マニュアルページセク ション 1: ユーザーコマンド


更新: 2014 年 7 月

conflict (1)


conflict - filename conflict listing


conflict [options] [file-specifications]


User Commands                                         CONFLICT(1)

     conflict - filename conflict listing

     conflict [options] [file-specifications]

     Conflict  displays  conflicting  filenames in your execution
     path.  Unlike the csh command which, it displays all of  the
     (non-alias) executable files in your path.

     Conflict  reports pathname conflicts by making a list of the
     directories which are listed  in  the  environment  variable
     PATH,  and  then  scanning  these directories for executable
     files.  If arguments are given to this program, the test for
     executable  files  is  limited  to  the  given  names (after
     stripping the directory-prefix).

     The first instance of a name in  a  given  path  (and  those
     hard-linked   to   it)  are  marked  with  "*".   Succeeding
     instances are marked with "+" marks.

     The report is sent to standard output and always  shows  the
     list  of  directories.   Conflicting  names  are reported on
     succeeding lines.

     -e name
          specify another environment variable than  PATH  (e.g.,

     -I path
          for compatibility with C-preprocessor options, build up
          the  search  path  with  the  given  directory.    (The
          corresponding  -D  and  -U options are ignored.)  Using
          the -I or -L options overrides the use  of  environment
          variables for the search path.

     -L path
          for compatibility with C-compiler options, build up the
          search path with the given directory.

     -p   print pathnames only, rather than the table.

     -r   look for readable files

     -t types
          specify a list of  file  types  which  are  treated  as
          conflicting.   The  option  value  is  a  list  of file
          suffixes  (a  "."  followed  by  zero  or  more   other
          characters).   The  list  separator  is  the  "." which
          begins each suffix, e.g.,

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          1

User Commands                                         CONFLICT(1)

               conflict -t.exe.com

          If no -t option is given, a built-in list of executable
          file types is used for systems where this is known.

     -v   Use  verbose  option  to  control  how  much  is shown.
          Repeat the option for different levels:

          1    show all directory names

          2    show  all  filenames  which  are  found   in   the

          3    directs  conflict not only to print a summary line
               for  each  file,  but  also  to  print  a  running
               summary,  showing  executable  file (with its full
               path) as it is found).

     -V   print the version, exit.

     -w   look for writable files

     -W number
          expand width of display by number of columns  (default:
          one column per path).

     -x   look for executable files (the default).

     You  may combine the "-r", "-w" and "-x" options.  If you do
     not specify one of these, conflict assumes "-x".

     Conflict may be used to list all conflicting names  in  your
     path (if no arguments are given), or to find conflicts for a
     specified name.  To list only conflicts  from  a  particular
     directory "path" you may type

          conflict -a path/*

     An example of the use of conflict is shown below

          bsd4.2(5) conflict
          Current working directory is "/home/dickey/src/conflict"
          -> .
          --> /home/dickey/bin
          ---> /home/dickey/com
          ----> /bin
          -----> /usr/bin
          ------> /usr/ucb
          -------> /usr/local/bin
          -*----+: args
          ----*-+: calendar

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          2

User Commands                                         CONFLICT(1)

          ---*--+: cc
          *+-----: conflict

     Conflict  runs in a portable UNIX(Reg.) environment, as well
     as MSDOS, Win32 and OS/2 command-line.

     Conflict is a single binary module, which uses no  auxiliary

     add option to get aliases from the shell

     handle compound directory structures such as MANPATH.

     show symbol conflicts from object files and libraries.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/conflict   |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     csh (1) for a discussion of which.

     Thomas Dickey

     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community  source  was  downloaded  from    ftp://invisible-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open   source   community   website   at   http://invisible-

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          3