マニュアルページセク ション 1: ユーザーコマンド


更新: 2014 年 7 月

xinit (1)


xinit - X Window System initializer


/usr/bin/xinit  [ [ client ] options ... ] [ -- [ server ] [
display ] options ... ]


User Commands                                            XINIT(1)

     xinit - X Window System initializer

     /usr/bin/xinit  [ [ client ] options ... ] [ -- [ server ] [
     display ] options ... ]

     The xinit program is used  to  start  the  X  Window  System
     server  and  a  first client program on systems that are not
     using a display manager such as xdm(1)  or  in  environments
     that  use  multiple  window systems.  When this first client
     exits, xinit will kill the X server and then terminate.

     If no specific client program is given on the command  line,
     xinit  will  look  for  a  file in the user's home directory
     called .xinitrc to run as a shell script to start up  client
     programs.   If  no such file exists, xinit will use the fol-
     lowing as a default:

          xterm  -geometry  +1+1  -n  login  -display  :0

     If no specific server program is given on the command  line,
     xinit  will  look  for  a  file in the user's home directory
     called .xserverrc to run as a shell script to start  up  the
     server.   If no such file exists, xinit will use the follow-
     ing as a default:

          X  :0

     Note that this assumes that there is a program  named  X  in
     the  current  search  path.   The site administrator should,
     therefore, make a link to the appropriate type of server  on
     the  machine,  or create a shell script that runs xinit with
     the appropriate server.

     Note, when using a .xserverrc script be sure to ``exec'' the
     real  X  server.   Failing  to do this can make the X server
     slow to start and exit.  For example:

          exec Xdisplaytype

     An important point is that programs which are run by  .xini-
     trc  should  be  run  in  the background if they do not exit
     right away, so that they don't prevent other  programs  from
     starting  up.   However, the last long-lived program started
     (usually a window manager or terminal  emulator)  should  be
     left  in the foreground so that the script won't exit (which
     indicates that the user is done and that xinit should exit).

X Version 11         Last change: xinit 1.3.3                   1

User Commands                                            XINIT(1)

     An  alternate  client  and/or server may be specified on the
     command line.  The desired client program and its  arguments
     should  be  given  as  the  first  command line arguments to
     xinit.  To specify a particular server command line,  append
     a  double  dash  (--)  to  the xinit command line (after any
     client and arguments) followed by the  desired  server  com-

     Both  the  client  program  name and the server program name
     must begin with a slash (/) or  a  period  (.).   Otherwise,
     they  are  treated  as  an arguments to be appended to their
     respective startup lines.  This makes  it  possible  to  add
     arguments  (for  example,  foreground and background colors)
     without having to retype the whole command line.

     If an explicit server name is not given and the first  argu-
     ment following the double dash (--) is a colon followed by a
     digit, xinit will use that  number  as  the  display  number
     instead  of  zero.   All remaining arguments are appended to
     the server command line.

     Below are several examples of how command line arguments  in
     xinit are used.

     xinit   This  will  start  up  a  server named X and run the
             user's .xinitrc, if it  exists,  or  else  start  an

     xinit -- /usr/bin/Xvnc  :1
             This  is  how  one  could  start  a specific type of
             server on an alternate display.

     xinit -geometry =80x65+10+10 -fn 8x13 -j -fg white -bg navy
             This will start up a server named X, and will append
             the  given  arguments  to the default xterm command.
             It will ignore .xinitrc.

     xinit -e widgets -- ./Xorg -l -c
             This will use the command .Xorg -l -c to  start  the
             server  and  will append the arguments -e widgets to
             the default xterm command.

     xinit /usr/bin/rsh fasthost cpupig -display ws:1 --  :1 -a 2
             -t 5
             This will start a server named X on display  1  with
             the  arguments  -a  2  -t  5.   It will then start a
             remote shell on the machine  fasthost  in  which  it
             will  run  the command cpupig, telling it to display
             back on the local workstation.

X Version 11         Last change: xinit 1.3.3                   2

User Commands                                            XINIT(1)

     Below is a sample .xinitrc that starts a clock, several ter-
     minals,  and  leaves  the  window  manager  running  as  the
     ``last'' application.  Assuming that the window manager  has
     been configured properly, the user then chooses the ``Exit''
     menu item to shut down X.

             xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
             xsetroot -solid gray &
             xclock -g 50x50-0+0 -bw 0 &
             xload -g 50x50-50+0 -bw 0 &
             xterm -g 80x24+0+0 &
             xterm -g 80x24+0-0 &

     Sites that want to create a common startup environment could
     simply create a default .xinitrc that references a site-wide
     startup file:

             . /etc/X11/xinit/site.xinitrc

     Another approach is to write a script that starts xinit with
     a  specific  shell  script.   Such scripts are usually named
     x11, xstart, or startx and are a convenient way to provide a
     simple interface for novice users:

             xinit /etc/X11/xinit/site.xinitrc -- /usr/bin/X -br

     DISPLAY        This  variable  gets  set  to the name of the
                    display to which clients should connect.

     XINITRC        This variable specifies an init file contain-
                    ing  shell  commands  to start up the initial
                    windows.  By default, .xinitrc  in  the  home
                    directory will be used.

     .xinitrc       default client script

     xterm          client to run if .xinitrc does not exist

     .xserverrc     default server script

     X              server to run if .xserverrc does not exist

     X(5), startx(1), Xserver(1), Xorg(1), xorg.conf(4), xterm(1)

X Version 11         Last change: xinit 1.3.3                   3

User Commands                                            XINIT(1)

     Bob Scheifler, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

     See  attributes(5)  for  descriptions   of   the   following

     |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |      ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
     |Availability                 |x11/session/xinit            |
     |Interface Stability          |Committed                    |

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