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更新: 2014 年 7 月

sg_write_same (1m)


sg_write_same - send the SCSI WRITE SAME command


sg_write_same  [--10] [--16] [--32] [--anchor] [--grpnum=GN]
[--help]  [--in=IF]   [--lba=LBA]   [--lbdata]   [--num=NUM]
[--pbdata]  [--timeout=TO] [--unmap] [--verbose] [--version]
[--wrprotect=WPR] [--xferlen=LEN] DEVICE


SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     sg_write_same - send the SCSI WRITE SAME command

     sg_write_same  [--10] [--16] [--32] [--anchor] [--grpnum=GN]
     [--help]  [--in=IF]   [--lba=LBA]   [--lbdata]   [--num=NUM]
     [--pbdata]  [--timeout=TO] [--unmap] [--verbose] [--version]
     [--wrprotect=WPR] [--xferlen=LEN] DEVICE

     Send the SCSI WRITE SAME (10, 16  or  32  byte)  command  to
     DEVICE.  This  command  writes  the given block NUM times to
     consecutive blocks on the DEVICE starting at  logical  block
     address LBA.

     The  length  of  the  block  to be written multiple times is
     obtained from either the LEN argument, or the length of  the
     given  input  file  IF,  or  by calling READ CAPACITY(16) on
     DEVICE. The contents of the block to be written are obtained
     from  the  input  file IF or zeroes are used. If READ CAPAC-
     ITY(16) is called (which implies IF was not given)  and  the
     PROT_EN  bit  is  set then an extra 8 bytes (i.e.  more than
     the logical block size) of 0xff are  sent.  If  READ  CAPAC-
     ITY(16)  fails  then  READ CAPACITY(10) is used to determine
     the block size.

     If neither --10, --16 nor --32 is given then WRITE  SAME(10)
     is  sent  unless one of the following conditions is met.  If
     LBA (plus NUM) exceeds 32 bits, NUM exceeds  65535,  or  the
     --unmap  option  is  given then WRITE SAME(16) is sent.  The
     --10, --16 and --32 options are mutually exclusive.

     In SBC-3 revision 26 the UNMAP and ANCHOR bits were added to
     the WRITE SAME (10) command. Since the UNMAP bit has been in
     WRITE SAME (16) and WRITE SAME (32) since SBC-3 revision 18,
     the  lower of the two (i.e.  WRITE SAME (16)) is the default
     when the --unmap option is given.  To send WRITE  SAME  (10)
     use the --10 option.

     Take  care: The WRITE SAME(10, 16 and 32) commands interpret
     a NUM of zero as write to the end of  DEVICE.  This  utility
     defaults  NUM  to  1 . The WRITE SAME commands have no IMMED
     bit so if NUM is large (or zero) then an invocation of  this
     utility  could  take  a  long time, potentially as long as a
     FORMAT UNIT command. In such situations the command  timeout
     value  TO may need to be increased from its default value of
     60 seconds. In SBC-3 revision 26 the  WSNZ  (write  same  no
     zero)  bit was added to the Block Limits VPD page [0xB0]. If
     set the WRITE SAME commands will not accept a NUM  of  zero.
     The  same  SBC-3  revision  added  the  "Maximum  Write Same
     Length" field to the Block Limits VPD page.

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     The Logical Block Provisioning VPD page [0xB2] contains  the
     LBWS  and  LBW10  bits.  If LBWS is set then WRITE SAME (16)
     supports the UNMAP bit.  If LBWS10 is set  then  WRITE  SAME
     (10) supports the UNMAP bit. If either LBWS or LBWS10 is set
     and the WRITE SAME (32) is supported then  WRITE  SAME  (32)
     supports the UNMAP bit. This is as of SBC-3 revision 26.

     As   a   precaution  against  an  accidental  'sg_write_same
     /dev/sda' (for example) overwriting LBA 0 on  /dev/sda  with
     zeroes,  at least one of the --in=IF, --lba=LBA or --num=NUM
     options must be given. Obviously this utility can destroy  a
     lot of user data so check the options carefully.

     Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as

     -R, --10
          send a SCSI WRITE SAME  (10)  command  to  DEVICE.  The
          ability  to  set  the --unmap (and --anchor) options to
          this command was added in SBC-3 revision 26.

     -S, --16
          send a SCSI WRITE SAME (16) command to DEVICE.

     -T, --32
          send a SCSI WRITE SAME (32) command to DEVICE.

     -a, --anchor
          sets the ANCHOR bit in the  cdb.  Introduced  in  SBC-3
          revision 22.  That draft requires the --unmap option to
          also be specified.

     -g, --grpnum=GN
          sets the 'Group number' field  to  GN.  Defaults  to  a
          value  of zero.  GN should be a value between 0 and 31.

     -h, --help
          output the usage message then exit.

     -i, --in=IF
          read data (binary) from file named IF and use it as the
          data  out  buffer  for the SCSI WRITE SAME command. The
          length of the data out buffer is --xferlen=LEN  or,  if
          that  is not given, the length of the IF file. If IF is
          "-" then stdin is read. If this  option  is  not  given
          then 0x00 bytes are used as fill with the length of the
          data out buffer obtained from --xferlen=LEN or by call-
          ing  READ  CAPACITY(16 or 10).  If the response to READ
          CAPACITY(16) has the PROT_EN  bit  set  then  data  out
          buffer  size  is  modified  accordingly with the last 8
          bytes set to 0xff.

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     -l, --lba=LBA
          where LBA is the logical block  address  to  start  the
          WRITE  SAME command.  Defaults to lba 0 which is a dan-
          gerous block to overwrite on a disk  that  is  in  use.
          Assumed  to  be in decimal unless prefixed with '0x' or
          has a trailing 'h'.

     -L, --lbdata
          sets the LBDATA bit in the WRITE SAME cdb.

     -n, --num=NUM
          where NUM is the number of blocks, starting at LBA,  to
          write the data out buffer to. The default value for NUM
          is 1. The value corresponds to the 'Number  of  logical
          blocks'  field in the WRITE SAME cdb. Note that a value
          of 0 in NUM is interpreted as write the data out buffer
          on  every  block  starting  at  LBA  to  the end of the

     -P, --pbdata
          sets the PBDATA bit in the WRITE SAME cdb.

     -t, --timeout=TO
          where TO is the command timeout value in  seconds.  The
          default  value is 60 seconds. If NUM is large (or zero)
          a WRITE SAME command may require considerably more time
          than 60 seconds to complete.

     -U, --unmap
          sets  the  UNMAP  bit  in the WRITE SAME(10, 16 and 32)
          cdb. See UNMAP section below.

     -v, --verbose
          increase the degree of verbosity (debug messages).

     -V, --version
          output version string then exit.

     -w, --wrprotect=WPR
          sets the "Write protect" field in the WRITE SAME cdb to
          WPR.  The  default value is zero. WPR should be a value
          between 0 and 7.  When WPR is 1  or  greater,  and  the
          disk's  protection  type  is 1 or greater, then 8 extra
          bytes of protection information are expected or  gener-
          ated (to place in the commmand's data out buffer).

     -x, --xferlen=LEN
          where  LEN  is  the data out buffer length. Defaults to
          the length of the IF file or, if  that  is  not  given,
          then  the  READ  CAPACITY(16  or 10) command is used to
          find the 'Logical block length in bytes'.  That  figure
          may  be increased by 8 bytes if the DEVICE's protection

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

          type is 1 or  greater  and  the  WRPROTECT  field  (see
          --wrprotect=WPR)  is  1 or greater. If both this option
          and the IF option are given and LEN exceeds the  length
          of  the  IF file then LEN is the data out buffer length
          with zeroes used as pad bytes.

     Logical block provisioning is a new term introduced in SBC-3
     revision  25 for the ability to mark blocks as unused. It is
     closely related to the ATA DATA SET MANAGEMENT command  with
     the "Trim" bit set. For large storage arrays, it is a way to
     provision less physical storage than the READ CAPACITY  com-
     mand reports is available, potentially allocating more phys-
     ical storage when WRITE commands require it. For flash  mem-
     ory  it  is  a  way of potentially saving power (and perhaps
     access time) when it is known large sections (or almost all)
     of the flash memory is not in use.

     Support  for  logical block provisioning is indicated by the
     LBPME  bit  being  set  in  the  READ  CAPACITY(16)  command
     response  (see  the  sg_readcap  utility).   That implies at
     least one of the UNMAP or WRITE SAME(16) commands is  imple-
     mented.  If the UNMAP command is implemented then the "Maxi-
     mum unmap LBA count" and  "Maximum  unmap  block  descriptor
     count"  fields  in  the Block Limits VPD page should both be
     greater than zero. The READ  CAPACITY(16)  command  response
     also  contains  a  LBPRZ  bit  which  if  set  means that if
     unmapped blocks are read then zeroes will  be  returned  for
     the  data  (and  if  protection  information is active, 0xff
     bytes are returned for that). In SBC-3 revision 27 the  same
     LBPRZ  bit  was  added to the Logical Block Provisioning VPD

     In SBC-3 revision 25 the LBPU and ANC_SUP bits  where  added
     to the Logical Block Provisioning VPD page. When LBPU is set
     it indicates that the device supports the UNMAP command (see
     the  sg_unmap utility). When the ANC_SUP bit is set it indi-
     cates the device supports anchored LBAs.

     When the UNMAP bit is set in  the  cdb  then  the  data  out
     buffer  is also sent.  Additionally the data section of that
     data out buffer should be full of 0x0 bytes while  the  data
     protection  block,  8 bytes at the end if present, should be
     set to 0xff bytes. If these conditions are not met  and  the
     LBPRZ  bit is set then the UNMAP bit is ignored and the data
     out buffer is written to the DEVICE as if the UNMAP bit  was
     zero.  In  the  absence  of the --in=IF option, this utility
     will attempt build a data out buffer that meets the require-
     ments  for  the  UNMAP  bit in the cdb to be acted on by the

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     Logical blocks may also be unmapped by the  SCSI  UNMAP  and
     FORMAT  UNIT commands (see the sg_unmap and sg_format utili-

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | system/storage/sg3_utils |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted              |
     Various numeric arguments (e.g. LBA) may include multiplica-
     tive suffixes or be given in hexadecimal. See  the  "NUMERIC
     ARGUMENTS" section in the sg3_utils(8) man page.

     The exit status of sg_write_same is 0 when it is successful.
     Otherwise see the sg3_utils(8) man page.

     One simple usage is  to  write  blocks  of  zero  from  (and
     including) a given LBA:

       sg_write_same --lba=0x1234 --num=63 /dev/sdc

     Since  --xferlen=LEN  has  not been given, then this utility
     will call the READ CAPACITY command on /dev/sdc to determine
     the  number of bytes in a logical block.  Let us assume that
     is 512 bytes. Since --in=IF is not given a block  of  zeroes
     is  assumed.  So  63 blocks of zeroes (each block containing
     512 bytes) will be written from (and including) LBA 0x1234 .
     Note  that  only  one  block of zeroes is passed to the SCSI
     WRITE SAME command in the data out buffer  (as  required  by

     A  similar  example  follows but in this case the blocks are
     "unmapped" ("trimmed" in ATA speak) rather than zeroed:

       sg_write_same --unmap -L 0x1234 -n 63 /dev/sdc

     Note that if the LBPRZ bit in the READ CAPACITY(16) response
     is  set  (i.e.  LPPRZ is an acronym for logical block provi-
     sioning read zeroes) then these two  examples  do  the  same
     thing,  at  least  seen from the point of view of subsequent

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     This utility can also be used to write  protection  informa-
     tion  (PI) on disks formatted with a protection type greater
     than zero. PI is 8 bytes of extra data appended to the  user
     data  of a logical block: the first two bytes are a CRC (the
     "guard"), the next two bytes are the "application  tag"  and
     the last four bytes are the "reference tag". With protection
     types 1 and 2 if the application  tag  is  0xffff  then  the
     guard should not be checked (against the user data).

     In  this  example  we  assume the logical block size (of the
     user data) is 512 bytes and the disk has been formatted with
     protection  type  1.  Since  we are going to modify LBA 2468
     then we take a copy of it first:

       dd if=/dev/sdb skip=2468 bs=512 of=2468.bin count=1

     The following command line sets the user data to zeroes  and
     the PI to 8 0xFF bytes on LBA 2468:

       sg_write_same --lba=2468 /dev/sdb

     Reading  back  that  block  should be successful because the
     application tag is 0xffff which suppresses the  guard  (CRC)
     check (which would otherwise be wrong):

       dd if=/dev/sdb skip=2468 bs=512 of=/dev/null count=1

     Now  an  attempt is made to create a binary file with zeroes
     in the user data, 0x0000 in the  application  tag  and  0xff
     bytes  in  the  other two PI fields. It is awkward to create
     0xff bytes in a file (in Unix) as  the  "tr"  command  below

       dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=512 of=ud.bin
       tr "\000" "\377" < /dev/zero | dd bs=1 of=ff_s.bin count=8
       cat ud.bin ff_s.bin > lb.bin
       dd  if=/dev/zero  bs=1   count=2   seek=514   conv=notrunc

     The  resulting  file  can be viewed with 'hexdump -C lb.bin'
     and should contain 520 bytes. Now that file can  be  written
     to LBA 2468 as follows:

       sg_write_same --lba=2468 wrprotect=3 --in=lb.bin /dev/sdb

     Note  the --wrprotect=3 rather than being set to 1, since we
     want the WRITE SAME command to succeed even  though  the  PI
     data  now  indicates  the  user  data  is corrupted. When an
     attempt is made to read the LBA, an error should occur:

       dd if=/dev/sdb skip=2468 bs=512 of=/dev/null count=1

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SG3_UTILS                                        SG_WRITE_SAME(8)

     dd errors are not very expressive, if dmesg is checked there
     should  be  a  line something like this: "[sdb]  Add. Sense:
     Logical block guard check failed". The  block  can  be  cor-
     rected  by doing a "sg_write_same --lba=1234 /dev/sdb" again
     or restoring the original contents of that LBA:

       dd if=2468.bin bs=512 seek=2468  of=/dev/sdb  conv=notrunc

     Hopefully  the  dd  command  would never try to truncate the
     output file when it is a block device.

     Written by Douglas Gilbert.

     Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

     Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Douglas Gilbert
     This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license.  There
     is  NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR


     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open        source        community        website        at

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