 2018年8月8日

werl (1)


werl - The Erlang Emulator


Please see following description for synopsis


werl(1)                          User Commands                         werl(1)

       werl - The Erlang Emulator

       On  Windows,  the preferred way to start the Erlang system for interac-
       tive use is as follows:

       werl <arguments>

       This starts Erlang in its own window, with fully  functioning  command-
       line editing and scrollbars. All flags except -oldshell work as they do
       for erl(1).

         * To copy text to the clipboard, use Ctrl-C.

         * To paste text, use Ctrl-V.

         * To interrupt the runtime system or the shell process (depending  on
           what has been specified with system flag +B), use Ctrl-Break.

       In cases where you want to redirect standard input and/or standard out-
       put or use Erlang in a pipeline, werl is not suitable, and the erl pro-
       gram is to be used instead.

       The  werl window is in many ways modeled after the xterm window present
       on other platforms, as the xterm model  fits  well  with  line-oriented
       command-based  interaction. This means that selecting text is line-ori-
       ented rather than rectangle-oriented.

         * To select text in the werl window, press and hold  the  left  mouse
           button  and drag the mouse over the text you want to select. If the
           selection crosses line boundaries, the selected  text  consists  of
           complete lines where applicable (just like in a word processor).

         * To  select  more text than fits in the window, start by selecting a
           small part in the beginning of the text  you  want,  then  use  the
           scrollbar  to  view  the end of the desired selection, point to it,
           and press the right mouse button. The whole area between your first
           selection  and the point where you right-clicked is included in the

         * To copy the selected text to the clipboard, either use Ctrl-C,  use
           the menu, or press the copy button in the toolbar.

       Pasted  text  is  inserted at the current prompt position and is inter-
       preted by Erlang as usual keyboard input.

         * To retrieve previous command lines, press the Up arrow or use Ctrl-

       A  drop-down box in the toolbar contains the command history. Selecting
       a command in the drop-down box inserts the command at the prompt, as if
       you used the keyboard to retrieve the command.

         * To stop the Erlang emulator, close the werl window.

Ericsson AB                        erts 8.3                            werl(1)