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更新: 2014 年 7 月

sg_start (1m)


sg_start - send SCSI START STOP UNIT command to start, stop, load or eject medium


sg_start [0]  [1]  [--eject]  [--help]  [--fl=FL]  [--immed]
[--load]   [--loej]   [--mod=PC_MOD]  [--noflush]  [--pc=PC]
[--readonly]  [--start]  [--stop]  [--verbose]   [--version]

sg_start   [--eject]  [--fl=FL]  [-i]  [--imm=0|1]  [--load]
[--loej] [--mod=PC_MOD] [--noflush] [--pc=PC] [-r] [--start]
[--stop] [-v] [-V] [0|1] DEVICE


SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

     sg_start - send SCSI START STOP UNIT command to start, stop,
     load or eject medium

     sg_start [0]  [1]  [--eject]  [--help]  [--fl=FL]  [--immed]
     [--load]   [--loej]   [--mod=PC_MOD]  [--noflush]  [--pc=PC]
     [--readonly]  [--start]  [--stop]  [--verbose]   [--version]

     sg_start   [--eject]  [--fl=FL]  [-i]  [--imm=0|1]  [--load]
     [--loej] [--mod=PC_MOD] [--noflush] [--pc=PC] [-r] [--start]
     [--stop] [-v] [-V] [0|1] DEVICE

     sg_start  sends a SCSI START STOP UNIT command to the DEVICE
     with the selected options. The most used options are  --stop
     to  spin  down  a  disk and --start to spin up a disk. Using
     --start on a disk that  is  already  spinning  is  harmless.
     There  is  also  finer grain control with "power condition":
     active, idle or  standby.  This  is  set  with  the  --pc=PC
     option.  In some contexts the "stop" state can be considered
     an additional power condition.

     Devices that contain removable media such as cd/dvds can use
     the  --loej  option to load the medium when used in conjunc-
     tion with --start (i.e. load medium then spin up).  Alterna-
     tively  --loej  may be used to eject the medium when used in
     conjunction with --stop (i.e. spin down then eject  medium).
     More  simply,  the loading or ejecting of a removable medium
     can be requested with the --load or --eject' option.

     If no option or argument is given then a --start is assumed;
     as the utility's name suggests.

     This  utility  supports  two command line syntaxes, the pre-
     ferred one is shown first in the synopsis and  explained  in
     this section. A later section on the old command line syntax
     outlines the second group of options.

     Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as

     0    same action as --stop.

     1    same action as --start.

     -e, --eject
          stop  the  medium  and  eject  it  from the drive. Only
          appropriate for a device with removable  medium.  Might
          be ignored (prevented), see below.

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

     -h, --help
          print out the usage message then exit.

     -f, --fl=FL
          sets  the format layer number for the disc to "jump" to
          (defined in MMC-5).  Values of FL can be 0 to  3.  When
          this  option is chosen, the FL, LoEj and Start bits are
          set in the cdb as required by MMC-5; thus the user does
          not need to set the --start and/or --load options.

     -i, --immed
          sets the IMM bit on the START STOP UNIT command so this
          utility will return immediately and not  wait  for  the
          media  to complete the requested action. The default is
          to wait until  the  media  to  complete  the  requested
          action before returning.

     -l, --load
          load  the medium in the drive and start it. Only appro-
          priate for a removable medium.

     -L, --loej
          sets the LOEJ bit on the START STOP UNIT command.  This
          loads  the  media  when the unit is started or eject it
          when the unit is stopped (i.e.   works  in  conjunction
          with START bit in cdb). This option is ignored if 'pc >
          0'.  Default is off (i.e.  don't  attempt  to  load  or
          eject  media). If a start/start indication is not given
          (i.e. neither --start nor --stop) and  this  option  is
          given then a load and start action is assumed.

     -m, --mod=PC_MOD
          where PC_MOD is the 'power condition modifier' value. 0
          to 15 (inclusive) are valid and 0 is the default.  This
          'power  condition  modifier' field in the cdb was added
          after sbc3r13.

     -n, --noflush
          do not perform a flush to media (e.g. like  SYNCHRONIZE
          CACHE  does) before a variant of this utility that lim-
          its access to the media. Using the --stop option is  an
          example  of  something that limits access to the media.
          This  'noflush'  field  in  the  cdb  was  added  after

     -O, --old
          switch to older style options.

     -p, --pc=PC
          where  PC  is  the  'power  conditions'  value. 0 to 15
          (inclusive)  are  valid.   Default  value  is  0.  When
          '--pc=0'  then  --eject,  --load,  --loej,  --start and

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

          --stop are active. Some common values  are  1  for  the
          "active"  power  condition  (SBC); 2 for the idle power
          condition; 3 for the standby  power  condition;  5  for
          sleep  power  condition  (MMC); 7 for LU_CONTROL (SBC),
          0xa (decimal 10) for FORCE_IDLE_0 (SBC) and 0xb  (deci-
          mal  11)  for  FORCE_STANDBY_0 (SBC). See recent SBC-3,
          MMC-5 and SAS drafts at www.t10.org for  more  informa-

     -r, --readonly
          open  the  DEVICE  in read-only mode. Maybe required in
          Linux to stop a nuisance spin-up if the  DEVICE  is  an
          ATA  disk. The nuisance spin-up may occur at the end of
          this command negating the effect of the --stop  option.

     -s, --start
          start  (spin-up) the DEVICE. This sets the START bit in
          the cdb. Using this option on an already started device
          is  harmless.  In  the  absence  of other options, this
          option defaults (i.e. set the START cdb bit).

     -S, --stop
          stop (spin-down) the DEVICE. This clears the START  bit
          in the cdb.

     -v, --verbose
          increase  the  level of verbosity. Can be used multiple

     -V, --version
          print out version string then exit.

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | system/storage/sg3_utils |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted              |
     To  avoid  confusion,  only  one  of  0,  1 --eject, --load,
     --start and --stop should be given.

     There is an associated "power condition" mode page (0x1a) in
     which  timer  values  can be set for transitioning to either
     idle or standby state after  a  period  of  inactivity.  The
     sdparm  utility can be used to view the power condition mode

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

     page and if required change it. If a  DEVICE  is  in  either
     idle  or  standby power condition state then a REQUEST SENSE
     command (see the sg_requests utility) should yield  a  sense
     key of "no sense" and an additional sense code of "Low power
     condition on" on recent SCSI devices.

     Ejection  of  removable  media   (e.g.   'sg_start   --eject
     /dev/hdd'  where the DEVICE is an ATAPI cd/dvd drive) may be
     prevented by a prior SCSI PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL  com-
     mand (see sg_prevent). In this case this utility should fail
     with an error generated by the  device:  illegal  request  /
     medium  removal  prevented.  This  can  be  overridden using
     sg_prevent  or,  for   example,   'sdparm   --command=unlock

     The  SCSI  TEST  UNIT  READY command can be used to find out
     whether a DEVICE is ready  to  transfer  data.  If  rotating
     media  is stopped or still coming up to speed, then the TEST
     UNIT READY command will yield a "not ready" sense key and an
     more  informative  additional  sense  code.  See the sg_turs

     In the 2.4 series of Linux kernels the DEVICE must be a SCSI
     generic  (sg)  device. In the 2.6 series block devices (e.g.
     SCSI disks and DVD drives) can also be specified. For  exam-
     ple  "sg_start  0 /dev/sda" will work in the 2.6 series ker-

     In the Linux 2.6 series, especially with  ATA  disks,  using
     this  utility  to  stop (spin down) a disk may not be suffi-
     cient and other mechanisms will start the  disk  again  some
     time  later.  The  user  might additionally mark the disk as
     "offline" with 'echo offline >  /sys/block/sda/device/state'
     where sda is the block name of the disk. To restart the disk
     "offline" can be replaced with "running". Note that once the
     'state'  is  set to offline, no SCSI commands can be sent to
     the device until it is set back to running. Also stopping  a
     disk   via   a  pass-through  interface  (e.g.  /dev/sg1  or
     /dev/bsg/1:0:0:0) may reduce unwanted side effects (such  as
     restarting it again when this utility completes).

     The exit status of sg_start is 0 when it is successful. Oth-
     erwise see the sg3_utils(8) man page.

     The options in this section were  the  only  ones  available
     prior  to sg3_utils version 1.23 . In sg3_utils version 1.23
     and later these older options can be selected by either set-
     ting  the  SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS  environment variable or using
     '--old' (or '-O) as the first option.

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

     Note that the action of --loej is slightly different in  the
     older  interface: when neither --start nor --stop (nor prox-
     ies for them) are given, --loej performs an eject operation.
     In  the  same  situation  the newer interface will perform a
     load operation.

     Earlier versions of sg_start had a '-s' option to perform  a
     SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command before the START STOP UNIT command
     was issued. According to recent SBC-2 drafts  this  is  done
     implicitly  if  required.  Hence  the  '-s'  option has been

     All options, other than '-v' and '-V', can be given  with  a
     single  "-".   For  example:  "sg_start  -stop /dev/sda" and
     "sg_start --stop /dev/sda" are equivalent.  The  single  "-"
     form is for backward compatibility.

     0    stop (spin-down) DEVICE.

     1    start (spin-up) DEVICE.

          stop the medium and eject it from the drive.

          sets  the format layer number for the disc to "jump" to
          (defined in MMC-5).

     -i   sets the IMM bit on the START STOP UNIT command so this
          utility  will  return  immediately and not wait for the
          media to spin  down.  Same  effect  as  '--imm=1'.  The
          default  action  (without  this  option  or a '--imm=1'
          option) is to wait until the media  spins  down  before

          when  the  immediate bit is 1 then this utility returns
          immediately after the DEVICE has received the  command.
          When  this  option  is 0 (the default) then the utility
          returns once the command has completed its action (i.e.
          it waits until the device is started or stopped).

          load the medium in the drive and start it.

          sets  the  LOEJ  bit in the START STOP UNIT cdb. When a
          "start" operation is indicated, then a load  and  start
          is  performed.  When  a  "stop" operation is indicated,
          then a stop and eject  is  performed.  When  neither  a
          "start"  or  "stop"  operation is indicated does a stop
          and eject. [Note that the last action differs from  the

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

          new interface in which the option of this name defaults
          to load and start.]

     -N   switch to the newer style options.

          where PC_MOD is the 'power condition modifier' value. 0
          to  15 (inclusive) are valid and 0 is the default. This
          field was added after sbc3r13.

          do not perform a flush to media (e.g. like  SYNCHRONIZE
          CACHE  does) before a variant of this utility that lim-
          its access to the media. Using the --stop option is  an
          example  of  something that limits access to the media.
          This field was added after sbc3r13.

          where PC is the 'power condition' value (in hex). 0  to
          f (inclusive) are valid. Default value is 0.

     -r   see  the --readonly option above. May be useful for ATA

          start (spin-up) DEVICE.

          stop (spin-down) DEVICE. Same meaning as "0"  argument.

     -v   verbose:  outputs SCSI command in hex to console before
          with executing it. '-vv' and '-vvv' are  also  accepted
          yielding greater verbosity.

     -V   print out version string then exit.

     Written by K. Garloff and D. Gilbert

     Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>.

     Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Kurt Garloff, Douglas Gilbert
     This  software is distributed under the GPL version 2. There
     is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS  FOR

     sg_prevent(sg3_utils),               sg_requests(sg3_utils),
     sg_turs(sg3_utils) sdparm(sdparm)

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SG3_UTILS                                             SG_START(8)

     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open        source        community        website        at

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