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perlmpeix - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE


Perl language for MPE
Last updated January 12, 2006 @ 2100 UTC


Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     README.mpeix - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE

        Perl language for MPE
        Last updated January 12, 2006 @ 2100 UTC

     This is a podified version of what used to be on the above-
     mentioned web page, podified by Jarkko Hietaniemi

What's New in Perl for MPE/iX
     January 12, 2006

     o   Updated for perl-5.8.8 and perl-5.9.3 by Ken Hirsch.

         Simplified the build process by using the MPEAUTOCONF
         functionality in Mark Klein's ld.

         If you build this from scratch, make sure you have a
         version of ld which supports it.  In the shell, type

           ld --help
             and look for AUTOCONF or MPEAUTOCONF near the bottom

           or do this:
           ld --help 2>&1 | grep AUTOCONF

         If you see don't see AUTOCONF or MPEAUTOCONF, make sure
         you get a new version.

         You also do not have to use mpeix/relink after building,
         so the recommend sequence is:

           ./Configure -de

               # or ./Configure -de -Dusedevel
               # if you're building a development version

           make test
              # if you run this in a job, do "make test_notty"

           make install

         Be prepared for a wait. These take much longer on MPE/iX
         than on a Unix system, because of a slow forking,
         mostly.  On a lightly-loaded HP3000 Series 979 running
         MPE/iX 7.5:

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

             Configure: 1 hour
             make:      1 hour 15 minutes
             make test  1 hour 45 minutes

         Various socket problems were fixed in mpeix.c.

         Mark Klein provided a fixed sigsetjmp (that works with
         dynamic libraries) in mpeix_setjmp.c

     June 1, 2000

     o   Rebuilt to be compatible with mod_perl.  If you plan on
         using mod_perl, you MUST download and install this
         version of Perl/iX!

     o   uselargefiles="undef": not available in MPE for POSIX
         files yet.

     o   Now bundled with various add-on packages:

         o       libnet (as seen on CPAN)

         o       libwww-perl (LWP) which lets Perl programs
                 behave like web browsers:

         o       mod_perl (just the perl portion; the actual DSO
                 will be released soon with Apache/iX 1.3.12 from
                 bixby.org).  This module allows you to write
                 high performance persistent Perl CGI scripts and
                 all sorts of cool things.

                 and much much more hiding under /PERL/PUB/.cpan/

         o       The CPAN module now works for automatic
                 downloading and installing of add-on packages:

                     1. export FTP_PASSIVE=1
                     2. perl -MCPAN -e shell
                     3. Ignore any terminal I/O related complaints!


     May 20, 2000

     o   Updated to version 5.6.0.  Builds straight out of the
         box on MPE/iX.

     o   Perl's getpwnam() function which had regressed to being
         unimplemented on MPE is now implemented once again.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     September 17, 1999

     o   Migrated from cccd.edu to bixby.org.

Welcome to Perl/iX
     This is the official home page for the HP e3000 MPE/iX (
     http://www.hp.com/go/e3000 ) port of the Perl scripting
     language ( http://www.perl.com/ ) which gives you all of the
     power of C, awk, sed, and sh in a single language. Check
     here for the latest news, implemented functionality, known
     bugs, to-do list, etc. Status reports about major milestones
     will also be posted to the HP3000-L mailing list (
     ) and its associated gatewayed newsgroup comp.sys.hp.mpe.

     I'm doing this port because I can't live without Perl on the
     Unix machines that I administer, and I want to have the same
     power available to me on MPE.

     Please send your comments, questions, and bug reports
     directly to me, Mark Bixby ( http://www.bixby.org/mark/ ).
     Or just post them to HP3000-L.

     The platform I'm using to do this port is an HP 3000 957RX
     running MPE/iX 6.0 and using the GNU gcc C compiler (
     http://jazz.external.hp.com/src/gnu/gnuframe.html ).

     The combined porting wisdom from all of my ports can be
     found in my MPE/iX Porting Guide

     IMPORTANT NOTICE: Yes, I do work for the HP CSY R&D lab, but
     ALL of the software you download from bixby.org is my
     personal freeware that is NOT supported by HP.

System Requirements for Perl/iX
     o   MPE/iX 5.5 or later. This version of Perl/iX does NOT
         run on MPE/iX 5.0 or earlier, nor does it run on
         "classic" MPE/V machines.

     o   If you wish to recompile Perl, you must install both
         GNUCORE and GNUGCC from jazz

     o   Perl/iX will be happier on MPE/iX 5.5 if you install the
         MPEKX40B extended POSIX filename characters patch, but
         this is optional.

     o   Patch LBCJXT6A is required on MPE/iX 5.5 machines in
         order to prevent Perl/iX from dying with an unresolved
         external reference to _getenv_libc.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     o   If you will be compiling Perl/iX yourself, you will also
         need Syslog/iX ( http://www.bixby.org/mark/syslogix.html
         ) and the /BIND/PUB/include and /BIND/PUB/lib portions
         of BIND/iX ( http://www.bixby.org/mark/bindix.html ).

How to Obtain Perl/iX
     1.  Download Perl using either FTP.ARPA.SYS or some other

     2.  Extract the installation script

     3.  Edit the installation script

     4.  Run the installation script

     5.  Convert your *.a system archive libraries to *.sl shared

     Download Perl using FTP.ARPA.SYS from your HP 3000 (the
     preferred method).....

         :XEQ FTP.ARPA.SYS
         open ftp.bixby.org
         cd /pub/mpe
         get perl-5.6.0-mpe.tar.Z /tmp/perl.tar.Z;disc=2147483647

     .....Or download using some other generic web or ftp client
     (the alternate method)

     Download the following files (make sure that you use "binary
     mode" or whatever client feature that is 8-bit clean):

     o   Perl from




     o   Upload those files to your HP 3000 in an 8-bit clean
         bytestream manner to:


     o   Then extract the installation script (after both
         download methods)

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

             :CHDIR /tmp
             :XEQ TAR.HPBIN.SYS 'xvfopz /tmp/perl.tar.Z INSTALL'

     o   Edit the installation script

         Examine the accounting structure creation commands and
         modify if necessary (adding additional capabilities,
         choosing a non-system volume set, etc).

             :XEQ VI.HPBIN.SYS /tmp/INSTALL

     o   Run the installation script.

         The accounting structure will be created and then all
         files will be extracted from the archive.

             :XEQ SH.HPBIN.SYS /tmp/INSTALL

     o   Convert your *.a system archive libraries to *.sl shared

         You only have to do this ONCE on your MPE/iX 5.5 machine
         in order to convert /lib/lib*.a and /usr/lib/lib*.a
         libraries to their *.sl equivalents.  This step should
         not be necessary on MPE/iX 6.0 or later machines because
         the 6.0 or later update process does it for you.


Perl/iX Distribution Contents Highlights
         The file you're reading now.

         Perl/iX Installation script.

         Script to convert *.a system archive libraries to *.sl
         shared libraries.

         Perl NMPRG executable.  A version-numbered backup copy
         also exists.  You might wish to "ln -s /PERL/PUB/PERL

         Much add-on source code downloaded with the CPAN module.

         Perl libraries, both core and add-on.


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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

         Perl man page documentation.

         Sample feedback CGI form written in Perl.

         Source code.

How to Compile Perl/iX
     1.  cd src/perl-5.6.0-mpe

     2.  Read the INSTALL file for the official instructions

     3.  ./Configure -d

     4.  make

     5.  ./mpeix/relink

     6.  make test (expect approximately 15 out of 11306 subtests
         to fail, mostly due to MPE not supporting hard links,
         UDP socket problems, and handling exit() return codes

     7.  make install

     8.  Optionally create symbolic links that point to the Perl
         executable, i.e. ln -s /PERL/PUB/PERL

     The summary test results from "cd t; ./perl -I../lib

       Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
       io/fs.t                      29    8  27.59%  2-5, 7-9, 11
       io/openpid.t                 10    1  10.00%  7
       lib/io_sock.t                14    1   7.14%  13
       lib/io_udp.t                  7    2  28.57%  3, 5
       lib/posix.t                  27    1   3.70%  12
       op/lex_assign.t             187    1   0.53%  13
       op/stat.t                    58    1   1.72%  3
       15 tests and 94 subtests skipped.
       Failed 7/236 test scripts, 97.03% okay. 15/11306 subtests failed, 99.87% okay.

Getting Started with Perl/iX
     Create your Perl script files with "#!/PERL/PUB/perl" (or an
     equivalent symbolic link) as the first line.  Use the chmod
     command to make sure that your script has execute
     permission. Run your script!

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     Be sure to take a look at the CPAN module list (
     http://www.cpan.org/CPAN.html ). A wide variety of free Perl
     software is available.  You can automatically download these
     packages by using the CPAN module (
     http://search.cpan.org/dist/CPAN/ ).

MPE/iX Implementation Considerations
     There some minor functionality issues to be aware of when
     comparing Perl for Unix (Perl/UX) to Perl/iX:

     o   MPE gcc/ld doesn't properly support linking NMPRG
         executables against NMXL dynamic libraries, so you must
         manually run mpeix/relink after each re-build of Perl.

     o   Perl/iX File::Copy will use MPE's /bin/cp command to
         copy files by name in order to preserve file attributes
         like file code.

     o   MPE (and thus Perl/iX) lacks support for setgrent(),
         endgrent(), setpwent(), endpwent().

     o   MPE (and thus Perl/iX) lacks support for hard links.

     o   MPE requires GETPRIVMODE() in order to bind() to ports
         less than 1024.  Perl/iX will call GETPRIVMODE()
         automatically on your behalf if you attempt to bind() to
         these low-numbered ports.  Note that the Perl/iX
         executable and the PERL account do not normally have
         CAP=PM, so if you will be bind()-ing to these privileged
         ports, you will manually need to add PM capability as

     o   MPE requires that you bind() to an IP address of zero.
         Perl/iX automatically replaces the IP address that you
         pass to bind() with a zero.

     o   MPE requires GETPRIVMODE() in order to setuid().  There
         are too many calls to setuid() within Perl/iX, so I have
         not attempted an automatic GETPRIVMODE() solution
         similar to bind().

Known Perl/iX Bugs Under Investigation

Perl/iX To-Do List
     o   Make setuid()/setgid() support work.

     o   Make sure that fcntl() against a socket descriptor is
         redirected to sfcntl().

     o   Add support for Berkeley DB once I've finished porting
         Berkeley DB.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     o   Write an MPE XS extension library containing
         miscellaneous important MPE functions like
         GETPRIVMODE(), GETUSERMODE(), and sfcntl().

Perl/iX Change History
     May 6, 1999

     o   Patch LBCJXT6A is required on MPE/iX 5.5 machines in
         order to prevent Perl/iX from dying with an unresolved
         external reference to _getenv_libc.

     April 7, 1999

     o   Updated to version 5.005_03.

     o   The official source distribution once again compiles
         "straight out of the box" for MPE.

     o   The current incarnation of the 5.5 POSIX filename
         extended characters patch is now MPEKX40B.

     o   The LIBSHP3K *.a -> *.sl library conversion script is
         now included as /PERL/PUB/LIBSHP3K.

     November 20, 1998

     o   Updated to version 5.005_02.

     o   Fixed a DynaLoader bug that was unable to load symbols
         from relative path name libraries.

     o   Fixed a .xs compilation bug where the mpeixish.sh
         include file wasn't being installed into the proper

     o   All bugfixes will be submitted back to the official Perl

     o   The current incarnation of the POSIX filename extended
         characters patch is now MPEKXJ3A.

     August 14, 1998

     o   The previous POSIX filename extended characters patch
         MPEKX44C has been superseded by MPEKXB5A.

     August 7, 1998

     o   The previous POSIX filename extended characters patch
         MPEKX76A has been superseded by MPEKX44C.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     July 28, 1998

     o   Updated to version 5.005_01.

     July 23, 1998

     o   Updated to version 5.005 (production release).  The
         public freeware sources are now 100% MPE-ready "straight
         out of the box".

     July 17, 1998

     o   Updated to version 5.005b1 (public beta release).  The
         public freeware sources are now 99.9% MPE-ready.  By
         installing and testing this beta on your own HP3000, you
         will be helping to insure that the final release of
         5.005 will be 100% MPE-ready and 100% bug free.

     o   My MPE binary release is now extracted using my standard
         INSTALL script.

     July 15, 1998

     o   Changed startperl to #!/PERL/PUB/perl so that Perl will
         recognize scripts more easily and efficiently.

     July 8, 1998

     o   Updated to version 5.004_70 (internal developer release)
         which is now MPE-ready.  The next public freeware
         release of Perl should compile "straight out of the box"
         on MPE.  Note that this version of Perl/iX was strictly
         internal to me and never publicly released.  Note that
         [21]BIND/iX is now required (well, the include files and
         libbind.a) if you wish to compile Perl/iX.

     November 6, 1997

     o   Updated to version 5.004_04.  No changes in MPE-specific

     October 16, 1997

     o   Added Demos section to the Perl/iX home page so you can
         see some sample Perl applications running on my 3000.

     October 3, 1997

     o   Added System Requirements section to the Perl/iX home
         page just so the prerequisites stand out more. Various
         other home page tweaks.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                     PERLMPEIX(1)

     October 2, 1997

     o   Initial public release.

     September 1997

     o   Porting begins.

     Mark Bixby, http://www.bixby.org/mark/

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following

     |Availability   | runtime/perl-512 |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     This software was built from source available at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original
     community source was downloaded from

     Further information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.perl.org/.

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