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更新: 2018年8月8日

tracker-status (1)


tracker-status - Provide status and statistics on the data indexed


tracker status
tracker status --stat [-a] [[expression1]...]
tracker status --collect-debug-info


tracker-status(1)                User Commands               tracker-status(1)

       tracker-status - Provide status and statistics on the data indexed

       tracker status
       tracker status --stat [-a] [[expression1]...]
       tracker status --collect-debug-info

       Display the status of the current index and data set.

       With  the  --stat option, displays statistics about the RDF classes and
       how many of each exist for data set that has been indexed.   For  exam-
       ple, "10 Folders".

       This  command also provides a way to collect information for debug pur-
       poses using the --collect-debug-info option.

              By default, only common  and  useful  classes  are  shown,  e.g.
              "nfo:Document"  or  "nfo:Folder",  for a full set of statistics,
              see the --all option.

              If one or more expression arguments  is  given,  the  statistics
              returned  are  filtered to only show information those RDF types
              matching expression (case folded  and  matching  accented  vari-
              ants). The RDF classes are detailed by the Nepomuk otology spec-
              ification. A list of possible classes matching  expression,  see
              tracker sparql -c.

       -a, --all
              Display statistics about ALL RDF classes that exist in the data-
              base.  Without this option only the common RDF classes  will  be
              shown, for example "nfo:Document" and "nfo:FileDataObject".

              This  option  is  implied if search terms are provided to filter
              ALL possible statistics.

              Useful when debugging problems to diagnose the state of  Tracker
              on your system. The data is output to stdout. Useful if bugs are
              filed against the project itself.

              Data collected includes  Tracker  version  in  use,  disk  space
              available,  size of the databases on the disk, the configuration
              in use, states of the index (e.g. last  filesystem  crawl,  data
              set  locale,  etc.) and finally statistics about the data in the
              database (e.g. how many "nfo:FileDataObject" resources exist).

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |        ATTRIBUTE VALUE         |
       |Availability   | library/desktop/search/tracker |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile          |
       tracker-store(1),   tracker-control(1),   tracker-sparql(1),   tracker-



       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source         was         downloaded        from         https://down-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://www.gnome.org/.

GNU                             September 2014               tracker-status(1)