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更新: 2014 年 7 月

pbzip2 (1)


pbzip2 - parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.6


pbzip2  [ -123456789 ] [ -b#cdfhklm#p#qrS#tvVz ] [ filenames
...  ]


User Commands                                           pbzip2(1)

     pbzip2  -  parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.6

     pbzip2  [ -123456789 ] [ -b#cdfhklm#p#qrS#tvVz ] [ filenames
     ...  ]

     pbzip2 is a parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sort-
     ing  file  compressor  that uses pthreads and achieves near-
     linear speedup on SMP machines. The output of  this  version
     is fully compatible with bzip2 v1.0.2 or newer (ie: anything
     compressed with pbzip2 can be decompressed with bzip2).

     pbzip2 should work on any system that has a pthreads compat-
     ible  C++  compiler  (such  as  gcc). It has been tested on:
     Linux, Windows (cygwin),  Solaris,  Tru64/OSF1,  HP-UX,  and

     The  default  settings  for  pbzip2  will  work well in most
     cases. The only switch you will likely need to use is -d  to
     decompress  files  and  -p  to  set  the # of processors for
     pbzip2 to use if autodetect is not supported on your system,
     or you want to use a specific # of CPUs.

     -b#  Where # is block size in 100k steps (default 9 = 900k)

     -c, --stdout
          Output to standard out (stdout)

          Decompress file

          Force, overwrite existing output file

          Print this help message

          Keep input file, do not delete

          Load average determines max number processors to use

     -m#  Where # is max memory usage in 1MB steps (default 100 =

     -p#  Where # is the number of processors  (default:  autode-

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          1

User Commands                                           pbzip2(1)

          Quiet mode (default)

          Read  entire input file into RAM and split between pro-

     -S#  Child thread stack size in  1KB  steps  (default  stack
          size if unspecified)

          Test compressed file integrity

          Verbose mode

     -V   Display version info for pbzip2 then exit

          Compress file (default)

     -1,--fast ... -9,--best
          Set BWT block size to 100k .. 900k (default 900k).

          Ignore  trailing garbage flag (1 - ignored; 0 - forbid-

     If no file names are  given,  pbzip2  compresses  or  decom-
     presses from standard input to standard output.

     You  should  be  able to compress files larger than 4GB with

     Files that are compressed with pbzip2  are  broken  up  into
     pieces and each individual piece is compressed.  This is how
     pbzip2 runs faster on multiple CPUs since the pieces can  be
     compressed  simultaneously.   The  final  .bz2  file  may be
     slightly larger than if it was compressed with  the  regular
     bzip2  program due to this file splitting (usually less than
     0.2% larger).  Files that are compressed  with  pbzip2  will
     also  gain  considerable  speedup  when  decompressed  using

     Files that were compressed using bzip2 will not see  speedup
     since  bzip2 packages the data into a single chunk that can-
     not be split between processors.

     Example 1: pbzip2 myfile.tar

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          2

User Commands                                           pbzip2(1)

     This example will compress the file  "myfile.tar"  into  the
     compressed  file  "myfile.tar.bz2".  It will use the autode-
     tected # of processors (or 2 processors  if  autodetect  not
     supported)  with  the  default  file  block size of 900k and
     default BWT block size of 900k.

     Example 2: pbzip2 -b15k myfile.tar

     This example will compress the file  "myfile.tar"  into  the
     compressed  file  "myfile.tar.bz2".  It will use the autode-
     tected # of processors (or 2 processors  if  autodetect  not
     supported)  with  a file block size of 1500k and a BWT block
     size of 900k. The file  "myfile.tar"  will  not  be  deleted
     after compression is finished.

     Example 3: pbzip2 -p4 -r -5 myfile.tar second*.txt

     This  example  will  compress the file "myfile.tar" into the
     compressed file "myfile.tar.bz2". It will use  4  processors
     with  a BWT block size of 500k.  The file block size will be
     the size of "myfile.tar" divided by 4 (# of  processors)  so
     that  the  data  will  be split evenly among each processor.
     This requires you have enough RAM for  pbzip2  to  read  the
     entire  file  into  memory for compression. Pbzip2 will then
     use the same options to compress all other files that  match
     the wildcard "second*.txt" in that directory.

     Example  4: tar cf myfile.tar.bz2 --use-compress-prog=pbzip2
     Example 4: tar  -c  directory_to_compress/  |  pbzip2  -c  >

     These  examples will compress the data being given to pbzip2
     via pipe from TAR into the compressed file "myfile.tar.bz2".
     It  will  use the autodetected # of processors (or 2 proces-
     sors if autodetect not  supported)  with  the  default  file
     block  size of 900k and default BWT block size of 900k.  TAR
     is collecting all of the files from  the  "directory_to_com-
     press/"  directory  and  passing  the  data  to pbzip2 as it

     Example 5: pbzip2 -d -m500 myfile.tar.bz2

     This example will decompress the file "myfile.tar.bz2"  into
     the  decompressed file "myfile.tar". It will use the autode-
     tected # of processors (or 2 processors  if  autodetect  not
     supported).  It  will  use  a maximum of 500MB of memory for
     decompression.  The switches -b,  -r,  and  -1..-9  are  not
     valid for decompression.

     Example 6: pbzip2 -dc myfile.tar.bz2 | tar x

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          3

User Commands                                           pbzip2(1)

     This   example   will   decompress   and   untar   the  file
     "myfile.tar.bz2" piping  the  output  of  the  decompressing
     pbzip2 to tar.

     Example 7: pbzip2 -c < myfile.txt > myfile.txt.bz2

     This  example  will read myfile.txt from standard input com-
     pressing it to standard output which  is  redirected  to  to

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | compress/pbzip2  |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     bzip2(1) gzip(1) lzip(1) rzip(1) zip(1)

     Jeff Gilchrist


     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community  source  was  downloaded   from    http://compres-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open   source   community   website    at    http://compres-

SunOS 5.11                Last change:                          4