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更新: 2014 年 7 月

snmptranslate (1)


snmptranslate - translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms


snmptranslate [OPTIONS] OID [OID]...


Net-SNMP                                         SNMPTRANSLATE(1)

     snmptranslate  - translate MIB OID names between numeric and
     textual forms

     snmptranslate [OPTIONS] OID [OID]...

     snmptranslate is an application that translates one or  more
     SNMP  object identifier values from their symbolic (textual)
     forms into their numerical forms (or vice versa).

     OID is either a numeric or textual object identifier.

     -D TOKEN[,...]
             Turn on debugging output  for  the  given  TOKEN(s).
             Try ALL for extremely verbose output.

     -h      Display a brief usage message and then exit.

     -m MIBLIST
             Specifies  a  colon separated list of MIB modules to
             load for this application.  This overrides the envi-
             ronment variable MIBS.

             The  special keyword ALL is used to specify all mod-
             ules in  all  directories  when  searching  for  MIB
             files.   Every  file  whose name does not begin with
             "." will be parsed as if it were a MIB file.

             Specifies a colon separated list of  directories  to
             search  for  MIBs.   This  overrides the environment
             variable MIBDIRS.

             Provides control over the  translation  of  the  OID
             values.  The following TRANSOPTS are available:

             -Td   Print full details of the specified OID.

             -Tp   Print  a  graphical tree, rooted at the speci-
                   fied OID.

             -Ta   Dump the loaded MIB in a trivial form.

             -Tl   Dump a labeled form of all objects.

             -To   Dump a numeric form of all objects.

             -Ts   Dump a symbolic form of all objects.

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Net-SNMP                                         SNMPTRANSLATE(1)

             -Tt   Dump a tree form of the  loaded  MIBs  (mostly
                   useful for debugging).

             -Tz   Dump a numeric and labeled form of all objects
                   (compatible with MIB2SCHEMA format).

     -V      Display version information for the application  and
             then exit.

     -w WIDTH
             Specifies  the  width  of  -Tp  and  -Td output. The
             default is very large.

     In addition to the above options,  snmptranslate  takes  the
     OID input (-I), MIB parsing (-M) and OID output (-O) options
     described in the INPUT OPTIONS, MIB PARSING OPTIONS and OUT-
     PUT OPTIONS sections of the snmpcmd(1) manual page.

     o   snmptranslate -On -IR sysDescr
         will translate "sysDescr" to a more qualified form:


     o   snmptranslate -Onf -IR sysDescr
         will translate "sysDecr" to:


     o   snmptranslate -Td -OS system.sysDescr
         will translate "sysDecr" into:

         sysDescr OBJECT-TYPE
           -- FROM SNMPv2-MIB
           -- TEXTUAL CONVENTION DisplayString
           SYNTAX OCTET STRING (0..255)
           DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS current
           DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the entity. This
                        value should include the full name and
                        version identification of the system's
                        hardware type, software operating-system,
                        and networking software."
         ::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) system(1) 1 }

     o   snmptranslate -Tp -OS system
         will print the following tree:

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Net-SNMP                                         SNMPTRANSLATE(1)

            +-- -R-- String    sysDescr(1)
            |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |        Size: 0..255
            +-- -R-- ObjID     sysObjectID(2)
            +-- -R-- TimeTicks sysUpTime(3)
            +-- -RW- String    sysContact(4)
            |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |        Size: 0..255
            +-- -RW- String    sysName(5)
            |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |        Size: 0..255
            +-- -RW- String    sysLocation(6)
            |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |        Size: 0..255
            +-- -R-- Integer   sysServices(7)
            +-- -R-- TimeTicks sysORLastChange(8)
            |        Textual Convention: TimeStamp
                  +-- ---- Integer   sysORIndex(1)
                  +-- -R-- ObjID     sysORID(2)
                  +-- -R-- String    sysORDescr(3)
                  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
                  |        Size: 0..255
                  +-- -R-- TimeTicks sysORUpTime(4)
                           Textual Convention: TimeStamp

     o   snmptranslate -Ta | head
         will produce the following dump:

         dump DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
         org ::= { iso 3 }
         dod ::= { org 6 }
         internet ::= { dod 1 }
         directory ::= { internet 1 }
         mgmt ::= { internet 2 }
         experimental ::= { internet 3 }
         private ::= { internet 4 }
         security ::= { internet 5 }
         snmpV2 ::= { internet 6 }

     o   snmptranslate -Tl | head
         will produce the following dump:

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Net-SNMP                                         SNMPTRANSLATE(1)


     o   snmptranslate -To | head
         will produce the following dump


     o   snmptranslate -Ts | head
         will produce the following dump


     o   snmptranslate -Tt | head
         will produce the following dump

           org(3) type=0
             dod(6) type=0
               internet(1) type=0
                 directory(1) type=0
                 mgmt(2) type=0
                   mib-2(1) type=0
                     system(1) type=0

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Net-SNMP                                         SNMPTRANSLATE(1)

                       sysDescr(1) type=2 tc=4 hint=255a
                       sysObjectID(2) type=1
                       sysUpTime(3) type=8

     See   attributes(5)   for   descriptions  of  the  following

     |ATTRIBUTE TYPE |               ATTRIBUTE VALUE                 |
     |Availability   | system/management/snmp/net-snmp/documentation |
     |Stability      | Volatile                                      |
     snmpcmd(1), variables(5), RFC 2578-2580.

     This  software  was   built   from   source   available   at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original
     community       source       was       downloaded       from

     Further information about this software can be found on  the
     open source community website at http://www.net-snmp.org/.

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