
CIS Overview
Integrating InForm and Clintrial software
About the InForm software
About the Clintrial software
Benefits of integration
Study design and deployment
Data entry and validation
Data coding
Data loading
Data storage and analysis
About integrated studies
About integrated EDC-only studies
About hybrid studies
Integrated study workflows
Design environment workflow
Designing with the Central Designer software
Production environment workflow
CIS Administration application
Planning an integrated study
Reviewing user scenarios
Developing study definitions for a hybrid study
Deciding where to develop rules and calculations or derivations
Comparison of Central Designer, Clintrial, and InForm rules
Options for EDC data validation
Validation and InForm enrollment
Planning data mappings
About data mappings
Planning bulk data loads
InForm Data Import utility
Clintrial Manage or Lab Loader module
Study component correspondences
Working with integrated metadata
Using integrated study metadata
Creating a new hybrid study
Adding metadata to an existing integrated study
Modifying metadata in an existing hybrid study
Clintrial protocol metadata
Clintrial data record structure
Context items
System items
Panel Types and context items
Corresponding Clintrial and InForm metadata objects
CONTEXT panel items
Default CONTEXT panel item names
Additional CONTEXT panel items
Metadata from an InForm study
Metadata in an integrated study
Metadata in a hybrid study
Data mappings
Data type conversions
Rules and derivations
Codelists and synchronization
Installing a study in the InForm database
Working with data mappings
Overview of data mappings
What are data mappings?
Data mapping components
CONTEXT panel mappings
PANEL mappings
ITEM mappings
Control paths
Mapping data to the Clintrial software
Setting up Clintrial data transfer processing
Mapping considerations�InForm software to Clintrial software
Clintrial mappings
CIS mapping properties
Mapping date time controls�Principles
Working with mappings from the Central Designer software
Customizing Clintrial mappings
Autogenerated codelists and mapping definitions
Autogenerated codelists and the Code List property
Autogenerated codelists and new mappings
CONTEXT panel mappings
Context panel item updates
Mapping date time controls
Creating mappings without a control path
Using page keys & block keys
Block keys and page keys in CIS mappings
How block key values are assigned
How page key values are assigned
Making panel property changes
Panel properties you can change
Implementing Clintrial subsets
Creating a type 0 panel
Mappings and coding targets
Correcting a synchronization that generates warnings because of mapping to a Clintrial coding target
Maintaining mappings
Updating enrollment mappings
Viewing data mappings in annotated study design
Creating an integrated protocol
Overview of creating an integrated protocol
Integrated study development methodology summary
Designing with the Central Designer software
Clintrial study book autocreation option
Study book autocreation terms
Enrollment study book generation
Non-patient data study book generation
Patient data study book generation
InForm study version data pass
Patient data panel pass
Itemset generation
Subset item generation
Master-detail relationship generation
Item generation
Study book components not created
Study book generation
Possible problems during study book autocreation
Clintrial panel and item autocreation option
Configuring an integrated Clintrial protocol
Required item attribute
Rules and derivations
Page sections and page templates
Codelists, aggregated or unaggregated
Panel audit start date
Updating a Clintrial protocol
Updated protocols and the Resolve module
Modifying updated protocols
Entering data in an integrated study
Overview of entering data
Data transfer
Patient number changes and synchronization
Data entry in an EDC study
Screening and enrollment
Entering EDC data
Merging EDC data
Data entry in a hybrid study
Managing queries and discrepancies
Overview of managing queries and discrepancies in an integrated study
What are queries and discrepancies?
How are queries and discrepancies created?
What are query and discrepancy states?
How are queries and discrepancies resolved?
Resolving queries in the InForm software and the Clintrial software
Resolving queries generated by Clintrial rules in the InForm software
Query response�Changing the data value
Query response�Entering response text
Queries and the Resolve module
Clintrial rules that use data from more than one panel
Handling of conflicts in query states
Storage of query and discrepancy information
Queries and discrepancies on frozen or locked forms
Queries and discrepancies on an empty form
Reopening of automatically closed queries
Using rules in an integrated study
Effect of rule location
Validation and COMMIT statements
Managing rules and queries in a hybrid study
Duplicating rules
Design considerations for creating Clintrial rules for a hybrid study
Initial discrepancy status
Mapping a discrepancy state to the Open InForm query state
Editing a Clintrial database instance
CIS processing for updated rules and derivations
CIS processing for updated attachments to rules or derivations
Modifying rules to ignore EDC data
Placing queries on EDC items
How CIS determines the item on which to place a query
Loading error items into the INF_ERRORITEM table
Validation and InForm enrollment
Viewing merged query data
Using Clintrial modules in an integrated study
Overview of Clintrial modules in an integrated study
The Clintrial software in integrated studies
Clintrial changes
Classify module
Omissions status
Solution types
Design module
Protocol design
Protocol import and export
Changing study mode
Enter module
Data entry
Manual discrepancies
Flags and notes
Lab Loader module
Managing queries on batch loaded data
Manage module
Global Change and Global Delete
Batch loading
Managing queries on batch-loaded data
Multisite Distribution module
Test environment for Multisite Distribution and CIS
Production environment for Multisite Distribution and the CIS software
Multisite Distribution and CIS workflow
Resolve module
Setting up Resolve to return EDC queries
Visibility of EDC queries