Post Update Tasks

After updating Workforce content from a monthly update, note the following information.

Enhancements available in certain releases include updates to some provided artifacts. If you haven’t modified these artifacts, then the artifacts and features are available to you automatically with the release. Because customized artifacts are not updated during releases, if you have customized these artifacts and want to take advantage of the new features, review the information in the appendix Updating Workforce Artifacts.

Also, check this appendix to see the list of new rules. To make new rules available to users, you must give users access to the rules. To do so, on the Home page, select Rules, the OEP_WFP cube, the new rule, and then the Permission icon.

October 2022

Perform these tasks immediately after updating the Workforce October 2022 content:

  • All users must set values for two new user variables. These variables are required before you can use the Mass Update forms:

    • Employee Parent—Helps make forms more manageable by letting you include or exclude the employees to display on the forms based on the Employee Parent member you select, such as new hires or existing employees.
    • Period—Allows Comments for New Hires to be displayed as well as Total Compensation for all Employees on the Mass Update forms.
  • Run the data map Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting to repopulate the data in the Workforce Reporting cube with the new detailed account data.
  • Run the rule OWP_Calculate existing employee compensation or any of the Synchronize rules to ensure that merit is calculated correctly for part-time employees.

August 2021

Perform these tasks immediately after updating the Workforce August 2021 content.

Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube

In this update, for new applications, you have the option to choose whether to add custom dimensions to the reporting cube (OEP_REP) the first time you enable features.

For existing applications, you have a one-time option to add custom dimensions to the reporting cube the next time you enable features. Before you enable features, you must clear data in the OEP_REP cube.

To choose which dimensions are pushed to the reporting cube (OEP_REP), see Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube:

  • For new applications, you can perform this task only once, when you first enable features.
  • For existing applications, you have a one-time option to perform this task the next time you make a change in Enable Features.

Merit Assumptions

  • Give users access to access to the new dashboard Workforce and Merit Assumptions.

  • If you enabled Merit Assumptions, and you specify to plan at the Global level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Company Assumptions, and Entity is hidden. If you you specify to plan at the Per Entity level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Entity and Company Assumptions is hidden.

  • For existing customers, if you enable Merit Assumptions and choose to plan by Entity or by Global, you must enter data for Merit Rate, Merit Month, and Cut-off Date at Entity or Global level. When you are loading data for existing employees using Data Management or Data Integration, these assumptions are copied to employees as part of the Incremental Process Data with Synchronize rule. Alternatvely, you can run Process Loaded Data whenever you update Merit Month or Cut-off Date.

Updated Employee Details Form

There is a new member, Merit Increase, in the Component dimension, which is assigned as a Smart List value for Merit Account. For existing customers, after updating content for 21.08, in the Employee Details form, the row heading for Merit displays 1 instead of the new Smart List value. To update the Employee Details form to display the new member, Merit Increase, run either the Calculate Compensation or Synchronize rule.

February 2020

Immediately after updating the Workforce February 2020 content, you must run the new rule 1X Populate New Properties to convert existing Start Month data to the Start Date account. Run this rule only once for each Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content. Specify only Scenario and Version combinations whose data you want to recalculate. For example, you may not want to recalculate historical data.

For optimum performance, before running 1xPopulate New Properties, change the FIX Parallel dimension to use the dimension that is appropriate to parallelize the process by moving the dimension from FIX statement to FIX Parallel and move the entity member selection to FIX statement in the place of the dimension that's moved to FIX Parallel statement. This change needs to be made in OWP_Populate New Properties_T template in Calculation Manager. Save the changes and then deploy the OWP_Populate New Properties rule.


If you don’t run this rule immediately after updating, the consequence of running any rules is the possibility of losing some data. If you inadvertently run rules before running 1X Populate New Properties, run 1X - Populate New Properties and then rerun the rules that you previously ran.

May 2019

Immediately after updating the Workforce May 2019 content, you must run the new rule 1X Copy Compensation Details from BegBalance to Periods, which copies compensation details from the BegBalance member to all months. Run this rule only once for each active Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content. To run this rule, on the Home page, click Rules, then All Cubes, and then select OEP_WFSC from the Cube drop-down list. Then click Launch for the rule Copy Compensation Details from BegBalance to Periods.

February 2019

Workforce provides four forms for quickly updating and processing data on existing employees. Each form is associated with a Groovy rule that processes only the changed data. The forms are designed for optimal processing efficiency, depending on the kind of data being updated. You access these forms from the Mass Update tab. See Updating Employees and Jobs Details in the Working with Planning Modules.

On these forms, all the Flex dimensions and the Entity dimension are initially on the Page. Oracle recommends that you analyze the form load performance and then modify the layout of these forms, moving certain dimensions from the Page to the rows based on your requirements. Year and Period are also on the Page; Oracle assumes you'll use the selected Year and Period for loading and processing the changed data. Your Year and Period selection is equivalent to the runtime prompt values for the Process Loaded Data rule.

To provide processing efficiency for multiple simultaneous users, the default parallelism for the Groovy rule is set to 2. However, if you don't provide access to these forms for planners or if you expect a low level of concurrency, then you can adjust a design-time prompt (DTP) value to increase the parallelism to 4. Doing so will increase processing speed for large-scale changes in data.

July 2018

  • Immediately after updating the Workforce July 2018 content, you must run the new rule One Time - Copy Rates to Months, which copies rates from the BegBalance member to all months. Run this rule only once for each active Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content. To run this rule, on the Home page, click Rules, then All Cubes, and then select OEP_WFSC from the Cube drop-down list. Then click Launch for the rule One Time - Copy Rates to Months.
  • For components configured with the Payment Frequency set to One-time Pay: Unless you select a One-time Pay Option, your component expenses continue to occur in the first month of your selected payment frequency.