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更新: 2014 年 7 月

perl594delta (1)


perl594delta - what is new for perl v5.9.4


Please see following description for synopsis


Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

     perl594delta - what is new for perl v5.9.4

     This document describes differences between the 5.9.3 and
     the 5.9.4 development releases. See perl590delta,
     perl591delta, perl592delta and perl593delta for the
     differences between 5.8.0 and 5.9.3.

Incompatible Changes
  chdir FOO
     A bareword argument to chdir() is now recognized as a file
     handle.  Earlier releases interpreted the bareword as a
     directory name.  (Gisle Aas)

  Handling of pmc files
     An old feature of perl was that before "require" or "use"
     look for a file with a .pm extension, they will first look
     for a similar filename with a .pmc extension. If this file
     is found, it will be loaded in place of any potentially
     existing file ending in a .pm extension.

     Previously, .pmc files were loaded only if more recent than
     the matching .pm file. Starting with 5.9.4, they'll be
     always loaded if they exist. (This trick is used by Pugs.)

  @- and @+ in patterns
     The special arrays "@-" and "@+" are no longer interpolated
     in regular expressions. (Sadahiro Tomoyuki)

  $AUTOLOAD can now be tainted
     If you call a subroutine by a tainted name, and if it defers
     to an AUTOLOAD function, then $AUTOLOAD will be (correctly)
     tainted.  (Rick Delaney)

Core Enhancements
  state() variables
     A new class of variables has been introduced. State
     variables are similar to "my" variables, but are declared
     with the "state" keyword in place of "my". They're visible
     only in their lexical scope, but their value is persistent:
     unlike "my" variables, they're not undefined at scope entry,
     but retain their previous value. (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)

     To use state variables, one needs to enable them by using

         use feature "state";

     or by using the "-E" command-line switch in one-liners.

     See "Persistent variables via state()" in perlsub.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

     The "UNIVERSAL" class has a new method, "DOES()". It has
     been added to solve semantic problems with the "isa()"
     method. "isa()" checks for inheritance, while "DOES()" has
     been designed to be overridden when module authors use other
     types of relations between classes (in addition to
     inheritance). (chromatic)

     See "$obj->DOES( ROLE )" in UNIVERSAL.

  Exceptions in constant folding
     The constant folding routine is now wrapped in an exception
     handler, and if folding throws an exception (such as
     attempting to evaluate 0/0), perl now retains the current
     optree, rather than aborting the whole program.  (Nicholas
     Clark, Dave Mitchell)

  Source filters in @INC
     It's possible to enhance the mechanism of subroutine hooks
     in @INC by adding a source filter on top of the filehandle
     opened and returned by the hook. This feature was planned a
     long time ago, but wasn't quite working until now. See
     "require" in perlfunc for details. (Nicholas Clark)

     MAD, which stands for Misc Attribute Decoration, is a still-
     in-development work leading to a Perl 5 to Perl 6 converter.
     To enable it, it's necessary to pass the argument "-Dmad" to
     Configure. The obtained perl isn't binary compatible with a
     regular perl 5.9.4, and has space and speed penalties;
     moreover not all regression tests still pass with it. (Larry
     Wall, Nicholas Clark)

Modules and Pragmas
     o   "encoding::warnings" is now a lexical pragma. (Although
         on older perls, which don't have support for lexical
         pragmas, it keeps its global behaviour.) (Audrey Tang)

     o   "threads" is now a dual-life module, also available on
         CPAN. It has been expanded in many ways. A kill() method
         is available for thread signalling.  One can get thread
         status, or the list of running or joinable threads.

         A new "threads->exit()" method is used to exit from the
         application (this is the default for the main thread) or
         from the current thread only (this is the default for
         all other threads). On the other hand, the exit() built-
         in now always causes the whole application to terminate.
         (Jerry D. Hedden)

  New Core Modules
     o   "Hash::Util::FieldHash", by Anno Siegel, has been added.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

         This module provides support for field hashes: hashes
         that maintain an association of a reference with a
         value, in a thread-safe garbage-collected way.  Such
         hashes are useful to implement inside-out objects.

     o   "Module::Build", by Ken Williams, has been added. It's
         an alternative to "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" to build and
         install perl modules.

     o   "Module::Load", by Jos Boumans, has been added. It
         provides a single interface to load Perl modules and .pl

     o   "Module::Loaded", by Jos Boumans, has been added. It's
         used to mark modules as loaded or unloaded.

     o   "Package::Constants", by Jos Boumans, has been added.
         It's a simple helper to list all constants declared in a
         given package.

     o   "Win32API::File", by Tye McQueen, has been added (for
         Windows builds).  This module provides low-level access
         to Win32 system API calls for files/dirs.

Utility Changes
     "config_data" is a new utility that comes with
     "Module::Build". It provides a command-line interface to the
     configuration of Perl modules that use Module::Build's
     framework of configurability (that is, *::ConfigData modules
     that contain local configuration information for their
     parent modules.)

  New manpage, perlpragma
     The perlpragma manpage documents how to write one's own
     lexical pragmas in pure Perl (something that is possible
     starting with 5.9.4).

  New manpage, perlreguts
     The perlreguts manpage, courtesy of Yves Orton, describes
     internals of the Perl regular expression engine.

  New manpage, perlunitut
     The perlunitut manpage is an tutorial for programming with
     Unicode and string encodings in Perl, courtesy of Juerd

Performance Enhancements
  Memory optimisations
     Several internal data structures (typeglobs, GVs, CVs,
     formats) have been restructured to use less memory.

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

     (Nicholas Clark)

  UTF-8 cache optimisation
     The UTF-8 caching code is now more efficient, and used more
     often.  (Nicholas Clark)

  Regular expressions
     Engine de-recursivised
         The regular expression engine is no longer recursive,
         meaning that patterns that used to overflow the stack
         will either die with useful explanations, or run to
         completion, which, since they were able to blow the
         stack before, will likely take a very long time to
         happen. If you were experiencing the occasional stack
         overflow (or segfault) and upgrade to discover that now
         perl apparently hangs instead, look for a degenerate
         regex. (Dave Mitchell)

     Single char char-classes treated as literals
         Classes of a single character are now treated the same
         as if the character had been used as a literal, meaning
         that code that uses char-classes as an escaping
         mechanism will see a speedup. (Yves Orton)

     Trie optimisation of literal string alternations
         Alternations, where possible, are optimised into more
         efficient matching structures. String literal
         alternations are merged into a trie and are matched
         simultaneously.  This means that instead of O(N) time
         for matching N alternations at a given point the new
         code performs in O(1) time. (Yves Orton)

         Note: Much code exists that works around perl's historic
         poor performance on alternations. Often the tricks used
         to do so will disable the new optimisations. Hopefully
         the utility modules used for this purpose will be
         educated about these new optimisations by the time 5.10
         is released.

     Aho-Corasick start-point optimisation
         When a pattern starts with a trie-able alternation and
         there aren't better optimisations available the regex
         engine will use Aho-Corasick matching to find the start
         point. (Yves Orton)

  Sloppy stat on Windows
     On Windows, perl's stat() function normally opens the file
     to determine the link count and update attributes that may
     have been changed through hard links. Setting
     ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} to a true value speeds up stat() by
     not performing this operation. (Jan Dubois)

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

Installation and Configuration Improvements
  Relocatable installations
     There is now Configure support for creating a relocatable
     perl tree. If you Configure with "-Duserelocatableinc", then
     the paths in @INC (and everything else in %Config) can be
     optionally located via the path of the perl executable.

     That means that, if the string ".../" is found at the start
     of any path, it's substituted with the directory of $^X. So,
     the relocation can be configured on a per-directory basis,
     although the default with "-Duserelocatableinc" is that
     everything is relocated. The initial install is done to the
     original configured prefix.

     Many improvements have been made towards making Perl work
     correctly on z/OS.

     Perl has been reported to work on DragonFlyBSD.

  Compilation improvements
     All ppport.h files in the XS modules bundled with perl are
     now autogenerated at build time. (Marcus Holland-Moritz)

  New probes
     The configuration process now detects whether strlcat() and
     strlcpy() are available.  When they are not available,
     perl's own version is used (from Russ Allbery's public
     domain implementation).  Various places in the perl
     interpreter now use them. (Steve Peters)

  Windows build improvements
     Building XS extensions
         Support for building XS extension modules with the free
         MinGW compiler has been improved in the case where perl
         itself was built with the Microsoft VC++ compiler.

     Support for 64-bit compiler
         Support for building perl with Microsoft's 64-bit
         compiler has been improved. (ActiveState)

Selected Bug Fixes
  PERL5SHELL and tainting
     On Windows, the PERL5SHELL environment variable is now
     checked for taintedness. (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)

  Using *FILE{IO}
     "stat()" and "-X" filetests now treat *FILE{IO} filehandles
     like *FILE filehandles. (Steve Peters)

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

  Overloading and reblessing
     Overloading now works when references are reblessed into
     another class.  Internally, this has been implemented by
     moving the flag for "overloading" from the reference to the
     referent, which logically is where it should always have
     been. (Nicholas Clark)

  Overloading and UTF-8
     A few bugs related to UTF-8 handling with objects that have
     stringification overloaded have been fixed. (Nicholas Clark)

  eval memory leaks fixed
     Traditionally, "eval 'syntax error'" has leaked badly. Many
     (but not all) of these leaks have now been eliminated or
     reduced. (Dave Mitchell)

  Random device on Windows
     In previous versions, perl would read the file /dev/urandom
     if it existed when seeding its random number generator.
     That file is unlikely to exist on Windows, and if it did
     would probably not contain appropriate data, so perl no
     longer tries to read it on Windows. (Alex Davies)

New or Changed Diagnostics
     State variable %s will be reinitialized
         One can assign initial values to state variables, but
         not when they're declared as a sub-part of a list
         assignment. See perldiag.

Changed Internals
     A new file, mathoms.c, contains functions that aren't used
     anymore in the perl core, but remain around because modules
     out there might still use them. They come from a
     factorization effort: for example, many PP functions are now
     shared for several ops.

     The implementation of the special variables $^H and %^H has
     changed, to allow implementing lexical pragmas in pure perl.

Known Problems
     One warning test (number 263 in lib/warnings.t) fails under
     UTF-8 locales.

     Bytecode tests fail under several platforms. We are
     considering removing support for byteloader and compiler
     before the 5.10.0 release.

Reporting Bugs
     If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the
     articles recently posted to the comp.lang.perl.misc
     newsgroup and the perl bug database at
     http://rt.perl.org/rt3/ .  There may also be information at

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Perl Programmers Reference Guide                  PERL594DELTA(1)

     http://www.perl.org/ , the Perl Home Page.

     If you believe you have an unreported bug, please run the
     perlbug program included with your release.  Be sure to trim
     your bug down to a tiny but sufficient test case.  Your bug
     report, along with the output of "perl -V", will be sent off
     to perlbug@perl.org to be analysed by the Perl porting team.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following

     |Availability   | runtime/perl-512 |
     |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
     The Changes file for exhaustive details on what changed.

     The INSTALL file for how to build Perl.

     The README file for general stuff.

     The Artistic and Copying files for copyright information.

     This software was built from source available at
     https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.  The original
     community source was downloaded from

     Further information about this software can be found on the
     open source community website at http://www.perl.org/.

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