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更新: 2018年8月8日

foomatic-configure (1)


foomatic-configure - the main configuration program of the foomatic printing system.


foomatic-configure [OPTION]...

foomatic-configure -n queuename [ -N description ] [ -L loca-
tion ] [ -c con-
nect ] [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ --ppd ppdfile ] [ -s spooler ] [ -C [ source-
spooler ] sourcequeue ] [ -o option1=value1 -o option2 ... ] [ -q ]
foomatic-configure -D -n queuename [ -s spooler ] [ -q ]

foomatic-configure -R -n queuename [ -s spooler ] [ -q ]

foomatic-configure -Q  [ -s spooler ] [ -n queuename ] [ -r ]

foomatic-configure -P  [ -s spooler ] [ -n queue-
name ] [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ --ppd ppdfile ] [ index ]

foomatic-configure -X -p printer | -d driver | -p printer -d driver

foomatic-configure -O

foomatic-configure -h

foomatic-configure --help


FOOMATIC-CONFIGURE(1)       General Commands Manual      FOOMATIC-CONFIGURE(1)

       foomatic-configure  -  the  main  configuration program of the foomatic
       printing system.

       foomatic-configure [OPTION]...

       foomatic-configure -n queuename [ -N description ] [ -L loca-
       tion ] [ -c con-
       nect ] [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ --ppd ppdfile ] [ -s spooler ] [ -C [ source-
       spooler ] sourcequeue ] [ -o option1=value1 -o option2 ... ] [ -q ]
       foomatic-configure -D -n queuename [ -s spooler ] [ -q ]

       foomatic-configure -R -n queuename [ -s spooler ] [ -q ]

       foomatic-configure -Q  [ -s spooler ] [ -n queuename ] [ -r ]

       foomatic-configure -P  [ -s spooler ] [ -n queue-
       name ] [ -d driver ] [ -p printer ] [ --ppd ppdfile ] [ index ]

       foomatic-configure -X -p printer | -d driver | -p printer -d driver

       foomatic-configure -O

       foomatic-configure -h

       foomatic-configure --help

       foomatic-configure  is  a  program to set up and configure print queues
       for every known spooler (CUPS, LPRng, LPD, GNUlpr, PPR,  PDQ.  CPS,  no
       spooler)  and every valid printer/driver combo in the Foomatic database
       or every PPD file  coming  with  PostScript  printers.  As  RIP  filter
       (Raster Image Processor, translation from PostScript to the native lan-
       guage of the printer) always foomatic-rip(1) will be used,  except  for
       PPD  files  of PostScript printers under CUPS or PPR, they will be used
       without RIP filter.

       It also comprises half of a programatic API for  user  tools:  you  can
       learn  and  control  everything  about  the  static properties of print
       queues here. With the sister program foomatic-printjob(1), you  can  do
       everything related to the print queue's dynamic state: submit jobs, and
       query, cancel, reorder, and redirect them.

       -n queuename
                 Configure this print queue

       -N Name/Description
                 Use this proper human-readable name/description

       -L Location
                 Short phrase describing this printer's location

       -c connection
                 Printer is connected thusly (ex file:/dev/lp0)

       -d driver Foomatic database name for desired printer driver

       -p printer
                 Foomatic id for printer

       --ppd ppdfile
                 PPD file, for example the one supplied by the manufacturer of
                 a PostScript printer

       -s spooler
                 Explicit spooler type (cups, lpd, lprng, pdq, ppr, direct)

       -o option=value
                 Set the default of option to value

       -o option Turn on option by default

       -D        Set this queue as the default queue (just give -n queuename)

       -R        Remove this whole queue entirely (just give -n queuename)

       -C [ sourcespooler ] sourcequeue
                 Copy  sourcequeue  from  sourcespooler (or the current one if
                 sourcespooler is not given) into the queue given by -n queue-
                 name (of the current spooler).

       -Q        Query existing configuration (gives XML summary)

       -r        List also remotely defined queues (CUPS only)

       -P [ index ]
                 Get Perl dump of current configuration (as a Perl array named
                 QUEUES, the first index is index, or zero  if  index  is  not

       -O        Print  XML  Overview of all known printer/drivers (this shows
                 also the Foomatic IDs of the printers)

       -X        Print XML data for -p printer and/or -d driver object

       -q        Run quietly

       No commands, just options

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |           ATTRIBUTE VALUE            |
       |Availability   | print/cups/filter/foomatic-db-engine |
       |Stability      | Volatile                             |
       foomatic-printjob(1), foomatic-rip(1)

       foomatic-configure returns 0 if no errors occurred.

       Manfred  Wassmann  <manolo@NCC-1701.B.Shuttle.de>  for   the   foomatic
       project using comments from the source.

       foomatic-configure  currently cannot handle printcap files in the lprng
       style.  As lprng can use BSD style printcaps this  is  not  much  of  a
       problem,  as long as the GUI based print manager lprngtool is not used.
       The difference between those formats is, that BSD style  requires  con-
       tinuation lines in printer definitions to be ended with a colon and the
       newline character to be escaped with a backslash.  Lprng  has  no  such

       To  use  a  printcap  file  generated  or  edited  with  lprngtool with
       foomatic-configure it is necessary to add :\ to the end of all but  the
       last line of every printer definition, just as shown below:

       # primary printer name
       #alternate names
        |Example of a printer

       must be converted to:

       # primary printer name
        |Example of a printer\

       This manpage may be out of date.

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source    was    downloaded   from    http://www.openprinting.org/down-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community    website   at   https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/openprint-

Foomatic Project                  2002-01-06             FOOMATIC-CONFIGURE(1)