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更新: 2014 年 7 月

proxymngr (1)


proxymngr - proxy manager service


/usr/bin/proxymngr  [-config  filename]  [-timeout  seconds]
[-retries #] [-verbose]


User Commands                                        PROXYMNGR(1)

     proxymngr - proxy manager service

     /usr/bin/proxymngr  [-config  filename]  [-timeout  seconds]
     [-retries #] [-verbose]

     The proxy manager (proxymngr) is responsible  for  resolving
     requests from xfindproxy (and other similar clients), start-
     ing new proxies when appropriate, and keeping track  of  all
     of  the available proxy services.  The proxy manager strives
     to reuse existing proxies whenever possible.

     There are two types of proxies that the proxy manager  deals
     with, managed and unmanaged proxies.

     A  managed proxy is a proxy that is started ``on demand'' by
     the proxy manager.

     An unmanaged proxy, on the other hand, is started either  at
     system  boot  time,  or  manually by a system administrator.
     The proxy manager is made aware of  its  existence,  but  no
     attempt  is  made  by  the  proxy manager to start unmanaged

     The command line options that can be specified to  proxymngr

     -config Used  to override the default proxymngr config file.
             See below for more details about the config file.

             Sets the number of seconds between attempts made  by
             the  proxy  manager to find an unmanaged proxy.  The
             default is 10.

             Sets the maximum number of retries made by the proxy
             manager  to find an an unmanaged proxy.  The default
             is 3.

             Causes various debugging and tracing records  to  be
             displayed  as  requests are received and proxies are

Proxy Manager Config File
     The proxy  manager  maintains  a  local  configuration  file
     describing the proxy services available.  This configuration
     file is installed in /etc/X11/proxymngr during the installa-
     tion  of  proxymngr.  The location of the configuration file

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User Commands                                        PROXYMNGR(1)

     can be overwritten using the -config command line option.

     Aside from lines starting with an exclamation point for com-
     ments,  each line of the configuration file describes either
     an unmanaged or managed proxy service.

     For unmanaged proxies, the format is:

          <service-name> unmanaged <proxy-address>

     service-name is the name of the unmanaged proxy service, and
     must not contain any spaces, for example ``XFWP''.  service-
     name is case insensitive.

     proxy-address is the network address of the unmanaged proxy.
     The  format  of the address is specific to the service-name.
     For example, for the  ``XFWP''  service,  the  proxy-address
     might be ``firewall.x.org:100''.

     If  there is more than one entry in the config file with the
     same unmanaged service-name, the proxy manager will  try  to
     use the proxies in the order presented in the config file.

     For managed proxies, the format is:

          <service-name> managed <command-to-start-proxy>

     service-name  is  the name of the managed proxy service, and
     must not contain any spaces, for example ``LBX''.   service-
     name is case insensitive.

     command-to-start-proxy  is the command executed by the proxy
     manager to start a new instance of the proxy.   If  command-
     to-start-proxy  contains spaces, the complete command should
     be surrounded by single  quotes.   If  desired,  command-to-
     start-proxy  can  be  used  to  start  a  proxy  on a remote
     machine.  The specifics of the remote execution method  used
     to do this is not specified here.

     Here is a sample configuration file:

          ! proxy manager config file
          ! Each line has the format:
          !    <serviceName> managed <startCommand>
          !        or
          !    <serviceName> unmanaged <proxyAddress>
          lbx managed /usr/bin/lbxproxy
          ! substitute site-specific info

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User Commands                                        PROXYMNGR(1)

          xfwp unmanaged firewall:4444

     When  the  proxy  manager gets a request from xfindproxy (or
     another similar client), its course of action will depend on
     the service-name in question.

     For a managed proxy service, the proxy manager will find out
     if any of the already running proxies for this  service  can
     handle  a  new  request.   If  not,  the  proxy manager will
     attempt to start up a new instance of the proxy  (using  the
     command-to-start-proxy  found  in the config file).  If that
     fails, an error will be returned to the caller.

     For an unmanaged proxy service, the proxy manager will  look
     in  the  config  file to find all unmanaged proxies for this
     service.  If there is more than one entry in the config file
     with the same unmanaged service-name, the proxy manager will
     try to use the proxies in the order presented in the  config
     file.   If  none  of  the  unmanaged proxies can satisfy the
     request, the proxy manager will timeout for  a  configurable
     amount  of time (specified by -timeout or default of 10) and
     reattempt to find an unmanaged proxy willing to satisfy  the
     request.   The  number  of  retries  can be specified by the
     -retries argument, or a default of 3 will be used.   If  the
     retries  fail, the proxy manager has no choice but to return
     an error to the caller (since  the  proxy  manager  can  not
     start unmanaged proxy services).

     proxy manager listen port should be configurable.

     -timeout and -retries is not implemented in proxymngr.

     proxymngr  does  not  utilize  the  ``options'' and ``host''
     fields  in  the  proxy  management   protocol   GetProxyAddr

     xfindproxy  (1),  xfwp  (1),  Proxy Management Protocol spec

     Ralph Mor, X Consortium

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

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User Commands                                        PROXYMNGR(1)

     |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |        ATTRIBUTE VALUE         |
     |Availability                 |x11/network/x11-network-proxies |
     |Interface Stability          |Committed                       |

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