マニュアルページセク ション 1: ユーザーコマンド


更新: 2014 年 7 月

luit (1)


luit - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals


/usr/bin/luit [ options ] [ -- ] [ program [ args ] ]


User Commands                                             LUIT(1)

     luit - Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals

     /usr/bin/luit [ options ] [ -- ] [ program [ args ] ]

     Luit is a filter that can be run between an arbitrary appli-
     cation and a  UTF-8  terminal  emulator.   It  will  convert
     application  output  from  the locale's encoding into UTF-8,
     and convert terminal input  from  UTF-8  into  the  locale's

     An  application  may  also  request switching to a different
     output  encoding  using   ISO 2022   and   ISO 6429   escape
     sequences.  Use of this feature is discouraged: multilingual
     applications should be modified to directly  generate  UTF-8

     Luit is usually invoked transparently by the terminal emula-
     tor.  For information about running luit  from  the  command
     line, see EXAMPLES below.

     -h   Display some summary help and quit.

          List the supported charsets and encodings, then quit.

     -V   Print luit's version and quit.

     -v   Be verbose.

     -c   Function  as  a simple converter from standard input to
          standard output.

     -p   In startup, establish a handshake  between  parent  and
          child  processes.   This  is  needed  for some systems,
          e.g., FreeBSD.

     -x   Exit as soon as the child dies.  This may cause luit to
          lose data at the end of the child's output.

     -argv0 name
          Set the child's name (as passed in argv[0]).

     -encoding encoding
          Set  up  luit  to  use encoding rather than the current
          locale's encoding.

     +oss Disable interpretation of single shifts in  application

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User Commands                                             LUIT(1)

     +ols Disable interpretation of locking shifts in application

     +osl Disable  interpretation  of  character  set   selection
          sequences in application output.

     +ot  Disable  interpretation  of  all sequences and pass all
          sequences  in  application  output  to   the   terminal
          unchanged.  This may lead to interesting results.

     -k7  Generate seven-bit characters for keyboard input.

     +kss Disable generation of single-shifts for keyboard input.

          Use GL codes after a single shift for  keyboard  input.
          By default, GR codes are generated after a single shift
          when generating eight-bit keyboard input.

     -kls Generate locking shifts (SO/SI) for keyboard input.

     -gl gn
          Set the initial assignment of GL.  The argument  should
          be one of g0, g1, g2 or g3.  The default depends on the
          locale, but is usually g0.

     -gr gk
          Set the initial assignment of GR.  The default  depends
          on  the  locale,  and  is  usually  g2  except  for EUC
          locales, where it is g1.

     -g0 charset
          Set the charset initially selected in G0.  The  default
          depends on the locale, but is usually ASCII.

     -g1 charset
          Set  the charset initially selected in G1.  The default
          depends on the locale.

     -g2 charset
          Set the charset initially selected in G2.  The  default
          depends on the locale.

     -g3 charset
          Set  the charset initially selected in G3.  The default
          depends on the locale.

     -ilog filename
          Log into filename  all  the  bytes  received  from  the

     -olog filename

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User Commands                                             LUIT(1)

          Log  into  filename  all the bytes sent to the terminal

     -alias filename
          the locale alias file
          (default: /usr/share/X11/locale/locale.alias).

     --   End of options.

     The most typical use of luit is  to  adapt  an  instance  of
     XTerm  to  the locale's encoding.  Current versions of XTerm
     invoke luit automatically when it is  needed.   If  you  are
     using  an  older  release  of XTerm, or a different terminal
     emulator, you may invoke luit manually:

          $ xterm -u8 -e luit

     If you are running in a UTF-8 locale but need  to  access  a
     remote  machine  that  doesn't support UTF-8, luit can adapt
     the remote output to your terminal:

          $ LC_ALL=fr_FR luit ssh legacy-machine

     Luit is also useful  with  applications  that  hard-wire  an
     encoding that is different from the one normally used on the
     system or want to use legacy escape sequences for  multilin-
     gual  output.   In particular, versions of Emacs that do not
     speak UTF-8 well can use luit for multilingual output:

          $ luit -encoding 'ISO 8859-1' emacs -nw

     And then, in Emacs,

          M-x  set-terminal-coding-system  RET  iso-2022-8bit-ss2

          The file mapping locales to locale encodings.

     On systems with SVR4 ("Unix-98") ptys (Linux version 2.2 and
     later, SVR4), luit should be run as the invoking user.

     On systems without SVR4 ("Unix-98") ptys (notably BSD  vari-
     ants),  running  luit as an ordinary user will leave the tty
     world-writable; this is a security hole, and luit will  gen-
     erate a warning (but still accept to run).  A possible solu-
     tion is to make luit suid root; luit should drop  privileges
     sufficiently  early to make this safe.  However, the startup
     code has not been exhaustively audited, and the author takes

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User Commands                                             LUIT(1)

     no responsibility for any resulting security issues.

     Luit will refuse to run if it is installed setuid and cannot
     safely drop privileges.

     None of this  complexity  should  be  necessary.   Stateless
     UTF-8 throughout the system is the way to go.

     Charsets  with  a  non-trivial intermediary byte are not yet

     Selecting alternate sets of control characters is  not  sup-
     ported and will never be.

     xterm(1), locale(5),
     Character Code Structure and Extension Techniques (ISO 2022, ECMA-35).
     Control Functions for Coded Character Sets (ISO 6429, ECMA-48).

     The  version  of  Luit  included  in  this  X.Org Foundation
     release  was  originally  written  by   Juliusz   Chroboczek
     <jch@freedesktop.org>  for  the XFree86 Project and includes
     additional contributions from Thomas E. Dickey required  for
     newer releases of xterm(1).

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |      ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
     |Availability                 |terminal/luit                |
     |Interface Stability          |Uncommitted                  |

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