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更新: 2014 年 7 月

zshall (1)


zshall - man page


Please see following description for synopsis


User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     zshall - the Z shell meta-man page

     Because  zsh contains many features, the zsh manual has been
     split into a number of sections.  This manual page  includes
     all the separate manual pages in the following order:

     zshroadmap   Informal introduction to the manual
     zshmisc      Anything not fitting into the other sections
     zshexpn      Zsh command and parameter expansion
     zshparam     Zsh parameters
     zshoptions   Zsh options
     zshbuiltins  Zsh built-in functions
     zshzle       Zsh command line editing
     zshcompwid   Zsh completion widgets
     zshcompsys   Zsh completion system
     zshcompctl   Zsh completion control
     zshmodules   Zsh loadable modules
     zshcalsys    Zsh built-in calendar functions
     zshtcpsys    Zsh built-in TCP functions
     zshzftpsys   Zsh built-in FTP client
     zshcontrib   Additional zsh functions and utilities

     Zsh  is  a  UNIX  command  interpreter  (shell) usable as an
     interactive login shell and as a shell script  command  pro-
     cessor.   Of the standard shells, zsh most closely resembles
     ksh but includes many enhancements.  Zsh  has  command  line
     editing,  builtin  spelling correction, programmable command
     completion, shell functions (with  autoloading),  a  history
     mechanism, and a host of other features.

     Zsh  was  originally  written  by Paul Falstad <pf@zsh.org>.
     Zsh is now maintained by  the  members  of  the  zsh-workers
     mailing list <zsh-workers@zsh.org>.  The development is cur-
     rently coordinated by Peter Stephenson  <pws@zsh.org>.   The
     coordinator  can  be contacted at <coordinator@zsh.org>, but
     matters relating to the code  should  generally  go  to  the
     mailing list.

     Zsh  is  available  from  the following anonymous FTP sites.
     These mirror sites are kept  frequently  up  to  date.   The
     sites  marked  with  (H)  may  be  mirroring  ftp.cs.elte.hu
     instead of the primary site.

     Primary site

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)



          The up-to-date source code is available  via  anonymous
          CVS  and  Git  from  Sourceforge.   See  http://source-
          forge.net/projects/zsh/  for  details.   A  summary  of
          instructions  for the CVS and Git archives can be found
          at http://zsh.sourceforget.net/.

     Zsh has 3 mailing lists:

          Announcements about  releases,  major  changes  in  the
          shell  and the monthly posting of the Zsh FAQ.  (moder-

          User discussions.

          Hacking, development, bug reports and patches.

     To subscribe or unsubscribe, send  mail  to  the  associated
     administrative address for the mailing list.


     NESTED.  All submissions to zsh-announce  are  automatically
     forwarded  to  zsh-users.   All submissions to zsh-users are
     automatically forwarded to zsh-workers.

     If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the
     mailing lists, send mail to <listmaster@zsh.org>.  The mail-
     ing   lists   are    maintained    by    Karsten    Thygesen

     The mailing lists are archived; the archives can be accessed
     via the administrative addresses  listed  above.   There  is
     also   a   hypertext   archive,  maintained  by  Geoff  Wing

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     <gcw@zsh.org>, available at http://www.zsh.org/mla/.

     Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked  Questions  (FAQ),  main-
     tained  by  Peter Stephenson <pws@zsh.org>.  It is regularly
     posted to the newsgroup comp.unix.shell and the zsh-announce
     mailing list.  The latest version can be found at any of the
     Zsh FTP sites, or at http://www.zsh.org/FAQ/.   The  contact
     address for FAQ-related matters is <faqmaster@zsh.org>.

     Zsh  has a web page which is located at http://www.zsh.org/.
     This is maintained by Karsten Thygesen <karthy@zsh.org>,  of
     SunSITE  Denmark.   The contact address for web-related mat-
     ters is <webmaster@zsh.org>.

     A userguide is currently in preparation.  It is intended  to
     complement the manual, with explanations and hints on issues
     where the manual can be cabbalistic, hierographic, or  down-
     right  mystifying (for example, the word `hierographic' does
     not exist).  It can  be  viewed  in  its  current  state  at
     http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Guide/.   At the time of writing,
     chapters dealing with startup files and their  contents  and
     the new completion system were essentially complete.

     A `wiki' website for zsh has been created at http://www.zsh-
     wiki.org/.  This is a site which can be added to  and  modi-
     fied  directly by users without any special permission.  You
     can add your own zsh tips and configurations.

     The following  flags  are  interpreted  by  the  shell  when
     invoked  to  determine  where  the  shell will read commands

     -c   Take the first argument as a command to execute, rather
          than  reading commands from a script or standard input.
          If any further arguments are given, the  first  one  is
          assigned  to $0, rather than being used as a positional

     -i   Force shell to be interactive.  It is still possible to
          specify a script to execute.

     -s   Force  shell  to read commands from the standard input.
          If the -s flag is not present and an argument is given,
          the  first  argument  is  taken to be the pathname of a
          script to execute.

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     If there are any remaining arguments after  option  process-
     ing,  and  neither of the options -c or -s was supplied, the
     first argument is taken as the file name of  a  script  con-
     taining  shell  commands  to  be  executed.   If  the option
     PATH_SCRIPT is set, and the file name  does  not  contain  a
     directory path (i.e. there is no `/' in the name), first the
     current directory and then the command  path  given  by  the
     variable PATH are searched for the script.  If the option is
     not set or the file name contains a `/' it is used directly.

     After  the first one or two arguments have been appropriated
     as described above, the remaining arguments are assigned  to
     the positional parameters.

     For  further options, which are common to invocation and the
     set builtin, see zshoptions(1).

     Options may be specified by name using the  -o  option.   -o
     acts  like  a  single-letter  option,  but takes a following
     string as the option name.  For example,

          zsh -x -o shwordsplit scr

     runs the script scr, setting the XTRACE option by the corre-
     sponding  letter  `-x' and the SH_WORD_SPLIT option by name.
     Options may be turned off by name by using +o instead of -o.
     -o  can  be stacked up with preceding single-letter options,
     so for example  `-xo  shwordsplit'  or  `-xoshwordsplit'  is
     equivalent to `-x -o shwordsplit'.

     Options  may  also  be  specified by name in GNU long option
     style, `--option-name'.  When this is done,  `-'  characters
     in  the  option name are permitted: they are translated into
     `_',   and   thus   ignored.    So,   for   example,    `zsh
     --sh-word-split'  invokes  zsh with the SH_WORD_SPLIT option
     turned on.  Like  other  option  syntaxes,  options  can  be
     turned  off  by  replacing  the initial `-' with a `+'; thus
     `+-sh-word-split'  is  equivalent  to  `--no-sh-word-split'.
     Unlike  other option syntaxes, GNU-style long options cannot
     be  stacked  with  any  other  options,   so   for   example
     `-x-shwordsplit' is an error, rather than being treated like
     `-x --shwordsplit'.

     The special GNU-style  option  `--version'  is  handled;  it
     sends  to  standard  output the shell's version information,
     then exits successfully.  `--help' is also handled; it sends
     to  standard  output a list of options that can be used when
     invoking the shell, then exits successfully.

     Option processing may be finished, allowing following  argu-
     ments  that  start  with  `-' or `+' to be treated as normal
     arguments, in two ways.  Firstly, a lone `-' (or `+') as  an

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     argument by itself ends option processing.  Secondly, a spe-
     cial option `--' (or `+-'), which may be  specified  on  its
     own  (which  is  the standard POSIX usage) or may be stacked
     with preceding options (so `-x-' is equivalent to `-x  --').
     Options  are  not  permitted  to  be  stacked after `--' (so
     `-x-f' is an error), but note the GNU-style option form dis-
     cussed  above,  where  `--shwordsplit' is permitted and does
     not end option processing.

     Except when the sh/ksh emulation single-letter  options  are
     in effect, the option `-b' (or `+b') ends option processing.
     `-b' is like `--', except that further single-letter options
     can  be  stacked after the `-b' and will take effect as nor-

     Zsh tries to emulate sh or ksh when it is invoked as  sh  or
     ksh respectively; more precisely, it looks at the first let-
     ter of the name by which it was invoked, excluding any  ini-
     tial `r' (assumed to stand for `restricted'), and if that is
     `s' or `k' it will  emulate  sh  or  ksh.   Furthermore,  if
     invoked  as  su  (which  happens on certain systems when the
     shell is executed by the su command), the shell will try  to
     find an alternative name from the SHELL environment variable
     and perform emulation based on that.

     In sh and ksh compatibility modes the  following  parameters
     are  not  special  and  not  initialized by the shell: ARGC,
     argv, cdpath, fignore, fpath, HISTCHARS, mailpath,  MANPATH,
     manpath,  path,  prompt,  PROMPT, PROMPT2, PROMPT3, PROMPT4,
     psvar, status, watch.

     The usual zsh startup/shutdown  scripts  are  not  executed.
     Login shells source /etc/profile followed by $HOME/.profile.
     If the ENV environment variable is set on  invocation,  $ENV
     is  sourced  after the profile scripts.  The value of ENV is
     subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution,  and
     arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a pathname.
     Note that the PRIVILEGED option also affects  the  execution
     of startup files.

     The  following options are set if the shell is invoked as sh
     TERS,   SH_WORD_SPLIT.    Additionally   the   BSD_ECHO  and
     IGNORE_BRACES options are set  if  zsh  is  invoked  as  sh.
     PROMPT_SUBST and SINGLE_LINE_ZLE options are set if  zsh  is
     invoked as ksh.

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     When  the  basename of the command used to invoke zsh starts
     with the letter `r' or the `-r' command line option is  sup-
     plied  at  invocation, the shell becomes restricted.  Emula-
     tion mode is determined after stripping the letter `r'  from
     the   invocation   name.   The  following  are  disabled  in
     restricted mode:

     o    changing directories with the cd builtin

     o    changing or unsetting the PATH, path, MODULE_PATH, mod-
          ule_path,  SHELL,  HISTFILE,  HISTSIZE, GID, EGID, UID,
          LD_PRELOAD and  LD_AOUT_PRELOAD parameters

     o    specifying command names containing /

     o    specifying command pathnames using hash

     o    redirecting output to files

     o    using  the  exec  builtin  command to replace the shell
          with another command

     o    using jobs -Z to overwrite the shell process'  argument
          and environment space

     o    using  the  ARGV0  parameter  to  override  argv[0] for
          external commands

     o    turning off restricted mode with  set  +r  or  unsetopt

     These restrictions are enforced after processing the startup
     files.  The startup files should set up PATH to point  to  a
     directory  of  commands  which  can be safely invoked in the
     restricted environment.  They may also add further  restric-
     tions by disabling selected builtins.

     Restricted  mode  can  also be activated any time by setting
     the RESTRICTED option.  This  immediately  enables  all  the
     restrictions described above even if the shell still has not
     processed all startup files.

     Commands are first read from  /etc/zshenv;  this  cannot  be
     overridden.  Subsequent behaviour is modified by the RCS and
     GLOBAL_RCS options; the former affects  all  startup  files,
     while  the  second  only affects global startup files (those
     shown here with an path starting with a /).  If one  of  the
     options  is  unset  at  any  point,  any  subsequent startup
     file(s) of the corresponding type will not be read.   It  is

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User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     also   possible   for   a  file  in  $ZDOTDIR  to  re-enable
     GLOBAL_RCS. Both RCS and GLOBAL_RCS are set by default.

     Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv.  If the  shell
     is  a  login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprofile and
     then $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile.  Then, if the shell is interactive,
     commands  are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc.
     Finally, if the shell is  a  login  shell,  /etc/zlogin  and
     $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are read.

     When  a  login  shell exits, the files $ZDOTDIR/.zlogout and
     then /etc/zlogout are read.  This  happens  with  either  an
     explicit  exit  via  the  exit  or  logout  commands,  or an
     implicit exit by  reading  end-of-file  from  the  terminal.
     However,  if  the  shell  terminates due to exec'ing another
     process, the logout files are  not  read.   These  are  also
     affected  by the RCS and GLOBAL_RCS options.  Note also that
     the RCS option affects the saving of history files, i.e.  if
     RCS  is  unset when the shell exits, no history file will be

     If ZDOTDIR is unset, HOME is  used  instead.   Files  listed
     above  as being in /etc may be in another directory, depend-
     ing on the installation.

     As /etc/zshenv is run for all instances of zsh, it is impor-
     tant  that  it be kept as small as possible.  In particular,
     it is a good idea to put code that does not need to  be  run
     for  every  single shell behind a test of the form `if [[ -o
     rcs ]]; then ...' so that it will not be executed  when  zsh
     is invoked with the `-f' option.

     Any  of  these  files  may be pre-compiled with the zcompile
     builtin command (see zshbuiltins(1)).  If  a  compiled  file
     exists (named for the original file plus the .zwc extension)
     and it is newer than the original file,  the  compiled  file
     will be used instead.

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User Commands                                       ZSHROADMAP(1)

     zshroadmap - informal introduction to the zsh manual

     The  Zsh  Manual,  like the shell itself, is large and often
     complicated.  This  section  of  the  manual  provides  some
     pointers to areas of the shell that are likely to be of par-
     ticular interest to new users, and indicates  where  in  the
     rest of the manual the documentation is to be found.

     When it starts, the shell reads commands from various files.
     These can be created or edited to customize the shell.   See
     the section Startup/Shutdown Files in zsh(1).

     If  no  personal  initialization files exist for the current
     user, a function is run to help you change some of the  most
     common  settings.  It won't appear if your administrator has
     disabled the zsh/newuser module.  The function  is  designed
     to  be  self-explanatory.   You  can  run  it  by  hand with
     `autoload -Uz zsh-newuser-install; zsh-newuser-install  -f'.
     See also the section User Configuration Functions in zshcon-

     Interaction with the shell uses the builtin Zsh Line Editor,
     ZLE.  This is described in detail in zshzle(1).

     The  first  decision  a user must make is whether to use the
     Emacs or Vi editing mode as the keys for  editing  are  sub-
     stantially  different.   Emacs editing mode is probably more
     natural for beginners and can be  selected  explicitly  with
     the command bindkey -e.

     A  history  mechanism  for retrieving previously typed lines
     (most simply with the Up or Down arrow keys)  is  available;
     note  that,  unlike  other  shells,  zsh will not save these
     lines when the shell exits unless you set appropriate  vari-
     ables,  and  the number of history lines retained by default
     is quite small (30 lines).  See the description of the shell
     variables  (referred  to in the documentation as parameters)
     HISTFILE, HISTSIZE and SAVEHIST in zshparam(1).

     The shell now supports the UTF-8  character  set  (and  also
     others  if  supported  by  the  operating  system).  This is
     (mostly) handled transparently by the shell, but the  degree
     of support in terminal emulators is variable.  There is some
     discussion  of  this  in  the  shell  FAQ,   http://zsh.dot-
     src.org/FAQ/  .  Note in particular that for combining char-
     acters to be handled the option COMBINING_CHARS needs to  be
     set.  Because the shell is now more sensitive to the defini-
     tion of the character set, note that if  you  are  upgrading
     from  an  older  version of the shell you should ensure that

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User Commands                                       ZSHROADMAP(1)

     the appropriate variable, either LANG (to affect all aspects
     of  the  shell's  operation) or LC_CTYPE (to affect only the
     handling of character sets) is set to an appropriate  value.
     This  is  true even if you are using a single-byte character
     set including extensions of  ASCII  such  as  ISO-8859-1  or
     ISO-8859-15.   See  the  description  of  LC_CTYPE  in  zsh-

     Completion is a feature present in many  shells.  It  allows
     the  user to type only a part (usually the prefix) of a word
     and have the shell fill in the rest.  The completion  system
     in  zsh  is programmable.  For example, the shell can be set
     to complete email addresses in arguments to the mail command
     from  your  ~/.abook/addressbook;  usernames, hostnames, and
     even remote paths in arguments to scp, and so on.   Anything
     that can be written in or glued together with zsh can be the
     source of what the line editor offers  as  possible  comple-

     Zsh  has  two  completion systems, an old, so called compctl
     completion (named after the builtin command that  serves  as
     its  complete  and  only  user  interface),  and  a new one,
     referred to as compsys, organized as library of builtin  and
     user-defined  functions.   The  two  systems differ in their
     interface for specifying the completion behavior.   The  new
     system is more customizable and is supplied with completions
     for many commonly used commands; it is therefore to be  pre-

     The  completion  system  must be enabled explicitly when the
     shell starts.  For more information see zshcompsys(1).

  Extending the line editor
     Apart from completion, the line editor is highly  extensible
     by means of shell functions.  Some useful functions are pro-
     vided with the shell; they provide facilities such as:

          composing characters not found on the keyboard

          configuring what the line editor considers a word  when
          moving or deleting by word

     history-beginning-search-backward-end, etc.
          alternative ways of searching the shell history

     replace-string, replace-pattern
          functions for replacing strings or patterns globally in
          the command line

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User Commands                                       ZSHROADMAP(1)

          edit the command line with an external editor.

     See  the  section  `ZLE  Functions'  in  zshcontrib(1)   for
     descriptions of these.

     The shell has a large number of options for changing its be-
     haviour.  These cover all aspects of the shell; browsing the
     full documentation is the only good way to become acquainted
     with the many possibilities.  See zshoptions(1).

     The shell has a rich set of patterns which are available for
     file  matching  (described in the documentation as `filename
     generation' and also known for historical reasons as  `glob-
     bing') and for use when programming.  These are described in
     the section `Filename Generation' in zshexpn(1).

     Of particular interest are the following patterns  that  are
     not commonly supported by other systems of pattern matching:

     **   for matching over multiple directories

     ~, ^ the ability to exclude patterns from matching when  the
          EXTENDED_GLOB option is set

          glob  qualifiers, included in parentheses at the end of
          the pattern, which select files by type (such as direc-
          tories) or attribute (such as size).

     Although  the  syntax  of zsh is in ways similar to the Korn
     shell, and therefore more  remotely  to  the  original  UNIX
     shell,  the  Bourne  shell,  its  default behaviour does not
     entirely correspond to those shells.  General  shell  syntax
     is  introduced in the section `Shell Grammar' in zshmisc(1).

     One commonly encountered difference is that  variables  sub-
     stituted  onto  the  command  line are not split into words.
     See the description of the shell option SH_WORD_SPLIT in the
     section  `Parameter  Expansion'  in zshexpn(1).  In zsh, you
     can either explicitly request the splitting  (e.g.  ${=foo})
     or  use  an array when you want a variable to expand to more
     than one word.  See the section `Array Parameters'  in  zsh-

     The  most convenient way of adding enhancements to the shell
     is typically by writing a shell function and  arranging  for
     it to be autoloaded.  Functions are described in the section

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User Commands                                       ZSHROADMAP(1)

     `Functions' in zshmisc(1).  Users changing from the C  shell
     and  its  relatives should notice that aliases are less used
     in zsh as they don't  perform  argument  substitution,  only
     simple text replacement.

     A  few general functions, other than those for the line edi-
     tor described above, are provided with  the  shell  and  are
     described in zshcontrib(1).  Features include:

          a  prompt theme system for changing prompts easily, see
          the section `Prompt Themes'

          a  MIME-handling  system  which   dispatches   commands
          according  to the suffix of a file as done by graphical
          file managers

          a calculator

          a version of xargs that makes the find  command  redun-

     zmv  a  command  for  renaming  files by means of shell pat-

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     zshmisc - everything and then some

     A simple command is a sequence of optional parameter assign-
     ments followed by blank-separated words, with optional redi-
     rections interspersed.  The first word is the command to  be
     executed,  and the remaining words, if any, are arguments to
     the command.  If a command  name  is  given,  the  parameter
     assignments modify the environment of the command when it is
     executed.  The value of a simple command is its exit status,
     or  128  plus  the  signal number if terminated by a signal.
     For example,

          echo foo

     is a simple command with arguments.

     A pipeline is either a simple command, or a sequence of  two
     or more simple commands where each command is separated from
     the next by `|' or `|&'.  Where commands  are  separated  by
     `|',  the  standard output of the first command is connected
     to the standard input of the next.  `|&'  is  shorthand  for
     `2>&1  |',  which  connects both the standard output and the
     standard error of the command to the standard input  of  the
     next.  The value of a pipeline is the value of the last com-
     mand, unless the pipeline is preceded by `!' in  which  case
     the  value  is  the logical inverse of the value of the last
     command.  For example,

          echo foo | sed 's/foo/bar/'

     is a pipeline, where the output (`foo' plus  a  newline)  of
     the first command will be passed to the input of the second.

     If a pipeline is preceded by `coproc', it is executed  as  a
     coprocess;  a two-way pipe is established between it and the
     parent shell.  The shell can  read  from  or  write  to  the
     coprocess by means of the `>&p' and `<&p' redirection opera-
     tors or with `print -p' and `read -p'.  A pipeline cannot be
     preceded  by  both  `coproc'  and  `!'.   If  job control is
     active, the coprocess can be treated in other than input and
     output as an ordinary background job.

     A  sublist is either a single pipeline, or a sequence of two
     or more pipelines separated by `&&' or `||'.  If  two  pipe-
     lines are separated by `&&', the second pipeline is executed
     only if the first succeeds (returns a zero status).  If  two
     pipelines are separated by `||', the second is executed only
     if the first fails (returns a nonzero status).  Both  opera-
     tors  have  equal  precedence and are left associative.  The
     value of the sublist is  the  value  of  the  last  pipeline

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     executed.  For example,

          dmesg | grep panic && print yes

     is  a sublist consisting of two pipelines, the second just a
     simple command which will be executed if  and  only  if  the
     grep  command  returns  a  zero status.  If it does not, the
     value of the sublist is that return status, else it  is  the
     status returned by the print (almost certainly zero).

     A list is a sequence of zero or more sublists, in which each
     sublist is terminated by `;', `&', `&|', `&!', or a newline.
     This terminator may optionally be omitted from the last sub-
     list in the list when the list appears as a complex  command
     inside  `(...)' or `{...}'.  When a sublist is terminated by
     `;' or newline, the shell waits for it to finish before exe-
     cuting  the  next  sublist.  If a sublist is terminated by a
     `&', `&|', or `&!', the shell executes the last pipeline  in
     it  in  the  background,  and does not wait for it to finish
     (note the difference from other  shells  which  execute  the
     whole  sublist  in the background).  A backgrounded pipeline
     returns a status of zero.

     More generally, a list can be seen as a  set  of  any  shell
     commands  whatsoever,  including the complex commands below;
     this is implied wherever the word `list'  appears  in  later
     descriptions.  For example, the commands in a shell function
     form a special sort of list.

     A simple command may be preceded by a  precommand  modifier,
     which will alter how the command is interpreted.  These mod-
     ifiers are shell builtin  commands  with  the  exception  of
     nocorrect which is a reserved word.

     -    The  command  is  executed  with a `-' prepended to its
          argv[0] string.

          The command word is taken to be the name of  a  builtin
          command,  rather than a shell function or external com-

     command [ -pvV ]
          The command word is taken to be the name of an external
          command,  rather than a shell function or builtin.   If
          the POSIX_BUILTINS option is set, builtins will also be
          executed  but  certain  special  properties of them are
          suppressed. The -p flag causes a  default  path  to  be
          searched  instead  of  that in $path. With the -v flag,
          command is similar to whence and with -V, it is equiva-
          lent to whence -v.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     exec [ -cl ] [ -a argv0 ]
          The  following  command  together with any arguments is
          run in place of the current process, rather than  as  a
          sub-process.   The shell does not fork and is replaced.
          The shell does not invoke TRAPEXIT, nor does it  source
          zlogout  files.   The options are provided for compati-
          bility with other shells.

          The -c option clears the environment.

          The -l option is equivalent to the -  precommand  modi-
          fier,  to  treat  the  replacement  command  as a login
          shell; the command is executed with a  -  prepended  to
          its  argv[0]  string.   This flag has no effect if used
          together with the -a option.

          The -a option is used to specify explicitly the argv[0]
          string  (the name of the command as seen by the process
          itself) to be used by the replacement  command  and  is
          directly  equivalent  to  setting a value for the ARGV0
          environment variable.

          Spelling correction is not done on any  of  the  words.
          This  must appear before any other precommand modifier,
          as it is interpreted immediately, before any parsing is
          done.  It has no effect in non-interactive shells.

          Filename  generation (globbing) is not performed on any
          of the words.

     A complex command in zsh is one of the following:

     if list then list [ elif list then list ] ... [ else list ]
          The  if list is executed, and if it returns a zero exit
          status, the then list is executed.  Otherwise, the elif
          list  is  executed  and if its status is zero, the then
          list is executed.  If each elif  list  returns  nonzero
          status, the else list is executed.

     for name ... [ in word ... ] term do list done
          where  term  is  at least one newline or ;.  Expand the
          list of words, and set the parameter name  to  each  of
          them in turn, executing list each time.  If the in word
          is omitted, use the positional  parameters  instead  of
          the words.

          More than one parameter name can appear before the list
          of words.  If N names are given, then on each execution

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          of the loop the next N words are assigned to the corre-
          sponding parameters.  If  there  are  more  names  than
          remaining  words, the remaining parameters are each set
          to the empty string.  Execution of the loop  ends  when
          there is no remaining word to assign to the first name.
          It is only possible for in to appear as the first  name
          in the list, else it will be treated as marking the end
          of the list.

     for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) do list done
          The arithmetic expression expr1 is evaluated first (see
          the  section  `Arithmetic Evaluation').  The arithmetic
          expression expr2 is repeatedly evaluated until it eval-
          uates  to  zero and when non-zero, list is executed and
          the arithmetic  expression  expr3  evaluated.   If  any
          expression  is omitted, then it behaves as if it evalu-
          ated to 1.

     while list do list done
          Execute the do list as long as the while list returns a
          zero exit status.

     until list do list done
          Execute  the  do  list  as long as until list returns a
          nonzero exit status.

     repeat word do list done
          word is expanded and treated as an  arithmetic  expres-
          sion,  which must evaluate to a number n.  list is then
          executed n times.

          The repeat syntax is disabled by default when the shell
          starts  in  a  mode emulating another shell.  It can be
          enabled with the command `enable -r repeat'

... esac
     case word in [ [(] pattern [ | pattern ] ... ) list
          (;;|;&|;|)  ]
          Execute the list associated with the first pattern that
          matches  word, if any.  The form of the patterns is the
          same as that used for  filename  generation.   See  the
          section `Filename Generation'.

          If  the  list  that  is  executed is terminated with ;&
          rather than ;;, the following list  is  also  executed.
          The  rule  for the terminator of the following list ;;,
          ;& or ;| is applied unless the esac is reached.

          If the list that is executed is terminated with ;|  the
          shell  continues  to  scan the patterns looking for the
          next  match,  executing  the  corresponding  list,  and
          applying  the rule for the corresponding terminator ;;,

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          ;& or ;|.  Note  that  word  is  not  re-expanded;  all
          applicable patterns are tested with the same word.

     select name [ in word ... term ] do list done
          where term is one or more newline or ; to terminate the
          words.  Print the set of words, each preceded by a num-
          ber.   If  the  in  word is omitted, use the positional
          parameters.  The PROMPT3 prompt is printed and  a  line
          is  read  from the line editor if the shell is interac-
          tive and that is active, or else  standard  input.   If
          this  line  consists of the number of one of the listed
          words, then the parameter name is set to the word  cor-
          responding  to this number.  If this line is empty, the
          selection list is printed again.  Otherwise, the  value
          of  the parameter name is set to null.  The contents of
          the line read from  standard  input  is  saved  in  the
          parameter  REPLY.   list is executed for each selection
          until a break or end-of-file is encountered.

     ( list )
          Execute list in a subshell.   Traps  set  by  the  trap
          builtin are reset to their default values while execut-
          ing list.

     { list }
          Execute list.

     { try-list } always { always-list }
          First  execute  try-list.   Regardless  of  errors,  or
          break,  continue, or return commands encountered within
          try-list, execute always-list.  Execution then  contin-
          ues  from  the  result of the execution of try-list; in
          other words, any error, or break, continue,  or  return
          command is treated in the normal way, as if always-list
          were not present.  The two chunks of code are  referred
          to as the `try block' and the `always block'.

          Optional  newlines  or  semicolons may appear after the
          always; note, however, that they may not appear between
          the preceding closing brace and the always.

          An  `error'  in  this  context is a condition such as a
          syntax error which causes the shell to abort  execution
          of  the  current  function,  script,  or  list.  Syntax
          errors encountered while the shell is parsing the  code
          do not cause the always-list to be executed.  For exam-
          ple, an erroneously constructed if  block  in  try-list
          would  cause the shell to abort during parsing, so that
          always-list would not be executed, while  an  erroneous
          substitution  such  as  ${*foo*} would cause a run-time
          error, after which always-list would be executed.

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          An error condition can be tested  and  reset  with  the
          special  integer  variable TRY_BLOCK_ERROR.  Outside an
          always-list the value is irrelevant,  but  it  is  ini-
          tialised  to -1.  Inside always-list, the value is 1 if
          an  error  occurred  in  the  try-list,  else  0.    If
          TRY_BLOCK_ERROR is set to 0 during the always-list, the
          error condition caused by the try-list  is  reset,  and
          shell  execution  continues  normally  after the end of
          always-list.  Altering the value during the try-list is
          not  useful  (unless  this  forms  part of an enclosing
          always block).

          Regardless  of  TRY_BLOCK_ERROR,  after  the   end   of
          always-list  the  normal  shell  status $? is the value
          returned from always-list.  This will  be  non-zero  if
          there  was an error, even if TRY_BLOCK_ERROR was set to

          The following executes the  given  code,  ignoring  any
          errors  it causes.  This is an alternative to the usual
          convention of protecting code by executing it in a sub-

                   # code which may cause an error
                 } always {
                   # This code is executed regardless of the error.
                   (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR = 0 ))
               # The error condition has been reset.

          An  exit  command  (or a return command executed at the
          outermost function level of a  script)  encountered  in
          try-list  does  not cause the execution of always-list.
          Instead, the shell exits  immediately  after  any  EXIT
          trap has been executed.

     function word ... [ () ] [ term ] { list }
     word ... () [ term ] { list }
     word ... () [ term ] command
          where term is one or more newline or ;.  Define a func-
          tion which is referenced by any one of word.  Normally,
          only  one  word is provided; multiple words are usually
          only useful for setting traps.  The body of  the  func-
          tion  is the list between the { and }.  See the section

          If the option SH_GLOB is  set  for  compatibility  with
          other   shells,  then  whitespace  may  appear  between
          between the left and right parentheses when there is  a
          single   word;   otherwise,  the  parentheses  will  be
          treated as forming a globbing pattern in that case.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     time [ pipeline ]
          The pipeline is executed,  and  timing  statistics  are
          reported on the standard error in the form specified by
          the TIMEFMT parameter.  If pipeline is  omitted,  print
          statistics about the shell process and its children.

     [[ exp ]]
          Evaluates  the  conditional expression exp and return a
          zero exit status if it is true.  See the section  `Con-
          ditional Expressions' for a description of exp.

     Many  of zsh's complex commands have alternate forms.  These
     are non-standard and are likely not to be  obvious  even  to
     seasoned shell programmers; they should not be used anywhere
     that portability of shell code is a concern.

     The short versions below only work if sublist is of the form
     `{ list }' or if the SHORT_LOOPS option is set.  For the if,
     while and until commands, in both these cases the test  part
     of  the loop must also be suitably delimited, such as by `[[
     ... ]]' or `(( ... ))', else the end of the test will not be
     recognized.   For  the for, repeat, case and select commands
     no such special form for the arguments is necessary, but the
     other  condition  (the special form of sublist or use of the
     SHORT_LOOPS option) still applies.

     if list { list } [ elif list { list } ] ... [ else { list }
          An alternate form of if.  The rules mean that

               if [[ -o ignorebraces ]] {
                 print yes

          works, but

               if true {  # Does not work!
                 print yes

          does not, since the test is not suitably delimited.

     if list sublist
          A  short  form of the alternate `if'.  The same limita-
          tions on the form of list apply  as  for  the  previous

     for name ... ( word ... ) sublist
          A short form of for.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     for name ... [ in word ... ] term sublist
          where term is at least one newline or ;.  Another short
          form of for.

     for (( [expr1] ; [expr2] ; [expr3] )) sublist
          A short form of the arithmetic for command.

     foreach name ... ( word ... ) list end
          Another form of for.

     while list { list }
          An alternative form of while.  Note the limitations  on
          the form of list mentioned above.

     until list { list }
          An  alternative form of until.  Note the limitations on
          the form of list mentioned above.

     repeat word sublist
          This is a short form of repeat.

... }
     case word { [ [(] pattern [ | pattern ] ... ) list
          (;;|;&|;|)  ]
          An alternative form of case.

     select name [ in word term ] sublist
          where term is at least one newline or ;.  A short  form
          of select.

     The  following  words  are recognized as reserved words when
     used as the first word of a command unless  quoted  or  dis-
     abled using disable -r:

     do  done  esac  then elif else fi for case if while function
     repeat time until select coproc nocorrect foreach end ! [[ {

     Additionally,  `}'  is recognized in any position if neither
     the IGNORE_BRACES option nor the IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES  option
     is set.

     Certain  errors  are  treated  as  fatal by the shell: in an
     interactive shell, they cause control to return to the  com-
     mand  line,  and  in  a non-interactive shell they cause the
     shell to be aborted.  In older versions of zsh, a non-inter-
     active  shell  running  a script would not abort completely,
     but would resume execution at the next command  to  be  read
     from  the script, skipping the remainder of any functions or
     shell constructs such as loops or conditions; this  somewhat

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     illogical  behaviour  can be recovered by setting the option

     Fatal errors found in non-interactive shells include:
     Failure to parse shell options passed when invoking the
     Failure to change options with the set builtin
     Parse errors of all sorts, including failures to parse
          mathematical expressions
     Failures to set or modify variable behaviour with typeset,
          local, declare, export, integer, float
     Execution of incorrectly positioned loop control structures
          (continue, break)
     Attempts to use regular expression with no regular expres-
          module available
     Disallowed operations when the RESTRICTED options is set
     Failure to create a pipe needed for a pipeline
     Failure to create a multio
     Failure to autoload a module needed for a declared shell
     Errors creating command or process substitutions
     Syntax errors in glob qualifiers
     File generation errors where not caught by the option
     All bad patterns used for matching within case statements
     File generation failures where not caused by NO_MATCH or
     All file generation errors where the pattern was used to
          create a
     Memory errors where detected by the shell
     Invalid subscripts to shell variables
     Attempts to assign read-only variables
     Logical  errors  with  variables  such as assignment to the
     Use of invalid variable names
     Errors in variable substitution syntax
     Failure to convert characters in $'...' expressions
          similar options

     If  the POSIX_BUILTINS option is set, more errors associated
     with shell builtin commands are treated as fatal, as  speci-
     fied by the POSIX standard.

     In non-interactive shells, or in interactive shells with the
     INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option set, a word beginning  with  the
     third  character of the histchars parameter (`#' by default)
     causes that word and all the following characters  up  to  a
     newline to be ignored.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     Every token in the shell input is checked to see if there is
     an alias defined for it.  If so, it is replaced by the  text
     of  the  alias  if it is in command position (if it could be
     the first word of a simple command),  or  if  the  alias  is
     global.  If the text ends with a space, the next word in the
     shell input is treated as though it were in command position
     for  purposes of alias expansion.  An alias is defined using
     the alias builtin; global aliases may be defined  using  the
     -g option to that builtin.

     Alias  expansion is done on the shell input before any other
     expansion except history expansion.  Therefore, if an  alias
     is  defined for the word foo, alias expansion may be avoided
     by quoting part of the word, e.g. \foo.  Any form of quoting
     works,  although  there is nothing to prevent an alias being
     defined for the quoted form such as \foo as well.   For  use
     with  completion,  which  would  remove an initial backslash
     followed by a character that isn't special, it may  be  more
     convenient  to  quote  the  word  by  starting with a single
     quote, i.e. 'foo;  completion  will  automatically  add  the
     trailing single quote.

     There  is a commonly encountered problem with aliases illus-
     trated by the following code:

          alias echobar='echo bar'; echobar

     This prints a message that the command echobar could not  be
     found.   This  happens because aliases are expanded when the
     code is read in; the entire line is read in one go, so  that
     when  echobar is executed it is too late to expand the newly
     defined alias.  This is often a problem  in  shell  scripts,
     functions,  and  code executed with `source' or `.'.  Conse-
     quently, use of functions rather than aliases is recommended
     in non-interactive code.

     Note  also the unhelpful interaction of aliases and function

          alias func='noglob func'
          func() {
              echo Do something with $*

     Because aliases are expanded in function  definitions,  this
     causes the following command to be executed:

          noglob func() {
              echo Do something with $*

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     which  defines  noglob as well as func as functions with the
     body given.  To avoid this, either quote the  name  func  or
     use  the  alternative  function  definition  form  `function
     func'.  Ensuring the alias is  defined  after  the  function
     works  but  is  problematic  if  the  code fragment might be

     A character may be  quoted  (that  is,  made  to  stand  for
     itself)  by preceding it with a `\'.  `\' followed by a new-
     line is ignored.

     A string enclosed between `$'' and `'' is processed the same
     way  as  the  string arguments of the print builtin, and the
     resulting string is considered to  be  entirely  quoted.   A
     literal `'' character can be included in the string by using
     the `\'' escape.

     All characters enclosed between a pair of single quotes ('')
     that  is  not  preceded by a `$' are quoted.  A single quote
     cannot  appear  within  single  quotes  unless  the   option
     RC_QUOTES  is set, in which case a pair of single quotes are
     turned into a single quote.  For example,

          print ''''

     outputs nothing apart from a newline  if  RC_QUOTES  is  not
     set, but one single quote if it is set.

     Inside  double  quotes (""), parameter and command substitu-
     tion occur, and `\' quotes the characters `\', ``', `"', and

     If a command is followed by & and job control is not active,
     then the default standard input for the command is the empty
     file  /dev/null.   Otherwise, the environment for the execu-
     tion of a command  contains  the  file  descriptors  of  the
     invoking shell as modified by input/output specifications.

     The following may appear anywhere in a simple command or may
     precede or  follow  a  complex  command.   Expansion  occurs
     before  word or digit is used except as noted below.  If the
     result of substitution on word produces more than one  file-
     name, redirection occurs for each separate filename in turn.

     < word
          Open file word for reading as standard input.

     <> word
          Open file word for  reading  and  writing  as  standard
          input.   If the file does not exist then it is created.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     > word
          Open file word for writing as standard output.  If  the
          file  does  not  exist then it is created.  If the file
          exists, and the CLOBBER option is unset, this causes an
          error; otherwise, it is truncated to zero length.

     >| word
     >! word
          Same  as  >,  except that the file is truncated to zero
          length if it exists, even if CLOBBER is unset.

     >> word
          Open file word for writing in append mode  as  standard
          output.   If  the  file does not exist, and the CLOBBER
          option is unset, this causes an error;  otherwise,  the
          file is created.

     >>| word
     >>! word
          Same  as >>, except that the file is created if it does
          not exist, even if CLOBBER is unset.

     <<[-] word
          The shell input is read up to a line that is  the  same
          as word, or to an end-of-file.  No parameter expansion,
          command substitution or  filename  generation  is  per-
          formed  on  word.   The  resulting  document,  called a
          here-document, becomes the standard input.

          If any character of word is quoted with single or  dou-
          ble  quotes  or a `\', no interpretation is placed upon
          the characters of the document.   Otherwise,  parameter
          and command substitution occurs, `\' followed by a new-
          line is removed, and `\' must  be  used  to  quote  the
          characters  `\',  `$',  ``'  and the first character of

          Note that word itself does not undergo shell expansion.
          Backquotes  in  word  do  not  have their usual effect;
          instead they behave similarly to double quotes,  except
          that  the  backquotes  themselves  are  passed  through
          unchanged.  (This information is given for completeness
          and  it  is  not  recommended that backquotes be used.)
          Quotes in the form $'...' have their standard effect of
          expanding backslashed references to special characters.

          If <<- is used, then all leading tabs are stripped from
          word and from the document.

     <<< word
          Perform  shell expansion on word and pass the result to
          standard  input.   This  is  known  as  a  here-string.

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          Compare  the use of word in here-documents above, where
          word does not undergo shell expansion.

     <& number
     >& number
          The  standard  input/output  is  duplicated  from  file
          descriptor number (see dup2(2)).

     <& -
     >& - Close the standard input/output.

     <& p
     >& p The  input/output from/to the coprocess is moved to the
          standard input/output.

     >& word
     &> word
          (Except where `>& word' matches one of the  above  syn-
          taxes;  `&>'  can  always be used to avoid this ambigu-
          ity.)  Redirects  both  standard  output  and  standard
          error  (file  descriptor  2) in the manner of `> word'.
          Note that this does not have the same effect as `> word
          2>&1'  in  the  presence  of  multios  (see the section

     >&| word
     >&! word
     &>| word
     &>! word
          Redirects both standard output and standard error (file
          descriptor 2) in the manner of `>| word'.

     >>& word
     &>> word
          Redirects both standard output and standard error (file
          descriptor 2) in the manner of `>> word'.

     >>&| word
     >>&! word
     &>>| word
     &>>! word
          Redirects both standard output and standard error (file
          descriptor 2) in the manner of `>>| word'.

     If  one  of  the above is preceded by a digit, then the file
     descriptor referred  to  is  that  specified  by  the  digit
     instead  of the default 0 or 1.  The order in which redirec-
     tions are specified is  significant.   The  shell  evaluates
     each  redirection  in  terms  of the (file descriptor, file)
     association at the time of evaluation.  For example:

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          ... 1>fname 2>&1

     first associates file descriptor 1 with file fname.  It then
     associates  file  descriptor 2 with the file associated with
     file descriptor 1 (that is, fname).  If the order  of  redi-
     rections  were  reversed, file descriptor 2 would be associ-
     ated with the terminal (assuming file descriptor 1 had been)
     and  then  file  descriptor  1 would be associated with file

     The `|&' command separator described in  Simple  Commands  &
     Pipelines in zshmisc(1) is a shorthand for `2>&1 |'.

     The  various  forms  of process substitution, `<(list)', and
     `=(list())' for input and `>(list)' for  output,  are  often
     used  together with redirection.  For example, if word in an
     output redirection is of the form `>(list)' then the  output
     is  piped  to  the command represented by list.  See Process
     Substitution in zshexpn(1).

     When the shell is parsing arguments to a  command,  and  the
     shell  option  IGNORE_BRACES is not set, a different form of
     redirection is allowed: instead of a digit before the opera-
     tor  there  is  a valid shell identifier enclosed in braces.
     The shell will open a new file descriptor that is guaranteed
     to be at least 10 and set the parameter named by the identi-
     fier to  the  file  descriptor  opened.   No  whitespace  is
     allowed  between the closing brace and the redirection char-
     acter.  For example:

          ... {myfd}>&1

     This opens a new file descriptor that is a duplicate of file
     descriptor  1  and  sets the parameter myfd to the number of
     the file descriptor, which will be at  least  10.   The  new
     file  descriptor can be written to using the syntax >&$myfd.

     The syntax {varid}>&-, for example {myfd}>&-, may be used to
     close  a  file descriptor opened in this fashion.  Note that
     the parameter given by varid must previously  be  set  to  a
     file descriptor in this case.

     It  is  an  error to open or close a file descriptor in this
     fashion when the parameter is readonly.  However, it is  not
     an  error  to read or write a file descriptor using <&$param
     or >&$param if param is readonly.

     If the option CLOBBER is unset, it is an  error  to  open  a
     file  descriptor using a parameter that is already set to an
     open file descriptor previously allocated by this mechanism.
     Unsetting  the  parameter  before  using it for allocating a

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     file descriptor avoids the error.

     Note that this mechanism merely allocates or closes  a  file
     descriptor;  it does not perform any redirections from or to
     it.  It is usually convenient to allocate a file  descriptor
     prior to use as an argument to exec.  The syntax does not in
     any case work when used  around  complex  commands  such  as
     parenthesised subshells or loops, where the opening brace is
     interpreted as part of a command list to be executed in  the
     current shell.

     The  following  shows a typical sequence of allocation, use,
     and closing of a file descriptor:

          integer myfd
          exec {myfd}>~/logs/mylogfile.txt
          print This is a log message. >&$myfd
          exec {myfd}>&-

     Note that the expansion of the variable  in  the  expression
     >&$myfd occurs at the point the redirection is opened.  This
     is after the expansion of command arguments  and  after  any
     redirections  to the left on the command line have been pro-

     If the user tries to open a file descriptor for writing more
     than  once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to
     a process that copies its input to all  the  specified  out-
     puts, similar to tee, provided the MULTIOS option is set, as
     it is by default.  Thus:

          date >foo >bar

     writes the date to two files, named `foo' and  `bar'.   Note
     that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus

          date >foo | cat

     writes the date to the file `foo', and also pipes it to cat.

     If the MULTIOS option is set, the word after  a  redirection
     operator  is  also  subjected  to filename generation (glob-
     bing).  Thus

          : > *

     will truncate all files in the current  directory,  assuming
     there's at least one.  (Without the MULTIOS option, it would
     create an empty file called `*'.)  Similarly, you can do

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          echo exit 0 >> *.sh

     If the user tries to open a file descriptor for reading more
     than  once, the shell opens the file descriptor as a pipe to
     a process that copies all the specified inputs to its output
     in the order specified, similar to cat, provided the MULTIOS
     option is set.  Thus

          sort <foo <fubar

     or even

          sort <f{oo,ubar}

     is equivalent to `cat foo fubar | sort'.

     Expansion of the redirection argument occurs  at  the  point
     the  redirection is opened, at the point described above for
     the expansion of the variable in >&$myfd.

     Note that a pipe is an implicit redirection; thus

          cat bar | sort <foo

     is equivalent to `cat bar foo | sort' (note the order of the

     If  the  MULTIOS  option is unset, each redirection replaces
     the previous redirection for that file descriptor.  However,
     all files redirected to are actually opened, so

          echo foo > bar > baz

     when  MULTIOS  is  unset  will truncate bar, and write `foo'
     into baz.

     There is a problem when an output multio is attached  to  an
     external program.  A simple example shows this:

          cat file >file1 >file2
          cat file1 file2

     Here,  it is possible that the second `cat' will not display
     the full contents of file1 and file2 (i.e. the original con-
     tents of file repeated twice).

     The  reason  for  this is that the multios are spawned after
     the cat process is forked from the parent shell, so the par-
     ent  shell  does  not wait for the multios to finish writing
     data.  This means the command as shown can exit before file1
     and  file2  are  completely written.  As a workaround, it is
     possible to run the cat process as part  of  a  job  in  the

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     current shell:

          { cat file } >file >file2

     Here,  the {...} job will pause to wait for both files to be

     When a simple command consists of one  or  more  redirection
     operators  and  zero  or  more parameter assignments, but no
     command name, zsh can behave in several ways.

     If the parameter NULLCMD is not set or the option  CSH_NULL-
     CMD  is  set,  an error is caused.  This is the csh behavior
     and CSH_NULLCMD is set by default when emulating csh.

     If the option SH_NULLCMD is set, the builtin `:' is inserted
     as  a  command  with  the  given  redirections.  This is the
     default when emulating sh or ksh.

     Otherwise, if the parameter NULLCMD is set, its  value  will
     be  used  as a command with the given redirections.  If both
     NULLCMD and READNULLCMD are set, then the value of the  lat-
     ter  will be used instead of that of the former when the re-
     direction is an input.  The default for NULLCMD is `cat' and
     for READNULLCMD is `more'. Thus

          < file

     shows  the  contents of file on standard output, with paging
     if that is a terminal.  NULLCMD and READNULLCMD may refer to
     shell functions.

     If a command name contains no slashes, the shell attempts to
     locate it.  If there exists a shell function by  that  name,
     the  function  is invoked as described in the section `Func-
     tions'.  If there exists a shell builtin by that  name,  the
     builtin is invoked.

     Otherwise,  the  shell  searches each element of $path for a
     directory containing an executable file by  that  name.   If
     the  search  is unsuccessful, the shell prints an error mes-
     sage and returns a nonzero exit status.

     If execution fails because the file  is  not  in  executable
     format, and the file is not a directory, it is assumed to be
     a shell script.  /bin/sh is spawned to execute it.   If  the
     program  is a file beginning with `#!', the remainder of the
     first line specifies an interpreter for  the  program.   The
     shell  will  execute  the specified interpreter on operating
     systems that do not handle this  executable  format  in  the

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     If  no  external  command  is  found  but  a  function  com-
     mand_not_found_handler exists the shell executes this  func-
     tion  with  all command line arguments.  The function should
     return status zero if it successfully handled  the  command,
     or  non-zero  status  if  it failed.  In the latter case the
     standard handling is applied: `command not found' is printed
     to standard error and the shell exits with status 127.  Note
     that the handler is executed in a subshell forked to execute
     an  external  command,  hence  changes to directories, shell
     parameters, etc. have no effect on the main shell.

     Shell functions are defined with the function reserved  word
     or  the  special  syntax `funcname ()'.  Shell functions are
     read in and stored internally.   Alias  names  are  resolved
     when the function is read.  Functions are executed like com-
     mands with the arguments passed  as  positional  parameters.
     (See the section `Command Execution'.)

     Functions  execute  in  the  same  process as the caller and
     share all files  and  present  working  directory  with  the
     caller.   A  trap  on EXIT set inside a function is executed
     after the function  completes  in  the  environment  of  the

     The return builtin is used to return from function calls.

     Function  identifiers  can  be  listed  with  the  functions
     builtin.  Functions can be  undefined  with  the  unfunction

     A  function  can  be  marked as undefined using the autoload
     builtin (or `functions -u' or `typeset -fu').  Such a  func-
     tion  has no body.  When the function is first executed, the
     shell searches for its definition using the elements of  the
     fpath variable.  Thus to define functions for autoloading, a
     typical sequence is:

          fpath=(~/myfuncs $fpath)
          autoload myfunc1 myfunc2 ...

     The usual alias expansion during reading will be  suppressed
     if  the  autoload  builtin  or  its  equivalent is given the
     option -U. This is recommended for the use of functions sup-
     plied  with  the  zsh distribution.  Note that for functions
     precompiled with the zcompile builtin command  the  flag  -U
     must  be provided when the .zwc file is created, as the cor-
     responding information is compiled into the latter.

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     For each element in fpath, the shell looks for three  possi-
     ble  files,  the newest of which is used to load the defini-
     tion for the function:

          A file created with the zcompile builtin command, which
          is  expected  to  contain the definitions for all func-
          tions in the directory  named  element.   The  file  is
          treated  in  the  same manner as a directory containing
          files for functions and is searched for the  definition
          of  the function.   If the definition is not found, the
          search for a definition proceeds  with  the  other  two
          possibilities described below.

          If  element already includes a .zwc extension (i.e. the
          extension was explicitly given by the user), element is
          searched  for  the  definition  of the function without
          comparing its age to that  of  other  files;  in  fact,
          there  does  not need to be any directory named element
          without the suffix.  Thus including an element such  as
          `/usr/local/funcs.zwc'  in  fpath  will  speed  up  the
          search for functions, with the disadvantage that  func-
          tions  included  must  be explicitly recompiled by hand
          before the shell notices any changes.

          A file created with zcompile, which is expected to con-
          tain the definition for function.  It may include other
          function definitions as well,  but  those  are  neither
          loaded  nor  executed;  a  file  found  in  this way is
          searched only for the definition of function.

          A file of zsh command text, taken to be the  definition
          for function.

     In summary, the order of searching is, first, in the parents
     of directories in fpath for the newer of either  a  compiled
     directory  or a directory in fpath; second, if more than one
     of these contains a definition  for  the  function  that  is
     sought,  the  leftmost  in  the  fpath is chosen; and third,
     within a directory, the newer of either a compiled  function
     or an ordinary function definition is used.

     If the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is set, or the file contains only
     a simple definition of the  function,  the  file's  contents
     will be executed.  This will normally define the function in
     question, but may also perform initialization, which is exe-
     cuted  in  the  context  of  the function execution, and may
     therefore define local parameters.  It is an  error  if  the
     function is not defined by loading the file.

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     Otherwise,  the  function  body  (with no surrounding `func-
     name() {...}') is taken to be the complete contents  of  the
     file.   This  form allows the file to be used directly as an
     executable shell script.  If processing of the file  results
     in the function being re-defined, the function itself is not
     re-executed.  To force the shell to  perform  initialization
     and  then call the function defined, the file should contain
     initialization code (which will be executed then  discarded)
     in addition to a complete function definition (which will be
     retained for subsequent calls to the function), and  a  call
     to  the shell function, including any arguments, at the end.

     For example, suppose the autoload file func contains

          func() { print This is func; }
          print func is initialized

     then `func; func' with KSH_AUTOLOAD set  will  produce  both
     messages  on  the  first call, but only the message `This is
     func'  on  the  second  and   subsequent   calls.    Without
     KSH_AUTOLOAD set, it will produce the initialization message
     on the first call, and the other message on the  second  and
     subsequent calls.

     It  is also possible to create a function that is not marked
     as autoloaded, but which loads its own definition by search-
     ing  fpath,  by using `autoload -X' within a shell function.
     For example, the following are equivalent:

          myfunc() {
            autoload -X
          myfunc args...


          unfunction myfunc   # if myfunc was defined
          autoload myfunc
          myfunc args...

     In fact, the functions command outputs `builtin autoload -X'
     as the body of an autoloaded function.  This is done so that

          eval "$(functions)"

     produces a reasonable result.  A  true  autoloaded  function
     can  be  identified  by the presence of the comment `# unde-
     fined' in the body, because all comments are discarded  from
     defined functions.

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     To  load  the  definition  of  an autoloaded function myfunc
     without executing myfunc, use:

          autoload +X myfunc

     If no name is given for a function, it is `anonymous' and is
     handled  specially.   Either form of function definition may
     be used: a `()' with no preceding name, or a `function' with
     an  immediately  following open brace.  The function is exe-
     cuted immediately at the point  of  definition  and  is  not
     stored  for  future  use.   The  function  name  is  set  to

     Arguments to the function may be specified as words  follow-
     ing  the closing brace defining the function, hence if there
     are none no arguments (other than $0) are set.   This  is  a
     difference  from  the way other functions are parsed: normal
     function definitions may be  followed  by  certain  keywords
     such  as  `else' or `fi', which will be treated as arguments
     to anonymous functions, so that a newline  or  semicolon  is
     needed to force keyword interpretation.

     Note  also that the argument list of any enclosing script or
     function is hidden (as would be the case for any other func-
     tion called at this point).

     Redirections may be applied to the anonymous function in the
     same manner as to  a  current-shell  structure  enclosed  in
     braces.  The main use of anonymous functions is to provide a
     scope for local variables.  This is particularly  convenient
     in  start-up  files  as these do not provide their own local
     variable scope.

     For example,

          function {
            local variable=inside
            print "I am $variable with arguments $*"
          } this and that
          print "I am $variable"

     outputs the following:

          I am inside with arguments this and that
          I am outside

     Note that function definitions with arguments that expand to
     nothing,  for  example  `name=; function $name { ... }', are
     not treated  as  anonymous  functions.   Instead,  they  are
     treated  as normal function definitions where the definition

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     is silently discarded.

     Certain functions, if defined, have special meaning  to  the

  Hook Functions
     For  the  functions below, it is possible to define an array
     that has the same name as  the  function  with  `_functions'
     appended.  Any element in such an array is taken as the name
     of a function to execute; it is executed in the same context
     and  with  the  same  arguments  as the basic function.  For
     example, if $chpwd_functions is an array containing the val-
     ues   `mychpwd',   `chpwd_save_dirstack',   then  the  shell
     attempts to execute the  functions  `chpwd',  `mychpwd'  and
     `chpwd_save_dirstack',  in  that  order.   Any function that
     does not exist is silently ignored.   A  function  found  by
     this  mechanism  is  referred  to elsewhere as a `hook func-
     tion'.  An error in any function causes subsequent functions
     not  to be run.  Note further that an error in a precmd hook
     causes an immediately following periodic function not to run
     (though it may run at the next opportunity).

          Executed  whenever  the  current  working  directory is

          If the parameter PERIOD is set, this function  is  exe-
          cuted  every  $PERIOD  seconds,  just  before a prompt.
          Note that if multiple functions are defined  using  the
          array  periodic_functions only one period is applied to
          the complete set of functions, and the  scheduled  time
          is  not  reset  if  the  list  of functions is altered.
          Hence the set of functions is always called together.

          Executed before  each  prompt.   Note  that  precommand
          functions  are  not re-executed simply because the com-
          mand line is redrawn, as happens, for example,  when  a
          notification about an exiting job is displayed.

          Executed  just  after  a  command  has been read and is
          about to be executed.   If  the  history  mechanism  is
          active (and the line was not discarded from the history
          buffer), the string that the user typed  is  passed  as
          the  first  argument,  otherwise it is an empty string.
          The actual command that  will  be  executed  (including
          expanded aliases) is passed in two different forms: the
          second argument is a single-line, size-limited  version
          of  the  command  (with  things  like  function  bodies

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          elided); the third argument contains the full text that
          is being executed.

          Executed  when  a  history  line has been read interac-
          tively, but before it is executed.  The  sole  argument
          is  the  complete history line (so that any terminating
          newline will still be present).

          If any of the hook functions returns status 1  (or  any
          non-zero value other than 2, though this is not guaran-
          teed for future versions of the shell) the history line
          will  not  be saved, although it lingers in the history
          until the next line is executed, allowing you to  reuse
          or edit it immediately.

          If  any of the hook functions returns status 2 the his-
          tory line will be saved on the internal  history  list,
          but not written to the history file.  In case of a con-
          flict, the first non-zero status value is taken.

          A hook function may call `fc -p ...' to switch the his-
          tory  context so that the history is saved in a differ-
          ent file from the that in the global  HISTFILE  parame-
          ter.  This is handled specially: the history context is
          automatically restored after the processing of the his-
          tory line is finished.

          The  following  example  function works with one of the
          options INC_APPEND_HISTORY  or  SHARE_HISTORY  set,  in
          order  that  the  line is written out immediately after
          the history entry is added.  It first adds the  history
          line  to  the normal history with the newline stripped,
          which  is  usually  the  correct  behaviour.   Then  it
          switches  the  history context so that the line will be
          written to a history file in the current directory.

               zshaddhistory() {
                 print -sr -- ${1%%$'\n'}
                 fc -p .zsh_local_history

          Executed at the point where the main shell is about  to
          exit  normally.   This  is  not  called by exiting sub-
          shells, nor when the exec precommand modifier  is  used
          before  an external command.  Also, unlike TRAPEXIT, it
          is not called when functions exit.

  Trap Functions
     The functions below are treated specially but  do  not  have
     corresponding hook arrays.

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          If defined and non-null, this function will be executed
          whenever the shell catches a signal SIGNAL,  where  NAL
          is  a  signal  name  as specified for the kill builtin.
          The signal number will be passed as the first parameter
          to the function.

          If  a  function  of  this form is defined and null, the
          shell and processes spawned by it will ignore SIGNAL.

          The return status from the  function  is  handled  spe-
          cially.   If  it is zero, the signal is assumed to have
          been handled, and execution continues normally.  Other-
          wise,  the shell will behave as interrupted except that
          the return status of the trap is retained.

          Programs  terminated  by  uncaught  signals   typically
          return  the  status  128 plus the signal number.  Hence
          the following causes the handler for SIGINT to print  a
          message, then mimic the usual effect of the signal.

               TRAPINT() {
                 print "Caught SIGINT, aborting."
                 return $(( 128 + $1 ))

          The  functions  TRAPZERR,  TRAPDEBUG  and  TRAPEXIT are
          never executed inside other traps.

          If the option DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD is  set  (as  it  is  by
          default),  executed before each command; otherwise exe-
          cuted after each command.  See the description  of  the
          trap  builtin  in  zshbuiltins(1)  for details of addi-
          tional features provided in debug traps.

          Executed when the shell  exits,  or  when  the  current
          function exits if defined inside a function.  The value
          of $? at the start of execution is the exit  status  of
          the shell or the return status of the function exiting.

          Executed whenever a command has a non-zero exit status.
          However,  the  function  is not executed if the command
          occurred in a sublist followed by `&&'  or  `||';  only
          the  final command in a sublist of this type causes the
          trap to be executed.  The  function  TRAPERR  acts  the
          same  as  TRAPZERR  on systems where there is no SIGERR
          (this is the usual case).

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     The functions beginning `TRAP' may alternatively be  defined
     with  the  trap  builtin:   this  may be preferable for some
     uses.  Setting a trap with one form removes any trap of  the
     other  form  for  the same signal; removing a trap in either
     form removes all traps for the same signal.  The forms

          TRAPNAL() {
           # code

     ('function traps') and

          trap '
           # code
          ' NAL

     ('list traps') are equivalent in most ways,  the  exceptions
     being the following:

     o    Function  traps have all the properties of normal func-
          tions, appearing in the list  of  functions  and  being
          called  with their own function context rather than the
          context where the trap was triggered.

     o    The return  status  from  function  traps  is  special,
          whereas  a return from a list trap causes the surround-
          ing context to return with the given status.

     o    Function traps  are  not  reset  within  subshells,  in
          accordance with zsh behaviour; list traps are reset, in
          accordance with POSIX behaviour.

     If the MONITOR option is set,  an  interactive  shell  asso-
     ciates  a  job with each pipeline.  It keeps a table of cur-
     rent jobs, printed by the jobs  command,  and  assigns  them
     small integer numbers.  When a job is started asynchronously
     with `&', the shell prints a line to  standard  error  which
     looks like:

          [1] 1234

     indicating that the job which was started asynchronously was
     job number 1 and had one (top-level) process, whose  process
     ID was 1234.

     If  a  job  is  started  with `&|' or `&!', then that job is
     immediately disowned.  After startup, it  does  not  have  a
     place  in  the job table, and is not subject to the job con-
     trol features described here.

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     If you are running a job and wish to do something  else  you
     may  hit the key ^Z (control-Z) which sends a TSTP signal to
     the current job:  this key may  be  redefined  by  the  susp
     option  of  the  external stty command.  The shell will then
     normally indicate that the job  has  been  `suspended',  and
     print  another prompt.  You can then manipulate the state of
     this job, putting it in the background with the bg  command,
     or run some other commands and then eventually bring the job
     back into the foreground with the foreground command fg.   A
     ^Z takes effect immediately and is like an interrupt in that
     pending output and unread input are  discarded  when  it  is

     A  job  being run in the background will suspend if it tries
     to read from the terminal.

     Note that if the job running in the foreground  is  a  shell
     function, then suspending it will have the effect of causing
     the shell to fork.  This is necessary to separate the  func-
     tion's  state  from  that of the parent shell performing the
     job control, so that the latter can return  to  the  command
     line  prompt.   As  a result, even if fg is used to continue
     the job the function will no longer be part  of  the  parent
     shell,  and  any  variables  set by the function will not be
     visible in the parent shell.  Thus the behaviour is  differ-
     ent  from  the  case where the function was never suspended.
     Zsh is different from many other shells in this regard.

     The same behaviour is found when the shell is executing code
     as  the  right  hand side of a pipeline or any complex shell
     construct such as if, for, etc., in order  that  the  entire
     block  of  code  can be managed as a single job.  Background
     jobs are normally allowed to produce output, but this can be
     disabled  by  giving  the command `stty tostop'.  If you set
     this tty option, then background jobs will suspend when they
     try  to  produce  output  like they do when they try to read

     When a command is suspended and continued later with the  fg
     or wait builtins, zsh restores tty modes that were in effect
     when it was suspended.  This (intentionally) does not  apply
     if the command is continued via `kill -CONT', nor when it is
     continued with bg.

     There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell.  A job
     can  be  referred to by the process ID of any process of the
     job or by one of the following:

          The job with the given number.
          Any job whose command line begins with string.

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          Any job whose command line contains string.
     %%   Current job.
     %+   Equivalent to `%%'.
     %-   Previous job.

     The shell learns  immediately  whenever  a  process  changes
     state.   It  normally  informs  you  whenever  a job becomes
     blocked so that no further progress  is  possible.   If  the
     NOTIFY  option  is  not  set,  it waits until just before it
     prints a prompt before it informs you.  All  such  notifica-
     tions are sent directly to the terminal, not to the standard
     output or standard error.

     When the monitor mode is on, each background job  that  com-
     pletes triggers any trap set for CHLD.

     When  you  try  to leave the shell while jobs are running or
     suspended, you will be warned that `You have suspended (run-
     ning)  jobs'.  You may use the jobs command to see what they
     are.  If you do this or immediately try to exit  again,  the
     shell  will  not  warn you a second time; the suspended jobs
     will be terminated, and the running  jobs  will  be  sent  a
     SIGHUP signal, if the HUP option is set.

     To avoid having the shell terminate the running jobs, either
     use the nohup command (see nohup(1)) or the disown  builtin.

     The  INT and QUIT signals for an invoked command are ignored
     if the command is followed by `&' and the MONITOR option  is
     not  active.   The shell itself always ignores the QUIT sig-
     nal.  Otherwise, signals have the values  inherited  by  the
     shell from its parent (but see the TRAPNAL special functions
     in the section `Functions').

     Certain jobs are run asynchronously by the shell other  than
     those  explicitly  put  into  the  background; even in cases
     where the  shell  would  usually  wait  for  such  jobs,  an
     explicit  exit  command  or  exit due to the option ERR_EXIT
     will cause the shell to exit without waiting.   Examples  of
     such  asynchronous  jobs  are  process substitution, see the
     section PROCESS SUBSTITUTION in the zshexpn(1) manual  page,
     and  the handler processes for multios, see the section MUL-
     TIOS in the zshmisc(1) manual page.

     The shell can perform integer and floating point arithmetic,
     either  using  the builtin let, or via a substitution of the
     form $((...)).  For integers, the shell is usually  compiled
     to  use  8-byte precision where this is available, otherwise
     precision is 4 bytes.  This can be tested, for  example,  by

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     giving the command `print - $(( 12345678901 ))'; if the num-
     ber appears unchanged, the precision is at  least  8  bytes.
     Floating point arithmetic always uses the `double' type with
     whatever corresponding precision is provided by the compiler
     and the library.

     The  let  builtin  command  takes  arithmetic expressions as
     arguments; each is evaluated separately.  Since many of  the
     arithmetic operators, as well as spaces, require quoting, an
     alternative form is provided: for any command  which  begins
     with  a  `((',  all the characters until a matching `))' are
     treated as a quoted expression and arithmetic expansion per-
     formed as for an argument of let.  More precisely, `((...))'
     is equivalent to `let "..."'.  The return status is 0 if the
     arithmetic  value  of the expression is non-zero, 1 if it is
     zero, and 2 if an error occurred.

     For example, the following statement

          (( val = 2 + 1 ))

     is equivalent to

          let "val = 2 + 1"

     both assigning the value 3 to the  shell  variable  val  and
     returning a zero status.

     Integers  can  be in bases other than 10.  A leading `0x' or
     `0X' denotes hexadecimal.  Integers may also be of the  form
     `base#n',  where  base  is  a decimal number between two and
     thirty-six representing the arithmetic base and n is a  num-
     ber  in  that base (for example, `16#ff' is 255 in hexadeci-
     mal).  The base# may also be omitted, in which case base  10
     is  used.  For backwards compatibility the form `[base]n' is
     also accepted.

     An integer expression or a base given in the  form  `base#n'
     may  contain  underscores  (`_') after the leading digit for
     visual guidance; these are ignored in computation.  Examples
     are 1_000_000 or 0xffff_ffff which are equivalent to 1000000
     and 0xffffffff respectively.

     It is also possible to specify a base to be used for  output
     in  the  form  `[#base]', for example `[#16]'.  This is used
     when outputting arithmetical substitutions or when assigning
     to  scalar  parameters, but an explicitly defined integer or
     floating point parameter will not be affected.  If an  inte-
     ger  variable is implicitly defined by an arithmetic expres-
     sion, any base specified in this way  will  be  set  as  the
     variable's output arithmetic base as if the option `-i base'
     to the typeset builtin had been used.  The expression has no

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     precedence and if it occurs more than once in a mathematical
     expression, the last encountered is used.  For clarity it is
     recommended  that  it  appear at the beginning of an expres-
     sion.  As an example:

          typeset -i 16 y
          print $(( [#8] x = 32, y = 32 ))
          print $x $y

     outputs first `8#40', the rightmost value in the given  out-
     put  base, and then `8#40 16#20', because y has been explic-
     itly declared to have output base 16, while x  (assuming  it
     does  not  already  exist) is implicitly typed by the arith-
     metic evaluation, where it acquires the output base 8.

     If the C_BASES option is set,  hexadecimal  numbers  in  the
     standard  C  format,  for  example 0xFF instead of the usual
     `16#FF'.  If the option OCTAL_ZEROES is also set (it is  not
     by  default),  octal  numbers  will be treated similarly and
     hence appear as `077' instead of `8#77'.  This option has no
     effect  on  the  output  of bases other than hexadecimal and
     octal, and these formats are always understood on input.

     When an output base is specified using the `[#base]' syntax,
     an  appropriate  base prefix will be output if necessary, so
     that the value output is valid syntax for input.  If  the  #
     is  doubled,  for  example  `[##16]', then no base prefix is

     Floating point constants are recognized by the presence of a
     decimal  point or an exponent.  The decimal point may be the
     first character of the constant, but the exponent  character
     e  or  E  may not, as it will be taken for a parameter name.
     All numeric parts (before and after the decimal point and in
     the  exponent)  may  contain  underscores  after the leading
     digit for visual guidance; these are ignored in computation.

     An  arithmetic  expression  uses  nearly the same syntax and
     associativity of expressions as in C.

     In the native mode of operation, the following operators are
     supported (listed in decreasing order of precedence):

     + - ! ~ ++ --
          unary     plus/minus,    logical    NOT,    complement,
     << >>
          bitwise shift left, right
     &    bitwise AND
     ^    bitwise XOR
     |    bitwise OR
     **   exponentiation

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     * / %
          multiplication, division, modulus (remainder)
     + -  addition, subtraction
     < > <= >=
     == !=
          equality and inequality
     &&   logical AND
     || ^^
          logical OR, XOR
     ? :  ternary operator
     = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= &&= ||= ^^= **=
     ,    comma operator

     The operators `&&', `||', `&&=', and  `||='  are  short-cir-
     cuiting,  and  only  one  of the latter two expressions in a
     ternary operator is evaluated.  Note the precedence  of  the
     bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operators.

     With  the option C_PRECEDENCES the precedences (but no other
     properties) of the operators are altered to be the  same  as
     those  in  most  other  languages  that support the relevant

     + - ! ~ ++ --
          unary    plus/minus,    logical    NOT,     complement,
     **   exponentiation
     * / %
          multiplication, division, modulus (remainder)
     + -  addition, subtraction
     << >>
          bitwise shift left, right
     < > <= >=
     == !=
          equality and inequality
     &    bitwise AND
     ^    bitwise XOR
     |    bitwise OR
     &&   logical AND
     ^^   logical XOR
     ||   logical OR
     ? :  ternary operator
     = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= &&= ||= ^^= **=
     ,    comma operator

     Note the precedence of exponentiation in both cases is below
     that of unary operators, hence `-3**2' evaluates as `9', not
     -9.   Use  parentheses  where necessary: `-(3**2)'.  This is

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     for compatibility with other shells.

     Mathematical  functions  can  be  called  with  the   syntax
     `func(args)', where the function decides if the args is used
     as a string or a comma-separated list of arithmetic  expres-
     sions. The shell currently defines no mathematical functions
     by default, but the module zsh/mathfunc may be  loaded  with
     the  zmodload  builtin  to  provide  standard floating point
     mathematical functions.

     An expression of the form `##x' where  x  is  any  character
     sequence  such as `a', `^A', or `\M-\C-x' gives the value of
     this character and an expression of the  form  `#foo'  gives
     the  value  of  the  first  character of the contents of the
     parameter foo.  Character values are according to the  char-
     acter  set used in the current locale; for multibyte charac-
     ter handling the option MULTIBYTE must be  set.   Note  that
     this  form  is  different from `$#foo', a standard parameter
     substitution which gives the length of  the  parameter  foo.
     `#\' is accepted instead of `##', but its use is deprecated.

     Named parameters and subscripted arrays can be referenced by
     name  within  an  arithmetic  expression  without  using the
     parameter expansion syntax.  For example,

          ((val2 = val1 * 2))

     assigns twice the value of  $val1  to  the  parameter  named

     An  internal integer representation of a named parameter can
     be specified with the integer builtin.   Arithmetic  evalua-
     tion is performed on the value of each assignment to a named
     parameter declared integer  in  this  manner.   Assigning  a
     floating point number to an integer results in rounding down
     to the next integer.

     Likewise, floating point numbers can be  declared  with  the
     float  builtin; there are two types, differing only in their
     output format, as described for the  typeset  builtin.   The
     output  format can be bypassed by using arithmetic substitu-
     tion instead of the parameter substitution, i.e.  `${float}'
     uses  the  defined  format,  but `$((float))' uses a generic
     floating point format.

     Promotion of integer to floating point values  is  performed
     where   necessary.   In  addition,  if  any  operator  which
     requires an integer (`~', `&', `|', `^', `%', `<<', `>>' and
     their equivalents with assignment) is given a floating point
     argument, it will be silently rounded down to the next inte-

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     Scalar  variables  can hold integer or floating point values
     at different times; there is no memory of the  numeric  type
     in this case.

     If a variable is first assigned in a numeric context without
     previously being declared, it will be  implicitly  typed  as
     integer  or float and retain that type either until the type
     is explicitly changed or until the end of the  scope.   This
     can have unforeseen consequences.  For example, in the loop

          for (( f = 0; f < 1; f += 0.1 )); do
          # use $f

     if  f  has  not  already been declared, the first assignment
     will cause it to be created as an integer, and  consequently
     the  operation `f += 0.1' will always cause the result to be
     truncated to zero, so that the loop will fail.  A simple fix
     would  be  to turn the initialization into `f = 0.0'.  It is
     therefore best to declare numeric  variables  with  explicit

     A  conditional  expression is used with the [[ compound com-
     mand to test attributes of files  and  to  compare  strings.
     Each  expression  can be constructed from one or more of the
     following unary or binary expressions:

     -a file
          true if file exists.

     -b file
          true if file exists and is a block special file.

     -c file
          true if file exists and is a character special file.

     -d file
          true if file exists and is a directory.

     -e file
          true if file exists.

     -f file
          true if file exists and is a regular file.

     -g file
          true if file exists and has its setgid bit set.

     -h file
          true if file exists and is a symbolic link.

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     -k file
          true if file exists and has its sticky bit set.

     -n string
          true if length of string is non-zero.

     -o option
          true if option named option is on.   option  may  be  a
          single  character,  in which case it is a single letter
          option name.  (See the section `Specifying Options'.)

     -p file
          true if file exists and is a FIFO special  file  (named

     -r file
          true if file exists and is readable by current process.

     -s file
          true if file exists and has size greater than zero.

     -t fd
          true if file descriptor number fd is open  and  associ-
          ated   with  a  terminal  device.   (note:  fd  is  not

     -u file
          true if file exists and has its setuid bit set.

     -w file
          true if file exists and is writable by current process.

     -x file
          true  if  file  exists  and  is  executable  by current
          process.  If file exists and is a directory,  then  the
          current  process has permission to search in the direc-

     -z string
          true if length of string is zero.

     -L file
          true if file exists and is a symbolic link.

     -O file
          true if file exists and is owned by the effective  user
          ID of this process.

     -G file
          true if file exists and its group matches the effective
          group ID of this process.

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     -S file
          true if file exists and is a socket.

     -N file
          true if file exists and its access time  is  not  newer
          than its modification time.

     file1 -nt file2
          true if file1 exists and is newer than file2.

     file1 -ot file2
          true if file1 exists and is older than file2.

     file1 -ef file2
          true  if  file1  and  file2 exist and refer to the same

     string = pattern
     string == pattern
          true if string matches pattern.  The `==' form  is  the
          preferred  one.   The `=' form is for backward compati-
          bility and should be considered obsolete.

     string != pattern
          true if string does not match pattern.

     string =~ regexp
          true if string matches the regular  expression  regexp.
          If  the option RE_MATCH_PCRE is set regexp is tested as
          a PCRE regular expression using  the  zsh/pcre  module,
          else  it  is tested as a POSIX extended regular expres-
          sion  using  the  zsh/regex  module.   Upon  successful
          match, some variables will be updated; no variables are
          changed if the matching fails.

          If the option BASH_REMATCH is not set the scalar param-
          eter  MATCH  is  set  to the substring that matched the
          pattern and the integer parameters MBEGIN and  MEND  to
          the  index  of  the start and end, respectively, of the
          match in string, such that if string  is  contained  in
          variable  var the expression `${var[$MBEGIN,$MEND]}' is
          identical to  `$MATCH'.   The  setting  of  the  option
          KSH_ARRAYS  is respected.  Likewise, the array match is
          set to the substrings that matched parenthesised subex-
          pressions and the arrays mbegin and mend to the indices
          of the start and end positions,  respectively,  of  the
          substrings  within  string.   The arrays are not set if
          there were no parenthesised subexpresssions.  For exam-
          ple,  if the string `a short string' is matched against
          the regular expression `s(...)t',  then  (assuming  the
          option  KSH_ARRAYS  is  not set) MATCH, MBEGIN and MEND
          are `short', 3 and 7, respectively, while match, mbegin

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          and mend are single entry arrays containing the strings
          `hor', `4' and `6, respectively.

          If  the  option   BASH_REMATCH   is   set   the   array
          BASH_REMATCH  is  set to the substring that matched the
          pattern followed by the substrings that matched  paren-
          thesised subexpressions within the pattern.

     string1 < string2
          true  if  string1  comes  before string2 based on ASCII
          value of their characters.

     string1 > string2
          true if string1 comes  after  string2  based  on  ASCII
          value of their characters.

     exp1 -eq exp2
          true  if  exp1 is numerically equal to exp2.  Note that
          for purely  numeric  comparisons  use  of  the  ((...))
          builtin  described  in  the section `ARITHMETIC EVALUA-
          TION' is more convenient than conditional  expressions.

     exp1 -ne exp2
          true if exp1 is numerically not equal to exp2.

     exp1 -lt exp2
          true if exp1 is numerically less than exp2.

     exp1 -gt exp2
          true if exp1 is numerically greater than exp2.

     exp1 -le exp2
          true if exp1 is numerically less than or equal to exp2.

     exp1 -ge exp2
          true if exp1 is numerically greater than  or  equal  to

     ( exp )
          true if exp is true.

     ! exp
          true if exp is false.

     exp1 && exp2
          true if exp1 and exp2 are both true.

     exp1 || exp2
          true if either exp1 or exp2 is true.

     Normal  shell expansion is performed on the file, string and
     pattern arguments, but  the  result  of  each  expansion  is

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     constrained  to  be  a single word, similar to the effect of
     double quotes.  Filename generation is not performed on  any
     form  of argument to conditions.  However, pattern metachar-
     acters are active for the pattern  arguments;  the  patterns
     are the same as those used for filename generation, see zsh-
     expn(1), but there is no special behaviour of `/'  nor  ini-
     tial dots, and no glob qualifiers are allowed.

     In  each  of  the  above expressions, if file is of the form
     `/dev/fd/n', where n is an integer, then the test applied to
     the  open  file  whose  descriptor  number is n, even if the
     underlying system does not support the /dev/fd directory.

     In the forms which do numeric  comparison,  the  expressions
     exp undergo arithmetic expansion as if they were enclosed in

     For example, the following:

          [[ ( -f foo || -f bar ) && $report = y* ]] && print File exists.

     tests if either file foo or file bar exists, and if  so,  if
     the  value  of  the parameter report begins with `y'; if the
     complete condition is true, the message  `File  exists.'  is

     Prompt  sequences undergo a special form of expansion.  This
     type of expansion is also available using the -P  option  to
     the print builtin.

     If  the  PROMPT_SUBST  option  is  set, the prompt string is
     first subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution
     and arithmetic expansion.  See zshexpn(1).

     Certain  escape  sequences  may  be recognised in the prompt

     If the PROMPT_BANG option is set, a `!'  in  the  prompt  is
     replaced by the current history event number.  A literal `!'
     may then be represented as `!!'.

     If  the  PROMPT_PERCENT  option  is  set,   certain   escape
     sequences  that  start  with `%' are expanded.  Many escapes
     are followed by a single character, although some  of  these
     take an optional integer argument that should appear between
     the `%' and the next character of the sequence.   More  com-
     plicated  escape  sequences  are available to provide condi-
     tional expansion.


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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

  Special characters
     %%   A `%'.

     %)   A `)'.

  Login information
     %l   The line (tty)  the  user  is  logged  in  on,  without
          `/dev/'  prefix.   If  the name starts with `/dev/tty',
          that prefix is stripped.

     %M   The full machine hostname.

     %m   The hostname up to the first `.'.  An integer may  fol-
          low the `%' to specify how many components of the host-
          name are desired.  With a  negative  integer,  trailing
          components of the hostname are shown.

     %n   $USERNAME.

     %y   The  line  (tty)  the  user  is  logged  in on, without
          `/dev/' prefix.  This does not treat  `/dev/tty'  names

  Shell state
     %#   A `#' if the shell is running with privileges, a `%' if
          not.  Equivalent to  `%(!.#.%%)'.   The  definition  of
          `privileged',  for  these  purposes, is that either the
          effective user ID is zero, or, if POSIX.1e capabilities
          are  supported,  that at least one capability is raised
          in either the Effective or Inheritable capability  vec-

     %?   The  return  status  of  the last command executed just
          before the prompt.

     %_   The status of the parser,  i.e.  the  shell  constructs
          (like  `if'  and  `for')  that have been started on the
          command line. If given  an  integer  number  that  many
          strings will be printed; zero or negative or no integer
          means print as many as there are.  This is most  useful
          in  prompts  PS2  for  continuation  lines  and PS4 for
          debugging with the XTRACE option; in the latter case it
          will also work non-interactively.

     /    Current  working  directory.  If an integer follows the
          `%', it specifies a number of  trailing  components  of
          the  current  working directory to show; zero means the
          whole path.  A negative integer specifies leading  com-
          ponents, i.e. %-1d specifies the first component.

     %~   As  %d  and  %/,  but  if the current working directory

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          starts with $HOME, that part is replaced by a `~'. Fur-
          thermore,  if  it  has a named directory as its prefix,
          that part is replaced by a `~' followed by the name  of
          the  directory,  but only if the result is shorter than
          the full path; see Dynamic and Static named directories
          in zshexpn(1).

     %!   Current history event number.

     %i   The line number currently being executed in the script,
          sourced file, or shell function given by %N.   This  is
          most useful for debugging as part of $PS4.

     %I   The  line  number  currently being executed in the file
          %x.  This is similar to %i,  but  the  line  number  is
          always  a  line  number  in the file where the code was
          defined, even if the code is a shell function.

     %j   The number of jobs.

     %L   The current value of $SHLVL.

     %N   The name of the script, sourced file, or shell function
          that  zsh is currently executing, whichever was started
          most recently.  If there is none, this is equivalent to
          the  parameter  $0.   An  integer may follow the `%' to
          specify a number of trailing path components  to  show;
          zero means the full path.  A negative integer specifies
          leading components.

     %x   The name of the file containing the  source  code  cur-
          rently  being executed.  This behaves as %N except that
          function and eval command names are not shown,  instead
          the file where they were defined.

     %C   Trailing  component  of  the current working directory.
          An integer may follow the `%' to get more than one com-
          ponent.  Unless `%C' is used, tilde contraction is per-
          formed first.  These are deprecated as %c  and  %C  are
          equivalent to %1~ and %1/, respectively, while explicit
          positive integers have the same effect as for the  lat-
          ter two sequences.

  Date and time
     %D   The date in yy-mm-dd format.

     %T   Current time of day, in 24-hour format.


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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

     %@   Current time of day, in 12-hour, am/pm format.

     %*   Current time of day in 24-hour format, with seconds.

     %w   The date in day-dd format.

     %W   The date in mm/dd/yy format.

          string  is  formatted using the strftime function.  See
          strftime(3) for more details.  Various  zsh  extensions
          provide  numbers  with  no leading zero or space if the
          number is a single digit:

          %f   a day of the month
          %K   the hour of the day on the 24-hour clock
          %L   the hour of the day on the 12-hour clock

          The GNU extension that a `-' between the % and the for-
          mat  character  causes  a  leading  zero or space to be
          stripped is handled directly by the shell for the  for-
          mat  characters d, f, H, k, l, m, M, S and y; any other
          format characters are provided to strftime()  with  any
          leading  `-', present, so the handling is system depen-
          dent.  Further GNU  extensions  are  not  supported  at

  Visual effects
     %B (%b)
          Start (stop) boldface mode.

     %E   Clear to end of line.

     %U (%u)
          Start (stop) underline mode.

     %S (%s)
          Start (stop) standout mode.

     %F (%f)
          Start  (stop)  using  a different foreground colour, if
          supported by the terminal.  The colour may be specified
          two  ways:  either as a numeric argument, as normal, or
          by a sequence in braces following the %F,  for  example
          %F{red}.   In the latter case the values allowed are as
          described for the fg zle_highlight attribute; see Char-
          acter  Highlighting  in  zshzle(1).   This  means  that
          numeric colours are allowed in the second format  also.

     %K (%k)
          Start  (stop) using a different bacKground colour.  The
          syntax is identical to that for %F and %f.

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          Include a string as a  literal  escape  sequence.   The
          string  within  the braces should not change the cursor
          position.  Brace pairs can nest.

          A positive numeric argument between the % and the {  is
          treated as described for %G below.

     %G   Within a %{...%} sequence, include a `glitch': that is,
          assume that a single character width  will  be  output.
          This  is  useful when outputting characters that other-
          wise cannot be correctly handled by the shell, such  as
          the  alternate  character  set  on some terminals.  The
          characters in question can be included within a %{...%}
          sequence  together  with  the  appropriate number of %G
          sequences to indicate the correct  width.   An  integer
          between  the  `%'  and  `G' indicates a character width
          other than  one.   Hence  %{seq%2G%}  outputs  seq  and
          assumes  it  takes up the width of two standard charac-

          Multiple uses of %G accumulate in the obvious  fashion;
          the  position of the %G is unimportant.  Negative inte-
          gers are not handled.

          Note that when prompt truncation is in use it is advis-
          able  to divide up output into single characters within
          each %{...%} group so that the correct truncation point
          can be found.

     %v   The  value  of  the  first  element  of the psvar array
          parameter.  Following the `%'  with  an  integer  gives
          that  element  of  the  array.  Negative integers count
          from the end of the array.

          Specifies a ternary expression.  The character  follow-
          ing  the  x is arbitrary; the same character is used to
          separate the text for the `true' result from  that  for
          the  `false'  result.  This separator may not appear in
          the true-text, except as part of a  %-escape  sequence.
          A  `)' may appear in the false-text as `%)'.  true-text
          and  false-text  may  both  contain  arbitrarily-nested
          escape  sequences,  including  further  ternary expres-

          The left parenthesis may be preceded or followed  by  a
          positive integer n, which defaults to zero.  A negative
          integer will be multiplied by -1.  The test character x
          may be any of the following:

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          !    True if the shell is running with privileges.
          #    True  if  the effective uid of the current process
               is n.
          ?    True if the exit status of the last command was n.
          _    True  if at least n shell constructs were started.
          /    True if the current absolute path has at  least  n
               elements  relative  to the root directory, hence /
               is counted as 0 elements.
          ~    True if the current path, with prefix replacement,
               has  at  least  n  elements  relative  to the root
               directory, hence / is counted as 0 elements.
          D    True if the month is equal to n (January = 0).
          d    True if the day of the month is equal to n.
          g    True if the effective gid of the  current  process
               is n.
          j    True if the number of jobs is at least n.
          L    True if the SHLVL parameter is at least n.
          l    True  if  at  least n characters have already been
               printed on the current line.
          S    True if the SECONDS parameter is at least n.
          T    True if the time in hours is equal to n.
          t    True if the time in minutes is equal to n.
          v    True if the array psvar has at least n elements.
          V    True if element n of the array psvar  is  set  and
          w    True  if the day of the week is equal to n (Sunday
               = 0).

          Specifies truncation behaviour for the remainder of the
          prompt  string.  The third, deprecated, form is equiva-
          lent to `%xstringx', i.e. x may be  `<'  or  `>'.   The
          numeric  argument,  which  in the third form may appear
          immediately after the `[', specifies the  maximum  per-
          mitted  length  of the various strings that can be dis-
          played in the prompt.  The string will be displayed  in
          place of the truncated portion of any string; note this
          does not undergo prompt expansion.

          The forms with `<' truncate at the left of the  string,
          and  the  forms  with  `>' truncate at the right of the
          string.  For  example,  if  the  current  directory  is
          `/home/pike',  the  prompt  `%8<..<%/'  will  expand to
          `..e/pike'.  In this string, the terminating  character
          (`<',  `>'  or  `]'),  or in fact any character, may be
          quoted by a preceding `\'; note when  using  print  -P,
          however,  that  this  must  be doubled as the string is

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User Commands                                          ZSHMISC(1)

          also subject to standard print processing, in  addition
          to  any  backslashes removed by a double quoted string:
          the worst case is therefore `print -P "%<\\\\<<..."'.

          If the string is longer than the  specified  truncation
          length,  it  will  appear in full, completely replacing
          the truncated string.

          The part of the prompt string to be truncated  runs  to
          the  end  of  the  string,  or  to  the end of the next
          enclosing group of the `%(' construct, or to  the  next
          truncation encountered at the same grouping level (i.e.
          truncations inside a `%('  are  separate),  which  ever
          comes first.  In particular, a truncation with argument
          zero (e.g. `%<<') marks the end of  the  range  of  the
          string  to  be  truncated  while turning off truncation
          from there on. For example, the prompt '%10<...<%~%<<%#
          '  will print a truncated representation of the current
          directory, followed by a `%'  or  `#',  followed  by  a
          space.   Without  the `%<<', those two characters would
          be included in the string to be truncated.

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     zshexpn - zsh expansion and substitution

     The following types of expansions are performed in the indi-
     cated order in five steps:

     History Expansion
          This is performed only in interactive shells.

     Alias Expansion
          Aliases  are  expanded  immediately  before the command
          line is parsed as  explained  under  Aliasing  in  zsh-

     Process Substitution
     Parameter Expansion
     Command Substitution
     Arithmetic Expansion
     Brace Expansion
          These  five  are performed in one step in left-to-right
          fashion.  After these expansions, all  unquoted  occur-
          rences  of the characters `\', `'' and `"' are removed.

     Filename Expansion
          If the SH_FILE_EXPANSION option is set,  the  order  of
          expansion  is  modified  for  compatibility with sh and
          ksh.  In that  case  filename  expansion  is  performed
          immediately after alias expansion, preceding the set of
          five expansions mentioned above.

     Filename Generation
          This expansion, commonly referred to  as  globbing,  is
          always done last.

     The  following  sections  explain  the types of expansion in

     History expansion allows you to use words from previous com-
     mand lines in the command line you are typing.  This simpli-
     fies spelling corrections and the repetition of  complicated
     commands or arguments.

     Immediately  before  execution, each command is saved in the
     history list, the size of which is controlled by  the  HIST-
     SIZE  parameter.   The  one  most  recent  command is always
     retained in any case.  Each saved  command  in  the  history
     list  is  called  a  history event and is assigned a number,
     beginning with 1 (one) when the shell starts up.   The  his-
     tory  number  that you may see in your prompt (see EXPANSION
     OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1)) is the number that is  to

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     be assigned to the next command.

     A  history  expansion begins with the first character of the
     histchars parameter, which is `!' by default, and may  occur
     anywhere  on  the  command  line;  history expansions do not
     nest.  The `!' can be escaped with `\' or  can  be  enclosed
     between a pair of single quotes ('') to suppress its special
     meaning.  Double quotes will not work for  this.   Following
     this  history character is an optional event designator (see
     the section `Event Designators') and then an  optional  word
     designator  (the  section `Word Designators'); if neither of
     these designators is present, no history expansion occurs.

     Input lines containing history expansions are  echoed  after
     being  expanded,  but before any other expansions take place
     and before the command is executed.   It  is  this  expanded
     form  that is recorded as the history event for later refer-

     By default, a history reference  with  no  event  designator
     refers  to the same event as any preceding history reference
     on that command line; if it is the only history reference in
     a  command,  it refers to the previous command.  However, if
     the option CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY is  set,  then  every  history
     reference  with  no event specification always refers to the
     previous command.

     For example, `!' is the event designator  for  the  previous
     command,  so  `!!:1'  always refers to the first word of the
     previous command, and `!!$' always refers to the  last  word
     of  the previous command.  With CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY set, then
     `!:1' and `!$' function in the same  manner  as  `!!:1'  and
     `!!$',  respectively.   Conversely, if CSH_JUNKIE_HISTORY is
     unset, then `!:1' and `!$'  refer  to  the  first  and  last
     words,  respectively,  of  the  same event referenced by the
     nearest other history reference preceding them on  the  cur-
     rent command line, or to the previous command if there is no
     preceding reference.

     The character sequence `^foo^bar' (where `^' is actually the
     second  character  of  the  histchars parameter) repeats the
     last command, replacing the string foo with bar.  More  pre-
     cisely,   the   sequence   `^foo^bar^'  is  synonymous  with
     `!!:s^foo^bar^', hence  other  modifiers  (see  the  section
     `Modifiers')  may  follow  the  final  `^'.   In particular,
     `^foo^bar^:G' performs a global substitution.

     If the shell encounters the character sequence `!"'  in  the
     input,  the  history mechanism is temporarily disabled until
     the current list (see zshmisc(1)) is fully parsed.  The `!"'
     is removed from the input, and any subsequent `!' characters

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     have no special significance.

     A less convenient but more comprehensible  form  of  command
     history support is provided by the fc builtin.

  Event Designators
     An  event  designator is a reference to a command-line entry
     in the history list.  In the list below, remember  that  the
     initial `!' in each item may be changed to another character
     by setting the histchars parameter.

     !    Start a history expansion, except when  followed  by  a
          blank, newline, `=' or `('.  If followed immediately by
          a word designator (see the section `Word Designators'),
          this forms a history reference with no event designator
          (see the section `Overview').

     !!   Refer to the previous command.  By itself, this  expan-
          sion repeats the previous command.

     !n   Refer to command-line n.

     !-n  Refer to the current command-line minus n.

     !str Refer to the most recent command starting with str.

          Refer  to  the most recent command containing str.  The
          trailing `?' is necessary if this reference  is  to  be
          followed  by a modifier or followed by any text that is
          not to be considered part of str.

     !#   Refer to the current command line typed in so far.  The
          line  is  treated  as  if  it  were  complete up to and
          including the word before the one with the `!#'  refer-

          Insulate  a  history reference from adjacent characters
          (if necessary).

  Word Designators
     A word designator indicates which word or words of  a  given
     command  line  are to be included in a history reference.  A
     `:' usually separates the event specification from the  word
     designator.   It  may be omitted only if the word designator
     begins with a `^', `$', `*', `-' or `%'.   Word  designators

     0    The first input word (command).
     n    The nth argument.
     ^    The first argument.  That is, 1.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     $    The last argument.
     %    The word matched by (the most recent) ?str search.
     x-y  A range of words; x defaults to 0.
     *    All the arguments, or a null value if there are none.
     x*   Abbreviates `x-$'.
     x-   Like `x*' but omitting word $.

     Note  that a `%' word designator works only when used in one
     of `!%', `!:%' or `!?str?:%', and only when used after a  !?
     expansion  (possibly  in an earlier command).  Anything else
     results in an error, although the error may not be the  most
     obvious one.

     After  the  optional word designator, you can add a sequence
     of one or more of the following modifiers, each preceded  by
     a  `:'.  These modifiers also work on the result of filename
     generation and parameter expansion, except where noted.

     a    Turn a file name into an absolute path:   prepends  the
          current  directory,  if necessary, and resolves any use
          of `..' and `.' in the path.  Note that the transforma-
          tion  takes  place  even if the file or any intervening
          directories do not exist.

     A    As `a', but also resolve use of  symbolic  links  where
          possible.   Note  that resolution of `..' occurs before
          resolution of symbolic links.  This call is  equivalent
          to  a  unless  your system has the realpath system call
          (modern systems do).

     c    Resolve a command name into an absolute path by search-
          ing  the command path given by the PATH variable.  This
          does not work for commands containing directory  parts.
          Note  also  that  this  does not usually work as a glob
          qualifier unless a file of the same name  is  found  in
          the current directory.

     e    Remove  all but the part of the filename extension fol-
          lowing the `.'; see  the  definition  of  the  filename
          extension  in  the description of the r modifier below.
          Note that according to that definition the result  will
          be empty if the string ends with a `.'.

     h    Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving the head.
          This works like `dirname'.

     l    Convert the words to all lowercase.

     p    Print the new command but  do  not  execute  it.   Only
          works with history expansion.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     q    Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitu-
          tions.  Works  with  history  expansion  and  parameter
          expansion,  though  for parameters it is only useful if
          the resulting text is to be  re-evaluated  such  as  by

     Q    Remove  one level of quotes from the substituted words.

     r    Remove a filename  extension  leaving  the  root  name.
          Strings  with no filename extension are not altered.  A
          filename extension is a `.' followed by any  number  of
          characters  (including  zero)  that are neither `.' nor
          `/' and that continue to the end of  the  string.   For
          example,  the  extension  of  `foo.orig.c' is `.c', and
          `dir.c/foo' has no extension.

          Substitute r for l as described below.   The  substitu-
          tion  is done only for the first string that matches l.
          For arrays and for filename generation, this applies to
          each  word of the expanded text.  See below for further
          notes on substitutions.

          The forms `gs/l/r' and `s/l/r/:G' perform  global  sub-
          stitution, i.e. substitute every occurrence of r for l.
          Note that the g or :G must appear in exactly the  posi-
          tion shown.

          See further notes on this form of substitution below.

     &    Repeat  the  previous  s  substitution.  Like s, may be
          preceded immediately by a g.   In  parameter  expansion
          the & must appear inside braces, and in filename gener-
          ation it must be quoted with a backslash.

     t    Remove all leading  pathname  components,  leaving  the
          tail.  This works like `basename'.

     u    Convert the words to all uppercase.

     x    Like  q,  but break into words at whitespace.  Does not
          work with parameter expansion.

     The s/l/r/ substitution works as follows.   By  default  the
     left-hand  side of substitutions are not patterns, but char-
     acter strings.  Any character can be used as  the  delimiter
     in  place  of `/'.  A backslash quotes the delimiter charac-
     ter.  The  character  `&',  in  the  right-hand-side  r,  is
     replaced by the text from the left-hand-side l.  The `&' can
     be quoted with a backslash.  A  null  l  uses  the  previous
     string  either  from  the  previous l or from the contextual
     scan string s  from  `!?s'.   You  can  omit  the  rightmost

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     delimiter  if a newline immediately follows r; the rightmost
     `?' in a context scan can similarly be  omitted.   Note  the
     same  record  of  the  last l and r is maintained across all
     forms of expansion.

     Note that if a `&' is used within glob  qualifers  an  extra
     backslash  is  needed  as a & is a special character in this

     If the option HIST_SUBST_PATTERN is set, l is treated  as  a
     pattern  of the usual form described in the section FILENAME
     GENERATION below.  This can be used in all the places  where
     modifiers  are  available;  note,  however, that in globbing
     qualifiers parameter substitution has already  taken  place,
     so  parameters in the replacement string should be quoted to
     ensure they are replaced at the  correct  time.   Note  also
     that  complicated  patterns  used in globbing qualifiers may
     need the extended glob qualifier notation (#q:s/.../.../) in
     order  for  the  shell to recognize the expression as a glob
     qualifier.  Further, note that bad patterns in the substitu-
     tion  are  not  subject to the NO_BAD_PATTERN option so will
     cause an error.

     When HIST_SUBST_PATTERN is set, l may  start  with  a  #  to
     indicate  that  the  pattern  must match at the start of the
     string to be substituted, and a % may appear at the start or
     after  an  #  to indicate that the pattern must match at the
     end of the string to be substituted.  The  %  or  #  may  be
     quoted with two backslashes.

     For example, the following piece of filename generation code
     with the EXTENDED_GLOB option:

          print *.c(#q:s/#%(#b)s(*).c/'S${match[1]}.C'/)

     takes the expansion of *.c and applies the  glob  qualifiers
     in  the (#q...) expression, which consists of a substitution
     modifier anchored to the start and end of  each  word  (#%).
     This  turns  on backreferences ((#b)), so that the parenthe-
     sised subexpression is available in the  replacement  string
     as  ${match[1]}.   The  replacement string is quoted so that
     the parameter is not substituted before the start  of  file-
     name generation.

     The following f, F, w and W modifiers work only with parame-
     ter expansion and filename generation.  They are listed here
     to provide a single point of reference for all modifiers.

     f    Repeats  the  immediately  (without  a colon) following
          modifier until the resulting word  doesn't  change  any

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          Like f, but repeats only n times if the expression expr
          evaluates to n.  Any character can be used  instead  of
          the  `:';  if  `(',  `[', or `{' is used as the opening
          delimiter, the closing delimiter should be ')', `]', or
          `}', respectively.

     w    Makes  the  immediately following modifier work on each
          word in the string.

          Like w but words are considered to be the parts of  the
          string  that are separated by sep. Any character can be
          used instead of the `:'; opening parentheses  are  han-
          dled specially, see above.

     Each  part  of  a  command  argument  that  takes  the  form
     `<(list)', `>(list)' or `=(list)' is subject to process sub-
     stitution.   The  expression  may be preceded or followed by
     other strings except that, to prevent clashes with  commonly
     occurring  strings and patterns, the last form must occur at
     the start of a command argument,  and  the  forms  are  only
     expanded when first parsing command or assignment arguments.
     Process substitutions  may  be  used  following  redirection
     operators;  in  this case, the substitution must appear with
     no trailing string.

     In the case of the < or > forms, the shell runs the commands
     in  list as a subprocess of the job executing the shell com-
     mand line.  If the system supports  the  /dev/fd  mechanism,
     the  command  argument is the name of the device file corre-
     sponding to a file descriptor; otherwise, if the system sup-
     ports  named  pipes  (FIFOs), the command argument will be a
     named pipe.  If the form with > is selected then writing  on
     this  special  file  will  provide  input for list.  If < is
     used, then the file passed as an argument will be  connected
     to the output of the list process.  For example,

          paste <(cut -f1 file1) <(cut -f3 file2) |
          tee >(process1) >(process2) >/dev/null

     cuts  fields  1 and 3 from the files file1 and file2 respec-
     tively, pastes the results together, and  sends  it  to  the
     processes process1 and process2.

     If =(...) is used instead of <(...), then the file passed as
     an argument will be the name of a temporary file  containing
     the output of the list process.  This may be used instead of
     the <  form  for  a  program  that  expects  to  lseek  (see
     lseek(2)) on the input file.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     There  is  an  optimisation  for  substitutions  of the form
     =(<<<arg), where  arg  is  a  single-word  argument  to  the
     here-string redirection <<<.  This form produces a file name
     containing the value of arg  after  any  substitutions  have
     been performed.  This is handled entirely within the current
     shell.  This is effectively the reverse of the special  form
     $(<arg) which treats arg as a file name and replaces it with
     the file's contents.

     The = form is useful as both the /dev/fd and the named  pipe
     implementation  of  <(...)  have  drawbacks.   In the former
     case, some  programmes  may  automatically  close  the  file
     descriptor in question before examining the file on the com-
     mand line, particularly if this is  necessary  for  security
     reasons  such  as  when the programme is running setuid.  In
     the second case, if the programme does not actually open the
     file,  the  subshell attempting to read from or write to the
     pipe will (in a typical implementation, different  operating
     systems  may  have  different  behaviour) block for ever and
     have to be killed explicitly.   In  both  cases,  the  shell
     actually supplies the information using a pipe, so that pro-
     grammes that expect to lseek (see lseek(2)) on the file will
     not work.

     Also  note  that  the previous example can be more compactly
     and efficiently written (provided the MULTIOS option is set)

          paste <(cut -f1 file1) <(cut -f3 file2) \
          > >(process1) > >(process2)

     The  shell uses pipes instead of FIFOs to implement the lat-
     ter two process substitutions in the above example.

     There is an additional problem with >(process); when this is
     attached  to  an external command, the parent shell does not
     wait for process to finish and hence an immediately  follow-
     ing  command cannot rely on the results being complete.  The
     problem and solution are the same as described in  the  sec-
     tion  MULTIOS  in zshmisc(1).  Hence in a simplified version
     of the example above:

          paste <(cut -f1 file1) <(cut -f3 file2) > >(process)

     (note that no MULTIOS are involved),  process  will  be  run
     asynchronously as far as the parent shell is concerned.  The
     workaround is:

          { paste <(cut -f1 file1) <(cut -f3 file2) } > >(process)

     The extra processes here are spawned from the  parent  shell
     which will wait for their completion.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     Another  problem  arises  any time a job with a substitution
     that requires a temporary file is  disowned  by  the  shell,
     including  the case where `&!' or `&|' appears at the end of
     a command containing a subsitution.  In that case the tempo-
     rary  file will not be cleaned up as the shell no longer has
     any memory of the job.  A workaround is to use  a  subshell,
     for example,

          (mycmd =(myoutput)) &!

     as  the  forked subshell will wait for the command to finish
     then remove the temporary file.

     A  general  workaround  to  ensure  a  process  substitution
     endures for an appropriate length of time is to pass it as a
     parameter to an anonymous shell function (a piece  of  shell
     code  that  is  run  immediately  with function scope).  For
     example, this code:

          () {
             print File $1:
             cat $1
          } =(print This be the verse)

     outputs something resembling the following

          File /tmp/zsh6nU0kS:
          This be the verse

     The temporary file created by the process substitution  will
     be deleted when the function exits.

     The character `$' is used to introduce parameter expansions.
     See zshparam(1) for a description of  parameters,  including
     arrays, associative arrays, and subscript notation to access
     individual array elements.

     Note in particular the fact that words of  unquoted  parame-
     ters  are  not  automatically split on whitespace unless the
     option SH_WORD_SPLIT is set; see references to  this  option
     below  for  more  details.   This is an important difference
     from other shells.

     In the expansions discussed below that  require  a  pattern,
     the  form  of the pattern is the same as that used for file-
     name generation;  see  the  section  `Filename  Generation'.
     Note that these patterns, along with the replacement text of
     any  substitutions,  are  themselves  subject  to  parameter
     expansion,  command  substitution, and arithmetic expansion.
     In addition to the following operations, the colon modifiers
     described in the section `Modifiers' in the section `History

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     Expansion' can be  applied:   for  example,  ${i:s/foo/bar/}
     performs  string  substitution on the expansion of parameter

          The value, if any, of the  parameter  name  is  substi-
          tuted.   The braces are required if the expansion is to
          be followed by a letter, digit, or underscore  that  is
          not  to  be  interpreted as part of name.  In addition,
          more complicated forms of substitution usually  require
          the  braces to be present; exceptions, which only apply
          if the option KSH_ARRAYS is not set, are a single  sub-
          script or any colon modifiers appearing after the name,
          or any of the characters `^',  `=',  `~',  `#'  or  `+'
          appearing  before  the  name, all of which work with or
          without braces.

          If name is  an  array  parameter,  and  the  KSH_ARRAYS
          option  is  not  set, then the value of each element of
          name is substituted, one element per word.   Otherwise,
          the   expansion   results   in   one  word  only;  with
          KSH_ARRAYS, this is the first element of an array.   No
          field  splitting  is  done  on  the  result  unless the
          SH_WORD_SPLIT option is set.  See also the flags =  and

          If  name  is the name of a set parameter `1' is substi-
          tuted, otherwise `0' is substituted.

          If name is set, or in the second form is non-null, then
          substitute  its  value;  otherwise substitute word.  In
          the second form name may be omitted, in which case word
          is always substituted.

          If name is set, or in the second form is non-null, then
          substitute word; otherwise substitute nothing.

          In the first form, if name is  unset  then  set  it  to
          word; in the second form, if name is unset or null then
          set it to word; and in the third form,  unconditionally
          set  name  to  word.   In  all  forms, the value of the
          parameter is then substituted.


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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          In the first form, if name is set,  or  in  the  second
          form  if name is both set and non-null, then substitute
          its value; otherwise, print  word  and  exit  from  the
          shell.    Interactive  shells  instead  return  to  the
          prompt.  If word is omitted, then a standard message is

     In  any  of  the  above expressions that test a variable and
     substitute an alternate word, note that you can use standard
     shell  quoting in the word value to selectively override the
     splitting done by the SH_WORD_SPLIT option and the  =  flag,
     but not splitting by the s:string: flag.

     In  the following expressions, when name is an array and the
     substitution is not quoted, or if  the  `(@)'  flag  or  the
     name[@]  syntax  is  used,  matching and replacement is per-
     formed on each array element separately.

          If the pattern matches the beginning of  the  value  of
          name,  then  substitute  the  value  of  name  with the
          matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the
          value  of name.  In the first form, the smallest match-
          ing pattern is  preferred;  in  the  second  form,  the
          largest matching pattern is preferred.

          If  the  pattern  matches the end of the value of name,
          then substitute the value of name with the matched por-
          tion  deleted;  otherwise, just substitute the value of
          name.  In the first form, the smallest matching pattern
          is  preferred; in the second form, the largest matching
          pattern is preferred.

          If the pattern matches the value of name, then  substi-
          tute  the  empty string; otherwise, just substitute the
          value of name.  If name is an array the matching  array
          elements  are removed (use the `(M)' flag to remove the
          non-matched elements).

          If arrayname is the name (N.B.,  not  contents)  of  an
          array  variable,  then any elements contained in array-
          name are removed from the substitution of name.  If the
          substitution is scalar, either because name is a scalar
          variable or the expression is quoted, the  elements  of
          arrayname are instead tested against the entire expres-

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          Similar to the preceding subsitution, but in the  oppo-
          site  sense, so that entries present in both the origi-
          nal substitution  and  as  elements  of  arrayname  are
          retained and others removed.

          This  syntax  gives  effects  similar to parameter sub-
          scripting in the form $name[start,end], but is compati-
          ble with other shells; note that both offset and length
          are interpreted differently from the  components  of  a

          If offset is non-negative, then if the variable name is
          a scalar substitute the contents starting offset  char-
          acters  from  the first character of the string, and if
          name is an array substitute  elements  starting  offset
          elements  from  the first element.  If length is given,
          substitute that many characters or elements,  otherwise
          the entire rest of the scalar or array.

          A  positive offset is always treated as the offset of a
          character or element in name from the  first  character
          or  element of the array (this is different from native
          zsh subscript notation).  Hence 0 refers to  the  first
          character  or  element regardless of the setting of the
          option KSH_ARRAYS.

          A negative offset counts backwards from the end of  the
          scalar  or  array,  so  that -1 corresponds to the last
          character or element, and so on.

          When positive, length counts from the  offset  position
          toward  the end of the scalar or array.  When negative,
          length counts back from the end.  If this results in  a
          position  smaller  than offset, a diagnostic is printed
          and nothing is substituted.

          The option MULTIBYTE is obeyed,  i.e.  the  offset  and
          length count multibyte characters where appropriate.

          offset and length undergo the same set of shell substi-
          tutions as for scalar assignment; in addition, they are
          then  subject  to  arithmetic  evaluation.   Hence, for

               print ${foo:3}
               print ${foo: 1 + 2}
               print ${foo:$(( 1 + 2))}
               print ${foo:$(echo 1 + 2)}

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          all have the same effect, extracting the string  start-
          ing  at  the fourth character of $foo if the substution
          would otherwise return a scalar, or the array  starting
          at  the  fourth  element if $foo would return an array.
          Note  that  with  the  option  KSH_ARRAYS  $foo  always
          returns  a  scalar (regardless of the use of the offset
          syntax) and a form such as  $foo[*]:3  is  required  to
          extract elements of an array named foo.

          If offset is negative, the - may not appear immediately
          after the : as this indicates the ${name:-word} form of
          substitution.   Instead, a space may be inserted before
          the -.  Furthermore,  neither  offset  nor  length  may
          begin  with  an  alphabetic character or & as these are
          used to indicate history-style modifiers.   To  substi-
          tute  a value from a variable, the recommended approach
          is to precede it with a $ as this signifies the  inten-
          tion  (parameter  substitution  can  easily be rendered
          unreadable); however,  as  arithmetic  substitution  is
          performed,  the  expression  ${var:  offs}  does  work,
          retrieving the offset from $offs.

          For further compatibility with other shells there is  a
          special case for array offset 0.  This usually accesses
          to the first element of the  array.   However,  if  the
          substitution  refers  the  positional  parameter array,
          e.g. $@ or $*, then offset 0 instead refers to $0, off-
          set  1  refers  to  $1, and so on.  In other words, the
          positional parameter array is effectively  extended  by
          prepending  $0.   Hence  ${*:0:1}  substitutes  $0  and
          ${*:1:1} substitutes $1.

          Replace the longest possible match of  pattern  in  the
          expansion  of parameter name by string repl.  The first
          form replaces just the  first  occurrence,  the  second
          form  all  occurrences.  Both pattern and repl are sub-
          ject to double-quoted substitution, so that expressions
          like  ${name/$opat/$npat} will work, but note the usual
          rule that pattern characters in $opat are  not  treated
          specially  unless  either the option GLOB_SUBST is set,
          or $opat is instead substituted as ${~opat}.

          The pattern may begin with a `#',  in  which  case  the
          pattern  must match at the start of the string, or `%',
          in which case it must match at the end of  the  string,
          or `#%' in which case the pattern must match the entire
          string.  The repl may be an empty string, in which case
          the  final `/' may also be omitted.  To quote the final
          `/' in other cases it should be preceded  by  a  single
          backslash;  this  is  not  necessary  if the `/' occurs

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          inside a substituted parameter.   Note  also  that  the
          `#',  `%' and `#% are not active if they occur inside a
          substituted parameter, even at the start.

          The first `/' may be preceded by a `:', in  which  case
          the  match  will  only succeed if it matches the entire
          word.  Note also the effect of the I  and  S  parameter
          expansion  flags  below;  however, the flags M, R, B, E
          and N are not useful.

          For example,

               foo="twinkle twinkle little star" sub="t*e" rep="spy"
               print ${foo//${~sub}/$rep}
               print ${(S)foo//${~sub}/$rep}

          Here, the `~' ensures that the text of $sub is  treated
          as  a pattern rather than a plain string.  In the first
          case, the longest match for t*e is substituted and  the
          result  is  `spy  star',  while in the second case, the
          shortest matches are taken and the result is  `spy  spy
          lispy star'.

          If  spec  is one of the above substitutions, substitute
          the length in characters of the result instead  of  the
          result itself.  If spec is an array expression, substi-
          tute the number of elements of the  result.   This  has
          the  side-effect that joining is skipped even in quoted
          forms, which may affect other sub-expressions in  spec.
          Note  that `^', `=', and `~', below, must appear to the
          left of `#' when these forms are combined.

          Turn on the RC_EXPAND_PARAM option for  the  evaluation
          of spec; if the `^' is doubled, turn it off.  When this
          option  is  set,   array   expansions   of   the   form
          foo${xx}bar,  where the parameter xx is set to (a b c),
          are substituted with `fooabar foobbar foocbar'  instead
          of the default `fooa b cbar'.  Note that an empty array
          will therefore cause all arguments to be removed.

          Internally, each such expansion is converted  into  the
          equivalent  list  for  brace  expansion.  E.g., ${^var}
          becomes  {$var[1],$var[2],...},  and  is  processed  as
          described  in  the section `Brace Expansion' below.  If
          word splitting is also in effect the $var[N] may  them-
          selves be split into different list elements.

          Perform    word   splitting   using   the   rules   for
          SH_WORD_SPLIT  during  the  evaluation  of  spec,   but

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          regardless  of  whether the parameter appears in double
          quotes; if the `='  is  doubled,  turn  it  off.   This
          forces  parameter  expansions to be split into separate
          words before substitution, using IFS  as  a  delimiter.
          This is done by default in most other shells.

          Note  that  splitting is applied to word in the assign-
          ment forms of spec before the  assignment  to  name  is
          performed.   This  affects  the result of array assign-
          ments with the A flag.

          Turn on the GLOB_SUBST option  for  the  evaluation  of
          spec;  if  the  `~' is doubled, turn it off.  When this
          option is set, the string resulting from the  expansion
          will  be interpreted as a pattern anywhere that is pos-
          sible, such as in filename expansion and filename  gen-
          eration  and  pattern-matching  contexts like the right
          hand side of the `=' and `!=' operators in  conditions.

          In  nested substitutions, note that the effect of the ~
          applies to the result of the current level of substitu-
          tion.   A  surrounding  pattern operation on the result
          may cancel it.  Hence, for example,  if  the  parameter
          foo  is set to *, ${~foo//\*/*.c} is substituted by the
          pattern *.c, which may be expanded by filename  genera-
          tion,  but ${${~foo}//\*/*.c} substitutes to the string
          *.c, which will not be further expanded.

     If a ${...} type parameter expression or a $(...) type  com-
     mand  substitution  is  used  in  place of name above, it is
     expanded first and the result is used  as  if  it  were  the
     value of name.  Thus it is possible to perform nested opera-
     tions:  ${${foo#head}%tail} substitutes the  value  of  $foo
     with  both  `head' and `tail' deleted.  The form with $(...)
     is often useful in  combination  with  the  flags  described
     next; see the examples below.  Each name or nested ${...} in
     a parameter expansion may also be followed  by  a  subscript
     expression  as described in Array Parameters in zshparam(1).

     Note that double quotes may  appear  around  nested  expres-
     sions,  in  which  case  only  the part inside is treated as
     quoted; for example, ${(f)"$(foo)"}  quotes  the  result  of
     $(foo),  but the flag `(f)' (see below) is applied using the
     rules for unquoted expansions.  Note further that quotes are
     themselves   nested   in   this  context;  for  example,  in
     "${(@f)"$(foo)"}", there are two sets of  quotes,  one  sur-
     rounding  the  whole  expression, the other (redundant) sur-
     rounding the $(foo) as before.

  Parameter Expansion Flags
     If the opening brace is  directly  followed  by  an  opening

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     parenthesis, the string up to the matching closing parenthe-
     sis will be taken as  a  list  of  flags.   In  cases  where
     repeating  a flag is meaningful, the repetitions need not be
     consecutive; for example, `(q%q%q)' means the same thing  as
     the  more  readable `(%%qqq)'.  The following flags are sup-

     #    Evaluate the resulting words as numeric expressions and
          output  the  characters  corresponding to the resulting
          integer.  Note that this form is entirely distinct from
          use of the # without parentheses.

          If  the  MULTIBYTE  option  is  set  and  the number is
          greater than 127 (i.e. not an ASCII  character)  it  is
          treated as a Unicode character.

     %    Expand all % escapes in the resulting words in the same
          way as in prompts (see EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in
          zshmisc(1)).  If  this flag is given twice, full prompt
          expansion is done on the resulting words, depending  on
          the  setting  of  the  PROMPT_PERCENT, PROMPT_SUBST and
          PROMPT_BANG options.

     @    In double quotes, array elements are put into  separate
          words.     E.g.,   `"${(@)foo}"'   is   equivalent   to
          `"${foo[@]}"' and `"${(@)foo[1,2]}"'  is  the  same  as
          `"$foo[1]"  "$foo[2]"'.   This  is  distinct from field
          splitting by the f, s or z flags, which  still  applies
          within each array element.

     A    Create    an   array   parameter   with   `${...=...}',
          `${...:=...}'  or  `${...::=...}'.   If  this  flag  is
          repeated  (as  in  `AA'),  create  an associative array
          parameter.  Assignment is made before sorting  or  pad-
          ding;  if  field  splitting is active, the word part is
          split before assignment.  The name part may be  a  sub-
          scripted  range for ordinary arrays; the word part must
          be  converted  to  an  array,  for  example  by   using
          `${(AA)=name=...}'  to  activate  field splitting, when
          creating an associative array.

     a    Sort in array index order; when combined with `O'  sort
          in  reverse array index order.  Note that `a' is there-
          fore equivalent to the default but `Oa' is  useful  for
          obtaining an array's elements in reverse order.

     c    With  ${#name}, count the total number of characters in
          an array, as if the  elements  were  concatenated  with
          spaces  between  them.   This is not a true join of the
          array, so other expressions used  with  this  flag  may
          have  an  effect on the elements of the array before it
          is counted.

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     C    Capitalize the resulting words.  `Words' in  this  case
          refers  to  sequences  of alphanumeric characters sepa-
          rated by non-alphanumerics, not to  words  that  result
          from field splitting.

     D    Assume the string or array elements contain directories
          and attempt to substitute the leading part of these  by
          names.   The  remainder of the path (the whole of it if
          the leading part was not subsituted) is then quoted  so
          that  the whole string can be used as a shell argument.
          This is the reverse of `~' substitution:  see the  sec-
          tion FILENAME EXPANSION below.

     e    Perform  parameter  expansion, command substitution and
          arithmetic expansion on the result. Such expansions can
          be nested but too deep recursion may have unpredictable

     f    Split the result of the expansion at newlines. This  is
          a shorthand for `ps:\n:'.

     F    Join  the  words  of arrays together using newline as a
          separator.  This is a shorthand for `pj:\n:'.

          Process escape sequences like the echo builtin when  no
          options  are  given  (g::).   With  the o option, octal
          escapes don't take a leading zero.  With the c  option,
          sequences  like  `^X'  are  also processed.  With the e
          option, processes `\M-t' and similar sequences like the
          print  builtin.   With  both  of  the  o and e options,
          behaves like the print builtin except that in  none  of
          these modes is `\c' interpreted.

     i    Sort  case-insensitively.   May be combined with `n' or

     k    If name refers to an associative array, substitute  the
          keys (element names) rather than the values of the ele-
          ments.   Used  with  subscripts   (including   ordinary
          arrays),  force  indices or keys to be substituted even
          if the subscript form refers to values.  However,  this
          flag may not be combined with subscript ranges.

     L    Convert all letters in the result to lower case.

     n    Sort decimal integers numerically; if the first differ-
          ing characters of two  test  strings  are  not  digits,
          sorting is lexical.   Integers with more initial zeroes
          are sorted before those with fewer or none.  Hence  the
          array `foo1 foo02 foo2 foo3 foo20 foo23' is sorted into
          the order shown.  May be combined with `i' or `O'.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     o    Sort the resulting words in ascending  order;  if  this
          appears on its own the sorting is lexical and case-sen-
          sitive (unless the locale renders it case-insensitive).
          Sorting  in  ascending  order  is the default for other
          forms of sorting, so this is ignored if  combined  with
          `a', `i' or `n'.

     O    Sort the resulting words in descending order; `O' with-
          out `a', `i' or `n' sorts  in  reverse  lexical  order.
          May  be  combined  with  `a', `i' or `n' to reverse the
          order of sorting.

     P    This forces the value  of  the  parameter  name  to  be
          interpreted  as  a  further parameter name, whose value
          will be used where appropriate.  Note  that  flags  set
          with one of the typeset family of commands (in particu-
          lar case transformations) are not applied to the  value
          of name used in this fashion.

          If  used  with  a nested parameter or command substitu-
          tion, the result of that will be taken as  a  parameter
          name  in  the  same  way.   For  example,  if  you have
          `foo=bar'  and  `bar=baz',   the   strings   ${(P)foo},
          ${(P)${foo}}, and ${(P)$(echo bar)} will be expanded to

     q    Quote characters that are special to the shell  in  the
          resulting   words   with  backslashes;  unprintable  or
          invalid characters are quoted using the  $'\NNN'  form,
          with separate quotes for each octet.

          If  this  flag  is given twice, the resulting words are
          quoted in single quotes and if it is given three times,
          the  words  are quoted in double quotes; in these forms
          no special handling of unprintable or  invalid  charac-
          ters  is  attempted.   If the flag is given four times,
          the words are quoted in single quotes preceded by a  $.
          Note  that  in all three of these forms quoting is done
          unconditionally, even if this does not change  the  way
          the resulting string would be interpreted by the shell.

          If a q- is given (only a single q may appear), a  mini-
          mal form of single quoting is used that only quotes the
          string if needed to protect special characters.   Typi-
          cally this form gives the most readable output.

     Q    Remove one level of quotes from the resulting words.

     t    Use a string describing the type of the parameter where
          the value of the parameter would usually  appear.  This
          string consists of keywords separated by hyphens (`-').
          The first keyword in  the  string  describes  the  main

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          type,  it  can  be one of `scalar', `array', `integer',
          `float' or `association'. The other  keywords  describe
          the type in more detail:

               for local parameters

          left for left justified parameters

               for right justified parameters with leading blanks

               for right justified parameters with leading zeros

               for parameters whose value  is  converted  to  all
               lower case when it is expanded

               for  parameters  whose  value  is converted to all
               upper case when it is expanded

               for readonly parameters

          tag  for tagged parameters

               for exported parameters

               for arrays which keep only the first occurrence of
               duplicated values

          hide for parameters with the `hide' flag

               for special parameters defined by the shell

     u    Expand only the first occurrence of each unique word.

     U    Convert all letters in the result to upper case.

     v    Used with k, substitute (as two consecutive words) both
          the key and the value of each  associative  array  ele-
          ment.  Used with subscripts, force values to be substi-
          tuted even if the subscript form refers to  indices  or

     V    Make any special characters in the resulting words vis-

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     w    With ${#name}, count words in arrays or strings; the  s
          flag may be used to set a word delimiter.

     W    Similar  to  w  with  the  difference  that empty words
          between repeated delimiters are also counted.

     X    With this flag, parsing errors occurring with the Q,  e
          and  #  flags  or  the  pattern  matching forms such as
          `${name#pattern}'  are  reported.   Without  the  flag,
          errors are silently ignored.

     z    Split  the  result  of  the  expansion into words using
          shell parsing to  find  the  words,  i.e.  taking  into
          account  any  quoting  in  the value.  Comments are not
          treated specially but as ordinary strings,  similar  to
          interactive shells with the INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option
          unset (however,  see  the  Z  flag  below  for  related

          Note  that  this is done very late, even later than the
          `(s)' flag. So to access single words in the result use
          nested expansions as in `${${(z)foo}[2]}'. Likewise, to
          remove  the  quotes  in   the   resulting   words   use

     0    Split  the result of the expansion on null bytes.  This
          is a shorthand for `ps:\0:'.

     The following flags (except p) are followed by one  or  more
     arguments  as  shown.   Any character, or the matching pairs
     `(...)', `{...}', `[...]', or `<...>', may be used in  place
     of  a  colon  as delimiters, but note that when a flag takes
     more than one argument, a matched pair  of  delimiters  must
     surround each argument.

     p    Recognize  the  same  escape  sequences  as  the  print
          builtin  in  string  arguments  to  any  of  the  flags
          described below that follow this argument.

     ~    Force  string  arguments to any of the flags below that
          follow within the parentheses to  be  treated  as  pat-
          terns.   Compare  with  a  ~ outside parentheses, which
          forces the entire substituted string to be treated as a
          pattern.  Hence, for example,
          [[ "?" = ${(~j.|.)array} ]]
     with  the  EXTENDED_GLOB  option set succeeds if and only if
     $array contains the string `?' as an element.  The  argument
     may  be  repeated  to  toggle the behaviour; its effect only
     lasts to the end of the parenthesised group.

          Join the words of arrays together  using  string  as  a

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          separator.   Note  that this occurs before field split-
          ting by the s:string: flag or the SH_WORD_SPLIT option.

          Pad the resulting words on the left.  Each word will be
          truncated if required and placed in a field expr  char-
          acters wide.

          The  arguments  :string1:  and  :string2: are optional;
          neither, the first, or both may be  given.   Note  that
          the  same  pairs of delimiters must be used for each of
          the three arguments.  The space to  the  left  will  be
          filled  with  string1 (concatenated as often as needed)
          or spaces if string1 is not given.  If both string1 and
          string2 are given, string2 is inserted once directly to
          the left of each word, truncated if  necessary,  before
          string1 is used to produce any remaining padding.

          If  the  MULTIBYTE  option is in effect, the flag m may
          also be given, in which case widths will  be  used  for
          the calculation of padding; otherwise individual multi-
          byte characters are treated as occupying  one  unit  of

          If  the MULTIBYTE option is not in effect, each byte in
          the string is treated as occupying one unit of width.

          Control characters are always assumed to  be  one  unit
          wide; this allows the mechanism to be used for generat-
          ing repetitions of control characters.

     m    Only useful together with one of the flags l  or  r  or
          with the # length operator when the MULTIBYTE option is
          in effect.  Use the character  width  reported  by  the
          system  in  calculating how much of the string it occu-
          pies or the overall length of the string.  Most  print-
          able  characters have a width of one unit, however cer-
          tain Asian character sets and certain  special  effects
          use  wider  characters;  combining characters have zero
          width.   Non-printable   characters   are   arbitrarily
          counted  as zero width; how they would actually be dis-
          played will vary.

          If the m is repeated, the character either counts  zero
          (if  it has zero width), else one.  For printable char-
          acter strings this has the effect of counting the  num-
          ber of glyphs (visibly separate characters), except for
          the case where  combining  characters  themselves  have
          non-zero width (true in certain alphabets).

          As l, but pad the words on the right and insert string2

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          immediately to the right of the string to be padded.

          Left and right padding may be used together.   In  this
          case the strategy is to apply left padding to the first
          half width of each of the resulting  words,  and  right
          padding to the second half.  If the string to be padded
          has odd width the extra padding is applied on the left.

          Force  field  splitting  at the separator string.  Note
          that a string of two or more characters means that  all
          of  them  must match in sequence; this differs from the
          treatment of two or more characters in the IFS  parame-
          ter.  See also the = flag and the SH_WORD_SPLIT option.
          An empty string may also be given in which  case  every
          character will be a separate element.

          For  historical reasons, the usual behaviour that empty
          array elements are retained  inside  double  quotes  is
          disabled  for  arrays generated by splitting; hence the

               print -l "${(s.:.)line}"

          produces two lines of output  for  one  and  three  and
          elides  the  empty  field.  To override this behaviour,
          supply the "(@)" flag as well, i.e.   "${(@s.:.)line}".

          As  z but takes a combination of option letters between
          a following pair  of  delimiter  characters.   With  no
          options  the  effect  is identical to z.  (Z+c+) causes
          comments to be parsed as a  string  and  retained;  any
          field in the resulting array beginning with an unquoted
          comment character is a comment.  (Z+C+) causes comments
          to  be  parsed  and  removed.  The rule for comments is
          standard: anything between a  word  starting  with  the
          third  character  of  $HISTCHARS,  default #, up to the
          next newline is a comment.  (Z+n+) causes unquoted new-
          lines  to  be treated as ordinary whitespace, else they
          are treated as if they are shell  code  delimiters  and
          converted  to  semicolons.  Options are combined within
          the same set of delimiters, e.g. (Z+Cn+).

          The underscore (_) flag is reserved for future use.  As
          of this revision of zsh, there are no valid flags; any-
          thing following an underscore, other than an empty pair
          of  delimiters,  is  treated  as an error, and the flag
          itself has no effect.

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     The following flags are meaningful with  the  ${...#...}  or
     ${...%...}  forms.   The S and I flags may also be used with
     the ${.../...} forms.

     S    Search substrings as well as beginnings or ends; with #
          start  from the beginning and with % start from the end
          of the string.  With  substitution  via  ${.../...}  or
          ${...//...},  specifies  non-greedy matching, i.e. that
          the shortest instead of the  longest  match  should  be

          Search the exprth match (where expr evaluates to a num-
          ber).  This only applies when searching for substrings,
          either  with  the  S flag, or with ${.../...} (only the
          exprth  match  is  substituted)  or  ${...//...}   (all
          matches  from  the  exprth  on  are  substituted).  The
          default is to take the first match.

          The exprth match is counted such that there  is  either
          one  or zero matches from each starting position in the
          string, although for global substitution matches  over-
          lapping  previous  replacements  are ignored.  With the
          ${...%...} and ${...%%...} forms, the starting position
          for the match moves backwards from the end as the index
          increases, while with the other forms it moves  forward
          from the start.

          Hence with the string
               which switch is the right switch for Ipswich?
          substitutions  of  the  form ${(SI:N:)string#w*ch} as N
          increases  from  1  will  match  and  remove   `which',
          `witch',  `witch'  and `wich'; the form using `##' will
          match and remove `which switch is the right switch  for
          Ipswich',  `witch  is  the  right  switch for Ipswich',
          `witch for Ipswich' and `wich'. The form using `%' will
          remove  the  same  matches  as  for `#', but in reverse
          order, and the form using `%%'  will  remove  the  same
          matches as for `##' in reverse order.

     B    Include  the index of the beginning of the match in the

     E    Include the index of  the  end  of  the  match  in  the

     M    Include the matched portion in the result.

     N    Include the length of the match in the result.

     R    Include the unmatched portion in the result (the Rest).

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     Here is a  summary  of  the  rules  for  substitution;  this
     assumes  that  braces  are  present around the substitution,
     i.e. ${...}.  Some  particular  examples  are  given  below.
     Note  that the Zsh Development Group accepts no responsibil-
     ity for any brain damage which may occur during the  reading
     of the following rules.

     1. Nested substitution
          If  multiple nested ${...} forms are present, substitu-
          tion is performed from the inside  outwards.   At  each
          level,  the  substitution  takes account of whether the
          current value is a scalar  or  an  array,  whether  the
          whole  substitution is in double quotes, and what flags
          are supplied to the current level of substitution, just
          as  if the nested substitution were the outermost.  The
          flags are not propagated up to enclosing substitutions;
          the  nested substitution will return either a scalar or
          an array as determined by the flags, possibly  adjusted
          for  quoting.  All the following steps take place where
          applicable at all levels of substitution.   Note  that,
          unless  the  `(P)'  flag  is present, the flags and any
          subscripts apply directly to the value  of  the  nested
          substitution;  for  example,  the  expansion  ${${foo}}
          behaves exactly the same as ${foo}.

          At each nested level of substitution,  the  substituted
          words  undergo  all  forms  of single-word substitution
          (i.e. not filename generation), including command  sub-
          stitution,  arithmetic expansion and filename expansion
          (i.e.  leading  ~   and   =).    Thus,   for   example,
          ${${:-=cat}:h}  expands  to the directory where the cat
          program resides.  (Explanation: the internal  substitu-
          tion  has  no parameter but a default value =cat, which
          is expanded by filename expansion to a full  path;  the
          outer  substitution  then  applies  the modifier :h and
          takes the directory part of the path.)

     2. Internal parameter flags
          Any parameter flags set by one of the typeset family of
          commands,  in particular the L, R, Z, u and l flags for
          padding and capitalization, are applied directly to the
          parameter  value.   Note these flags are options to the
          command, e.g. `typeset -Z'; they are not  the  same  as
          the flags used within parameter substitutions.

     3. Parameter subscripting
          If  the  value is a raw parameter reference with a sub-
          script, such as ${var[3]}, the effect  of  subscripting
          is  applied  directly to the parameter.  Subscripts are
          evaluated left to right; subsequent subscripts apply to
          the  scalar  or  array  value  yielded  by the previous

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          subscript.  Thus if var is an  array,  ${var[1][2]}  is
          the   second   character   of   the   first  word,  but
          ${var[2,4][2]} is the entire  third  word  (the  second
          word  of  the  range  of  words two through four of the
          original array).  Any number of subscripts may  appear.
          Flags  such  as  (k)  and (v) which alter the result of
          subscripting are applied.

     4. Parameter name replacement
          The effect of any (P) flag, which treats the  value  so
          far as a parameter name and replaces it with the corre-
          sponding value, is applied.

     5. Double-quoted joining
          If the value after this process is an  array,  and  the
          substitution  appears  in double quotes, and neither an
          (@) flag nor a # length operator is present at the cur-
          rent level, then words of the value are joined with the
          first character of the parameter  $IFS,  by  default  a
          space,  between  each  word (single word arrays are not
          modified).  If the (j) flag is present,  that  is  used
          for joining instead of $IFS.

     6. Nested subscripting
          Any  remaining  subscripts  (i.e. of a nested substitu-
          tion) are evaluated at this point, based on whether the
          value  is  an  array or a scalar.  As with 3., multiple
          subscripts can appear.   Note  that  ${foo[2,4][2]}  is
          thus   equivalent  to  ${${foo[2,4]}[2]}  and  also  to
          "${${(@)foo[2,4]}[2]}" (the nested substitution returns
          an array in both cases), but not to "${${foo[2,4]}[2]}"
          (the nested substitution returns a  scalar  because  of
          the quotes).

     7. Modifiers
          Any modifiers, as specified by a trailing `#', `%', `/'
          (possibly doubled) or by a set of modifiers of the form
          :...  (see the section `Modifiers' in the section `His-
          tory Expansion'), are applied to the words of the value
          at this level.

     8. Character evaluation
          Any  (#)  flag is applied, evaluating the result so far
          numerically as a character.

     9. Length
          Any initial # modifier, i.e. in the  form  ${#var},  is
          used to evaluate the length of the expression so far.

     10. Forced joining
          If  the  `(j)'  flag  is  present,  or no `(j)' flag is
          present but the string is to be split as given by  rule

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          11.,  and  joining  did  not take place at step 5., any
          words in the value are joined together using the  given
          string  or  the  first character of $IFS if none.  Note
          that the `(F)' flag implicitly supplies  a  string  for
          joining in this manner.

     11. Simple word splitting
          If  one of the `(s)' or `(f)' flags are present, or the
          `=' specifier was present (e.g. ${=var}), the  word  is
          split on occurrences of the specified string, or (for =
          with neither of the two flags present) any of the char-
          acters in $IFS.

          If  no  `(s)',  `(f)' or `=' was given, but the word is
          not quoted and the option  SH_WORD_SPLIT  is  set,  the
          word  is  split on occurrences of any of the characters
          in $IFS.  Note this step, too, takes place at all  lev-
          els of a nested substitution.

     12. Case modification
          Any case modification from one of the flags (L), (U) or
          (C) is applied.

     13. Escape sequence replacement
          First any replacements from the (g) flag are performed,
          then any prompt-style formatting from the (%) family of
          flags is applied.

     14. Quote application
          Any quoting or unquoting using (q) and (Q) and  related
          flags is applied.

     15. Directory naming
          Any  directory  name  substitution  using  (D)  flag is

     16. Visibility enhancement
          Any modifications to make characters visible using  the
          (V) flag are applied.

     17. Lexical word splitting
          If the '(z)' flag or one of the forms of the '(Z)' flag
          is present, the word is split as if  it  were  a  shell
          command   line,  so  that  quotation  marks  and  other
          metacharacters are used to decide  what  constitutes  a
          word.  Note this form of splitting is entirely distinct
          from that described by rule 11.: it does not use  $IFS,
          and does not cause forced joining.

     18. Uniqueness
          If  the  result  is  an  array  and  the `(u)' flag was
          present, duplicate elements are removed from the array.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     19. Ordering
          If the result is still an array and one of the `(o)' or
          `(O)' flags was present, the array is reordered.

     20. Re-evaluation
          Any `(e)' flag is applied to the value, forcing  it  to
          be  re-examined  for  new  parameter substitutions, but
          also for command and arithmetic substitutions.

     21. Padding
          Any  padding  of  the  value  by  the  `(l.fill.)'   or
          `(r.fill.)' flags is applied.

     22. Semantic joining
          In contexts where expansion semantics requires a single
          word to result, all words are rejoined with  the  first
          character  of  IFS  between.  So in `${(P)${(f)lines}}'
          the value of ${lines} is split at  newlines,  but  then
          must  be joined again before the P flag can be applied.

          If a single word is not required, this rule is skipped.

     23. Empty argument removal
          If  the  substitution does not appear in double quotes,
          any resulting  zero-length  argument,  whether  from  a
          scalar  or  an  element of an array, is elided from the
          list of arguments inserted into the command line.

          Strictly speaking, the removal  happens  later  as  the
          same  happens  with  other  forms  of substitution; the
          point to note here is simply that it occurs  after  any
          of the above parameter operations.

     The  flag  f is useful to split a double-quoted substitution
     line by line.  For example, ${(f)"$(<file)"} substitutes the
     contents  of file divided so that each line is an element of
     the resulting  array.   Compare  this  with  the  effect  of
     $(<file)  alone,  which divides the file up by words, or the
     same inside double quotes, which makes the entire content of
     the file a single string.

     The  following  illustrates  the  rules for nested parameter
     expansions.  Suppose that $foo contains the array (bar baz):

          This produces the result b.  First, the inner substitu-
          tion "${foo}", which has no array (@) flag, produces  a
          single  word  result "bar baz".  The outer substitution
          "${(@)...[1]}" detects that this is a scalar,  so  that
          (despite  the `(@)' flag) the subscript picks the first

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          This produces the result  `bar'.   In  this  case,  the
          inner substitution "${(@)foo}" produces the array `(bar
          baz)'.  The outer substitution "${...[1]}" detects that
          this  is  an  array  and picks the first word.  This is
          similar to the simple case "${foo[1]}".

     As an example of the rules for word splitting  and  joining,
     suppose $foo contains the array `(ax1 bx1)'.  Then

          produces the words `a', `1 b' and `1'.

          produces `a', `1', `b' and `1'.

          produces  `a' and ` b' (note the extra space).  As sub-
          stitution occurs before either  joining  or  splitting,
          the  operation   first generates the modified array (ax
          bx), which is joined to give "ax bx", and then split to
          give  `a',  `  b'  and `'.  The final empty string will
          then be elided, as it is not in double quotes.

     A command enclosed in parentheses preceded by a dollar sign,
     like  `$(...)',  or quoted with grave accents, like ``...`',
     is replaced with its standard output, with any trailing new-
     lines  deleted.  If the substitution is not enclosed in dou-
     ble quotes, the output is broken into words  using  the  IFS
     parameter.  The substitution `$(cat foo)' may be replaced by
     the equivalent but faster `$(<foo)'.  In either case, if the
     option  GLOB_SUBST  is set, the output is eligible for file-
     name generation.

     A string of the form `$[exp]' or `$((exp))'  is  substituted
     with  the  value  of  the arithmetic expression exp.  exp is
     subjected to parameter expansion, command  substitution  and
     arithmetic  expansion  before it is evaluated.  See the sec-
     tion `Arithmetic Evaluation'.

     A string of the form `foo{xx,yy,zz}bar' is expanded  to  the
     individual  words  `fooxxbar',  `fooyybar'  and  `foozzbar'.
     Left-to-right order is preserved.   This  construct  may  be
     nested.   Commas may be quoted in order to include them lit-
     erally in a word.

     An expression of the form `{n1..n2}', where n1  and  n2  are
     integers,  is  expanded  to  every  number between n1 and n2
     inclusive.  If either number begins with  a  zero,  all  the

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     resulting numbers will be padded with leading zeroes to that
     minimum width, but for negative numbers the -  character  is
     also  included in the width.  If the numbers are in decreas-
     ing order the resulting sequence will also be in  decreasing

     An  expression of the form `{n1..n2..n3}', where n1, n2, and
     n3 are integers, is expanded as above, but only  every  n3th
     number  starting  from  n1 is output.  If n3 is negative the
     numbers are output in reverse order, this is  slightly  dif-
     ferent  from  simply swapping n1 and n2 in the case that the
     step n3 doesn't evenly divide the range.  Zero  padding  can
     be  specified  in any of the three numbers, specifying it in
     the third can be useful to pad for example  `{-99..100..01}'
     which is not possible to specify by putting a 0 on either of
     the first two numbers (i.e. pad to two characters).

     If a brace expression matches none of the above forms, it is
     left unchanged, unless the option BRACE_CCL (an abbreviation
     for `brace character class') is set.  In that  case,  it  is
     expanded  to a list of the individual characters between the
     braces sorted into the order of the characters in the  ASCII
     character  set  (multibyte characters are not currently han-
     dled).  The syntax is similar to a [...] expression in file-
     name  generation: `-' is treated specially to denote a range
     of characters, but `^' or `!'  as  the  first  character  is
     treated  normally.  For example, `{abcdef0-9}' expands to 16
     words 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f.

     Note that brace expansion is not part of filename generation
     (globbing);  an expression such as */{foo,bar} is split into
     two separate words */foo and */bar before  filename  genera-
     tion  takes  place.  In particular, note that this is liable
     to produce a `no match' error if either of the  two  expres-
     sions  does  not  match;  this  is  to  be  contrasted  with
     */(foo|bar), which is treated as a single pattern but other-
     wise has similar effects.

     To  combine  brace  expansion  with array expansion, see the
     ${^spec} form described in the section  Parameter  Expansion

     Each  word  is  checked to see if it begins with an unquoted
     `~'.  If it does, then the word up to a `/', or the  end  of
     the  word if there is no `/', is checked to see if it can be
     substituted in one of the ways described here.  If so,  then
     the `~' and the checked portion are replaced with the appro-
     priate substitute value.

     A `~' by itself is replaced by the value of  $HOME.   A  `~'
     followed  by  a  `+'  or  a  `-'  is  replaced by current or

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     previous working directory, respectively.

     A `~' followed by a number is replaced by the  directory  at
     that position in the directory stack.  `~0' is equivalent to
     `~+', and `~1' is the top of the stack.  `~+' followed by  a
     number  is replaced by the directory at that position in the
     directory stack.  `~+0' is equivalent to `~+', and `~+1'  is
     the top of the stack.  `~-' followed by a number is replaced
     by the directory that many positions from the bottom of  the
     stack.   `~-0'  is the bottom of the stack.  The PUSHD_MINUS
     option exchanges the effects of `~+' and `~-' where they are
     followed by a number.

  Dynamic named directories
     If  the  function  zsh_directory_name  exists,  or the shell
     variable zsh_directory_name_functions exists and contains an
     array  of  function  names,  then  the functions are used to
     implement dynamic directory naming.  The functions are tried
     in  order  until one returns status zero, so it is important
     that functions test whether they  can  handle  the  case  in
     question and return an appropriate status.

     A  `~' followed by a string namstr in unquoted square brack-
     ets is treated specially as a dynamic directory name.   Note
     that the first unquoted closing square bracket always termi-
     nates namstr.  The shell function is passed  two  arguments:
     the  string  n  (for name) and namstr.  It should either set
     the array reply to a single element which is  the  directory
     corresponding  to the name and return status zero (executing
     an assignment as the last statement is usually  sufficient),
     or it should return status non-zero.  In the former case the
     element of reply is used as the  directory;  in  the  latter
     case  the  substitution  is  deemed  to have failed.  If all
     functions fail and the  option  NOMATCH  is  set,  an  error

     The  functions  defined  as  above are also used to see if a
     directory can be turned into a name, for example when print-
     ing the directory stack or when expanding %~ in prompts.  In
     this case each function is passed two arguments: the  string
     d (for directory) and the candidate for dynamic naming.  The
     function should either return non-zero status, if the direc-
     tory  cannot  be named by the function, or it should set the
     array reply to consist of two elements:  the  first  is  the
     dynamic  name  for  the  directory  (as  would appear within
     `~[...]'), and the second is the prefix length of the direc-
     tory to be replaced.  For example, if the trial directory is
     /home/myname/src/zsh    and    the    dynamic    name    for
     /home/myname/src  (which  has  16 characters) is s, then the
     function sets

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          reply=(s 16)

     The directory name so returned  is  compared  with  possible
     static  names  for parts of the directory path, as described
     below; it is used if the prefix length matched  (16  in  the
     example) is longer than that matched by any static name.

     It  is  not  a requirement that a function implements both n
     and d calls; for example, it might be appropriate  for  cer-
     tain  dynamic  forms  of  expansion  not to be contracted to
     names.  In that case any call  with  the  first  argument  d
     should cause a non-zero status to be returned.

     The  completion system calls `zsh_directory_name c' followed
     by equivalent calls to  elements  of  the  array  zsh_direc-
     tory_name_functions,  if  it  exists,  in  order to complete
     dynamic names for directories.  The code for this should  be
     as  for  any  other completion function as described in zsh-

     As a working example, here is a function  that  expands  any
     dynamic  names  beginning  with the string p: to directories
     below /home/pws/perforce.  In this simple case a static name
     for the directory would be just as effective.

          zsh_directory_name() {
            emulate -L zsh
            setopt extendedglob
            local -a match mbegin mend
            if [[ $1 = d ]]; then
              # turn the directory into a name
              if [[ $2 = (#b)(/home/pws/perforce/)([^/]##)* ]]; then
                typeset -ga reply
                reply=(p:$match[2] $(( ${#match[1]} + ${#match[2]} )) )
                return 1
            elif [[ $1 = n ]]; then
              # turn the name into a directory
              [[ $2 != (#b)p:(?*) ]] && return 1
              typeset -ga reply
            elif [[ $1 = c ]]; then
              # complete names
              local expl
              local -a dirs
              _wanted dynamic-dirs expl 'dynamic directory' compadd -S\] -a dirs
              return 1

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

            return 0

  Static named directories
     A `~' followed by anything not already covered consisting of
     any number of alphanumeric characters or  underscore  (`_'),
     hyphen  (`-'),  or  dot (`.') is looked up as a named direc-
     tory, and replaced by the value of that named  directory  if
     found.  Named directories are typically home directories for
     users on the system.  They may also be defined if  the  text
     after  the `~' is the name of a string shell parameter whose
     value begins with a `/'.  Note that trailing slashes will be
     removed  from the path to the directory (though the original
     parameter is not modified).

     It is also possible to define directory names using  the  -d
     option to the hash builtin.

     When  the  shell  prints  a  path (e.g. when expanding %~ in
     prompts or when printing the directory stack), the  path  is
     checked  to  see  if it has a named directory as its prefix.
     If so, then the prefix portion is replaced with a  `~'  fol-
     lowed  by the name of the directory.  The shorter of the two
     ways of referring to the directory is used, i.e. either  the
     directory  name  or  the full path; the name is used if they
     are the same length.  The parameters $PWD  and  $OLDPWD  are
     never abbreviated in this fashion.

  `=' expansion
     If  a word begins with an unquoted `=' and the EQUALS option
     is set, the remainder of the word is taken as the name of  a
     command.   If  a  command  exists  by that name, the word is
     replaced by the full pathname of the command.

     Filename expansion is performed on the right hand side of  a
     parameter  assignment,  including those appearing after com-
     mands of the typeset family.  In this case, the  right  hand
     side will be treated as a colon-separated list in the manner
     of the PATH parameter, so that a `~' or an `='  following  a
     `:'  is  eligible  for expansion.  All such behaviour can be
     disabled by quoting the `~', the `=', or the  whole  expres-
     sion  (but  not simply the colon); the EQUALS option is also

     If the option MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST is set, any  unquoted  shell
     argument  in the form `identifier=expression' becomes eligi-
     ble for file expansion as described in  the  previous  para-
     graph.  Quoting the first `=' also inhibits this.

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     If  a word contains an unquoted instance of one of the char-
     acters `*', `(', `|', `<', `[', or `?', it is regarded as  a
     pattern  for  filename generation, unless the GLOB option is
     unset.  If the EXTENDED_GLOB option is set, the `^' and  `#'
     characters  also  denote  a  pattern; otherwise they are not
     treated specially by the shell.

     The word is replaced with a list of  sorted  filenames  that
     match  the  pattern.   If  no matching pattern is found, the
     shell gives an error message, unless the NULL_GLOB option is
     set,  in  which  case  the  word  is  deleted; or unless the
     NOMATCH option is unset, in which  case  the  word  is  left

     In  filename  generation,  the character `/' must be matched
     explicitly; also, a `.' must be matched  explicitly  at  the
     beginning  of a pattern or after a `/', unless the GLOB_DOTS
     option is set.  No filename generation pattern  matches  the
     files  `.' or `..'.  In other instances of pattern matching,
     the `/' and `.' are not treated specially.

  Glob Operators
     *    Matches any string, including the null string.

     ?    Matches any character.

          Matches any of  the  enclosed  characters.   Ranges  of
          characters  can  be specified by separating two charac-
          ters by a `-'.  A `-' or `]' may be matched by  includ-
          ing  it  as the first character in the list.  There are
          also several named classes of characters, in  the  form
          `[:name:]'  with the following meanings.  The first set
          use the macros provided by the operating system to test
          for  the  given  character  combinations, including any
          modifications  due  to  local  language  settings,  see

               The character is alphanumeric

               The character is alphabetic

               The  character  is  7-bit,  i.e.  is a single-byte
               character without the top bit set.

               The character is either space or tab

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               The character is a control character

               The character is a decimal digit

               The character is a printable character other  than

               The character is a lowercase letter

               The character is printable

               The  character  is  printable but neither alphanu-
               meric nor whitespace

               The character is whitespace

               The character is an uppercase letter

               The character is a hexadecimal digit

          Another set of named classes is handled  internally  by
          the shell and is not sensitive to the locale:

               The  character  is allowed to form part of a shell
               identifier, such as a parameter name

               The character is used as an input field separator,
               i.e. is contained in the IFS parameter

               The character is an IFS white space character; see
               the documentation for IFS in the zshparam(1)  man-
               ual page.

               The  character  is treated as part of a word; this
               test is sensitive to the value  of  the  WORDCHARS

          Note  that  the square brackets are additional to those
          enclosing the whole set of characters, so to test for a

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          single  alphanumeric  character you need `[[:alnum:]]'.
          Named character sets can be used alongside other types,
          e.g. `[[:alpha:]0-9]'.

          Like  [...], except that it matches any character which
          is not in the given set.

          Matches any number in the  range  x  to  y,  inclusive.
          Either  of the numbers may be omitted to make the range
          open-ended; hence `<->' matches any number.   To  match
          individual digits, the [...] form is more efficient.

          Be  careful when using other wildcards adjacent to pat-
          terns of this form; for example, <0-9>*  will  actually
          match any number whatsoever at the start of the string,
          since the `<0-9>' will match the first digit,  and  the
          `*'  will  match  any  others.   This is a trap for the
          unwary, but is in fact an inevitable consequence of the
          rule  that  the longest possible match always succeeds.
          Expressions such as `<0-9>[^[:digit:]]*'  can  be  used

          Matches  the enclosed pattern.  This is used for group-
          ing.  If the KSH_GLOB option is set, then a  `@',  `*',
          `+',  `?'  or  `!'  immediately  preceding  the  `(' is
          treated  specially,  as  detailed  below.  The   option
          SH_GLOB  prevents  bare  parentheses from being used in
          this way, though the KSH_GLOB option  is  still  avail-

          Note that grouping cannot extend over multiple directo-
          ries: it is an error to have a `/' within a group (this
          only applies for patterns used in filename generation).
          There is one exception:  a group of  the  form  (pat/)#
          appearing  as  a  complete  path  segment  can  match a
          sequence of directories.   For  example,  foo/(a*/)#bar
          matches foo/bar, foo/any/bar, foo/any/anyother/bar, and
          so on.

     x|y  Matches either x or y.  This operator has lower  prece-
          dence than any other.  The `|' character must be within
          parentheses, to avoid interpretation as a pipeline.

     ^x   (Requires EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.)   Matches  anything
          except  the  pattern  x.   This has a higher precedence
          than `/', so `^foo/bar' will search directories in  `.'
          except `./foo' for a file named `bar'.

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     x~y  (Requires  EXTENDED_GLOB  to  be  set.)  Match anything
          that matches the pattern x but does not match y.   This
          has  lower  precedence than any operator except `|', so
          `*/*~foo/bar' will search for all files in all directo-
          ries  in  `.'   and then exclude `foo/bar' if there was
          such a match.  Multiple patterns  can  be  excluded  by
          `foo~bar~baz'.   In  the exclusion pattern (y), `/' and
          `.' are not treated specially the way they usually  are
          in globbing.

     x#   (Requires  EXTENDED_GLOB  to  be set.)  Matches zero or
          more occurrences of the pattern x.  This  operator  has
          high precedence; `12#' is equivalent to `1(2#)', rather
          than `(12)#'.  It is an error for an  unquoted  `#'  to
          follow   something   which  cannot  be  repeated;  this
          includes an empty string, a pattern already followed by
          `##',  or  parentheses  when part of a KSH_GLOB pattern
          (for example, `!(foo)#' is invalid and must be replaced
          by `*(!(foo))').

     x##  (Requires  EXTENDED_GLOB  to  be  set.)  Matches one or
          more occurrences of the pattern x.  This  operator  has
          high  precedence;  `12##'  is  equivalent  to `1(2##)',
          rather than `(12)##'.  No  more  than  two  active  `#'
          characters  may  appear  together.  (Note the potential
          clash with glob qualifiers in the form  `1(2##)'  which
          should therefore be avoided.)

  ksh-like Glob Operators
     If  the  KSH_GLOB  option is set, the effects of parentheses
     can be modified by a preceding `@', `*', `+',  `?'  or  `!'.
     This character need not be unquoted to have special effects,
     but the `(' must be.

          Match the pattern in the parentheses.  (Like  `(...)'.)

          Match  any  number  of  occurrences.   (Like  `(...)#',
          except that recursive directory searching is  not  sup-

          Match at least one occurrence.  (Like `(...)##', except
          that recursive directory searching is not  supported..)

          Match zero or one occurrence.  (Like `(|...)'.)

          Match  anything  but  the  expression  in  parentheses.
          (Like `(^(...))'.)

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     The precedence of the operators  given  above  is  (highest)
     `^',  `/',  `~',  `|'  (lowest); the remaining operators are
     simply treated from left to right as part of a string,  with
     `#'  and  `##'  applying  to the shortest possible preceding
     unit (i.e. a character, `?', `[...]', `<...>', or  a  paren-
     thesised  expression).   As mentioned above, a `/' used as a
     directory separator may not appear inside parentheses, while
     a  `|'  must  do so; in patterns used in other contexts than
     filename generation (for example,  in  case  statements  and
     tests  within  `[[...]]'),  a `/' is not special; and `/' is
     also not special after a `~' appearing  outside  parentheses
     in a filename pattern.

  Globbing Flags
     There are various flags which affect any text to their right
     up to the end of the enclosing group or to the  end  of  the
     pattern; they require the EXTENDED_GLOB option. All take the
     form (#X) where X may have one of the following forms:

     i    Case insensitive:  upper or lower  case  characters  in
          the pattern match upper or lower case characters.

     l    Lower  case  characters  in  the pattern match upper or
          lower case characters; upper  case  characters  in  the
          pattern still only match upper case characters.

     I    Case  sensitive:   locally negates the effect of i or l
          from that point on.

     b    Activate backreferences for parenthesised groups in the
          pattern;  this  does  not  work in filename generation.
          When a pattern with a  set  of  active  parentheses  is
          matched,  the  strings matched by the groups are stored
          in the array $match, the indices of  the  beginning  of
          the  matched  parentheses in the array $mbegin, and the
          indices of the end in the array $mend, with  the  first
          element of each array corresponding to the first paren-
          thesised group, and so on.  These arrays are not other-
          wise  special  to  the shell.  The indices use the same
          convention as does parameter substitution, so that ele-
          ments  of  $mend and $mbegin may be used in subscripts;
          the KSH_ARRAYS option is respected.  Sets  of  globbing
          flags are not considered parenthesised groups; only the
          first nine active parentheses can be referenced.

          For example,

               foo="a string with a message"
               if [[ $foo = (a|an)' '(#b)(*)' '* ]]; then
                 print ${foo[$mbegin[1],$mend[1]]}

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          prints `string with a'.  Note that the first  parenthe-
          sis is before the (#b) and does not create a backrefer-

          Backreferences work with all forms of pattern  matching
          other than filename generation, but note that when per-
          forming  matches  on   an   entire   array,   such   as
          ${array#pattern},  or  a  global  substitution, such as
          ${param//pat/repl}, only the data for  the  last  match
          remains  available.  In the case of global replacements
          this may still be useful.  See the example  for  the  m
          flag below.

          The  numbering  of  backreferences strictly follows the
          order of the opening parentheses from left to right  in
          the pattern string, although sets of parentheses may be
          nested.  There are special rules for  parentheses  fol-
          lowed  by  `#'  or  `##'.   Only  the last match of the
          parenthesis is remembered: for example, in `[[  abab  =
          (#b)([ab])#  ]]',  only  the  final  `b'  is  stored in
          match[1].  Thus extra parentheses may be  necessary  to
          match   the   complete   segment:   for   example,  use
          `X((ab|cd)#)Y' to match a whole string of  either  `ab'
          or  `cd'  between  `X'  and  `Y',  using  the  value of
          $match[1] rather than $match[2].

          If the match fails none of the parameters  is  altered,
          so in some cases it may be necessary to initialise them
          beforehand.  If some  of  the  backreferences  fail  to
          match  --  which  happens  if  they are in an alternate
          branch which fails to match, or if they are followed by
          #  and matched zero times -- then the matched string is
          set to the empty string, and the start and end  indices
          are set to -1.

          Pattern matching with backreferences is slightly slower
          than without.

     B    Deactivate backreferences, negating the effect of the b
          flag from that point on.

     cN,M The  flag (#cN,M) can be used anywhere that the # or ##
          operators can be used except in the expressions `(*/)#'
          and `(*/)##' in filename generation, where `/' has spe-
          cial meaning; it cannot be combined with other globbing
          flags  and  a  bad  pattern  error occurs if it is mis-
          placed.  It is equivalent to the form {N,M} in  regular
          expressions.    The  previous  character  or  group  is
          required to match between N  and  M  times,  inclusive.
          The  form  (#cN)  requires exactly N matches; (#c,M) is
          equivalent to specifying N as 0; (#cN,) specifies  that
          there is no maximum limit on the number of matches.

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     m    Set  references to the match data for the entire string
          matched; this is similar to  backreferencing  and  does
          not  work  in filename generation.  The flag must be in
          effect at the end of the pattern, i.e. not local  to  a
          group.  The  parameters $MATCH,  $MBEGIN and $MEND will
          be set to the string matched and to the indices of  the
          beginning and end of the string, respectively.  This is
          most useful in parameter  substitutions,  as  otherwise
          the string matched is obvious.

          For example,

               arr=(veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck)
               print ${arr//(#m)[aeiou]/${(U)MATCH}}

          forces  all  the  matches (i.e. all vowels) into upper-
          case, printing `vEldt jynx grImps wAqf zhO bUck'.

          Unlike backreferences, there is no  speed  penalty  for
          using  match references, other than the extra substitu-
          tions required for the  replacement  strings  in  cases
          such as the example shown.

     M    Deactivate  the  m  flag,  hence no references to match
          data will be created.

     anum Approximate matching: num errors  are  allowed  in  the
          string  matched by the pattern.  The rules for this are
          described in the next subsection.

     s, e Unlike the other flags, these have only a local effect,
          and each must appear on its own:  `(#s)' and `(#e)' are
          the only valid forms.  The `(#s)' flag succeeds only at
          the  start of the test string, and the `(#e)' flag suc-
          ceeds only at the end of the test string;  they  corre-
          spond  to  `^' and `$' in standard regular expressions.
          They are useful for matching path segments in  patterns
          other  than  those  in  filename generation (where path
          segments are in  any  case  treated  separately).   For
          example,  `*((#s)|/)test((#e)|/)*'  matches a path seg-
          ment `test' in any  of  the  following  strings:  test,
          test/at/start, at/end/test, in/test/middle.

          Another  use  is in parameter substitution; for example
          `${array/(#s)A*Z(#e)}' will remove only elements of  an
          array  which  match  the complete pattern `A*Z'.  There
          are other ways of performing many  operations  of  this
          type, however the combination of the substitution oper-
          ations `/' and `//' with the `(#s)'  and  `(#e)'  flags
          provides a single simple and memorable method.

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          Note  that  assertions of the form `(^(#s))' also work,
          i.e. match anywhere except at the start of the  string,
          although   this   actually  means  `anything  except  a
          zero-length portion at the start of  the  string';  you
          need  to use `(""~(#s))' to match a zero-length portion
          of the string not at the start.

     q    A `q' and everything up to the closing  parenthesis  of
          the  globbing flags are ignored by the pattern matching
          code.  This is intended to  support  the  use  of  glob
          qualifiers,  see below.  The result is that the pattern
          `(#b)(*).c(#q.)' can be used both for globbing and  for
          matching  against  a  string.   In the former case, the
          `(#q.)' will be treated as a  glob  qualifier  and  the
          `(#b)' will not be useful, while in the latter case the
          `(#b)' is useful for  backreferences  and  the  `(#q.)'
          will be ignored.  Note that colon modifiers in the glob
          qualifiers are also not  applied  in  ordinary  pattern

     u    Respect  the current locale in determining the presence
          of multibyte characters  in  a  pattern,  provided  the
          shell  was compiled with MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT.  This over-
          rides the MULTIBYTE option; the  default  behaviour  is
          taken  from  the  option.  Compare U.  (Mnemonic: typi-
          cally multibyte characters  are  from  Unicode  in  the
          UTF-8  encoding,  although  any extension of ASCII sup-
          ported by the system library may be used.)

     U    All characters are considered to be a single byte long.
          The  opposite  of  u.   This  overrides  the  MULTIBYTE

     For example, the test string fooxx can  be  matched  by  the
     pattern  (#i)FOOXX,  but  not by (#l)FOOXX, (#i)FOO(#I)XX or
     ((#i)FOOX)X.  The string (#ia2)readme specifies  case-insen-
     sitive matching of readme with up to two errors.

     When  using  the  ksh  syntax for grouping both KSH_GLOB and
     EXTENDED_GLOB must be set and the left parenthesis should be
     preceded  by @.  Note also that the flags do not affect let-
     ters inside [...] groups, in  other  words  (#i)[a-z]  still
     matches  only  lowercase  letters.   Finally, note that when
     examining whole  paths  case-insensitively  every  directory
     must  be  searched for all files which match, so that a pat-
     tern of the form (#i)/foo/bar/... is potentially slow.

  Approximate Matching
     When matching approximately, the shell keeps a count of  the
     errors  found,  which  cannot exceed the number specified in
     the (#anum) flags.  Four types of error are recognised:

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     1.   Different characters, as in fooxbar and fooybar.

     2.   Transposition of characters, as in banana and abnana.

     3.   A character missing in the target string, as  with  the
          pattern road and target string rod.

     4.   An  extra  character appearing in the target string, as
          with stove and strove.

     Thus, the pattern (#a3)abcd matches dcba,  with  the  errors
     occurring by using the first rule twice and the second once,
     grouping the string as [d][cb][a] and [a][bc][d].

     Non-literal parts of the pattern must match exactly, includ-
     ing  characters in character ranges: hence (#a1)???  matches
     strings of length four, by applying rule 4 to an empty  part
     of the pattern, but not strings of length two, since all the
     ? must match.  Other characters which must match exactly are
     initial  dots  in  filenames (unless the GLOB_DOTS option is
     set), and all slashes in filenames,  so  that  a/bc  is  two
     errors  from  ab/c  (the  slash  cannot  be  transposed with
     another character).  Similarly,  errors  are  counted  sepa-
     rately  for  non-contiguous  strings in the pattern, so that
     (ab|cd)ef is two errors from aebf.

     When using exclusion via the ~ operator, approximate  match-
     ing is treated entirely separately for the excluded part and
     must be  activated  separately.   Thus,  (#a1)README~READ_ME
     matches  READ.ME but not READ_ME, as the trailing READ_ME is
     matched       without        approximation.         However,
     (#a1)README~(#a1)READ_ME  does  not match any pattern of the
     form READ?ME as all such forms are now excluded.

     Apart from exclusions,  there  is  only  one  overall  error
     count;  however,  the  maximum errors allowed may be altered
     locally, and this can be delimited by grouping.   For  exam-
     ple,  (#a1)cat((#a0)dog)fox allows one error in total, which
     may  not  occur  in  the  dog  section,  and   the   pattern
     (#a1)cat(#a0)dog(#a1)fox is equivalent.  Note that the point
     at which an error is first found  is  the  crucial  one  for
     establishing  whether  to  use  approximation;  for example,
     (#a1)abc(#a0)xyz will not match abcdxyz, because  the  error
     occurs at the `x', where approximation is turned off.

     Entire  path  segments may be matched approximately, so that
     `(#a1)/foo/d/is/available/at/the/bar' allows  one  error  in
     any  path segment.  This is much less efficient than without
     the (#a1), however, since every directory in the  path  must
     be  scanned for a possible approximate match.  It is best to
     place the (#a1) after any path segments which are  known  to
     be correct.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

  Recursive Globbing
     A  pathname  component  of the form `(foo/)#' matches a path
     consisting of zero or more directories matching the  pattern

     As  a  shorthand,  `**/' is equivalent to `(*/)#'; note that
     this therefore matches files in  the  current  directory  as
     well as subdirectories.  Thus:

          ls (*/)#bar


          ls **/bar

     does  a  recursive  directory  search  for files named `bar'
     (potentially including the file `bar' in the current  direc-
     tory).  This form does not follow symbolic links; the alter-
     native form `***/' does, but is otherwise  identical.   Nei-
     ther  of  these can be combined with other forms of globbing
     within the same path segment; in that case, the  `*'  opera-
     tors revert to their usual effect.

  Glob Qualifiers
     Patterns  used  for filename generation may end in a list of
     qualifiers enclosed in parentheses.  The qualifiers  specify
     which  filenames that otherwise match the given pattern will
     be inserted in the argument list.

     If the option BARE_GLOB_QUAL is set, then a trailing set  of
     parentheses  containing  no `|' or `(' characters (or `~' if
     it is special) is taken as a set of glob qualifiers.  A glob
     subexpression  that  would  normally be taken as glob quali-
     fiers, for example `(^x)', can be forced to  be  treated  as
     part  of  the  glob  pattern by doubling the parentheses, in
     this case producing `((^x))'.

     If the option EXTENDED_GLOB is set, a different  syntax  for
     glob  qualifiers is available, namely `(#qx)' where x is any
     of the same glob qualifiers used in the other  format.   The
     qualifiers  must  still  appear  at  the end of the pattern.
     However, with this syntax multiple glob  qualifiers  may  be
     chained  together.  They are treated as a logical AND of the
     individual sets of flags.  Also, as the syntax is  unambigu-
     ous,  the expression will be treated as glob qualifiers just
     as long any parentheses contained within  it  are  balanced;
     appearance  of  `|',  `(' or `~' does not negate the effect.
     Note that qualifiers will be recognised in this form even if
     a  bare glob qualifier exists at the end of the pattern, for
     example `*(#q*)(.)' will recognise executable regular  files
     if both options are set; however, mixed syntax should proba-
     bly be avoided for the sake of clarity.

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     A qualifier may be any one of the following:

     /    directories

     F    `full' (i.e. non-empty)  directories.   Note  that  the
          opposite  sense  (^F)  expands to empty directories and
          all non-directories.  Use (/^F) for empty  directories.

     .    plain files

     @    symbolic links

     =    sockets

     p    named pipes (FIFOs)

     *    executable plain files (0100)

     %    device files (character or block special)

     %b   block special files

     %c   character special files

     r    owner-readable files (0400)

     w    owner-writable files (0200)

     x    owner-executable files (0100)

     A    group-readable files (0040)

     I    group-writable files (0020)

     E    group-executable files (0010)

     R    world-readable files (0004)

     W    world-writable files (0002)

     X    world-executable files (0001)

     s    setuid files (04000)

     S    setgid files (02000)

     t    files with the sticky bit (01000)

          files  with  access rights matching spec. This spec may
          be a octal number optionally preceded by a `=', a  `+',
          or  a  `-'.  If  none of these characters is given, the

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          behavior is the same  as  for  `='.  The  octal  number
          describes  the  mode  bits  to be expected, if combined
          with a `=', the value given must match  the  file-modes
          exactly,  with  a  `+',  at least the bits in the given
          number must be set in the file-modes, and with  a  `-',
          the  bits  in  the number must not be set. Giving a `?'
          instead of a octal digit anywhere in the number ensures
          that  the  corresponding bits in the file-modes are not
          checked, this is only useful in combination with `='.

          If the qualifier `f' is followed by any other character
          anything  up  to the next matching character (`[', `{',
          and `<' match `]', `}', and `>' respectively, any other
          character  matches  itself)  is  taken  as  a  list  of
          comma-separated sub-specs. Each sub-spec may be  either
          an  octal number as described above or a list of any of
          the characters `u', `g', `o', and `a',  followed  by  a
          `=',  a `+', or a `-', followed by a list of any of the
          characters `r', `w', `x', `s', and  `t',  or  an  octal
          digit.  The  first  list  of  characters  specify which
          access rights are to be checked. If  a  `u'  is  given,
          those  for  the owner of the file are used, if a `g' is
          given, those of the group are checked, a `o'  means  to
          test those of other users, and the `a' says to test all
          three groups. The `=', `+', and `-' again says how  the
          modes  are  to  be checked and have the same meaning as
          described for the first form above. The second list  of
          characters  finally  says which access rights are to be
          expected: `r' for read access, `w'  for  write  access,
          `x'  for  the right to execute the file (or to search a
          directory), `s' for the setuid and setgid bits, and `t'
          for the sticky bit.

          Thus, `*(f70?)' gives the files for which the owner has
          read, write, and  execute  permission,  and  for  which
          other  group members have no rights, independent of the
          permissions for other  users.  The  pattern  `*(f-100)'
          gives  all files for which the owner does not have exe-
          cute permission, and `*(f:gu+w,o-rx:)' gives the  files
          for  which the owner and the other members of the group
          have at least write permission,  and  for  which  other
          users don't have read or execute permission.

     +cmd The  string  will be executed as shell code.  The file-
          name will be included in the list if and  only  if  the
          code  returns  a zero status (usually the status of the
          last command).

          In the first form, the first character  after  the  `e'
          will be used as a separator and anything up to the next
          matching separator will be taken  as the  string;  `[',

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          `{',  and  `<'  match  `]', `}', and `>', respectively,
          while any other character  matches  itself.  Note  that
          expansions must be quoted in the string to prevent them
          from being expanded before globbing is done.  string is
          then  executed  as  shell code.  The string globqual is
          appended to the array zsh_eval_context the duration  of

          During  the  execution of string the filename currently
          being tested is available in the parameter  REPLY;  the
          parameter  may  be  altered  to a string to be inserted
          into the list instead of  the  original  filename.   In
          addition, the parameter reply may be set to an array or
          a string, which overrides the value of REPLY.   If  set
          to  an  array,  the latter is inserted into the command
          line word by word.

          For example, suppose a directory contains a single file
          `lonely'.           Then         the         expression
          `*(e:'reply=(${REPLY}{1,2})':)' will  cause  the  words
          `lonely1' and `lonely2' to be inserted into the command
          line.  Note the quoting of string.

          The form +cmd has the same effect,  but  no  delimiters
          appear  around cmd.  Instead, cmd is taken as the long-
          est sequence of characters following  the  +  that  are
          alphanumeric  or underscore.  Typically cmd will be the
          name of a shell function that contains the  appropriate
          test.  For example,

               nt() { [[ $REPLY -nt $NTREF ]] }
               ls -l *(+nt)

          lists  all  files in the directory that have been modi-
          fied more recently than reffile.

     ddev files on the device dev

          files having a link count less  than  ct  (-),  greater
          than ct (+), or equal to ct

     U    files owned by the effective user ID

     G    files owned by the effective group ID

     uid  files  owned by user ID id if that is a number.  Other-
          wise, id specifies a user name: the character after the
          `u' will be taken as a separator and the string between
          it and the next matching separator will be taken  as  a
          user  name.   The starting separators `[', `{', and `<'

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          match the final separators `]', `}', and  `>',  respec-
          tively;   any  other  character  matches  itself.   The
          selected files are those owned by this user.  For exam-
          ple,  `u:foo:'  or `u[foo]' selects files owned by user

     gid  like uid but with group IDs or names

          files accessed exactly  n  days  ago.   Files  accessed
          within  the  last  n days are selected using a negative
          value for n (-n).  Files accessed more than n days  ago
          are selected by a positive n value (+n).  Optional unit
          specifiers `M', `w', `h', `m' or `s' (e.g. `ah5') cause
          the  check  to  be  performed with months (of 30 days),
          weeks, hours,  minutes  or  seconds  instead  of  days,
          respectively.    An  explicit  `d'  for  days  is  also

          Any fractional  part  of  the  difference  between  the
          access  time  and  the  current part in the appropriate
          units is ignored  in  the  comparison.   For  instance,
          `echo  *(ah-5)'  would  echo  files accessed within the
          last five hours, while `echo *(ah+5)' would echo  files
          accessed  at  least  six  hours  ago, as times strictly
          between five and six hours are treated as five hours.

          like the file access qualifier, except that it uses the
          file modification time.

          like the file access qualifier, except that it uses the
          file inode change time.

          files less than n bytes (-), more than n bytes (+),  or
          exactly n bytes in length.

          If  this  flag is directly followed by a `k' (`K'), `m'
          (`M'), or `p' (`P') (e.g. `Lk-50') the  check  is  per-
          formed  with  kilobytes,  megabytes,  or blocks (of 512
          bytes) instead.  In this case a  file  is  regarded  as
          "exactly"  the  size if the file size rounded up to the
          next unit is equal to the test  size.   Hence  `*(Lm1)'
          matches  files  from 1 byte up to 1 Megabyte inclusive.
          Note also that the set of files "less  than"  the  test
          size  only  includes  files  that  would  not match the
          equality test; hence `*(Lm-1)' only  matches  files  of
          zero size.

     ^    negates all qualifiers following it

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     -    toggles  between making the qualifiers work on symbolic
          links (the default) and the files they point to

     M    sets the MARK_DIRS option for the current pattern

     T    appends a trailing qualifier  mark  to  the  filenames,
          analogous  to  the  LIST_TYPES  option, for the current
          pattern (overrides M)

     N    sets the NULL_GLOB option for the current pattern

     D    sets the GLOB_DOTS option for the current pattern

     n    sets the NUMERIC_GLOB_SORT option for the current  pat-

     oc   specifies  how the names of the files should be sorted.
          If c is n they are sorted by name (the default); if  it
          is  L they are sorted depending on the size (length) of
          the files; if l they are sorted by the number of links;
          if  a,  m, or c they are sorted by the time of the last
          access, modification, or inode change respectively;  if
          d,  files  in subdirectories appear before those in the
          current directory at each level of the search  --  this
          is  best  combined  with  other  criteria,  for example
          `odon' to sort on  names  for  files  within  the  same
          directory; if N, no sorting is performed.  Note that a,
          m, and c compare the  age  against  the  current  time,
          hence  the first name in the list is the youngest file.
          Also note that the modifiers  ^  and  -  are  used,  so
          `*(^-oL)' gives a list of all files sorted by file size
          in descending  order,  following  any  symbolic  links.
          Unless  oN is used, multiple order specifiers may occur
          to resolve ties.

          oe and o+ are special cases; they are each followed  by
          shell  code,  delimited as for the e glob qualifier and
          the + glob qualifier  respectively  (see  above).   The
          code is executed for each matched file with the parame-
          ter REPLY set to the name of  the  file  on  entry  and
          globsort appended to zsh_eval_context.  The code should
          modify the parameter REPLY in some fashion.  On return,
          the  value of the parameter is used instead of the file
          name as the string on which to sort.  Unlike other sort
          operators, oe and o+ may be repeated, but note that the
          maximum number of sort operators of any kind  that  may
          appear in any glob expression is 12.

     Oc   like  `o', but sorts in descending order; i.e. `*(^oc)'
          is the same as `*(Oc)' and  `*(^Oc)'  is  the  same  as
          `*(oc)';  `Od'  puts  files  in  the  current directory
          before those in subdirectories at  each  level  of  the

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)


          specifies  which  of  the  matched  filenames should be
          included in the returned list. The syntax is  the  same
          as  for  array subscripts. beg and the optional end may
          be mathematical expressions. As in parameter subscript-
          ing  they  may  be negative to make them count from the
          last match backward. E.g.: `*(-OL[1,3])' gives  a  list
          of the names of the three largest files.

          The  string  will  be prepended to each glob match as a
          separate word.  string is delimited in the same way  as
          arguments to the e glob qualifier described above.  The
          qualifier can be repeated; the words are prepended sep-
          arately so that the resulting command line contains the
          words in the same order they were given in the list  of
          glob qualifiers.

          A  typical  use for this is to prepend an option before
          all occurrences of a file name; for example,  the  pat-
          tern `*(P:-f:)' produces the command line arguments `-f
          file1 -f file2 ...'

     More than one of these lists can be combined,  separated  by
     commas.  The  whole list matches if at least one of the sub-
     lists matches (they are `or'ed, the qualifiers in  the  sub-
     lists  are  `and'ed).   Some qualifiers, however, affect all
     matches generated, independent of the sublist in which  they
     are  given.   These  are  the qualifiers `M', `T', `N', `D',
     `n',  `o',  `O'  and  the  subscripts  given   in   brackets

     If  a  `:' appears in a qualifier list, the remainder of the
     expression in parenthesis is interpreted as a modifier  (see
     the section `Modifiers' in the section `History Expansion').
     Each modifier must be introduced by a  separate  `:'.   Note
     also  that the result after modification does not have to be
     an existing file.  The name of any existing file can be fol-
     lowed  by  a  modifier of the form `(:..)' even if no actual
     filename generation is performed,  although  note  that  the
     presence  of the parentheses causes the entire expression to
     be subjected to any global pattern matching options such  as
     NULL_GLOB. Thus:

          ls *(-/)

     lists  all  directories  and  symbolic  links  that point to
     directories, and

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User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

          ls *(%W)

     lists all world-writable device files in the current  direc-
     tory, and

          ls *(W,X)

     lists   all   files   in  the  current  directory  that  are
     world-writable or world-executable, and

          echo /tmp/foo*(u0^@:t)

     outputs the basename of all root-owned files beginning  with
     the string `foo' in /tmp, ignoring symlinks, and

          ls *.*~(lex|parse).[ch](^D^l1)

     lists  all files having a link count of one whose names con-
     tain a dot  (but  not  those  starting  with  a  dot,  since
     GLOB_DOTS  is  explicitly  switched  off)  except for lex.c,
     lex.h, parse.c and parse.h.

          print b*.pro(#q:s/pro/shmo/)(#q.:s/builtin/shmiltin/)

     demonstrates how colon modifiers and other qualifiers may be
     chained  together.   The  ordinary  qualifier `.' is applied
     first, then the colon modifiers in order from left to right.
     So  if EXTENDED_GLOB is set and the base pattern matches the
     regular   file   builtin.pro,   the   shell    will    print

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                49

User Commands                                          ZSHEXPN(1)

     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                50

User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     zshparam - zsh parameters

     A parameter has a name, a value, and a number of attributes.
     A name may be any sequence of  alphanumeric  characters  and
     underscores,  or  the  single characters `*', `@', `#', `?',
     `-', `$', or `!'.  The value may be a scalar (a string),  an
     integer,  an  array (indexed numerically), or an associative
     array (an unordered set  of  name-value  pairs,  indexed  by
     name).   To  declare the type of a parameter, or to assign a
     scalar or integer value to  a  parameter,  use  the  typeset

     The  value  of  a  scalar  or  integer parameter may also be
     assigned by writing:


     If the integer attribute, -i, is set for name, the value  is
     subject to arithmetic evaluation.  Furthermore, by replacing
     `=' with `+=', a parameter can be added or appended to.  See
     the  section  `Array  Parameters'  for  additional  forms of

     To refer to the value  of  a  parameter,  write  `$name'  or
     `${name}'.   See  Parameter Expansion in zshexpn(1) for com-
     plete details.

     In the parameter lists that follow, the mark `<S>' indicates
     that  the  parameter  is special.  Special parameters cannot
     have their type changed or their readonly  attribute  turned
     off,  and if a special parameter is unset, then later recre-
     ated, the special properties will be retained.  `<Z>'  indi-
     cates  that the parameter does not exist when the shell ini-
     tializes in sh or ksh emulation mode.

     To assign an array value, write one of:

          set -A name value ...
          name=(value ...)

     If no parameter name exists, an ordinary array parameter  is
     created.   If  the parameter name exists and is a scalar, it
     is replaced by a new array.  Ordinary array  parameters  may
     also be explicitly declared with:

          typeset -a name

     Associative  arrays  must  be declared before assignment, by

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          typeset -A name

     When name refers to an associative array,  the  list  in  an
     assignment is interpreted as alternating keys and values:

          set -A name key value ...
          name=(key value ...)

     Every  key  must  have a value in this case.  Note that this
     assigns to the entire array, deleting any elements  that  do
     not appear in the list.

     To create an empty array (including associative arrays), use
     one of:

          set -A name

  Array Subscripts
     Individual elements of an array may be selected using a sub-
     script.   A subscript of the form `[exp]' selects the single
     element exp, where exp is  an  arithmetic  expression  which
     will  be  subject to arithmetic expansion as if it were sur-
     rounded by `$((...))'.  The elements are numbered  beginning
     with  1,  unless  the KSH_ARRAYS option is set in which case
     they are numbered from zero.

     Subscripts may be used  inside  braces  used  to  delimit  a
     parameter name, thus `${foo[2]}' is equivalent to `$foo[2]'.
     If the KSH_ARRAYS option is set, the braced form is the only
     one  that  works, as bracketed expressions otherwise are not
     treated as subscripts.

     If the  KSH_ARRAYS  option  is  not  set,  then  by  default
     accesses to an array element with a subscript that evaluates
     to zero return an empty string, while an  attempt  to  write
     such  an  element is treated as an error.  For backward com-
     patibility the KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT option can be set to cause
     subscript  values 0 and 1 to be equivalent; see the descrip-
     tion of the option in zshoptions(1).

     The same subscripting syntax is used for associative arrays,
     except that no arithmetic expansion is applied to exp.  How-
     ever, the parsing rules  for  arithmetic  expressions  still
     apply, which affects the way that certain special characters
     must be protected from interpretation.  See Subscript  Pars-
     ing below for details.

     A subscript of the form `[*]' or `[@]' evaluates to all ele-
     ments of an array; there is no difference  between  the  two
     except  when  they appear within double quotes.  `"$foo[*]"'
     evaluates to `"$foo[1] $foo[2]  ..."',  whereas  `"$foo[@]"'

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     evaluates  to  `"$foo[1]"  "$foo[2]"  ...'.  For associative
     arrays, `[*]' or `[@]' evaluate to all  the  values,  in  no
     particular  order.   Note  that this does not substitute the
     keys; see the documentation for the `k' flag under Parameter
     Expansion Flags in zshexpn(1) for complete details.  When an
     array parameter is referenced as `$name' (with no subscript)
     it  evaluates to `$name[*]', unless the KSH_ARRAYS option is
     set in which case it evaluates to `${name[0]}' (for an asso-
     ciative  array,  this  means the value of the key `0', which
     may not exist even if there are values for other keys).

     A subscript of the form `[exp1,exp2]' selects  all  elements
     in  the  range  exp1 to exp2, inclusive. (Associative arrays
     are unordered, and so do not support ranges.) If one of  the
     subscripts  evaluates to a negative number, say -n, then the
     nth element from  the  end  of  the  array  is  used.   Thus
     `$foo[-3]'  is  the  third element from the end of the array
     foo, and `$foo[1,-1]' is the same as `$foo[*]'.

     Subscripting may also be performed on non-array  values,  in
     which   case  the  subscripts  specify  a  substring  to  be
     extracted.  For example, if FOO is  set  to  `foobar',  then
     `echo $FOO[2,5]' prints `ooba'.

  Array Element Assignment
     A  subscript  may  be used on the left side of an assignment
     like so:


     In this form of assignment the element or range specified by
     exp  is  replaced  by  the expression on the right side.  An
     array (but not an  associative  array)  may  be  created  by
     assignment  to  a  range or element.  Arrays do not nest, so
     assigning a parenthesized list of values to  an  element  or
     range  changes the number of elements in the array, shifting
     the other elements to accommodate the new values.  (This  is
     not supported for associative arrays.)

     This  syntax  also  works as an argument to the typeset com-

          typeset "name[exp]"=value

     The value may not be a parenthesized list in this case; only
     single-element  assignments  may be made with typeset.  Note
     that quotes are necessary in this case to prevent the brack-
     ets from being interpreted as filename generation operators.
     The noglob precommand modifier could be used instead.

     To delete an element of an ordinary array,  assign  `()'  to
     that element.  To delete an element of an associative array,

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     use the unset command:

          unset "name[exp]"

  Subscript Flags
     If the opening bracket, or the comma in a range, in any sub-
     script  expression is directly followed by an opening paren-
     thesis, the string up to the matching closing one is consid-
     ered to be a list of flags, as in `name[(flags)exp]'.

     The  flags  s,  n  and  b take an argument; the delimiter is
     shown below as `:', but any character, or the matching pairs
     `(...)', `{...}', `[...]', or `<...>', may be used, but note
     that `<...>' can only be used if the subscript is  inside  a
     double   quoted   expression  or  a  parameter  substitution
     enclosed in braces as otherwise  the  expression  is  inter-
     preted as a redirection.

     The flags currently understood are:

     w    If the parameter subscripted is a scalar then this flag
          makes subscripting work on words instead of characters.
          The  default  word  separator is whitespace.  This flag
          may not be used with the i or I flag.

          This gives the string that  separates  words  (for  use
          with  the  w flag).  The delimiter character : is arbi-
          trary; see above.

     p    Recognize  the  same  escape  sequences  as  the  print
          builtin  in  the  string  argument  of a subsequent `s'

     f    If the parameter subscripted is a scalar then this flag
          makes subscripting work on lines instead of characters,
          i.e. with elements separated by newlines.   This  is  a
          shorthand for `pws:\n:'.

     r    Reverse subscripting: if this flag is given, the exp is
          taken as a pattern and the result is the first matching
          array  element,  substring or word (if the parameter is
          an array, if it is a scalar, or if it is a  scalar  and
          the  `w'  flag  is given, respectively).  The subscript
          used is the number of the  matching  element,  so  that
          pairs   of   subscripts  such  as  `$foo[(r)??,3]'  and
          `$foo[(r)??,(r)f*]' are possible if  the  parameter  is
          not an associative array.  If the parameter is an asso-
          ciative array, only the value part of each pair is com-
          pared to the pattern, and the result is that value.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          If  a  search  through  an  ordinary  array failed, the
          search sets the subscript to one past the  end  of  the
          array,  and  hence ${array[(r)pattern]} will substitute
          the empty string.  Thus the success of a search can  be
          tested by using the (i) flag, for example (assuming the
          option KSH_ARRAYS is not in effect):

               [[ ${array[(i)pattern]} -le ${#array} ]]

          If KSH_ARRAYS is in effect, the -le should be  replaced
          by -lt.

     R    Like  `r',  but  gives the last match.  For associative
          arrays, gives all possible matches.  May  be  used  for
          assigning  to  ordinary  array  elements,  but  not for
          assigning to associative arrays.  On failure, for  nor-
          mal arrays this has the effect of returning the element
          corresponding to subscript 0; this is empty unless  one
          of  the  options KSH_ARRAYS or KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT is in

          Note that in subscripts with both `r' and  `R'  pattern
          characters are active even if they were substituted for
          a parameter (regardless of the  setting  of  GLOB_SUBST
          which  controls  this  feature in normal pattern match-
          ing).  The flag `e' can be  added  to  inhibit  pattern
          matching.  As this flag does not inhibit other forms of
          substitution, care is still required; using a parameter
          to hold the key has the desired effect:

               key2='original key'
               print ${array[(Re)$key2]}

     i    Like  `r',  but  gives  the index of the match instead;
          this may not be combined with a  second  argument.   On
          the  left side of an assignment, behaves like `r'.  For
          associative arrays, the key part of each pair  is  com-
          pared  to the pattern, and the first matching key found
          is the result.  On failure substitutes  the  length  of
          the  array plus one, as discussed under the description
          of `r', or the empty string for an associative array.

     I    Like `i', but gives the index of the last match, or all
          possible  matching  keys  in  an associative array.  On
          failure substitutes 0, or the empty string for an asso-
          ciative array.  This flag is best when testing for val-
          ues or keys that do not exist.

     k    If used in a subscript on an  associative  array,  this
          flag causes the keys to be interpreted as patterns, and
          returns the value for the first key found where exp  is
          matched by the key.  Note this could be any such key as

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 5

User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          no ordering of associative  arrays  is  defined.   This
          flag does not work on the left side of an assignment to
          an associative array element.  If used on another  type
          of parameter, this behaves like `r'.

     K    On  an  associative  array this is like `k' but returns
          all values where exp is matched by the keys.  On  other
          types of parameters this has the same effect as `R'.

          If  combined with `r', `R', `i' or `I', makes them give
          the nth or nth last match (if  expr  evaluates  to  n).
          This  flag  is  ignored  when the array is associative.
          The delimiter character : is arbitrary; see above.

          If combined with `r', `R', `i' or `I', makes them begin
          at  the nth or nth last element, word, or character (if
          expr evaluates to n).  This flag is  ignored  when  the
          array  is  associative.   The  delimiter character : is
          arbitrary; see above.

     e    This flag causes any pattern  matching  that  would  be
          performed on the subscript to use plain string matching
          instead.   Hence  `${array[(re)*]}'  matches  only  the
          array  element whose value is *.  Note that other forms
          of substitution such as parameter substitution are  not

          This flag can also be used to force * or @ to be inter-
          preted as a single key rather than as  a  reference  to
          all  values.   It may be used for either purpose on the
          left side of an assignment.

     See Parameter Expansion Flags  (zshexpn(1))  for  additional
     ways to manipulate the results of array subscripting.

  Subscript Parsing
     This  discussion  applies  mainly  to  associative array key
     strings and to patterns used for reverse  subscripting  (the
     `r', `R', `i', etc. flags), but it may also affect parameter
     substitutions that appear as part of an  arithmetic  expres-
     sion in an ordinary subscript.

     It is possible to avoid the use of subscripts in assignments
     to associative array elements by using the syntax:

             aa+=('key with "*strange*" characters' 'value string')

     This adds a new key/value pair if the  key  is  not  already
     present,  and  replaces the value for the existing key if it

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)


     The basic rule to remember when writing a subscript  expres-
     sion  is that all text between the opening `[' and the clos-
     ing `]' is interpreted as if it were in double  quotes  (see
     zshmisc(1)).   However,  unlike double quotes which normally
     cannot nest, subscript expressions may  appear  inside  dou-
     ble-quoted strings or inside other subscript expressions (or
     both!), so the rules have two important differences.

     The first difference is that brackets  (`['  and  `]')  must
     appear  as  balanced  pairs in a subscript expression unless
     they are preceded by a backslash (`\').  Therefore, within a
     subscript  expression  (and  unlike true double-quoting) the
     sequence `\[' becomes `[', and similarly `\]'  becomes  `]'.
     This applies even in cases where a backslash is not normally
     required; for example, the  pattern  `[^[]'  (to  match  any
     character  other  than  an  open  bracket) should be written
     `[^\[]' in a reverse-subscript pattern.  However, note  that
     `\[^\[\]'  and  even  `\[^[]'  mean  the same thing, because
     backslashes are always  stripped  when  they  appear  before

     The  same  rule  applies  to  parentheses  (`(' and `)') and
     braces (`{' and `}'): they must appear  either  in  balanced
     pairs  or preceded by a backslash, and backslashes that pro-
     tect parentheses or braces are removed during parsing.  This
     is  because  parameter  expansions may be surrounded by bal-
     anced braces, and subscript flags are introduced by balanced

     The  second  difference  is  that  a  double-quote (`"') may
     appear as part of a subscript expression without being  pre-
     ceded  by a backslash, and therefore that the two characters
     `\"' remain as two characters in the subscript (in true dou-
     ble-quoting,  `\"'  becomes  `"').   However, because of the
     standard shell quoting rules, any double-quotes that  appear
     must occur in balanced pairs unless preceded by a backslash.
     This makes it more difficult to write a subscript expression
     that  contains an odd number of double-quote characters, but
     the reason for this difference is so that when  a  subscript
     expression  appears inside true double-quotes, one can still
     write `\"' (rather than `\\\"') for `"'.

     To use an odd number of double quotes as a key in an assign-
     ment,  use the typeset builtin and an enclosing pair of dou-
     ble quotes; to refer to the value of  that  key,  again  use
     double quotes:

          typeset -A aa
          typeset "aa[one\"two\"three\"quotes]"=QQQ
          print "$aa[one\"two\"three\"quotes]"

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     It is important to note that the quoting rules do not change
     when a parameter expansion with a subscript is nested inside
     another  subscript expression.  That is, it is not necessary
     to use additional backslashes  within  the  inner  subscript
     expression;  they  are removed only once, from the innermost
     subscript outwards.  Parameters are also expanded  from  the
     innermost  subscript first, as each expansion is encountered
     left to right in the outer expression.

     A further complication arises from a way in which  subscript
     parsing  is  not different from double quote parsing.  As in
     true double-quoting, the sequences `\*', and `\@' remain  as
     two  characters  when they appear in a subscript expression.
     To use a literal `*' or `@' as an associative array key, the
     `e' flag must be used:

          typeset -A aa
          print $aa[(e)*]

     A  last  detail must be considered when reverse subscripting
     is performed.  Parameters appearing in the subscript expres-
     sion  are first expanded and then the complete expression is
     interpreted as a pattern.   This  has  two  effects:  first,
     parameters behave as if GLOB_SUBST were on (and it cannot be
     turned off); second, backslashes are interpreted twice, once
     when  parsing the array subscript and again when parsing the
     pattern.  In a reverse subscript, it's necessary to use four
     backslashes  to  cause a single backslash to match literally
     in the pattern.  For complex patterns, it is  often  easiest
     to  assign the desired pattern to a parameter and then refer
     to that parameter in the subscript, because then  the  back-
     slashes, brackets, parentheses, etc., are seen only when the
     complete expression is converted to a pattern.  To match the
     value  of  a  parameter  literally  in  a reverse subscript,
     rather than as a pattern, use `${(q)name}' (see  zshexpn(1))
     to quote the expanded value.

     Note that the `k' and `K' flags are reverse subscripting for
     an ordinary array, but are not reverse subscripting  for  an
     associative  array!   (For an associative array, the keys in
     the array itself are interpreted as patterns by those flags;
     the subscript is a plain string in that case.)

     One  final  note,  not directly related to subscripting: the
     numeric names of positional parameters (described below) are
     parsed  specially,  so  for example `$2foo' is equivalent to
     `${2}foo'.  Therefore, to use subscript syntax to extract  a
     substring from a positional parameter, the expansion must be
     surrounded by braces; for example, `${2[3,5]}' evaluates  to
     the  third through fifth characters of the second positional
     parameter, but `$2[3,5]'  is  the  entire  second  parameter

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     concatenated with the filename generation pattern `[3,5]'.

     The positional parameters provide access to the command-line
     arguments of a shell function, shell script,  or  the  shell
     itself;  see  the section `Invocation', and also the section
     `Functions'.  The parameter n, where n is a number,  is  the
     nth  positional  parameter.  The parameter `$0' is a special
     case, see the section `Parameters Set By The Shell'.

     The parameters *, @ and argv are arrays containing  all  the
     positional  parameters; thus `$argv[n]', etc., is equivalent
     to  simply  `$n'.   Note  that  the  options  KSH_ARRAYS  or
     KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT  apply  to  these arrays as well, so with
     either of those options set, `${argv[0]}' is  equivalent  to
     `$1' and so on.

     Positional  parameters  may  be  changed  after the shell or
     function starts by using the set builtin,  by  assigning  to
     the  argv  array,  or  by  direct  assignment  of  the  form
     `n=value' where n is the number of the positional  parameter
     to be changed.  This also creates (with empty values) any of
     the positions from 1 to n that do not already  have  values.
     Note  that, because the positional parameters form an array,
     an array assignment of the form `n=(value ...)' is  allowed,
     and  has  the effect of shifting all the values at positions
     greater than n by as many positions as necessary to accommo-
     date the new values.

     Shell  function  executions delimit scopes for shell parame-
     ters.  (Parameters are  dynamically  scoped.)   The  typeset
     builtin,  and  its alternative forms declare, integer, local
     and readonly (but not export), can  be  used  to  declare  a
     parameter as being local to the innermost scope.

     When  a  parameter  is  read  or  assigned to, the innermost
     existing parameter of that name  is  used.   (That  is,  the
     local  parameter  hides any less-local parameter.)  However,
     assigning to a non-existent parameter, or  declaring  a  new
     parameter with export, causes it to be created in the outer-
     most scope.

     Local parameters disappear when their scope ends.  unset can
     be  used  to  delete a parameter while it is still in scope;
     any outer parameter of the same name remains hidden.

     Special parameters may also be made local; they retain their
     special   attributes  unless  either  the  existing  or  the
     newly-created parameter has the -h (hide)  attribute.   This
     may  have  unexpected effects: there is no default value, so
     if there is no assignment at the point the variable is  made

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     local, it will be set to an empty value (or zero in the case
     of integers).  The following:

          typeset PATH=/new/directory:$PATH

     is valid for temporarily allowing the  shell  or  programmes
     called from it to find the programs in /new/directory inside
     a function.

     Note that the restriction in  older  versions  of  zsh  that
     local parameters were never exported has been removed.

     The following parameters are automatically set by the shell:

     ! <S>
          The process ID of the last command started in the back-
          ground  with  &, or put into the background with the bg

     # <S>
          The number of positional parameters in  decimal.   Note
          that  some  confusion may occur with the syntax $#param
          which substitutes the length of  param.   Use  ${#}  to
          resolve   ambiguities.   In  particular,  the  sequence
          `$#-...' in an arithmetic expression is interpreted  as
          the length of the parameter -, q.v.

     ARGC <S> <Z>
          Same as #.

     $ <S>
          The process ID of this shell.  Note that this indicates
          the original shell started by invoking  zsh;  all  pro-
          cesses  forked  from the shells without executing a new
          program, such as subshells started by (...), substitute
          the same value.

     - <S>
          Flags supplied to the shell on invocation or by the set
          or setopt commands.

     * <S>
          An array containing the positional parameters.

     argv <S> <Z>
          Same as *.  Assigning to argv changes the  local  posi-
          tional  parameters,  but  argv  is  not  itself a local
          parameter.  Deleting argv with unset  in  any  function
          deletes  it  everywhere,  although  only  the innermost
          positional parameter array is deleted (so *  and  @  in
          other scopes are not affected).

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     @ <S>
          Same as argv[@], even when argv is not set.

     ? <S>
          The exit status returned by the last command.

     0 <S>
          The  name  used  to  invoke  the current shell.  If the
          FUNCTION_ARGZERO option is set, this is set temporarily
          within  a  shell  function to the name of the function,
          and within a sourced script to the name of the  script.

     status <S> <Z>
          Same as ?.

     pipestatus <S> <Z>
          An  array  containing the exit statuses returned by all
          commands in the last pipeline.

     _ <S>
          The last argument of the previous command.  Also,  this
          parameter  is  set  in the environment of every command
          executed to the full pathname of the command.

          The  machine  type  (microprocessor  class  or  machine
          model), as determined at run time.

     EGID <S>
          The  effective  group  ID of the shell process.  If you
          have sufficient privileges, you may change  the  effec-
          tive group ID of the shell process by assigning to this
          parameter.  Also (assuming sufficient privileges),  you
          may  start  a single command with a different effective
          group ID by `(EGID=gid; command)'

     EUID <S>
          The effective user ID of the  shell  process.   If  you
          have  sufficient  privileges, you may change the effec-
          tive user ID of the shell process by assigning to  this
          parameter.   Also (assuming sufficient privileges), you
          may start a single command with a  different  effective
          user ID by `(EUID=uid; command)'

     ERRNO <S>
          The  value  of  errno (see errno(3)) as set by the most
          recently failed system  call.   This  value  is  system
          dependent  and  is intended for debugging purposes.  It
          is also useful with the zsh/system module which  allows
          the number to be turned into a name or message.

     GID <S>

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          The  real  group  ID of the shell process.  If you have
          sufficient privileges, you may change the group  ID  of
          the shell process by assigning to this parameter.  Also
          (assuming sufficient privileges), you may start a  sin-
          gle  command  under  a different group ID by `(GID=gid;

          The current  history  line  number  in  an  interactive
          shell,  in  other words the line number for the command
          that caused $HISTCMD to be read.

     HOST The current hostname.

     LINENO <S>
          The line number of the current line within the  current
          script, sourced file, or shell function being executed,
          whichever was started most recently.  Note that in  the
          case  of  shell functions the line number refers to the
          function as it appeared in the original definition, not
          necessarily as displayed by the functions builtin.

          If  the  corresponding variable is not set in the envi-
          ronment of the shell, it is initialized  to  the  login
          name  corresponding  to the current login session. This
          parameter is exported by default but this can  be  dis-
          abled using the typeset builtin.

          The  machine  type  (microprocessor  class  or  machine
          model), as determined at compile time.

          The previous working directory.  This is set  when  the
          shell initializes and whenever the directory changes.

     OPTARG <S>
          The  value of the last option argument processed by the
          getopts command.

     OPTIND <S>
          The index of the last option argument processed by  the
          getopts command.

          The operating system, as determined at compile time.

     PPID <S>
          The  process ID of the parent of the shell.  As for $$,
          the value indicates the parent of  the  original  shell
          and does not change in subshells.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     PWD  The  present  working  directory.  This is set when the
          shell initializes and whenever the directory changes.

     RANDOM <S>
          A pseudo-random integer from 0 to 32767,  newly  gener-
          ated  each time this parameter is referenced.  The ran-
          dom number generator  can  be  seeded  by  assigning  a
          numeric value to RANDOM.

          The  values  of RANDOM form an intentionally-repeatable
          pseudo-random sequence; subshells that reference RANDOM
          will  result  in  identical pseudo-random values unless
          the value of RANDOM is referenced or seeded in the par-
          ent shell in between subshell invocations.

     SECONDS <S>
          The  number of seconds since shell invocation.  If this
          parameter is assigned a value, then the value  returned
          upon reference will be the value that was assigned plus
          the number of seconds since the assignment.

          Unlike other special parameters, the type of  the  SEC-
          ONDS  parameter  can  be changed using the typeset com-
          mand.  Only integer and one of the floating point types
          are  allowed.  For example, `typeset -F SECONDS' causes
          the value to be reported as a  floating  point  number.
          The   value   is  available  to  microsecond  accuracy,
          although the  shell  may  show  more  or  fewer  digits
          depending on the use of typeset.  See the documentation
          for the builtin  typeset  in  zshbuiltins(1)  for  more

     SHLVL <S>
          Incremented by one each time a new shell is started.

          An array containing the names of the signals.

          In  an  always  block,  indicates whether the preceding
          list of code caused an error.  The value is 1 to  indi-
          cate  an error, 0 otherwise.  It may be reset, clearing
          the error condition.   See  Complex  Commands  in  zsh-

     TTY  The  name of the tty associated with the shell, if any.

     TTYIDLE <S>
          The idle time of the tty associated with the  shell  in
          seconds or -1 if there is no such tty.

     UID <S>

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          The  real  user  ID  of the shell process.  If you have
          sufficient privileges, you may change the  user  ID  of
          the shell by assigning to this parameter.  Also (assum-
          ing sufficient privileges), you may start a single com-
          mand under a different user ID by `(UID=uid; command)'

          The  username  corresponding to the real user ID of the
          shell process.  If you have sufficient privileges,  you
          may change the username (and also the user ID and group
          ID) of the shell by assigning to this parameter.   Also
          (assuming  sufficient privileges), you may start a sin-
          gle command under a different username (and user ID and
          group ID) by `(USERNAME=username; command)'

          The vendor, as determined at compile time.

     zsh_eval_context <S> <Z> (ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT <S>)
          An  array (colon-separated list) indicating the context
          of shell code that is being run.  Each time a piece  of
          shell  code that is stored within the shell is executed
          a string is temporarily appended to the array to  indi-
          cate  the  type  of  operation that is being performed.
          Read in order the array  gives  an  indication  of  the
          stack of operations being performed with the most imme-
          diate context last.

          Note that the variable does  not  give  information  on
          syntactic  context such as pipelines or subshells.  Use
          $ZSH_SUBSHELL to detect subshells.

          The context is one of the following:
               Code specified by the -c  option  to  the  command
               line that invoked the shell.

               Command  substitution  using  the  `...` or $(...)

               File substitution using the =(...) construct.

          eval Code executed by the eval builtin.

               Code executed with the KSH_AUTOLOAD  mechanism  in
               order to define an autoloaded function.

          fc   Code  from  the  shell  history executed by the -e
               option to the fc builtin.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          file Lines of code being read directly from a file, for
               example by the source builtin.

               Lines  of code being read from a .zwc file instead
               of directly from the source file.

               Code executed by the e or + glob qualifier.

               Code executed to order files by the o glob  quali-

               File substitution using the <(...) construct.

               Code  read  directly  from  a  file  to  define an
               autoloaded function.

               File substitution using the >(...) construct.

               Code executed by the sched builtin.

               A shell function.

          stty Code passed to stty by the STTY environment  vari-
               able.   Normally  this  is  passed directly to the
               system's stty command, so this value  is  unlikely
               to be seen in practice.

               Code  executed as part of a style retrieved by the
               zstyle builtin from the zsh/zutil module.

               The highest execution level of a script or  inter-
               active shell.

          trap Code  executed  as  a  trap  defined  by  the trap
               builtin.  Traps defined as functions have the con-
               text  shfunc.   As traps are asynchronous they may
               have a different hierarchy from other code.

          zpty Code  executed  by  the  zpty  builtin  from   the
               zsh/zpty module.


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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

               Code  executed  as a guard by the zregexparse com-
               mand from the zsh/zutil module.

               Code executed as an action by the zregexparse com-
               mand from the zsh/zutil module.

          Expands  to  the basename of the command used to invoke
          this instance of zsh.

          The revision string  for  the  version  number  of  the
          ChangeLog  file  in the zsh distribution.  This is most
          useful in order to keep track of versions of the  shell
          during  development  between releases; hence most users
          should not use it and should instead rely on  $ZSH_VER-

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/sched  Module'  in zshmod-

          Readonly integer.   Initially  zero,  incremented  each
          time the shell forks to create a subshell for executing
          code.  Hence `(print $ZSH_SUBSHELL)' and `print $(print
          $ZSH_SUBSHELL)'  output  1,  while  `( (print $ZSH_SUB-
          SHELL) )' outputs 2.

          The version number of the release of zsh.

     The following parameters are used by the shell.

     In cases where there are two parameters with an  upper-  and
     lowercase  form of the same name, such as path and PATH, the
     lowercase form is an array  and  the  uppercase  form  is  a
     scalar  with  the  elements  of the array joined together by
     colons.  These are similar to tied  parameters  created  via
     `typeset  -T'.   The normal use for the colon-separated form
     is for exporting to the environment, while the array form is
     easier  to manipulate within the shell.  Note that unsetting
     either of the pair will unset the other; they  retain  their
     special properties when recreated, and recreating one of the
     pair will recreate the other.

          If exported, its value is used as the argv[0] of exter-
          nal   commands.    Usually   used  in  constructs  like
          `ARGV0=emacs nethack'.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                16

User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     BAUD The rate in bits per second at which data  reaches  the
          terminal.  The line editor will use this value in order
          to compensate for a slow terminal by  delaying  updates
          to  the  display  until necessary.  If the parameter is
          unset or the value is zero the  compensation  mechanism
          is turned off.  The parameter is not set by default.

          This  parameter  may  be profitably set in some circum-
          stances, e.g.  for slow modems dialing into a  communi-
          cations  server,  or  on  a slow wide area network.  It
          should be set to the baud rate of the slowest  part  of
          the link for best performance.

     cdpath <S> <Z> (CDPATH <S>)
          An array (colon-separated list) of directories specify-
          ing the search path for the cd command.

     COLUMNS <S>
          The number of columns for this terminal session.   Used
          for printing select lists and for the line editor.

          If set, is treated as a pattern during spelling correc-
          tion.  Any potential correction that matches  the  pat-
          tern  is  ignored.   For  example, if the value is `_*'
          then completion functions (which, by  convention,  have
          names  beginning  with  `_')  will  never be offered as
          spelling corrections.  The pattern does  not  apply  to
          the  correction  of  file names, as applied by the COR-
          RECT_ALL option (so with the example just  given  files
          beginning with `_' in the current directory would still
          be completed).

          The maximum size of the  directory  stack,  by  default
          there is no limit.  If the stack gets larger than this,
          it will be truncated  automatically.   This  is  useful
          with the AUTO_PUSHD option.

     ENV  If  the  ENV  environment  variable  is set when zsh is
          invoked as sh or ksh, $ENV is sourced after the profile
          scripts.   The  value  of ENV is subjected to parameter
          expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic  expan-
          sion before being interpreted as a pathname.  Note that
          ENV is not used unless zsh is emulating sh or ksh.

          The default editor for the fc builtin.   If  FCEDIT  is
          not  set,  the parameter EDITOR is used; if that is not
          set either, a builtin default, usually vi, is used.

     fignore <S> <Z> (FIGNORE <S>)

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          An array (colon separated list) containing the suffixes
          of  files  to  be  ignored  during filename completion.
          However, if completion only generates files  with  suf-
          fixes in this list, then these files are completed any-

     fpath <S> <Z> (FPATH <S>)
          An array (colon separated list) of directories specify-
          ing  the  search  path  for function definitions.  This
          path is searched when a function with the -u  attribute
          is referenced.  If an executable file is found, then it
          is read and executed in the current environment.

     histchars <S>
          Three characters used by the shell's history and  lexi-
          cal  analysis  mechanism.   The first character signals
          the start of a history expansion  (default  `!').   The
          second  character  signals the start of a quick history
          substitution (default `^').  The third character is the
          comment character (default `#').

          The  characters must be in the ASCII character set; any
          attempt  to  set  histchars  to   characters   with   a
          locale-dependent meaning will be rejected with an error

     HISTCHARS <S> <Z>
          Same as histchars.  (Deprecated.)

          The file to save the history  in  when  an  interactive
          shell exits.  If unset, the history is not saved.

          If  set,  is  treated  as a pattern at the time history
          files are written.  Any potential  history  entry  that
          matches  the  pattern  is skipped.  For example, if the
          value is `fc *' then commands that invoke the  interac-
          tive  history  editor  are never written to the history
          file (compare the HIST_NO_STORE option  or  the  zshad-
          dhistory  hook, either of which would prevent such com-
          mands from being added to the  interactive  history  at

          The  maximum  number  of  events stored in the internal
          history list.  If you  use  the  HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST
          option,  setting  this  value  larger than the SAVEHIST
          size will give you the difference as a cushion for sav-
          ing duplicated history events.

     HOME <S>

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          The  default  argument for the cd command.  This is not
          set automatically by the shell in sh, ksh or csh emula-
          tion,  but  it  is typically present in the environment
          anyway, and if it becomes set it has its usual  special

     IFS <S>
          Internal  field separators (by default space, tab, new-
          line and NUL), that are used to  separate  words  which
          result  from  command  or parameter expansion and words
          read by the read builtin.  Any characters from the  set
          space,  tab  and  newline  that  appear  in the IFS are
          called IFS white space.  One or more  IFS  white  space
          characters   or   one  non-IFS  white  space  character
          together with any adjacent IFS  white  space  character
          delimit  a  field.   If  an  IFS  white space character
          appears twice consecutively in the IFS, this  character
          is treated as if it were not an IFS white space charac-

          If the parameter is unset, the default is  used.   Note
          this  has a different effect from setting the parameter
          to an empty string.

          This variable defines a character to  be  removed  from
          the  end  of  the  command  line before interpreting it
          (interactive shells only). It is intended  to  fix  the
          problem with keys placed annoyingly close to return and
          replaces the SUNKEYBOARDHACK option which did this  for
          backquotes only.  Should the chosen character be one of
          singlequote, doublequote or backquote, there must  also
          be  an  odd  number of them on the command line for the
          last one to be removed.

          For  backward  compabitility,  if  the  SUNKEYBOARDHACK
          option  is  explicitly  set, the value of KEYBOARD_HACK
          reverts to backquote.   If  the  option  is  explicitly
          unset, this variable is set to empty.

          The time the shell waits, in hundredths of seconds, for
          another  key  to  be   pressed   when   reading   bound
          multi-character sequences.

     LANG <S>
          This  variable  determines  the locale category for any
          category  not  specifically  selected  via  a  variable
          starting with `LC_'.

     LC_ALL <S>
          This   variable  overrides  the  value  of  the  `LANG'

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                19

User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          variable and the value of any of  the  other  variables
          starting with `LC_'.

          This  variable determines the locale category for char-
          acter  collation  information  within  ranges  in  glob
          brackets and for sorting.

     LC_CTYPE <S>
          This  variable determines the locale category for char-
          acter handling functions.  If the MULTIBYTE  option  is
          in  effect this variable or LANG should contain a value
          that reflects the character set in use, even if it is a
          single-byte character set, unless only the 7-bit subset
          (ASCII) is used.  For example, if the character set  is
          ISO-8859-1,  a  suitable  value might be en_US.iso88591
          (certain  Linux   distributions)   or   en_US.ISO8859-1

          This variable determines the language in which messages
          should be written.  Note that zsh does not use  message

          This  variable  affects the decimal point character and
          thousands  separator  character   for   the   formatted
          input/output functions and string conversion functions.
          Note that zsh ignores this setting when parsing  float-
          ing point mathematical expressions.

     LC_TIME <S>
          This  variable  determines the locale category for date
          and time formatting in prompt escape sequences.

     LINES <S>
          The number of lines for this  terminal  session.   Used
          for printing select lists and for the line editor.

          In the line editor, the number of matches to list with-
          out asking first. If the value is  negative,  the  list
          will  be  shown  if  it  spans at most as many lines as
          given by the absolute value.  If set to zero, the shell
          asks  only  if  the top of the listing would scroll off
          the screen.

          The interval in seconds between checks for login/logout
          activity using the watch parameter.

     MAIL If  this  parameter is set and mailpath is not set, the

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          shell looks for mail in the specified file.

          The interval in seconds between checks for new mail.

     mailpath <S> <Z> (MAILPATH <S>)
          An array (colon-separated list) of filenames  to  check
          for  new  mail.  Each filename can be followed by a `?'
          and a message that will be printed.  The  message  will
          undergo  parameter  expansion, command substitution and
          arithmetic expansion with the variable  $_  defined  as
          the  name  of  the  file that has changed.  The default
          message is `You have new mail'.  If  an  element  is  a
          directory  instead of a file the shell will recursively
          check every file in every subdirectory of the  element.

     manpath <S> <Z> (MANPATH <S> <Z>)
          An array (colon-separated list) whose value is not used
          by the shell.  The manpath array can  be  useful,  how-
          ever,  since  setting  it  also  sets MANPATH, and vice

     mend Arrays set by the shell when the  b  globbing  flag  is
          used  in  pattern matches.  See the subsection Globbing
          flags in the documentation for Filename  Generation  in

     MEND Set  by  the  shell when the m globbing flag is used in
          pattern matches.  See the subsection Globbing flags  in
          the  documentation  for  Filename  Generation  in  zsh-

     module_path <S> <Z> (MODULE_PATH <S>)
          An array (colon-separated  list)  of  directories  that
          zmodload  searches  for  dynamically  loadable modules.
          This is initialized to  a  standard  pathname,  usually
          `/usr/local/lib/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION'.                 (The
          `/usr/local/lib'  part  varies  from  installation   to
          installation.)   For security reasons, any value set in
          the environment when  the  shell  is  started  will  be

          These  parameters  only  exist if the installation sup-
          ports dynamic module loading.

     NULLCMD <S>
          The command name to assume if a redirection  is  speci-
          fied  with  no  command.   Defaults to cat.  For sh/ksh

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          behavior, change this to  :.   For  csh-like  behavior,
          unset  this  parameter;  the  shell will print an error
          message if null commands are entered.

     path <S> <Z> (PATH <S>)
          An  array  (colon-separated  list)  of  directories  to
          search  for commands.  When this parameter is set, each
          directory is scanned and all files found are put  in  a
          hash table.

          This  string  is output whenever the line editor exits.
          It usually contains termcap strings to reset the termi-

     PROMPT <S> <Z>
     PROMPT2 <S> <Z>
     PROMPT3 <S> <Z>
     PROMPT4 <S> <Z>
          Same as PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4, respectively.

     prompt <S> <Z>
          Same as PS1.

          When  the  PROMPT_CR and PROMPT_SP options are set, the
          PROMPT_EOL_MARK parameter can be used to customize  how
          the  end  of  partial  lines are shown.  This parameter
          undergoes prompt  expansion,  with  the  PROMPT_PERCENT
          option set.  If not set, the default behavior is equiv-
          alent to the value `%B%S%#%s%b'.

     PS1 <S>
          The primary prompt string, printed before a command  is
          read.   It undergoes a special form of expansion before
          being displayed; see EXPANSION OF PROMPT  SEQUENCES  in
          zshmisc(1).  The default is `%m%# '.

     PS2 <S>
          The secondary prompt, printed when the shell needs more
          information to complete a command.  It is  expanded  in
          the same way as PS1.  The default is `%_> ', which dis-
          plays any shell constructs or quotation marks which are
          currently being processed.

     PS3 <S>
          Selection  prompt  used  within  a  select loop.  It is
          expanded in the same way as PS1.  The default is `?# '.

     PS4 <S>
          The  execution  trace  prompt.   Default is `+%N:%i> ',
          which displays the name of the current shell  structure

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          and the line number within it.  In sh or ksh emulation,
          the default is `+ '.

     psvar <S> <Z> (PSVAR <S>)
          An array (colon-separated list) whose elements  can  be
          used in PROMPT strings.  Setting psvar also sets PSVAR,
          and vice versa.

          The command name to assume if a single input  redirect-
          ion is specified with no command.  Defaults to more.

          If nonnegative, commands whose combined user and system
          execution times (measured in seconds) are greater  than
          this  value  have  timing  statistics printed for them.
          Output is suppressed for commands executed  within  the
          line  editor, including completion; commands explicitly
          marked with the time keyword still cause the summary to
          be printed in this case.

          This parameter is reserved by convention to pass string
          values between shell scripts and shell builtins in sit-
          uations where a function call or redirection are impos-
          sible or undesirable.  The read builtin and the  select
          complex  command may set REPLY, and filename generation
          both sets and examines its value when  evaluating  cer-
          tain  expressions.   Some modules also employ REPLY for
          similar purposes.

          As REPLY, but for array values rather than strings.

     RPROMPT <S>
     RPS1 <S>
          This prompt is displayed on the right-hand side of  the
          screen  when  the  primary prompt is being displayed on
          the left.  This does not work  if  the  SINGLE_LINE_ZLE
          option  is set.  It is expanded in the same way as PS1.

     RPROMPT2 <S>
     RPS2 <S>
          This prompt is displayed on the right-hand side of  the
          screen  when the secondary prompt is being displayed on
          the left.  This does not work  if  the  SINGLE_LINE_ZLE
          option  is set.  It is expanded in the same way as PS2.

          The maximum number of history events  to  save  in  the
          history file.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     SPROMPT <S>
          The  prompt used for spelling correction.  The sequence
          `%R' expands  to  the  string  which  presumably  needs
          spelling  correction,  and `%r' expands to the proposed
          correction.  All other prompt escapes are also allowed.

     STTY If  this  parameter  is set in a command's environment,
          the shell runs the stty command with the value of  this
          parameter  as arguments in order to set up the terminal
          before executing the command. The modes apply  only  to
          the  command, and are reset when it finishes or is sus-
          pended. If the command is suspended and continued later
          with  the  fg  or  wait  builtins it will see the modes
          specified by STTY, as if it were not  suspended.   This
          (intentionally)  does  not apply if the command is con-
          tinued via `kill -CONT'.  STTY is ignored if  the  com-
          mand is run in the background, or if it is in the envi-
          ronment of the shell but not explicitly assigned to  in
          the  input  line.  This  avoids  running  stty at every
          external command by  accidentally  exporting  it.  Also
          note that STTY should not be used for window size spec-
          ifications; these will not be local to the command.

     TERM <S>
          The type of terminal in use.  This is used when looking
          up termcap sequences.  An assignment to TERM causes zsh
          to re-initialize the terminal, even if the  value  does
          not  change  (e.g.,  `TERM=$TERM').  It is necessary to
          make such an assignment upon any change to the terminal
          definition  database  or terminal type in order for the
          new settings to take effect.

          A reference to a compiled description of the  terminal,
          used  by the `terminfo' library when the system has it;
          see terminfo(5).  If set,  this  causes  the  shell  to
          reinitialise   the   terminal,  making  the  workaround
          `TERM=$TERM' unnecessary.

          The format of process time reports with the  time  key-
          word.  The default is `%J  %U user %S system %P cpu %*E
          total'.  Recognizes  the  following  escape  sequences,
          although  not  all may be available on all systems, and
          some that are available may not be useful:

          %%   A `%'.
          %U   CPU seconds spent in user mode.
          %S   CPU seconds spent in kernel mode.
          %E   Elapsed time in seconds.
          %P   The CPU percentage, computed as (100*%U+%S)/%E.
          %W   Number of times the process was swapped.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

          %X   The average amount in (shared) text space used  in
          %D   The  average amount in (unshared) data/stack space
               used in kilobytes.
          %K   The total space used (%X+%D) in kilobytes.
          %M   The  maximum memory the process had in use at  any
               time in megabytes.
          %F   The number of major page faults (page needed to be
               brought from disk).
          %R   The number of minor page faults.
          %I   The number of input operations.
          %O   The number of output operations.
          %r   The number of socket messages received.
          %s   The number of socket messages sent.
          %k   The number of signals received.
          %w   Number of voluntary context switches (waits).
          %c   Number of involuntary context switches.
          %J   The name of this job.

          A star may be inserted between  the  percent  sign  and
          flags printing time.  This cause the time to be printed
          in `hh:mm:ss.ttt' format (hours and  minutes  are  only
          printed if they are not zero).

          If this parameter is nonzero, the shell will receive an
          ALRM signal if a command  is  not  entered  within  the
          specified  number of seconds after issuing a prompt. If
          there is a trap on SIGALRM, it will be executed  and  a
          new  alarm  is  scheduled  using the value of the TMOUT
          parameter after executing the trap.  If no trap is set,
          and  the idle time of the terminal is not less than the
          value of the TMOUT parameter, zsh  terminates.   Other-
          wise  a  new  alarm is scheduled to TMOUT seconds after
          the last keypress.

          A pathname prefix which the shell will use for all tem-
          porary files.  Note that this should include an initial
          part for the file name as well as any directory  names.
          The default is `/tmp/zsh'.

     watch <S> <Z> (WATCH <S>)
          An  array (colon-separated list) of login/logout events
          to report.  If it contains the single word `all',  then
          all  login/logout  events are reported.  If it contains
          the single word `notme', then all events  are  reported
          as  with `all' except $USERNAME.  An entry in this list
          may consist of a username, an `@' followed by a  remote
          hostname,  and  a `%' followed by a line (tty).  Any or
          all of these components may be present in an entry;  if
          a  login/logout  event  matches  all  of  them,  it  is

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)


          The format of login/logout reports if the watch parame-
          ter is set.  Default is `%n has %a %l from %m'.  Recog-
          nizes the following escape sequences:

          %n   The name of the user that logged in/out.

          %a   The observed action, i.e. "logged on"  or  "logged

          %l   The line (tty) the user is logged in on.

          %M   The full hostname of the remote host.

          %m   The  hostname up to the first `.'.  If only the IP
               address is available or the  utmp  field  contains
               the  name  of an X-windows display, the whole name
               is printed.

               NOTE: The `%m' and `%M' escapes will work only  if
               there  is  a  host  name field in the utmp on your
               machine.  Otherwise they are treated  as  ordinary

          %S (%s)
               Start (stop) standout mode.

          %U (%u)
               Start (stop) underline mode.

          %B (%b)
               Start (stop) boldface mode.

          %@   The time, in 12-hour, am/pm format.

          %T   The time, in 24-hour format.

          %w   The date in `day-dd' format.

          %W   The date in `mm/dd/yy' format.

          %D   The date in `yy-mm-dd' format.

               Specifies  a  ternary  expression.   The character
               following the x is arbitrary; the  same  character
               is used to separate the text for the "true" result
               from that for the "false" result.  Both the  sepa-
               rator  and  the  right  parenthesis may be escaped

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

               with a  backslash.   Ternary  expressions  may  be

               The  test  character x may be any one of `l', `n',
               `m' or `M', which indicate a `true' result if  the
               corresponding   escape  sequence  would  return  a
               non-empty value; or it may be `a', which indicates
               a `true' result if the watched user has logged in,
               or `false' if he has logged out.  Other characters
               evaluate  to  neither  true  nor false; the entire
               expression is omitted in this case.

               If the result is `true',  then  the  true-text  is
               formatted   according   to  the  rules  above  and
               printed,  and  the  false-text  is  skipped.    If
               `false',   the   true-text   is  skipped  and  the
               false-text is formatted and  printed.   Either  or
               both  of the branches may be empty, but both sepa-
               rators must be present in any case.

     A list of non-alphanumeric characters considered part  of  a
     word by the line editor.

     If set, this gives a string of characters, which can use all
     the same codes as the bindkey command as  described  in  the
     zsh/zle  module  entry in zshmodules(1), that will be output
     to the terminal instead of beeping.  This may have a visible
     instead  of  an  audible  effect;  for  example,  the string
     `\e[?5h\e[?5l' on a vt100 or xterm will have the  effect  of
     flashing  reverse  video  on  and  off  (if  you usually use
     reverse video, you  should  use  the  string  `\e[?5l\e[?5h'
     instead).  This takes precedence over the NOBEEP option.

     The  directory  to  search  for shell startup files (.zshrc,
     etc), if not $HOME.

     This parameter is set by  the  line  editor  when  an  error
     occurs.   It  contains the line that was being edited at the
     point of the error.  `print -zr -- $ZLE_LINE_ABORTED' can be
     used to recover the line.  Only the most recent line of this
     kind is remembered.

     These parameters are used by the line  editor.   In  certain
     circumstances  suffixes  (typically space or slash) added by
     the completion system will be removed automatically,  either
     because  the  next  editing  command  was  not an insertable

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     character, or because the character was marked as  requiring
     the suffix to be removed.

     These variables can contain the sets of characters that will
     cause the suffix to be removed.  If  ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS
     is  set,  those  characters  will  cause  the  suffix  to be
     removed; if ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS is set, those  characters
     will cause the suffix to be removed and replaced by a space.

     If ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS is not set, the default behaviour
     is equivalent to:

          ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS=$' \t\n;&|'

     If  ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS  is set but is empty, no charac-
     ters  have  this  behaviour.   ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS  takes
     precedence, so that the following:


     causes  the  characters `&' and `|' to remove the suffix but
     to replace it with a space.

     To  illustrate  the  difference,  suppose  that  the  option
     AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH  is  in  effect  and the directory DIR has
     just been completed, with an appended /, following which the
     user  types  `&'.   The  default  result  is  `DIR&'.   With
     ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS set but without  including  `&'  the
     result  is  `DIR/&'.   With  ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS  set  to
     include `&' the result is `DIR &'.

     Note that certain completions may provide their  own  suffix
     removal  or replacement behaviour which overrides the values
     described here.  See the completion system documentation  in

     If  set, used to give the indentation between the right hand
     side of the right prompt in the line editor as given by RPS1
     or  RPROMPT  and  the right hand side of the screen.  If not
     set, the value 1 is used.

     Typically this will be used to set the value to  0  so  that
     the  prompt  appears  flush  with the right hand side of the
     screen.  This is not the default as many  terminals  do  not
     handle this correctly, in particular when the prompt appears
     at the extreme bottom right of the screen.   Recent  virtual
     terminals  are  more  likely  to handle this case correctly.
     Some experimentation is necessary.

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User Commands                                         ZSHPARAM(1)

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

     zshoptions - zsh options

     Options are primarily referred to by name.  These names  are
     case  insensitive and underscores are ignored.  For example,
     `allexport' is equivalent to `A__lleXP_ort'.

     The sense of an option name may be inverted by preceding  it
     with  `no',  so  `setopt No_Beep' is equivalent to `unsetopt
     beep'.  This inversion can only be done once, so  `nonobeep'
     is  not  a  synonym  for `beep'.  Similarly, `tify' is not a
     synonym for `nonotify' (the inversion of `notify').

     Some options also have one  or  more  single  letter  names.
     There  are  two  sets  of single letter options: one used by
     default, and another used to emulate sh/ksh (used  when  the
     SH_OPTION_LETTERS option is set).  The single letter options
     can be used on the shell command  line,  or  with  the  set,
     setopt  and  unsetopt  builtins, as normal Unix options pre-
     ceded by `-'.

     The sense of the single letter options may  be  inverted  by
     using  `+' instead of `-'.  Some of the single letter option
     names refer to an option being off, in which case the inver-
     sion  of that name refers to the option being on.  For exam-
     ple, `+n' is the short name of `exec', and `-n' is the short
     name of its inversion, `noexec'.

     In strings of single letter options supplied to the shell at
     startup, trailing whitespace will be  ignored;  for  example
     the  string  `-f     ' will be treated just as `-f', but the
     string `-f i' is an error.  This  is  because  many  systems
     which  implement  the  `#!' mechanism for calling scripts do
     not strip trailing whitespace.

     In the following list, options set by default in all  emula-
     tions are marked <D>; those set by default only in csh, ksh,
     sh, or zsh emulations are  marked  <C>,  <K>,  <S>,  <Z>  as
     appropriate.  When listing options (by `setopt', `unsetopt',
     `set -o' or `set +o'), those turned on by default appear  in
     the list prefixed with `no'.  Hence (unless KSH_OPTION_PRINT
     is set), `setopt'  shows  all  options  whose  settings  are
     changed from the default.

  Changing Directories
     AUTO_CD (-J)
          If a command is issued that can't be executed as a nor-
          mal command, and the command is the name  of  a  direc-
          tory, perform the cd command to that directory.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 1

User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

     AUTO_PUSHD (-N)
          Make  cd  push  the  old  directory  onto the directory

          If the argument to a cd command (or an implied cd  with
          the  AUTO_CD  option  set) is not a directory, and does
          not begin with a slash, try to expand the expression as
          if it were preceded by a `~' (see the section `Filename

          When changing to a directory containing a path  segment
          `..'  which would otherwise be treated as canceling the
          previous segment in the path (in other words,  `foo/..'
          would be removed from the path, or if `..' is the first
          part of the path, the last part of the current  working
          directory  would  be removed), instead resolve the path
          to the physical directory.  This option  is  overridden
          by CHASE_LINKS.

          For  example,  suppose /foo/bar is a link to the direc-
          tory  /alt/rod.    Without   this   option   set,   `cd
          /foo/bar/..'  changes  to /foo; with it set, it changes
          to /alt.  The same applies if the current directory  is
          /foo/bar and `cd ..' is used.  Note that all other sym-
          bolic links in the path will also be resolved.

     CHASE_LINKS (-w)
          Resolve symbolic links to their true values when chang-
          ing directory.  This also has the effect of CHASE_DOTS,
          i.e. a `..' path segment will be treated  as  referring
          to the physical parent, even if the preceding path seg-
          ment is a symbolic link.

          Modifies the behaviour of cd, chdir and pushd  commands
          to  make  them more compatible with the POSIX standard.
          The behaviour with the option unset is described in the
          documentation for the cd builtin in zshbuiltins(1).  If
          the option is set, the shell does not test for directo-
          ries  beneath the local directory (`.') until after all
          directories in cdpath have been tested.

          Also, if the option is set, the conditions under  which
          the shell prints the new directory after changing to it
          are modified.  It is no longer restricted  to  interac-
          tive  shells  (although printing of the directory stack
          with pushd is still limited to interactive shells); and
          any  use  of a component of CDPATH, including a `.' but
          excluding an empty component that is otherwise  treated
          as `.', causes the directory to be printed.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          Don't  push  multiple copies of the same directory onto
          the directory stack.

          Exchanges the meanings of `+' and `-' when used with  a
          number to specify a directory in the stack.

          Do not print the directory stack after pushd or popd.

          Have pushd with no arguments act like `pushd $HOME'.

          If  unset,  key  functions that list completions try to
          return to the last prompt if given a numeric  argument.
          If set these functions try to return to the last prompt
          if given no numeric argument.

          If a completion is performed with the cursor  within  a
          word,  and a full completion is inserted, the cursor is
          moved to the end of the word.  That is, the  cursor  is
          moved  to  the end of the word if either a single match
          is inserted or menu completion is performed.

     AUTO_LIST (-9) <D>
          Automatically list choices on an ambiguous  completion.

     AUTO_MENU <D>
          Automatically use menu completion after the second con-
          secutive request for completion, for example by  press-
          ing  the  tab key repeatedly. This option is overridden
          by MENU_COMPLETE.

          Any parameter that is set to the  absolute  name  of  a
          directory  immediately  becomes  a name for that direc-
          tory, that will be used by the `%~' and related  prompt
          sequences,  and  will  be  available when completion is
          performed on a word starting with `~'.  (Otherwise, the
          parameter must be used in the form `~param' first.)

          If a parameter name was completed and a following char-
          acter (normally a space)  automatically  inserted,  and
          the  next  character typed is one of those that have to
          come directly after the name (like `}', `:', etc.), the
          automatically  added  character is deleted, so that the
          character typed comes immediately after  the  parameter

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          name.  Completion in a brace expansion is affected sim-
          ilarly: the added character is a  `,',  which  will  be
          removed if `}' is typed next.

          If  a  parameter is completed whose content is the name
          of a directory, then add a trailing slash instead of  a

          When  the last character resulting from a completion is
          a slash and the next character typed is a  word  delim-
          iter, a slash, or a character that ends a command (such
          as a semicolon or an ampersand), remove the slash.

          On an ambiguous completion, automatically list  choices
          when the completion function is called twice in succes-
          sion.  This takes precedence over AUTO_LIST.  The  set-
          ting  of  LIST_AMBIGUOUS is respected.  If AUTO_MENU is
          set, the menu behaviour will then start with the  third
          press.   Note  that  this  will not work with MENU_COM-
          PLETE,  since  repeated  completion  calls  immediately
          cycle through the list in that case.

          Prevents  aliases on the command line from being inter-
          nally substituted before completion is attempted.   The
          effect is to make the alias a distinct command for com-
          pletion purposes.

          If unset, the cursor is set to the end of the  word  if
          completion  is  started.  Otherwise  it stays there and
          completion is done from both ends.

          When the current word has a glob pattern, do not insert
          all the words resulting from the expansion but generate
          matches as for completion and cycle through  them  like
          MENU_COMPLETE.  The  matches  are generated as if a `*'
          was added to the end of the word, or  inserted  at  the
          cursor  when  COMPLETE_IN_WORD  is  set.  This actually
          uses pattern matching, not globbing, so  it  works  not
          only for files but for any completion, such as options,
          user names, etc.

          Note that when the pattern matcher  is  used,  matching
          control  (for  example,  case-insensitive  or  anchored
          matching) cannot be used.  This limitation only applies
          when  the current word contains a pattern; simply turn-
          ing on the GLOB_COMPLETE  option  does  not  have  this

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)


          Whenever a command completion or spelling correction is
          attempted, make sure the entire command path is  hashed
          first.   This  makes  the  first  completion slower but
          avoids false reports of spelling errors.

          This option works when AUTO_LIST or  BASH_AUTO_LIST  is
          also  set.  If there is an unambiguous prefix to insert
          on the command line, that is done without a  completion
          list  being displayed; in other words, auto-listing be-
          haviour  only  takes  place  when  nothing   would   be
          inserted.   In  the  case of BASH_AUTO_LIST, this means
          that the list will be delayed to the third call of  the

     LIST_BEEP <D>
          Beep on an ambiguous completion.  More accurately, this
          forces the completion widgets to return status 1 on  an
          ambiguous completion, which causes the shell to beep if
          the option BEEP is also set; this may  be  modified  if
          completion is called from a user-defined widget.

          Try to make the completion list smaller (occupying less
          lines) by printing the matches in columns with  differ-
          ent widths.

          Lay out the matches in completion lists sorted horizon-
          tally, that is, the second match is to the right of the
          first one, not under it as usual.

     LIST_TYPES (-X) <D>
          When  listing files that are possible completions, show
          the type of each file with a trailing identifying mark.

          On  an  ambiguous completion, instead of listing possi-
          bilities or beeping, insert  the  first  match  immedi-
          ately.  Then when completion is requested again, remove
          the first match and insert the second match, etc.  When
          there  are  no  more  matches, go back to the first one
          again.   reverse-menu-complete  may  be  used  to  loop
          through  the  list  in the other direction. This option
          overrides AUTO_MENU.

     REC_EXACT (-S)
          In completion, recognize exact matches even if they are

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

  Expansion and Globbing
     BAD_PATTERN (+2) <C> <Z>
          If  a  pattern for filename generation is badly formed,
          print an error message.  (If this option is unset,  the
          pattern will be left unchanged.)

          In  a glob pattern, treat a trailing set of parentheses
          as a qualifier list, if it contains no `|', `(' or  (if
          special)  `~'  characters.   See  the section `Filename

          Expand expressions in braces which would not  otherwise
          undergo  brace expansion to a lexically ordered list of
          all the characters.  See the section `Brace Expansion'.

     CASE_GLOB <D>
          Make  globbing (filename generation) sensitive to case.
          Note that other uses of patterns are  always  sensitive
          to  case.   If the option is unset, the presence of any
          character which is special to filename generation  will
          cause  case-insensitive  matching.  For example, cvs(/)
          can match the directory CVS owing to  the  presence  of
          the  globbing flag (unless the option BARE_GLOB_QUAL is

          Make regular expressions  using  the  zsh/regex  module
          (including matches with =~) sensitive to case.

          If  a  pattern  for filename generation has no matches,
          delete the pattern  from  the  argument  list;  do  not
          report  an  error  unless all the patterns in a command
          have no matches.  Overrides NOMATCH.

     EQUALS <Z>
          Perform = filename expansion.  (See the section  `File-
          name Expansion'.)

          Treat  the  `#', `~' and `^' characters as part of pat-
          terns  for  filename  generation,  etc.   (An   initial
          unquoted  `~'  always  produces  named directory expan-

          Constants in arithmetic evaluation will be  treated  as
          floating point even without the use of a decimal point.
          Integers in any base will be converted.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

     GLOB (+F, ksh: +f) <D>
          Perform filename generation (globbing).  (See the  sec-
          tion `Filename Generation'.)

          If  this  option is set, filename generation (globbing)
          is performed on the right hand side of scalar parameter
          assignments  of  the form `name=pattern (e.g. `foo=*').
          If the result has more than one word the parameter will
          become  an  array  with  those words as arguments. This
          option is provided for  backwards  compatibility  only:
          globbing  is always performed on the right hand side of
          array assignments  of  the  form  `name=(value)'  (e.g.
          `foo=(*)')  and  this  form is recommended for clarity;
          with this option set, it is  not  possible  to  predict
          whether the result will be an array or a scalar.

     GLOB_DOTS (-4)
          Do  not  require  a  leading  `.'  in  a filename to be
          matched explicitly.

     GLOB_SUBST <C> <K> <S>
          Treat any characters resulting from parameter expansion
          as  being eligible for file expansion and filename gen-
          eration, and any characters resulting from command sub-
          stitution  as  being  eligible for filename generation.
          Braces (and commas in between) do not  become  eligible
          for expansion.

          Substitutions using the :s and :& history modifiers are
          performed  with  pattern  matching  instead  of  string
          matching.   This  occurs wherever history modifiers are
          valid, including glob qualifiers and  parameters.   See
          the section Modifiers in zshexpn(1).

          Do not perform brace expansion.  For historical reasons
          this    also    includes    the    effect    of     the
          IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES option.

          When  neither  this  option nor IGNORE_BRACES is set, a
          sole close brace character `}' is syntactically signif-
          icant  at  any  point  on a command line.  This has the
          effect that no semicolon or newline is necessary before
          the  brace terminating a function or current shell con-
          struct.  When either option is set, a closing brace  is
          syntactically  significant  only  in  command position.
          Unlike IGNORE_BRACES,  this  option  does  not  disable
          brace expansion.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          For  example, with both options unset a function may be
          defined in the following fashion:

               args() { echo $# }

          while if either option is set, this does not  work  and
          something equivalent to the following is required:

               args() { echo $#; }

     KSH_GLOB <K>
          In  pattern matching, the interpretation of parentheses
          is affected by a preceding `@', `*', `+', `?'  or  `!'.
          See the section `Filename Generation'.

          All  unquoted  arguments  of the form `anything=expres-
          sion' appearing after the command  name  have  filename
          expansion  (that is, where expression has a leading `~'
          or `=') performed on expression as if it were a parame-
          ter  assignment.  The argument is not otherwise treated
          specially; it is passed to  the  command  as  a  single
          argument,  and  not used as an actual parameter assign-
          ment.   For  example,  in  echo  foo=~/bar:~/rod,  both
          occurrences  of  ~  would  be replaced.  Note that this
          happens anyway with typeset and similar statements.

          This option respects the  setting  of  the  KSH_TYPESET
          option.  In other words, if both options are in effect,
          arguments looking like  assignments  will  not  undergo
          word splitting.

     MARK_DIRS (-8, ksh: -X)
          Append  a trailing `/' to all directory names resulting
          from filename generation (globbing).

     MULTIBYTE <C> <K> <Z>
          Respect multibyte characters  when  found  in  strings.
          When this option is set, strings are examined using the
          system library to determine how many bytes form a char-
          acter,  depending  on the current locale.  This affects
          the way characters are  counted  in  pattern  matching,
          parameter values and various delimiters.

          The  option  is on by default if the shell was compiled
          with MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT except in sh  emulation;  other-
          wise  it  is off by default and has no effect if turned
          on.  The mode is off in sh emulation for  compatibility
          but for interactive use may need to be turned on if the
          terminal interprets multibyte characters.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          If the option is off a single byte is always treated as
          a  single  character.   This setting is designed purely
          for examining strings known to  contain  raw  bytes  or
          other  values that may not be characters in the current
          locale.  It is not necessary to unset the option merely
          because  the  character set for the current locale does
          not contain multibyte characters.

          The option does not affect the shell's  editor,   which
          always  uses  the locale to determine multibyte charac-
          ters.  This is because the character set  displayed  by
          the terminal emulator is independent of shell settings.

     NOMATCH (+3) <C> <Z>
          If a pattern for filename generation  has  no  matches,
          print  an error, instead of leaving it unchanged in the
          argument list.  This also applies to file expansion  of
          an initial `~' or `='.

     NULL_GLOB (-G)
          If  a  pattern  for filename generation has no matches,
          delete the pattern from the argument  list  instead  of
          reporting an error.  Overrides NOMATCH.

          If  numeric filenames are matched by a filename genera-
          tion pattern, sort  the  filenames  numerically  rather
          than lexicographically.

          Array  expansions  of the form `foo${xx}bar', where the
          parameter xx is set to (a b c),  are  substituted  with
          `fooabar  foobbar foocbar' instead of the default `fooa
          b cbar'.  Note that an empty array will therefore cause
          all arguments to be removed.

          If  set, regular expression matching with the =~ opera-
          tor will use Perl-Compatible Regular  Expressions  from
          the  PCRE  library,  if available.  If not set, regular
          expressions will use the extended  regexp  syntax  pro-
          vided by the system libraries.

     SH_GLOB <K> <S>
          Disables  the  special meaning of `(', `|', `)' and '<'
          for globbing the result of parameter and  command  sub-
          stitutions,  and  in  some other places where the shell
          accepts patterns.  If SH_GLOB is set  but  KSH_GLOB  is
          not,  the  shell  allows the interpretation of subshell
          expressions enclosed in parentheses in some cases where
          there  is no space before the opening parenthesis, e.g.
          !(true) is interpreted as if there were a  space  after

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          the !.  This option is set by default if zsh is invoked
          as sh or ksh.

     UNSET (+u, ksh: +u) <K> <S> <Z>
          Treat unset parameters as if they were empty when  sub-
          stituting.  Otherwise they are treated as an error.

          Print a warning message when a global parameter is cre-
          ated in a function by an assignment.  This often  indi-
          cates that a parameter has not been declared local when
          it should have been.   Parameters  explicitly  declared
          global  from  within a function using typeset -g do not
          cause a warning.  Note that there is no warning when  a
          local  parameter  is  assigned to in a nested function,
          which may also indicate an error.

          If this is set, zsh sessions will append their  history
          list to the history file, rather than replace it. Thus,
          multiple parallel zsh sessions will all  have  the  new
          entries  from  their history lists added to the history
          file, in the order that they exit.  The file will still
          be  periodically  re-written to trim it when the number
          of lines grows 20% beyond the value specified by $SAVE-
          HIST (see also the HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY option).

     BANG_HIST (+K) <C> <Z>
          Perform  textual history expansion, csh-style, treating
          the character `!' specially.

          Save each command's  beginning  timestamp  (in  seconds
          since  the  epoch) and the duration (in seconds) to the
          history file.  The format of this prefixed data is:

          `: <beginning time>:<elapsed seconds>;<command>'.

          Add `|' to output redirections in  the  history.   This
          allows  history  references  to clobber files even when
          CLOBBER is unset.

     HIST_BEEP <D>
          Beep when an attempt is made to access a history  entry
          which isn't there.

          If  the internal history needs to be trimmed to add the
          current command line, setting this  option  will  cause
          the  oldest  history  event  that has a duplicate to be

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          lost before losing a unique event from the  list.   You
          should be sure to set the value of HISTSIZE to a larger
          number than SAVEHIST in order to give you some room for
          the  duplicated  events,  otherwise  this  option  will
          behave just like HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS once the  history
          fills up with unique events.

          When  writing out the history file, by default zsh uses
          ad-hoc file locking to avoid known problems with  lock-
          ing  on some operating systems.  With this option lock-
          ing is done by means of the system's fcntl call,  where
          this  method is available.  On recent operating systems
          this may  provide  better  performance,  in  particular
          avoiding  history  corruption  when files are stored on

          When searching for history entries in the line  editor,
          do  not  display duplicates of a line previously found,
          even if the duplicates are not contiguous.

          If a new command line being added to the  history  list
          duplicates  an  older one, the older command is removed
          from the list (even if it is not the previous event).

          Do not enter command lines into  the  history  list  if
          they are duplicates of the previous event.

          Remove  command  lines  from  the history list when the
          first character on the line is a space, or when one  of
          the  expanded  aliases  contains a leading space.  Only
          normal aliases (not global or suffix aliases) have this
          behaviour.  Note that the command lingers in the inter-
          nal history until the next command is entered before it
          vanishes,  allowing  you  to  briefly reuse or edit the
          line.  If you want to make it vanish right away without
          entering  another  command,  type  a  space  and  press

          By default, shell history that is read in from files is
          split  into  words on all white space.  This means that
          arguments with quoted whitespace are not correctly han-
          dled,  with the consequence that references to words in
          history lines that have been read from a  file  may  be
          inaccurate.   When  this  option  is set, words read in
          from a history file are divided up in a similar fashion
          to  normal  shell command line handling.  Although this

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          produces more accurately delimited words, if  the  size
          of  the  history file is large this can be slow.  Trial
          and error is necessary to decide.

          Remove function  definitions  from  the  history  list.
          Note  that the function lingers in the internal history
          until the next command is entered before  it  vanishes,
          allowing you to briefly reuse or edit the definition.

          Remove  the  history  (fc  -l) command from the history
          list when invoked.  Note that the  command  lingers  in
          the  internal history until the next command is entered
          before it vanishes, allowing you to  briefly  reuse  or
          edit the line.

          Remove  superfluous blanks from each command line being
          added to the history list.

          When the history file is re-written, we normally  write
          out  a  copy  of  the file named $HISTFILE.new and then
          rename it over the old one.  However, if this option is
          unset,  we  instead  truncate  the old history file and
          write out the new version in-place.  If one of the his-
          tory-appending options is enabled, this option only has
          an effect when the enlarged history file  needs  to  be
          re-written  to trim it down to size.  Disable this only
          if you have special needs, as doing so makes it  possi-
          ble  to  lose  history  entries if zsh gets interrupted
          during the save.

          When writing out a copy of the history file,  zsh  pre-
          serves  the  old  file's permissions and group informa-
          tion, but will refuse to write out a  new  file  if  it
          would change the history file's owner.

          When  writing out the history file, older commands that
          duplicate newer ones are omitted.

          Whenever the user enters a line with history expansion,
          don't  execute the line directly; instead, perform his-
          tory expansion and reload the  line  into  the  editing

          This  options works like APPEND_HISTORY except that new
          history lines are added to the $HISTFILE  incrementally

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          (as  soon  as  they  are  entered), rather than waiting
          until the shell exits.  The file will still be periodi-
          cally  re-written  to  trim it when the number of lines
          grows 20% beyond the value specified by $SAVEHIST  (see
          also the HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY option).


          This  option both imports new commands from the history
          file,  and  also  causes  your  typed  commands  to  be
          appended to the history file (the latter is like speci-
          fying INC_APPEND_HISTORY).  The history lines are  also
          output  with  timestamps  ala  EXTENDED_HISTORY  (which
          makes it easier to find the  spot  where  we  left  off
          reading the file after it gets re-written).

          By   default,   history  movement  commands  visit  the
          imported lines as well as the local lines, but you  can
          toggle  this  on and off with the set-local-history zle
          binding.  It is also possible to create  a  zle  widget
          that  will make some commands ignore imported commands,
          and some include them.

          If you find that you want more control over  when  com-
          mands  get imported, you may wish to turn SHARE_HISTORY
          off, INC_APPEND_HISTORY on, and  then  manually  import
          commands whenever you need them using `fc -RI'.

     ALL_EXPORT (-a, ksh: -a)
          All  parameters  subsequently defined are automatically

          If this option is set,  passing  the  -x  flag  to  the
          builtins  declare, float, integer, readonly and typeset
          (but not local) will  also  set  the  -g  flag;   hence
          parameters exported to the environment will not be made
          local to  the  enclosing  function,  unless  they  were
          already  or  the  flag  +g is given explicitly.  If the
          option is unset, exported parameters will be made local
          in just the same way as any other parameter.

          This  option is set by default for backward compatibil-
          ity; it is not recommended that its behaviour be relied
          upon.   Note  that  the builtin export always sets both
          the -x and -g  flags,  and  hence  its  effect  extends
          beyond the scope of the enclosing function; this is the
          most portable way to achieve this behaviour.

     GLOBAL_RCS (-d) <D>
          If  this   option   is   unset,   the   startup   files

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          /etc/zprofile, /etc/zshrc, /etc/zlogin and /etc/zlogout
          will not be run.  It can be disabled and re-enabled  at
          any time, including inside local startup files (.zshrc,

     RCS (+f) <D>
          After /etc/zshenv is sourced  on  startup,  source  the
          .zshenv,  /etc/zprofile, .zprofile, /etc/zshrc, .zshrc,
          /etc/zlogin, .zlogin, and .zlogout files, as  described
          in  the  section `Files'.  If this option is unset, the
          /etc/zshenv file is still sourced, but any of the  oth-
          ers  will  not be; it can be set at any time to prevent
          the remaining startup files after the currently execut-
          ing one from being sourced.

     ALIASES <D>
          Expand aliases.

     CLOBBER (+C, ksh: +C) <D>
          Allows  `>' redirection to truncate existing files, and
          `>>' to create files.  Otherwise `>!' or `>|'  must  be
          used to truncate a file, and `>>!' or `>>|' to create a

     CORRECT (-0)
          Try to correct the spelling of  commands.   Note  that,
          when  the  HASH_LIST_ALL option is not set or when some
          directories in the path  are  not  readable,  this  may
          falsely report spelling errors the first time some com-
          mands are used.

          The shell variable CORRECT_IGNORE may be set to a  pat-
          tern  to match words that will never be offered as cor-

          Try to correct the spelling of all arguments in a line.

          Use  the Dvorak keyboard instead of the standard qwerty
          keyboard as a basis for examining spelling mistakes for
          the  CORRECT and CORRECT_ALL options and the spell-word
          editor command.

          If this  option  is  unset,  output  flow  control  via
          start/stop  characters  (usually  assigned to ^S/^Q) is
          disabled in the shell's editor.

     IGNORE_EOF (-7)
          Do not exit on end-of-file.  Require the use of exit or

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          logout  instead.   However,  ten  consecutive EOFs will
          cause the shell to exit  anyway,  to  avoid  the  shell
          hanging if its tty goes away.

          Also,  if this option is set and the Zsh Line Editor is
          used, widgets implemented by  shell  functions  can  be
          bound  to EOF (normally Control-D) without printing the
          normal warning message.  This  works  only  for  normal
          widgets, not for completion widgets.

          Allow comments even in interactive shells.

     HASH_CMDS <D>
          Note  the location of each command the first time it is
          executed.  Subsequent invocations of the  same  command
          will  use  the  saved location, avoiding a path search.
          If this option is unset, no path  hashing  is  done  at
          all.   However,  when  CORRECT  is  set, commands whose
          names do not appear in the functions  or  aliases  hash
          tables  are  hashed in order to avoid reporting them as
          spelling errors.

     HASH_DIRS <D>
          Whenever a command name is hashed, hash  the  directory
          containing  it,  as  well as all directories that occur
          earlier  in  the  path.   Has  no  effect  if   neither
          HASH_CMDS nor CORRECT is set.

          When  hashing  commands because of HASH_COMMANDS, check
          that the file to be hashed is actually  an  executable.
          This option is unset by default as if the path contains
          a large number of commands, or consists of many  remote
          files,  the  additional  tests  can  take  a long time.
          Trial and error is needed to show  if  this  option  is

          Print  a  warning  message  if  a  mail  file  has been
          accessed since the shell last checked.

     PATH_DIRS (-Q)
          Perform a  path  search  even  on  command  names  with
          slashes  in  them.   Thus if `/usr/local/bin' is in the
          user's path, and he or she types `X11/xinit', the  com-
          mand   `/usr/local/bin/X11/xinit'   will   be  executed
          (assuming it exists).   Commands  explicitly  beginning
          with  `/',  `./'  or  `../' are not subject to the path
          search.  This also applies to the `.' builtin.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          Note that subdirectories of the current  directory  are
          always searched for executables specified in this form.
          This takes place before any search  indicated  by  this
          option,  and  regardless  of whether `.' or the current
          directory appear in the command search path.

     PATH_SCRIPT <K> <S>
          If this option is not set, a script passed as the first
          non-option  argument to the shell must contain the name
          of the file to open.  If this option is  set,  and  the
          script does not specify a directory path, the script is
          looked for first in the current directory, then in  the
          command path.  See the section INVOCATION in zsh(1).

          Print  eight  bit  characters  literally  in completion
          lists, etc.  This option is not necessary if your  sys-
          tem  correctly  returns  the  printability of eight bit
          characters (see ctype(3)).

          Print the exit value of  programs  with  non-zero  exit
          status.   This is only available at the command line in
          interactive shells.

          Allow the character sequence `''' to signify  a  single
          quote within singly quoted strings.  Note this does not
          apply in quoted strings using the format $'...',  where
          a backslashed single quote can be used.

     RM_STAR_SILENT (-H) <K> <S>
          Do  not  query  the user before executing `rm *' or `rm

          If querying the user before executing  `rm  *'  or  `rm
          path/*',  first  wait  ten  seconds and ignore anything
          typed in that time.  This avoids the problem of reflex-
          ively  answering  `yes'  to  the  query when one didn't
          really mean it.  The  wait  and  query  can  always  be
          avoided by expanding the `*' in ZLE (with tab).

     SHORT_LOOPS <C> <Z>
          Allow  the  short forms of for, repeat, select, if, and
          function constructs.

          If a line ends with a backquote, and there are  an  odd
          number  of  backquotes on the line, ignore the trailing
          backquote.  This is useful on some keyboards where  the
          return  key  is  too  small, and the backquote key lies

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          annoyingly close to it.  As an alternative the variable
          KEYBOARD_HACK  lets  you  choose  the  character  to be

  Job Control
          With this option set, stopped  jobs  that  are  removed
          from  the job table with the disown builtin command are
          automatically sent a CONT signal to make them  running.

          Treat  single  word simple commands without redirection
          as candidates for resumption of an existing job.

     BG_NICE (-6) <C> <Z>
          Run all background jobs  at  a  lower  priority.   This
          option is set by default.

          Report  the  status  of  background  and suspended jobs
          before exiting a  shell  with  job  control;  a  second
          attempt  to exit the shell will succeed.  NO_CHECK_JOBS
          is best used only in combination with NO_HUP, else such
          jobs will be killed automatically.

          The  check is omitted if the commands run from the pre-
          vious command line included a `jobs' command, since  it
          is  assumed the user is aware that there are background
          or suspended jobs.  A `jobs' command run  from  one  of
          the hook functions defined in the section SPECIAL FUNC-
          TIONS in zshmisc(1) is not counted for this purpose.

     HUP <Z>
          Send the HUP signal to  running  jobs  when  the  shell

          List jobs in the long format by default.

     MONITOR (-m, ksh: -m)
          Allow  job  control.   Set  by  default  in interactive

     NOTIFY (-5, ksh: -b) <Z>
          Report  the  status  of  background  jobs  immediately,
          rather  than  waiting  until  just  before  printing  a

     POSIX_JOBS <K> <S>
          This option makes job control more compliant  with  the
          POSIX standard.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          When the option is not set, the MONITOR option is unset
          on entry to subshells, so that job control is no longer
          active.  When the option is set, the MONITOR option and
          job control remain active in  the  subshell,  but  note
          that  the  subshell has no access to jobs in the parent

          When the option is not set, jobs put in the  background
          or foreground with bg or fg are displayed with the same
          information that would be reported by jobs.   When  the
          option  is  set,  only the text is printed.  The output
          from jobs itself is not affected by the option.

          When the option is not set, job  information  from  the
          parent shell is saved for output within a subshell (for
          example, within a pipeline).  When the option  is  set,
          the  output  of  jobs  is  empty until a job is started
          within the subshell.

          When the option is set, it becomes possible to use  the
          wait  builtin  to  wait for the last job started in the
          background (as given  by  $!)  even  if  that  job  has
          already  exited.   This  works  even  if  the option is
          turned on  temporarily  around  the  use  of  the  wait

          If  set,  `!' is treated specially in prompt expansion.
          See EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

     PROMPT_CR (+V) <D>
          Print a carriage return just before printing  a  prompt
          in   the  line  editor.   This  is  on  by  default  as
          multi-line editing is only possible if the editor knows
          where the start of the line appears.

     PROMPT_SP <D>
          Attempt  to  preserve  a partial line (i.e. a line that
          did not end with a newline)  that  would  otherwise  be
          covered  up  by the command prompt due to the PROMPT_CR
          option.  This works by outputting  some  cursor-control
          characters,  including  a series of spaces, that should
          make the terminal wrap to the next line when a  partial
          line  is  present (note that this is only successful if
          your terminal has automatic margins, which is typical).

          When  a  partial line is preserved, by default you will
          see an inverse+bold character at the end of the partial
          line:   a  "%" for a normal user or a "#" for root.  If
          set, the shell parameter PROMPT_EOL_MARK can be used to
          customize how the end of partial lines are shown.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          NOTE: if the PROMPT_CR option is not set, enabling this
          option will have no  effect.   This  option  is  on  by

          If  set,  `%' is treated specially in prompt expansion.
          See EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

          If set, parameter expansion, command  substitution  and
          arithmetic expansion are performed in prompts.  Substi-
          tutions within prompts do not affect the  command  sta-

          Remove  any  right prompt from display when accepting a
          command line.  This may be useful with  terminals  with
          other cut/paste methods.

  Scripts and Functions
          Output  hexadecimal  numbers  in the standard C format,
          for example `0xFF' instead of the  usual  `16#FF'.   If
          the  option  OCTAL_ZEROES  is  also  set  (it is not by
          default), octal numbers will be treated  similarly  and
          hence  appear  as `077' instead of `8#77'.  This option
          has no effect on the choice of the output base, nor  on
          the  output  of bases other than hexadecimal and octal.
          Note that these formats will  be  understood  on  input
          irrespective of the setting of C_BASES.

          This  alters  the precedence of arithmetic operators to
          be more like C and  other  programming  languages;  the
          section  ARITHMETIC  EVALUATION  in  zshmisc(1)  has an
          explicit list.

          Run the DEBUG trap before each command; otherwise it is
          run after each command.  Setting this option mimics the
          behaviour of ksh 93; with the option unset  the  behav-
          iour is that of ksh 88.

     ERR_EXIT (-e, ksh: -e)
          If  a  command  has a non-zero exit status, execute the
          ZERR trap, if set, and exit.  This  is  disabled  while
          running initialization scripts.

          The  behaviour is also disabled inside DEBUG traps.  In
          this case the option is handled specially: it is  unset
          on  entry  to the trap.  If the option DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD
          is set, as it is by default, and the option ERR_EXIT is

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          found  to  have  been set on exit, then the command for
          which the DEBUG trap is being executed is skipped.  The
          option is restored after the trap exits.

          Exiting  due  to ERR_EXIT has certain interactions with
          asynchronous jobs noted in the section JOBS in in  zsh-

          If a command has a non-zero exit status, return immedi-
          ately from the enclosing function.  The logic is  iden-
          tical  to  that  for  ERR_EXIT, except that an implicit
          return statement is executed instead of an exit.   This
          will  trigger  an  exit  at  the  outermost  level of a
          non-interactive script.

          If set, line numbers of expressions evaluated using the
          builtin  eval  are  tracked separately of the enclosing
          environment.  This applies both to the parameter LINENO
          and the line number output by the prompt escape %i.  If
          the option is set, the prompt escape %N will output the
          string  `(eval)' instead of the script or function name
          as an indication.   (The two prompt escapes  are  typi-
          cally  used  in the parameter PS4 to be output when the
          option XTRACE is set.)  If EVAL_LINENO  is  unset,  the
          line  number  of  the surrounding script or function is
          retained during the evaluation.

     EXEC (+n, ksh: +n) <D>
          Do execute commands.  Without this option, commands are
          read  and  checked for syntax errors, but not executed.
          This option cannot be  turned  off  in  an  interactive
          shell,  except  when  `-n'  is supplied to the shell at

          When executing a shell function or sourcing  a  script,
          set  $0 temporarily to the name of the function/script.

          If this option is set at the point  of  return  from  a
          shell function, most options (including this one) which
          were in force upon entry to the function are  restored;
          options  that  are  not  restored  are  PRIVILEGED  and
          RESTRICTED.  Otherwise, only this option and the XTRACE
          and  PRINT_EXIT_VALUE  options  are restored.  Hence if
          this is explicitly unset by a shell function the  other
          options in force at the point of return will remain so.
          A shell function can  also  guarantee  itself  a  known
          shell configuration with a formulation like `emulate -L
          zsh'; the -L activates LOCAL_OPTIONS.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          If this option is set at the point  of  return  from  a
          shell  function,  the state of pattern disables, as set
          with the builtin command `disable -p', is  restored  to
          what  it was when the function was entered.  The behav-
          iour of  this  option  is  similar  to  the  effect  of
          LOCAL_OPTIONS  on  options;  hence  `emulate -L sh' (or
          indeed any other emulation with the  -L  option)  acti-
          vates LOCAL_PATTERNS.

          If  this option is set when a signal trap is set inside
          a function, then the previous status of  the  trap  for
          that  signal  will be restored when the function exits.
          Note that this option must be set prior to altering the
          trap behaviour in a function; unlike LOCAL_OPTIONS, the
          value on exit from the function  is  irrelevant.   How-
          ever, it does not need to be set before any global trap
          for that to be correctly restored by a  function.   For

               unsetopt localtraps
               trap - INT
               fn() { setopt localtraps; trap '' INT; sleep 3; }

          will  restore normal handling of SIGINT after the func-
          tion exits.

          Allow definitions of multiple functions at once in  the
          form  `fn1  fn2...()';  if  the option is not set, this
          causes a parse error.  Definition of multiple functions
          with  the function keyword is always allowed.  Multiple
          function definitions are not often used and  can  cause
          obscure errors.

     MULTIOS <Z>
          Perform  implicit  tees  or cats when multiple redirec-
          tions are attempted (see the section `Redirection').

          Interpret any integer constant beginning with  a  0  as
          octal,  per  IEEE  Std  1003.2-1992  (ISO 9945-2:1993).
          This is not enabled by default as  it  causes  problems
          with  parsing  of,  for  example, date and time strings
          with leading zeroes.

          Sequences of digits indicating a numeric base  such  as
          the `08' component in `08#77' are always interpreted as
          decimal, regardless of leading zeroes.


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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          By default, when  a  pipeline  exits  the  exit  status
          recorded  by  the shell and returned by the shell vari-
          able $? reflects that of the  rightmost  element  of  a
          pipeline.   If  this  option  is  set,  the exit status
          instead reflects the status of the rightmost element of
          the pipeline that was non-zero, or zero if all elements
          exited with zero status.

          If  set,  zsh  will  print  an  informational   message
          announcing  the name of each file it loads.  The format
          of the output is similar to that for the XTRACE option,
          with  the  message <sourcetrace>.  A file may be loaded
          by the shell itself when it starts up  and  shuts  down
          (Startup/Shutdown  Files) or by the use of the `source'
          and `dot' builtin commands.

          If this is unset, executing any of the `typeset' family
          of  commands  with  no options and a list of parameters
          that have no values to be assigned  but  already  exist
          will display the value of the parameter.  If the option
          is set, they will only be  shown  when  parameters  are
          selected  with  the  `-m'  option.   The option `-p' is
          available whether or not the option is set.

     VERBOSE (-v, ksh: -v)
          Print shell input lines as they are read.

     XTRACE (-x, ksh: -x)
          Print commands and their arguments  as  they  are  exe-
          cuted.   The  output  is proceded by the value of $PS4,
          formatted as described  in  the  section  EXPANSION  OF
          PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

  Shell Emulation
          When  set,  matches performed with the =~ operator will
          set the BASH_REMATCH array  variable,  instead  of  the
          default  MATCH  and match variables.  The first element
          of the  BASH_REMATCH  array  will  contain  the  entire
          matched  text  and  subsequent  elements  will  contain
          extracted substrings.  This  option  makes  more  sense
          when KSH_ARRAYS is also set, so that the entire matched
          portion is stored at index 0 and the first substring is
          at  index  1.   Without this option, the MATCH variable
          contains the entire matched text and  the  match  array
          variable contains substrings.

     BSD_ECHO <S>
          Make  the  echo builtin compatible with the BSD echo(1)
          command.  This disables backslashed escape sequences in

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          echo strings unless the -e option is specified.

          If a fatal error is encountered (see the section ERRORS
          in zshmisc(1)), and the code is running  in  a  script,
          the  shell  will resume execution at the next statement
          in the script at the top level, in other words  outside
          all  functions  or  shell  constructs such as loops and
          conditions.  This mimics the behaviour  of  interactive
          shells,  where  the shell returns to the line editor to
          read a new command; it was the normal behaviour in ver-
          sions of zsh before 5.0.1.

          A  history  reference  without  an event specifier will
          always refer to the  previous  command.   Without  this
          option,  such  a  history  reference refers to the same
          event as the previous history reference, defaulting  to
          the previous command.

          Allow  loop bodies to take the form `list; end' instead
          of `do list; done'.

          Changes the rules for single- and double-quoted text to
          match  that  of  csh.  These require that embedded new-
          lines be preceded by a  backslash;  unescaped  newlines
          will cause an error message.  In double-quoted strings,
          it is made impossible to escape `$', ``'  or  `"'  (and
          `\'  itself no longer needs escaping).  Command substi-
          tutions are only expanded once, and cannot be nested.

          Do not use the values of NULLCMD and  READNULLCMD  when
          running  redirections  with no command.  This make such
          redirections fail (see the section `Redirection').

     KSH_ARRAYS <K> <S>
          Emulate ksh array handling as closely as possible.   If
          this  option  is  set, array elements are numbered from
          zero, an array parameter without  subscript  refers  to
          the  first  element  instead  of  the  whole array, and
          braces   are   required   to   delimit   a    subscript
          (`${path[2]}' rather than just `$path[2]').

          Emulate ksh function autoloading.  This means that when
          a function is autoloaded,  the  corresponding  file  is
          merely  executed,  and must define the function itself.
          (By default, the function is defined to the contents of
          the file.  However, the most common ksh-style case - of

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          the file containing only a  simple  definition  of  the
          function - is always handled in the ksh-compatible man-

          Alters the way options settings are printed: instead of
          separate  lists  of  set and unset options, all options
          are shown, marked `on' if they are in  the  non-default
          state, `off' otherwise.

          Alters  the way arguments to the typeset family of com-
          mands, including declare, export, float, integer, local
          and  readonly, are processed.  Without this option, zsh
          will perform normal word splitting  after  command  and
          parameter expansion in arguments of an assignment; with
          it, word splitting does not take place in those  cases.

          Treat  use  of  a  subscript  of value zero in array or
          string expressions as a reference to the first element,
          i.e.  the  element  that  usually  has the subscript 1.
          Ignored if KSH_ARRAYS is also set.

          If neither this option nor KSH_ARRAYS is set,  accesses
          to an element of an array or string with subscript zero
          return an empty element or string,  while  attempts  to
          set  element  zero of an array or string are treated as
          an error.  However, attempts to set an otherwise  valid
          subscript  range  that includes zero will succeed.  For
          example, if KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT is not set,


          is an error, while


          is not and will replace the first element of the array.

          This option is for compatibility with older versions of
          the shell and is not recommended in new code.

          When this option is set, reserved words are not  candi-
          dates  for  alias  expansion:   it is still possible to
          declare any of them as an alias,  but  the  alias  will
          never be expanded.  Reserved words are described in the
          section RESERVED WORDS in zshmisc(1).

          Alias expansion takes place while text is  being  read;
          hence  when  this option is set it does not take effect

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          until the end of any function or other piece  of  shell
          code  parsed  as one unit.  Note this may cause differ-
          ences from other shells even  when  the  option  is  in
          effect.   For example, when running a command with `zsh
          -c', or even `zsh -o posixaliases -c', the entire  com-
          mand argument is parsed as one unit, so aliases defined
          within the argument are not  available  even  in  later
          lines.  If in doubt, avoid use of aliases in non-inter-
          active code.

          When this option is set the command builtin can be used
          to  execute  shell builtin commands.  Parameter assign-
          ments specified  before  shell  functions  and  special
          builtins  are  kept  after the command completes unless
          the  special  builtin  is  prefixed  with  the  command
          builtin.   Special  builtins are ., :, break, continue,
          declare, eval, exit, export, integer, local,  readonly,
          return, set, shift, source, times, trap and unset.

          In  addition,  various error conditions associated with
          the above builtins  or  exec  cause  a  non-interactive
          shell to exit and an interactive shell to return to its
          top-level processing.

          When this option is set, only the ASCII characters a to
          z,  A  to  Z,  0  to 9 and _ may be used in identifiers
          (names of shell parameters and modules).

          When the option is unset and multibyte  character  sup-
          port  is enabled (i.e. it is compiled in and the option
          MULTIBYTE is set), then additionally  any  alphanumeric
          characters  in  the  local character set may be used in
          identifiers.  Note that scripts and  functions  written
          with  this feature are not portable, and also that both
          options must be set before the script  or  function  is
          parsed; setting them during execution is not sufficient
          as the syntax variable=value has already been parsed as
          a command rather than an assignment.

          If multibyte character support is not compiled into the
          shell this option is ignored; all octets with  the  top
          bit  set may be used in identifiers.  This is non-stan-
          dard but is the traditional zsh behaviour.

          This option affects processing of quoted strings.  Cur-
          rently  it  only  affects the behaviour of null charac-
          ters, i.e. character 0 in the  portable  character  set
          corresponding to US ASCII.

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          When  this  option is not set, null characters embedded
          within strings of the form $'...' are treated as  ordi-
          nary characters. The entire string is maintained within
          the shell and output to files where necessary, although
          owing  to  restrictions  of  the  library interface the
          string is truncated  at  the  null  character  in  file
          names, environment variables, or in arguments to exter-
          nal programs.

          When this option is set, the $'...' expression is trun-
          cated at the null character.  Note that remaining parts
          of the same string beyond the termination of the quotes
          are not trunctated.

          For  example,  the  command  line argument a$'b\0c'd is
          treated with the option off as  the  characters  a,  b,
          null, c, d, and with the option on as the characters a,
          b, d.

     POSIX_TRAPS <K> <S>
          When the is option is set, the usual zsh  behaviour  of
          executing  traps  for EXIT on exit from shell functions
          is suppressed.  In that case, manipulating  EXIT  traps
          always  alters  the  global trap for exiting the shell;
          the LOCAL_TRAPS option is ignored for the EXIT trap.

          Perform filename expansion (e.g., ~  expansion)  before
          parameter  expansion,  command substitution, arithmetic
          expansion and  brace  expansion.   If  this  option  is
          unset, it is performed after brace expansion, so things
          like `~$USERNAME' and `~{pfalstad,rc}' will work.

     SH_NULLCMD <K> <S>
          Do not use the values of NULLCMD and  READNULLCMD  when
          doing  redirections,  use  `:' instead (see the section

          If this option is set the shell tries to interpret sin-
          gle letter options (which are used with set and setopt)
          like ksh does.  This also affects the value  of  the  -
          special parameter.

     SH_WORD_SPLIT (-y) <K> <S>
          Causes  field  splitting  to  be  performed on unquoted
          parameter expansions.  Note that this option has  noth-
          ing  to  do  with  word  splitting.   (See  the section
          `Parameter Expansion'.)

          While waiting for a program to exit, handle signals and

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          run traps immediately.  Otherwise the trap is run after
          a child process has exited.  Note this does not  affect
          the  point  at  which  traps are run for any case other
          than when the shell is waiting for a child process.

  Shell State
     INTERACTIVE (-i, ksh: -i)
          This is an interactive shell.  This option is set  upon
          initialisation  if the standard input is a tty and com-
          mands are being read from  standard  input.   (See  the
          discussion of SHIN_STDIN.)  This heuristic may be over-
          ridden by specifying a state for  this  option  on  the
          command  line.   The  value  of this option can only be
          changed via flags supplied at invocation of the  shell.
          It cannot be changed once zsh is running.

     LOGIN (-l, ksh: -l)
          This  is  a login shell.  If this option is not explic-
          itly set, the shell becomes a login shell if the  first
          character  of the argv[0] passed to the shell is a `-'.

     PRIVILEGED (-p, ksh: -p)
          Turn on privileged mode. This is enabled  automatically
          on  startup  if  the  effective  user (group) ID is not
          equal to the real user (group) ID.  Turning this option
          off  causes  the effective user and group IDs to be set
          to the real user and group IDs.  This  option  disables
          sourcing user startup files.  If zsh is invoked as `sh'
          or `ksh' with this  option  set,  /etc/suid_profile  is
          sourced  (after  /etc/profile  on  interactive shells).
          Sourcing ~/.profile is disabled and the contents of the
          ENV  variable is ignored. This option cannot be changed
          using the -m option of setopt and unsetopt, and  chang-
          ing  it  inside  a  function always changes it globally
          regardless of the LOCAL_OPTIONS option.

     RESTRICTED (-r)
          Enables restricted mode.  This option cannot be changed
          using unsetopt, and setting it inside a function always
          changes it globally  regardless  of  the  LOCAL_OPTIONS
          option.  See the section `Restricted Shell'.

     SHIN_STDIN (-s, ksh: -s)
          Commands  are being read from the standard input.  Com-
          mands are read from standard input  if  no  command  is
          specified with -c and no file of commands is specified.
          If SHIN_STDIN is set explicitly on  the  command  line,
          any  argument that would otherwise have been taken as a
          file to run will instead be treated as a  normal  posi-
          tional  parameter.  Note that setting or unsetting this
          option on the command line does not necessarily  affect
          the  state  the  option  will  have  while the shell is

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          running - that is purely an indicator of whether on not
          commands  are  actually being read from standard input.
          The value of this option can only be changed via  flags
          supplied  at  invocation  of  the  shell.  It cannot be
          changed once zsh is running.

     SINGLE_COMMAND (-t, ksh: -t)
          If the shell is reading from standard input,  it  exits
          after  a  single  command has been executed.  This also
          makes the shell non-interactive, unless the INTERACTIVE
          option  is  explicitly  set  on  the command line.  The
          value of this option can only be changed via flags sup-
          plied at invocation of the shell.  It cannot be changed
          once zsh is running.

     BEEP (+B) <D>
          Beep on error in ZLE.

          Assume that the terminal displays combining  characters
          correctly.   Specifically, if a base alphanumeric char-
          acter is followed by one or more zero-width punctuation
          characters,  assume that the zero-width characters will
          be displayed as modifications  to  the  base  character
          within  the same width.  Not all terminals handle this.
          If this option is not set,  zero-width  characters  are
          displayed separately with special mark-up.

          If  this  option  is  set,  the pattern test [[:WORD:]]
          matches  a  zero-width  punctuation  character  on  the
          assumption  that  it  will be used as part of a word in
          combination with a word character.  Otherwise the  base
          shell does not handle combining characters specially.

          If ZLE is loaded, turning on this option has the equiv-
          alent effect of `bindkey  -e'.   In  addition,  the  VI
          option  is  unset.   Turning it off has no effect.  The
          option setting is not guaranteed to reflect the current
          keymap.   This  option  is  provided for compatibility;
          bindkey is the recommended interface.

          Start up the line editor in overstrike mode.

          Use  single-line  command  line  editing   instead   of

          Note  that although this is on by default in ksh emula-
          tion it only provides  superficial  compatibility  with

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          the  ksh  line  editor and reduces the effectiveness of
          the zsh line editor.  As it has no effect on shell syn-
          tax,  many  users  may wish to disable this option when
          using ksh emulation interactively.

     VI   If ZLE is loaded, turning on this option has the equiv-
          alent  effect  of `bindkey -v'.  In addition, the EMACS
          option is unset.  Turning it off has  no  effect.   The
          option setting is not guaranteed to reflect the current
          keymap.  This option  is  provided  for  compatibility;
          bindkey is the recommended interface.

     ZLE (-Z)
          Use the zsh line editor.  Set by default in interactive
          shells connected to a terminal.

     Some options have  alternative  names.   These  aliases  are
     never  used  for  output,  but  can be used just like normal
     option names when specifying options to the shell.

          NO_IGNORE_BRACES (ksh and bash compatibility)

          GLOB_DOTS (bash compatibility)

          HASH_CMDS (bash compatibility)

          APPEND_HISTORY (bash compatibility)

          BANG_HIST (bash compatibility)

     LOG  NO_HIST_NO_FUNCTIONS (ksh compatibility)

          MAIL_WARNING (bash compatibility)

          SINGLE_COMMAND (bash compatibility)

          CHASE_LINKS (ksh and bash compatibility)

          PROMPT_SUBST (bash compatibility)

          SHIN_STDIN (ksh compatibility)

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

          HASH_CMDS (ksh compatibility)

  Default set
     -0   CORRECT
     -2   NO_BAD_PATTERN
     -3   NO_NOMATCH
     -4   GLOB_DOTS
     -5   NOTIFY
     -6   BG_NICE
     -7   IGNORE_EOF
     -8   MARK_DIRS
     -9   AUTO_LIST
     -B   NO_BEEP
     -C   NO_CLOBBER
     -F   NO_GLOB
     -G   NULL_GLOB
     -J   AUTO_CD
     -K   NO_BANG_HIST
     -N   AUTO_PUSHD
     -Q   PATH_DIRS
     -S   REC_EXACT
     -V   NO_PROMPT_CR
     -X   LIST_TYPES
     -Z   ZLE
     -a   ALL_EXPORT
     -e   ERR_EXIT
     -f   NO_RCS
     -l   LOGIN
     -m   MONITOR
     -n   NO_EXEC
     -p   PRIVILEGED
     -r   RESTRICTED

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User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

     -s   SHIN_STDIN
     -u   NO_UNSET
     -v   VERBOSE
     -w   CHASE_LINKS
     -x   XTRACE
     -y   SH_WORD_SPLIT

  sh/ksh emulation set
     -C   NO_CLOBBER
     -X   MARK_DIRS
     -a   ALL_EXPORT
     -b   NOTIFY
     -e   ERR_EXIT
     -f   NO_GLOB
     -l   LOGIN
     -m   MONITOR
     -n   NO_EXEC
     -p   PRIVILEGED
     -r   RESTRICTED
     -s   SHIN_STDIN
     -u   NO_UNSET
     -v   VERBOSE
     -x   XTRACE

  Also note
     -A   Used by set for setting arrays
     -b   Used on the command line to specify end of option  pro-
     -c   Used on the command line to specify a single command
     -m   Used by setopt for pattern-matching option setting
     -o   Used in all places to allow use of long option names
     -s   Used by set to sort positional parameters

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                31

User Commands                                       ZSHOPTIONS(1)

     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                32

User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

     zshbuiltins - zsh built-in commands

     Some  shell  builtin  commands  take options as described in
     individual entries; these are often referred to in the  list
     below  as  `flags'  to  avoid  confusion with shell options,
     which may also have an effect on the  behaviour  of  builtin
     commands.  In this introductory section, `option' always has
     the meaning of an option to a command that should be  famil-
     iar to most command line users.

     Typically,  options  are single letters preceded by a hyphen
     (-).  Options that take an argument accept it either immedi-
     ately  following the option letter or after white space, for
     example `print -C3 *' or `print  -C  3  *'  are  equivalent.
     Arguments  to  options  are not the same as arguments to the
     command;  the  documentation  indicates  which   is   which.
     Options  that  do  not take an argument may be combined in a
     single word, for example `print -ca *' and `print -c  -a  *'
     are equivalent.

     Some  shell  builtin  commands  also take options that begin
     with `+' instead of `-'.  The list below makes  clear  which
     commands these are.

     Options  (together  with their individual arguments, if any)
     must appear in a group before any non-option arguments; once
     the  first  non-option  argument has been found, option pro-
     cessing is terminated.

     All builtin commands other than precommand  modifiers,  even
     those  that  have no options, can be given the argument `--'
     to terminate option processing.   This  indicates  that  the
     following  words  are non-option arguments, but is otherwise
     ignored.  This is useful in cases  where  arguments  to  the
     command  may  begin  with `-'.  For historical reasons, most
     builtin commands also recognize a single `-' in  a  separate
     word  for  this purpose; note that this is less standard and
     use of `-- is recommended.

     - simple command
          See the section `Precommand Modifiers'.

     . file [ arg ... ]
          Read commands from file and execute them in the current
          shell environment.

          If  file  does  not contain a slash, or if PATH_DIRS is
          set, the shell looks in the components of $path to find
          the  directory  containing  file.  Files in the current
          directory are not read unless `.' appears somewhere  in

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          $path.   If  a file named `file.zwc' is found, is newer
          than file, and is the compiled form (created  with  the
          zcompile  builtin) of file, then commands are read from
          that file instead of file.

          If any arguments arg are given, they become  the  posi-
          tional  parameters;  the  old positional parameters are
          restored when the file is done executing.  If file  was
          not  found  the return status is 127; if file was found
          but contained a syntax error the return status is  126;
          else  the  return status is the exit status of the last
          command executed.

     : [ arg ... ]
          This command does  nothing,  although  normal  argument
          expansions is performed which may have effects on shell
          parameters.  A zero exit status is returned.

     alias [ {+|-}gmrsL ] [ name[=value] ... ]
          For each name with a  corresponding  value,  define  an
          alias  with  that  value.   A  trailing  space in value
          causes the next word to be checked for alias expansion.
          If  the  -g  flag  is  present,  define a global alias;
          global aliases are expanded even if they do  not  occur
          in command position.

          If  the  -s  flag is present, define a suffix alias: if
          the command word on a  command  line  is  in  the  form
          `text.name',  where text is any non-empty string, it is
          replaced by the text `value text.name'.  Note that name
          is  treated  as  a  literal  string,  not a pattern.  A
          trailing space in value is not special  in  this  case.
          For example,

               alias -s ps=gv

          will  cause  the  command  `*.ps' to be expanded to `gv
          *.ps'.  As alias expansion is carried out earlier  than
          globbing,  the  `*.ps'  will  then be expanded.  Suffix
          aliases constitute a different name  space  from  other
          aliases  (so  in the above example it is still possible
          to create an alias for the command ps) and the two sets
          are never listed together.

          For  each  name with no value, print the value of name,
          if any.  With no arguments, print all currently defined
          aliases  other  than suffix aliases.  If the -m flag is
          given the arguments are taken as patterns (they  should
          be  quoted  to  preserve them from being interpreted as
          glob patterns), and the aliases matching these patterns
          are  printed.  When printing aliases and one of the -g,
          -r or -s flags is present,  restrict  the  printing  to

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          global, regular or suffix aliases, respectively; a reg-
          ular alias is one which is neither a global nor a  suf-
          fix  alias.    Using  `+' instead of `-', or ending the
          option list with a single `+', prevents the  values  of
          the aliases from being printed.

          If  the  -L flag is present, then print each alias in a
          manner suitable for putting in a startup  script.   The
          exit  status  is  nonzero  if a name (with no value) is
          given for which no alias has been defined.

          For more on aliases, include common problems,  see  the
          section ALIASING in zshmisc(1).

     autoload [ {+|-}UXkmtz ] [ -w ] [ name ... ]
          Equivalent to functions -u, with the exception of -X/+X
          and -w.

          The flag -X may be used only inside a  shell  function,
          and may not be followed by a name.  It causes the call-
          ing function to be  marked  for  autoloading  and  then
          immediately loaded and executed, with the current array
          of positional parameters as arguments.   This  replaces
          the  previous  definition of the function.  If no func-
          tion definition is found, an error is printed  and  the
          function  remains undefined and marked for autoloading.

          The flag +X attempts to load each name as an autoloaded
          function,  but does not execute it.  The exit status is
          zero (success)  if  the  function  was  not  previously
          defined  and  a definition for it was found.  This does
          not replace any existing definition  of  the  function.
          The  exit  status  is nonzero (failure) if the function
          was already defined or when no  definition  was  found.
          In  the  latter case the function remains undefined and
          marked for autoloading.  If  ksh-style  autoloading  is
          enabled, the function created will contain the contents
          of the file plus a call to the function itself appended
          to  it, thus giving normal ksh autoloading behaviour on
          the first call to the function.  If the -m flag is also
          given  each  name is treated as a pattern and all func-
          tions already marked for autoload that match  the  pat-
          tern are loaded.

          With the -w flag, the names are taken as names of files
          compiled with the zcompile builtin, and  all  functions
          defined in them are marked for autoloading.

          The  flags -z and -k mark the function to be autoloaded
          using  the  zsh  or  ksh  style,  as  if   the   option
          KSH_AUTOLOAD were unset or were set, respectively.  The
          flags override the setting of the option  at  the  time

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          the function is loaded.

          Note  that  the  autoload  command  makes no attempt to
          ensure the shell options set during the loading or exe-
          cution  of  the  file  have  any particular value.  For
          this, the emulate command can be used:

               emulate zsh -c 'autoload -Uz func'

          arranges that when func  is  loaded  the  shell  is  in
          native  zsh  emulation,  and  this  emulation  is  also
          applied when func is run.

     bg [ job ... ]
     job ... &
          Put each specified job in the background, or  the  cur-
          rent job if none is specified.

          See the section `Zle Builtins' in zshzle(1).

     break [ n ]
          Exit  from  an  enclosing  for, while, until, select or
          repeat loop.  If n is specified, then  break  n  levels
          instead of just one.

     builtin name [ args ... ]
          Executes the builtin name, with the given args.

     bye  Same as exit.

     cap  See  the section `The zsh/cap Module' in zshmodules(1).

     cd [ -qsLP ] [ arg ]
     cd [ -qsLP ] old new
     cd [ -qsLP ] {+|-}n
          Change the  current  directory.   In  the  first  form,
          change the current directory to arg, or to the value of
          $HOME if arg is not specified.  If arg is  `-',  change
          to the previous directory.

          Otherwise,  if  arg  begins  with  a  slash, attempt to
          change to the directory given by arg.

          If arg does not  begin  with  a  slash,  the  behaviour
          depends  on whether the current directory `.' occurs in
          the list of directories contained in the shell  parame-
          ter cdpath.  If it does not, first attempt to change to
          the directory arg under the current directory,  and  if
          that  fails but cdpath is set and contains at least one
          element attempt to change to the  directory  arg  under
          each  component of cdpath in turn until successful.  If

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          `.' occurs in cdpath, then cdpath is searched  strictly
          in  order  so that `.' is only tried at the appropriate

          The order of testing cdpath is modified if  the  option
          POSIX_CD  is set, as described in the documentation for
          the option.

          If no directory is found,  the  option  CDABLE_VARS  is
          set,  and  a  parameter  named  arg  exists whose value
          begins with a slash, treat its value as the  directory.
          In  that  case,  the  parameter  is  added to the named
          directory hash table.

          The second form of cd substitutes the  string  new  for
          the  string  old  in the name of the current directory,
          and tries to change to this new directory.

          The third form of cd extracts an entry from the  direc-
          tory stack, and changes to that directory.  An argument
          of the form `+n' identifies a stack entry  by  counting
          from  the  left  of the list shown by the dirs command,
          starting with zero.   An  argument  of  the  form  `-n'
          counts  from  the  right.  If the PUSHD_MINUS option is
          set, the meanings of `+' and `-' in  this  context  are

          If  the  -q (quiet) option is specified, the hook func-
          tion chpwd and the functions in the  array  chpwd_func-
          tions  are  not called.  This is useful for calls to cd
          that do not change the environment seen by an  interac-
          tive user.

          If the -s option is specified, cd refuses to change the
          current directory if the given pathname  contains  sym-
          links.   If  the  -P option is given or the CHASE_LINKS
          option is set, symbolic links  are  resolved  to  their
          true  values.  If the -L option is given symbolic links
          are  retained  in  the  directory  (and  not  resolved)
          regardless of the state of the CHASE_LINKS option.

          Same as cd.

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/clone  Module'  in zshmod-

     command [ -pvV ] simple command
          The simple command argument is  taken  as  an  external
          command  instead  of  a function or builtin and is exe-
          cuted. If the POSIX_BUILTINS option  is  set,  builtins

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          will also be executed but certain special properties of
          them are suppressed. The -p flag causes a default  path
          to  be  searched  instead of that in $path. With the -v
          flag, command is similar to whence and with -V,  it  is
          equivalent to whence -v.

          See also the section `Precommand Modifiers'.

          See  the  section  `The zsh/computil Module' in zshmod-

          See the section `The  zsh/compctl  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/compctl Module' in zshmod-

          See the section `The zsh/computil  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The zsh/computil Module' in zshmod-

          See the section `The zsh/computil  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The zsh/computil Module' in zshmod-

          See the section `The zsh/computil  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The zsh/computil Module' in zshmod-

          See the section `The zsh/computil  Module'  in  zshmod-

     continue [ n ]
          Resume  the next iteration of the enclosing for, while,
          until, select or repeat loop.  If n is specified, break
          out  of n-1 loops and resume at the nth enclosing loop.

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          Same as typeset.

     dirs [ -c ] [ arg ... ]
     dirs [ -lpv ]
          With no arguments, print the contents of the  directory
          stack.   Directories  are  added to this stack with the
          pushd command, and removed with the  cd  or  popd  com-
          mands.   If arguments are specified, load them onto the
          directory stack, replacing anything that was there, and
          push the current directory onto the stack.

          -c   clear the directory stack.

          -l   print  directory names in full instead of using of
               using ~ expressions (see Dynamic and Static  named
               directories in zshexpn(1)).

          -p   print directory entries one per line.

          -v   number the directories in the stack when printing.

     disable [ -afmprs ] name ...
          Temporarily disable the named hash  table  elements  or
          patterns.   The default is to disable builtin commands.
          This allows you to use an  external  command  with  the
          same  name  as a builtin command.  The -a option causes
          disable to act on regular or global  aliases.   The  -s
          option causes disable to act on suffix aliases.  The -f
          option causes disable to act on shell  functions.   The
          -r  options  causes  disable  to act on reserved words.
          Without arguments all disabled hash table elements from
          the  corresponding hash table are printed.  With the -m
          flag the arguments are taken as patterns (which  should
          be  quoted  to  prevent  them  from undergoing filename
          expansion), and all hash table elements from the corre-
          sponding  hash  table  matching these patterns are dis-
          abled.  Disabled objects can be enabled with the enable

          With  the  option -p, name ... refer to elements of the
          shell's pattern syntax  as  described  in  the  section
          `Filename  Generation'.   Certain  elements can be dis-
          abled separately, as given below.

          Note that patterns not allowed by the current  settings
          for the options EXTENDED_GLOB, KSH_GLOB and SH_GLOB are
          never enabled, regardless of  the  setting  here.   For
          example,  if EXTENDED_GLOB is not active, the pattern ^
          is ineffective even if `disable -p "^"'  has  not  been
          issued.   The  list below indicates any option settings
          that restrict the use of the  pattern.   It  should  be

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          noted  that  setting  SH_GLOB  has  a wider effect then
          merely disabling patterns as  certain  expressions,  in
          particular those involving parentheses, are parsed dif-

          The following patterns may be disabled; all the strings
          need  quoting  on the command line to prevent them from
          being interpreted immediately as patterns and the  pat-
          terns are shown below in single quotes as a reminder.
          '?'  The   pattern  character  ?  wherever  it  occurs,
               including  when  preceding  a   parenthesis   with

          '*'  The   pattern  character  *  wherever  it  occurs,
               including recursive globbing and when preceding  a
               parenthesis with KSH_GLOB.

          '['  Character classes.

          '<' (NO_SH_GLOB)
               Numeric ranges.

          '|' (NO_SH_GLOB)
               Alternation  in grouped patterns, case statements,
               or KSH_GLOB parenthesised expressions.

          '(' (NO_SH_GLOB)
               Grouping using single parentheses.  Disabling this
               does  not  disable  the  use  of  parentheses  for
               KSH_GLOB where they are introduced  by  a  special
               character,  nor  for  glob qualifiers (use `setopt
               NO_BARE_GLOB_QUAL' to disable glob qualifiers that
               use parentheses only).

          '~' (EXTENDED_GLOB)
               Exclusion in the form A~B.

          '^' (EXTENDED_GLOB)
               Exclusion in the form A^B.

          '#' (EXTENDED_GLOB)
               The  pattern  character # wherever it occurs, both
               for repetition of a previous pattern and for indi-
               cating globbing flags.

          '?(' (KSH_GLOB)
               The  grouping form ?(...).  Note this is also dis-
               abled if '?' is disabled.

          '*(' (KSH_GLOB)
               The grouping form *(...).  Note this is also  dis-
               abled if '*' is disabled.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 8

User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          '+(' (KSH_GLOB)
               The grouping form +(...).

          '!(' (KSH_GLOB)
               The grouping form !(...).

          '@(' (KSH_GLOB)
               The grouping form @(...).

     disown [ job ... ]
     job ... &|
     job ... &!
          Remove the specified jobs from the job table; the shell
          will no longer report their status, and will  not  com-
          plain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them
          running or stopped.  If no job is specified, disown the
          current job.

          If the jobs are currently stopped and the AUTO_CONTINUE
          option is not set,  a  warning  is  printed  containing
          information  about  how to make them running after they
          have been disowned.  If one of the latter two forms  is
          used,  the  jobs  will  automatically  be made running,
          independent of the setting of the AUTO_CONTINUE option.

     echo [ -neE ] [ arg ... ]
          Write  each  arg  on  the standard output, with a space
          separating each one.  If the -n flag  is  not  present,
          print  a  newline at the end.  echo recognizes the fol-
          lowing escape sequences:

          \a   bell character
          \b   backspace
          \c   suppress final newline
          \e   escape
          \f   form feed
          \n   linefeed (newline)
          \r   carriage return
          \t   horizontal tab
          \v   vertical tab
          \\   backslash
               character code in octal
          \xNN character code in hexadecimal
               unicode character code in hexadecimal
               unicode character code in hexadecimal

          The -E flag, or the BSD_ECHO option,  can  be  used  to
          disable these escape sequences.  In the latter case, -e
          flag can be used to enable them.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 9

User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          See the section `The  zsh/termcap  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The zsh/terminfo Module' in zshmod-

     emulate [ -LR ] [ {zsh|sh|ksh|csh} [ flags ... ] ]
          Without any argument print current emulation mode.

          With single argument set up zsh options to emulate  the
          specified shell as much as possible.  csh will never be
          fully emulated.  If the argument  is  not  one  of  the
          shells  listed  above,  zsh  will be used as a default;
          more precisely, the tests performed on the argument are
          the  same  as  those used to determine the emulation at
          startup based on the shell name, see the  section  COM-
          PATIBILITY  in  zsh(1)  .  In addition to setting shell
          options, the command also restores the  pristine  state
          of pattern enables, as if all patterns had been enabled
          using enable -p.

          If the emulate command occurs inside  a  function  that
          has been marked for execution tracing with functions -t
          then the xtrace option will be turned on regardless  of
          emulation  mode  or other options.  Note that code exe-
          cuted inside the function by the  .,  source,  or  eval
          commands  is not considered to be running directly from
          the function, hence does not provoke this behaviour.

          If the -R switch is given,  all  settable  options  are
          reset to their default value corresponding to the spec-
          ified  emulation  mode,  except  for  certain   options
          describing the interactive environment; otherwise, only
          those options likely to cause portability  problems  in
          scripts and functions are altered.  If the -L switch is
          given, the options  LOCAL_OPTIONS,  LOCAL_PATTERNS  and
          LOCAL_TRAPS will be set as well, causing the effects of
          the emulate command  and  any  setopt,  disable  -p  or
          enable -p, and trap commands to be local to the immedi-
          ately surrounding  shell  function,  if  any;  normally
          these  options  are  turned  off in all emulation modes
          except ksh. The -L switch is  mutually  exclusive  with
          the use of -c in flags.

          The  flags  may  be  any  of  the invocation-time flags
          described in the section INVOCATION in  zsh(1),  except
          that  `-o  EMACS'  and  `-o VI' may not be used.  Flags
          such as `+r'/`+o RESTRICTED' may be prohibited in  some

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                10

User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          If  -c arg appears in flags, arg is evaluated while the
          requested emulation is temporarily in effect.  In  this
          case the emulation mode and all options are restored to
          their previous values before emulate returns.   The  -R
          switch  may  precede  the name of the shell to emulate;
          note this has a meaning distinct from including  -R  in

          Use of -c enables `sticky' emulation mode for functions
          defined within the evaluated expression:  the emulation
          mode is associated thereafter with the function so that
          whenever  the  function  is  executed   the   emulation
          (respecting  the -R switch, if present) and all options
          are set (and pattern disables cleared) before entry  to
          the function, and the state is restored after exit.  If
          the function is called when  the  sticky  emulation  is
          already  in effect, either within an `emulate shell -c'
          expression or within another  function  with  the  same
          sticky  emulation,  entry and exit from the function do
          not cause options to be altered (except due to standard
          processing  such  as  the  LOCAL_OPTIONS option).  This
          also applies to functions marked  for  autoload  within
          the  sticky  emulation;  the appropriate set of options
          will be applied at the point the function is loaded  as
          well as when it is run.

          For example:

               emulate sh -c 'fni() { setopt cshnullglob; }
               fno() { fni; }'

          The  two  functions fni and fno are defined with sticky
          sh emulation.  fno is then  executed,  causing  options
          associated with emulations to be set to their values in
          sh.  fni then calls fno; because fno is also marked for
          sticky  sh  emulation,  no option changes take place on
          entry to or exit from it.  Hence  the  option  cshnull-
          glob,  turned  off  by  sh emulation, will be turned on
          within fni and remain on on return  to  fno.   On  exit
          from  fno,  the  emulation mode and all options will be
          restored to the state they were in before entry to  the
          temporary emulation.

          The documentation above is typically sufficient for the
          intended purpose of executing code designed  for  other
          shells  in a suitable environment.  More detailed rules
          1.   The sticky emulation environment provided by `emu-
               late  shell  -c'  is identical to that provided by
               entry to a function marked for sticky emulation as

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               a consequence of being defined in such an environ-
               ment.  Hence, for example, the sticky emulation is
               inherited by subfunctions defined within functions
               with sticky emulation.
          2.   No change of options takes place on  entry  to  or
               exit from functions that are not marked for sticky
               emulation, other than those  that  would  normally
               take  place,  even  if  those functions are called
               within sticky emulation.
          3.   No special  handling  is  provided  for  functions
               marked  for  autoload nor for functions present in
               wordcode created by the zcompile command.
          4.   The presence or absence of the -R switch  to  emu-
               late  corresponds  to  different  sticky emulation
               modes, so for example `emulate sh -c', `emulate -R
               sh  -c'  and `emulate csh -c' are treated as three
               distinct sticky emulations.
          5.   Difference in shell options supplied  in  addition
               to the basic emulation also mean the sticky emula-
               tions are different, so for example  `emulate  zsh
               -c'  and `emulate zsh -o cbases -c' are treated as
               distinct sticky emulations.

     enable [ -afmprs ] name ...
          Enable the named hash table elements,  presumably  dis-
          abled  earlier  with disable.  The default is to enable
          builtin commands.  The -a option causes enable  to  act
          on  regular  or  global  aliases.  The -s option causes
          enable to act on suffix aliases.  The -f option  causes
          enable to act on shell functions.  The -r option causes
          enable to act on reserved words.  Without arguments all
          enabled hash table elements from the corresponding hash
          table are printed.  With the -m flag the arguments  are
          taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all hash table
          elements from the  corresponding  hash  table  matching
          these  patterns  are  enabled.   Enabled objects can be
          disabled with the disable builtin command.

          enable -p reenables patterns disabled with disable  -p.
          Note  that  it  does not override globbing options; for
          example, `enable -p "~"' does  not  cause  the  pattern
          character  ~  to  be  active  unless  the EXTENDED_GLOB
          option is also set.  To enable  all  possible  patterns
          (so  that  they may be invidually disabled with disable
          -p), use `setopt EXTENDED_GLOB KSH_GLOB NO_SH_GLOB'.

     eval [ arg ... ]
          Read the arguments as input to the  shell  and  execute
          the  resulting command(s) in the current shell process.
          The return status is the same as if  the  commands  had
          been  executed  directly  by the shell; if there are no
          args or they contain no commands  (i.e.  are  an  empty

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          string or whitespace) the return status is zero.

     exec [ -cl ] [ -a argv0 ] simple command
          Replace  the  current  shell  with  an external command
          rather than forking.  With -c  clear  the  environment;
          with  -l prepend - to the argv[0] string of the command
          executed (to simulate a login shell); with -a argv0 set
          the  argv[0]  string  of the command executed.  See the
          section `Precommand Modifiers'.

     exit [ n ]
          Exit the shell with the exit status specified by n;  if
          none  is  specified,  use the exit status from the last
          command executed.  An EOF condition will also cause the
          shell to exit, unless the IGNORE_EOF option is set.

          See  notes  at  the  end of the section JOBS in in zsh-
          misc(1) for some possibly  unexpected  interactions  of
          the exit command with jobs.

     export [ name[=value] ... ]
          The  specified names are marked for automatic export to
          the  environment  of  subsequently  executed  commands.
          Equivalent  to  typeset  -gx.  If a parameter specified
          does not already exist, it is  created  in  the  global

     false [ arg ... ]
          Do nothing and return an exit status of 1.

     fc [ -e ename ] [ -m match ] [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last
          ] ]
     fc -l [ -nrdfEiD ] [ -t timefmt ] [ -m match ]
           [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last ] ]
     fc -p [ -a ] [ filename [ histsize [ savehistsize ] ] ]
     fc -P
     fc -ARWI [ filename ]
          Select a range of commands from first to last from  the
          history  list.   The  arguments  first  and last may be
          specified as a number or as a string.  A negative  num-
          ber  is  used as an offset to the current history event
          number.  A  string  specifies  the  most  recent  event
          beginning  with  the  given  string.  All substitutions
          old=new, if any, are then performed on the commands.

          If the -l flag is given,  the  resulting  commands  are
          listed  on  standard  output.   If  the -m flag is also
          given the first argument is taken as a pattern  (should
          be  quoted)  and  only the history events matching this
          pattern will be shown.  Otherwise  the  editor  program
          ename  is  invoked  on  a file containing these history
          events.  If ename  is  not  given,  the  value  of  the

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          parameter  FCEDIT is used; if that is not set the value
          of the parameter EDITOR is used; if that is not  set  a
          builtin  default,  usually  `vi'  is used.  If ename is
          `-', no editor is invoked.  When editing  is  complete,
          the edited command is executed.

          If  first  is  not specified, it will be set to -1 (the
          most recent event), or to -16 if the -l flag is  given.
          If  last  is not specified, it will be set to first, or
          to -1 if the -l flag is given.

          The flag -r reverses the order of the commands and  the
          flag -n suppresses command numbers when listing.

          Also when listing,
          -d   prints timestamps for each command
          -f   prints  full  time-date stamps in the US `MM/DD/YY
               hh:mm' format
          -E   prints  full  time-date  stamps  in  the  European
               `dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm' format
          -i   prints    full   time-date   stamps   in   ISO8601
               `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm' format
          -t fmt
               prints time and date stamps in the  given  format;
               fmt  is  formatted with the strftime function with
               the zsh extensions described  for  the  %D{string}
               prompt  format  in the section EXPANSION OF PROMPT
               SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).  The resulting  formatted
               string must be no more than 256 characters or will
               not be printed.
          -D   prints elapsed times; may be combined with one  of
               the options above.

          `fc  -p'  pushes  the current history list onto a stack
          and switches to a new history list.  If the  -a  option
          is  also specified, this history list will be automati-
          cally popped when the current function scope is exited,
          which  is  a  much better solution than creating a trap
          function to call `fc -P' manually.  If no arguments are
          specified, the history list is left empty, $HISTFILE is
          unset, and $HISTSIZE  &  $SAVEHIST  are  set  to  their
          default values.  If one argument is given, $HISTFILE is
          set to that filename, $HISTSIZE &  $SAVEHIST  are  left
          unchanged,  and  the  history  file  is  read in (if it
          exists) to initialize the new list.  If a second  argu-
          ment  is  specified,  $HISTSIZE & $SAVEHIST are instead
          set to the single specified numeric value.  Finally, if
          a  third  argument  is specified, $SAVEHIST is set to a
          separate value from $HISTSIZE.  You are free to  change
          these  environment values for the new history list how-
          ever you desire in order to manipulate the new  history

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          `fc  -P'  pops  the  history list back to an older list
          saved by `fc -p'.  The current list  is  saved  to  its
          $HISTFILE  before it is destroyed (assuming that $HIST-
          FILE and $SAVEHIST are set appropriately,  of  course).
          The  values  of $HISTFILE, $HISTSIZE, and $SAVEHIST are
          restored to the  values  they  had  when  `fc  -p'  was
          called.   Note  that this restoration can conflict with
          making these variables "local", so your best bet is  to
          avoid  local  declarations for these variables in func-
          tions that use `fc -p'.  The one other  guaranteed-safe
          combination is declaring these variables to be local at
          the top of your function and using the automatic option
          (-a)  with  `fc -p'.  Finally, note that it is legal to
          manually pop a push marked for automatic popping if you
          need to do so before the function exits.

          `fc  -R' reads the history from the given file, `fc -W'
          writes the history out to the given file, and  `fc  -A'
          appends the history out to the given file.  If no file-
          name is specified, the $HISTFILE is assumed.  If the -I
          option  is  added to -R, only those events that are not
          already contained within the internal history list  are
          added.   If  the  -I  option is added to -A or -W, only
          those  events  that  are  new  since  last  incremental
          append/write  to the history file are appended/written.
          In any case, the created file will have  no  more  than
          $SAVEHIST entries.

     fg [ job ... ]
     job ...
          Bring each specified job in turn to the foreground.  If
          no job is specified, resume the current job.

     float [ {+|-}EFHghlprtux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] [ name[=value] ...
          Equivalent  to  typeset -E, except that options irrele-
          vant to floating point numbers are not permitted.

     functions [ {+|-}UXkmtTuz ] [ name ... ]
     functions -M mathfn [ min [ max [ shellfn ] ] ]
     functions -M [ -m pattern ... ]
     functions +M [ -m ] mathfn
          Equivalent to typeset -f, with the exception of the  -M
          option.   Use of the -M option may not be combined with
          any of the options handled by typeset -f.

          functions -M mathfn defines mathfn as  the  name  of  a
          mathematical function recognised in all forms of arith-
          metical expressions; see the section `Arithmetic Evalu-
          ation'  in  zshmisc(1).  By default mathfn may take any
          number of comma-separated arguments.  If min is  given,
          it  must have exactly min args; if min and max are both

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          given, it must have at least min and at most max  args.
          max may be -1 to indicate that there is no upper limit.

          By default the function is implemented by a shell func-
          tion of the same name; if shellfn is specified it gives
          the name of  the  corresponding  shell  function  while
          mathfn  remains  the  name used in arithmetical expres-
          sions.  The name of the function in $0 is  mathfn  (not
          shellfn  as  would  usually  be the case), provided the
          option FUNCTION_ARGZERO is in effect.   The  positional
          parameters  in  the  shell  function  correspond to the
          arguments  of  the  mathematical  function  call.   The
          result  of  the  last arithmetical expression evaluated
          inside the shell function (even if it is  a  form  that
          normally only returns a status) gives the result of the
          mathematical function.

          functions  -M  with  no  arguments   lists   all   such
          user-defined  functions  in  the same form as a defini-
          tion.  With the additional option  -m  and  a  list  of
          arguments,  all  functions  whose mathfn matches one of
          the pattern arguments are listed.

          function +M removes the list of mathematical functions;
          with the additional option -m the arguments are treated
          as patterns and all functions whose mathfn matches  the
          pattern  are  removed.   Note  that  the shell function
          implementing the behaviour is not  removed  (regardless
          of whether its name coincides with mathfn).

          For example, the following prints the cube of 3:

               zmath_cube() { (( $1 * $1 * $1 )) }
               functions -M cube 1 1 zmath_cube
               print $(( cube(3) ))

          See  the section `The zsh/cap Module' in zshmodules(1).

     getln [ -AclneE ] name ...
          Read the top value from the buffer stack and put it  in
          the shell parameter name.  Equivalent to read -zr.

     getopts optstring name [ arg ... ]
          Checks  the  args  for  legal options.  If the args are
          omitted, use the positional parameters.  A valid option
          argument  begins  with a `+' or a `-'.  An argument not
          beginning with a `+' or a `-', or  the  argument  `--',
          ends  the  options.  Note that a single `-' is not con-
          sidered a valid option  argument.   optstring  contains
          the  letters  that  getopts recognizes.  If a letter is
          followed by a `:', that option  requires  an  argument.

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          The  options  can  be  separated  from  the argument by

          Each time it is invoked, getopts places the option let-
          ter  it  finds  in  the shell parameter name, prepended
          with a `+' when arg begins with a `+'.   The  index  of
          the next arg is stored in OPTIND.  The option argument,
          if any, is stored in OPTARG.

          The first option to  be  examined  may  be  changed  by
          explicitly  assigning to OPTIND.  OPTIND has an initial
          value of 1, and is normally reset to 1 upon exit from a
          shell  function.   OPTARG  is not reset and retains its
          value from the most recent call to getopts.  If  either
          of  OPTIND  or  OPTARG  is explicitly unset, it remains
          unset, and the index or option argument is not  stored.
          The option itself is still stored in name in this case.

          A leading `:' in optstring causes getopts to store  the
          letter of any invalid option in OPTARG, and to set name
          to `?' for an unknown option and to `:' when a required
          argument  is  missing.  Otherwise, getopts sets name to
          `?' and prints an  error  message  when  an  option  is
          invalid.   The exit status is nonzero when there are no
          more options.

     hash [ -Ldfmrv ] [ name[=value] ] ...
          hash can be used to directly modify the contents of the
          command hash table, and the named directory hash table.
          Normally one would modify  these  tables  by  modifying
          one's  PATH (for the command hash table) or by creating
          appropriate shell parameters (for the  named  directory
          hash  table).   The  choice of hash table to work on is
          determined by the -d option;  without  the  option  the
          command  hash  table  is  used, and with the option the
          named directory hash table is used.

          Given no arguments, and neither the -r or  -f  options,
          the selected hash table will be listed in full.

          The -r option causes the selected hash table to be emp-
          tied.  It will be subsequently rebuilt  in  the  normal
          fashion.   The -f option causes the selected hash table
          to be fully rebuilt immediately.  For the command  hash
          table  this  hashes all the absolute directories in the
          PATH, and for the named directory hash table this  adds
          all  users' home directories.  These two options cannot
          be used with any arguments.

          The -m option causes the arguments to be taken as  pat-
          terns  (which should be quoted) and the elements of the
          hash table matching those patterns are  printed.   This

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          is  the only way to display a limited selection of hash
          table elements.

          For each name with a corresponding value, put `name' in
          the  selected hash table, associating it with the path-
          name `value'.  In the command hash  table,  this  means
          that whenever `name' is used as a command argument, the
          shell will try to execute the file  given  by  `value'.
          In  the  named  directory  hash  table, this means that
          `value' may be referred to as `~name'.

          For each name with no corresponding value,  attempt  to
          add name to the hash table, checking what the appropri-
          ate value is in the normal manner for that hash  table.
          If  an  appropriate value can't be found, then the hash
          table will be unchanged.

          The -v option causes hash table entries to be listed as
          they  are  added  by explicit specification.  If has no
          effect if used with -f.

          If the -L flag is present, then each hash  table  entry
          is printed in the form of a call to hash.

          Same as fc -l.

     integer [ {+|-}Hghilprtux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] [ name[=value] ...
          Equivalent to typeset -i, except that  options  irrele-
          vant to integers are not permitted.

     jobs [ -dlprs ] [ job ... ]
     jobs -Z string
          Lists  information about each given job, or all jobs if
          job is omitted.  The -l flag lists process IDs, and the
          -p flag lists process groups.  If the -r flag is speci-
          fied only running jobs will be listed  and  if  the  -s
          flag  is  given only stopped jobs are shown.  If the -d
          flag is given, the directory from  which  the  job  was
          started  (which may not be the current directory of the
          job) will also be shown.

          The -Z option replaces the shell's argument  and  envi-
          ronment  space with the given string, truncated if nec-
          essary to fit.  This will normally  be  visible  in  ps
          (ps(1))  listings.   This  feature is typically used by
          daemons, to indicate their state.

     kill [ -s signal_name | -n signal_number | -sig ] job ...
     kill -l [ sig ... ]
          Sends either SIGTERM or the  specified  signal  to  the

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          given  jobs  or processes.  Signals are given by number
          or by names, with or without the `SIG' prefix.  If  the
          signal being sent is not `KILL' or `CONT', then the job
          will be sent a `CONT' signal if  it  is  stopped.   The
          argument  job can be the process ID of a job not in the
          job list.  In the second form, kill -l, if sig  is  not
          specified  the signal names are listed.  Otherwise, for
          each sig that is a name, the corresponding signal  num-
          ber is listed.  For each sig that is a signal number or
          a number representing the  exit  status  of  a  process
          which was terminated or stopped by a signal the name of
          the signal is printed.

          On some systems, alternative signal names  are  allowed
          for  a  few  signals.  Typical examples are SIGCHLD and
          SIGCLD or SIGPOLL and SIGIO, assuming  they  correspond
          to  the same signal number.  kill -l will only list the
          preferred form, however kill -l alt will  show  if  the
          alternative  form  corresponds to a signal number.  For
          example, under Linux kill -l IO and kill -l  POLL  both
          output  29, hence kill -IO and kill -POLL have the same

          Many systems will allow process IDs to be  negative  to
          kill  a  process  group  or  zero  to  kill the current
          process group.

     let arg ...
          Evaluate each arg as an arithmetic expression.  See the
          section  `Arithmetic  Evaluation'  in  zshmisc(1) for a
          description of arithmetic expressions.  The exit status
          is  0 if the value of the last expression is nonzero, 1
          if it is zero, and 2 if an error occurred.

     limit [ -hs ] [ resource [ limit ] ] ...
          Set or display resource limits.  Unless the -s flag  is
          given,  the  limit  applies  only  the  children of the
          shell.  If -s is given  without  other  arguments,  the
          resource limits of the current shell is set to the pre-
          viously set resource limits of the children.

          If limit is not  specified,  print  the  current  limit
          placed  on  resource,  otherwise  set  the limit to the
          specified value.  If the -h flag  is  given,  use  hard
          limits  instead  of  soft  limits.   If  no resource is
          given, print all limits.

          When looping over multiple resources,  the  shell  will
          abort  immediately  if  it detects a badly formed argu-
          ment.  However, if it fails to set  a  limit  for  some
          other reason it will continue trying to set the remain-
          ing limits.

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          resource can be one of:

               Maximum amount of address space used.
               Maximum amount of memory locked  in  RAM  for  AIO
               Maximum number of AIO operations.
               Maximum number of cached threads.
               Maximum size of a core dump.
               Maximum CPU seconds per process.
               Maximum  data  size  (including  stack)  for  each
               Maximum value for a file descriptor.
               Largest single file allowed.
               Maximum number of kqueues allocated.
               Maximum number of processes.
               Maximum number of threads per process.
               Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM.
               Maximum resident set size.
               Maximum number of bytes in POSIX message queues.
               Maximum number of POSIX locks per user.
               Maximum number of pseudo-terminals.
               Maximum resident set size.
               Maximum number of pending signals.
               Maximum size of all socket buffers.
               Maximum stack size for each process.
               Maximum amount of swap used.
               Maximum amount of virtual memory.

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          Which of these resource limits are available depends on
          the  system.   resource can be abbreviated to any unam-
          biguous prefix.  It can also be an integer, which  cor-
          responds to the integer defined for the resource by the
          operating system.

          If argument corresponds to a number which is out of the
          range  of  the resources configured into the shell, the
          shell will try to read or write the limit  anyway,  and
          will  report an error if this fails.  As the shell does
          not store such resources internally, an attempt to  set
          the limit will fail unless the -s option is present.

          limit  is a number, with an optional scaling factor, as

          nh   hours
          nk   kilobytes (default)
          nm   megabytes or minutes
               minutes and seconds

          The limit command is not made available by default when
          the shell starts in a mode emulating another shell.  It
          can be made available with  the  command  `zmodload  -F
          zsh/rlimits b:limit'.

     local  [ {+|-}AEFHUahlprtux ] [ -LRZi [ n ]] [ name[=value]
          ] ...
          Same as typeset, except that the options -g, and -f are
          not permitted.  In this case the  -x  option  does  not
          force  the  use  of -g, i.e. exported variables will be
          local to functions.

     log  List all users currently logged in who are affected  by
          the current setting of the watch parameter.

     logout [ n ]
          Same  as  exit,  except  that  it only works in a login

     noglob simple command
          See the section `Precommand Modifiers'.

     popd [ [-q] {+|-}n ]
          Remove an entry from the directory stack, and perform a
          cd  to  the  new  top directory.  With no argument, the
          current top entry is removed.  An argument of the  form
          `+n' identifies a stack entry by counting from the left
          of the list shown by the dirs  command,  starting  with
          zero.   An  argument  of  the  form  -n counts from the
          right.  If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the  meanings

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          of `+' and `-' in this context are swapped.

          If  the  -q (quiet) option is specified, the hook func-
          tion chpwd and the functions in the array  $chpwd_func-
          tions  are  not  called, and the new directory stack is
          not printed.  This is useful for calls to popd that  do
          not change the environment seen by an interactive user.

     print [ -abcDilmnNoOpPrsSz ] [ -u n ] [ -f format ] [ -C
          cols ]
       [ -R [ -en ]] [ arg ... ]
          With  the  `-f'  option  the  arguments  are printed as
          described by printf.  With no flags or  with  the  flag
          `-',  the  arguments are printed on the standard output
          as described by echo, with the  following  differences:
          the  escape  sequence  `\M-x'  metafies the character x
          (sets the highest bit), `\C-x' produces a control char-
          acter  (`\C-@'  and  `\C-?' give the characters NUL and
          delete), and `\E' is a synonym for `\e'.   Finally,  if
          not  in  an  escape sequence, `\' escapes the following
          character and is not printed.

          -a   Print  arguments  with  the  column   incrementing
               first.  Only useful with the -c and -C options.

          -b   Recognize all the escape sequences defined for the
               bindkey command, see zshzle(1).

          -c   Print the arguments in columns.  Unless -a is also
               given,  arguments  are printed with the row incre-
               menting first.

          -C cols
               Print the arguments in cols columns.  Unless -a is
               also  given,  arguments  are  printed with the row
               incrementing first.

          -D   Treat the arguments as paths, replacing  directory
               prefixes   with  ~  expressions  corresponding  to
               directory names, as appropriate.

          -i   If given together with -o or -O, sorting  is  per-
               formed case-independently.

          -l   Print  the arguments separated by newlines instead
               of spaces.

          -m   Take the first argument as a  pattern  (should  be
               quoted),  and  remove  it  from  the argument list
               together with subsequent  arguments  that  do  not
               match this pattern.

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          -n   Do not add a newline to the output.

          -N   Print  the  arguments  separated and terminated by

          -o   Print the arguments sorted in ascending order.

          -O   Print the arguments sorted in descending order.

          -p   Print the arguments to the input of the coprocess.

          -P   Perform  prompt expansion (see EXPANSION OF PROMPT
               SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1)).

          -r   Ignore the escape conventions of echo.

          -R   Emulate the  BSD  echo  command,  which  does  not
               process  escape  sequences  unless  the -e flag is
               given.  The -n flag suppresses the  trailing  new-
               line.   Only  the  -e  and -n flags are recognized
               after -R; all  other  arguments  and  options  are

          -s   Place  the  results in the history list instead of
               on the standard  output.   Each  argument  to  the
               print  command  is treated as a single word in the
               history, regardless of its content.

          -S   Place the results in the history list  instead  of
               on  the standard output.  In this case only a sin-
               gle argument is allowed; it  will  be  split  into
               words  as  if  it  were a full shell command line.
               The effect is similar to reading the line  from  a
               history   file   with  the  HIST_LEX_WORDS  option

          -u n Print the arguments to file descriptor n.

          -z   Push the arguments onto the editing buffer  stack,
               separated by spaces.

          If  any  of  `-m', `-o' or `-O' are used in combination
          with `-f' and there are no arguments (after the removal
          process in the case of `-m') then nothing is printed.

     printf format [ arg ... ]
          Print  the arguments according to the format specifica-
          tion. Formatting rules are the same as used in  C.  The
          same escape sequences as for echo are recognised in the
          format. All C conversion specifications ending  in  one
          of  csdiouxXeEfgGn  are  handled.  In addition to this,
          `%b' can be  used  instead  of  `%s'  to  cause  escape

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          sequences in the argument to be recognised and `%q' can
          be used to quote the argument in such a way that allows
          it to be reused as shell input. With the numeric format
          specifiers, if the corresponding argument starts with a
          quote  character,  the  numeric  value of the following
          character is used as the number to print otherwise  the
          argument  is evaluated as an arithmetic expression. See
          the section `Arithmetic Evaluation' in zshmisc(1) for a
          description  of  arithmetic expressions. With `%n', the
          corresponding argument is taken as an identifier  which
          is created as an integer parameter.

          Normally, conversion specifications are applied to each
          argument in order but they can explicitly  specify  the
          nth  argument  is  to be used by replacing `%' by `%n$'
          and `*' by `*n$'.  It is recommended that  you  do  not
          mix  references  of this explicit style with the normal
          style and the handling of such mixed styles may be sub-
          ject to future change.

          If arguments remain unused after formatting, the format
          string is reused until all  arguments  have  been  con-
          sumed.  With  the print builtin, this can be suppressed
          by using the -r option. If more arguments are  required
          by  the  format than have been specified, the behaviour
          is as if zero or an empty string had been specified  as
          the argument.

     pushd [ -qsLP ] [ arg ]
     pushd [ -qsLP ] old new
     pushd [ -qsLP ] {+|-}n
          Change  the current directory, and push the old current
          directory onto the directory stack.  In the first form,
          change  the  current  directory  to arg.  If arg is not
          specified, change to the second directory on the  stack
          (that  is,  exchange the top two entries), or change to
          $HOME if the PUSHD_TO_HOME option is set or if there is
          only  one entry on the stack.  Otherwise, arg is inter-
          preted as it would be by cd.  The meaning  of  old  and
          new in the second form is also the same as for cd.

          The  third  form of pushd changes directory by rotating
          the directory list.  An argument of the form `+n' iden-
          tifies  a  stack entry by counting from the left of the
          list shown by the dirs command, starting with zero.  An
          argument  of  the  form `-n' counts from the right.  If
          the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the meanings of `+'  and
          `-' in this context are swapped.

          If  the  -q (quiet) option is specified, the hook func-
          tion chpwd and the functions in the array  $chpwd_func-
          tions  are  not  called, and the new directory stack is

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          not printed.  This is useful for calls to pushd that do
          not change the environment seen by an interactive user.

          If the option -q is not specified and the shell  option
          PUSHD_SILENT  is  not  set, the directory stack will be
          printed after a pushd is performed.

          The options -s, -L and -P have the same meanings as for
          the cd builtin.

     pushln [ arg ... ]
          Equivalent to print -nz.

     pwd [ -rLP ]
          Print  the  absolute  pathname  of  the current working
          directory.  If the -r or the -P flag is  specified,  or
          the  CHASE_LINKS  option  is set and the -L flag is not
          given, the  printed  path  will  not  contain  symbolic

     r    Same as fc -e -.

     read [ -rszpqAclneE ] [ -t [ num ] ] [ -k [ num ] ] [ -d
          delim ]
      [ -u n ] [ name[?prompt] ] [ name ...  ]
          Read one line and break it into fields using the  char-
          acters  in  $IFS  as separators, except as noted below.
          The first field is assigned to the first name, the sec-
          ond  field  to  the  second  name,  etc., with leftover
          fields assigned to the last name.  If name  is  omitted
          then REPLY is used for scalars and reply for arrays.

          -r   Raw mode: a `\' at the end of a line does not sig-
               nify line continuation and backslashes in the line
               don't  quote  the  following character and are not

          -s   Don't echo back characters  if  reading  from  the
               terminal.   Currently  does  not  work with the -q

          -q   Read only one character from the terminal and  set
               name  to  `y' if this character was `y' or `Y' and
               to `n' otherwise.  With this flag set  the  return
               status  is  zero  only if the character was `y' or
               `Y'.  This option may be used with a  timeout;  if
               the  read  times  out,  or encounters end of file,
               status 2 is returned.  Input is read from the ter-
               minal  unless  one  of  -u or -p is present.  This
               option may also be used within zle widgets.

          -k [ num ]

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               Read  only  one  (or  num)  characters.   All  are
               assigned  to  the  first name, without word split-
               ting.  This flag is ignored when  -q  is  present.
               Input  is  read from the terminal unless one of -u
               or -p is present.  This option may  also  be  used
               within zle widgets.

               Note  that  despite the mnemonic `key' this option
               does read full characters, which  may  consist  of
               multiple bytes if the option MULTIBYTE is set.

          -z   Read  one  entry  from the editor buffer stack and
               assign it to the first name, without  word  split-
               ting.   Text  is pushed onto the stack with `print
               -z' or with push-line from the  line  editor  (see
               zshzle(1)).   This  flag is ignored when the -k or
               -q flags are present.

          -E   The input read is printed (echoed) to the standard
               output.   If  the  -e  flag  is  used, no input is
               assigned to the parameters.

          -A   The first name is taken as the name  of  an  array
               and all words are assigned to it.

          -l   These  flags  are  allowed only if called inside a
               function used for completion (specified  with  the
               -K flag to compctl).  If the -c flag is given, the
               words of the current command are read. If  the  -l
               flag  is  given,  the  whole line is assigned as a
               scalar.  If both flags are present, -l is used and
               -c is ignored.

          -n   Together  with -c, the number of the word the cur-
               sor is on is read.  With  -l,  the  index  of  the
               character the cursor is on is read.  Note that the
               command name is word number 1,  not  word  0,  and
               that  when  the  cursor is at the end of the line,
               its character index is the length of the line plus

          -u n Input is read from file descriptor n.

          -p   Input is read from the coprocess.

          -d delim
               Input  is  terminated  by  the  first character of
               delim instead of by newline.

          -t [ num ]

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               Test if input is available  before  attempting  to
               read.   If  num  is  present, it must begin with a
               digit and will be evaluated to give  a  number  of
               seconds,  which may be a floating point number; in
               this case the read  times  out  if  input  is  not
               available   within  this  time.   If  num  is  not
               present, it is taken to  be  zero,  so  that  read
               returns  immediately if no input is available.  If
               no input is available, return status 1 and do  not
               set any variables.

               This option is not available when reading from the
               editor buffer with -z,  when  called  from  within
               completion with -c or -l, with -q which clears the
               input queue before reading, or  within  zle  where
               other mechanisms should be used to test for input.

               Note that read does not attempt to alter the input
               processing  mode.   The  default mode is canonical
               input, in which an entire line is read at a  time,
               so  usually `read -t' will not read anything until
               an entire line  has  been  typed.   However,  when
               reading  from  the  terminal with -k input is pro-
               cessed one key at  a  time;  in  this  case,  only
               availability  of the first character is tested, so
               that e.g. `read -t -k 2' can still  block  on  the
               second  character.   Use two instances of `read -t
               -k' if this is not what is wanted.

          If the first argument contains a `?', the remainder  of
          this  word  is  used as a prompt on standard error when
          the shell is interactive.

          The  value  (exit  status)  of  read  is  1   when   an
          end-of-file is encountered, or when -c or -l is present
          and the command is not called from a compctl  function,
          or as described for -q.  Otherwise the value is 0.

          The behavior of some combinations of the -k, -p, -q, -u
          and -z flags is undefined.  Presently  -q  cancels  all
          the others, -p cancels -u, -k cancels -z, and otherwise
          -z cancels both -p and -u.

          The -c or -l flags cancel any and all of -kpquz.

          Same as typeset -r.

          Same as hash -r.

     return [ n ]

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          Causes a shell function or `.' script to return to  the
          invoking  script with the return status specified by n.
          If n is omitted, the return status is that of the  last
          command executed.

          If  return  was executed from a trap in a TRAPNAL func-
          tion, the effect is different  for  zero  and  non-zero
          return  status.  With zero status (or after an implicit
          return at the end of the trap), the shell  will  return
          to  whatever  it  was  previously  processing;  with  a
          non-zero status, the shell will behave  as  interrupted
          except  that the return status of the trap is retained.
          Note that the numeric value of the signal which  caused
          the trap is passed as the first argument, so the state-
          ment `return $((128+$1))' will return the  same  status
          as if the signal had not been trapped.

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/sched  Module'  in zshmod-

] ] [ arg ... ]
     set [ {+|-}options | {+|-}o [ option_name ] ] ... [ {+|-}A [
          Set the options for the shell and/or set the positional
          parameters,  or  declare  and  set an array.  If the -s
          option is given, it causes the specified  arguments  to
          be  sorted  before  assigning  them  to  the positional
          parameters (or to the array name if -A is used).   With
          +s sort arguments in descending order.  For the meaning
          of the other flags, see zshoptions(1).   Flags  may  be
          specified  by  name  using  the -o option. If no option
          name is supplied with -o, the current option states are
          printed:   see the description of setopt below for more
          information on the format.  With +o they are printed in
          a form that can be used as input to the shell.

          If  the  -A  flag is specified, name is set to an array
          containing the given args; if no name is specified, all
          arrays are printed together with their values.

          If +A is used and name is an array, the given arguments
          will replace the initial elements of that array; if  no
          name is specified, all arrays are printed without their

          The behaviour of arguments after -A  name  or  +A  name
          depends on whether the option KSH_ARRAYS is set.  If it
          is not set, all arguments following name are treated as
          values for the array, regardless of their form.  If the
          option is set, normal option  processing  continues  at
          that  point;  only  regular  arguments  are  treated as

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          values for the array.  This means that

               set -A array -x -- foo

          sets array to `-x -- foo' if KSH_ARRAYS is not set, but
          sets  the  array to foo and turns on the option `-x' if
          it is set.

          If the -A flag is not present, but there are  arguments
          beyond  the options, the positional parameters are set.
          If the option list (if any) is terminated by `--',  and
          there  are no further arguments, the positional parame-
          ters will be unset.

          If no arguments and no `--' are given, then  the  names
          and  values  of all parameters are printed on the stan-
          dard output.  If the only argument is `+', the names of
          all parameters are printed.

          For historical reasons, `set -' is treated as `set +xv'
          and `set - args' as `set +xv -- args' when in any other
          emulation mode than zsh's native mode.

          See  the section `The zsh/cap Module' in zshmodules(1).

     setopt [ {+|-}options | {+|-}o option_name ] [ name ... ]
          Set the options for the shell.  All  options  specified
          either with flags or by name are set.

          If  no arguments are supplied, the names of all options
          currently set are printed.  The form is chosen so as to
          minimize  the  differences from the default options for
          the current  emulation  (the  default  emulation  being
          native  zsh,  shown  as <Z> in zshoptions(1)).  Options
          that are on by default for the emulation are shown with
          the prefix no only if they are off, while other options
          are shown without the prefix no and only  if  they  are
          on.   In  addition  to options changed from the default
          state by the user, any options activated  automatically
          by  the  shell (for example, SHIN_STDIN or INTERACTIVE)
          will be shown in the list.  The format is further modi-
          fied by the option KSH_OPTION_PRINT, however the ratio-
          nale for choosing options with or without the no prefix
          remains the same in this case.

          If the -m flag is given the arguments are taken as pat-
          terns (which should be  quoted  to  protect  them  from
          filename  expansion), and all options with names match-
          ing these patterns are set.

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          Note that a bad option name does not cause execution of
          subsequent  shell code to be aborted; this is behaviour
          is different from that of `set -o'.   This  is  because
          set is regarded as a special builtin by the POSIX stan-
          dard, but setopt is not.

     shift [ n ] [ name ... ]
          The positional parameters ${n+1} ... are renamed to  $1
          ...,  where n is an arithmetic expression that defaults
          to 1.  If any names are  given  then  the  arrays  with
          these  names  are  shifted  instead  of  the positional

     source file [ arg ... ]
          Same as `.',  except  that  the  current  directory  is
          always  searched  and  is always searched first, before
          directories in $path.

     stat See the section `The zsh/stat Module' in zshmodules(1).

     suspend [ -f ]
          Suspend  the execution of the shell (send it a SIGTSTP)
          until it receives a SIGCONT.  Unless the -f  option  is
          given, this will refuse to suspend a login shell.

     test [ arg ... ]
     [ [ arg ... ] ]
          Like the system version of test.  Added for compatibil-
          ity; use conditional expressions instead (see the  sec-
          tion  `Conditional Expressions').  The main differences
          between the conditional expression syntax and the  test
          and  [  builtins  are:   these commands are not handled
          syntactically, so for example an empty variable  expan-
          sion may cause an argument to be omitted; syntax errors
          cause status 2 to be returned instead of a shell error;
          and   arithmetic  operators  expect  integer  arguments
          rather than arithmetic expressions.

          The command attempts to implement POSIX and its  exten-
          sions  where  these are specified.  Unfortunately there
          are intrinsic ambiguities in the syntax; in  particular
          there  is  no  distinction  between  test operators and
          strings that resemble them.  The standard  attempts  to
          resolve  these  for  small  numbers of arguments (up to
          four); for five or more arguments compatibility  cannot
          be relied on.  Users are urged wherever possible to use
          the `[[' test syntax which does not have these ambigui-

          Print  the  accumulated  user  and system times for the
          shell and for processes run from the shell.

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

     trap [ arg ] [ sig ... ]
          arg is a series of commands (usually quoted to  protect
          it  from  immediate evaluation by the shell) to be read
          and executed when the shell receives any of the signals
          specified  by  one  or  more sig args.  Each sig can be
          given as a number, or as the name of  a  signal  either
          with  or  without the string SIG in front (e.g. 1, HUP,
          and SIGHUP are all the same signal).

          If arg is `-', then the specified signals are reset  to
          their  defaults,  or,  if  no sig args are present, all
          traps are reset.

          If arg is an empty string, then the  specified  signals
          are  ignored  by  the  shell  (and  by  the commands it

          If arg is omitted but one or more sig args are provided
          (i.e.   the  first argument is a valid signal number or
          name), the effect is the same as if arg had been speci-
          fied as `-'.

          The  trap  command  with  no arguments prints a list of
          commands associated with each signal.

          If sig is ZERR then arg will  be  executed  after  each
          command  with  a  nonzero exit status.  ERR is an alias
          for ZERR on systems that have no SIGERR signal (this is
          the usual case).

          If  sig  is DEBUG then arg will be executed before each
          command if the option DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD is set (as it is
          by  default),  else  after each command.  Here, a `com-
          mand' is what is described as a `sublist' in the  shell
          grammar, see the section SIMPLE COMMANDS & PIPELINES in
          zshmisc(1).  If DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD is set  various  addi-
          tional  features  are available.  First, it is possible
          to  skip  the  next  command  by  setting  the   option
          ERR_EXIT; see the description of the ERR_EXIT option in
          zshoptions(1).  Also, the shell parameter ZSH_DEBUG_CMD
          is set to the string corresponding to the command to be
          executed following the trap.  Note that this string  is
          reconstructed  from  the internal format and may not be
          formatted the same  way  as  the  original  text.   The
          parameter is unset after the trap is executed.

          If  sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is executed
          inside the body of a function, then the command arg  is
          executed after the function completes.  The value of $?
          at the start of execution is the  exit  status  of  the
          shell or the return status of the function exiting.  If
          sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is not executed

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          inside  the body of a function, then the command arg is
          executed when  the  shell  terminates;  the  trap  runs
          before any zshexit hook functions.

          ZERR,  DEBUG,  and  EXIT  traps are not executed inside
          other traps.  ZERR and DEBUG traps are kept within sub-
          shells, while other traps are reset.

          Note  that  traps  defined  with  the  trap builtin are
          slightly different from those defined as `TRAPNAL ()  {
          ...  }', as the latter have their own function environ-
          ment (line numbers, local variables,  etc.)  while  the
          former use the environment of the command in which they
          were called.  For example,

               trap 'print $LINENO' DEBUG

          will print the line number of a command executed  after
          it has run, while

               TRAPDEBUG() { print $LINENO; }

          will always print the number zero.

          Alternative signal names are allowed as described under
          kill above.  Defining a trap under either  name  causes
          any trap under an alternative name to be removed.  How-
          ever, it is  recommended  that  for  consistency  users
          stick exclusively to one name or another.

     true [ arg ... ]
          Do nothing and return an exit status of 0.

     ttyctl -fu
          The  -f  option  freezes  the tty, and -u unfreezes it.
          When the tty is frozen, no changes made to the tty set-
          tings  by  external  programs  will  be  honored by the
          shell, except for changes in the size  of  the  screen;
          the  shell will simply reset the settings to their pre-
          vious values as soon as each command exits or  is  sus-
          pended.  Thus, stty and similar programs have no effect
          when the tty is frozen.   Without  options  it  reports
          whether the terminal is frozen or not.

     type [ -wfpams ] name ...
          Equivalent to whence -v.

... ]
     typeset [ {+|-}AEFHUafghklprtuxmz ] [ -LRZi [ n ]] [
     typeset -T [ {+|-}Urux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] SCALAR[=value] array

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          [ sep
          Set  or display attributes and values for shell parame-

          A parameter is created for  each  name  that  does  not
          already  refer  to  one.  When inside a function, a new
          parameter is created for every name  (even  those  that
          already  exist),  and  is unset again when the function
          completes.  See `Local Parameters' in zshparam(1).  The
          same  rules  apply  to  special shell parameters, which
          retain their special attributes when made local.

          For each name=value assignment, the parameter  name  is
          set  to  value.   Note  that arrays currently cannot be
          assigned in typeset expressions, only scalars and inte-
          gers.   Unless  the  option  KSH_TYPESET is set, normal
          expansion rules apply to assignment arguments, so value
          may be split into separate words; if the option is set,
          assignments which can be recognised when  expansion  is
          performed are treated as single words.  For example the
          command typeset vbl=$(echo one two) is treated as  hav-
          ing  one  argument if KSH_TYPESET is set, but otherwise
          is treated as having the two arguments vbl=one and two.

          If the shell option TYPESET_SILENT is not set, for each
          remaining name that refers to a parameter that is  set,
          the  name and value of the parameter are printed in the
          form  of  an  assignment.   Nothing  is   printed   for
          newly-created  parameters,  or when any attribute flags
          listed below are given along with the name.  Using  `+'
          instead  of  minus  to  introduce an attribute turns it

          If the -p option is given, parameters  and  values  are
          printed in the form of a typeset command and an assign-
          ment (which will be printed separately for  arrays  and
          associative  arrays),  regardless  of  other  flags and
          options.  Note  that  the  -h  flag  on  parameters  is
          respected; no value will be shown for these parameters.

          If the -T option is given, two or three arguments  must
          be  present  (an  exception  is that zero arguments are
          allowed to show the list of parameters created in  this
          fashion).   The  first two are the name of a scalar and
          an array parameter (in that order) that  will  be  tied
          together  in  the  manner  of  $PATH  and  $path.   The
          optional third argument is a single-character separator
          which will be used to join the elements of the array to
          form the scalar; if absent, a colon is  used,  as  with
          $PATH.   Only  the  first character of the separator is
          significant;  any  remaining  characters  are  ignored.
          Only  the  scalar  parameter may be assigned an initial

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          value.  Both the scalar and the array may otherwise  be
          manipulated as normal.  If one is unset, the other will
          automatically be unset too.  There is no way of untying
          the variables without unsetting them, or converting the
          type of one of them with another  typeset  command;  +T
          does  not  work,  assigning  an  array  to SCALAR is an
          error, and assigning a scalar to array sets it to be  a
          single-element array.  Note that both `typeset -xT ...'
          and `export -T ...' work, but only the scalar  will  be
          marked  for export.  Setting the value using the scalar
          version causes a split on all separators (which  cannot
          be  quoted).   It  is possible to use the same two tied
          variables with a different separator character in which
          case the variables remain joined as before but the sep-
          arator is changed.  This flag has a  different  meaning
          when used with -f; see below.

          The  -g  (global)  flag  is treated specially: it means
          that any resulting parameter will not be restricted  to
          local  scope.  Note that this does not necessarily mean
          that the parameter will be global,  as  the  flag  will
          apply to any existing parameter (even if unset) from an
          enclosing function.  This  flag  does  not  affect  the
          parameter  after  creation, hence it has no effect when
          listing existing parameters, nor does the flag +g  have
          any effect except in combination with -m (see below).

          If  no  name  is  present,  the names and values of all
          parameters are printed.  In  this  case  the  attribute
          flags  restrict  the  display  to only those parameters
          that have  the  specified  attributes,  and  using  `+'
          rather than `-' to introduce the flag suppresses print-
          ing of the values of parameters when there is no param-
          eter  name.   Also, if the last option is the word `+',
          then names are printed but values are not.

          If the -m flag is given the name arguments are taken as
          patterns  (which  should be quoted).  With no attribute
          flags, all parameters (or functions with the  -f  flag)
          with matching names are printed (the shell option TYPE-
          SET_SILENT is not used in this case).  Note that -m  is
          ignored  if  no  patterns are given.  If the +g flag is
          combined with -m, a new local parameter is created  for
          every  matching  parameter  that  is not already local.
          Otherwise -m applies all other flags or assignments  to
          the  existing  parameters.  Except when assignments are
          made with name=value,  using  +m  forces  the  matching
          parameters to be printed, even inside a function.

          If  no  attribute flags are given and either no -m flag
          is present or the +m form was used, each parameter name
          printed is preceded by a list of the attributes of that

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          parameter (array, association, exported, integer, read-
          only).   If  +m  is  used with attribute flags, and all
          those flags are introduced with +, the matching parame-
          ter names are printed but their values are not.

          Attribute flags that transform the final value (-L, -R,
          -Z, -l, u) are only applied to the  expanded  value  at
          the  point  of  a  parameter expansion expression using
          `$'.   They  are  not  applied  when  a  parameter   is
          retrieved internally by the shell for any purpose.

          The following attribute flags may be specified:

          -A   The  names  refer to associative array parameters;
               see `Array Parameters' in zshparam(1).

          -L   Left justify and remove leading blanks from value.
               If  n  is  nonzero,  it  defines  the width of the
               field.  If n is zero, the width is  determined  by
               the  width  of  the value of the first assignment.
               In the case of numeric parameters, the  length  of
               the  complete  value  assigned to the parameter is
               used to determine the width, not  the  value  that
               would be output.

               The width is the count of characters, which may be
               multibyte characters if the MULTIBYTE option is in
               effect.  Note that the screen width of the charac-
               ter  is  not  taken  into  account;  if  this   is
               required,  use  padding  with  parameter expansion
               flags ${(ml...)...}  as  described  in  `Parameter
               Expansion Flags' in zshexpn(1).

               When  the  parameter  is expanded, it is filled on
               the right with blanks or truncated if necessary to
               fit  the field.  Note truncation can lead to unex-
               pected results with numeric  parameters.   Leading
               zeros are removed if the -Z flag is also set.

          -R   Similar  to -L, except that right justification is
               used; when the parameter is expanded, the field is
               left filled with blanks or truncated from the end.
               May not be combined with the -Z flag.

          -U   For arrays (but not for associative arrays),  keep
               only  the  first  occurrence  of  each  duplicated
               value.  This may also be set  for  colon-separated
               special  parameters  like  PATH  or  FIGNORE, etc.
               This flag has a different meaning when  used  with
               -f; see below.

          -Z   Specially  handled  if set along with the -L flag.

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               Otherwise, similar  to  -R,  except  that  leading
               zeros  are  used  for padding instead of blanks if
               the first non-blank character is a digit.  Numeric
               parameters  are specially handled: they are always
               eligible for padding with zeroes, and  the  zeroes
               are  inserted  at an appropriate place in the out-

          -a   The names refer to  array  parameters.   An  array
               parameter  may be created this way, but it may not
               be assigned to in  the  typeset  statement.   When
               displaying, both normal and associative arrays are

          -f   The names refer to functions rather  than  parame-
               ters.   No  assignments  can be made, and the only
               other valid flags are -t, -T, -k, -u, -U  and  -z.
               The  flag  -t  turns on execution tracing for this
               function; the flag -T does the same, but turns off
               tracing  on  any  function called from the present
               one, unless that function also has the  -t  or  -T
               flag.   The  -u and -U flags cause the function to
               be marked for autoloading; -U  also  causes  alias
               expansion  to  be  suppressed when the function is
               loaded.  The fpath parameter will be  searched  to
               find  the function definition when the function is
               first referenced; see the section `Functions'. The
               -k  and -z flags make the function be loaded using
               ksh-style or zsh-style  autoloading  respectively.
               If   neither   is   given,   the  setting  of  the
               KSH_AUTOLOAD option determines how the function is

          -h   Hide:  only  useful  for special parameters (those
               marked `<S>' in the table in zshparam(1)), and for
               local  parameters  with the same name as a special
               parameter, though harmless for others.  A  special
               parameter  with this attribute will not retain its
               special effect when made local.  Thus after `type-
               set -h PATH', a function containing `typeset PATH'
               will create an ordinary  local  parameter  without
               the  usual  behaviour of PATH.  Alternatively, the
               local  parameter  may   itself   be   given   this
               attribute;  hence  inside  a  function `typeset -h
               PATH' creates an ordinary local parameter and  the
               special  PATH parameter is not altered in any way.
               It is also possible to create  a  local  parameter
               using  `typeset  +h special', where the local copy
               of special  will  retain  its  special  properties
               regardless  of  having  the  -h attribute.  Global
               special parameters loaded from shell modules (cur-
               rently those in zsh/mapfile and zsh/parameter) are

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               automatically given the -h attribute to avoid name

          -H   Hide  value:  specifies that typeset will not dis-
               play the  value  of  the  parameter  when  listing
               parameters;  the  display  for  such parameters is
               always as if the `+' flag had been given.  Use  of
               the parameter is in other respects normal, and the
               option does not apply if the parameter  is  speci-
               fied  by  name,  or by pattern with the -m option.
               This is on by default for the  parameters  in  the
               zsh/parameter and zsh/mapfile modules.  Note, how-
               ever, that unlike the -h flag this is also  useful
               for non-special parameters.

          -i   Use  an  internal integer representation.  If n is
               nonzero it defines  the  output  arithmetic  base,
               otherwise  it  is  determined by the first assign-
               ment.  Bases from 2 to 36 inclusive are allowed.

          -E   Use an internal  double-precision  floating  point
               representation.   On  output  the variable will be
               converted to scientific notation.  If n is nonzero
               it  defines  the  number of significant figures to
               display; the default is ten.

          -F   Use an internal  double-precision  floating  point
               representation.   On  output  the variable will be
               converted to fixed-point decimal notation.   If  n
               is nonzero it defines the number of digits to dis-
               play after the decimal point; the default is  ten.

          -l   Convert  the  result  to  lower  case whenever the
               parameter is expanded.  The value is not converted
               when assigned.

          -r   The given names are marked readonly.  Note that if
               name  is  a  special   parameter,   the   readonly
               attribute  can  be  turned  on, but cannot then be
               turned off.

          -t   Tags the named parameters.  Tags have  no  special
               meaning  to  the shell.  This flag has a different
               meaning when used with -f; see above.

          -u   Convert the result  to  upper  case  whenever  the
               parameter is expanded.  The value is not converted
               when assigned.  This flag has a different  meaning
               when used with -f; see above.

          -x   Mark  for  automatic  export to the environment of
               subsequently executed  commands.   If  the  option

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               GLOBAL_EXPORT  is set, this implies the option -g,
               unless +g is also explicitly given; in other words
               the  parameter  is not made local to the enclosing
               function.  This is for compatibility with previous
               versions of zsh.

     ulimit [ [ -SHacdfiklmnpqsTtvwx | -N resource [ limit ] ...
          Set or display resource limits of  the  shell  and  the
          processes started by the shell.  The value of limit can
          be a number in the unit specified below or one  of  the
          values  `unlimited',  which  removes  the  limit on the
          resource, or `hard', which uses the  current  value  of
          the hard limit on the resource.

          By default, only soft limits are manipulated. If the -H
          flag is given use hard limits instead of  soft  limits.
          If  the  -S flag is given together with the -H flag set
          both hard and soft limits.

          If no options are used, the file  size  limit  (-f)  is

          If  limit is omitted the current value of the specified
          resources are printed.  When  more  than  one  resource
          value  is  printed,  the limit name and unit is printed
          before each value.

          When looping over multiple resources,  the  shell  will
          abort  immediately  if  it detects a badly formed argu-
          ment.  However, if it fails to set  a  limit  for  some
          other reason it will continue trying to set the remain-
          ing limits.

          Not all the following resources are  supported  on  all
          systems.   Running  ulimit  -a will show which are sup-

          -a   Lists all of the current resource limits.
          -b   Socket buffer size in bytes (N.B. not kilobytes)
          -c   512-byte blocks on the size of core dumps.
          -d   Kilobytes on the size of the data segment.
          -f   512-byte blocks on the size of files written.
          -i   The number of pending signals.
          -k   The number of kqueues allocated.
          -l   Kilobytes on the size of locked-in memory.
          -m   Kilobytes on the size of physical memory.
          -n   open file descriptors.
          -p   The number of pseudo-terminals.
          -q   Bytes in POSIX message queues.
          -s   Kilobytes on the size of the stack.
          -T   The number of simultaneous  threads  available  to

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               the user.
          -t   CPU seconds to be used.
          -u   The number of processes available to the user.
          -v   Kilobytes  on the size of virtual memory.  On some
               systems this refers to the limit  called  `address
          -w   Kilobytes on the size of swapped out memory.
          -x   The number of locks on files.

          A resource may also be specified by integer in the form
          `-N resource', where resource corresponds to the  inte-
          ger  defined  for the resource by the operating system.
          This may be used to set the limits for resources  known
          to the shell which do not correspond to option letters.
          Such limits will be shown by number in  the  output  of
          `ulimit -a'.

          The  number  may  alternatively  be out of the range of
          limits compiled into the shell.  The shell will try  to
          read  or  write  the  limit  anyway, and will report an
          error if this fails.

     umask [ -S ] [ mask ]
          The umask is set to mask.  mask can be either an  octal
          number  or  a  symbolic value as described in chmod(1).
          If mask is omitted, the current value is printed.   The
          -S  option  causes the mask to be printed as a symbolic
          value.  Otherwise, the mask is printed as an octal num-
          ber.   Note  that  in the symbolic form the permissions
          you specify are those which  are  to  be  allowed  (not
          denied) to the users specified.

          Same as unhash -a.

          Same as unhash -f.

     unhash [ -adfms ] name ...
          Remove the element named name from an internal hash ta-
          ble.  The default is remove elements from  the  command
          hash table.  The -a option causes unhash to remove reg-
          ular or global aliases; note  when  removing  a  global
          aliases  that the argument must be quoted to prevent it
          from being expanded before being passed to the command.
          The  -s  option causes unhash to remove suffix aliases.
          The -f option causes unhash to remove shell  functions.
          The  -d  options causes unhash to remove named directo-
          ries.  If the -m flag is given the arguments are  taken
          as  patterns (should be quoted) and all elements of the
          corresponding hash table with matching  names  will  be

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

     unlimit [ -hs ] resource ...
          The resource limit for each resource is set to the hard
          limit.  If the -h flag  is  given  and  the  shell  has
          appropriate  privileges,  the  hard  resource limit for
          each resource is removed.  The resources of  the  shell
          process are only changed if the -s flag is given.

          The  unlimit  command  is not made available by default
          when the shell  starts  in  a  mode  emulating  another
          shell.   It  can  be  made  available  with the command
          `zmodload -F zsh/rlimits b:unlimit'.

     unset [ -fmv ] name ...
          Each named parameter is unset.  Local parameters remain
          local  even  if  unset; they appear unset within scope,
          but the previous value will  still  reappear  when  the
          scope ends.

          Individual elements of associative array parameters may
          be unset by  using  subscript  syntax  on  name,  which
          should  be  quoted (or the entire command prefixed with
          noglob) to protect the subscript from filename  genera-

          If  the -m flag is specified the arguments are taken as
          patterns (should be quoted)  and  all  parameters  with
          matching  names  are  unset.   Note that this cannot be
          used when unsetting associative array elements, as  the
          subscript will be treated as part of the pattern.

          The  -v  flag specifies that name refers to parameters.
          This is the default behaviour.

          unset -f is equivalent to unfunction.

     unsetopt [ {+|-}options | {+|-}o option_name ] [ name ... ]
          Unset the options for the shell.  All options specified
          either  with  flags  or by name are unset.  If no argu-
          ments are supplied, the names of all options  currently
          unset  are  printed.  If the -m flag is given the argu-
          ments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted  to
          preserve them from being interpreted as glob patterns),
          and all options with names matching these patterns  are

          See the section `Zle Builtins' in zshzle(1).

     wait [ job ... ]
          Wait  for  the  specified jobs or processes.  If job is
          not given then all currently active child processes are
          waited for.  Each job can be either a job specification

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          or the process ID of a job in the job table.  The  exit
          status from this command is that of the job waited for.

     whence [ -vcwfpams ] name ...
          For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted  if
          used as a command name.

          -v   Produce a more verbose report.

          -c   Print  the  results  in  a  csh-like format.  This
               takes precedence over -v.

          -w   For each name, print `name: word'  where  word  is
               one  of alias, builtin, command, function, hashed,
               reserved or none, according as name corresponds to
               an alias, a built-in command, an external command,
               a shell function, a command defined with the  hash
               builtin,  a  reserved  word, or is not recognised.
               This takes precedence over -v and -c.

          -f   Causes the contents of a shell function to be dis-
               played,  which  would  otherwise not happen unless
               the -c flag were used.

          -p   Do a path search for name even if it is an  alias,
               reserved word, shell function or builtin.

          -a   Do a search for all occurrences of name throughout
               the command path.  Normally only the first  occur-
               rence is printed.

          -m   The  arguments  are  taken  as patterns (should be
               quoted), and the information is displayed for each
               command matching one of these patterns.

          -s   If  a  pathname  contains symlinks, print the sym-
               link-free pathname as well.

     where [ -wpms ] name ...
          Equivalent to whence -ca.

     which [ -wpams ] name ...
          Equivalent to whence -c.

     zcompile [ -U ] [ -z | -k ] [ -R | -M ] file [ name ... ]
     zcompile -ca [ -m ] [ -R | -M ] file [ name ... ]
     zcompile -t file [ name ... ]
          This builtin command can be used to  compile  functions
          or scripts, storing the compiled form in a file, and to
          examine  files  containing  the  compiled  form.   This
          allows faster autoloading of functions and execution of
          scripts by avoiding parsing of the text when the  files

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          are read.

          The  first form (without the -c, -a or -t options) cre-
          ates a compiled file.  If only  the  file  argument  is
          given, the output file has the name `file.zwc' and will
          be placed in the same directory as the file.  The shell
          will load the compiled file instead of the normal func-
          tion file when the function is autoloaded; see the sec-
          tion   `Autoloading  Functions'  in  zshmisc(1)  for  a
          description of how autoloaded functions  are  searched.
          The extension .zwc stands for `zsh word code'.

          If  there  is at least one name argument, all the named
          files are compiled into the output file  given  as  the
          first  argument.   If  file  does not end in .zwc, this
          extension is automatically appended.  Files  containing
          multiple  compiled functions are called `digest' files,
          and  are  intended  to  be  used  as  elements  of  the
          FPATH/fpath special array.

          The  second form, with the -c or -a options, writes the
          compiled definitions for all the named  functions  into
          file.   For  -c,  the names must be functions currently
          defined in the shell, not those marked for autoloading.
          Undefined functions that are marked for autoloading may
          be written by using the -a option, in  which  case  the
          fpath  is  searched  and the contents of the definition
          files for those functions, if found, are compiled  into
          file.   If  both  -c  and  -a  are given, names of both
          defined functions and functions marked for  autoloading
          may  be  given.  In either case, the functions in files
          written with the -c or -a option will be autoloaded  as
          if the KSH_AUTOLOAD option were unset.

          The reason for handling loaded and not-yet-loaded func-
          tions with different options is  that  some  definition
          files   for   autoloading  define  multiple  functions,
          including the function with the same name as the  file,
          and, at the end, call that function.  In such cases the
          output of `zcompile -c' does not include the additional
          functions  defined  in the file, and any other initial-
          ization code in the file is lost.  Using `zcompile  -a'
          captures all this extra information.

          If  the  -m option is combined with -c or -a, the names
          are used as patterns  and  all  functions  whose  names
          match one of these patterns will be written. If no name
          is given, the definitions of  all  functions  currently
          defined or marked as autoloaded will be written.

          The  third form, with the -t option, examines an exist-
          ing compiled  file.   Without  further  arguments,  the

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          names  of  the  original  files  compiled  into  it are
          listed.  The first line of output shows the version  of
          the shell which compiled the file and how the file will
          be used (i.e. by reading it directly or by  mapping  it
          into  memory).   With  arguments, nothing is output and
          the return status is set to zero if definitions for all
          names  were found in the compiled file, and non-zero if
          the definition for at least one name was not found.

          Other options:

          -U   Aliases are not expanded when compiling the  named

          -R   When  the  compiled file is read, its contents are
               copied into the shell's memory, rather  than  mem-
               ory-mapped  (see  -M).  This happens automatically
               on systems that do not support memory mapping.

               When compiling  scripts  instead  of  autoloadable
               functions,  it  is  often  desirable  to  use this
               option; otherwise the whole  file,  including  the
               code  to  define functions which have already been
               defined, will remain mapped, consequently  wasting

          -M   The  compiled file is mapped into the shell's mem-
               ory when read. This is done in  such  a  way  that
               multiple  instances  of  the  shell running on the
               same host will share this mapped file.  If neither
               -R  nor  -M is given, the zcompile builtin decides
               what to do based on the size of the compiled file.

          -z   These options are used when the compiled file con-
               tains functions which are to be autoloaded. If  -z
               is  given,  the  function will be autoloaded as if
               the KSH_AUTOLOAD option is not set, even if it  is
               set  at  the time the compiled file is read, while
               if the -k is given, the function will be loaded as
               if  KSH_AUTOLOAD  is set.  These options also take
               precedence over any -k or -z options specified  to
               the  autoload builtin. If neither of these options
               is given, the function will be  loaded  as  deter-
               mined by the setting of the KSH_AUTOLOAD option at
               the time the compiled file is read.

               These options may also appear  as  many  times  as
               necessary  between the listed names to specify the
               loading style of all following  functions,  up  to
               the next -k or -z.

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               The  created  file always contains two versions of
               the compiled format, one for  big-endian  machines
               and  one for small-endian machines.  The upshot of
               this is that the compiled file is machine indepen-
               dent and if it is read or mapped, only one half of
               the file is actually used (and mapped).

          See the  section  `The  zsh/zutil  Module'  in  zshmod-

     zftp See the section `The zsh/zftp Module' in zshmodules(1).

     zle  See the section `Zle Builtins' in zshzle(1).

     zmodload [ -dL ] [ ... ]
     zmodload -F [ -lLme -P param ] module [+-]feature...
     zmodload -e [ -A ] [ ... ]
     zmodload [ -a [ -bcpf [ -I ] ] ] [ -iL ] ...
     zmodload -u [ -abcdpf [ -I ] ] [ -iL ] ...
     zmodload -A [ -L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ]
     zmodload -R modalias ...
          Performs operations relating to zsh's loadable modules.
          Loading of modules while the shell is running (`dynami-
          cal loading') is not available on  all  operating  sys-
          tems, or on all installations on a particular operating
          system, although the zmodload command itself is  always
          available  and  can be used to manipulate modules built
          into versions of the shell executable without dynamical

          Without  arguments  the  names  of all currently loaded
          binary modules are printed.  The -L option causes  this
          list  to  be  in  the form of a series of zmodload com-
          mands.  Forms with arguments are:

          zmodload [ -i ] name ...
          zmodload -u [ -i ] name ...
               In the simplest case, zmodload loads a binary mod-
               ule.   The  module  must  be in a file with a name
               consisting of the specified  name  followed  by  a
               standard  suffix,  usually  `.so' (`.sl' on HPUX).
               If the module to be loaded is already  loaded  the
               duplicate  module is ignored.  If zmodload detects
               an inconsistency, such as an invalid  module  name
               or  circular  dependency  list,  the  current code
               block  is  aborted.     Hence   `zmodload   module
               2>/dev/null'  is sufficient to test whether a mod-
               ule is available.  If it is available, the  module
               is  loaded if necessary, while if it is not avail-
               able, non-zero status is silently  returned.   The
               option -i is accepted for compatibility but has no

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               The named module is searched for in the same way a
               command  is,  using $module_path instead of $path.
               However, the path search is  performed  even  when
               the  module  name contains a `/', which it usually
               does.  There is no way to prevent the path search.

               If the module supports features (see below), zmod-
               load tries to enable all features when  loading  a
               module.  If the module was successfully loaded but
               not  all  features  could  be  enabled,   zmodload
               returns status 2.

               With  -u, zmodload unloads modules.  The same name
               must be given that was given when the  module  was
               loaded,  but it is not necessary for the module to
               exist in the file  system.   The  -i  option  sup-
               presses   the  error  if  the  module  is  already
               unloaded (or was never loaded).

               Each module has a boot  and  a  cleanup  function.
               The module will not be loaded if its boot function
               fails.  Similarly a module can only be unloaded if
               its cleanup function runs successfully.

          zmodload -F [ -almLe -P param ] module [+-]feature...
               zmodload -F allows more selective control over the
               features provided by  modules.   With  no  options
               apart  from -F, the module named module is loaded,
               if it was not already loaded, and the list of fea-
               tures  is  set  to the required state.  If no fea-
               tures are specified, the module is loaded,  if  it
               was  not already loaded, but the state of features
               is unchanged.  Each feature may be preceded by a +
               to turn the feature on, or - to turn it off; the +
               is assumed if neither character is  present.   Any
               feature  not  explicitly  mentioned is left in its
               current state; if the module  was  not  previously
               loaded  this  means  any such features will remain
               disabled.  The return status is zero if  all  fea-
               tures  were  set,  1 if the module failed to load,
               and 2 if some features could not be set (for exam-
               ple,  a  parameter couldn't be added because there
               was a different parameter of the  same  name)  but
               the module was loaded.

               The  standard  features  are builtins, conditions,
               parameters and math functions; these are indicated
               by the prefix `b:', `c:' (`C:' for an infix condi-
               tion), `p:' and `f:',  respectively,  followed  by
               the name that the corresponding feature would have

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               in the shell.  For example, `b:strftime' indicates
               a  builtin named strftime and p:EPOCHSECONDS indi-
               cates a parameter named EPOCHSECONDS.  The  module
               may provide other (`abstract') features of its own
               as indicated by its documentation; these  have  no

               With -l or -L, features provided by the module are
               listed.   With  -l  alone,  a  list  of   features
               together  with  their states is shown, one feature
               per line.  With -L alone, a  zmodload  -F  command
               that would cause enabled features of the module to
               be turned on is shown.  With -lL,  a  zmodload  -F
               command  that  would  cause all the features to be
               set to their current state is shown.   If  one  of
               these  combinations  is  given the option -P param
               then the parameter param is set  to  an  array  of
               features,  either  features  together  with  their
               state or (if -L alone is given) enabled  features.

               With the option -L the module name may be omitted;
               then a list of all enabled features for  all  mod-
               ules  providing features is printed in the form of
               zmodload -F commands.  If -l is  also  given,  the
               state  of  both  enabled  and disabled features is
               output in that form.

               A set of features may be provided together with -l
               or  -L  and  a  module name; in that case only the
               state of those features is considered.  Each  fea-
               ture  may  be preceded by + or - but the character
               has no effect.  If no set of features is provided,
               all features are considered.

               With  -e,  the command first tests that the module
               is loaded; if it is not, status 1 is returned.  If
               the  module  is loaded, the list of features given
               as an argument is  examined.   Any  feature  given
               with no prefix is simply tested to see if the mod-
               ule provides it; any feature given with a prefix +
               or  -  is  tested to see if is provided and in the
               given state.  If the tests on all features in  the
               list succeed, status 0 is returned, else status 1.

               With -m, each entry in the given list of  features
               is  taken  as  a pattern to be matched against the
               list of features provided by the module.  An  ini-
               tial  +  or  - must be given explicitly.  This may
               not be combined with the -a  option  as  autoloads
               must be specified explicitly.

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               With  -a, the given list of features is marked for
               autoload from the specified module, which may  not
               yet  be  loaded.   An optional + may appear before
               the feature name.  If the feature is prefixed with
               -,  any existing autoload is removed.  The options
               -l  and  -L  may  be  used  to   list   autoloads.
               Autoloading  is  specific  to individual features;
               when the module is loaded only the requested  fea-
               ture  is enabled.  Autoload requests are preserved
               if the module is subsequently  unloaded  until  an
               explicit `zmodload -Fa module -feature' is issued.
               It is not an error to request an  autoload  for  a
               feature of a module that is already loaded.

               When the module is loaded each autoload is checked
               against the features actually provided by the mod-
               ule;  if  the feature is not provided the autoload
               request is deleted.  A warning message is  output;
               if the module is being loaded to provide a differ-
               ent feature,  and  that  autoload  is  successful,
               there  is  no  effect on the status of the current
               command.  If the module is already loaded  at  the
               time when zmodload -Fa is run, an error message is
               printed and status 1 returned.

               zmodload -Fa can be used with the -l, -L,  -e  and
               -P  options  for listing and testing the existence
               of autoloadable features.   In  this  case  -l  is
               ignored if -L is specified.  zmodload -FaL with no
               module name lists autoloads for all modules.

               Note that  only  standard  features  as  described
               above  can  be  autoloaded; other features require
               the module to be loaded before enabling.

          zmodload -d [ -L ] [ name ]
          zmodload -d name dep ...
          zmodload -ud name [ dep ... ]
               The -d option can be used to specify module depen-
               dencies.  The modules named in the second and sub-
               sequent arguments will be loaded before the module
               named in the first argument.

               With  -d  and  one  argument, all dependencies for
               that module are listed.  With -d and no arguments,
               all  module dependencies are listed.  This listing
               is by default in a Makefile-like format.   The  -L
               option  changes  this format to a list of zmodload
               -d commands.

               If -d and  -u  are  both  used,  dependencies  are
               removed.   If  only  one  argument  is  given, all

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               dependencies for that module are removed.

          zmodload -ab [ -L ]
          zmodload -ab [ -i ] name [ builtin ... ]
          zmodload -ub [ -i ] builtin ...
               The -ab option defines  autoloaded  builtins.   It
               defines the specified builtins.  When any of those
               builtins is called, the module  specified  in  the
               first  argument is loaded and all its features are
               enabled (for selective  control  of  features  use
               `zmodload -F -a' as described above).  If only the
               name is given, one builtin is  defined,  with  the
               same  name as the module.  -i suppresses the error
               if the builtin is already defined  or  autoloaded,
               but  not  if  another  builtin of the same name is
               already defined.

               With -ab and no arguments, all autoloaded builtins
               are  listed,  with  the module name (if different)
               shown in parentheses after the builtin name.   The
               -L  option  changes this format to a list of zmod-
               load -a commands.

               If -b is used together  with  the  -u  option,  it
               removes  builtins  previously  defined  with  -ab.
               This is only possible if the builtin  is  not  yet
               loaded.  -i suppresses the error if the builtin is
               already removed (or never existed).

               Autoload requests are retained if  the  module  is
               subsequently  unloaded until an explicit `zmodload
               -ub builtin' is issued.

          zmodload -ac [ -IL ]
          zmodload -ac [ -iI ] name [ cond ... ]
          zmodload -uc [ -iI ] cond ...
               The -ac option is used to define autoloaded condi-
               tion codes. The cond strings give the names of the
               conditions defined by the module. The optional  -I
               option  is  used  to define infix condition names.
               Without this option  prefix  condition  names  are

               If given no condition names, all defined names are
               listed (as a series of zmodload commands if the -L
               option is given).

               The  -uc option removes definitions for autoloaded

          zmodload -ap [ -L ]
          zmodload -ap [ -i ] name [ parameter ... ]

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          zmodload -up [ -i ] parameter ...
               The -p option is like the -b and -c  options,  but
               makes   zmodload  work  on  autoloaded  parameters

          zmodload -af [ -L ]
          zmodload -af [ -i ] name [ function ... ]
          zmodload -uf [ -i ] function ...
               The -f option is like the -b, -p, and -c  options,
               but  makes  zmodload work on autoloaded math func-
               tions instead.

          zmodload -a [ -L ]
          zmodload -a [ -i ] name [ builtin ... ]
          zmodload -ua [ -i ] builtin ...
               Equivalent to -ab and -ub.

          zmodload -e [ -A ] [ string ... ]
               The -e option without arguments lists  all  loaded
               modules;  if  the  -A option is also given, module
               aliases corresponding to loaded modules  are  also
               shown.   If  arguments  are  provided,  nothing is
               printed; the return status is set to zero  if  all
               strings  given  as  arguments  are names of loaded
               modules and to one if at least on  string  is  not
               the  name of a loaded module.  This can be used to
               test for the availability of things implemented by
               modules.   In this case, any aliases are automati-
               cally resolved and the -A flag is not used.

          zmodload -A [ -L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ]
               For each argument, if both modalias and module are
               given, define modalias to be an alias for the mod-
               ule module.  If the module modalias is ever subse-
               quently  requested,  either via a call to zmodload
               or implicitly, the shell will attempt to load mod-
               ule  instead.   If  module  is not given, show the
               definition  of  modalias.   If  no  arguments  are
               given,  list  all  defined  module  aliases.  When
               listing, if the -L flag was also given,  list  the
               definition  as  a zmodload command to recreate the

               The existence of aliases for modules is completely
               independent  of whether the name resolved is actu-
               ally loaded as a module: while the  alias  exists,
               loading  and  unloading the module under any alias
               has exactly the same effect as using the  resolved
               name,  and  does not affect the connection between
               the alias and  the  resolved  name  which  can  be
               removed either by zmodload -R or by redefining the
               alias.  Chains of aliases (i.e.  where  the  first

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User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

               resolved  name  is  itself  an alias) are valid so
               long as these are not circular.   As  the  aliases
               take  the  same  format  as module names, they may
               include path separators:  in this case,  there  is
               no  requirement  for any part of the path named to
               exist as the alias will be  resolved  first.   For
               example,  `any/old/alias' is always a valid alias.

               Dependencies added to aliased modules are actually
               added  to the resolved module; these remain if the
               alias is removed.  It is valid to create an  alias
               whose  name  is  one of the standard shell modules
               and which resolves to a  different  module.   How-
               ever, if a module has dependencies, it will not be
               possible to use the module name as an alias as the
               module will already be marked as a loadable module
               in its own right.

               Apart from the above, aliases can be used  in  the
               zmodload   command   anywhere   module  names  are
               required.  However, aliases will not be  shown  in
               lists of loaded modules with a bare `zmodload'.

          zmodload -R modalias ...
               For  each  modalias  argument  that was previously
               defined as a module alias via zmodload -A,  delete
               the  alias.   If  any was not defined, an error is
               caused and the remainder of the line is ignored.

          Note that zsh makes no distinction between modules that
          were  linked into the shell and modules that are loaded
          dynamically. In both cases this builtin command has  to
          be used to make available the builtins and other things
          defined by modules (unless the module is autoloaded  on
          these  definitions). This is true even for systems that
          don't support dynamic loading of modules.

          See the  section  `The  zsh/zutil  Module'  in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/zprof  Module'  in zshmod-

     zpty See the section `The zsh/zpty Module' in zshmodules(1).

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/zutil  Module'  in zshmod-


zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                50

User Commands                                      ZSHBUILTINS(1)

          See the section `The zsh/net/socket Module' in  zshmod-

          See  the  section  `The  zsh/zutil  Module'  in zshmod-

     ztcp See the section `The  zsh/net/tcp  Module'  in  zshmod-

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                51

User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     zshzle - zsh command line editor

     If the ZLE option is set (which it is by default in interac-
     tive shells) and the shell input is attached to  the  termi-
     nal, the user is able to edit command lines.

     There  are two display modes.  The first, multiline mode, is
     the default.  It only works if the TERM parameter is set  to
     a valid terminal type that can move the cursor up.  The sec-
     ond, single line mode, is used if TERM is invalid  or  inca-
     pable  of  moving  the  cursor up, or if the SINGLE_LINE_ZLE
     option is set.  This mode is similar to  ksh,  and  uses  no
     termcap  sequences.  If TERM is "emacs", the ZLE option will
     be unset by default.

     The parameters BAUD, COLUMNS, and LINES are also used by the
     line  editor.   See  Parameters  Used  By  The Shell in zsh-

     The parameter zle_highlight is also used by the line editor;
     see  Character  Highlighting below.  Highlighting of special
     characters and the region between the cursor  and  the  mark
     (as  set  with set-mark-command in Emacs mode) is enabled by
     default; consult this reference for more information.  Iras-
     cible  conservatives will wish to know that all highlighting
     may be disabled by the following setting:


     A keymap in ZLE contains  a  set  of  bindings  between  key
     sequences  and  ZLE commands.  The empty key sequence cannot
     be bound.

     There can be any number of keymaps at  any  time,  and  each
     keymap  has  one  or more names.  If all of a keymap's names
     are deleted, it disappears.  bindkey can be used to  manipu-
     late keymap names.

     Initially, there are six keymaps:

          EMACS emulation
          vi emulation - insert mode
          vi emulation - command mode
          incremental search mode

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          read a command name
          fallback keymap

     The `.safe' keymap is special.  It can never be altered, and
     the name can never be removed.  However, it can be linked to
     other names, which can be removed.  In the future other spe-
     cial keymaps may be added; users should  avoid  using  names
     beginning with `.' for their own keymaps.

     In  addition  to  these  names, either `emacs' or `viins' is
     also linked to the name `main'.  If one  of  the  VISUAL  or
     EDITOR  environment  variables  contain the string `vi' when
     the shell starts up then it will be  `viins',  otherwise  it
     will be `emacs'.  bindkey's -e and -v options provide a con-
     venient way to override this default choice.

     When the editor starts up, it will select the `main' keymap.
     If that keymap doesn't exist, it will use `.safe' instead.

     In   the  `.safe'  keymap,  each  single  key  is  bound  to
     self-insert, except for ^J (line feed) and ^M (return) which
     are bound to accept-line.  This is deliberately not pleasant
     to use; if you are using it, it means you deleted  the  main
     keymap, and you should put it back.

  Reading Commands
     When ZLE is reading a command from the terminal, it may read
     a sequence that is bound to some command and is also a  pre-
     fix  of a longer bound string.  In this case ZLE will wait a
     certain time to see if more characters are typed, and if not
     (or  they don't match any longer string) it will execute the
     binding.  This timeout is defined by the KEYTIMEOUT  parame-
     ter;  its  default  is  0.4 sec.  There is no timeout if the
     prefix string is not itself bound to a command.

     The key timeout is also applied  when  ZLE  is  reading  the
     bytes  from  a  multibyte character string when it is in the
     appropriate mode.  (This requires that the  shell  was  com-
     piled with multibyte mode enabled; typically also the locale
     has characters with the UTF-8 encoding, although any  multi-
     byte  encoding  known to the operating system is supported.)
     If the second or a subsequent byte is not  read  within  the
     timeout period, the shell acts as if ? were typed and resets
     the input state.

     As well as ZLE commands, key sequences can be bound to other
     strings,  by  using  `bindkey  -s'.  When such a sequence is
     read, the replacement string is pushed back  as  input,  and
     the  command  reading  process starts again using these fake
     keystrokes.  This input can itself invoke  further  replace-
     ment  strings, but in order to detect loops the process will

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     be stopped if there are twenty such replacements  without  a
     real command being read.

     A  key  sequence typed by the user can be turned into a com-
     mand name for use in user-defined widgets with the read-com-
     mand widget, described below.

     The  ZLE module contains three related builtin commands. The
     bindkey command manipulates keymaps and  key  bindings;  the
     vared command invokes ZLE on the value of a shell parameter;
     and the zle command manipulates editing widgets  and  allows
     command  line access to ZLE commands from within shell func-

     bindkey [ options ] -l [ -L ] [ keymap ... ]
     bindkey [ options ] -d
     bindkey [ options ] -D keymap ...
     bindkey [ options ] -A old-keymap new-keymap
     bindkey [ options ] -N new-keymap [ old-keymap ]
     bindkey [ options ] -m
     bindkey [ options ] -r in-string ...
     bindkey [ options ] -s in-string out-string ...
     bindkey [ options ] in-string command ...
     bindkey [ options ] [ in-string ]
          bindkey's options can be divided into three categories:
          keymap  selection  for  the  current command, operation
          selection, and others.  The  keymap  selection  options

          -e   Selects  keymap  `emacs' for any operations by the
               current command, and also links `emacs' to  `main'
               so  that  it  is selected by default the next time
               the editor starts.

          -v   Selects keymap `viins' for any operations  by  the
               current  command, and also links `viins' to `main'
               so that it is selected by default  the  next  time
               the editor starts.

          -a   Selects  keymap  `vicmd' for any operations by the
               current command.

          -M keymap
               The  keymap  specifies  a  keymap  name  that   is
               selected  for  any  operations by the current com-

          If a keymap selection  is  required  and  none  of  the
          options  above  are  used,  the  `main' keymap is used.
          Some operations do not permit a keymap to be  selected,

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 3

User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          -l   List  all  existing keymap names; if any arguments
               are given, list just those keymaps.

               If the -L option is also used, list in the form of
               bindkey  commands  to  create or link the keymaps.
               `bindkey -lL main' shows which keymap is linked to
               `main', if any, and hence if the standard emacs or
               vi emulation is in effect.  This option  does  not
               show the .safe keymap because it cannot be created
               in that fashion; however, neither is `bindkey  -lL
               .safe'  reported  as  an  error, it simply outputs

          -d   Delete all  existing  keymaps  and  reset  to  the
               default state.

          -D keymap ...
               Delete the named keymaps.

          -A old-keymap new-keymap
               Make  the new-keymap name an alias for old-keymap,
               so that both names refer to the same keymap.   The
               names  have  equal standing; if either is deleted,
               the other remains.  If there is already  a  keymap
               with the new-keymap name, it is deleted.

          -N new-keymap [ old-keymap ]
               Create  a  new  keymap,  named  new-keymap.   If a
               keymap already has that name, it is  deleted.   If
               an  old-keymap  name  is  given, the new keymap is
               initialized to be a duplicate of it, otherwise the
               new keymap will be empty.

          To  use  a newly created keymap, it should be linked to
          main.  Hence the sequence of commands to create and use
          a  new keymap `mymap' initialized from the emacs keymap
          (which remains unchanged) is:

               bindkey -N mymap emacs
               bindkey -A mymap main

          Note that while `bindkey -A newmap main' will work when
          newmap  is  emacs or viins, it will not work for vicmd,
          as switching from vi insert  to  command  mode  becomes

          The following operations act on the `main' keymap if no
          keymap selection option was given:

          -m   Add the built-in set of meta-key bindings  to  the
               selected  keymap.   Only  keys that are unbound or
               bound to self-insert are affected.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          -r in-string ...
               Unbind the specified in-strings  in  the  selected
               keymap.  This is exactly equivalent to binding the
               strings to undefined-key.

               When -R is also used, interpret the in-strings  as

               When  -p is also used, the in-strings specify pre-
               fixes.  Any binding that has the  given  in-string
               as  a  prefix,  not  including the binding for the
               in-string itself, if any, will  be  removed.   For

                    bindkey -rpM viins '^['

               will  remove  all bindings in the vi-insert keymap
               beginning with an escape character (probably  cur-
               sor  keys),  but  leave the binding for the escape
               character itself (probably vi-cmd-mode).  This  is
               incompatible with the option -R.

          -s in-string out-string ...
               Bind  each  in-string  to  each  out-string.  When
               in-string is typed, out-string will be pushed back
               and  treated as input to the line editor.  When -R
               is also used, interpret the in-strings as  ranges.

          in-string command ...
               Bind  each  in-string to each command.  When -R is
               used, interpret the in-strings as ranges.

          [ in-string ]
               List key bindings.  If an in-string is  specified,
               the  binding of that string in the selected keymap
               is displayed.  Otherwise, all key bindings in  the
               selected  keymap  are  displayed.   (As  a special
               case, if the -e or -v option is  used  alone,  the
               keymap  is not displayed - the implicit linking of
               keymaps is the only thing that happens.)

               When the option -p is used, the in-string must  be
               present.   The  listing  shows  all bindings which
               have the given  key  sequence  as  a  prefix,  not
               including   any  bindings  for  the  key  sequence

               When the -L option is used, the  list  is  in  the
               form  of  bindkey commands to create the key bind-

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     When the -R option is used as noted  above,  a  valid  range
     consists  of  two  characters,  with an optional `-' between
     them.  All characters between the two specified,  inclusive,
     are bound as specified.

     For  either  in-string  or  out-string, the following escape
     sequences are recognised:

     \a   bell character
     \b   backspace
     \e, \E
     \f   form feed
     \n   linefeed (newline)
     \r   carriage return
     \t   horizontal tab
     \v   vertical tab
     \NNN character code in octal
     \xNN character code in hexadecimal
          character with meta bit set
          control character
     ^X   control character

     In all other cases, `\'  escapes  the  following  character.
     Delete  is written as `^?'.  Note that `\M^?' and `^\M?' are
     not the same, and that (unlike emacs), the  bindings  `\M-X'
     and  `\eX' are entirely distinct, although they are initial-
     ized to the same bindings by `bindkey -m'.

     vared [ -Aache ] [ -p prompt ] [ -r rprompt ]
       [ -M main-keymap ] [ -m vicmd-keymap ]
       [ -i init-widget ] [ -f finish-widget ]
       [ -t tty ] name
     The value of the parameter name  is  loaded  into  the  edit
     buffer,  and  the  line  editor is invoked.  When the editor
     exits, name is set to the string value returned by the  edi-
     tor.  When the -c flag is given, the parameter is created if
     it doesn't already exist.  The -a flag may be given with  -c
     to  create  an  array parameter, or the -A flag to create an
     associative array.  If the type  of  an  existing  parameter
     does  not  match  the  type  to be created, the parameter is
     unset and recreated.

     If an array or array slice is being edited, separator  char-
     acters  as defined in $IFS will be shown quoted with a back-
     slash, as will backslashes themselves.  Conversely, when the
     edited  text  is  split into an array, a backslash quotes an
     immediately following separator character or  backslash;  no
     other  special  handling  of backslashes, or any handling of
     quotes, is performed.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 6

User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     Individual elements of existing array or  associative  array
     parameters  may be edited by using subscript syntax on name.
     New elements are created automatically, even without -c.

     If the -p flag is given, the following string will be  taken
     as  the  prompt  to  display at the left.  If the -r flag is
     given, the following string gives the prompt to  display  at
     the  right.  If the -h flag is specified, the history can be
     accessed from ZLE. If the -e flag is given, typing ^D  (Con-
     trol-D)  on  an  empty line causes vared to exit immediately
     with a non-zero return value.

     The -M option gives a keymap to link to the main keymap dur-
     ing editing, and the -m option gives a keymap to link to the
     vicmd keymap during editing.   For  vi-style  editing,  this
     allows  a  pair of keymaps to override viins and vicmd.  For
     emacs-style editing, only -M is normally needed but  the  -m
     option  may  still  be  used.  On exit, the previous keymaps
     will be restored.

     Vared calls the usual `zle-line-init' and  `zle-line-finish'
     hooks before and after it takes control. Using the -i and -f
     options, it is possible to replace these with  other  custom

     If  `-t  tty' is given, tty is the name of a terminal device
     to be used instead of the default /dev/tty.  If tty does not
     refer to a terminal an error is reported.

     zle -l [ -L | -a ] [ string ... ]
     zle -D widget ...
     zle -A old-widget new-widget
     zle -N widget [ function ]
     zle -C widget completion-widget function
     zle -R [ -c ] [ display-string ] [ string ... ]
     zle -M string
     zle -U string
     zle -K keymap
     zle -F [ -L | -w ] [ fd [ handler ] ]
     zle -I
     zle -T [ tc function | -r tc | -L ]
     zle widget [ -n num ] [ -Nw ] [ -K keymap ] args ...
     The  zle builtin performs a number of different actions con-
     cerning ZLE.

     With no options and no arguments,  only  the  return  status
     will be set.  It is zero if ZLE is currently active and wid-
     gets  could  be  invoked  using  this  builtin  command  and
     non-zero  otherwise.   Note  that even if non-zero status is
     returned, zle may still be active as part of the  completion
     system; this does not allow direct calls to ZLE widgets.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     Otherwise,  which  operation  it  performs  depends  on  its

     -l [ -L | -a ]
          List all existing  user-defined  widgets.   If  the  -L
          option  is  used,  list  in the form of zle commands to
          create the widgets.

          When combined with the -a option, all widget names  are
          listed, including the builtin ones. In this case the -L
          option is ignored.

          If at least one string is given, and -a is  present  or
          -L  is  not  used, nothing will be printed.  The return
          status will be zero if all strings are names of  exist-
          ing  widgets and non-zero if at least one string is not
          a name of a defined widget.  If -a is also present, all
          widget  names  are  used  for  the comparison including
          builtin widgets, else  only  user-defined  widgets  are

          If  at least one string is present and the -L option is
          used, user-defined  widgets  matching  any  string  are
          listed  in  the form of zle commands to create the wid-

     -D widget ...
          Delete the named widgets.

     -A old-widget new-widget
          Make the new-widget name an alias  for  old-widget,  so
          that  both  names  refer to the same widget.  The names
          have equal standing; if either is  deleted,  the  other
          remains.   If  there  is  already  a  widget  with  the
          new-widget name, it is deleted.

     -N widget [ function ]
          Create a user-defined widget.  If there  is  already  a
          widget  with  the  specified  name,  it is overwritten.
          When the new widget is invoked from within the  editor,
          the specified shell function is called.  If no function
          name is specified, it defaults to the same name as  the
          widget.   For further information, see the section Wid-
          gets in zshzle(1).

     -C widget completion-widget function
          Create a user-defined completion widget  named  widget.
          The  completion  widget  will  behave like the built-in
          completion-widget  whose  name  is  given  as   comple-
          tion-widget.  To  generate  the  completions, the shell
          function function will be called.  For further informa-
          tion, see zshcompwid(1).

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     -R [ -c ] [ display-string ] [ string ... ]
          Redisplay  the  command line; this is to be called from
          within a user-defined widget to allow changes to become
          visible.   If  a display-string is given and not empty,
          this is shown in the status line (immediately below the
          line being edited).

          If the optional strings are given they are listed below
          the prompt in the same  way  as  completion  lists  are
          printed.  If  no strings are given but the -c option is
          used such a list is cleared.

          Note that this option is only useful for  widgets  that
          do  not  exit  immediately  after  using it because the
          strings displayed  will  be  erased  immediately  after
          return from the widget.

          This  command can safely be called outside user defined
          widgets;  if  zle  is  active,  the  display  will   be
          refreshed,  while if zle is not active, the command has
          no effect.  In this case there will usually be no other

          The status is zero if zle was active, else one.

     -M string
          As  with  the  -R  option, the string will be displayed
          below the command  line;  unlike  the  -R  option,  the
          string  will  not  be put into the status line but will
          instead be printed normally  below  the  prompt.   This
          means that the string will still be displayed after the
          widget returns (until it is overwritten  by  subsequent

     -U string
          This pushes the characters in the string onto the input
          stack of ZLE.  After the widget currently executed fin-
          ishes  ZLE  will  behave  as  if  the characters in the
          string were typed by the user.

          As ZLE uses a stack, if this option is used  repeatedly
          the last string pushed onto the stack will be processed
          first.  However, the characters in each string will  be
          processed  in  the  order  in  which they appear in the

     -K keymap
          Selects the keymap named keymap.  An error message will
          be displayed if there is no such keymap.

          This  keymap  selection  affects  the interpretation of
          following keystrokes within  this  invocation  of  ZLE.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Any  following invocation (e.g., the next command line)
          will start as usual with the `main' keymap selected.

     -F [ -L | -w ] [ fd [ handler ] ]
          Only available if  your  system  supports  one  of  the
          `poll'  or  `select'  system calls; most modern systems

          Installs handler (the name of a shell function) to han-
          dle  input  from  file  descriptor  fd.   When  zle  is
          attempting to read data, it will examine both the  ter-
          minal  and  the  list of handled fd's.  If data becomes
          available on a handled fd, zle will call  handler  with
          the fd which is ready for reading as the only argument.
          If the handler produces  output  to  the  terminal,  it
          should  call `zle -I' before doing so (see below).  The
          handler should not attempt to read from  the  terminal.
          Note that zle makes no attempt to check whether this fd
          is actually readable when installing the handler.   The
          user  must make their own arrangements for handling the
          file descriptor when zle is not active.

          If the option -w is also given, the handler is  instead
          a  line  editor widget, typically a shell function made
          into a widget using zle -N.  In that case  handler  can
          use  all  the  facilities  of zle to update the current
          editing line.  Note, however, that as handling fd takes
          place  at  a  low level changes to the display will not
          automatically appear; the widget should call zle -R  to
          force redisplay.

          Any  number of handlers for any number of readable file
          descriptors may be installed.  Installing a handler for
          an fd which is already handled causes the existing han-
          dler to be replaced.

          If no handler is given, but an fd is present, any  han-
          dler  for  that  fd  is  removed.  If there is none, an
          error message is printed and status 1 is returned.

          If no arguments are given, or the  -L  option  is  sup-
          plied,  a  list  of handlers is printed in a form which
          can be stored for later execution.

          An fd (but not a handler) may optionally be given  with
          the -L option; in this case, the function will list the
          handler if any, else silently return status 1.

          Note that  this  feature  should  be  used  with  care.
          Activity  on one of the fd's which is not properly han-
          dled can cause the terminal to become unusable.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Here is a simple example of using this feature.  A con-
          nection  to a remote TCP port is created using the ztcp
          command; see the description of the zsh/net/tcp  module
          in  zshmodules(1).   Then  a handler is installed which
          simply prints out any data which arrives on  this  con-
          nection.   Note  that  `select'  will indicate that the
          file descriptor needs handling if the remote  side  has
          closed  the connection; we handle that by testing for a
          failed read.
               if ztcp pwspc 2811; then
                 handler() {
                   zle -I
                   local line
                   if ! read -r line <&$1; then
                     # select marks this fd if we reach EOF,
                     # so handle this specially.
                     print "[Read on fd $1 failed, removing.]" >&2
                     zle -F $1
                     return 1
                   print -r - $line
                 zle -F $tcpfd handler

     -I   Unusually, this option is most useful outside  ordinary
          widget  functions, though it may be used within if nor-
          mal output to the terminal is required.  It invalidates
          the current zle display in preparation for output; typ-
          ically this will be from a trap function.   It  has  no
          effect  if  zle  is not active.  When a trap exits, the
          shell checks to see if  the  display  needs  restoring,
          hence  the following will print output in such a way as
          not to disturb the line being edited:

               TRAPUSR1() {
                   # Invalidate zle display
                 [[ -o zle ]] && zle -I
                   # Show output
                 print Hello

          In general, the trap function may need to test  whether
          zle is active before using this method (as shown in the
          example), since the zsh/zle  module  may  not  even  be
          loaded; if it is not, the command can be skipped.

          It  is  possible  to call `zle -I' several times before
          control is returned to the  editor;  the  display  will
          only  be invalidated the first time to minimise disrup-

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Note that there are normally better ways of  manipulat-
          ing the display from within zle widgets; see, for exam-
          ple, `zle -R' above.

          The returned status is zero  if  zle  was  invalidated,
          even  though  this  may have been by a previous call to
          `zle -I' or by a system notification.  To test if a zle
          widget may be called at this point, execute zle with no
          arguments and examine the return status.

     -T   This is used to add, list or remove internal  transfor-
          mations on the processing performed by the line editor.
          It is typically used only for debugging or testing  and
          is therefore of little interest to the general user.

          `zle  -T  transformation func' specifies that the given
          transformation (see below) is effected by  shell  func-
          tion func.

          `zle  -Tr transformation' removes the given transforma-
          tion if it was present (it is  not  an  error  if  none

          `zle  -TL' can be used to list all transformations cur-
          rently in operation.

          Currently the only transformation is tc.  This is  used
          instead  of  outputting  termcap codes to the terminal.
          When the transformation is in operation the shell func-
          tion is passed the termcap code that would be output as
          its first argument; if the operation required a numeric
          argument,  that  is  passed  as a second argument.  The
          function should set the shell  variable  REPLY  to  the
          transformed  termcap  code.   Typically this is used to
          produce some simply formatted version of the  code  and
          optional  argument for debugging or testing.  Note that
          this transformation is not applied to other  non-print-
          ing characters such as carriage returns and newlines.

     widget [ -n num ] [ -Nw ] [ -K keymap ] args ...
          Invoke  the  specified  widget.   This can only be done
          when ZLE is active; normally  this  will  be  within  a
          user-defined widget.

          With the options -n and -N, the current numerical argu-
          ment will be saved and then restored after the call  to
          widget;  `-n num' sets the numerical argument temporar-
          ily to num, while `-N' sets it to the default, i.e.  as
          if there were none.

          With  the option -K, keymap will be used as the current
          keymap  during  the  execution  of  the  widget.    The

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          previous keymap will be restored when the widget exits.

          Normally, calling a widget in this way does not set the
          special  parameter  WIDGET  and  related parameters, so
          that the environment appears as if the top-level widget
          called  by the user were still active.  With the option
          -w, WIDGET and related parameters are  set  to  reflect
          the widget being executed by the zle call.

          Any  further  arguments  will  be passed to the widget;
          note that as standard argument handling  is  performed,
          any general argument list should be preceded by --.  If
          it is a shell function, these are passed down as  posi-
          tional  parameters; for builtin widgets it is up to the
          widget in question what it does with  them.   Currently
          arguments  are  only  handled by the incremental-search
          commands, the history-search-forward and -backward  and
          the  corresponding  functions  prefixed  by vi-, and by
          universal-argument.  No error is flagged if the command
          does  not use the arguments, or only uses some of them.

          The return status reflects the success  or  failure  of
          the  operation carried out by the widget, or if it is a
          user-defined widget the  return  status  of  the  shell

          A  non-zero return status causes the shell to beep when
          the widget exits, unless the BEEP options was unset  or
          the  widget  was called via the zle command.  Thus if a
          user defined widget  requires  an  immediate  beep,  it
          should call the beep widget directly.

     All  actions  in  the  editor are performed by `widgets'.  A
     widget's job is simply to perform some  small  action.   The
     ZLE  commands that key sequences in keymaps are bound to are
     in fact widgets.  Widgets can be user-defined or built in.

     The standard widgets built into ZLE are listed  in  Standard
     Widgets  below.   Other  built-in  widgets can be defined by
     other modules (see zshmodules(1)).  Each built-in widget has
     two names: its normal canonical name, and the same name pre-
     ceded by a `.'.  The  `.'  name  is  special:  it  can't  be
     rebound to a different widget.  This makes the widget avail-
     able even when its usual name has been redefined.

     User-defined widgets are defined using `zle -N', and  imple-
     mented as shell functions.  When the widget is executed, the
     corresponding shell function is executed,  and  can  perform
     editing   (or   other)  actions.   It  is  recommended  that
     user-defined widgets should not  have  names  starting  with

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     User-defined  widgets, being implemented as shell functions,
     can execute any normal shell command.   They  can  also  run
     other  widgets  (whether built-in or user-defined) using the
     zle builtin command.  The standard input of the function  is
     closed  to  prevent  external  commands from unintentionally
     blocking ZLE by reading from the terminal, but  read  -k  or
     read  -q  can be used to read characters.  Finally, they can
     examine and edit the ZLE buffer being edited by reading  and
     setting the special parameters described below.

     These  special  parameters  are  always  available in widget
     functions, but are not in any way special outside  ZLE.   If
     they  have some normal value outside ZLE, that value is tem-
     porarily inaccessible, but will return when the widget func-
     tion  exits.   These  special  parameters in fact have local
     scope, like parameters created in a function using local.

     Inside completion widgets and  traps  called  while  ZLE  is
     active, these parameters are available read-only.

     BUFFER (scalar)
          The entire contents of the edit buffer.  If it is writ-
          ten to, the cursor remains at the same  offset,  unless
          that would put it outside the buffer.

     BUFFERLINES (integer)
          The  number  of screen lines needed for the edit buffer
          currently displayed on screen (i.e. without any changes
          to  the preceding parameters done after the last redis-
          play); read-only.

     CONTEXT (scalar)
          The context in which zle was called  to  read  a  line;
          read-only.  One of the values:
          The start of a command line (at prompt PS1).

     cont A continuation to a command line (at prompt PS2).

          In a select loop.

          Editing a variable in vared.

     CURSOR (integer)
     The  offset  of the cursor, within the edit buffer.  This is
     in the range 0 to $#BUFFER, and is by  definition  equal  to
     $#LBUFFER.   Attempts  to move the cursor outside the buffer
     will result in the cursor being moved to the appropriate end
     of the buffer.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     CUTBUFFER (scalar)
     The  last  item  cut  using one of the `kill-' commands; the
     string which the next yank would insert in the line.   Later
     entries  in  the  kill ring are in the array killring.  Note
     that the command `zle  copy-region-as-kill  string'  can  be
     used to set the text of the cut buffer from a shell function
     and cycle the kill ring in the  same  way  as  interactively
     killing text.

     HISTNO (integer)
     The  current  history  number.   Setting  this  has the same
     effect as moving up or down in the  history  to  the  corre-
     sponding  history  line.  An attempt to set it is ignored if
     the line is not stored in the history.  Note this is not the
     same as the parameter HISTCMD, which always gives the number
     of the history line being added to the main shell's history.
     HISTNO refers to the line being retrieved within zle.

     KEYMAP (scalar)
     The name of the currently selected keymap; read-only.

     KEYS (scalar)
     The  keys  typed to invoke this widget, as a literal string;

     killring (array)
     The array of previously killed items, with the most recently
     killed  first.  This gives the items that would be retrieved
     by a yank-pop in the same order.  Note,  however,  that  the
     most  recently killed item is in $CUTBUFFER; $killring shows
     the array of previous entries.

     The default size for the kill ring  is  eight,  however  the
     length may be changed by normal array operations.  Any empty
     string in the kill ring is ignored by the yank-pop  command,
     hence  the  size  of  the array effectively sets the maximum
     length of the  kill  ring,  while  the  number  of  non-zero
     strings  gives  the current length, both as seen by the user
     at the command line.

     The last search string used by an  interactive  search  that
     was  aborted  by  the  user (status 3 returned by the search

     LASTSEARCH (scalar)
     The last  search  string  used  by  an  interactive  search;
     read-only.  This is set even if the search failed (status 0,
     1 or 2 returned by the search widget), but  not  if  it  was
     aborted by the user.

     LASTWIDGET (scalar)

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     The name of the last widget that was executed; read-only.

     LBUFFER (scalar)
     The  part  of the buffer that lies to the left of the cursor
     position.  If it is assigned  to,  only  that  part  of  the
     buffer  is  replaced, and the cursor remains between the new
     $LBUFFER and the old $RBUFFER.

     MARK (integer)
     Like CURSOR, but for the mark.

     NUMERIC (integer)
     The numeric argument. If no numeric argument was given, this
     parameter  is  unset. When this is set inside a widget func-
     tion, builtin widgets called with the  zle  builtin  command
     will  use the value assigned. If it is unset inside a widget
     function, builtin widgets called behave  as  if  no  numeric
     argument was given.

     PENDING (integer)
     The  number  of  bytes pending for input, i.e. the number of
     bytes which have already been typed and can  immediately  be
     read.  On  systems  where  the shell is not able to get this
     information, this parameter will  always  have  a  value  of
     zero.  Read-only.

     PREBUFFER (scalar)
     In   a  multi-line  input  at  the  secondary  prompt,  this
     read-only parameter  contains  the  contents  of  the  lines
     before the one the cursor is currently in.

     PREDISPLAY (scalar)
     Text  to  be displayed before the start of the editable text
     buffer.  This does not have to be a complete line;  to  dis-
     play a complete line, a newline must be appended explicitly.
     The text is reset on each new invocation (but not  recursive
     invocation) of zle.

     POSTDISPLAY (scalar)
     Text  to  be  displayed  after  the end of the editable text
     buffer.  This does not have to be a complete line;  to  dis-
     play  a  complete  line, a newline must be prepended explic-
     itly.  The text is reset on each  new  invocation  (but  not
     recursive invocation) of zle.

     RBUFFER (scalar)
     The  part of the buffer that lies to the right of the cursor
     position.  If it is assigned  to,  only  that  part  of  the
     buffer  is  replaced, and the cursor remains between the old
     $LBUFFER and the new $RBUFFER.

     REGION_ACTIVE (integer)

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     Indicates if the region is  currently  active.   It  can  be
     assigned  0  or  1  to  deactivate  and  activate the region
     respectively; see Character Highlighting below.

     region_highlight (array)
     Each element of this array may  be  set  to  a  string  that
     describes  highlighting  for an arbitrary region of the com-
     mand line that will take effect the next  time  the  command
     line is redisplayed.  Highlighting of the non-editable parts
     of the command line in PREDISPLAY and POSTDISPLAY are possi-
     ble, but note that the P flag is needed for character index-
     ing to include PREDISPLAY.

     Each string consists of the following parts:

     Optionally, a `P' to signify that the start and end offset
          follow include any string set by the PREDISPLAY special
          parameter; this is  needed  if  the  predisplay  string
          itself is to be highlighted.  Whitespace may follow the
     A start offset in the same units as CURSOR, terminated by
     An end offset in the same units as CURSOR, terminated by
     A highlight specification in the same format as
          used for contexts in the parameter  zle_highlight,  see
          Character  Highlighting below; for example, standout or

     For example,

          region_highlight=("P0 20 bold")

     specifies that the  first  twenty  characters  of  the  text
     including  any  predisplay  string  should be highlighted in

     Note that the effect of region_highlight is  not  saved  and
     disappears as soon as the line is accepted.

     UNDO_CHANGE_NO (integer)
     A  number  representing  the state of the undo history.  The
     only use of this is passing as an argument to the undo  wid-
     get in order to undo back to the recorded point.  Read-only.

     WIDGET (scalar)
     The name of the widget currently being executed;  read-only.

     WIDGETFUNC (scalar)
     The  name  of  the  shell  function that implements a widget
     defined with either zle -N or zle -C.  In the  former  case,

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     this  is  the  second  argument  to  the zle -N command that
     defined the widget, or the first argument if  there  was  no
     second argument.  In the latter case this is the third argu-
     ment  to  the  zle  -C  command  that  defined  the  widget.

     WIDGETSTYLE (scalar)
     Describes  the  implementation  behind the completion widget
     currently being executed; the second argument that  followed
     zle  -C  when the widget was defined.  This is the name of a
     builtin completion widget.  For widgets defined with zle  -N
     this is set to the empty string.  Read-only.

     ZLE_STATE (scalar)
     Contains  a  set  of space-separated words that describe the
     current zle state.

     Currently, the states shown are the insert mode  as  set  by
     the overwrite-mode or vi-replace widgets and whether history
     commands will visit imported entries as  controlled  by  the
     set-local-history  widget.   The string contains `insert' if
     characters to be inserted on the command line move  existing
     characters  to  the right or `overwrite' if characters to be
     inserted overwrite existing characters. It contains  `local-
     history'  if  only local history commands will be visited or
     `globalhistory' if imported history commands  will  also  be

     The  substrings  are sorted in alphabetical order so that if
     you  want  to  test  for  two  specific  substrings   in   a
     future-proof way, you can do match by doing:

          if [[ $ZLE_STATE == *insert*globalhistory* ]]; then ...; fi

  Special Widgets
     There  are  a  few user-defined widgets which are special to
     the shell.  If they do  not  exist,  no  special  action  is
     taken.   The  environment  provided is identical to that for
     any other editing widget.

          Executed at the end of incremental search at the  point
          where  the  isearch prompt is removed from the display.
          See zle-isearch-update for an example.

          Executed within incremental search when the display  is
          about  to  be  redrawn.   Additional  output  below the
          incremental search prompt can  be  generated  by  using
          `zle -M' within the widget.  For example,

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

               zle-isearch-update() { zle -M "Line $HISTNO"; }
               zle -N zle-isearch-update

          Note the line output by `zle -M' is not deleted on exit
          from incremental search.   This  can  be  done  from  a
          zle-isearch-exit widget:

               zle-isearch-exit() { zle -M ""; }
               zle -N zle-isearch-exit

          Executed  every time the line editor is started to read
          a new line of input.  The following  example  puts  the
          line editor into vi command mode when it starts up.

               zle-line-init() { zle -K vicmd; }
               zle -N zle-line-init

          (The  command  inside  the  function  sets  the  keymap
          directly; it is equivalent to zle vi-cmd-mode.)

          This is similar to zle-line-init but is executed  every
          time  the  line  editor  has finished reading a line of

          Executed when the history line changes.

          Executed every time the keymap changes, i.e.  the  spe-
          cial  parameter  KEYMAP  is  set  to a different value,
          while the line  editor  is  active.   Initialising  the
          keymap  when  the line editor starts does not cause the
          widget to be called.

          The value $KEYMAP within the function reflects the  new
          keymap.  The old keymap is passed as the sole argument.

          This can be used for detecting switches between the  vi
          command (vicmd) and insert (usually main) keymaps.

     The  following  is  a  list of all the standard widgets, and
     their default bindings in emacs mode, vi command mode and vi
     insert  mode  (the  `emacs',  `vicmd'  and  `viins' keymaps,

     Note that cursor keys are bound  to  movement  keys  in  all
     three  keymaps;  the shell assumes that the cursor keys send
     the key sequences reported by the terminal-handling  library
     (termcap  or terminfo).  The key sequences shown in the list

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     are those based on the VT100, common on many  modern  termi-
     nals,  but  in fact these are not necessarily bound.  In the
     case of the viins keymap, the initial  escape  character  of
     the  sequences  serves  also  to return to the vicmd keymap:
     whether this happens is determined by the KEYTIMEOUT parame-
     ter, see zshparam(1).

     vi-backward-blank-word (unbound) (B) (unbound)
          Move  backward  one  word, where a word is defined as a
          series of non-blank characters.

     backward-char (^B ESC-[D) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move backward one character.

     vi-backward-char (unbound) (^H h ^?) (ESC-[D)
          Move backward one character, without changing lines.

     backward-word (ESC-B ESC-b) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move to the beginning of the previous word.

          Move to the beginning of the previous word.

     vi-backward-word (unbound) (b) (unbound)
          Move to the beginning of the previous word, vi-style.

     beginning-of-line (^A) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move to the beginning of the line.  If already  at  the
          beginning  of  the  line,  move to the beginning of the
          previous line, if any.

          Move to the beginning of  the  line,  without  changing

     end-of-line (^E) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move  to the end of the line.  If already at the end of
          the line, move to the end of the next line, if any.

     vi-end-of-line (unbound) ($) (unbound)
          Move to the end of the line.  If an argument  is  given
          to this command, the cursor will be moved to the end of
          the line (argument - 1) lines down.

     vi-forward-blank-word (unbound) (W) (unbound)
          Move forward one word, where a word  is  defined  as  a
          series of non-blank characters.

     vi-forward-blank-word-end (unbound) (E) (unbound)
          Move  to the end of the current word, or, if at the end
          of the current word, to the end of the next word, where

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          a  word is defined as a series of non-blank characters.

     forward-char (^F ESC-[C) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move forward one character.

     vi-forward-char (unbound) (space l) (ESC-[C)
          Move forward one character.

     vi-find-next-char (^X^F) (f) (unbound)
          Read a character from the keyboard,  and  move  to  the
          next occurrence of it in the line.

     vi-find-next-char-skip (unbound) (t) (unbound)
          Read  a  character  from  the keyboard, and move to the
          position just before the next occurrence of it  in  the

     vi-find-prev-char (unbound) (F) (unbound)
          Read  a  character  from  the keyboard, and move to the
          previous occurrence of it in the line.

     vi-find-prev-char-skip (unbound) (T) (unbound)
          Read a character from the keyboard,  and  move  to  the
          position  just  after  the previous occurrence of it in
          the line.

     vi-first-non-blank (unbound) (^) (unbound)
          Move to the first non-blank character in the line.

     vi-forward-word (unbound) (w) (unbound)
          Move forward one word, vi-style.

     forward-word (ESC-F ESC-f) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move to the beginning of the next word.   The  editor's
          idea  of a word is specified with the WORDCHARS parame-

          Move to the end of the next word.

     vi-forward-word-end (unbound) (e) (unbound)
          Move to the end of the next word.

     vi-goto-column (ESC-|) (|) (unbound)
          Move to the column specified by the numeric argument.

     vi-goto-mark (unbound) (`) (unbound)
          Move to the specified mark.

     vi-goto-mark-line (unbound) (') (unbound)
          Move to beginning of the line containing the  specified

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     vi-repeat-find (unbound) (;) (unbound)
          Repeat the last vi-find command.

     vi-rev-repeat-find (unbound) (,) (unbound)
          Repeat  the last vi-find command in the opposite direc-

  History Control
     beginning-of-buffer-or-history (ESC-<) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move to the beginning of  the  buffer,  or  if  already
          there, move to the first event in the history list.

          Move  to  the beginning of the line.  If already at the
          beginning of the buffer, move to the  previous  history

          Move to the first event in the history list.

     down-line-or-history (^N ESC-[B) (j) (ESC-[B)
          Move  down  a  line in the buffer, or if already at the
          bottom line, move to the  next  event  in  the  history

     vi-down-line-or-history (unbound) (+) (unbound)
          Move  down  a  line in the buffer, or if already at the
          bottom line, move to the  next  event  in  the  history
          list.   Then  move  to the first non-blank character on
          the line.

          Move down a line in the buffer, or if  already  at  the
          bottom  line,  search forward in the history for a line
          beginning with the first word in the buffer.

          If called from a function by the zle command with argu-
          ments,  the  first  argument is taken as the string for
          which to search, rather than  the  first  word  in  the

     down-history (unbound) (^N) (unbound)
          Move to the next event in the history list.

          Search  backward  in  the  history for a line beginning
          with the current line up to the  cursor.   This  leaves
          the cursor in its original position.

     end-of-buffer-or-history (ESC->) (unbound) (unbound)
          Move  to  the  end  of the buffer, or if already there,
          move to the last event in the history list.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Move to the end of the line.  If already at the end  of
          the buffer, move to the next history line.

          Move to the last event in the history list.

     vi-fetch-history (unbound) (G) (unbound)
          Fetch  the  history line specified by the numeric argu-
          ment.  This defaults to the current history line  (i.e.
          the one that isn't history yet).

     history-incremental-search-backward (^R ^Xr) (unbound)
          Search backward incrementally for a  specified  string.
          The  search  is  case-insensitive  if the search string
          does not have uppercase letters and no numeric argument
          was given.  The string may begin with `^' to anchor the
          search to the beginning of the line.  When called  from
          a user-defined function returns the following statuses:
          0, if the search succeeded; 1, if the search failed; 2,
          if  the search term was a bad pattern; 3, if the search
          was aborted by the send-break command.

          A restricted set of editing functions is  available  in
          the  mini-buffer.   Keys  are  looked up in the special
          isearch keymap, and if not  found  there  in  the  main
          keymap  (note  that  by  default  the isearch keymap is
          empty).  An interrupt signal, as defined  by  the  stty
          setting, will stop the search and go back to the origi-
          nal line.  An undefined key will have the same  effect.
          Note  that  the  following always perform the same task
          within incremental searches and cannot be  replaced  by
          user  defined  widgets, nor can the set of functions be
          extended.  The supported functions are:

               Perform the usual function after exiting incremen-
               tal  search.   The  command line displayed is exe-

               Back up one place in the search history.   If  the
               search has been repeated this does not immediately
               erase a character in the minibuffer.

               Exit incremental  search,  retaining  the  command

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

               line  but performing no further action.  Note that
               this function is not bound by default and  has  no
               effect outside incremental search.

               Back up one character in the minibuffer; if multi-
               ple searches have been performed since the charac-
               ter  was inserted the search history is rewound to
               the point just before the character  was  entered.
               Hence  this  has  the  effect  of  repeating back-

               Clear the screen, remaining in incremental  search

               Find  the  next  occurrence of the contents of the

               Invert the sense of the search.

               Inserts a non-magical space.

               Quote the character to insert into the minibuffer.

               Redisplay the command line, remaining in incremen-
               tal search mode.

               Toggle between the `main' and `vicmd' keymaps; the
               `main'  keymap (insert mode) will be selected ini-

               Repeat the search.  The direction of the search is
               indicated in the mini-buffer.

          Any  character  that  is  not bound to one of the above
          functions, or self-insert or  self-insert-unmeta,  will
          cause  the  mode  to  be exited.  The character is then
          looked up and executed in the keymap in effect at  that

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          When  called from a widget function by the zle command,
          the incremental search commands can take a string argu-
          ment.  This will be treated as a string of keys, as for
          arguments to the bindkey command, and used  as  initial
          input  for  the  command.  Any characters in the string
          which are unused by  the  incremental  search  will  be
          silently ignored.  For example,

               zle history-incremental-search-backward forceps

          will   search   backwards   for  forceps,  leaving  the
          minibuffer containing the string `forceps'.

     history-incremental-search-forward (^S ^Xs) (unbound)
          Search  forward  incrementally  for a specified string.
          The search is case-insensitive  if  the  search  string
          does not have uppercase letters and no numeric argument
          was given.  The string may begin with `^' to anchor the
          search  to  the  beginning  of the line.  The functions
          available in the mini-buffer are the same as  for  his-

          These  widgets  behave  similarly  to the corresponding
          widgets with no -pattern, but the search  string  typed
          by  the  user  is  treated as a pattern, respecting the
          current settings of the various options affecting  pat-
          tern  matching.   See FILENAME GENERATION in zshexpn(1)
          for a description of patterns.  If no numeric  argument
          was  given  lowercase  letters in the search string may
          match uppercase letters in the history.  The string may
          begin with `^' to anchor the search to the beginning of
          the line.

          The prompt changes to indicate an invalid pattern; this
          may simply indicate the pattern is not yet complete.

          Note that only non-overlapping matches are reported, so
          an expression with wildcards may return  fewer  matches
          on a line than are visible by inspection.

     history-search-backward (ESC-P ESC-p) (unbound) (unbound)
          Search  backward  in  the  history for a line beginning
          with the first word in the buffer.

          If called from a function by the zle command with argu-
          ments,  the  first  argument is taken as the string for
          which to search, rather than  the  first  word  in  the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     vi-history-search-backward (unbound) (/) (unbound)
          Search  backward in the history for a specified string.
          The string may begin with `^' to anchor the  search  to
          the beginning of the line.

          A  restricted  set of editing functions is available in
          the mini-buffer.  An interrupt signal,  as  defined  by
          the stty setting,  will stop the search.  The functions
          available in the mini-buffer  are:  accept-line,  back-
          ward-delete-char,     vi-backward-delete-char,    back-
          ward-kill-word,  vi-backward-kill-word,   clear-screen,
          redisplay, quoted-insert and vi-quoted-insert.

          vi-cmd-mode  is  treated  the  same as accept-line, and
          magic-space is treated as a space.  Any other character
          that  is not bound to self-insert or self-insert-unmeta
          will beep and be ignored. If  the  function  is  called
          from  vi  command  mode,  the  bindings  of the current
          insert mode will be used.

          If called from a function by the zle command with argu-
          ments,  the  first  argument is taken as the string for
          which to search, rather than  the  first  word  in  the

     history-search-forward (ESC-N ESC-n) (unbound) (unbound)
          Search forward in the history for a line beginning with
          the first word in the buffer.

          If called from a function by the zle command with argu-
          ments,  the  first  argument is taken as the string for
          which to search, rather than  the  first  word  in  the

     vi-history-search-forward (unbound) (?) (unbound)
          Search  forward  in the history for a specified string.
          The string may begin with `^' to anchor the  search  to
          the  beginning  of the line. The functions available in
          the  mini-buffer  are   the   same   as   for   vi-his-
          tory-search-backward.   Argument  handling  is also the
          same as for that command.

     infer-next-history (^X^N) (unbound) (unbound)
          Search in the history list for a line matching the cur-
          rent one and fetch the event following it.

     insert-last-word (ESC-_ ESC-.) (unbound) (unbound)
          Insert the last word from the previous history event at
          the cursor position.  If a positive numeric argument is
          given,  insert  that  word from the end of the previous
          history event.  If the argument  is  zero  or  negative
          insert  that  word  from  the  left  (zero  inserts the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          previous  command  word).    Repeating   this   command
          replaces the word just inserted with the last word from
          the history event prior to the one just  used;  numeric
          arguments  can  be  used in the same way to pick a word
          from that event.

          When called  from  a  shell  function  invoked  from  a
          user-defined  widget, the command can take one to three
          arguments.  The first argument specifies a history off-
          set  which  applies to successive calls to this widget:
          if it is -1, the default behaviour is used, while if it
          is  1,  successive calls will move forwards through the
          history.  The value 0 can be used to indicate that  the
          history  line examined by the previous execution of the
          command will be reexamined.  Note that negative numbers
          should  be preceded by a `--' argument to avoid confus-
          ing them with options.

          If two arguments are given, the  second  specifies  the
          word on the command line in normal array index notation
          (as a more natural alternative to the prefix argument).
          Hence  1 is the first word, and -1 (the default) is the
          last word.

          If a third argument is given, its value is ignored, but
          it  is used to signify that the history offset is rela-
          tive to the current history line, rather than  the  one
          remembered    after   the   previous   invocations   of

          For example, the default behaviour of the command  cor-
          responds to

               zle insert-last-word -- -1 -1

          while the command

               zle insert-last-word -- -1 1 -

          always copies the first word of the line in the history
          immediately before the line being edited.  This has the
          side  effect  that later invocations of the widget will
          be relative to that line.

     vi-repeat-search (unbound) (n) (unbound)
          Repeat the last vi history search.

     vi-rev-repeat-search (unbound) (N) (unbound)
          Repeat the last vi history search, but in reverse.

     up-line-or-history (^P ESC-[A) (k) (ESC-[A)
          Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the  top

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          line, move to the previous event in the history list.

     vi-up-line-or-history (unbound) (-) (unbound)
          Move  up a line in the buffer, or if already at the top
          line, move to the previous event in the  history  list.
          Then move to the first non-blank character on the line.

          Move up a line in the buffer, or if already at the  top
          line,  search backward in the history for a line begin-
          ning with the first word in the buffer.

          If called from a function by the zle command with argu-
          ments,  the  first  argument is taken as the string for
          which to search, rather than  the  first  word  in  the

     up-history (unbound) (^P) (unbound)
          Move to the previous event in the history list.

          Search forward in the history for a line beginning with
          the current line up to the  cursor.   This  leaves  the
          cursor in its original position.

          By   default,   history  movement  commands  visit  the
          imported lines as well as the local lines. This  widget
          lets  you  toggle  this  on and off, or set it with the
          numeric argument. Zero  for  both  local  and  imported
          lines and nonzero for only local lines.

  Modifying Text
     vi-add-eol (unbound) (A) (unbound)
          Move to the end of the line and enter insert mode.

     vi-add-next (unbound) (a) (unbound)
          Enter  insert  mode  after the current cursor position,
          without changing lines.

     backward-delete-char (^H ^?) (unbound) (unbound)
          Delete the character behind the cursor.

     vi-backward-delete-char (unbound) (X) (^H)
          Delete the character behind the cursor, without  chang-
          ing  lines.   If in insert mode, this won't delete past
          the point where insert mode was last entered.

          Delete the word behind the cursor.


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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Kill from the beginning of the line to the cursor posi-

     backward-kill-word (^W ESC-^H ESC-^?) (unbound) (unbound)
          Kill the word behind the cursor.

     vi-backward-kill-word (unbound) (unbound) (^W)
          Kill the word behind the cursor, without going past the
          point where insert mode was last entered.

     capitalize-word (ESC-C ESC-c) (unbound) (unbound)
          Capitalize the current word and move past it.

     vi-change (unbound) (c) (unbound)
          Read a movement command from  the  keyboard,  and  kill
          from  the  cursor position to the endpoint of the move-
          ment.  Then enter  insert  mode.   If  the  command  is
          vi-change, change the current line.

     vi-change-eol (unbound) (C) (unbound)
          Kill to the end of the line and enter insert mode.

     vi-change-whole-line (unbound) (S) (unbound)
          Kill the current line and enter insert mode.

     copy-region-as-kill (ESC-W ESC-w) (unbound) (unbound)
          Copy  the  area from the cursor to the mark to the kill

          If called from a ZLE widget function in the  form  `zle
          copy-region-as-kill  string'  then string will be taken
          as the text to copy to the kill  buffer.   The  cursor,
          the  mark and the text on the command line are not used
          in this case.

     copy-prev-word (ESC-^_) (unbound) (unbound)
          Duplicate the word to the left of the cursor.

          Like copy-prev-word, but the word  is  found  by  using
          shell parsing, whereas copy-prev-word looks for blanks.
          This makes a difference when the  word  is  quoted  and
          contains spaces.

     vi-delete (unbound) (d) (unbound)
          Read  a  movement  command  from the keyboard, and kill
          from the cursor position to the endpoint of  the  move-
          ment.   If  the  command is vi-delete, kill the current

          Delete the character under the cursor.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     vi-delete-char (unbound) (x) (unbound)
          Delete the character under the  cursor,  without  going
          past the end of the line.

          Delete the current word.

     down-case-word (ESC-L ESC-l) (unbound) (unbound)
          Convert the current word to all lowercase and move past

     kill-word (ESC-D ESC-d) (unbound) (unbound)
          Kill the current word.

          Exchange the two characters behind the cursor.

     vi-indent (unbound) (>) (unbound)
          Indent a number of lines.

     vi-insert (unbound) (i) (unbound)
          Enter insert mode.

     vi-insert-bol (unbound) (I) (unbound)
          Move to the first non-blank character on the  line  and
          enter insert mode.

     vi-join (^X^J) (J) (unbound)
          Join the current line with the next one.

     kill-line (^K) (unbound) (unbound)
          Kill  from  the  cursor  to  the  end  of the line.  If
          already on the end of the line, kill the newline  char-

     vi-kill-line (unbound) (unbound) (^U)
          Kill  from  the cursor back to wherever insert mode was
          last entered.

     vi-kill-eol (unbound) (D) (unbound)
          Kill from the cursor to the end of the line.

          Kill from the cursor to the mark.

     kill-buffer (^X^K) (unbound) (unbound)
          Kill the entire buffer.

     kill-whole-line (^U) (unbound) (unbound)
          Kill the current line.

     vi-match-bracket (^X^B) (%) (unbound)

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Move to the bracket character (one of  {},  ()  or  [])
          that  matches  the one under the cursor.  If the cursor
          is not on a bracket  character,  move  forward  without
          going past the end of the line to find one, and then go
          to the matching bracket.

     vi-open-line-above (unbound) (O) (unbound)
          Open a line above the cursor and enter insert mode.

     vi-open-line-below (unbound) (o) (unbound)
          Open a line below the cursor and enter insert mode.

          Read a movement command from the keyboard, and swap the
          case  of all characters from the cursor position to the
          endpoint of the movement.  If the movement  command  is
          vi-oper-swap-case,  swap  the case of all characters on
          the current line.

     overwrite-mode (^X^O) (unbound) (unbound)
          Toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode.

     vi-put-before (unbound) (P) (unbound)
          Insert the contents of the kill buffer before the  cur-
          sor.   If  the kill buffer contains a sequence of lines
          (as opposed to characters), paste it above the  current

     vi-put-after (unbound) (p) (unbound)
          Insert  the  contents of the kill buffer after the cur-
          sor.  If the kill buffer contains a sequence  of  lines
          (as  opposed to characters), paste it below the current

     quoted-insert (^V) (unbound) (unbound)
          Insert the next character typed into the buffer  liter-
          ally.  An interrupt character will not be inserted.

     vi-quoted-insert (unbound) (unbound) (^Q ^V)
          Display  a  `^'  at the cursor position, and insert the
          next character typed into  the  buffer  literally.   An
          interrupt character will not be inserted.

     quote-line (ESC-') (unbound) (unbound)
          Quote the current line; that is, put a `'' character at
          the beginning and the end, and convert all `''  charac-
          ters to `'\'''.

     quote-region (ESC-") (unbound) (unbound)
          Quote the region from the cursor to the mark.

     vi-replace (unbound) (R) (unbound)

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Enter overwrite mode.

     vi-repeat-change (unbound) (.) (unbound)
          Repeat  the last vi mode text modification.  If a count
          was used with the modification, it is remembered.  If a
          count is given to this command, it overrides the remem-
          bered count, and is remembered for future uses of  this
          command.   The  cut  buffer  specification is similarly

     vi-replace-chars (unbound) (r) (unbound)
          Replace the character under the cursor with a character
          read from the keyboard.

ters and some control characters)
     self-insert  (printable  characters) (unbound) (printable
          Insert  a character into the buffer at the cursor posi-

     self-insert-unmeta (ESC-^I ESC-^J ESC-^M) (unbound)
          Insert  a character into the buffer after stripping the
          meta bit and converting ^M to ^J.

     vi-substitute (unbound) (s) (unbound)
          Substitute the next character(s).

     vi-swap-case (unbound) (~) (unbound)
          Swap the case of the character  under  the  cursor  and
          move past it.

     transpose-chars (^T) (unbound) (unbound)
          Exchange  the  two characters to the left of the cursor
          if at end of line, else exchange  the  character  under
          the cursor with the character to the left.

     transpose-words (ESC-T ESC-t) (unbound) (unbound)
          Exchange the current word with the one before it.

     vi-unindent (unbound) (<) (unbound)
          Unindent a number of lines.

     up-case-word (ESC-U ESC-u) (unbound) (unbound)
          Convert  the current word to all caps and move past it.

     yank (^Y) (unbound) (unbound)
          Insert the contents of the kill buffer  at  the  cursor

     yank-pop (ESC-y) (unbound) (unbound)
          Remove  the text just yanked, rotate the kill-ring (the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          history of previously killed text)  and  yank  the  new
          top.  Only works following yank or yank-pop.

     vi-yank (unbound) (y) (unbound)
          Read a movement command from the keyboard, and copy the
          region from the cursor position to the endpoint of  the
          movement  into  the  kill  buffer.   If  the command is
          vi-yank, copy the current line.

     vi-yank-whole-line (unbound) (Y) (unbound)
          Copy the current line into the kill buffer.

          Copy the region from the cursor position to the end  of
          the  line into the kill buffer.  Arguably, this is what
          Y should do in vi, but it isn't what it actually  does.

     digit-argument (ESC-0..ESC-9) (1-9) (unbound)
          Start  a  new  numeric  argument, or add to the current
          one.   See  also  vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line.   This
          only works if bound to a key sequence ending in a deci-
          mal digit.

          Inside a widget  function,  a  call  to  this  function
          treats  the  last  key of the key sequence which called
          the widget as the digit.

     neg-argument (ESC--) (unbound) (unbound)
          Changes the sign of the following argument.

          Multiply the argument of the next command by 4.  Alter-
          natively,  if  this  command  is followed by an integer
          (positive or negative), use that as  the  argument  for
          the next command.  Thus digits cannot be repeated using
          this command.  For  example,  if  this  command  occurs
          twice,  followed immediately by forward-char, move for-
          ward sixteen spaces; if instead it is followed  by  -2,
          then forward-char, move backward two spaces.

          Inside  a  widget function, if passed an argument, i.e.
          `zle universal-argument num',  the  numerical  argument
          will   be   set   to   num;   this   is  equivalent  to

          Use the existing numeric argument as  a  numeric  base,
          which  must  be in the range 2 to 36 inclusive.  Subse-
          quent use of digit-argument and universal-argument will
          input  a new prefix in the given base.  The usual hexa-
          decimal  convention  is  used:  the  letter  a   or   A

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          corresponds  to  10,  and  so  on.   Arguments in bases
          requiring digits from 10 upwards are more  conveniently
          input with universal-argument, since ESC-a etc. are not
          usually bound to digit-argument.

          The function can be used with a command argument inside
          a  user-defined  widget.   The  following code sets the
          base to 16 and lets the user input a hexadecimal  argu-
          ment until a key out of the digit range is typed:

               zle argument-base 16
               zle universal-argument

          In  a  menu  completion,  insert the current completion
          into the buffer, and advance to the next possible  com-

          Attempt completion on the current word.

     delete-char-or-list (^D) (unbound) (unbound)
          Delete  the  character under the cursor.  If the cursor
          is at the end of the line,  list  possible  completions
          for the current word.

          Expand the current command to its full pathname.

     expand-or-complete (TAB) (unbound) (TAB)
          Attempt  shell  expansion on the current word.  If that
          fails, attempt completion.

          Attempt shell expansion on the current word up to  cur-

     expand-history (ESC-space ESC-!) (unbound) (unbound)
          Perform history expansion on the edit buffer.

     expand-word (^X*) (unbound) (unbound)
          Attempt shell expansion on the current word.

     list-choices (ESC-^D) (^D =) (^D)
          List possible completions for the current word.

     list-expand (^Xg ^XG) (^G) (^G)
          List the expansion of the current word.

          Perform  history  expansion and insert a space into the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          buffer.  This is intended to be bound to space.

          Like complete-word,  except  that  menu  completion  is
          used.  See the MENU_COMPLETE option.

          Like expand-or-complete, except that menu completion is

          Perform menu  completion,  like  menu-complete,  except
          that  if a menu completion is already in progress, move
          to the previous completion rather than the next.

          When a previous completion displayed a list  below  the
          prompt,  this  widget  can  be  used to move the prompt
          below the list.

     accept-and-hold (ESC-A ESC-a) (unbound) (unbound)
          Push the contents of the buffer on the buffer stack and
          execute it.

          Execute  the  contents  of the buffer.  Then search the
          history list for a line matching the  current  one  and
          push the event following onto the buffer stack.

     accept-line (^J ^M) (^J ^M) (^J ^M)
          Finish  editing  the  buffer.  Normally this causes the
          buffer to be executed as a shell command.

     accept-line-and-down-history (^O) (unbound) (unbound)
          Execute the current line, and  push  the  next  history
          event on the buffer stack.

          If  the  previous  action added a suffix (space, slash,
          etc.) to the word on the command line, remove it.  Oth-
          erwise do nothing.  Removing the suffix ends any active
          menu completion or menu selection.

          This widget is intended to be called from  user-defined
          widgets to enforce a desired suffix-removal behavior.

          If  the  previous  action added a suffix (space, slash,
          etc.) to the word on the command line, force it  to  be
          preserved.  Otherwise do nothing.  Retaining the suffix
          ends any active menu completion or menu selection.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          This widget is intended to be called from  user-defined
          widgets to enforce a desired suffix-preservation behav-

     beep Beep, unless the BEEP option is unset.

     vi-cmd-mode (^X^V) (unbound) (^[)
          Enter command mode; that is, select the `vicmd' keymap.
          Yes, this is bound by default in emacs mode.

          Hang  until  any lowercase key is pressed.  This is for
          vi users without the mental capacity to keep  track  of
          their caps lock key (like the author).

     clear-screen (^L ESC-^L) (^L) (^L)
          Clear the screen and redraw the prompt.

          Reads a key sequence, then prints the function bound to
          that sequence.

     exchange-point-and-mark (^X^X) (unbound) (unbound)
          Exchange the cursor position (point) with the  position
          of  the  mark.   Unless  a  negative prefix argument is
          given, the region between point and mark  is  activated
          so  that it can be highlighted.  If a zero prefix argu-
          ment is given, the region is activated  but  point  and
          mark are not swapped.

     execute-named-cmd (ESC-x) (:) (unbound)
          Read  the  name of an editor command and execute it.  A
          restricted set of editing functions is available in the
          mini-buffer.  Keys are looked up in the special command
          keymap, and if not found there in the main keymap.   An
          interrupt  signal, as defined by the stty setting, will
          abort the function.  Note  that  the  following  always
          perform  the  same  task  within the executed-named-cmd
          environment and cannot be replaced by user defined wid-
          gets,  nor  can  the set of functions be extended.  The
          allowed functions are:  backward-delete-char,  vi-back-
          ward-delete-char,        clear-screen,       redisplay,
          quoted-insert,  vi-quoted-insert,   backward-kill-word,
          vi-backward-kill-word,  kill-whole-line,  vi-kill-line,
          backward-kill-line, list-choices,  delete-char-or-list,
          complete-word,   accept-line,   expand-or-complete  and

          kill-region kills the last  word,  and  vi-cmd-mode  is
          treated  the  same  as  accept-line.  The space and tab
          characters, if not bound to  one  of  these  functions,
          will  complete the name and then list the possibilities

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          if the AUTO_LIST option is set.   Any  other  character
          that  is not bound to self-insert or self-insert-unmeta
          will beep and be ignored.  The bindings of the  current
          insert mode will be used.

          Currently  this  command may not be redefined or called
          by name.

     execute-last-named-cmd (ESC-z) (unbound) (unbound)
          Redo the last function executed with execute-named-cmd.

          Currently  this  command may not be redefined or called
          by name.

     get-line (ESC-G ESC-g) (unbound) (unbound)
          Pop the top line off the buffer stack and insert it  at
          the cursor position.

     pound-insert (unbound) (#) (unbound)
          If  there  is  no  #  character at the beginning of the
          buffer, add one to the  beginning  of  each  line.   If
          there  is  one, remove a # from each line that has one.
          In either case, accept the current line.  The  INTERAC-
          TIVE_COMMENTS  option  must be set for this to have any

          If there is no # character at the beginning of the cur-
          rent  line,  add one.  If there is one, remove it.  The
          INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS option must be  set  for  this  to
          have any usefulness.

          Push  the  entire  current multiline construct onto the
          buffer stack and return to the top-level (PS1)  prompt.
          If  the current parser construct is only a single line,
          this is exactly like push-line.  Next time  the  editor
          starts  up  or  is  popped with get-line, the construct
          will be popped off the top  of  the  buffer  stack  and
          loaded into the editing buffer.

     push-line (^Q ESC-Q ESC-q) (unbound) (unbound)
          Push the current buffer onto the buffer stack and clear
          the buffer.  Next time the editor starts up, the buffer
          will  be  popped  off  the  top of the buffer stack and
          loaded into the editing buffer.

          At the top-level (PS1) prompt, equivalent to push-line.
          At  a  secondary  (PS2) prompt, move the entire current
          multiline construct into the editor buffer.  The latter
          is equivalent to push-input followed by get-line.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          Only useful from a user-defined widget.  A keystroke is
          read just as in normal operation, but  instead  of  the
          command  being  executed  the  name of the command that
          would be executed is  stored  in  the  shell  parameter
          REPLY.   This  can  be used as the argument of a future
          zle command.  If the key sequence is not bound,  status
          1  is  returned;  typically,  however,  REPLY is set to
          undefined-key to indicate a useless key sequence.

          Only useful from a user-defined widget.  At this  point
          in  the  function, the editor regains control until one
          of the standard widgets which would normally cause  zle
          to exit (typically an accept-line caused by hitting the
          return key) is executed.  Instead, control  returns  to
          the   user-defined  widget.   The  status  returned  is
          non-zero if the return was caused by an error, but  the
          function  still  continues executing and hence may tidy
          up.  This makes it safe for the user-defined widget  to
          alter the command line or key bindings temporarily.

          The  following widget, caps-lock, serves as an example.
               self-insert-ucase() {

               integer stat

               zle -N self-insert self-insert-ucase
               zle -A caps-lock save-caps-lock
               zle -A accept-line caps-lock

               zle recursive-edit

               zle -A .self-insert self-insert
               zle -A save-caps-lock caps-lock
               zle -D save-caps-lock

               (( stat )) && zle send-break

               return $stat

          This causes typed letters to  be  inserted  capitalised
          until  either  accept-line  (i.e.  typically the return
          key) is typed or the caps-lock widget is invoked again;
          the  later  is  handled by saving the old definition of
          caps-lock as save-caps-lock and then  rebinding  it  to
          invoke accept-line.  Note that an error from the recur-
          sive edit is detected as a non-zero return  status  and
          propagated by using the send-break widget.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     redisplay (unbound) (^R) (^R)
          Redisplays the edit buffer.

     reset-prompt (unbound) (unbound) (unbound)
          Force  the  prompts  on  both the left and right of the
          screen to  be  re-expanded,  then  redisplay  the  edit
          buffer.  This reflects changes both to the prompt vari-
          ables themselves and changes in the  expansion  of  the
          values  (for  example, changes in time or directory, or
          changes to the value of variables referred  to  by  the

          Otherwise,  the  prompt  is only expanded each time zle
          starts, and when the display  as  been  interrupted  by
          output  from  another  part of the shell (such as a job
          notification) which  causes  the  command  line  to  be

     send-break (^G ESC-^G) (unbound) (unbound)
          Abort   the   current   editor   function,   e.g.  exe-
          cute-named-command, or the editor itself, e.g.  if  you
          are  in  vared. Otherwise abort the parsing of the cur-
          rent line; in this case the aborted line  is  available
          in the shell variable ZLE_LINE_ABORTED.

     run-help (ESC-H ESC-h) (unbound) (unbound)
          Push  the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute the
          command `run-help cmd', where cmd is the  current  com-
          mand.  run-help is normally aliased to man.

     vi-set-buffer (unbound) (") (unbound)
          Specify  a  buffer to be used in the following command.
          There are 35 buffers that  can  be  specified:  the  26
          `named'  buffers "a to "z and the nine `queued' buffers
          "1 to "9.  The named buffers can also be  specified  as
          "A to "Z.

          When  a buffer is specified for a cut command, the text
          being cut replaces the previous contents of the  speci-
          fied  buffer.   If  a named buffer is specified using a
          capital, the newly cut text is appended to  the  buffer
          instead of overwriting it.

          If  no  buffer  is  specified  for a cut command, "1 is
          used, and the contents of "1 to  "8  are  each  shifted
          along one buffer; the contents of "9 is lost.

     vi-set-mark (unbound) (m) (unbound)
          Set the specified mark at the cursor position.

     set-mark-command (^@) (unbound) (unbound)
          Set  the mark at the cursor position.  If called with a

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          negative prefix argument, do not set the mark but deac-
          tivate  the  region so that it is no longer highlighted
          (it is still usable for other purposes).  Otherwise the
          region is marked as active.

     spell-word (ESC-$ ESC-S ESC-s) (unbound) (unbound)
          Attempt spelling correction on the current word.

          This  command  is  executed when a key sequence that is
          not bound to any  command  is  typed.   By  default  it

     undo (^_ ^Xu ^X^U) (unbound) (unbound)
          Incrementally  undo  the  last text modification.  When
          called from a user-defined widget,  takes  an  optional
          argument  indicating  a previous state of the undo his-
          tory as returned by the UNDO_CHANGE_NO variable;  modi-
          fications are undone until that state is reached.

     redo Incrementally redo undone text modifications.

     vi-undo-change (unbound) (u) (unbound)
          Undo the last text modification.  If repeated, redo the

     what-cursor-position (^X=) (unbound) (unbound)
          Print the character under the cursor, its  code  as  an
          octal, decimal and hexadecimal number, the current cur-
          sor position within the buffer and the  column  of  the
          cursor in the current line.

          Read  the name of an editor command and print the list-
          ing of key sequences that invoke the specified command.
          A  restricted  set of editing functions is available in
          the mini-buffer.  Keys are looked  up  in  the  special
          command  keymap,  and  if  not  found there in the main

     which-command (ESC-?) (unbound) (unbound)
          Push the buffer onto the buffer stack, and execute  the
          command  `which-command  cmd'. where cmd is the current
          command.  which-command is normally aliased to  whence.

     vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line (unbound) (0) (unbound)
          If  the last command executed was a digit as part of an
          argument, continue the  argument.   Otherwise,  execute


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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     The  line  editor has the ability to highlight characters or
     regions of the line that  have  a  particular  significance.
     This  is controlled by the array parameter zle_highlight, if
     it has been set by the user.

     If the parameter contains the single entry  none  all  high-
     lighting  is  turned  off.   Note  the  parameter  is  still
     expected to be an array.

     Otherwise each entry of the array should consist of  a  word
     indicating  a context for highlighting, then a colon, then a
     comma-separated list of the types of highlighting  to  apply
     in that context.

     The contexts available for highlighting are the following:

          Any  text  within  the command line not affected by any
          other highlighting.  Text outside the editable area  of
          the command line is not affected.

          When  one  of the incremental history search widgets is
          active, the area of the command  line  matched  by  the
          search string or pattern.

          The  region  between the cursor (point) and the mark as
          set with set-mark-command.  The region  is  only  high-
          lighted   if  it  is  active,  which  is  the  case  if
          set-mark-command or  exchange-point-and-mark  has  been
          called and the line has not been subsequently modified.
          The region can be deactivated by calling  set-mark-com-
          mand with a negative prefix argument, or reactivated by
          calling  exchange-point-and-mark  with  a  zero  prefix
          argument.   Note  that  whether  or  not  the region is
          active has no effect on its use within widgets, it sim-
          ply determines whether it is highlighted.

          Individual  characters  that  have  no direct printable
          representation but are shown in a special manner by the
          line editor.  These characters are described below.

          This  context is used in completion for characters that
          are marked as suffixes that will be removed if the com-
          pletion  ends  at  that point, the most obvious example
          being a slash (/) after a directory  name.   Note  that
          suffix removal is configurable; the circumstances under
          which the suffix will be removed may differ for differ-
          ent completions.

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     zle_highlight  may contain additional fields for controlling
     how terminal sequences to change colours are  output.   Each
     of  the following is followed by a colon and a string in the
     same form as for key bindings.  This will not  be  necessary
     for  the vast majority of terminals as the defaults shown in
     parentheses are widely used.

     fg_start_code (\e[3)
          The start of the escape  sequence  for  the  foreground
          colour.   This is followed by an ASCII digit represent-
          ing the colour.

     fg_default_code (9)
          The number to use instead of the colour  to  reset  the
          default foreground colour.

     fg_end_code (m)
          The  end  of  the  escape  sequence  for the foreground

     bg_start_code (\e[4)
          The start of the escape  sequence  for  the  background
          colour.   This is followed by an ASCII digit represent-
          ing the colour.

     bg_default_code (9)
          The number to use instead of the colour  to  reset  the
          default background colour.

     bg_end_code (m)
          The  end  of  the  escape  sequence  for the background

     The available types of highlighting are the following.  Note
     that not all types of highlighting are available on all ter-

     none No highlighting is applied to the given context.  It is
          not useful for this to appear with other types of high-
          lighting; it is used to override a default.

          The foreground colour should be set to colour, a  deci-
          mal  integer  or  the  name  of  one  of the eight most
          widely-supported colours.

          Not all terminals support this and, of those  that  do,
          not  all  provide facilities to test the support, hence
          the user should decide  based  on  the  terminal  type.
          Most  terminals  support the colours black, red, green,
          yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white, which can be set
          by  name.   In addition. default may be used to set the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          terminal's default  foreground  colour.   Abbreviations
          are allowed; b or bl selects black.  Some terminals may
          generate additional colours if the  bold  attribute  is
          also present.

          On  recent  terminals and on systems with an up-to-date
          terminal database the number of colours  supported  may
          be tested by the command `echotc Co'; if this succeeds,
          it indicates a limit on the  number  of  colours  which
          will  be  enforced  by  the line editor.  The number of
          colours is in any case limited to 256 (i.e. the range 0
          to 255).

          Colour is also known as color.

          The  background  colour  should be set to colour.  This
          works similarly to the foreground  colour,  except  the
          background   is   not  usually  affected  by  the  bold

     bold The characters in the given context are shown in a bold
          font.  Not all terminals distinguish bold fonts.

          The  characters  in  the given context are shown in the
          terminal's standout mode.  The actual  effect  is  spe-
          cific  to the terminal; on many terminals it is inverse
          video.  On some such terminals, where the  cursor  does
          not blink it appears with standout mode negated, making
          it less than clear where the cursor  actually  is.   On
          such  terminals one of the other effects may be prefer-
          able for highlighting the  region  and  matched  search

          The  characters  in  the given context are shown under-
          lined.  Some terminals show the foreground in a differ-
          ent colour instead; in this case whitespace will not be

     The characters described above as `special' are as  follows.
     The  formatting  described  here  is  used  irrespective  of
     whether the characters are highlighted:

     ASCII control characters
          Control characters in the ASCII range are shown as  `^'
          followed by the base character.

     Unprintable multibyte characters
          This  item  applies  to  control  characters not in the
          ASCII range, plus other characters as follows.  If  the

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

          MULTIBYTE option is in effect, multibyte characters not
          in the ASCII character set that are reported as  having
          zero width are treated as combining characters when the
          option COMBINING_CHARS is on.  If the option is off, or
          if  a  character appears where a combining character is
          not valid, the character is treated as unprintable.

          Unprintable multibyte characters are shown as  a  hexa-
          decimal  number  between angle brackets.  The number is
          the code point of the character in the  wide  character
          set;  this  may or may not be Unicode, depending on the
          operating system.

     Invalid multibyte characters
          If the MULTIBYTE option is in effect, any  sequence  of
          one  or more bytes that does not form a valid character
          in the current character set is treated as a series  of
          bytes each shown as a special character.  This case can
          be distinguished from other unprintable  characters  as
          the  bytes  are  represented  as two hexadecimal digits
          between angle brackets, as distinct from  the  four  or
          eight  digits  that are used for unprintable characters
          that are nonetheless valid  in  the  current  character

          Not  all systems support this: for it to work, the sys-
          tem's representation of wide characters  must  be  code
          values  from the Universal Character Set, as defined by
          IS0 10646 (also known as Unicode).

     Wrapped double-width characters
          When a double-width character appears in the final col-
          umn  of  a  line, it is instead shown on the next line.
          The empty space left in the original position is  high-
          lighted as a special character.

     If zle_highlight is not set or no value applies to a partic-
     ular context, the defaults applied are equivalent to

          zle_highlight=(region:standout special:standout
          suffix:bold isearch:underline)

     i.e. both the region and special  characters  are  shown  in
     standout mode.

     Within widgets, arbitrary regions may be highlighted by set-
     ting  the  special  array  parameter  region_highlight;  see

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

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User Commands                                           ZSHZLE(1)

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                45

User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPWID(1)

     zshcompwid - zsh completion widgets

     The shell's programmable completion mechanism can be manipu-
     lated in two ways; here the  low-level  features  supporting
     the newer, function-based mechanism are defined.  A complete
     set of shell functions based on these features is  described
     in  zshcompsys(1),  and  users with no interest in adding to
     that system (or, potentially, writing their own -- see  dic-
     tionary entry for `hubris') should skip the current section.
     The older system based on the  compctl  builtin  command  is
     described in zshcompctl(1).

     Completion  widgets  are defined by the -C option to the zle
     builtin command provided by the  zsh/zle  module  (see  zsh-
     zle(1)). For example,

          zle -C complete expand-or-complete completer

     defines  a  widget named `complete'.  The second argument is
     the name of any of the builtin widgets that  handle  comple-
     tions:   complete-word,  expand-or-complete,  expand-or-com-
     plete-prefix,    menu-complete,     menu-expand-or-complete,
     reverse-menu-complete, list-choices, or delete-char-or-list.
     Note that this will still work even if the widget  in  ques-
     tion has been re-bound.

     When  this  newly defined widget is bound to a key using the
     bindkey builtin command defined in the zsh/zle  module  (see
     zshzle(1)),  typing  that  key  will call the shell function
     `completer'. This function is responsible for generating the
     possible  matches  using  the  builtins described below.  As
     with other ZLE widgets, the  function  is  called  with  its
     standard input closed.

     Once  the  function  returns, the completion code takes over
     control again and treats the matches in the same  manner  as
     the  specified  builtin  widget, in this case expand-or-com-

     The parameters  ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS  and  ZLE_SPACE_SUF-
     FIX_CHARS  are used by the completion mechanism, but are not
     special.  See Parameters Used By The Shell in zshparam(1).

     Inside completion widgets, and  any  functions  called  from
     them,  some  parameters  have special meaning; outside these
     functions they are not special to  the  shell  in  any  way.
     These  parameters  are  used to pass information between the
     completion code and  the  completion  widget.  Some  of  the
     builtin  commands  and the condition codes use or change the

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPWID(1)

     current values of these  parameters.   Any  existing  values
     will  be  hidden  during  execution  of  completion widgets;
     except for compstate, the parameters are reset on each func-
     tion  exit  (including nested function calls from within the
     completion widget) to the values they had when the  function
     was entered.

          This  is  the number of the current word, i.e. the word
          the cursor is currently on in the  words  array.   Note
          that this value is only correct if the ksharrays option
          is not set.

          Initially this will be set to the empty  string.   This
          parameter  functions  like PREFIX; it contains a string
          which precedes the one in PREFIX and is not  considered
          part  of  the  list of matches.  Typically, a string is
          transferred from the beginning of PREFIX to the end  of
          IPREFIX, for example:


          causes  the  part of the prefix up to and including the
          first equal sign not to be treated as part of a matched
          string.   This can be done automatically by the compset
          builtin, see below.

          As IPREFIX, but for a suffix that should not be consid-
          ered  part of the matches; note that the ISUFFIX string
          follows the SUFFIX string.

          Initially this will be set to the part of  the  current
          word  from the beginning of the word up to the position
          of the cursor; it may be altered to give a common  pre-
          fix for all matches.

          This  parameter  is  read-only  and contains the quoted
          string up to the word being completed. E.g.  when  com-
          pleting  `"foo',  this  parameter  contains  the double
          quote. If the -q option of compset is used (see below),
          and  the original string was `"foo bar' with the cursor
          on the `bar', this parameter contains `"foo '.

          Like QIPREFIX, but containing the suffix.


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          Initially this will be set to the part of  the  current
          word  from  the  cursor  position to the end; it may be
          altered to give a common suffix for all matches.  It is
          most useful when the option COMPLETE_IN_WORD is set, as
          otherwise the whole word on the command line is treated
          as a prefix.

          This is an associative array with various keys and val-
          ues that the completion code uses to exchange  informa-
          tion with the completion widget.  The keys are:

               The  -q option of the compset builtin command (see
               below) allows a quoted string to  be  broken  into
               separate  words;  if the cursor is on one of those
               words,  that  word  will  be  completed,  possibly
               invoking  `compset -q' recursively.  With this key
               it is possible to test the types of quoted strings
               which  are  currently  broken  into  parts in this
               fashion.  Its value  contains  one  character  for
               each  quoting  level.  The characters are a single
               quote or a double quote for  strings  quoted  with
               these  characters,  a  dollars  sign  for  strings
               quoted with $'...' and a backslash for strings not
               starting  with a quote character.  The first char-
               acter in  the  value  always  corresponds  to  the
               innermost quoting level.

               This  will  be  set  by the completion code to the
               overall context in which completion is  attempted.
               Possible values are:

                    when  completing inside the value of an array
                    parameter assignment; in this case the  words
                    array contains the words inside the parenthe-

                    when completing the name of a parameter in  a
                    parameter  expansion beginning with ${.  This
                    context will  also  be  set  when  completing
                    parameter  flags following ${(; the full com-
                    mand line argument is presented and the  han-
                    dler  must  test the value to be completed to
                    ascertain that this is the case.

                    when completing the name of a parameter in  a
                    parameter assignment.

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                    when  completing for a normal command (either
                    in command position or for an argument of the

                    when  completing  inside  a  `[[...]]' condi-
                    tional expression; in  this  case  the  words
                    array contains only the words inside the con-
                    ditional expression.

               math when completing in a mathematical environment
                    such as a `((...))' construct.

                    when  completing the name of a parameter in a
                    parameter expansion beginning with $ but  not

                    when completing after a redirection operator.

                    when completing inside a parameter subscript.

                    when  completing  the  value  of  a parameter

               Controls the behaviour when the  REC_EXACT  option
               is  set.   It  will  be  set to accept if an exact
               match would be accepted, and will be unset  other-

               If it was set when at least one match equal to the
               string on the line was  generated,  the  match  is

               The  string  of  an  exact match if one was found,
               otherwise unset.

               The number of words that were ignored because they
               matched  one  of  the  patterns  given with the -F
               option to the compadd builtin command.

               This controls the  manner  in  which  a  match  is
               inserted  into  the command line.  On entry to the
               widget function, if it is unset the  command  line

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               is  not  to be changed; if set to unambiguous, any
               prefix common to all matches is to be inserted; if
               set  to automenu-unambiguous, the common prefix is
               to be inserted and the next invocation of the com-
               pletion code may start menu completion (due to the
               AUTO_MENU option being set); if  set  to  menu  or
               automenu  menu  completion will be started for the
               matches currently generated (in  the  latter  case
               this  will  happen  because the AUTO_MENU is set).
               The value may also contain the string  `tab'  when
               the  completion  code would normally not really do
               completion, but only insert the TAB character.

               On exit it may be set to any of the  values  above
               (where  setting it to the empty string is the same
               as unsetting it), or to a number,  in  which  case
               the  match  whose number is given will be inserted
               into the command  line.   Negative  numbers  count
               backward  from the last match (with `-1' selecting
               the  last  match)  and  out-of-range  values   are
               wrapped  around,  so  that a value of zero selects
               the last match and a value one more than the maxi-
               mum  selects  the  first. Unless the value of this
               key ends in a space, the match is inserted as in a
               menu   completion,   i.e.   without  automatically
               appending a space.

               Both menu and automenu may also specify the number
               of  the match to insert, given after a colon.  For
               example, `menu:2' says to start  menu  completion,
               beginning with the second match.

               Note  that  a value containing the substring `tab'
               makes the matches generated be  ignored  and  only
               the TAB be inserted.

               Finally,  it  may  also be set to all, which makes
               all matches generated be inserted into the line.

               When the completion system inserts an  unambiguous
               string into the line, there may be multiple places
               where characters are missing or where the  charac-
               ter inserted differs from at least one match.  The
               value of this key contains a colon separated  list
               of  all  these positions, as indexes into the com-
               mand line.

               If this is set to a  non-empty  string  for  every
               match  added,  the  completion  code will move the
               cursor back to the previous prompt after the  list

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               of completions has been displayed.  Initially this
               is    set    or    unset    according    to    the
               ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option.

          list This  controls  whether or how the list of matches
               will be displayed.  If it is unset or  empty  they
               will  never  be  listed;  if its value begins with
               list, they will always be  listed;  if  it  begins
               with  autolist  or  ambiguous, they will be listed
               when  the  AUTO_LIST  or  LIST_AMBIGUOUS   options
               respectively would normally cause them to be.

               If  the substring force appears in the value, this
               makes the list be shown even if there is only  one
               match.  Normally,  the list would be shown only if
               there are at least two matches.

               The value contains the  substring  packed  if  the
               LIST_PACKED  option  is  set. If this substring is
               given for all matches added to a group, this group
               will  show  the  LIST_PACKED behavior. The same is
               done for the LIST_ROWS_FIRST option with the  sub-
               string rows.

               Finally, if the value contains the string explana-
               tions, only the explanation strings, if any,  will
               be  listed  and  if it contains messages, only the
               messages (added with the  -x  option  of  compadd)
               will  be listed.  If it contains both explanations
               and messages both  kinds  of  explanation  strings
               will  be  listed.  It will be set appropriately on
               entry to a completion widget and  may  be  changed

               This  gives the number of lines that are needed to
               display the full list of completions.   Note  that
               to  calculate the total number of lines to display
               you need to add the number of lines needed for the
               command  line  to this value, this is available as
               the value of the BUFFERLINES special parameter.

               Initially this is set to the value of the  LISTMAX
               parameter.  It may be set to any other value; when
               the widget exits this value will be  used  in  the
               same way as the value of LISTMAX.

               The  number  of  matches generated and accepted by
               the completion code so far.

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               On entry to the widget this will  be  set  to  the
               number  of the match of an old list of completions
               that is currently inserted into the command  line.
               If no match has been inserted, this is unset.

               As  with old_list, the value of this key will only
               be used if it is the string keep. If it was set to
               this  value  by  the  widget  and there was an old
               match inserted into the command line,  this  match
               will  be  kept  and if the value of the insert key
               specifies that another match should  be  inserted,
               this will be inserted after the old one.

               This  is set to yes if there is still a valid list
               of completions from a previous completion  at  the
               time  the widget is invoked.  This will usually be
               the case if and only if the previous editing oper-
               ation  was  a  completion  widget  or  one  of the
               builtin completion functions.  If there is a valid
               list and it is also currently shown on the screen,
               the value of this key is shown.

               After the widget has exited the value of this  key
               is  only used if it was set to keep.  In this case
               the completion code will continue to use this  old
               list.   If  the widget generated new matches, they
               will not be used.

               The name of the parameter  when  completing  in  a
               subscript  or  in the value of a parameter assign-

               Normally this is set to menu, which specifies that
               menu  completion  will  be  used whenever a set of
               matches was generated using pattern matching.   If
               it  is  set  to  any other non-empty string by the
               user and menu completion is not selected by  other
               option  settings, the code will instead insert any
               common prefix for the generated  matches  as  with
               normal completion.

               Locally   controls  the  behaviour  given  by  the
               GLOB_COMPLETE option.  Initially it is set to  `*'
               if  and only if the option is set.  The completion
               widget may set it  to  this  value,  to  an  empty
               string  (which  has  the  same effect as unsetting
               it), or to any other non-empty string.  If  it  is

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               non-empty,  unquoted metacharacters on the command
               line will be treated as patterns; if  it  is  `*',
               then additionally a wildcard `*' is assumed at the
               cursor  position;  if  it  is  empty   or   unset,
               metacharacters will be treated literally.

               Note  that the matcher specifications given to the
               compadd builtin command are not used  if  this  is
               set to a non-empty string.

               When  completing  inside quotes, this contains the
               quotation character (i.e. either a single quote, a
               double  quote,  or  a  backtick).  Otherwise it is

               When completing inside single quotes, this is  set
               to  the  string  single; inside double quotes, the
               string double; inside backticks, the string  back-
               tick.  Otherwise it is unset.

               The  redirection operator when completing in a re-
               direction position, i.e. one of <, >, etc.

               This is set to auto before a function is  entered,
               which  forces  the  special  parameters  mentioned
               above (words, CURRENT,  PREFIX,  IPREFIX,  SUFFIX,
               and ISUFFIX) to be restored to their previous val-
               ues when  the  function  exits.    If  a  function
               unsets  it  or  sets  it to any other string, they
               will not be restored.

               Specifies the occasions on  which  the  cursor  is
               moved  to  the  end  of  a  string when a match is
               inserted.  On entry to a widget function,  it  may
               be  single if this will happen when a single unam-
               biguous match was inserted or  match  if  it  will
               happen  any time a match is inserted (for example,
               by menu completion;  this  is  likely  to  be  the
               effect of the ALWAYS_TO_END option).

               On exit, it may be set to single as above.  It may
               also be set to always, or to the empty  string  or
               unset;  in those cases the cursor will be moved to
               the end of the  string  always  or  never  respec-
               tively.  Any other string is treated as match.


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               This  key  is  read-only and will always be set to
               the common  (unambiguous)  prefix  the  completion
               code has generated for all matches added so far.

               This gives the position the cursor would be placed
               at if the common prefix  in  the  unambiguous  key
               were  inserted, relative to the value of that key.
               The cursor would be placed  before  the  character
               whose index is given by this key.

               This  contains  all  positions where characters in
               the unambiguous string are missing  or  where  the
               character  inserted  differs  from at least one of
               the matches.  The positions are given  as  indexes
               into  the  string  given by the value of the unam-
               biguous key.

               If completion is called while editing a line using
               the vared builtin, the value of this key is set to
               the name of the parameter given as an argument  to
               vared.  This key is only set while a vared command
               is active.

          This array contains the words present  on  the  command
          line currently being edited.

     compadd [ -akqQfenUld12C ] [ -F array ]
     [ -P prefix ] [ -S suffix ]
     [ -p hidden-prefix ] [ -s hidden-suffix ]
     [ -i ignored-prefix ] [ -I ignored-suffix ]
     [ -W file-prefix ] [ -d array ]
     [ -J name ] [ -V name ] [ -X explanation ] [ -x message ]
     [ -r remove-chars ] [ -R remove-func ]
     [ -D array ] [ -O array ] [ -A array ]
     [ -E number ]
     [ -M match-spec ] [ -- ] [ words ... ]

          This  builtin  command  can  be  used  to  add  matches
          directly and control all the information the completion
          code stores with each possible match. The return status
          is zero if at least one match was added and non-zero if
          no matches were added.

          The  completion code breaks the string to complete into
          seven fields in the order:

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          The first field is an ignored  prefix  taken  from  the
          command  line,  the  contents  of the IPREFIX parameter
          plus the string given with the -i option. With  the  -U
          option, only the string from the -i option is used. The
          field <apre> is an optional prefix  string  given  with
          the  -P  option.   The <hpre> field is a string that is
          considered part of the match but  that  should  not  be
          shown  when  listing  completions,  given  with  the -p
          option; for example, functions that do filename genera-
          tion  might  specify  a  common  path  prefix this way.
          <word> is the part of the match that should  appear  in
          the list of completions, i.e. one of the words given at
          the end of  the  compadd  command  line.  The  suffixes
          <hsuf>,  <asuf>  and  <isuf> correspond to the prefixes
          <hpre>, <apre> and <ipre> and are given by the  options
          -s, -S and -I, respectively.

          The supported flags are:

          -P prefix
               This  gives  a  string  to  be inserted before the
               given words.  The string given is  not  considered
               as  part of the match and any shell metacharacters
               in it will  not  be  quoted  when  the  string  is

          -S suffix
               Like  -P,  but gives a string to be inserted after
               the match.

          -p hidden-prefix
               This gives a string that should be  inserted  into
               the  command line before the match but that should
               not appear in the list of matches. Unless  the  -U
               option  is  given,  this string must be matched as
               part of the string on the command line.

          -s hidden-suffix
               Like `-p', but gives a string to insert after  the

          -i ignored-prefix
               This  gives  a  string  to insert into the command
               line just before any string given  with  the  `-P'
               option.   Without  `-P'  the  string  is  inserted
               before the string  given  with  `-p'  or  directly
               before the match.

          -I ignored-suffix
               Like -i, but gives an ignored suffix.

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          -a   With  this  flag  the  words are taken as names of
               arrays and the possible matches are their  values.
               If  only  some  elements of the arrays are needed,
               the words  may  also  contain  subscripts,  as  in

          -k   With  this  flag  the  words are taken as names of
               associative arrays and the  possible  matches  are
               their keys.  As for -a, the words may also contain
               subscripts, as in `foo[(R)*bar*]'.

          -d array
               This adds per-match  display  strings.  The  array
               should  contain  one  element  per word given. The
               completion code will then display the  first  ele-
               ment  instead  of  the  first word, and so on. The
               array may be given as the name of an array parame-
               ter or directly as a space-separated list of words
               in parentheses.

               If there are fewer display strings than words, the
               leftover  words will be displayed unchanged and if
               there are more display  strings  than  words,  the
               leftover display strings will be silently ignored.

          -l   This option only has an effect  if  used  together
               with  the  -d  option. If it is given, the display
               strings are listed one per line,  not  arrayed  in

          -o   This  option  only  has an effect if used together
               with the -d option.  If it is given, the order  of
               the  output  is  determined  by the match strings;
               otherwise it is determined by the display  strings
               (i.e. the strings given by the -d option).

          -J name
               Gives  the  name of the group of matches the words
               should be stored in.

          -V name
               Like -J but naming an unsorted group. These are in
               a  different  name  space than groups created with
               the -J flag.

          -1   If given together with the -V option,  makes  only
               consecutive duplicates in the group be removed. If
               combined with the -J option, this has  no  visible
               effect.  Note  that  groups  with and without this
               flag are in different name spaces.

          -2   If given together with the -J or -V option,  makes

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               all  duplicates  be  kept.  Again, groups with and
               without this flag are in different name spaces.

          -X explanation
               The explanation string will be  printed  with  the
               list   of   matches,  above  the  group  currently

          -x message
               Like -X, but the message will be printed  even  if
               there are no matches in the group.

          -q   The  suffix  given  with  -S will be automatically
               removed if the next character typed is a blank  or
               does  not  insert  anything, or if the suffix con-
               sists of only one character and the next character
               typed is the same character.

          -r remove-chars
               This  is  a  more versatile form of the -q option.
               The suffix given with -S or  the  slash  automati-
               cally  added  after completing directories will be
               automatically removed if the next character  typed
               inserts   one  of  the  characters  given  in  the
               remove-chars.  This string is parsed as a  charac-
               ters class and understands the backslash sequences
               used by  the  print  command.   For  example,  `-r
               "a-z\t"'  removes the suffix if the next character
               typed inserts a lower case character or a TAB, and
               `-r "^0-9"' removes the suffix if the next charac-
               ter typed inserts anything but a digit. One  extra
               backslash  sequence  is understood in this string:
               `\-' stands for all characters that  insert  noth-
               ing. Thus `-S "=" -q' is the same as `-S "=" -r "=

               This option  may  also  be  used  without  the  -S
               option; then any automatically added space will be
               removed when one of the characters in the list  is

          -R remove-func
               This is another form of the -r option. When a suf-
               fix has been inserted and the completion accepted,
               the  function remove-func will be called after the
               next character typed.  It is passed the length  of
               the  suffix as an argument and can use the special
               parameters available in ordinary  (non-completion)
               zle  widgets (see zshzle(1)) to analyse and modify
               the command line.

          -f   If this flag is given, all of  the  matches  built

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               from words are marked as being the names of files.
               They are not required to be actual filenames,  but
               if they are, and the option LIST_TYPES is set, the
               characters describing the types of  the  files  in
               the  completion  lists  will  be  shown. This also
               forces a slash to be added  when  the  name  of  a
               directory is completed.

          -e   This  flag can be used to tell the completion code
               that the matches added are parameter names  for  a
               parameter    expansion.   This   will   make   the
               AUTO_PARAM_SLASH and  AUTO_PARAM_KEYS  options  be
               used for the matches.

          -W file-prefix
               This  string  is a pathname that will be prepended
               to each of the matches formed by the  given  words
               together  with  any  prefix  specified  by  the -p
               option to form a complete  filename  for  testing.
               Hence  it  is  only useful if combined with the -f
               flag, as the tests  will  not  otherwise  be  per-

          -F array
               Specifies  an  array  containing  patterns.  Words
               matching one of these patterns are  ignored,  i.e.
               not considered to be possible matches.

               The array may be the name of an array parameter or
               a list of literal patterns enclosed in parentheses
               and  quoted, as in `-F "(*?.o *?.h)"'. If the name
               of an array is given, the elements  of  the  array
               are taken as the patterns.

          -Q   This  flag  instructs  the  completion code not to
               quote any metacharacters in the words when insert-
               ing them into the command line.

          -M match-spec
               This gives local match specifications as described
               below in the  section  `Completion  Matching  Con-
               trol'.  This  option  may be given more than once.
               In this case all match-specs  given  are  concate-
               nated  with spaces between them to form the speci-
               fication string to use.  Note that they will  only
               be used if the -U option is not given.

          -n   Specifies  that  the words added are to be used as
               possible matches, but are not  to  appear  in  the
               completion listing.

          -U   If  this  flag  is  given, all words given will be

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               accepted and no matching will be done by the  com-
               pletion  code.  Normally this is used in functions
               that do the matching themselves.

          -O array
               If this option is given, the words are  not  added
               to  the  set  of  possible  completions.  Instead,
               matching is done as usual and  all  of  the  words
               given  as  arguments  that match the string on the
               command line will be stored in the array parameter
               whose name is given as array.

          -A array
               As  the -O option, except that instead of those of
               the words which match being stored in  array,  the
               strings  generated  internally  by  the completion
               code are stored.  For  example,  with  a  matching
               specification  of  `-M "L:|no="', the string `nof'
               on the command line and the string `foo' as one of
               the  words,  this option stores the string `nofoo'
               in the array, whereas the  -O  option  stores  the
               `foo' originally given.

          -D array
               As  with -O, the words are not added to the set of
               possible  completions.   Instead,  the  completion
               code  tests whether each word in turn matches what
               is on the line.  If the nth word does  not  match,
               the nth element of the array is removed.  Elements
               for which the corresponding word  is  matched  are

          -C   This  option adds a special match which expands to
               all other matches when  inserted  into  the  line,
               even  those  that  are  added after this option is
               used.  Together with the -d option it is  possible
               to  specify  a  string that should be displayed in
               the list for this special match.  If no string  is
               given, it will be shown as a string containing the
               strings that  would  be  inserted  for  the  other
               matches, truncated to the width of the screen.

          -E   This  option  adds  number empty matches after the
               words have been added.  An empty  match  takes  up
               space  in  completion  listings  but will never be
               inserted in the line and can't  be  selected  with
               menu  completion  or  menu  selection.  This makes
               empty matches only  useful  to  format  completion
               lists  and  to make explanatory string be shown in
               completion lists (since empty matches can be given
               display  strings with the -d option).  And because
               all  but  one  empty  string  would  otherwise  be

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               removed, this option implies the -V and -2 options
               (even if an explicit -J option is given).

          --   This flag ends the list of flags and options.  All
               arguments  after  it will be taken as the words to
               use as matches even if they begin with hyphens.

          Except for the -M flag, if any of these flags is  given
          more  than  once, the first one (and its argument) will
          be used.

     compset -p number
     compset -P [ number ] pattern
     compset -s number
     compset -S [ number ] pattern
     compset -n begin [ end ]
     compset -N beg-pat [ end-pat ]
     compset -q
          This command simplifies  modification  of  the  special
          parameters,  while  its  return  status allows tests on
          them to be carried out.

          The options are:

          -p number
               If the contents of the PREFIX parameter is  longer
               than  number  characters, the first number charac-
               ters are removed from it and appended to the  con-
               tents of the IPREFIX parameter.

          -P [ number ] pattern
               If  the  value of the PREFIX parameter begins with
               anything that matches  the  pattern,  the  matched
               portion  is  removed  from  PREFIX and appended to

               Without the optional number, the longest match  is
               taken,  but if number is given, anything up to the
               numberth match is moved.  If the number  is  nega-
               tive,  the  numberth  longest  match is moved. For
               example, if PREFIX contains  the  string  `a=b=c',
               then  compset -P '*\=' will move the string `a=b='
               into the IPREFIX parameter, but compset -P 1 '*\='
               will move only the string `a='.

          -s number
               As  -p,  but  transfer  the last number characters
               from the value of SUFFIX to the front of the value
               of ISUFFIX.

          -S [ number ] pattern

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               As  -P,  but  match the last portion of SUFFIX and
               transfer the matched portion to the front  of  the
               value of ISUFFIX.

          -n begin [ end ]
               If  the  current word position as specified by the
               parameter CURRENT is  greater  than  or  equal  to
               begin,  anything up to the beginth word is removed
               from the words array and the value of the  parame-
               ter CURRENT is decremented by begin.

               If  the optional end is given, the modification is
               done only if the current  word  position  is  also
               less than or equal to end. In this case, the words
               from position end onwards are  also  removed  from
               the words array.

               Both  begin and end may be negative to count back-
               wards from the last element of the words array.

          -N beg-pat [ end-pat ]
               If one of the elements of the words  array  before
               the  one  at  the  index given by the value of the
               parameter CURRENT matches the pattern beg-pat, all
               elements  up to and including the matching one are
               removed from the words array and the value of CUR-
               RENT  is  changed to point to the same word in the
               changed array.

               If the optional pattern end-pat is also given, and
               there  is  an  element in the words array matching
               this pattern, the parameters are modified only  if
               the  index  of  this  word  is higher than the one
               given by the CURRENT parameter (so that the match-
               ing  word  has  to  be  after the cursor). In this
               case, the words starting  with  the  one  matching
               end-pat  are also removed from the words array. If
               words contains no word matching end-pat, the test-
               ing  and  modification  is performed as if it were
               not given.

          -q   The word currently being  completed  is  split  on
               spaces  into  separate words, respecting the usual
               shell quoting conventions.   The  resulting  words
               are  stored  in the words array, and CURRENT, PRE-
               FIX, SUFFIX, QIPREFIX, and QISUFFIX  are  modified
               to reflect the word part that is completed.

          In all the above cases the return status is zero if the
          test succeeded and the  parameters  were  modified  and
          non-zero otherwise. This allows one to use this builtin
          in tests such as:

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               if compset -P '*\='; then ...

          This forces anything up to and including the last equal
          sign to be ignored by the completion code.

     compcall [ -TD ]
          This  allows  the  use  of completions defined with the
          compctl builtin from within  completion  widgets.   The
          list  of  matches  will  be  generated as if one of the
          non-widget completion functions  (complete-word,  etc.)
          had  been  called,  except that only compctls given for
          specific commands are used. To force the  code  to  try
          completions  defined  with  the  -T  option  of compctl
          and/or the default completion (whether defined by  com-
          pctl  -D  or  the  builtin  default) in the appropriate
          places, the -T and/or -D flags can be passed  to  comp-

          The  return  status  can  be used to test if a matching
          compctl definition was found. It is non-zero if a  com-
          pctl was found and zero otherwise.

          Note  that  this  builtin is defined by the zsh/compctl

     The following additional condition codes for use within  the
     [[  ...  ]]  construct  are available in completion widgets.
     These work on the special parameters.  All  of  these  tests
     can  also  be  performed  by the compset builtin, but in the
     case of the condition codes  the  contents  of  the  special
     parameters are not modified.

     -prefix [ number ] pattern
          true  if  the  test  for the -P option of compset would

     -suffix [ number ] pattern
          true if the test for the -S  option  of  compset  would

     -after beg-pat
          true if the test of the -N option with only the beg-pat
          given would succeed.

     -between beg-pat end-pat
          true if the test for the -N option with  both  patterns
          would succeed.

     It  is  possible  by  use  of  the  -M option of the compadd
     builtin command to specify how the characters in the  string

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     to  be  completed (referred to here as the command line) map
     onto the characters in the list of matches produced  by  the
     completion code (referred to here as the trial completions).
     Note that this is not used if the command  line  contains  a
     glob pattern and the GLOB_COMPLETE option is set or the pat-
     tern_match of the compstate special association is set to  a
     non-empty string.

     The  match-spec  given as the argument to the -M option (see
     `Completion Builtin Commands' above) consists of one or more
     matching   descriptions   separated   by  whitespace.   Each
     description consists of a letter followed  by  a  colon  and
     then  the  patterns  describing which character sequences on
     the line match which character sequences in the  trial  com-
     pletion.   Any  sequence  of  characters not handled in this
     fashion must match exactly, as usual.

     The forms of match-spec understood are as follows.  In  each
     case,  the form with an upper case initial character retains
     the string already typed on the command line  as  the  final
     result  of completion, while with a lower case initial char-
     acter the string on the command line  is  changed  into  the
     corresponding part of the trial completion.

          Here,  lpat  is  a  pattern that matches on the command
          line, corresponding to tpat which matches in the  trial

          These  letters  are  for  patterns that are anchored by
          another pattern on the left side. Matching for lpat and
          tpat is as for m and M, but the pattern lpat matched on
          the command line must be preceded by the  pattern  lan-
          chor.   The lanchor can be blank to anchor the match to
          the start of the command  line  string;  otherwise  the
          anchor  can  occur anywhere, but must match in both the
          command line and trial completion strings.

          If no lpat is given but a ranchor is, this matches  the
          gap  between substrings matched by lanchor and ranchor.
          Unlike lanchor, the ranchor only  needs  to  match  the
          trial completion string.

          The  b and B forms are similar to l and L with an empty
          anchor, but need to match only  the  beginning  of  the

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPWID(1)

          trial  completion  or  the  word  on  the command line,

          As l, L, b and B, with the difference that the  command
          line  and trial completion patterns are anchored on the
          right side.  Here an empty ranchor  and  the  e  and  E
          forms  force  the match to the end of the trial comple-
          tion or command line string.

     Each lpat, tpat or anchor is either an empty string or  con-
     sists  of  a  sequence  of  literal characters (which may be
     quoted with a backslash), question marks, character classes,
     and  correspondence classes; ordinary shell patterns are not
     used.  Literal characters match  only  themselves,  question
     marks  match any character, and character classes are formed
     as for globbing and match any character in the given set.

     Correspondence classes are defined like  character  classes,
     but  with  two  differences: they are delimited by a pair of
     braces, and negated classes are not allowed, so the  charac-
     ters  !  and  ^  have  no special meaning directly after the
     opening brace.  They indicate that a range of characters  on
     the  line  match  a range of characters in the trial comple-
     tion, but (unlike ordinary character classes) paired accord-
     ing  to  the  corresponding  position  in the sequence.  For
     example, to make any ASCII lower case  letter  on  the  line
     match  the corresponding upper case letter in the trial com-
     pletion, you can use `m:{a-z}={A-Z}' (however, see below for
     the  recommended  form  for  this).   More  than one pair of
     classes can occur, in which case the first class before  the
     = corresponds to the first after it, and so on.  If one side
     has more such classes than the other side,  the  superfluous
     classes  behave  like  normal  character classes.  In anchor
     patterns correspondence  classes  also  behave  like  normal
     character classes.

     The  standard  `[:name:]' forms described for standard shell
     patterns, see the section FILENAME GENERATION in zshexpn(1),
     may appear in correspondence classes as well as normal char-
     acter classes.  The only special behaviour in correspondence
     classes is if the form on the left and the form on the right
     are each one of [:upper:], [:lower:].  In  these  cases  the
     character  in the word and the character on the line must be
     the same up to a difference in  case.   Hence  to  make  any
     lower  case  character  on  the line match the corresponding
     upper case character in the trial  completion  you  can  use

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     `m:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}'.   Although  the matching system
     does not yet handle multibyte characters, this is likely  to
     be  a future extension, at which point this syntax will han-
     dle arbitrary alphabets; hence this form,  rather  than  the
     use  of  explicit ranges, is the recommended form.  In other
     cases `[:name:]' forms are allowed.  If the two forms on the
     left  and  right  are  the  same,  the characters must match
     exactly.  In remaining cases, the  corresponding  tests  are
     applied  to both characters, but they are not otherwise con-
     strained; any matching character in one set  goes  with  any
     matching  character in the other set:  this is equivalent to
     the behaviour of ordinary character classes.

     The pattern tpat may also be one or two stars, `*' or  `**'.
     This  means  that  the pattern on the command line can match
     any number of characters in the trial  completion.  In  this
     case  the  pattern must be anchored (on either side); in the
     case of a single star, the anchor then determines  how  much
     of  the trial completion is to be included -- only the char-
     acters up to the next  appearance  of  the  anchor  will  be
     matched.  With  two  stars, substrings matched by the anchor
     can be matched, too.


     The keys of the options association defined by the parameter
     module  are the option names in all-lower-case form, without
     underscores, and without the optional no  at  the  beginning
     even  though  the  builtins  setopt  and unsetopt understand
     option names with upper case letters, underscores,  and  the
     optional  no.   The  following  alters the matching rules so
     that the prefix no and any underscore are ignored when  try-
     ing  to match the trial completions generated and upper case
     letters on the line match the corresponding lower case  let-
     ters in the words:

          compadd -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{[:upper:]}={[:lower:]}' - \

     The  first  part  says  that  the  pattern `[nN][oO]' at the
     beginning (the empty anchor before the pipe symbol)  of  the
     string  on  the line matches the empty string in the list of
     words generated by completion, so  it  will  be  ignored  if
     present.  The  second  part  does the same for an underscore
     anywhere in the command line string, and the third part uses
     correspondence  classes so that any upper case letter on the
     line matches the corresponding  lower  case  letter  in  the
     word.  The  use of the upper case forms of the specification
     characters (L and M) guarantees that what has  already  been
     typed on the command line (in particular the prefix no) will
     not be deleted.

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     Note that the use of L in  the  first  part  means  that  it
     matches  only when at the beginning of both the command line
     string and the trial completion. I.e.,  the  string  `_NO_f'
     would  not  be completed to `_NO_foo', nor would `NONO_f' be
     completed to `NONO_foo' because of the leading underscore or
     the  second  `NO'  on  the line which makes the pattern fail
     even though they are otherwise ignored.  To  fix  this,  one
     would  use  `B:[nN][oO]='  instead  of  the  first  part. As
     described above, this matches at the beginning of the  trial
     completion, independent of other characters or substrings at
     the beginning of the command line word which are ignored  by
     the same or other match-specs.

     The  second example makes completion case insensitive.  This
     is just the same as in the option example,  except  here  we
     wish to retain the characters in the list of completions:

          compadd -M 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}' ...

     This  makes  lower case letters match their upper case coun-
     terparts.  To make upper case letters match the  lower  case
     forms as well:

          compadd -M 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' ...

     A  nice  example  for  the use of * patterns is partial word
     completion. Sometimes you would like to  make  strings  like
     `c.s.u'  complete  to  strings like `comp.source.unix', i.e.
     the word on the command line  consists  of  multiple  parts,
     separated  by  a dot in this example, where each part should
     be completed separately --  note,  however,  that  the  case
     where  each  part  of  the  word,  i.e. `comp', `source' and
     `unix' in this example, is to  be  completed  from  separate
     sets  of  matches is a different problem to be solved by the
     implementation of the completion widget.  The example can be
     handled by:

          compadd -M 'r:|.=* r:|=*' \
            - comp.sources.unix comp.sources.misc ...

     The  first specification says that lpat is the empty string,
     while anchor is a dot; tpat is *, so this can match anything
     except  for  the `.' from the anchor in the trial completion
     word.  So in `c.s.u', the matcher sees `c', followed by  the
     empty  string,  followed by the anchor `.', and likewise for
     the second dot, and replaces the empty  strings  before  the
     anchors,  giving  `c[omp].s[ources].u[nix]',  where the last
     part of the completion is just as normal.

     With the pattern shown above, the string `c.u' could not  be
     completed  to  `comp.sources.unix'  because  the single star
     means that no dot (matched by the anchor) can be skipped. By

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     using  two  stars  as  in `r:|.=**', however, `c.u' could be
     completed to `comp.sources.unix'. This also  shows  that  in
     some cases, especially if the anchor is a real pattern, like
     a character class, the form with two  stars  may  result  in
     more matches than one would like.

     The  second  specification  is needed to make this work when
     the cursor is in the middle of the  string  on  the  command
     line  and  the  option COMPLETE_IN_WORD is set. In this case
     the completion code would normally try to match  trial  com-
     pletions  that  end with the string as typed so far, i.e. it
     will only insert  new  characters  at  the  cursor  position
     rather  than  at  the  end.  However in our example we would
     like the code to recognise matches which contain extra char-
     acters  after the string on the line (the `nix' in the exam-
     ple).  Hence we say that the empty string at the end of  the
     string  on the line matches any characters at the end of the
     trial completion.

     More generally, the specification

          compadd -M 'r:|[.,_-]=* r:|=*' ...

     allows one to complete words with abbreviations  before  any
     of  the  characters in the square brackets.  For example, to
     complete veryverylongfile.c rather than veryverylongheader.h
     with  the  above  in effect, you can just type very.c before
     attempting completion.

     The specifications with both a left and a right  anchor  are
     useful  to  complete partial words whose parts are not sepa-
     rated by some special character. For example, in some places
     strings  have  to  be  completed  that are formed `LikeThis'
     (i.e. the separate parts are determined by a  leading  upper
     case  letter)  or  maybe  one  has  to complete strings with
     trailing numbers. Here one could use the  simple  form  with
     only one anchor as in:

          compadd -M 'r:|[[:upper:]0-9]=* r:|=*' LikeTHIS FooHoo 5foo123 5bar234

     But  with  this,  the  string  `H' would neither complete to
     `FooHoo' nor to `LikeTHIS' because in each case there is  an
     upper  case letter before the `H' and that is matched by the
     anchor. Likewise, a `2' would  not  be  completed.  In  both
     cases this could be changed by using `r:|[[:upper:]0-9]=**',
     but then `H' completes to both `LikeTHIS' and `FooHoo' and a
     `2'  matches  the  other  strings  because characters can be
     inserted before every upper case letter and digit. To  avoid
     this one would use:

          compadd -M 'r:[^[:upper:]0-9]||[[:upper:]0-9]=** r:|=*' \
              LikeTHIS FooHoo foo123 bar234

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     By  using  these  two anchors, a `H' matches only upper case
     `H's that are immediately preceded by something matching the
     left  anchor  `[^[:upper:]0-9]'.  The  effect is, of course,
     that `H' matches only the string  `FooHoo',  a  `2'  matches
     only `bar234' and so on.

     When  using the completion system (see zshcompsys(1)), users
     can define match specifications that are to be used for spe-
     cific contexts by using the matcher and matcher-list styles.
     The values for the latter will be used everywhere.

     The first step is to define the widget:

          zle -C complete complete-word complete-files

     Then the widget can be bound to  a  key  using  the  bindkey
     builtin command:

          bindkey '^X\t' complete

     After that the shell function complete-files will be invoked
     after typing control-X and TAB.  The  function  should  then
     generate the matches, e.g.:

          complete-files () { compadd - * }

     This  function  will complete files in the current directory
     matching the current word.

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     zshcompsys - zsh completion system

     This describes the shell code for the `new' completion  sys-
     tem,  referred  to as compsys.  It is written in shell func-
     tions based on the features described in zshcompwid(1).

     The features are contextual, sensitive to the point at which
     completion  is  started.   Many completions are already pro-
     vided.  For this reason, a user can  perform  a  great  many
     tasks  without  knowing any details beyond how to initialize
     the system, which is described below in INITIALIZATION.

     The context that decides what completion is to be  performed
     may be
     o    an  argument  or  option  position:  these describe the
          position on the command line  at  which  completion  is
          requested.   For  example `first argument to rmdir, the
          word being completed names a directory';

     o    a special context, denoting an element in  the  shell's
          syntax.   For  example  `a word in command position' or
          `an array subscript'.

     A full context specification contains other elements, as  we
     shall describe.

     Besides  commands names and contexts, the system employs two
     more concepts, styles and tags.  These provide ways for  the
     user to configure the system's behaviour.

     Tags  play a dual role.  They serve as a classification sys-
     tem for the matches, typically indicating a class of  object
     that  the  user  may need to distinguish.  For example, when
     completing arguments of the ls command the user  may  prefer
     to  try files before directories, so both of these are tags.
     They also appear as the rightmost element in a context spec-

     Styles  modify  various operations of the completion system,
     such as output formatting, but also what kinds of completers
     are  used  (and  in what order), or which tags are examined.
     Styles may accept arguments and are  manipulated  using  the
     zstyle command described in see zshmodules(1).

     In  summary,  tags describe what the completion objects are,
     and style how they are to be completed.  At  various  points
     of  execution,  the  completion  system  checks  what styles
     and/or tags are defined for the current  context,  and  uses

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     that  to  modify its behavior.  The full description of con-
     text handling, which determines how tags and other  elements
     of  the  context  influence  the  behaviour  of  styles,  is

     When a completion is requested,  a  dispatcher  function  is
     called; see the description of _main_complete in the list of
     control functions below. This dispatcher decides which func-
     tion  should be called to produce the completions, and calls
     it. The result is passed to one or  more  completers,  func-
     tions  that implement individual completion strategies: sim-
     ple completion, error correction, completion with error cor-
     rection, menu selection, etc.

     More generally, the shell functions contained in the comple-
     tion system are of two types:
     o    those beginning `comp' are to be called directly; there
          are only a few of these;

     o    those  beginning `_' are called by the completion code.
          The shell functions of this set, which  implement  com-
          pletion  behaviour  and may be bound to keystrokes, are
          referred to as `widgets'.   These  proliferate  as  new
          completions are required.

     If  the system was installed completely, it should be enough
     to call the shell function compinit from your initialization
     file;  see  the next section.  However, the function compin-
     stall can be run by a user to configure various  aspects  of
     the completion system.

     Usually,  compinstall will insert code into .zshrc, although
     if that is not writable it will save it in another file  and
     tell you that file's location.  Note that it is up to you to
     make sure that the lines added to .zshrc are  actually  run;
     you  may, for example, need to move them to an earlier place
     in the file if .zshrc usually returns early.  So long as you
     keep  them  all together (including the comment lines at the
     start and finish), you can rerun  compinstall  and  it  will
     correctly  locate  and  modify  these lines.  Note, however,
     that any code you add to this section by hand is  likely  to
     be  lost  if you rerun compinstall, although lines using the
     command `zstyle' should be gracefully handled.

     The new code will take effect next time you start the shell,
     or  run .zshrc by hand; there is also an option to make them
     take  effect  immediately.   However,  if  compinstall   has
     removed  definitions,  you will need to restart the shell to
     see the changes.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     To run compinstall you will need to make sure  it  is  in  a
     directory  mentioned  in  your fpath parameter, which should
     already be the case if zsh was properly configured  as  long
     as your startup files do not remove the appropriate directo-
     ries from fpath.  Then it must be autoloaded  (`autoload  -U
     compinstall'  is  recommended).  You can abort the installa-
     tion any time you are being prompted  for  information,  and
     your  .zshrc  will  not be altered at all; changes only take
     place right at the end, where you are specifically asked for

  Use of compinit
     This  section  describes  the  use of compinit to initialize
     completion for the current session when called directly;  if
     you  have  run  compinstall  it will be called automatically
     from your .zshrc.

     To initialize the system, the function compinit should be in
     a  directory mentioned in the fpath parameter, and should be
     autoloaded (`autoload -U compinit' is recommended), and then
     run  simply  as  `compinit'.  This will define a few utility
     functions, arrange for all the necessary shell functions  to
     be  autoloaded,  and will then re-define all widgets that do
     completion  to  use  the  new  system.   If  you   use   the
     menu-select  widget,  which is part of the zsh/complist mod-
     ule, you should make sure that that module is loaded  before
     the call to compinit so that that widget is also re-defined.
     If completion styles (see  below)  are  set  up  to  perform
     expansion  as well as completion by default, and the TAB key
     is bound to expand-or-complete, compinit will rebind  it  to
     complete-word;  this is necessary to use the correct form of

     Should you need to use the original completion commands, you
     can  still  bind keys to the old widgets by putting a `.' in
     front of the widget name, e.g. `.expand-or-complete'.

     To speed up the running of compinit, it can be made to  pro-
     duce  a  dumped configuration that will be read in on future
     invocations; this is the default, but can be turned  off  by
     calling  compinit  with  the  option -D.  The dumped file is
     .zcompdump in the same directory as the startup files  (i.e.
     $ZDOTDIR or $HOME); alternatively, an explicit file name can
     be given by `compinit -d dumpfile'.  The next invocation  of
     compinit  will  read the dumped file instead of performing a
     full initialization.

     If the number of completion  files  changes,  compinit  will
     recognise this and produce a new dump file.  However, if the
     name of a function or the arguments in the first line  of  a
     #compdef function (as described below) change, it is easiest
     to delete the dump  file  by  hand  so  that  compinit  will

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     re-create  it  the next time it is run.  The check performed
     to see if there are new functions can be omitted  by  giving
     the option -C.  In this case the dump file will only be cre-
     ated if there isn't one already.

     The dumping is actually done by another function,  compdump,
     but  you  will  only need to run this yourself if you change
     the configuration (e.g. using compdef) and then want to dump
     the new one.  The name of the old dumped file will be remem-
     bered for this purpose.

     If the parameter _compdir is set,  compinit  uses  it  as  a
     directory  where  completion functions can be found; this is
     only necessary if they  are  not  already  in  the  function
     search path.

     For  security reasons compinit also checks if the completion
     system would use files not owned by root or by  the  current
     user,   or   files   in   directories  that  are  world-  or
     group-writable or that are not owned by root or by the  cur-
     rent user.  If such files or directories are found, compinit
     will ask if the completion system should really be used.  To
     avoid  these  tests and make all files found be used without
     asking, use the option -u, and  to  make  compinit  silently
     ignore all insecure files and directories use the option -i.
     This security check is skipped entirely when the  -C  option
     is given.

     The security check can be retried at any time by running the
     function  compaudit.   This  is  the  same  check  used   by
     compinit,  but  when  it is executed directly any changes to
     fpath are made local to the function so they do not persist.
     The directories to be checked may be passed as arguments; if
     none are given, compaudit uses fpath and  _compdir  to  find
     completion  system directories, adding missing ones to fpath
     as necessary.  To force a check of exactly  the  directories
     currently  named  in  fpath, set _compdir to an empty string
     before calling compaudit or compinit.

     The function bashcompinit provides compatibility with bash's
     programmable completion system.  When run it will define the
     functions, compgen and complete which correspond to the bash
     builtins  with  the same names.  It will then be possible to
     use completion  specifications  and  functions  written  for

  Autoloaded files
     The  convention  for autoloaded functions used in completion
     is that they start with an underscore; as already mentioned,
     the  fpath/FPATH  parameter  must  contain  the directory in
     which they are stored.  If zsh  was  properly  installed  on
     your  system,  then  fpath/FPATH  automatically contains the

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     required directories for the standard functions.

     For incomplete installations,  if  compinit  does  not  find
     enough  files  beginning  with  an  underscore  (fewer  than
     twenty) in the search path, it will  try  to  find  more  by
     adding  the  directory _compdir to the search path.  If that
     directory has a subdirectory named Base, all  subdirectories
     will be added to the path.  Furthermore, if the subdirectory
     Base has a subdirectory named Core, compinit  will  add  all
     subdirectories  of  the  subdirectories is to the path: this
     allows the functions to be in the same format as in the  zsh
     source distribution.

     When  compinit is run, it searches all such files accessible
     via fpath/FPATH and reads the first line of  each  of  them.
     This  line  should  contain one of the tags described below.
     Files whose first line does not start with one of these tags
     are  not  considered to be part of the completion system and
     will not be treated specially.

     The tags are:

     #compdef names... [ -[pP] patterns... [ -N names... ] ]
          The file will be made  autoloadable  and  the  function
          defined  in  it  will  be called when completing names,
          each of which is either the name  of  a  command  whose
          arguments  are  to  be  completed or one of a number of
          special contexts in the form -context- described below.

          Each  name may also be of the form `cmd=service'.  When
          completing the  command  cmd,  the  function  typically
          behaves  as if the command (or special context) service
          was being completed instead.  This provides  a  way  of
          altering  the  behaviour  of functions that can perform
          many different completions.  It is implemented by  set-
          ting  the parameter $service when calling the function;
          the function  may  choose  to  interpret  this  how  it
          wishes,  and simpler functions will probably ignore it.

          If the #compdef line contains one of the options -p  or
          -P,  the words following are taken to be patterns.  The
          function will be called when  completion  is  attempted
          for  a  command or context that matches one of the pat-
          terns.  The options -p and -P are used to specify  pat-
          terns  to  be  tried  before or after other completions
          respectively.  Hence -P may be used to specify  default

          The  option -N is used after a list following -p or -P;
          it specifies that remaining words no longer define pat-
          terns.   It  is  possible  to  toggle between the three
          options as many times as necessary.

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     #compdef -k style key-sequences...
          This option creates a widget behaving like the  builtin
          widget  style  and binds it to the given key-sequences,
          if any.  The style must be one of the  builtin  widgets
          that    perform   completion,   namely   complete-word,
          delete-char-or-list, expand-or-complete, expand-or-com-
          plete-prefix,        list-choices,       menu-complete,
          menu-expand-or-complete, or reverse-menu-complete.   If
          the  zsh/complist  module is loaded (see zshmodules(1))
          the widget menu-select is also available.

          When one of the key-sequences is typed, the function in
          the file will be invoked to generate the matches.  Note
          that a key will not be re-bound if it already was (that
          is,  was  bound to something other than undefined-key).
          The widget created has the same name as  the  file  and
          can  be bound to any other keys using bindkey as usual.

     #compdef -K widget-name style key-sequences ...
          This  is  similar  to   -k   except   that   only   one
          key-sequences  argument  may  be  given  for  each wid-
          get-name style pair.  However, the entire set of  three
          arguments may be repeated with a different set of argu-
          ments.  Note in particular that the widget-name must be
          distinct  in  each  set.  If it does not begin with `_'
          this will be added.  The widget-name should  not  clash
          with  the  name  of any existing widget: names based on
          the name of the function are most useful.  For example,

               #compdef -K _foo_complete complete-word "^X^C" \
                 _foo_list list-choices "^X^D"

          (all  on  one  line) defines a widget _foo_complete for
          completion, bound to `^X^C', and a widget _foo_list for
          listing, bound to `^X^D'.

     #autoload [ options ]
          Functions   with  the  #autoload  tag  are  marked  for
          autoloading but are not  otherwise  treated  specially.
          Typically  they are to be called from within one of the
          completion functions.  Any  options  supplied  will  be
          passed  to the autoload builtin; a typical use is +X to
          force the function to be loaded immediately.  Note that
          the -U and -z flags are always added implicitly.

     The  # is part of the tag name and no white space is allowed
     after it.   The  #compdef  tags  use  the  compdef  function
     described below; the main difference is that the name of the
     function is supplied implicitly.

     The special contexts for which completion functions  can  be
     defined are:

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          The    right   hand   side   of   an   array-assignment

          The  name  of  a  parameter  expansion  within   braces

          The  name  of a parameter in an assignment, i.e. on the
          left hand side of an `='

          A word in command position

          A word inside a condition (`[[...]]')

          Any word for which no other completion is defined

          A word beginning with an equals sign

          This is tried before  any  other  completion  function.
          The  function called may set the _compskip parameter to
          one of various values: all: no  further  completion  is
          attempted;  a string containing the substring patterns:
          no pattern  completion  functions  will  be  called;  a
          string   containing   default:  the  function  for  the
          `-default-' context will not be called,  but  functions
          defined for commands will

          Inside mathematical contexts, such as `((...))'

          The name of a parameter expansion (`$...')

          The word after a redirection operator.

          The contents of a parameter subscript.

          After  an  initial  tilde  (`~'),  but before the first
          slash in the word.

          On the right hand side of an assignment.

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     Default implementations are supplied for each of these  con-
     texts.   In  most cases the context -context- is implemented
     by a corresponding function _context, for example  the  con-
     text `-tilde-' and the function `_tilde').

     The contexts -redirect- and -value- allow extra context-spe-
     cific information.  (Internally,  this  is  handled  by  the
     functions  for each context calling the function _dispatch.)
     The extra information is added separated by commas.

     For the -redirect- context, the extra information is in  the
     form  `-redirect-,op,command',  where  op is the redirection
     operator and command is the name of the command on the line.
     If  there  is  no command on the line yet, the command field
     will be empty.

     For the -value- context, the form is `-value-,name,command',
     where  name  is  the  name of the parameter.  In the case of
     elements of an associative array,  for  example  `assoc=(key
     <TAB>',  name is expanded to `name-key'.  In certain special
     contexts, such as completing after `make CFLAGS=', the  com-
     mand  part  gives the name of the command, here make; other-
     wise it is empty.

     It is not necessary to define fully specific completions  as
     the  functions  provided will try to generate completions by
     progressively replacing the elements with `-default-'.   For
     example,  when completing after `foo=<TAB>', _value will try
     the names `-value-,foo,'  (note  the  empty  command  part),
     `-value-,foo,-default-' and`-value-,-default-,-default-', in
     that order, until it finds a function to handle the context.

     As an example:

          compdef '_files -g "*.log"' '-redirect-,2>,-default-'

     completes  files  matching  `*.log' after `2> <TAB>' for any
     command with no more specific handler defined.


          compdef _foo -value-,-default-,-default-

     specifies that _foo provides completions for the  values  of
     parameters  for  which no special function has been defined.
     This is usually handled by the function _value itself.

     The same lookup rules are used when looking  up  styles  (as
     described below); for example

          zstyle ':completion:*:*:-redirect-,2>,*:*' file-patterns '*.log'

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     is  another way to make completion after `2> <TAB>' complete
     files matching `*.log'.

     The following function is defined by  compinit  and  may  be
     called directly.

names... ] ]
     compdef  [  -ane  ]  function  names...  [ -[pP] patterns...
          [ -N
     compdef -d names...
     compdef -k [ -an ] function style key-sequences...
     compdef -K [ -an ] function name style key-sequences ...
          The first form defines the function to call for comple-
          tion in the given contexts as described for  the  #com-
          pdef tag above.

          Alternatively,  all  the  arguments  may  have the form
          `cmd=service'.  Here service should already  have  been
          defined  by  `cmd1=service' lines in #compdef files, as
          described above.  The argument for  cmd  will  be  com-
          pleted in the same way as service.

          The  function  argument  may  alternatively be a string
          containing almost any shell code.  If the  string  con-
          tains  an  equal  sign, the above will take precedence.
          The option -e may be used to specify the first argument
          is to be evaluated as shell code even if it contains an
          equal sign.  The string will be executed using the eval
          builtin command to generate completions.  This provides
          a way of avoiding having to  define  a  new  completion
          function.   For  example,  to  complete files ending in
          `.h' as arguments to the command foo:

               compdef '_files -g "*.h"' foo

          The option -n prevents any completions already  defined
          for the command or context from being overwritten.

          The  option  -d  deletes any completion defined for the
          command or contexts listed.

          The names may also contain -p, -P  and  -N  options  as
          described  for  the  #compdef  tag.   The effect on the
          argument list is identical, switching  between  defini-
          tions  of  patterns  tried  initially,  patterns  tried
          finally, and normal commands and contexts.

          The parameter $_compskip may be  set  by  any  function
          defined for a pattern context.  If it is set to a value
          containing the substring `patterns' none  of  the  pat-
          tern-functions  will be called; if it is set to a value

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          containing the substring `all', no other function  will
          be called.

          The form with -k defines a widget with the same name as
          the function that  will  be  called  for  each  of  the
          key-sequences;  this  is like the #compdef -k tag.  The
          function should generate  the  completions  needed  and
          will  otherwise  behave  like  the builtin widget whose
          name is given  as  the  style  argument.   The  widgets
          usable      for      this      are:      complete-word,
          delete-char-or-list, expand-or-complete, expand-or-com-
          plete-prefix,        list-choices,       menu-complete,
          menu-expand-or-complete, and reverse-menu-complete,  as
          well  as  menu-select  if  the  zsh/complist  module is
          loaded.  The option -n prevents the key being bound  if
          it  is  already  to bound to something other than unde-

          The form with -K is similar and defines  multiple  wid-
          gets based on the same function, each of which requires
          the  set   of   three   arguments   name,   style   and
          key-sequences,  where  the latter two are as for -k and
          the first must be a unique widget name  beginning  with
          an underscore.

          Wherever  applicable,  the -a option makes the function
          autoloadable, equivalent to autoload -U function.

     The function compdef can be used to associate existing  com-
     pletion functions with new commands.  For example,

          compdef _pids foo

     uses the function _pids to complete process IDs for the com-
     mand foo.

     Note also the _gnu_generic function described  below,  which
     can be used to complete options for commands that understand
     the `--help' option.

     This section gives a short overview of  how  the  completion
     system  works, and then more detail on how users can config-
     ure how and when matches are generated.

     When completion is attempted somewhere on the  command  line
     the  completion  system  first  works out the context.  This
     takes account of a number of things  including  the  command
     word (such as `grep' or `zsh') and options to which the cur-
     rent word may be an argument (such as the `-o' option to zsh
     which takes a shell option as an argument).

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     This context information is condensed into a string consist-
     ing of multiple fields separated by colons, referred to sim-
     ply  as `the context' in the remainder of the documentation.
     This is used to look up  styles,  context-sensitive  options
     that  can  be  used to configure the completion system.  The
     context used for lookup may vary during the same call to the
     completion system.

     The context string always consists of a fixed set of fields,
     separated by colons and with  a  leading  colon  before  the
     first,   in   the  form  :completion:function:completer:com-
     mand:argument:tag.  These have the following meaning:

     o    The literal string completion, saying that  this  style
          is  used  by the completion system.  This distinguishes
          the context from those used by, for example,  zle  wid-
          gets and ZFTP functions.

     o    The function, if completion is called from a named wid-
          get rather than through the normal  completion  system.
          Typically  this is blank, but it is set by special wid-
          gets such as predict-on and the  various  functions  in
          the Widget directory of the distribution to the name of
          that function, often in an abbreviated form.

     o    The completer currently active, the name of  the  func-
          tion  without  the  leading  underscore  and with other
          underscores converted to hyphens.  A `completer' is  in
          overall  control  of how completion is to be performed;
          `complete' is the simplest, but other completers  exist
          to perform related tasks such as correction, or to mod-
          ify the behaviour of a later completer.  See  the  sec-
          tion `Control Functions' below for more information.

     o    The  command or a special -context-, just at it appears
          following the #compdef tag  or  the  compdef  function.
          Completion  functions  for  commands that have sub-com-
          mands usually modify this field to contain the name  of
          the  command  followed by a minus sign and the sub-com-
          mand.  For example, the completion function for the cvs
          command  sets  this  field  to  cvs-add when completing
          arguments to the add subcommand.

     o    The argument; this  indicates  which  command  line  or
          option  argument  we are completing.  For command argu-
          ments this generally takes the form argument-n, where n
          is  the  number  of  the argument, and for arguments to
          options the form option-opt-n where n is the number  of

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          the  argument to option opt.  However, this is only the
          case if  the  command  line  is  parsed  with  standard
          UNIX-style  options  and arguments, so many completions
          do not set this.

     o    The tag.  As described previously,  tags  are  used  to
          discriminate  between the types of matches a completion
          function can generate in a certain context.   Any  com-
          pletion  function  may use any tag name it likes, but a
          list of the more common ones is given below.

     The context is gradually put together as the  functions  are
     executed,  starting  with  the  main entry point, which adds
     :completion: and the function  element  if  necessary.   The
     completer  then  adds the completer element.  The contextual
     completion adds the command and argument options.   Finally,
     the  tag  is  added  when the types of completion are known.
     For example, the context name


     says that normal completion was attempted as the first argu-
     ment to the option -o of the command dvips:

          dvips -o ...

     and the completion function will generate filenames.

     Usually completion will be tried for all possible tags in an
     order given by the completion function.  However,  this  can
     be altered by using the tag-order style.  Completion is then
     restricted to the list of given tags in the given order.

     The _complete_help bindable command shows all  the  contexts
     and  tags  available  for  completion at a particular point.
     This  provides  an  easy  way  of  finding  information  for
     tag-order  and other styles.  It is described in the section
     `Bindable Commands' below.

     Styles determine such things as how the matches  are  gener-
     ated, similarly to shell options but with much more control.
     They can have any number of strings as  their  value.   They
     are  defined  with  the  zstyle builtin command (see zshmod-

     When looking up styles the completion system uses full  con-
     text  names,  including  the tag.  Looking up the value of a
     style therefore consists of two things:  the context,  which
     may  be  matched  as  a  pattern,  and the name of the style
     itself, which must be given exactly.

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     For example, many completion functions can generate  matches
     in  a simple and a verbose form and use the verbose style to
     decide which form should be used.  To make  all  such  func-
     tions use the verbose form, put

          zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes

     in a startup file (probably .zshrc).  This gives the verbose
     style the value yes in every context inside  the  completion
     system,  unless that context has a more specific definition.
     It is best to avoid giving the context as `*'  in  case  the
     style has some meaning outside the completion system.

     Many such general purpose styles can be configured simply by
     using the compinstall function.

     A more specific example of the use of the verbose  style  is
     by  the  completion  for  the kill builtin.  If the style is
     set, the builtin lists full job texts  and  process  command
     lines; otherwise it shows the bare job numbers and PIDs.  To
     turn the style off for this use only:

          zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' verbose no

     For even more control, the style can use  one  of  the  tags
     `jobs' or `processes'.  To turn off verbose display only for

          zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:jobs' verbose no

     The -e option to zstyle even allows completion function code
     to  appear  as  the  argument to a style; this requires some
     understanding of the internals of completion functions  (see
     see zshcompwid(1))).  For example,

          zstyle -e ':completion:*' hosts 'reply=($myhosts)'

     This forces the value of the hosts style to be read from the
     variable myhosts each time a host name is  needed;  this  is
     useful  if the value of myhosts can change dynamically.  For
     another useful example, see the example in  the  description
     of  the  file-list  style  below.  This form can be slow and
     should be avoided for commonly examined styles such as  menu
     and list-rows-first.

     Note  that  the  order  in which styles are defined does not
     matter; the style mechanism uses the most specific  possible
     match for a particular style to determine the set of values.
     More precisely, strings are  preferred  over  patterns  (for
     example,  `:completion::complete:foo'  is more specific than
     `:completion::complete:*'), and  longer  patterns  are  pre-
     ferred over shorter patterns.

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     Style  names  like those of tags are arbitrary and depend on
     the completion function.  However, the  following  two  sec-
     tions list some of the most common tags and styles.

  Standard Tags
     Some of the following are only used when looking up particu-
     lar styles and do not refer to a type of match.

          used to look up the users-hosts style

          used by the _expand completer when  adding  the  single
          string containing all possible expansions

          for the names of all files (as distinct from a particu-
          lar subset, see the globbed-files tag).

          for arguments to a command

          for names of array parameters

          for keys of associative arrays;  used  when  completing
          inside a subscript to a parameter of this type

          when  completing  bookmarks (e.g. for URLs and the zftp
          function suite)

          for names of builtin commands

          for single characters in arguments of commands such  as
          stty.    Also  used  when  completing character classes
          after an opening bracket

          for X colormap ids

          for color names

          for names of external commands.  Also used  by  complex
          commands such as cvs when completing names subcommands.


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          for contexts in arguments to the zstyle builtin command

          used  by  the  _approximate and _correct completers for
          possible corrections

          for cursor names used by X programs

          used in some contexts to provide a way of  supplying  a
          default  when  more specific tags are also valid.  Note
          that this tag is used when only the function  field  of
          the context name is set

          used  when  looking up the value of the format style to
          generate descriptions for types of matches

          for names of device special files

          for names of directories -- local-directories  is  used
          instead  when  completing  arguments  of cd and related
          builtin commands when the cdpath array is set

          for entries in the directory stack

          for X display names

          for network domains

          used by the _expand completer for individual words  (as
          opposed  to  the  complete set of expansions) resulting
          from the expansion of a word on the command line

          for X server extensions

          for numbers of open file descriptors

          the generic file-matching tag used  by  functions  com-
          pleting filenames


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          for X font names

          for file system types (e.g. for the mount command)

          names   of   functions  --  normally  shell  functions,
          although certain commands may understand other kinds of

          for  filenames when the name has been generated by pat-
          tern matching

          for names of user groups

          for words from the history

          for hostnames

          for array indexes

     jobs for jobs (as listed by the `jobs' builtin)

          for network interfaces

          for names of zsh keymaps

          for names of X keysyms

          for names of system libraries

          for system limits

          for names of directories that are subdirectories of the
          current  working directory when completing arguments of
          cd and related builtin commands (compare  path-directo-
          ries) -- when the cdpath array is unset, directories is
          used instead

          for names of manual pages

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          for e-mail folders

     maps for map names (e.g. NIS maps)

          used to look up the format style for messages

          for names of X modifiers

          for modules (e.g. zsh modules)

          used to look up the users-hosts style

          for named directories (you wouldn't have guessed  that,
          would you?)

          for all kinds of names

          for USENET groups

          for nicknames of NIS maps

          for command options

          used  by  the  _approximate,  _correct and _expand com-
          pleters when offering the original string as a match

          used to look up the users-hosts style

          for the names of any non-directory files.  This is used
          instead  of all-files when the list-dirs-first style is
          in effect.

          for packages (e.g. rpm or installed Debian packages)

          for names of parameters


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          for names of directories found by searching the  cdpath
          array  when  completing  arguments  of  cd  and related
          builtin commands (compare local-directories)

          used to look up the values of the expand, ambiguous and
          special-dirs styles

     pods for perl pods (documentation files)

          for communication ports

          for prefixes (like those of a URL)

          for print queue names

          for process identifiers

          used  to  look up the command style when generating the
          names of processes for killall

          for sequences (e.g. mh sequences)

          for sessions in the zftp function suite

          for signal names

          for strings (e.g. the replacement strings  for  the  cd
          builtin command)

          for styles used by the zstyle builtin command

          for filename extensions

     tags for tags (e.g. rpm tags)

          for makefile targets

          for time zones (e.g. when setting the TZ parameter)

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          for types of whatever (e.g. address types for the xhost

     urls used to look up the urls and local styles when complet-
          ing URLs

          for usernames

          for one of a set of values in certain lists

          used  by  _pick_variant  to  look up the command to run
          when determining what program is installed for  a  par-
          ticular command name.

          for X visuals

          used to look up the format style for warnings

          for zsh widget names

          for IDs of X windows

          for shell options

  Standard Styles
     Note  that  the  values of several of these styles represent
     boolean values.  Any of the strings `true', `on', `yes', and
     `1'  can be used for the value `true' and any of the strings
     `false', `off', `no', and `0' for the  value  `false'.   The
     behavior  for  any  other  value  is  undefined except where
     explicitly mentioned.  The default value may be either  true
     or false if the style is not set.

     Some of these styles are tested first for every possible tag
     corresponding to a type of match, and if no style was found,
     for  the  default tag.  The most notable styles of this type
     are menu,  list-colors  and  styles  controlling  completion
     listing  such  as  list-packed and last-prompt.  When tested
     for the default tag, only the function field of the  context
     will  be set so that a style using the default tag will nor-
     mally be defined along the lines of:

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          zstyle ':completion:*:default' menu ...

          This is tested for the default tag in addition  to  the
          tags  valid  for  the current context.  If it is set to
          `true' and any of the trial matches is the same as  the
          string on the command line, this match will immediately
          be accepted (even if it would otherwise  be  considered

          When  completing  pathnames  (where  the  tag  used  is
          `paths') this style accepts any number of  patterns  as
          the value in addition to the boolean values.  Pathnames
          matching one of these patterns will be accepted immedi-
          ately  even if the command line contains some more par-
          tially typed pathname components  and  these  match  no
          file under the directory accepted.

          This  style  is  also  used by the _expand completer to
          decide if words beginning with  a  tilde  or  parameter
          expansion  should  be  expanded.  For example, if there
          are parameters foo and foobar, the string  `$foo'  will
          only be expanded if accept-exact is set to `true'; oth-
          erwise the completion system will be  allowed  to  com-
          plete  $foo  to  $foobar.  If the style is set to `con-
          tinue', _expand will add the expansion as a  match  and
          the completion system will also be allowed to continue.

          This  is   used   by   filename   completion.    Unlike
          accept-exact  it  is  a  boolean.  By default, filename
          completion examines all components of a path to see  if
          there  are  completions  of that component, even if the
          component matches an existing directory.  For  example,
          when  completion after /usr/bin/, the function examines
          possible completions to /usr.

          When this style is true, any  prefix  of  a  path  that
          matches  an  existing directory is accepted without any
          attempt to complete it further.  Hence,  in  the  given
          example, the path /usr/bin/ is accepted immediately and
          completion tried in that directory.

          If you wish to inhibit this behaviour entirely, set the
          path-completion style (see below) to false.

          This  style is used by the _expand completer.  If it is
          true (the default), a space will be inserted after  all
          words  resulting  from the expansion, or a slash in the
          case of directory names.  If the value is  `file',  the
          completer  will  only  add a space to names of existing

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          files.  Either a boolean true or the value  `file'  may
          be  combined  with `subst', in which case the completer
          will not add a space to words generated from the expan-
          sion   of  a  substitution  of  the  form  `$(...)'  or

          The _prefix completer  uses  this  style  as  a  simple
          boolean  value  to decide if a space should be inserted
          before the suffix.

          This applies when completing  non-final  components  of
          filename  paths,  in  other words those with a trailing
          slash.  If it is set, the  cursor  is  left  after  the
          first  ambiguous  component, even if menu completion is
          in use.  The style is always tested with the paths tag.

          When  completing  after  an  equals  sign that is being
          treated as an assignment, the  completion  system  nor-
          mally  completes  only one filename.  In some cases the
          value  may be a list of filenames separated by  colons,
          as with PATH and similar parameters.  This style can be
          set to a list of patterns matching the  names  of  such

          The  default  is to complete lists when the word on the
          line already contains a colon.

          If set, this style's value will be used as the descrip-
          tion  for options that are not described by the comple-
          tion functions, but that  have  exactly  one  argument.
          The  sequence `%d' in the value will be replaced by the
          description for this argument.  Depending  on  personal
          preferences,  it  may  be  useful  to set this style to
          something like `specify: %d'.  Note that this  may  not
          work for some commands.

          This is used by the _all_matches completer to decide if
          the string consisting of all matches should be added to
          the  list  currently  being  generated.  Its value is a
          list of names of completers.  If any of  these  is  the
          name  of  the  completer  that generated the matches in
          this completion, the string will not be added.

          The default value for this style is `_expand  _old_list
          _correct _approximate', i.e. it contains the completers
          for which a string with all matches will  almost  never
          be wanted.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          This  style defines the path where any cache files con-
          taining dumped completion data are stored.  It defaults
          to  `$ZDOTDIR/.zcompcache',  or  `$HOME/.zcompcache' if
          $ZDOTDIR is not defined.  The completion cache will not
          be used unless the use-cache style is set.

          This  style  defines  the function that will be used to
          determine whether a cache needs  rebuilding.   See  the
          section on the _cache_invalid function below.

          This style is used in the function for commands such as
          make and ant where calling the command directly to gen-
          erate  matches  suffers problems such as being slow or,
          as in the case of make can potentially cause actions in
          the makefile to be executed. If it is set to `true' the
          command is called  to  generate  matches.  The  default
          value of this style is `false'.

          In  many  places,  completion  functions  need  to call
          external commands to generate the list of  completions.
          This  style can be used to override the command that is
          called in some such cases.  The elements of  the  value
          are  joined  with spaces to form a command line to exe-
          cute.  The value can also start with a hyphen, in which
          case  the  usual command will be added to the end; this
          is most useful for putting `builtin'  or  `command'  in
          front to make sure the appropriate version of a command
          is called, for example to avoid calling a  shell  func-
          tion with the same name as an external command.

          As  an example, the completion function for process IDs
          uses this style with the processes tag to generate  the
          IDs  to  complete  and the list of processes to display
          (if the verbose style is `true').  The list produced by
          the  command should look like the output of the ps com-
          mand.  The first line is not displayed, but is searched
          for the string `PID' (or `pid') to find the position of
          the process IDs in the following lines.   If  the  line
          does  not  contain  `PID', the first numbers in each of
          the other lines are taken as the process  IDs  to  com-

          Note that the completion function generally has to call
          the specified command for each attempt to generate  the
          completion list.  Hence care should be taken to specify
          only commands that take a short time  to  run,  and  in
          particular to avoid any that may never terminate.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          This is a list of directories to search for commands to
          complete.  The default for this style is the  value  of
          the special parameter path.

          This  is  used  by the function completing sub-commands
          for the  system  initialisation  scripts  (residing  in
          /etc/init.d  or  somewhere not too far away from that).
          Its values give the default commands  to  complete  for
          those  commands for which the completion function isn't
          able to find them out automatically.  The  default  for
          this style are the two strings `start' and `stop'.

          This is used by the _expand_alias function when invoked
          as a bindable command.  If set to `true' and  the  word
          on the command line is not the name of an alias, match-
          ing alias names will be completed.

          This is used by the completer for cd, chdir and  pushd.
          For these commands a - is used to introduce a directory
          stack entry and completion of these is far more  common
          than  completing  options.   Hence  unless the value of
          this style is true options will not be completed,  even
          after  an  initial  -.   If it is true, options will be
          completed after an initial - unless there is a  preced-
          ing -- on the command line.

          The  strings  given  as the value of this style provide
          the names of the completer functions to use. The avail-
          able  completer  functions are described in the section
          `Control Functions' below.

          Each string may be either the name of a completer func-
          tion  or  a string of the form `function:name'.  In the
          first case the completer field of the context will con-
          tain  the  name  of  the  completer without the leading
          underscore and with all other underscores  replaced  by
          hyphens.   In  the second case the function is the name
          of the completer to call, but the context will  contain
          the  user-defined  name  in  the completer field of the
          context.  If the name starts with a hyphen, the  string
          for the context will be build from the name of the com-
          pleter function as in the  first  case  with  the  name
          appended to it.  For example:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _complete:-foo

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          Here,  completion  will  call  the  _complete completer
          twice, once  using  `complete'  and  once  using  `com-
          plete-foo' in the completer field of the context.  Nor-
          mally, using the same completer  more  than  once  only
          makes  sense  when used with the `functions:name' form,
          because otherwise the context name will be the same  in
          all calls to the completer; possible exceptions to this
          rule are the _ignored and _prefix completers.

          The  default  value  for  this  style   is   `_complete
          _ignored':  only  completion  will be done, first using
          the ignored-patterns style and the $fignore  array  and
          then without ignoring matches.

          This  style  is used by the _list completer function to
          decide if insertion of matches should be delayed uncon-
          ditionally. The default is `true'.

          This style is used when adding a delimiter for use with
          history modifiers or glob qualifiers that  have  delim-
          ited arguments.  It is an array of preferred delimiters
          to add.  Non-special characters are  preferred  as  the
          completion  system  may otherwise become confused.  The
          default list is :, +, /, -, %.  The list may  be  empty
          to force a delimiter to be typed.

          If  this  is set to `true', the _expand_alias completer
          and  bindable  command  will  try  to  expand  disabled
          aliases, too.  The default is `false'.

          A  list of names of network domains for completion.  If
          this is not set, domain names will be  taken  from  the
          file /etc/resolv.conf.

          The  environ  style is used when completing for `sudo'.
          It is set to an array of `VAR=value' assignments to  be
          exported  into the local environment before the comple-
          tion for the target command is invoked.
          zstyle ':completion:*:sudo::' environ \
            PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" HOME="/root"

          This style is used when completing  strings  consisting
          of multiple parts, such as path names.

          If  one  of its values is the string `prefix', the par-
          tially typed word from the line will be expanded as far

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          as possible even if trailing parts cannot be completed.

          If one of its values is the string  `suffix',  matching
          names for components after the first ambiguous one will
          also be added.  This means that the resulting string is
          the longest unambiguous string possible.  However, menu
          completion can be used to cycle through all matches.

     fake This style may be set for any completion  context.   It
          specifies  additional  strings that will always be com-
          pleted in that context.  The form  of  each  string  is
          `value:description';  the  colon and description may be
          omitted, but any literal colons in value must be quoted
          with  a  backslash.   Any description provided is shown
          alongside the value in completion listings.

          It is important to use a sufficiently restrictive  con-
          text  when  specifying  fake  strings.   Note  that the
          styles fake-files  and  fake-parameters  provide  addi-
          tional features when completing files or parameters.

          This  works  identically  to the fake style except that
          the ignored-patterns style is not applied to it.   This
          makes  it  possible  to  override a set of matches com-
          pletely by setting the ignored patterns to `*'.

          The following shows a way of supplementing any tag with
          arbitrary  data,  but having it behave for display pur-
          poses like a separate tag.  In this example we use  the
          features   of   the   tag-order  style  to  divide  the
          named-directories tag into two when performing  comple-
          tion with the standard completer complete for arguments
          of cd.  The  tag  named-directories-normal  behaves  as
          normal,  but  the tag named-directories-mine contains a
          fixed set of  directories.   This  has  the  effect  of
          adding  the  match  group  `extra directories' with the
          given completions.

               zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*' tag-order \
                 'named-directories:-mine:extra\ directories
                 named-directories:-normal:named\ directories *'
               zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*:named-directories-mine' \
                 fake-always mydir1 mydir2
               zstyle ':completion::complete:cd:*:named-directories-mine' \
                 ignored-patterns '*'

          This style is used when completing files and looked  up
          without   a   tag.    Its   values   are  of  the  form
          `dir:names...'.  This will add the names (strings sepa-
          rated by spaces) as possible matches when completing in

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          the directory dir, even if no such files really  exist.
          The  dir may be a pattern; pattern characters or colons
          in dir should be quoted with a backslash to be  treated

          This can be useful on systems that support special file
          systems whose top-level pathnames can not be listed  or
          generated  with glob patterns.  It can also be used for
          directories for which one does not  have  read  permis-

          The  pattern  form can be used to add a certain `magic'
          entry to all directories on a particular file system.

          This is used by the completion function  for  parameter
          names.   Its  values are names of parameters that might
          not yet be set but  should  be  completed  nonetheless.
          Each  name may also be followed by a colon and a string
          specifying the type of the  parameter  (like  `scalar',
          `array'  or `integer').  If the type is given, the name
          will only be completed if parameters of that  type  are
          required in the particular context.  Names for which no
          type is specified will always be completed.

          This style controls whether files completed  using  the
          standard builtin mechanism are to be listed with a long
          list similar to ls -l.  Note that this feature uses the
          shell  module zsh/stat for file information; this loads
          the builtin stat which will replace any  external  stat
          executable.   To  avoid  this the following code can be
          included in an initialization file:

               zmodload -i zsh/stat
               disable stat

          The style may either be set to a true value (or `all'),
          or  one  of  the  values `insert' or `list', indicating
          that files are to be listed in long format in all  cir-
          cumstances,  or  when attempting to insert a file name,
          or when listing file names without attempting to insert

          More generally, the value may be an array of any of the
          above values, optionally followed by =num.  If  num  is
          present  it  gives  the  maximum  number of matches for
          which long listing style will be used.  For example,

               zstyle ':completion:*' file-list list=20 insert=10

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          specifies that long format will be used when listing up
          to  20  files or inserting a file with up to 10 matches
          (assuming a listing is to be shown at all, for  example
          on  an ambiguous completion), else short format will be

               zstyle -e ':completion:*' file-list '(( ${+NUMERIC} )) && reply=(true)'

          specifies that long format will  be  used  any  time  a
          numeric argument is supplied, else short format.

          This  is  used  by the standard function for completing
          filenames, _files.  If the style is unset up  to  three
          tags  are  offered,  `globbed-files',`directories'  and
          `all-files', depending on the types of files   expected
          by    the    caller   of   _files.    The   first   two
          (`globbed-files'  and   `directories')   are   normally
          offered together to make it easier to complete files in

          The file-patterns style provides  alternatives  to  the
          default  tags,  which are not used.  Its value consists
          of elements of the form `pattern:tag'; each string  may
          contain  any number of such specifications separated by

          The pattern is a pattern that is to be used to generate
          filenames.   Any  occurrence  of  the  sequence `%p' is
          replaced by any pattern(s) passed by the function call-
          ing  _files.  Colons in the pattern must be preceded by
          a backslash to make them distinguishable from the colon
          before  the  tag.   If more than one pattern is needed,
          the patterns can be given inside braces,  separated  by

          The tags of all strings in the value will be offered by
          _files and used when looking up other styles.  Any tags
          in  the  same word will be offered at the same time and
          before later words.  If no `:tag' is given the  `files'
          tag will be used.

          The  tag  may  also  be  followed by an optional second
          colon and a description, which will  be  used  for  the
          `%d'  in the value of the format style (if that is set)
          instead of the default description supplied by the com-
          pletion  function.   If the description given here con-
          tains itself a `%d', that is replaced with the descrip-
          tion supplied by the completion function.

          For example, to make the rm command first complete only
          names of object files and then the names of  all  files

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          if there is no matching object file:

               zstyle ':completion:*:*:rm:*' file-patterns \
                   '*.o:object-files' '%p:all-files'

          To  alter  the  default behaviour of file completion --
          offer files matching a pattern and directories  on  the
          first attempt, then all files -- to offer only matching
          files on  the  first  attempt,  then  directories,  and
          finally all files:

               zstyle ':completion:*' file-patterns \
                   '%p:globbed-files' '*(-/):directories' '*:all-files'

          This  works  even  where  there  is no special pattern:
          _files matches all files using the pattern `*'  at  the
          first  step  and stops when it sees this pattern.  Note
          also it will never try a pattern more than once  for  a
          single completion attempt.

          During  the  execution  of  completion  functions,  the
          EXTENDED_GLOB option is in effect,  so  the  characters
          `#', `~' and `^' have special meanings in the patterns.

          The standard filename  completion  function  uses  this
          style  without  a  tag  to determine in which order the
          names should be  listed;  menu  completion  will  cycle
          through  them  in  the same order.  The possible values
          are: `size' to sort by the size of the file; `links' to
          sort by the number of links to the file; `modification'
          (or `time' or `date') to sort by the last  modification
          time;  `access'  to  sort  by the last access time; and
          `inode' (or `change') to sort by the last inode  change
          time.   If  the  style is set to any other value, or is
          unset, files will be sorted alphabetically by name.  If
          the  value  contains  the  string `reverse', sorting is
          done in the opposite order.  If the value contains  the
          string  `follow',  timestamps  are  associated with the
          targets of symbolic links; the default is  to  use  the
          timestamps of the links themselves.

          This is used by the LDAP plugin for e-mail address com-
          pletion to specify the attributes to match against when
          filtering entries.  So for example, if the style is set
          to `sn', matching is done against  surnames.   Standard
          LDAP filtering is used so normal completion matching is
          bypassed.  If this style is not set, the LDAP plugin is
          skipped.  You may also need to set the command style to
          specify how to connect to your LDAP server.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          This forces a list of completions to be  shown  at  any
          point  where  listing  is done, even in cases where the
          list would usually be suppressed.   For  example,  nor-
          mally  the list is only shown if there are at least two
          different matches.  By setting this style to  `always',
          the  list will always be shown, even if there is only a
          single match that will immediately  be  accepted.   The
          style  may  also  be set to a number.  In this case the
          list will be shown if there  are  at  least  that  many
          matches, even if they would all insert the same string.

          This style is tested for the default tag as well as for
          each  tag  valid for the current completion.  Hence the
          listing can be forced only for certain types of  match.

          If  this  is set for the descriptions tag, its value is
          used as a string to display above matches in completion
          lists.   The  sequence  `%d'  in  this  string  will be
          replaced with a short description of what these matches
          are.   This  string  may  also  contain  the  following
          sequences to specify output attributes, as described in
          the  section  EXPANSION  OF  PROMPT  SEQUENCES  in zsh-
          misc(1): `%B', `%S', `%U', `%F', `%K' and  their  lower
          case  counterparts,  as  well as `%{...%}'.  `%F', `%K'
          and `%{...%}' take arguments in the same form as prompt
          expansion.  Note that the %G sequence is not available;
          an argument to `%{' should be used instead.

          The style is tested with each tag valid for the current
          completion  before  it  is  tested for the descriptions
          tag.  Hence different format strings can be defined for
          different types of match.

          Note  also  that  some completer functions define addi-
          tional `%'-sequences.  These are described for the com-
          pleter functions that make use of them.

          Some  completion functions display messages that may be
          customised by setting this style for the messages  tag.
          Here,  the `%d' is replaced with a message given by the
          completion function.

          Finally, the format string is looked up with the  warn-
          ings tag, for use when no matches could be generated at
          all.  In this  case  the  `%d'  is  replaced  with  the
          descriptions  for  the matches that were expected sepa-
          rated by spaces.  The sequence `%D'  is  replaced  with
          the same descriptions separated by newlines.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          It  is  possible to use printf-style field width speci-
          fiers with `%d' and similar escape sequences.  This  is
          handled   by  the  zformat  builtin  command  from  the
          zsh/zutil module, see zshmodules(1).

     glob This is used by the _expand completer.  If it is set to
          `true' (the default), globbing will be attempted on the
          words resulting from a previous substitution  (see  the
          substitute  style) or else the original string from the

          If  this  is  set  to   `true'   (the   default),   the
          _expand_alias  completer  and bindable command will try
          to expand global aliases.

          The completion system  can  group  different  types  of
          matches,  which  appear  in separate lists.  This style
          can be used to give the names of groups for  particular
          tags.   For example, in command position the completion
          system generates names of  builtin  and  external  com-
          mands, names of aliases, shell functions and parameters
          and reserved words as possible  completions.   To  have
          the  external commands and shell functions listed sepa-

               zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*:commands' group-name commands
               zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*:functions' group-name functions

          As a consequence, any match with the same tag  will  be
          displayed in the same group.

          If  the  name given is the empty string the name of the
          tag for the matches will be used as  the  name  of  the
          group.  So, to have all different types of matches dis-
          played separately, one can just set:

               zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''

          All matches for which no group name is defined will  be
          put in a group named -default-.

          This  style  is  additional  to the group-name style to
          specify the order for display of the groups defined  by
          that  style  (compare tag-order, which determines which
          completions appear at all).  The groups named are shown
          in  the  given order; any other groups are shown in the
          order defined by the completion function.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          For example, to have names of builtin  commands,  shell
          functions  and  external  commands appear in that order
          when completing in command position:

               zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*' group-order \
                      builtins functions commands

          A list of names of UNIX groups.  If this  is  not  set,
          group  names are taken from the YP database or the file

          If this is set to true, matches for the  given  context
          will  not  be  listed, although any description for the
          matches set with the format style will be shown.  If it
          is  set to `all', not even the description will be dis-

          Note that the matches will still be completed; they are
          just  not  shown  in the list.  To avoid having matches
          considered  as  possible  completions   at   all,   the
          tag-order style can be modified as described below.

          A  list of names of hosts that should be completed.  If
          this is not set, hostnames  are  taken  from  the  file

          This  style  is  used  by  commands that need or accept
          hostnames and network ports.  The strings in the  value
          should  be  of  the  form `host:port'.  Valid ports are
          determined by the presence of hostnames; multiple ports
          for the same host may appear.

          This  is tested for each tag valid for the current com-
          pletion.  If it is set to `true',  none  of  the  words
          that are already on the line will be considered as pos-
          sible completions.  If it is set to `current', the word
          the  cursor  is on will not be considered as a possible
          completion.  The value `current-shown' is  similar  but
          only  applies  if  the list of completions is currently
          shown on the screen.  Finally, if the style is  set  to
          `other',  all  words on the line except for the current
          one will be excluded from the possible completions.

          The values `current' and `current-shown' are a bit like
          the  opposite  of the accept-exact style:  only strings
          with missing characters will be completed.

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          Note that you almost certainly don't want to  set  this
          to  `true'  or  `other'  for  a general context such as
          `:completion:*'.  This is  because  it  would  disallow
          completion of, for example, options multiple times even
          if the command in question accepts the option more than

          The  style is tested without a tag by the function com-
          pleting pathnames in  order  to  determine  whether  to
          ignore  the  names  of directories already mentioned in
          the current word, or the name of  the  current  working
          directory.   The  value must include one or both of the
          following strings:

               The name of any directory whose  path  is  already
               contained in the word on the line is ignored.  For
               example, when completing after foo/../, the direc-
               tory  foo  will  not be considered a valid comple-

          pwd  The name of the current working directory will not
               be completed; hence, for example, completion after
               ../ will not use the name of  the  current  direc-

          In addition, the value may include one or both of:

          ..   Ignore  the  specified  directories  only when the
               word on the line contains the substring `../'.

               Ignore the specified directories only  when  names
               of  directories are completed, not when completing
               names of files.

          Excluded values act in a similar fashion to  values  of
          the  ignored-patterns style, so they can be restored to
          consideration by the _ignored completer.

          If set, the completion listing is more verbose  at  the
          cost  of a probable decrease in completion speed.  Com-
          pletion performance will suffer if this style is set to

          A  list  of patterns; any trial completion matching one
          of the patterns will be  excluded  from  consideration.
          The  _ignored  completer can appear in the list of com-
          pleters to restore the ignored matches.  This is a more

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          configurable version of the shell parameter $fignore.

          Note  that  the  EXTENDED_GLOB option is set during the
          execution of completion functions,  so  the  characters
          `#', `~' and `^' have special meanings in the patterns.

          This style is used by  the  _all_matches  completer  to
          decide whether to insert the list of all matches uncon-
          ditionally instead of adding the list as another match.

          When  completing  process IDs, for example as arguments
          to the kill and wait builtins the name of a command may
          be  converted to the appropriate process ID.  A problem
          arises when the process name typed is not  unique.   By
          default  (or if this style is set explicitly to `menu')
          the name will be converted immediately to a set of pos-
          sible IDs, and menu completion will be started to cycle
          through them.

          If the value of the style is `single', the  shell  will
          wait  until  the user has typed enough to make the com-
          mand unique  before  converting  the  name  to  an  ID;
          attempts  at completion will be unsuccessful until that
          point.  If the value is any other string, menu  comple-
          tion  will be started when the string typed by the user
          is longer than the common prefix to  the  corresponding

          If  this  is  set to `true', the completion system will
          insert a TAB character (assuming that was used to start
          completion) instead of performing completion when there
          is no non-blank character to the left  of  the  cursor.
          If  it  is set to `false', completion will be done even

          The value may also contain the substrings `pending'  or
          `pending=val'.   In this case, the typed character will
          be inserted instead of starting completion  when  there
          is  unprocessed input pending.  If a val is given, com-
          pletion will not be done if there  are  at  least  that
          many  characters  of  unprocessed input.  This is often
          useful when pasting characters into a  terminal.   Note
          however, that it relies on the $PENDING special parame-
          ter from the zsh/zle module being set properly which is
          not guaranteed on all platforms.

          The  default  value  of this style is `true' except for
          completion within vared builtin  command  where  it  is

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          This is used by the _match and _approximate completers.
          These completers are often used  with  menu  completion
          since the word typed may bear little resemblance to the
          final completion.  However, if this  style  is  `true',
          the  completer  will  start  menu completion only if it
          could find no unambiguous initial string  at  least  as
          long as the original string typed by the user.

          In  the  case  of  the _approximate completer, the com-
          pleter field in the context will already have been  set
          to  one of correct-num or approximate-num, where num is
          the number of errors that were accepted.

          In the case of the _match completer, the style may also
          be  set  to  the string `pattern'.  Then the pattern on
          the line is left unchanged if it does not  match  unam-

          This  style is used by the _expand completer.  If it is
          `true', the completer will try to keep  a  prefix  con-
          taining  a  tilde  or  parameter expansion.  Hence, for
          example, the string `~/f*' would be expanded to `~/foo'
          instead  of  `/home/user/foo'.   If the style is set to
          `changed' (the default), the prefix will only  be  left
          unchanged  if  there  were  other  changes  between the
          expanded words and the original word from  the  command
          line.  Any other value forces the prefix to be expanded

          The behaviour of expand when this style is true  is  to
          cause  _expand  to give up when a single expansion with
          the restored prefix is the same as the original;  hence
          any remaining completers may be called.

          This  is a more flexible form of the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT
          option.  If it is true, the completion system will  try
          to return the cursor to the previous command line after
          displaying a completion list.  It  is  tested  for  all
          tags valid for the current completion, then the default
          tag.  The cursor will be moved  back  to  the  previous
          line  if  this  style is `true' for all types of match.
          Note that unlike the ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option this  is
          independent of the numeric prefix argument.

          This style should contain a list of files to search for
          host  names  and  (if  the  use-ip  style  is  set)  IP
          addresses  in  a format compatible with ssh known_hosts
          files.    If    it    is    not    set,    the    files

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts   and  ~/.ssh/known_hosts  are

     list This style is used by the _history_complete_word  bind-
          able command.  If it is set to `true' it has no effect.
          If it is set to `false' matches  will  not  be  listed.
          This  overrides  the setting of the options controlling
          listing behaviour, in particular AUTO_LIST.   The  con-
          text always starts with `:completion:history-words'.

          If the zsh/complist module is loaded, this style can be
          used  to  set  color  specifications.   This  mechanism
          replaces  the  use  of  the  ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS
          parameters described in the section  `The  zsh/complist
          Module' in zshmodules(1), but the syntax is the same.

          If  this  style is set for the default tag, the strings
          in the value are taken as specifications that are to be
          used  everywhere.   If  it  is  set for other tags, the
          specifications are used only for matches  of  the  type
          described  by  the  tag.   For  this  to work best, the
          group-name style must be set to an empty string.

          In addition to setting styles for specific tags, it  is
          also  possible  to use group names specified explicitly
          by the group-name tag together with the `(group)'  syn-
          tax  allowed  by the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parame-
          ters and simply using the default tag.

          It is possible to use any color specifications  already
          set up for the GNU version of the ls command:

               zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

          The  default colors are the same as for the GNU ls com-
          mand and can be obtained by setting  the  style  to  an
          empty string (i.e. '').

          This  is  used by file completion.  If set, directories
          to be completed are listed separately from  and  before
          completion for other files, regardless of tag ordering.
          In addition, the tag other-files is used  in  place  of
          all-files  for the remaining files, to indicate that no
          directories are presented with that tag.

          If this style is `true' (the default),  the  completion
          system  will  try  to  make certain completion listings
          more compact by grouping matches.  For example, options
          for commands that have the same description (shown when

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          the verbose style is set to `true') will  appear  as  a
          single  entry.   However, menu selection can be used to
          cycle through all the matches.

          This is tested for each tag valid in the  current  con-
          text  as  well  as  the  default  tag.  If it is set to
          `true', the corresponding matches appear in listings as
          if  the  LIST_PACKED  option were set.  If it is set to
          `false', they are listed normally.

          If this style is set for the  default  tag,  completion
          lists that don't fit on the screen can be scrolled (see
          the description of the zsh/complist module  in  zshmod-
          ules(1)).   The value, if not the empty string, will be
          displayed after every  screenful  and  the  shell  will
          prompt  for  a  key  press;  if the style is set to the
          empty string, a default prompt will be used.

          The value may contain the  escape  sequences:  `%l'  or
          `%L',  which will be replaced by the number of the last
          line displayed and the total number of lines;  `%m'  or
          `%M', the number of the  last match shown and the total
          number of matches; and `%p' and `%P', `Top' when at the
          beginning of the list, `Bottom' when at the end and the
          position shown as a percentage of the total length oth-
          erwise.   In each case the form with the uppercase let-
          ter will be replaced by a string of fixed width, padded
          to  the   right  with  spaces, while the lowercase form
          will be replaced by a variable  width  string.   As  in
          other  prompt strings, the escape sequences `%S', `%s',
          `%B', `%b', `%U', `%u' for  entering  and  leaving  the
          display  modes  standout, bold and underline, and `%F',
          `%f', `%K', `%k' for changing the foreground background
          colour,  are  also  available, as is the form `%{...%}'
          for enclosing escape sequences which display with  zero
          (or, with a numeric argument, some other) width.

          After  deleting  this  prompt  the  variable LISTPROMPT
          should be unset for the removal to take effect.

          This style is tested in the same way as the list-packed
          style  and  determines whether matches are to be listed
          in a  rows-first  fashion  as  if  the  LIST_ROWS_FIRST
          option were set.

          This style is used by the function that completes file-
          names.  If it is true, and completion is attempted on a
          string  containing  multiple  partially  typed pathname

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          components, all ambiguous  components  will  be  shown.
          Otherwise, completion stops at the first ambiguous com-

          The value of this style is used in  completion  listing
          to  separate  the string to complete from a description
          when  possible  (e.g.  when  completing  options).   It
          defaults to `--' (two hyphens).

          This  is  for use with functions that complete URLs for
          which the corresponding files  are  available  directly
          from  the  file  system.   Its  value should consist of
          three strings: a hostname, the path to the default  web
          pages  for the server, and the directory name used by a
          user placing web pages within their home area.

          For example:

               zstyle ':completion:*' local toast \
                   /var/http/public/toast public_html

          Completion after `http://toast/stuff/'  will  look  for
          files  in  the  directory /var/http/public/toast/stuff,
          while  completion  after  `http://toast/~yousir/'  will
          look for files in the directory ~yousir/public_html.

          If set, zsh will assume that mailbox files can be found
          in the directory specified.  It defaults to `~/Mail'.

          This is used by the _match completer.  If it is set  to
          only,  _match  will  try  to  generate  matches without
          inserting a `*' at the cursor position.  If set to  any
          other  non-empty  value,  it will first try to generate
          matches without inserting the `*' and if that yields no
          matches,  it  will try again with the `*' inserted.  If
          it is unset or set to the empty string,  matching  will
          only be performed with the `*' inserted.

          This  style  is tested separately for each tag valid in
          the current context.  Its value is added to  any  match
          specifications  given  by  the  matcher-list style.  It
          should be in the form described in the section `Comple-
          tion Matching Control' in zshcompwid(1).

          This style can be set to a list of match specifications
          that are to be applied everywhere. Match specifications

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          are  described in the section `Completion Matching Con-
          trol' in zshcompwid(1).  The completion system will try
          them  one  after  another  for each completer selected.
          For example, to try first  simple  completion  and,  if
          that generates no matches, case-insensitive completion:

               zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'

          By default each  specification  replaces  the  previous
          one; however, if a specification is prefixed with +, it
          is added to the existing list.  Hence it is possible to
          create increasingly general specifications without rep-

               zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' '+m{a-z}={A-Z}' '+m{A-Z}={a-z}'

          It is possible to create match specifications valid for
          particular  completers  by using the third field of the
          context.  For example, to use the completers  _complete
          and  _prefix but only allow case-insensitive completion
          with _complete:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _prefix
               zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' matcher-list \
                      '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'

          User-defined names,  as  explained  for  the  completer
          style,  are  available.   This makes it possible to try
          the same completer more than once with different  match
          specifications  each  time.  For example, to try normal
          completion without a match specification,  then  normal
          completion with case-insensitive matching, then correc-
          tion, and finally partial-word completion:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _correct _complete:foo
               zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' matcher-list \
                   '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'
               zstyle ':completion:*:foo:*' matcher-list \
                   'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|[-_./]=* r:|=*'

          If the style is unset in any context no match  specifi-
          cation is applied.  Note also that some completers such
          as _correct and _approximate do not use the match spec-
          ifications  at  all,  though these completers will only
          ever be called once even if the  matcher-list  contains
          more than one element.

          Where multiple specifications are useful, note that the
          entire  completion  is  done  for   each   element   of
          matcher-list, which can quickly reduce the shell's per-
          formance.  As a rough  rule  of  thumb,  one  to  three
          strings will give acceptable performance.  On the other

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          hand, putting multiple space-separated values into  the
          same string does not have an appreciable impact on per-

          If there is no current matcher or it is empty, and  the
          option  NO_CASE_GLOB  is  in  effect,  the matching for
          files is  performed  case-insensitively  in  any  case.
          However,    any   matcher   must   explicitly   specify
          case-insensitive matching if that is required.

          This is used by the _approximate and _correct completer
          functions  to determine the maximum number of errors to
          allow.  The completer will try to generate  completions
          by  first  allowing  one error, then two errors, and so
          on, until either a match or matches were found  or  the
          maximum  number  of errors given by this style has been

          If  the  value  for  this  style  contains  the  string
          `numeric', the completer function will take any numeric
          argument as the maximum number of errors  allowed.  For
          example, with

               zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:::' max-errors 2 numeric

          two errors are allowed if no numeric argument is given,
          but with a numeric argument of six (as in `ESC-6 TAB'),
          up  to  six errors are accepted.  Hence with a value of
          `0 numeric', no correcting completion will be attempted
          unless a numeric argument is given.

          If  the  value  contains  the string `not-numeric', the
          completer will not try to  generate  corrected  comple-
          tions  when  given  a numeric argument, so in this case
          the number given should  be  greater  than  zero.   For
          example, `2 not-numeric' specifies that correcting com-
          pletion with two errors will usually be performed,  but
          if  a  numeric argument is given, correcting completion
          will not be performed.

          The default value for this style is `2 numeric'.

          This style is used to determine the trade  off  between
          the width of the display used for matches and the width
          used for their descriptions when the verbose  style  is
          in  effect.  The value gives the number of display col-
          umns to reserve for the matches.  The default  is  half
          the width of the screen.

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          This  has the most impact when several matches have the
          same description  and  so  will  be  grouped  together.
          Increasing  the  style  will  allow  more matches to be
          grouped together; decreasing it will allow more of  the
          description to be visible.

     menu If  this  is  true  in  the  context of any of the tags
          defined for the current completion menu completion will
          be used.  The value for a specific tag will take prece-
          dence over that for the `default' tag.

          If none of the values found in this way is true but  at
          least one is set to `auto', the shell behaves as if the
          AUTO_MENU option is set.

          If one of the values is explicitly set to  false,  menu
          completion  will  be  explicitly turned off, overriding
          the MENU_COMPLETE option and other settings.

          In the form `yes=num', where `yes' may be  any  of  the
          true values (`yes', `true', `on' and `1'), menu comple-
          tion will be turned  on  if  there  are  at  least  num
          matches.   In the form `yes=long', menu completion will
          be turned on if the list does not fit  on  the  screen.
          This  does  not  activate menu completion if the widget
          normally only lists completions,  but  menu  completion
          can   be   activated   in  that  case  with  the  value
          `yes=long-list'       (Typically,       the       value
          `select=long-list' described later is more useful as it
          provides control over scrolling.)

          Similarly, with  any  of  the  `false'  values  (as  in
          `no=10'), menu completion will not be used if there are
          num or more matches.

          The value of this widget also controls menu  selection,
          as implemented by the zsh/complist module.  The follow-
          ing values may appear either alongside  or  instead  of
          the values above.

          If  the value contains the string `select', menu selec-
          tion will be started unconditionally.

          In the form `select=num', menu selection will  only  be
          started if there are at least num matches.  If the val-
          ues for more than one tag provide a number, the  small-
          est number is taken.

          Menu selection can be turned off explicitly by defining
          a value containing the string`no-select'.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          It is also possible to start menu selection only if the
          list of matches does not fit on the screen by using the
          value `select=long'.  To start menu selection  even  if
          the current widget only performs listing, use the value

          To turn on menu completion or  menu  selection  when  a
          there  are  a  certain number of matches or the list of
          matches does not fit on the screen, both of `yes='  and
          `select='  may  be  given twice, once with a number and
          once with `long' or `long-list'.

          Finally, it is possible to activate two  special  modes
          of menu selection.  The word `interactive' in the value
          causes interactive mode to be entered immediately  when
          menu  selection  is started; see the description of the
          zsh/complist module in zshmodules(1) for a  description
          of  interactive  mode.   Including  the string `search'
          does the same for incremental search mode.   To  select
          backward   incremental   search,   include  the  string

          If set, gives the location of  the  mutt  configuration
          file.  It defaults to `~/.muttrc'.

          This  is  used with the jobs tag.  If it is `true', the
          shell will complete job numbers instead of the shortest
          unambiguous  prefix  of  the  job command text.  If the
          value is a number, job numbers will  only  be  used  if
          that  many words from the job descriptions are required
          to resolve ambiguities.  For example, if the  value  is
          `1',  strings  will  only be used if all jobs differ in
          the first word on their command lines.

          This is used by the _oldlist completer.  If it  is  set
          to  `always', then standard widgets which perform list-
          ing will retain the current list  of  matches,  however
          they  were generated; this can be turned off explicitly
          with the value `never', giving  the  behaviour  without
          the  _oldlist completer.  If the style is unset, or any
          other value, then the existing list of  completions  is
          displayed if it is not already; otherwise, the standard
          completion list is generated; this is the  default  be-
          haviour  of _oldlist.  However, if there is an old list
          and this style contains the name of the completer func-
          tion that generated the list, then the old list will be
          used even if it was generated by a  widget  which  does
          not do listing.

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          For  example,  suppose  you  type  ^Xc to use the _cor-
          rect_word widget, which generates a list of corrections
          for  the  word  under  the  cursor.  Usually, typing ^D
          would generate a standard list of completions  for  the
          word   on  the  command  line,  and  show  that.   With
          _oldlist, it will instead show the list of  corrections
          already generated.

          As  another example consider the _match completer: with
          the insert-unambiguous style set to `true'  it  inserts
          only a common prefix string, if there is any.  However,
          this may remove parts of the original pattern, so  that
          further  completion  could produce more matches than on
          the first attempt.  By using the _oldlist completer and
          setting  this style to _match, the list of matches gen-
          erated on the first attempt will be used again.

          This is used by the _all_matches completer to decide if
          an  old  list  of matches should be used if one exists.
          This is selected by one of the `true' values or by  the
          string  `only'.   If  the value is `only', _all_matches
          will only use an old list and won't have any effect  on
          the list of matches currently being generated.

          If this style is set it is generally unwise to call the
          _all_matches completer unconditionally.   One  possible
          use  is for either this style or the completer style to
          be defined with the -e option to  zstyle  to  make  the
          style conditional.

          This  is  used  by the _oldlist completer.  It controls
          how menu  completion  behaves  when  a  completion  has
          already  been  inserted  and  the user types a standard
          completion key such as TAB.  The default  behaviour  of
          _oldlist  is that menu completion always continues with
          the existing list of completions.  If this style is set
          to `false', however, a new completion is started if the
          old list was generated by a different  completion  com-
          mand;  this  is the behaviour without the _oldlist com-

          For example, suppose you type ^Xc to generate a list of
          corrections,  and  menu completion is started in one of
          the usual ways.  Usually, or with  this  style  set  to
          false,  typing  TAB at this point would start trying to
          complete the line as it now appears.  With _oldlist, it
          instead  continues to cycle through the list of correc-


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          This is used by  the  _approximate  and  _correct  com-
          pleters  to  decide  if  the  original string should be
          added as a possible completion.  Normally, this is done
          only  if  there  are at least two possible corrections,
          but if this style is set to `true', it is always added.
          Note that the style will be examined with the completer
          field in the context name set to correct-num or approx-
          imate-num,  where num is the number of errors that were

          This style is used when  completing  arguments  of  the
          Debian `dpkg' program.  It contains an override for the
          default package set for a given context.  For example,

               zstyle ':completion:*:complete:dpkg:option--status-1:*' \
                              packageset avail

          causes available packages, rather than  only  installed
          packages, to be completed for `dpkg --status'.

     path The function that completes color names uses this style
          with the colors tag.  The value should be the  pathname
          of  a  file  containing color names in the format of an
          X11 rgb.txt file.  If the style is  not  set  but  this
          file  is  found in one of various standard locations it
          will be used as the default.

          This is used by filename completion.  By default, file-
          name  completion  examines  all components of a path to
          see if there are completions of  that  component.   For
          example,  /u/b/z  can  be  completed  to  /usr/bin/zsh.
          Explicitly setting this style to  false  inhibits  this
          behaviour  for  path  components up to the / before the
          cursor;    this    overrides     the     setting     of

          Even  with the style set to false, it is still possible
          to complete multiple paths by setting the  option  COM-
          PLETE_IN_WORD  and  moving the cursor back to the first
          component in the path to be  completed.   For  example,
          /u/b/z  can  be completed to /usr/bin/zsh if the cursor
          is after the /u.

          If set, specifies the directory containing PINE mailbox
          files.   There is no default, since recursively search-
          ing this  directory  is  inconvenient  for  anyone  who
          doesn't use PINE.


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          A  list  of  Internet  service names (network ports) to
          complete.  If this is not set, service names are  taken
          from the file `/etc/services'.

          This is used for certain completions which share a com-
          mon prefix, for example command options beginning  with
          dashes.   If it is `true', the prefix will not be shown
          in the list of matches.

          The default value for this style is `false'.

          This style is also relevant for matches with  a  common
          prefix.  If it is set to `true' this common prefix must
          be typed by the user to generate the matches.

          The style is applicable to the options, signals,  jobs,
          functions, and parameters completion tags.

          For  command  options, this means that the initial `-',
          `+', or `--' must be  typed  explicitly  before  option
          names will be completed.

          For  signals,  an initial `-' is required before signal
          names will be completed.

          For jobs, an initial `%' is required before  job  names
          will be completed.

          For function and parameter names, an initial `_' or `.'
          is required before function or parameter names starting
          with those characters will be completed.

          The  default  value for this style is `false' for func-
          tion and parameter completions, and  `true'  otherwise.

          This  style  is  used  when completing path names.  Its
          value should be a pattern matching an initial prefix of
          the  word  to  complete  that  should be left unchanged
          under all circumstances.  For example, on  some  Unices
          an  initial  `//' (double slash) has a special meaning;
          setting this style to the string `//' will preserve it.
          As  another  example, setting this style to `?:/' under
          Cygwin would allow completion after `a:/...' and so on.

          This  is  used  by the _history completer and the _his-
          tory_complete_word bindable  command  to  decide  which
          words should be completed.

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          If it is a singe number, only the last N words from the
          history will be completed.

          If it is a range of  the  form  `max:slice',  the  last
          slice  words  will be completed; then if that yields no
          matches, the slice words before those will be tried and
          so  on.   This  process  stops either when at least one
          match was been found, or max words have been tried.

          The default is to complete all words from  the  history
          at once.

          If this style is set, its value is an array of patterns
          to be tested against `$PWD/': note the trailing  slash,
          which allows directories in the pattern to be delimited
          unambiguously by including slashes on both  sides.   If
          an  ordinary  file completion fails and the word on the
          command line does not yet have a directory part to  its
          name,  the style is retrieved using the same tag as for
          the completion just attempted, then the elements tested
          against  $PWD/ in turn.  If one matches, then the shell
          reattempts completion by prepending  the  word  on  the
          command  line  with  each directory in the expansion of
          **/*(/) in turn.  Typically the elements of  the  style
          will  be  set  to  restrict  the  number of directories
          beneath the current one to  a  manageable  number,  for
          example `*/.git/*'.

          For example,

               zstyle ':completion:*' recursive-files '*/zsh/*'

          If  the  current  directory  is /home/pws/zsh/Src, then
          zle_trTAB can be completed to Zle/zle_tricky.c.

          This style is used by the _expand_alias  completer  and
          bindable command.  If set to `true' (the default), reg-
          ular aliases will be expanded but only in command posi-
          tion.   If  it  is set to `false', regular aliases will
          never be expanded.   If it is set to `always',  regular
          aliases  will  be expanded even if not in command posi-

          If this is set when completing external  commands,  the
          internal  list  (hash)  of commands will be updated for
          each search by issuing the rehash command.  There is  a
          speed  penalty  for  this  which  is  only likely to be
          noticeable when directories in the path have slow  file

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          If  set  to  false,  certain commands will be prevented
          from making Internet  connections  to  retrieve  remote
          information.   This includes the completion for the CVS

          It is not always possible to know if connections are in
          fact  to a remote site, so some may be prevented unnec-

          The _history_complete_word  bindable  command  and  the
          _history  completer use this to decide if all duplicate
          matches should be removed, rather than just consecutive

          If  this  is set for the default tag, its value will be
          displayed during menu selection  (see  the  menu  style
          above)  when  the  completion  list does not fit on the
          screen as  a  whole.   The  same  escapes  as  for  the
          list-prompt  style are understood, except that the num-
          bers refer to the match or line  the  mark  is  on.   A
          default  prompt  is  used  when  the value is the empty

          This style is tested for the default tag and determines
          how  a completion list is scrolled during a menu selec-
          tion (see the menu style  above)  when  the  completion
          list  does  not  fit  on the screen as a whole.  If the
          value  is  `0'  (zero),  the  list   is   scrolled   by
          half-screenfuls;  if it is a positive integer, the list
          is scrolled by the given number of lines; if  it  is  a
          negative  number,  the  list is scrolled by a screenful
          minus the absolute value of the given number of  lines.
          The default is to scroll by single lines.

          This style is used with the manuals tag when completing
          names of manual pages.  If it is  `true',  entries  for
          different sections are added separately using tag names
          of the form `manual.X', where X is the section  number.
          When the group-name style is also in effect, pages from
          different sections will appear separately.  This  style
          is  also  used similarly with the words style when com-
          pleting words for the dict  command.  It  allows  words
          from  different  dictionary databases to be added sepa-
          rately.  The default for this style is `false'.

          Tested whenever a new completer is  tried.   If  it  is

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          true,  the completion system outputs a progress message
          in the listing area showing  what  completer  is  being
          tried.   The  message will be overwritten by any output
          when completions are found and is removed after comple-
          tion is finished.

          This  is  used  by the _ignored completer when there is
          only one match.  If its value  is  `show',  the  single
          match will be displayed but not inserted.  If the value
          is `menu', then  the  single  match  and  the  original
          string are both added as matches and menu completion is
          started, making it easy to select either of them.

     sort Many completion widgets call _description at some point
          which  decides  whether the matches are added sorted or
          unsorted (often indirectly via _wanted or  _requested).
          This  style  can  be set explicitly to one of the usual
          true or false values as an override.  If it is not  set
          for  the context, the standard behaviour of the calling
          widget is used.

          The style is tested  first  against  the  full  context
          including the tag, and if that fails to produce a value
          against the context without the tag.

          If the  calling  widget  explicitly  requests  unsorted
          matches,   this  is  usually  honoured.   However,  the
          default (unsorted) behaviour of completion for the com-
          mand  history may be overridden by setting the style to

          In the _expand completer, if it is set to  `true',  the
          expansions  generated  will always be sorted.  If it is
          set to `menu', then the expansions are only sorted when
          they  are  offered  as  single  strings  but not in the
          string containing all possible expansions.

          Normally, the completion  code  will  not  produce  the
          directory  names  `.' and `..' as possible completions.
          If this style is set to `true', it will  add  both  `.'
          and `..' as possible completions; if it is set to `..',
          only `..' will be added.

          The following example sets special-dirs  to  `..'  when
          the  current  prefix is empty, is a single `.', or con-
          sists only of a path beginning with  `../'.   Otherwise
          the value is `false'.

               zstyle -e ':completion:*' special-dirs \
                  '[[ $PREFIX = (../)#(|.|..) ]] && reply=(..)'

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          If  set  to  `true',  sequences  of slashes in filename
          paths (for example in `foo//bar') will be treated as  a
          single  slash.   This  is  the  usual behaviour of UNIX
          paths.  However, by default the file  completion  func-
          tion  behaves  as  if  there  were  a  `*'  between the

     stop If set to `true', the  _history_complete_word  bindable
          command  will  stop once when reaching the beginning or
          end of the  history.   Invoking  _history_complete_word
          will  then  wrap around to the opposite end of the his-
          tory.  If this style is set to `false'  (the  default),
          _history_complete_word  will  loop  immediately as in a
          menu completion.

          If set to `true', this style causes non-essential  com-
          ment  text to be removed from completion matches.  Cur-
          rently it is only used when completing e-mail addresses
          where  it  removes any display name from the addresses,
          cutting them down to plain user@host form.

          This is used by the _expand completer.  If it is set to
          `true',  the expansion will only be used if it resulted
          from globbing; hence, if expansions resulted  from  the
          use  of the substitute style described below, but these
          were not further changed by  globbing,  the  expansions
          will be rejected.

          The default for this style is `false'.

          This  boolean  style  controls whether the _expand com-
          pleter will first try to expand  all  substitutions  in
          the string (such as `$(...)' and `${...}').

          The default is `true'.

          This  is  used  by  the  _expand  completer if the word
          starts with a tilde or contains a parameter  expansion.
          If  it is set to `true', the word will only be expanded
          if it doesn't have a suffix, i.e. if  it  is  something
          like   `~foo'   or   `$foo'   rather  than  `~foo/'  or
          `$foo/bar', unless that suffix itself contains  charac-
          ters  eligible  for  expansion.   The  default for this
          style is `true'.

          This provides a mechanism  for  sorting  how  the  tags

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          available in a particular context will be used.

          The  values  for  the style are sets of space-separated
          lists of tags.  The tags in each value will be tried at
          the  same time; if no match is found, the next value is
          used.  (See the file-patterns style for an exception to
          this behavior.)

          For example:

               zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-:*' tag-order \
                   'commands functions'

          specifies  that  completion  in  command position first
          offers external commands and shell functions.   Remain-
          ing tags will be tried if no completions are found.

          In  addition to tag names, each string in the value may
          take one of the following forms:

          -    If any value consists of only a hyphen, then  only
               the  tags specified in the other values are gener-
               ated.  Normally all tags not  explicitly  selected
               are  tried last if the specified tags fail to gen-
               erate any matches.  This means that a single value
               consisting  only of a single hyphen turns off com-

          ! tags...
               A string starting with an exclamation mark  speci-
               fies  names  of tags that are not to be used.  The
               effect is the same as if all other  possible  tags
               for the context had been listed.

          tag:label ...
               Here, tag is one of the standard tags and label is
               an arbitrary name.  Matches are generated as  nor-
               mal but the name label is used in contexts instead
               of tag.  This is not useful in words starting with

               If  the  label  starts  with  a hyphen, the tag is
               prepended to the label to form the name  used  for
               lookup.   This  can be used to make the completion
               system try a certain tag more than once, supplying
               different  style  settings  for  each attempt; see
               below for an example.

               As before, but description will replace  the  `%d'
               in  the  value  of the format style instead of the
               default description  supplied  by  the  completion

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               function.   Spaces  in  the  description  must  be
               quoted with a  backslash.   A  `%d'  appearing  in
               description is replaced with the description given
               by the completion function.

          In any of the forms above the tag may be a  pattern  or
          several patterns in the form `{pat1,pat2...}'.  In this
          case all matching tags will  be  used  except  for  any
          given explicitly in the same string.

          One  use  of these features is to try one tag more than
          once, setting other styles differently on each attempt,
          but  still  to use all the other tags without having to
          repeat them all.  For example, to  make  completion  of
          function  names in command position ignore all the com-
          pletion functions starting with an underscore the first
          time completion is tried:

               zstyle ':completion:*:*:-command-:*' tag-order \
                   'functions:-non-comp *' functions
               zstyle ':completion:*:functions-non-comp' ignored-patterns '_*'

          On  the first attempt, all tags will be offered but the
          functions tag will be replaced  by  functions-non-comp.
          The  ignored-patterns  style  is  set  for  this tag to
          exclude functions  starting  with  an  underscore.   If
          there are no matches, the second value of the tag-order
          style is  used  which  completes  functions  using  the
          default  tag,  this time presumably including all func-
          tion names.

          The matches for one tag can  be  split  into  different
          groups.  For example:

               zstyle ':completion:*' tag-order \
                   'options:-long:long\ options
                    options:-short:short\ options
                    options:-single-letter:single\ letter\ options'

               zstyle ':completion:*:options-long' ignored-patterns '[-+](|-|[^-]*)'
               zstyle ':completion:*:options-short' ignored-patterns '--*' '[-+]?'
               zstyle ':completion:*:options-single-letter' ignored-patterns '???*'

          With  the group-names style set, options beginning with
          `--', options beginning with a single `-'  or  `+'  but
          containing   multiple   characters,  and  single-letter
          options will be displayed in separate groups with  dif-
          ferent descriptions.

          Another use of patterns is to try multiple match speci-
          fications one after another.   The  matcher-list  style
          offers  something  similar, but it is tested very early

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          in the completion system and hence  can't  be  set  for
          single  commands  nor for more specific contexts.  Here
          is how to try normal completion without any match spec-
          ification  and, if that generates no matches, try again
          with case-insensitive matching, restricting the  effect
          to arguments of the command foo:

               zstyle ':completion:*:*:foo:*' tag-order '*' '*:-case'
               zstyle ':completion:*-case' matcher 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'

          First,  all  the tags offered when completing after foo
          are tried using the normal tag name.  If that generates
          no  matches,  the  second  value  of tag-order is used,
          which tries all tags again except that this  time  each
          has  -case  appended  to its name for lookup of styles.
          Hence this time the value for the  matcher  style  from
          the  second  call  to  zstyle in the example is used to
          make completion case-insensitive.

          It is possible to use  the  -e  option  of  the  zstyle
          builtin  command  to  specify conditions for the use of
          particular tags.  For example:

               zstyle -e '*:-command-:*' tag-order '
                   if [[ -n $PREFIX$SUFFIX ]]; then
                     reply=( )
                     reply=( - )

          Completion in command position will be  attempted  only
          if  the  string  typed  so  far  is not empty.  This is
          tested using the PREFIX special parameter; see zshcomp-
          wid  for  a description of parameters which are special
          inside completion widgets.  Setting reply to  an  empty
          array provides the default behaviour of trying all tags
          at once; setting it  to  an  array  containing  only  a
          hyphen  disables  the  use of all tags and hence of all

          If no tag-order style has been defined for  a  context,
          the  strings `(|*-)argument-* (|*-)option-* values' and
          `options' plus all tags offered by the completion func-
          tion  will be used to provide a sensible default behav-
          ior that causes arguments (whether normal command argu-
          ments  or  arguments of options) to be completed before
          option names for most commands.

     urls This is used together with the urls  tag  by  functions
          completing URLs.

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          If  the  value  consists of more than one string, or if
          the only string does not name a file or directory,  the
          strings are used as the URLs to complete.

          If the value contains only one string which is the name
          of a normal file the URLs  are  taken  from  that  file
          (where the URLs may be separated by white space or new-

          Finally, if the only string in the value names a direc-
          tory,  the directory hierarchy rooted at this directory
          gives the completions.  The top level directory  should
          be  the  file  access  method,  such  as `http', `ftp',
          `bookmark' and so on.  In many cases the next level  of
          directories  will be a filename.  The directory hierar-
          chy can descend as deep as necessary.

          For example,

               zstyle ':completion:*' urls ~/.urls
               mkdir -p ~/.urls/ftp/ftp.zsh.org/pub

          allows completion of all  the  components  of  the  URL
          ftp://ftp.zsh.org/pub  after  suitable commands such as
          `netscape' or `lynx'.  Note, however, that access meth-
          ods and files are completed separately, so if the hosts
          style is set hosts can be completed  without  reference
          to the urls style.

          See  the  description  in the function _urls itself for
          more information (e.g. `more $^fpath/_urls(N)').

          If this is set, the completion caching layer  is  acti-
          vated  for  any  completions  which  use  it  (via  the
          _store_cache, _retrieve_cache, and _cache_invalid func-
          tions).   The  directory containing the cache files can
          be changed with the cache-path style.

          If this style is set to a string not equal to false, 0,
          no,  and off, the completion system may use any comple-
          tion specifications defined with  the  compctl  builtin
          command.   If  the style is unset, this is done only if
          the zsh/compctl module is loaded.  The string may  also
          contain   the  substring  `first'  to  use  completions
          defined with `compctl -T', and the substring  `default'
          to use the completion defined with `compctl -D'.

          Note  that  this is only intended to smooth the transi-
          tion from compctl to the new completion system and  may

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          disappear in the future.

          Note  also  that the definitions from compctl will only
          be used if there is no specific completion function for
          the  command  in  question.  For example, if there is a
          function _foo to complete arguments to the command foo,
          compctl  will  never  be invoked for foo.  However, the
          compctl version will be tried if foo only uses  default

          By  default,  the  function  _hosts that completes host
          names strips IP addresses from entries read  from  host
          databases  such as NIS and ssh files.  If this style is
          true, the corresponding IP addresses can  be  completed
          as  well.   This  style is not use in any context where
          the hosts style is set; note also it must be set before
          the  cache  of  host  names is generated (typically the
          first completion attempt).

          This may be set to a list of usernames to be completed.
          If it is not set all usernames will be completed.  Note
          that if it is set only that list of users will be  com-
          pleted;  this  is  because on some systems querying all
          users can take a prohibitive amount of time.

          The  values  of  this  style  should  be  of  the  form
          `user@host'  or  `user:host'.  It  is used for commands
          that need pairs of user- and hostnames.  These commands
          will  complete  usernames  from  this style (only), and
          will restrict subsequent hostname completion  to  hosts
          paired  with  that  user  in  one  of the values of the

          It is possible to group values  for  sets  of  commands
          which  allow a remote login, such as rlogin and ssh, by
          using the my-accounts tag.  Similarly, values for  sets
          of  commands  which  usually  refer  to the accounts of
          other people, such as talk and finger, can  be  grouped
          by  using the other-accounts tag.  More ambivalent com-
          mands may use the accounts tag.

          Like users-hosts but used for commands like telnet  and
          containing strings of the form `user@host:port'.

          If  set, as it is by default, the completion listing is
          more  verbose.   In  particular  many   commands   show
          descriptions for options if this style is `true'.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     word This is used by the _list completer, which prevents the
          insertion of  completions  until  a  second  completion
          attempt  when the line has not changed.  The normal way
          of finding out if the line has changed  is  to  compare
          its entire contents between the two occasions.  If this
          style is true, the comparison is instead performed only
          on  the current word.  Hence if completion is performed
          on another word with the same contents, completion will
          not be delayed.

     The initialization script compinit redefines all the widgets
     which perform completion to call the supplied  widget  func-
     tion  _main_complete.  This function acts as a wrapper call-
     ing  the  so-called  `completer'  functions  that   generate
     matches.   If _main_complete is called with arguments, these
     are taken as the names of completer functions to  be  called
     in  the  order given.  If no arguments are given, the set of
     functions to try is taken from  the  completer  style.   For
     example,  to  use  normal  completion and correction if that
     doesn't generate any matches:

          zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _correct

     after calling compinit. The default value for this style  is
     `_complete _ignored', i.e. normally only ordinary completion
     is tried, first with  the  effect  of  the  ignored-patterns
     style and then without it.  The _main_complete function uses
     the return status of the completer functions  to  decide  if
     other  completers should be called.  If the return status is
     zero, no other completers are tried and  the  _main_complete
     function returns.

     If  the first argument to _main_complete is a single hyphen,
     the arguments will not be  taken  as  names  of  completers.
     Instead, the second argument gives a name to use in the com-
     pleter field of the context and the other arguments  give  a
     command  name and arguments to call to generate the matches.

     The following completer functions are contained in the  dis-
     tribution, although users may write their own.  Note that in
     contexts the leading underscore  is  stripped,  for  example
     basic  completion  is  performed  in  the  context `:comple-

          This completer can be used to add a  string  consisting
          of  all  other  matches.   As  it influences later com-
          pleters it must appear as the first  completer  in  the
          list.   The  list  of  all  matches  is affected by the
          avoid-completer and old-matches styles described above.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

          It may be useful to use the _generic function described
          below to bind _all_matches to its  own  keystroke,  for

               zle -C all-matches complete-word _generic
               bindkey '^Xa' all-matches
               zstyle ':completion:all-matches:*' old-matches only
               zstyle ':completion:all-matches::::' completer _all_matches

          Note that this does not generate completions by itself:
          first use any of the standard ways of generating a list
          of  completions,  then use ^Xa to show all matches.  It
          is possible instead to add a standard completer to  the
          list and request that the list of all matches should be
          directly inserted:

               zstyle ':completion:all-matches::::' completer _all_matches _complete
               zstyle ':completion:all-matches:*' insert true

          In this case the old-matches style should not be set.

          This is similar to the basic  _complete  completer  but
          allows  the  completions  to  undergo corrections.  The
          maximum number  of  errors  can  be  specified  by  the
          max-errors  style;  see  the description of approximate
          matching in zshexpn(1)  for  how  errors  are  counted.
          Normally  this  completer  will only be tried after the
          normal _complete completer:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _approximate

          This will give correcting completion  if  and  only  if
          normal completion yields no possible completions.  When
          corrected completions are  found,  the  completer  will
          normally  start  menu  completion allowing you to cycle
          through these strings.

          This completer uses the tags corrections  and  original
          when generating the possible corrections and the origi-
          nal string.  The format style for the former  may  con-
          tain  the additional sequences `%e' and `%o' which will
          be replaced by the number of errors accepted to  gener-
          ate  the  corrections  and the original string, respec-

          The completer progressively  increases  the  number  of
          errors allowed up to the limit by the max-errors style,
          hence if a completion is found with one error, no  com-
          pletions  with two errors will be shown, and so on.  It
          modifies the completer name in the context to  indicate
          the  number of errors being tried: on the first try the

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          completer field contains `approximate-1', on the second
          try `approximate-2', and so on.

          When  _approximate is called from another function, the
          number of errors to accept may be passed  with  the  -a
          option.   The  argument  is  in  the same format as the
          max-errors style, all in one string.

          Note that this completer (and  the  _correct  completer
          mentioned  below) can be quite expensive to call, espe-
          cially when a large number of errors are allowed.   One
          way  to  avoid  this  is  to set up the completer style
          using the -e option to zstyle so that  some  completers
          are  only  used  when  completion is attempted a second
          time on the same string, e.g.:

               zstyle -e ':completion:*' completer '
                 if [[ $_last_try != "$HISTNO$BUFFER$CURSOR" ]]; then
                   reply=(_complete _match _prefix)
                   reply=(_ignored _correct _approximate)

          This uses the HISTNO parameter and the BUFFER and  CUR-
          SOR  special  parameters  that are available inside zle
          and completion widgets to find out if the command  line
          hasn't  changed  since  the  last  time  completion was
          tried.   Only  then  are  the  _ignored,  _correct  and
          _approximate completers called.

          This  completer generates all possible completions in a
          context-sensitive  manner,  i.e.  using  the   settings
          defined  with  the compdef function explained above and
          the current settings of all special  parameters.   This
          gives the normal completion behaviour.

          To  complete  arguments of commands, _complete uses the
          utility function _normal, which is in turn  responsible
          for  finding  the  particular function; it is described
          below.  Various contexts of the form -context- are han-
          dled  specifically.  These  are  all mentioned above as
          possible arguments to the #compdef tag.

          Before trying to find a function for  a  specific  con-
          text,  _complete  checks if the parameter `compcontext'
          is set. Setting `compcontext' allows the usual  comple-
          tion  dispatching  to  be overridden which is useful in
          places such as a function that uses vared for input. If
          it is set to an array, the elements are taken to be the
          possible matches which will be completed using the  tag

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          `values'  and  the description `value'. If it is set to
          an associative array, the keys are used as the possible
          completions  and  the values (if non-empty) are used as
          descriptions for the matches.  If `compcontext' is  set
          to a string containing colons, it should be of the form
          `tag:descr:action'.  In this case  the  tag  and  descr
          give  the  tag  and  description  to use and the action
          indicates what should be completed in one of the  forms
          accepted  by  the _arguments utility function described

          Finally, if `compcontext' is set to  a  string  without
          colons,  the  value is taken as the name of the context
          to use and the function defined for that  context  will
          be  called.   For this purpose, there is a special con-
          text named -command-line- that completes whole  command
          lines (commands and their arguments).  This is not used
          by the completion system itself but is nonetheless han-
          dled when explicitly called.

          Generate corrections, but not completions, for the cur-
          rent word; this is similar to _approximate but will not
          allow  any  number of extra characters at the cursor as
          that  completer  does.   The  effect  is   similar   to
          spell-checking.   It  is based on _approximate, but the
          completer field in the context name is correct.

          For example, with:

               zstyle ':completion:::::' completer _complete _correct _approximate
               zstyle ':completion:*:correct:::' max-errors 2 not-numeric
               zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:::' max-errors 3 numeric

          correction will accept up to two errors.  If a  numeric
          argument  is  given,  correction will not be performed,
          but correcting completion will be, and will  accept  as
          many  errors as given by the numeric argument.  Without
          a numeric argument, first correction and then  correct-
          ing  completion  will  be  tried,  with  the  first one
          accepting two errors and the second one accepting three

          When  _correct  is  called as a function, the number of
          errors to accept may be given following the -a  option.
          The argument is in the same form a values to the accept
          style, all in one string.

          This completer function is intended to be used  without
          the  _approximate completer or, as in the example, just
          before it.  Using it after the  _approximate  completer
          is  useless  since  _approximate will at least generate

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          the corrected strings generated by  the  _correct  com-
          pleter -- and probably more.

          This completer function does not really perform comple-
          tion, but instead checks if the  word  on  the  command
          line  is  eligible  for  expansion and, if it is, gives
          detailed control over how this expansion is done.   For
          this  to  happen,  the  completion  system  needs to be
          invoked with complete-word, not expand-or-complete (the
          default  binding for TAB), as otherwise the string will
          be expanded by the shell's  internal  mechanism  before
          the  completion system is started.  Note also this com-
          pleter should be called before the _complete  completer

          The tags used when generating expansions are all-expan-
          sions for the string  containing  all  possible  expan-
          sions,  expansions  when adding the possible expansions
          as single matches and original when adding the original
          string from the line.  The order in which these strings
          are generated, if at all,  can  be  controlled  by  the
          group-order and tag-order styles, as usual.

          The format string for all-expansions and for expansions
          may contain the sequence `%o' which will be replaced by
          the original string from the line.

          The  kind of expansion to be tried is controlled by the
          substitute, glob and subst-globs-only styles.

          It is also possible to call _expand as a  function,  in
          which  case  the  different  modes may be selected with
          options: -s for substitute, -g  for  glob  and  -o  for

          If  the  word  the  cursor  is  on  is  an alias, it is
          expanded and no other completers are called.  The types
          of  aliases  which are to be expanded can be controlled
          with the styles regular, global and disabled.

          This function is also a bindable command, see the  sec-
          tion `Bindable Commands' below.

          Complete words from the shell's command  history.  This
          completer can be controlled by the remove-all-dups, and
          sort  styles as for the _history_complete_word bindable
          command, see the section `Bindable Commands' below  and
          the section `Completion System Configuration' above.

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          The ignored-patterns style can be set to a list of pat-
          terns which are compared against possible  completions;
          matching  ones  are removed.  With this completer those
          matches can be reinstated, as  if  no  ignored-patterns
          style  were  set.  The completer actually generates its
          own list of matches; which completers  are  invoked  is
          determined  in  the  same  way  as for the _prefix com-
          pleter.  The single-ignored style is also available  as
          described above.

          This  completer  allows  the insertion of matches to be
          delayed until completion is  attempted  a  second  time
          without  the  word  on  the line being changed.  On the
          first attempt, only the list of matches will be  shown.
          It  is  affected  by the styles condition and word, see
          the section `Completion System Configuration' above.

          This completer is intended to be used after  the  _com-
          plete  completer.   It behaves similarly but the string
          on the command line may be a pattern to  match  against
          trial  completions.   This  gives  the  effect  of  the
          GLOB_COMPLETE option.

          Normally completion will be  performed  by  taking  the
          pattern  from  the  line, inserting a `*' at the cursor
          position and comparing the resulting pattern  with  the
          possible  completions  generated.  This can be modified
          with the match-original style described above.

          The generated matches will be offered in a menu comple-
          tion  unless  the  insert-unambiguous  style  is set to
          `true'; see the description above for other options for
          this style.

          Note  that  matcher  specifications defined globally or
          used  by   the   completion   functions   (the   styles
          matcher-list and matcher) will not be used.

          This  completer  was written as simple example function
          to show how menu completion can  be  enabled  in  shell
          code.  However,  it has the notable effect of disabling
          menu selection which can be useful with _generic  based
          widgets.  It  should  be used as the first completer in
          the list.  Note that this is independent of the setting
          of  the MENU_COMPLETE option and does not work with the
          other menu completion widgets such as reverse-menu-com-
          plete, or accept-and-menu-complete.

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          This  completer  controls  how  the standard completion
          widgets behave when there is an existing list  of  com-
          pletions  which  may  have  been generated by a special
          completion (i.e.  a  separately-bound  completion  com-
          mand).   It allows the ordinary completion keys to con-
          tinue to use the list of  completions  thus  generated,
          instead  of producing a new list of ordinary contextual
          completions.  It should appear  in  the  list  of  com-
          pleters  before  any  of  the  widgets  which  generate
          matches.  It uses two styles:  old-list  and  old-menu,
          see   the  section  `Completion  System  Configuration'

          This completer can be used to try completion  with  the
          suffix (everything after the cursor) ignored.  In other
          words, the suffix will not be considered to be part  of
          the  word  to  complete.   The effect is similar to the
          expand-or-complete-prefix command.

          The completer style is used to decide which other  com-
          pleters  are to be called to generate matches.  If this
          style is unset, the list of completers set for the cur-
          rent  context is used -- except, of course, the _prefix
          completer  itself.   Furthermore,  if  this   completer
          appears  more  than once in the list of completers only
          those completers not already tried by the last  invoca-
          tion of _prefix will be called.

          For example, consider this global completer style:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer \
                   _complete _prefix _correct _prefix:foo

          Here, the _prefix completer tries normal completion but
          ignoring the suffix.   If  that  doesn't  generate  any
          matches, and neither does the call to the _correct com-
          pleter after it, _prefix will be called a  second  time
          and,   now  only  trying  correction  with  the  suffix
          ignored.  On the second invocation the  completer  part
          of the context appears as `foo'.

          To  use  _prefix as the last resort and try only normal
          completion when it is invoked:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete ... _prefix
               zstyle ':completion::prefix:*' completer _complete

          The add-space style is also respected.  If it is set to
          `true'  then  _prefix  will  insert a space between the
          matches generated (if any) and the suffix.

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          Note that this completer is only  useful  if  the  COM-
          PLETE_IN_WORD option is set; otherwise, the cursor will
          be moved to the end of the current word before the com-
          pletion  code is called and hence there will be no suf-

          This completer behaves similarly to  the  _expand  com-
          pleter  but  instead  performs  expansions  defined  by
          users.  The styles add-space and sort  styles  specific
          to  the  _expand completer are usable with _user_expand
          in addition to other styles handled more  generally  by
          the  completion system.  The tag all-expansions is also

          The expansion depends on the  array  style  user-expand
          being  defined  for  the current context; remember that
          the context for completers is less specific  than  that
          for  contextual  completion as the full context has not
          yet been determined.  Elements of the  array  may  have
          one of the following forms:

               hash  is  the  name of an associative array.  Note
               this is not a full parameter expression, merely  a
               $, suitably quoted to prevent immediate expansion,
               followed by the name of an associative array.   If
               the  trial  expansion  word matches a key in hash,
               the  resulting  expansion  is  the   corresponding

               _func  is  the name of a shell function whose name
               must begin with _ but is not otherwise special  to
               the  completion  system.   The  function is called
               with the trial word as an argument.  If  the  word
               is  to  be  expanded,  the function should set the
               array reply to a list of expansions.   Optionally,
               it  can set REPLY to a word that will be used as a
               description for the set of expansions.  The return
               status of the function is irrelevant.
     In  addition  to the context-dependent completions provided,
     which are expected to work in an  intuitively  obvious  way,
     there are a few widgets implementing special behaviour which
     can be bound separately to keys.  The following is a list of
     these and their default bindings.

          This  function  is  used  by  two  widgets,  _bash_com-
          plete-word and _bash_list-choices.  It exists  to  pro-
          vide  compatibility  with  completion bindings in bash.

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          The last character of the binding  determines  what  is
          completed:  `!',  command names; `$', environment vari-
          ables; `@', host  names;  `/',  file  names;  `~'  user
          names.   In  bash,  the  binding preceded by `\e' gives
          completion, and preceded by  `^X'  lists  options.   As
          some  of  these  bindings clash with standard zsh bind-
          ings, only `\e~' and `^X~' are bound  by  default.   To
          add  the  rest, the following should be added to .zshrc
          after compinit has been run:

               for key in '!' '$' '@' '/' '~'; do
                 bindkey "\e$key" _bash_complete-word
                 bindkey "^X$key" _bash_list-choices

          This includes the bindings for `~' in  case  they  were
          already  bound  to  something else; the completion code
          does not override user bindings.

     _correct_filename (^XC)
          Correct the  filename  path  at  the  cursor  position.
          Allows  up  to  six  errors  in  the name.  Can also be
          called with an argument to  correct  a  filename  path,
          independently  of  zle;  the  correction  is printed on
          standard output.

     _correct_word (^Xc)
          Performs correction of the current argument  using  the
          usual  contextual completions as possible choices. This
          stores the string `correct-word' in the function  field
          of  the  context  name and then calls the _correct com-

     _expand_alias (^Xa)
          This function can be used as a completer and as a bind-
          able  command.  It expands the word the cursor is on if
          it is an alias.  The types of  alias  expanded  can  be
          controlled  with  the  styles  regular, global and dis-

          When used as a bindable command there is one additional
          feature  that  can  be selected by setting the complete
          style to `true'.  In this case, if the word is not  the
          name  of  an alias, _expand_alias tries to complete the
          word to a full alias name  without  expanding  it.   It
          leaves  the cursor directly after the completed word so
          that invoking _expand_alias once more will  expand  the
          now-complete alias name.

     _expand_word (^Xe)
          Performs  expansion on the current word:  equivalent to
          the standard expand-word command, but using the _expand

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          completer.   Before  calling  it, the function field of
          the context is set to `expand-word'.

          This function is not defined as a widget and not  bound
          by default.  However, it can be used to define a widget
          and will then store the name of the widget in the func-
          tion  field of the context and call the completion sys-
          tem.  This allows custom completion widgets with  their
          own  set  of  style settings to be defined easily.  For
          example, to define a widget that performs  normal  com-
          pletion and starts menu selection:

               zle -C foo complete-word _generic
               bindkey '...' foo
               zstyle ':completion:foo:*' menu yes select=1

          Note  in particular that the completer style may be set
          for the context in order to change the set of functions
          used  to  generate  possible  matches.   If _generic is
          called with arguments,  those  are  passed  through  to
          _main_complete  as  the  list of completers in place of
          those defined by the completer style.

     _history_complete_word (\e/)
          Complete words from the shell's command  history.  This
          uses  the list, remove-all-dups, sort, and stop styles.

     _most_recent_file (^Xm)
          Complete the name of the most  recently  modified  file
          matching  the pattern on the command line (which may be
          blank).  If given a numeric argument  N,  complete  the
          Nth  most recently modified file.  Note the completion,
          if any, is always unique.

     _next_tags (^Xn)
          This command alters the set of matches used to that for
          the  next  tag,  or set of tags, either as given by the
          tag-order style or as set  by  default;  these  matches
          would  otherwise  not be available.  Successive invoca-
          tions of the command cycle through all possible sets of

     _read_comp (^X^R)
          Prompt  the  user for a string, and use that to perform
          completion on the current word.  There are  two  possi-
          bilities  for  the  string.   First, it can be a set of
          words beginning `_', for example `_files -/', in  which
          case  the function with any arguments will be called to
          generate the completions.   Unambiguous  parts  of  the
          function  name  will be completed automatically (normal
          completion is not available  at  this  point)  until  a

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          space is typed.

          Second,  any  other  string  will be passed as a set of
          arguments to compadd and should hence be an  expression
          specifying what should be completed.

          A  very restricted set of editing commands is available
          when reading the string:  `DEL'  and  `^H'  delete  the
          last  character;  `^U'  deletes  the line, and `^C' and
          `^G' abort the function, while `RET' accepts  the  com-
          pletion.  Note the string is used verbatim as a command
          line, so arguments must be quoted  in  accordance  with
          standard shell rules.

          Once   a  string  has  been  read,  the  next  call  to
          _read_comp will use  the  existing  string  instead  of
          reading  a  new one.  To force a new string to be read,
          call _read_comp with a numeric argument.

     _complete_debug (^X?)
          This widget performs ordinary completion, but  captures
          in  a temporary file a trace of the shell commands exe-
          cuted  by  the  completion  system.   Each   completion
          attempt  gets  its own file.  A command to view each of
          these files is pushed onto the editor buffer stack.

     _complete_help (^Xh)
          This widget  displays  information  about  the  context
          names, the tags, and the completion functions used when
          completing at the current cursor position. If  given  a
          numeric argument other than 1 (as in `ESC-2 ^Xh'), then
          the styles used and the contexts  for  which  they  are
          used will be shown, too.

          Note  that  the  information about styles may be incom-
          plete; it depends on the information available from the
          completion  functions  called,  which in turn is deter-
          mined by the user's own styles and other settings.

          Unlike other commands listed here, this must be created
          as  a normal ZLE widget rather than a completion widget
          (i.e. with zle -N).  It is  used  for  generating  help
          with  a  widget  bound  to  the _generic widget that is
          described above.

          If this widget is created using the name of  the  func-
          tion,  as  it is by default, then when executed it will
          read a key sequence.  This is expected to be bound to a
          call  to  a  completion function that uses the _generic
          widget.  That widget will be executed, and  information
          provided  in  the  same  format that the _complete_help

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          widget displays for contextual completion.

          If the widget's name contains debug, for example if  it
          is  created  as  `zle  -N _complete_debug_generic _com-
          plete_help_generic',  it  will  read  and  execute  the
          keystring for a generic widget as before, but then gen-
          erate debugging information as done by  _complete_debug
          for contextual completion.

          If  the widget's name contains noread, it will not read
          a keystring but instead arrange that the next use of  a
          generic  widget  run  in  the  same shell will have the
          effect as described above.

          The  widget  works  by  setting  the  shell   parameter
          ZSH_TRACE_GENERIC_WIDGET  which  is  read  by _generic.
          Unsetting the parameter cancels any pending  effect  of
          the noread form.

          For example, after executing the following:

               zle -N _complete_debug_generic _complete_help_generic
               bindkey '^x:' _complete_debug_generic

          typing  `C-x  :'  followed  by  the  key sequence for a
          generic widget will cause trace output for that  widget
          to be saved to a file.

     _complete_tag (^Xt)
          This  widget completes symbol tags created by the etags
          or ctags programmes (note there is no  connection  with
          the completion system's tags) stored in a file TAGS, in
          the format used by etags, or tags, in the  format  cre-
          ated by ctags.  It will look back up the path hierarchy
          for the first occurrence of either file; if both exist,
          the  file  TAGS is preferred.  You can specify the full
          path to a TAGS or tags file by  setting  the  parameter
          $TAGSFILE or $tagsfile respectively.  The corresponding
          completion tags used are etags and vtags,  after  emacs
          and vi respectively.

     Descriptions follow for utility functions that may be useful
     when  writing  completion  functions.   If   functions   are
     installed  in  subdirectories,  most  of these reside in the
     Base subdirectory.  Like the example functions for  commands
     in   the  distribution,  the  utility  functions  generating
     matches all follow the convention of returning  status  zero
     if  they  generated  completions and non-zero if no matching
     completions could be added.

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     Two more features are offered by  the  _main_complete  func-
     tion.  The arrays compprefuncs and comppostfuncs may contain
     names of functions that are to be called immediately  before
     or after completion has been tried.  A function will only be
     called once unless it explicitly reinserts itself  into  the

     _all_labels [ -x ] [ -12VJ ] tag name descr [ command args
          ... ]
          This is a convenient interface to the _next_label func-
          tion   below,   implementing  the  loop  shown  in  the
          _next_label example.  The command and its arguments are
          called  to generate the matches.  The options stored in
          the parameter name will automatically be inserted  into
          the args passed to the command.  Normally, they are put
          directly after the command, but if one of the args is a
          single  hyphen, they are inserted directly before that.
          If the hyphen is the last argument, it will be  removed
          from  the  argument  list before the command is called.
          This allows _all_labels to be used in almost all  cases
          where  the matches can be generated by a single call to
          the compadd builtin command or by a call to one of  the
          utility functions.

          For example:

               local expl
               if _requested foo; then
                 _all_labels foo expl '...' compadd ... - $matches

          Will  complete  the strings from the matches parameter,
          using compadd with additional options which  will  take
          precedence over those generated by _all_labels.

     _alternative [ -O name ] [ -C name ] spec ...
          This  function is useful in simple cases where multiple
          tags are available.  Essentially it implements  a  loop
          like the one described for the _tags function below.

          The  tags  to use and the action to perform if a tag is
          requested are described using the specs  which  are  of
          the  form:  `tag:descr:action'.   The  tags are offered
          using _tags and if the tag is requested, the action  is
          executed with the given description descr.  The actions
          are  those  accepted   by   the   _arguments   function
          (described  below),  excluding the `->state' and `=...'

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          For example, the action may be a simple function call:

               _alternative \
                   'users:user:_users' \

          offers usernames and  hostnames  as  possible  matches,
          generated  by  the  _users and _hosts functions respec-

          Like _arguments, this function uses _all_labels to exe-
          cute  the  actions,  which  will  loop over all sets of
          tags.  Special handling is only required if there is an
          additional  valid  tag,  for  example inside a function
          called from _alternative.

          The option `-O name' is used in the same way as by  the
          _arguments  function.   In other words, the elements of
          the name array will be passed to compadd when executing
          an action.

          Like _tags this function supports the -C option to give
          a different name for the argument context field.

: ] spec...
     _arguments [ -nswWCRS ] [ -A pat ] [ -O name ] [ -M match-
          spec ] [
     _arguments [ opts... ] -- [ -i pats ] [ -s pair ] [ help-
          spec... ]
          This function can be used to give a complete specifica-
          tion  for completion for a command whose arguments fol-
          low standard  UNIX  option  and  argument  conventions.
          Options to _arguments itself must be in separate words,
          i.e. -s -w, not -sw.

          When  calling  _arguments,  all  specs  that   describe
          options  of  the analyzed command line must precede all
          specs that describe non-option (aka "normal") arguments
          of  the analyzed line.  To avoid ambiguity, all options
          to _arguments itself may be  separated  from  the  spec
          forms by a single colon.

          The  -s -w -W -A and -S options describe how parsing of
          the command line should proceed, and are  discussed  in
          context  below.   The  `--' form is used to intuit spec
          forms from the help output of the  command  being  ana-
          lyzed,  and is described in detail below.  The opts for
          the `--' form are otherwise the  same  options  as  the
          first  form.   Note that `-s' following `--' has a dis-
          tinct meaning from `-s' preceding `--',  and  both  may

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          With  the option -n, _arguments sets the parameter NOR-
          MARG to the position of the first  normal  argument  in
          the  $words  array,  i.e. the position after the end of
          the options.  If that argument has  not  been  reached,
          NORMARG is set to -1.  The caller should declare `inte-
          ger NORMARG' if the -n option is passed; otherwise  the
          parameter is not used.

          The option `-M matchspec' sets a match specification to
          use to completion option names and values.  The default
          matchspec is:

               r:|[_-]=* r:|=*

          This  allows partial word completion after `_' and `-',
          for example `-f-b' can be completed to `-foo-bar'.

          Each of the following forms is a spec describing  indi-
          vidual sets of options or arguments on the command line
          being analyzed.

               This describes the n'th normal argument.  The mes-
               sage  will  be printed above the matches generated
               and the action indicates what can be completed  in
               this  position  (see  below).   If  there  are two
               colons  before  the  message   the   argument   is
               optional.   If  the  message  contains  only white
               space, nothing will be printed above  the  matches
               unless  the  action  adds  an  explanation  string

               Similar, but describes the next argument, whatever
               number  that  happens to be.  If all arguments are
               specified in this form in the  correct  order  the
               numbers are unnecessary.

               This  describes  how arguments (usually non-option
               arguments, those not beginning with - or +) are to
               be  completed  when neither of the first two forms
               was provided.  Any number of arguments can be com-
               pleted in this fashion.

               With two colons before the message, the words spe-
               cial array and the CURRENT special  parameter  are
               modified  to  refer  only  to the normal arguments

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               when the action is executed  or  evaluated.   With
               three  colons before the message they are modified
               to refer only to the normal arguments  covered  by
               this description.

               This  describes  an  option.   The colon indicates
               handling for one or more arguments to the  option;
               if  it  is  not  present, the option is assumed to
               take no arguments.

               By default, options are multi-character name,  one
               `-word'  per option.  With -s, options may be sin-
               gle characters, with  more  than  one  option  per
               word,  although  words  starting with two hyphens,
               such as `--prefix', are still considered  complete
               option  names.   This is suitable for standard GNU

               The combination of -s with -w allows single-letter
               options  to  be  combined in a single word even if
               one or more of the options  take  arguments.   For
               example, if -x takes an argument, with no -s `-xy'
               is considered as a single (unhandled) option; with
               -s  -xy  is  an option with the argument `y'; with
               both -s and -w, -xy may be the option -x  and  the
               option -y with arguments still to come.

               The  option  -W takes this a stage further:  it is
               possible to complete  single-letter  options  even
               after  an  argument  that occurs in the same word.
               However,  it  depends  on  the  action   performed
               whether  options  will really be completed at this
               point.  For more control, use a  utility  function
               like _guard as part of the action.

               The  following forms are available for the initial
               optspec, whether or not the option has  arguments.

                    Here  optspec  is  one of the remaining forms
                    below.  This indicates the following  optspec
                    may  be  repeated.   Otherwise  if the corre-
                    sponding option is  already  present  on  the
                    command  line  to  the  left of the cursor it
                    will not be offered again.

                    In the simplest form the optspec is just  the
                    option  name beginning with a minus or a plus

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                    sign, such as `-foo'.  The first argument for
                    the option (if any) must follow as a separate
                    word directly after the option.

                    Either of `-+optname' and `+-optname' can  be
                    used  to  specify  that -optname and +optname
                    are both valid.

                    In all the remaining forms, the  leading  `-'
                    may be replaced by or paired with `+' in this

                    The first argument of the  option  must  come
                    directly  after  the  option name in the same
                    word.   For  example,  `-foo-:...'  specifies
                    that  the  completed option and argument will
                    look like `-fooarg'.

                    The first  argument  may  appear  immediately
                    after optname in the same word, or may appear
                    as a separate word  after  the  option.   For
                    example,  `-foo+:...' specifies that the com-
                    pleted option and  argument  will  look  like
                    either `-fooarg' or `-foo arg'.

                    The  argument may appear as the next word, or
                    in same word as the option name provided that
                    it  is  separated  from it by an equals sign,
                    for example `-foo=arg' or `-foo arg'.

                    The argument to the option must appear  after
                    an  equals sign in the same word, and may not
                    be given in the next argument.

                    An explanation string may be appended to  any
                    of  the preceding forms of optspec by enclos-
                    ing it in brackets, as  in  `-q[query  opera-

                    The  verbose  style is used to decide whether
                    the explanation strings  are  displayed  with
                    the option in a completion listing.

                    If  no  bracketed explanation string is given
                    but the auto-description  style  is  set  and
                    only  one argument is described for this opt-
                    spec, the value of the  style  is  displayed,

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                    with  any  appearance of the sequence `%d' in
                    it replaced  by  the  message  of  the  first
                    optarg that follows the optspec; see below.

          It is possible for options with a literal `+' or `=' to
          appear, but that character must be quoted, for  example

          The  options  -S  and  -A are available to simplify the
          specifications for commands with standard option  pars-
          ing.  With -S, no option will be completed after a `--'
          appearing on its own on the line;  this  argument  will
          otherwise be ignored; hence in the line

               foobar -x -- -y

          the  `-x'  is considered an option but the `-y' is con-
          sidered an argument, while the `--' is considered to be

          With  -A,  no options will be completed after the first
          non-option argument on the line.  The -A must  be  fol-
          lowed  by  a pattern matching all strings which are not
          to be taken as arguments.  For example, to make  _argu-
          ments  stop  completing  options after the first normal
          argument, but ignoring  all  strings  starting  with  a
          hyphen  even  if  they  are not described by one of the
          optspecs, the form is `-A "-*"'.

          Each optarg following an optspec must take one  of  the
          following forms:

               An  argument to the option; message and action are
               treated as for ordinary arguments.  In  the  first
               form, the argument is mandatory, and in the second
               form it is optional.

               This group may be repeated for options which  take
               multiple   arguments.    In   other  words,  :mes-
               sage1:action1:message2:action2 specifies that  the
               option takes two arguments.

               This  describes multiple arguments.  Only the last
               optarg for an option taking multiple arguments may
               be  given  in  this form.  If the pattern is empty
               (i.e., :*:), all the remaining words on  the  line
               are  to  be  completed as described by the action;

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               otherwise, all the words up  to  and  including  a
               word  matching  the  pattern  are  to be completed
               using the action.

               Multiple colons are treated  as  for  the  `*:...'
               forms for ordinary arguments:  when the message is
               preceded by two colons, the  words  special  array
               and  the  CURRENT  special  parameter are modified
               during the execution or evaluation of  the  action
               to refer only to the words after the option.  When
               preceded by three colons,  they  are  modified  to
               refer  only  to the words covered by this descrip-

     Any literal colon in an optname, message, or action must  be
     preceded by a backslash, `\:'.

     Each  of the forms above may be preceded by a list in paren-
     theses of option names and argument numbers.  If  the  given
     option  is  on  the  command line, the options and arguments
     indicated in parentheses will not be offered.  For  example,
     `(-two  -three  1)-one:...'  completes the option `-one'; if
     this appears on the  command  line,  the  options  -two  and
     -three and the first ordinary argument will not be completed
     after it.  `(-foo):...' specifies an ordinary argument  com-
     pletion;  -foo  will  not  be  completed if that argument is
     already present.

     Other items may appear in the list of  excluded  options  to
     indicate various other items that should not be applied when
     the current specification is matched: a single star (*)  for
     the  rest  arguments  (i.e.  a  specification  of  the  form
     `*:...'); a colon (:) for  all  normal  (non-option-)  argu-
     ments;  and  a  hyphen (-) for all options.  For example, if
     `(*)' appears before an option and the option appears on the
     command  line,  the list of remaining arguments (those shown
     in the above table beginning with `*:')  will  not  be  com-

     To aid in reuse of specifications, it is possible to precede
     any of the forms above with  `!';  then  the  form  will  no
     longer  be  completed,  although  if  the option or argument
     appears on the command line they will be skipped as  normal.
     The  main use for this is when the arguments are given by an
     array, and _arguments is called repeatedly for more specific
     contexts:  on the first call `_arguments $global_options' is
     used,    and     on     subsequent     calls     `_arguments

     In each of the forms above the action determines how comple-
     tions should be generated.  Except for the  `->string'  form
     below,   the   action   will  be  executed  by  calling  the

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     _all_labels function to process all tag labels.  No  special
     handling of tags is needed unless a function call introduces
     a new one.

     The option `-O name' specifies the name of  an  array  whose
     elements  will be passed as arguments to functions called to
     execute actions.  For example, this can be used to pass  the
     same  set of options for the compadd builtin to all actions.

     The forms for action are as follows.

       (single unquoted space)
          This is useful where an argument is required but it  is
          not  possible  or desirable to generate matches for it.
          The  message  will  be  displayed  but  no  completions
          listed.   Note  that even in this case the colon at the
          end of the message is needed; it may  only  be  omitted
          when neither a message nor an action is given.

     (item1 item2 ...)
          One of a list of possible matches, for example:

               :foo:(foo bar baz)

     ((item1\:desc1 ...))
          Similar  to  the  above, but with descriptions for each
          possible match.  Note the backslash before  the  colon.
          For example,

               :foo:((a\:bar b\:baz))

          The matches will be listed together with their descrip-
          tions if the description style is set with  the  values
          tag in the context.

          In  this  form,  _arguments processes the arguments and
          options and then returns control to the  calling  func-
          tion  with parameters set to indicate the state of pro-
          cessing;  the  calling  function  then  makes  its  own
          arrangements  for generating completions.  For example,
          functions that implement a state machine can  use  this
          type of action.

          Where  _arguments  encounters  action in the `->string'
          format, it will strip all leading and  trailing  white-
          space from string and set the array state to the set of
          all strings for which an action  is  to  be  performed.
          The  elements of the array state_descr are assigned the
          corresponding message field from each optarg containing
          such an action.

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          By  default  and  in common with all other well behaved
          completion functions, _arguments returns status zero if
          it was able to add matches and non-zero otherwise. How-
          ever, if  the  -R  option  is  given,  _arguments  will
          instead  return a status of 300 to indicate that $state
          is to be handled.

          In addition to $state and $state_descr, _arguments also
          sets   the  global  parameters  `context',  `line'  and
          `opt_args' as described below, and does not  reset  any
          changes  made  to the special parameters such as PREFIX
          and words.  This gives the calling function the  choice
          of resetting these parameters or propagating changes in

          A function calling _arguments with at least one  action
          containing  a  `->string' must therefore declare appro-
          priate local parameters:

               local context state state_descr line
               typeset -A opt_args

          to prevent _arguments from altering the global environ-

          A string in braces is evaluated as shell code to gener-
          ate matches.  If the eval-string itself does not  begin
          with  an  opening parenthesis or brace it is split into
          separate words before execution.

     = action
          If the action starts with `= ' (an equals sign followed
          by a space), _arguments will insert the contents of the
          argument field of the current context as the new  first
          element  in  the  words special array and increment the
          value of the CURRENT special parameter.  This  has  the
          effect  of  inserting  a dummy word onto the completion
          command line while not changing the point at which com-
          pletion is taking place.

          This  is  most  useful  with one of the specifiers that
          restrict the words on the command  line  on  which  the
          action  is  to  operate (the two- and three-colon forms
          above).  One particular use is when  an  action  itself
          causes  _arguments  on a restricted range; it is neces-
          sary to use this trick to insert an appropriate command
          name  into  the range for the second call to _arguments
          to be able to parse the line.


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          This covers all forms other than those above.   If  the
          action starts with a space, the remaining list of words
          will be invoked unchanged.

          Otherwise it will be invoked with  some  extra  strings
          placed  after  the  first  word; these are to be passed
          down as options to the compadd  builtin.   They  ensure
          that  the  state specified by _arguments, in particular
          the descriptions of options and arguments, is correctly
          passed  to  the  completion  command.  These additional
          arguments are taken from the  array  parameter  `expl';
          this  will  be  set  up before executing the action and
          hence may be referred to inside  it,  typically  in  an
          expansion  of the form `$expl[@]' which preserves empty
          elements of the array.

     During the performance of the action the array  `line'  will
     be  set  to the normal arguments from the command line, i.e.
     the words from the  command  line  after  the  command  name
     excluding  all  options  and  their  arguments.  Options are
     stored in the associative array `opt_args' with option names
     as keys and their arguments as the values.  For options that
     have more than one argument these are given as  one  string,
     separated  by  colons.  All colons in the original arguments
     are preceded with backslashes.

     The parameter `context' is set when returning to the calling
     function to perform an action of the form `->string'.  It is
     set to an array of elements corresponding to the elements of
     $state.   Each  element  is a suitable name for the argument
     field  of  the  context:  either  a  string  of   the   form
     `option-opt-n'  for the n'th argument of the option -opt, or
     a string of the form `argument-n'  for  the  n'th  argument.
     For  `rest'  arguments, that is those in the list at the end
     not handled by position, n is the string `rest'.  For  exam-
     ple, when completing the argument of the -o option, the name
     is `option-o-1', while for the second  normal  (non-option-)
     argument it is `argument-2'.

     Furthermore, during the evaluation of the action the context
     name in the curcontext parameter is altered  to  append  the
     same string that is stored in the context parameter.

     The  option  -C  tells  _arguments  to modify the curcontext
     parameter for an action of the form `->state'.  This is  the
     standard  parameter  used  to keep track of the current con-
     text.  Here it (and not the context array)  should  be  made
     local to the calling function to avoid passing back the mod-
     ified value and should be initialised to the  current  value
     at the start of the function:

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          local curcontext="$curcontext"

     This  is useful where it is not possible for multiple states
     to be valid together.

     It is possible to specify multiple sets of options and argu-
     ments with the sets separated by single hyphens.  The speci-
     fications before the first hyphen (if any) are shared by all
     the  remaining sets.  The first word in every other set pro-
     vides a name for the set which may appear in exclusion lists
     in  specifications, either alone or before one of the possi-
     ble values described above.  In the second case a `-' should
     appear between this name and the remainder.

     For example:

          _arguments \
              -a \
            - set1 \
              -c \
            - set2 \
              -d \
              ':arg:(x2 y2)'

     This  defines  two sets.  When the command line contains the
     option `-c', the `-d' option and the argument  will  not  be
     considered  possible  completions.  When it contains `-d' or
     an argument, the option `-c' will not be  considered.   How-
     ever, after `-a' both sets will still be considered valid.

     If  the name given for one of the mutually exclusive sets is
     of the form `(name)' then only one value from each set  will
     ever  be  completed;  more  formally, all specifications are
     mutually exclusive to all other specifications in  the  same
     set.   This  is useful for defining multiple sets of options
     which are mutually exclusive and in which  the  options  are
     aliases for each other.  For example:

          _arguments \
              -a -b \
            - '(compress)' \
              {-c,--compress}'[compress]' \
            - '(uncompress)' \

     As  the  completion code has to parse the command line sepa-
     rately for each set this form of argument is slow and should
     only  be used when necessary.  A useful alternative is often
     an  option  specification   with   rest-arguments   (as   in
     `-foo:*:...');  here the option -foo swallows up all remain-
     ing arguments as described by the optarg definitions.

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     The option `--' allows _arguments to work out the  names  of
     long options that support the `--help' option which is stan-
     dard in many GNU commands.  The command word is called  with
     the  argument  `--help'  and  the output examined for option
     names.  Clearly, it can be dangerous to pass  this  to  com-
     mands  which may not support this option as the behaviour of
     the command is unspecified.

     In addition to options, `_arguments --' will try  to  deduce
     the  types  of arguments available for options when the form
     `--opt=val' is valid.  It is also possible to provide  hints
     by  examining  the help text of the command and adding help-
     spec of the form `pattern:message:action'; note  that  other
     _arguments  spec forms are not used.  The pattern is matched
     against the help text for an option, and if it  matches  the
     message  and  action  are  used as for other argument speci-
     fiers.  The special case of  `*:'  means  both  message  and
     action  are  empty,  which has the effect of causing options
     having no description in the help output to  be  ordered  in
     listings ahead of options that have a description.

     For example:

          _arguments -- '*\*:toggle:(yes no)' \
                        '*=FILE*:file:_files' \
                        '*=DIR*:directory:_files -/' \
                        '*=PATH*:directory:_files -/'

     Here,  `yes'  and  `no' will be completed as the argument of
     options whose description ends in a star; file names will be
     completed  for options that contain the substring `=FILE' in
     the description;  and  directories  will  be  completed  for
     options  whose  description contains `=DIR' or `=PATH'.  The
     last three are in fact the default and so need not be  given
     explicitly,  although  it is possible to override the use of
     these patterns.  A typical help text which uses this feature

            -C, --directory=DIR          change to directory DIR

     so  that  the above specifications will cause directories to
     be completed after `--directory', though not after `-C'.

     Note also that _arguments tries to find out automatically if
     the  argument for an option is optional.  This can be speci-
     fied explicitly by doubling the colon before the message.

     If the pattern ends in `(-)', this will be removed from  the
     pattern  and the action will be used only directly after the
     `=', not in the next word.  This is the behaviour of a  nor-
     mal specification defined with the form `=-'.

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     The  `_arguments  --' can be followed by the option `-i pat-
     terns' to give patterns for options which are not to be com-
     pleted.   The  patterns can be given as the name of an array
     parameter or as a literal list in parentheses.  For example,

          _arguments -- -i \

     will  cause  completion to ignore the options `--enable-FEA-
     TURE' and `--disable-FEATURE' (this example is  useful  with
     GNU configure).

     The  `_arguments --' form can also be followed by the option
     `-s pair' to describe option aliases.  The pair consists  of
     a  list  of  alternating patterns and corresponding replace-
     ments, enclosed in parens and quoted so that it forms a sin-
     gle argument word in the _arguments call.

     For  example,  some  configure-script  help output describes
     options only as `--enable-foo', but the script also  accepts
     the  negated  form  `--disable-foo'.  To allow completion of
     the second form:

          _arguments -- -s "(#--enable- --disable-)"

     Finally, note that _arguments generally expects  to  be  the
     primary  function  handling  any  completion for which it is
     used.  It may have side effects which change  the  treatment
     of any matches added by other functions called after it.  To
     combine _arguments with  other  functions,  those  functions
     should  be  called  either  before  _arguments, as an action
     within a spec, or in handlers for `->state' actions.

     Here is a more general example of the use of _arguments:

          _arguments '-l+:left border:' \
                     '-format:paper size:(letter A4)' \
                     '*-copy:output file:_files::resolution:(300 600)' \
                     ':postscript file:_files -g \*.\(ps\|eps\)' \
                     '*:page number:'

     This describes three options: `-l', `-format', and  `-copy'.
     The  first takes one argument described as `left border' for
     which no completion will be offered  because  of  the  empty
     action.  Its argument may come directly after the `-l' or it
     may be given as the next word on the line.

     The `-format' option takes one argument in  the  next  word,
     described  as  `paper size' for which only the strings `let-
     ter' and `A4' will be completed.

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     The `-copy' option may appear more than once on the  command
     line  and  takes  two arguments.  The first is mandatory and
     will be completed as a filename.   The  second  is  optional
     (because of the second colon before the description `resolu-
     tion') and will be completed  from  the  strings  `300'  and

     The  last  two  descriptions say what should be completed as
     arguments.  The first describes  the  first  argument  as  a
     `postscript file' and makes files ending in `ps' or `eps' be
     completed.  The last description gives all  other  arguments
     the  description  `page  numbers' but does not offer comple-

     _cache_invalid cache_identifier
     This function returns status zero if the  completions  cache
     corresponding  to  the given cache identifier needs rebuild-
     ing.  It determines this  by  looking  up  the  cache-policy
     style  for the current context.  This should provide a func-
     tion name which is run with the full path  to  the  relevant
     cache file as the only argument.


          _example_caching_policy () {
              # rebuild if cache is more than a week old
              local -a oldp
              oldp=( "$1"(Nm+7) )
              (( $#oldp ))

     _call_function return name [ args ... ]
     If  a  function name exists, it is called with the arguments
     args.  The return argument gives the name of a parameter  in
     which  the  return  status  from the function name should be
     stored; if return is empty or a single hyphen it is ignored.

     The  return  status  of _call_function itself is zero if the
     function name exists and was called and non-zero  otherwise.

     _call_program tag string ...
     This  function provides a mechanism for the user to override
     the use of an external command.  It  looks  up  the  command
     style with the supplied tag.  If the style is set, its value
     is used as the command to execute.   The  strings  from  the
     call  to  _call_program,  or from the style if set, are con-
     catenated with spaces between them and the resulting  string
     is evaluated.  The return status is the return status of the
     command called.

     _combination [ -s pattern ] tag style spec ... field opts

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     This  function  is  used to complete combinations of values,
     for example pairs of hostnames  and  usernames.   The  style
     argument  gives  the  style  which  defines the pairs; it is
     looked up in a context with the tag specified.

     The style name consists of field names separated by hyphens,
     for example `users-hosts-ports'.  For each field for a value
     is already known, a spec  of  the  form  `field=pattern'  is
     given.   For example, if the command line so far specifies a
     user `pws', the argument `users=pws' should appear.

     The next argument with no equals sign is taken as  the  name
     of the field for which completions should be generated (pre-
     sumably not one of the fields for which the value is known).

     The  matches  generated  will be taken from the value of the
     style.  These should contain the  possible  values  for  the
     combinations  in  the appropriate order (users, hosts, ports
     in the example above).  The different fields the values  for
     the  different  fields are separated by colons.  This can be
     altered with the option -s to _combination which specifies a
     pattern.   Typically this is a character class, as for exam-
     ple `-s "[:@]"'  in  the  case  of  the  users-hosts  style.
     Each `field=pattern' specification restricts the completions
     which apply to elements  of  the  style  with  appropriately
     matching fields.

     If  no  style  with  the given name is defined for the given
     tag, or if none of the strings in style's value match, but a
     function  name  of  the required field preceded by an under-
     score is defined, that function will be called  to  generate
     the    matches.     For    example,    if    there   is   no
     `users-hosts-ports' or no matching hostname when a  host  is
     required,   the  function  `_hosts'  will  automatically  be

     If the same name is used for more than one  field,  in  both
     the  `field=pattern' and the argument that gives the name of
     the field to be completed, the number of the field (starting
     with  one)  may be given after the fieldname, separated from
     it by a colon.

     All arguments after the required field name  are  passed  to
     compadd  when generating matches from the style value, or to
     the functions for the fields if they are called.

     _describe [ -oO | -t tag ] descr name1 [ name2 ] opts ... --
     This  function  associates  completions  with  descriptions.
     Multiple groups separated by -- can be supplied, potentially
     with different completion options opts.

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     The descr is taken as a string to display above the  matches
     if  the  format style for the descriptions tag is set.  This
     is followed by one  or  two  names  of  arrays  followed  by
     options  to  pass  to compadd.  The first array contains the
     possible completions with their  descriptions  in  the  form
     `completion:description'.   Any literal colons in completion
     must be quoted with a  backslash.   If  a  second  array  is
     given,  it  should  have  the same number of elements as the
     first; in this case the corresponding elements are added  as
     possible  completions instead of the completion strings from
     the first  array.   The  completion  list  will  retain  the
     descriptions  from  the first array.  Finally, a set of com-
     pletion options can appear.

     If the option `-o' appears before the  first  argument,  the
     matches  added  will  be treated as names of command options
     (N.B. not shell options), typically following a `-', `--' or
     `+'  on  the  command line.  In this case _describe uses the
     prefix-hidden, prefix-needed and verbose styles to find  out
     if  the  strings  should  be added as completions and if the
     descriptions should be shown.  Without the `-o' option, only
     the  verbose  style  is  used to decide how descriptions are
     shown.  If `-O' is used instead of `-o', command options are
     completed  as  above  but _describe will not handle the pre-
     fix-needed style.

     With the -t option a tag can be specified.  The  default  is
     `values' or, if the -o option is given, `options'.

     If selected by the list-grouped style, strings with the same
     description will appear together in the list.

     _describe uses the  _all_labels  function  to  generate  the
     matches,  so  it  does not need to appear inside a loop over
     tag labels.

     _description [ -x ] [ -12VJ ] tag name descr [ spec ... ]
     This function is not to be confused with the  previous  one;
     it is used as a helper function for creating options to com-
     padd.  It is buried inside many of the higher level  comple-
     tion  functions  and  so  often  does  not need to be called

     The styles listed below are tested in  the  current  context
     using  the given tag.  The resulting options for compadd are
     put into the array named name (this is traditionally `expl',
     but  this  convention is not enforced).  The description for
     the corresponding set of matches is passed to  the  function
     in descr.

     The styles tested are: format, hidden, matcher, ignored-pat-
     terns and group-name.  The format style is first tested  for

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     the  given tag and then for the descriptions tag if no value
     was found, while the remainder are only tested for  the  tag
     given as the first argument.  The function also calls _setup
     which tests some more styles.

     The string returned by the format style  (if  any)  will  be
     modified  so that the sequence `%d' is replaced by the descr
     given as the third argument without any leading or  trailing
     white  space.  If, after removing the white space, the descr
     is the empty string, the format style will not be  used  and
     the  options  put  into  the  name array will not contain an
     explanation string to be displayed above the matches.

     If _description is called with more  than  three  arguments,
     the  additional  specs  should  be  of  the form `char:str'.
     These supply escape sequence  replacements  for  the  format
     style:  every  appearance  of  `%char'  will  be replaced by

     If the -x option is given, the description will be passed to
     compadd using the -x option instead of the default -X.  This
     means that the description will be displayed even  if  there
     are no corresponding matches.

     The  options  placed  in  the array name take account of the
     group-name style, so matches are placed in a separate  group
     where necessary.  The group normally has its elements sorted
     (by passing the option -J to  compadd),  but  if  an  option
     starting  with  `-V',  `-J',  `-1',  or  `-2'  is  passed to
     _description, that option will be  included  in  the  array.
     Hence it is possible for the completion group to be unsorted
     by giving the option `-V', `-1V', or `-2V'.

     In most cases, the function will be used like this:

          local expl
          _description files expl file
          compadd "$expl[@]" - "$files[@]"

     Note the use of the parameter expl, the hyphen, and the list
     of  matches.  Almost all calls to compadd within the comple-
     tion  system  use  a  similar  format;  this  ensures   that
     user-specified  styles  are  correctly  passed  down  to the
     builtins which implement the internals of completion.

     _dispatch context string ...
     This sets the current context to context and looks for  com-
     pletion  functions to handle this context by hunting through
     the list of command names or special contexts (as  described
     above  for  compdef) given as string ....  The first comple-
     tion function to be defined for one of the contexts  in  the
     list  is  used  to  generate  matches.   Typically, the last

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     string is -default- to cause the function for  default  com-
     pletion to be used as a fallback.

     The function sets the parameter $service to the string being
     tried, and sets the context/command field  (the  fourth)  of
     the  $curcontext parameter to the context given as the first

     The function _files calls _path_files with all the arguments
     it  was  passed  except for -g and -/.  The use of these two
     options depends on the setting of the  file-patterns  style.

     This  function  accepts  the  full set of options allowed by
     _path_files, described below.

     This function is a  simple  wrapper  around  the  _arguments
     function described above.  It can be used to determine auto-
     matically the long options understood by commands that  pro-
     duce a list when passed the option `--help'.  It is intended
     to be used as a top-level completion  function  in  its  own
     right.   For  example,  to  enable option completion for the
     commands foo and bar, use

          compdef _gnu_generic foo bar

     after the call to compinit.

     The completion system as supplied is conservative in its use
     of  this function, since it is important to be sure the com-
     mand understands the option `--help'.

     _guard [ options ] pattern descr
     This function is intended to be used in the action  for  the
     specifications  passed  to _arguments and similar functions.
     It returns immediately with a non-zero return status if  the
     string  to  be completed does not match the pattern.  If the
     pattern matches, the descr is displayed; the  function  then
     returns  status  zero  if the word to complete is not empty,
     non-zero otherwise.

     The pattern may be preceded by any of the options understood
     by  compadd  that  are passed down from _description, namely
     -M, -J, -V, -1, -2, -n, -F and -X.   All  of  these  options
     will  be  ignored.  This fits in conveniently with the argu-
     ment-passing conventions of actions for _arguments.

     As an example, consider a command taking the options -n  and
     -none,  where  -n must be followed by a numeric value in the
     same word.  By using:

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          _arguments '-n-: :_guard "[0-9]#" "numeric value"' '-none'

     _arguments can be made to both display the message  `numeric
     value' and complete options after `-n<TAB>'.  If the `-n' is
     already followed by one or more digits (the  pattern  passed
     to  _guard)  only the message will be displayed; if the `-n'
     is followed by another  character,  only  options  are  com-

     _message [ -r12 ] [ -VJ group ] descr
     _message -e [ tag ] descr
     The  descr  is used in the same way as the third argument to
     the _description function, except that the resulting  string
     will  always be shown whether or not matches were generated.
     This is useful for displaying a help message in places where
     no completions can be generated.

     The format style is examined with the messages tag to find a
     message; the usual tag, descriptions, is used  only  if  the
     style is not set with the former.

     If  the  -r  option is given, no style is used; the descr is
     taken literally as the string to display.  This is most use-
     ful  when the descr comes from a pre-processed argument list
     which already contains an expanded description.

     The -12VJ options and the group are passed  to  compadd  and
     hence determine the group the message string is added to.

     The  second -e form gives a description for completions with
     the tag tag to be shown even if there  are  no  matches  for
     that  tag.   This  form is called by _arguments in the event
     that there is no action for an  option  specification.   The
     tag  can  be  omitted  and  if  so the tag is taken from the
     parameter $curtag; this is maintained by the completion sys-
     tem  and  so  is usually correct.  Note that if there are no
     matches  at  the  time  this  function  is   called,   comp-
     state[insert]  is  cleared,  so additional matches generated
     later are not inserted on the command line.

     _multi_parts sep array
     The argument sep is a separator character.  The array may be
     either  the name of an array parameter or a literal array in
     the form `(foo bar)', a parenthesised list  of  words  sepa-
     rated  by  whitespace.   The  possible  completions  are the
     strings from the array.  However, each  chunk  delimited  by
     sep  will  be  completed  separately.  For example, the _tar
     function uses `_multi_parts / patharray' to complete partial
     file paths from the given array of complete file paths.

     The  -i  option causes _multi_parts to insert a unique match
     even if that requires multiple separators  to  be  inserted.

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     This  is  not usually the expected behaviour with filenames,
     but certain other types of  completion,  for  example  those
     with  a  fixed  set  of possibilities, may be more suited to
     this form.

     Like other utility  functions,  this  function  accepts  the
     `-V',  `-J', `-1', `-2', `-n', `-f', `-X', `-M', `-P', `-S',
     `-r', `-R', and `-q' options and passes them to the  compadd

     _next_label [ -x ] [ -12VJ ] tag name descr [ options ... ]
     This  function  is used to implement the loop over different
     tag labels for a particular tag as described above  for  the
     tag-order style.  On each call it checks to see if there are
     any more tag labels; if there is  it  returns  status  zero,
     otherwise non-zero.  As this function requires a current tag
     to be set,  it  must  always  follow  a  call  to  _tags  or

     The  -x12VJ options and the first three arguments are passed
     to the _description function.   Where  appropriate  the  tag
     will  be replaced by a tag label in this call.  Any descrip-
     tion given in the tag-order style is preferred to the  descr
     passed to _next_label.

     The  options  given after the descr are set in the parameter
     given by name, and hence are to  be  passed  to  compadd  or
     whatever function is called to add the matches.

     Here is a typical use of this function for the tag foo.  The
     call to _requested determines if tag foo is required at all;
     the loop over _next_label handles any labels defined for the
     tag in the tag-order style.

          local expl ret=1
          if _requested foo; then
            while _next_label foo expl '...'; do
              compadd "$expl[@]" ... && ret=0
          return ret

     This is the standard function called  to  handle  completion
     outside  any  special  -context-.  It is called both to com-
     plete the command word and also the arguments for a command.
     In  the  second case, _normal looks for a special completion
     for that command, and if there is none it uses  the  comple-
     tion for the -default- context.

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     A  second  use is to reexamine the command line specified by
     the $words array and the $CURRENT parameter after those have
     been modified.  For example, the function _precommand, which
     completes  after  pre-command  specifiers  such  as   nohup,
     removes  the first word from the words array, decrements the
     CURRENT parameter, then calls _normal again.  The effect  is
     that  `nohup  cmd  ...'  is  treated in the same way as `cmd

     If the command name matches one of the patterns given by one
     of  the  options -p or -P to compdef, the corresponding com-
     pletion function is called and then the parameter  _compskip
     is  checked.   If it is set completion is terminated at that
     point even if no matches have been found.  This is the  same
     effect as in the -first- context.

     This can be used to complete the names of shell options.  It
     provides a matcher  specification  that  ignores  a  leading
     `no',  ignores  underscores and allows upper-case letters to
     match their lower-case counterparts  (for  example,  `glob',
     `noglob',  `NO_GLOB'  are all completed).  Any arguments are
     propagated to the compadd builtin.

     _options_set and _options_unset
     These functions complete only set or unset options, with the
     same matching specification used in the _options function.

     Note  that  you  need  to  uncomment  a  few  lines  in  the
     _main_complete function for these functions  to  work  prop-
     erly.   The  lines  in question are used to store the option
     settings in effect before the completion widget locally sets
     the  options it needs.  Hence these functions are not gener-
     ally used by the completion system.

     This is used to complete the names of shell parameters.

     The option `-g pattern' limits the completion to  parameters
     whose  type matches the pattern.  The type of a parameter is
     that shown by `print ${(t)param}', hence  judicious  use  of
     `*' in pattern is probably necessary.

     All other arguments are passed to the compadd builtin.

     This  function  is  used throughout the completion system to
     complete filenames.  It allows completion of partial  paths.
     For  example,  the  string  `/u/i/s/sig' may be completed to

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     The options accepted by both _path_files and _files are:

     -f   Complete all filenames.  This is the default.

     -/   Specifies that only directories should be completed.

     -g pattern
          Specifies that only files matching the  pattern  should
          be completed.

     -W paths
          Specifies path prefixes that are to be prepended to the
          string from the command line to generate the  filenames
          but  that  should  not  be  inserted as completions nor
          shown in completion listings.  Here, paths may  be  the
          name  of  an  array  parameter, a literal list of paths
          enclosed in parentheses or an absolute pathname.

     -F ignored-files
          This behaves as for the  corresponding  option  to  the
          compadd  builtin.   It  gives direct control over which
          filenames should be ignored.   If  the  option  is  not
          present, the ignored-patterns style is used.

     Both  _path_files  and  _files  also  accept  the  following
     options which are passed to compadd: `-J', `-V', `-1', `-2',
     `-n', `-X', `-M', `-P', `-S', `-q', `-r', and `-R'.

     Finally,  the  _path_files function  uses the styles expand,
     ambiguous,   special-dirs,   list-suffixes   and   file-sort
     described above.

     _pick_variant [ -b builtin-label ] [ -c command ] [ -r name
        label=pattern ... label [ args ... ]
     This function is used to resolve situations where  a  single
     command name requires more than one type of handling, either
     because it has more than one variant or because there  is  a
     name clash between two different commands.

     The  command  to  run is taken from the first element of the
     array words unless this is  overridden  by  the  option  -c.
     This command is run and its output is compared with a series
     of patterns.  Arguments to be passed to the command  can  be
     specified  at  the  end  after all the other arguments.  The
     patterns  to  try  in  order  are  given  by  the  arguments
     label=pattern;  if the output of `command args ...' contains
     pattern, then label is selected as the label for the command
     variant.   If  none of the patterns match, the final command
     label is selected and status 1 is returned.

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     If the `-b builtin-label' is given, the command is tested to
     see   if  it  is  provided  as  a  shell  builtin,  possibly
     autoloaded; if so, the label builtin-label  is  selected  as
     the label for the variant.

     If the `-r name' is given, the label picked is stored in the
     parameter named name.

     The results are also cached in the _cmd_variant  associative
     array indexed by the name of the command run.

     _regex_arguments name spec ...
     This  function  generates  a  completion function name which
     matches the  specifications  spec  ...,  a  set  of  regular
     expressions  as described below.  After running _regex_argu-
     ments, the function name should be called as a  normal  com-
     pletion function.  The pattern to be matched is given by the
     contents of the words array up to the current  cursor  posi-
     tion  joined  together with null characters; no quotation is

     The arguments are grouped as sets of alternatives  separated
     by  `|',  which  are  tried  one  after  the other until one
     matches.  Each alternative consists of a one or more  speci-
     fications  which  are tried left to right, with each pattern
     matched being stripped in turn from the command  line  being
     tested,  until all of the group succeeds or until one fails;
     in the latter case, the next  alternative  is  tried.   This
     structure can be repeated to arbitrary depth by using paren-
     theses; matching proceeds from inside to outside.

     A special procedure is applied if no test succeeds  but  the
     remaining  command  line  string  contains no null character
     (implying the remaining word is the one  for  which  comple-
     tions  are  to  be  generated).   The  completion  target is
     restricted to the remaining word and  any  actions  for  the
     corresponding  patterns are executed.  In this case, nothing
     is stripped from the command  line  string.   The  order  of
     evaluation of the actions can be determined by the tag-order
     style; the various formats supported by _alternative can  be
     used  in action.  The descr is used for setting up the array
     parameter expl.

     Specification arguments take  one  of  following  forms,  in
     which metacharacters such as `(', `)', `#' and `|' should be

     /pattern/ [%lookahead%] [-guard] [:tag:descr:action]
          This is a single  primitive  component.   The  function
          tests   whether  the  combined  pattern  `(#b)((#B)pat-
          tern)lookahead*' matches the command line  string.   If
          so,  `guard'  is  evaluated  and  its  return status is

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          examined to determine if the test has  succeeded.   The
          pattern  string `[]' is guaranteed never to match.  The
          lookahead is not stripped from the command line  before
          the next pattern is examined.

          The argument starting with : is used in the same manner
          as an argument to _alternative.

          A component is used as follows: pattern  is  tested  to
          see  if  the  component  already  exists on the command
          line.  If it does,  any  following  specifications  are
          examined to find something to complete.  If a component
          is reached but no such pattern exists yet on  the  com-
          mand  line, the string containing the action is used to
          generate matches to insert at that point.

     /pattern/+ [%lookahead%] [-guard] [:tag:descr:action]
          This is similar to `/pattern/ ...' but the left part of
          the  command line string (i.e. the part already matched
          by previous patterns) is also considered  part  of  the
          completion target.

     /pattern/- [%lookahead%] [-guard] [:tag:descr:action]
          This  is  similar to `/pattern/ ...' but the actions of
          the current and previously matched patterns are ignored
          even  if  the  following  `pattern'  matches  the empty

     ( spec )
          Parentheses may be used  to  groups  specs;  note  each
          parenthesis is a single argument to _regex_arguments.

     spec #
          This allows any number of repetitions of spec.

     spec spec
          The  two specs are to be matched one after the other as
          described above.

     spec | spec
          Either of the two specs can be matched.

     The function _regex_words can be used as a  helper  function
     to  generate matches for a set of alternative words possibly
     with their own arguments as a command line argument.


          _regex_arguments _tst /$'[^\0]#\0'/ \
          /$'[^\0]#\0'/ :'compadd aaa'

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     This generates a function _tst that  completes  aaa  as  its
     only  argument.  The tag and description for the action have
     been omitted for brevity (this works but is not  recommended
     in  normal  use).   The  first component matches the command
     word, which is arbitrary; the second matches  any  argument.
     As  the  argument is also arbitrary, any following component
     would not depend on aaa being present.

          _regex_arguments _tst /$'[^\0]#\0'/ \
          /$'aaa\0'/ :'compadd aaa'

     This is a more typical use; it is similar, but any following
     patterns  would  only  match if aaa was present as the first

          _regex_arguments _tst /$'[^\0]#\0'/ \( \
          /$'aaa\0'/ :'compadd aaa' \
          /$'bbb\0'/ :'compadd bbb' \) \#

     In this example, an indefinite number of  command  arguments
     may  be  completed.   Odd arguments are completed as aaa and
     even arguments as bbb.  Completion fails unless the  set  of
     aaa and bbb arguments before the current one is matched cor-

          _regex_arguments _tst /$'[^\0]#\0'/ \
          \( /$'aaa\0'/ :'compadd aaa' \| \
          /$'bbb\0'/ :'compadd bbb' \) \#

     This is similar, but either aaa or bbb may be completed  for
     any  argument.   In  this case _regex_words could be used to
     generate a suitable expression for the arguments.

     _regex_words tag description spec ...
     This function can be used  to  generate  arguments  for  the
     _regex_arguments  command which may be inserted at any point
     where a set of rules is expected.  The tag  and  description
     give  a  standard tag and description pertaining to the cur-
     rent context.  Each spec contains  two  or  three  arguments
     separated by a colon: note that there is no leading colon in
     this case.

     Each spec gives one of a set of words that may be  completed
     at  this point, together with arguments.  It is thus roughly
     equivalent to the _arguments function when  used  in  normal
     (non-regex) completion.

     The  part  of the spec before the first colon is the word to
     be completed.  This may contain a *; the entire word, before
     and after the * is completed, but only the text before the *
     is required for the context to be matched, so  that  further
     arguments may be completed after the abbreviated form.

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     The  second part of spec is a description for the word being

     The optional third part of the spec describes how words fol-
     lowing  the  one  being  completed are themselves to be com-
     pleted.  It will be evaluated in  order  to  avoid  problems
     with  quoting.  This means that typically it contains a ref-
     erence to an array  containing  previously  generated  regex

     The  option  -t  term  specifies  a  terminator for the word
     instead  of  the  usual  space.   This  is  handled  as   an
     auto-removable  suffix in the manner of the option -s sep to

     The result of the processing by _regex_words  is  placed  in
     the  array  reply, which should be made local to the calling
     function.  If the set of words and arguments may be  matched
     repeatedly, a # should be appended to the generated array at
     that point.

     For example:

          local -a reply
          _regex_words mydb-commands 'mydb commands' \
            'add:add an entry to mydb:$mydb_add_cmds' \
            'show:show entries in mydb'
          _regex_arguments _mydb "$reply[@]"
          _mydb "$@"

     This shows a completion function for a  command  mydb  which
     takes  two  command  arguments, add and show.  show takes no
     arguments, while the arguments for  add  have  already  been
     prepared in an array mydb_add_cmds, quite possibly by a pre-
     vious call to _regex_words.

     _requested [ -x ] [ -12VJ ] tag [ name descr [ command args
     ... ]
     This function is called to decide whether a tag already reg-
     istered by a call to _tags (see below) has been requested by
     the user and hence completion should be  performed  for  it.
     It  returns status zero if the tag is requested and non-zero
     otherwise.  The function is typically used as part of a loop
     over different tags as follows:

          _tags foo bar baz
          while _tags; do
            if _requested foo; then
              ... # perform completion for foo
            ... # test the tags bar and baz in the same way

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

            ... # exit loop if matches were generated

     Note that the test for whether matches were generated is not
     performed until the end of the _tags loop.  This is so  that
     the  user  can  set  the tag-order style to specify a set of
     tags to be completed at the same time.

     If name and descr are given, _requested calls the  _descrip-
     tion function with these arguments together with the options
     passed to _requested.

     If command is given, the _all_labels function will be called
     immediately  with  the same arguments.  In simple cases this
     makes it possible to perform the test for the  tag  and  the
     matching in one go.  For example:

          local expl ret=1
          _tags foo bar baz
          while _tags; do
            _requested foo expl 'description' \
                compadd foobar foobaz && ret=0
            (( ret )) || break

     If  the command is not compadd, it must nevertheless be pre-
     pared to handle the same options.

     _retrieve_cache cache_identifier
     This function retrieves completion information from the file
     given  by  cache_identifier, stored in a directory specified
     by the cache-path style  which  defaults  to  ~/.zcompcache.
     The  return  status is zero if retrieval was successful.  It
     will only attempt retrieval if the use-cache style  is  set,
     so you can call this function without worrying about whether
     the user wanted to use the caching layer.

     See _store_cache below for more details.

     This function is passed alternating arrays and separators as
     arguments.   The  arrays  specify  completions  for parts of
     strings to be separated by the separators.  The  arrays  may
     be  the  names of array parameters or a quoted list of words
     in parentheses.  For example,  with  the  array  `hosts=(ftp
     news)'  the  call `_sep_parts '(foo bar)' @ hosts' will com-
     plete the string  `f' to  `foo'  and  the  string  `b@n'  to

     This  function accepts the compadd options `-V', `-J', `-1',
     `-2', `-n', `-X', `-M', `-P', `-S', `-r', `-R', and `-q' and

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     passes  them  on  to  the  compadd  builtin  used to add the

     _setup tag [ group ]
     This function sets up the special  parameters  used  by  the
     completion  system  appropriately  for  the tag given as the
     first   argument.    It   uses   the   styles   list-colors,
     list-packed,   list-rows-first,  last-prompt,  accept-exact,
     menu and force-list.

     The optional group supplies the name of the group  in  which
     the  matches will be placed.  If it is not given, the tag is
     used as the group name.

     This function is called automatically from _description  and
     hence is not normally called explicitly.

     _store_cache cache_identifier params ...
     This    function,    together   with   _retrieve_cache   and
     _cache_invalid, implements a caching layer which can be used
     in  any completion function.  Data obtained by costly opera-
     tions are stored in parameters; this function then dumps the
     values  of those parameters to a file.  The data can then be
     retrieved quickly from that file via  _retrieve_cache,  even
     in different instances of the shell.

     The  cache_identifier  specifies  the  file  which  the data
     should be dumped to.  The file  is  stored  in  a  directory
     specified by the cache-path style which defaults to ~/.zcom-
     pcache.  The remaining params arguments are  the  parameters
     to dump to the file.

     The  return  status  is zero if storage was successful.  The
     function will only attempt storage if the use-cache style is
     set,  so  you  can call this function without worrying about
     whether the user wanted to use the caching layer.

     The completion function may  avoid  calling  _retrieve_cache
     when it already has the completion data available as parame-
     ters.  However, in that case it should  call  _cache_invalid
     to check whether the data in the parameters and in the cache
     are still valid.

     See the _perl_modules completion function for a simple exam-
     ple of the usage of the caching layer.

     _tags [ [ -C name ] tags ... ]
     If called with arguments, these are taken to be the names of
     tags valid for completions in the  current  context.   These
     tags are stored internally and sorted by using the tag-order

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     Next, _tags is called repeatedly without arguments from  the
     same  completion  function.   This  successively selects the
     first, second, etc. set of tags requested by the user.   The
     return  status  is  zero  if  at  least  one  of the tags is
     requested and non-zero otherwise.  To test if  a  particular
     tag is to be tried, the _requested function should be called
     (see above).

     If `-C name' is given, name is  temporarily  stored  in  the
     argument  field (the fifth) of the context in the curcontext
     parameter during the call to _tags; the field is restored on
     exit.   This  allows  _tags  to  use a more specific context
     without having to change and reset the curcontext  parameter
     (which has the same effect).

     _values [ -O name ] [ -s sep ] [ -S sep ] [ -wC ] desc spec
     This is used to complete  arbitrary  keywords  (values)  and
     their arguments, or lists of such combinations.

     If  the  first  argument is the option `-O name', it will be
     used in the same way as  by  the  _arguments  function.   In
     other  words,  the elements of the name array will be passed
     to compadd when executing an action.

     If the first argument  (or  the  first  argument  after  `-O
     name')  is  `-s', the next argument is used as the character
     that separates multiple values.  This character is automati-
     cally  added  after  each value in an auto-removable fashion
     (see below); all values completed by `_values -s' appear  in
     the  same  word on the command line, unlike completion using
     _arguments.  If this option is not present,  only  a  single
     value will be completed per word.

     Normally,  _values  will only use the current word to deter-
     mine which values are already present on  the  command  line
     and  hence  are not to be completed again.  If the -w option
     is given, other arguments are examined as well.

     The first non-option argument is used as a string  to  print
     as a description before listing the values.

     All  other  arguments describe the possible values and their
     arguments in the same format used  for  the  description  of
     options  by  the  _arguments function (see above).  The only
     differences are that no minus or plus sign  is  required  at
     the  beginning,  values  can have only one argument, and the
     forms of action beginning with an equal sign  are  not  sup-

     The  character  separating  a value from its argument can be
     set using the option -S (like -s, followed by the  character

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     to  use  as the separator in the next argument).  By default
     the equals sign will be used as the separator between values
     and arguments.


          _values -s , 'description' \
                  '*foo[bar]' \
                  '(two)*one[number]:first count:' \
                  'two[another number]::second count:(1 2 3)'

     This  describes  three  possible  values:  `foo', `one', and
     `two'.  The first is described as `bar', takes  no  argument
     and  may  appear more than once.  The second is described as
     `number', may appear more than once, and takes one mandatory
     argument described as `first count'; no action is specified,
     so it will not be completed.  The `(two)' at  the  beginning
     says that if the value `one' is on the line, the value `two'
     will  no  longer  be  considered  a   possible   completion.
     Finally,  the  last  value  (`two') is described as `another
     number' and takes an optional argument described as  `second
     count'  for  which  the completions (to appear after an `=')
     are `1', `2', and `3'.  The _values function  will  complete
     lists of these values separated by commas.

     Like _arguments, this function temporarily adds another con-
     text name component to the arguments element (the fifth)  of
     the  current  context while executing the action.  Here this
     name is just the name of the value for which the argument is

     The  style verbose is used to decide if the descriptions for
     the values (but not  those  for  the  arguments)  should  be

     The  associative array val_args is used to report values and
     their arguments; this works similarly to the opt_args  asso-
     ciative  array used by _arguments.  Hence the function call-
     ing _values  should  declare  the  local  parameters  state,
     state_descr, line, context and val_args:

          local context state state_descr line
          typeset -A val_args

     when  using  an  action  of  the form `->string'.  With this
     function the context parameter will be set to  the  name  of
     the  value whose argument is to be completed.  Note that for
     _values, the state and state_descr are scalars  rather  than
     arrays.  Only a single matching state is returned.

     Note  also  that _values normally adds the character used as
     the separator between values  as  an  auto-removable  suffix

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     (similar  to a `/' after a directory).  However, this is not
     possible for a `->string' action  as  the  matches  for  the
     argument  are generated by the calling function.  To get the
     usual behaviour, the calling function can add the  separator
     x as a suffix by passing the options `-qS x' either directly
     or indirectly to compadd.

     The option -C is treated in the same way as it is by  _argu-
     ments.  In that case the parameter curcontext should be made
     local instead of context (as described above).

     _wanted [ -x ] [ -C name ]  [ -12VJ ] tag name descr command
     In many contexts, completion can only generate one  particu-
     lar  set  of matches, usually corresponding to a single tag.
     However, it is still necessary to decide  whether  the  user
     requires  matches  of this type.  This function is useful in
     such a case.

     The  arguments  to  _wanted  are  the  same  as   those   to
     _requested,  i.e.  arguments  to  be passed to _description.
     However, in this case the command is not optional;  all  the
     processing  of  tags,  including the loop over both tags and
     tag labels and the generation of  matches,  is  carried  out
     automatically by _wanted.

     Hence  to  offer only one tag and immediately add the corre-
     sponding matches with the given description:

          local expl
          _wanted tag expl 'description' \
              compadd matches...

     Note that, as for _requested, the command must  be  able  to
     accept options to be passed down to compadd.

     Like  _tags  this  function supports the -C option to give a
     different name for  the  argument  context  field.   The  -x
     option has the same meaning as for _description.

     In the source distribution, the files are contained in vari-
     ous subdirectories of the Completion  directory.   They  may
     have  been installed in the same structure, or into one sin-
     gle function directory.  The following is a  description  of
     the files found in the original directory structure.  If you
     wish to alter an installed file, you will need to copy it to
     some  directory which appears earlier in your fpath than the
     standard directory where it appears.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPSYS(1)

     Base The core functions and special completion widgets auto-
          matically  bound to keys.  You will certainly need most
          of these, though will probably not need to alter  them.
          Many of these are documented above.

     Zsh  Functions  for  completing  arguments  of shell builtin
          commands and utility functions for this.  Some of these
          are also used by functions from the Unix directory.

     Unix Functions for completing arguments of external commands
          and suites of commands.  They may  need  modifying  for
          your  system,  although  in  many cases some attempt is
          made to decide which version of a command  is  present.
          For  example, completion for the mount command tries to
          determine the system it is running on, while completion
          for  many other utilities try to decide whether the GNU
          version of the command is in use, and hence whether the
          --help option is supported.

     X, AIX, BSD, ...
          Completion  and utility function for commands available
          only on some systems.  These are not  arranged  hierar-
          chically,  so,  for  example, both the Linux and Debian
          directories, as well as the X directory, may be  useful
          on your system.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

     zshcompctl - zsh programmable completion

     This version of zsh has two ways of performing completion of
     words on the command line.  New users of the shell may  pre-
     fer to use the newer and more powerful system based on shell
     functions; this is described in zshcompsys(1), and the basic
     shell  mechanisms which support it are described in zshcomp-
     wid(1).  This manual entry describes the older compctl  com-
     compctl [ -CDT ] options [ command ... ]
options [ -x ... -- ] ... [+] ] [ command ... ]
     compctl  [  -CDT  ]  options  [ -x pattern options - ... --
          ] [ +
     compctl -M match-specs ...
     compctl -L [ -CDTM ] [ command ... ]
     compctl + command ...

     Control  the  editor's  completion behavior according to the
     supplied set of options.  Various editing commands,  notably
     expand-or-complete-word,  usually bound to tab, will attempt
     to complete a word typed by the user, while others,  notably
     delete-char-or-list,  usually  bound  to ^D in EMACS editing
     mode, list the possibilities; compctl  controls  what  those
     possibilities  are.   They may for example be filenames (the
     most common case, and hence the default),  shell  variables,
     or words from a user-specified list.

     Completion  of  the  arguments of a command may be different
     for each command or may use the default.  The behavior  when
     completing  the  command  word itself may also be separately
     specified.  These correspond  to  the  following  flags  and
     arguments, all of which (except for -L) may be combined with
     any combination of the options described subsequently in the
     section `Option Flags':

     command ...
          controls  completion for the named commands, which must
          be listed last on the command line.  If  completion  is
          attempted  for  a  command  with  a pathname containing
          slashes and no  completion  definition  is  found,  the
          search  is retried with the last pathname component. If
          the command starts with a =, completion is  tried  with
          the pathname of the command.

          Any  of the command strings may be patterns of the form
          normally used for filename generation.  These should be
          quoted  to  protect  them from immediate expansion; for
          example the command string 'foo*' arranges for  comple-
          tion  of  the  words of any command beginning with foo.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          When completion is attempted, all  pattern  completions
          are  tried  in  the  reverse  order of their definition
          until one matches.  By default,  completion  then  pro-
          ceeds  as  normal,  i.e. the shell will try to generate
          more matches for the specific command  on  the  command
          line;  this  can  be overridden by including -tn in the
          flags for the pattern completion.

          Note that aliases are expanded before the command  name
          is  determined  unless  the  COMPLETE_ALIASES option is
          set.  Commands may not be combined with the -C,  -D  or
          -T flags.

     -C   controls  completion  when  the  command word itself is
          being completed.  If no compctl  -C  command  has  been
          issued,   the  names of any executable command (whether
          in the path or specific to the shell, such  as  aliases
          or functions) are completed.

     -D   controls  default completion behavior for the arguments
          of commands not assigned any special behavior.   If  no
          compctl  -D command has been issued, filenames are com-

     -T   supplies completion flags to be used before  any  other
          processing is done, even before processing for compctls
          defined for specific commands.  This is especially use-
          ful  when  combined  with  extended  completion (the -x
          flag, see the  section  `Extended  Completion'  below).
          Using  this  flag you can define default behavior which
          will apply to all commands without  exception,  or  you
          can  alter the standard behavior for all commands.  For
          example, if your access to the  user  database  is  too
          slow and/or it contains too many users (so that comple-
          tion after `~' is too slow to be usable), you can use

               compctl -T -x 's[~] C[0,[^/]#]' -k friends -S/ -tn

          to complete the strings in the array  friends  after  a
          `~'.   The  C[...]  argument  is necessary so that this
          form of ~-completion is not tried after  the  directory
          name is finished.

     -L   lists  the  existing  completion  behavior  in a manner
          suitable for putting into a start-up script; the exist-
          ing  behavior  is  not changed.  Any combination of the
          above forms, or the -M flag (which must follow  the  -L
          flag),  may be specified, otherwise all defined comple-
          tions  are  listed.   Any  other  flags  supplied   are

     no argument

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          If no argument is given, compctl lists all defined com-
          pletions in  an  abbreviated  form;   with  a  list  of
          options,  all  completions  with  those  flags set (not
          counting extended completion) are listed.

     If the + flag is alone and followed immediately by the  com-
     mand  list,  the completion behavior for all the commands in
     the list is reset to the default.  In other  words,  comple-
     tion  will  subsequently use the options specified by the -D

     The form with -M as the first and only option defines global
     matching specifications (see zshcompwid). The match specifi-
     cations given will be  used  for  every  completion  attempt
     (only  when  using compctl, not with the new completion sys-
     tem) and are tried in the order in which  they  are  defined
     until one generates at least one match. E.g.:

          compctl -M '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'

     This  will  first  try  completion  without any global match
     specifications (the empty string) and, if that generates  no
     matches, will try case insensitive completion.

     [ -fcFBdeaRGovNAIOPZEnbjrzu/12 ]
     [ -k array ] [ -g globstring ] [ -s subststring ]
     [ -K function ]
     [ -Q ] [ -P prefix ] [ -S suffix ]
     [ -W file-prefix ] [ -H num pattern ]
     [ -q ] [ -X explanation ] [ -Y explanation ]
     [ -y func-or-var ] [ -l cmd ] [ -h cmd ] [ -U ]
     [ -t continue ] [ -J name ] [ -V name ]
     [ -M match-spec ]

     The  remaining options specify the type of command arguments
     to look for during completion.   Any  combination  of  these
     flags  may  be specified; the result is a sorted list of all
     the possibilities.  The options are as follows.

  Simple Flags
     These produce completion lists made up by the shell itself:

     -f   Filenames and file system paths.

     -/   Just file system paths.

     -c   Command  names,  including  aliases,  shell  functions,
          builtins and reserved words.

     -F   Function names.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

     -B   Names of builtin commands.

     -m   Names of external commands.

     -w   Reserved words.

     -a   Alias names.

     -R   Names of regular (non-global) aliases.

     -G   Names of global aliases.

     -d   This  can be combined with -F, -B, -w, -a, -R and -G to
          get names of  disabled  functions,  builtins,  reserved
          words or aliases.

     -e   This  option (to show enabled commands) is in effect by
          default, but may be combined with -d; -de  in  combina-
          tion with -F, -B, -w, -a, -R and -G will complete names
          of  functions,  builtins,  reserved  words  or  aliases
          whether or not they are disabled.

     -o   Names of shell options (see zshoptions(1)).

     -v   Names of any variable defined in the shell.

     -N   Names of scalar (non-array) parameters.

     -A   Array names.

     -I   Names of integer variables.

     -O   Names of read-only variables.

     -p   Names  of  parameters used by the shell (including spe-
          cial parameters).

     -Z   Names of shell special parameters.

     -E   Names of environment variables.

     -n   Named directories.

     -b   Key binding names.

     -j   Job names:  the first word of the job leader's  command
          line.  This is useful with the kill builtin.

     -r   Names of running jobs.

     -z   Names of suspended jobs.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 4

User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

     -u   User names.

  Flags with Arguments
     These have user supplied arguments to determine how the list
     of completions is to be made up:

     -k array
          Names taken from the elements of $array (note that  the
          `$'  does  not  appear  on the command line).  Alterna-
          tively, the argument array  itself  may  be  a  set  of
          space-  or  comma-separated  values  in parentheses, in
          which any delimiter may be escaped with a backslash; in
          this case the argument should be quoted.  For example,

               compctl -k "(cputime filesize datasize stacksize
                           coredumpsize resident descriptors)" limit

     -g globstring
          The  globstring is expanded using filename globbing; it
          should be quoted to protect it  from  immediate  expan-
          sion. The resulting filenames are taken as the possible
          completions.  Use `*(/)' instead of `*/'  for  directo-
          ries.   The fignore special parameter is not applied to
          the resulting files.  More  than  one  pattern  may  be
          given  separated  by blanks. (Note that brace expansion
          is not part of globbing.  Use the syntax  `(either|or)'
          to match alternatives.)

     -s subststring
          The subststring is split into words and these words are
          than expanded using all shell expansion mechanisms (see
          zshexpn(1)).  The resulting words are taken as possible
          completions.  The  fignore  special  parameter  is  not
          applied to the resulting files.  Note that -g is faster
          for filenames.

     -K function
          Call the given function to get the completions.  Unless
          the  name  starts  with  an underscore, the function is
          passed two arguments: the prefix and the suffix of  the
          word  on  which completion is to be attempted, in other
          words those characters before the cursor position,  and
          those from the cursor position onwards.  The whole com-
          mand line can be accessed with the -c and -l  flags  of
          the  read builtin. The function should set the variable
          reply to an array containing the completions (one  com-
          pletion  per  element);  note  that reply should not be
          made local to the function.  From such a  function  the
          command  line  can be accessed with the -c and -l flags
          to the read builtin.  For example,

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

               function whoson { reply=(`users`); }
               compctl -K whoson talk

          completes only logged-on users after `talk'.  Note that
          `whoson' must return an array, so `reply=`users`' would
          be incorrect.

     -H num pattern
          The possible completions are taken from  the  last  num
          history  lines.  Only words matching pattern are taken.
          If num  is  zero  or  negative  the  whole  history  is
          searched  and  if pattern is the empty string all words
          are taken (as with `*').  A typical use is

               compctl -D -f + -H 0 ''

          which forces completion to look  back  in  the  history
          list for a word if no filename matches.

  Control Flags
     These do not directly specify types of name to be completed,
     but manipulate the options that do:

     -Q   This instructs the shell not to quote  any  metacharac-
          ters in the possible completions.  Normally the results
          of a completion are inserted into the command line with
          any  metacharacters quoted so that they are interpreted
          as normal characters.  This is  appropriate  for  file-
          names  and  ordinary  strings.   However,  for  special
          effects, such as inserting a backquoted expression from
          a completion array (-k) so that the expression will not
          be evaluated until the complete line is executed,  this
          option must be used.

     -P prefix
          The  prefix  is  inserted  just  before  the  completed
          string; any initial part already  typed  will  be  com-
          pleted and the whole prefix ignored for completion pur-
          poses.  For example,

               compctl -j -P "%" kill

          inserts a `%' after the kill command and then completes
          job names.

     -S suffix
          When a completion is found the suffix is inserted after
          the completed string.  In the case of  menu  completion
          the  suffix  is  inserted  immediately, but it is still
          possible to cycle through the list  of  completions  by
          repeatedly hitting the same key.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

     -W file-prefix
          With  directory file-prefix:  for command, file, direc-
          tory and globbing completion (options -c, -f, -/,  -g),
          the  file  prefix  is  implicitly added in front of the
          completion.  For example,

               compctl -/ -W ~/Mail maildirs

          completes any subdirectories to any depth  beneath  the
          directory  ~/Mail, although that prefix does not appear
          on the command line.  The file-prefix may  also  be  of
          the  form  accepted by the -k flag, i.e. the name of an
          array or a literal list in parenthesis.  In  this  case
          all  the  directories  in the list will be searched for
          possible completions.

     -q   If used with a suffix as specified by  the  -S  option,
          this  causes the suffix to be removed if the next char-
          acter typed is a blank or does not insert  anything  or
          if  the  suffix  consists of only one character and the
          next character typed is the same  character;  this  the
          same  rule  used for the AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH option.  The
          option is  most  useful  for  list  separators  (comma,
          colon, etc.).

     -l cmd
          This  option  restricts the range of command line words
          that are considered to be arguments.  If combined  with
          one  of  the  extended  completion  patterns  `p[...]',
          `r[...]', or `R[...]'  (see the section `Extended  Com-
          pletion' below) the range is restricted to the range of
          arguments specified in  the  brackets.   Completion  is
          then  performed as if these had been given as arguments
          to the cmd supplied with the option. If the cmd  string
          is  empty  the first word in the range is instead taken
          as the command name, and command name  completion  per-
          formed on the first word in the range.  For example,

               compctl -x 'r[-exec,;]' -l '' -- find

          completes  arguments  between `-exec' and the following
          `;' (or the end of the command line if there is no such
          string) as if they were a separate command line.

     -h cmd
          Normally  zsh completes quoted strings as a whole. With
          this option, completion can be done separately on  dif-
          ferent  parts  of  such  strings.  It works like the -l
          option but makes the completion code work on the  parts
          of the current word that are separated by spaces. These
          parts are completed as if they were  arguments  to  the
          given  cmd.  If cmd is the empty string, the first part

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          is completed as a command name, as with -l.

     -U   Use the whole list of possible completions, whether  or
          not  they  actually match the word on the command line.
          The word typed so far will be deleted.   This  is  most
          useful  with  a function (given by the -K option) which
          can examine the word components passed to  it  (or  via
          the  read  builtin's  -c  and -l flags) and use its own
          criteria to decide what matches.  If there is  no  com-
          pletion, the original word is retained.  Since the pro-
          duced possible completions seldom have interesting com-
          mon  prefixes  and suffixes, menu completion is started
          immediately if AUTO_MENU is set and this flag is  used.

     -y func-or-var
          The  list  provided by func-or-var is displayed instead
          of the  list  of  completions  whenever  a  listing  is
          required; the actual completions to be inserted are not
          affected.  It can be provided in two ways. Firstly,  if
          func-or-var  begins  with a $ it defines a variable, or
          if it begins with a left parenthesis a  literal  array,
          which  contains the list.  A variable may have been set
          by a call to a function using the -K option.  Otherwise
          it  contains  the name of a function which will be exe-
          cuted to create the list.  The function will be  passed
          as an argument list all matching completions, including
          prefixes and suffixes expanded in full, and should  set
          the array reply to the result.  In both cases, the dis-
          play list will only be retrieved after a complete  list
          of matches has been created.

          Note  that  the  returned  list does not have to corre-
          spond, even in length, to the original set of  matches,
          and  may be passed as a scalar instead of an array.  No
          special formatting of characters is  performed  on  the
          output  in  this  case;  in  particular,  newlines  are
          printed literally and if they appear output in  columns
          is suppressed.

     -X explanation
          Print explanation when trying completion on the current
          set of options. A `%n' in this string  is  replaced  by
          the number of matches that were added for this explana-
          tion string.  The explanation only appears  if  comple-
          tion  was  tried and there was no unique match, or when
          listing completions. Explanation strings will be listed
          together  with  the  matches  of  the  group  specified
          together with  the  -X  option  (using  the  -J  or  -V
          option).  If  the  same  explanation string is given to
          multiple -X options, the string appears only once  (for
          each  group)  and  the  number of matches shown for the
          `%n' is the total number of all  matches  for  each  of

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          these  uses.  In  any case, the explanation string will
          only be shown if there was at least one match added for
          the explanation string.

          The sequences %B, %b, %S, %s, %U, and %u specify output
          attributes (bold, standout, and underline), %F, %f, %K,
          %k  specify  foreground  and  background  colours,  and
          %{...%} can be used to include literal escape sequences
          as in prompts.

     -Y explanation
          Identical  to  -X,  except  that  the explanation first
          undergoes  expansion  following  the  usual  rules  for
          strings  in  double quotes.  The expansion will be car-
          ried out after any functions are called for the  -K  or
          -y options, allowing them to set variables.

     -t continue
          The continue-string contains a character that specifies
          which set of completion flags should be used next.   It
          is useful:

          (i)  With  -T, or when trying a list of pattern comple-
          tions, when compctl would usually continue  with  ordi-
          nary processing after finding matches; this can be sup-
          pressed with `-tn'.

          (ii) With a list of alternatives separated by  +,  when
          compctl  would  normally  stop when one of the alterna-
          tives generates matches.  It can be forced to  consider
          the  next  set  of  completions  by adding `-t+' to the
          flags of the alternative before the `+'.

          (iii) In an extended completion list (see below),  when
          compctl  would  normally continue until a set of condi-
          tions succeeded, then use only the immediately  follow-
          ing  flags.   With  `-t-', compctl will continue trying
          extended completions after the next `-'; with `-tx'  it
          will  attempt  completion  with  the  default flags, in
          other words those before the `-x'.

     -J name
          This gives the name of the group the matches should  be
          placed  in.  Groups  are  listed and sorted separately;
          likewise, menu completion will offer the matches in the
          groups  in  the order in which the groups were defined.
          If no group name is explicitly given, the  matches  are
          stored in a group named default. The first time a group
          name is encountered, a group with that name is created.
          After  that  all  matches  with the same group name are
          stored in that group.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          This can be useful with non-exclusive alternative  com-
          pletions.  For example, in

               compctl -f -J files -t+ + -v -J variables foo

          both  files  and variables are possible completions, as
          the -t+ forces both sets  of  alternatives  before  and
          after  the  + to be considered at once.  Because of the
          -J options, however, all files are  listed  before  all

     -V name
          Like  -J,  but  matches  within  the  group will not be
          sorted  in  listings  nor  in  menu  completion.  These
          unsorted  groups are in a different name space from the
          sorted ones, so groups defined as -J files and -V files
          are distinct.

     -1   If  given  together with the -V option, makes only con-
          secutive duplicates in the group be removed. Note  that
          groups with and without this flag are in different name

     -2   If given together with the -J or -V option,  makes  all
          duplicates be kept. Again, groups with and without this
          flag are in different name spaces.

     -M match-spec
          This defines additional matching control specifications
          that  should  be  used  only when testing words for the
          list of flags this flag appears in. The format  of  the
          match-spec string is described in zshcompwid.

     compctl [ -CDT ] options + options [ + ... ] [ + ] command

     The form with `+' specifies alternative options.  Completion
     is tried with the options before the first `+'. If this pro-
     duces no matches completion is tried with  the  flags  after
     the  `+' and so on. If there are no flags after the last `+'
     and a match has not been found up  to  that  point,  default
     completion  is  tried.   If  the list of flags contains a -t
     with a + character, the next list of flags is used  even  if
     the current list produced matches.

     Additional options are available that restrict completion to
     some part of the  command  line;  this  is  referred  to  as
     `extended completion'.

     compctl [ -CDT ] options -x pattern options - ... --

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

              [ command ... ]
     compctl [ -CDT ] options [ -x pattern options - ... -- ]
              [ + options [ -x ... -- ] ... [+] ] [ command ... ]

     The form with `-x' specifies  extended  completion  for  the
     commands  given;  as shown, it may be combined with alterna-
     tive completion using `+'.   Each  pattern  is  examined  in
     turn;  when  a match is found, the corresponding options, as
     described in the section `Option Flags' above, are  used  to
     generate  possible  completions.  If no pattern matches, the
     options given before the -x are used.

     Note that each pattern should be supplied as a single  argu-
     ment  and should be quoted to prevent expansion of metachar-
     acters by the shell.

     A pattern is built of sub-patterns separated by  commas;  it
     matches  if at least one of these sub-patterns matches (they
     are `or'ed). These sub-patterns  are  in  turn  composed  of
     other  sub-patterns separated by white spaces which match if
     all of the sub-patterns match (they are `and'ed).   An  ele-
     ment of the sub-patterns is of the form `c[...][...]', where
     the pairs of brackets may be repeated as often as necessary,
     and  matches if any of the sets of brackets match (an `or').
     The example below makes this clearer.

     The elements may be any of the following:

          Matches if the current word on the command line  starts
          with  one of the strings given in brackets.  The string
          is not removed and is not part of the completion.

          Like s[string] except that the string is  part  of  the

          Matches  if  the  number of the current word is between
          one of the from and to pairs inclusive. The  comma  and
          to are optional; to defaults to the same value as from.
          The numbers may be negative: -n refers to the n'th last
          word on the line.

          Matches if the string matches the word offset by offset
          from the current word position.  Usually offset will be

          Like c but using pattern matching instead.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          Matches  if  the word in position index is equal to the
          corresponding string.  Note that the word count is made
          after any alias expansion.

          Like w but using pattern matching instead.

          Matches  if the current word contains string.  Anything
          up to and including  the  indexth  occurrence  of  this
          string  will  not be considered part of the completion,
          but the rest will.  index may be negative to count from
          the  end:  in  most  cases, index will be 1 or -1.  For

               compctl -s '`users`' -x 'n[1,@]' -k hosts -- talk

          will usually complete usernames, but if you insert an @
          after  the name, names from the array hosts (assumed to
          contain hostnames, though you must make the array your-
          self)  will  be  completed.  Other commands such as rcp
          can be handled similarly.

          Like n except that the string will be taken as a  char-
          acter  class.  Anything up to and including the indexth
          occurrence of any of the characters in string will  not
          be considered part of the completion.

          Matches  if  the total number of words lies between min
          and max inclusive.

          Matches if the cursor is after a word with prefix str1.
          If there is also a word with prefix str2 on the command
          line after the one matched by str1 it matches  only  if
          the  cursor  is before this word. If the comma and str2
          are omitted, it matches if the cursor is after  a  word
          with prefix str1.

          Like r but using pattern matching instead.

          Matches the word currently being completed is in single
          quotes and the str begins with the letter  `s',  or  if
          completion is done in double quotes and str starts with
          the letter `d', or if completion is done  in  backticks
          and str starts with a `b'.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCOMPCTL(1)

          compctl -u -x 's[+] c[-1,-f],s[-f+]' \
            -g '~/Mail/*(:t)' - 's[-f],c[-1,-f]' -f -- mail

     This is to be interpreted as follows:

     If the current command is mail, then

          if ((the current word begins with + and the previous word is -f)
          or (the current word begins with -f+)), then complete the
          non-directory part (the `:t' glob modifier) of files in the directory
          ~/Mail; else

          if the current word begins with -f or the previous word was -f, then
          complete any file; else

          complete user names.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                13

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     zshmodules - zsh loadable modules

     Some optional parts of zsh are in modules, separate from the
     core of the shell.  Each of these modules may be  linked  in
     to  the  shell  at  build time, or can be dynamically linked
     while the shell is running if the installation supports this
     feature.   Modules  are  linked at runtime with the zmodload
     command, see zshbuiltins(1).

     The modules that are bundled with the zsh distribution are:

          Builtins for manipulating extended attributes  (xattr).

          Builtins for manipulating POSIX.1e (POSIX.6) capability
          (privilege) sets.

          A builtin that can clone a running shell  onto  another

          The compctl builtin for controlling completion.

          The basic completion code.

          Completion listing extensions.

          A  module  with  utility  builtins needed for the shell
          function based completion system.

          curses windowing commands

          Some date/time commands and parameters.

          A ZLE function duplicating EMACS' zap-to-char.

          An example of how to write a module.

          Some basic file manipulation commands as builtins.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 1

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          Interface to locale information.

          Access to external  files  via  a  special  associative

          Standard  scientific  functions for use in mathematical

          Arrange for files for new users to be installed.

          Access to internal hash tables via special  associative

          Interface to the PCRE library.

          Interface to the POSIX regex library.

          A  builtin  that  provides  a  timed execution facility
          within the shell.

          Manipulation of Unix domain sockets

          A builtin command interface to the stat system call.

          A builtin interface to various  low-level  system  fea-

          Manipulation of TCP sockets

          Interface to the termcap database.

          Interface to the terminfo database.

          A builtin FTP client.

          The  Zsh  Line  Editor, including the bindkey and vared

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)


          Access to internals of the Zsh Line Editor via  parame-

          A module allowing profiling for shell functions.

          A  builtin for starting a command in a pseudo-terminal.

          Block and return when file descriptors are ready.

          Some utility builtins, e.g. the one for supporting con-
          figuration via styles.

     The  zsh/attr  module  is  used  for  manipulating  extended
     attributes.  The -h option causes all commands to operate on
     symbolic  links  instead  of their targets.  The builtins in
     this module are:

     zgetattr [ -h ] filename attribute [ parameter ]
          Get the extended attribute attribute from the specified
          filename.  If the optional argument parameter is given,
          the attribute is set on that parameter instead of being
          printed to stdout.

     zsetattr [ -h ] filename attribute value
          Set  the  extended attribute attribute on the specified
          filename to value.

     zdelattr [ -h ] filename attribute
          Remove the extended attribute attribute from the speci-
          fied filename.

     zlistattr [ -h ] filename [ parameter ]
          List the extended attributes currently set on the spec-
          ified filename. If the optional argument  parameter  is
          given,  the list of attributes is set on that parameter
          instead of being printed to stdout.

     zgetattr and zlistattr allocate memory dynamically.  If  the
     attribute or list of attributes grows between the allocation
     and the call to get them,  they  return  2.   On  all  other
     errors,  1 is returned.  This allows the calling function to
     check for this case and retry.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 3

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     The  zsh/cap  module  is  used  for  manipulating   POSIX.1e
     (POSIX.6) capability sets.  If the operating system does not
     support this interface, the builtins defined by this  module
     will do nothing.  The builtins in this module are:

     cap [ capabilities ]
          Change the shell's process capability sets to the spec-
          ified capabilities, otherwise display the shell's  cur-
          rent capabilities.

     getcap filename ...
          This is a built-in implementation of the POSIX standard
          utility.  It displays the capability sets on each spec-
          ified filename.

     setcap capabilities filename ...
          This is a built-in implementation of the POSIX standard
          utility.  It sets the capability sets on each specified
          filename to the specified capabilities.

     The zsh/clone module makes available one builtin command:

     clone tty
          Creates   a  forked  instance  of  the  current  shell,
          attached to the specified tty.  In the new  shell,  the
          PID, PPID and TTY special parameters are changed appro-
          priately.  $! is set to zero in the new shell,  and  to
          the new shell's PID in the original shell.

          The return status of the builtin is zero in both shells
          if successful, and non-zero on error.

          The target of clone should be an unused terminal,  such
          as an unused virtual console or a virtual terminal cre-
          ated by

          xterm -e sh -c 'trap : INT QUIT TSTP; tty; while :;  do
          sleep 100000000; done'

          Some words of explanation are warranted about this long
          xterm command line: when doing clone on a pseudo-termi-
          nal, some other session ("session" meant as a unix ses-
          sion group, or SID) is  already  owning  the  terminal.
          Hence the cloned zsh cannot acquire the pseudo-terminal
          as a controlling tty. That means two things:

          the   job   control   signals   will    go    to    the
          sh-started-by-xterm process
                group  (that's  why  we disable INT QUIT and TSTP
          with trap; otherwise

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

                the while loop could get suspended or killed)

          the cloned shell will have job  control  disabled,  and
          the job
                control keys (control-C, control-\ and control-Z)
          will not work.

          This does not apply when cloning to an unused vc.

          Cloning to a used (and unprepared) terminal will result
          in  two  processes reading simultaneously from the same
          terminal, with input bytes  going  randomly  to  either

          clone  is mostly useful as a shell built-in replacement
          for openvt.

     The zsh/compctl module makes available two builtin commands.
     compctl,  is  the old, deprecated way to control completions
     for ZLE.  See zshcompctl(1).   The  other  builtin  command,
     compcall can be used in user-defined completion widgets, see

     The zsh/complete module makes available several builtin com-
     mands  which can be used in user-defined completion widgets,
     see zshcompwid(1).

     The zsh/complist module offers three extensions  to  comple-
     tion  listings:  the  ability to highlight matches in such a
     list, the ability to scroll through long lists and a differ-
     ent style of menu completion.

  Colored completion listings
     Whenever  one of the parameters ZLS_COLORS or ZLS_COLOURS is
     set and the zsh/complist module is loaded or linked into the
     shell,  completion  lists  will  be colored.  Note, however,
     that complist will not automatically be loaded if it is  not
     linked  in:   on  systems  with  dynamic  loading, `zmodload
     zsh/complist' is required.

     The  parameters  ZLS_COLORS  and  ZLS_COLOURS  describe  how
     matches  are  highlighted.  To turn on highlighting an empty
     value suffices, in which case all the default  values  given
     below will be used.  The format of the value of these param-
     eters is the same as used by the GNU version of the ls  com-
     mand:  a  colon-separated list of specifications of the form
     `name=value'.  The name may be one of the following strings,
     most of which specify file types for which the value will be
     used.  The strings and their default values are:

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     no 0 for normal text (i.e. when displaying  something  other
          than a matched file)

     fi 0 for regular files

     di 32
          for directories

     ln 36
          for symbolic links.  If this has the special value tar-
          get, symbolic links are  dereferenced  and  the  target
          file used to determine the display format.

     pi 31
          for named pipes (FIFOs)

     so 33
          for sockets

     bd 44;37
          for block devices

     cd 44;37
          for character devices

     or none
          for a symlink to nonexistent file (default is the value
          defined for ln)

     mi none
          for a non-existent file (default is the  value  defined
          for fi); this code is currently not used

     su 37;41
          for files with setuid bit set

     sg 30;43
          for files with setgid bit set

     tw 30;42
          for world writable directories with sticky bit set

     ow 34;43
          for world writable directories without sticky bit set

     sa none
          for files with an associated suffix alias; this is only
          tested after specific suffixes, as described below

     st 37;44
          for directories with  sticky  bit  set  but  not  world

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 6

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     ex 35
          for executable files

     lc \e[
          for the left code (see below)

     rc m for the right code

     tc 0 for  the  character  indicating  the file type  printed
          after filenames if the LIST_TYPES option is set

     sp 0 for the spaces printed after matches to align the  next

     ec none
          for the end code

     Apart  from  these strings, the name may also be an asterisk
     (`*') followed by any string. The value  given  for  such  a
     string  will  be used for all files whose name ends with the
     string.  The name may also be an equals sign (`=')  followed
     by a pattern; the EXTENDED_GLOB option will be turned on for
     evaluation of the pattern.  The value given for this pattern
     will be used for all matches (not just filenames) whose dis-
     play string are matched by the pattern.  Definitions for the
     form  with  the  leading equal sign take precedence over the
     values defined for file types, which in turn take precedence
     over the form with the leading asterisk (file extensions).

     The  leading-equals  form also allows different parts of the
     displayed strings to be colored differently.  For this,  the
     pattern  has  to  use  the `(#b)' globbing flag and pairs of
     parentheses surrounding the parts of the strings that are to
     be  colored differently.  In this case the value may consist
     of more than one color code separated by equal  signs.   The
     first  code will be used for all parts for which no explicit
     code is specified and the following codes will be  used  for
     the  parts  matched by the sub-patterns in parentheses.  For
     example, the specification `=(#b)(?)*(?)=0=3=7' will be used
     for  all  matches which are at least two characters long and
     will use the code `3' for the first character, `7'  for  the
     last character and `0' for the rest.

     All  three  forms  of  name  may be preceded by a pattern in
     parentheses.  If this is given, the value will be used  only
     for matches in groups whose names are matched by the pattern
     given in the parentheses.  For  example,  `(g*)m*=43'  high-
     lights  all matches beginning with `m' in groups whose names
     begin with `g' using the color code `43'.  In  case  of  the
     `lc', `rc', and `ec' codes, the group pattern is ignored.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     Note  also that all patterns are tried in the order in which
     they appear in the  parameter  value  until  the  first  one
     matches which is then used.

     When  printing a match, the code prints the value of lc, the
     value for the file-type or the last  matching  specification
     with  a  `*', the value of rc, the string to display for the
     match itself, and then the value of ec if that is defined or
     the values of lc, no, and rc if ec is not defined.

     The  default values are ISO 6429 (ANSI) compliant and can be
     used on vt100 compatible terminals such as xterms.  On mono-
     chrome  terminals  the  default  values will have no visible
     effect.  The colors function from the  contribution  can  be
     used to get associative arrays containing the codes for ANSI
     terminals (see the  section  `Other  Functions'  in  zshcon-
     trib(1)).   For example, after loading colors, one could use
     `$colors[red]' to get the code for foreground color red  and
     `$colors[bg-green]' for the code for background color green.

     If the completion system invoked by compinit is used,  these
     parameters  should  not  be  set directly because the system
     controls them itself.  Instead, the list-colors style should
     be  used  (see the section `Completion System Configuration'
     in zshcompsys(1)).

  Scrolling in completion listings
     To enable scrolling through a  completion  list,  the  LIST-
     PROMPT parameter must be set.  Its value will be used as the
     prompt; if it is the empty string, a default prompt will  be
     used.   The  value may contain escapes of the form `%x'.  It
     supports the escapes `%B', `%b',  `%S',  `%s',  `%U',  `%u',
     `%F',  `%f',  `%K',  `%k'  and  `%{...%}' used also in shell
     prompts as well as three pairs of  additional  sequences:  a
     `%l'  or  `%L'  is  replaced  by the number of the last line
     shown and the total  number  of  lines  in  the  form  `num-
     ber/total';  a  `%m'  or `%M' is replaced with the number of
     the last match shown and the total number  of  matches;  and
     `%p'  or  `%P' is replaced with `Top', `Bottom' or the posi-
     tion of the first line shown in percent of the total  number
     of  lines,  respectively.   In  each of these cases the form
     with the uppercase letter will be replaced with a string  of
     fixed width, padded to the right with spaces, while the low-
     ercase form will not be padded.

     If the parameter LISTPROMPT is set, the completion code will
     not ask if the list should be shown.  Instead it immediately
     starts displaying the list, stopping after the first screen-
     ful,  showing  the  prompt at the bottom, waiting for a key-
     press after temporarily switching to the listscroll  keymap.
     Some  of  the  zle  functions  have  a special meaning while
     scrolling lists:

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          stops listing discarding the key pressed

     accept-line, down-history, down-line-or-history
     down-line-or-search, vi-down-line-or-history
          scrolls forward one line

     complete-word, menu-complete, expand-or-complete
     expand-or-complete-prefix, menu-complete-or-expand
          scrolls forward one screenful

          stop listing but take no other action

     Every other character stops  listing  and  immediately  pro-
     cesses  the  key as usual.  Any key that is not bound in the
     listscroll keymap or  that  is  bound  to  undefined-key  is
     looked up in the keymap currently selected.

     As for the ZLS_COLORS and ZLS_COLOURS parameters, LISTPROMPT
     should not be set directly when  using  the  shell  function
     based  completion  system.   Instead,  the list-prompt style
     should be used.

  Menu selection
     The zsh/complist module also offers an alternative style  of
     selecting  matches from a list, called menu selection, which
     can be used if the shell is set up to  return  to  the  last
     prompt   after   showing   a   completion   list   (see  the
     ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT option in zshoptions(1)).

     Menu  selection  can  be  invoked  directly  by  the  widget
     menu-select  defined by this module.  This is a standard ZLE
     widget that can be bound to  a  key  in  the  usual  way  as
     described in zshzle(1).

     Alternatively,  the  parameter  MENUSELECT  can be set to an
     integer, which gives the minimum number of matches that must
     be present before menu selection is automatically turned on.
     This second method requires that menu completion be started,
     either  directly from a widget such as menu-complete, or due
     to one of the options MENU_COMPLETE or AUTO_MENU being  set.
     If  MENUSELECT  is set, but is 0, 1 or empty, menu selection
     will always be started during an ambiguous menu  completion.

     When  using  the completion system based on shell functions,
     the MENUSELECT  parameter  should  not  be  used  (like  the
     ZLS_COLORS  and  ZLS_COLOURS  parameters  described  above).
     Instead, the menu style should be used with  the  select=...

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     After menu selection is started, the matches will be listed.
     If there are more matches than fit on the screen,  only  the
     first  screenful  is  shown.  The matches to insert into the
     command line can be selected from this list.   In  the  list
     one  match  is  highlighted  using the value for ma from the
     ZLS_COLORS or ZLS_COLOURS parameter.  The default value  for
     this  is  `7'  which  forces  the selected match to be high-
     lighted using standout mode on a vt100-compatible  terminal.
     If  neither ZLS_COLORS nor ZLS_COLOURS is set, the same ter-
     minal control sequence as for the `%S' escape in prompts  is

     If  there  are  more  matches than fit on the screen and the
     parameter MENUPROMPT is set, its value will be  shown  below
     the matches.  It supports the same escape sequences as LIST-
     PROMPT, but the number of the match or line  shown  will  be
     that  of  the one where the mark is placed.  If its value is
     the empty string, a default prompt will be used.

     The MENUSCROLL parameter can be used to specify how the list
     is  scrolled.   If the parameter is unset, this is done line
     by line, if it is set to `0' (zero), the  list  will  scroll
     half  the  number  of  lines of the screen.  If the value is
     positive, it gives the number of lines to scroll and  if  it
     is  negative,  the list will be scrolled the number of lines
     of the screen minus the (absolute) value.

     As for the ZLS_COLORS, ZLS_COLOURS  and  LISTPROMPT  parame-
     ters,  neither  MENUPROMPT  nor  MENUSCROLL  should  be  set
     directly when using the shell function based completion sys-
     tem.   Instead,  the  select-prompt and select-scroll styles
     should be used.

     The completion code sometimes decides not to show all of the
     matches  in  the  list.   These  hidden  matches  are either
     matches for which the completion function which  added  them
     explicitly requested that they not appear in the list (using
     the -n option of the compadd builtin command)  or  they  are
     matches  which  duplicate  a  string  already  in  the  list
     (because they differ only in things like  prefixes  or  suf-
     fixes  that  are  not displayed).  In the list used for menu
     selection, however, even these matches are shown so that  it
     is  possible  to select them.  To highlight such matches the
     hi and du capabilities in  the  ZLS_COLORS  and  ZLS_COLOURS
     parameters are supported for hidden matches of the first and
     second kind, respectively.

     Selecting matches is done by moving the  mark  around  using
     the  zle  movement  functions.   When not all matches can be
     shown on the screen at the same time, the list  will  scroll
     up  and down when crossing the top or bottom line.  The fol-
     lowing  zle  functions  have  special  meaning  during  menu

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     selection.   Note that the following always perform the same
     task within the menu selection map and cannot be replaced by
     user  defined  widgets,  nor  can  the  set  of functions be

     accept-line, accept-search
          accept the current match and leave menu selection  (but
          do not cause the command line to be accepted)

          leaves  menu  selection  and restores the previous con-
          tents of the command line

     redisplay, clear-screen
          execute their  normal  function  without  leaving  menu

     accept-and-hold, accept-and-menu-complete
          accept the currently inserted match and continue selec-
          tion allowing to select the next match to  insert  into
          the line

          accepts  the  current  match  and then tries completion
          with menu selection again;  in the case of  files  this
          allows  one  to  select  a  directory  and  immediately
          attempt to complete files  in  it;   if  there  are  no
          matches,  a message is shown and one can use undo to go
          back to completion on the previous level,  every  other
          key  leaves  menu  selection  (including  the other zle
          functions  which  are  otherwise  special  during  menu

     undo removes  matches  inserted during the menu selection by
          one of the three functions before

     down-history, down-line-or-history
     vi-down-line-or-history,  down-line-or-search
          moves the mark one line down

     up-history, up-line-or-history
     vi-up-line-or-history, up-line-or-search
          moves the mark one line up

     forward-char, vi-forward-char
          moves the mark one column right

     backward-char, vi-backward-char
          moves the mark one column left

     forward-word, vi-forward-word
     vi-forward-word-end, emacs-forward-word

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          moves the mark one screenful down

     backward-word, vi-backward-word, emacs-backward-word
          moves the mark one screenful up

     vi-forward-blank-word, vi-forward-blank-word-end
          moves the mark to the first line of the next  group  of

          moves  the  mark to the last line of the previous group
          of matches

          moves the mark to the first line

          moves the mark to the last line

     beginning-of-buffer-or-history, beginning-of-line
     beginning-of-line-hist, vi-beginning-of-line
          moves the mark to the leftmost column

     end-of-buffer-or-history, end-of-line
     end-of-line-hist, vi-end-of-line
          moves the mark to the rightmost column

     complete-word, menu-complete, expand-or-complete
     expand-or-complete-prefix, menu-expand-or-complete
          moves the mark to the next match

          moves the mark to the previous match

          this toggles between normal and  interactive  mode;  in
          interactive  mode  the  keys  bound  to self-insert and
          self-insert-unmeta insert into the command line  as  in
          normal editing mode but without leaving menu selection;
          after each character completion is tried again and  the
          list  changes to contain only the new matches; the com-
          pletion widgets make the longest unambiguous string  be
          inserted  in  the  command  line  and  undo  and  back-
          ward-delete-char go back to the previous set of matches

          this starts incremental searches in the list of comple-
          tions displayed; in this mode, accept-line only  leaves
          incremental  search,  going  back  to  the  normal menu
          selection mode

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     All movement functions wrap around at the edges;  any  other
     zle  function  not listed leaves menu selection and executes
     that function.  It is possible to make widgets in the  above
     list  do the same by using the form of the widget with a `.'
     in front.  For example, the widget  `.accept-line'  has  the
     effect  of  leaving  menu selection and accepting the entire
     command line.

     During this selection the widget uses the keymap menuselect.
     Any  key that is not defined in this keymap or that is bound
     to undefined-key  is  looked  up  in  the  keymap  currently
     selected.   This  is  used to ensure that the most important
     keys used during selection (namely the cursor keys,  return,
     and  TAB)  have  sensible  defaults.   However,  keys in the
     menuselect keymap can be modified directly using the bindkey
     builtin  command  (see  zshmodules(1)). For example, to make
     the return key leave menu selection  without  accepting  the
     match currently selected one could call

          bindkey -M menuselect '^M' send-break

     after loading the zsh/complist module.

     The  zsh/computil  module adds several builtin commands that
     are used by some of the completion functions in the  comple-
     tion  system  based on shell functions (see zshcompsys(1) ).
     Except for compquote these builtin commands  are  very  spe-
     cialised and thus not very interesting when writing your own
     completion functions.  In summary,  these  builtin  commands

          This is used by the _arguments function to do the argu-
          ment and command line parsing.   Like  compdescribe  it
          has  an option -i to do the parsing and initialize some
          internal state and various options to access the  state
          information to decide what should be completed.

          This  is  used  by  the _describe function to build the
          displays for the matches and to get the strings to  add
          as  matches  with their options.  On the first call one
          of the options -i or -I should be supplied as the first
          argument.   In  the first case, display strings without
          the descriptions will be generated, in the second case,
          the  string  used  to  separate  the matches from their
          descriptions must be given as the second  argument  and
          the  descriptions  (if  any)  will be shown.  All other
          arguments  are  like  the   definition   arguments   to
          _describe itself.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          Once compdescribe has been called with either the -i or
          the -I option, it can be repeatedly called with the  -g
          option  and  the names of five arrays as its arguments.
          This will step through the different  sets  of  matches
          and  store  the options in the first array, the strings
          with descriptions in the second, the matches for  these
          in  the  third, the strings without descriptions in the
          fourth, and the matches for them in  the  fifth  array.
          These  are  then  directly given to compadd to register
          the matches with the completion code.

          Used by the _path_files function  to  optimize  complex
          recursive  filename  generation  (globbing).   It  does
          three things.  With the -p and -P options it builds the
          glob  patterns to use, including the paths already han-
          dled and trying to optimize the patterns  with  respect
          to  the  prefix  and suffix from the line and the match
          specification currently used.  The -i option  does  the
          directory tests for the ignore-parents style and the -r
          option tests if a component for some of the matches are
          equal  to  the string on the line and removes all other
          matches if that is true.

          Used by the _tags function to implement  the  internals
          of  the  group-order  style.  This only takes its argu-
          ments as names of completion  groups  and  creates  the
          groups for it (all six types: sorted and unsorted, both
          without removing duplicates, with removing  all  dupli-
          cates and with removing consecutive duplicates).

     compquote [ -p ] names ...
          There may be reasons to write completion functions that
          have to add the matches using the -Q option to  compadd
          and  perform quoting themselves.  Instead of interpret-
          ing the first character of the all_quotes  key  of  the
          compstate  special association and using the q flag for
          parameter expansions, one can use this builtin command.
          The  arguments are the names of scalar or array parame-
          ters and the values of these parameters are  quoted  as
          needed  for  the  innermost  quoting  level.  If the -p
          option is given, quoting is done as if  there  is  some
          prefix  before  the values of the parameters, so that a
          leading equal sign will not be quoted.

          The return status is non-zero in case of an  error  and
          zero otherwise.

          These implement the internals of the tags mechanism.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          Like comparguments, but for the _values function.

     The  zsh/curses  module  makes available one builtin command
     and various parameters.

     zcurses init
     zcurses end
     zcurses addwin targetwin nlines ncols begin_y begin_x [ par-
     zcurses delwin targetwin
     zcurses refresh [ targetwin ... ]
     zcurses touch targetwin ...
     zcurses move targetwin new_y new_x
     zcurses clear targetwin [ redraw | eol | bot ]
     zcurses position targetwin array
     zcurses char targetwin character
     zcurses string targetwin string
     zcurses border targetwin border
     zcurses attr targetwin [ {+/-}attribute | fg_col/bg_col ]
     zcurses  bg  targetwin [ {+/-}attribute | fg_col/bg_col |
          @char ]
     zcurses scroll targetwin [ on | off | {+/-}lines ]
     zcurses input targetwin [ param [ kparam [ mparam ] ] ]
     zcurses mouse [ delay num | {+/-}motion ]
     zcurses timeout targetwin intval
     zcurses querychar targetwin [ param ]
          Manipulate  curses  windows.   All uses of this command
          should be bracketed by `zcurses init' to initialise use
          of  curses,  and  `zcurses  end'  to  end  it; omitting
          `zcurses end' can  cause  the  terminal  to  be  in  an
          unwanted state.

          The  subcommand  addwin  creates  a  window with nlines
          lines and ncols columns.  Its upper left corner will be
          placed at row begin_y and column begin_x of the screen.
          targetwin is a string and refers to the name of a  win-
          dow that is not currently assigned.  Note in particular
          the  curses  convention  that  vertical  values  appear
          before horizontal values.

          If  addwin  is  given  an  existing window as the final
          argument, the new window is created as a  subwindow  of
          parentwin.  This differs from an ordinary new window in
          that the memory of the window contents is  shared  with
          the parent's memory.  Subwindows must be deleted before
          their parent.  Note that the coordinates of  subwindows

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          are  relative  to  the  screen, not the parent, as with
          other windows.

          Use the subcommand delwin to delete  a  window  created
          with  addwin.  Note that end does not implicitly delete
          windows, and that delwin  does  not  erase  the  screen
          image of the window.

          The  window corresponding to the full visible screen is
          called stdscr; it always exists  after  `zcurses  init'
          and cannot be delete with delwin.

          The  subcommand  refresh will refresh window targetwin;
          this is necessary to make any pending changes (such  as
          characters you have prepared for output with char) vis-
          ible on the screen.  refresh without an argument causes
          the screen to be cleared and redrawn.  If multiple win-
          dows are given, the screen is updated once at the  end.

          The  subcommand  touch  marks  the targetwins listed as
          changed.  This is necessary before  refreshing  windows
          if  a window that was in front of another window (which
          may be stdscr) is deleted.

          The subcommand move moves the cursor position  in  tar-
          getwin  to  new coordinates new_y and new_x.  Note that
          the subcommand string (but  not  the  subcommand  char)
          advances the cursor position over the characters added.

          The subcommand clear erases the contents of  targetwin.
          One  (and  no  more  than  one) of three options may be
          specified.  With the option  redraw,  in  addition  the
          next  refresh  of targetwin will cause the screen to be
          cleared and repainted.  With the option eol,  targetwin
          is  only cleared to the end of the current cursor line.
          With the option bot, targetwin is cleared to the end of
          the  window,  i.e everything to the right and below the
          cursor is cleared.

          The subcommand position writes various positions  asso-
          ciated  with  targetwin  into  the  array  named array.
          These are, in order:
          -    The y and x coordinates of the cursor relative  to
               the top left of targetwin
          -    The  y  and  x coordinates of the top left of tar-
               getwin on the screen
          -    The size of targetwin in y and x dimensions.

          Outputting characters and strings are achieved by  char
          and string respectively.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          To  draw  a border around window targetwin, use border.
          Note that the border is not subsequently  handled  spe-
          cially:   in other words, the border is simply a set of
          characters output at the edge of the window.  Hence  it
          can be overwritten, can scroll off the window, etc.

          The  subcommand attr will set targetwin's attributes or
          foreground/background color  pair  for  any  successive
          character output.  Each attribute given on the line may
          be prepended by a +  to  set  or  a  -  to  unset  that
          attribute; + is assumed if absent.  The attributes sup-
          ported are blink, bold,  dim,  reverse,  standout,  and

          Each  fg_col/bg_col attribute (to be read as `fg_col on
          bg_col') sets the foreground and background  color  for
          character  output.   The  color  default  is  sometimes
          available (in particular if the  library  is  ncurses),
          specifying  the  foreground  or  background  color with
          which   the   terminal   started.    The   color   pair
          default/default is always available.

          bg  overrides  the  color  and  other attributes of all
          characters in the window.  Its usual use is to set  the
          background   initially,   but  it  will  overwrite  the
          attributes of any characters at the  time  when  it  is
          called.   In  addition  to  the  arguments allowed with
          attr, an argument @char specifies  a  character  to  be
          shown in otherwise blank areas of the window.  Owing to
          limitations of curses this cannot be a multibyte  char-
          acter  (use  of  ASCII characters only is recommended).
          As the specified set of attributes override the  exist-
          ing background, turning attributes off in the arguments
          is not useful, though this does not cause an error.

          The subcommand scroll can be used with  on  or  off  to
          enabled  or disable scrolling of a window when the cur-
          sor would otherwise move below the window due to typing
          or output.  It can also be used with a positive or neg-
          ative integer to scroll the window up or down the given
          number  of  lines  without  changing the current cursor
          position (which therefore appears to move in the  oppo-
          site  direction relative to the window).  In the second
          case, if scrolling is off it is temporarily  turned  on
          to allow the window to be scrolled.

          The  subcommand input reads a single character from the
          window without echoing it back.  If param  is  supplied
          the  character is assigned to the parameter param, else
          it is assigned to the parameter REPLY.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                17

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          If both param and kparam are supplied, the key is  read
          in  `keypad'  mode.   In this mode special keys such as
          function keys and arrow keys return the name of the key
          in  the parameter kparam.  The key names are the macros
          defined in the curses.h or ncurses.h  with  the  prefix
          `KEY_' removed; see also the description of the parame-
          ter zcurses_keycodes below.  Other keys cause  a  value
          to  be  set in param as before.  On a successful return
          only one  of  param  or  kparam  contains  a  non-empty
          string; the other is set to an empty string.

          If  mparam  is  also supplied, input attempts to handle
          mouse input.  This is only available with  the  ncurses
          library; mouse handling can be detected by checking for
          the exit status of `zcurses mouse' with  no  arguments.
          If   a   mouse   button   is  clicked  (or  double-  or
          triple-clicked, or pressed or released with  a  config-
          urable  delay from being clicked) then kparam is set to
          the string MOUSE, and mparam is set to  an  array  con-
          sisting of the following elements:
          -    An  identifier  to  discriminate  different  input
               devices; this is only rarely useful.
          -    The x, y and z coordinates of the mouse click rel-
               ative  to  the  full  screen, as three elements in
               that order (i.e. the y coordinate  is,  unusually,
               after the x coordinate).  The z coordinate is only
               available for a few unusual input devices  and  is
               otherwise set to zero.
          -    Any  events  that occurred as separate items; usu-
               ally there will be just one.  An event consists of
               TRIPLE_CLICKED followed immediately (in  the  same
               element) by the number of the button.
          -    If the shift key was pressed, the string SHIFT.
          -    If the control key was pressed, the string CTRL.
          -    If the alt key was pressed, the string ALT.

          Not  all mouse events may be passed through to the ter-
          minal window; most terminal emulators handle some mouse
          events   themselves.   Note  that  the  ncurses  manual
          implies that using input both with  and  without  mouse
          handling  may cause the mouse cursor to appear and dis-

          The subcommand mouse can be used to configure  the  use
          of  the  mouse.   There  is  no  window argument; mouse
          options are global.  `zcurses mouse' with no  arguments
          returns  status  0  if mouse handling is possible, else
          status 1.  Otherwise, the possible arguments (which may
          be  combined  on the same command line) are as follows.
          delay  num  sets  the  maximum  delay  in  milliseconds
          between  press and release events to be considered as a

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          click; the value 0 disables click resolution,  and  the
          default  is one sixth of a second.  motion proceeded by
          an optional `+' (the default) or  -  turns  on  or  off
          reporting  of  mouse  motion  in  addition  to  clicks,
          presses and releases, which are always reported.   How-
          ever,  it appears reports for mouse motion are not cur-
          rently implemented.

          The subcommand timeout specifies a  timeout  value  for
          input  from targetwin.  If intval is negative, `zcurses
          input' waits indefinitely for a character to be  typed;
          this  is  the  default.   If  intval  is zero, `zcurses
          input' returns immediately; if there is typeahead it is
          returned,  else  no  input  is  done  and  status  1 is
          returned.  If intval is positive, `zcurses input' waits
          intval  milliseconds  for input and if there is none at
          the end of that period returns status 1.

          The subcommand querychar queries the character  at  the
          current  cursor position.  The return values are stored
          in the array named param if supplied, else in the array
          reply.   The first value is the character (which may be
          a multibyte character if the system supports them); the
          second  is  the  color  pair in the usual fg_col/bg_col
          notation,  or  0  if  color  is  not  supported.    Any
          attributes  other  than color that apply to the charac-
          ter, as set with the subcommand attr, appear  as  addi-
          tional elements.

          Readonly  integer.   The  maximum  number of colors the
          terminal supports.  This value is  initialised  by  the
          curses  library  and  is  not available until the first
          time zcurses init is run.

          Readonly integer.  The maximum number  of  color  pairs
          fg_col/bg_col  that  may  be  defined in `zcurses attr'
          commands; note this limit applies to  all  color  pairs
          that  have  been used whether or not they are currently
          active.   This  value  is  initialised  by  the  curses
          library  and  is  not  available  until  the first time
          zcurses init is run.

          Readonly   array.    The   attributes   supported    by
          zsh/curses;  available as soon as the module is loaded.

          Readonly array.  The colors  supported  by  zsh/curses;
          available as soon as the module is loaded.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          Readonly array.  The values that may be returned in the
          second parameter supplied to  `zcurses  input'  in  the
          order  in  which they are defined internally by curses.
          Not all function  keys  are  listed,  only  F0;  curses
          reserves space for F0 up to F63.

          Readonly  array.  The current list of windows, i.e. all
          windows that have been created  with  `zcurses  addwin'
          and not removed with `zcurses delwin'.

     The zsh/datetime module makes available one builtin command:

     strftime [ -s scalar ] format epochtime
     strftime -r [ -q ] [ -s scalar ] format timestring
          Output the date denoted  by  epochtime  in  the  format

          With  the option -r (reverse), use the format format to
          parse the input string timestring and output the number
          of  seconds since the epoch at which the time occurred.
          If no timezone is parsed, the current timezone is used;
          other  parameters  are  set to zero if not present.  If
          timestring does not match format  the  command  returns
          status  1;  it will additionally print an error message
          unless the option -q (quiet) is given.   If  timestring
          matches  format  but  not  all characters in timestring
          were used, the conversion succeeds; however, a  warning
          is  issued unless the option -q is given.  The matching
          is implemented by the  system  function  strptime;  see
          strptime(3).  This means that zsh format extensions are
          not available, however for reverse lookup they are  not
          required.  If the function is not implemented, the com-
          mand returns status 2 and (unless -q is given) prints a

          If -s scalar is given, assign the date string (or epoch
          time in seconds if -r is given) to  scalar  instead  of
          printing it.

     The  zsh/datetime module makes available several parameters;
     all are readonly:

          A floating point value representing the number of  sec-
          onds  since  the  epoch.   The  notional accuracy is to
          nanoseconds if the clock_gettime call is available  and
          to microseconds otherwise, but in practice the range of
          double precision floating point  and  shell  scheduling
          latencies may be significant effects.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          An  integer  value  representing  the number of seconds
          since the epoch.

          An array value containing the number of  seconds  since
          the epoch in the first element and the remainder of the
          time since the epoch in nanoseconds in the second  ele-
          ment.   To  ensure  the two elements are consistent the
          array should be copied or  otherwise  referenced  as  a
          single  substitution  before  the values are used.  The
          following idiom may be used:

               for secs nsecs in $epochtime; do

     The zsh/deltochar module makes available two ZLE functions:

          Read a character from the keyboard, and delete from the
          cursor  position up to and including the next (or, with
          repeat count n, the nth) instance  of  that  character.
          Negative repeat counts mean delete backwards.

          This behaves like delete-to-char, except that the final
          occurrence of the character itself is not deleted.

     The zsh/example module makes available one builtin command:

     example [ -flags ] [ args ... ]
          Displays the flags and arguments it is invoked with.

     The purpose of the module is to serve as an example  of  how
     to write a module.

     The  zsh/files  module  makes available some common commands
     for file manipulation as builtins; these commands are proba-
     bly  not needed for many normal situations but can be useful
     in emergency recovery situations with constrained resources.
     The  commands  do not implement all features now required by
     relevant standards committees.

     For all commands, a variant beginning zf_ is also  available
     and  loaded automatically.  Using the features capability of
     zmodload will let you load only those names you want.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     The commands loaded by default are:

     chgrp [ -hRs ] group filename ...
          Changes group of files specified.  This  is  equivalent
          to chown with a user-spec argument of `:group'.

     chown [ -hRs ] user-spec filename ...
          Changes ownership and group of files specified.

          The user-spec can be in four forms:

          user change owner to user; do not change group
               change owner to user; do not change group
               change  owner to user; change group to user's pri-
               mary group
               change owner to user; change group to group
               do not change owner; change group to group

          In each case, the `:' may instead be a `.'.   The  rule
          is  that  if  there is a `:' then the separator is `:',
          otherwise if there is a `.' then the separator is  `.',
          otherwise there is no separator.

          Each  of  user  and  group may be either a username (or
          group name, as appropriate) or a decimal user ID (group
          ID).   Interpretation  as  a  name takes precedence, if
          there is an all-numeric username (or group name).

          If the target is a symbolic link, the -h option  causes
          chown  to  set the ownership of the link instead of its

          The -R option causes chown to recursively descend  into
          directories, changing the ownership of all files in the
          directory after changing the ownership of the directory

          The  -s  option is a zsh extension to chown functional-
          ity.  It enables paranoid behaviour, intended to  avoid
          security  problems involving a chown being tricked into
          affecting files other than the ones intended.  It  will
          refuse  to follow symbolic links, so that (for example)
          ``chown  luser  /tmp/foo/passwd''  can't   accidentally
          chown  /etc/passwd  if /tmp/foo happens to be a link to
          /etc.  It will also check where  it  is  after  leaving
          directories, so that a recursive chown of a deep direc-
          tory tree can't end up recursively chowning /usr  as  a
          result of directories being moved up the tree.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     ln [ -dfhins ] filename dest
     ln [ -dfhins ] filename ... dir
          Creates  hard  (or,  with  -s, symbolic) links.  In the
          first form, the specified destination is created, as  a
          link  to  the  specified filename.  In the second form,
          each of the filenames is taken in turn, and linked to a
          pathname  in  the specified directory that has the same
          last pathname component.

          Normally, ln will not attempt to create hard  links  to
          directories.  This check can be overridden using the -d
          option.  Typically only  the  super-user  can  actually
          succeed  in  creating  hard links to directories.  This
          does not apply to symbolic links in any case.

          By default, existing files cannot be replaced by links.
          The  -i  option  causes  the  user  to be queried about
          replacing existing files.  The -f option causes  exist-
          ing files to be silently deleted, without querying.  -f
          takes precedence.

          The -h and -n options are identical and both exist  for
          compatibility;  either one indicates that if the target
          is a symlink then it should not be dereferenced.  Typi-
          cally  this  is used in combination with -sf so that if
          an existing link points to a directory then it will  be
          removed,  instead  of followed.  If this option is used
          with multiple filenames and the target  is  a  symbolic
          link  pointing  to  a  directory  then the result is an

     mkdir [ -p ] [ -m mode ] dir ...
          Creates directories.  With the -p option,  non-existing
          parent  directories are first created if necessary, and
          there will be no complaint  if  the  directory  already
          exists.   The  -m  option  can  be  used to specify (in
          octal) a set of file permissions for the created direc-
          tories,  otherwise  mode  777  modified  by the current
          umask (see umask(2)) is used.

     mv [ -fi ] filename dest
     mv [ -fi ] filename ... dir
          Moves files.  In the first form, the specified filename
          is  moved  to the specified destination.  In the second
          form, each of the filenames is taken in turn, and moved
          to  a  pathname in the specified directory that has the
          same last pathname component.

          By default, the user will be queried  before  replacing
          any  file  that  the user cannot write to, but writable
          files will be silently removed.  The -i  option  causes
          the  user  to  be  queried about replacing any existing

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          files.  The -f option causes any existing files  to  be
          silently  deleted,  without  querying.  -f takes prece-

          Note that this mv will not move files  across  devices.
          Historical  versions  of  mv,  when  actual renaming is
          impossible, fall back on copying and removing files; if
          this  behaviour  is  desired,  use  cp and rm manually.
          This may change in a future version.

     rm [ -dfirs ] filename ...
          Removes files and directories specified.

          Normally, rm will not remove directories  (except  with
          the  -r option).  The -d option causes rm to try remov-
          ing directories with unlink (see unlink(2)),  the  same
          method  used  for files.  Typically only the super-user
          can actually succeed in unlinking directories  in  this
          way.  -d takes precedence over -r.

          By  default,  the  user will be queried before removing
          any file that the user cannot write  to,  but  writable
          files  will  be silently removed.  The -i option causes
          the user to be queried about removing any  files.   The
          -f  option causes files to be silently deleted, without
          querying, and suppresses  all  error  indications.   -f
          takes precedence.

          The  -r  option  causes  rm to recursively descend into
          directories, deleting all files in the directory before
          removing  the directory with the rmdir system call (see

          The -s option is a zsh extension to  rm  functionality.
          It enables paranoid behaviour, intended to avoid common
          security problems involving a root-run rm being tricked
          into  removing  files other than the ones intended.  It
          will refuse to follow  symbolic  links,  so  that  (for
          example)   ``rm  /tmp/foo/passwd''  can't  accidentally
          remove /etc/passwd if /tmp/foo happens to be a link  to
          /etc.   It  will  also  check where it is after leaving
          directories, so that a  recursive  removal  of  a  deep
          directory  tree  can't end up recursively removing /usr
          as a result of directories being moved up the tree.

     rmdir dir ...
          Removes empty directories specified.

     sync Calls the system call of the same name  (see  sync(2)),
          which  flushes  dirty buffers to disk.  It might return
          before the I/O has actually been completed.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     The zsh/langinfo module makes available one parameter:

          An associative array that  maps  langinfo  elements  to
          their values.

          Your implementation may support a number of the follow-
          ing keys:

          YESEXPR,  NOEXPR,  CRNCYSTR,  ABDAY_{1..7}, DAY_{1..7},
          ABMON_{1..12}, MON_{1..12}, T_FMT_AMPM, AM_STR, PM_STR,

     The  zsh/mapfile  module  provides  one  special associative
     array parameter of the same name.

          This associative array  takes  as  keys  the  names  of
          files;  the resulting value is the content of the file.
          The value is treated identically to any other text com-
          ing  from  a parameter.  The value may also be assigned
          to, in which case  the  file  in  question  is  written
          (whether  or  not it originally existed); or an element
          may be unset, which will delete the file  in  question.
          For example, `vared mapfile[myfile]' works as expected,
          editing the file `myfile'.

          When the array is accessed as a whole, the keys are the
          names of files in the current directory, and the values
          are empty (to save a huge overhead  in  memory).   Thus
          ${(k)mapfile}  has the same affect as the glob operator
          *(D), since files beginning with a dot are not special.
          Care   must  be  taken  with  expressions  such  as  rm
          ${(k)mapfile}, which will delete every file in the cur-
          rent directory without the usual `rm *' test.

          The  parameter  mapfile  may be made read-only; in that
          case, files referenced may not be written or deleted.

          A file may conveniently be read into an  array  as  one
          line  per  element  with  the  form `array=("${(f@)map-
          file[filename]}")'.  The double quotes and the `@'  are
          necessary  to  prevent  empty lines from being removed.
          Note that if the file ends with a  newline,  the  shell
          will  split  on  the final newline, generating an addi-
          tional empty field; this can  be  suppressed  by  using

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     Although  reading  and  writing  of  the file in question is
     efficiently handled, zsh's internal memory management may be
     arbitrarily  baroque;  however, mapfile is usually very much
     more efficient than anything involving a loop.  Note in par-
     ticular  that  the  whole  contents  of the file will always
     reside physically in memory when accessed (possibly multiple
     times,  due  to standard parameter substitution operations).
     In particular, this  means  handling  of  sufficiently  long
     files  (greater  than  the machine's swap space, or than the
     range of the pointer type) will be incorrect.

     No errors are printed or flagged for  non-existent,  unread-
     able, or unwritable files, as the parameter mechanism is too
     low in the shell execution hierarchy  to  make  this  conve-

     It  is  unfortunate  that  the mechanism for loading modules
     does not yet allow the user to specify the name of the shell
     parameter to be given the special behaviour.

     The zsh/mathfunc module provides standard mathematical func-
     tions for use when evaluating  mathematical  formulae.   The
     syntax  agrees  with  normal  C and FORTRAN conventions, for

          (( f = sin(0.3) ))

     assigns the sine of 0.3 to the parameter f.

     Most functions take floating point arguments  and  return  a
     floating  point  value.   However, any necessary conversions
     from or to integer type will be performed  automatically  by
     the  shell.   Apart from atan with a second argument and the
     abs, int and float functions, all functions behave as  noted
     in  the manual page for the corresponding C function, except
     that any arguments out of range for the function in question
     will be detected by the shell and an error reported.

     The  following  functions take a single floating point argu-
     ment: acos, acosh, asin, asinh,  atan,  atanh,  cbrt,  ceil,
     cos,  cosh,  erf,  erfc, exp, expm1, fabs, floor, gamma, j0,
     j1, lgamma, log, log10, log1p, logb, sin, sinh,  sqrt,  tan,
     tanh,  y0, y1.  The atan function can optionally take a sec-
     ond argument, in which case it behaves like the  C  function
     atan2.   The  ilogb  function  takes a single floating point
     argument, but returns an integer.

     The function signgam takes  no  arguments,  and  returns  an
     integer,  which  is  the  C  variable  of  the same name, as
     described in gamma(3).   Note  that  it  is  therefore  only

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     useful  immediately  after  a call to gamma or lgamma.  Note
     also that `signgam()' and  `signgam'  are  distinct  expres-

     The  following  functions take two floating point arguments:
     copysign, fmod, hypot, nextafter.

     The following take an integer first argument and a  floating
     point second argument: jn, yn.

     The  following  take  a floating point first argument and an
     integer second argument: ldexp, scalb.

     The function abs does not convert the  type  of  its  single
     argument; it returns the absolute value of either a floating
     point number or an integer.  The  functions  float  and  int
     convert  their  arguments  into  a floating point or integer
     value (by truncation) respectively.

     Note that the C pow function is available in  ordinary  math
     evaluation as the `**' operator and is not provided here.

     The function rand48 is available if your system's mathemati-
     cal library has  the  function  erand48(3).   It  returns  a
     pseudo-random  floating  point  number  between 0 and 1.  It
     takes a single string optional argument.

     If the argument is not present, the random  number  seed  is
     initialised  by three calls to the rand(3) function --- this
     produces the same random numbers as the next three values of

     If  the  argument  is present, it gives the name of a scalar
     parameter where the  current  random  number  seed  will  be
     stored.   On the first call, the value must contain at least
     twelve hexadecimal digits (the remainder of  the  string  is
     ignored), or the seed will be initialised in the same manner
     as for a call to rand48 with no argument.  Subsequent  calls
     to  rand48(param) will then maintain the seed in the parame-
     ter param as a string of twelve hexadecimal digits, with  no
     base  signifier.   The random number sequences for different
     parameters are completely independent, and are also indepen-
     dent from that used by calls to rand48 with no argument.

     For example, consider

          print $(( rand48(seed) ))
          print $(( rand48() ))
          print $(( rand48(seed) ))

     Assuming $seed does not exist, it will be initialised by the
     first call.   In  the  second  call,  the  default  seed  is

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     initialised;  note,  however, that because of the properties
     of rand() there is a correlation between the seeds used  for
     the two initialisations, so for more secure uses, you should
     generate your own 12-byte seed.  The third call  returns  to
     the  same sequence of random numbers used in the first call,
     unaffected by the intervening rand48().

     The zsh/newuser module is loaded at boot if it is available,
     the  RCS option is set, and the PRIVILEGED option is not set
     (all three are true by default).  This takes  place  immedi-
     ately  after  commands  in the global zshenv file (typically
     /etc/zshenv), if any, have been executed.  If the module  is
     not  available it is silently ignored by the shell; the mod-
     ule may safely be removed from $MODULE_PATH by the  adminis-
     trator if it is not required.

     On  loading,  the  module tests if any of the start-up files
     .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc or .zlogin exist in the directory
     given  by  the  environment  variable ZDOTDIR, or the user's
     home directory if that is not set.  The  test  is  not  per-
     formed  and  the module halts processing if the shell was in
     an emulation mode (i.e. had been invoked as some other shell
     than zsh).

     If  none  of  the start-up files were found, the module then
     looks for the file newuser first in  a  sitewide  directory,
     usually  the  parent  directory of the site-functions direc-
     tory, and if that is not found the module searches in a ver-
     sion-specific directory, usually the parent of the functions
     directory  containing  version-specific  functions.   (These
     directories  can  be  configured when zsh is built using the
     --enable-site-scriptdir=dir and --enable-scriptdir=dir flags
     to   configure,   respectively;   the   defaults   are  pre-
     fix/share/zsh and  prefix/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION  where  the
     default prefix is /usr/local.)

     If the file newuser is found, it is then sourced in the same
     manner as a start-up file.  The file is expected to  contain
     code  to  install  start-up  files for the user, however any
     valid shell code will be executed.

     The zsh/newuser module is then unconditionally unloaded.

     Note that it is possible to achieve exactly the same  effect
     as  the  zsh/newuser  module  by adding code to /etc/zshenv.
     The module exists simply to allow the shell to make arrange-
     ments  for  new  users  without the need for intervention by
     package maintainers and system administrators.

     The script supplied with the module invokes the shell  func-
     tion  zsh-newuser-install.   This may be invoked directly by

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     the user even if the zsh/newuser module is disabled.   Note,
     however,  that  if  the module is not installed the function
     will not be installed either.  The function is documented in
     the section User Configuration Functions in zshcontrib(1).

     The  zsh/parameter module gives access to some of the inter-
     nal hash tables used by the shell by defining  some  special

          The  keys  for  this associative array are the names of
          the options that can be set and unset using the  setopt
          and  unsetopt builtins. The value of each key is either
          the string on if the option is currently  set,  or  the
          string  off  if  the option is unset.  Setting a key to
          one of these strings is like setting or  unsetting  the
          option,  respectively. Unsetting a key in this array is
          like setting it to the value off.

          This array gives access to the command hash table.  The
          keys are the names of external commands, the values are
          the pathnames of the files that would be executed  when
          the  command  would  be  invoked. Setting a key in this
          array defines a new entry in this table in the same way
          as  with the hash builtin. Unsetting a key as in `unset
          "commands[foo]"' removes the entry for  the  given  key
          from the command hash table.

          This  associative array maps names of enabled functions
          to their definitions. Setting  a  key  in  it  is  like
          defining  a function with the name given by the key and
          the body given by the value. Unsetting  a  key  removes
          the definition for the function named by the key.

          Like functions but for disabled functions.

          This  associative  array  gives  information  about the
          builtin commands currently enabled. The  keys  are  the
          names of the builtin commands and the values are either
          `undefined' for builtin commands  that  will  automati-
          cally  be  loaded from a module if invoked or `defined'
          for builtin commands that are already loaded.

          Like builtins but for disabled builtin commands.


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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          This array contains the enabled reserved words.

          Like reswords but for disabled reserved words.

          This array contains the enabled pattern characters.

          Like patchars but for disabled pattern characters.

          This maps the names of the  regular  aliases  currently
          enabled to their expansions.

          Like aliases but for disabled regular aliases.

          Like aliases, but for global aliases.

          Like galiases but for disabled global aliases.

          Like raliases, but for suffix aliases.

          Like saliases but for disabled suffix aliases.

          The keys in this associative array are the names of the
          parameters currently defined. The  values  are  strings
          describing  the type of the parameter, in the same for-
          mat used by the t  parameter  flag,  see  zshexpn(1)  .
          Setting  or  unsetting keys in this array is not possi-

          An associative array giving information about  modules.
          The  keys  are  the names of the modules loaded, regis-
          tered to be autoloaded,  or  aliased.  The  value  says
          which  state  the  named module is in and is one of the
          strings `loaded', `autoloaded', or `alias:name',  where
          name is the name the module is aliased to.

          Setting  or  unsetting keys in this array is not possi-

          A normal array holding the elements  of  the  directory
          stack. Note that the output of the dirs builtin command

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          includes one more directory, the current working direc-

          This  associative  array  maps history event numbers to
          the full history lines.

          A special array containing the words stored in the his-

          This associative array maps job numbers to the directo-
          ries from which the job was started (which may  not  be
          the current directory of the job).

          The  keys  of  the associative arrays are usually valid
          job numbers, and these are the values output with,  for
          example, ${(k)jobdirs}.  Non-numeric job references may
          be used when looking up a value;  for  example,  ${job-
          dirs[%+]} refers to the current job.

          This associative array maps job numbers to the texts of
          the command lines that were used to start the jobs.

          Handling of the keys of the  associative  array  is  as
          described for jobdirs above.

          This  associative  array  gives  information  about the
          states of the jobs currently known. The  keys  are  the
          job  numbers  and  the  values  are strings of the form
          `job-state:mark:pid=state...'. The job-state gives  the
          state  the whole job is currently in, one of `running',
          `suspended', or `done'. The mark is `+' for the current
          job, `-' for the previous job and empty otherwise. This
          is followed by one `pid=state' for every process in the
          job.  The  pids are, of course, the process IDs and the
          state describes the state of that process.

          Handling of the keys of the  associative  array  is  as
          described for jobdirs above.

          This associative array maps the names of named directo-
          ries to the pathnames they stand for.

          This associative array maps user names to the pathnames
          of their home directories.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          This  associative  array maps names of system groups of
          which the current user is a member to the corresponding
          group  identifiers.   The  contents are the same as the
          groups output by the id command.

          This array contains the absolute line numbers and  cor-
          responding  file  names for the point where the current
          function, sourced file, or (if EVAL_LINENO is set) eval
          command was called.  The array is of the same length as
          funcsourcetrace and functrace, but differs  from  func-
          sourcetrace  in that the line and file are the point of
          call, not the point of  definition,  and  differs  from
          functrace  in that all values are absolute line numbers
          in files, rather than relative to the start of a  func-
          tion, if any.

          This  array contains the file names and line numbers of
          the points where the functions, sourced files, and  (if
          EVAL_LINENO  is set) eval commands currently being exe-
          cuted were defined.  The line number is the line  where
          the  `function name' or `name ()' started.  In the case
          of an autoloaded function  the line number is  reported
          as   zero.    The  format  of  each  element  is  file-
          name:lineno.  For functions autoloaded from a  file  in
          native  zsh format, where only the body of the function
          occurs in the file, or for files that  have  been  exe-
          cuted by the source or `.' builtins, the trace informa-
          tion is shown as filename:0, since the entire  file  is
          the definition.

          Most users will be interested in the information in the
          funcfiletrace array instead.

          This array contains the names of the functions, sourced
          files,  and (if EVAL_LINENO is set) eval commands. cur-
          rently being executed. The first element is the name of
          the function using the parameter.

          This  array  contains the names and line numbers of the
          callers corresponding to the functions currently  being
          executed.   The  format of each element is name:lineno.
          Callers are also shown for sourced files; the caller is
          the point where the source or `.' command was executed.

     The  zsh/pcre  module  makes  some  commands  available   as

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     pcre_compile [ -aimxs ] PCRE
          Compiles a perl-compatible regular expression.

          Option  -a  will  force  the  pattern  to  be anchored.
          Option -i  will  compile  a  case-insensitive  pattern.
          Option -m will compile a multi-line pattern; that is, ^
          and $ will match newlines within the  pattern.   Option
          -x will compile an extended pattern, wherein whitespace
          and # comments are ignored.  Option -s  makes  the  dot
          metacharacter  match  all  characters,  including those
          that indicate newline.

          Studies the previously-compiled PCRE which  may  result
          in faster matching.

     pcre_match [ -v var ] [ -a arr ] [ -n offset ] [ -b ] string
          Returns  successfully  if  string  matches  the  previ-
          ously-compiled PCRE.

          Upon  successful match, if the expression captures sub-
          strings within parentheses,  pcre_match  will  set  the
          array  $match to those substrings, unless the -a option
          is given, in which case it  will  set  the  array  arr.
          Similarly, the variable MATCH will be set to the entire
          matched portion of the string, unless the -v option  is
          given,  in which case the variable var will be set.  No
          variables are altered if there is no successful  match.
          A  -n option starts searching for a match from the byte
          offset position in string.  If the -b option is  given,
          the  variable  ZPCRE_OP  will  be set to an offset pair
          string, representing the byte offset positions  of  the
          entire matched portion within the string.  For example,
          a ZPCRE_OP set to "32 45" indicates  that  the  matched
          portion  began on byte offset 32 and ended on byte off-
          set 44.  Here, byte offset position 45 is the  position
          directly  after the matched portion.  Keep in mind that
          the byte position isn't necessarily  the  same  as  the
          character  position when UTF-8 characters are involved.
          Consequently, the byte offset positions are only to  be
          relied  on  in the context of using them for subsequent
          searches on string, using  an  offset  position  as  an
          argument  to  the  -n  option.   This is mostly used to
          implement the "find all non-overlapping matches"  func-

          A simple example of "find all non-overlapping matches":

               string="The following zip codes: 78884 90210 99513"
               pcre_compile -m "\d{5}"
               pcre_match -b -- $string

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

               while [[ $? -eq 0 ]] do
                   pcre_match -b -n $b[2] -- $string
               print -l $accum

     The zsh/pcre module makes available the following test  con-
     expr -pcre-match pcre
          Matches  a  string  against  a  perl-compatible regular

          For example,

          [[ "$text" -pcre-match ^d+$ ]] && print  text  variable
          contains only "d's".

     The zsh/regex module makes available the following test con-
     expr -regex-match regex
          Matches a  string  against  a  POSIX  extended  regular
          expression.   On  successful  match, matched portion of
          the string will normally be placed in the  MATCH  vari-
          able.   If  there  are any capturing parentheses within
          the regex, then the match array variable  will  contain
          those.   If the match is not successful, then the vari-
          ables will not be altered.

          For example,

               [[ alphabetical -regex-match ^a([^a]+)a([^a]+)a ]] &&
               print -l $MATCH X $match

          If the option REMATCH_PCRE is  not  set,  then  the  =~
          operator  will automatically load this module as needed
          and will invoke the -regex-match operator.

          If BASH_REMATCH is set,  then  the  array  BASH_REMATCH
          will be set instead of MATCH and match.

     The zsh/sched module makes available one builtin command and
     one parameter.

     sched [-o] [+]hh:mm[:ss] command ...
     sched [-o] [+]seconds command ...
     sched [ -item ]
          Make an entry in the scheduled list of commands to exe-
          cute.   The time may be specified in either absolute or
          relative  time,  and  either  as  hours,  minutes   and

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          (optionally)  seconds  separated by a colon, or seconds
          alone.  An absolute number  of  seconds  indicates  the
          time since the epoch (1970/01/01 00:00); this is useful
          in combination with the features  in  the  zsh/datetime
          module,  see  the  zsh/datetime module entry in zshmod-

          With no arguments, prints the list  of  scheduled  com-
          mands.   If  the scheduled command has the -o flag set,
          this is shown at the start of the command.

          With the argument `-item', removes the given item  from
          the  list.  The numbering of the list is continuous and
          entries are in time order, so the numbering can  change
          when entries are added or deleted.

          Commands  are  executed  either  immediately  before  a
          prompt, or while the shell's line editor is waiting for
          input.   In  the latter case it is useful to be able to
          produce output that does not interfere  with  the  line
          being edited.  Providing the option -o causes the shell
          to clear the command line before the event  and  redraw
          it  afterwards.  This should be used with any scheduled
          event that produces visible output to the terminal;  it
          is  not needed, for example, with output that updates a
          terminal emulator's title bar.

          The sched builtin is not made available by default when
          the shell starts in a mode emulating another shell.  It
          can be made available with  the  command  `zmodload  -F
          zsh/sched b:sched'.

          A  readonly array corresponding to the events scheduled
          by the sched builtin.  The indices of the array  corre-
          spond  to  the  numbers shown when sched is run with no
          arguments (provided that the KSH_ARRAYS option  is  not
          set).  The value of the array consists of the scheduled
          time in seconds since the epoch (see the  section  `The
          zsh/datetime Module' for facilities for using this num-
          ber), followed by a  colon,  followed  by  any  options
          (which  may be empty but will be preceded by a `-' oth-
          erwise), followed by a colon, followed by  the  command
          to be executed.

          The  sched  builtin should be used for manipulating the
          events.  Note that this will have an  immediate  effect
          on  the  contents  of  the  array,  so that indices may
          become invalid.

     The  zsh/net/socket  module  makes  available  one   builtin

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)


     zsocket [ -altv ] [ -d fd ] [ args ]
          zsocket  is  implemented as a builtin to allow full use
          of shell command line editing, file I/O, and  job  con-
          trol mechanisms.

  Outbound Connections
     zsocket [ -v ] [ -d fd ] filename
          Open  a  new  Unix  domain connection to filename.  The
          shell parameter REPLY will be set to the file  descrip-
          tor  associated  with that connection.  Currently, only
          stream connections are supported.

          If -d is specified, its argument will be taken  as  the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

  Inbound Connections
     zsocket -l [ -v ] [ -d fd ] filename
          zsocket  -l  will  open a socket listening on filename.
          The shell parameter REPLY  will  be  set  to  the  file
          descriptor associated with that listener.

          If  -d  is specified, its argument will be taken as the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

     zsocket -a [ -tv ] [ -d targetfd ] listenfd
          zsocket -a will accept an incoming  connection  to  the
          socket  associated  with listenfd.  The shell parameter
          REPLY will be set to  the  file  descriptor  associated
          with the inbound connection.

          If  -d  is specified, its argument will be taken as the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

          If -t is specified, zsocket will return if no  incoming
          connection is pending.  Otherwise it will wait for one.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

     The zsh/stat module  makes  available  one  builtin  command
     under two possible names:

] [ +element ] [ file ... ]
     zstat [ -gnNolLtTrs ] [ -f fd ] [ -H hash ] [ -A array ] [
          -F fmt
     stat ...

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          The command acts as a front end to the stat system call
          (see stat(2)).  The same command is provided  with  two
          names;  as  the  name stat is often used by an external
          command it is recommended that only the zstat  form  of
          the  command  is used.  This can be arranged by loading
          the module  with  the  command  `zmodload  -F  zsh/stat

          If  the  stat  call fails, the appropriate system error
          message printed and status 1 is returned.   The  fields
          of  struct  stat  give information about the files pro-
          vided as arguments to  the  command.   In  addition  to
          those  available  from  the stat call, an extra element
          `link' is provided.  These elements are:

               The  number  of  the  device  on  which  the  file

               The  unique  number  of  the  file  on this device
               (`inode' number).

          mode The mode of the file; that is, the file's type and
               access permissions.  With the -s option, this will
               be returned as a string corresponding to the first
               column in the display of the ls -l command.

               The number of hard links to the file.

          uid  The user ID of the owner of the file.  With the -s
               option, this is displayed as a user name.

          gid  The group ID of the file.   With  the  -s  option,
               this is displayed as a group name.

          rdev The  raw  device  number.  This is only useful for
               special devices.

          size The size of the file in bytes.

               The last access,  modification  and  inode  change
               times  of the file, respectively, as the number of
               seconds since midnight GMT on 1st  January,  1970.
               With  the  -s option, these are printed as strings
               for the local time zone; the format can be altered
               with  the  -F  option,  and with the -g option the
               times are in GMT.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

               The number of bytes in one allocation block on the
               device on which the file resides.

               The number of disk blocks used by the file.

          link If  the  file  is  a  link and the -L option is in
               effect, this contains the name of the file  linked
               to, otherwise it is empty.  Note that if this ele-
               ment is selected (``zstat  +link'')  then  the  -L
               option is automatically used.

          A  particular  element may be selected by including its
          name preceded by a `+' in the  option  list;  only  one
          element  is  allowed.   The element may be shortened to
          any unique set of leading characters.   Otherwise,  all
          elements will be shown for all files.


          -A array
               Instead of displaying the results on standard out-
               put, assign them to an array, one struct stat ele-
               ment per array element for each file in order.  In
               this case neither the name of the element nor  the
               name  of  the files appears in array unless the -t
               or -n options were given, respectively.  If -t  is
               given, the element name appears as a prefix to the
               appropriate array element; if  -n  is  given,  the
               file name appears as a separate array element pre-
               ceding all the others.  Other  formatting  options
               are respected.

          -H hash
               Similar  to  -A,  but instead assign the values to
               hash.  The keys are the elements listed above.  If
               the  -n  option  is  provided then the name of the
               file is included in the hash with key name.

          -f fd
               Use the file on  file  descriptor  fd  instead  of
               named  files;  no list of file names is allowed in
               this case.

          -F fmt
               Supplies a strftime (see strftime(3))  string  for
               the  formatting  of  the  time  elements.   The -s
               option is implied.

          -g   Show the time elements in the GMT time zone.   The
               -s option is implied.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                38

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          -l   List  the  names of the type elements (to standard
               output or an  array  as  appropriate)  and  return
               immediately;  options  other than -A and arguments
               are ignored.

          -L   Perform an lstat (see lstat(2)) rather than a stat
               system call.  In this case, if the file is a link,
               information about the link itself rather than  the
               target  file is returned.  This option is required
               to make the link element useful.   It's  important
               to  note  that  this  is  the  exact opposite from
               ls(1), etc.

          -n   Always show the names of files.  Usually these are
               only  shown  when output is to standard output and
               there is more than one file in the list.

          -N   Never show the names of files.

          -o   If a raw file mode is printed, show it  in  octal,
               which  is  more  useful for human consumption than
               the default of decimal.  A leading  zero  will  be
               printed  in  this  case.   Note that this does not
               affect whether a raw or  formatted  file  mode  is
               shown,  which  is  controlled  by  the  -r  and -s
               options, nor whether a mode is shown at all.

          -r   Print raw  data  (the  default  format)  alongside
               string  data  (the  -s  format);  the  string data
               appears in parentheses after the raw data.

          -s   Print mode, uid, gid and the three  time  elements
               as  strings  instead of numbers.  In each case the
               format is like that of ls -l.

          -t   Always show the type names  for  the  elements  of
               struct  stat.   Usually  these are only shown when
               output is to standard  output  and  no  individual
               element has been selected.

          -T   Never  show the type names of the struct stat ele-

     The zsh/system module makes available various  builtin  com-
     mands and parameters.

     syserror [ -e errvar ] [ -p prefix ] [ errno | errname ]
          This  command  prints  out the error message associated
          with errno, a system error number, followed by  a  new-
          line to standard error.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                39

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          Instead  of the error number, a name errname, for exam-
          ple ENOENT, may be used.  The set of names is the  same
          as the contents of the array errnos, see below.

          If  the  string prefix is given, it is printed in front
          of the error message, with no intervening space.

          If errvar is supplied, the entire  message,  without  a
          newline,  is assigned to the parameter names errvar and
          nothing is output.

          A return status of 0 indicates the message was success-
          fully  printed  (although  it  may not be useful if the
          error number was out of the system's range),  a  return
          status of 1 indicates an error in the parameters, and a
          return status of 2 indicates the  error  name  was  not
          recognised (no message is printed for this).

     sysread [ -c countvar ] [ -i infd ] [ -o outfd ]
       [ -s bufsize ] [ -t timeout ] [ param ]
          Perform a single system read from file descriptor infd,
          or zero if that is not given.  The result of  the  read
          is  stored  in param or REPLY if that is not given.  If
          countvar is given, the number of bytes read is assigned
          to the parameter named by countvar.

          The  maximum number of bytes read is bufsize or 8192 if
          that is not given, however the command returns as  soon
          as any number of bytes was successfully read.

          If timeout is given, it specifies a timeout in seconds,
          which may be zero to poll the file descriptor.  This is
          handled by the poll system call if available, otherwise
          the select system call if available.

          If outfd is given, an attempt is made to write all  the
          bytes  just read to the file descriptor outfd.  If this
          fails, because of a system error other  than  EINTR  or
          because  of  an internal zsh error during an interrupt,
          the bytes read but not written are stored in the param-
          eter  named by param if supplied (no default is used in
          this case), and the number of bytes read but not  writ-
          ten  is  stored  in  the parameter named by countvar if
          that is supplied.  If it was successful, countvar  con-
          tains  the  full number of bytes transferred, as usual,
          and param is not set.

          The error EINTR (interrupted system  call)  is  handled
          internally  so that shell interrupts are transparent to
          the caller.  Any other error causes a return.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                40

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          The possible return statuses are
          0    At least one byte of data  was  successfully  read
               and, if appropriate, written.

          1    There  was  an error in the parameters to the com-
               mand.  This is the only error for which a  message
               is printed to standard error.

          2    There  was an error on the read, or on polling the
               input file descriptor for a timeout.  The  parame-
               ter ERRNO gives the error.

          3    Data  were  successfully  read,  but  there was an
               error writing them to outfd.  The parameter  ERRNO
               gives the error.

          4    The attempt to read timed out.  Note this does not
               set ERRNO as this is not a system error.

          5    No system error  occurred,  but  zero  bytes  were
               read.   This  usually  indicates end of file.  The
               parameters are set according to the  usual  rules;
               no write to outfd is attempted.

     syswrite [ -c countvar ] [ -o outfd ] data
          The  data (a single string of bytes) are written to the
          file descriptor outfd, or 1 if that is not given, using
          the  write  system call.  Multiple write operations may
          be used if the first does not write all the data.

          If countvar is given, the number  of  byte  written  is
          stored in the parameter named by countvar; this may not
          be the full length of data if an error occurred.

          The error EINTR (interrupted system  call)  is  handled
          internally  by  retrying; otherwise an error causes the
          command to return.  For example, if the file descriptor
          is set to non-blocking output, an error EAGAIN (on some
          systems, EWOULDBLOCK) may result in the command return-
          ing early.

          The  return status may be 0 for success, 1 for an error
          in the parameters to the command, or 2 for an error  on
          the  write;  no  error  message  is printed in the last
          case, but the parameter ERRNO will  reflect  the  error
          that occurred.

     zsystem flock [ -t timeout ] [ -f var ] [-er] file
     zsystem flock -u fd_expr
          The  builtin  zsystem's subcommand flock performs advi-
          sory file locking (via the fcntl(2) system  call)  over
          the  entire  contents  of the given file.  This form of

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          locking requires the processes accessing  the  file  to
          cooperate;   its   most  obvious  use  is  between  two
          instances of the shell itself.

          In the first form the named file,  which  must  already
          exist,  is  locked  by opening a file descriptor to the
          file and applying a lock to the file  descriptor.   The
          lock terminates when the shell process that created the
          lock exits; it is therefore often convenient to  create
          file locks within subshells, since the lock is automat-
          ically released when the subshell exits.  Status  0  is
          returned if the lock succeeds, else status 1.

          In  the  second  form  the file descriptor given by the
          arithmetic expression fd_expr is  closed,  releasing  a
          lock.   The file descriptor can be queried by using the
          `-f var' form during the lock; on  a  successful  lock,
          the  shell  variable  var is set to the file descriptor
          used for locking.  The lock will  be  released  if  the
          file descriptor is closed by any other means, for exam-
          ple using `exec {var}>&-'; however, the form  described
          here  performs  a safety check that the file descriptor
          is in use for file locking.

          By default the shell waits indefinitely for the lock to
          succeed.  The option -t timeout specifies a timeout for
          the lock in seconds; currently this must be an integer.
          The  shell  will attempt to lock the file once a second
          during this period.  If the attempt times out, status 2
          is returned.

          If  the option -e is given, the file descriptor for the
          lock is preserved when the shell uses exec to  start  a
          new  process;  otherwise it is closed at that point and
          the lock released.

          If the option -r is given, the lock is only  for  read-
          ing, otherwise it is for reading and writing.  The file
          descriptor is opened accordingly.

     zsystem supports subcommand
          The builtin zsystem's subcommand supports tests whether
          a  given  subcommand is supported.  It returns status 0
          if so, else status  1.   It  operates  silently  unless
          there  was  a  syntax  error  (i.e. the wrong number of
          arguments), in which case status 255 is returned.  Sta-
          tus  1  can  indicate one of two things:  subcommand is
          known but not supported by the current  operating  sys-
          tem,  or subcommand is not known (possibly because this
          is an older version of the shell before it  was  imple-

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          A  readonly array of the names of errors defined on the
          system.  These are typically macros  defined  in  C  by
          including the system header file errno.h.  The index of
          each name (assuming the  option  KSH_ARRAYS  is  unset)
          corresponds  to  the  error  number.  Error numbers num
          before the last known error  which  have  no  name  are
          given the name Enum in the array.

          Note  that aliases for errors are not handled; only the
          canonical name is used.

          A readonly associative array.  The keys are:
     pid  Returns the process ID of the current process, even  in
          subshells.  Compare $$, which returns the process ID of
          the main shell process.

     ppid Returns the process ID of the  parent  of  the  current
          process,  even  in  subshells.   Compare  $PPID,  which
          returns the process ID of the parent of the main  shell

     The zsh/net/tcp module makes available one builtin command:

     ztcp [ -acflLtv ] [ -d fd ] [ args ]
          ztcp  is  implemented as a builtin to allow full use of
          shell command line editing, file I/O, and  job  control

          If ztcp is run with no options, it will output the con-
          tents of its session table.

          If it is run with only the option -L,  it  will  output
          the  contents of the session table in a format suitable
          for automatic parsing.  The option is ignored if  given
          with  a command to open or close a session.  The output
          consists of a set of lines, one per session, each  con-
          taining the following elements separated by spaces:

          File descriptor
               The  file  descriptor  in  use for the connection.
               For normal inbound (I) and  outbound  (O)  connec-
               tions  this  may  be read and written by the usual
               shell mechanisms.   However,  it  should  only  be
               close with `ztcp -c'.

          Connection type
               A letter indicating how the session was created:

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                43

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

               Z    A session created with the zftp command.

               L    A  connection opened for listening with `ztcp

               I    An inbound  connection  accepted  with  `ztcp

               O    An  outbound  connection  created  with `ztcp
                    host ...'.

          The local host
               This is usually set to an all-zero IP  address  as
               the address of the localhost is irrelevant.

          The local port
               This is likely to be zero unless the connection is
               for listening.

          The remote host
               This is the fully qualified  domain  name  of  the
               peer,  if available, else an IP address.  It is an
               all-zero IP address for a session opened for  lis-

          The remote port
               This  is  zero for a connection opened for listen-

  Outbound Connections
     ztcp [ -v ] [ -d fd ] host [ port ]
          Open a new TCP connection to  host.   If  the  port  is
          omitted,  it  will  default to port 23.  The connection
          will be added to the session table and the shell param-
          eter  REPLY  will be set to the file descriptor associ-
          ated with that connection.

          If -d is specified, its argument will be taken  as  the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

  Inbound Connections
     ztcp -l [ -v ] [ -d fd ] port
          ztcp  -l will open a socket listening on TCP port.  The
          socket will be added to the session table and the shell
          parameter  REPLY  will  be  set  to the file descriptor
          associated with that listener.

          If -d is specified, its argument will be taken  as  the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                44

User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

     ztcp -a [ -tv ] [ -d targetfd ] listenfd
          ztcp  -a will accept an incoming connection to the port
          associated with listenfd.  The connection will be added
          to the session table and the shell parameter REPLY will
          be set to  the  file  descriptor  associated  with  the
          inbound connection.

          If  -d  is specified, its argument will be taken as the
          target file descriptor for the connection.

          If -t is specified, ztcp will  return  if  no  incoming
          connection is pending.  Otherwise it will wait for one.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

  Closing Connections
     ztcp -cf [ -v ] [ fd ]
     ztcp -c [ -v ] [ fd ]
          ztcp -c will close the socket associated with fd.   The
          socket  will  be removed from the session table.  If fd
          is not specified, ztcp will  close  everything  in  the
          session table.

          Normally, sockets registered by zftp (see zshmodules(1)
          ) cannot be closed this way.  In order to force such  a
          socket closed, use -f.

          In order to elicit more verbose output, use -v.

     Here is how to create a TCP connection between two instances
     of zsh.  We need to pick an unassigned port; here we use the
     randomly chosen 5123.

     On host1,
          zmodload zsh/net/tcp
          ztcp -l 5123
          ztcp -a $listenfd
     The second from last command blocks until there is an incom-
     ing connection.

     Now create a connection from host2 (which may, of course, be
     the same machine):
          zmodload zsh/net/tcp
          ztcp host1 5123

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     Now on each host, $fd contains a file descriptor for talking
     to the other.  For example, on host1:
          print This is a message >&$fd
     and on host2:
          read -r line <&$fd; print -r - $line
     prints `This is a message'.

     To tidy up, on host1:
          ztcp -c $listenfd
          ztcp -c $fd
     and on host2
          ztcp -c $fd

     The zsh/termcap module makes available one builtin command:

     echotc cap [ arg ... ]
          Output the termcap value corresponding to the  capabil-
          ity cap, with optional arguments.

     The zsh/termcap module makes available one parameter:

          An associative array that maps termcap capability codes
          to their values.

     The zsh/terminfo module makes available one builtin command:

     echoti cap [ arg ]
          Output the terminfo value corresponding to the capabil-
          ity cap, instantiated with arg if applicable.

     The zsh/terminfo module makes available one parameter:

          An associative  array  that  maps  terminfo  capability
          names to their values.

     The zsh/zftp module makes available one builtin command:

     zftp subcommand [ args ]
          The  zsh/zftp module is a client for FTP (file transfer
          protocol).  It is implemented as  a  builtin  to  allow
          full  use  of shell command line editing, file I/O, and
          job control mechanisms.  Often, users  will  access  it
          via  shell  functions  providing a more powerful inter-
          face; a set is provided with the zsh  distribution  and
          is  described in zshzftpsys(1).  However, the zftp com-
          mand is entirely usable in its own right.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          All commands consist of the command name zftp  followed
          by  the  name of a subcommand.  These are listed below.
          The return status of each  subcommand  is  supposed  to
          reflect the success or failure of the remote operation.
          See a description of the variable ZFTP_VERBOSE for more
          information  on  how  responses  from the server may be

     open host[:port] [ user [ password [ account ] ] ]
          Open a new FTP session to host, which may be  the  name
          of a TCP/IP connected host or an IP number in the stan-
          dard dot notation.  If the  argument  is  in  the  form
          host:port,  open  a connection to TCP port port instead
          of the standard FTP port 21.  This may be the name of a
          TCP  service  or  a  number:   see  the  description of
          ZFTP_PORT below for more information.

          If IPv6 addresses in colon format are  used,  the  host
          should  be surrounded by quoted square brackets to dis-
          tinguish   it    from    the    port,    for    example
          '[fe80::203:baff:fe02:8b56]'.   For consistency this is
          allowed with all forms of host.

          Remaining arguments are passed to the login subcommand.
          Note  that  if  no  arguments beyond host are supplied,
          open will not automatically call login.   If  no  argu-
          ments at all are supplied, open will use the parameters
          set by the params subcommand.

          After a successful open, the shell variables ZFTP_HOST,
          ZFTP_PORT,  ZFTP_IP  and ZFTP_SYSTEM are available; see
          `Variables' below.

     login [ name [ password [ account ] ] ]
     user [ name [ password [ account ] ] ]
          Login  the  user  name  with  parameters  password  and
          account.   Any  of  the  parameters can be omitted, and
          will be read from standard input  if  needed  (name  is
          always  needed).   If  standard  input is a terminal, a
          prompt for each one will be printed on  standard  error
          and password will not be echoed.  If any of the parame-
          ters are not used, a warning message is printed.

          After  a  successful   login,   the   shell   variables
          ZFTP_USER, ZFTP_ACCOUNT and ZFTP_PWD are available; see
          `Variables' below.

          This command may be re-issued when a  user  is  already
          logged  in,  and the server will first be reinitialized
          for a new user.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     params [ host [ user [ password [ account ] ] ] ]
     params -
          Store the given parameters for  a  later  open  command
          with  no  arguments.   Only  those given on the command
          line will be remembered.  If no  arguments  are  given,
          the  parameters currently set are printed, although the
          password will appear as a line  of  stars;  the  return
          status  is  one  if no parameters were set, zero other-

          Any of the parameters may be specified as a `?',  which
          may  need  to be quoted to protect it from shell expan-
          sion.  In this case, the appropriate parameter will  be
          read from stdin as with the login subcommand, including
          special handling of password.  If the `?'  is  followed
          by a string, that is used as the prompt for reading the
          parameter instead of the default message (any necessary
          punctuation  and  whitespace  should be included at the
          end of the prompt).  The first letter of the  parameter
          (only)  may  be  quoted  with  a `\'; hence an argument
          "\\$word" guarantees that the  string  from  the  shell
          parameter  $word  will be treated literally, whether or
          not it begins with a `?'.

          If instead a single `-' is given, the existing  parame-
          ters,  if any, are deleted.  In that case, calling open
          with no arguments will cause an error.

          The list of parameters is not deleted  after  a  close,
          however  it  will  be deleted if the zsh/zftp module is

          For example,

               zftp params ftp.elsewhere.xx juser '?Password for juser: '

          will store the host ftp.elsewhere.xx and the user juser
          and then prompt the user for the corresponding password
          with the given prompt.

     test Test the connection; if the server has reported that it
          has  closed  the  connection  (maybe due to a timeout),
          return status 2; if  no  connection  was  open  anyway,
          return  status  1; else return status 0.  The test sub-
          command is silent, apart from messages printed  by  the
          $ZFTP_VERBOSE  mechanism, or error messages if the con-
          nection closes.  There is no network overhead for  this

          The  test  is only supported on systems with either the
          select(2) or poll(2) system calls; otherwise  the  mes-
          sage `not supported on this system' is printed instead.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          The test subcommand will automatically be called at the
          start  of  any other subcommand for the current session
          when a connection is open.

     cd directory
          Change the remote directory to directory.  Also  alters
          the shell variable ZFTP_PWD.

     cdup Change  the  remote  directory to the one higher in the
          directory tree.  Note that cd .. will  also  work  cor-
          rectly on non-UNIX systems.

     dir [ args... ]
          Give  a (verbose) listing of the remote directory.  The
          args are passed directly to the server.  The  command's
          behaviour  is  implementation  dependent,  but  a  UNIX
          server will typically interpret args  as  arguments  to
          the  ls command and with no arguments return the result
          of `ls -l'. The directory is listed to standard output.

     ls [ args ]
          Give  a  (short) listing of the remote directory.  With
          no args, produces a raw list of the files in the direc-
          tory,  one  per line.  Otherwise, up to vagaries of the
          server implementation, behaves similar to dir.

     type [ type ]
          Change the type for the transfer to type, or print  the
          current type if type is absent.  The allowed values are
          `A' (ASCII), `I' (Image, i.e. binary), or `B'  (a  syn-
          onym for `I').

          The  FTP  default for a transfer is ASCII.  However, if
          zftp finds that the remote host is a UNIX machine  with
          8-bit  byes,  it  will  automatically  switch  to using
          binary for file transfers upon open.  This  can  subse-
          quently be overridden.

          The  transfer  type  is  only passed to the remote host
          when a data connection  is  established;  this  command
          involves no network overhead.

          The same as type A.

          The same as type I.

     mode [ S | B ]
          Set  the  mode type to stream (S) or block (B).  Stream
          mode is the default; block  mode  is  not  widely  sup-

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     remote files...
     local [ files... ]
          Print the size and last modification time of the remote
          or local files.  If there is more than one item on  the
          list, the name of the file is printed first.  The first
          number is the file size, the second is the last modifi-
          cation  time  of  the file in the format CCYYMMDDhhmmSS
          consisting of year, month, date, hour, minutes and sec-
          onds  in  GMT.   Note  that  this format, including the
          length, is guaranteed, so  that  time  strings  can  be
          directly  compared  via the [[ builtin's < and > opera-
          tors, even if they are too long to  be  represented  as

          Not  all  servers  support  the commands for retrieving
          this information.  In that  case,  the  remote  command
          will  print  nothing and return status 2, compared with
          status 1 for a file not found.

          The local command (but not remote) may be used with  no
          arguments,  in  which  case  the information comes from
          examining file descriptor zero.  This is the same  file
          as seen by a put command with no further redirection.

     get file [...]
          Retrieve  all files from the server, concatenating them
          and sending them to standard output.

     put file [...]
          For each file, read a file from standard input and send
          that to the remote host with the given name.

     append file [...]
          As  put, but if the remote file already exists, data is
          appended to it instead of overwriting it.

     getat file point
     putat file point
     appendat file point
          Versions of get, put and append which  will  start  the
          transfer  at  the given point in the remote file.  This
          is useful for appending to an  incomplete  local  file.
          However, note that this ability is not universally sup-
          ported by servers (and is not quite the behaviour spec-
          ified by the standard).

     delete file [...]
          Delete the list of files on the server.

     mkdir directory
          Create a new directory directory on the server.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     rmdir directory
          Delete the directory directory  on the server.

     rename old-name new-name
          Rename file old-name to new-name on the server.

     site args...
          Send  a  host-specific command to the server.  You will
          probably only need this if instructed by the server  to
          use it.

     quote args...
          Send  the  raw FTP command sequence to the server.  You
          should be familiar with the FTP command set as  defined
          in  RFC959  before  doing  this.   Useful  commands may
          include STAT and HELP.  Note  also  the  mechanism  for
          returning   messages  as  described  for  the  variable
          ZFTP_VERBOSE below, in  particular  that  all  messages
          from the control connection are sent to standard error.

     quit Close the current data  connection.   This  unsets  the
          shell   parameters   ZFTP_HOST,   ZFTP_PORT,   ZFTP_IP,
          ZFTP_TYPE and ZFTP_MODE.

     session [ sessname ]
          Allows  multiple  FTP sessions to be used at once.  The
          name of the session is an arbitrary string  of  charac-
          ters; the default session is called `default'.  If this
          command is called without an argument, it will list all
          the  current sessions; with an argument, it will either
          switch to the existing session called sessname, or cre-
          ate a new session of that name.

          Each  session  remembers  the status of the connection,
          the set of connection-specific  shell  parameters  (the
          same  set  as  are  unset  when a connection closes, as
          given in the description of close), and any user param-
          eters  specified  with the params subcommand.  Changing
          to a previous session restores those  values;  changing
          to a new session initialises them in the same way as if
          zftp had just been loaded.  The  name  of  the  current
          session is given by the parameter ZFTP_SESSION.

     rmsession [ sessname ]
          Delete  a  session; if a name is not given, the current
          session is deleted.  If the current session is deleted,
          the  earliest  existing session becomes the new current
          session, otherwise the current session is not  changed.
          If  the  session  being  deleted is the only one, a new
          session called `default' is  created  and  becomes  the

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          current  session;  note that this is a new session even
          if the session being deleted is also called  `default'.
          It  is  recommended  that sessions not be deleted while
          background commands which use zftp are still active.

     The following shell parameters are used by zftp.   Currently
     none of them are special.

          Integer.   The  time  in  seconds to wait for a network
          operation to complete before returning  an  error.   If
          this  is  not set when the module is loaded, it will be
          given the default value 60.  A value of zero turns  off
          timeouts.   If  a timeout occurs on the control connec-
          tion it will be closed.  Use a  larger  value  if  this
          occurs too frequently.

          Readonly.   The IP address of the current connection in
          dot notation.

          Readonly.  The hostname of the current  remote  server.
          If  the host was opened as an IP number, ZFTP_HOST con-
          tains that instead; this saves the overhead for a  name
          lookup,  as  IP  numbers  are most commonly used when a
          nameserver is unavailable.

          Readonly.  The number of the remote TCP port  to  which
          the connection is open (even if the port was originally
          specified as a named service).   Usually  this  is  the
          standard FTP port, 21.

          In  the  unlikely  event that your system does not have
          the appropriate conversion functions, this  appears  in
          network  byte  order.  If your system is little-endian,
          the port then consists of two  swapped  bytes  and  the
          standard  port will be reported as 5376.  In that case,
          numeric ports passed to zftp open will also need to  be
          in this format.

          Readonly.   The  system  type  string  returned  by the
          server in response to an FTP SYST  request.   The  most
          interesting case is a string beginning "UNIX Type: L8",
          which ensures maximum compatibility with a  local  UNIX

          Readonly.   The  type  to  be used for data transfers ,

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          either `A' or `I'.   Use the type subcommand to  change

          Readonly.  The username currently logged in, if any.

          Readonly.   The  account  name  of the current user, if
          any.  Most servers do not require an account name.

          Readonly.  The current directory on the server.

          Readonly.  The three digit code of the last  FTP  reply
          from  the  server  as a string.  This can still be read
          after the connection is closed, and is not changed when
          the current session changes.

          Readonly.   The last line of the last reply sent by the
          server.  This can still be read after the connection is
          closed,  and  is  not  changed when the current session

          Readonly.  The name of the current FTP session; see the
          description of the session subcommand.

          A  string of preferences for altering aspects of zftp's
          behaviour.  Each preference is a single character.  The
          following are defined:

          P    Passive:  attempt to make the remote server initi-
               ate data transfers.  This is slightly  more  effi-
               cient  than sendport mode.  If the letter S occurs
               later in the string, zftp will use  sendport  mode
               if passive mode is not available.

          S    Sendport:  initiate transfers by the FTP PORT com-
               mand.  If this occurs before any P in the  string,
               passive mode will never be attempted.

          D    Dumb:   use only the bare minimum of FTP commands.
               This  prevents  the  variables   ZFTP_SYSTEM   and
               ZFTP_PWD from being set, and will mean all connec-
               tions default  to  ASCII  type.   It  may  prevent
               ZFTP_SIZE  from being set during a transfer if the
               server does not send it anyway (many servers  do).

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          If  ZFTP_PREFS  is not set when zftp is loaded, it will
          be set to a default of `PS', i.e. use passive  mode  if
          available, otherwise fall back to sendport mode.

          A  string of digits between 0 and 5 inclusive, specify-
          ing which responses from the server should be  printed.
          All responses go to standard error.  If any of the num-
          bers 1 to 5 appear in the string,  raw  responses  from
          the  server  with reply codes beginning with that digit
          will be printed to standard error.  The first digit  of
          the three digit reply code is defined by RFC959 to cor-
          respond to:

          1.   A positive preliminary reply.

          2.   A positive completion reply.

          3.   A positive intermediate reply.

          4.   A transient negative completion reply.

          5.   A permanent negative completion reply.

          It should be noted that, for unknown reasons, the reply
          `Service  not available', which forces termination of a
          connection, is classified as 421, i.e. `transient nega-
          tive', an interesting interpretation of the word `tran-

          The code 0 is special:  it indicates that all  but  the
          last  line  of  multiline  replies read from the server
          will be printed to standard error in a  processed  for-
          mat.   By  convention,  servers  use this mechanism for
          sending information for the user to read.   The  appro-
          priate  reply  code,  if  it matches the same response,
          takes priority.

          If ZFTP_VERBOSE is not set when zftp is loaded, it will
          be  set  to  the default value 450, i.e., messages des-
          tined for the user and all errors will be  printed.   A
          null  string  is  valid  and specifies that no messages
          should be printed.

          If this function is set by the user, it is called every
          time  the  directory  changes  on the server, including
          when a user is logged  in,  or  when  a  connection  is
          closed.   In  the  last  case, $ZFTP_PWD will be unset;
          otherwise it will reflect the new directory.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          If this function is set by the user, it will be  called
          during  a get, put or append operation each time suffi-
          cient data has been received from the host.   During  a
          get,  the  data  is  sent  to standard output, so it is
          vital that this function should write to standard error
          or directly to the terminal, not to standard output.

          When it is called with a transfer in progress, the fol-
          lowing additional shell parameters are set:

               The name of the remote file being transferred from
               or to.

               A  G  for a get operation and a P for a put opera-

               The total size of the complete file  being  trans-
               ferred:  the  same  as the first value provided by
               the remote and local subcommands for a  particular
               file.   If the server cannot supply this value for
               a remote file being retrieved, it will not be set.
               If input is from a pipe the value may be incorrect
               and correspond simply to a full pipe buffer.

               The amount of data so far  transferred;  a  number
               between zero and $ZFTP_SIZE, if that is set.  This
               number is always available.

          The function is initially called with ZFTP_TRANSFER set
          appropriately  and  ZFTP_COUNT  set to zero.  After the
          transfer is finished, the function will be  called  one
          more  time  with ZFTP_TRANSFER set to GF or PF, in case
          it wishes to tidy up.  It  is  otherwise  never  called
          twice with the same value of ZFTP_COUNT.

          Sometimes  the progress meter may cause disruption.  It
          is up to the user to decide whether the function should
          be defined and to use unfunction when necessary.

     A  connection  may  not be opened in the left hand side of a
     pipe as this occurs in a subshell and the  file  information
     is  not  updated  in the main shell.  In the case of type or
     mode changes or closing the connection in  a  subshell,  the
     information  is returned but variables are not updated until
     the next call to zftp.  Other status  changes  in  subshells
     will  not  be  reflected  by  changes  to the variables (but

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

     should be otherwise harmless).

     Deleting sessions while a zftp  command  is  active  in  the
     background  can have unexpected effects, even if it does not
     use the session being deleted.  This is  because  all  shell
     subprocesses  share  information on the state of all connec-
     tions, and deleting a session changes the ordering  of  that

     On  some  operating  systems,  the control connection is not
     valid after a fork(), so that operations  in  subshells,  on
     the  left  hand side of a pipeline, or in the background are
     not possible, as they should be.  This is presumably  a  bug
     in the operating system.

     The  zsh/zle  module contains the Zsh Line Editor.  See zsh-

     The zsh/zleparameter module defines two  special  parameters
     that  can  be used to access internal information of the Zsh
     Line Editor (see zshzle(1)).

          This array contains the names of the keymaps  currently

          This  associative  array  contains one entry per widget
          defined. The name of the widget  is  the  key  and  the
          value  gives information about the widget. It is either
          the string `builtin' for builtin widgets, a  string  of
          the  form  `user:name'  for user-defined widgets, where
          name is the name of the shell function implementing the
          widget,  or  it  is  a  string  of  the  form  `comple-
          tion:type:name', for completion widgets.  In  the  last
          case  type  is the name of the builtin widgets the com-
          pletion widget imitates in its behavior and name is the
          name  of the shell function implementing the completion

     When loaded, the zsh/zprof causes shell functions to be pro-
     filed.  The profiling results can be obtained with the zprof
     builtin command made available by this module.  There is  no
     way to turn profiling off other than unloading the module.

     zprof [ -c ]
          Without the -c option, zprof lists profiling results to
          standard output.  The format is comparable to  that  of
          commands like gprof.

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          At  the  top  there  is a summary listing all functions
          that were called at least once.  This summary is sorted
          in  decreasing  order  of  the  amount of time spent in
          each.  The lines contain the number of the function  in
          order, which is used in other parts of the list in suf-
          fixes of the form `[num]', then  the  number  of  calls
          made  to the function.  The next three columns list the
          time in milliseconds spent  in  the  function  and  its
          descendants,  the average time in milliseconds spent in
          the function and its descendants per call and the  per-
          centage  of  time  spent in all shell functions used in
          this function and its descendants.  The following three
          columns  give  the  same information, but counting only
          the time spent in the function itself.  The final  col-
          umn shows the name of the function.

          After  the  summary,  detailed  information about every
          function that was invoked is listed, sorted in decreas-
          ing  order of the amount of time spent in each function
          and its descendants.  Each of these entries consists of
          descriptions for the functions that called the function
          described, the function itself, and the functions  that
          were  called from it.  The description for the function
          itself has the same format as in the summary (and shows
          the  same information).  The other lines don't show the
          number of the function at the beginning and have  their
          function  named  indented  to make it easier to distin-
          guish the line showing the function  described  in  the
          section from the surrounding lines.

          The  information  shown in this case is almost the same
          as in the summary, but only refers to the call  hierar-
          chy  being displayed.  For example, for a calling func-
          tion the column showing the total  running  time  lists
          the  time  spent  in  the  described  function  and its
          descendants only for the times when it was called  from
          that  particular  calling  function.   Likewise,  for a
          called function, this  columns  lists  the  total  time
          spent  in  the called function and its descendants only
          for the times when it  was  called  from  the  function

          Also  in  this  case,  the column showing the number of
          calls to a function also shows a  slash  and  then  the
          total  number  of  invocations made to the called func-

          As long as the zsh/zprof module  is  loaded,  profiling
          will  be  done  and  multiple  invocations of the zprof
          builtin command will show  the  times  and  numbers  of
          calls since the module was loaded.  With the -c option,
          the zprof  builtin  command  will  reset  its  internal

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          counters and will not show the listing.

     The zsh/zpty module offers one builtin:

     zpty [ -e ] [ -b ] name [ arg ... ]
          The arguments following name are concatenated with spa-
          ces between, then executed as a command, as  if  passed
          to  the  eval  builtin.  The command runs under a newly
          assigned pseudo-terminal; this is  useful  for  running
          commands  non-interactively which expect an interactive
          environment.  The name is not part of the command,  but
          is  used  to  refer  to  this command in later calls to

          With the -e option, the pseudo-terminal is  set  up  so
          that input characters are echoed.

          With  the  -b  option,  input  to  and  output from the
          pseudo-terminal are made non-blocking.

     zpty -d [ names ... ]
          The second form, with the -d option, is used to  delete
          commands  previously  started,  by  supplying a list of
          their names.  If no names are given, all  commands  are
          deleted.   Deleting  a command causes the HUP signal to
          be sent to the corresponding process.

     zpty -w [ -n ] name [ strings ... ]
          The -w option can be used to send the to  command  name
          the  given  strings as input (separated by spaces).  If
          the -n option is not given, a newline is added  at  the

          If  no  strings  are  provided,  the  standard input is
          copied to the pseudo-terminal;  this  may  stop  before
          copying  the  full  input  if  the  pseudo-terminal  is

          Note that the command under  the  pseudo-terminal  sees
          this  input as if it were typed, so beware when sending
          special  tty  driver  characters  such  as  word-erase,
          line-kill, and end-of-file.

     zpty -r [ -mt ] name [ param [ pattern ] ]
          The  -r  option  can  be used to read the output of the
          command name.  With only a name  argument,  the  output
          read  is  copied  to  the  standard output.  Unless the
          pseudo-terminal  is  non-blocking,  copying   continues
          until the command under the pseudo-terminal exits; when
          non-blocking, only as much  output  as  is  immediately
          available  is copied.  The return status is zero if any

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          output is copied.

          When also given a param argument, at most one  line  is
          read  and  stored  in  the parameter named param.  Less
          than a full line may be read if the pseudo-terminal  is
          non-blocking.   The  return  status is zero if at least
          one character is stored in param.

          If a pattern is given as well, output is read until the
          whole  string  read  matches  the  pattern, even in the
          non-blocking case.  The return status is  zero  if  the
          string  read matches the pattern, or if the command has
          exited but at least one character could still be  read.
          If  the option -m is present, the return status is zero
          only if the pattern matches.  As  of  this  writing,  a
          maximum  of one megabyte of output can be consumed this
          way; if a full megabyte is read  without  matching  the
          pattern, the return status is non-zero.

          In  all cases, the return status is non-zero if nothing
          could be read, and is 2 if this is because the  command
          has finished.

          If  the  -r option is combined with the -t option, zpty
          tests whether output  is  available  before  trying  to
          read.   If  no  output  is  available, zpty immediately
          returns the status 1.  When used with  a  pattern,  the
          behaviour  on a failed poll is similar to when the com-
          mand has exited:  the return value is zero if at  least
          one  character  could still be read even if the pattern
          failed to match.

     zpty -t name
          The -t option without the -r option can be used to test
          whether  the command name is still running.  It returns
          a zero status if the command is running and a  non-zero
          value otherwise.

     zpty [ -L ]
          The  last  form, without any arguments, is used to list
          the commands currently defined.  If the  -L  option  is
          given,  this  is  done in the form of calls to the zpty

     The zsh/zselect module makes available one builtin command:

     zselect [ -rwe -t timeout -a array ] [ fd ... ]
          The zselect builtin is a front-end to the `select' sys-
          tem call, which blocks until a file descriptor is ready
          for reading or writing, or has an error condition, with
          an  optional timeout.  If this is not available on your

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User Commands                                       ZSHMODULES(1)

          system, the command prints an error message and returns
          status  2  (normal  errors  return status 1).  For more
          information,  see  your   systems   documentation   for
          select(3).   Note there is no connection with the shell
          builtin of the same name.

          Arguments and options may be intermingled in any order.
          Non-option  arguments  are file descriptors, which must
          be decimal integers.  By default, file descriptors  are
          to be tested for reading, i.e. zselect will return when
          data is available to be read from the file  descriptor,
          or  more precisely, when a read operation from the file
          descriptor will not block.  After a -r, -w and -e,  the
          given  file  descriptors  are to be tested for reading,
          writing, or error conditions.   These  options  and  an
          arbitrary  list of file descriptors may be given in any

          (The presence of  an  `error  condition'  is  not  well
          defined  in  the documentation for many implementations
          of the select system call.  According  to  recent  ver-
          sions  of  the  POSIX  specification,  it  is really an
          exception condition, of which the only standard example
          is out-of-band data received on a socket.  So zsh users
          are unlikely to find the -e option useful.)

          The option `-t timeout' specifies  a  timeout  in  hun-
          dredths  of  a second.  This may be zero, in which case
          the file descriptors will simply be polled and  zselect
          will  return  immediately.  It is possible to call zse-
          lect with no file descriptors and  a  non-zero  timeout
          for  use  as  a  finer-grained replacement for `sleep';
          note, however, the return status  is  always  1  for  a

          The  option  `-a  array' indicates that array should be
          set to indicate the file descriptor(s) which are ready.
          If  the  option  is  not given, the array reply will be
          used for this purpose.  The array will contain a string
          similar to the arguments for zselect.  For example,

               zselect -t 0 -r 0 -w 1

          might  return immediately with status 0 and $reply con-
          taining `-r 0 -w 1' to show that both file  descriptors
          are ready for the requested operations.

          The  option  `-A  assoc' indicates that the associative
          array assoc should be set to indicate the file descrip-
          tor(s(  which  are  ready.   This  option overrides the
          option -a, nor will reply be  modified.   The  keys  of
          assoc  are  the file descriptors, and the corresponding

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          values are any of the characters `rwe' to indicate  the

          The  command  returns status 0 if some file descriptors
          are ready for reading.  If the operation timed out,  or
          a  timeout  of 0 was given and no file descriptors were
          ready, or there was an error, it returns status  1  and
          the  array  will  not be set (nor modified in any way).
          If there was an  error  in  the  select  operation  the
          appropriate error message is printed.

     The zsh/zutil module only adds some builtins:

     zstyle [ -L [ pattern [ style ] ] ]
     zstyle [ -e | - | -- ] pattern style strings ...
     zstyle -d [ pattern [ styles ... ] ]
     zstyle -g name [ pattern [ style ] ]
     zstyle -abs context style name [ sep ]
     zstyle -Tt context style [ strings ...]
     zstyle -m context style pattern
          This  builtin  command  is  used  to  define and lookup
          styles.  Styles are pairs of names  and  values,  where
          the  values consist of any number of strings.  They are
          stored together with patterns and  lookup  is  done  by
          giving  a  string,  called the `context', which is com-
          pared to the patterns.  The definition stored  for  the
          first matching pattern will be returned.

          For ordering of comparisons, patterns are searched from
          most specific to least specific, and patterns that  are
          equally  specific  keep  the  order  in which they were
          defined.  A pattern is considered to be  more  specific
          than another if it contains more components (substrings
          separated by colons) or if the patterns for the  compo-
          nents  are more specific, where simple strings are con-
          sidered to be more specific than patterns  and  complex
          patterns  are  considered  to be more specific than the
          pattern `*'.

          The first form (without arguments)  lists  the  defini-
          tions.   Styles  are shown in alphabetic order and pat-
          terns are shown in the order zstyle will test them.

          If the -L option is given, listing is done in the  form
          of  calls  to zstyle.  The optional first argument is a
          pattern which will be matched against the  string  sup-
          plied  as  the  pattern for the context; note that this
          means, for example, `zstyle  -L  ":completion:*"'  will
          match  any  supplied  pattern beginning `:completion:',
          not  just  ":completion:*":   use  ":completion:\*"  to
          match  that.   The  optional second argument limits the

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          output to a specific style (not a pattern).  -L is  not
          compatible with any other options.

          The other forms are the following:

          zstyle [ - | -- | -e ] pattern style strings ...
               Defines  the  given style for the pattern with the
               strings as the value.  If the -e option is  given,
               the  strings  will  be  concatenated (separated by
               spaces) and the resulting string will be evaluated
               (in the same way as it is done by the eval builtin
               command) when the style is  looked  up.   In  this
               case the parameter `reply' must be assigned to set
               the strings returned after the evaluation.  Before
               evaluating the value, reply is unset, and if it is
               still unset after the  evaluation,  the  style  is
               treated as if it were not set.

          zstyle -d [ pattern [ styles ... ] ]
               Delete  style  definitions.  Without arguments all
               definitions are deleted, with a pattern all  defi-
               nitions  for  that  pattern are deleted and if any
               styles are  given,  then  only  those  styles  are
               deleted for the pattern.

          zstyle -g name [ pattern [ style ] ]
               Retrieve  a  style definition. The name is used as
               the name of an array  in  which  the  results  are
               stored.  Without  any  further arguments, all pat-
               terns defined are returned.  With  a  pattern  the
               styles  defined  for that pattern are returned and
               with both a pattern and a style, the value strings
               of that combination is returned.

          The  other  forms  can  be used to look up or test pat-

          zstyle -s context style name [ sep ]
               The parameter name is set  to  the  value  of  the
               style  interpreted as a string.  If the value con-
               tains several strings they are  concatenated  with
               spaces  (or  with the sep string if that is given)
               between them.

          zstyle -b context style name
               The value is stored in name as a boolean, i.e.  as
               the  string `yes' if the value has only one string
               and that string is equal to one of `yes',  `true',
               `on',  or `1'. If the value is any other string or
               has more than one string, the parameter is set  to

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          zstyle -a context style name
               The  value  is stored in name as an array. If name
               is declared as an associative array,   the  first,
               third,  etc.  strings are used as the keys and the
               other strings are used as the values.

          zstyle -t context style [ strings ...]
          zstyle -T context style [ strings ...]
               Test the value of a style, i.e. the -t option only
               returns  a  status (sets $?).  Without any strings
               the return status is zero if the style is  defined
               for  at  least  one matching pattern, has only one
               string in its value, and that is equal to  one  of
               `true',  `yes',  `on'  or  `1'. If any strings are
               given the status is zero if and only if  at  least
               one of the strings is equal to at least one of the
               strings in the value. If the style is defined  but
               doesn't  match,  the  return  status  is 1. If the
               style is not defined, the status is 2.

               The -T option tests the values of the  style  like
               -t,  but it returns status zero (rather than 2) if
               the style is not defined for any matching pattern.

          zstyle -m context style pattern
               Match  a value. Returns status zero if the pattern
               matches at least one of the strings in the  value.

     zformat -f param format specs ...
     zformat -a array sep specs ...
          This  builtin  provides  two different forms of format-
          ting. The first form is selected with the -f option. In
          this case the format string will be modified by replac-
          ing sequences starting with a percent sign in  it  with
          strings  from  the  specs.   Each spec should be of the
          form `char:string' which will cause every appearance of
          the  sequence  `%char'  in format to be replaced by the
          string.  The `%' sequence  may  also  contain  optional
          minimum  and maximum field width specifications between
          the `%' and the `char' in the  form  `%min.maxc',  i.e.
          the minimum field width is given first and if the maxi-
          mum field width is used, it has to  be  preceded  by  a
          dot.  Specifying a minimum field width makes the result
          be padded with spaces to the right  if  the  string  is
          shorter  than the requested width.  Padding to the left
          can be achieved by  giving  a  negative  minimum  field
          width.   If  a  maximum  field  width is specified, the
          string will be truncated after  that  many  characters.
          After  all  `%' sequences for the given specs have been
          processed, the resulting string is stored in the param-
          eter param.

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          The  %-escapes  also  understand ternary expressions in
          the form used by prompts.  The % is followed by  a  `('
          and  then  an  ordinary  format  specifier character as
          described above.  There may be a set of  digits  either
          before  or  after the `('; these specify a test number,
          which defaults to  zero.   Negative  numbers  are  also
          allowed.   An arbitrary delimiter character follows the
          format specifier, which  is  followed  by  a  piece  of
          `true'  text, the delimiter character again, a piece of
          `false' text, and a closing parenthesis.  The  complete
          expression   (without   the  digits)  thus  looks  like
          `%(X.text1.text2)', except that the  `.'  character  is
          arbitrary.  The value given for the format specifier in
          the char:string expressions is evaluated as a mathemat-
          ical expression, and compared with the test number.  If
          they are the same, text1 is output, else text2 is  out-
          put.   A  parenthesis  may  be  escaped in text2 as %).
          Either of text1 or text2 may contain nested  %-escapes.

          For example:

               zformat -f REPLY "The answer is '%3(c.yes.no)'." c:3

          outputs "The answer is 'yes'." to REPLY since the value
          for the format specifier c  is  3,  agreeing  with  the
          digit argument to the ternary expression.

          The  second  form, using the -a option, can be used for
          aligning strings.  Here, the  specs  are  of  the  form
          `left:right'  where  `left'  and  `right' are arbitrary
          strings.  These strings are modified by  replacing  the
          colons  by  the sep string and padding the left strings
          with spaces to the right so that the sep strings in the
          result (and hence the right strings after them) are all
          aligned if the strings are printed  below  each  other.
          All  strings without a colon are left unchanged and all
          strings with an empty right string  have  the  trailing
          colon  removed.   In  both  cases  the  lengths  of the
          strings are not used to determine how the other strings
          are to be aligned.  The resulting strings are stored in
          the array.

          This implements some internals of the  _regex_arguments

     zparseopts  [ -D ] [ -K ] [ -M ] [ -E ] [ -a array ] [ -A
          assoc ]
          This builtin simplifies the parsing of options in posi-
          tional parameters, i.e. the set of arguments  given  by
          $*.   Each spec describes one option and must be of the

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          form `opt[=array]'.  If an option described by  opt  is
          found  in  the  positional parameters it is copied into
          the array specified with the -a option; if the optional
          `=array'  is  given,  it  is  instead  copied into that

          Note that it is an error to give any  spec  without  an
          `=array' unless one of the -a or -A options is used.

          Unless  the  -E  option  is given, parsing stops at the
          first string that isn't described by one of the  specs.
          Even  with  -E,  parsing  always  stops at a positional
          parameter equal to `-' or `--'.

          The opt description must be one of the following.   Any
          of the special characters can appear in the option name
          provided it is preceded by a backslash.

               The name is the name of  the  option  without  the
               leading  `-'.  To specify a GNU-style long option,
               one of the usual two leading `-' must be  included
               in  name; for example, a `--file' option is repre-
               sented by a name of `-file'.

               If  a  `+'  appears  after  name,  the  option  is
               appended  to  array  each  time it is found in the
               positional parameters; without the  `+'  only  the
               last occurrence of the option is preserved.

               If one of these forms is used, the option takes no
               argument, so parsing stops if the next  positional
               parameter does not also begin with `-' (unless the
               -E option is used).

               If one or two colons are given, the  option  takes
               an  argument;  with  one  colon,  the  argument is
               mandatory and with two colons it is optional.  The
               argument is appended to the array after the option

               An optional argument is put into  the  same  array
               element  as  the option name (note that this makes
               empty strings as arguments indistinguishable).   A
               mandatory  argument is added as a separate element
               unless the `:-' form is used, in  which  case  the
               argument is put into the same element.

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               A  `+'  as  described above may appear between the
               name and the first colon.

     The options of zparseopts itself are:

     -a array
          As described above, this names  the  default  array  in
          which to store the recognised options.

     -A assoc
          If this is given, the options and their values are also
          put into an associative array with the option names  as
          keys and the arguments (if any) as the values.

     -D   If  this option is given, all options found are removed
          from the positional parameters of the calling shell  or
          shell  function,  up  to  but  not  including  any  not
          described by the specs.  This is similar to  using  the
          shift builtin.

     -K   With  this option, the arrays specified with the -a and
          -A  options  and  with  the  `=array'  forms  are  kept
          unchanged  when  none  of  the  specs for them is used.
          This allows assignment of default values to them before
          calling zparseopts.

     -M   This  changes  the  assignment rules to implement a map
          among equivalent option names.  If any  spec  uses  the
          `=array'  form,  the string array is interpreted as the
          name of another spec, which is used to choose where  to
          store  the values.  If no other spec is found, the val-
          ues are stored as usual.  This changes only the way the
          values are stored, not the way $* is parsed, so results
          may be unpredicable if the `name+'  specifier  is  used

     -E   This changes the parsing rules to not stop at the first
          string that isn't described by one of  the  specs.   It
          can  be  used to test for or (if used together with -D)
          extract options and their arguments, ignoring all other
          options  and  arguments  that  may be in the positional

     For example,

          set -- -a -bx -c y -cz baz -cend
          zparseopts a=foo b:=bar c+:=bar

     will have the effect of

          bar=(-b x -c y -c z)

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     The arguments from `baz' on will not be used.

     As an example for the -E option, consider:

          set -- -a x -b y -c z arg1 arg2
          zparseopts -E -D b:=bar

     will have the effect of

          bar=(-b y)
          set -- -a x -c z arg1 arg2

     I.e., the option -b and its arguments  are  taken  from  the
     positional parameters and put into the array bar.

     The -M option can be used like this:

          set -- -a -bx -c y -cz baz -cend
          zparseopts -A bar -M a=foo b+: c:=b

     to have the effect of

          bar=(-a '' -b xyz)

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                        ZSHCALSYS(1)

     zshcalsys - zsh calendar system

     The  shell is supplied with a series of functions to replace
     and enhance the traditional Unix calendar  programme,  which
     warns  the  user  of  imminent  or future events, details of
     which are stored in a text file (typically calendar  in  the
     user's  home directory).  The version provided here includes
     a mechanism for alerting the user when an event is due.

     In addition a function age is provided that can be used in a
     glob  qualifier;  it  allows  files  to be selected based on
     their modification times.

     The format of the calendar file and the dates used there  in
     and  in the age function are described first, then the func-
     tions that can be called to examine and modify the  calendar

     The  functions  here  depend  on  the  availability  of  the
     zsh/datetime module which  is  usually  installed  with  the
     shell.   The  library function strptime() must be available;
     it is present on most recent operating systems.

  Calendar File Format
     The calendar file is by default  ~/calendar.   This  can  be
     configured  by  the  calendar-file  style,  see  the section
     STYLES below.  The basic format consists of a series of sep-
     arate  lines, with no indentation, each including a date and
     time specification followed by a description of the event.

     Various enhancements to this format are supported, based  on
     the  syntax  of Emacs calendar mode.  An indented line indi-
     cates a continuation line that continues the description  of
     the  event from the preceding line (note the date may not be
     continued in this way).  An initial ampersand (&) is ignored
     for compatibility.

     An indented line on which the first non-whitespace character
     is # is not displayed with the calendar entry, but is  still
     scanned  for information.  This can be used to hide informa-
     tion useful to the calendar system but not to the user, such
     as the unique identifier used by calendar_add.

     The  Emacs  extension  that  a  date with no description may
     refer to a number of succeeding events at different times is
     not supported.

     Unless  the  done-file  style  has  been altered, any events
     which have been processed are appended to the file with  the

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User Commands                                        ZSHCALSYS(1)

     same  name as the calendar file with the suffix .done, hence
     ~/calendar.done by default.

     An example is shown below.

  Date Format
     The format of the date and time is designed to allow  flexi-
     bility  without  admitting ambiguity.  (The words `date' and
     `time' are both used  in  the  documentation  below;  except
     where  specifically  noted  this  implies  a string that may
     include both a date and a time  specification.)   Note  that
     there  is  no localization support; month and day names must
     be in English and separator characters are fixed.   Matching
     is case insensitive, and only the first three letters of the
     names are significant, although as a  special  case  a  form
     beginning  "month"  does  not  match "Monday".  Furthermore,
     time zones are not handled; all  times  are  assumed  to  be

     It  is  recommended that, rather than exploring the intrica-
     cies of the system, users find a date format that is natural
     to  them  and  stick  to  it.   This  will  avoid unexpected
     effects.  Various key facts should be noted.

     o    In   particular,    note    the    confusion    between
          month/day/year  and  day/month/year  when  the month is
          numeric; these formats should be avoided if at all pos-
          sible.  Many alternatives are available.

     o    The  year must be given in full to avoid confusion, and
          only years from 1900 to 2099 inclusive are matched.

     The following give some obvious examples; users finding here
     a  format they like and not subject to vagaries of style may
     skip the full description.  As dates and times  are  matched
     separately  (even  though  the  time  may be embedded in the
     date), any date format may be mixed with any format for  the
     time  of  day  provide the separators are clear (whitespace,
     colons, commas).

          2007/04/03 13:13
          2007/04/03 1:13 pm
          3rd April 2007, 13:13
          April 3rd 2007 1:13 p.m.
          Apr 3, 2007 13:13
          Tue Apr 03 13:13:00 2007
          13:13 2007/apr/3

     More detailed rules follow.

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User Commands                                        ZSHCALSYS(1)

     Times are parsed and extracted before dates.  They must  use
     colons  to  separate  hours  and  minutes,  though  a dot is
     allowed before seconds if they  are  present.   This  limits
     time formats to the following:

     o    HH:MM[:SS[.FFFFF]] [am|pm|a.m.|p.m.]

     o    HH:MM.SS[.FFFFF] [am|pm|a.m.|p.m.]

     Here,  square  brackets indicate optional elements, possibly
     with alternatives.  Fractions of a second are recognised but
     ignored.   For  absolute times (the normal format require by
     the calendar file and the age function) a date is  mandatory
     but  a time of day is not; the time returned is at the start
     of the date.  One variation is allowed: if a.m. or  p.m.  or
     one  of  their variants is present, an hour without a minute
     is allowed, e.g. 3 p.m..

     Time zones are not handled, though if one is matched follow-
     ing  a time specification it will be removed to allow a sur-
     rounding date to be parsed.  This only happens if the format
     of the timezone is not too unusual.  The following are exam-
     ples of forms that are understood:


     Any part of the timezone  that  is  not  numeric  must  have
     exactly three capital letters in the name.

     Dates  suffer  from  the  ambiguity  between  DD/MM/YYYY and
     MM/DD/YYYY.  It is recommended this  form  is  avoided  with
     purely  numeric dates, but use of ordinals, eg. 3rd/04/2007,
     will resolve the ambiguity as the ordinal is  always  parsed
     as the day of the month.  Years must be four digits (and the
     first two must be 19 or 20);  03/04/08  is  not  recognised.
     Other  numbers  may  have  leading  zeroes, but they are not
     required.  The following are handled:

     o    YYYY/MM/DD

     o    YYYY-MM-DD

     o    YYYY/MNM/DD

     o    YYYY-MNM-DD

     o    DD[th|st|rd] MNM[,] [ YYYY ]

     o    MNM DD[th|st|rd][,] [ YYYY ]

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     o    DD[th|st|rd]/MM[,] YYYY

     o    DD[th|st|rd]/MM/YYYY

     o    MM/DD[th|st|rd][,] YYYY

     o    MM/DD[th|st|rd]/YYYY

     Here, MNM is at least the first three  letters  of  a  month
     name,  matched  case-insensitively.   The  remainder  of the
     month name may appear but its contents  are  irrelevant,  so
     janissary, febrile, martial, apricot, maybe, junta, etc. are
     happily handled.

     Where the year is shown as optional,  the  current  year  is
     assumed.   There are only two such cases, the form Jun 20 or
     14 September (the only two commonly occurring  forms,  apart
     from a "the" in some forms of English, which isn't currently
     supported).  Such dates will of course become  ambiguous  in
     the future, so should ideally be avoided.

     Times  may follow dates with a colon, e.g. 1965/07/12:09:45;
     this is in order to provide a format with no whitespace.   A
     comma  and  whitespace  are allowed, e.g. 1965/07/12, 09:45.
     Currently the order of these separators is not  checked,  so
     illogical  formats such as 1965/07/12, : ,09:45 will also be
     matched.  For simplicity such variations are  not  shown  in
     the  list  above.   Otherwise,  a time is only recognised as
     being associated with a date if there is only whitespace  in
     between, or if the time was embedded in the date.

     Days  of  the  week  are  not  normally scanned, but will be
     ignored if they occur at the start of the date pattern only.
     However,  in  contexts  where  it is useful to specify dates
     relative to today, days of the week with no other date spec-
     ification  may  be  given.   The day is assumed to be either
     today or within the past week.  Likewise, the words  yester-
     day,  today  and  tomorrow  are  handled.   All  matches are
     case-insensitive.  Hence if today is Monday, then Sunday  is
     equivalent  to yesterday, Monday is equivalent to today, but
     Tuesday gives a date six days ago.  This  is  not  generally
     useful  within  the calendar file.  Dates in this format may
     be combined with a time specification; for example Tomorrow,
     8 p.m..

     For example, the standard date format:

          Fri Aug 18 17:00:48 BST 2006

     is  handled  by  matching  HH:MM:SS and removing it together
     with the matched (but unused) time zone.   This  leaves  the

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          Fri Aug 18 2006

     Fri  is  ignored  and  the  rest is matched according to the
     standard rules.

  Relative Time Format
     In certain places relative times are handled.  Here, a  date
     is  not  allowed; instead a combination of various supported
     periods are allowed, together with an  optional  time.   The
     periods must be in order from most to least significant.

     In  some cases, a more accurate calculation is possible when
     there is an anchor date:  offsets of months  or  years  pick
     the correct day, rather than being rounded, and it is possi-
     ble to pick a particular day in a month as  `(1st  Friday)',
     etc., as described in more detail below.

     Anchors are available in the following cases.  If one or two
     times are passed to the function calendar,  the  start  time
     acts  an  anchor for the end time when the end time is rela-
     tive (even if the start time is implicit).   When  examining
     calendar  files,  the scheduled event being examined anchors
     the warning time when it is given explicitly by means of the
     WARN  keyword; likewise, the scheduled event anchors a repe-
     tition period when given by the RPT keyword, so that  speci-
     fications  such  as  RPT  2 months, 3rd Thursday are handled
     properly.  Finally, the  -R  argument  to  calendar_scandate
     directly provides an anchor for relative calculations.

     The periods handled, with possible abbreviations are:

          years,  yrs, ys, year, yr, y, yearly.  A year is 365.25
          days unless there is an anchor.

          months, mons,  mnths,  mths,  month,  mon,  mnth,  mth,
          monthly.   Note  that  m, ms, mn, mns are ambiguous and
          are not handled.  A month is a period of 30 days rather
          than a calendar month unless there is an anchor.

          weeks, wks, ws, week, wk, w, weekly

     Days days, dys, ds, day, dy, d, daily

          hours, hrs, hs, hour, hr, h, hourly

          minutes, mins, minute, min, but not m, ms, mn or mns

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          seconds, secs, ss, second, sec, s

     Spaces  between  the  numbers are optional, but are required
     between items, although a comma may be used (with or without

     The  forms  yearly to hourly allow the number to be omitted;
     it is assumed to be 1.  For  example,  1  d  and  daily  are
     equivalent.   Note  that  using  those forms with plurals is
     confusing; 2 yearly is  the  same  as  2  years,  not  twice
     yearly,  so it is recommended they only be used without num-

     When an anchor time is present, there  is  an  extension  to
     handle  regular events in the form of the nth someday of the
     month.  Such a specification must  occur  immediately  after
     any  year  and  month  specification, but before any time of
     day, and must be in the form n(th|st|rd)  day,  for  example
     1st  Tuesday  or  3rd  Monday.  As in other places, days are
     matched case insensitively, must be in English, and only the
     first  three  letters  are  significant  except  that a form
     beginning `month' does not match `Monday'.   No  attempt  is
     made to sanitize the resulting date; attempts to squeeze too
     many occurrences into a month will push  the  day  into  the
     next  month  (but in the obvious fashion, retaining the cor-
     rect day of the week).

     Here are some examples:

          30 years 3 months 4 days 3:42:41
          14 days 5 hours
          Monthly, 3rd Thursday

     Here is an example calendar file.  It uses a consistent date
     format, as recommended above.

          Feb 1, 2006 14:30 Pointless bureaucratic meeting
          Mar 27, 2006 11:00 Mutual recrimination and finger pointing
            Bring water pistol and waterproofs
          Mar 31, 2006 14:00 Very serious managerial pontification
            # UID 12C7878A9A50
          Apr 10, 2006 13:30 Even more pointless blame assignment exercise WARN 30 mins
          May 18, 2006 16:00 Regular moaning session RPT monthly, 3rd Thursday

     The  second  entry has a continuation line.  The third entry
     has a continuation line that will  not  be  shown  when  the
     entry  is  displayed, but the unique identifier will be used
     by the calendar_add function when updating the  event.   The
     fourth  entry  will  produce a warning 30 minutes before the

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     event (to allow you to equip yourself  appropriately).   The
     fifth  entry repeats after a month on the 3rd Thursday, i.e.
     June 15, 2006, at the same time.

     This section describes functions that  are  designed  to  be
     called directly by the user.  The first part describes those
     functions associated with the user's  calendar;  the  second
     part describes the use in glob qualifiers.

  Calendar system functions
[ start ] end ](
     calendar  [ -abdDsv ] [ -C calfile ] [ -n num ] [ -S show-
          prog ] [
] [ start ]
     calendar  -r [ -abdDrsv ] [ -C calfile ] [ -n num ] [ -S
          Show events in the calendar.

          With  no arguments, show events from the start of today
          until the end of the next working day after today.   In
          other  words,  if today is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday,
          show up to the end of the following  Monday,  otherwise
          show today and tomorrow.

          If end is given, show events from the start of today up
          to the time and date given,  which  is  in  the  format
          described  in  the previous section.  Note that if this
          is a date the time is assumed to  be  midnight  at  the
          start  of  the date, so that effectively this shows all
          events before the given date.

          end may start with a +, in which case the remainder  of
          the   specification   is  a  relative  time  format  as
          described in the previous section indicating the  range
          of time from the start time that is to be included.

          If  start is also given, show events starting from that
          time and date.  The word now can be  used  to  indicate
          the current time.

          To implement an alert when events are due, include cal-
          endar -s in your ~/.zshrc file.


          -a   Show all items in the calendar, regardless of  the
               start and end.

          -b   Brief:   don't  display  continuation  lines (i.e.
               indented  lines  following  the  line   with   the
               date/time), just the first line.

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          -B lines
               Brief:  display  at  most the first lines lines of
               the calendar entry.  `-B 1' is equivalent to `-b'.

          -C calfile
               Explicitly  specify a calendar file instead of the
               value of the calendar-file style  or  the  default

          -d   Move any events that have passed from the calendar
               file to the "done" file, as given by the done-file
               style  or  the  default which is the calendar file
               with .done appended.  This option  is  implied  by
               the -s option.

          -D   Turns  off the option -d, even if the -s option is
               also present.

          -n num, -num
               Show at least num events, if present in the calen-
               dar file, regardless of the start and end.

          -r   Show  all  the  remaining options in the calendar,
               ignoring the given end time.  The  start  time  is
               respected;  any  argument  given  is  treated as a
               start time.

          -s   Use the shell's sched command to schedule a  timed
               event  that  will  warn  the user when an event is
               due.  Note that the sched command only runs if the
               shell  is  at  an interactive prompt; a foreground
               task blocks the scheduled task from running  until
               it is finished.

               The  timed event usually runs the programme calen-
               dar_show to show the event, as  described  in  the
               section UTILITY FUNCTIONS below.

               By  default,  a warning of the event is shown five
               minutes before it is due.  The warning period  can
               be configured by the style warn-time or for a sin-
               gle calendar entry by including  WARN  reltime  in
               the  first line of the entry, where reltime is one
               of the usual relative time formats.

               A repeated event may be indicated by including RPT
               reldate in the first line of the entry.  After the
               scheduled event has  been  displayed  it  will  be
               re-entered  into  the calendar file at a time rel-
               date after the existing event.  Note that this  is
               currently  the  only use made of the repeat count,
               so that it is not possible to query  the  schedule

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               for a recurrence of an event in the calendar until
               the previous event has passed.

               If RPT is used, it is  also  possible  to  specify
               that  certain recurrences of an event are resched-
               uled or cancelled.  This is done with  the  OCCUR-
               RENCE keyword, followed by whitespace and the date
               and  time  of  the  occurrence  in   the   regular
               sequence,  followed  by  whitespace and either the
               date and time of  the  rescheduled  event  or  the
               exact string CANCELLED.  In this case the date and
               time must be in exactly the "date with local time"
               format  used  by  the text/calendar MIME type (RFC
               2445), <YYYY><MM><DD>T<hh><mm><ss> (note the pres-
               ence  of the literal character T).  The first word
               (the regular recurrence) may  be  something  other
               than a proper date/time to indicate that the event
               is additional to the normal sequence; a convention
               that   retains   the   formatting   appearance  is

               Furthermore, it is useful to record the next regu-
               lar  recurrence (as then the displayed date may be
               for a rescheduled event so cannot be used for cal-
               culating the regular sequence).  This is specified
               by RECURRENCE and a time or date in the same  for-
               mat.  calendar_add adds such an indication when it
               encounters a recurring event that does not include
               one, based on the headline date/time.

               If  calendar_add is used to update occurrences the
               UID keyword described there should be  present  in
               both  the  existing entry and the added occurrence
               in order to identify recurring event sequences.

               For example,

                    Thu May 6, 2010 11:00 Informal chat RPT 1 week
                      # RECURRENCE 20100506T110000
                      # OCCURRENCE 20100513T110000 20100513T120000
                      # OCCURRENCE 20100520T110000 CANCELLED

               The event that occurs at 11:00 on 13th May 2010 is
               rescheduled  an hour later.  The event that occurs
               a week later is cancelled.   The  occurrences  are
               given  on  a  continuation  line starting with a #
               character so will not usually be displayed as part
               of  the  event.   As elsewhere, no account of time
               zones is taken with  the  times.  After  the  next
               event  occurs  the headline date/time will be `Thu
               May 13, 2010 12:00' while the RECURRENCE date/time
               will be `20100513T110000' (note that cancelled and

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               moved events are  not  taken  account  of  in  the
               RECURRENCE,  which  records  what the next regular
               recurrence is, but they are accounted for  in  the
               headline date/time).

               It  is  safe  to  run calendar -s to reschedule an
               existing event (if the calendar file has  changed,
               for  example), and also to have it running in mul-
               tiples instances of the shell since  the  calendar
               file is locked when in use.

               By default, expired events are moved to the "done"
               file; see the -d option.  Use -D to prevent  this.

          -S showprog
               Explicitly  specify  a  programme  to  be used for
               showing  events  instead  of  the  value  of   the
               show-prog style or the default calendar_show.

          -v   Verbose:   show  more  information about stages of
               processing.  This is useful  for  confirming  that
               the  function has successfully parsed the dates in
               the calendar file.

     calendar_add [ -BL ] event ...
          Adds a single event to the calendar in the  appropriate
          location.   The  event  can  contain multiple lines, as
          described in the section Calendar  File  Format  above.
          Using  this  function ensures that the calendar file is
          sorted in date and time order.  It also  makes  special
          arrangements  for locking the file while it is altered.
          The old calendar is left in  a  file  with  the  suffix

          The  option  -B  indicates that backing up the calendar
          file will be handled by the caller and  should  not  be
          performed  by  calendar_add.   The  option -L indicates
          that calendar_add does not need to  lock  the  calendar
          file  as  it is already locked.  These options will not
          usually be needed by users.

          If the style reformat-date is true, the date  and  time
          of  the  new  entry will be rewritten into the standard
          date format:  see the descriptions of  this  style  and
          the style date-format.

          The  function  can  use a unique identifier stored with
          each event to ensure that updates  to  existing  events
          are  treated  correctly.   The entry should contain the
          word UID, followed by whitespace, followed  by  a  word
          consisting  entirely of hexadecimal digits of arbitrary
          length (all digits are significant,  including  leading

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          zeroes).   As  the  UID  is  not directly useful to the
          user, it is convenient to hide it on an  indented  con-
          tinuation line starting with a #, for example:

               Aug 31, 2007 09:30  Celebrate the end of the holidays
                 # UID 045B78A0

          The second line will not be shown by the calendar func-

          It is possible to specify the RPT keyword  followed  by
          CANCELLED  instead of a relative time.  This causes any
          matched event or series of events to be cancelled  (the
          original  event does not have to be marked as recurring
          in order to be cancelled by this  method).   A  UID  is
          required  in  order  to  match an existing event in the

          calendar_add will attempt  to  manage  recurrences  and
          occurrences  of repeating events as described for event
          scheduling by calendar -s above.  To reschedule or can-
          cel  a  single event calendar_add should be called with
          an entry that includes the correct  UID  but  does  not
          include  the  RPT  keyword as this is taken to mean the
          entry applies to a series of repeating events and hence
          replaces all existing information.  Each rescheduled or
          cancelled occurrence must have an OCCURRENCE keyword in
          the  entry  passed to calendar_add which will be merged
          into the calendar file.  Any existing reference to  the
          occurrence  is  replaced.   An occurrence that does not
          refer to a valid existing event is added as  a  one-off
          occurrence to the same calendar entry.

          This calls the user's editor to edit the calendar file.
          If there are arguments, they are taken as the editor to
          use (the file name is appended to the commands); other-
          wise, the editor is given by the  variable  VISUAL,  if
          set, else the variable EDITOR.

          If the calendar scheduler was running, then after edit-
          ing the file calendar -s is called to update it.

          This function locks out the calendar system during  the
          edit.   Hence  it  should  be used to edit the calendar
          file if there is any possibility of  a  calendar  event
          occurring  meanwhile.   Note  this  can lead to another
          shell with calendar functions enabled  hanging  waiting
          for  a  lock,  so it is necessary to quit the editor as
          soon as possible.

     calendar_parse calendar-entry

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          This is the internal function that analyses  the  parts
          of  a calendar entry, which is passed as the only argu-
          ment.  The function returns status 1  if  the  argument
          could not be parsed as a calendar entry and status 2 if
          the wrong number of arguments were passed; it also sets
          the  parameter  reply  to  an  empty associative array.
          Otherwise, it returns status 0 and sets elements of the
          associative array reply as follows:
     time The  time  as  a  string of digits in the same units as
          The regularly scheduled time.  This may differ from the
          actual event time time if this is a recurring event and
          the next occurrence has been  rescheduled.   Then  time
          gives  the  actual  time  and schedtime the time of the
          regular recurrence before modification.
          The text from the line not including the date and  time
          of  the  event,  but including any WARN or RPT keywords
          and values.
          Any warning time given by the WARN keyword as a  string
          of  digits  containing the time at which to warn in the
          same units as $EPOCHSECONDS.  (Note this is an absolute
          time,  not  the relative time passed down.)  Not set no
          WARN keyword and value were matched.
          The raw string matched after  the  WARN  keyword,  else
          Any  recurrence  time  given  by  the  RPT keyword as a
          string of digits containing the time of the  recurrence
          in  the  same units as $EPOCHSECONDS.  (Note this is an
          absolute time.)  Not set if no RPT  keyword  and  value
          were matched.
          The  next regularly scheduled occurrence of a recurring
          event before modification.  This may differ  from  rpt-
          time,  which  is  the actual time of the event that may
          have been rescheduled from the regular time.
          The raw string matched  after  the  RPT  keyword,  else
          The  text  from  the line after removal of the date and
          any keywords and values.  )

     calendar_showdate [ -r ] [ -f fmt ] date-spec ...
          The given date-spec is interpreted and the  correspond-
          ing  date  and  time printed.  If the initial date-spec
          begins with a + or - it is treated as relative  to  the
          current time; date-specs after the first are treated as

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          relative to the date calculated so far and a leading  +
          is  optional  in that case.  This allows one to use the
          system as  a  date  calculator.   For  example,  calen-
          dar_showdate  '+1  month, 1st Friday' shows the date of
          the first Friday of next month.

          With the option -r nothing is printed but the value  of
          the  date and time in seconds since the epoch is stored
          in the parameter REPLY.

          With the option -f fmt the given  date/time  conversion
          format   is  passed  to  strftime;  see  notes  on  the
          date-format style below.

          In order to avoid ambiguity with negative relative date
          specifications,  options  must occur in separate words;
          in other words, -r and -f should not be combined in the
          same word.

          Sorts  the  calendar  file  into  date  and time order.
          The old calendar is left in  a  file  with  the  suffix

  Glob qualifiers
     The  function  age can be autoloaded and use separately from
     the calendar system, although it uses  the  function  calen-
     dar_scandate  for date formatting.  It requires the zsh/stat
     builtin, but uses only the builtin zstat.

     age selects files having a given modification time  for  use
     as  a glob qualifier.  The format of the date is the same as
     that understood by the calendar  system,  described  in  the
     section FILE AND DATE FORMATS above.

     The  function  can  take  one or two arguments, which can be
     supplied either directly as command or arguments,  or  sepa-
     rately as shell parameters.

          print *(e:age 2006/10/04 2006/10/09:)

     The  example  above  matches  all files modified between the
     start of those dates.  The second argument may alternatively
     be a relative time introduced by a +:

          print *(e:age 2006/10/04 +5d:)

     The example above is equivalent to the previous example.

     In  addition  to  the special use of days of the week, today
     and yesterday, times with no date may  be  specified;  these
     apply  to  today.   Obviously  such  uses become problematic

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     around midnight.

          print *(e-age 12:00 13:30-)

     The example above shows files  modified  between  12:00  and
     13:00 today.

          print *(e:age 2006/10/04:)

     The  example  above matches all files modified on that date.
     If the second argument is omitted it is taken to be  exactly
     24  hours  after the first argument (even if the first argu-
     ment contains a time).

          print *(e-age 2006/10/04:10:15 2006/10/04:10:45-)

     The example above  supplies  times.   Note  that  whitespace
     within  the  time  and  date specification must be quoted to
     ensure age receives the correct arguments, hence the use  of
     the additional colon to separate the date and time.

          print *(+age)

     This  shows  the  same  example before using another form of
     argument passing.  The dates and  times  in  the  parameters
     AGEREF  and  AGEREF2 stay in effect until unset, but will be
     overridden if any argument is passed as an explicit argument
     to  age.  Any explicit argument causes both parameters to be

     Instead of an explicit date and time, it's possible  to  use
     the  modification  time  of  a file as the date and time for
     either argument by introducing the file name with a colon:

          print *(e-age :file1-)

     matches all files created on the same day (24 hours starting
     from midnight) as file1.

          print *(e-age :file1 :file2-)

     matches  all  files  modified  no  earlier than file1 and no
     later than file2; precision here is to the nearest second.

     The zsh style mechanism using the zstyle command is describe
     in  zshmodules(1).   This  is the same mechanism used in the
     completion system.

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     The styles below are all  examined  in  the  context  :date-
     time:function:, for example :datetime:calendar:.

          The  location  of  the  main  calendar.  The default is

          A strftime format string (see strftime(3)) with the zsh
          extensions  providing  various  numbers with no leading
          zero or space if  the  number  is  a  single  digit  as
          described  for the %D{string} prompt format in the sec-
          tion EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

          This is used for outputting dates in calendar, both  to
          support  the -v option and when adding recurring events
          back to the calendar file, and in calendar_showdate  as
          the final output format.

          If  the  style  is not set, the default used is similar
          the standard system format as output by the  date  com-
          mand (also known as `ctime format'): `%a %b %d %H:%M:%S
          %Z %Y'.

          The location of the file to  which  events  which  have
          passed  are appended.  The default is the calendar file
          location with the suffix .done.  The style may  be  set
          to an empty string in which case a "done" file will not
          be maintained.

          Boolean, used by calendar_add.  If it is true, the date
          and  time  of new entries added to the calendar will be
          reformatted to the format given by the style  date-for-
          mat  or  its  default.   Only  the date and time of the
          event itself is reformatted; any subsidiary  dates  and
          times  such as those associated with repeat and warning
          times are left alone.

          The programme run by calendar for showing  events.   It
          will  be  passed  the  start  time and stop time of the
          events requested in seconds since the epoch followed by
          the  event  text.   Note  that calendar -s uses a start
          time and stop time equal to  one  another  to  indicate
          alerts for specific events.

          The default is the function calendar_show.

          The  time  before  an  event at which a warning will be

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          displayed, if the first line  of  the  event  does  not
          include  the text EVENT reltime.  The default is 5 min-

          Attempt to lock the files given in  the  argument.   To
          prevent problems with network file locking this is done
          in an ad hoc fashion by attempting to create a symbolic
          link to the file with the name file.lockfile.  No other
          system level functions are used for locking,  i.e.  the
          file  can  be accessed and modified by any utility that
          does not use this mechanism.  In particular,  the  user
          is  not prevented from editing the calendar file at the
          same time unless calendar_edit is used.

          Three attempts are made to lock the file before  giving
          up.   If the module zsh/zselect is available, the times
          of the attempts are jittered so that multiple instances
          of  the  calling  function are unlikely to retry at the
          same time.

          The files locked are appended to the  array  lockfiles,
          which should be local to the caller.

          If  all  files were successfully locked, status zero is
          returned, else status one.

          This function may be used as  a  general  file  locking
          function,  although  this  will  only work if only this
          mechanism is used to lock files.

          This is a backend used by various  other  functions  to
          parse  the  calendar  file, which is passed as the only
          argument.  The array calendar_entries  is  set  to  the
          list  of  events in the file; no pruning is done except
          that ampersands are removed from the start of the line.
          Each entry may contain multiple lines.

          This  is  a  generic  function to parse dates and times
          that may be used separately from the  calendar  system.
          The  argument  is  a  date  or  time  specification  as
          described in the section FILE AND DATE  FORMATS  above.
          The  parameter  REPLY  is  set to the number of seconds
          since the epoch corresponding to that date or time.  By
          default,  the  date  and time may occur anywhere within
          the given argument.

          Returns status zero if the date and time were  success-
          fully parsed, else one.

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User Commands                                        ZSHCALSYS(1)

          -a   The date and time are anchored to the start of the
               argument; they will not be  matched  if  there  is
               preceding text.

          -A   The  date  and time are anchored to both the start
               and end of the argument; they will not be  matched
               if the is any other text in the argument.

          -d   Enable additional debugging output.

          -m   Minus.  When -R anchor_time is also given the rel-
               ative   time   is   calculated   backwards    from

          -r   The  argument passed is to be parsed as a relative

          -R anchor_time
               The argument passed is to be parsed as a  relative
               time.  The time is relative to anchor_time, a time
               in seconds since the epoch, and the returned value
               is  the  absolute  time corresponding to advancing
               anchor_time by  the  relative  time  given.   This
               allows  lengths  of  months  to be correctly taken
               into account.  If the final day does not exist  in
               the  given  month, the last day of the final month
               is given.  For example, if the anchor time is dur-
               ing  31st  January 2007 and the relative time is 1
               month, the final time is the same time of day dur-
               ing 28th February 2007.

          -s   In  addition  to  setting REPLY, set REPLY2 to the
               remainder of the argument after the date and  time
               have  been  stripped.  This is empty if the option
               -A was given.

          -t   Allow a time with no date specification.  The date
               is assumed to be today.  The behaviour is unspeci-
               fied if the iron tongue  of  midnight  is  tolling

          The  function  used  by  default to display events.  It
          accepts a start time and end time for events,  both  in
          epoch seconds, and an event description.

          The event is always printed to standard output.  If the
          command line editor is active (which  will  usually  be
          the  case)  the  command line will be redisplayed after
          the output.

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User Commands                                        ZSHCALSYS(1)

          If the parameter DISPLAY is set and the start  and  end
          times  are the same (indicating a scheduled event), the
          function uses the command xmessage to display a  window
          with the event details.

     As  the  system is based entirely on shell functions (with a
     little support from the zsh/datetime module) the  mechanisms
     used are not as robust as those provided by a dedicated cal-
     endar utility.  Consequently the user should not rely on the
     shell for vital alerts.

     There is no calendar_delete function.

     There  is  no  localization support for dates and times, nor
     any support for the use of time zones.

     Relative periods of  months  and  years  do  not  take  into
     account the variable number of days.

     The  calendar_show  function  is  currently hardwired to use
     xmessage for displaying alerts on X Window System  displays.
     This  should  be  configurable  and ideally integrate better
     with the desktop.

     calendar_lockfiles hangs the shell while waiting for a  lock
     on  a  file.   If  called  from  a scheduled task, it should
     instead reschedule the event that caused it.

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

     zshtcpsys - zsh tcp system

     A module zsh/net/tcp is provided to provide network I/O over
     TCP/IP from within the shell; see its description in zshmod-
     ules(1) .  This manual page describes a function suite based
     on  the  module.   If the module is installed, the functions
     are usually installed at the same time, in which  case  they
     will  be  available  for autoloading in the default function
     search path.  In addition to  the  zsh/net/tcp  module,  the
     zsh/zselect  module  is  used  to implement timeouts on read
     operations.  For troubleshooting tips,  consult  the  corre-
     sponding advice for the zftp functions described in zshzftp-
     sys(1) .

     There are functions corresponding to the  basic  I/O  opera-
     tions  open,  close,  read and send, named tcp_open etc., as
     well as a function tcp_expect for pattern match analysis  of
     data  read  as  input.   The system makes it easy to receive
     data from and send data to multiple named sessions at  once.
     In  addition,  it can be linked with the shell's line editor
     in such a way that input data is automatically shown at  the
     terminal.   Other  facilities  available  including logging,
     filtering and configurable output prompts.

     To use the system where it is available, it should be enough
     to  `autoload  -U  tcp_open'  and run tcp_open as documented
     below to  start  a  session.   The  tcp_open  function  will
     autoload the remaining functions.

  Basic I/O
     tcp_open [-qz] host port [ sess ]
     tcp_open [-qz] [ -s sess | -l sess,... ] ...
     tcp_open [-qz] [-a fd | -f fd ] [ sess ]
          Open  a  new  session.  In the first and simplest form,
          open a TCP  connection  to  host  host  at  port  port;
          numeric and symbolic forms are understood for both.

          If  sess is given, this becomes the name of the session
          which can be used to refer to  multiple  different  TCP
          connections.   If  sess is not given, the function will
          invent a numeric name value (note this is not the  same
          as   the  file  descriptor  to  which  the  session  is
          attached).  It is recommended that  session  names  not
          include  `funny' characters, where funny characters are
          not well-defined but certainly do not include  alphanu-
          merics  or underscores, and certainly do include white-

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          In the second case, one or more sessions to  be  opened
          are  given  by  name.   A  single session name is given
          after -s and a  comma-separated  list  after  -l;  both
          options  may be repeated as many times as necessary.  A
          failure to open any session causes tcp_open  to  abort.
          The host and port are read from the file .ztcp_sessions
          in the same directory as the user's zsh  initialisation
          files, i.e. usually the home directory, but $ZDOTDIR if
          that is set.  The file consists of lines each giving  a
          session  name  and  the corresponding host and port, in
          that order (note the  session  name  comes  first,  not
          last), separated by whitespace.

          The third form allows passive and fake TCP connections.
          If the option -a  is  used,  its  argument  is  a  file
          descriptor  open  for  listening  for  connections.  No
          function front-end is provided  to  open  such  a  file
          descriptor,  but  a  call to `ztcp -l port' will create
          one with the file descriptor stored  in  the  parameter
          $REPLY.  The listening port can be closed with `ztcp -c
          fd'.  A call to `tcp_open -a fd'  will  block  until  a
          remote  TCP  connection  is  made  to port on the local
          machine.  At this point, a session is  created  in  the
          usual  way  and  is  largely  indistinguishable from an
          active connection created with one  of  the  first  two

          If  the  option  -f  is  used,  its  argument is a file
          descriptor which is used directly as if it were  a  TCP
          session.   How  well  the remainder of the TCP function
          system copes with this depends on what actually  under-
          lies this file descriptor.  A regular file is likely to
          be unusable; a FIFO (pipe) of some sort will work  bet-
          ter,  but  note that it is not a good idea for two dif-
          ferent sessions to attempt to read from the  same  FIFO
          at once.

          If  the option -q is given with any of the three forms,
          tcp_open  will  not   print   informational   messages,
          although  it  will in any case exit with an appropriate

          If the line editor (zle) is in use, which is  typically
          the case if the shell is interactive, tcp_open installs
          a handler inside zle which will check for new  data  at
          the same time as it checks for keyboard input.  This is
          convenient as the shell  consumes  no  CPU  time  while
          waiting; the test is performed by the operating system.
          Giving the option -z to any of the  forms  of  tcp_open
          prevents the handler from being installed, so data must
          be read explicitly.  Note, however, this is not  neces-
          sary  for  executing  complete  sets  of  send and read

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          commands from a function, as zle is not active at  this
          point.   Generally speaking, the handler is only active
          when the shell is waiting for input at a command prompt
          or  in  the vared builtin.  The option has no effect if
          zle is not active; `[[ -o zle]]' will test for this.

          The first session to be opened becomes the current ses-
          sion and subsequent calls to tcp_open do not change it.
          The  current  session  is  stored  in   the   parameter
          $TCP_SESS;  see below for more detail about the parame-
          ters used by the system.

          The function tcp_on_open, if defined, is called when  a
          session is opened.  See the description below.

     tcp_close [-qn] [ -a | -l sess,... | sess ... ]
          Close  the  named  sessions,  or the current session if
          none is given, or all open sessions  if  -a  is  given.
          The  options -l and -s are both handled for consistency
          with tcp_open, although the latter is redundant.

          If  the  session  being  closed  is  the  current  one,
          $TCP_SESS is unset, leaving no current session, even if
          there are other sessions still open.

          If the session was opened with tcp_open  -f,  the  file
          descriptor is closed so long as it is in the range 0 to
          9 accessible directly from the command  line.   If  the
          option  -n  is  given, no attempt will be made to close
          file descriptors in this case.  The -n  option  is  not
          used for genuine ztcp session; the file descriptors are
          always closed with the session.

          If the option -q is given,  no  informational  messages
          will be printed.

     tcp_read [-bdq] [ -t TO ] [ -T TO ]
         [ -a | -u fd ... | -l sess,... | -s sess ...]
          Perform  a read operation on the current session, or on
          a list of sessions if any are given with -u, -l or  -s,
          or all open sessions if the option -a is given.  Any of
          the -u, -l or -s  options  may  be  repeated  or  mixed
          together.   The  -u  option specifies a file descriptor
          directly (only those managed by this  system  are  use-
          ful),  the  other two specify sessions as described for
          tcp_open above.

          The function checks for new data available on  all  the
          sessions  listed.   Unless  the  -b option is given, it
          will not block waiting for new data.  Any one  line  of
          data  from  any of the available sessions will be read,
          stored in the parameter  $TCP_LINE,  and  displayed  to

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          standard output unless $TCP_SILENT contains a non-empty
          string.  When printed to  standard  output  the  string
          $TCP_PROMPT will be shown at the start of the line; the
          default form for this includes the name of the  session
          being  read.   See  below for more information on these
          parameters.  In  this  mode,  tcp_read  can  be  called
          repeatedly  until  it  returns status 2 which indicates
          all pending input from all specified sessions has  been

          With  the option -b, equivalent to an infinite timeout,
          the function will block until a line  is  available  to
          read from one of the specified sessions.  However, only
          a single line is returned.

          The option -d indicates that all pending  input  should
          be drained.  In this case tcp_read may process multiple
          lines in the manner  given  above;  only  the  last  is
          stored  in $TCP_LINE, but the complete set is stored in
          the array $tcp_lines.  This is cleared at the start  of
          each call to tcp_read.

          The  options  -t  and  -T specify a timeout in seconds,
          which may be a  floating  point  number  for  increased
          accuracy.   With  -t the timeout is applied before each
          line read.  With -T, the timeout applies to the overall
          operation,  possibly including multiple read operations
          if the option -d is present; without this option, there
          is no distinction between -t and -T.

          The function does not print informational messages, but
          if the option -q is given, no error message is  printed
          for a non-existent session.

          A  return status of 2 indicates a timeout or no data to
          read.  Any other non-zero return status indicates  some
          error condition.

          See  tcp_log  for  how to control where data is sent by

     tcp_send [-cnq] [ -s sess | -l sess,... ] data ...
     tcp_send [-cnq] -a data ...
          Send the supplied data strings  to  all  the  specified
          sessions  in  turn.   The  underlying operation differs
          little from a `print -r' to the session's file descrip-
          tor,  although  it  attempts  to prevent the shell from
          dying owing to a SIGPIPE caused by an attempt to  write
          to a defunct session.

          The  option  -c causes tcp_send to behave like cat.  It
          reads lines from standard input until end of input  and

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          sends  them in turn to the specified session(s) exactly
          as if they were given as data arguments  to  individual
          tcp_send commands.

          The  option -n prevents tcp_send from putting a newline
          at the end of the data strings.

          The remaining options all behave as for tcp_read.

          The data arguments are not further processed once  they
          have  been  passed  to tcp_send; they are simply passed
          down to print -r.

          If the parameter $TCP_OUTPUT is a non-empty string  and
          logging  is  enabled then the data sent to each session
          will be echoed to the log file(s) with  $TCP_OUTPUT  in
          front   where   appropriate,  much  in  the  manner  of

  Session Management
     tcp_alias [-q] alias=sess ...
     tcp_alias [-q] [ alias ] ...
     tcp_alias -d [-q] alias ...
          This function is not particularly well tested.

          The first form creates an alias  for  a  session  name;
          alias can then be used to refer to the existing session
          sess.  As many aliases may be listed as required.

          The second form lists any  aliases  specified,  or  all
          aliases if none.

          The  third  form  deletes  all the aliases listed.  The
          underlying sessions are not affected.

          The option -q suppresses an inconsistently chosen  sub-
          set of error messages.

     tcp_log [-asc] [ -n | -N ] [ logfile ]
          With   an  argument  logfile,  all  future  input  from
          tcp_read will be logged to the named file.   Unless  -a
          (append) is given, this file will first be truncated or
          created empty.  With no  arguments,  show  the  current
          status of logging.

          With  the  option  -s,  per-session logging is enabled.
          Input from tcp_read is output to the file logfile.sess.
          As  the  session  is automatically discriminated by the
          filename, the contents are raw (no  $TCP_PROMPT).   The
          option   -a  applies as above.  Per-session logging and
          logging of all data in one file are not mutually exclu-

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          The  option  -c  closes  all logging, both complete and
          per-session logs.

          The options -n and -N respectively turn off or  restore
          output  of  data  read  by tcp_read to standard output;
          hence `tcp_log -cn' turns off all output by tcp_read.

          The function is purely a convenient front end  to  set-
          ting    the    parameters    $TCP_LOG,   $TCP_LOG_SESS,
          $TCP_SILENT, which are described below.

     tcp_rename old new
          Rename session  old  to  session  new.   The  old  name
          becomes invalid.

     tcp_sess [ sess [ command  ... ] ]
          With no arguments, list all the open sessions and asso-
          ciated file descriptors.  The current session is marked
          with  a  star.   For use in functions, direct access to
          the parameters $tcp_by_name, $tcp_by_fd  and  $TCP_SESS
          is probably more convenient; see below.

          With  a sess argument, set the current session to sess.
          This is equivalent to changing $TCP_SESS directly.

          With additional arguments, temporarily set the  current
          session  while  executing  the string command ....  The
          first argument is re-evaluated so as to expand  aliases
          etc., but the remaining arguments are passed through as
          the  appear  to  tcp_sess.   The  original  session  is
          restored when tcp_sess exits.

  Advanced I/O
     tcp_command send-options ... send-arguments ...
          This  is a convenient front-end to tcp_send.  All argu-
          ments are passed to tcp_send, then the function  pauses
          waiting  for  data.   While  data  is arriving at least
          every $TCP_TIMEOUT (default 0.3) seconds, data is  han-
          dled and printed out according to the current settings.
          Status 0 is always returned.

          This is generally only useful for interactive  use,  to
          prevent  the  display  becoming  fragmented  by  output
          returned from the connection.  Within  a  programme  or
          function  it is generally better to handle reading data
          by a more explicit method.

     tcp_expect [ -q ] [ -p var ] [ -t  to | -T TO]
         [ -a | -s sess ... | -l sess,... ] pattern ...
          Wait for input matching any of the given patterns  from
          any  of the specified sessions.  Input is ignored until
          an input line matches one of  the  given  patterns;  at

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          this  point  status zero is returned, the matching line
          is stored in $TCP_LINE, and the full set of lines  read
          during  the  call  to tcp_expect is stored in the array

          Sessions are specified in the same way as tcp_read: the
          default  is  to  use the current session, otherwise the
          sessions specified by -a, -s, or -l are used.

          Each pattern is a standard zsh  extended-globbing  pat-
          tern; note that it needs to be quoted to avoid it being
          expanded immediately by filename generation.   It  must
          match the full line, so to match a substring there must
          be a `*' at  the  start  and  end.   The  line  matched
          against includes the $TCP_PROMPT added by tcp_read.  It
          is possible to include the globbing flags `#b' or  `#m'
          in the patterns to make backreferences available in the
          parameters $MATCH, $match, etc., as  described  in  the
          base zsh documentation on pattern matching.

          Unlike tcp_read, the default behaviour of tcp_expect is
          to block  indefinitely  until  the  required  input  is
          found.   This  can  be modified by specifying a timeout
          with -t or -T; these function as in tcp_read,  specify-
          ing  a  per-read  or  overall timeout, respectively, in
          seconds, as an integer or  floating-point  number.   As
          tcp_read,  the  function  returns status 2 if a timeout

          The function returns as soon as any one of the patterns
          given  match.  If the caller needs to know which of the
          patterns matched, the option -p var  can  be  used;  on
          return,  $var is set to the number of the pattern using
          ordinary zsh indexing, i.e. the first is 1, and so  on.
          Note  the  absence  of a `$' in front of var.  To avoid
          clashes, the parameter cannot begin with `_expect'.

          The option -q is passed directly down to tcp_read.

          As all input is done via tcp_read, all the usual  rules
          about  output  of  lines  read apply.  One exception is
          that the parameter $tcp_lines  will  only  reflect  the
          line    actually    matched    by    tcp_expect;    use
          $tcp_expect_lines for the full set of lines read during
          the function call.

          This  is  a simple-minded function to accept a TCP con-
          nection and execute a command with  I/O  redirected  to
          the  connection.   Extreme  caution  should be taken as
          there is no security whatsoever and this can leave your
          computer open to the world.  Ideally, it should only be

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          used behind a firewall.

          The first argument is a TCP port on which the  function
          will listen.

          The  remaining  arguments  give a command and its argu-
          ments to execute with standard input,  standard  output
          and standard error redirected to the file descriptor on
          which the TCP session has been accepted.  If no command
          is given, a new zsh is started.  This gives everyone on
          your network direct access to your  account,  which  in
          many cases will be a bad thing.

          The  command is run in the background, so tcp_proxy can
          then accept new connections.  It  continues  to  accept
          new connections until interrupted.

     tcp_spam [-ertv] [ -a | -s  sess | -l sess,... ] cmd ...
          Execute  `cmd ...' for each session in turn.  Note this
          executes the command and arguments; it  does  not  send
          the  command  line  as  data  unless  the -t (transmit)
          option is given.

          The sessions may be selected explicitly with the  stan-
          dard -a, -s or -l options, or may be chosen implicitly.
          If none of the three options is given  the  rules  are:
          first,  if  the  array  $tcp_spam_list  is set, this is
          taken as the list of sessions, otherwise  all  sessions
          are  taken.   Second,  any  sessions given in the array
          $tcp_no_spam_list are removed from  the  list  of  ses-

          Normally,  any  sessions added by the `-a' flag or when
          all sessions  are  chosen  implicitly  are  spammed  in
          alphabetic  order; sessions given by the $tcp_spam_list
          array or on the command line are spammed in  the  order
          given.   The  -r flag reverses the order however it was
          arrived it.

          The -v flag specifies that a $TCP_PROMPT will be output
          before  each session.  This is output after any modifi-
          cation to  TCP_SESS  by  the  user-defined  tcp_on_spam
          function  described below.  (Obviously that function is
          able to generate its own output.)

          If the option -e is present, the line given as cmd  ...
          is  executed using eval, otherwise it is executed with-
          out any further processing.

          This is a fairly simple-minded attempt to  force  input
          to  the  line  editor  to  go  straight  to the default

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)


          An escape string,  $TCP_TALK_ESCAPE,  default  `:',  is
          used  to allow access to normal shell operation.  If it
          is on its own at the start of  the  line,  or  followed
          only  by  whitespace, the line editor returns to normal
          operation.  Otherwise, the  string  and  any  following
          whitespace  are  skipped  and the remainder of the line
          executed as shell input without any change of the  line
          editor's operating mode.

          The  current  implementation  is  somewhat deficient in
          terms of use of the command history.  For this  reason,
          many  users will prefer to use some form of alternative
          approach for sending data easily to  the  current  ses-
          sion.   One  simple  approach  is to alias some special
          character (such as `%') to `tcp_command --'.

          The sole argument is an integer or floating point  num-
          ber  which  gives the seconds to delay.  The shell will
          do nothing for that period except wait for input on all
          TCP  sessions  by calling tcp_read -a.  This is similar
          to the interactive behaviour at the command prompt when
          zle handlers are installed.

  `One-shot' file transfer
     tcp_point port
     tcp_shoot host port
          This pair of functions provide a simple way to transfer
          a file between two hosts within the shell.  Note,  how-
          ever,  that  bulk data transfer is currently done using
          cat.  tcp_point reads any data  arriving  at  port  and
          sends it to standard output; tcp_shoot connects to port
          on host and sends its standard input.  Any unused  port
          may  be used; the standard mechanism for picking a port
          is to think of a random four-digit  number  above  1024
          until one works.

          To transfer a file from host woodcock to host springes,
          on springes:

               tcp_point 8091 >output_file

          and on woodcock:

               tcp_shoot springes 8091 <input_file

          As these two functions do not require tcp_open  to  set
          up  a  TCP  connection  first,  they  may  need  to  be
          autoloaded separately.

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

     Certain functions, if defined by the user, will be called by
     the  function  system  in  certain  contexts.  This facility
     depends on the module zsh/parameter, which is usually avail-
     able  in interactive shells as the completion system depends
     on it.  None of the functions need be defined;  they  simply
     provide convenient hooks when necessary.

     Typically,  these  are called after the requested action has
     been taken, so that the various parameters will reflect  the
     new state.

     tcp_on_alias alias fd
          When  an alias is defined, this function will be called
          with two arguments: the name of the alias, and the file
          descriptor of the corresponding session.

     tcp_on_awol sess fd
          If  the  function tcp_fd_handler is handling input from
          the line editor and detects that the file descriptor is
          no  longer  reusable, by default it removes it from the
          list of file descriptors handled  by  this  method  and
          prints  a  message.   If  the  function  tcp_on_awol is
          defined it is called immediately before this point.  It
          may  return status 100, which indicates that the normal
          handling should still be performed;  any  other  return
          status indicates that no further action should be taken
          and the tcp_fd_handler should return  immediately  with
          the  given status.  Typically the action of tcp_on_awol
          will be to close the session.

          The variable TCP_INVALIDATE_ZLE  will  be  a  non-empty
          string if it is necessary to invalidate the line editor
          display using `zle -I' before printing output from  the

          (`AWOL'  is  military jargon for `absent without leave'
          or some variation.  It has  no  pre-existing  technical
          meaning known to the author.)

     tcp_on_close sess fd
          This  is called with the name of a session being closed
          and the file descriptor which corresponded to that ses-
          sion.  Both will be invalid by the time the function is

     tcp_on_open sess fd
          This is called after a new  session  has  been  defined
          with the session name and file descriptor as arguments.
          If it returns a non-zero status, opening the session is
          assumed  to  fail and the session is closed again; how-
          ever, tcp_open will continue to  attempt  to  open  any

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          remaining sessions given on the command line.

     tcp_on_rename oldsess fd newsess
          This  is  called  after a session has been renamed with
          the three arguments old session name, file  descriptor,
          new session name.

     tcp_on_spam sess command ...
          This  is  called  once  for  each session spammed, just
          before a command is executed for a session by tcp_spam.
          The arguments are the session name followed by the com-
          mand list to be executed.  If tcp_spam was called  with
          the option -t, the first command will be tcp_send.

          This  function  is  called  after  $TCP_SESS  is set to
          reflect the session to be spammed, but before  any  use
          of it is made.  Hence it is possible to alter the value
          of $TCP_SESS within this function.   For  example,  the
          session  arguments  to  tcp_spam  could  include  extra
          information  to  be  stripped  off  and  processed   in

          If  the  function  sets the parameter $REPLY to `done',
          the command line  is  not  executed;  in  addition,  no
          prompt is printed for the -v option to tcp_spam.

     tcp_on_unalias alias fd
          This is called with the name of an alias and the corre-
          sponding session's file descriptor after an  alias  has
          been deleted.

     The  following functions are used by the TCP function system
     but will rarely if ever need to be called directly.

          This is the function installed by tcp_open for handling
          input from within the line editor, if that is required.
          It is in the format documented for the builtin `zle -F'
          in zshzle(1) .

          While  active, the function sets the parameter TCP_HAN-
          DLER_ACTIVE to 1.  This allows shell code called inter-
          nally  (for example, by setting tcp_on_read) to tell if
          is being called when the shell is otherwise idle at the
          editor prompt.

     tcp_output [ -q ] -P prompt -F fd -S sess
          This  function  is  used  for both logging and handling
          output to standard output, from within tcp_read and (if
          $TCP_OUTPUT is set) tcp_send.

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          The  prompt  to  use is specified by -P; the default is
          the empty string.  It can contain:
          %c   Expands to 1 if the session is  the  current  ses-
               sion,  otherwise 0.  Used with ternary expressions
               such as `%(c.-.+)' to output `+' for  the  current
               session and `-' otherwise.

          %f   Replaced by the session's file descriptor.

          %s   Replaced by the session name.

          %%   Replaced by a single `%'.

          The option -q suppresses output to standard output, but
          not to any log files which are configured.

          The -S and -F options are used to pass in  the  session
          name  and  file  descriptor for possible replacement in
          the prompt.

     Parameters follow the usual  convention  that  uppercase  is
     used  for  scalars and integers, while lowercase is used for
     normal and associative array.  It is always  safe  for  user
     code  to read these parameters.  Some parameters may also be
     set; these are noted explicitly.   Others  are  included  in
     this  group  as  they are set by the function system for the
     user's benefit, i.e. setting them is  typically  not  useful
     but is benign.

     It is often also useful to make settable parameters local to
     a function.  For  example,  `local  TCP_SILENT=1'  specifies
     that  data read during the function call will not be printed
     to standard output, regardless of the  setting  outside  the
     function.   Likewise,  `local  TCP_SESS=sess' sets a session
     for the duration of  a  function,  and  `local  TCP_PROMPT='
     specifies  that no prompt is used for input during the func-

          Array.  The set of lines read during the last  call  to
          tcp_expect, including the last ($TCP_LINE).

          Array. May be set directly.  A set of extended globbing
          patterns which, if matched in  tcp_output,  will  cause
          the  line  not  to  be printed to standard output.  The
          patterns should be defined as described for  the  argu-
          ments  to  tcp_expect.   Output of line to log files is
          not affected.


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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          Scalar.  Set to 1 within tcp_fd_handler to indicate  to
          functions called recursively that they have been called
          during an editor session.  Otherwise unset.

          The  last  line  read  by  tcp_read,  and  hence   also

          The  file  descriptor  from  which  $TCP_LINE was read.
          ${tcp_by_fd[$TCP_LINE_FD]} will give the  corresponding
          session name.

          Array.  The  set  of lines read during the last call to
          tcp_read, including the last ($TCP_LINE).

          May be set directly, although it is also controlled  by
          tcp_log.   The  name of a file to which output from all
          sessions will be sent.  The output is proceeded by  the
          usual $TCP_PROMPT.  If it is not an absolute path name,
          it will follow the user's current directory.

          May be set directly, although it is also controlled  by
          tcp_log.  The prefix for a set of files to which output
          from each session separately will  be  sent;  the  full
          filename  is ${TCP_LOG_SESS}.sess.  Output to each file
          is raw; no prompt is added.  If it is not  an  absolute
          path name, it will follow the user's current directory.

          Array.  May be set directly.  See tcp_spam for how this
          is used.

          May  be  set directly.  If a non-empty string, any data
          sent to a session by tcp_send  will  be  logged.   This
          parameter  gives the prompt to be used in a file speci-
          fied by $TCP_LOG but  not  in  a  file  generated  from
          $TCP_LOG_SESS.   The  prompt string has the same format
          as TCP_PROMPT and the same rules for its use apply.

          May be set directly.  Used as the prefix for data  read
          by  tcp_read  which is printed to standard output or to
          the log file given by $TCP_LOG, if any.  Any `%s', `%f'
          or `%%' occurring in the string will be replaced by the
          name of the  session,  the  session's  underlying  file
          descriptor, or a single `%', respectively.  The expres-
          sion `%c' expands to 1 if the session being read is the

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

          current session, else 0; this is most useful in ternary
          expressions such as `%(c.-.+)' which outputs `+' if the
          session is the current one, else `-'.

          May  be  set  directly.   If  this has non-zero length,
          tcp_read will give some limited diagnostics about  data
          being read.

          This  value  is  created  and  initialised  to  zero by

          The functions tcp_read and tcp_expect use  the  shell's
          SECONDS  parameter  for  their own timing purposes.  If
          that parameter is not of floating point type  on  entry
          to one of the functions, it will create a local parame-
          ter SECONDS which is floating point and set the parame-
          ter  TCP_SECONDS_START  to  the previous value of $SEC-
          ONDS.  If the parameter is already floating  point,  it
          is used without a local copy being created and TCP_SEC-
          ONDS_START is not set.  As the global  value  is  zero,
          the  shell  elapsed time is guaranteed to be the sum of

          This can be avoided by setting SECONDS  globally  to  a
          floating  point  value using `typeset -F SECONDS'; then
          the TCP functions will never  make  a  local  copy  and
          never set TCP_SECONDS_START to a non-zero value.

          May  be  set directly.  The current session; must refer
          to one of the sessions established by tcp_open.

          May be set directly, although it is also controlled  by
          tcp_log.   If of non-zero length, data read by tcp_read
          will not be written  to  standard  output,  though  may
          still be written to a log file.

          Array.   May  be  set directly.  See the description of
          the function tcp_spam for how this is used.

          May be set directly.  See the description of the  func-
          tion tcp_talk for how this is used.

          May  be  set  directly.  Currently this is only used by
          the function tcp_command, see above.

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

     The following parameters are not set by the function system,
     but have a special effect if set by the user.

          This  should be an associative array; if it is not, the
          behaviour is undefined.  Each key  is  the  name  of  a
          shell  function or other command, and the corresponding
          value is a shell pattern (using EXTENDED_GLOB).   Every
          line  read  from  a  TCP session directly or indirectly
          using  tcp_read   (which   includes   lines   read   by
          tcp_expect)  is  compared  against the pattern.  If the
          line matches, the command given in the  key  is  called
          with  two arguments: the name of the session from which
          the line was read, and the line itself.

          If any function called  to  handle  a  line  returns  a
          non-zero  status,  the  line  is  not  output.   Thus a
          tcp_on_read handler  containing  only  the  instruction
          `return 1' can be used to suppress output of particular
          lines (see, however, tcp_filter above).   However,  the
          line  is  still  stored in TCP_LINE and tcp_lines; this
          occurs after all tcp_on_read processing.

     These parameters are controlled by the function system; they
     may  be read directly, but should not usually be set by user

          Associative array.  The keys are the names of  sessions
          established  with tcp_open; each value is a space-sepa-
          rated list of aliases which refer to that session.

          Associative array.  The keys are session file  descrip-
          tors; each value is the name of that session.

          Associative array.  The keys are the names of sessions;
          each value is the file descriptor associated with  that

     Here is a trivial example using a remote calculator.

     TO  create a calculator server on port 7337 (see the dc man-
     ual page for quite how infuriating  the  underlying  command

          tcp_proxy 7337 dc

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)

     To  connect  to  this from the same host with a session also
     named `dc':

          tcp_open localhost 7337 dc

     To send a command to the remote session  and  wait  a  short
     while for output (assuming dc is the current session):

          tcp_command 2 4 + p

     To close the session:


     The  tcp_proxy  needs to be killed to be stopped.  Note this
     will not usually kill any  connections  which  have  already
     been  accepted,  and  also  that the port is not immediately
     available for reuse.

     The following chunk of code puts a list of sessions into  an
     xterm header, with the current session followed by a star.

          print -n "\033]2;TCP:" ${(k)tcp_by_name:/$TCP_SESS/$TCP_SESS\*} "\a"

     The  function tcp_read uses the shell's normal read builtin.
     As this reads a complete line at once, data arriving without
     a terminating newline can cause the function to block indef-

     Though the function suite works well for interactive use and
     for  data  arriving  in  small amounts, the performance when
     large amounts of data are being exchanged is  likely  to  be
     extremely poor.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

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User Commands                                        ZSHTCPSYS(1)


     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                17

User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

     zshzftpsys - zftp function front-end

     This  describes the set of shell functions supplied with the
     source distribution as an interface to the zftp builtin com-
     mand,  allowing you to perform FTP operations from the shell
     command line or within functions or scripts.  The  interface
     is similar to a traditional FTP client (e.g. the ftp command
     itself, see ftp(1)), but as it is entirely done  within  the
     shell all the familiar completion, editing and globbing fea-
     tures, and so on, are present, and macros  are  particularly
     simple to write as they are just ordinary shell functions.

     The  prerequisite  is that the zftp command, as described in
     zshmodules(1) , must be available  in  the  version  of  zsh
     installed  at your site.  If the shell is configured to load
     new commands at run time, it probably is:  typing  `zmodload
     zsh/zftp'  will  make  sure  (if  that runs silently, it has
     worked).  If this is not the case, it is possible  zftp  was
     linked  into  the  shell  anyway:  to test this, type `which
     zftp' and if zftp is available  you  will  get  the  message
     `zftp: shell built-in command'.

     Commands  given  directly  with  zftp  builtin may be inter-
     spersed between the functions in this suite; in a few cases,
     using zftp directly may cause some of the status information
     stored in shell parameters to become invalid.  Note in  par-
     ticular   the  description  of  the  variables  $ZFTP_TMOUT,
     $ZFTP_PREFS and $ZFTP_VERBOSE for zftp.

     You should make  sure  all  the  functions  from  the  Func-
     tions/Zftp  directory  of the source distribution are avail-
     able; they all begin with the two letters  `zf'.   They  may
     already  have  been installed on your system; otherwise, you
     will need to find them and copy them.  The directory  should
     appear  as  one  of  the  elements of the $fpath array (this
     should already be the case if they were installed),  and  at
     least  the  function  zfinit  should  be autoloaded; it will
     autoload the rest.  Finally, to initialize the  use  of  the
     system  you need to call the zfinit function.  The following
     code in your .zshrc will arrange for this; assume the  func-
     tions are stored in the directory ~/myfns:

          fpath=(~/myfns $fpath)
          autoload -U zfinit

     Note  that  zfinit assumes you are using the zmodload method
     to load the zftp command.  If it is already built  into  the
     shell,  change  zfinit  to zfinit -n.  It is helpful (though

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 1

User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

     not essential) if the call to zfinit appears after any  code
     to  initialize  the  new completion system, else unnecessary
     compctl commands will be given.

     The sequence of operations in performing a file transfer  is
     essentially the same as that in a standard FTP client.  Note
     that, due to a quirk of the  shell's  getopts  builtin,  for
     those functions that handle options you must use `--' rather
     than `-' to ensure the remaining arguments are treated  lit-
     erally (a single `-' is treated as an argument).

  Opening a connection
     zfparams [ host [ user [ password ... ] ] ]
          Set  or show the parameters for a future zfopen with no
          arguments.  If no  arguments  are  given,  the  current
          parameters are displayed (the password will be shown as
          a line of asterisks).  If a host is given,  and  either
          the user or password is not, they will be prompted for;
          also, any parameter given as `?' will be prompted  for,
          and  if  the  `?' is followed by a string, that will be
          used as the prompt.  As zfopen calls zfparams to  store
          the   parameters,  this  usually  need  not  be  called

          A single argument `-' will delete  the  stored  parame-
          ters.   This  will  also  cause  the memory of the last
          directory (and so on) on the other host to be  deleted.

     zfopen [ -1 ] [ host [ user [ password [ account ] ] ] ]
          If  host  is  present,  open  a connection to that host
          under username user with password password (and, on the
          rare  occasions when it is necessary, account account).
          If a necessary parameter is missing or given as `?'  it
          will  be  prompted  for.  If host is not present, use a
          previously stored set of parameters.

          If the command was successful, and the terminal is com-
          patible with xterm or is sun-cmd, a summary will appear
          in the title bar, giving the local  host:directory  and
          the remote host:directory; this is handled by the func-
          tion zftp_chpwd, described below.

          Normally, the host, user and  password  are  internally
          recorded  for later re-opening, either by a zfopen with
          no arguments, or automatically (see below).   With  the
          option  `-1',  no  information  is stored.  Also, if an
          open command with arguments failed, the parameters will
          not  be retained (and any previous parameters will also
          be deleted).  A zfopen on its  own,  or  a  zfopen  -1,
          never alters the stored parameters.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

          Both  zfopen  and  zfanon (but not zfparams) understand
          URLs of the form ftp://host/path... as meaning to  con-
          nect  to the host, then change directory to path (which
          must be a directory, not a file).  The `ftp://' can  be
          omitted; the trailing `/' is enough to trigger recogni-
          tion of the path.  Note prefixes other than `ftp:'  are
          not recognized, and that all characters after the first
          slash beyond host are significant in path.

     zfanon [ -1 ] host
          Open a connection host for anonymous FTP.  The username
          used  is  `anonymous'.   The  password  (which  will be
          reported the first time)  is  generated  as  user@host;
          this  is then stored in the shell parameter $EMAIL_ADDR
          which can alternatively be set manually to  a  suitable

  Directory management
     zfcd [ dir ]
     zfcd -
     zfcd old new
          Change  the  current  directory  on  the remote server:
          this is implemented to have many of the features of the
          shell builtin cd.

          In  the  first  form  with  dir  present, change to the
          directory dir.  The command `zfcd ..' is  treated  spe-
          cially,  so  is  guaranteed to work on non-UNIX servers
          (note this is handled internally by zftp).  If  dir  is
          omitted, has the effect of `zfcd ~'.

          The  second  form  changes  to the directory previously

          The third form attempts to change the current directory
          by  replacing  the  first  occurrence of the string old
          with the string new in the current directory.

          Note that in this command, and indeed anywhere a remote
          filename  is  expected,  the  string which on the local
          host corresponds to `~' is  converted  back  to  a  `~'
          before  being  passed  to  the remote machine.  This is
          convenient because of the way expansion is performed on
          the  command  line  before zfcd receives a string.  For
          example, suppose the  command  is  `zfcd  ~/foo'.   The
          shell  will  expand  this  to a full path such as `zfcd
          /home/user2/pws/foo'.  At this stage,  zfcd  recognises
          the  initial path as corresponding to `~' and will send
          the directory to the remote host as ~/foo, so that  the
          `~'  will  be  expanded  by  the  server to the correct
          remote host directory.  Other named directories of  the
          form `~name' are not treated in this fashion.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

          Change directory on the remote server to the one corre-
          sponding to the current local directory,  with  special
          handling  of  `~' as in zfcd.  For example, if the cur-
          rent local directory is ~/foo/bar, then zfhere performs
          the effect of `zfcd ~/foo/bar'.

     zfdir [ -rfd ] [ - ] [ dir-options ] [ dir ]
          Produce   a  long  directory  listing.   The  arguments
          dir-options and dir are passed directly to  the  server
          and their effect is implementation dependent, but spec-
          ifying a particular remote  directory  dir  is  usually
          possible.   The  output is passed through a pager given
          by the environment variable $PAGER, or `more'  if  that
          is not set.

          The  directory  is usually cached for re-use.  In fact,
          two caches are maintained.  One is for use  when  there
          is  no  dir-options  or dir, i.e. a full listing of the
          current remote directory; it is flushed when  the  cur-
          rent  remote  directory changes.  The other is kept for
          repeated use of zfdir  with  the  same  arguments;  for
          example,  repeated  use  of  `zfdir /pub/gnu' will only
          require the directory to  be  retrieved  on  the  first
          call.   Alternatively, this cache can be re-viewed with
          the -r option.  As relative  directories  will  confuse
          zfdir,  the -f option can be used to force the cache to
          be flushed before the directory is listed.  The  option
          -d  will delete both caches without showing a directory
          listing; it will also delete the cache of file names in
          the current remote directory, if any.

     zfls [ ls-options ] [ dir ]
          List  files  on  the remote server.  With no arguments,
          this will produce a simple list of file names  for  the
          current  remote  directory.   Any  arguments are passed
          directly to the server.  No pager  and  no  caching  is

  Status commands
     zftype [ type ]
          With  no  arguments, show the type of data to be trans-
          ferred, usually ASCII or  binary.   With  an  argument,
          change  the  type:  the  types `A' or `ASCII' for ASCII
          data and `B' or `BINARY', `I'  or  `IMAGE'  for  binary
          data are understood case-insensitively.

     zfstat [ -v ]
          Show  the  status of the current or last connection, as
          well as the status of some of zftp's status  variables.
          With  the -v option, a more verbose listing is produced
          by querying the server for its version of events,  too.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

  Retrieving files
     The  commands  for  retrieving  files  all take at least two
     options. -G suppresses remote filename expansion which would
     otherwise  be  performed  (see  below  for  a  more detailed
     description of that).  -t attempts to set  the  modification
     time  of  the local file to that of the remote file: see the
     description of the function zfrtime below for more  informa-

     zfget [ -Gtc ] file1 ...
          Retrieve  all  the listed files file1 ... one at a time
          from the remote server.  If a file contains a `/',  the
          full  name is passed to the remote server, but the file
          is stored locally under the  name  given  by  the  part
          after  the  final  `/'.  The option -c (cat) forces all
          files to be sent as a single stream to standard output;
          in this case the -t option has no effect.

     zfuget [ -Gvst ] file1 ...
          As  zfget, but only retrieve files where the version on
          the remote server is newer (has  a  later  modification
          time),  or where the local file does not exist.  If the
          remote file is  older  but  the  files  have  different
          sizes, or if the sizes are the same but the remote file
          is newer, the user will usually be queried.   With  the
          option  -s,  the  command runs silently and will always
          retrieve the file in either of those two  cases.   With
          the  option  -v,  the  command  prints more information
          about the files while it is working out whether or  not
          to transfer them.

     zfcget [ -Gt ] file1 ...
          As  zfget, but if any of the local files exists, and is
          shorter than the corresponding remote file, the command
          assumes  that it is the result of a partially completed
          transfer and attempts to transfer the rest of the file.
          This  is  useful on a poor connection which keeps fail-

          Note that this requires  a  commonly  implemented,  but
          non-standard,  version  of  the FTP protocol, so is not
          guaranteed to work on all servers.

     zfgcp [ -Gt ] remote-file local-file
     zfgcp [ -Gt ] rfile1 ... ldir
          This retrieves files from the remote server with  argu-
          ments behaving similarly to the cp command.

          In  the first form, copy remote-file from the server to
          the local file local-file.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

          In the second form, copy all the  remote  files  rfile1
          ...  into  the  local directory ldir retaining the same
          basenames.  This assumes UNIX directory semantics.

  Sending files
     zfput [ -r ] file1 ...
          Send all the file1 ... given separately to  the  remote
          server.   If  a filename contains a `/', the full file-
          name is used locally to find the  file,  but  only  the
          basename is used for the remote file name.

          With the option -r, if any of the files are directories
          they are sent recursively with  all  their  subdirecto-
          ries,   including   files  beginning  with  `.'.   This
          requires that the remote machine understand  UNIX  file
          semantics,  since `/' is used as a directory separator.

     zfuput [ -vs ] file1 ...
          As zfput, but only send  files  which  are  newer  than
          their local equivalents, or if the remote file does not
          exist.  The logic  is  the  same  as  for  zfuget,  but
          reversed between local and remote files.

     zfcput file1 ...
          As  zfput, but if any remote file already exists and is
          shorter than the local equivalent,  assume  it  is  the
          result  of  an incomplete transfer and send the rest of
          the file to append to the existing part.   As  the  FTP
          append  command is part of the standard set, this is in
          principle more likely to work than zfcget.

     zfpcp local-file remote-file
     zfpcp lfile1 ... rdir
          This sends files to the remote  server  with  arguments
          behaving similarly to the cp command.

          With  two  arguments,  copy local-file to the server as

          With more than two arguments, copy all the local  files
          lfile1  ...  into  the  existing  remote directory rdir
          retaining the same basenames.  This assumes UNIX direc-
          tory semantics.

          A  problem  arises  if  you attempt to use zfpcp lfile1
          rdir, i.e. the second form  of  copying  but  with  two
          arguments,  as the command has no simple way of knowing
          if rdir corresponds to a directory or a  filename.   It
          attempts  to  resolve  this in various ways.  First, if
          the rdir argument is `.' or `..' or ends in a slash, it
          is  assumed to be a directory.  Secondly, if the opera-
          tion of copying to a remote  file  in  the  first  form

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

          failed,  and  the remote server sends back the expected
          failure code 553 and a reply including the string `Is a
          directory',  then  zfpcp  will  retry  using the second

  Closing the connection
          Close the connection.

  Session management
     zfsession [ -lvod ] [ sessname ]
          Allows you to manage multiple FTP sessions at once.  By
          default,  connections  take  place  in a session called
          `default'; by giving the command  `zfsession  sessname'
          you can change to a new or existing session with a name
          of your choice.  The new session remembers its own con-
          nection,  as  well  as associated shell parameters, and
          also the host/user parameters set by  zfparams.   Hence
          you  can  have  different sessions set up to connect to
          different hosts, each remembering the appropriate host,
          user and password.

          With  no  arguments,  zfsession  prints the name of the
          current session; with the option -l it lists  all  ses-
          sions  which currently exist, and with the option -v it
          gives a verbose list showing the host and directory for
          each  session, where the current session is marked with
          an asterisk.  With -o,  it  will  switch  to  the  most
          recent previous session.

          With -d, the given session (or else the current one) is
          removed; everything to do with it is completely forgot-
          ten.   If it was the only session, a new session called
          `default' is created and made current.   It  is  safest
          not  to delete sessions while background commands using
          zftp are active.

     zftransfer sess1:file1 sess2:file2
          Transfer files between two sessions; no local  copy  is
          made.  The file is read from the session sess1 as file1
          and written to session sess2 as file file2;  file1  and
          file2 may be relative to the current directories of the
          session.  Either sess1 or sess2 may be omitted  (though
          the  colon should be retained if there is a possibility
          of a colon appearing in the file name) and defaults  to
          the  current  session;  file2 may be omitted or may end
          with a slash, in which case the basename of file1  will
          be  added.   The  sessions sess1 and sess2 must be dis-

          The operation  is  performed  using  pipes,  so  it  is
          required  that  the  connections  still  be  valid in a

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

          subshell, which is not the case under versions of  some
          operating systems, presumably due to a system bug.

     The  two functions zfmark and zfgoto allow you to `bookmark'
     the present location (host, user and directory) of the  cur-
     rent  FTP connection for later use.  The file to be used for
     storing and retrieving bookmarks is given by  the  parameter
     $ZFTP_BMFILE;  if  not  set when one of the two functions is
     called, it will be set to the file .zfbkmarks in the  direc-
     tory where your zsh startup files live (usually ~).

     zfmark [ bookmark ]
          If  given  an argument, mark the current host, user and
          directory under the name  bookmark  for  later  use  by
          zfgoto.  If there is no connection open, use the values
          for the  last  connection  immediately  before  it  was
          closed; it is an error if there was none.  Any existing
          bookmark under the same name will be silently replaced.

          If  not  given an argument, list the existing bookmarks
          and  the  points  to  which  they  refer  in  the  form
          user@host:directory;  this  is the format in which they
          are stored, and the file may be edited directly.

     zfgoto [ -n ] bookmark
          Return to the location given by bookmark, as previously
          set  by  zfmark.   If  the  location  has user `ftp' or
          `anonymous', open the connection with zfanon,  so  that
          no  password is required.  If the user and host parame-
          ters match those stored for  the  current  session,  if
          any,  those  will  be  used,  and  again no password is
          required.  Otherwise a password will be prompted for.

          With the option -n, the bookmark is taken to be a nick-
          name  stored by the ncftp program in its bookmark file,
          which is assumed to be ~/.ncftp/bookmarks.   The  func-
          tion  works identically in other ways.  Note that there
          is no mechanism for adding or modifying ncftp bookmarks
          from the zftp functions.

  Other functions
     Mostly,  these  functions will not be called directly (apart
     from zfinit), but are described here for completeness.   You
     may  wish to alter zftp_chpwd and zftp_progress, in particu-

     zfinit [ -n ]
          As described above, this is used to initialize the zftp
          function  system.   The -n option should be used if the
          zftp command is already built into the shell.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

     zfautocheck [ -dn ]
          This function is called to implement automatic  reopen-
          ing  behaviour, as described in more detail below.  The
          options must appear in the first argument; -n  prevents
          the  command  from changing to the old directory, while
          -d prevents it  from  setting  the  variable  do_close,
          which  it  otherwise  does  as a flag for automatically
          closing the connection after a transfer.  The host  and
          directory  for the last session are stored in the vari-
          able $zflastsession, but the  internal  host/user/pass-
          word parameters must also be correctly set.

     zfcd_match prefix suffix
          This  performs matching for completion of remote direc-
          tory names.  If the remote  server  is  UNIX,  it  will
          attempt  to  persuade  the  server  to  list the remote
          directory with  subdirectories  marked,  which  usually
          works  but is not guaranteed.  On other hosts it simply
          calls zfget_match and hence completes  all  files,  not
          just directories.  On some systems, directories may not
          even look like filenames.

     zfget_match prefix suffix
          This performs matching for completion of  remote  file-
          names.   It  caches  files  for  the  current directory
          (only) in the shell parameter $zftp_fcache.  It  is  in
          the  form to be called by the -K option of compctl, but
          also works when called from a  widget-style  completion
          function with prefix and suffix set appropriately.

     zfrglob varname
          Perform  remote  globbing,  as describes in more detail
          below.  varname is the name of  a  variable  containing
          the  pattern to be expanded; if there were any matches,
          the same variable will be set to the  expanded  set  of
          filenames on return.

     zfrtime lfile rfile [ time ]
          Set  the local file lfile to have the same modification
          time as the remote file rfile,  or  the  explicit  time
          time in FTP format CCYYMMDDhhmmSS for the GMT timezone.
          This uses the shell's zsh/datetime  module  to  perform
          the conversion from GMT to local time.

          This  function  is  called  every  time a connection is
          opened, or closed, or  the  remote  directory  changes.
          This  version alters the title bar of an xterm-compati-
          ble or sun-cmd terminal emulator to reflect  the  local
          and remote hostnames and current directories.  It works
          best when combined with the function chpwd.  In partic-
          ular, a function of the form

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

               chpwd() {
                 if [[ -n $ZFTP_USER ]]; then
                   # usual chpwd e.g put host:directory in title bar

          fits in well.

          This  function  shows  the  status of the transfer.  It
          will not write anything unless the output is going to a
          terminal;  however,  if you transfer files in the back-
          ground, you should turn off progress  reports  by  hand
          using `zstyle ':zftp:*' progress none'.  Note also that
          if you alter it, any output must be to standard  error,
          as  standard  output may be a file being received.  The
          form of the progress meter, or whether it  is  used  at
          all,  can  be configured without altering the function,
          as described in the next section.

          This is used to implement caching of files in the  cur-
          rent directory for each session separately.  It is used
          by zfget_match and zfrglob.

     Various styles are available using the standard shell  style
     mechanism,  described in zshmodules(1). Briefly, the command
     `zstyle ':zftp:*' style value ...'.  defines  the  style  to
     have value value; more than one value may be given, although
     that is not useful in the cases described here.  These  val-
     ues  will  then be used throughout the zftp function system.
     For more precise control, the first argument, which gives  a
     context  in  which  the  style  applies,  can be modified to
     include a particular function, as for example `:zftp:zfget':
     the  style  will then have the given value only in the zfget
     function.  Values for the same style in  different  contexts
     may  be  set; the most specific function will be used, where
     strings are held to be  more  specific  than  patterns,  and
     longer  patterns  and  shorter patterns.  Note that only the
     top level function name, as called by  the  user,  is  used;
     calling of lower level functions is transparent to the user.
     Hence modifications to the title bar in zftp_chpwd  use  the
     contexts  :zftp:zfopen, :zftp:zfcd, etc., depending where it
     was called from.  The following styles are understood:

          Controls the way  that  zftp_progress  reports  on  the
          progress of a transfer.  If empty, unset, or `none', no

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          progress report is made; if  `bar'  a  growing  bar  of
          inverse  video  is  shown;  if  `percent' (or any other
          string, though this may change in future), the percent-
          age  of  the  file transferred is shown.  The bar meter
          requires that the width of the  terminal  be  available
          via  the $COLUMNS parameter (normally this is set auto-
          matically).  If the size of the file being  transferred
          is  not  available,  bar and percent meters will simply
          show the number of bytes transferred so far.

          When zfinit is run, if this style is  not  defined  for
          the context :zftp:*, it will be set to `bar'.

          Specifies  the minimum time interval between updates of
          the progress meter  in  seconds.   No  update  is  made
          unless  new  data has been received, so the actual time
          interval is limited only by $ZFTP_TIMEOUT.

          As described for progress, zfinit will  force  this  to
          default to 1.

          If  set  to  `1',  `yes' or `true', filename generation
          (globbing) is performed on the remote  machine  instead
          of by zsh itself; see below.

          If set to `1', `yes' or `true', zftp_chpwd will put the
          remote host and remote directory into the  titlebar  of
          terminal  emulators such as xterm or sun-cmd that allow

          As described for progress, zfinit will  force  this  to
          default to 1.

          If set to `1' `yes' or `true', zftp_chpwd will call the
          function chpwd when a connection is  closed.   This  is
          useful  if  the  remote  host details were put into the
          terminal title bar by zftp_chpwd and your  usual  chpwd
          also modifies the title bar.

          When  zfinit  is  run,  it will determine whether chpwd
          exists and if so it will set the default value for  the
          style to 1 if none exists already.

     Note  that there is also an associative array zfconfig which
     contains values used by the function  system.   This  should
     not be modified or overwritten.

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)

  Remote globbing
     The  commands  for retrieving files usually perform filename
     generation (globbing) on their arguments; this can be turned
     off  by passing the option -G to each of the commands.  Nor-
     mally this operates by retrieving a complete list  of  files
     for  the  directory in question, then matching these locally
     against the pattern supplied.  This has the  advantage  that
     the  full  range  of zsh patterns (respecting the setting of
     the option EXTENDED_GLOB) can be used.   However,  it  means
     that  the  directory part of a filename will not be expanded
     and must be given exactly.  If the remote  server  does  not
     support  the UNIX directory semantics, directory handling is
     problematic and it is recommended that globbing only be used
     within the current directory.  The list of files in the cur-
     rent directory, if retrieved, will be cached, so that subse-
     quent  globs  in  the  same directory without an intervening
     zfcd are much faster.

     If the remote-glob style (see above)  is  set,  globbing  is
     instead  performed  on  the remote host: the server is asked
     for a list of matching files.  This is highly  dependent  on
     how the server is implemented, though typically UNIX servers
     will provide support for basic glob patterns.  This  may  in
     some  cases  be  faster,  as it avoids retrieving the entire
     list of directory contents.

  Automatic and temporary reopening
     As described for the zfopen  command,  a  subsequent  zfopen
     with  no  parameters  will reopen the connection to the last
     host (this includes connections made with  the  zfanon  com-
     mand).  Opened in this fashion, the connection starts in the
     default remote directory and will remain open until  explic-
     itly closed.

     Automatic  re-opening is also available.  If a connection is
     not currently open and a command requiring a  connection  is
     given,  the last connection is implicitly reopened.  In this
     case the directory which was current when the connection was
     closed  again  becomes  the  current  directory  (unless, of
     course, the command given changes it).  Automatic  reopening
     will  also  take  place  if  the connection was close by the
     remote server for whatever reason (e.g. a timeout).   It  is
     not available if the -1 option to zfopen or zfanon was used.

     Furthermore, if the command issued is a file  transfer,  the
     connection  will  be  closed after the transfer is finished,
     hence providing a one-shot mode for  transfers.   This  does
     not  apply  to  directory  changing or listing commands; for
     example a zfdir may reopen a connection but  will  leave  it
     open.   Also, automatic closure will only ever happen in the
     same command as automatic opening, i.e a zfdir directly fol-
     lowed   by   a   zfget   will  never  close  the  connection

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User Commands                                       ZSHZFTPSYS(1)


     Information about the previous connection is  given  by  the
     zfstat function.  So, for example, if that reports:

          Session:        default
          Not connected.
          Last session:   ftp.bar.com:/pub/textfiles

     then  the  command  zfget  file.txt will attempt to reopen a
     connection    to    ftp.bar.com,    retrieve    the     file
     /pub/textfiles/file.txt,  and  immediately close the connec-
     tion again.  On the other hand, zfcd ..  will open the  con-
     nection in the directory /pub and leave it open.

     Note  that  all  the  above is local to each session; if you
     return to a previous session, the connection for  that  ses-
     sion is the one which will be reopened.

     Completion  of local and remote files, directories, sessions
     and bookmarks is supported.  The older,  compctl-style  com-
     pletion  is  defined  when zfinit is called; support for the
     new widget-based completion system is provided in the  func-
     tion Completion/Zsh/Command/_zftp, which should be installed
     with the other functions of the completion system and  hence
     should automatically be available.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     zshcontrib - user contributions to zsh

     The  Zsh source distribution includes a number of items con-
     tributed by the user community.  These are not inherently  a
     part  of  the  shell, and some may not be available in every
     zsh installation.  The most significant of these  are  docu-
     mented  here.   For documentation on other contributed items
     such as shell functions, look for comments in  the  function
     source files.

  Accessing On-Line Help
     The  key  sequence ESC h is normally bound by ZLE to execute
     the run-help  widget  (see  zshzle(1)).   This  invokes  the
     run-help  command  with  the  command  word from the current
     input line as its argument.   By  default,  run-help  is  an
     alias for the man command, so this often fails when the com-
     mand word is a shell builtin or a user-defined function.  By
     redefining  the  run-help alias, one can improve the on-line
     help provided by the shell.

     The helpfiles utility, found in the Util  directory  of  the
     distribution,  is a Perl program that can be used to process
     the zsh manual to produce a  separate  help  file  for  each
     shell  builtin  and  for  many other shell features as well.
     The autoloadable run-help function, found in Functions/Misc,
     searches  for  these  helpfiles  and  performs several other
     tests to produce the most complete  help  possible  for  the

     There  may already be a directory of help files on your sys-
     tem; look in /usr/share/zsh or /usr/local/share/zsh and sub-
     directories below those, or ask your system administrator.

     To create your own help files with helpfiles, choose or cre-
     ate a directory where the individual command help files will
     reside.   For  example, you might choose ~/zsh_help.  If you
     unpacked the zsh distribution in your  home  directory,  you
     would use the commands:

          mkdir ~/zsh_help
          cd ~/zsh_help
          man zshall | colcrt - | \
          perl ~/zsh-5.0.5/Util/helpfiles

     Next,  to  use  the run-help function, you need to add lines
     something like the following to your  .zshrc  or  equivalent
     startup file:

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          unalias run-help
          autoload run-help

     The  HELPDIR  parameter tells run-help where to look for the
     help files.  If your system already has a help  file  direc-
     tory  installed,  set  HELPDIR to the path of that directory

     Note that in order for  `autoload  run-help'  to  work,  the
     run-help  file  must  be  in one of the directories named in
     your fpath array (see zshparam(1)).  This should already  be
     the  case  if you have a standard zsh installation; if it is
     not, copy Functions/Misc/run-help to an  appropriate  direc-

  Recompiling Functions
     If  you  frequently edit your zsh functions, or periodically
     update your zsh installation to track  the  latest  develop-
     ments,  you may find that function digests compiled with the
     zcompile builtin are frequently out of date with respect  to
     the  function  source files.  This is not usually a problem,
     because zsh always looks for the newest file when loading  a
     function, but it may cause slower shell startup and function
     loading.  Also, if a digest file is explicitly  used  as  an
     element  of fpath, zsh won't check whether any of its source
     files has changed.

     The  zrecompile  autoloadable  function,  found   in   Func-
     tions/Misc, can be used to keep function digests up to date.

     zrecompile [ -qt ] [ name ... ]
     zrecompile [ -qt ] -p args [ -- args ... ]
          This  tries  to  find  *.zwc  files  and  automatically
          re-compile  them  if at least one of the original files
          is newer than the compiled file.  This  works  only  if
          the  names  stored in the compiled files are full paths
          or are relative to the directory that contains the .zwc

          In  the first form, each name is the name of a compiled
          file or a directory containing *.zwc files that  should
          be checked.  If no arguments are given, the directories
          and *.zwc files in fpath are used.

          When -t is given, no compilation is  performed,  but  a
          return  status of zero (true) is set if there are files
          that need to be re-compiled and non-zero (false) other-
          wise.   The  -q  option  quiets  the chatty output that
          describes what zrecompile is doing.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          Without the -t option, the return status is zero if all
          files  that needed re-compilation could be compiled and
          non-zero if compilation for at least one of  the  files

          If  the -p option is given, the args are interpreted as
          one or more sets of arguments for  zcompile,  separated
          by `--'.  For example:

               zrecompile -p \
                          -R ~/.zshrc -- \
                          -M ~/.zcompdump -- \
                          ~/zsh/comp.zwc ~/zsh/Completion/*/_*

          This   compiles  ~/.zshrc  into  ~/.zshrc.zwc  if  that
          doesn't exist or if it is older than ~/.zshrc. The com-
          piled  file  will be marked for reading instead of map-
          ping. The same is done for ~/.zcompdump  and  ~/.zcomp-
          dump.zwc, but this compiled file is marked for mapping.
          The last line re-creates the file ~/zsh/comp.zwc if any
          of  the  files matching the given pattern is newer than

          Without the -p option, zrecompile does not create func-
          tion digests that do not already exist, nor does it add
          new functions to the digest.

     The following shell loop is an example of a method for  cre-
     ating  function  digests  for  all  functions in your fpath,
     assuming that you have write permission to the directories:

          for ((i=1; i <= $#fpath; ++i)); do
            if [[ $dir == (.|..) || $dir == (.|..)/* ]]; then
            if [[ -w $dir:h && -n $files ]]; then
              if ( cd $dir:h &&
                   zrecompile -p -U -z $zwc $files ); then

     The -U and -z options are appropriate for functions  in  the
     default  zsh installation fpath; you may need to use differ-
     ent options for your personal function directories.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     Once the digests have been created and your  fpath  modified
     to  refer  to  them, you can keep them up to date by running
     zrecompile with no arguments.

  Keyboard Definition
     The large number  of  possible  combinations  of  keyboards,
     workstations, terminals, emulators, and window systems makes
     it impossible for zsh to  have  built-in  key  bindings  for
     every situation.  The zkbd utility, found in Functions/Misc,
     can help you quickly create key bindings for your configura-

     Run  zkbd  either  as  an autoloaded function, or as a shell

          zsh -f ~/zsh-5.0.5/Functions/Misc/zkbd

     When you run zkbd, it first asks you to enter your  terminal
     type;  if  the  default  it  offers  is  correct, just press
     return.  It then asks you to press  a  number  of  different
     keys  to determine characteristics of your keyboard and ter-
     minal; zkbd warns you if it finds anything out of the  ordi-
     nary, such as a Delete key that sends neither ^H nor ^?.

     The keystrokes read by zkbd are recorded as a definition for
     an associative array named key, written to  a  file  in  the
     subdirectory .zkbd within either your HOME or ZDOTDIR direc-
     tory.  The name of the file is composed from the TERM,  VEN-
     DOR and OSTYPE parameters, joined by hyphens.

     You  may  read this file into your .zshrc or another startup
     file with the `source' or `.' commands, then  reference  the
     key parameter in bindkey commands, like this:

          source ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zkbd/$TERM-$VENDOR-$OSTYPE
          [[ -n ${key[Left]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Left]}" backward-char
          [[ -n ${key[Right]} ]] && bindkey "${key[Right]}" forward-char
          # etc.

     Note  that  in  order  for `autoload zkbd' to work, the zkdb
     file must be in one of the directories named in  your  fpath
     array (see zshparam(1)).  This should already be the case if
     you have a standard zsh installation; if  it  is  not,  copy
     Functions/Misc/zkbd to an appropriate directory.

  Dumping Shell State
     Occasionally  you  may encounter what appears to be a bug in
     the shell, particularly if you are using a beta  version  of
     zsh  or  a development release.  Usually it is sufficient to
     send a description of the problem to one of the zsh  mailing
     lists  (see zsh(1)), but sometimes one of the zsh developers
     will need to recreate your environment in order to track the

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     problem down.

     The  script  named  reporter, found in the Util directory of
     the distribution, is provided for this purpose.  (It is also
     possible to autoload reporter, but reporter is not installed
     in fpath by default.)  This script outputs a  detailed  dump
     of  the  shell state, in the form of another script that can
     be read with `zsh -f' to recreate that state.

     To use reporter, read the script into your  shell  with  the
     `.' command and redirect the output into a file:

          . ~/zsh-5.0.5/Util/reporter > zsh.report

     You  should  check  the  zsh.report  file  for any sensitive
     information such as passwords and delete them by hand before
     sending  the  script to the developers.  Also, as the output
     can be voluminous, it's best to wait for the  developers  to
     ask for this information before sending it.

     You can also use reporter to dump only a subset of the shell
     state.  This is sometimes useful for creating startup  files
     for the first time.  Most of the output from reporter is far
     more detailed than usually is necessary for a startup  file,
     but  the  aliases, options, and zstyles states may be useful
     because they include only changes from  the  defaults.   The
     bindings state may be useful if you have created any of your
     own keymaps, because reporter arranges to  dump  the  keymap
     creation  commands as well as the bindings for every keymap.

     As is usual with automated tools, if you  create  a  startup
     file  with  reporter,  you should edit the results to remove
     unnecessary commands.  Note that if  you're  using  the  new
     completion  system,  you should not dump the functions state
     to your startup files with reporter; use the compdump  func-
     tion instead (see zshcompsys(1)).

     reporter [ state ... ]
          Print  to  standard  output the indicated subset of the
          current shell state.  The state arguments may be one or
          more of:

          all  Output everything listed below.
               Output alias definitions.
               Output ZLE key maps and bindings.
               Output old-style compctl commands.  New completion
               is covered by functions and zstyles.
               Output autoloads and function definitions.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               Output limit commands.
               Output setopt commands.
               Same as zstyles.
               Output shell parameter  assignments,  plus  export
               commands for any environment variables.
               Output zstyle commands.

          If the state is omitted, all is assumed.

     With  the exception of `all', every state can be abbreviated
     by any prefix, even a single letter; thus a is the  same  as
     aliases, z is the same as zstyles, etc.

  Manipulating Hook Functions
     add-zsh-hook [-dD] hook function
          Several   functions   are  special  to  the  shell,  as
          described in the section SPECIAL  FUNCTIONS,  see  zsh-
          misc(1),  in  that  they are automatic called at a spe-
          cific point during shell execution.  Each has an  asso-
          ciated  array  consisting  of  names of functions to be
          called at the same point;  these  are  so-called  `hook
          functions'.  The shell function add-zsh-hook provides a
          simple way of adding or  removing  functions  from  the

          hook is one of chpwd, periodic, precmd, preexec, zshad-
          dhistory, zshexit, or zsh_directory_name,  the  special
          functions in question.  Note that zsh_directory_name is
          called in a different way from the other functions, but
          may still be manipulated as a hook.

          function  is name of an ordinary shell function.  If no
          options are given this will be added to  the  array  of
          functions to be executed in the given context.

          If the option -d is given, the function is removed from
          the array of functions to be executed.

          If the option -D is given, the function is treated as a
          pattern and any matching names of functions are removed
          from the array of functions to be executed.

          The options -U, -z and -k are passed  as  arguments  to
          autoload  for function.  For functions contributed with
          zsh, the options -Uz are appropriate.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     The function cdr allows you to change the working  directory
     to a previous working directory from a list maintained auto-
     matically.  It is similar in concept to the directory  stack
     controlled by the pushd, popd and dirs builtins, but is more
     configurable, and as it stores all entries in  files  it  is
     maintained across sessions and (by default) between terminal
     emulators in the  current  session.   (The  pushd  directory
     stack  is  not  actually  modified or used by cdr unless you
     configure it to do so as described in the configuration sec-
     tion below.)

     The  system works by means of a hook function that is called
     every time the directory changes.  To  install  the  system,
     autoload  the  required  functions  and use the add-zsh-hook
     function described above:

          autoload -Uz chpwd_recent_dirs cdr add-zsh-hook
          add-zsh-hook chpwd chpwd_recent_dirs

     Now every time you change directly interactively, no  matter
     which  command  you  use,  the directory to which you change
     will be remembered in most-recent-first order.

     All direct user interaction is via the cdr function.

     The argument to cdr is a number N corresponding to  the  Nth
     most  recently  changed-to  directory.  1 is the immediately
     preceding directory; the current directory is remembered but
     is not offered as a destination.  Note that if you have mul-
     tiple windows open 1 may refer to a directory changed to  in
     another  window;  you  can avoid this by having per-terminal
     files  for  storing   directory   as   described   for   the
     recent-dirs-file style below.

     If you set the recent-dirs-default style described below cdr
     will behave the same as cd if given a non-numeric  argument,
     or  more  than  one  argument.  The recent directory list is
     updated just the same however you change directory.

     If the argument is omitted, 1 is assumed.  This  is  similar
     to  pushd's behaviour of swapping the two most recent direc-
     tories on the stack.

     Completion for the argument to cdr is available if  compinit
     has been run; menu selection is recommended, using:

          zstyle ':completion:*:*:cdr:*:*' menu selection

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     to  allow you to cycle through recent directories; the order
     is preserved, so the first choice is the most recent  direc-
     tory before the current one.  The verbose style is also rec-
     ommended to ensure the directory is shown; this style is  on
     by  default so no action is required unless you have changed

     The behaviour of  cdr  may  be  modified  by  the  following

     -l   lists  the numbers and the corresponding directories in
          abbreviated form (i.e. with ~ substitution  reapplied),
          one  per  line.   The  directories  here are not quoted
          (this would only be an issue if a directory  name  con-
          tained a newline).  This is used by the completion sys-

     -r   sets the variable reply to the current set of  directo-
          ries.   Nothing  is  printed  and  the directory is not

     -e   allows you to edit the list  of  directories,  one  per
          line.   The  list can be edited to any extent you like;
          no sanity checking is performed.  Completion is  avail-
          able.   No  quoting  is necessary (except for newlines,
          where I have in any case no sympathy); directories  are
          in  unabbreviated  from  and  contain an absolute path,
          i.e. they start with /.  Usually the first entry should
          be left as the current directory.

     Configuration  is  by  means  of  the  styles mechanism that
     should be familiar from completion; if not, see the descrip-
     tion  of  the zstyle command in see zshmodules(1).  The con-
     text for setting styles should be  ':chpwd:*'  in  case  the
     meaning of the context is extended in future, for example:

          zstyle ':chpwd:*' recent-dirs-max 0

     sets  the value of the recent-dirs-max style to 0.  In prac-
     tice the style name is specific enough that a context of '*'
     should be fine.

     An  exception  is  recent-dirs-insert,  which is used exclu-
     sively by the completion system and so has the usual comple-
     tion  system  context  (':completion:*' if nothing more spe-
     cific is needed), though again '*' should be fine  in  prac-

          If   true,  and  the  command  is  expecting  a  recent

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          directory index, and either  there  is  more  than  one
          argument  or  the argument is not an integer, then fall
          through to "cd".  This allows the lazy to use only  one
          command  for directory changing.  Completion recognises
          this, too; see recent-dirs-insert for  how  to  control
          completion when this option is in use.

          The  file  where the list of directories is saved.  The
          default is  ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.chpwd-recent-dirs,  i.e.
          this  is in your home directory unless you have set the
          variable ZDOTDIR to point  somewhere  else.   Directory
          names  are saved in $'...' quoted form, so each line in
          the file can be supplied directly to the  shell  as  an

          The value of this style may be an array.  In this case,
          the first file in the list will always be used for sav-
          ing   directories   while  any  other  files  are  left
          untouched.  When reading the recent directory list,  if
          there  are  fewer than the maximum number of entries in
          the first file, the contents  of  later  files  in  the
          array will be appended with duplicates removed from the
          list shown.  The contents of  the  two  files  are  not
          sorted together, i.e. all the entries in the first file
          are shown first.  The special value + can appear in the
          list  to  indicate  the  default file should be read at
          that point.  This allows effects like the following:

               zstyle ':chpwd:*' recent-dirs-file \
               ~/.chpwd-recent-dirs-${TTY##*/} +

          Recent  directories  are  read  from  a  file  numbered
          according  to  the terminal.  If there are insufficient
          entries the list is supplemented from the default file.

          It  is  possible to use zstyle -e to make the directory
          configurable at run time:

               zstyle -e ':chpwd:*' recent-dirs-file pick-recent-dirs-file
               pick-recent-dirs-file() {
                 if [[ $PWD = ~/text/writing(|/*) ]]; then

          In  this  example,  if   the   current   directory   is
          ~/text/writing or a directory under it, then use a spe-
          cial file for saving recent directories, else  use  the

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          Used  by  completion.   If recent-dirs-default is true,
          then setting this to true causes the actual  directory,
          rather  than  its  index, to be inserted on the command
          line; this has the same effect as using the correspond-
          ing  index,  but makes the history clearer and the line
          easier to edit.  With this setting, if part of an argu-
          ment  was  already  typed,  normal directory completion
          rather than recent directory completion is  done;  this
          is  because  recent directory completion is expected to
          be done by cycling through entries menu fashion.

          If the value of the style is always, then  only  recent
          directories will be completed; in that case, use the cd
          command when you want to complete other directories.

          If the value is fallback, recent  directories  will  be
          tried  first,  then normal directory completion is per-
          formed if recent directory completion failed to find  a

          Finally, if the value is both then both sets of comple-
          tions are presented; the usual  tag  mechanism  can  be
          used  to  distinguish  results, with recent directories
          tagged as recent-dirs.  Note that the  recent  directo-
          ries  inserted  are  abbreviated  with  directory names
          where appropriate.

          The maximum number of directories to save to the  file.
          If  this  is zero or negative there is no maximum.  The
          default is 20.  Note this includes the  current  direc-
          tory,  which  isn't  offered,  so the highest number of
          directories you will be offered is one  less  than  the

          This  style  is  an  array determining what directories
          should (or should not) be added  to  the  recent  list.
          Elements of the array can include:

               Prune  parents  (more  accurately, ancestors) from
               the recent list.  If  present,  changing  directly
               down  by any number of directories causes the cur-
               rent directory to be  overwritten.   For  example,
               changing  from  ~pws to ~pws/some/other/dir causes
               ~pws not to be left on the recent directory stack.
               This  only applies to direct changes to descendant
               directories; earlier directories on the  list  are
               not    pruned.    For   example,   changing   from
               ~pws/yet/another to ~pws/some/other/dir  does  not

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               cause ~pws to be pruned.

               Gives  a  zsh  pattern for directories that should
               not be added to the recent list  (if  not  already
               there).   This element can be repeated to add dif-
               ferent patterns.  For example, 'pattern:/tmp(|/*)'
               stops  /tmp  or  its descendants from being added.
               The EXTENDED_GLOB option is always turned  on  for
               these patterns.

          If  set  to  true,  cdr will use pushd instead of cd to
          change the directory, so the directory is saved on  the
          directory  stack.  As the directory stack is completely
          separate from the list of files saved by the  mechanism
          used  in  this  file  there  is no obvious reason to do

  Use with dynamic directory naming
     It is possible to refer  to  recent  directories  using  the
     dynamic directory name syntax by using the supplied function
     zsh_directory_name_cdr a hook:

          autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
          add-zsh-hook -Uz zsh_directory_name zsh_directory_name_cdr

     When this is done, ~[1] will refer to the most recent direc-
     tory  other  than  $PWD,  and so on.  Completion after ~[...
     also works.

  Details of directory handling
     This section is for the curious or confused; most users will
     not need to know this information.

     Recent directories are saved to a file immediately and hence
     are preserved across sessions.  Note currently no file lock-
     ing  is applied: the list is updated immediately on interac-
     tive commands and nowhere else (unlike history), and  it  is
     assumed you are only going to change directory in one window
     at once.  This is not safe on shared accounts,  but  in  any
     case  the  system  has  limited utility when someone else is
     changing to a different set of directories behind your back.

     To  make  this a little safer, only directory changes insti-
     tuted from the command line, either directly  or  indirectly
     through  shell  function  calls  (but not through subshells,
     evals, traps, completion functions and the like) are  saved.
     Shell  functions  should use cd -q or pushd -q to avoid side
     effects if the change to the directory is to be invisible at
     the   command  line.   See  the  contents  of  the  function
     chpwd_recent_dirs for more details.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     In a lot of cases, it  is  nice  to  automatically  retrieve
     information  from  version  control  systems (VCSs), such as
     subversion, CVS or git, to be able  to  provide  it  to  the
     user;  possibly  in  the  user's  prompt.  So  that  you can
     instantly tell which branch you are currently on, for  exam-

     In order to do that, you may use the vcs_info function.

     The  following  VCSs  are supported, showing the abbreviated
     name by which they are referred to within the system:
     Bazaar (bzr)
     Codeville (cdv)
     Concurrent Versioning System (cvs)
     Darcs (darcs)
     Fossil (fossil)
     Git (git)
     GNU arch (tla)
     Mercurial (hg)
     Monotone (mtn)
     Perforce (p4)
     Subversion (svn)
     SVK (svk)

     There is also support for the patch management system  quilt
     (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt).  See Quilt Sup-
     port below for details.

     To load vcs_info:

          autoload -Uz vcs_info

     It can be used in any existing prompt, because it  does  not
     require any specific $psvar entries to be available.

     To  get this feature working quickly (including colors), you
     can do the following (assuming, you loaded vcs_info properly
     - see above):

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' actionformats \
              '%F{5}(%f%s%F{5})%F{3}-%F{5}[%F{2}%b%F{3}|%F{1}%a%F{5}]%f '
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' formats       \
              '%F{5}(%f%s%F{5})%F{3}-%F{5}[%F{2}%b%F{5}]%f '
          zstyle ':vcs_info:(sv[nk]|bzr):*' branchformat '%b%F{1}:%F{3}%r'
          precmd () { vcs_info }
          PS1='%F{5}[%F{2}%n%F{5}] %F{3}%3~ ${vcs_info_msg_0_}%f%# '

     Obviously,  the  last two lines are there for demonstration.
     You need to call vcs_info from your  precmd  function.  Once
     that  is  done you need a single quoted '${vcs_info_msg_0_}'
     in your prompt.

     To be able to  use  '${vcs_info_msg_0_}'  directly  in  your
     prompt  like  this,  you  will need to have the PROMPT_SUBST
     option enabled.

     Now call the  vcs_info_printsys  utility  from  the  command

          % vcs_info_printsys
          ## list of supported version control backends:
          ## disabled systems are prefixed by a hash sign (#)
          ## flavours (cannot be used in the enable or disable styles; they
          ## are enabled and disabled with their master [git-svn -> git])
          ## they *can* be used in contexts: ':vcs_info:git-svn:*'.

     You  may  not want all of these because there is no point in
     running the code to detect systems you do not use.  So there
     is a way to disable some backends altogether:

          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' disable bzr cdv darcs mtn svk tla

     You  may  also  pick  a  few  from that list and enable only

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git cvs svn

     If you rerun vcs_info_printsys after one of these  commands,
     you  will  see  the backends listed in the disable style (or
     backends not in the enable style - if you used that)  marked
     as  disabled  by  a  hash sign.  That means the detection of
     these systems is skipped completely. No wasted time there.

     The vcs_info feature can be configured via zstyle.

     First, the context in which we are working:

          is one of: git, git-svn, git-p4, hg, hg-git,  hg-hgsub-
          version, hg-hgsvn, darcs, bzr, cdv, mtn, svn, cvs, svk,
          tla, p4 or fossil. When hooks are active the hooks name
          is added after a `+'. (See Hooks in vcs_info below.)

          is a freely configurable string, assignable by the user
          as the first argument to vcs_info (see its  description

          is  the  name of a repository in which you want a style
          to match.  So,  if  you  want  a  setting  specific  to
          /usr/src/zsh,  with  that being a CVS checkout, you can
          set repo-root-name to zsh to make it so.

     There are three special values for vcs-string: The first  is
     named  -init-,  that  is  in  effect as long as there was no
     decision what VCS backend to use. The second  is  -preinit-;
     it  is  used  before  vcs_info is run, when initializing the
     data exporting variables. The third special value is formats
     and  is  used  by  the  vcs_info_lastmsg  for looking up its

     The initial value of  repo-root-name  is  -all-  and  it  is
     replaced  with the actual name, as soon as it is known. Only
     use this part of  the  context  for  defining  the  formats,
     actionformats  or  branchformat  styles, as it is guaranteed
     that repo-root-name is set up correctly for these only.  For
     all other styles, just use '*' instead.

     There are two pre-defined values for user-context:
          the one used if none is specified
          used by vcs_info_lastmsg to lookup its styles

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     You can of course use ':vcs_info:*' to match all VCSs in all
     user-contexts at once.

     This is a description of all styles that are looked up.

          A list of formats, used when actionformats is not  used
          (which is most of the time).

          A  list  of  formats, used if there is a special action
          going on in your current repository; like  an  interac-
          tive rebase or a merge conflict.

          Some  backends replace %b in the formats and actionfor-
          mats styles above, not only by a branch name  but  also
          by  a  revision  number. This style lets you modify how
          that string should look.

          These "formats" are exported when we  didn't  detect  a
          version  control  system  for  the current directory or
          vcs_info was disabled.  This  is  useful  if  you  want
          vcs_info to completely take over the generation of your
          prompt.     You     would     do     something     like
          PS1='${vcs_info_msg_0_}' to accomplish that.

          hg  uses both a hash and a revision number to reference
          a specific changeset in a repository. With  this  style
          you  can  format the revision string (see branchformat)
          to include  either  or  both.  It's  only  useful  when
          get-revision is true. Note, the full 40-character revi-
          sion  id  is  not  available  (except  when  using  the
          use-simple  option) because executing hg more than once
          per prompt is too slow; you may customize this behavior
          using hooks.

          Defines the maximum number of vcs_info_msg_*_ variables
          vcs_info will export.

          A list of backends you want  to  use.  Checked  in  the
          -init-  context.  If  this list contains an item called
          NONE no backend is used at all  and  vcs_info  will  do
          nothing.  If  this list contains ALL, vcs_info will use
          all known backends. Only with ALL in  enable  will  the
          disable  style  have  any effect. ALL and NONE are case

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          A list of VCSs you don't  want  vcs_info  to  test  for
          repositories (checked in the -init- context, too). Only
          used if enable contains ALL.

          A list of patterns that are checked against $PWD. If  a
          pattern  matches, vcs_info will be disabled. This style
          is checked in the :vcs_info:-init-:*:-all- context.

          Say, ~/.zsh is a directory under  version  control,  in
          which you do not want vcs_info to be active, do:
               zstyle ':vcs_info:*' disable-patterns "$HOME/.zsh(|/*)"

          If enabled, the quilt support code is active in `addon'
          mode.  See Quilt Support for details.

          If enabled, `standalone' mode detection is attempted if
          no  VCS  is active in a given directory. See Quilt Sup-
          port for details.

          Overwrite the value of the  $QUILT_PATCHES  environment
          variable. See Quilt Support for details.

          When  quilt itself is called in quilt support the value
          of this style is used as the command name.

          If enabled, this style causes  the  %c  and  %u  format
          escapes  to  show when the working directory has uncom-
          mitted changes. The strings displayed by these  escapes
          can  be  controlled  via  the stagedstr and unstagedstr
          styles. The only backends that currently  support  this
          option are git and hg (hg only supports unstaged).

          For this style to be evaluated with the hg backend, the
          get-revision style needs to be set and  the  use-simple
          style needs to be unset. The latter is the default; the
          former is not.

          Note, the actions taken if this style  is  enabled  are
          potentially  expensive (read: they may be slow, depend-
          ing on how big the current repository is).   Therefore,
          it is disabled by default.

          This  string will be used in the %c escape if there are
          staged changes in the repository.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          This string will be used in the %u escape if there  are
          unstaged changes in the repository.

          This  style  causes vcs_info to use the supplied string
          as the command to use as the VCS's binary.  Note,  that
          setting this in ':vcs_info:*' is not a good idea.

          If  the  value  of  this  style  is empty (which is the
          default), the used binary name is the name of the back-
          end in use (e.g. svn is used in an svn repository).

          The  repo-root-name  part  in the context is always the
          default -all- when this style is looked up.

          For example, this style can be  used  to  use  binaries
          from  non-default installation directories. Assume, git
          is installed in /usr/bin but your sysadmin installed  a
          newer  version  in  /usr/bin/local. Instead of changing
          the order of your $PATH parameter, you can do this:
               zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*:-all-' command /usr/local/bin/git

          This is used by the Perforce backend (p4) to decide  if
          it  should contact the Perforce server to find out if a
          directory is managed by Perforce.   This  is  the  only
          reliable  way  of  doing  this,  but runs the risk of a
          delay if the server  name  cannot  be  found.   If  the
          server  (more specifically, the host:port pair describ-
          ing the server) cannot be contacted, its  name  is  put
          into the associative array vcs_info_p4_dead_servers and
          is not contacted again during the session until  it  is
          removed  by hand.  If you do not set this style, the p4
          backend is only usable if you have set the  environment
          variable P4CONFIG to a file name and have corresponding
          files in the root directories of each Perforce  client.
          See  comments  in  the  function VCS_INFO_detect_p4 for
          more detail.

          If there are two different ways of  gathering  informa-
          tion,  you  can  select the simpler one by setting this
          style to true; the default is to use the  not-that-sim-
          ple  code,  which is potentially a lot slower but might
          be more accurate in all possible cases. This  style  is
          used  by  the bzr and hg backends. In the case of hg it
          will invoke the external hexdump program to  parse  the
          binary dirstate cache file; this method will not return
          the local revision number.


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          If set to true, vcs_info goes the extra mile to  figure
          out the revision of a repository's work tree (currently
          for the git and hg backends, where this kind of  infor-
          mation is not always vital). For git, the hash value of
          the currently checked out commit is available  via  the
          %i  expansion.  With  hg, the local revision number and
          the corresponding global hash are available via %i.

          If set to true, the hg backend will look for  a  Mercu-
          rial  Queue  (mq)  patch directory. Information will be
          available via the `%m' replacement.

          If set to true, the hg backend will try to get  a  list
          of  current  bookmarks.  They will be available via the
          `%m' replacement.

          Determines if we assume that the assembled string  from
          vcs_info    includes    prompt    escapes.   (Used   by

          Enable debugging output  to  track  possible  problems.
          Currently  this  style is only used by vcs_info's hooks

          A list style  that  defines  hook-function  names.  See
          Hooks in vcs_info below for details.

     The default values for these styles in all contexts are:

          " (%s)-[%b]%u%c-"
          " (%s)-[%b|%a]%u%c-"
          "%b:%r" (for bzr, svn, svk and hg)
          (empty list)
          (empty list)

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          (string: "S")
          (string: "U")
          (empty string)
          (empty list)
          empty - use $QUILT_PATCHES

     In  normal  formats and actionformats the following replace-
     ments are done:

     %s   The VCS in use (git, hg, svn, etc.).
     %b   Information about the current branch.
     %a   An identifier that describes  the  action.  Only  makes
          sense in actionformats.
     %i   The  current  revision number or identifier. For hg the
          hgrevformat style may be used to customize the  output.
     %c   The string from the stagedstr style if there are staged
          changes in the repository.
     %u   The string from the  unstagedstr  style  if  there  are
          unstaged changes in the repository.
     %R   The base directory of the repository.
     %r   The  repository  name.  If %R is /foo/bar/repoXY, %r is
     %S   A  subdirectory  within  a  repository.  If   $PWD   is
          /foo/bar/repoXY/beer/tasty, %S is beer/tasty.
     %m   A  "misc"  replacement.  It is at the discretion of the

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          backend to decide what this replacement expands to.  It
          is currently used by the hg and git backends to display
          patch information from the mq and stgit extensions.

     In branchformat these replacements are done:

     %b   The branch name.
     %r   The current revision number or  the  hgrevformat  style
          for hg.

     In hgrevformat these replacements are done:

     %r   The current local revision number.
     %h   The current global revision identifier.

     In  patch-format  and  nopatch-format these replacements are

     %p   The   name    of    the    top-most    applied    patch
     %u   The number of unapplied patches (unapplied-string).
     %n   The number of applied patches.
     %c   The number of unapplied patches.
     %a   The number of all patches.
     %g   The names of active mq guards (hg backend).
     %G   The number of active mq guards (hg backend).

     Not  all  VCS backends have to support all replacements. For
     nvcsformats no replacements are performed at all, it is just
     a string.

     If  you  want  to  use the %b (bold off) prompt expansion in
     formats, which expands %b itself, use %%b. That  will  cause
     the vcs_info expansion to replace %%b with %b, so that zsh's
     prompt expansion mechanism can handle it. Similarly, to hand
     down  %b from branchformat, use %%%%b. Sorry for this incon-
     venience, but it cannot be easily avoided. Luckily we do not
     clash with a lot of prompt expansions and this only needs to
     be done for those.

  Quilt Support
     Quilt is not a version control system, therefore this is not
     implemented  as  a  backend.  It can help keeping track of a
     series of patches. People use it to keep a  set  of  changes
     they  want  to  use  on  top  of software packages (which is
     tightly integrated into the  package  build  process  -  the
     Debian  project  does  this for a large number of packages).
     Quilt can also help  individual  developers  keep  track  of
     their own patches on top of real version control systems.

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     The vcs_info integration tries to support both ways of using
     quilt by having two slightly different modes  of  operation:
     `addon' mode and `standalone' mode).

     For `addon' mode to become active vcs_info must have already
     detected a  real  version  control  system  controlling  the
     directory.  If  that  is  the  case,  a directory that holds
     quilt's patches needs to be found. That directory is config-
     urable via the `QUILT_PATCHES' environment variable. If that
     variable exists its  value  is  used,  otherwise  the  value
     `patches'  is  assumed. The value from $QUILT_PATCHES can be
     overwritten using the `quilt-patches' style. (Note: you  can
     use vcs_info to keep the value of $QUILT_PATCHES correct all
     the time via the post-quilt hook).

     When the directory in question is found, quilt is assumed to
     be  active. To gather more information, vcs_info looks for a
     directory called `.pc'; Quilt uses that directory  to  track
     its  current state. If this directory does not exist we know
     that quilt has not done anything to  the  working  directory
     (read: no patches have been applied yet).

     If patches are applied, vcs_info will try to find out which.
     If you want to know which patches of a series  are  not  yet
     applied, you need to activate the get-unapplied style in the
     appropriate context.

     vcs_info allows for very detailed control over how the gath-
     ered  information  is  presented  (see  the  below sections,
     Styles and Hooks in vcs_info), all of which  are  documented
     below.  Note there are a number of other patch tracking sys-
     tems that work on top of a certain  version  control  system
     (like  stgit  for  git, or mq for hg); the configuration for
     systems like that are generally configured the same  way  as
     the quilt support.

     If  the  quilt  support is working in `addon' mode, the pro-
     duced string is available as a simple format replacement (%Q
     to  be precise), which can be used in formats and actionfor-
     mats; see below for details).

     If, on the other  hand,  the  support  code  is  working  in
     `standalone' mode, vcs_info will pretend as if quilt were an
     actual version control system. That means that  the  version
     control  system  identifier  (which otherwise would be some-
     thing like `svn' or `cvs') will be set  to  `-quilt-'.  This
     has  implications on the used style context where this iden-
     tifier is the second element. vcs_info will have filled in a
     proper  value  for the "repository's" root directory and the
     string containing the information about quilt's  state  will
     be  available as the `misc' replacement (and %Q for compati-
     bility with `addon' mode.

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     What  is  left  to  discuss  is  how  `standalone'  mode  is
     detected.  The  detection itself is a series of searches for
     directories. You can have this  detection  enabled  all  the
     time  in every directory that is not otherwise under version
     control. If you know there is only a limited  set  of  trees
     where  you  would like vcs_info to try and look for Quilt in
     `standalone' mode to minimise the  amount  of  searching  on
     every  call  to  vcs_info,  there are a number of ways to do

     Essentially, `standalone' mode detection is controlled by  a
     style  called  `quilt-standalone'.  It is a string style and
     its value can have different effects.  The  simplest  values
     are:  `always'  to run detection every time vcs_info is run,
     and `never' to turn the detection off entirely.

     If the value of quilt-standalone is something  else,  it  is
     interpreted  differently.  If  the  value  is  the name of a
     scalar variable the value of that variable  is  checked  and
     that  value  is  used  in  the  same `always'/`never' way as
     described above.

     If the value of quilt-standalone is an array,  the  elements
     of  that  array  are used as directory names under which you
     want the detection to be active.

     If quilt-standalone is an associative array,  the  keys  are
     taken  as directory names under which you want the detection
     to be active, but only if the  corresponding  value  is  the
     string `true'.

     Last, but not least, if the value of quilt-standalone is the
     name of a function, the function is called without arguments
     and  the  return  value  decides whether detection should be
     active. A `0' return value is true; a non-zero return  value
     is interpreted as false.

     Note, if there is both a function and a variable by the name
     of quilt-standalone, the function will take precedence.

  Function Descriptions (Public API)
     vcs_info [user-context]
          The main function, that runs all backends and assembles
          all  data into ${vcs_info_msg_*_}. This is the function
          you want to call from precmd if  you  want  to  include
          up-to-date  information  in  your  prompt (see Variable
          description below).  If  an  argument  is  given,  that
          string will be used instead of default in the user-con-
          text field of the style context.

          Statically registers a number of functions to  a  given

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          hook. The hook needs to be given as the first argument;
          what follows is a list of hook-function names to regis-
          ter to the hook. The `+vi-' prefix needs to be left out
          here. See Hooks in vcs_info below for details.

          Remove hook-functions from a given hook. The hook needs
          to be given as the first non-option argument; what fol-
          lows is a list of hook-function  names  to  un-register
          from  the  hook. If `-a' is used as the first argument,
          all occurances of the functions are unregistered.  Oth-
          erwise  only  the last occurance is removed (if a func-
          tion was registered to a hook more  than  once)  .  The
          `+vi-'  prefix  needs to be left out here. See Hooks in
          vcs_info below for details.

          Outputs the last ${vcs_info_msg_*_} value.  Takes  into
          account  the  value  of the use-prompt-escapes style in
          ':vcs_info:formats:command:-all-'. It also only  prints
          max-exports values.

     vcs_info_printsys [user-context]
          Prints a list of all supported version control systems.
          Useful to find out possible contexts (and which of them
          are enabled) or values for the disable style.

          Initializes vcs_info's internal list of available back-
          ends. With this function, you can add support  for  new
          VCSs without restarting the shell.

     All functions named VCS_INFO_* are for internal use only.

  Variable Description
     ${vcs_info_msg_N_} (Note the trailing underscore)
          Where  N  is  an  integer, e.g., vcs_info_msg_0_. These
          variables are the storage for the informational message
          the   last  vcs_info  call  has  assembled.  These  are
          strongly connected to the  formats,  actionformats  and
          nvcsformats  styles  described  above. Those styles are
          lists. The first member of that list gets expanded into
          ${vcs_info_msg_0_},  the second into ${vcs_info_msg_1_}
          and the Nth into ${vcs_info_msg_N-1_}. These parameters
          are exported into the environment. (See the max-exports
          style above.)

     All variables named VCS_INFO_* are for internal use only.

  Hooks in vcs_info
     Hooks are places in vcs_info where  you  can  run  your  own
     code. That code can communicate with the code that called it

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     and through that, change the system's behaviour.

     For configuration, hooks change the style context:

     To register functions to a hook, you need to  list  them  in
     the hooks style in the appropriate context.

          zstyle ':vcs_info:*+foo:*' hooks bar baz

     This registers functions to the hook `foo' for all backends.
     In order to avoid namespace problems, all  registered  func-
     tion  names  are  prepended by a `+vi-', so the actual func-
     tions called for the `foo' hook are `+vi-bar' and `+vi-baz'.

     If  you  would like to register a function to a hook regard-
     less   of   the   current   context,   you   may   use   the
     vcs_info_hookadd  function.  To  remove  a function that was
     added like that, the vcs_info_hookdel function can be  used.

     If something seems weird, you can enable the `debug' boolean
     style in the proper context and the hook-calling  code  will
     print  what  it tried to execute and whether the function in
     question existed.

     When you register more than one  function  to  a  hook,  all
     functions  are executed one after another until one function
     returns non-zero or until all functions  have  been  called.
     Context-sensitive  hook functions are executed before stati-
     cally registered ones (the ones added by  vcs_info_hookadd).

     You  may  pass  data  between  functions  via an associative
     array, user_data.  For example:

              # do something with ${user_data[myval]}

     There are a number of variables that  are  special  in  hook

     ret  The  return  value that the hooks system will return to
          the caller. The default is an integer  `zero'.  If  and
          how  a  changed  ret value changes the execution of the
          caller depends on the specific hook. See the hook docu-
          mentation below for details.


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          An  associated  array  which  is used for bidirectional
          communication from the caller to  hook  functions.  The
          used keys depend on the specific hook.

          The  active context of the hook. Functions that wish to
          change this variable should make it local scope  first.

     vcs  The  current VCS after it was detected. The same values
          as in the enable/disable style are used.  Available  in
          all hooks except start-up.

     Finally, the full list of currently available hooks:

          Called  after  starting  vcs_info but before the VCS in
          this directory is determined. It can be used to deacti-
          vate vcs_info temporarily if necessary. When ret is set
          to 1, vcs_info aborts and does nothing; when set to  2,
          vcs_info  sets  up  everything as if no version control
          were active and exits.

          Same as start-up but after the VCS was detected.

          Called in the Mercurial backend when a bookmark  string
          is generated; the get-revision and get-bookmarks styles
          must be true.

          This hook gets the names  of  the  Mercurial  bookmarks
          that vcs_info collected from `hg'.

          When   setting   ret   to   non-zero,   the  string  in
          ${hook_com[hg-bookmark-string]} will be used in the  %m
          escape  in formats and actionformats and will be avail-
          abe  in  the  global  backend_misc  array  as   ${back-

          Called  in the git (with stgit), and hg (with mq) back-
          ends and in quilt support when  the  applied-string  is
          generated;  the use-quilt zstyle must be true for quilt
          (the mq and stgit backends are active by default).

          This hook gets the names of all applied  patches  which
          vcs_info  collected so far in the opposite order, which
          means that the first argument is the top-most patch and
          so forth.

          When   setting   ret   to   non-zero,   the  string  in
          ${hook_com[applied-string]} will  be  used  in  the  %m

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          escape  in formats and actionformats; it will be avail-
          able  in  the  global  backend_misc  array  as   $back-
          end_misc[patches]};  and  it will be available as %p in
          the patch-format and nopatch-format styles.

          Called in the git (with stgit), and hg (with mq)  back-
          end  and  in quilt support when the unapplied-string is
          generated; the get-unapplied style must be true.

          This hook gets the names of all unapplied patches which
          vcs_info  collected so far in the opposite order, which
          mean that the first argument is the patch  next-in-line
          to be applied and so forth.

          When   setting   ret   to   non-zero,   the  string  in
          ${hook_com[unapplied-string]} will be available  as  %u
          in the patch-format and nopatch-format styles.

          Called  in  the hg backend when guards-string is gener-
          ated; the get-mq style must be true (default).

          This hook gets the names of any active mq guards.

          When  setting  ret   to   non-zero,   the   string   in
          ${hook_com[guards-string]}  will  be  used  in  the  %g
          escape in the patch-format and nopatch-format styles.

          This hooks is called when no version control system was

          The `hook_com' parameter is not used.

          Called  after  the quilt support is done. The following
          information is passed as arguments to the hook: 1.  the
          quilt-support  mode  (`addon'  or `standalone'); 2. the
          directory that contains the patch series; 3. the direc-
          tory  that  holds quilt's status information (the `.pc'
          directory) or the string  "-nopc-"  if  that  directory
          wasn't found.

          The `hook_com' parameter is not used.

          Called  before `branchformat' is set. The only argument
          to the hook is the format that is  configured  at  this

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          The  `hook_com' keys considered are `branch' and `revi-
          sion'.  They are set to the values figured out  so  far
          by  vcs_info  and any change will be used directly when
          the actual replacement is done.

          If  ret   is   set   to   non-zero,   the   string   in
          ${hook_com[branch-replace]}  will  be used unchanged as
          the `%b' replacement in the variables set by  vcs_info.

          Called before a `hgrevformat' is set. The only argument
          to the hook is the format that is  configured  at  this

          The  `hook_com'  keys considered are `hash' and `local-
          rev'.  They are set to the values figured out so far by
          vcs_info  and any change will be used directly when the
          actual replacement is done.

          If  ret   is   set   to   non-zero,   the   string   in
          ${hook_com[rev-replace]}  will be used unchanged as the
          `%i' replacement in the variables set by vcs_info.

          Called each time before a `vcs_info_msg_N_' message  is
          set.   It  takes two arguments; the first being the `N'
          in the message variable name, the second  is  the  cur-
          rently configured formats or actionformats.

          There  are  a  number of `hook_com' keys, that are used
          here: `action', `branch',  `base',  `base-name',  `sub-
          dir',  `staged',  `unstaged', `revision', `misc', `vcs'
          and one `miscN' entry for  each  backend-specific  data
          field  (N starting at zero). They are set to the values
          figured out so far by vcs_info and any change  will  be
          used directly when the actual replacement is done.

          Since  this  hook is triggered multiple times (once for
          each configured formats or actionformats), each of  the
          `hook_com'  keys  mentioned above (except for the miscN
          entries) has an `_orig' counterpart,  so  even  if  you
          changed  a  value  to your liking you can still get the
          original value in the next run.  Changing  the  `_orig'
          values is probably not a good idea.

          If   ret   is   set   to   non-zero,   the   string  in
          ${hook_com[message]} will be used unchanged as the mes-
          sage by vcs_info.

     If  all  of this sounds rather confusing, take a look at the
     Examples section below and also in  the  Misc/vcs_info-exam-
     ples  file in the Zsh source.  They contain some explanatory

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     Don't use vcs_info at all (even though it's in your prompt):
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable NONE

     Disable the backends for bzr and svk:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' disable bzr svk

     Disable everything but bzr and svk:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable bzr svk

     Provide a special formats for git:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats       ' GIT, BABY! [%b]'
          zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' actionformats ' GIT ACTION! [%b|%a]'

     All  %x  expansion  in  all  sorts  of  formats  ("formats",
     "actionformats", branchformat, you name it) are  done  using
     the  `zformat'  builtin  from  the  `zsh/zutil' module. That
     means you can do everything with these %x items what zformat
     supports.  In  particular,  if  you  want  something that is
     really long to have a fixed width, like a hash in  a  mercu-
     rial  branchformat, you can do this: %12.12i. That'll shrink
     the 40 character hash to its 12 leading characters. The form
     is  actually `%min.maxx'. More is possible.  See the section
     `The zsh/zutil Module' in zshmodules(1) for details.

     Use the quicker bzr backend
          zstyle ':vcs_info:bzr:*' use-simple true

     If  you  do  use  use-simple,  please  report  if  it   does

     Display the revision number in yellow for bzr and svn:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:(svn|bzr):*' branchformat '%b%{'${fg[yellow]}'%}:%r'

     If you want colors, make sure you enclose the color codes in
     %{...%} if you want to use the string provided  by  vcs_info
     in prompts.

     Here  is  how to print the VCS information as a command (not
     in a prompt):
          alias vcsi='vcs_info command; vcs_info_lastmsg'

     This way, you can even define different formats  for  output
     via  vcs_info_lastmsg  in the ':vcs_info:*:command:*' names-

     Now as promised, some code that uses hooks: say, you'd  like
     to replace the string `svn' by `subversion' in vcs_info's %s
     formats replacement.

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     First, we will tell vcs_info to call a function  when  popu-
     lating the message variables with the gathered information:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*+set-message:*' hooks svn2subversion

     Nothing happens. Which is reasonable, since we didn't define
     the actual function yet. To see what the hooks subsystem  is
     trying to do, enable the `debug' style:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*+*:*' debug true

     That should give you an idea what is going on. Specifically,
     the function that we are  looking  for  is  `+vi-svn2subver-
     sion'.  Note, the `+vi-' prefix. So, everything is in order,
     just as documented. When  you  are  done  checking  out  the
     debugging output, disable it again:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:*+*:*' debug false

     Now, let's define the function:

          function +vi-svn2subversion() {
              [[ ${hook_com[vcs_orig]} == svn ]] && hook_com[vcs]=subversion

     Simple  enough. And it could have even been simpler, if only
     we had registered our function in a less generic context. If
     we  do it only in the `svn' backend's context, we don't need
     to test which the active backend is:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:svn+set-message:*' hooks svn2subversion

          function +vi-svn2subversion() {

     And finally a little more elaborate  example,  that  uses  a
     hook to create a customised bookmark string for the hg back-

     Again, we start off by registering a function:
          zstyle ':vcs_info:hg+gen-hg-bookmark-string:*' hooks hgbookmarks

     And then we define the `+vi-hgbookmarks function:

          function +vi-hgbookmarks() {
              # The default is to connect all bookmark names by
              # commas. This mixes things up a little.
              # Imagine, there's one type of bookmarks that is
              # special to you. Say, because it's *your* work.
              # Those bookmarks look always like this: "sh/*"
              # (because your initials are sh, for example).
              # This makes the bookmarks string use only those
              # bookmarks. If there's more than one, it
              # concatenates them using commas.
              local s i

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              # The bookmarks returned by `hg' are available in
              # the functions positional parameters.
              (( $# == 0 )) && return 0
              for i in "$@"; do
                  if [[ $i == sh/* ]]; then
                      [[ -n $s ]] && s=$s,
              # Now, the communication with the code that calls
              # the hook functions is done via the hook_com[]
              # hash. The key, at which the `gen-hg-bookmark-string'
              # hook looks at is `hg-bookmark-string'. So:
              # And to signal, that we want to use the sting we
              # just generated, set the special variable `ret' to
              # something other than the default zero:
              return 0

     Some longer examples and code snippets which might be useful
     are    available   in   the   examples   file   located   at
     Misc/vcs_info-examples in the Zsh source directory.

     This concludes our guided tour through zsh's vcs_info.

     You should make  sure  all  the  functions  from  the  Func-
     tions/Prompts  directory  of  the  source  distribution  are
     available; they all begin with the string  `prompt_'  except
     for  the  special  function`promptinit'.   You also need the
     `colors' function from Functions/Misc.  All of  these  func-
     tions  may  already  have  been installed on your system; if
     not, you will need to find them and copy them.   The  direc-
     tory should appear as one of the elements of the fpath array
     (this should already be the case if  they  were  installed),
     and  at  least the function promptinit should be autoloaded;
     it will autoload the rest.  Finally, to initialize  the  use
     of the system you need to call the promptinit function.  The
     following code in your .zshrc will arrange for this;  assume
     the functions are stored in the directory ~/myfns:

          fpath=(~/myfns $fpath)
          autoload -U promptinit

  Theme Selection
     Use the prompt command to select your preferred theme.  This
     command may be added to your .zshrc following  the  call  to

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     promptinit  in  order  to  start  zsh  with  a theme already

     prompt [ -c | -l ]
     prompt [ -p | -h ] [ theme ... ]
     prompt [ -s ] theme [ arg ... ]
          Set or examine the prompt theme.  With no options and a
          theme  argument, the theme with that name is set as the
          current theme.  The available themes are determined  at
          run time; use the -l option to see a list.  The special
          theme `random' selects at random one of  the  available
          themes and sets your prompt to that.

          In  some cases the theme may be modified by one or more
          arguments, which should be given after the theme  name.
          See  the  help for each theme for descriptions of these

          Options are:

          -c   Show the currently selected theme and its  parame-
               ters, if any.
          -l   List all available prompt themes.
          -p   Preview the theme named by theme, or all themes if
               no theme is given.
          -h   Show help for the theme named by theme, or for the
               prompt function if no theme is given.
          -s   Set theme as the current theme and save state.

          Each  available  theme  has  a  setup function which is
          called by the prompt function to  install  that  theme.
          This  function  may define other functions as necessary
          to maintain the prompt,  including  functions  used  to
          preview  the  prompt  or provide help for its use.  You
          should not  normally  call  a  theme's  setup  function

     These  functions all implement user-defined ZLE widgets (see
     zshzle(1)) which can be bound to keystrokes  in  interactive
     shells.   To  use  them, your .zshrc should contain lines of
     the form

          autoload function
          zle -N function

     followed by an appropriate bindkey command to associate  the
     function  with  a  key  sequence.   Suggested  bindings  are
     described below.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     bash-style word functions
          If you are looking for functions  to  implement  moving
          over  and  editing  words  in the manner of bash, where
          only alphanumeric characters are considered word  char-
          acters, you can use the functions described in the next
          section.  The following is sufficient:

               autoload -U select-word-style
               select-word-style bash

     forward-word-match, backward-word-match
     kill-word-match, backward-kill-word-match
     transpose-words-match, capitalize-word-match
     up-case-word-match, down-case-word-match
     select-word-style, match-word-context, match-words-by-style
          The eight `-match' functions are  drop-in  replacements
          for the builtin widgets without the suffix.  By default
          they behave in a similar way.  However, by the  use  of
          styles  and  the  function  select-word-style,  the way
          words are matched can be altered.

          The simplest way of configuring the functions is to use
          select-word-style, which can either be called as a nor-
          mal function with the appropriate argument, or  invoked
          as a user-defined widget that will prompt for the first
          character of the word style to be used.  The first time
          it is invoked, the eight -match functions will automat-
          ically replace the builtin versions,  so  they  do  not
          need to be loaded explicitly.

          The  word  styles  available  are as follows.  Only the
          first character is examined.

          bash Word characters are alphanumeric characters  only.

               As in normal shell operation:  word characters are
               alphanumeric  characters   plus   any   characters
               present  in  the  string  given  by  the parameter

               Words are complete shell command arguments, possi-
               bly  including  complete  quoted  strings,  or any
               tokens special to the shell.

               Words are  any  set  of  characters  delimited  by

               Restore  the default settings; this is usually the

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               same as `normal'.

          All but `default' can be input as an upper case charac-
          ter,  which has the same effect but with subword match-
          ing turned on.  In this case,  words  with  upper  case
          characters  are treated specially: each separate run of
          upper case characters, or an upper case character  fol-
          lowed  by any number of other characters, is considered
          a word.  The style subword-range can supply an alterna-
          tive  character  range  to the default `[:upper:]'; the
          value of the style is treated  as  the  contents  of  a
          `[...]'  pattern  (note  that the outer brackets should
          not be supplied, only those surrounding named  ranges).

          More  control can be obtained using the zstyle command,
          as described in zshmodules(1).  Each style is looked up
          in  the context :zle:widget where widget is the name of
          the user-defined widget, not the name of  the  function
          implementing it, so in the case of the definitions sup-
          plied by select-word-style the appropriate contexts are
          :zle:forward-word,    and    so   on.    The   function
          select-word-style itself always defines styles for  the
          context  `:zle:*'  which can be overridden by more spe-
          cific (longer) patterns as well as explicit contexts.

          The style word-style specifies the rules to use.   This
          may have the following values.

               Use  the  standard shell rules, i.e. alphanumerics
               and $WORDCHARS, unless overridden  by  the  styles
               word-chars or word-class.

               Similar  to normal, but only the specified charac-
               ters, and not also alphanumerics,  are  considered
               word characters.

               The  negation  of specified.  The given characters
               are those which will not be considered part  of  a

               Words  are  obtained  by using the syntactic rules
               for generating shell command arguments.  In  addi-
               tion, special tokens which are never command argu-
               ments such as `()' are also treated as words.

               Words are whitespace-delimited strings of  charac-

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          The  first three of those rules usually use $WORDCHARS,
          but the value in the parameter can be overridden by the
          style  word-chars,  which works in exactly the same way
          as $WORDCHARS.  In addition, the style word-class  uses
          character  class  syntax  to group characters and takes
          precedence  over  word-chars  if  both  are  set.   The
          word-class  style  does  not  include  the  surrounding
          brackets  of  the   character   class;   for   example,
          `-:[:alnum:]'  is  a  valid  word-class  to include all
          alphanumerics plus the  characters  `-'  and  `:'.   Be
          careful including `]', `^' and `-' as these are special
          inside character classes.

          word-style may also have  `-subword'  appended  to  its
          value  to turn on subword matching, as described above.

          The  style  skip-chars  is  mostly  useful  for  trans-
          pose-words  and  similar functions.  If set, it gives a
          count of characters starting  at  the  cursor  position
          which  will  not be considered part of the word and are
          treated as space, regardless of what they actually are.
          For example, if

               zstyle ':zle:transpose-words' skip-chars 1

          has  been set, and transpose-words-match is called with
          the cursor on the X of fooXbar,  where  X  can  be  any
          character, then the resulting expression is barXfoo.

          Finer  grained  control  can be obtained by setting the
          style word-context to an array  of  pairs  of  entries.
          Each  pair  of entries consists of a pattern and a sub-
          context.  The  shell  argument  the  cursor  is  on  is
          matched against each pattern in turn until one matches;
          if it does, the context is extended by a colon and  the
          corresponding  subcontext.   Note that the test is made
          against the original word on the line, with  no  strip-
          ping  of  quotes.   Special  handling  is  done between
          words: the current context is examined and if  it  con-
          tains  the  string  back, the word before the cursor is
          considered, else the word after cursor  is  considered.
          Some examples are given below.

          The  style  skip-whitespace-first is only used with the
          forward-word widget.  If it is set to true,  then  for-
          ward-word  skips  any  non-word-characters, followed by
          any non-word-characters: this is similar to the  behav-
          iour  of  other  word-orientated widgets, and also that
          used by other editors,  however  it  differs  from  the
          standard  zsh  behaviour.  When using select-word-style
          the widget is set in the context :zle:* to true if  the
          word  style  is  bash  and  false otherwise.  It may be

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          overridden by setting it in the more  specific  context

          Here  are  some examples of use of the styles, actually
          taken    from    the    simplified     interface     in

               zstyle ':zle:*' word-style standard
               zstyle ':zle:*' word-chars ''

          Implements  bash-style  word  handling for all widgets,
          i.e. only alphanumerics are word characters; equivalent
          to  setting the parameter WORDCHARS empty for the given

               style ':zle:*kill*' word-style space

          Uses space-delimited words for widgets  with  the  word
          `kill'  in  the name.  Neither of the styles word-chars
          nor word-class is used in this case.

          Here are some examples of use of the word-context style
          to extend the context.

               zstyle ':zle:*' word-context "*/*" file "[[:space:]]" whitespace
               zstyle ':zle:transpose-words:whitespace' word-style shell
               zstyle ':zle:transpose-words:filename' word-style normal
               zstyle ':zle:transpose-words:filename' word-chars ''

          This  provides  two  different  ways  of  using  trans-
          pose-words depending on whether the cursor is on white-
          space  between  words  or  on a filename, here any word
          containing a /.  On whitespace, complete  arguments  as
          defined by standard shell rules will be transposed.  In
          a filename,  only  alphanumerics  will  be  transposed.
          Elsewhere,  words  will be transposed using the default
          style for :zle:transpose-words.

          The word matching and all the handling of  zstyle  set-
          tings   is   actually   implemented   by  the  function
          match-words-by-style.  This can be used to  create  new
          user-defined  widgets.  The calling function should set
          the local parameter curcontext to  :zle:widget,  create
          the    local    parameter    matched_words   and   call
          match-words-by-style with  no  arguments.   On  return,
          matched_words  will  be  set  to an array with the ele-
          ments: (1) the start of the line (2)  the  word  before
          the  cursor  (3)  any  non-word characters between that
          word and the cursor (4) any non-word character  at  the
          cursor  position plus any remaining non-word characters
          before the next word, including all  characters  speci-
          fied  by  the  skip-chars  style,  (5)  the  word at or

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          following the cursor (6) any non-word  characters  fol-
          lowing that word (7) the remainder of the line.  Any of
          the elements may be an empty string; the calling  func-
          tion should test for this to decide whether it can per-
          form its function.

          It is  possible  to  pass  options  with  arguments  to
          match-words-by-style  to  override  the  use of styles.
          The options are:
          -w   word-style
          -s   skip-chars
          -c   word-class
          -C   word-chars
          -r   subword-range

          For example, match-words-by-style -w shell -c 0 may  be
          used to extract the command argument around the cursor.

          The word-context style is implemented by  the  function
          match-word-context.  This should not usually need to be
          called directly.

          This   widget   works    like    a    combination    of
          insert-last-word  and  copy-prev-shell-word.   Repeated
          invocations of the widget retrieve earlier words on the
          relevant  history  line.   With  a  numeric argument N,
          insert the Nth word from the history  line;  N  may  be
          negative to count from the end of the line.

          If  insert-last-word has been used to retrieve the last
          word on a previous history line,  repeated  invocations
          will replace that word with earlier words from the same

          Otherwise, the widget applies to words on the line cur-
          rently  being  edited.   The widget style can be set to
          the name of another widget that  should  be  called  to
          retrieve words.  This widget must accept the same three
          arguments as insert-last-word.

          After inserting an unambiguous string into the  command
          line, the new function based completion system may know
          about multiple places in this string  where  characters
          are missing or differ from at least one of the possible
          matches.  It will then place the cursor on the position
          it  considers  to be the most interesting one, i.e. the
          one where one can disambiguate between as many  matches
          as possible with as little typing as possible.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          This widget allows the cursor to be easily moved to the
          other interesting spots.  It can be invoked  repeatedly
          to  cycle between all positions reported by the comple-
          tion system.

          This is another function which works  like  the  -match
          functions   described  immediately  above,  i.e.  using
          styles to decide the word boundaries.  However,  it  is
          not a replacement for any existing function.

          The  basic  behaviour  is to delete the word around the
          cursor.  There is no numeric prefix handling; only  the
          single  word  around  the cursor is considered.  If the
          widget contains the string kill, the removed text  will
          be  placed  in  the cutbuffer for future yanking.  This
          can be obtained by  defining  kill-whole-word-match  as

               zle -N kill-whole-word-match delete-whole-word-match

          and then binding the widget kill-whole-word-match.

     up-line-or-beginning-search, down-line-or-beginning-search
          These  widgets  are  similar  to  the builtin functions
          up-line-or-search and  down-line-or-search:   if  in  a
          multiline  buffer  they  move  up  or  down  within the
          buffer, otherwise they search for a history line match-
          ing  the start of the current line.  In this case, how-
          ever, they search for a line which matches the  current
          line  up  to the current cursor position, in the manner
          of  history-beginning-search-backward   and   -forward,
          rather than the first word on the line.

          Edit  the  command line using your visual editor, as in

               bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line

          This function  implements  the  widgets  history-begin-
          ning-search-backward-end       and       history-begin-
          ning-search-forward-end.  These commands work by  first
          calling  the corresponding builtin widget (see `History
          Control' in zshzle(1)) and then moving  the  cursor  to
          the  end  of the line.  The original cursor position is
          remembered and restored before calling the builtin wid-
          get  a second time, so that the same search is repeated
          to look farther through the history.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          Although you autoload only one function,  the  commands
          to  use it are slightly different because it implements
          two widgets.

               zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end \
               zle -N history-beginning-search-forward-end \
               bindkey '\e^P' history-beginning-search-backward-end
               bindkey '\e^N' history-beginning-search-forward-end

          This function implements yet another  form  of  history
          searching.   The  text  before  the  cursor  is used to
          select lines from the history,  as  for  history-begin-
          ning-search-backward  except that all matches are shown
          in a numbered  menu.   Typing  the  appropriate  digits
          inserts  the  full  history  line.   Note  that leading
          zeroes must be typed (they are only shown  when  neces-
          sary  for  removing  ambiguity).  The entire history is
          searched; there is no distinction between forwards  and

          With  a  prefix argument, the search is not anchored to
          the start of the line; the string typed by the use  may
          appear anywhere in the line in the history.

          If  the widget name contains `-end' the cursor is moved
          to the end of the line inserted.  If  the  widget  name
          contains  `-space'  any  space  in  the  text  typed is
          treated as a wildcard and can match anything  (hence  a
          leading  space  is  equivalent to giving a prefix argu-
          ment).  Both forms can be combined, for example:

               zle -N history-beginning-search-menu-space-end \

          The function history-pattern-search implements  widgets
          which  prompt  for  a  pattern with which to search the
          history backwards or forwards.  The pattern is  in  the
          usual  zsh format, however the first character may be ^
          to anchor the search to the start of the line, and  the
          last character may be $ to anchor the search to the end
          of the line.  If the search was not anchored to the end
          of  the  line  the  cursor is positioned just after the
          pattern found.

          The commands to create bindable widgets are similar  to
          those in the example immediately above:

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               autoload -U history-pattern-search
               zle -N history-pattern-search-backward history-pattern-search
               zle -N history-pattern-search-forward history-pattern-search

          Typing  the  keystrokes for this widget with the cursor
          placed on or to the left  of  an  integer  causes  that
          integer  to be incremented by one.  With a numeric pre-
          fix argument, the number is incremented by  the  amount
          of  the argument (decremented if the prefix argument is
          negative).  The shell parameter incarg may  be  set  to
          change  the  default  increment to something other than

               bindkey '^X+' incarg

          This allows incremental completion of  a  word.   After
          starting this command, a list of completion choices can
          be shown after every character you type, which you  can
          delete  with  ^H  or  DEL.  Pressing return accepts the
          completion so far and returns  you  to  normal  editing
          (that  is,  the  command  line  is not immediately exe-
          cuted).  You can hit TAB to do normal completion, ^G to
          abort  back  to  the  state when you started, and ^D to
          list the matches.

          This works only with the new function based  completion

               bindkey '^Xi' incremental-complete-word

          This  function  allows  you  to compose characters that
          don't appear on the keyboard to be  inserted  into  the
          command line.  The command is followed by two keys cor-
          responding to ASCII characters (there  is  no  prompt).
          For  accented characters, the two keys are a base char-
          acter followed by a code  for  the  accent,  while  for
          other  special  characters  the two characters together
          form a mnemonic for the character to be inserted.   The
          two-character  codes are a subset of those given by RFC
          1345            (see            for             example

          The  function  may  optionally be followed by up to two
          characters which replace one or both of the  characters
          read  from  the  keyboard;  if both characters are sup-
          plied, no input  is  read.   For  example,  insert-com-
          posed-char  a: can be used within a widget to insert an
          a with umlaut into the  command  line.   This  has  the
          advantages  over  use of a literal character that it is

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          more portable.

          For best results zsh should have been built  with  sup-
          port   for   multibyte   characters   (configured  with
          --enable-multibyte); however, the  function  works  for
          the  limited  range  of  characters  available  in sin-
          gle-byte character sets such as ISO-8859-1.

          The character is converted into the  local  representa-
          tion  and  inserted into the command line at the cursor
          position.  (The conversion is done  within  the  shell,
          using  whatever  facilities  the  C  library provides.)
          With a numeric argument, the character and its code are
          previewed in the status line

          The  function  may  be run outside zle in which case it
          prints the character (together with a newline) to stan-
          dard output.  Input is still read from keystrokes.

          See  insert-unicode-char  for  an  alternative  way  of
          inserting Unicode characters  using  their  hexadecimal
          character number.

          The  set  of accented characters is reasonably complete
          up to Unicode character  U+0180,  the  set  of  special
          characters  less so.  However, it is very sporadic from
          that point.  Adding new characters  is  easy,  however;
          see  the  function  define-composed-chars.  Please send
          any additions to zsh-workers@zsh.org.

          The codes for the second character when used to  accent
          the  first are as follows.  Note that not every charac-
          ter can take every accent.
          !    Grave.
          '    Acute.
          >    Circumflex.
          ?    Tilde.  (This is not ~ as RFC 1345 does not assume
               that character is present on the keyboard.)
          -    Macron.   (A  horizontal bar over the base charac-
          (    Breve.  (A shallow dish shape over the base  char-
          .    Dot  above the base character, or in the case of i
               no dot, or in the case of L and l a centered  dot.
          :    Diaeresis (Umlaut).
          c    Cedilla.
          _    Underline,  however  there are currently no under-
               lined characters.
          /    Stroke through the base character.
          "    Double acute (only supported on a few letters).
          ;    Ogonek.  (A little forward facing hook at the bot-
               tom right of the character.)

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          <    Caron.  (A little v over the letter.)
          0    Circle over the base character.
          2    Hook over the base character.
          9    Horn over the base character.

          The  most  common characters from the Arabic, Cyrillic,
          Greek and Hebrew alphabets are available;  consult  RFC
          1345 for the appropriate sequences.  In addition, a set
          of two letter codes not in RFC 1345 are  available  for
          the  double-width  characters  corresponding  to  ASCII
          characters from !  to ~ (0x21 to 0x7e) by preceding the
          character  with ^, for example ^A for a double-width A.

          The following other two-character sequences are  under-

          ASCII characters
               These are already present on most keyboards:
          <(   Left square bracket
          //   Backslash (solidus)
          )>   Right square bracket
          (!   Left brace (curly bracket)
          !!   Vertical bar (pipe symbol)
          !)   Right brace (curly bracket)
          '?   Tilde

          Special letters
               Characters  found in various variants of the Latin
          ss   Eszett (scharfes S)
          D-, d-
          TH, th
          kk   Kra
          'n   'n
          NG, ng
          OI, oi
          yr   yr
          ED   ezh

          Currency symbols
          Ct   Cent
          Pd   Pound sterling (also lira and others)
          Cu   Currency
          Ye   Yen
          Eu   Euro (N.B. not in RFC 1345)

          Punctuation characters
               References to "right" quotes  indicate  the  shape

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               (like  a  9 rather than 6) rather than their gram-
               matical use.  (For example, a "right"  low  double
               quote is used to open quotations in German.)
          !I   Inverted exclamation mark
          BB   Broken vertical bar
          SE   Section
          Co   Copyright
          -a   Spanish feminine ordinal indicator
          <<   Left guillemet
          --   Soft hyphen
          Rg   Registered trade mark
          PI   Pilcrow (paragraph)
          -o   Spanish masculine ordinal indicator
          >>   Right guillemet
          ?I   Inverted question mark
          -1   Hyphen
          -N   En dash
          -M   Em dash
          -3   Horizontal bar
          :3   Vertical ellipsis
          .3   Horizontal midline ellipsis
          !2   Double vertical line
          =2   Double low line
          '6   Left single quote
          '9   Right single quote
          .9   "Right" low quote
          9'   Reversed "right" quote
          "6   Left double quote
          "9   Right double quote
          :9   "Right" low double quote
          9"   Reversed "right" double quote
          /-   Dagger
          /=   Double dagger

          Mathematical symbols
          DG   Degree
          -2, +-, -+
               - sign, +/- sign, -/+ sign
          2S   Superscript 2
          3S   Superscript 3
          1S   Superscript 1
          My   Micro
          .M   Middle dot
          14   Quarter
          12   Half
          34   Three quarters
          *X   Multiplication
          -:   Division
          %0   Per mille
          FA, TE, /0
               For all, there exists, empty set
          dP, DE, NB

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                42

User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               Partial derivative, delta (increment), del (nabla)
          (-, -)
               Element of, contains
          *P, +Z
               Product, sum
          *-, Ob, Sb
               Asterisk, ring, bullet
          RT, 0(, 00
               Root sign, proportional to, infinity

          Other symbols
          cS, cH, cD, cC
               Card suits: spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs
          Md, M8, M2, Mb, Mx, MX
               Musical notation: crotchet (quarter note),  quaver
               (eighth note), semiquavers (sixteenth notes), flag
               sign, natural sign, sharp sign
          Fm, Ml
               Female, male

          Accents on their own
          '>   Circumflex (same as caret, ^)
          '!   Grave (same as backtick, `)
          ',   Cedilla
          ':   Diaeresis (Umlaut)
          'm   Macron
          ''   Acute

          This function allows you type a file pattern,  and  see
          the  results  of  the expansion at each step.  When you
          hit return, all expansions are inserted into  the  com-
          mand line.

               bindkey '^Xf' insert-files

          When first executed, the user inputs a set of hexadeci-
          mal digits.  This is terminated with  another  call  to
          insert-unicode-char.   The  digits are then turned into
          the corresponding Unicode character.  For  example,  if
          the widget is bound to ^XU, the character sequence `^XU
          4 c ^XU' inserts L (Unicode U+004c).

          See insert-composed-char for a way of inserting charac-
          ters using a two-character mnemonic.

     narrow-to-region [ -p pre ] [ -P post ]
         [ -S statepm | -R statepm ] [ -n ] [ start end ])
          Narrow the editable portion of the buffer to the region
          between the cursor and the mark, which may be in either

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          order.  The region may not be empty.

          narrow-to-region may be used as a widget or called as a
          function from a user-defined widget;  by  default,  the
          text  outside  the  editable  area  remains visible.  A
          recursive-edit is performed and the  original  widening
          status is then restored.  Various options and arguments
          are available when it is called as a function.

          The options -p pretext and -P posttext may be  used  to
          replace  the  text before and after the display for the
          duration of the function; either  or  both  may  be  an
          empty string.

          If  the  option  -n  is also given, pretext or posttext
          will only be inserted if there is text before or  after
          the region respectively which will be made invisible.

          Two  numeric  arguments may be given which will be used
          instead of the cursor and mark positions.

          The option -S statepm is used to  narrow  according  to
          the  other  options  while saving the original state in
          the parameter with name statepm, while  the  option  -R
          statepm  is  used to restore the state from the parame-
          ter; note in both cases the name of  the  parameter  is
          required.   In the second case, other options and argu-
          ments are irrelevant.  When this  method  is  used,  no
          recursive-edit  is performed; the calling widget should
          call this function with the option -S, perform its  own
          editing on the command line or pass control to the user
          via `zle recursive-edit', then call this function  with
          the option -R.  The argument statepm must be a suitable
          name for an ordinary parameter, except that  parameters
          beginning  with  the  prefix _ntr_ are reserved for use
          within narrow-to-region.  Typically the parameter  will
          be local to the calling function.

          narrow-to-region-invisible  is  a  simple  widget which
          calls narrow-to-region with arguments which replace any
          text outside the region with `...'.

          The  display  is restored (and the widget returns) upon
          any zle command which would usually cause the  line  to
          be  accepted or aborted.  Hence an additional such com-
          mand is required to accept or abort the current line.

          The return status of both widgets is zero if  the  line
          was accepted, else non-zero.

          Here  is  a trivial example of a widget using this fea-

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               local state
               narrow-to-region -p $'Editing restricted region\n' \
                 -P '' -S state
               zle recursive-edit
               narrow-to-region -R state

          This set  of  functions  implements  predictive  typing
          using history search.  After predict-on, typing charac-
          ters causes the editor to look backward in the  history
          for  the  first line beginning with what you have typed
          so far.  After predict-off, editing returns  to  normal
          for the line found.  In fact, you often don't even need
          to use predict-off, because if the line  doesn't  match
          something  in  the history, adding a key performs stan-
          dard completion, and then inserts itself if no  comple-
          tions  were found.  However, editing in the middle of a
          line is liable to confuse prediction;  see  the  toggle
          style below.

          With  the  function  based  completion system (which is
          needed for this), you should be able  to  type  TAB  at
          almost  any  point  to  advance  the cursor to the next
          ``interesting'' character position (usually the end  of
          the current word, but sometimes somewhere in the middle
          of the word).  And of course as soon as the entire line
          is  what  you want, you can accept with return, without
          needing to move the cursor to the end first.

          The first time predict-on is used, it  creates  several
          additional widget functions:

               Replaces  the backward-delete-char widget.  You do
               not need to bind this yourself.
               Implements  predictive  typing  by  replacing  the
               self-insert  widget.  You do not need to bind this
               Turns off predictive typing.

          Although you autoload only the predict-on function,  it
          is  necessary to create a keybinding for predict-off as

               zle -N predict-on
               zle -N predict-off
               bindkey '^X^Z' predict-on
               bindkey '^Z' predict-off


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          This is most useful when  called  as  a  function  from
          inside a widget, but will work correctly as a widget in
          its own right.  It prompts for a value below  the  cur-
          rent  command  line;  a value may be input using all of
          the  standard  zle  operations  (and  not  merely   the
          restricted  set  available when executing, for example,
          execute-named-cmd).  The value is then returned to  the
          calling  function in the parameter $REPLY and the edit-
          ing buffer restored to its previous state.  If the read
          was  aborted  by  a  keyboard break (typically ^G), the
          function returns status 1 and $REPLY is not set.

          If one argument is supplied to the function it is taken
          as  a prompt, otherwise `? ' is used.  If two arguments
          are supplied, they are the prompt and the initial value
          of $LBUFFER, and if a third argument is given it is the
          initial value of $RBUFFER.   This  provides  a  default
          value  and  starting cursor placement.  Upon return the
          entire buffer is the value of $REPLY.

          One option is available: `-k num'  specifies  that  num
          characters are to be read instead of a whole line.  The
          line editor is not invoked recursively in this case, so
          depending on the terminal settings the input may not be
          visible, and only the input keys are placed in  $REPLY,
          not  the  entire  buffer.   Note  that  unlike the read
          builtin num must be given; there is no default.

          The name is a slight misnomer, as in fact  the  shell's
          own minibuffer is not used.  Hence it is still possible
          to call executed-named-cmd and similar functions  while
          reading a value.

     replace-string, replace-pattern
     replace-string-again, replace-pattern-again
          The  function  replace-string implements three widgets.
          If defined under the same  name  as  the  function,  it
          prompts for two strings; the first (source) string will
          be replaced by the second everywhere it occurs  in  the
          line editing buffer.

          If  the  widget  name  contains the word `pattern', for
          example by defining the widget using the  command  `zle
          -N  replace-pattern  replace-string', then the matching
          is performed using  zsh  patterns.   All  zsh  extended
          globbing  patterns  can  be  used in the source string;
          note that unlike filename generation the  pattern  does
          not  need  to  match an entire word, nor do glob quali-
          fiers have any effect.  In  addition,  the  replacement
          string  can contain parameter or command substitutions.
          Furthermore, a `&' in the replacement  string  will  be
          replaced   with   the  matched  source  string,  and  a

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          backquoted digit `\N'  will  be  replaced  by  the  Nth
          parenthesised  expression matched.  The form `\{N}' may
          be used to protect the digit from following digits.

          If the widget instead contains  the  word  `regex'  (or
          `regexp'), then the matching is performed using regular
          expressions,  respecting  the  setting  of  the  option
          RE_MATCH_PCRE (see the description of the function reg-
          exp-replace below).  The special replacement facilities
          described above for pattern matching are available.

          By  default  the  previous source or replacement string
          will not be offered for editing.  However, this feature
          can  be activated by setting the style edit-previous in
          the     context     :zle:widget      (for      example,
          :zle:replace-string)  to true.  In addition, a positive
          numeric argument  forces  the  previous  values  to  be
          offered, a negative or zero argument forces them not to

          The function replace-string-again can be used to repeat
          the  previous  replacement;  no  prompting is done.  As
          with replace-string, if the name of the widget contains
          the  word  `pattern'  or  `regex',  pattern  or regular
          expression matching is performed, else a literal string
          replacement.    Note   that  the  previous  source  and
          replacement text are the same whether pattern,  regular
          expression or string matching is used.

          In addition, replace-string shows the previous replace-
          ment above the prompt, so long as there was one  during
          the  current  session;  if  the source string is empty,
          that replacement will be repeated  without  the  widget
          prompting for a replacement string.

          For example, starting from the line:

               print This line contains fan and fond

          and  invoking  replace-pattern  with  the source string
          `f(?)n' and the replacement string `c\1r' produces  the
          not very useful line:

               print This line contains car and cord

          The  range  of the replacement string can be limited by
          using the narrow-to-region-invisible widget.  One limi-
          tation  of  the current version is that undo will cycle
          through changes to the replacement and  source  strings
          before undoing the replacement itself.


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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          This  is similar to read-from-minibuffer in that it may
          be called as a function from a widget or as a widget of
          its  own,  and  interactively reads input from the key-
          board.  However, the input being typed is concealed and
          a  string  of  asterisks  (`*')  is shown instead.  The
          value is saved in the parameter $INVISIBLE to  which  a
          reference  is  inserted  into the editing buffer at the
          restored cursor position.  If the read was aborted by a
          keyboard  break  (typically  ^G) or another escape from
          editing such as push-line, $INVISIBLE is set  to  empty
          and the original buffer is restored unchanged.

          If one argument is supplied to the function it is taken
          as a prompt, otherwise `Non-echoed text: ' is used  (as
          in emacs).  If a second and third argument are supplied
          they are used to begin and end the reference to $INVIS-
          IBLE  that is inserted into the buffer.  The default is
          to open with ${, then INVISIBLE, and close with },  but
          many other effects are possible.

          This  function may replace the insert-last-word widget,
          like so:

               zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word

          With a numeric prefix,  or  when  passed  command  line
          arguments  in  a  call  from another widget, it behaves
          like insert-last-word, except that  words  in  comments
          are ignored when INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS is set.

          Otherwise,  the rightmost ``interesting'' word from the
          previous command is found and  inserted.   The  default
          definition of ``interesting'' is that the word contains
          at least one alphabetic character, slash, or backslash.
          This  definition  may be overridden by use of the match
          style.  The context used to look up the  style  is  the
          widget    name,    so    usually    the    context   is
          :insert-last-word.  However, you can bind this function
          to different widgets to use different patterns:

               zle -N insert-last-assignment smart-insert-last-word
               zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
               bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment

          If  no  interesting word is found and the auto-previous
          style is set to a  true  value,  the  search  continues
          upward  through  the  history.   When  auto-previous is
          unset or  false  (the  default),  the  widget  must  be
          invoked  repeatedly  in order to search earlier history

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          Only useful with a multi-line editing buffer; the lines
          here are lines within the current on-screen buffer, not
          history lines.  The effect is similar to  the  function
          of the same name in Emacs.

          Transpose  the  current line with the previous line and
          move the cursor to the start of the next line.  Repeat-
          ing  this  (which  can  be done by providing a positive
          numeric prefix argument) has the effect of  moving  the
          line above the cursor down by a number of lines.

          With  a  negative numeric prefix argument, requires two
          lines above the cursor.  These two lines are transposed
          and the cursor moved to the start of the previous line.
          Using a numeric prefix less than -1 has the  effect  of
          moving  the line above the cursor up by minus that num-
          ber of lines.

          This function is a drop-in replacement for the  builtin
          widget  which-command.   It  has enhanced behaviour, in
          that it correctly detects whether or  not  the  command
          word  needs  to be expanded as an alias; if so, it con-
          tinues tracing the command word from the expanded alias
          until it reaches the command that will be executed.

          The style whence is available in the context :zle:$WID-
          GET; this may be set to an array to  give  the  command
          and  options  that will be used to investigate the com-
          mand word found.  The default is whence -c.

  Utility Functions
     These functions are useful in  constructing  widgets.   They
     should  be  loaded with `autoload -U function' and called as
     indicated from user-defined widgets.

          This function splits the line  currently  being  edited
          into  shell  arguments  and  whitespace.  The result is
          stored in the array reply.  The array contains all  the
          parts  of  the  line in order, starting with any white-
          space before the first argument, and finishing with any
          whitespace  after the last argument.  Hence (so long as
          the option KSH_ARRAYS is not set) whitespace  is  given
          by  odd  indices  in  the  array  and arguments by even
          indices.  Note that no stripping  of  quotes  is  done;
          joining  together all the elements of reply in order is
          guaranteed to produce the original line.

          The parameter REPLY is set to the index of the word  in
          reply  which  contains  the character after the cursor,

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          where the first element has  index  1.   The  parameter
          REPLY2  is  set to the index of the character under the
          cursor in that word,  where  the  first  character  has
          index 1.

          Hence  reply, REPLY and REPLY2 should all be made local
          to the enclosing function.

          See  the  function  modify-current-argument,  described
          below, for an example of how to call this function.

     modify-current-argument [ expr-using-$ARG | func ]
          This  function  provides  a  simple  method of allowing
          user-defined widgets to modify the command  line  argu-
          ment  under  the  cursor (or immediately to the left of
          the cursor if the cursor is between arguments).

          The argument can be an expression which when  evaluated
          operates  on  the  shell parameter ARG, which will have
          been set to the command line argument under the cursor.
          The  expression should be suitably quoted to prevent it
          being evaluated too early.

          Alternatively, if the argument  does  not  contain  the
          string  ARG,  it  is assumed to be a shell function, to
          which the current command line argument  is  passed  as
          the  only  argument.  The function should set the vari-
          able REPLY to the new value for the command line  argu-
          ment.  If the function returns non-zero status, so does
          the calling function.

          For example, a user-defined widget containing the  fol-
          lowing  code  converts  the  characters in the argument
          under the cursor into all upper case:

               modify-current-argument '${(U)ARG}'

          The following strips any quoting from the current  word
          (whether  backslashes  or one of the styles of quotes),
          and replaces it with single quoting throughout:

               modify-current-argument '${(qq)${(Q)ARG}}'

          The following performs directory expansion on the  com-
          mand  line  argument  and  replaces  it by the absolute

               expand-dir() {
               modify-current-argument expand-dir

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          In practice the function expand-dir would probably  not
          be defined within the widget where modify-current-argu-
          ment is called.

     The behavior of several of the above  widgets  can  be  con-
     trolled  by the use of the zstyle mechanism.  In particular,
     widgets that interact with the completion system pass  along
     their context to any completions that they invoke.

          This  style  is  used  by the incremental-complete-word
          widget. Its value should be a  pattern,  and  all  keys
          matching  this  pattern  will  cause the widget to stop
          incremental completion without the key having any  fur-
          ther effect. Like all styles used directly by incremen-
          tal-complete-word, this style is looked  up  using  the
          context `:incremental'.

          The  incremental-complete-word  and  insert-and-predict
          widgets set up  their  top-level  context  name  before
          calling  completion.  This allows one to define differ-
          ent sets of completer functions for  normal  completion
          and for these widgets.  For example, to use completion,
          approximation and  correction  for  normal  completion,
          completion  and  correction  for incremental completion
          and only completion for prediction one could use:

               zstyle ':completion:*' completer \
                       _complete _correct _approximate
               zstyle ':completion:incremental:*' completer \
                       _complete _correct
               zstyle ':completion:predict:*' completer \

          It is a good idea to restrict the  completers  used  in
          prediction,  because  they may be automatically invoked
          as you type.  The _list  and  _menu  completers  should
          never be used with prediction.  The _approximate, _cor-
          rect, _expand, and _match completers may be  used,  but
          be  aware  that  they may change characters anywhere in
          the word behind the cursor, so you need to watch  care-
          fully that the result is what you intended.

          The  insert-and-predict  widget uses this style, in the
          context `:predict', to decide where to place the cursor
          after completion has been tried.  Values are:

               The  cursor  is  left where it was when completion

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               finished, but only if  it  is  after  a  character
               equal to the one just inserted by the user.  If it
               is after another character, this value is the same
               as `key'.

          key  The cursor is left after the nth occurrence of the
               character just inserted, where n is the number  of
               times  that  character appeared in the word before
               completion was attempted.  In short, this has  the
               effect  of  leaving the cursor after the character
               just typed even if the completion code  found  out
               that  no  other  characters need to be inserted at
               that position.

          Any other value for this style  unconditionally  leaves
          the  cursor  at  the position where the completion code
          left it.

     list When using the incremental-complete-word  widget,  this
          style says if the matches should be listed on every key
          press (if they fit on the  screen).   Use  the  context
          prefix `:completion:incremental'.

          The insert-and-predict widget uses this style to decide
          if the completion should be shown even if there is only
          one  possible completion.  This is done if the value of
          this style is the string always.  In this case the con-
          text is `:predict' (not `:completion:predict').

          This style is used by smart-insert-last-word to provide
          a  pattern  (using  full  EXTENDED_GLOB  syntax)   that
          matches  an  interesting word.  The context is the name
          of the widget to which smart-insert-last-word is  bound
          (see     above).      The     default    behavior    of
          smart-insert-last-word is equivalent to:

               zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:]/\\]*'

          However, you might want to include words  that  contain

               zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:][:space:]/\\]*'

          Or  include numbers as long as the word is at least two
          characters long:

               zstyle :insert-last-word match '*([[:digit:]]?|[[:alpha:]/\\])*'

          The above example causes redirections like "2>"  to  be

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          The incremental-complete-word widget shows the value of
          this style in the status line during  incremental  com-
          pletion.   The string value may contain any of the fol-
          lowing substrings in the manner of the  PS1  and  other
          prompt parameters:

          %c   Replaced  by  the  name  of the completer function
               that generated the matches  (without  the  leading

          %l   When  the  list style is set, replaced by `...' if
               the list of matches is too  long  to  fit  on  the
               screen and with an empty string otherwise.  If the
               list style is `false' or not set, `%l'  is  always

          %n   Replaced by the number of matches generated.

          %s   Replaced  by  `-no  match-',  `-no prefix-', or an
               empty string if there is  no  completion  matching
               the  word on the line, if the matches have no com-
               mon prefix different from the word on the line, or
               if there is such a common prefix, respectively.

          %u   Replaced  by  the unambiguous part of all matches,
               if there is any, and if it is different  from  the
               word on the line.

          Like  `break-keys',  this  uses the `:incremental' con-

          This style is  used  by  the  incremental-complete-word
          widget.   Its value is treated similarly to the one for
          the  break-keys  style  (and  uses  the  same  context:
          `:incremental').  However, in this case all keys match-
          ing the pattern given as its value will stop  incremen-
          tal  completion and will then execute their usual func-

          This boolean  style  is  used  by  predict-on  and  its
          related  widgets  in the context `:predict'.  If set to
          one of the standard `true' values, predictive typing is
          automatically  toggled  off  in  situations where it is
          unlikely  to  be  useful,  such  as  when   editing   a
          multi-line  buffer or after moving into the middle of a
          line and then deleting a character.  The default is  to
          leave  prediction  turned  on until an explicit call to

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          This boolean  style  is  used  by  predict-on  and  its
          related  widgets  in the context `:predict'.  If set to
          one of the standard `true' values, these  widgets  dis-
          play  a  message  below  the prompt when the predictive
          state is toggled.  This is most useful  in  combination
          with  the  toggle  style.  The default does not display
          these messages.

          This style is similar to the command style: For  widget
          functions  that  use  zle  to  call other widgets, this
          style can sometimes be  used  to  override  the  widget
          which  is  called.   The  context for this style is the
          name of the calling widget (not the name of the calling
          function, because one function may be bound to multiple
          widget names).

               zstyle :copy-earlier-word widget smart-insert-last-word

          Check the documentation for the calling widget or func-
          tion to determine whether the widget style is used.

     Two  functions  are provided to enable zsh to provide excep-
     tion handling in a form that should be familiar  from  other

     throw exception
          The  function  throw  throws  the named exception.  The
          name is an arbitrary string and is  only  used  by  the
          throw  and  catch  functions.   An exception is for the
          most part treated the same as a shell  error,  i.e.  an
          unhandled  exception  will cause the shell to abort all
          processing in a function or script and to return to the
          top level in an interactive shell.

     catch exception-pattern
          The  function catch returns status zero if an exception
          was thrown and the  pattern  exception-pattern  matches
          its  name.   Otherwise  it  returns  status  1.  excep-
          tion-pattern is a standard  shell  pattern,  respecting
          the  current  setting  of the EXTENDED_GLOB option.  An
          alias catch is also defined to prevent the argument  to
          the  function  from matching filenames, so patterns may
          be used unquoted.  Note that as exceptions are not fun-
          damentally different from other shell errors it is pos-
          sible to catch shell errors by using an empty string as
          the  exception  name.  The shell variable CAUGHT is set
          by catch to the name of the exception  caught.   It  is
          possible  to  rethrow an exception by calling the throw
          function again once an exception has been caught.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     The functions are designed to  be  used  together  with  the
     always construct described in zshmisc(1).  This is important
     as only this construct provides  the  required  support  for
     exceptions.  A typical example is as follows.

            # "try" block
            # ... nested code here calls "throw MyExcept"
          } always {
            # "always" block
            if catch MyExcept; then
              print "Caught exception MyExcept"
            elif catch ''; then
              print "Caught a shell error.  Propagating..."
              throw ''
            # Other exceptions are not handled but may be caught further
            # up the call stack.

     If  all  exceptions  should  be  caught, the following idiom
     might be preferable.

            # ... nested code here throws an exception
          } always {
            if catch *; then
              case $CAUGHT in
                print "Caught my own exception"
                print "Caught some other exception"

     In common with exception handling in  other  languages,  the
     exception  may  be  thrown  by code deeply nested inside the
     `try' block.  However, note that it must  be  thrown  inside
     the  current shell, not in a subshell forked for a pipeline,
     parenthesised current-shell construct, or some form of  com-
     mand or process substitution.

     The  system  internally uses the shell variable EXCEPTION to
     record the name of the exception between throwing and catch-
     ing.   One  drawback of this scheme is that if the exception
     is not handled the variable EXCEPTION remains set and may be
     incorrectly  recognised  as  the  name  of an exception if a
     shell error subsequently occurs.  Adding unset EXCEPTION  at
     the  start  of  the  outermost  layer  of any code that uses

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     exception handling will eliminate this problem.

     Three functions are available to provide handling  of  files
     recognised  by  extension,  for  example  to dispatch a file
     text.ps when executed as a command to an appropriate viewer.

     zsh-mime-setup [ -fv ] [ -l [ suffix ... ] ]
     zsh-mime-handler [-l] command arguments ...
          These  two  functions  use  the files ~/.mime.types and
          /etc/mime.types, which associate types and  extensions,
          as well as ~/.mailcap and /etc/mailcap files, which as-
          sociate types and the programs that handle them.  These
          are provided on many systems with the Multimedia Inter-
          net Mail Extensions.

          To  enable  the  system,  the  function  zsh-mime-setup
          should  be  autoloaded and run.  This allows files with
          extensions to be treated as executable; such  files  be
          completed by the function completion system.  The func-
          tion zsh-mime-handler should not need to be  called  by
          the user.

          The  system  works  by  setting  up suffix aliases with
          `alias -s'.  Suffix aliases already  installed  by  the
          user will not be overwritten.

          For suffixes defined in lower case, upper case variants
          will also automatically be handled (e.g. PDF  is  auto-
          matically  handled  if  handling  for the suffix pdf is
          defined), but not vice versa.

          Repeated calls to zsh-mime-setup do  not  override  the
          existing  mapping between suffixes and executable files
          unless the option -f is  given.   Note,  however,  that
          this does not override existing suffix aliases assigned
          to handlers other than zsh-mime-handler.

          Calling zsh-mime-setup with the  option  -l  lists  the
          existing  mappings  without altering them.  Suffixes to
          list (which may contain pattern characters that  should
          be  quoted from immediate interpretation on the command
          line) may be given as additional  arguments,  otherwise
          all suffixes are listed.

          Calling  zsh-mime-setup  with the option -v causes ver-
          bose output to be shown during the setup operation.

          The system respects the mailcap flags needsterminal and
          copiousoutput, see mailcap(4).

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          The  functions  use  the  following  styles,  which are
          defined with the zstyle builtin  command  (see  zshmod-
          ules(1)).  They should be defined before zsh-mime-setup
          is run.  The contexts used all start with :mime:,  with
          additional components in some cases.  It is recommended
          that a trailing *  (suitably  quoted)  be  appended  to
          style  patterns  in  case  the  system  is  extended in
          future.  Some examples are given below.

          For files that have multiple  suffixes,  e.g.  .pdf.gz,
          where the context includes the suffix it will be looked
          up starting with the longest possible  suffix  until  a
          match  for the style is found.  For example, if .pdf.gz
          produces a match for the handler, that  will  be  used;
          otherwise the handler for .gz will be used.  Note that,
          owing to the way suffix  aliases  work,  it  is  always
          required  that there be a handler for the shortest pos-
          sible suffix, so in this example .pdf.gz  can  only  be
          handled  if .gz is also handled (though not necessarily
          in the same way).  Alternatively, if  no  handling  for
          .gz on its own is needed, simply adding the command

               alias -s gz=zsh-mime-handler

          to  the initialisation code is sufficient; .gz will not
          be handled on its own, but may be in  combination  with
          other suffixes.

               If this boolean style is true, the mailcap handler
               for the context in question is run using the  eval
               builtin  instead  of by starting a new sh process.
               This is more efficient, but may not  work  in  the
               occasional  cases  where  the mailcap handler uses
               strict POSIX syntax.

               If this boolean style is  true,  mailcap  handlers
               started  in  the background will be disowned, i.e.
               not subject  to  job  control  within  the  parent
               shell.   Such handlers nearly always produce their
               own windows,  so  the  only  likely  harmful  side
               effect  of  setting  the  style is that it becomes
               harder to kill jobs from within the shell.

               This style gives a list of patterns to be  matched
               against  files passed for execution with a handler
               program.  If the file  matches  the  pattern,  the
               entire  command  line  is  executed in its current
               form, with no handler.  This is useful  for  files
               which  might  have  suffixes  but  nonetheless  be

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               executable in their own right.  If  the  style  is
               not set, the pattern *(*) *(/) is used; hence exe-
               cutable files are executed directly and not passed
               to  a  handler, and the option AUTO_CD may be used
               to change to directories that happen to have  MIME

               This  style  is  useful  in  combination with exe-
               cute-as-is.  It is set to  an  array  of  patterns
               corresponding  to  full paths to files that should
               never be treated as executable, even if  the  file
               passed  to the MIME handler matches execute-as-is.
               This is useful for file systems that don't  handle
               execute  permission  or  that  contain executables
               from another operating system.   For  example,  if
               /mnt/windows is a Windows mount, then

                    zstyle ':mime:*' execute-never '/mnt/windows/*'

               will ensure that any files found in that area will
               be executed as MIME types even if  they  are  exe-
               cutable.  As this example shows, the complete file
               name is matched against the pattern, regardless of
               how  the file was passed to the handler.  The file
               is resolved to a full path using the  :A  modifier
               described  in  the  subsection  Modifers  in  zsh-
               expn(1).RE; this means  that  symbolic  links  are
               resolved  where possible, so that links into other
               file systems behave in the correct fashion.

               Used if the style find-file-in-path  is  true  for
               the  same context.  Set to an array of directories
               that are used for searching for  the  file  to  be
               handled;  the default is the command path given by
               the special  parameter  path.   The  shell  option
               PATH_DIRS is respected; if that is set, the appro-
               priate path will be searched even if the  name  of
               the  file  to be handled as it appears on the com-
               mand line contains a `/'.   The  full  context  is
               :mime:.suffix:,  as  described  for the style han-

               If set, allows files whose names  do  not  contain
               absolute  paths  to be searched for in the command
               path or the path specified by the file-path style.
               If the file is not found in the path, it is looked
               for locally (whether or not the current  directory
               is  in  the path); if it is not found locally, the
               handler will abort unless  the  handle-nonexistent

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               style  is set.  Files found in the path are tested
               as described for  the  style  execute-as-is.   The
               full  context  is :mime:.suffix:, as described for
               the style handler.

               Defines flags to go with a handler; the context is
               as for the handler style, and the format is as for
               the flags in mailcap.

               By default, arguments  that  don't  correspond  to
               files  are not passed to the MIME handler in order
               to prevent it from intercepting commands found  in
               the path that happen to have suffixes.  This style
               may be set to an array of extended  glob  patterns
               for  arguments  that will be passed to the handler
               even if they don't exist.  If it is not explicitly
               set  it  defaults  to [[:alpha:]]#:/* which allows
               URLs to be passed to the MIME handler even  though
               they  don't  exist in that format in the file sys-
               tem.   The  full  context  is  :mime:.suffix:,  as
               described for the style handler.

               Specifies  a  handler  for a suffix; the suffix is
               given by the context as  :mime:.suffix:,  and  the
               format  of the handler is exactly that in mailcap.
               Note in particular the `.' and trailing  colon  to
               distinguish  this  use of the context.  This over-
               rides any handler specified by the mailcap  files.
               If  the  handler  requires  a  terminal, the flags
               style should be set to include the word  needster-
               minal, or if the output is to be displayed through
               a pager (but  not  if  the  handler  is  itself  a
               pager), it should include copiousoutput.

               A  list  of  files in the format of ~/.mailcap and
               /etc/mailcap to be read  during  setup,  replacing
               the  default  list  which  consists  of  those two
               files.  The context is :mime:.  A +  in  the  list
               will be replaced by the default files.

               This  style  is  used  to resolve multiple mailcap
               entries for the same MIME type.  It consists of an
               array  of  the  following  elements, in descending
               order of priority; later entries will be  used  if
               earlier  entries are unable to resolve the entries
               being compared.  If none of the tests resolve  the
               entries,  the first entry encountered is retained.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

                    The order of files (entries  in  the  mailcap
                    style)  read.   Earlier  files are preferred.
                    (Note this does not resolve  entries  in  the
                    same file.)

                    The  priority  flag  from  the mailcap entry.
                    The priority is an integer from 0 to  9  with
                    the default value being 5.

                    The  test  given  by  the  mailcap-prio-flags
                    option is used to resolve entries.

                    Later entries are preferred; as  the  entries
                    are  strictly  ordered, this test always suc-

               Note that as this style is handled during initial-
               isation,  the  context  is  always :mime:, with no
               discrimination by suffix.

               This style is  used  when  the  keyword  flags  is
               encountered  in the list of tests specified by the
               mailcap-priorities style.  It should be set  to  a
               list  of patterns, each of which is tested against
               the flags specified in the mailcap entry (in other
               words,  the  sets  of  assignments found with some
               entries in the mailcap file).  Earlier patterns in
               the  list are preferred to later ones, and matched
               patterns are preferred to unmatched ones.

               A list of files in the format of ~/.mime.types and
               /etc/mime.types to be read during setup, replacing
               the default  list  which  consists  of  those  two
               files.   The  context  is :mime:.  A + in the list
               will be replaced by the default files.

               If this boolean style is set, the handler for  the
               given  context  is  always  run in the foreground,
               even if the flags provided in  the  mailcap  entry
               suggest  it  need  not be (for example, it doesn't
               require a terminal).

               If set, will be used instead of $PAGER or more  to
               handle  suffixes  where  the copiousoutput flag is

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               set.   The  context  is  as  for   handler,   i.e.
               :mime:.suffix:  for handling a file with the given


               zstyle ':mime:*' mailcap ~/.mailcap /usr/local/etc/mailcap
               zstyle ':mime:.txt:' handler less %s
               zstyle ':mime:.txt:' flags needsterminal

          When zsh-mime-setup is subsequently run, it  will  look
          for  mailcap  entries in the two files given.  Files of
          suffix .txt will be handled by running `less file.txt'.
          The flag needsterminal is set to show that this program
          must run attached to a terminal.

          As there are several steps to  dispatching  a  command,
          the  following  should be checked if attempting to exe-
          cute a  file  by  extension  .ext  does  not  have  the
          expected effect.

          The    command    `alias    -s    ext'    should   show
          `ps=zsh-mime-handler'.  If  it  shows  something  else,
          another  suffix alias was already installed and was not
          overwritten.  If  it  shows  nothing,  no  handler  was
          installed:   this is most likely because no handler was
          found in the .mime.types and  mailcap  combination  for
          .ext  files.  In that case, appropriate handling should
          be added to ~/.mime.types and mailcap.

          If the extension is handled by zsh-mime-handler but the
          file  is  not  opened  correctly,  either  the  handler
          defined for the type is incorrect, or the flags associ-
          ated with it are in appropriate.  Running zsh-mime-set-
          up -l will show the handler and, if there are any,  the
          flags.   A  %s  in  the handler is replaced by the file
          (suitably quoted if necessary).  Check that the handler
          program  listed  lists and can be run in the way shown.
          Also check that the flags needsterminal or  copiousout-
          put are set if the handler needs to be run under a ter-
          minal; the second flag is used if the output should  be
          sent  to  a  pager.   An  example of a suitable mailcap
          entry for such a program is:

               text/html; /usr/bin/lynx '%s'; needsterminal

          Running `zsh-mime-handler -l command line'  prints  the
          command  line  that  would  be  executed, simplified to
          remove the effect of any flags, and quoted so that  the
          output can be run as a complete zsh command line.  This
          is used by the completion system to decide how to  com-
          plete after a file handled by zsh-mime-setup.  )

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               This  function is separate from the two MIME func-
               tions described above and can be assigned directly
               to a suffix:

                    autoload -U pick-web-browser
                    alias -s html=pick-web-browser

               It is provided as an intelligent front end to dis-
               patch a web browser.  It may be run  as  either  a
               function  or  a  shell  script.  The status 255 is
               returned if no browser could be started.

               Various styles  are  available  to  customize  the
               choice of browsers:

                    The  value  of  the  style is an array giving
                    preferences in decreasing order for the  type
                    of  browser  to  use.  The values of elements
                    may be

                         Use a GUI browser that is  already  run-
                         ning  when an X Window display is avail-
                         able.   The  browsers  listed   in   the
                         x-browsers  style  are  tried  in  order
                         until one is found; if it is,  the  file
                         will  be  displayed  in that browser, so
                         the user may need to  check  whether  it
                         has  appeared.  If no running browser is
                         found, one  is  not  started.   Browsers
                         other  than Firefox, Opera and Konqueror
                         are assumed to  understand  the  Mozilla
                         syntax for opening a URL remotely.

                    x    Start a new GUI browser when an X Window
                         display is available.   Search  for  the
                         availability  of  one  of  the  browsers
                         listed in the x-browsers style and start
                         the  first  one that is found.  No check
                         is made for an already running  browser.

                    tty  Start  a terminal-based browser.  Search
                         for  the  availability  of  one  of  the
                         browsers   listed  in  the  tty-browsers
                         style and start the first  one  that  is

                    If the style is not set the default running x
                    tty is used.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

                    An array in decreasing order of preference of
                    browsers to use when running under the X Win-
                    dow System.  The array consists of  the  com-
                    mand  name  under which to start the browser.
                    They are looked  up  in  the  context  :mime:
                    (which  may be extended in future, so append-
                    ing `*' is recommended).  For example,

                         zstyle ':mime:*' x-browsers opera konqueror firefox

                    specifies that pick-web-browser should  first
                    look  for  a  running instance of Opera, Kon-
                    queror or Firefox, in that order, and  if  it
                    fails  to  find  any  should attempt to start
                    Opera.   The  default  is   firefox   mozilla
                    netscape opera konqueror.

                    An  array  similar to x-browsers, except that
                    it gives browsers to use  when  no  X  Window
                    display  is available.  The default is elinks
                    links lynx.

                    If it is set this style is used to  pick  the
                    command  used  to  open a page for a browser.
                    The context is :mime:browser:new:$browser: to
                    start  a  new  browser  or :mime:browser:run-
                    ning:$browser: to open a  URL  in  a  browser
                    already  running  on  the  current X display,
                    where $browser is the value  matched  in  the
                    x-browsers or tty-browsers style.  The escape
                    sequence %b in  the  style's  value  will  be
                    replaced  by  the  browser,  while %u will be
                    replaced by the URL.  If  the  style  is  not
                    set,  the  default  for  all new instances is
                    equivalent to %b  %u  and  the  defaults  for
                    using  running browsers are equivalent to the
                    values kfmclient openURL  %u  for  Konqueror,
                    firefox  -new-tab %u for Firefox, opera -new-
                    page   %u   for   Opera,   and   %b   -remote
                    "openUrl(%u)" for all others.

     zcalc [ -ef ] [ expression ... ]
          A  reasonably powerful calculator based on zsh's arith-
          metic evaluation facility.  The syntax  is  similar  to
          that of formulae in most programming languages; see the
          section  `Arithmetic  Evaluation'  in  zshmisc(1)   for
          details.  The mathematical library zsh/mathfunc will be
          loaded  if  it  is  available;  see  the  section  `The

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          zsh/mathfunc  Module' in zshmodules(1).  The mathemati-
          cal functions correspond to the raw  system  libraries,
          so trigonometric functions are evaluated using radians,
          and so on.

          Each line typed is evaluated  as  an  expression.   The
          prompt  shows  a  number,  which corresponds to a posi-
          tional parameter where the result of  that  calculation
          is  stored.  For example, the result of the calculation
          on the line preceded by `4> ' is available as $4.   The
          last  value  calculated is available as ans.  Full com-
          mand line editing, including the  history  of  previous
          calculations, is available; the history is saved in the
          file ~/.zcalc_history.  To exit, enter a blank line  or
          type  `:q'  on  its  own (`q' is allowed for historical

          A line ending with a single backslash is treated in the
          same  fashion  as  it  is in command line editing:  the
          backslash is removed, the  function  prompts  for  more
          input  (the  prompt  is  preceded  by `...' to indicate
          this), and the lines are combined into one to  get  the
          final  result.   In  addition, if the input so far con-
          tains more  open  than  close  parentheses  zcalc  will
          prompt for more input.

          If  arguments  are given to zcalc on start up, they are
          used to prime the first few positional  parameters.   A
          visual  indication of this is given when the calculator

          The constants PI (3.14159...) and  E  (2.71828...)  are
          provided.   Parameter  assignment is possible, but note
          that all parameters will be put into the global  names-

          The  output  base  can  be  initialised  by passing the
          option `-#base', for example `zcalc -#16' (the `#'  may
          have  to  be  quoted, depending on the globbing options

          If the option `-e' is set, the function runs non-inter-
          actively:  the  arguments are treated as expressions to
          be evaluated as if entered interactively line by  line.

          If  the  option `-f' is set, all numbers are treated as
          floating point, hence for example the expression  `3/4'
          evaluates  to  0.75 rather than 0.  Options must appear
          in separate words.

          The prompt is  configurable  via  the  parameter  ZCAL-
          CPROMPT,  which  undergoes  standard  prompt expansion.

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          The index of the current entry is stored locally in the
          first element of the array psvar, which can be referred
          to in ZCALCPROMPT as  `%1v'.   The  default  prompt  is
          `%1v> '.

          A  few special commands are available; these are intro-
          duced by a  colon.   For  backward  compatibility,  the
          colon  may be omitted for certain commands.  Completion
          is available if compinit has been run.

          The output precision may be specified within  zcalc  by
          special commands familiar from many calculators.
               The  default output format.  It corresponds to the
               printf %g specification.  Typically this shows six
               decimal digits.

          :sci digits
               Scientific  notation,  corresponding to the printf
               %g output format with the precision given by  dig-
               its.  This produces either fixed point or exponen-
               tial notation depending on the value output.

          :fix digits
               Fixed point notation, corresponding to the  printf
               %f  output format with the precision given by dig-

          :eng digits
               Exponential notation, corresponding to the  printf
               %E  output format with the precision given by dig-

          :raw Raw output:  this is the default form of the  out-
               put  from  a  math evaluation.  This may show more
               precision than the number actually possesses.

          Other special commands:
               Execute line... as a normal  shell  command  line.
               Note  that  it  is  executed in the context of the
               function, i.e. with  local  variables.   Space  is
               optional after :!.

          :local arg ...
               Declare  variables  local  to  the function.  Note
               that certain variables are used  by  the  function
               for  its  own  purposes.   Other  variables may be
               used, too, but they will be taken from or put into
               the global scope.

          :function name [ body ]

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               Define  a  mathematical function or (with no body)
               delete it.  :function may be abbreviated to  :func
               or simply :f.  The name may contain the same char-
               acters as a shell function name.  The function  is
               defined using zmathfuncdef, see below.

               Note  that zcalc takes care of all quoting.  Hence
               for example:

                    :f cube $1 * $1 * $1

               defines a function to cube the sole argument.

               This is not a special command, rather part of nor-
               mal  arithmetic  syntax;  however,  when this form
               appears on a line by  itself  the  default  output
               radix  is  set to base.  Use, for example, `[#16]'
               to display hexadecimal output preceded by an indi-
               cation  of  the  base, or `[##16]' just to display
               the raw number in the  given  base.   Bases  them-
               selves  are  always  specified  in  decimal. `[#]'
               restores the normal output format.  Note that set-
               ting an output base suppresses floating point out-
               put; use `[#]' to return to normal operation.

          See the comments in the function for a few extra  tips.

     zmathfuncdef [ mathfunc [ body ] ]
          A convenient front end to functions -M.

          With  two  arguments,  define  a  mathematical function
          named mathfunc which can be used in any form of  arith-
          metic evaluation.  body is a mathematical expression to
          implement the function.  It may contain  references  to
          position  parameters $1, $2, ...  to refer to mandatory
          parameters and ${1:-defvalue} ...  to refer to optional
          parameters.   Note  that  the  forms  must  be strictly
          adhered to for the function to  calculate  the  correct
          number  of  arguments.  The implementation is held in a
          shell function  named  zsh_math_func_mathfunc;  usually
          the  user  will not need to refer to the shell function
          directly.  Any existing function of the  same  name  is
          silently replaced.

          With  one  argument,  remove  the mathematical function
          mathfunc as well as the shell function  implementation.

          With  no  arguments,  list  all mathfunc functions in a
          form suitable for restoring the definition.  The  func-
          tions  have  not  necessarily  been  defined  by zmath-

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     The zsh/newuser module comes with a function to aid in  con-
     figuring  shell  options  for  new  users.  If the module is
     installed, this function can also be run  by  hand.   It  is
     available  even  if  the  module's default behaviour, namely
     running the function for  a  new  user  logging  in  without
     startup files, is inhibited.

     zsh-newuser-install [ -f ]
          The function presents the user with various options for
          customizing their  initialization  scripts.   Currently
          only  ~/.zshrc  is  handled.   $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc  is used
          instead if the parameter ZDOTDIR is set; this  provides
          a way for the user to configure a file without altering
          an existing .zshrc.

          By default the function exits immediately if  it  finds
          any of the files .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, or .zlogin
          in  the  appropriate  directory.   The  option  -f   is
          required  in  order  to force the function to continue.
          Note this may happen even if  .zshrc  itself  does  not

          As currently configured, the function will exit immedi-
          ately if the user has root privileges;  this  behaviour
          cannot be overridden.

          Once activated, the function's behaviour is supposed to
          be self-explanatory.  Menus are  present  allowing  the
          user  to  alter  the  value  of options and parameters.
          Suggestions for improvements are always welcome.

          When the script exits, the user is given  the  opportu-
          nity to save the new file or not; changes are not irre-
          versible until this  point.   However,  the  script  is
          careful to restrict changes to the file only to a group
          marked  by   the   lines   `#   Lines   configured   by
          zsh-newuser-install'  and `# End of lines configured by
          zsh-newuser-install'.  In addition, the old version  of
          .zshrc  is  saved  to  a  file  with  the  suffix  .zni

          If the function edits an existing .zshrc, it is  up  to
          the  user  to  ensure  that  the changes made will take
          effect.  For example, if control usually returns  early
          from  the  existing  .zshrc  the lines will not be exe-
          cuted; or a  later  initialization  file  may  override
          options  or parameters, and so on.  The function itself
          does not attempt to detect any such conflicts.


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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

     There are a large number of helpful functions in  the  Func-
     tions/Misc directory of the zsh distribution.  Most are very
     simple and do not require documentation here, but a few  are
     worthy of special mention.

          This function initializes several associative arrays to
          map  color  names  to  (and  from)  the  ANSI  standard
          eight-color  terminal  codes.   These  are  used by the
          prompt theme system (see  above).   You  seldom  should
          need to run colors more than once.

          The  eight  base colors are: black, red, green, yellow,
          blue, magenta, cyan, and  white.   Each  of  these  has
          codes for foreground and background.  In addition there
          are eight intensity attributes: bold, faint,  standout,
          underline, blink, reverse, and conceal.  Finally, there
          are six codes used to negate  attributes:  none  (reset
          all  attributes  to the defaults), normal (neither bold
          nor faint), no-standout,  no-underline,  no-blink,  and

          Some  terminals do not support all combinations of col-
          ors and intensities.

          The associative arrays are:

               Map all the color names to  their  integer  codes,
               and  integer  codes to the color names.  The eight
               base names map to the foreground color  codes,  as
               do  names  prefixed  with `fg-', such as `fg-red'.
               Names prefixed  with  `bg-',  such  as  `bg-blue',
               refer  to  the background codes.  The reverse map-
               ping from code to color yields base name for fore-
               ground codes and the bg- form for backgrounds.

               Although  it  is a misnomer to call them `colors',
               these  arrays  also   map   the   other   fourteen
               attributes from names to codes and codes to names.

               Map the eight basic color names to  ANSI  terminal
               escape  sequences that set the corresponding fore-
               ground text properties.  The fg  sequences  change
               the  color  without  changing  the eight intensity

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               Map the eight basic color names to  ANSI  terminal
               escape  sequences that set the corresponding back-
               ground properties.  The bg  sequences  change  the
               color   without   changing   the  eight  intensity

          In addition,  the  scalar  parameters  reset_color  and
          bold_color  are  set  to the ANSI terminal escapes that
          turn off all attributes and  turn  on  bold  intensity,

     fned name
          Same  as  zed -f.  This function does not appear in the
          zsh distribution, but can be created by linking zed  to
          the name fned in some directory in your fpath.

     is-at-least needed [ present ]
          Perform  a  greater-than-or-equal-to  comparison of two
          strings having the format of a zsh version number; that
          is,  a  string  of numbers and text with segments sepa-
          rated by dots or dashes.  If the present string is  not
          provided,  $ZSH_VERSION  is  used.  Segments are paired
          left-to-right in the two strings with leading  non-num-
          ber  parts  ignored.   If one string has fewer segments
          than the other, the  missing  segments  are  considered

          This  is  useful  in  startup  files to set options and
          other state that are not available in all  versions  of

               is-at-least 3.1.6-15 && setopt NO_GLOBAL_RCS
               is-at-least 3.1.0 && setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS
               is-at-least 2.6-17 || print "You can't use is-at-least here."

     nslookup [ arg ... ]
          This wrapper function for the nslookup command requires
          the zsh/zpty module (see  zshmodules(1)).   It  behaves
          exactly  like the standard nslookup except that it pro-
          vides  customizable  prompts  (including  a  right-side
          prompt)  and  completion  of  nslookup  commands,  host
          names, etc. (if you use the  function-based  completion
          system).  Completion styles may be set with the context
          prefix `:completion:nslookup'.

          See also the pager, prompt and rprompt styles below.

     regexp-replace var regexp replace
          Use regular expressions to perform a global search  and

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          replace   operation  on  a  variable.   If  the  option
          RE_MATCH_PCRE  is  not  set,  POSIX  extended   regular
          expressions  are  used,  else  Perl-compatible  regular
          expressions (this  requires  the  shell  to  be  linked
          against the pcre library).

          var  is  the name of the variable containing the string
          to be matched.  The variable will be modified  directly
          by  the  function.   The variables MATCH, MBEGIN, MEND,
          match, mbegin, mend should be avoided as these are used
          by the regular expression code.

          regexp  is  the regular expression to match against the

          replace is the  replacement  text.   This  can  contain
          parameter,  command  and  arithmetic  expressions which
          will be replaced:  in particular, a reference to $MATCH
          will be replaced by the text matched by the pattern.

          The  return  status is 0 if at least one match was per-
          formed, else 1.

     run-help cmd
          This function is designed to be invoked by the run-help
          ZLE  widget,  in  place  of  the  default  alias.   See
          `Accessing On-Line Help' above for setup  instructions.

          In  the discussion which follows, if cmd is a file sys-
          tem path, it is first reduced to its  rightmost  compo-
          nent (the file name).

          Help is first sought by looking for a file named cmd in
          the directory named by the HELPDIR  parameter.   If  no
          file is found, an assistant function, alias, or command
          named run-help-cmd is sought.  If found, the  assistant
          is  executed  with the rest of the current command line
          (everything after the command name cmd)  as  its  argu-
          ments.   When  neither file nor assistant is found, the
          external command `man cmd' is run.

          An example assistant for the "ssh" command:

               run-help-ssh() {
                   emulate -LR zsh
                   local -a args
                   # Delete the "-l username" option
                   zparseopts -D -E -a args l:
                   # Delete other options, leaving: host command
                   if [[ ${#args} -lt 2 ]]; then
                       man ssh

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

                       run-help $args[2]

          Several of these assistants are provided in  the  Func-
          tions/Misc  directory.   These  must  be autoloaded, or
          placed as executable scripts in your  search  path,  in
          order to be found and used by run-help.

               Assistant functions for the git, svk, and svn com-

          Zsh was once accused of not being as complete as Emacs,
          because  it  lacked  a  Tetris game.  This function was
          written to refute this vicious slander.

          This function must be used as a ZLE widget:

               autoload -U tetris
               zle -N tetris
               bindkey keys tetris

          To start a game, execute the widget by typing the keys.
          Whatever  command line you were editing disappears tem-
          porarily, and your keymap is also temporarily  replaced
          by  the Tetris control keys.  The previous editor state
          is restored when you quit the game (by pressing `q') or
          when you lose.

          If  you  quit in the middle of a game, the next invoca-
          tion of the tetris widget will continue where you  left
          off.  If you lost, it will start a new game.

     zargs [ option ... -- ] [ input ... ] [ -- command [ arg ...
          ] ]
          This function has  a  similar  purpose  to  GNU  xargs.
          Instead of reading lines of arguments from the standard
          input, it takes them from the command  line.   This  is
          useful  because  zsh,  especially  with  recursive glob
          operators, often can construct a  command  line  for  a
          shell  function  that is longer than can be accepted by
          an external command.

          The option list represents options of the zargs command
          itself,  which  are  the  same  as those of xargs.  The
          input list is the collection  of  strings  (often  file
          names)  that  become  the  arguments  of  the  command,

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          analogous to the standard input of xargs.  Finally, the
          arg  list consists of those arguments (usually options)
          that are passed to the command each time it runs.   The
          arg  list  precedes the elements from the input list in
          each run.  If no command is provided, then no arg  list
          may  be provided, and in that event the default command
          is `print' with arguments `-r --'.

          For example, to get a long  ls  listing  of  all  plain
          files in the current directory or its subdirectories:

               autoload -U zargs
               zargs -- **/*(.) -- ls -l

          Note  that  `--'  is  used  both to mark the end of the
          option list and to mark the end of the input  list,  so
          it  must  appear  twice  whenever the input list may be
          empty.  If there is guaranteed to be at least one input
          and the first input does not begin with a `-', then the
          first `--' may be omitted.

          In the event that the string  `--'  is  or  may  be  an
          input,  the  -e  option  may  be  used  to  change  the
          end-of-inputs marker.  Note that this does  not  change
          the end-of-options marker.  For example, to use `..' as
          the marker:

               zargs -e.. -- **/*(.) .. ls -l

          This is a good choice in that example because no  plain
          file can be named `..', but the best end-marker depends
          on the circumstances.

          The options -i, -I, -l, -L, and -n differ slightly from
          their  usage  in  xargs.   There are no input lines for
          zargs to count, so -l and -L count  through  the  input
          list,  and  -n counts the number of arguments passed to
          each execution of  command,  including  any  arg  list.
          Also,  any  time  -i  or -I is used, each input is pro-
          cessed separately as if by `-L 1'.

          For details of the other zargs  options,  see  xargs(1)
          (but  note the difference in function between zargs and
          xargs) or run zargs with the --help option.

     zed [ -f ] name
     zed -b
          This function uses the ZLE editor to  edit  a  file  or

          Only one name argument is allowed.  If the -f option is
          given, the name is taken to be that of a  function;  if

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          the  function  is  marked for autoloading, zed searches
          for it in the fpath and loads it.  Note that  functions
          edited  this  way are installed into the current shell,
          but not written back to the autoload file.

          Without -f, name is the path name of the file to  edit,
          which need not exist; it is created on write, if neces-

          While editing, the function sets the main keymap to zed
          and  the vi command keymap to zed-vicmd.  These will be
          copied from the existing main and vicmd keymaps if they
          do  not  exist  the first time zed is run.  They can be
          used to provide special key bindings used only in  zed.

          If it creates the keymap, zed rebinds the return key to
          insert a line break and `^X^W' to accept  the  edit  in
          the  zed  keymap,  and binds `ZZ' to accept the edit in
          the zed-vicmd keymap.

          The bindings alone can be  installed  by  running  `zed
          -b'.  This is suitable for putting into a startup file.
          Note that, if rerun, this will overwrite  the  existing
          zed and zed-vicmd keymaps.

          Completion is available, and styles may be set with the
          context prefix `:completion:zed'.

          A zle widget zed-set-file-name is available.  This  can
          be   called   by   name  from  within  zed  using  `\ex
          zed-set-file-name'  (note,  however,  that  because  of
          zed's  rebindings  you  will have to type ^j at the end
          instead of the return key), or can be bound to a key in
          either  of  the zed or zed-vicmd keymaps after `zed -b'
          has been run.  When the widget is  called,  it  prompts
          for  a  new  name  for the file being edited.  When zed
          exits the file will be written under that name and  the
          original  file  will  be left alone.  The widget has no
          effect with `zed -f'.

          While zed-set-file-name is running, zed uses the keymap
          zed-normal-keymap, which is linked from the main keymap
          in effect at the time  zed  initialised  its  bindings.
          (This is to make the return key operate normally.)  The
          result is that if the main keymap has been changed, the
          widget  won't  notice.   This is not a concern for most

     zcp [ -finqQvwW ] srcpat dest
     zln [ -finqQsvwW ] srcpat dest
          Same as zmv -C and zmv -L, respectively.   These  func-
          tions do not appear in the zsh distribution, but can be

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          created by linking zmv to the names zcp and zln in some
          directory in your fpath.

     zkbd See `Keyboard Definition' above.

string ] srcpat dest
     zmv  [  -finqQsvwW  ]  [ -C | -L | -M | -[pP] program ] [ -o
          Move  (usually, rename) files matching the pattern src-
          pat to corresponding files having  names  of  the  form
          given  by  dest, where srcpat contains parentheses sur-
          rounding patterns which will be replaced in turn by $1,
          $2, ... in dest.  For example,

               zmv '(*).lis' '$1.txt'

          renames  `foo.lis'  to `foo.txt', `my.old.stuff.lis' to
          `my.old.stuff.txt', and so on.

          The pattern is always treated as an EXTENDED_GLOB  pat-
          tern.   Any  file whose name is not changed by the sub-
          stitution is simply ignored.  Any error (a substitution
          resulted in an empty string, two substitutions gave the
          same result, the destination was  an  existing  regular
          file  and  -f was not given) causes the entire function
          to abort without doing anything.


          -f   Force overwriting of destination files.  Not  cur-
               rently  passed down to the mv/cp/ln command due to
               vagaries of implementations (but you can use  -o-f
               to do that).
          -i   Interactive: show each line to be executed and ask
               the user whether to execute it.  `Y' or  `y'  will
               execute it, anything else will skip it.  Note that
               you just need to type one character.
          -n   No execution: print what would happen,  but  don't
               do it.
          -q   Turn  bare  glob  qualifiers  off:  now assumed by
               default, so this has no effect.
          -Q   Force bare glob qualifiers on.  Don't turn this on
               unless you are actually using glob qualifiers in a
          -s   Symbolic, passed down to ln; only works with -L.
          -v   Verbose: print each command  as  it's  being  exe-
          -w   Pick   out  wildcard  parts  of  the  pattern,  as
               described above, and  implicitly  add  parentheses
               for referring to them.
          -W   Just  like  -w, with the addition of turning wild-
               cards in the replacement pattern  into  sequential

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

               ${1} .. ${N} references.
          -M   Force  cp,  ln  or mv, respectively, regardless of
               the name of the function.
          -p program
               Call program instead of cp, ln or mv.  Whatever it
               does, it should at least understand the form `pro-
               gram -- oldname newname' where oldname and newname
               are  filenames  generated by zmv.  program will be
               split into words, so might be e.g. the name of  an
               archive tool plus a copy or rename subcommand.
          -P program
               As -p program, except that program does not accept
               a following -- to indicate the end of options.  In
               this case filenames must already be in a sane form
               for the program in question.
          -o optstring
               The optstring is split into words and passed  down
               verbatim  to  the  cp,  ln or mv command called to
               perform the work.  It should probably begin with a

          Further examples:

               zmv -v '(* *)' '${1// /_}'

          For any file in the current directory with at least one
          space in the name, replace every space by an underscore
          and display the commands executed.

          For  more  complete  examples  and other implementation
          details, see the zmv source file,  usually  located  in
          one of the directories named in your fpath, or in Func-
          tions/Misc/zmv in the zsh distribution.

          See `Recompiling Functions' above.

     zstyle+ context style value [ + subcontext style value ... ]
          This  makes  defining  styles  a bit simpler by using a
          single `+' as a special token that allows you to append
          a  context  name  to  the previously used context name.
          Like this:

               zstyle+ ':foo:bar' style1 value1 \
                     + ':baz'     style2 value2 \
                     + ':frob'    style3 value3

          This defines `style1' with  `value1'  for  the  context
          :foo:bar  as  usual,  but it also defines `style2' with
          `value2' for the context :foo:bar:baz and `style3' with

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User Commands                                       ZSHCONTRIB(1)

          `value3'  for :foo:bar:frob.  Any subcontext may be the
          empty string to re-use the first context unchanged.

          The zed function sets this style in  context  `:comple-
          tion:zed:*' to turn off completion when TAB is typed at
          the beginning of a line.  You may override this by set-
          ting your own value for this context and style.

          The  nslookup  function looks up this style in the con-
          text `:nslookup' to determine the program used to  dis-
          play output that does not fit on a single screen.

          The  nslookup  function looks up this style in the con-
          text `:nslookup' to set the prompt and  the  right-side
          prompt, respectively.  The usual expansions for the PS1
          and RPS1 parameters  may  be  used  (see  EXPANSION  OF
          PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1)).

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                76

User Commands                                           ZSHALL(1)

     ${TMPPREFIX}*   (default is /tmp/zsh*)
     /etc/zlogout    (installation-specific - /etc is the

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | shell/zsh        |
     |Stability      | Volatile         |
     sh(1), csh(1), tcsh(1), rc(1), bash(1), ksh(1)

     IEEE  Standard for information Technology - Portable Operat-
     ing System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and  Utilities,
     IEEE Inc, 1993, ISBN 1-55937-255-9.

     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community   source   was   downloaded   from    http://down-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.zsh.org/.

zsh 5.0.5          Last change: January 5, 2014                 1