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perlrecharclass (1)


perlrecharclass - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes


Please see following description for synopsis


Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     perlrecharclass - Perl Regular Expression Character Classes

     The top level documentation about Perl regular expressions
     is found in perlre.

     This manual page discusses the syntax and use of character
     classes in Perl regular expressions.

     A character class is a way of denoting a set of characters
     in such a way that one character of the set is matched.
     It's important to remember that: matching a character class
     consumes exactly one character in the source string. (The
     source string is the string the regular expression is
     matched against.)

     There are three types of character classes in Perl regular
     expressions: the dot, backslash sequences, and the form
     enclosed in square brackets.  Keep in mind, though, that
     often the term "character class" is used to mean just the
     bracketed form.  Certainly, most Perl documentation does

  The dot
     The dot (or period), "." is probably the most used, and
     certainly the most well-known character class. By default, a
     dot matches any character, except for the newline. The
     default can be changed to add matching the newline by using
     the single line modifier: either for the entire regular
     expression with the "/s" modifier, or locally with "(?s)".
     (The experimental "\N" backslash sequence, described below,
     matches any character except newline without regard to the
     single line modifier.)

     Here are some examples:

      "a"  =~  /./       # Match
      "."  =~  /./       # Match
      ""   =~  /./       # No match (dot has to match a character)
      "\n" =~  /./       # No match (dot does not match a newline)
      "\n" =~  /./s      # Match (global 'single line' modifier)
      "\n" =~  /(?s:.)/  # Match (local 'single line' modifier)
      "ab" =~  /^.$/     # No match (dot matches one character)

  Backslash sequences
     A backslash sequence is a sequence of characters, the first
     one of which is a backslash.  Perl ascribes special meaning
     to many such sequences, and some of these are character
     classes.  That is, they match a single character each,
     provided that the character belongs to the specific set of
     characters defined by the sequence.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     Here's a list of the backslash sequences that are character
     classes.  They are discussed in more detail below.  (For the
     backslash sequences that aren't character classes, see

      \d             Match a decimal digit character.
      \D             Match a non-decimal-digit character.
      \w             Match a "word" character.
      \W             Match a non-"word" character.
      \s             Match a whitespace character.
      \S             Match a non-whitespace character.
      \h             Match a horizontal whitespace character.
      \H             Match a character that isn't horizontal whitespace.
      \v             Match a vertical whitespace character.
      \V             Match a character that isn't vertical whitespace.
      \N             Match a character that isn't a newline.  Experimental.
      \pP, \p{Prop}  Match a character that has the given Unicode property.
      \PP, \P{Prop}  Match a character that doesn't have the Unicode property


     "\d" matches a single character that is considered to be a
     decimal digit.  What is considered a decimal digit depends
     on the internal encoding of the source string and the locale
     that is in effect. If the source string is in UTF-8 format,
     "\d" not only matches the digits '0' - '9', but also Arabic,
     Devanagari and digits from other languages. Otherwise, if
     there is a locale in effect, it will match whatever
     characters the locale considers decimal digits.  Without a
     locale, "\d" matches just the digits '0' to '9'.  See
     "Locale, EBCDIC, Unicode and UTF-8".

     Unicode digits may cause some confusion, and some security
     issues.  In UTF-8 strings, "\d" matches the same characters
     matched by "\p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}", or
     synonymously, "\p{General_Category=Digit}".  Starting with
     Unicode version 4.1, this is the same set of characters
     matched by "\p{Numeric_Type=Decimal}".

     But Unicode also has a different property with a similar
     name, "\p{Numeric_Type=Digit}", which matches a completely
     different set of characters.  These characters are things
     such as subscripts.

     The design intent is for "\d" to match all the digits (and
     no other characters) that can be used with "normal" big-
     endian positional decimal syntax, whereby a sequence of such
     digits {N0, N1, N2, ...Nn} has the numeric value (...(N0 *
     10 + N1) * 10 + N2) * 10 ... + Nn).  In Unicode 5.2, the
     Tamil digits (U+0BE6 - U+0BEF) can also legally be used in
     old-style Tamil numbers in which they would appear no more
     than one in a row, separated by characters that mean "times

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     10", "times 100", etc.  (See

     Some of the non-European digits that "\d" matches look like
     European ones, but have different values.  For example,
     BENGALI DIGIT FOUR (U+09A) looks very much like an ASCII
     DIGIT EIGHT (U+0038).

     It may be useful for security purposes for an application to
     require that all digits in a row be from the same script.
     See "charscript()" in Unicode::UCD.

     Any character that isn't matched by "\d" will be matched by

     Word characters

     A "\w" matches a single alphanumeric character (an
     alphabetic character, or a decimal digit) or an underscore
     ("_"), not a whole word.  To match a whole word, use "\w+".
     This isn't the same thing as matching an English word, but
     is the same as a string of Perl-identifier characters.  What
     is considered a word character depends on the internal
     encoding of the string and the locale or EBCDIC code page
     that is in effect. If it's in UTF-8 format, "\w" matches
     those characters that are considered word characters in the
     Unicode database. That is, it not only matches ASCII
     letters, but also Thai letters, Greek letters, etc.  If the
     source string isn't in UTF-8 format, "\w" matches those
     characters that are considered word characters by the
     current locale or EBCDIC code page.  Without a locale or
     EBCDIC code page, "\w" matches the ASCII letters, digits and
     the underscore.  See "Locale, EBCDIC, Unicode and UTF-8".

     There are a number of security issues with the full Unicode
     list of word characters.  See

     Also, for a somewhat finer-grained set of characters that
     are in programming language identifiers beyond the ASCII
     range, you may wish to instead use the more customized
     Unicode properties, "ID_Start", ID_Continue", "XID_Start",
     and "XID_Continue".  See <http://unicode.org/reports/tr31>.

     Any character that isn't matched by "\w" will be matched by


     "\s" matches any single character that is considered
     whitespace.  The exact set of characters matched by "\s"
     depends on whether the source string is in UTF-8 format and

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     the locale or EBCDIC code page that is in effect. If it's in
     UTF-8 format, "\s" matches what is considered whitespace in
     the Unicode database; the complete list is in the table
     below. Otherwise, if there is a locale or EBCDIC code page
     in effect, "\s" matches whatever is considered whitespace by
     the current locale or EBCDIC code page. Without a locale or
     EBCDIC code page, "\s" matches the horizontal tab ("\t"),
     the newline ("\n"), the form feed ("\f"), the carriage
     return ("\r"), and the space.  (Note that it doesn't match
     the vertical tab, "\cK".)  Perhaps the most notable possible
     surprise is that "\s" matches a non-breaking space only if
     the non-breaking space is in a UTF-8 encoded string or the
     locale or EBCDIC code page that is in effect has that
     character.  See "Locale, EBCDIC, Unicode and UTF-8".

     Any character that isn't matched by "\s" will be matched by

     "\h" will match any character that is considered horizontal
     whitespace; this includes the space and the tab characters
     and a number other characters, all of which are listed in
     the table below.  "\H" will match any character that is not
     considered horizontal whitespace.

     "\v" will match any character that is considered vertical
     whitespace; this includes the carriage return and line feed
     characters (newline) plus several other characters, all
     listed in the table below.  "\V" will match any character
     that is not considered vertical whitespace.

     "\R" matches anything that can be considered a newline under
     Unicode rules. It's not a character class, as it can match a
     multi-character sequence. Therefore, it cannot be used
     inside a bracketed character class; use "\v" instead
     (vertical whitespace).  Details are discussed in

     Note that unlike "\s", "\d" and "\w", "\h" and "\v" always
     match the same characters, regardless whether the source
     string is in UTF-8 format or not. The set of characters they
     match is also not influenced by locale nor EBCDIC code page.

     One might think that "\s" is equivalent to "[\h\v]". This is
     not true.  The vertical tab ("\x0b") is not matched by "\s",
     it is however considered vertical whitespace. Furthermore,
     if the source string is not in UTF-8 format, and any locale
     or EBCDIC code page that is in effect doesn't include them,
     the next line (ASCII-platform "\x85") and the no-break space
     (ASCII-platform "\xA0") characters are not matched by "\s",
     but are by "\v" and "\h" respectively.  If the source string
     is in UTF-8 format, both the next line and the no-break
     space are matched by "\s".

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     The following table is a complete listing of characters
     matched by "\s", "\h" and "\v" as of Unicode 5.2.

     The first column gives the code point of the character (in
     hex format), the second column gives the (Unicode) name. The
     third column indicates by which class(es) the character is
     matched (assuming no locale or EBCDIC code page is in effect
     that changes the "\s" matching).

      0x00009        CHARACTER TABULATION   h s
      0x0000a              LINE FEED (LF)    vs
      0x0000b             LINE TABULATION    v
      0x0000c              FORM FEED (FF)    vs
      0x0000d        CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)    vs
      0x00020                       SPACE   h s
      0x00085             NEXT LINE (NEL)    vs  [1]
      0x000a0              NO-BREAK SPACE   h s  [1]
      0x01680            OGHAM SPACE MARK   h s
      0x0180e   MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR   h s
      0x02000                     EN QUAD   h s
      0x02001                     EM QUAD   h s
      0x02002                    EN SPACE   h s
      0x02003                    EM SPACE   h s
      0x02004          THREE-PER-EM SPACE   h s
      0x02005           FOUR-PER-EM SPACE   h s
      0x02006            SIX-PER-EM SPACE   h s
      0x02007                FIGURE SPACE   h s
      0x02008           PUNCTUATION SPACE   h s
      0x02009                  THIN SPACE   h s
      0x0200a                  HAIR SPACE   h s
      0x02028              LINE SEPARATOR    vs
      0x02029         PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR    vs
      0x0202f       NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE   h s
      0x0205f   MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE   h s
      0x03000           IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE   h s

     [1] NEXT LINE and NO-BREAK SPACE only match "\s" if the
         source string is in UTF-8 format, or the locale or
         EBCDIC code page that is in effect includes them.

     It is worth noting that "\d", "\w", etc, match single
     characters, not complete numbers or words. To match a number
     (that consists of integers), use "\d+"; to match a word, use


     "\N" is new in 5.12, and is experimental.  It, like the dot,
     will match any character that is not a newline. The
     difference is that "\N" is not influenced by the single line
     regular expression modifier (see "The dot" above).  Note
     that the form "\N{...}" may mean something completely

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     different.  When the "{...}" is a quantifier, it means to
     match a non-newline character that many times.  For example,
     "\N{3}" means to match 3 non-newlines; "\N{5,}" means to
     match 5 or more non-newlines.  But if "{...}" is not a legal
     quantifier, it is presumed to be a named character.  See
     charnames for those.  For example, none of "\N{COLON}",
     "\N{4F}", and "\N{F4}" contain legal quantifiers, so Perl
     will try to find characters whose names are, respectively,
     "COLON", "4F", and "F4".

     Unicode Properties

     "\pP" and "\p{Prop}" are character classes to match
     characters that fit given Unicode properties.  One letter
     property names can be used in the "\pP" form, with the
     property name following the "\p", otherwise, braces are
     required.  When using braces, there is a single form, which
     is just the property name enclosed in the braces, and a
     compound form which looks like "\p{name=value}", which means
     to match if the property "name" for the character has the
     particular "value".  For instance, a match for a number can
     be written as "/\pN/" or as "/\p{Number}/", or as
     "/\p{Number=True}/".  Lowercase letters are matched by the
     property Lowercase_Letter which has as short form Ll. They
     need the braces, so are written as "/\p{Ll}/" or
     "/\p{Lowercase_Letter}/", or
     "/\p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}/" (the underscores
     are optional).  "/\pLl/" is valid, but means something
     different.  It matches a two character string: a letter
     (Unicode property "\pL"), followed by a lowercase "l".

     For more details, see "Unicode Character Properties" in
     perlunicode; for a complete list of possible properties, see
     "Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}" in
     perluniprops.  It is also possible to define your own
     properties. This is discussed in "User-Defined Character
     Properties" in perlunicode.


      "a"  =~  /\w/      # Match, "a" is a 'word' character.
      "7"  =~  /\w/      # Match, "7" is a 'word' character as well.
      "a"  =~  /\d/      # No match, "a" isn't a digit.
      "7"  =~  /\d/      # Match, "7" is a digit.
      " "  =~  /\s/      # Match, a space is whitespace.
      "a"  =~  /\D/      # Match, "a" is a non-digit.
      "7"  =~  /\D/      # No match, "7" is not a non-digit.
      " "  =~  /\S/      # No match, a space is not non-whitespace.

      " "  =~  /\h/      # Match, space is horizontal whitespace.
      " "  =~  /\v/      # No match, space is not vertical whitespace.
      "\r" =~  /\v/      # Match, a return is vertical whitespace.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

      "a"  =~  /\pL/     # Match, "a" is a letter.
      "a"  =~  /\p{Lu}/  # No match, /\p{Lu}/ matches upper case letters.

      "\x{0e0b}" =~ /\p{Thai}/  # Match, \x{0e0b} is the character
                                # 'THAI CHARACTER SO SO', and that's in
                                # Thai Unicode class.
      "a"  =~  /\P{Lao}/ # Match, as "a" is not a Laotian character.

  Bracketed Character Classes
     The third form of character class you can use in Perl
     regular expressions is the bracketed character class.  In
     its simplest form, it lists the characters that may be
     matched, surrounded by square brackets, like this:
     "[aeiou]".  This matches one of "a", "e", "i", "o" or "u".
     Like the other character classes, exactly one character will
     be matched. To match a longer string consisting of
     characters mentioned in the character class, follow the
     character class with a quantifier.  For instance, "[aeiou]+"
     matches a string of one or more lowercase English vowels.

     Repeating a character in a character class has no effect;
     it's considered to be in the set only once.


      "e"  =~  /[aeiou]/        # Match, as "e" is listed in the class.
      "p"  =~  /[aeiou]/        # No match, "p" is not listed in the class.
      "ae" =~  /^[aeiou]$/      # No match, a character class only matches
                                # a single character.
      "ae" =~  /^[aeiou]+$/     # Match, due to the quantifier.

     Special Characters Inside a Bracketed Character Class

     Most characters that are meta characters in regular
     expressions (that is, characters that carry a special
     meaning like ".", "*", or "(") lose their special meaning
     and can be used inside a character class without the need to
     escape them. For instance, "[()]" matches either an opening
     parenthesis, or a closing parenthesis, and the parens inside
     the character class don't group or capture.

     Characters that may carry a special meaning inside a
     character class are: "\", "^", "-", "[" and "]", and are
     discussed below. They can be escaped with a backslash,
     although this is sometimes not needed, in which case the
     backslash may be omitted.

     The sequence "\b" is special inside a bracketed character
     class. While outside the character class, "\b" is an
     assertion indicating a point that does not have either two
     word characters or two non-word characters on either side,

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     inside a bracketed character class, "\b" matches a backspace

     The sequences "\a", "\c", "\e", "\f", "\n", "\N{NAME}",
     "\N{U+wide hex char}", "\r", "\t", and "\x" are also special
     and have the same meanings as they do outside a bracketed
     character class.

     Also, a backslash followed by two or three octal digits is
     considered an octal number.

     A "[" is not special inside a character class, unless it's
     the start of a POSIX character class (see "POSIX Character
     Classes" below). It normally does not need escaping.

     A "]" is normally either the end of a POSIX character class
     (see "POSIX Character Classes" below), or it signals the end
     of the bracketed character class.  If you want to include a
     "]" in the set of characters, you must generally escape it.
     However, if the "]" is the first (or the second if the first
     character is a caret) character of a bracketed character
     class, it does not denote the end of the class (as you
     cannot have an empty class) and is considered part of the
     set of characters that can be matched without escaping.


      "+"   =~ /[+?*]/     #  Match, "+" in a character class is not special.
      "\cH" =~ /[\b]/      #  Match, \b inside in a character class
                           #  is equivalent to a backspace.
      "]"   =~ /[][]/      #  Match, as the character class contains.
                           #  both [ and ].
      "[]"  =~ /[[]]/      #  Match, the pattern contains a character class
                           #  containing just ], and the character class is
                           #  followed by a ].

     Character Ranges

     It is not uncommon to want to match a range of characters.
     Luckily, instead of listing all the characters in the range,
     one may use the hyphen ("-").  If inside a bracketed
     character class you have two characters separated by a
     hyphen, it's treated as if all the characters between the
     two are in the class. For instance, "[0-9]" matches any
     ASCII digit, and "[a-m]" matches any lowercase letter from
     the first half of the ASCII alphabet.

     Note that the two characters on either side of the hyphen
     are not necessary both letters or both digits. Any character
     is possible, although not advisable.  "['-?]" contains a
     range of characters, but most people will not know which
     characters that will be. Furthermore, such ranges may lead

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     to portability problems if the code has to run on a platform
     that uses a different character set, such as EBCDIC.

     If a hyphen in a character class cannot syntactically be
     part of a range, for instance because it is the first or the
     last character of the character class, or if it immediately
     follows a range, the hyphen isn't special, and will be
     considered a character that is to be matched literally. You
     have to escape the hyphen with a backslash if you want to
     have a hyphen in your set of characters to be matched, and
     its position in the class is such that it could be
     considered part of a range.


      [a-z]       #  Matches a character that is a lower case ASCII letter.
      [a-fz]      #  Matches any letter between 'a' and 'f' (inclusive) or
                  #  the letter 'z'.
      [-z]        #  Matches either a hyphen ('-') or the letter 'z'.
      [a-f-m]     #  Matches any letter between 'a' and 'f' (inclusive), the
                  #  hyphen ('-'), or the letter 'm'.
      ['-?]       #  Matches any of the characters  '()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?
                  #  (But not on an EBCDIC platform).


     It is also possible to instead list the characters you do
     not want to match. You can do so by using a caret ("^") as
     the first character in the character class. For instance,
     "[^a-z]" matches a character that is not a lowercase ASCII

     This syntax make the caret a special character inside a
     bracketed character class, but only if it is the first
     character of the class. So if you want to have the caret as
     one of the characters you want to match, you either have to
     escape the caret, or not list it first.


      "e"  =~  /[^aeiou]/   #  No match, the 'e' is listed.
      "x"  =~  /[^aeiou]/   #  Match, as 'x' isn't a lowercase vowel.
      "^"  =~  /[^^]/       #  No match, matches anything that isn't a caret.
      "^"  =~  /[x^]/       #  Match, caret is not special here.

     Backslash Sequences

     You can put any backslash sequence character class (with the
     exception of "\N") inside a bracketed character class, and
     it will act just as if you put all the characters matched by
     the backslash sequence inside the character class. For
     instance, "[a-f\d]" will match any decimal digit, or any of

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     the lowercase letters between 'a' and 'f' inclusive.

     "\N" within a bracketed character class must be of the forms
     "\N{name}" or "\N{U+wide hex char}", and NOT be the form
     that matches non-newlines, for the same reason that a dot
     "." inside a bracketed character class loses its special
     meaning: it matches nearly anything, which generally isn't
     what you want to happen.


      /[\p{Thai}\d]/     # Matches a character that is either a Thai
                         # character, or a digit.
      /[^\p{Arabic}()]/  # Matches a character that is neither an Arabic
                         # character, nor a parenthesis.

     Backslash sequence character classes cannot form one of the
     endpoints of a range.  Thus, you can't say:

      /[\p{Thai}-\d]/     # Wrong!

     POSIX Character Classes

     POSIX character classes have the form "[:class:]", where
     class is name, and the "[:" and ":]" delimiters. POSIX
     character classes only appear inside bracketed character
     classes, and are a convenient and descriptive way of listing
     a group of characters, though they currently suffer from
     portability issues (see below and "Locale, EBCDIC, Unicode
     and UTF-8").

     Be careful about the syntax,

      # Correct:
      $string =~ /[[:alpha:]]/

      # Incorrect (will warn):
      $string =~ /[:alpha:]/

     The latter pattern would be a character class consisting of
     a colon, and the letters "a", "l", "p" and "h".  POSIX
     character classes can be part of a larger bracketed
     character class.  For example,


     is valid and matches '0', '1', any alphabetic character, and
     the percent sign.

     Perl recognizes the following POSIX character classes:

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      alpha  Any alphabetical character ("[A-Za-z]").
      alnum  Any alphanumerical character. ("[A-Za-z0-9]")
      ascii  Any character in the ASCII character set.
      blank  A GNU extension, equal to a space or a horizontal tab ("\t").
      cntrl  Any control character.  See Note [2] below.
      digit  Any decimal digit ("[0-9]"), equivalent to "\d".
      graph  Any printable character, excluding a space.  See Note [3] below.
      lower  Any lowercase character ("[a-z]").
      print  Any printable character, including a space.  See Note [4] below.
      punct  Any graphical character excluding "word" characters.  Note [5].
      space  Any whitespace character. "\s" plus the vertical tab ("\cK").
      upper  Any uppercase character ("[A-Z]").
      word   A Perl extension ("[A-Za-z0-9_]"), equivalent to "\w".
      xdigit Any hexadecimal digit ("[0-9a-fA-F]").

     Most POSIX character classes have two Unicode-style "\p"
     property counterparts.  (They are not official Unicode
     properties, but Perl extensions derived from official
     Unicode properties.)  The table below shows the relation
     between POSIX character classes and these counterparts.

     One counterpart, in the column labelled "ASCII-range
     Unicode" in the table, will only match characters in the
     ASCII character set.

     The other counterpart, in the column labelled "Full-range
     Unicode", matches any appropriate characters in the full
     Unicode character set.  For example, "\p{Alpha}" will match
     not just the ASCII alphabetic characters, but any character
     in the entire Unicode character set that is considered to be

     (Each of the counterparts has various synonyms as well.
     "Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}" in
     perluniprops lists all the synonyms, plus all the characters
     matched by each of the ASCII-range properties.  For example
     "\p{AHex}" is a synonym for "\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}", and any
     "\p" property name can be prefixed with "Is" such as

     Both the "\p" forms are unaffected by any locale that is in
     effect, or whether the string is in UTF-8 format or not, or
     whether the platform is EBCDIC or not.  In contrast, the
     POSIX character classes are affected.  If the source string
     is in UTF-8 format, the POSIX classes (with the exception of
     "[[:punct:]]", see Note [5] below) behave like their "Full-
     range" Unicode counterparts.  If the source string is not in
     UTF-8 format, and no locale is in effect, and the platform
     is not EBCDIC, all the POSIX classes behave like their
     ASCII-range counterparts.  Otherwise, they behave based on
     the rules of the locale or EBCDIC code page.

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     It is proposed to change this behavior in a future release
     of Perl so that the the UTF8ness of the source string will
     be irrelevant to the behavior of the POSIX character
     classes.  This means they will always behave in strict
     accordance with the official POSIX standard.  That is, if
     either locale or EBCDIC code page is present, they will
     behave in accordance with those; if absent, the classes will
     match only their ASCII-range counterparts.  If you disagree
     with this proposal, send email to "perl5-porters@perl.org".

      [[:...:]]      ASCII-range        Full-range  backslash  Note
                      Unicode            Unicode    sequence
        alpha      \p{PosixAlpha}       \p{Alpha}
        alnum      \p{PosixAlnum}       \p{Alnum}
        ascii      \p{ASCII}
        blank      \p{PosixBlank}       \p{Blank} =             [1]
                                        \p{HorizSpace}  \h      [1]
        cntrl      \p{PosixCntrl}       \p{Cntrl}               [2]
        digit      \p{PosixDigit}       \p{Digit}       \d
        graph      \p{PosixGraph}       \p{Graph}               [3]
        lower      \p{PosixLower}       \p{Lower}
        print      \p{PosixPrint}       \p{Print}               [4]
        punct      \p{PosixPunct}       \p{Punct}               [5]
                   \p{PerlSpace}        \p{SpacePerl}   \s      [6]
        space      \p{PosixSpace}       \p{Space}               [6]
        upper      \p{PosixUpper}       \p{Upper}
        word       \p{PerlWord}         \p{Word}        \w
        xdigit     \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}  \p{XDigit}

     [1] "\p{Blank}" and "\p{HorizSpace}" are synonyms.

     [2] Control characters don't produce output as such, but
         instead usually control the terminal somehow: for
         example newline and backspace are control characters.
         In the ASCII range, characters whose ordinals are
         between 0 and 31 inclusive, plus 127 ("DEL") are control

         On EBCDIC platforms, it is likely that the code page
         will define "[[:cntrl:]]" to be the EBCDIC equivalents
         of the ASCII controls, plus the controls that in Unicode
         have ordinals from 128 through 159.

     [3] Any character that is graphical, that is, visible. This
         class consists of all the alphanumerical characters and
         all punctuation characters.

     [4] All printable characters, which is the set of all the
         graphical characters plus whitespace characters that are
         not also controls.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

     [5] (punct)
         "\p{PosixPunct}" and "[[:punct:]]" in the ASCII range
         match all the non-controls, non-alphanumeric, non-space
         characters: "[-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~]"
         (although if a locale is in effect, it could alter the
         behavior of "[[:punct:]]").

         "\p{Punct}" matches a somewhat different set in the
         ASCII range, namely "[-!"#%&'()*,./:;?@[\\\]_{}]".  That
         is, it is missing "[$+<=>^`|~]".  This is because
         Unicode splits what POSIX considers to be punctuation
         into two categories, Punctuation and Symbols.

         When the matching string is in UTF-8 format,
         "[[:punct:]]" matches what it matches in the ASCII
         range, plus what "\p{Punct}" matches.  This is different
         than strictly matching according to "\p{Punct}".
         Another way to say it is that for a UTF-8 string,
         "[[:punct:]]" matches all the characters that Unicode
         considers to be punctuation, plus all the ASCII-range
         characters that Unicode considers to be symbols.

     [6] "\p{SpacePerl}" and "\p{Space}" differ only in that
         "\p{Space}" additionally matches the vertical tab,
         "\cK".   Same for the two ASCII-only range forms.


     A Perl extension to the POSIX character class is the ability
     to negate it. This is done by prefixing the class name with
     a caret ("^").  Some examples:

          POSIX         ASCII-range     Full-range  backslash
                         Unicode         Unicode    sequence
      [[:^digit:]]   \P{PosixDigit}     \P{Digit}      \D
      [[:^space:]]   \P{PosixSpace}     \P{Space}
                     \P{PerlSpace}      \P{SpacePerl}  \S
      [[:^word:]]    \P{PerlWord}       \P{Word}       \W

     [= =] and [. .]

     Perl will recognize the POSIX character classes "[=class=]",
     and "[.class.]", but does not (yet?) support them.  Use of
     such a construct will lead to an error.


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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

      /[[:digit:]]/            # Matches a character that is a digit.
      /[01[:lower:]]/          # Matches a character that is either a
                               # lowercase letter, or '0' or '1'.
      /[[:digit:][:^xdigit:]]/ # Matches a character that can be anything
                               # except the letters 'a' to 'f'.  This is
                               # because the main character class is composed
                               # of two POSIX character classes that are ORed
                               # together, one that matches any digit, and
                               # the other that matches anything that isn't a
                               # hex digit.  The result matches all
                               # characters except the letters 'a' to 'f' and
                               # 'A' to 'F'.

  Locale, EBCDIC, Unicode and UTF-8
     Some of the character classes have a somewhat different
     behaviour depending on the internal encoding of the source
     string, and the locale that is in effect, and if the program
     is running on an EBCDIC platform.

     "\w", "\d", "\s" and the POSIX character classes (and their
     negations, including "\W", "\D", "\S") suffer from this
     behaviour.  (Since the backslash sequences "\b" and "\B" are
     defined in terms of "\w" and "\W", they also are affected.)

     The rule is that if the source string is in UTF-8 format,
     the character classes match according to the Unicode
     properties. If the source string isn't, then the character
     classes match according to whatever locale or EBCDIC code
     page is in effect. If there is no locale nor EBCDIC, they
     match the ASCII defaults (0 to 9 for "\d"; 52 letters, 10
     digits and underscore for "\w"; etc.).

     This usually means that if you are matching against
     characters whose "ord()" values are between 128 and 255
     inclusive, your character class may match or not depending
     on the current locale or EBCDIC code page, and whether the
     source string is in UTF-8 format. The string will be in
     UTF-8 format if it contains characters whose "ord()" value
     exceeds 255. But a string may be in UTF-8 format without it
     having such characters.  See "The "Unicode Bug"" in

     For portability reasons, it may be better to not use "\w",
     "\d", "\s" or the POSIX character classes, and use the
     Unicode properties instead.


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Perl Programmers Reference Guide               PERLRECHARCLASS(1)

      $str =  "\xDF";      # $str is not in UTF-8 format.
      $str =~ /^\w/;       # No match, as $str isn't in UTF-8 format.
      $str .= "\x{0e0b}";  # Now $str is in UTF-8 format.
      $str =~ /^\w/;       # Match! $str is now in UTF-8 format.
      chop $str;
      $str =~ /^\w/;       # Still a match! $str remains in UTF-8 format.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following

     |Availability   | runtime/perl-512 |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     This software was built from source available at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original
     community source was downloaded from

     Further information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.perl.org/.

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