マニュアルページセク ション 1: ユーザーコマンド


更新: 2014 年 7 月

pyreverse (1)


pyreverse - parse python sources files and extract diagrams from them.


pyreverse [options] <modules>


User Commands                                        pyreverse(1)

     pyreverse  - parse python sources files and extract diagrams
     from them.

     pyreverse [options] <modules>

     pyreverse is a python source analyzer. It  parses  a  python
     packages  and produces UML diagrams in different output for-
     mats. (dot, all formats available for dot, and  vcg).   With
     different  options, you can have fine tuning on what and how
     modules, classes and attributes will be shown  in  the  dia-
     gram.   You  can  combine  several  modules  in  one project
     (except with -c ).

     If no -c and no --diadefs option specified,  pyreverse  will
      -  a  diagram 'classes_<name>' for the classes in <modules>
        ( if there is more than one module in <projects> )
      - a diagram 'packages_<name>' for the package  dependencies
     in <modules>

     With  -c  <class>,  pyreverse  creates  a  diagram  for that
     <class> with  filename  <class>.<format>.   You  can  do  -c
     <class1> , -c <class2>.

     -h, --help
          show help message and exit

     -p<name>, --project=<name>
          set  project  name  to  <name>  if not using -c option.
          (default:'No Name')

     -i<file>, --ignore=<file>
          add <file> (may be a directory) to the black list  (not

     -f<mode>, --filter-mode=<mode>
          filter  attributes  and  functions according to <mode>.
          You can combine modes using '+'  like  'SPECIAL+OTHER'.
          Correct modes are :
           -  'PUB_ONLY'  :  filter  all  non  public  attributes
           - 'ALL' : no filter
           - 'SPECIAL' : filter Python special  functions  except

pyreverse          Last change: August 18, 2008                 1

User Commands                                        pyreverse(1)

           -  'OTHER'  :  filter protected and private attributes
          [currentt: PUB_ONLY]

     -d<file>, --diadefs=<file>
          create diagram according to the diagrams definitions in

     -c <class>, --class=<class>
          create  a  class  diagram  with  all classes related to
          <class>  [current: none] the class must be in the  file
          <modules>.  By default, this will include all ancestors
          and associated classes of <class>  and  include  module
          names (i.e. '-ASmy' ).

     -a <ancestor>, --show-ancestors=<ancestor>
          show  <ancestor> generations of ancestor classes not in

     -A, --all-ancestors=[yn]
          show all ancestors off all classes in <projects>  [cur-
          rent: none]

     -s <ass_level>, --show-associated=<associated>
          show <ass_level> associated classes. <ass_level>=1 will
          only take classes directly related to the  classes   in
          the  project,   while  <ass_level>=2 will also take all
          classes related to those fetched by<depth>=1.

     -S, --all-associated=[yn]
          show recursively  all  associated  off  all  associated
          classes [current: none]

     -b, --builtin
          include  builtin  objects  in representation of classes
          [current: False]

     -m [yn], --module-names=[yn]
          include module name in representation of classes.  This
          will  include full module path in the class name. [cur-
          rent: none]

     -k, --only-classnames
          don't show attributes and methods in the  class  boxes;
          this disables -f values [current: False]

     -o <format>, --output=<format>
          create  a  *.<format>  output file if format available.

pyreverse          Last change: August 18, 2008                 2

User Commands                                        pyreverse(1)

          Available formats are all formats that dot can  produce
          and vcg.  [default: dot]

      Here are some examples for command line options :

     pyreverse <project> -a1 -s1 -m

          -a1  -s1 will include one level of ancestor and associ-
          ated classes in the diagram  of the <project>  modules,
          while  -m will show the full module path of each class.
          You can use the same way the -a, -s,  -A,  -S  options.
          Note  that on class diagrams (using -c ) -a and -s will
          rather reduce than enlarge your diagram.

     pyreverse mod/foo.py mod/fee.py -k

          This is interesting if the diagram for <project>=mod is
          too  complicated: you can show only the class names (no
          attributes or methods, option -k);  or  take  only  the
          modules you are interested in (here fee.py and foo.py).


     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |Availability   | developer/python/pylint |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted             |
     dot(1), pylint(1)


     Sylvain Thenault, Emile Anclin

     This     manpage     was    written    by    Emile    Anclin

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User Commands                                        pyreverse(1)


     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community source was downloaded from   http://download.logi-

     Further  information about this software can be found on the
     open   source   community   website   at    http://www.logi-

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