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更新: 2014 年 7 月

quilt (1)


quilt - tool to manage series of patches


quilt [-h] command [options]


User Commands                                            quilt(1)

     quilt - tool to manage series of patches

     quilt [-h] command [options]

     Quilt  is  a tool to manage large sets of patches by keeping
     track of the  changes  each  patch  makes.  Patches  can  be
     applied,  un-applied,  refreshed, etc. The key philosophical
     concept is that your primary output is patches.

     With quilt, all work occurs within a single directory  tree.
     Commands  can  be be invoked from anywhere within the source
     tree. They are of the form quilt cmd  similar  to  CVS  com-
     mands. They can be abbreviated as long as the specified part
     of the command is unique. All commands print some help  text
     with quilt cmd -h.

     Quilt manages a stack of patches. Patches are applied incre-
     mentally on top of the base tree plus all preceding patches.
     They  can  be  pushed  on top of the stack (quilt push), and
     popped off the stack (quilt pop).   Commands  are  available
     for  querying the contents of the series file (quilt series,
     see below), the contents of the stack (quilt applied,  quilt
     previous,  quilt top and the patches that are not applied at
     a particular  moment  (quilt  next,  quilt  unapplied).   By
     default,  most  commands  apply  to the topmost patch on the

     Patch files are located in the patches sub-directory of  the
     source  tree  (see  EXAMPLE  OF  WORKING  TREE  below).  The
     QUILT_PATCHES environment variable can be used  to  override
     this  location. The patches directory may contain sub-direc-
     tories. It may also be a symbolic link instead of  a  direc-

     A  file  called  series  contains a list of patch file names
     that defines the order in which patches are applied.  Unless
     there are means by which series files can be generated auto-
     matically, it is  usually  provided  along  with  a  set  of
     patches. In this file, each patch file name is on a separate
     line. Patch files are identified by pathnames that are rela-
     tive  to the patches directory; patches may be in sub-direc-
     tories below this directory. Lines in the series  file  that
     start  with  a hash character (#) are ignored.  You can also
     add a comment after each patch file name,  introduced  by  a
     space   followed  by  a  hash  character.  When  quilt adds,
     removes, or renames patches, it  automatically  updates  the
     series  file.  Users  of quilt can modify series files while

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   1

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

     some patches are applied, as long  as  the  applied  patches
     remain in their original order.

     Different  series  files  can be used to assemble patches in
     different  ways,  corresponding  for  example  to  different
     development branches.

     Before  a  patch  is  applied  (or ``pushed on the stack''),
     copies of all files the patch  modifies  are  saved  to  the
     .pc/patch  directory. The patch is added to the list of cur-
     rently applied patches (.pc/applied-patches). Later  when  a
     patch  is  regenerated (quilt refresh), the backup copies in
     .pc/patch are compared with  the  current  versions  of  the
     files in the source tree using GNU diff.

     Documentation related to a patch can be put at the beginning
     of a patch file.  Quilt is careful to preserve all text that
     precedes  the  actual  patch  when doing a refresh. (This is
     limited to patches in unified format;  see  diff  documenta-

     The  series  file  is looked up in the .pc directory, in the
     root of the source tree, and in the patches directory.   The
     first  series file that is found is used. This may also be a
     symbolic link, or a file with multiple hard links.  Usually,
     only  one  series  file is used for a set of patches, so the
     patches sub-directory is a convenient location.

     The .pc directory and its sub-directories  cannot  be  relo-
     cated,  but  it  can  be  a symbolic link. While patches are
     applied to the source tree, this directory is essential  for
     many  operations,  including  taking  patches  off the stack
     (quilt pop), and refreshing patches (quilt refresh).   Files
     in the .pc directory are automatically removed when they are
     no longer needed, so there is no need to clean up  manually.

     unapplied [patch]

         Print  a  list  of  patches that are not applied, or all
         patches that follow the specified patch  in  the  series

     next [patch]

         Print  the name of the next patch after the specified or
         topmost patch in the series file.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   2

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

     rename [-P patch] new_name

         Rename the topmost or named patch.

         -P patch

             Patch to rename.

     setup [-d path-prefix] [-v] [--sourcedir dir]  [--fuzz=N]

         Initializes a source tree from an rpm  spec  file  or  a
         quilt series file.

         -d  Optional  path prefix for the resulting source tree.


             Directory  that  contains   the   package   sources.
             Defaults to `.'.

         -v  Verbose debug output.


             Set  the  maximum  fuzz  factor  (needs  rpm  4.6 or

     series [-v]

         Print the names of all patches in the series file.

         -v  Verbose, more user friendly output.

     files [-v] [-a] [-l] [--combine patch] [patch]

         Print the list of files that the  topmost  or  specified
         patch changes.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   3

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -a  List all files in all applied patches.

         -l  Add patch name to output.

         -v  Verbose, more user friendly output.

         --combine patch

             Create  a listing for all patches between this patch
             and the topmost or specified patch. A patch name  of
             `-'  is  equivalent  to specifying the first applied

     add [-P patch] {file} ...

         Add one or more files to the  topmost  or  named  patch.
         Files  must be added to the patch before being modified.
         Files that are modified by patches  already  applied  on
         top of the specified patch cannot be added.

         -P patch

             Patch to add files to.

     snapshot [-d]

         Take  a  snapshot  of  the current working state.  After
         taking the snapshot, the tree can  be  modified  in  the
         usual  ways,  including  pushing and popping patches.  A
         diff against the tree at the moment of the snapshot  can
         be generated with `quilt diff --snapshot'.

         -d  Only remove current snapshot.

     patches [-v] {file}

         Print  the  list  of  patches  that modify the specified
         file. (Uses a heuristic to  determine  which  files  are
         modified by unapplied patches.  Note that this heuristic
         is much slower than scanning applied patches.)

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   4

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -v  Verbose, more user friendly output.

     fork [new_name]

         Fork the topmost patch.  Forking a patch means  creating
         a verbatim copy of it under a new name, and use that new
         name instead of the original one in the current  series.
         This  is useful when a patch has to be modified, but the
         original  version  of  it  should  be  preserved,   e.g.
         because  it  is  used in another series, or for the his-
         tory.  A typical sequence of commands  would  be:  fork,
         edit, refresh.

         If  new_name  is  missing,  the name of the forked patch
         will be the current patch name, followed  by  `-2'.   If
         the  patch  name  already ends in a dash-and-number, the
         number  is  further   incremented   (e.g.,   patch.diff,
         patch-2.diff, patch-3.diff).

     grep [-h|options] {pattern}

         Grep  through  the  source  files, recursively, skipping
         patches and quilt meta-information. If no filename argu-
         ment is given, the whole source tree is searched. Please
         see the grep(1) manual page for options.

         -h  Print this help. The grep -h option  can  be  passed
             after  a  double-dash  (--). Search expressions that
             start with a dash can be passed after a second  dou-
             ble-dash (-- --).

     pop [-afRqv] [num|patch]

         Remove  patch(es)  from  the  stack  of applied patches.
         Without options, the topmost patch is removed.   When  a
         number  is  specified,  remove  the  specified number of
         patches.  When a patch name is specified, remove patches
         until  the  specified  patch end up on top of the stack.
         Patch names may include the patches/ prefix, which means
         that filename completion can be used.

         -a  Remove all applied patches.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   5

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -f  Force  remove.  The  state before the patch(es) were
             applied will be restored from backup files.

         -R  Always verify if the patch  removes  cleanly;  don't
             rely on timestamp checks.

         -q  Quiet operation.

         -v  Verbose operation.

     previous [patch]

         Print  the  name of the previous patch before the speci-
         fied or topmost patch in the series file.

     import [-p num] [-R] [-P patch] [-f] [-d {o|a|n}] patchfile

         Import  external  patches.  The patches will be inserted
         following the current top  patch,  and  must  be  pushed
         after import to apply them.

         -p num

             Number  of  directory  levels to strip when applying

         -R   Apply patch in reverse.

         -P patch

             Patch filename to use inside quilt. This option  can
             only be used when importing a single patch.

         -f  Overwrite/update existing patches.

         -d {o|a|n}

             When  overwriting  in  existing  patch, keep the old
             (o), all (a), or  new  (n)  patch  header.  If  both

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   6

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

             patches  include headers, this option must be speci-
             fied. This option is only effective when -f is used.

     new [-p n|-p ab] {patchname}

         Create  a  new  patch  with the specified file name, and
         insert it after the topmost patch. The name can be  pre-
         fixed  with  a sub-directory name, allowing for grouping
         related patches together.

         -p n
             Create a -p n style  patch  (-p0  or  -p1  are  sup-

         -p ab
             Create  a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file
             as the original and new  filenames  instead  of  the
             default dir.orig/file and dir/file names.

             Quilt  can  be  used  in sub-directories of a source
             tree. It determines the root of  a  source  tree  by
             searching  for a patches directory above the current
             working directory. Create a patches directory in the
             intended root directory if quilt chooses a top-level
             directory that is too high up in the directory tree.

     top   Print  the  name  of  the topmost patch on the current
         stack of applied patches.

[--color[=always|auto|never]] [num|patch]
     push    [-afqv]     [--merge[=merge|diff3]]     [--leave-

         Apply patch(es) from the series file.  Without  options,
         the  next  patch  in the series file is applied.  When a
         number is  specified,  apply  the  specified  number  of
         patches.   When  a  patch  name  is specified, apply all
         patches up to and including the specified patch.   Patch
         names  may include the patches/ prefix, which means that
         filename completion can be used.

         -a  Apply all patches in the series file.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   7

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -q  Quiet operation.

         -f  Force apply, even if the patch has  rejects.  Unless
             in  quiet  mode,  apply the patch interactively: the
             patch utility may ask questions.

         -v  Verbose operation.


             Set the maximum fuzz factor (default: 2).

         -m, --merge[=merge|diff3]

             Merge the patch file into the  original  files  (see


             Leave  around  the reject files patch produced, even
             if the patch is not actually applied.


             Use syntax coloring.

     delete [-r] [--backup] [patch|-n]

         Remove the specified or topmost patch  from  the  series
         file.   If  the  patch is applied, quilt will attempt to
         remove it first. (Only the topmost patch can be  removed
         right now.)

         -n  Delete the next patch after topmost, rather than the
             specified or topmost patch.

         -r  Remove the  deleted  patch  file  from  the  patches
             directory as well.


quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   8

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

             Rename the patch file to patch~ rather than deleting
             it.  Ignored if not used with `-r'.

[-P patch] [--snapshot] [--diff=utility] [--no-timestamps] [--no-
index] [--sort] [--color] [file ...]
     diff [-p n|-p ab] [-u|-U num|-c|-C num] [--combine patch|-z]

         Produces a diff of the specified file(s) in the  topmost
         or  specified  patch.   If  no  files are specified, all
         files that are modified are included.

         -p n
             Create a -p n style  patch  (-p0  or  -p1  are  sup-

         -p ab
             Create  a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file
             as the original and new  filenames  instead  of  the
             default dir.orig/file and dir/file names.

         -u, -U num, -c, -C num

             Create  a  unified  diff  (-u, -U) with num lines of
             context. Create a context diff  (-c,  -C)  with  num
             lines  of  context.  The  number  of  context  lines
             defaults to 3.


             Do not include file timestamps in patch headers.


             Do not output Index: lines.

         -z  Write to standard output the changes that have  been
             made relative to the topmost or specified patch.

         -R  Create a reverse diff.

         -P patch

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                   9

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

             Create a diff for the specified patch.  (Defaults to
             the topmost patch.)

         --combine patch

             Create a combined diff for all patches between  this
             patch  and the patch specified with -P. A patch name
             of `-' is equivalent to specifying the first applied


             Diff against snapshot (see `quilt snapshot -h').


             Use  the  specified utility for generating the diff.
             The utility is invoked with  the  original  and  new
             file name as arguments.


             Use syntax coloring.

             Sort  files  by their name instead of preserving the
             original order.

[--sender  ...]  [--from  ...]  [--to ...] [--cc ...] [--bcc ...]
[--subject ...] [--reply-to message] [first_patch [last_patch]]
     mail {--mbox file|--send} [-m text] [-M file]  [--prefix

         Create mail messages from a specified range of  patches,
         or all patches in the series file, and either store them
         in a mailbox file, or send them immediately. The  editor
         is  opened with a template for the introduction.  Please
         see /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.MAIL for details.   When
         specifying a range of patches, a first patch name of `-'
         denotes the first, and a last patch name of `-'  denotes
         the last patch in the series.

         -m text

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  10

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

             Text  to  use  as the text in the introduction. When
             this option is used, the editor will not be invoked,
             and the patches will be processed immediately.

         -M file

             Like  the  -m option, but read the introduction from

         --prefix prefix

             Use an alternate prefix in the bracketed part of the
             subjects generated. Defaults to `patch'.

         --mbox file

             Store  all  messages  in  the specified file in mbox
             format. The mbox can later be  sent  using  formail,
             for example.


             Send the messages directly.


             The envelope sender address to use. The address must
             be of the form `user@domain.name'. No  display  name
             is allowed.

         --from, --subject

             The  values for the From and Subject headers to use.
             If no --from option  is  given,  the  value  of  the
             --sender option is used.

         --to, --cc, --bcc

             Append a recipient to the To, Cc, or Bcc header.

         --signature file

             Append the specified signature to messages (defaults
             to ~/.signature if found; use `-' for no signature).

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  11

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         --reply-to message

             Add  the  appropriate headers to reply to the speci-
             fied message.

     edit file ...

         Edit the specified file(s) in $EDITOR  after  adding  it
         (them) to the topmost patch.

[-T ps] [patch]
     graph  [--all]  [--reduce]  [--lines[=num]] [--edge-

         Generate  a  dot(1) directed graph showing the dependen-
         cies between applied patches. A patch depends on another
         patch  if  both touch the same file or, with the --lines
         option, if their modifications overlap. Unless otherwise
         specified,  the graph includes all patches that the top-
         most patch depends on.  When a patch name is  specified,
         instead  of  the  topmost  patch, create a graph for the
         specified  patch.  The  graph  will  include  all  other
         patches  that  this  patch  depends  on,  as well as all
         patches that depend on this patch.

             Generate a graph including all applied  patches  and
             their   dependencies.  (Unapplied  patches  are  not


             Eliminate transitive edges from the graph.


             Compute dependencies by looking  at  the  lines  the
             patches  modify.   Unless  a different num is speci-
             fied, two lines of context are included.


             Label graph edges with the file names that the adja-
             cent patches modify.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  12

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -T ps
             Directly produce a PostScript output file.

     applied [patch]

         Print  a  list  of applied patches, or all patches up to
         and including the specified patch in the file series.

     annotate [-P patch] {file}

         Print an annotated listing of the specified file showing
         which  patches  modify which lines. Only applied patches
         are included.

         -P patch

             Stop checking for changes at  the  specified  rather
             than the topmost patch.

     remove [-P patch] {file} ...

         Remove  one  or  more  files  from  the topmost or named
         patch.  Files that are modified by patches on top of the
         specified patch cannot be removed.

         -P patch

             Remove named files from the named patch.

ing-whitespace] [patch]
     header  [-a|-r|-e]  [--backup] [--strip-diffstat] [--strip-

         Print  or  change the header of the topmost or specified

         -a, -r, -e

             Append to (-a) or replace  (-r)  the  exiting  patch
             header,  or edit (-e) the header in $EDITOR. If none
             of these options is given, print the patch header.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  13

User Commands                                            quilt(1)


             Strip diffstat output from the header.


             Strip trailing whitespace at the end of lines of the


             Create  a  backup copy of the old version of a patch
             as patch~.

     revert [-P patch] {file} ...

         Revert uncommitted changes to the topmost or named patch
         for the specified file(s): after the revert, 'quilt diff
         -z' will show no differences for those files. Changes to
         files  that are modified by patches on top of the speci-
         fied patch cannot be reverted.

         -P patch

             Revert changes in the named patch.

     fold [-R] [-q] [-f] [-p strip-level]

         Integrate the patch read from standard  input  into  the
         topmost patch: After making sure that all files modified
         are part of the topmost patch, the patch is applied with
         the specified strip level (which defaults to 1).

         -R  Apply patch in reverse.

         -q  Quiet operation.

         -f  Force  apply,  even if the patch has rejects. Unless
             in quiet mode, apply the  patch  interactively:  the
             patch utility may ask questions.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  14

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

         -p strip-level

             The number of pathname components to strip from file
             names when applying patchfile.

[--no-timestamps]  [--no-index]  [--diffstat] [--sort] [--backup]
[--strip-trailing-whitespace] [patch]
     refresh [-p n|-p ab] [-u|-U num|-c|-C  num]  [-z[new_name]]

         Refreshes the specified patch, or the topmost  patch  by
         default.   Documentation  that  comes  before the actual
         patch in the patch file is retained.

         It is possible to refresh patches that are not  on  top.
         If any patches on top of the patch to refresh modify the
         same files, the script aborts by default.   Patches  can
         still  be  refreshed  with -f.  In that case this script
         will print a warning for each shadowed file, changes  by
         more recent patches will be ignored, and only changes in
         files that have not been modified  by  any  more  recent
         patches will end up in the specified patch.

         -p n
             Create a -p n style patch (-p0 or -p1 supported).

         -p ab
             Create  a -p1 style patch, but use a/file and b/file
             as the original and new  filenames  instead  of  the
             default dir.orig/file and dir/file names.

         -u, -U num, -c, -C num

             Create  a  unified  diff  (-u, -U) with num lines of
             context. Create a context diff  (-c,  -C)  with  num
             lines  of  context.  The  number  of  context  lines
             defaults to 3.


             Create a new patch containing the changes instead of
             refreshing  the  topmost  patch.  If  no new name is
             specified, `-2' is added to the original patch name,
             etc. (See the fork command.)

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  15

User Commands                                            quilt(1)


             Do not include file timestamps in patch headers.


             Do not output Index: lines.


             Add  a  diffstat  section  to  the  patch header, or
             replace the existing diffstat section.

         -f  Enforce refreshing of a patch that is not on top.


             Create a backup copy of the old version of  a  patch
             as patch~.

             Sort  files  by their name instead of preserving the
             original order.


             Strip trailing whitespace at the end of lines.


         Upgrade the meta-data in a working tree from an old ver-
         sion  of  quilt  to the current version. This command is
         only needed when the quilt meta-data format has changed,
         and  the  working  tree  still contains old-format meta-
         data. In that case, quilt will  request  to  run  `quilt


             Runs the command in bash trace mode (-x). For inter-
             nal debugging.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  16

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

     B--quiltrcP file

             Use the  specified  configuration  file  instead  of
             ~/.quiltrc (or /etc/quilt.quiltrc if ~/.quiltrc does
             not exist).  See the pdf documentation  for  details
             about  its possible contents.  The special value "-"
             causes quilt not to read any configuration file.


             Print the version number and exit immediately.

          work/ -+- ...
          |- patches/ -+- series
          |            |- patch2.diff
          |            |- patch1.diff
          |            +- ...
          +- .pc/ -+- applied-patches
          |- patch1.diff/ -+- ...
          |- patch2.diff/ -+- ...
          +- ...

     Please refer to the pdf documentation for an example.

     Upon startup, quilt  evaluates  the  file  .quiltrc  in  the
     user's  home  directory,  or  the  file  specified  with the
     --quiltrc option.  This  file  is  a  regular  bash  script.
     Default  options  can be passed to any COMMAND by defining a
     QUILT_${COMMAND}_ARGS      variable.       For      example,
     QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--color=auto"  causes  the  output of quilt
     diff to be syntax colored when writing to a terminal.

     In addition to that, quilt recognizes  the  following  vari-


         Additional  options  that  quilt  shall pass to GNU diff
         when generating patches. A useful setting for  C  source
         code  is  "-p",  which  causes  GNU  diff to show in the
         resulting patch which function a change is in.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  17

User Commands                                            quilt(1)


         Additional options that quilt shall pass  to  GNU  patch
         when  applying patches.  For example, recent versions of
         GNU patch support the  "--reject-format=unified"  option
         for generating reject files in unified diff style (older
         patch versions used "--unified-reject-files" for  that).


         Additional  options  that  quilt  shall pass to diffstat
         when generating patch statistics. For example, "-f0" can
         be  used  for  an alternative output format. Recent ver-
         sions of  diffstat  also  support  alternative  rounding
         methods ("-r1", "-r2").


         The location of patch files, defaulting to "patches".


         The  name  of  the  series file, defaulting to "series".
         Unless an absolute path is used,  the  search  algorithm
         described above applies.


         If  set  to  anything,  quilt will prefix patch names it
         prints with their directory (QUILT_PATCHES).


         By default, quilt prepends an Index: line to the patches
         it  generates.   If this variable is set to anything, no
         line is prepended.  This is a shortcut to  adding  --no-
         index to both QUILT_DIFF_ARGS and QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS.


         By  default,  quilt  includes timestamps in headers when
         generating patches.  If this variable  is  set  to  any-
         thing,  no timestamp will be included.  This is a short-
         cut to adding --no-timestamps  to  both  QUILT_DIFF_ARGS
         and QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS.

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  18

User Commands                                            quilt(1)


         The  pager  quilt  shall  use for commands which produce
         paginated output. If unset, the values of  GIT_PAGER  or
         PAGER  is  used.   If  none  of  these variables is set,
         "less" is used.  An empty value indicates that no  pager
         should be used.


         The program to run to edit files.  If it isn't redefined
         in the configuration file, $EDITOR  as  defined  in  the
         environment will be used.

     Quilt  started as a series of scripts written by Andrew Mor-
     ton (patch-scripts). Based on Andrew's ideas, Andreas Gruen-
     bacher completely rewrote the scripts, with the help of sev-
     eral other contributors (see AUTHORS file in  the  distribu-

     This man page was written by Martin Quinson, based on infor-
     mation found in the pdf documentation, and in the help  mes-
     sages of each commands.

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |Availability   | developer/quilt  |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     The   pdf   documentation,    which    should    be    under
     /usr/share/doc/quilt/quilt.pdf.  Note that some distributors
     compress this file.  zxpdf(1) can be used  to  display  com-
     pressed pdf files.

     diff(1), patch(1).

     This   software   was   built   from   source  available  at

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  19

User Commands                                            quilt(1)

     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The   original
     community source was downloaded from  http://download.savan-

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open    source    community    website    at   http://savan-

quilt               Last change: June 2, 2006                  20