Choose Which Data Action Inherited Methods to Override

Each data action must implement various methods in order to function properly, so you only need to override those methods that implement behavior that you want to change.

Generic Methods

If you're extending one of the concrete data actions classes, for example HTTPAPIDataAction, then most of the required methods are already implemented and you only need to override the methods that implement the behavior you want to change.

This section describes the various methods and what's expected of them.

All types of data action must implement the methods that are described here.

create(sID, sName)

The create() static method is called when you're creating a new data action and select a Data Action Type from the drop-down menu. This method is responsible for:

  • Constructing the Knockout Model class that your data action uses.

    The Knockout Model class must have the ID and name that's passed to the create() method along with sensible defaults for all other properties. For example, for a currency conversion data action you might want to set the default currency to convert into Dollars. The Knockout Model is the correct place to provide your default values.

  • Constructing an instance of your data action from the Knockout Model.
  • Returning the instance of your data action.

invoke(oActionContext, oDataActionContext)

The invoke() method is called when the user invokes your data action from the context menu for a data point in a visualization. The method passes the DataActionContext argument which contains metadata describing the selected data points, visualization, filters, workbook, and session. See Data Action Service Classes.


The validate() method is called on each data action when the user clicks OK in the Data Actions dialog. The validate() method returns a null to indicate that everything is valid or a DataActionError if something is invalid. If there's an error in one of the data actions in the dialog, the error prevents the dialog from closing and an error message is displayed to the user. This method validates the name of the data action using the this.validateName() method.


The getGadgetInfos() method is called to enable the user interface to display data action property fields. The method returns an array of GadgetInfos in the order you want them to appear in the user interface. Gadgets are provided for all of the most common types of fields (for example, text, drop-down, password, multi-select, radio button, check box) but you can create custom gadgets if you want more complicated fields (for example, where multiple gadgets are grouped together, or where different gadget fields display depending on which option you select). It's a best practice to create a method that constructs each GadgetInfo you want in your array, as it makes it easier for potential subclasses to pick and choose from the GadgetInfos you've provided. If you follow this best practice there are already various methods implemented by the different data action base classes that can return a GadgetInfo for each of the fields that they use in their user interfaces. If you also need one of these GadgetInfos then you call the corresponding create****GadgetInfo() method and push its return value into your array of gadgets.


The isAllowedHere() method is called when the user right-clicks on a data-point in a visualization and the user interface starts to generate the context menu. If a data action exists that's relevant to the selected data-points, then the method returns true and the data action appears in the context menu. If the method returns false, then the data action doesn't appear in the context menu. Consider accepting the default behavior inherited from the superclass.


If you're creating your first data action then don't use the upgrade(oOldDataActionJS) method. Only use this method after you've created your first Knockout Model and are making significant changes to properties for a second version of your Knockout Model. For example, if the first version of your data action stores a URL in its Knockout Model, but you decide that the next version will store URL component parts in separate properties (for example, protocol, hostname, port, path, queryString and bookmark).

The second version of your Knockout Model code would request to open a data action that had been saved with the first version of your Knockout Model code which can cause problems. To resolve this issue, the system identifies that your current data action code version is newer than that of the data action being opened and it calls the upgrade() method on your new data action class and passes in the old data action Knockout Model (serialized to a JSON object). You can then use the old JSON object to populate your new Knockout Model and return an upgraded version of the JSON object. This ensures that old data action metadata continues to work as you improve your data action code.

HTTPAPIDataAction Methods

If you're extending the HTTPAPIDataAction class, then it provides the following additional method that you may choose to override:


The getAJAXOptions() method is called by the data action's invoke() method. The getAJAXOptions() method creates the AJAX Options object that describes the HTTP request that you want your data action to make. The getAJAXOptions() method is passed the oDataActionContext object that contains the metadata describing the selected data-points, visualization, filters, workbook, and session. Set the AJAX Options as required by the HTTP API you're trying to integrate with and specify the functions you want to be called when the HTTPRequest is successful or results in an error. See the JQuery website for an explanation of the jQuery.ajax object and its properties.

The following implementation is inherited from the HTTPAPIDataAction class. You need to rewrite the inherited method to specify requirements. For example, forming the HTTP request, and the code that handles the HTTP response. This implementation is useful as it shows the parameters passed to the getAJAXOptions() function, the object that it's expected to return, and gives a clear example of how to structure the code inside the method.

1 /**
2  * This method returns an object containing the AJAX settings used when the data action is invoked. 
3  * Subclasses may wish to override this method to provide their own behavior. 
4  * @param {module:obitech-reportservices/dataactionmanager.DataActionContext} oDataActionContext The context metadata describing where the data action was invoked from.  
5  * @returns {?object} A JQuery AJAX settings object (see for details) - returns null if there is a problem. 
6  */
7 dataaction.HTTPAPIDataAction.prototype.getAJAXOptions = function (oDataActionContext)
8 {
9    jsx.assertInstanceOfModule(oDataActionContext, "oDataActionContext", "obitech-reportservices/dataactionmanager", "DataActionContext");
11   var oAJAXOptions = null;   
12   var oKOViewModel = this.getKOViewModel();
13   var sURL = oKOViewModel.sURL();
14   if (sURL)
15   {
16      // Parse the URL
17      var sResultURL = this._parseURL(sURL, oDataActionContext);
18      if (sResultURL)
19      {
20         // Parse the POST parameters (if required)
21         var eHTTPMethod = oKOViewModel.eHTTPMethod()[0];
22         var sData = null;
23         if (eHTTPMethod === dataaction.HTTPDataActionKOModel.HTTPMethod.POST)
24         {
25            var sPOSTParams = oKOViewModel.sPOSTParams();
26            sData = sPOSTParams.replace(dataaction.AbstractHTTPDataAction.RegularExpressions.LINE_END, "&");
27            sData = this._parseURL(sData, oDataActionContext, false);
28         }
29         oAJAXOptions = {
30            type: eHTTPMethod,
31            url: sResultURL,
32            async: true,
33            cache: false,
34            success: function (/*oData, sTextStatus, oJQXHR*/)
35            {
36               oDataActionContext.getReport().displaySuccessMessage(messages.HTTP_API_DATA_ACTION_INVOCATION_SUCCESSFUL.format(oKOViewModel.sName()));
37            },
38            error: function (oJQXHR/*, sTextStatus, sError*/)
39            {
40               oDataActionContext.getReport().displayErrorMessage(messages.HTTP_API_DATA_ACTION_INVOCATION_FAILED.format(oKOViewModel.sName(), oJQXHR.statusText, oJQXHR.status));
41            }
42         };
43         if (sData)
44         {
45   = sData;
46         }
47      }
48   }
49   return oAJAXOptions;
50 };