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Guide d'administration des systèmes Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance, version OS8.6.x

Quitter la vue de l'impression

Mis à jour : Septembre 2016

Affichage de l'aide d'un service dans la CLI

Suivez la procédure ci-après pour afficher les commandes disponibles pour un service.

  1. Accédez à configuration services.
  2. Sélectionnez le service et entrez la commande help.
    hostname:configuration services> nis
    hostname:configuration services nis> help
    Subcommands that are valid in this context:
       help [topic]         => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified,
                               it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general",
                               "help", "script" or "properties".
       show                 => Show information pertinent to the current context
       commit               => Commit current state, including any changes
       done                 => Finish operating on "nis"
       enable               => Enable the nis service
       disable              => Disable the nis service
       get [prop]           => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties"
                               for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified,
                               returns values for all properties.
       set [prop]           => Set property [prop] to [value]. ("help properties"
                               for valid properties.) For properties taking list
                               values, [value] should be a comma-separated list of

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