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sg_persist (1m)


sg_persist - sends a SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE (IN or OUT) command to manipulate registrations and reservations


sg_persist [OPTIONS] DEVICE

sg_persist [OPTIONS] --device=DEVICE

sg_persist --help | --version


SG3_UTILS                                           SG_PERSIST(8)

     sg_persist  -  sends  a  SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE (IN or OUT)
     command to manipulate registrations and reservations

     sg_persist [OPTIONS] DEVICE

     sg_persist [OPTIONS] --device=DEVICE

     sg_persist --help | --version

     This utility allows Persistent  reservations  and  registra-
     tions to be queried and changed. Persistent reservations and
     registrations are queried by sub-commands  (called  "service
     actions"  in SPC-4) of the SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE IN (PRIN)
     command.  Persistent  reservations  and  registrations   are
     changed  by  sub-commands of the SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT
     (PROUT) command.

     There is a two stage process to obtain a persistent reserva-
     tion.  First an application (an I_T nexus in standard's jar-
     gon) must register a reservation key. If  that  is  accepted
     (and it should be unless some other I_T nexus has registered
     that key) then the  application  can  try  and  reserve  the
     device.   The reserve operation must specify the reservation
     key and a "type" (see the --prout-type=TYPE option).

     It is relatively safe  to  query  the  state  of  Persistent
     reservations and registrations. With no options this utility
     defaults to the READ KEYS sub-command of the  PRIN  command.
     Other  PRIN  sub-commands are READ RESERVATION, REPORT CAPA-

     Before trying to change Persistent reservations  and  regis-
     trations  users  should be aware of what they are doing. The
     relevant sections of  the  SCSI  Primary  Commands  document
     (i.e.  SPC-4 whose most recent draft is revision 20 dated 22
     May 2009) are sections  5.7  (titled  "Reservations"),  6.13
     (for  the PRIN command) and 6.14 (for the PROUT command). To
     safeguard against accidental use, the --out option  must  be
     given when a PROUT sub-command (e.g.  --register) is used.

     The  older  SCSI RESERVE and RELEASE commands (both 6 and 10
     byte variants) are not supported by this utility. In  SPC-3,
     RESERVE  and  RELEASE are deprecated, replaced by Persistent
     Reservations. RESERVE and RELEASE  have  been  removed  from
     SPC-4 and Annex B is provided showing how to convert to per-
     sistent reservation commands. See a utility called 'scsires'
     for support of the SCSI RESERVE and RELEASE commands.

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     The DEVICE is required by all variants of this utility apart
     from --help. The DEVICE can be given either as  an  argument
     (typically  but  not  necessarily  the  last one) or via the
     --device=DEVICE option.

     SPC-4 does not use the term "sub-command". It uses the  term
     "service  action" for this and for part of a field's name in
     the parameter block associated with the PROUT command  (i.e.
     "service  action  reservation key"). To lessen the potential
     confusion the term "sub-command" has been introduced.

     Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as
     well.   The  following  options  are  sorted in alphabetical
     order, based on their long option name.

     -l, --alloc-length=LEN
          specify the allocation length of the PRIN command.  LEN
          is  a  hex  value.  By default this value is set to the
          size of the data-in buffer (8192).  This  parameter  is
          of  use for verification that response to PRIN commands
          with various allocation lengths is per section
          of SPC-4 revision 18.  Valid LEN values are 0-8192.

     -C, --clear
          Clear  is  a  sub-command  of  the  PROUT  command.  It
          releases the persistent reservation (if any) and clears
          all  registrations  from  the device. It is required to
          supply a reservation key that is  registered  for  this
          I_T_L nexus (identified by --param-rk=RK).

     -d, --device=DEVICE
          DEVICE  to send SCSI commands to. The DEVICE can either
          be provided via this option or via a freestanding argu-
          ment.    For    example,    these    two:   'sg_persist
          --device=/dev/sg2' and 'sg_persist /dev/sg2' are equiv-

     -h, --help
          output a usage message.

     -H, --hex
          the response to a valid PRIN sub-command will be output
          in hexadecimal.  By default (i.e. without this  option)
          if the PRIN sub-command is recognised then the response
          will be decoded as per SPC-4.

     -i, --in
          specify that a SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE  IN  command  is
          required. This is the default.

     -n, --no-inquiry

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          the  default  action  is  to do a standard SCSI INQUIRY
          command and output make, product and  revision  strings
          plus  the  peripheral  device type prior to executing a
          PRIN or PROUT command. With  this  option  the  INQUIRY
          command is skipped.

     -o, --out
          specify  that  a SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command is

     -Y, --param-alltgpt
          set the 'all target  ports'  (ALL_TG_PT)  flag  in  the
          parameter block of the PROUT command. Only relevant for
          'register'  and  'register  and  ignore  existing  key'

     -Z, --param-aptpl
          set  the  'activate persist through power loss' (APTPL)
          flag in the parameter block of the PROUT command. Rele-
          vant for 'register', 'register and ignore existing key'
          and 'register and move' sub-commands.

     -K, --param-rk=RK
          specify the reservation  key  found  in  the  parameter
          block of the PROUT command. RK is assumed to be hex (up
          to 8 bytes long). Default value is 0.  This  option  is
          needed by most PROUT sub-commands.

     -S, --param-sark=SARK
          specify the service action reservation key found in the
          parameter block of the PROUT command. SARK  is  assumed
          to  be  hex  (up to 8 bytes long).  Default value is 0.
          This option is needed by some PROUT sub-commands.

     -P, --preempt
          Preempt is a sub-command of the PROUT command. Preempts
          the  existing  persistent  reservation  (identified  by
          --param-sark=SARK) with the registration  key  that  is
          registered   for   this   I_T_L  nexus  (identified  by
          --param-rk=RK). The associated --prout-type=TYPE option
          needs to match the type of the reservation.

     -A, --preempt-abort
          Preempt  and  Abort  is a sub-command of the PROUT com-
          mand.  Preempts  the  existing  persistent  reservation
          (identified by --param-sark=SARK) with the registration
          key that is registered for this I_T_L nexus (identified
          by  --param-rk=RK).  The  associated  --prout-type=TYPE
          option needs to match the type of the reservation.  ACA
          and other pending tasks are aborted.

     -T, --prout-type=TYPE

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          specify  the  PROUT command's 'type' argument. Required
          by the 'register-move', 'reserve', 'release' and  'pre-
          empt  (and abort)' sub-commands. Valid TYPE values: 1->
          write exclusive, 3-> exclusive access, 5-> write exclu-
          sive  - registrants only, 6-> exclusive access - regis-
          trants only, 7-> write exclusive - all registrants, 8->
          exclusive  access - all registrants. Default value is 0
          (which is an invalid type). Each  "persistent  reserva-
          tion  type" is explained in more detail in a subsection
          of that name in the read  reservation  section  of  the
          PRIN command (section of SPC-4 revision 9).

     -s, --read-full-status
          Read  Full Status is a sub-command of the PRIN command.
          For each registration with the given  SCSI  device,  it
          lists  the  reservation key and associated information.
          TransportIDs, if supplied in the response, are decoded.

     -k, --read-keys
          Read  Keys  is a sub-command of the PRIN command. Lists
          all the reservation  keys  registered  (i.e.  registra-
          tions)  with the given SCSI device. This is the default
          sub-command for the SCSI PRIN command.

     -r, --read-reservation
          Read Reservation is a sub-command of the PRIN  command.
          List information about the current holder of the reser-
          vation on the DEVICE. If there is no  current  reserva-
          tion  this will be noted. Information about the current
          holder of the reservation includes its reservation key,
          scope and type.

     -s, --read-status
          same as --read-full-status.

     -G, --register
          Register  is a sub-command of the PROUT command. It has
          3 different actions depending on associated parameters.
          a)  add  a  new  registration  with  '--param-rk=0' and
          '--param-sark=<new_rk>'; b) Change an  existing  regis-
          tration       with       '--param-rk=<old_rk>'      and
          '--param-sark=<new_rk>'; or  c) Delete an existing reg-
          istration      with      '--param-rk=<old_rk>'      and

     -I, --register-ignore
          Register and Ignore Existing Key is  a  sub-command  of
          the  PROUT  command.  Similar to --register except that
          when changing a reservation key  the  old  key  is  not
          specified.  The  '--param-sark=<new_rk>'  option should
          also be given.

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     -M, --register-move
          register (another initiator) and move (the  reservation
          held  by the current initiator to that other initiator)
          is a sub-command of the PROUT command.  It requires the
          transportID  of the other initiator. [The standard uses
          the term I_T nexus but the  point  to  stress  is  that
          there  are two initiators (the one sending this command
          and another one)  but  only  one  logical  unit.]   The
          --prout-type=TYPE  and  --param-rk=RK  options  need to
          match  that   of   the   existing   reservation   while
          --param-sark=SARK  option specifies the reservation key
          of the new (i.e. destination) registration.

     -Q, --relative-target-port=RTPI
          relative target port identifier that reservation is  to
          be  moved  to by PROUT 'register and move' sub-command.
          RTPI is assumed to be hex in the range 0 to ffff inclu-
          sive. Defaults to 0 .

     -L, --release
          Release  is  a  sub-command  of  the  PROUT command. It
          releases  the  current  persistent   reservation.   The
          --prout-type=TYPE  and  --param-rk=RK options, matching
          the reservation, must also be specified.

     -c, --report-capabilities
          Report Capabilities is a sub-command of the  PRIN  com-
          mand. It lists information about the aspects of persis-
          tent reservations that the DEVICE supports.

     -R, --reserve
          Reserve is a sub-command of the PROUT command. It  cre-
          ates  a  new persistent reservation (if permitted). The
          --prout-type=TYPE and --param-rk=RK options  must  also
          be specified.

     -X, --transport-id=TIDS
          The TIDS argument can take one of several forms. It can
          be a comma (or single space) separated  list  of  ASCII
          hex  bytes representing a single TransportID as defined
          in SPC-4. They are usually 24 bytes long apart from  in
          iSCSI.  The  TIDS  argument may be a transport specific
          form (e.g. "sas,5000c50005b32001"). The  TIDS  argument
          may  be  "-" in which case one or more TransportIDs can
          be read from stdin.  The TIDS argument may  be  of  the
          form  "file=<name>"  in  which  case one or more Trans-
          portIDs can be read from a file called <name>. See  the
          "TRANSPORT IDs" section below for more information.

     -U, --unreg
          optional  when  the PROUT register and move sub-command
          is invoked. If given it  will  unregister  the  current

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          initiator  (I_T  nexus)  after  the other initiator has
          been registered and the reservation moved to  it.  When
          not given the initiator (I_T nexus) that sent the PROUT
          command remains registered.

     -v, --verbose
          print out cdb of issued commands prior to execution. If
          used  twice  prints  out the parameter block associated
          with the PROUT command prior to its execution as  well.
          If used thrice decodes given transportID(s) as well. To
          see the response to a PRIN command in  low  level  form
          use the --hex option.

     -V, --version
          print  out version string. Ignore all other parameters.

     -?   output usage message. Ignore all other parameters.

     TransportIDs are used in persistent reservations to identify
     initiators.   The  format of a TransportID differs depending
     on the  type  of  transport  being  used.  Their  format  is
     described in SPC-4 (in draft revision 20 see section 7.5.4).

     A TransportID is required for the PROUT 'register and  move'
     sub-command  and  the  PROUT 'register' sub-command can have
     zero, one or more TransportIDs.

     When the --transport-id=TIDS option is given then  the  TIDS
     argument  may be a comma (or single space) separated list of
     ASCII hex bytes  that  represent  a  single  TransportID  as
     defined  in  SPC-4. Alternatively the TIDS argument may be a
     transport  specific  string  starting  with  either  "fcp,",
     "spi,",  "sbp,", "srp,", "iqn", or "sas,". The "iqn" form is
     an iSCSI qualified name. Apart from "iqn" the  other  trans-
     port specific leadin string may be given in upper case (e.g.

     The "fcp," form should be followed by 16  ASCII  hex  digits
     that  represent  an initiator's N_PORT_NAME. The "spi," form
     should   be   followed   by   "<scsi_address>,<relative_tar-
     get_port_identifier>"  (both  decimal  numbers).  The "sbp,"
     form should be followed by 16 ASCII hex digits  that  repre-
     sent  an  initiator's EUI-64 name. The "srp," form should be
     followed by 32 ASCII hex digits that represent an  initiator
     port  identifier.  The  "sas," form should be followed by 16
     ASCII hex digits that  represent  an  initiator's  port  SAS

     There  are  two iSCSI qualified name forms. The shorter form
     contains  the  iSCSI  name  of  the  initiator  port   (e.g.
     "iqn.5886.com.acme.diskarrays-sn-a8675309"). The longer form

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     adds the initiator session id (ISID  in  hex)  separated  by
     ",i,0x".    For   example  "iqn.5886.com.acme.diskarrays-sn-
     a8675309,i,0x1234567890ab".  On the  command  line  to  stop
     punctuation in an iSCSI name being (mis)- interpreted by the
     shell, putting the option argument containing the iSCSI name
     in  double  quotes  is  advised.  iSCSI names are encoded in
     UTF-8 so if non (7 bit) ASCII characters appear in the iSCSI
     name on the command line, there will be difficulties if they
     are not encoded in UTF-8. The locale can be  changed  tempo-
     rarily  by  prefixing the command line invocation of sg_per-
     sist with "LANG=en_US.utf-8" for example.

     Alternatively the TIDS argument may specify a file (or pipe)
     from which one or more TransportIDs may be read. If the TIDS
     argument is "-" then stdin (standard input) is read. If  the
     TIDS  argument  is  of  the  form  "file=<name>" than a file
     called <name> is read.  A valid SPC-4 TransportID  is  built
     from  the transport specific string outlined in the previous
     paragraphs. The parsing of the data read is realtively  sim-
     ple.  Empty lines are ignored. Everything from and including
     a "#" on a line is ignored.  Leading  spaces  and  tabs  are
     ignored.  There  can be one transportID per line. The trans-
     portID can either be a comma, space or tab separated list of
     ASCII  hex  bytes that represent a TransportID as defined in
     SPC-4. Padding with zero bytes to a  minimum  length  of  24
     bytes is performed if necessary. The transportID may also be
     transport specific string type discussed above.

     In SPC-3 the SPEC_I_PT bit set to one and TransportIDs  were
     allowed  for  the  PROUT  register  and  ignore existing key
     sub-command. In SPC-4 that is disallowed  yielding  a  CHECK
     CONDITION  status  with and ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key and an
     additional sense code set  to  INVALID  FIELD  IN  PARAMETER

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | system/storage/sg3_utils |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted              |
     In the 2.4 series of Linux kernels the DEVICE must be a SCSI
     generic  (sg) device. In the 2.6 series any SCSI device name
     (e.g. /dev/sdc, /dev/st1m or  /dev/sg3)  can  be  specified.
     For  example  "sg_persist --read-keys /dev/sdb" will work in

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     the 2.6 series kernels.

     The only scope for PROUT commands supported in  the  current
     draft  of  SPC-4  is  "LU_SCOPE". Hence there seems to be no
     point in offering an option to set scope to another value.

     Most errors with the PROUT  sub-commands  (e.g.  missing  or
     mismatched  --prout-type=TYPE)  will result in a RESERVATION
     CONFLICT status. This can be a bit confusing when  you  know
     there is only one (active) initiator: the "conflict" is with
     the SPC standard, not another initiator.

     Some recent disks accept some PRIN  and  PROUT  sub-commands
     when  the  media  is  stopped. One exception was setting the
     APTPL flag (with the --param-aptpl option) during a key reg-
     ister  operation, it complained if the disk one stopped. The
     error indicated it wanted the disk spun  up  and  when  that
     happened, the registration was successful.

     These  examples  use Linux device names. For suitable device
     names  in  other  supported  Operating   Systems   see   the
     sg3_utils(8) man page.

     Due to the various option defaults the simplest example exe-
     cutes the 'read keys' sub-command of the PRIN command:

        sg_persist /dev/sdb

     This is the same as the following (long-winded) command:

        sg_persist --in --read-keys --device=/dev/sdb

     To read the current reservation either the  '--read-reserva-
     tion' form or the shorter '-r' can be used:

        sg_persist -r /dev/sdb

     To  register  the new reservation key 0x123abc the following
     could be used:

        sg_persist --out --register --param-sark=123abc /dev/sdb

     Given the above registration succeeds, to reserve the DEVICE
     (with type 'write exclusive') the following could be used:

        sg_persist --out --reserve --param-rk=123abc
                   --prout-type=1 /dev/sdb

     To  release the reservation the following can be given (note
     that the --param-rk and --prout-type  arguments  must  match
     those of the reservation):

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        sg_persist --out --release --param-rk=123abc
                   --prout-type=1 /dev/sdb

     Finally  to  unregister  a  reservation  key (and not effect
     other registrations which is what '--clear'  would  do)  the
     command is a little surprising:

        sg_persist --out --register --param-rk=123abc /dev/sdb

     Now have a close look at the difference between the register
     and unregister examples above.

     An example file that is suitably formatted  to  pass  trans-
     portIDs via a '--transport-id=file=transport_ids.txt' option
     can be found in the examples sub-directory of the  sg3_utils
     package.  There  is also a simple test script called sg_per-
     sist_tst.sh in the same directory.

     The above sequence of commands was tested successfully on  a
     Seagate Savvio 10K.3 disk which has a SAS interface.

     The  exit  status  of sg_persist is 0 when it is successful.
     Otherwise see the sg3_utils(8) man page.

     Written by Doug Gilbert

     Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

     Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Douglas Gilbert
     This software is distributed under the GPL version 2.  There
     is  NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR

     sg3_utils(sg3_utils), scsires(internet)

     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open        source        community        website        at

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