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更新: 2016年12月6日

cmake (1)


cmake - Platform Makefile Generator.


Please see following description for synopsis


cmake(1)                    General Commands Manual                   cmake(1)

         cmake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.

         cmake [options] <path-to-source>
         cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>

       The  "cmake" executable is the CMake command-line interface.  It may be
       used to configure projects in scripts.  Project configuration  settings
       may be specified on the command line with the -D option.  The -i option
       will cause cmake to interactively prompt for such settings.

       CMake is a cross-platform build  system  generator.   Projects  specify
       their  build process with platform-independent CMake listfiles included
       in each directory of a source tree with the name CMakeLists.txt.  Users
       build  a project by using CMake to generate a build system for a native
       tool on their platform.

       -C <initial-cache>
              Pre-load a script to populate the cache.

              When cmake is first run in an empty build  tree,  it  creates  a
              CMakeCache.txt  file and populates it with customizable settings
              for the project.  This option may be used to specify a file from
              which  to  load  cache entries before the first pass through the
              project's cmake listfiles.  The  loaded  entries  take  priority
              over  the  project's default values.  The given file should be a
              CMake script containing SET commands that use the CACHE  option,
              not a cache-format file.

       -D <var>:<type>=<value>
              Create a cmake cache entry.

              When  cmake  is  first  run in an empty build tree, it creates a
              CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable  settings
              for  the  project.  This option may be used to specify a setting
              that takes priority  over  the  project's  default  value.   The
              option may be repeated for as many cache entries as desired.

       -U <globbing_expr>
              Remove matching entries from CMake cache.

              This option may be used to remove one or more variables from the
              CMakeCache.txt file, globbing expressions using * and ? are sup-
              ported.  The option may be repeated for as many cache entries as

              Use with care, you can make your CMakeCache.txt non-working.

       -G <generator-name>
              Specify a makefile generator.

              CMake may support multiple native build systems on certain plat-
              forms.   A  makefile  generator  is responsible for generating a
              particular build system.  Possible generator names are specified
              in the Generators section.

              Suppress developer warnings.

              Suppress  warnings  that  are meant for the author of the CMake-
              Lists.txt files.

       -Wdev  Enable developer warnings.

              Enable warnings that are meant for  the  author  of  the  CMake-
              Lists.txt files.

       -E     CMake command mode.

              For  true  platform  independence, CMake provides a list of com-
              mands that can be used on all systems. Run with -E help for  the
              usage information. Commands available are: chdir, compare_files,
              copy,  copy_directory,  copy_if_different,  echo,   echo_append,
              environment,  make_directory,  md5sum, remove, remove_directory,
              rename, tar, time,  touch,  touch_nocreate.  In  addition,  some
              platform  specific  commands are available. On Windows: comspec,
              delete_regv, write_regv. On UNIX: create_symlink.

       -i     Run in wizard mode.

              Wizard mode runs cmake interactively without a GUI.  The user is
              prompted  to  answer  questions about the project configuration.
              The answers are used to set cmake cache values.

              List non-advanced cached variables.

              List cache variables will run CMake and list all  the  variables
              from  the  CMake  cache  that  are  not  marked  as  INTERNAL or
              ADVANCED. This will effectively display current CMake  settings,
              which  can  be then changed with -D option. Changing some of the
              variable may result in more variables being  created.  If  A  is
              specified, then it will display also advanced variables. If H is
              specified, it will also display help for each variable.

       --build <dir>
              Build a CMake-generated project binary tree.

              This abstracts a native build tool's command-line interface with
              the following options:

                <dir>          = Project binary directory to be built.
                --target <tgt> = Build <tgt> instead of default targets.
                --config <cfg> = For multi-configuration tools, choose <cfg>.
                --clean-first  = Build target 'clean' first, then build.
                                 (To clean only, use --target 'clean'.)
                --use-stderr  =  Don't merge stdout/stderr.
                --             = Pass remaining options to the native tool.

              Run cmake --build with no options for quick help.

       -N     View mode only.

              Only  load the cache. Do not actually run configure and generate

       -P <file>
              Process script mode.

              Process the given cmake file as a script written  in  the  CMake
              language.   No  configure  or generate step is performed and the
              cache is not modified. If variables are defined using  -D,  this
              must be done before the -P argument.

              Run in pkg-config like mode.

              Search  a  package  using find_package() and print the resulting
              flags to stdout. This can  be  used  to  use  cmake  instead  of
              pkg-config  to  find installed libraries in plain Makefile-based
              projects  or  in  autoconf-based   projects   (via   share/aclo-

              Generate graphviz of dependencies.

              Generate a graphviz input file that will contain all the library
              and executable dependencies in the project.

       --system-information [file]
              Dump information about this system.

              Dump a wide range of information about the  current  system.  If
              run  from  the  top of a binary tree for a CMake project it will
              dump additional information such as the cache, log files etc.

              Do not delete the try_compile build tree.  Only  useful  on  one
              try_compile at a time.

              Do  not delete the files and directories created for try_compile
              calls. This is useful in debugging failed try_compiles.  It  may
              however  change the results of the try-compiles as old junk from
              a previous try-compile may cause a different test to either pass
              or  fail incorrectly.  This option is best used for one try-com-
              pile at a time, and only when debugging.

              Put cmake in a debug mode.

              Print extra stuff during the cmake run like  stack  traces  with
              message(send_error ) calls.

              Put cmake in trace mode.

              Print  a  trace  of  all  calls  made  and  from where with mes-
              sage(send_error ) calls.

              Warn about uninitialized values.

              Print a warning when an uninitialized variable is used.

              Warn about unused variables.

              Find variables that are declared or set, but not used.

              Don't warn about command line options.

              Don't find variables that are declared on the command line,  but
              not used.

              Find problems with variable usage in system files.

              Normally,  unused  and  uninitialized variables are searched for
              only in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_BINARY_DIR. This  flag  tells
              CMake to warn about other files as well.

       --help-command cmd [file]
              Print help for a single command and exit.

              Full  documentation  specific to the given command is displayed.
              If a file is specified, the documentation is  written  into  and
              the  output  format is determined depending on the filename suf-
              fix. Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-command-list [file]
              List available listfile commands and exit.

              The list contains all commands for which help may be obtained by
              using the --help-command argument followed by a command name. If
              a file is specified, the documentation is written into  and  the
              output  format  is  determined depending on the filename suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-commands [file]
              Print help for all commands and exit.

              Full documentation specific for  all  current  command  is  dis-
              played.If a file is specified, the documentation is written into
              and the output format is determined depending  on  the  filename
              suffix. Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-compatcommands [file]
              Print help for compatibility commands.

              Full  documentation  specific  for all compatibility commands is
              displayed.If a file is specified, the documentation  is  written
              into  and the output format is determined depending on the file-
              name suffix. Supported are man page,  HTML,  DocBook  and  plain

       --help-module module [file]
              Print help for a single module and exit.

              Full  documentation specific to the given module is displayed.If
              a file is specified, the documentation is written into  and  the
              output  format  is  determined depending on the filename suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-module-list [file]
              List available modules and exit.

              The list contains all modules for which help may be obtained  by
              using the --help-module argument followed by a module name. If a
              file is specified, the documentation is  written  into  and  the
              output  format  is  determined depending on the filename suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-modules [file]
              Print help for all modules and exit.

              Full documentation for all modules is displayed. If  a  file  is
              specified, the documentation is written into and the output for-
              mat is determined depending on the  filename  suffix.  Supported
              are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-custom-modules [file]
              Print help for all custom modules and exit.

              Full  documentation  for  all  custom modules is displayed. If a
              file is specified, the documentation is  written  into  and  the
              output  format  is  determined depending on the filename suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-policy cmp [file]
              Print help for a single policy and exit.

              Full documentation specific to the given policy is  displayed.If
              a  file  is specified, the documentation is written into and the
              output format is determined depending on  the  filename  suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-policies [file]
              Print help for all policies and exit.

              Full  documentation  for  all policies is displayed.If a file is
              specified, the documentation is written into and the output for-
              mat  is  determined  depending on the filename suffix. Supported
              are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-property prop [file]
              Print help for a single property and exit.

              Full documentation  specific  to  the  given  property  is  dis-
              played.If a file is specified, the documentation is written into
              and the output format is determined depending  on  the  filename
              suffix. Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-property-list [file]
              List available properties and exit.

              The  list contains all properties for which help may be obtained
              by using the --help-property argument  followed  by  a  property
              name.   If a file is specified, the help is written into it.If a
              file is specified, the documentation is  written  into  and  the
              output  format  is  determined depending on the filename suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-properties [file]
              Print help for all properties and exit.

              Full documentation for all properties is displayed.If a file  is
              specified, the documentation is written into and the output for-
              mat is determined depending on the  filename  suffix.  Supported
              are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-variable var [file]
              Print help for a single variable and exit.

              Full  documentation  specific  to  the  given  variable  is dis-
              played.If a file is specified, the documentation is written into
              and  the  output  format is determined depending on the filename
              suffix. Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-variable-list [file]
              List documented variables and exit.

              The list contains all variables for which help may  be  obtained
              by  using  the  --help-variable  argument followed by a variable
              name.  If a file is specified, the help is written into it.If  a
              file  is  specified,  the  documentation is written into and the
              output format is determined depending on  the  filename  suffix.
              Supported are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --help-variables [file]
              Print help for all variables and exit.

              Full  documentation  for all variables is displayed.If a file is
              specified, the documentation is written into and the output for-
              mat  is  determined  depending on the filename suffix. Supported
              are man page, HTML, DocBook and plain text.

       --copyright [file]
              Print the CMake copyright and exit.

              If a file is specified, the copyright is written into it.

       --help Print usage information and exit.

              Usage  describes  the  basic  command  line  interface  and  its

       --help-full [file]
              Print full help and exit.

              Full  help  displays  most  of the documentation provided by the
              UNIX man page.  It is provided for use  on  non-UNIX  platforms,
              but  is  also convenient if the man page is not installed.  If a
              file is specified, the help is written into it.

       --help-html [file]
              Print full help in HTML format.

              This option is used by CMake authors to help produce web  pages.
              If a file is specified, the help is written into it.

       --help-man [file]
              Print full help as a UNIX man page and exit.

              This  option is used by the cmake build to generate the UNIX man
              page.  If a file is specified, the help is written into it.

       --version [file]
              Show program name/version banner and exit.

              If a file is specified, the version is written into it.

       The following generators are available on this platform:

       Unix Makefiles
              Generates standard UNIX makefiles.

              A hierarchy of UNIX makefiles is generated into the build  tree.
              Any  standard  UNIX-style  make  program  can  build the project
              through the default make target.  A  "make  install"  target  is
              also provided.

       CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles
              Generates CodeBlocks project files.

              Project  files  for CodeBlocks will be created in the top direc-
              tory and in every subdirectory which features  a  CMakeLists.txt
              file  containing  a  PROJECT() call. Additionally a hierarchy of
              makefiles is generated into the  build  tree.   The  appropriate
              make program can build the project through the default make tar-
              get.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles
              Generates Eclipse CDT 4.0 project files.

              Project files for Eclipse will be created in the top  directory.
              In  out  of  source  builds,  a linked resource to the top level
              source directory will be  created.Additionally  a  hierarchy  of
              makefiles is generated into the build tree. The appropriate make
              program can build the project through the default make target. A
              "make install" target is also provided.

              Generates KDevelop 3 project files.

              Project  files  for KDevelop 3 will be created in the top direc-
              tory and in every subdirectory which features  a  CMakeLists.txt
              file  containing  a  PROJECT()  call. If you change the settings
              using KDevelop cmake will try its best to keep your changes when
              regenerating the project files. Additionally a hierarchy of UNIX
              makefiles is  generated  into  the  build  tree.   Any  standard
              UNIX-style  make  program  can  build  the  project  through the
              default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

       KDevelop3 - Unix Makefiles
              Generates KDevelop 3 project files.

              Project files for KDevelop 3 will be created in the  top  direc-
              tory  and  in every subdirectory which features a CMakeLists.txt
              file containing a PROJECT() call. If  you  change  the  settings
              using KDevelop cmake will try its best to keep your changes when
              regenerating the project files. Additionally a hierarchy of UNIX
              makefiles  is  generated  into  the  build  tree.   Any standard
              UNIX-style make  program  can  build  the  project  through  the
              default make target.  A "make install" target is also provided.

              Add a custom build rule to the generated build system.

              There  are  two main signatures for add_custom_command The first
              signature is for adding a custom command to produce an output.

                add_custom_command(OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...]
                                   COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
                                   [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
                                   [MAIN_DEPENDENCY depend]
                                   [DEPENDS [depends...]]
                                   [IMPLICIT_DEPENDS <lang1> depend1 ...]
                                   [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                                   [COMMENT comment] [VERBATIM] [APPEND])

              This defines a command to generate specified OUTPUT file(s).   A
              target  created in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt file) that
              specifies any output of the custom command as a source  file  is
              given  a  rule  to  generate the file using the command at build
              time.  Do not list the output in more than one independent  tar-
              get  that may build in parallel or the two instances of the rule
              may conflict (instead use add_custom_target to drive the command
              and  make  the  other targets depend on that one).  If an output
              name is a relative path it will be interpreted relative  to  the
              build  tree directory corresponding to the current source direc-
              tory. Note that MAIN_DEPENDENCY is completely  optional  and  is
              used  as  a  suggestion to visual studio about where to hang the
              custom command. In makefile terms this creates a new  target  in
              the following form:


              If  more  than one command is specified they will be executed in
              order. The optional ARGS argument is for backward  compatibility
              and will be ignored.

              The second signature adds a custom command to a target such as a
              library or executable. This is useful for performing  an  opera-
              tion  before  or  after building the target. The command becomes
              part of the target and will only execute when the target  itself
              is  built.  If the target is already built, the command will not

                add_custom_command(TARGET target
                                   PRE_BUILD | PRE_LINK | POST_BUILD
                                   COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
                                   [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
                                   [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                                   [COMMENT comment] [VERBATIM])

              This defines a new command that will be associated with building
              the specified target. When the command will happen is determined
              by which of the following is specified:

                PRE_BUILD - run before all other dependencies
                PRE_LINK - run after other dependencies
                POST_BUILD - run after the target has been built

              Note that the PRE_BUILD option is only supported on Visual  Stu-
              dio  7  or  later.  For  all  other generators PRE_BUILD will be
              treated as PRE_LINK.

              If WORKING_DIRECTORY is specified the command will  be  executed
              in  the  directory  given.  If  it is a relative path it will be
              interpreted relative to the build tree  directory  corresponding
              to  the  current  source directory. If COMMENT is set, the value
              will be displayed as a message before the commands are  executed
              at  build  time.  If APPEND is specified the COMMAND and DEPENDS
              option values are appended to the custom command for  the  first
              output  specified.  There must have already been a previous call
              to this  command  with  the  same  output.  The  COMMENT,  WORK-
              ING_DIRECTORY, and MAIN_DEPENDENCY options are currently ignored
              when APPEND is given, but may be used in the future.

              If VERBATIM is given then all arguments to the commands will  be
              escaped  properly for the build tool so that the invoked command
              receives each  argument  unchanged.   Note  that  one  level  of
              escapes  is  still  used  by the CMake language processor before
              add_custom_command even sees the arguments. Use of  VERBATIM  is
              recommended as it enables correct behavior. When VERBATIM is not
              given the behavior is platform specific because there is no pro-
              tection of tool-specific special characters.

              If the output of the custom command is not actually created as a
              file  on  disk  it   should   be   marked   as   SYMBOLIC   with

              The IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option requests scanning of implicit depen-
              dencies of an input file.  The language given specifies the pro-
              gramming  language whose corresponding dependency scanner should
              be used.  Currently only C and CXX language  scanners  are  sup-
              ported.  Dependencies  discovered from the scanning are added to
              those of the custom  command  at  build  time.   Note  that  the
              IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option is currently supported only for Makefile
              generators and will be ignored by other generators.

              If COMMAND specifies an executable target (created  by  ADD_EXE-
              CUTABLE)  it  will  automatically be replaced by the location of
              the executable created  at  build  time.   Additionally  a  tar-
              get-level dependency will be added so that the executable target
              will be built before any target using this custom command.  How-
              ever  this does NOT add a file-level dependency that would cause
              the custom command to re-run whenever the executable  is  recom-

              Arguments  to  COMMAND  may use "generator expressions" with the
              syntax "$<...>".   Generator  expressions  are  evaluted  during
              build  system generation to produce information specific to each
              build configuration.  Valid expressions are:

                $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
                $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
                $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
                $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

              where "tgt" is the name of a target.   Target  file  expressions
              produce a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the
              directory and file name components:


              References to target names in generator expressions  imply  tar-
              get-level  dependencies,  but NOT file-level dependencies.  List
              target names with the DEPENDS option to add file dependencies.

              The DEPENDS option specifies files on which the command depends.
              If  any dependency is an OUTPUT of another custom command in the
              same directory (CMakeLists.txt file) CMake automatically  brings
              the  other  custom command into the target in which this command
              is built.  If DEPENDS is not  specified  the  command  will  run
              whenever the OUTPUT is missing; if the command does not actually
              create the OUTPUT then the rule will  always  run.   If  DEPENDS
              specifies  any  target  (created  by  an  ADD_*  command) a tar-
              get-level dependency is created to make sure the target is built
              before  any  target using this custom command.  Additionally, if
              the target is an executable or library a  file-level  dependency
              is  created  to  cause the custom command to re-run whenever the
              target is recompiled.

              Add a target with no output so it will always be built.

                add_custom_target(Name [ALL] [command1 [args1...]]
                                  [COMMAND command2 [args2...] ...]
                                  [DEPENDS depend depend depend ... ]
                                  [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                                  [COMMENT comment] [VERBATIM]
                                  [SOURCES src1 [src2...]])

              Adds a target with the given name that executes the  given  com-
              mands.  The  target  has no output file and is ALWAYS CONSIDERED
              OUT OF DATE even if the commands try to create a file  with  the
              name  of  the  target. Use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND to generate a file
              with dependencies. By default nothing depends on the custom tar-
              get.  Use  ADD_DEPENDENCIES to add dependencies to or from other
              targets. If the ALL option is specified it indicates  that  this
              target  should  be  added to the default build target so that it
              will be run every time (the command cannot be called  ALL).  The
              command and arguments are optional and if not specified an empty
              target will be created. If WORKING_DIRECTORY is  set,  then  the
              command  will be run in that directory. If it is a relative path
              it will be interpreted relative to the build tree directory cor-
              responding  to  the current source directory. If COMMENT is set,
              the value will be displayed as a message before the commands are
              executed  at  build  time.  Dependencies listed with the DEPENDS
              argument may reference files and outputs of custom commands cre-
              ated  with  add_custom_command()  in  the same directory (CMake-
              Lists.txt file).

              If VERBATIM is given then all arguments to the commands will  be
              escaped  properly for the build tool so that the invoked command
              receives each  argument  unchanged.   Note  that  one  level  of
              escapes  is  still  used  by the CMake language processor before
              add_custom_target even sees the arguments. Use  of  VERBATIM  is
              recommended as it enables correct behavior. When VERBATIM is not
              given the behavior is platform specific because there is no pro-
              tection of tool-specific special characters.

              The  SOURCES  option  specifies  additional  source  files to be
              included in the custom target.  Specified source files  will  be
              added  to  IDE  project files for convenience in editing even if
              they have not build rules.

              Adds -D define flags to the compilation of source files.

                add_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...)

              Adds flags to the compiler command line for sources in the  cur-
              rent  directory  and below.  This command can be used to add any
              flags, but it was originally intended to add preprocessor  defi-
              nitions.   Flags beginning in -D or /D that look like preproces-
              sor definitions are automatically added to  the  COMPILE_DEFINI-
              TIONS  property  for  the  current  directory.  Definitions with
              non-trival values may be left in the set  of  flags  instead  of
              being  converted  for  reasons  of backwards compatibility.  See
              documentation of the directory, target,  and  source  file  COM-
              PILE_DEFINITIONS  properties  for details on adding preprocessor
              definitions to specific scopes and configurations.

              Add a dependency between top-level targets.

                add_dependencies(target-name depend-target1
                                 depend-target2 ...)

              Make a top-level target depend on other  top-level  targets.   A
              top-level  target is one created by ADD_EXECUTABLE, ADD_LIBRARY,
              or ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET.  Adding dependencies with this command can
              be  used to make sure one target is built before another target.
              Dependencies added to an IMPORTED target  are  followed  transi-
              tively in its place since the target itself does not build.  See
              the DEPENDS option of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET  and  ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND
              for  adding  file-level  dependencies  in custom rules.  See the
              OBJECT_DEPENDS  option  in  SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES  to  add
              file-level dependencies to object files.

              Add  an  executable  to  the  project using the specified source

                add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
                               source1 source2 ... sourceN)

              Adds an executable target called <name> to  be  built  from  the
              source  files listed in the command invocation.  The <name> cor-
              responds to the logical target name and must be globally  unique
              within  a project.  The actual file name of the executable built
              is constructed based on conventions of the native platform (such
              as <name>.exe or just <name>).

              By default the executable file will be created in the build tree
              directory corresponding to the source tree  directory  in  which
              the  command was invoked.  See documentation of the RUNTIME_OUT-
              PUT_DIRECTORY target property to change this location.  See doc-
              umentation  of  the  OUTPUT_NAME  target  property to change the
              <name> part of the final file name.

              If WIN32 is given the property WIN32_EXECUTABLE will be  set  on
              the  target  created.  See documentation of that target property
              for details.

              If MACOSX_BUNDLE is given the corresponding property will be set
              on  the  created target.  See documentation of the MACOSX_BUNDLE
              target property for details.

              If EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL is given the corresponding property will  be
              set   on   the   created   target.   See  documentation  of  the
              EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL target property for details.

              The add_executable command can also create  IMPORTED  executable
              targets using this signature:

                add_executable(<name> IMPORTED)

              An  IMPORTED  executable  target  references  an executable file
              located outside the project.  No rules are  generated  to  build
              it.   The  target name has scope in the directory in which it is
              created and below.  It may be referenced like any  target  built
              within  the project.  IMPORTED executables are useful for conve-
              nient reference from commands like add_custom_command.   Details
              about  the  imported executable are specified by setting proper-
              ties whose names begin in "IMPORTED_".  The most important  such
              property is IMPORTED_LOCATION (and its per-configuration version
              IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG>) which specifies the location of  the
              main   executable  file  on  disk.   See  documentation  of  the
              IMPORTED_* properties for more information.

              Add a library to the project using the specified source files.

                add_library(<name> [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
                            source1 source2 ... sourceN)

              Adds a library target called <name> to be built from the  source
              files  listed in the command invocation.  The <name> corresponds
              to the logical target name and must be globally unique within  a
              project.   The  actual  file  name  of the library built is con-
              structed based on conventions of the native  platform  (such  as
              lib<name>.a or <name>.lib).

              STATIC,  SHARED,  or  MODULE may be given to specify the type of
              library to be created.  STATIC libraries are archives of  object
              files  for use when linking other targets.  SHARED libraries are
              linked dynamically and loaded at runtime.  MODULE libraries  are
              plugins that are not linked into other targets but may be loaded
              dynamically at runtime using dlopen-like functionality.   If  no
              type  is  given explicitly the type is STATIC or SHARED based on
              whether the current value of the variable  BUILD_SHARED_LIBS  is

              By  default  the  library file will be created in the build tree
              directory corresponding to the source tree  directory  in  which
              the  command was invoked.  See documentation of the ARCHIVE_OUT-
              PUT_DIRECTORY  target  properties  to change this location.  See
              documentation of the OUTPUT_NAME target property to  change  the
              <name> part of the final file name.

              If  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL is given the corresponding property will be
              set  on  the  created  target.    See   documentation   of   the
              EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL target property for details.

              The add_library command can also create IMPORTED library targets
              using this signature:

                add_library(<name> <SHARED|STATIC|MODULE|UNKNOWN> IMPORTED)

              An IMPORTED library target references  a  library  file  located
              outside  the  project.  No rules are generated to build it.  The
              target name has scope in the directory in which  it  is  created
              and  below.   It  may be referenced like any target built within
              the project.  IMPORTED libraries are useful for convenient  ref-
              erence  from commands like target_link_libraries.  Details about
              the imported library are specified by setting  properties  whose
              names begin in "IMPORTED_".  The most important such property is
              IMPORTED_LOCATION    (and    its    per-configuration    version
              IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG>)  which specifies the location of the
              main library file on disk.  See documentation of the  IMPORTED_*
              properties for more information.

              Add a subdirectory to the build.

                add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir]

              Add  a  subdirectory  to the build. The source_dir specifies the
              directory in which the source CmakeLists.txt and code files  are
              located.  If  it  is  a  relative path it will be evaluated with
              respect to the current directory (the typical usage), but it may
              also be an absolute path. The binary_dir specifies the directory
              in which to place the output files. If it is a relative path  it
              will  be evaluated with respect to the current output directory,
              but it may also be an absolute path. If binary_dir is not speci-
              fied,  the  value  of  source_dir, before expanding any relative
              path, will be used (the typical usage). The CMakeLists.txt  file
              in  the specified source directory will be processed immediately
              by CMake before processing in the current input  file  continues
              beyond this command.

              If the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL argument is provided then targets in the
              subdirectory will not be included in the ALL target of the  par-
              ent  directory by default, and will be excluded from IDE project
              files.  Users must explicitly build targets in the subdirectory.
              This  is meant for use when the subdirectory contains a separate
              part of the project that is useful but not necessary, such as  a
              set  of examples.  Typically the subdirectory should contain its
              own project() command invocation so that  a  full  build  system
              will be generated in the subdirectory (such as a VS IDE solution
              file).   Note  that  inter-target  dependencies  supercede  this
              exclusion.  If a target built by the parent project depends on a
              target in the subdirectory, the dependee target will be included
              in the parent project build system to satisfy the dependency.

              Add a test to the project with the specified arguments.

                add_test(testname Exename arg1 arg2 ... )

              If  the ENABLE_TESTING command has been run, this command adds a
              test target to the current directory. If ENABLE_TESTING has  not
              been  run,  this command does nothing.  The tests are run by the
              testing subsystem by executing Exename with the specified  argu-
              ments.   Exename  can  be  either  an  executable  built by this
              project or an arbitrary executable on the system  (like  tclsh).
              The  test  will be run with the current working directory set to
              the CMakeList.txt files corresponding directory  in  the  binary

                add_test(NAME <name> [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                         [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                         COMMAND <command> [arg1 [arg2 ...]])

              If  COMMAND  specifies an executable target (created by add_exe-
              cutable) it will automatically be replaced by  the  location  of
              the  executable  created  at  build  time.   If a CONFIGURATIONS
              option is given then the test will be executed only when testing
              under  one  of the named configurations.  If a WORKING_DIRECTORY
              option is given then the test will  be  executed  in  the  given

              Arguments after COMMAND may use "generator expressions" with the
              syntax "$<...>".   Generator  expressions  are  evaluted  during
              build  system generation to produce information specific to each
              build configuration.  Valid expressions are:

                $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
                $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
                $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
                $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

              where "tgt" is the name of a target.   Target  file  expressions
              produce a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the
              directory and file name components:


              Example usage:

                add_test(NAME mytest
                         COMMAND testDriver --config $<CONFIGURATION>
                                            --exe $<TARGET_FILE:myexe>)

              This creates a test "mytest" whose  command  runs  a  testDriver
              tool  passing  the  configuration  name and the full path to the
              executable file produced by target "myexe".

              Find all source files in a directory.

                aux_source_directory(<dir> <variable>)

              Collects the names of all the  source  files  in  the  specified
              directory  and stores the list in the <variable> provided.  This
              command is intended to be used by  projects  that  use  explicit
              template  instantiation.   Template  instantiation  files can be
              stored in a "Templates" subdirectory and collected automatically
              using this command to avoid manually listing all instantiations.

              It  is tempting to use this command to avoid writing the list of
              source files for a library or  executable  target.   While  this
              seems  to  work,  there  is no way for CMake to generate a build
              system that knows when a new source file has been  added.   Nor-
              mally  the  generated  build system knows when it needs to rerun
              CMake because the CMakeLists.txt file is modified to add  a  new
              source.   When the source is just added to the directory without
              modifying this file, one would have to manually rerun  CMake  to
              generate a build system incorporating the new file.

       break  Break from an enclosing foreach or while loop.


              Breaks from an enclosing foreach loop or while loop

              Get the command line to build this project.

                              [CONFIGURATION <config>]
                              [PROJECT_NAME <projname>]
                              [TARGET <target>])

              Sets  the  given  <variable>  to a string containing the command
              line for building one configuration of a  target  in  a  project
              using  the  build tool appropriate for the current CMAKE_GENERA-

              If CONFIGURATION is omitted, CMake chooses a reasonable  default
              value   for  multi-configuration  generators.   CONFIGURATION is
              ignored for single-configuration generators.

              If PROJECT_NAME is omitted,  the  resulting  command  line  will
              build the top level PROJECT in the current build tree.

              If  TARGET  is  omitted,  the  resulting command line will build
              everything, effectively using build target 'all' or 'ALL_BUILD'.

                build_command(<cachevariable> <makecommand>)

              This second signature is deprecated,  but  still  available  for
              backwards compatibility. Use the first signature instead.

              Sets  the  given <cachevariable> to a string containing the com-
              mand to build this project from the root of the build tree using
              the  build tool given by <makecommand>.  <makecommand> should be
              the full path to msdev, devenv, nmake, make or one  of  the  end
              user build tools.

              Set the minimum required version of cmake for a project.

                cmake_minimum_required(VERSION major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]

              If  the  current version of CMake is lower than that required it
              will stop processing the project and report an  error.   When  a
              version  higher  than  2.4  is  specified the command implicitly

                cmake_policy(VERSION major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]])

              which sets the cmake policy version level to the version  speci-
              fied.  When version 2.4 or lower is given the command implicitly

                cmake_policy(VERSION 2.4)

              which enables compatibility features for CMake 2.4 and lower.

              The FATAL_ERROR option is accepted but ignored by CMake 2.6  and
              higher.   It should be specified so CMake versions 2.4 and lower
              fail with an error instead of just a warning.

              Manage CMake Policy settings.

              As CMake evolves it is sometimes necessary  to  change  existing
              behavior  in  order  to  fix  bugs or improve implementations of
              existing features.  The CMake Policy mechanism  is  designed  to
              help  keep  existing  projects building as new versions of CMake
              introduce changes in  behavior.   Each  new  policy  (behavioral
              change)  is  given  an  identifier of the form "CMP<NNNN>" where
              "<NNNN>" is an integer  index.   Documentation  associated  with
              each  policy  describes  the OLD and NEW behavior and the reason
              the policy was introduced.  Projects  may  set  each  policy  to
              select  the  desired  behavior.   When CMake needs to know which
              behavior to use  it  checks  for  a  setting  specified  by  the
              project.  If no setting is available the OLD behavior is assumed
              and a warning is produced requesting that the policy be set.

              The cmake_policy command is used to set policies to OLD  or  NEW
              behavior.   While setting policies individually is supported, we
              encourage projects to set policies based on CMake versions.

                cmake_policy(VERSION major.minor[.patch[.tweak]])

              Specify that the current CMake list  file  is  written  for  the
              given  version  of CMake.  All policies introduced in the speci-
              fied version or earlier will be set to use  NEW  behavior.   All
              policies  introduced  after  the specified version will be unset
              (unless variable CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN> sets a default).
              This effectively requests behavior preferred as of a given CMake
              version and tells newer CMake versions to warn about  their  new
              policies.   The policy version specified must be at least 2.4 or
              the command will report an error.  In order to get compatibility
              features  supporting versions earlier than 2.4 see documentation
              of policy CMP0001.

                cmake_policy(SET CMP<NNNN> NEW)
                cmake_policy(SET CMP<NNNN> OLD)

              Tell CMake to use the OLD or NEW behavior for  a  given  policy.
              Projects  depending  on  the  old behavior of a given policy may
              silence a policy warning by setting the  policy  state  to  OLD.
              Alternatively  one  may  fix  the  project  to work with the new
              behavior and set the policy state to NEW.

                cmake_policy(GET CMP<NNNN> <variable>)

              Check whether a given policy is set to OLD or NEW behavior.  The
              output  variable  value  will be "OLD" or "NEW" if the policy is
              set, and empty otherwise.

              CMake keeps policy settings on a stack, so changes made  by  the
              cmake_policy  command  affect  only the top of the stack.  A new
              entry on the policy stack is managed automatically for each sub-
              directory  to protect its parents and siblings.  CMake also man-
              ages a new entry for scripts loaded by include() and  find_pack-
              age()  commands  except  when  invoked  with the NO_POLICY_SCOPE
              option (see also policy CMP0011).  The cmake_policy command pro-
              vides an interface to manage custom entries on the policy stack:


              Each  PUSH  must have a matching POP to erase any changes.  This
              is useful to make temporary changes to policy settings.

              Functions and macros record policy settings when they  are  cre-
              ated  and use the pre-record policies when they are invoked.  If
              the function or macro implementation sets policies, the  changes
              automatically  propagate up through callers until they reach the
              closest nested policy stack entry.

              Copy a file to another location and modify its contents.

                configure_file(<input> <output>
                               [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY])

              Copies a file <input> to file <output> and substitutes  variable
              values referenced in the file content.  If <input> is a relative
              path it is evaluated with respect to the current  source  direc-
              tory.  The <input> must be a file, not a directory.  If <output>
              is a relative path it is evaluated with respect to  the  current
              binary  directory.   If <output> names an existing directory the
              input file is placed in that directory with its original name.

              This command replaces any variables in the input file referenced
              as ${VAR} or @VAR@ with their values as determined by CMake.  If
              a variable is not defined, it will be replaced with nothing.  If
              COPYONLY  is  specified,  then  no  variable expansion will take
              place.  If  ESCAPE_QUOTES  is  specified  then  any  substituted
              quotes  will  be  C-style  escaped.  The file will be configured
              with the current values of CMake variables. If @ONLY  is  speci-
              fied,  only  variables  of  the  form @VAR@ will be replaces and
              ${VAR} will be ignored.  This is useful for configuring  scripts
              that  use  ${VAR}.  Any  occurrences of #cmakedefine VAR will be
              replaced with either #define VAR or /* #undef VAR  */  depending
              on  the  setting  of  VAR in CMake. Any occurrences of #cmakede-
              fine01 VAR will be replaced with either #define VAR 1 or #define
              VAR  0  depending  on  whether VAR evaluates to TRUE or FALSE in

              Create a test driver and source list for building test programs.

                create_test_sourcelist(sourceListName driverName
                                       test1 test2 test3
                                       EXTRA_INCLUDE include.h
                                       FUNCTION function)

              A test driver is a program that links together many small  tests
              into  a  single executable.  This is useful when building static
              executables with large libraries to shrink  the  total  required
              size.   The list of source files needed to build the test driver
              will be in sourceListName.  DriverName is the name of  the  test
              driver  program.  The rest of the arguments consist of a list of
              test source files, can be semicolon separated.  Each test source
              file  should  have a function in it that is the same name as the
              file  with  no  extension  (foo.cxx  should  have  int  foo(int,
              char*[]);)  DriverName will be able to call each of the tests by
              name on the command line. If EXTRA_INCLUDE  is  specified,  then
              the  next argument is included into the generated file. If FUNC-
              TION is specified, then the next argument is taken as a function
              name that is passed a pointer to ac and av.  This can be used to
              add extra command line processing to each test. The cmake  vari-
              able  CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_BEFORE_TESTMAIN  can  be set to have code
              that will be placed directly before calling the test main  func-
              tion.    CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_AFTER_TESTMAIN can be set to have code
              that will be placed directly after the call  to  the  test  main

              Define and document custom properties.

                define_property(<GLOBAL | DIRECTORY | TARGET | SOURCE |
                                 TEST | VARIABLE | CACHED_VARIABLE>
                                 PROPERTY <name> [INHERITED]
                                 BRIEF_DOCS <brief-doc> [docs...]
                                 FULL_DOCS <full-doc> [docs...])

              Define one property in a scope for use with the set_property and
              get_property commands.  This is primarily  useful  to  associate
              documentation with property names that may be retrieved with the
              get_property command.  The first argument determines the kind of
              scope  in  which the property should be used.  It must be one of
              the following:

                GLOBAL    = associated with the global namespace
                DIRECTORY = associated with one directory
                TARGET    = associated with one target
                SOURCE    = associated with one source file
                TEST      = associated with a test named with add_test
                VARIABLE  = documents a CMake language variable
                CACHED_VARIABLE = documents a CMake cache variable

              Note that unlike set_property and get_property no  actual  scope
              needs to be given; only the kind of scope is important.

              The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name
              of the property being defined.

              If the INHERITED option then the get_property command will chain
              up  to  the next higher scope when the requested property is not
              set in the scope given to the command.  DIRECTORY  scope  chains
              to GLOBAL.  TARGET, SOURCE, and TEST chain to DIRECTORY.

              The  BRIEF_DOCS and FULL_DOCS options are followed by strings to
              be associated with the property as its brief and full documenta-
              tion.   Corresponding  options  to the get_property command will
              retrieve the documentation.

       else   Starts the else portion of an if block.


              See the if command.

       elseif Starts the elseif portion of an if block.


              See the if command.

              Enable a language (CXX/C/Fortran/etc)

                enable_language(languageName [OPTIONAL] )

              This command enables support for the named  language  in  CMake.
              This  is the same as the project command but does not create any
              of the extra variables that are created by the project  command.
              Example  languages are CXX, C, Fortran. If OPTIONAL is used, use
              the  CMAKE_<languageName>_COMPILER_WORKS   variable   to   check
              whether the language has been enabled successfully.

              Enable testing for current directory and below.


              Enables  testing  for  this  directory  and below.  See also the
              add_test command.  Note that ctest expects to find a  test  file
              in  the build directory root.  Therefore, this command should be
              in the source directory root.

              Ends a list of commands in a FOREACH block.


              See the FOREACH command.

              Ends a list of commands in a function block.


              See the function command.

       endif  Ends a list of commands in an if block.


              See the if command.

              Ends a list of commands in a macro block.


              See the macro command.

              Ends a list of commands in a while block.


              See the while command.

              Execute one or more child processes.

                execute_process(COMMAND <cmd1> [args1...]]
                                [COMMAND <cmd2> [args2...] [...]]
                                [WORKING_DIRECTORY <directory>]
                                [TIMEOUT <seconds>]
                                [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>]
                                [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <variable>]
                                [ERROR_VARIABLE <variable>]
                                [INPUT_FILE <file>]
                                [OUTPUT_FILE <file>]
                                [ERROR_FILE <file>]

              Runs the given sequence of one or more commands with  the  stan-
              dard  output  of each process piped to the standard input of the
              next.  A single standard error pipe is used for  all  processes.
              If WORKING_DIRECTORY is given the named directory will be set as
              the current working directory of the child processes.  If  TIME-
              OUT  is  given the child processes will be terminated if they do
              not finish in the specified number  of  seconds  (fractions  are
              allowed).   If RESULT_VARIABLE is given the variable will be set
              to contain the result of running the processes.  This will be an
              integer  return  code from the last child or a string describing
              an error condition.  If OUTPUT_VARIABLE  or  ERROR_VARIABLE  are
              given  the  variable  named will be set with the contents of the
              standard output and standard error pipes respectively.   If  the
              same  variable  is  named  for  both  pipes their output will be
              merged in the order produced.  If  INPUT_FILE,  OUTPUT_FILE,  or
              ERROR_FILE is given the file named will be attached to the stan-
              dard input of the first process, standard  output  of  the  last
              process,  or  standard  error of all processes respectively.  If
              OUTPUT_QUIET or ERROR_QUIET is given then the standard output or
              standard  error  results  will be quietly ignored.  If more than
              one OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* option is given for the  same  pipe  the
              precedence  is not specified.  If no OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* options
              are given the output will be shared with the corresponding pipes
              of the CMake process itself.

              The  execute_process command is a newer more powerful version of
              exec_program, but the old command has been kept for  compatibil-

       export Export targets from the build tree for use by outside projects.

                export(TARGETS [target1 [target2 [...]]] [NAMESPACE <namespace>]
                       [APPEND] FILE <filename>)

              Create  a  file  <filename>  that  may  be  included  by outside
              projects to import targets  from  the  current  project's  build
              tree.   This  is  useful during cross-compiling to build utility
              executables that can run on the host platform in one project and
              then  import  them  into  another project being compiled for the
              target platform.  If the NAMESPACE option is given  the  <names-
              pace>  string  will  be prepended to all target names written to
              the file.  If the APPEND option is given the generated code will
              be appended to the file instead of overwriting it.  If a library
              target is included in the export but a target to which it  links
              is not included the behavior is unspecified.

              The  file  created by this command is specific to the build tree
              and should never be installed.  See the install(EXPORT)  command
              to export targets from an installation tree.

                export(PACKAGE <name>)

              Store the current build directory in the CMake user package reg-
              istry for package <name>.  The find_package command may consider
              the  directory  while  searching for package <name>.  This helps
              dependent projects find and  use  a  package  from  the  current
              project's  build tree without help from the user.  Note that the
              entry in the package registry that this  command  creates  works
              only   in   conjunction   with   a  package  configuration  file
              (<name>Config.cmake) that works with the build tree.

       file   File manipulation command.

                file(WRITE filename "message to write"... )
                file(APPEND filename "message to write"... )
                file(READ filename variable [LIMIT numBytes] [OFFSET offset] [HEX])
                file(STRINGS filename variable [LIMIT_COUNT num]
                     [LIMIT_INPUT numBytes] [LIMIT_OUTPUT numBytes]
                     [LENGTH_MINIMUM numBytes] [LENGTH_MAXIMUM numBytes]
                     [NEWLINE_CONSUME] [REGEX regex]
                file(GLOB variable [RELATIVE path] [globbing expressions]...)
                file(GLOB_RECURSE variable [RELATIVE path]
                     [FOLLOW_SYMLINKS] [globbing expressions]...)
                file(RENAME <oldname> <newname>)
                file(REMOVE [file1 ...])
                file(REMOVE_RECURSE [file1 ...])
                file(MAKE_DIRECTORY [directory1 directory2 ...])
                file(RELATIVE_PATH variable directory file)
                file(TO_CMAKE_PATH path result)
                file(TO_NATIVE_PATH path result)
                file(DOWNLOAD url file [INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT timeout]
                     [TIMEOUT timeout] [STATUS status] [LOG log] [SHOW_PROGRESS]
                     [EXPECTED_MD5 sum])
                file(UPLOAD filename url [INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT timeout]
                     [TIMEOUT timeout] [STATUS status] [LOG log] [SHOW_PROGRESS])

              WRITE will write a message into a  file  called  'filename'.  It
              overwrites  the  file if it already exists, and creates the file
              if it does not exist.

              APPEND will write a message into a file same as WRITE, except it
              will append it to the end of the file

              READ will read the content of a file and store it into the vari-
              able. It will start at the given offset and read up to numBytes.
              If  the argument HEX is given, the binary data will be converted
              to hexadecimal representation and this will  be  stored  in  the

              STRINGS will parse a list of ASCII strings from a file and store
              it in a variable. Binary data in the file are ignored.  Carriage
              return  (CR) characters are ignored. It works also for Intel Hex
              and Motorola S-record files, which are  automatically  converted
              to   binary   format  when  reading  them.  Disable  this  using

              LIMIT_COUNT sets  the  maximum  number  of  strings  to  return.
              LIMIT_INPUT  sets  the  maximum number of bytes to read from the
              input file. LIMIT_OUTPUT sets the maximum  number  of  bytes  to
              store  in  the  output variable. LENGTH_MINIMUM sets the minimum
              length of a string  to  return.  Shorter  strings  are  ignored.
              LENGTH_MAXIMUM  sets  the  maximum length of a string to return.
              Longer strings are split into strings no longer than the maximum
              length.  NEWLINE_CONSUME  allows  newlines  to  be  included  in
              strings instead of terminating them.

              REGEX specifies a regular expression that a string must match to
              be returned. Typical usage

                file(STRINGS myfile.txt myfile)

              stores  a  list in the variable "myfile" in which each item is a
              line from the input file.

              GLOB will generate a list of all files that match  the  globbing
              expressions and store it into the variable. Globbing expressions
              are similar to regular expressions, but much simpler.  If  RELA-
              TIVE  flag  is  specified for an expression, the results will be
              returned as a relative path to the given path.  (We do not  rec-
              ommend  using  GLOB  to collect a list of source files from your
              source tree.  If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is
              added  or  removed  then  the generated build system cannot know
              when to ask CMake to regenerate.)

              Examples of globbing expressions include:

                 *.cxx      - match all files with extension cxx
                 *.vt?      - match all files with extension vta,...,vtz
                 f[3-5].txt - match files f3.txt, f4.txt, f5.txt

              GLOB_RECURSE will generate a list similar to the  regular  GLOB,
              except  it  will  traverse all the subdirectories of the matched
              directory and match the files. Subdirectories that are  symlinks
              are  only  traversed if FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or cmake policy
              CMP0009 is not set to NEW. See cmake --help-policy  CMP0009  for
              more information.

              Examples of recursive globbing include:

                 /dir/*.py  - match all python files in /dir and subdirectories

              MAKE_DIRECTORY  will create the given directories, also if their
              parent directories don't exist yet

              RENAME moves a file or directory within a filesystem,  replacing
              the destination atomically.

              REMOVE will remove the given files, also in subdirectories

              REMOVE_RECURSE will remove the given files and directories, also
              non-empty directories

              RELATIVE_PATH will determine relative path from directory to the
              given file.

              TO_CMAKE_PATH  will  convert  path  into a cmake style path with
              unix /.  The input can be a single path or a  system  path  like
              "$ENV{PATH}".   Note  the  double  quotes  around  the  ENV call
              TO_CMAKE_PATH only takes  one argument.

              TO_NATIVE_PATH works just like TO_CMAKE_PATH, but  will  convert
              from   a  cmake style path into the native path style \ for win-
              dows and / for UNIX.

              DOWNLOAD will download the given URL to the given file.  If  LOG
              var  is  specified  a log of the download will be put in var. If
              STATUS var is specified the status of the operation will be  put
              in  var. The status is returned in a list of length 2. The first
              element is the numeric return value for the operation,  and  the
              second  element  is  a  string  value for the error. A 0 numeric
              error means no error in the operation. If TIMEOUT time is speci-
              fied, the operation will timeout after time seconds, time should
              be specified as an integer. The INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT specifies  an
              integer  number  of seconds of inactivity after which the opera-
              tion should terminate. If EXPECTED_MD5  sum  is  specified,  the
              operation  will verify that the downloaded file's actual md5 sum
              matches the expected value. If it does not match, the  operation
              fails  with  an  error.  If SHOW_PROGRESS is specified, progress
              information will be printed as status messages until the  opera-
              tion is complete.

              UPLOAD  will  upload the given file to the given URL. If LOG var
              is specified a log of the upload will be put in var.  If  STATUS
              var is specified the status of the operation will be put in var.
              The status is returned in a list of length 2. The first  element
              is  the  numeric  return value for the operation, and the second
              element is a string value for the error. A 0 numeric error means
              no  error  in  the  operation. If TIMEOUT time is specified, the
              operation will timeout after time seconds, time should be speci-
              fied  as an integer. The INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT specifies an integer
              number of seconds of inactivity after which the operation should
              terminate.  If  SHOW_PROGRESS is specified, progress information
              will be printed as status messages until the operation  is  com-

              The file() command also provides COPY and INSTALL signatures:

                file(<COPY|INSTALL> files... DESTINATION <dir>
                     [FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                     [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                     [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
                      [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...]] [...])

              The  COPY signature copies files, directories, and symlinks to a
              destination folder.  Relative input  paths  are  evaluated  with
              respect to the current source directory, and a relative destina-
              tion is evaluated with respect to the current  build  directory.
              Copying  preserves  input  file  timestamps, and optimizes out a
              file if it exists at the destination with  the  same  timestamp.
              Copying  preserves input permissions unless explicit permissions
              or NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS are given (default  is  USE_SOURCE_PER-
              MISSIONS).  See the install(DIRECTORY) command for documentation
              of permissions, PATTERN, REGEX, and EXCLUDE options.

              The INSTALL signature differs slightly from COPY: it prints sta-
              tus  messages,  and NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS is default.  Installa-
              tion scripts generated by the install() command use this  signa-
              ture (with some undocumented options for internal use).

              Find the full path to a file.

                 find_file(<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

              This  is the short-hand signature for the command that is suffi-
              cient in many cases.  It is the same  as  find_file(<VAR>  name1
              [PATHS path1 path2 ...])

                           name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                           [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                           [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                           [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                            ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

              This  command is used to find a full path to named file. A cache
              entry named by <VAR> is created to store the result of this com-
              mand.   If the full path to a file is found the result is stored
              in the variable and the search will not be repeated  unless  the
              variable  is  cleared.   If nothing is found, the result will be
              <VAR>-NOTFOUND, and the search will be attempted again the  next
              time  find_file  is invoked with the same variable.  The name of
              the full path to a file that is searched for is specified by the
              names listed after the NAMES argument.   Additional search loca-
              tions can be specified after the PATHS argument.  If ENV var  is
              found in the HINTS or PATHS section the environment variable var
              will be read and converted from a system environment variable to
              a  cmake  style  list of paths.  For example ENV PATH would be a
              way to list the system path variable.  The  argument  after  DOC
              will  be  used  for  the  documentation  string  in  the  cache.
              PATH_SUFFIXES specifies additional subdirectories to check below
              each search path.

              If  NO_DEFAULT_PATH  is  specified, then no additional paths are
              added to the search. If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is  not  specified,  the
              search process is as follows:

              1.  Search  paths  specified  in cmake-specific cache variables.
              These are intended to  be  used  on  the  command  line  with  a
              -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              2.  Search  paths  specified in cmake-specific environment vari-
              ables.  These are intended to be set in the user's shell config-
              uration.   This  can  be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              3. Search the paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should
              be  paths  computed by system introspection, such as a hint pro-
              vided by the location of another item already found.  Hard-coded
              guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.

              4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
              skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is an argument.


              5. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for  the
              current  system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH

              6. Search the paths specified by the  PATHS  option  or  in  the
              short-hand   version   of  the  command.   These  are  typically
              hard-coded guesses.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake vari-
              able     CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  can be set to empty or one of the

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find frameworks before standard
                            libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find frameworks after standard
                            libraries or headers.
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find frameworks.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find frameworks.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X  Application  Bundles,  the
              cmake  variable  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty or one
              of the following:

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find application bundles before standard
                            programs. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find application bundles after standard
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find application bundles.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find application bundles.

              The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies  one  or  more
              directories  to  be  prepended  to all other search directories.
              This effectively "re-roots" the entire search under given  loca-
              tions.  By  default  it  is  empty. It is especially useful when
              cross-compiling to point to the root  directory  of  the  target
              environment and CMake will search there too. By default at first
              the directories listed  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  and  then  the
              non-rooted  directories  will  be searched. The default behavior
              can be adjusted  by  setting  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE.
              This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis. By
              using CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH the  search  order  will  be  as
              described   above.   If  NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  is  used  then
              CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH     will     not      be      used.      If
              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted direc-
              tories will be searched.

              The default search order is  designed  to  be  most-specific  to
              least-specific  for common use cases.  Projects may override the
              order by simply calling the command multiple times and using the
              NO_* options:

                 find_file(<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
                 find_file(<VAR> NAMES name)

              Once  one  of the calls succeeds the result variable will be set
              and stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

              Find a library.

                 find_library(<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

              This is the short-hand signature for the command that is  suffi-
              cient in many cases.  It is the same as find_library(<VAR> name1
              [PATHS path1 path2 ...])

                           name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                           [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                           [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                           [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                            ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

              This command is used to find a library. A cache entry  named  by
              <VAR>  is  created  to store the result of this command.  If the
              library is found the result is stored in the  variable  and  the
              search  will not be repeated unless the variable is cleared.  If
              nothing is found, the result will  be  <VAR>-NOTFOUND,  and  the
              search  will  be  attempted  again the next time find_library is
              invoked with the same variable.  The name of the library that is
              searched  for  is  specified by the names listed after the NAMES
              argument.   Additional search locations can be  specified  after
              the  PATHS  argument.  If ENV var is found in the HINTS or PATHS
              section the environment variable var will be read and  converted
              from  a  system  environment  variable  to a cmake style list of
              paths.  For example ENV PATH would be a way to list  the  system
              path variable. The argument after DOC will be used for the docu-
              mentation string in the cache.   PATH_SUFFIXES  specifies  addi-
              tional subdirectories to check below each search path.

              If  NO_DEFAULT_PATH  is  specified, then no additional paths are
              added to the search. If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is  not  specified,  the
              search process is as follows:

              1.  Search  paths  specified  in cmake-specific cache variables.
              These are intended to  be  used  on  the  command  line  with  a
              -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.

                 <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
                 <prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              2.  Search  paths  specified in cmake-specific environment vari-
              ables.  These are intended to be set in the user's shell config-
              uration.   This  can  be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is

                 <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
                 <prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              3. Search the paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should
              be  paths  computed by system introspection, such as a hint pro-
              vided by the location of another item already found.  Hard-coded
              guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.

              4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
              skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is an argument.


              5. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for  the
              current  system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is

                 <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
                 <prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH

              6. Search the paths specified by the  PATHS  option  or  in  the
              short-hand   version   of  the  command.   These  are  typically
              hard-coded guesses.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake vari-
              able     CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  can be set to empty or one of the

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find frameworks before standard
                            libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find frameworks after standard
                            libraries or headers.
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find frameworks.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find frameworks.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X  Application  Bundles,  the
              cmake  variable  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty or one
              of the following:

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find application bundles before standard
                            programs. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find application bundles after standard
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find application bundles.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find application bundles.

              The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies  one  or  more
              directories  to  be  prepended  to all other search directories.
              This effectively "re-roots" the entire search under given  loca-
              tions.  By  default  it  is  empty. It is especially useful when
              cross-compiling to point to the root  directory  of  the  target
              environment and CMake will search there too. By default at first
              the directories listed  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  and  then  the
              non-rooted  directories  will  be searched. The default behavior
              can be adjusted  by  setting  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY.
              This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis. By
              using CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH the  search  order  will  be  as
              described   above.   If  NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  is  used  then
              CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH     will     not      be      used.      If
              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted direc-
              tories will be searched.

              The default search order is  designed  to  be  most-specific  to
              least-specific  for common use cases.  Projects may override the
              order by simply calling the command multiple times and using the
              NO_* options:

                 find_library(<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
                 find_library(<VAR> NAMES name)

              Once  one  of the calls succeeds the result variable will be set
              and stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

              If the library found is a framework, then VAR will be set to the
              full  path  to the framework <fullPath>/A.framework. When a full
              path to a framework is used as  a  library,  CMake  will  use  a
              -framework  A,  and  a -F<fullPath> to link the framework to the

              Load settings for an external project.

                find_package(<package> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET]
                             [[REQUIRED|COMPONENTS] [components...]]

              Finds and loads  settings  from  an  external  project.   <pack-
              age>_FOUND  will  be  set  to  indicate  whether the package was
              found.  When the package is found  package-specific  information
              is  provided through variables documented by the package itself.
              The QUIET option disables messages  if  the  package  cannot  be
              found.   The REQUIRED option stops processing with an error mes-
              sage if the package cannot be found.  A package-specific list of
              components  may be listed after the REQUIRED option or after the
              COMPONENTS option if no REQUIRED option is given.  The [version]
              argument  requests a version with which the package found should
              be compatible (format  is  major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]).   The
              EXACT  option  requests that the version be matched exactly.  If
              no [version] and/or component list is given to a recursive invo-
              cation  inside  a  find-module,  the corresponding arguments are
              forwarded automatically from the outer call (including the EXACT
              flag for [version]).  Version support is currently provided only
              on a package-by-package basis (details below).

              User code should generally look for  packages  using  the  above
              simple  signature.   The remainder of this command documentation
              specifies the full command signature and details of  the  search
              process.  Project maintainers wishing to provide a package to be
              found by this command are encouraged to read on.

              The command has two modes by which  it  searches  for  packages:
              "Module"  mode and "Config" mode.  Module mode is available when
              the command is invoked with the above reduced signature.   CMake
              searches   for   a  file  called  "Find<package>.cmake"  in  the
              CMAKE_MODULE_PATH followed by the CMake  installation.   If  the
              file is found, it is read and processed by CMake.  It is respon-
              sible for finding the package, checking the version, and produc-
              ing  any  needed messages.  Many find-modules provide limited or
              no support for versioning; check the module  documentation.   If
              no module is found the command proceeds to Config mode.

              The complete Config mode command signature is:

                find_package(<package> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET]
                             [[REQUIRED|COMPONENTS] [components...]] [NO_MODULE]
                             [NAMES name1 [name2 ...]]
                             [CONFIGS config1 [config2 ...]]
                             [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ]]
                             [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ]]
                             [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                             [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

              The NO_MODULE option may be used to skip Module mode explicitly.
              It is also implied by  use  of  options  not  specified  in  the
              reduced signature.

              Config  mode attempts to locate a configuration file provided by
              the package to be found.  A cache entry called <package>_DIR  is
              created  to  hold the directory containing the file.  By default
              the command searches for a package with the name <package>.   If
              the  NAMES  option  is  given  the  names  following it are used
              instead of <package>.  The command searches for  a  file  called
              "<name>Config.cmake"   or  "<lower-case-name>-config.cmake"  for
              each name specified.  A replacement set of  possible  configura-
              tion  file  names  may  be  given using the CONFIGS option.  The
              search procedure is specified below.  Once found, the configura-
              tion  file  is  read  and processed by CMake.  Since the file is
              provided by the package it already knows the location of package
              contents.   The full path to the configuration file is stored in
              the cmake variable <package>_CONFIG.

              All configuration files which  have  been  considered  by  CMake
              while  searching  for  an  installation  of  the package with an
              appropriate version are stored  in  the  cmake  variable  <pack-
              age>_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS,   the  associated  versions  in  <pack-

              If the package configuration file cannot  be  found  CMake  will
              generate  an error describing the problem unless the QUIET argu-
              ment is specified.  If REQUIRED is specified and the package  is
              not  found  a  fatal  error  is generated and the configure step
              stops executing.  If <package>_DIR has been set to  a  directory
              not  containing  a  configuration  file CMake will ignore it and
              search from scratch.

              When the [version] argument is given Config mode will only  find
              a  version  of  the  package  that claims compatibility with the
              requested version (format is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]).  If
              the EXACT option is given only a version of the package claiming
              an exact match of the requested version  may  be  found.   CMake
              does  not  establish  any  convention for the meaning of version
              numbers.  Package version numbers are checked by "version" files
              provided  by  the  packages themselves.  For a candidate package
              configuration file "<config-file>.cmake" the corresponding  ver-
              sion  file  is  located  next  to  it  and  named  either "<con-
              fig-file>-version.cmake" or "<config-file>Version.cmake".  If no
              such  version  file  is available then the configuration file is
              assumed to not be compatible  with  any  requested  version.   A
              basic  version file containing generic version matching code can
              be created using  the  macro  write_basic_config_version_file(),
              see  its documentation for more details.  When a version file is
              found it is loaded to check the requested version  number.   The
              version  file is loaded in a nested scope in which the following
              variables have been defined:

                PACKAGE_FIND_NAME          = the <package> name
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION       = full requested version string
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR = major version if requested, else 0
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MINOR = minor version if requested, else 0
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_PATCH = patch version if requested, else 0
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_TWEAK = tweak version if requested, else 0
                PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_COUNT = number of version components, 0 to 4

              The version file checks whether it satisfies the requested  ver-
              sion and sets these variables:

                PACKAGE_VERSION            = full provided version string
                PACKAGE_VERSION_EXACT      = true if version is exact match
                PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE = true if version is compatible
                PACKAGE_VERSION_UNSUITABLE = true if unsuitable as any version

              These  variables  are  checked  by  the  find_package command to
              determine whether the configuration file provides an  acceptable
              version.   They  are  not  available after the find_package call
              returns.  If the version is acceptable the  following  variables
              are set:

                <package>_VERSION       = full provided version string
                <package>_VERSION_MAJOR = major version if provided, else 0
                <package>_VERSION_MINOR = minor version if provided, else 0
                <package>_VERSION_PATCH = patch version if provided, else 0
                <package>_VERSION_TWEAK = tweak version if provided, else 0
                <package>_VERSION_COUNT = number of version components, 0 to 4

              and  the  corresponding  package  configuration  file is loaded.
              When multiple package configuration files  are  available  whose
              version  files claim compatibility with the version requested it
              is unspecified which one is  chosen.   No  attempt  is  made  to
              choose a highest or closest version number.

              Config  mode  provides  an elaborate interface and search proce-
              dure.  Much of the interface is provided  for  completeness  and
              for  use internally by find-modules loaded by Module mode.  Most
              user code should simply call

                find_package(<package> [major[.minor]] [EXACT] [REQUIRED|QUIET])

              in order to find a package.  Package maintainers providing CMake
              package  configuration  files are encouraged to name and install
              them such that the procedure outlined below will find them with-
              out requiring use of additional options.

              CMake constructs a set of possible installation prefixes for the
              package.  Under each prefix several directories are searched for
              a  configuration  file.   The  tables below show the directories
              searched.  Each entry is meant for installation trees  following
              Windows (W), UNIX (U), or Apple (A) conventions.

                <prefix>/                                               (W)
                <prefix>/(cmake|CMake)/                                 (W)
                <prefix>/<name>*/                                       (W)
                <prefix>/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/                         (W)
                <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/cmake/<name>*/          (U)
                <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/                (U)
                <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/  (U)

              On  systems  supporting  OS X Frameworks and Application Bundles
              the following directories are searched for frameworks or bundles
              containing a configuration file:

                <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/                    (A)
                <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/CMake/              (A)
                <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/         (A)
                <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/CMake/   (A)
                <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/                 (A)
                <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/CMake/           (A)

              In  all cases the <name> is treated as case-insensitive and cor-
              responds to any of the names specified (<package> or names given
              by    NAMES).     Paths   with   lib/<arch>   are   enabled   if
              CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set.  If PATH_SUFFIXES  is  speci-
              fied  the  suffixes  are  appended  to each (W) or (U) directory
              entry one-by-one.

              This set of directories is intended to work in cooperation  with
              projects  that provide configuration files in their installation
              trees.  Directories above  marked  with  (W)  are  intended  for
              installations  on  Windows where the prefix may point at the top
              of an application's installation directory.  Those  marked  with
              (U)  are  intended for installations on UNIX platforms where the
              prefix is shared by multiple packages.  This is merely a conven-
              tion,  so  all (W) and (U) directories are still searched on all
              platforms.  Directories marked with (A) are intended for instal-
              lations    on    Apple    platforms.     The   cmake   variables
              CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  and  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE  determine   the
              order of preference as specified below.

              The  set  of installation prefixes is constructed using the fol-
              lowing steps.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified all NO_*  options
              are enabled.

              1.  Search  paths  specified  in cmake-specific cache variables.
              These are intended to  be  used  on  the  command  line  with  a
              -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.


              2.  Search  paths  specified in cmake-specific environment vari-
              ables.  These are intended to be set in the user's shell config-
              uration.   This  can  be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is


              3. Search paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should  be
              paths  computed by system introspection, such as a hint provided
              by the location  of  another  item  already  found.   Hard-coded
              guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.

              4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
              skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed.   Path  entries
              ending in "/bin" or "/sbin" are automatically converted to their
              parent directories.


              5. Search project build trees recently  configured  in  a  CMake
              GUI.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH is passed.  It
              is intended for the case when a user is building multiple depen-
              dent projects one after another.

              6. Search paths stored in the CMake user package registry.  This
              can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY is passed.  On  Win-
              dows a <package> may appear under registry key


              as  a  REG_SZ  value,  with  arbitrary  name, that specifies the
              directory containing the package configuration  file.   On  UNIX
              platforms a <package> may appear under the directory


              as  a  file,  with  arbitrary  name, whose content specifies the
              directory containing the package configuration  file.   See  the
              export(PACKAGE)  command to create user package registry entries
              for project build trees.

              7. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for  the
              current  system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is


              8. Search paths stored in the  CMake  system  package  registry.
              This  can  be  skipped  if  NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  is
              passed.  On Windows a <package> may appear under registry key


              as a REG_SZ value,  with  arbitrary  name,  that  specifies  the
              directory  containing  the package configuration file.  There is
              no system package registry on non-Windows platforms.

              9. Search paths specified by the PATHS option.  These are  typi-
              cally hard-coded guesses.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake vari-
              able    CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK can be set to empty or one  of  the

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find frameworks before standard
                            libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find frameworks after standard
                            libraries or headers.
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find frameworks.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find frameworks.

              On  Darwin  or  systems supporting OS X Application Bundles, the
              cmake variable CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty  or  one
              of the following:

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find application bundles before standard
                            programs. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find application bundles after standard
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find application bundles.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find application bundles.

              The  CMake  variable  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more
              directories to be prepended to  all  other  search  directories.
              This  effectively "re-roots" the entire search under given loca-
              tions. By default it is empty.  It  is  especially  useful  when
              cross-compiling  to  point  to  the root directory of the target
              environment and CMake will search there too. By default at first
              the  directories  listed  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  and then the
              non-rooted directories will be searched.  The  default  behavior
              can  be  adjusted  by setting CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE.
              This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis. By
              using  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH  the  search  order  will be as
              described  above.  If  NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  is   used   then
              CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH      will      not      be     used.     If
              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted direc-
              tories will be searched.

              The  default  search  order  is  designed to be most-specific to
              least-specific for common use cases.  Projects may override  the
              order by simply calling the command multiple times and using the
              NO_* options:

                 find_package(<package> PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)

              Once one of the calls succeeds the result variable will  be  set
              and stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

              Every  non-REQUIRED  find_package() call can be disabled by set-
              ting the variable CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<package> to  TRUE.
              See  the documentation for the CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<pack-
              age> variable for more information.

              See the cmake_policy() command documentation for  discussion  of
              the NO_POLICY_SCOPE option.

              Find the directory containing a file.

                 find_path(<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

              This  is the short-hand signature for the command that is suffi-
              cient in many cases.  It is the same  as  find_path(<VAR>  name1
              [PATHS path1 path2 ...])

                           name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                           [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                           [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                           [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                            ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

              This  command  is  used to find a directory containing the named
              file. A cache entry named by  <VAR>  is  created  to  store  the
              result of this command.  If the file in a directory is found the
              result is stored in the variable and  the  search  will  not  be
              repeated  unless  the variable is cleared.  If nothing is found,
              the result will  be  <VAR>-NOTFOUND,  and  the  search  will  be
              attempted again the next time find_path is invoked with the same
              variable.  The name of the file in a directory that is  searched
              for  is  specified by the names listed after the NAMES argument.
              Additional search locations can be  specified  after  the  PATHS
              argument.  If ENV var is found in the HINTS or PATHS section the
              environment variable var will be read and converted from a  sys-
              tem  environment  variable  to a cmake style list of paths.  For
              example ENV PATH would be a way to list the  system  path  vari-
              able.  The argument after DOC will be used for the documentation
              string in the cache.  PATH_SUFFIXES specifies additional  subdi-
              rectories to check below each search path.

              If  NO_DEFAULT_PATH  is  specified, then no additional paths are
              added to the search. If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is  not  specified,  the
              search process is as follows:

              1.  Search  paths  specified  in cmake-specific cache variables.
              These are intended to  be  used  on  the  command  line  with  a
              -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              2.  Search  paths  specified in cmake-specific environment vari-
              ables.  These are intended to be set in the user's shell config-
              uration.   This  can  be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              3. Search the paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should
              be  paths  computed by system introspection, such as a hint pro-
              vided by the location of another item already found.  Hard-coded
              guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.

              4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
              skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is an argument.


              5. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for  the
              current  system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is

                 <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH

              6. Search the paths specified by the  PATHS  option  or  in  the
              short-hand   version   of  the  command.   These  are  typically
              hard-coded guesses.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake vari-
              able     CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  can be set to empty or one of the

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find frameworks before standard
                            libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find frameworks after standard
                            libraries or headers.
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find frameworks.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find frameworks.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X  Application  Bundles,  the
              cmake  variable  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty or one
              of the following:

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find application bundles before standard
                            programs. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find application bundles after standard
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find application bundles.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find application bundles.

              The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies  one  or  more
              directories  to  be  prepended  to all other search directories.
              This effectively "re-roots" the entire search under given  loca-
              tions.  By  default  it  is  empty. It is especially useful when
              cross-compiling to point to the root  directory  of  the  target
              environment and CMake will search there too. By default at first
              the directories listed  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  and  then  the
              non-rooted  directories  will  be searched. The default behavior
              can be adjusted  by  setting  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE.
              This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis. By
              using CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH the  search  order  will  be  as
              described   above.   If  NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  is  used  then
              CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH     will     not      be      used.      If
              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted direc-
              tories will be searched.

              The default search order is  designed  to  be  most-specific  to
              least-specific  for common use cases.  Projects may override the
              order by simply calling the command multiple times and using the
              NO_* options:

                 find_path(<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
                 find_path(<VAR> NAMES name)

              Once  one  of the calls succeeds the result variable will be set
              and stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

              When searching for frameworks,  if  the  file  is  specified  as
              A/b.h, then the framework search will look for A.framework/Head-
              ers/b.h. If that is found the path will be set to  the  path  to
              the  framework. CMake will convert this to the correct -F option
              to include the file.

              Find an executable program.

                 find_program(<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

              This is the short-hand signature for the command that is  suffi-
              cient in many cases.  It is the same as find_program(<VAR> name1
              [PATHS path1 path2 ...])

                           name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                           [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                           [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                           [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                           [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                            ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

              This command is used to find a program. A cache entry  named  by
              <VAR>  is  created  to store the result of this command.  If the
              program is found the result is stored in the  variable  and  the
              search  will not be repeated unless the variable is cleared.  If
              nothing is found, the result will  be  <VAR>-NOTFOUND,  and  the
              search  will  be  attempted  again the next time find_program is
              invoked with the same variable.  The name of the program that is
              searched  for  is  specified by the names listed after the NAMES
              argument.   Additional search locations can be  specified  after
              the  PATHS  argument.  If ENV var is found in the HINTS or PATHS
              section the environment variable var will be read and  converted
              from  a  system  environment  variable  to a cmake style list of
              paths.  For example ENV PATH would be a way to list  the  system
              path variable. The argument after DOC will be used for the docu-
              mentation string in the cache.   PATH_SUFFIXES  specifies  addi-
              tional subdirectories to check below each search path.

              If  NO_DEFAULT_PATH  is  specified, then no additional paths are
              added to the search. If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is  not  specified,  the
              search process is as follows:

              1.  Search  paths  specified  in cmake-specific cache variables.
              These are intended to  be  used  on  the  command  line  with  a
              -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.

                 <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              2.  Search  paths  specified in cmake-specific environment vari-
              ables.  These are intended to be set in the user's shell config-
              uration.   This  can  be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is

                 <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

              3. Search the paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should
              be  paths  computed by system introspection, such as a hint pro-
              vided by the location of another item already found.  Hard-coded
              guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.

              4. Search the standard system environment variables. This can be
              skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is an argument.


              5. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for  the
              current  system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is

                 <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH

              6. Search the paths specified by the  PATHS  option  or  in  the
              short-hand   version   of  the  command.   These  are  typically
              hard-coded guesses.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake vari-
              able     CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  can be set to empty or one of the

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find frameworks before standard
                            libraries or headers. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find frameworks after standard
                            libraries or headers.
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find frameworks.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find frameworks.

              On Darwin or systems supporting OS X  Application  Bundles,  the
              cmake  variable  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty or one
              of the following:

                 "FIRST"  - Try to find application bundles before standard
                            programs. This is the default on Darwin.
                 "LAST"   - Try to find application bundles after standard
                 "ONLY"   - Only try to find application bundles.
                 "NEVER" - Never try to find application bundles.

              The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies  one  or  more
              directories  to  be  prepended  to all other search directories.
              This effectively "re-roots" the entire search under given  loca-
              tions.  By  default  it  is  empty. It is especially useful when
              cross-compiling to point to the root  directory  of  the  target
              environment and CMake will search there too. By default at first
              the directories listed  in  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  and  then  the
              non-rooted  directories  will  be searched. The default behavior
              can be adjusted  by  setting  CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM.
              This behavior can be manually overridden on a per-call basis. By
              using CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH the  search  order  will  be  as
              described   above.   If  NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  is  used  then
              CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH     will     not      be      used.      If
              ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted direc-
              tories will be searched.

              The default search order is  designed  to  be  most-specific  to
              least-specific  for common use cases.  Projects may override the
              order by simply calling the command multiple times and using the
              NO_* options:

                 find_program(<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
                 find_program(<VAR> NAMES name)

              Once  one  of the calls succeeds the result variable will be set
              and stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

              Create FLTK user interfaces Wrappers.

                fltk_wrap_ui(resultingLibraryName source1
                             source2 ... sourceN )

              Produce .h and .cxx files for all the .fl and .fld files listed.
              The  resulting  .h  and  .cxx  files will be added to a variable
              named resultingLibraryName_FLTK_UI_SRCS which should be added to
              your library.

              Evaluate a group of commands for each value in a list.

                foreach(loop_var arg1 arg2 ...)
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)

              All  commands  between  foreach  and the matching endforeach are
              recorded without being invoked.  Once the endforeach  is  evalu-
              ated,  the  recorded  list  of commands is invoked once for each
              argument listed in the original foreach  command.   Before  each
              iteration  of  the  loop "${loop_var}" will be set as a variable
              with the current value in the list.

                foreach(loop_var RANGE total)
                foreach(loop_var RANGE start stop [step])

              Foreach can also iterate over  a  generated  range  of  numbers.
              There are three types of this iteration:

              *  When specifying single number, the range will have elements 0
              to "total".

              * When specifying two numbers, the range will have elements from
              the first number to the second number.

              *  The  third  optional  number is the increment used to iterate
              from the first number to the second number.

                foreach(loop_var IN [LISTS [list1 [...]]]
                                    [ITEMS [item1 [...]]])

              Iterates over a precise list of items.  The LISTS  option  names
              list-valued  variables to be traversed, including empty elements
              (an empty string is a zero-length list).  The ITEMS option  ends
              argument  parsing and includes all arguments following it in the

              Start recording a function for later invocation as a command.

                function(<name> [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ...]]])
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)

              Define a function named <name> that takes arguments  named  arg1
              arg2 arg3 (...).  Commands listed after function, but before the
              matching endfunction, are not  invoked  until  the  function  is
              invoked.  When it is invoked, the commands recorded in the func-
              tion are first modified by replacing formal parameters (${arg1})
              with  the arguments passed, and then invoked as normal commands.
              In addition to referencing the formal parameters you can  refer-
              ence  the variable ARGC which will be set to the number of argu-
              ments passed into the function as well as ARGV0 ARGV1 ARGV2  ...
              which  will  have  the actual values of the arguments passed in.
              This facilitates creating  functions  with  optional  arguments.
              Additionally  ARGV  holds the list of all arguments given to the
              function and ARGN holds the  list  of  argument  past  the  last
              expected argument.

              See the cmake_policy() command documentation for the behavior of
              policies inside functions.

              Get a property of the CMake instance.

                get_cmake_property(VAR property)

              Get a property from the CMake instance.  The value of the  prop-
              erty  is  stored  in  the  variable VAR.  If the property is not
              found, VAR will be set to "NOTFOUND".  Some supported properties

              See also the more general get_property() command.

              Get a property of DIRECTORY scope.

                get_directory_property(<variable> [DIRECTORY <dir>] <prop-name>)

              Store a property of directory scope in the named  variable.   If
              the  property  is not defined the empty-string is returned.  The
              DIRECTORY argument specifies another  directory  from  which  to
              retrieve  the property value.  The specified directory must have
              already been traversed by CMake.

                get_directory_property(<variable> [DIRECTORY <dir>]
                                       DEFINITION <var-name>)

              Get a variable definition from a directory.  This form is useful
              to get a variable definition from another directory.

              See also the more general get_property() command.

              Get a specific component of a full filename.

                get_filename_component(<VAR> FileName

              Set  <VAR>  to be the path (PATH), file name (NAME), file exten-
              sion (EXT), file name without extension (NAME_WE)  of  FileName,
              the  full  path  (ABSOLUTE),  or the full path with all symlinks
              resolved (REALPATH).  Note that the path is  converted  to  Unix
              slashes  format  and  has  no trailing slashes. The longest file
              extension is always considered. If the optional  CACHE  argument
              is specified, the result variable is added to the cache.

                get_filename_component(<VAR> FileName
                                       PROGRAM [PROGRAM_ARGS <ARG_VAR>]

              The  program in FileName will be found in the system search path
              or left as a full path.  If PROGRAM_ARGS is  present  with  PRO-
              GRAM,  then  any  command-line arguments present in the FileName
              string are split from the program name and stored in  <ARG_VAR>.
              This  is used to separate a program name from its arguments in a
              command line string.

              Get a property.

                             <GLOBAL             |
                              DIRECTORY [dir]    |
                              TARGET    <target> |
                              SOURCE    <source> |
                              TEST      <test>   |
                              CACHE     <entry>  |
                             PROPERTY <name>
                             [SET | DEFINED | BRIEF_DOCS | FULL_DOCS])

              Get one property from one object in a scope.  The first argument
              specifies the variable in which to store the result.  The second
              argument determines the scope from which to  get  the  property.
              It must be one of the following:

              GLOBAL scope is unique and does not accept a name.

              DIRECTORY  scope  defaults  to the current directory but another
              directory (already processed by CMake) may be named by  full  or
              relative path.

              TARGET scope must name one existing target.

              SOURCE scope must name one source file.

              TEST scope must name one existing test.

              CACHE scope must name one cache entry.

              VARIABLE scope is unique and does not accept a name.

              The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name
              of the property to get.  If the property is  not  set  an  empty
              value  is  returned.  If the SET option is given the variable is
              set to a boolean value indicating whether the property has  been
              set.   If  the  DEFINED option is given the variable is set to a
              boolean value indicating whether the property has  been  defined
              such  as  with  define_property.  If  BRIEF_DOCS or FULL_DOCS is
              given then the variable is set to a string containing documenta-
              tion  for the requested property.  If documentation is requested
              for a property that has not been defined NOTFOUND is returned.

              Get a property for a source file.

                get_source_file_property(VAR file property)

              Get a property from a source file.  The value of the property is
              stored  in  the variable VAR.  If the property is not found, VAR
              will be set to "NOTFOUND".  Use  set_source_files_properties  to
              set property values.  Source file properties usually control how
              the file is built. One property that is always there is LOCATION

              See also the more general get_property() command.

              Get a property from a target.

                get_target_property(VAR target property)

              Get a property from a target.   The value  of  the  property  is
              stored  in  the variable VAR.  If the property is not found, VAR
              will be set to "NOTFOUND".   Use  set_target_properties  to  set
              property  values.   Properties are usually used to control how a
              target is built, but some query the target instead.   This  com-
              mand  can get properties for any target so far created. The tar-
              gets do not need to be in the current CMakeLists.txt file.

              See also the more general get_property() command.

              Get a property of the test.

                get_test_property(test property VAR)

              Get a property from the Test.  The  value  of  the  property  is
              stored  in  the variable VAR.  If the property is not found, VAR
              will be set to "NOTFOUND". For a list of standard properties you
              can type cmake --help-property-list

              See also the more general get_property() command.

       if     Conditionally execute a group of commands.

                  # then section.
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)
                  # elseif section.
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)
                  # else section.
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)

              Evaluates the given expression.  If the result is true, the com-
              mands in the THEN section are invoked.  Otherwise, the  commands
              in  the  else section are invoked.  The elseif and else sections
              are optional. You may have multiple elseif  clauses.  Note  that
              the  expression  in  the else and endif clause is optional. Long
              expressions can be used and there  is  a  traditional  order  of
              precedence.  Parenthetical  expressions are evaluated first fol-
              lowed by unary operators such as EXISTS, COMMAND,  and  DEFINED.
              MATCHES will be evaluated. Then NOT operators and  finally  AND,
              OR operators will be evaluated. Possible expressions are:


              True  if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero num-
              ber.  False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, "",
              or  ends in the suffix '-NOTFOUND'.  Named boolean constants are
              case-insensitive.  If the argument is  not  one  of  these  con-
              stants, it is treated as a variable:


              True  if  the variable is defined to a value that is not a false
              constant.  False otherwise.

                if(NOT <expression>)

              True if the expression is not true.

                if(<expr1> AND <expr2>)

              True if both expressions would be considered true individually.

                if(<expr1> OR <expr2>)

              True if either expression would be considered true individually.

                if(COMMAND command-name)

              True if the given name is a command, macro or function that  can
              be invoked.

                if(POLICY policy-id)

              True  if  the  given  name  is  an  existing policy (of the form

                if(TARGET target-name)

              True if the given name is an existing target, built or imported.

                if(EXISTS file-name)
                if(EXISTS directory-name)

              True if  the  named  file  or  directory  exists.   Behavior  is
              well-defined only for full paths.

                if(file1 IS_NEWER_THAN file2)

              True  if  file1  is  newer than file2 or if one of the two files
              doesn't exist. Behavior is well-defined only for full paths.

                if(IS_DIRECTORY directory-name)

              True if the given name is a directory.  Behavior is well-defined
              only for full paths.

                if(IS_SYMLINK file-name)

              True  if  the  given  name  is  a  symbolic  link.   Behavior is
              well-defined only for full paths.

                if(IS_ABSOLUTE path)

              True if the given path is an absolute path.

                if(<variable|string> MATCHES regex)

              True if the given string or variable's value matches  the  given
              regular expression.

                if(<variable|string> LESS <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> GREATER <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> EQUAL <variable|string>)

              True  if  the given string or variable's value is a valid number
              and the inequality or equality is true.

                if(<variable|string> STRLESS <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> STRGREATER <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> STREQUAL <variable|string>)

              True if the given string or variable's  value  is  lexicographi-
              cally less (or greater, or equal) than the string or variable on
              the right.

                if(<variable|string> VERSION_LESS <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> VERSION_EQUAL <variable|string>)
                if(<variable|string> VERSION_GREATER <variable|string>)

              Component-wise integer version number comparison (version format
              is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]).

                if(DEFINED <variable>)

              True if the given variable is defined. It does not matter if the
              variable is true or false just if it has been set.

                if((expression) AND (expression OR (expression)))

              The expressions inside the parenthesis are evaluated  first  and
              then  the  remaining  expression is evaluated as in the previous
              examples. Where there are nested parenthesis the  innermost  are
              evaluated  as  part  of  evaluating the expression that contains

              The if command was written very early in CMake's  history,  pre-
              dating  the  ${} variable evaluation syntax, and for convenience
              evaluates variables named by its arguments as shown in the above
              signatures.   Note  that  normal  variable  evaluation  with ${}
              applies before the  if  command  even  receives  the  arguments.
              Therefore code like

                set(var1 OFF)
                set(var2 "var1")

              appears to the if command as


              and is evaluated according to the if(<variable>) case documented
              above.  The result is OFF which is false.  However, if we remove
              the ${} from the example then the command sees


              which  is  true because var2 is defined to "var1" which is not a
              false constant.

              Automatic evaluation applies in the  other  cases  whenever  the
              above-documented signature accepts <variable|string>:

              1)  The left hand argument to MATCHES is first checked to see if
              it is a defined variable, if so the variable's  value  is  used,
              otherwise the original value is used.

              2)  If  the  left hand argument to MATCHES is missing it returns
              false without error

              3) Both left and right hand arguments to LESS GREATER EQUAL  are
              independently tested to see if they are defined variables, if so
              their defined values are used otherwise the  original  value  is

              4)  Both  left and right hand arguments to STRLESS STREQUAL STR-
              GREATER are independently tested to  see  if  they  are  defined
              variables,  if  so  their  defined values are used otherwise the
              original value is used.

              5) Both left and right  hand  argumemnts  to  VERSION_LESS  VER-
              SION_EQUAL  VERSION_GREATER  are  independently tested to see if
              they are defined variables, if so their defined values are  used
              otherwise the original value is used.

              6)  The  right  hand argument to NOT is tested to see if it is a
              boolean constant, if so the  value  is  used,  otherwise  it  is
              assumed to be a variable and it is dereferenced.

              7) The left and right hand arguments to AND OR are independently
              tested to see if they are boolean constants, if so they are used
              as  such,  otherwise  they  are  assumed to be variables and are

              Read CMake listfile code from the given file.

                include(<file|module> [OPTIONAL] [RESULT_VARIABLE <VAR>]

              Reads CMake listfile code from the given file.  Commands in  the
              file  are processed immediately as if they were written in place
              of the include command.  If OPTIONAL is present, then  no  error
              is  raised  if  the  file does not exist.  If RESULT_VARIABLE is
              given the variable will be set to the full  filename  which  has
              been included or NOTFOUND if it failed.

              If  a  module is specified instead of a file, the file with name
              <modulename>.cmake is searched first in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH,  then
              in  the  CMake module directory. There is one exception to this:
              if the file which calls include() is located itself in the CMake
              module  directory,  then  first  the  CMake  module directory is
              searched  and  CMAKE_MODULE_PATH  afterwards.  See  also  policy

              See  the  cmake_policy() command documentation for discussion of
              the NO_POLICY_SCOPE option.

              Add include directories to the build.

                include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] [SYSTEM] dir1 dir2 ...)

              Add the given directories to those searched by the compiler  for
              include  files. By default the directories are appended onto the
              current list  of  directories.  This  default  behavior  can  be
              changed  by  setting  CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_BEFORE to ON. By
              using BEFORE or AFTER  you  can  select  between  appending  and
              prepending,  independent  from the default. If the SYSTEM option
              is given the compiler will be  told  that  the  directories  are
              meant as system include directories on some platforms.

              Include an external Microsoft project file in a workspace.

                include_external_msproject(projectname location
                                           dep1 dep2 ...)

              Includes   an   external  Microsoft  project  in  the  generated
              workspace file.  Currently does nothing on UNIX. This will  cre-
              ate  a  target  named  [projectname].   This  can be used in the
              add_dependencies command to make things depend on  the  external

              Set the regular expression used for dependency checking.

                include_regular_expression(regex_match [regex_complain])

              Set  the  regular expressions used in dependency checking.  Only
              files matching regex_match will be traced as dependencies.  Only
              files  matching  regex_complain  will  generate warnings if they
              cannot be found (standard header paths are not  searched).   The
              defaults are:

                regex_match    = "^.*$" (match everything)
                regex_complain = "^$" (match empty string only)

              Specify rules to run at install time.

              This  command generates installation rules for a project.  Rules
              specified by calls to this command within a source directory are
              executed  in order during installation.  The order across direc-
              tories is not defined.

              There are multiple signatures for this command.   Some  of  them
              define  installation  properties for files and targets.  Proper-
              ties common to multiple signatures are covered here but they are
              valid only for signatures that specify them.

              DESTINATION  arguments  specify the directory on disk to which a
              file will be installed.  If a full path (with a leading slash or
              drive  letter) is given it is used directly.  If a relative path
              is  given  it  is  interpreted  relative   to   the   value   of

              PERMISSIONS  arguments  specify permissions for installed files.
              Valid permissions are  OWNER_READ,  OWNER_WRITE,  OWNER_EXECUTE,
              WORLD_EXECUTE, SETUID, and SETGID.  Permissions that do not make
              sense on certain platforms are ignored on those platforms.

              The CONFIGURATIONS argument specifies a list of build configura-
              tions for which the install rule applies (Debug, Release, etc.).

              The COMPONENT argument specifies an installation component  name
              with  which the install rule is associated, such as "runtime" or
              "development".   During  component-specific  installation   only
              install  rules  associated with the given component name will be
              executed.   During  a  full  installation  all  components   are

              The  RENAME argument specifies a name for an installed file that
              may be different from the original file.   Renaming  is  allowed
              only when a single file is installed by the command.

              The  OPTIONAL  argument specifies that it is not an error if the
              file to be installed does not exist.

              The TARGETS signature:

                install(TARGETS targets... [EXPORT <export-name>]
                         [DESTINATION <dir>]
                         [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                         [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                         [COMPONENT <component>]
                         [OPTIONAL] [NAMELINK_ONLY|NAMELINK_SKIP]
                        ] [...])

              The TARGETS form specifies rules for installing targets  from  a
              project.   There  are  five  kinds  of  target files that may be
              installed: ARCHIVE, LIBRARY,  RUNTIME,  FRAMEWORK,  and  BUNDLE.
              Executables  are  treated  as RUNTIME targets, except that those
              marked with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property  are  treated  as  BUNDLE
              targets  on OS X. Static libraries are always treated as ARCHIVE
              targets. Module libraries are always treated as LIBRARY targets.
              For  non-DLL  platforms  shared libraries are treated as LIBRARY
              targets, except that those marked with  the  FRAMEWORK  property
              are treated as FRAMEWORK targets on OS X.  For DLL platforms the
              DLL part of a shared library is treated as a RUNTIME target  and
              the  corresponding  import library is treated as an ARCHIVE tar-
              get. All Windows-based systems including Cygwin  are  DLL  plat-
              forms.  The  ARCHIVE,  LIBRARY, RUNTIME, and FRAMEWORK arguments
              change the type of target to  which  the  subsequent  properties
              apply.   If  none  is given the installation properties apply to
              all target types.  If only one is given  then  only  targets  of
              that type will be installed (which can be used to install just a
              DLL or just an import library).

              The PRIVATE_HEADER, PUBLIC_HEADER, and RESOURCE arguments  cause
              subsequent  properties  to  be applied to installing a FRAMEWORK
              shared library target's associated files on non-Apple platforms.
              Rules  defined by these arguments are ignored on Apple platforms
              because the associated files are installed into the  appropriate
              locations inside the framework folder.  See documentation of the
              PRIVATE_HEADER, PUBLIC_HEADER, and  RESOURCE  target  properties
              for details.

              Either  NAMELINK_ONLY  or  NAMELINK_SKIP  may  be specified as a
              LIBRARY option.  On some platforms a  versioned  shared  library
              has a symbolic link such as

                lib<name>.so -> lib<name>.so.1

              where   "lib<name>.so.1"  is  the  soname  of  the  library  and
              "lib<name>.so" is a "namelink"  allowing  linkers  to  find  the
              library  when given "-l<name>".  The NAMELINK_ONLY option causes
              installation of only the  namelink  when  a  library  target  is
              installed.   The  NAMELINK_SKIP  option  causes  installation of
              library files other than the namelink when a library  target  is
              installed.   When  neither  option  is  given  both portions are
              installed.  On platforms where versioned shared libraries do not
              have   namelinks   or  when  a  library  is  not  versioned  the
              NAMELINK_SKIP option installs the library and the  NAMELINK_ONLY
              option  installs  nothing.  See the VERSION and SOVERSION target
              properties for details on creating versioned shared libraries.

              One or more groups of properties may be specified  in  a  single
              call  to  the  TARGETS  form  of  this command.  A target may be
              installed more than once to different locations.  Consider hypo-
              thetical targets "myExe", "mySharedLib", and "myStaticLib".  The

                  install(TARGETS myExe mySharedLib myStaticLib
                          RUNTIME DESTINATION bin
                          LIBRARY DESTINATION lib
                          ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/static)
                  install(TARGETS mySharedLib DESTINATION /some/full/path)

              will install myExe to  <prefix>/bin  and  myStaticLib  to  <pre-
              fix>/lib/static.   On  non-DLL  platforms  mySharedLib  will  be
              installed to <prefix>/lib and /some/full/path.  On DLL platforms
              the  mySharedLib  DLL  will  be  installed  to  <prefix>/bin and
              /some/full/path and its import  library  will  be  installed  to
              <prefix>/lib/static  and  /some/full/path.  On non-DLL platforms
              mySharedLib   will   be   installed    to    <prefix>/lib    and

              The  EXPORT option associates the installed target files with an
              export called <export-name>.  It must appear before any RUNTIME,
              LIBRARY,  or  ARCHIVE  options.   To actually install the export
              file itself, call install(EXPORT).   See  documentation  of  the
              install(EXPORT ...) signature below for details.

              Installing  a target with EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL set to true has unde-
              fined behavior.

              The FILES signature:

                install(FILES files... DESTINATION <dir>
                        [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                        [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                        [COMPONENT <component>]
                        [RENAME <name>] [OPTIONAL])

              The FILES form  specifies  rules  for  installing  files  for  a
              project.   File  names  given  as relative paths are interpreted
              with respect to the current source directory.   Files  installed
              by  this  form  are  by  default  given permissions OWNER_WRITE,
              OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ if no  PERMISSIONS  argu-
              ment is given.

              The PROGRAMS signature:

                install(PROGRAMS files... DESTINATION <dir>
                        [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                        [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                        [COMPONENT <component>]
                        [RENAME <name>] [OPTIONAL])

              The PROGRAMS form is identical to the FILES form except that the
              default  permissions  for  the  installed  file   also   include
              OWNER_EXECUTE,  GROUP_EXECUTE,  and WORLD_EXECUTE.  This form is
              intended to install programs that are not targets, such as shell
              scripts.   Use  the TARGETS form to install targets built within
              the project.

              The DIRECTORY signature:

                install(DIRECTORY dirs... DESTINATION <dir>
                        [FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                        [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                        [USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS] [OPTIONAL]
                        [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                        [COMPONENT <component>] [FILES_MATCHING]
                        [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
                         [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...]] [...])

              The DIRECTORY form installs contents of one or more  directories
              to  a given destination.  The directory structure is copied ver-
              batim to the destination.  The last component of each  directory
              name  is  appended  to  the destination directory but a trailing
              slash may be used to avoid this because it leaves the last  com-
              ponent  empty.   Directory  names  given  as  relative paths are
              interpreted with respect to the current source directory.  If no
              input  directory  names are given the destination directory will
              be created but nothing will be installed into it.  The FILE_PER-
              MISSIONS  and  DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS options specify permissions
              given  to  files  and  directories  in  the   destination.    If
              USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS is specified and FILE_PERMISSIONS is not,
              file permissions will be copied from the source directory struc-
              ture.   If  no permissions are specified files will be given the
              default permissions specified in the FILES form of the  command,
              and the directories will be given the default permissions speci-
              fied in the PROGRAMS form of the command.

              Installation of directories may be controlled with  fine  granu-
              larity  using  the  PATTERN  or  REGEX  options.   These "match"
              options specify a globbing  pattern  or  regular  expression  to
              match directories or files encountered within input directories.
              They may be used to apply certain options (see below) to a  sub-
              set  of the files and directories encountered.  The full path to
              each input file or directory (with forward slashes)  is  matched
              against the expression.  A PATTERN will match only complete file
              names: the portion of the full path matching  the  pattern  must
              occur at the end of the file name and be preceded by a slash.  A
              REGEX will match any portion of the full path but it may use '/'
              and  '$' to simulate the PATTERN behavior.  By default all files
              and directories are installed whether or not they  are  matched.
              The  FILES_MATCHING  option  may be given before the first match
              option to disable installation of files  (but  not  directories)
              not matched by any expression.  For example, the code

                install(DIRECTORY src/ DESTINATION include/myproj
                        FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h")

              will extract and install header files from a source tree.

              Some  options  may  follow a PATTERN or REGEX expression and are
              applied only to files or directories matching them.  The EXCLUDE
              option will skip the matched file or directory.  The PERMISSIONS
              option overrides the permissions setting for the matched file or
              directory.  For example the code

                install(DIRECTORY icons scripts/ DESTINATION share/myproj
                        PATTERN "CVS" EXCLUDE
                        PATTERN "scripts/*"
                                    GROUP_EXECUTE GROUP_READ)

              will  install  the icons directory to share/myproj/icons and the
              scripts directory to share/myproj.  The icons will  get  default
              file  permissions,  the  scripts  will be given specific permis-
              sions, and any CVS directories will be excluded.

              The SCRIPT and CODE signature:

                install([[SCRIPT <file>] [CODE <code>]] [...])

              The SCRIPT form will invoke the given CMake script files  during
              installation.   If  the  script  file name is a relative path it
              will be interpreted with respect to the  current  source  direc-
              tory.   The  CODE  form  will invoke the given CMake code during
              installation.  Code is specified as a single argument  inside  a
              double-quoted string. For example, the code

                install(CODE "MESSAGE(\"Sample install message.\")")

              will print a message during installation.

              The EXPORT signature:

                install(EXPORT <export-name> DESTINATION <dir>
                        [NAMESPACE <namespace>] [FILE <name>.cmake]
                        [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                        [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                        [COMPONENT <component>])

              The  EXPORT  form generates and installs a CMake file containing
              code to import targets from the installation tree  into  another
              project.   Target  installations  are associated with the export
              <export-name> using the EXPORT  option  of  the  install(TARGETS
              ...)  signature  documented  above.   The  NAMESPACE option will
              prepend <namespace> to the target names as they are  written  to
              the  import  file.  By default the generated file will be called
              <export-name>.cmake but the FILE option may be used to specify a
              different  name.   The  value given to the FILE option must be a
              file name with the  ".cmake"  extension.   If  a  CONFIGURATIONS
              option is given then the file will only be installed when one of
              the named configurations is installed.  Additionally, the gener-
              ated import file will reference only the matching target config-
              urations.  If a COMPONENT option  is  specified  that  does  not
              match  that  given  to the targets associated with <export-name>
              the behavior is undefined.  If a library target is  included  in
              the  export  but  a target to which it links is not included the
              behavior is unspecified.

              The EXPORT form is useful to help outside projects  use  targets
              built  and  installed  by the current project.  For example, the

                install(TARGETS myexe EXPORT myproj DESTINATION bin)
                install(EXPORT myproj NAMESPACE mp_ DESTINATION lib/myproj)

              will install the executable myexe to <prefix>/bin  and  code  to
              import  it  in  the file "<prefix>/lib/myproj/myproj.cmake".  An
              outside project may load this file with the include command  and
              reference  the myexe executable from the installation tree using
              the imported target name mp_myexe as if the target were built in
              its own tree.

              NOTE:  This  command  supercedes the INSTALL_TARGETS command and
              the      target      properties      PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT      and
              POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT.   It  also  replaces the FILES forms of the
              INSTALL_FILES and  INSTALL_PROGRAMS  commands.   The  processing
              order  of  these  install  rules  relative to those generated by
              not defined.

              Specify directories in which the linker will look for libraries.

                link_directories(directory1 directory2 ...)

              Specify  the  paths  in  which  the  linker  should  search  for
              libraries. The command will apply only to targets created  after
              it  is  called.  For historical reasons, relative paths given to
              this command are passed to the  linker  unchanged  (unlike  many
              CMake  commands  which  interpret  them  relative to the current
              source directory).

       list   List operations.

                list(LENGTH <list> <output variable>)
                list(GET <list> <element index> [<element index> ...]
                     <output variable>)
                list(APPEND <list> <element> [<element> ...])
                list(FIND <list> <value> <output variable>)
                list(INSERT <list> <element_index> <element> [<element> ...])
                list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value> [<value> ...])
                list(REMOVE_AT <list> <index> [<index> ...])
                list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES <list>)
                list(REVERSE <list>)
                list(SORT <list>)

              LENGTH will return a given list's length.

              GET will return list of elements specified by indices  from  the

              APPEND will append elements to the list.

              FIND  will return the index of the element specified in the list
              or -1 if it wasn't found.

              INSERT will insert elements to the list to the  specified  loca-

              REMOVE_AT  and  REMOVE_ITEM will remove items from the list. The
              difference is that REMOVE_ITEM  will  remove  the  given  items,
              while REMOVE_AT will remove the items at the given indices.

              REMOVE_DUPLICATES will remove duplicated items in the list.

              REVERSE reverses the contents of the list in-place.

              SORT sorts the list in-place alphabetically.

              The  list  subcommands  APPEND,  INSERT, REMOVE_AT, REMOVE_ITEM,
              REMOVE_DUPLICATES, REVERSE and SORT may create  new  values  for
              the list within the current CMake variable scope. Similar to the
              SET command, the LIST command creates new variable values in the
              current  scope, even if the list itself is actually defined in a
              parent scope. To  propagate  the  results  of  these  operations
              upwards,  use SET with PARENT_SCOPE, SET with CACHE INTERNAL, or
              some other means of value propagation.

              NOTES: A list in cmake is a ; separated  group  of  strings.  To
              create  a list the set command can be used. For example, set(var
              a b c d e)  creates a list with a;b;c;d;e, and set(var "a b c  d
              e") creates a string or a list with one item in it.

              When  specifying  index  values,  if  <element  index>  is  0 or
              greater, it is indexed from the beginning of the  list,  with  0
              representing the first list element. If <element index> is -1 or
              lesser, it is indexed from the end of the list, with  -1  repre-
              senting  the  last  list  element. Be careful when counting with
              negative indices: they do not start from 0. -0 is equivalent  to
              0, the first list element.

              Load in the values from another project's CMake cache.

                load_cache(pathToCacheFile READ_WITH_PREFIX
                           prefix entry1...)

              Read the cache and store the requested entries in variables with
              their name prefixed with the given prefix.  This only reads  the
              values,  and  does  not  create  entries  in the local project's

                load_cache(pathToCacheFile [EXCLUDE entry1...]
                           [INCLUDE_INTERNALS entry1...])

              Load in the values from another cache  and  store  them  in  the
              local project's cache as internal entries.  This is useful for a
              project that depends on another project  built  in  a  different
              tree.   EXCLUDE  option can be used to provide a list of entries
              to be excluded.  INCLUDE_INTERNALS can be used to provide a list
              of  internal  entries  to  be  included.   Normally, no internal
              entries are brought in.  Use of this  form  of  the  command  is
              strongly  discouraged,  but it is provided for backward compati-

              Load a command into a running CMake.

                load_command(COMMAND_NAME <loc1> [loc2 ...])

              The given locations are searched for a  library  whose  name  is
              cmCOMMAND_NAME.  If found, it is loaded as a module and the com-
              mand is added to the set of available CMake commands.   Usually,
              TRY_COMPILE  is  used before this command to compile the module.
              If the command is successfully loaded a variable named


              will be set to the full path of  the  module  that  was  loaded.
              Otherwise the variable will not be set.

       macro  Start recording a macro for later invocation as a command.

                macro(<name> [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ...]]])
                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)

              Define a macro named <name> that takes arguments named arg1 arg2
              arg3 (...).  Commands listed after macro, but before the  match-
              ing  endmacro, are not invoked until the macro is invoked.  When
              it is invoked, the commands recorded in the macro are first mod-
              ified  by  replacing  formal parameters (${arg1}) with the argu-
              ments passed, and then invoked as normal commands.  In  addition
              to  referencing the formal parameters you can reference the val-
              ues ${ARGC} which will be set to the number of arguments  passed
              into  the  function  as  well  as ${ARGV0} ${ARGV1} ${ARGV2} ...
              which will have the actual values of the  arguments  passed  in.
              This  facilitates creating macros with optional arguments. Addi-
              tionally ${ARGV} holds the list of all arguments  given  to  the
              macro  and  ${ARGN}  holds  the  list  of argument past the last
              expected argument. Note that the parameters to a macro and  val-
              ues  such  as  ARGN  are not variables in the usual CMake sense.
              They are string replacements much like the c preprocessor  would
              do  with  a  macro.  If you want true CMake variables you should
              look at the function command.

              See the cmake_policy() command documentation for the behavior of
              policies inside macros.

              Mark cmake cached variables as advanced.

                mark_as_advanced([CLEAR|FORCE] VAR VAR2 VAR...)

              Mark  the named cached variables as advanced.  An advanced vari-
              able will not be displayed in any of the cmake GUIs  unless  the
              show  advanced  option  is  on.   If CLEAR is the first argument
              advanced variables are changed back to unadvanced.  If FORCE  is
              the first argument, then the variable is made advanced.  If nei-
              ther FORCE nor CLEAR is specified, new values will be marked  as
              advanced,    but    if    the    variable    already    has   an
              advanced/non-advanced state, it will not be changed.

              It does nothing in script mode.

       math   Mathematical expressions.

                math(EXPR <output variable> <math expression>)

              EXPR evaluates mathematical expression and return result in  the
              output  variable. Example mathematical expression is '5 * ( 10 +
              13 )'.  Supported operators are + - * / % | & ^ ~ << >> *  /  %.
              They have the same meaning  as they do in c code.

              Display a message to the user.

                        "message to display" ...)

              The optional keyword determines the type of message:

                (none)         = Important information
                STATUS         = Incidental information
                WARNING        = CMake Warning, continue processing
                AUTHOR_WARNING = CMake Warning (dev), continue processing
                SEND_ERROR     = CMake Error, continue but skip generation
                FATAL_ERROR    = CMake Error, stop all processing

              The  CMake  command-line tool displays STATUS messages on stdout
              and all other message types on stderr.  The CMake  GUI  displays
              all  messages  in its log area.  The interactive dialogs (ccmake
              and CMakeSetup) show STATUS messages one at a time on  a  status
              line and other messages in interactive pop-up boxes.

              CMake  Warning  and  Error  message text displays using a simple
              markup language.  Non-indented text is formatted in line-wrapped
              paragraphs  delimited  by newlines.  Indented text is considered

       option Provides an option that the user can optionally select.

                option(<option_variable> "help string describing option"
                       [initial value])

              Provide an option for the user to select as ON or  OFF.   If  no
              initial value is provided, OFF is used.

              If  you have options that depend on the values of other options,
              see the module help for CMakeDependentOption.

              Set a name for the entire project.

                project(<projectname> [languageName1 languageName2 ... ] )

              Sets the name of the project.  Additionally this sets the  vari-
              ables  <projectName>_BINARY_DIR  and <projectName>_SOURCE_DIR to
              the respective values.

              Optionally you can specify which  languages  your  project  sup-
              ports.   Example  languages are CXX (i.e. C++), C, Fortran, etc.
              By default C and CXX are enabled.  E.g. if you do not have a C++
              compiler, you can disable the check for it by explicitly listing
              the languages you want to support, e.g. C.  By using the special
              language "NONE" all checks for any language can be disabled.

              Create Qt Wrappers.

                qt_wrap_cpp(resultingLibraryName DestName
                            SourceLists ...)

              Produce   moc   files  for  all  the  .h  files  listed  in  the
              SourceLists.  The moc files will be added to the  library  using
              the DestName source list.

              Create Qt user interfaces Wrappers.

                qt_wrap_ui(resultingLibraryName HeadersDestName
                           SourcesDestName SourceLists ...)

              Produce  .h  and  .cxx files for all the .ui files listed in the
              SourceLists.  The .h files will be added to  the  library  using
              the HeadersDestNamesource list.  The .cxx files will be added to
              the library using the SourcesDestNamesource list.

              Removes -D define flags added by add_definitions.

                remove_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...)

              Removes flags (added by add_definitions) from the compiler  com-
              mand line for sources in the current directory and below.

       return Return from a file, directory or function.


              Returns from a file, directory or function. When this command is
              encountered in an included file  (via  include()  or  find_pack-
              age()),  it  causes  processing  of the current file to stop and
              control is returned to the including file. If it is  encountered
              in  a  file which is not included by another file, e.g. a CMake-
              Lists.txt, control is returned to the parent directory if  there
              is  one.  If return is called in a function, control is returned
              to the caller of the function. Note that a macro is not a  func-
              tion and does not handle return like a function does.

              Parse space-separated arguments into a semicolon-separated list.

                separate_arguments(<var> <UNIX|WINDOWS>_COMMAND "<args>")

              Parses a unix- or windows-style command-line string "<args>" and
              stores a semicolon-separated list of  the  arguments  in  <var>.
              The entire command line must be given in one "<args>" argument.

              The  UNIX_COMMAND  mode  separates  arguments by unquoted white-
              space.  It recognizes both single-quote and double-quote  pairs.
              A  backslash escapes the next literal character (\" is "); there
              are no special escapes (\n is just n).

              The WINDOWS_COMMAND mode parses a windows command-line using the
              same  syntax  the  runtime  library  uses  to  construct argv at
              startup.  It separates arguments by whitespace that is not  dou-
              ble-quoted.   Backslashes  are  literal unless they precede dou-
              ble-quotes.  See the MSDN article "Parsing C Command-Line  Argu-
              ments" for details.


              Convert  the  value  of VARIABLE to a semi-colon separated list.
              All spaces are replaced with ';'.  This  helps  with  generating
              command lines.

       set    Set a CMAKE variable to a given value.

                set(<variable> <value>
                    [[CACHE <type> <docstring> [FORCE]] | PARENT_SCOPE])

              Within  CMake  sets <variable> to the value <value>.  <value> is
              expanded  before <variable> is set to it.  If CACHE is  present,
              then  the <variable> is put in the cache. <type> and <docstring>
              are then required. <type> is used by the CMake GUI to  choose  a
              widget  with  which the user sets a value.  The value for <type>
              may be one of

                FILEPATH = File chooser dialog.
                PATH     = Directory chooser dialog.
                STRING   = Arbitrary string.
                BOOL     = Boolean ON/OFF checkbox.
                INTERNAL = No GUI entry (used for persistent variables).

              If <type> is INTERNAL, then the <value> is always  written  into
              the cache, replacing any values existing in the cache.  If it is
              not a cache variable, then this always writes into  the  current
              makefile. The FORCE option will overwrite the cache value remov-
              ing any changes by the user.

              If PARENT_SCOPE is present, the variable  will  be  set  in  the
              scope  above  the  current scope. Each new directory or function
              creates a new scope. This command will set the value of a  vari-
              able into the parent directory or calling function (whichever is
              applicable to the case at hand).

              If <value> is not specified then the variable is removed instead
              of set.  See also: the unset() command.

                set(<variable> <value1> ... <valueN>)

              In  this case <variable> is set to a semicolon separated list of

              <variable> can be an environment variable such as:

                set( ENV{PATH} /home/martink )

              in which case the environment variable will be set.

              Set a property of the directory.

                set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES prop1 value1 prop2 value2)

              Set a property for the current directory and subdirectories.  If
              the property is not found, CMake will report an error. The prop-
              erties    include:    INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES,     LINK_DIRECTORIES,
              ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES is a list  of  files  that  will  be
              cleaned as a part of "make clean" stage.

              Set a named property in a given scope.

                set_property(<GLOBAL                            |
                              DIRECTORY [dir]                   |
                              TARGET    [target1 [target2 ...]] |
                              SOURCE    [src1 [src2 ...]]       |
                              TEST      [test1 [test2 ...]]     |
                              CACHE     [entry1 [entry2 ...]]>
                             [APPEND] [APPEND_STRING]
                             PROPERTY <name> [value1 [value2 ...]])

              Set  one property on zero or more objects of a scope.  The first
              argument determines the scope in which the property is set.   It
              must be one of the following:

              GLOBAL scope is unique and does not accept a name.

              DIRECTORY  scope  defaults  to the current directory but another
              directory (already processed by CMake) may be named by  full  or
              relative path.

              TARGET scope may name zero or more existing targets.

              SOURCE  scope  may  name  zero  or more source files.  Note that
              source file properties are visible only to targets added in  the
              same directory (CMakeLists.txt).

              TEST scope may name zero or more existing tests.

              CACHE scope must name zero or more cache existing entries.

              The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name
              of the property to set.  Remaining arguments are used to compose
              the  property  value  in the form of a semicolon-separated list.
              If the APPEND option is given the list is appended to any exist-
              ing  property  value.If  the  APPEND_STRING  option is given the
              string is append to any existing property value as string,  i.e.
              it results in a longer string and not a list of strings.

              Source files can have properties that affect how they are built.

                set_source_files_properties([file1 [file2 [...]]]
                                            PROPERTIES prop1 value1
                                            [prop2 value2 [...]])

              Set  properties  associated  with source files using a key/value
              paired list.  See properties documentation for  those  known  to
              CMake.   Unrecognized properties are ignored.  Source file prop-
              erties are visible only to targets added in the  same  directory

              Targets can have properties that affect how they are built.

                set_target_properties(target1 target2 ...
                                      PROPERTIES prop1 value1
                                      prop2 value2 ...)

              Set  properties  on  a  target. The syntax for the command is to
              list all the files you want to change, and then provide the val-
              ues  you  want to set next.  You can use any prop value pair you
              want and extract it later with the GET_TARGET_PROPERTY command.

              Properties that affect the name of a target's output file are as
              follows.   The PREFIX and SUFFIX properties override the default
              target name prefix (such as "lib") and suffix (such  as  ".so").
              IMPORT_PREFIX  and  IMPORT_SUFFIX  are the equivalent properties
              for the import  library  corresponding  to  a  DLL  (for  SHARED
              library  targets).   OUTPUT_NAME  sets the real name of a target
              when it is built and can be used to help create two  targets  of
              the  same  name even though CMake requires unique logical target
              names.  There is also a <CONFIG>_OUTPUT_NAME that  can  set  the
              output name on a per-configuration basis.  <CONFIG>_POSTFIX sets
              a postfix for the real name of the target when it is built under
              the  configuration  named  by  <CONFIG>  (in upper-case, such as
              "DEBUG_POSTFIX").  The value of  this  property  is  initialized
              when  the  target  is  created  to  the  value  of  the variable
              CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX (except for  executable  targets  because
              earlier  CMake versions which did not use this variable for exe-

              The LINK_FLAGS property can be used to add extra  flags  to  the
              link  step of a target. LINK_FLAGS_<CONFIG> will add to the con-
              figuration <CONFIG>, for example,  DEBUG,  RELEASE,  MINSIZEREL,
              RELWITHDEBINFO.  DEFINE_SYMBOL sets the name of the preprocessor
              symbol defined when compiling sources in a  shared  library.  If
              not  set  here then it is set to target_EXPORTS by default (with
              some substitutions if the target is not a valid  C  identifier).
              This  is  useful  for  headers  to  know  whether they are being
              included from inside their library or outside to properly  setup
              dllexport/dllimport decorations. The COMPILE_FLAGS property sets
              additional compiler flags used to build sources within the  tar-
              get.   It may also be used to pass additional preprocessor defi-

              The LINKER_LANGUAGE property is used to change the tool used  to
              link  an  executable  or  shared library. The default is set the
              language to match the files in the library. CXX and C are common
              values for this property.

              For  shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to spec-
              ify the build version and api version respectively. When  build-
              ing  or installing appropriate symlinks are created if the plat-
              form supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. If only
              one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have the same
              version number. For executables VERSION can be used  to  specify
              the  build version. When building or installing appropriate sym-
              links are created if the platform supports symlinks. For  shared
              libraries  and  executables  on Windows the VERSION attribute is
              parsed to extract a "major.minor" version number. These  numbers
              are used as the image version of the binary.

              There  are  a  few  properties  used  to  specify  RPATH  rules.
              INSTALL_RPATH is a semicolon-separated list specifying the rpath
              to  use  in  installed  targets (for platforms that support it).
              INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH is a boolean that  if  set  to  true
              will  append  directories  in the linker search path and outside
              the project to the INSTALL_RPATH. SKIP_BUILD_RPATH is a  boolean
              specifying  whether  to  skip  automatic  generation of an rpath
              allowing   the   target   to   run   from   the   build    tree.
              BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to link
              the target in the build tree with the INSTALL_RPATH.  This takes
              precedence over SKIP_BUILD_RPATH and avoids the need for relink-
              ing before installation.  INSTALL_NAME_DIR is a string  specify-
              ing  the directory portion of the "install_name" field of shared
              libraries on Mac OSX to use in the installed targets.  When  the
              target    is    created    the    values    of   the   variables
              CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR are used to initialize these properties.

              PROJECT_LABEL can be used to change the name of the target in an
              IDE  like  visual  studio.   VS_KEYWORD can be set to change the
              visual studio keyword, for example QT integration  works  better
              if this is set to Qt4VSv1.0.

              to add support for source control bindings in a   Visual  Studio
              project file.

              VS_GLOBAL_<variable>   can   be  set  to  add  a  Visual  Studio
              project-specific global variable. Qt integration works better if
              VS_GLOBAL_QtVersion  is  set  to  the  Qt  version FindQt4.cmake
              found. For example, "4.7.3"

              The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and  POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT  properties  are
              the  old  way  to  specify CMake scripts to run before and after
              installing  a  target.   They  are  used  only  when   the   old
              INSTALL_TARGETS  command is used to install the target.  Use the
              INSTALL command instead.

              The EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD property is used  by  the  visual
              studio  generators.   If  it  is set to 1 the target will not be
              part of the default build when you select "Build Solution".

              Set a property of the tests.

                set_tests_properties(test1 [test2...] PROPERTIES prop1 value1 prop2 value2)

              Set a property for the tests. If  the  property  is  not  found,
              CMake will report an error. The properties include:

              WILL_FAIL:  If  set to true, this will invert the pass/fail flag
              of the test.

              PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION: If set, the test output will be checked
              against  the  specified  regular expressions and at least one of
              the regular expressions has to match, otherwise  the  test  will

                Example: PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "TestPassed;All ok"

              FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION: If set, if the output will match to one
              of specified regular expressions, the test will fail.

                Example: PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "[^a-z]Error;ERROR;Failed"

              a list of regular expressions.

              TIMEOUT:  Setting this will limit the test runtime to the number
              of seconds specified.

              Set the given variable to the name of the computer.


              Define a grouping for sources in the makefile.

                source_group(name [REGULAR_EXPRESSION regex] [FILES src1 src2 ...])

              Defines a group into which sources will  be  placed  in  project
              files.  This is mainly used to setup file tabs in Visual Studio.
              Any file whose name is listed or matches the regular  expression
              will  be  placed  in  this  group.   If  a file matches multiple
              groups, the LAST group that explicitly lists the  file  will  be
              favored,  if  any.   If  no group explicitly lists the file, the
              LAST group whose regular expression matches  the  file  will  be

              The  name  of  the group may contain backslashes to specify sub-

                source_group(outer\\inner ...)

              For backwards compatibility, this command is also  supports  the

                source_group(name regex)

       string String operations.

                string(REGEX MATCH <regular_expression>
                       <output variable> <input> [<input>...])
                string(REGEX MATCHALL <regular_expression>
                       <output variable> <input> [<input>...])
                string(REGEX REPLACE <regular_expression>
                       <replace_expression> <output variable>
                       <input> [<input>...])
                string(REPLACE <match_string>
                       <replace_string> <output variable>
                       <input> [<input>...])
                string(COMPARE EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output variable>)
                string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL <string1> <string2> <output variable>)
                string(COMPARE LESS <string1> <string2> <output variable>)
                string(COMPARE GREATER <string1> <string2> <output variable>)
                string(ASCII <number> [<number> ...] <output variable>)
                string(CONFIGURE <string1> <output variable>
                       [@ONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES])
                string(TOUPPER <string1> <output variable>)
                string(TOLOWER <string1> <output variable>)
                string(LENGTH <string> <output variable>)
                string(SUBSTRING <string> <begin> <length> <output variable>)
                string(STRIP <string> <output variable>)
                string(RANDOM [LENGTH <length>] [ALPHABET <alphabet>]
                       [RANDOM_SEED <seed>] <output variable>)
                string(FIND <string> <substring> <output variable> [REVERSE])

              REGEX MATCH will match the regular expression once and store the
              match in the output variable.

              REGEX MATCHALL will match the regular expression as  many  times
              as  possible  and  store the matches in the output variable as a

              REGEX REPLACE will match the regular expression as many times as
              possible and substitute the replacement expression for the match
              in the output.  The replace expression may refer to paren-delim-
              ited  subexpressions  of  the match using \1, \2, ..., \9.  Note
              that two backslashes (\\1) are required in CMake code to  get  a
              backslash through argument parsing.

              REPLACE  will  replace  all  occurrences  of match_string in the
              input with replace_string and store the result in the output.

              COMPARE EQUAL/NOTEQUAL/LESS/GREATER will compare the strings and
              store true or false in the output variable.

              ASCII  will convert all numbers into corresponding ASCII charac-

              CONFIGURE will transform a string like CONFIGURE_FILE transforms
              a file.

              TOUPPER/TOLOWER will convert string to upper/lower characters.

              LENGTH will return a given string's length.

              SUBSTRING  will  return a substring of a given string. If length
              is -1 the remainder of the string  starting  at  begin  will  be

              STRIP will return a substring of a given string with leading and
              trailing spaces removed.

              RANDOM will return a random string of given length consisting of
              characters  from the given alphabet. Default length is 5 charac-
              ters and default alphabet is all numbers  and  upper  and  lower
              case  letters.   If  an  integer RANDOM_SEED is given, its value
              will be used to seed the random number generator.

              FIND will return the position  where  the  given  substring  was
              found  in the supplied string. If the REVERSE flag was used, the
              command will search for the position of the last  occurrence  of
              the specified substring.

              The following characters have special meaning in regular expres-

                 ^         Matches at beginning of a line
                 $         Matches at end of a line
                 .         Matches any single character
                 [ ]       Matches any character(s) inside the brackets
                 [^ ]      Matches any character(s) not inside the brackets
                  -        Matches any character in range on either side of a dash
                 *         Matches preceding pattern zero or more times
                 +         Matches preceding pattern one or more times
                 ?         Matches preceding pattern zero or once only
                 |         Matches a pattern on either side of the |
                 ()        Saves a matched subexpression, which can be referenced
                           in the REGEX REPLACE operation. Additionally it is saved
                           by all regular expression-related commands, including
                           e.g. if( MATCHES ), in the variables CMAKE_MATCH_(0..9).

              Link a target to given libraries.

                target_link_libraries(<target> [item1 [item2 [...]]]
                                      [[debug|optimized|general] <item>] ...)

              Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a  given  target.
              The  named <target> must have been created in the current direc-
              tory by a command such as add_executable  or  add_library.   The
              remaining arguments specify library names or flags.

              If  a library name matches that of another target in the project
              a dependency will automatically be added in the build system  to
              make sure the library being linked is up-to-date before the tar-
              get links.  Item names  starting  with  '-',  but  not  '-l'  or
              '-framework', are treated as linker flags.

              A  "debug", "optimized", or "general" keyword indicates that the
              library immediately following it is to be used only for the cor-
              responding build configuration.  The "debug" keyword corresponds
              to the Debug configuration (or to configurations  named  in  the
              DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS  global property if it is set).  The "opti-
              mized" keyword corresponds to  all  other  configurations.   The
              "general"  keyword  corresponds  to  all  configurations, and is
              purely optional (assumed if omitted).  Higher granularity may be
              achieved  for per-configuration rules by creating and linking to
              IMPORTED  library  targets.   See  the  IMPORTED  mode  of   the
              add_library command for more information.

              Library  dependencies are transitive by default.  When this tar-
              get is linked into another target then the libraries  linked  to
              this  target  will  appear on the link line for the other target
              too.  See the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES target property to  over-
              ride the set of transitive link dependencies for a target.

                target_link_libraries(<target> LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES
                                      [[debug|optimized|general] <lib>] ...)

              The  LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES  mode appends the libraries to the
              LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES and  its  per-configuration  equivalent
              target  properties instead of using them for linking.  Libraries
              specified  as  "debug"  are  appended  to  the  the  LINK_INTER-
              FACE_LIBRARIES_DEBUG  property (or to the properties correspond-
              ing to configurations listed in the DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS  global
              property  if it is set).  Libraries specified as "optimized" are
              appended   to   the   the   LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES   property.
              Libraries  specified  as  "general" (or without any keyword) are
              treated as if specified for both "debug" and "optimized".

              The library dependency graph is normally acyclic (a DAG), but in
              the case of mutually-dependent STATIC libraries CMake allows the
              graph to contain cycles (strongly connected  components).   When
              another  target  links to one of the libraries CMake repeats the
              entire connected component.  For example, the code

                add_library(A STATIC a.c)
                add_library(B STATIC b.c)
                target_link_libraries(A B)
                target_link_libraries(B A)
                add_executable(main main.c)
                target_link_libraries(main A)

              links 'main' to 'A B A B'.  (While  one  repetition  is  usually
              sufficient, pathological object file and symbol arrangements can
              require more.  One may handle such cases by  manually  repeating
              the  component in the last target_link_libraries call.  However,
              if two archives are really so interdependent they should  proba-
              bly be combined into a single archive.)

              Try building some code.

                try_compile(RESULT_VAR <bindir> <srcdir>
                            <projectName> [targetName] [CMAKE_FLAGS flags...]
                            [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>])

              Try  building  a project.  In this form, srcdir should contain a
              complete CMake  project  with  a  CMakeLists.txt  file  and  all
              sources.  The  bindir  and srcdir will not be deleted after this
              command is run. Specify targetName to build  a  specific  target
              instead of the 'all' or 'ALL_BUILD' target.

                try_compile(RESULT_VAR <bindir> <srcfile>
                            [CMAKE_FLAGS flags...]
                            [COMPILE_DEFINITIONS flags...]
                            [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                            [COPY_FILE <fileName>])

              Try building a source file into an executable.  In this form the
              user need only supply a  source  file  that  defines  a  'main'.
              CMake  will  create a CMakeLists.txt file to build the source as
              an executable.  Specify COPY_FILE to get a copy  of  the  linked
              executable at the given fileName.

              In  this version all files in bindir/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp will be
              cleaned automatically. For debugging, --debug-trycompile can  be
              passed  to  cmake to avoid this clean. However, multiple sequen-
              tial try_compile operations reuse this single output  directory.
              If  you  use --debug-trycompile, you can only debug one try_com-
              pile call at a time. The recommended procedure is  to  configure
              with cmake all the way through once, then delete the cache entry
              associated with the  try_compile  call  of  interest,  and  then
              re-run cmake again with --debug-trycompile.

              Some extra flags that can be included are,  INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES,
              -Ddefinition  that will be passed to the compile line.  try_com-
              pile creates a CMakeList.txt file on the  fly  that  looks  like

                add_definitions( <expanded COMPILE_DEFINITIONS from calling cmake>)
                add_executable(cmTryCompileExec sources)
                target_link_libraries(cmTryCompileExec ${LINK_LIBRARIES})

              In  both  versions  of the command, if OUTPUT_VARIABLE is speci-
              fied, then the output from the build process is  stored  in  the
              given  variable. The success or failure of the try_compile, i.e.
              TRUE  or  FALSE  respectively,  is   returned   in   RESULT_VAR.
              CMAKE_FLAGS  can  be  used to pass -DVAR:TYPE=VALUE flags to the
              cmake that is run during the build. Set variable  CMAKE_TRY_COM-
              PILE_CONFIGURATION to choose a build configuration.

              Try compiling and then running some code.

                try_run(RUN_RESULT_VAR COMPILE_RESULT_VAR
                        bindir srcfile [CMAKE_FLAGS <Flags>]
                        [COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <flags>]
                        [COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE comp]
                        [RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE run]
                        [OUTPUT_VARIABLE var]
                        [ARGS <arg1> <arg2>...])

              Try  compiling  a  srcfile.  Return TRUE or FALSE for success or
              failure in COMPILE_RESULT_VAR.  Then if the  compile  succeeded,
              run  the  executable and return its exit code in RUN_RESULT_VAR.
              If  the  executable  was  built,  but  failed   to   run,   then
              RUN_RESULT_VAR   will  be  set  to  FAILED_TO_RUN.  COMPILE_OUT-
              PUT_VARIABLE specifies the variable where the  output  from  the
              compile  step  goes.  RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE specifies the variable
              where the output from the running executable goes.

              For compatibility reasons OUTPUT_VARIABLE  is  still  supported,
              which  gives  you  the output from the compile and run step com-

              Cross compiling issues

              When cross compiling, the executable compiled in the first  step
              usually  cannot  be  run on the build host. try_run() checks the
              CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable to  detect  whether  CMake  is  in
              crosscompiling  mode.  If  that's the case, it will still try to
              compile the executable, but it will not  try  to  run  the  exe-
              cutable.  Instead  it  will create cache variables which must be
              filled by the user or by presetting them in  some  CMake  script
              file  to  the  values  the  executable would have produced if it
              would have been run on its actual target platform.  These  vari-
              ables are RUN_RESULT_VAR (explanation see above) and if RUN_OUT-
              PUT_VARIABLE (or OUTPUT_VARIABLE) was used, an additional  cache
              is intended to hold stdout and stderr from the executable.

              In order to  make  cross  compiling  your  project  easier,  use
              try_run  only  if  really  required.  If  you  use  try_run, use
              RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE  (or   OUTPUT_VARIABLE)   only   if   really
              required.  Using them will require that when crosscompiling, the
              cache variables will have to be set manually to  the  output  of
              the  executable.  You can also "guard" the calls to try_run with
              if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) and provide an easy-to-preset  alterna-
              tive for this case.

              Set  variable  CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION to choose a build

       unset  Unset a variable, cache variable, or environment variable.

                unset(<variable> [CACHE])

              Removes the specified variable causing it to  become  undefined.
              If  CACHE is present then the variable is removed from the cache
              instead of the current scope.

              <variable> can be an environment variable such as:


              in which case the variable will  be  removed  from  the  current

              Watch the CMake variable for change.

                variable_watch(<variable name> [<command to execute>])

              If  the  specified variable changes, the message will be printed
              about the variable being changed. If the command  is  specified,
              the  command will be executed. The command will receive the fol-
              lowing arguments: COMMAND(<variable> <access>  <value>  <current
              list file> <stack>)

       while  Evaluate a group of commands while a condition is true

                  COMMAND1(ARGS ...)
                  COMMAND2(ARGS ...)

              All  commands  between  while  and  the  matching  endwhile  are
              recorded without being invoked.  Once the endwhile is evaluated,
              the  recorded  list of commands is invoked as long as the condi-
              tion is true. The condition is evaluated using the same logic as
              the if command.

         CMake Properties - Properties supported by CMake, the Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.

       This  is the documentation for the properties supported by CMake. Prop-
       erties can have different scopes. They can  either  be  assigned  to  a
       source  file,  a directory, a target or globally to CMake. By modifying
       the values of properties the behaviour of the build system can be  cus-

              Allow duplicate custom targets to be created.

              Normally CMake requires that all targets built in a project have
              globally unique logical names (see  policy  CMP0002).   This  is
              necessary to generate meaningful project file names in Xcode and
              VS IDE generators.  It also allows the target names to be refer-
              enced unambiguously.

              Makefile  generators  are capable of supporting duplicate custom
              target names.  For projects that care only about Makefile gener-
              ators and do not wish to support Xcode or VS IDE generators, one
              may set this property to true to allow duplicate custom targets.
              The  property allows multiple add_custom_target command calls in
              different directories to specify the same target name.  However,
              setting this property will cause non-Makefile generators to pro-
              duce an error and refuse to generate the project.

              Specify which configurations are for debugging.

              The value must be a semi-colon separated list  of  configuration
              names.   Currently  this  property  is  used  only  by  the tar-
              get_link_libraries command (see its documentation for  details).
              Additional uses may be defined in the future.

              This  property  must  be set at the top level of the project and
              before the first target_link_libraries command  invocation.   If
              any  entry  in the list does not match a valid configuration for
              the project the behavior is undefined.

              List of features which are disabled during the CMake run.

              List of features which are disabled during  the  CMake  run.  Be
              default  it  contains  the  names of all packages which were not
              found. This is  determined  using  the  <NAME>_FOUND  variables.
              Packages  which are searched QUIET are not listed. A project can
              add its own features to this list.This property is used  by  the
              macros in FeatureSummary.cmake.

              List of features which are enabled during the CMake run.

              List  of  features  which  are  enabled during the CMake run. Be
              default it contains the names of all packages which were  found.
              This  is  determined  using the <NAME>_FOUND variables. Packages
              which are searched QUIET are not listed. A project can  add  its
              own features to this list.This property is used by the macros in

              Read-only property that contains the list of  currently  enabled

              Set to list of currently enabled languages.

              Whether  FIND_LIBRARY should automatically search lib64 directo-

              FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS is a boolean specifying whether the
              FIND_LIBRARY command should automatically search the lib64 vari-
              ant of directories called lib in the search path  when  building
              64-bit binaries.

              Whether FIND_LIBRARY should find OpenBSD-style shared libraries.

              This  property  is a boolean specifying whether the FIND_LIBRARY
              command should find shared  libraries  with  OpenBSD-style  ver-
              sioned extension: ".so.<major>.<minor>".  The property is set to
              true on OpenBSD and false on other platforms.

              Enable global target dependency graph debug mode.

              CMake automatically analyzes the global inter-target  dependency
              graph  at the beginning of native build system generation.  This
              property causes it to display details of its analysis to stderr.

              Disallow global target dependency graph cycles.

              CMake automatically analyzes the global inter-target  dependency
              graph  at  the  beginning of native build system generation.  It
              reports an error if the dependency graph contains a  cycle  that
              does  not  consist of all STATIC library targets.  This property
              tells CMake to disallow all cycles completely, even among static

              Read-only  property that is true during a try-compile configura-

              True when building a project inside  a  TRY_COMPILE  or  TRY_RUN

              List of packages which were found during the CMake run.

              List  of packages which were found during the CMake run. Whether
              a package has been found is determined  using  the  <NAME>_FOUND

              List of packages which were not found during the CMake run.

              List  of  packages  which  were  not found during the CMake run.
              Whether a  package  has  been  found  is  determined  using  the
              <NAME>_FOUND variables.

              Name  of  FOLDER  for  targets  that  are added automatically by

              If not set, CMake uses  "CMakePredefinedTargets"  as  a  default
              value  for  this  property. Targets such as INSTALL, PACKAGE and
              RUN_TESTS will be organized into this FOLDER. See also the docu-
              mentation for the FOLDER target property.

              If set, report any undefined properties to this file.

              If  this  property  is set to a filename then when CMake runs it
              will report any properties or variables that were  accessed  but
              not defined into the filename specified in this property.

              Specify a launcher for compile rules.

              Makefile  generators  prefix  compiler  commands  with the given
              launcher command line.  This is intended to allow  launchers  to
              intercept  build  problems  with high granularity.  Non-Makefile
              generators currently ignore this property.

              Specify a launcher for custom rules.

              Makefile  generators  prefix  custom  commands  with  the  given
              launcher  command  line.  This is intended to allow launchers to
              intercept build problems with  high  granularity.   Non-Makefile
              generators currently ignore this property.

              Specify a launcher for link rules.

              Makefile  generators  prefix  link and archive commands with the
              given launcher command line.  This is intended to allow  launch-
              ers   to   intercept   build  problems  with  high  granularity.
              Non-Makefile generators currently ignore this property.

              Specify whether to report a message for each make rule.

              This property specifies whether Makefile generators should add a
              progress  message  describing what each build rule does.  If the
              property is not set the default is ON.  Set the property to  OFF
              to disable granular messages and report only as each target com-
              pletes.  This is intended to allow scripted builds to avoid  the
              build  time  cost of detailed reports.  If a CMAKE_RULE_MESSAGES
              cache entry exists its value initializes the value of this prop-
              erty.  Non-Makefile generators currently ignore this property.

              Set if shared libraries may be named like archives.

              On  AIX shared libraries may be named "lib<name>.a".  This prop-
              erty is set to true on such platforms.

              Does the target platform support shared libraries.

              TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS is a boolean specifying whether  the
              target platform supports shared libraries. Basically all current
              general general purpose OS do  so,  the  exception  are  usually
              embedded systems with no or special OSs.

              Use the FOLDER target property to organize targets into folders.

              If  not set, CMake treats this property as OFF by default. CMake
              generators that are capable of organizing into  a  hierarchy  of
              folders  use  the  values  of the FOLDER target property to name
              those folders. See also the documentation for the FOLDER  target

              Internal property

              Used to detect compiler changes, Do not set.

              Additional files to clean during the make clean stage.

              A  list  of  files  that  will be cleaned as a part of the "make
              clean" stage.

              List of cache variables available in the current directory.

              This read-only property specifies the list of CMake cache  vari-
              ables currently defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.

              Should the output of custom commands be left.

              If  this  is  true  then the outputs of custom commands for this
              directory will not be removed during the "make clean" stage.

              Preprocessor definitions for compiling a directory's sources.

              The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-sepa-
              rated  list  of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or
              VAR=value.  Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake
              will  automatically  escape  the  value correctly for the native
              build system  (note  that  CMake  language  syntax  may  require
              escapes  to specify some values).  This property may be set on a
              per-configuration basis using the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CON-
              FIG>  where <CONFIG> is an upper-case name (ex. "COMPILE_DEFINI-
              TIONS_DEBUG").  This property will be initialized in each direc-
              tory by its value in the directory's parent.

              CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not sup-
              ported by the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does  not  support
              definition values with spaces (but NMake does).

              Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escap-
              ing certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many  cases  but
              some  values  may  just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a
              value does not seem to be escaped correctly, do not  attempt  to
              work-around the problem by adding escape sequences to the value.
              Your work-around may break in a future version of CMake that has
              improved escape support.  Instead consider defining the macro in
              a (configured) header file.  Then report the limitation.   Known
              limitations include:

                #          - broken almost everywhere
                ;          - broken in VS IDE and Borland Makefiles
                ,          - broken in VS IDE
                %          - broken in some cases in NMake
                & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
                ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

              CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work
              in some cases.  Use with caution.

              Per-configuration preprocessor definitions in a directory.

              This is the configuration-specific  version  of  COMPILE_DEFINI-
              TIONS.   This  property will be initialized in each directory by
              its value in the directory's parent.

              For  CMake  2.4  compatibility  only.   Use  COMPILE_DEFINITIONS

              This read-only property specifies the list of flags given so far
              to the add_definitions command.  It is  intended  for  debugging
              purposes.  Use the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS instead.

              Exclude the directory from the all target of its parent.

              A  property  on  a  directory  that indicates if its targets are
              excluded from the default build target. If it is not, then  with
              a  Makefile for example typing make will cause the targets to be
              built. The same concept applies to the default  build  of  other

              Specify  #include  line  transforms for dependencies in a direc-

              This property specifies rules to transform  macro-like  #include
              lines  during  implicit  dependency scanning of C and C++ source
              files.  The list of rules must be semicolon-separated with  each
              entry  of the form "A_MACRO(%)=value-with-%" (the % must be lit-
              eral).  During dependency scanning occurrences  of  A_MACRO(...)
              on  #include  lines will be replaced by the value given with the
              macro argument substituted for '%'.  For example, the entry


              will convert lines of the form

                #include MYDIR(myheader.h)


                #include <mydir/myheader.h>

              allowing the dependency to be followed.

              This property applies to sources in all targets within a  direc-
              tory.   The  property  value is initialized in each directory by
              its value in the directory's parent.

              List of preprocessor include file search directories.

              This read-only property specifies the list of directories  given
              so  far  to the include_directories command.  It is intended for
              debugging purposes.

              Include file scanning regular expression.

              This read-only property specifies the  regular  expression  used
              during dependency scanning to match include files that should be
              followed.  See the include_regular_expression command.

              Enable interprocedural optimization for targets in a directory.

              If set to true, enables interprocedural  optimizations  if  they
              are known to be supported by the compiler.

              Per-configuration interprocedural optimization for a directory.

              This is a per-configuration version of INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZA-
              TION.  If set, this property overrides the generic property  for
              the named configuration.

              List of linker search directories.

              This  read-only property specifies the list of directories given
              so far to the link_directories  command.   It  is  intended  for
              debugging purposes.

              The current stack of listfiles being processed.

              This  property  is  mainly useful when trying to debug errors in
              your CMake scripts. It returns a list of  what  list  files  are
              currently  being processed, in order. So if one listfile does an
              INCLUDE command then that is effectively  pushing  the  included
              listfile onto the stack.

       MACROS List of macro commands available in the current directory.

              This  read-only property specifies the list of CMake macros cur-
              rently defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.  See the
              macro command.

              Source directory that added current subdirectory.

              This  read-only  property  specifies  the  source directory that
              added the current source directory  as  a  subdirectory  of  the
              build.    In   the   top-level   directory   the  value  is  the

              Specify a launcher for compile rules.

              See the global property of the  same  name  for  details.   This
              overrides the global property for a directory.

              Specify a launcher for custom rules.

              See  the  global  property  of  the same name for details.  This
              overrides the global property for a directory.

              Specify a launcher for link rules.

              See the global property of the  same  name  for  details.   This
              overrides the global property for a directory.

              A cmake file that will be included when ctest is run.

              If you specify TEST_INCLUDE_FILE, that file will be included and
              processed when ctest is run on the directory.

              List of variables defined in the current directory.

              This read-only property specifies the list  of  CMake  variables
              currently defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.

              Old per-configuration target file base name.

              This  is  a  configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.  Use
              OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> instead.

              Postfix to append to the  target  file  name  for  configuration

              When  building  with  configuration  <CONFIG>  the value of this
              property is appended to the target file name built on disk.  For
              non-executable  targets,  this  property  is  initialized by the
              value of the variable CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX if it is set when a
              target  is  created.   This  property  is ignored on the Mac for
              Frameworks and App Bundles.

              Output directory in which to build ARCHIVE target files.

              This property specifies the directory into which archive  target
              files  should  be  built.  Multi-configuration  generators  (VS,
              Xcode) append a per-configuration subdirectory to the  specified
              directory.   There  are  three kinds of target files that may be
              built: archive, library, and runtime.   Executables  are  always
              treated  as runtime targets. Static libraries are always treated
              as archive targets.  Module  libraries  are  always  treated  as
              library  targets.  For  non-DLL  platforms  shared libraries are
              treated as library targets. For DLL platforms the DLL part of  a
              shared  library  is  treated  as a runtime target and the corre-
              sponding import library is treated as  an  archive  target.  All
              Windows-based  systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
              property is initialized by the value of the  variable  CMAKE_AR-
              CHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created.

              Per-configuration output directory for ARCHIVE target files.

              This is a per-configuration version of ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
              but multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT  append  a
              per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
              property is initialized by the value of the  variable  CMAKE_AR-
              CHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG>  if  it  is set when a target is

              Output name for ARCHIVE target files.

              This property specifies the base name for archive target  files.
              It  overrides  OUTPUT_NAME  and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.
              There are three kinds of target files that  may  be  built:  ar-
              chive,  library, and runtime.  Executables are always treated as
              runtime targets. Static libraries are always treated as  archive
              targets. Module libraries are always treated as library targets.
              For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are  treated  as  library
              targets.  For  DLL platforms the DLL part of a shared library is
              treated as a runtime target and the corresponding import library
              is  treated  as  an  archive  target.  All Windows-based systems
              including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

              Per-configuration output name for ARCHIVE target files.

              This  is  the  configuration-specific  version  of  ARCHIVE_OUT-

              Should the target be processed with automoc (for Qt projects).

              AUTOMOC is a boolean specifying whether CMake will handle the Qt
              moc preprocessor automatically, i.e. without having to  use  the
              QT4_WRAP_CPP()  macro.  Currently  Qt4  is  supported. When this
              property is set to TRUE, CMake will scan  the  source  files  at
              build  time and invoke moc accordingly. If an #include statement
              like #include "moc_foo.cpp" is found, the Q_OBJECT class  decla-
              ration  is  expected in the header, and moc is run on the header
              file. If an #include statement like #include "foo.moc" is found,
              then  a  Q_OBJECT is expected in the current source file and moc
              is run on the file itself. Additionally, all  header  files  are
              parsed  for  Q_OBJECT macros, and if found, moc is also executed
              on those files. The resulting moc files, which are not  included
              as shown above in any of the source files are included in a gen-
              erated <targetname>_automoc.cpp file, which is compiled as  part
              of  the  target.This property is initialized by the value of the
              variable CMAKE_AUTOMOC if it is set when a target is created.

              Should build tree targets have install tree rpaths.

              BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to link
              the target in the build tree with the INSTALL_RPATH.  This takes
              precedence over SKIP_BUILD_RPATH and avoids the need for relink-
              ing  before  installation.   This property is initialized by the
              value of the variable CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH  if  it  is
              set when a target is created.

       BUNDLE This target is a CFBundle on the Mac.

              If a module library target has this property set to true it will
              be built as a CFBundle when built on the mac. It will  have  the
              directory structure required for a CFBundle and will be suitable
              to be used for creating Browser  Plugins  or  other  application

              The file extension used to name a BUNDLE target on the Mac.

              The  default  value  is  "bundle" - you can also use "plugin" or
              whatever file extension is required by the  host  app  for  your

              Preprocessor definitions for compiling a target's sources.

              The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-sepa-
              rated list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax  VAR  or
              VAR=value.  Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake
              will automatically escape the value  correctly  for  the  native
              build  system  (note  that  CMake  language  syntax  may require
              escapes to specify some values).  This property may be set on  a
              per-configuration basis using the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CON-
              FIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case name (ex.  "COMPILE_DEFINI-

              CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not sup-
              ported by the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does  not  support
              definition values with spaces (but NMake does).

              Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escap-
              ing certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many  cases  but
              some  values  may  just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a
              value does not seem to be escaped correctly, do not  attempt  to
              work-around the problem by adding escape sequences to the value.
              Your work-around may break in a future version of CMake that has
              improved escape support.  Instead consider defining the macro in
              a (configured) header file.  Then report the limitation.   Known
              limitations include:

                #          - broken almost everywhere
                ;          - broken in VS IDE and Borland Makefiles
                ,          - broken in VS IDE
                %          - broken in some cases in NMake
                & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
                ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

              CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work
              in some cases.  Use with caution.

              Per-configuration preprocessor definitions on a target.

              This is the configuration-specific  version  of  COMPILE_DEFINI-

              Additional flags to use when compiling this target's sources.

              The  COMPILE_FLAGS  property sets additional compiler flags used
              to build sources within the target.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS  to
              pass additional preprocessor definitions.

              See target property <CONFIG>_POSTFIX.

              This  property  is  a  special  case  of  the more-general <CON-
              FIG>_POSTFIX property for the DEBUG configuration.

              Define a symbol when compiling this target's sources.

              DEFINE_SYMBOL sets the name of the preprocessor  symbol  defined
              when compiling sources in a shared library. If not set here then
              it is set to target_EXPORTS by default (with some  substitutions
              if  the  target is not a valid C identifier). This is useful for
              headers to know whether they  are  being  included  from  inside
              their  library our outside to properly setup dllexport/dllimport

              Specify whether an executable exports symbols for loadable  mod-

              Normally an executable does not export any symbols because it is
              the final program.  It is possible for an executable  to  export
              symbols  to  be used by loadable modules.  When this property is
              set to true CMake will allow other targets to "link" to the exe-
              cutable  with  the  TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command.  On all plat-
              forms a target-level dependency on the executable is created for
              targets  that  link  to it.  For DLL platforms an import library
              will be created for the exported symbols and then used for link-
              ing.   All  Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL plat-
              forms.  For non-DLL platforms that require  all  symbols  to  be
              resolved  at link time, such as Mac OS X, the module will "link"
              to the executable using a flag like "-bundle_loader".  For other
              non-DLL  platforms  the  link  rule  is simply ignored since the
              dynamic loader will automatically bind symbols when  the  module
              is loaded.

              Exclude the target from the all target.

              A  property on a target that indicates if the target is excluded
              from the default build target. If it is not, then with  a  Make-
              file for example typing make will cause this target to be built.
              The same concept applies to the default build of  other  genera-
              tors.  Installing a target with EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL set to true has
              undefined behavior.

              A message to be displayed when the target is built.

              A message to display on some generators (such as makefiles) when
              the target is built.

       FOLDER Set the folder name. Use to organize targets in an IDE.

              Targets  with  no FOLDER property will appear as top level enti-
              ties in IDEs like Visual Studio. Targets with  the  same  FOLDER
              property  value  will  appear  next to each other in a folder of
              that  name.  To  nest  folders,  use  FOLDER  values   such   as
              'GUI/Dialogs' with '/' characters separating folder levels.

              This target is a framework on the Mac.

              If a shared library target has this property set to true it will
              be built as a framework when built on the mac. It will have  the
              directory  structure  required for a framework and will be suit-
              able to be used with the -framework option

              Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

              This property tells CMake whether the Fortran source files in  a
              target  use  fixed-format  or  free-format.  CMake will pass the
              corresponding format flag to the compiler.  Use the  source-spe-
              cific Fortran_FORMAT property to change the format of a specific
              source file.  If the variable CMAKE_Fortran_FORMAT is set when a
              target is created its value is used to initialize this property.

              Specify  output  directory  for  Fortran modules provided by the

              If the target contains Fortran source files that provide modules
              and  the compiler supports a module output directory this speci-
              fies the directory in which the modules will  be  placed.   When
              this property is not set the modules will be placed in the build
              directory corresponding to the target's  source  directory.   If
              the variable CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY is set when a target
              is created its value is used to initialize this property.

              Generator's file for this target.

              An internal property used by some generators to record the  name
              of project or dsp file associated with this target.

              Link the target using the C++ linker tool (obsolete).

              This  is  equivalent  to setting the LINKER_LANGUAGE property to
              CXX.  See that property's documentation for details.

              Specify #include line transforms for dependencies in a target.

              This property specifies rules to transform  macro-like  #include
              lines  during  implicit  dependency scanning of C and C++ source
              files.  The list of rules must be semicolon-separated with  each
              entry  of the form "A_MACRO(%)=value-with-%" (the % must be lit-
              eral).  During dependency scanning occurrences  of  A_MACRO(...)
              on  #include  lines will be replaced by the value given with the
              macro argument substituted for '%'.  For example, the entry


              will convert lines of the form

                #include MYDIR(myheader.h)


                #include <mydir/myheader.h>

              allowing the dependency to be followed.

              This property applies to sources in the target on  which  it  is

              Read-only indication of whether a target is IMPORTED.

              The  boolean  value of this property is true for targets created
              with the IMPORTED option to add_executable or  add_library.   It
              is false for targets built within the project.

              Configurations provided for an IMPORTED target.

              Lists configuration names available for an IMPORTED target.  The
              names correspond to configurations defined in the  project  from
              which  the  target is imported.  If the importing project uses a
              different set of configurations the names may  be  mapped  using
              the    MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>   property.    Ignored   for
              non-imported targets.

              Full path to the import library for an IMPORTED target.

              Specifies the location of the ".lib"  part  of  a  windows  DLL.
              Ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_IMPLIB property.

              This  property  is  used  when loading settings for the <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond  to those provided by the project from which the target is

              Dependent shared libraries of an imported shared library.

              Shared libraries may be linked to other shared libraries as part
              of  their implementation.  On some platforms the linker searches
              for the dependent libraries of shared libraries they are includ-
              ing  in  the  link.   This  property  lists the dependent shared
              libraries of an imported library.  The list should  be  disjoint
              from the list of interface libraries in the IMPORTED_LINK_INTER-
              FACE_LIBRARIES  property.   On  platforms  requiring   dependent
              shared  libraries  to be found at link time CMake uses this list
              to add appropriate files or paths  to  the  link  command  line.
              Ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES.

              This  property  is  used  when loading settings for the <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond  to those provided by the project from which the target is
              imported.   If  set,  this  property  completely  overrides  the
              generic property for the named configuration.

              Languages compiled into an IMPORTED static library.

              Lists  languages  of  soure  files  compiled to produce a STATIC
              IMPORTED library (such as "C" or  "CXX").   CMake  accounts  for
              these  languages  when  computing  how  to  link a target to the
              imported library.  For example, when a C executable links to  an
              imported C++ static library CMake chooses the C++ linker to sat-
              isfy language runtime dependencies of the static library.

              This property  is  ignored  for  targets  that  are  not  STATIC
              libraries.  This property is ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES.

              This  property  is  used  when loading settings for the <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond  to those provided by the project from which the target is
              imported.   If  set,  this  property  completely  overrides  the
              generic property for the named configuration.

              Transitive link interface of an IMPORTED target.

              Lists  libraries  whose  interface  is included when an IMPORTED
              library target is linked to another target.  The libraries  will
              be  included  on  the  link  line  for  the  target.  Unlike the
              LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property, this property applies to  all
              imported  target  types, including STATIC libraries.  This prop-
              erty is ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES.

              This property is used when loading  settings  for  the  <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond to those provided by the project from which the target  is
              imported.   If  set,  this  property  completely  overrides  the
              generic property for the named configuration.

              Repetition count for cycles of IMPORTED static libraries.

              This is LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY for IMPORTED targets.

              Per-configuration repetition count for cycles  of  IMPORTED  ar-

              This     is     the     configuration-specific     version    of
              IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY.   If  set,  this  property
              completely overrides the generic property for the named configu-

              Full path to the main file on disk for an IMPORTED target.

              Specifies the location of an IMPORTED target file on disk.   For
              executables  this  is  the location of the executable file.  For
              bundles on OS X this is the  location  of  the  executable  file
              inside  Contents/MacOS under the application bundle folder.  For
              static libraries and modules this is the location of the library
              or  module.   For  shared libraries on non-DLL platforms this is
              the location of the shared library.  For frameworks on OS X this
              is  the  location  of  the  library file symlink just inside the
              framework folder.  For DLLs this is the location of  the  ".dll"
              part of the library.  For UNKNOWN libraries this is the location
              of the file to be linked.  Ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_LOCATION property.

              This property is used when loading  settings  for  the  <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond to those provided by the project from which the target  is

              Specifies  that  an  IMPORTED shared library target has no "son-

              Set this property to true for an imported  shared  library  file
              that  has  no  "soname"  field.  CMake may adjust generated link
              commands for some platforms to prevent the linker from using the
              path to the library in place of its missing soname.  Ignored for
              non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_NO_SONAME property.

              This property is used when loading  settings  for  the  <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond to those provided by the project from which the target  is

              The "soname" of an IMPORTED target of shared library type.

              Specifies  the  "soname" embedded in an imported shared library.
              This is meaningful only on  platforms  supporting  the  feature.
              Ignored for non-imported targets.

              Per-configuration version of IMPORTED_SONAME property.

              This  property  is  used  when loading settings for the <CONFIG>
              configuration of an imported target.  Configuration names corre-
              spond  to those provided by the project from which the target is

              What comes before the import library name.

              Similar to the target  property  PREFIX,  but  used  for  import
              libraries  (typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of regular
              libraries. A target property that can be  set  to  override  the
              prefix (such as "lib") on an import library name.

              What comes after the import library name.

              Similar  to  the  target  property  SUFFIX,  but used for import
              libraries (typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of  regular
              libraries.  A  target  property  that can be set to override the
              suffix (such as ".lib") on an import library name.

              Mac OSX directory name for installed targets.

              INSTALL_NAME_DIR is a string specifying the directory portion of
              the  "install_name"  field of shared libraries on Mac OSX to use
              in the installed targets.

              The rpath to use for installed targets.

              A semicolon-separated  list  specifying  the  rpath  to  use  in
              installed  targets  (for platforms that support it).  This prop-
              erty   is   initialized   by   the   value   of   the   variable
              CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.

              Add paths to linker search and installed rpath.

              INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH  is  a  boolean  that if set to true
              will append directories in the linker search  path  and  outside
              the  project to the INSTALL_RPATH.  This property is initialized
              by the value of the  variable  CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH
              if it is set when a target is created.

              Enable interprocedural optimization for a target.

              If  set  to  true, enables interprocedural optimizations if they
              are known to be supported by the compiler.

              Per-configuration interprocedural optimization for a target.

              This is a per-configuration version of INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZA-
              TION.   If set, this property overrides the generic property for
              the named configuration.

       LABELS Specify a list of text labels associated with a target.

              Target label semantics are currently unspecified.

              Output directory in which to build LIBRARY target files.

              This property specifies the directory into which library  target
              files  should  be  built.  Multi-configuration  generators  (VS,
              Xcode) append a per-configuration subdirectory to the  specified
              directory.   There  are  three kinds of target files that may be
              built: archive, library, and runtime.   Executables  are  always
              treated  as runtime targets. Static libraries are always treated
              as archive targets.  Module  libraries  are  always  treated  as
              library  targets.  For  non-DLL  platforms  shared libraries are
              treated as library targets. For DLL platforms the DLL part of  a
              shared  library  is  treated  as a runtime target and the corre-
              sponding import library is treated as  an  archive  target.  All
              Windows-based  systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
              property  is  initialized  by  the   value   of   the   variable
              CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY  if  it  is  set when a target is

              Per-configuration output directory for LIBRARY target files.

              This is a per-configuration version of LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
              but  multi-configuration  generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a
              per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
              property   is   initialized   by   the  value  of  the  variable
              CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> if it is set when a tar-
              get is created.

              Output name for LIBRARY target files.

              This  property specifies the base name for library target files.
              It overrides OUTPUT_NAME  and  OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG>  properties.
              There  are  three  kinds  of target files that may be built: ar-
              chive, library, and runtime.  Executables are always treated  as
              runtime  targets. Static libraries are always treated as archive
              targets. Module libraries are always treated as library targets.
              For  non-DLL  platforms  shared libraries are treated as library
              targets. For DLL platforms the DLL part of a shared  library  is
              treated as a runtime target and the corresponding import library
              is treated as  an  archive  target.  All  Windows-based  systems
              including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

              Per-configuration output name for LIBRARY target files.

              This  is  the  configuration-specific  version  of  LIBRARY_OUT-

              Specifies language whose compiler will invoke the linker.

              For executables, shared libraries, and modules,  this  sets  the
              language  whose compiler is used to link the target (such as "C"
              or "CXX").  A typical value for an executable is the language of
              the  source  file  providing the program entry point (main).  If
              not set, the language with the highest linker  preference  value
              is  the default.  See documentation of CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREF-
              ERENCE variables.

              Additional files on which a target binary depends for linking.

              Specifies a semicolon-separated list of full-paths to  files  on
              which  the link rule for this target depends.  The target binary
              will be linked if any of the named files is newer than it.

              This property is ignored  by  non-Makefile  generators.   It  is
              intended  to specify dependencies on "linker scripts" for custom
              Makefile link rules.

              Additional flags to use when linking this target.

              The LINK_FLAGS property can be used to add extra  flags  to  the
              link  step of a target. LINK_FLAGS_<CONFIG> will add to the con-
              figuration <CONFIG>, for example,  DEBUG,  RELEASE,  MINSIZEREL,

              Per-configuration linker flags for a target.

              This is the configuration-specific version of LINK_FLAGS.

              List  public  interface  libraries  for a shared library or exe-

              By default linking to a shared library target transitively links
              to  targets  with  which  the library itself was linked.  For an
              executable with exports (see  the  ENABLE_EXPORTS  property)  no
              default  transitive  link  dependencies are used.  This property
              replaces  the  default  transitive  link  dependencies  with  an
              explicit  list.   When  the target is linked into another target
              the libraries  listed  (and  recursively  their  link  interface
              libraries)  will  be  provided to the other target also.  If the
              list is empty then  no  transitive  link  dependencies  will  be
              incorporated when this target is linked into another target even
              if the default set is non-empty.  This property is  ignored  for
              STATIC libraries.

              Per-configuration  list of public interface libraries for a tar-

              This  is  the  configuration-specific  version  of   LINK_INTER-
              FACE_LIBRARIES.   If set, this property completely overrides the
              generic property for the named configuration.

              Repetition count for STATIC libraries with cyclic dependencies.

              When linking to a STATIC library target with cyclic dependencies
              the  linker may need to scan more than once through the archives
              in the strongly connected component  of  the  dependency  graph.
              CMake  by  default  constructs  the link line so that the linker
              will scan through the component at least twice.   This  property
              specifies  the  minimum number of scans if it is larger than the
              default.  CMake uses the largest value specified by  any  target
              in a component.

              Per-configuration   repetition   count   for  cycles  of  STATIC

              This  is  the  configuration-specific  version  of   LINK_INTER-
              FACE_MULTIPLICITY.   If  set, this property completely overrides
              the generic property for the named configuration.

              End a link line such that static system libraries are used.

              Some linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic  to
              determine  whether  to  use static or shared libraries for -lXXX
              options.  CMake uses these options to  set  the  link  type  for
              libraries  whose full paths are not known or (in some cases) are
              in implicit link directories for the platform.  By default CMake
              adds  an option at the end of the library list (if necessary) to
              set the linker search type back  to  its  starting  type.   This
              property  switches  the  final  linker  search  type to -Bstatic
              regardless     of     how     it     started.      See      also

              Assume the linker looks for static libraries by default.

              Some  linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic to
              determine whether to use static or shared  libraries  for  -lXXX
              options.   CMake  uses  these  options  to set the link type for
              libraries whose full paths are not known or (in some cases)  are
              in  implicit  link directories for the platform.  By default the
              linker search type is assumed to be -Bdynamic at  the  beginning
              of  the  library list.  This property switches the assumption to
              -Bstatic.  It is intended for use  when  linking  an  executable
              statically  (e.g.  with  the  GNU  -static  option).   See  also

              Read-only location of a target on disk.

              For an imported target,  this  read-only  property  returns  the
              value  of the LOCATION_<CONFIG> property for an unspecified con-
              figuration <CONFIG> provided by the target.

              For a non-imported target, this property is provided for compat-
              ibility with CMake 2.4 and below.  It was meant to get the loca-
              tion of an executable target's output file for use  in  add_cus-
              tom_command.   The path may contain a build-system-specific por-
              tion that is replaced at build time with the configuration  get-
              ting  built (such as "$(ConfigurationName)" in VS). In CMake 2.6
              and above add_custom_command automatically recognizes  a  target
              name  in its COMMAND and DEPENDS options and computes the target
              location.  In CMake 2.8.4 and  above  add_custom_command  recog-
              nizes  generator  expressions  to refer to target locations any-
              where in the command.  Therefore this property is not needed for
              creating custom commands.

              Do  not  set  properties  that affect the location of the target
              after reading this property.   These  include  properties  whose
              names    match    "(RUNTIME|LIBRARY|ARCHIVE)_OUTPUT_(NAME|DIREC-
              TORY)(_<CONFIG>)?" or "(IMPLIB_)?(PREFIX|SUFFIX)".   Failure  to
              follow this rule is not diagnosed and leaves the location of the
              target undefined.

              Read-only property providing a target location on disk.

              A read-only property that indicates where a target's  main  file
              is located on disk for the configuration <CONFIG>.  The property
              is defined only for library and executable targets.  An imported
              target  may  provide a set of configurations different from that
              of the  importing  project.   By  default  CMake  looks  for  an
              exact-match but otherwise uses an arbitrary available configura-
              tion.  Use  the  MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>  property  to  map
              imported configurations explicitly.

              Do  not  set  properties  that affect the location of the target
              after reading this property.   These  include  properties  whose
              names    match    "(RUNTIME|LIBRARY|ARCHIVE)_OUTPUT_(NAME|DIREC-
              TORY)(_<CONFIG>)?" or "(IMPLIB_)?(PREFIX|SUFFIX)".   Failure  to
              follow this rule is not diagnosed and leaves the location of the
              target undefined.

              Build an executable as an application bundle on Mac OS X.

              When this property is set to true the executable when  built  on
              Mac  OS  X will be created as an application bundle.  This makes
              it a GUI executable that can be launched from the  Finder.   See
              the  MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST  target  property  for information
              about creation of the Info.plist file for the  application  bun-

              Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X App Bundle.

              An executable target with MACOSX_BUNDLE enabled will be built as
              an application bundle on Mac OS X.  By  default  its  Info.plist
              file  is  created by configuring a template called MacOSXBundle-
              Info.plist.in located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.   This  property
              specifies  an alternative template file name which may be a full

              The following target properties may be set to specify content to
              be configured into the file:


              CMake  variables  of the same name may be set to affect all tar-
              gets in a directory that do not have each specific property set.
              If  a  custom Info.plist is specified by this property it may of
              course hard-code all the settings instead of  using  the  target

              Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X Framework.

              An  library  target  with  FRAMEWORK  enabled will be built as a
              framework on Mac OS X.  By default its Info.plist file  is  cre-
              ated   by   configuring   a   template  called  MacOSXFramework-
              Info.plist.in located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.   This  property
              specifies  an alternative template file name which may be a full

              The following target properties may be set to specify content to
              be configured into the file:


              CMake  variables  of the same name may be set to affect all tar-
              gets in a directory that do not have each specific property set.
              If  a  custom Info.plist is specified by this property it may of
              course hard-code all the settings instead of  using  the  target

              Map  from  project configuration to IMPORTED target's configura-

              List configurations of an imported target that may be  used  for
              the  current project's <CONFIG> configuration.  Targets imported
              from another project may not provide the same set of  configura-
              tion names available in the current project.  Setting this prop-
              erty tells CMake what imported configurations are  suitable  for
              use when building the <CONFIG> configuration.  The first config-
              uration in the list found to be provided by the imported  target
              is  selected.   If  no matching configurations are available the
              imported target is considered to be not found.  This property is
              ignored for non-imported targets.

              Target specific architectures for OS X.

              The  OSX_ARCHITECTURES property sets the target binary architec-
              ture for targets on OS X.  This property is initialized  by  the
              value  of the variable CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES if it is set when
              a target is created.  Use OSX_ARCHITECTURES_<CONFIG> to set  the
              binary  architectures on a per-configuration basis.  <CONFIG> is
              an upper-case name (ex: "OSX_ARCHITECTURES_DEBUG").

              Per-configuration OS X binary architectures for a target.

              This  property  is   the   configuration-specific   version   of

              Output name for target files.

              This  sets  the  base  name for output files created for an exe-
              cutable or library target.  If not set, the logical target  name
              is used by default.

              Per-configuration target file base name.

              This is the configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.

              Deprecated install support.

              The  PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT  and  POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT properties are
              the old way to specify CMake scripts to  run  before  and  after
              installing   a   target.   They  are  used  only  when  the  old
              INSTALL_TARGETS command is used to install the target.  Use  the
              INSTALL command instead.

       PREFIX What comes before the library name.

              A  target  property that can be set to override the prefix (such
              as "lib") on a library name.

              Deprecated install support.

              The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and  POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT  properties  are
              the  old  way  to  specify CMake scripts to run before and after
              installing  a  target.   They  are  used  only  when   the   old
              INSTALL_TARGETS  command is used to install the target.  Use the
              INSTALL command instead.

              Specify private header files in a FRAMEWORK shared library  tar-

              Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property gener-
              ate frameworks on OS X and  normal  shared  libraries  on  other
              platforms.   This  property may be set to a list of header files
              to be placed in the PrivateHeaders directory inside  the  frame-
              work  folder.   On  non-Apple  platforms  these  headers  may be
              installed using the PRIVATE_HEADER option  to  the  install(TAR-
              GETS) command.

              Change the name of a target in an IDE.

              Can be used to change the name of the target in an IDE like Vis-
              ual Studio.

              Specify public header files in a FRAMEWORK shared  library  tar-

              Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property gener-
              ate frameworks on OS X and  normal  shared  libraries  on  other
              platforms.   This  property may be set to a list of header files
              to be placed in  the  Headers  directory  inside  the  framework
              folder.   On  non-Apple platforms these headers may be installed
              using the PUBLIC_HEADER option to the install(TARGETS) command.

              Specify resource files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.

              Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property gener-
              ate  frameworks  on  OS  X  and normal shared libraries on other
              platforms.  This property may be set to a list of  files  to  be
              placed  in  the Resources directory inside the framework folder.
              On non-Apple platforms these files may be  installed  using  the
              RESOURCE option to the install(TARGETS) command.

              Specify a launcher for compile rules.

              See  the  global  property  of  the same name for details.  This
              overrides the global and directory property for a target.

              Specify a launcher for custom rules.

              See the global property of the  same  name  for  details.   This
              overrides the global and directory property for a target.

              Specify a launcher for link rules.

              See  the  global  property  of  the same name for details.  This
              overrides the global and directory property for a target.

              Output directory in which to build RUNTIME target files.

              This property specifies the directory into which runtime  target
              files  should  be  built.  Multi-configuration  generators  (VS,
              Xcode) append a per-configuration subdirectory to the  specified
              directory.   There  are  three kinds of target files that may be
              built: archive, library, and runtime.   Executables  are  always
              treated  as runtime targets. Static libraries are always treated
              as archive targets.  Module  libraries  are  always  treated  as
              library  targets.  For  non-DLL  platforms  shared libraries are
              treated as library targets. For DLL platforms the DLL part of  a
              shared  library  is  treated  as a runtime target and the corre-
              sponding import library is treated as  an  archive  target.  All
              Windows-based  systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
              property is initialized by the value of the variable  CMAKE_RUN-
              TIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created.

              Per-configuration output directory for RUNTIME target files.

              This is a per-configuration version of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
              but multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT  append  a
              per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
              property is initialized by the value of the variable  CMAKE_RUN-
              TIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG>  if  it  is  set when a target is

              Output name for RUNTIME target files.

              This property specifies the base name for runtime target  files.
              It  overrides  OUTPUT_NAME  and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.
              There are three kinds of target files that  may  be  built:  ar-
              chive,  library, and runtime.  Executables are always treated as
              runtime targets. Static libraries are always treated as  archive
              targets. Module libraries are always treated as library targets.
              For non-DLL platforms shared libraries are  treated  as  library
              targets.  For  DLL platforms the DLL part of a shared library is
              treated as a runtime target and the corresponding import library
              is  treated  as  an  archive  target.  All Windows-based systems
              including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

              Per-configuration output name for RUNTIME target files.

              This  is  the  configuration-specific  version  of  RUNTIME_OUT-

              Should rpaths be used for the build tree.

              SKIP_BUILD_RPATH  is  a boolean specifying whether to skip auto-
              matic generation of an rpath allowing the target to run from the
              build  tree.   This  property is initialized by the value of the
              variable CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH if it is set when  a  target  is

              Source names specified for a target.

              Read-only  list  of  sources  specified for a target.  The names
              returned are suitable for passing to the  set_source_files_prop-
              erties command.

              What version number is this target.

              For  shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to spec-
              ify the build version and api version respectively. When  build-
              ing  or installing appropriate symlinks are created if the plat-
              form supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. If only
              one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have the same
              version number. For shared libraries and executables on  Windows
              the  VERSION attribute is parsed to extract a "major.minor" ver-
              sion number. These numbers are used as the image version of  the

              Extra flags to use when linking static libraries.

              Extra flags to use when linking a static library.

              Per-configuration flags for creating a static library.

              This     is     the     configuration-specific     version    of

       SUFFIX What comes after the library name.

              A target property that can be set to override the  suffix  (such
              as ".so") on a library name.

       TYPE   The type of the target.

              This  read-only  property  can  be  used to test the type of the
              given target. It will be one of STATIC_LIBRARY,  MODULE_LIBRARY,
              SHARED_LIBRARY, EXECUTABLE or one of the internal target types.

              What version number is this target.

              For  shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to spec-
              ify the build version and api version respectively. When  build-
              ing  or installing appropriate symlinks are created if the plat-
              form supports symlinks and the linker supports so-names. If only
              one of both is specified the missing is assumed to have the same
              version number. For executables VERSION can be used  to  specify
              the  build version. When building or installing appropriate sym-
              links are created if the platform supports symlinks. For  shared
              libraries  and  executables  on Windows the VERSION attribute is
              parsed to extract a "major.minor" version number. These  numbers
              are used as the image version of the binary.

              Visual Studio project-specific global variable.

              Tell  the  Visual  Studio  generator  to set the global variable
              '<variable>' to a given value in  the  generated  Visual  Studio
              project.  Ignored on other generators. Qt integration works bet-
              ter if VS_GLOBAL_QtVersion is set to the  version  FindQt4.cmake
              found. For example, "4.7.3"

              Visual Studio project keyword.

              Can  be  set to change the visual studio keyword, for example QT
              integration works better if this is set to Qt4VSv1.0.

              Visual Studio Source Code Control Provider.

              Can be set to change the visual studio source code control local
              path property.

              Visual Studio Source Code Control Project.

              Can  be  set  to  change  the  visual studio source code control
              project name property.

              Visual Studio Source Code Control Provider.

              Can be set to change  the  visual  studio  source  code  control
              provider property.

              Build an executable with a WinMain entry point on windows.

              When  this property is set to true the executable when linked on
              Windows will be created with a WinMain() entry point instead  of
              of  just main().This makes it a GUI executable instead of a con-
              sole application.  See the CMAKE_MFC_FLAG variable documentation
              to configure use of MFC for WinMain executables.

              Set Xcode target attributes directly.

              Tell  the  Xcode  generator  to  set '<an-attribute>' to a given
              value in the generated Xcode project.  Ignored on other  genera-

              Attach a list of files to a dashboard submission.

              Set  this  property  to a list of files that will be encoded and
              submitted to the dashboard as an addition to the test result.

              Attach a list of files to a dashboard  submission  if  the  test

              Same as ATTACHED_FILES, but these files will only be included if
              the test does not pass.

       COST   Set this to a floating point value. Tests in a test set will  be
              run in descending order of cost.

              This  property  describes the cost of a test. You can explicitly
              set this value; tests with higher COST values will run first.

              Specifies that this test should only be run after the  specified
              list of tests.

              Set this to a list of tests that must finish before this test is

              Specify environment variables that should be defined for running
              a test.

              If set to a list of environment variables and values of the form
              MYVAR=value those environment variables will  be  defined  while
              running  the  test.  The environment is restored to its previous
              state after the test is done.

              If the output matches this  regular  expression  the  test  will

              If  set,  if the output matches one of specified regular expres-
              sions, the test will fail.For  example:  PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION

       LABELS Specify a list of text labels associated with a test.

              The list is reported in dashboard submissions.

              Specify a CDASH measurement and value to be reported for a test.

              If  set  to a name then that name will be reported to CDASH as a
              named measurement with a value of 1.  You  may  also  specify  a
              value by setting MEASUREMENT to "measurement=value".

              The  output  must  match this regular expression for the test to

              If set, the test output will be checked  against  the  specified
              regular  expressions and at least one of the regular expressions
              has to match, otherwise the test will fail.

              How many process slots this test requires

              Denotes the number of processors that this  test  will  require.
              This is typically used for MPI tests, and should be used in con-
              junction with the ctest_test PARALLEL_LEVEL option.

              List of files required to run the test.

              If set to a list of files, the test will not be run  unless  all
              of the files exist.

              Specify a list of resources that are locked by this test.

              If multiple tests specify the same resource lock, they are guar-
              anteed not to run concurrently.

              Do not run this test in parallel with any other test.

              Use this  option  in  conjunction  with  the  ctest_test  PARAL-
              LEL_LEVEL  option to specify that this test should not be run in
              parallel with any other tests.

              How many seconds to allow for this test.

              This property if set will limit a test to not take more than the
              specified  number of seconds to run. If it exceeds that the test
              process will be killed and ctest will move  to  the  next  test.
              This setting takes precedence over CTEST_TESTING_TIMEOUT.

              If set to true, this will invert the pass/fail flag of the test.

              This  property  can  be used for tests that are expected to fail
              and return a non zero return code.

              The directory from which the test executable will be called.

              If this is not set it is called from the directory the test exe-
              cutable is located in.

              Is this source file an abstract class.

              A  property  on  a source file that indicates if the source file
              represents a class that is abstract. This only makes  sense  for
              languages that have a notion of an abstract class and it is only
              used by some tools that wrap classes into other languages.

              Preprocessor definitions for compiling a source file.

              The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-sepa-
              rated  list  of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or
              VAR=value.  Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake
              will  automatically  escape  the  value correctly for the native
              build system  (note  that  CMake  language  syntax  may  require
              escapes  to specify some values).  This property may be set on a
              per-configuration basis using the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CON-
              FIG>  where <CONFIG> is an upper-case name (ex. "COMPILE_DEFINI-

              CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not sup-
              ported  by  the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does not support
              definition values with spaces (but NMake does).  Xcode does  not
              support per-configuration definitions on source files.

              Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escap-
              ing certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many  cases  but
              some  values  may  just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a
              value does not seem to be escaped correctly, do not  attempt  to
              work-around the problem by adding escape sequences to the value.
              Your work-around may break in a future version of CMake that has
              improved escape support.  Instead consider defining the macro in
              a (configured) header file.  Then report the limitation.   Known
              limitations include:

                #          - broken almost everywhere
                ;          - broken in VS IDE and Borland Makefiles
                ,          - broken in VS IDE
                %          - broken in some cases in NMake
                & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
                ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

              CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work
              in some cases.  Use with caution.

              Per-configuration preprocessor definitions on a source file.

              This is the configuration-specific  version  of  COMPILE_DEFINI-
              TIONS.   Note  that  Xcode  does  not  support per-configuration
              source file flags so this property will be ignored by the  Xcode

              Additional flags to be added when compiling this source file.

              These flags will be added to the list of compile flags when this
              source file builds.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS to pass  additional
              preprocessor definitions.

              If set to true then this is an object file.

              If  this  property is set to true then the source file is really
              an object file and should not be compiled.   It  will  still  be
              linked into the target though.

              Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

              This  property  tells  CMake whether a given Fortran source file
              uses fixed-format or free-format.  CMake will  pass  the  corre-
              sponding  format  flag to the compiler.  Consider using the tar-
              get-wide Fortran_FORMAT property if all source files in a target
              share the same format.

              Is this source file generated as part of the build process.

              If  a  source  file is generated by the build process CMake will
              handle it differently in terms of dependency checking etc.  Oth-
              erwise having a non-existent source file could create problems.

              Is this source file only a header file.

              A property on a source file that indicates if the source file is
              a header file with no associated  implementation.  This  is  set
              automatically  based  on the file extension and is used by CMake
              to determine is certain dependency information  should  be  com-

              Make the output file have the same extension as the source file.

              If  this  property  is set then the file extension of the output
              file will be the same as that of the source file.  Normally  the
              output  file  extension is computed based on the language of the
              source file, for example .cxx will go to a .o extension.

       LABELS Specify a list of text labels associated with a source file.

              This property has meaning only when the source file is listed in
              a  target whose LABELS property is also set.  No other semantics
              are currently specified.

              What programming language is the file.

              A property that can be set to indicate what programming language
              the  source file is. If it is not set the language is determined
              based on the file extension. Typical values are CXX C etc.  Set-
              ting  this property for a file means this file will be compiled.
              Do not set this for header or files that should not be compiled.

              The full path to a source file.

              A read only property on a SOURCE FILE  that  contains  the  full
              path to the source file.

              Place  a  source  file  inside  a  Mac OS X bundle, CFBundle, or

              Executable targets with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property set are built
              as  Mac  OS  X  application  bundles on Apple platforms.  Shared
              library targets with the FRAMEWORK property set are built as Mac
              OS X frameworks on Apple platforms.  Module library targets with
              the BUNDLE property set are built as Mac OS X  CFBundle  bundles
              on Apple platforms.  Source files listed in the target with this
              property set will be copied to a directory inside the bundle  or
              framework  content  folder specified by the property value.  For
              bundles the content folder is "<name>.app/Contents".  For frame-
              works  the  content  folder  is "<name>.framework/Versions/<ver-
              sion>".  For cfbundles the content folder is "<name>.bundle/Con-
              tents"   (unless  the  extension  is  changed).   See  the  PUB-
              LIC_HEADER, PRIVATE_HEADER, and RESOURCE target  properties  for
              specifying files meant for Headers, PrivateHeaders, or Resources

              Additional files on which a compiled object file depends.

              Specifies a semicolon-separated list of full-paths to  files  on
              which  any  object  files compiled from this source file depend.
              An object file will be recompiled if any of the named  files  is
              newer than it.

              This  property  need  not be used to specify the dependency of a
              source file  on  a  generated  header  file  that  it  includes.
              Although  the  property  was originally introduced for this pur-
              pose, it is no longer necessary.  If the generated  header  file
              is  created by a custom command in the same target as the source
              file, the automatic dependency scanning process  will  recognize
              the  dependency.   If  the  generated  header file is created by
              another target, an inter-target  dependency  should  be  created
              with the add_dependencies command (if one does not already exist
              due to linking relationships).

              Additional outputs for a Makefile rule.

              Additional outputs created by compilation of this  source  file.
              If  any  of  these  outputs is missing the object will be recom-
              piled. This is supported only on Makefile generators and will be
              ignored on other generators.

              Is this just a name for a rule.

              If  SYMBOLIC  (boolean)  is set to true the build system will be
              informed that the source file is not actually  created  on  disk
              but instead used as a symbolic name for a build rule.

              Exclude this source file from any code wrapping techniques.

              Some  packages can wrap source files into alternate languages to
              provide additional functionality. For example, C++ code  can  be
              wrapped  into Java or Python etc using SWIG etc. If WRAP_EXCLUDE
              is set to true (1 etc) that  indicates  then  this  source  file
              should not be wrapped.

              True if entry should be hidden by default in GUIs.

              This  is a boolean value indicating whether the entry is consid-
              ered  interesting  only   for   advanced   configuration.    The
              mark_as_advanced() command modifies this property.

              Help associated with entry in GUIs.

              This string summarizes the purpose of an entry to help users set
              it through a CMake GUI.

              Internal management property.  Do not set or get.

              This is an internal cache entry property  managed  by  CMake  to
              track interactive user modification of entries.  Ignore it.

              Enumerate possible STRING entry values for GUI selection.

              For  cache  entries  with  type STRING, this enumerates a set of
              values.  CMake GUIs may use this to provide a  selection  widget
              instead  of  a  generic  string entry field.  This is for conve-
              nience only.  CMake does not enforce that the value matches  one
              of those listed.

       TYPE   Widget type for entry in GUIs.

              Cache  entry  values  are always strings, but CMake GUIs present
              widgets to help users set values.  The GUIs use this property as
              a hint to determine the widget type.  Valid TYPE values are:

                BOOL          = Boolean ON/OFF value.
                PATH          = Path to a directory.
                FILEPATH      = Path to a file.
                STRING        = Generic string value.
                INTERNAL      = Do not present in GUI at all.
                STATIC        = Value managed by CMake, do not change.
                UNINITIALIZED = Type not yet specified.

              Generally the TYPE of a cache entry should be set by the command
              which creates it (set, option, find_library, etc.).

       VALUE  Value of a cache entry.

              This property maps to the actual value of a cache  entry.   Set-
              ting  this  property  always sets the value without checking, so
              use with care.

         CMake Compatibility Listfile Commands - Obsolete commands supported by CMake for compatibility.

       This is the documentation for now obsolete listfile commands from  pre-
       vious  CMake versions, which are still supported for compatibility rea-
       sons. You should instead use the newer, faster  and  shinier  new  com-
       mands. ;-)

              Deprecated.    Use   ${CMAKE_SYSTEM}  and  ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}


              Sets the specified variable to a string representing  the  plat-
              form  and  compiler  settings.   These  values are now available
              through the CMAKE_SYSTEM and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variables.

              Deprecated.  Use the execute_process() command instead.

              Run an executable program during the processing  of  the  CMake-
              List.txt file.

                exec_program(Executable [directory in which to run]
                             [ARGS <arguments to executable>]
                             [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                             [RETURN_VALUE <var>])

              The  executable  is  run  in the optionally specified directory.
              The executable can include arguments if it is double quoted, but
              it  is better to use the optional ARGS argument to specify argu-
              ments to the program.   This is because cmake will then be  able
              to  escape  spaces in the executable path.  An optional argument
              OUTPUT_VARIABLE specifies a variable in which to store the  out-
              put.  To  capture  the  return value of the execution, provide a
              RETURN_VALUE. If OUTPUT_VARIABLE is specified,  then  no  output
              will go to the stdout/stderr of the console running cmake.

              Deprecated.  Use INSTALL(EXPORT) or EXPORT command.

              This  command  generates an old-style library dependencies file.
              Projects requiring CMake 2.6 or later should not  use  the  com-
              mand.   Use  instead  the install(EXPORT) command to help export
              targets from an installation tree and the  export()  command  to
              export targets from a build tree.

              The  old-style  library  dependencies  file  does  not take into
              account per-configuration names of libraries or the  LINK_INTER-
              FACE_LIBRARIES target property.

                export_library_dependencies(<file> [APPEND])

              Create  a  file  named  <file> that can be included into a CMake
              listfile with the INCLUDE command.  The file will contain a num-
              ber  of  SET commands that will set all the variables needed for
              library dependency information.  This should be the last command
              in  the  top  level  CMakeLists.txt file of the project.  If the
              APPEND option is specified, the SET commands will be appended to
              the given file instead of replacing it.

              Deprecated.  Use the install(FILES ) command instead.

              This  command has been superceded by the install command.  It is
              provided for compatibility with older  CMake  code.   The  FILES
              form  is directly replaced by the FILES form of the install com-
              mand.  The regexp form can be expressed more clearly  using  the
              GLOB form of the file command.

                install_files(<dir> extension file file ...)

              Create  rules  to install the listed files with the given exten-
              sion into the given directory.  Only files existing in the  cur-
              rent  source  tree  or  its corresponding location in the binary
              tree may be listed.  If a file specified already has  an  exten-
              sion,  that extension will be removed first.  This is useful for
              providing lists of source files such as foo.cxx  when  you  want
              the  corresponding foo.h to be installed. A typical extension is

                install_files(<dir> regexp)

              Any files in the current source directory that match the regular
              expression will be installed.

                install_files(<dir> FILES file file ...)

              Any  files  listed  after  the  FILES  keyword will be installed
              explicitly from the names given.  Full paths are allowed in this

              The  directory  <dir>  is  relative  to the installation prefix,
              which is stored in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

              Deprecated. Use the install(PROGRAMS ) command instead.

              This command has been superceded by the install command.  It  is
              provided  for  compatibility  with  older CMake code.  The FILES
              form is directly replaced by the PROGRAMS form  of  the  INSTALL
              command.   The  regexp  form can be expressed more clearly using
              the GLOB form of the FILE command.

                install_programs(<dir> file1 file2 [file3 ...])
                install_programs(<dir> FILES file1 [file2 ...])

              Create rules to install  the  listed  programs  into  the  given
              directory.  Use  the  FILES  argument to guarantee that the file
              list version of the command will be used even when there is only
              one argument.

                install_programs(<dir> regexp)

              In  the  second form any program in the current source directory
              that matches the regular expression will be installed.

              This command is intended to install programs that are not  built
              by  cmake,  such  as shell scripts.  See the TARGETS form of the
              INSTALL command to create installation rules for  targets  built
              by cmake.

              The  directory  <dir>  is  relative  to the installation prefix,
              which is stored in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

              Deprecated. Use the install(TARGETS )  command instead.

              This command has been superceded by the install command.  It  is
              provided for compatibility with older CMake code.

                install_targets(<dir> [RUNTIME_DIRECTORY dir] target target)

              Create rules to install the listed targets into the given direc-
              tory.  The directory <dir> is relative to the installation  pre-
              fix,  which  is  stored in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. If
              RUNTIME_DIRECTORY is specified, then  on  systems  with  special
              runtime  files  (Windows  DLL), the files will be copied to that

              Deprecated. Use the target_link_libraries() command instead.

              Link libraries to all targets added later.

                link_libraries(library1 <debug | optimized> library2 ...)

              Specify a list of libraries to be linked into any following tar-
              gets  (typically  added  with  the add_executable or add_library
              calls).  This command is passed down to all subdirectories.  The
              debug  and  optimized  strings  may be used to indicate that the
              next library listed is to be used only for that specific type of

              Deprecated. Use the file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ) command instead.


              Creates  the  specified  directory.  Full paths should be given.
              Any parent directories that do not exist will also  be  created.
              Use with care.

              Deprecated.  Approximate C preprocessor dependency scanning.

              This command exists only because ancient CMake versions provided
              it.  CMake handles preprocessor  dependency  scanning  automati-
              cally using a more advanced scanner.

                output_required_files(srcfile outputfile)

              Outputs  a list of all the source files that are required by the
              specified srcfile. This list is written into outputfile. This is
              similar  to writing out the dependencies for srcfile except that
              it jumps from .h files into .cxx, .c and .cpp files if possible.

       remove Deprecated. Use the list(REMOVE_ITEM ) command instead.

                remove(VAR VALUE VALUE ...)

              Removes VALUE from the variable VAR.  This is typically used  to
              remove  entries  from  a vector (e.g. semicolon separated list).
              VALUE is expanded.

              Deprecated.  Does nothing.

                subdir_depends(subdir dep1 dep2 ...)

              Does not do anything.  This command used to help projects  order
              parallel builds correctly.  This functionality is now automatic.

              Deprecated. Use the add_subdirectory() command instead.

              Add a list of subdirectories to the build.

                subdirs(dir1 dir2 ...[EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL exclude_dir1 exclude_dir2 ...]
                        [PREORDER] )

              Add  a list of subdirectories to the build. The add_subdirectory
              command should be used instead of subdirs although subdirs  will
              still  work. This will cause any CMakeLists.txt files in the sub
              directories to be processed by CMake.  Any directories after the
              PREORDER  flag  are traversed first by makefile builds, the PRE-
              ORDER flag has no effect on IDE projects.  Any directories after
              the  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL  marker  will  not  be included in the top
              level makefile or project file. This is useful for having  CMake
              create makefiles or projects for a set of examples in a project.
              You would want CMake to generate makefiles or project files  for
              all  the  examples at the same time, but you would not want them
              to show up in the top level project or be built each  time  make
              is run from the top.

              Copy mesa headers for use in combination with system GL.

                use_mangled_mesa(PATH_TO_MESA OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)

              The path to mesa includes, should contain gl_mangle.h.  The mesa
              headers are copied to  the  specified  output  directory.   This
              allows  mangled  mesa  headers  to  override other GL headers by
              being added to the include directory path earlier.

              Specify the source tree of a third-party utility.

                utility_source(cache_entry executable_name
                               path_to_source [file1 file2 ...])

              When a third-party utility's source is included in the distribu-
              tion,  this  command specifies its location and name.  The cache
              entry will not be set unless the path_to_source and  all  listed
              files  exist.  It is assumed that the source tree of the utility
              will have been built before it is needed.

              When cross compiling CMake will  print  a  warning  if  a  util-
              ity_source()  command  is  executed, because in many cases it is
              used to build an executable which is  executed  later  on.  This
              doesn't  work when cross compiling, since the executable can run
              only on their target platform. So in this case the  cache  entry
              has  to be adjusted manually so it points to an executable which
              is runnable on the build host.

              Deprecated. Use the if() command instead.

              Assert satisfaction of an option's required variables.

                variable_requires(TEST_VARIABLE RESULT_VARIABLE
                                  REQUIRED_VARIABLE2 ...)

              The first argument (TEST_VARIABLE) is the name of  the  variable
              to be tested, if that variable is false nothing else is done. If
              TEST_VARIABLE is true, then the next argument  (RESULT_VARIABLE)
              is  a variable that is set to true if all the required variables
              are set. The rest of the arguments are variables  that  must  be
              true  or  not set to NOTFOUND to avoid an error.  If any are not
              true, an error is reported.

              Deprecated. Use the file(WRITE ) command instead.

                write_file(filename "message to write"... [APPEND])

              The first argument is the file name, the rest of  the  arguments
              are messages to write. If the argument APPEND is specified, then
              the message will be appended.

              NOTE 1: file(WRITE ... and file(APPEND ... do exactly  the  same
              as this one but add some more functionality.

              NOTE  2:  When using write_file the produced file cannot be used
              as an input to CMake (CONFIGURE_FILE, source file  ...)  because
              it will lead to an infinite loop. Use configure_file if you want
              to generate input files to CMake.

       The following modules are provided with CMake. They can  be  used  with

         CMake Modules - Modules coming with CMake, the Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.

       This  is  the  documentation  for  the  modules and scripts coming with
       CMake. Using these modules  you  can  check  the  computer  system  for
       installed software packages, features of the compiler and the existance
       of headers to name just a few.

              ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(source_file depend_files...)

              Adds the given files as dependencies to source_file

              Functions to help assemble a standalone bundle application.

              A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing  with
              .app bundles on the Mac and bundle-like directories on any OS.

              The following functions are provided by this module:


              Requires  CMake  2.6  or greater because it uses function, break
              and PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on GetPrerequisites.cmake.

                FIXUP_BUNDLE(<app> <libs> <dirs>)

              Fix up a bundle in-place and make it standalone,  such  that  it
              can  be  drag-n-drop  copied  to another machine and run on that
              machine as long as all of the system libraries are compatible.

              If you pass plugins to fixup_bundle as the libs  parameter,  you
              should  install them or copy them into the bundle before calling
              fixup_bundle. The "libs" parameter is a list of  libraries  that
              must  be fixed up, but that cannot be determined by otool output
              analysis. (i.e., plugins)

              Gather all the keys for all the executables and libraries  in  a
              bundle,  and then, for each key, copy each prerequisite into the
              bundle. Then fix each one up according to its own list  of  pre-

              Then  clear all the keys and call verify_app on the final bundle
              to ensure that it is truly standalone.

                COPY_AND_FIXUP_BUNDLE(<src> <dst> <libs> <dirs>)

              Makes a copy of the bundle <src>  at  location  <dst>  and  then
              fixes up the new copied bundle in-place at <dst>...


              Verifies  that  an application <app> appears valid based on run-
              ning analysis tools on it. Calls  "message(FATAL_ERROR"  if  the
              application is not verified.

                GET_BUNDLE_MAIN_EXECUTABLE(<bundle> <result_var>)

              The  result will be the full path name of the bundle's main exe-
              cutable file or an "error:" prefixed string if it could  not  be

                GET_DOTAPP_DIR(<exe> <dotapp_dir_var>)

              Returns the nearest parent dir whose name ends with ".app" given
              the full path to an executable. If there is no such parent  dir,
              then simply return the dir containing the executable.

              The returned directory may or may not exist.

                GET_BUNDLE_AND_EXECUTABLE(<app> <bundle_var> <executable_var> <valid_var>)

              Takes  either  a  ".app"  directory  name or the name of an exe-
              cutable nested inside a ".app" directory and returns the path to
              the  ".app"  directory  in <bundle_var> and the path to its main
              executable in <executable_var>

                GET_BUNDLE_ALL_EXECUTABLES(<bundle> <exes_var>)

              Scans the given bundle recursively for all executable files  and
              accumulates them into a variable.

                GET_ITEM_KEY(<item> <key_var>)

              Given  a  file (item) name, generate a key that should be unique
              considering the set of libraries that need copying or fixing  up
              to  make  a bundle standalone. This is essentially the file name
              including extension with "." replaced by "_"

              This key is used as a prefix for CMake variables so that we  can
              associate a set of variables with a given item based on its key.


              Loop  over  the list of keys, clearing all the variables associ-
              ated with each key. After the  loop,  clear  the  list  of  keys

              Caller  of  get_bundle_keys  should  call clear_bundle_keys when
              done with list of keys.

                SET_BUNDLE_KEY_VALUES(<keys_var> <context> <item> <exepath> <dirs>

              Add a key to the list (if necessary)  for  the  given  item.  If
              added, also set all the variables associated with that key.

                GET_BUNDLE_KEYS(<app> <libs> <dirs> <keys_var>)

              Loop over all the executable and library files within the bundle
              (and given as extra <libs>) and accumulate a list of keys repre-
              senting  them.  Set values associated with each key such that we
              can loop over all of them and copy prerequisite  libs  into  the
              bundle and then do appropriate install_name_tool fixups.

                COPY_RESOLVED_ITEM_INTO_BUNDLE(<resolved_item> <resolved_embedded_item>)

              Copy  a  resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not
              necessary  if  the  resolved_item   is   "the   same   as"   the

                COPY_RESOLVED_FRAMEWORK_INTO_BUNDLE(<resolved_item> <resolved_embedded_item>)

              Copy  a resolved framework into the bundle if necessary. Copy is
              not  necessary  if  the  resolved_item  is  "the  same  as"  the

              By  default,  BU_COPY_FULL_FRAMEWORK_CONTENTS is not set. If you
              want   full   frameworks   embedded   in   your   bundles,   set
              BU_COPY_FULL_FRAMEWORK_CONTENTS  to ON before calling fixup_bun-
              dle. By default, COPY_RESOLVED_FRAMEWORK_INTO_BUNDLE copies  the
              framework dylib itself plus the framework Resources directory.

                FIXUP_BUNDLE_ITEM(<resolved_embedded_item> <exepath> <dirs>)

              Get the direct/non-system prerequisites of the resolved embedded
              item. For each prerequisite, change the way it is referenced  to
              the  value of the _EMBEDDED_ITEM keyed variable for that prereq-
              uisite. (Most likely changing  to  an  "@executable_path"  style

              This   function  requires  that  the  resolved_embedded_item  be
              "inside" the bundle already. In other words, if you pass plugins
              to  fixup_bundle  as the libs parameter, you should install them
              or copy them into the bundle before  calling  fixup_bundle.  The
              "libs"  parameter  is a list of libraries that must be fixed up,
              but that cannot be determined by otool output  analysis.  (i.e.,

              Also,  change  the  id  of  the  item  being fixed up to its own
              _EMBEDDED_ITEM value.

              Accumulate changes in a local variable and make  *one*  call  to
              install_name_tool  at  the  end  of  the  function  with all the
              changes at once.

              If the BU_CHMOD_BUNDLE_ITEMS variable is set then  bundle  items
              will be marked writable before install_name_tool tries to change

                VERIFY_BUNDLE_PREREQUISITES(<bundle> <result_var> <info_var>)

              Verifies that the sum of all prerequisites of all  files  inside
              the  bundle  are  contained  within  the  bundle or are "system"
              libraries, presumed to exist everywhere.

                VERIFY_BUNDLE_SYMLINKS(<bundle> <result_var> <info_var>)

              Verifies that any symlinks found in the bundle  point  to  other
              files  that  are  already  also  in  the bundle... Anything that
              points to an external file causes this function to fail the ver-

              define a bunch of backwards compatibility variables

                CMAKE_ANSI_CXXFLAGS - flag for ansi c++
                CMAKE_HAS_ANSI_STRING_STREAM - has <strstream>

              Macro to provide an option dependent on other options.

              This macro presents an option to the user only if a set of other
              conditions are true.  When the option is not presented a default
              value  is  used,  but any value set by the user is preserved for
              when the option is presented again. Example invocation:

                                       "USE_BAR;NOT USE_ZOT" OFF)

              If USE_BAR is true and USE_ZOT is false, this provides an option
              called  USE_FOO that defaults to ON.  Otherwise, it sets USE_FOO
              to OFF.  If the status of USE_BAR or USE_ZOT ever  changes,  any
              value for the USE_FOO option is saved so that when the option is
              re-enabled it retains its old value.

              Includes a public function for  assisting  users  in  trying  to
              determine the

              Visual Studio service pack in use.

              Sets the passed in variable to one of the following values or an
              empty string if unknown.


              Usage: ===========================

                     DetermineVSServicePack( my_service_pack )

                     if( my_service_pack )
                         message(STATUS "Detected: ${my_service_pack}")


              helper module to find OSX frameworks


              This file is executed by cmake when invoked with --find-package.
              It expects that the following variables are set using -D:

                 NAME = name of the package
                 COMPILER_ID = the CMake compiler ID for which the result is, i.e. GNU/Intel/Clang/MSVC, etc.
                 LANGUAGE = language for which the result will be used, i.e. C/CXX/Fortan/ASM
                 MODE = EXIST : only check for existance of the given package
                        COMPILE : print the flags needed for compiling an object file which uses the given package
                        LINK : print the flags needed for linking when using the given package
                 QUIET = if TRUE, don't print anything


              This  module  defines macros intended for use by cross-compiling
              toolchain files when CMake is not able to  automatically  detect
              the compiler identification.

              Macro CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER has the following signature:

                 CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER(<compiler> <compiler-id>)

              It  sets  CMAKE_C_COMPILER  to  the given compiler and the cmake
              internal variable CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID to the given  compiler-id.
              It  also  bypasses the check for working compiler and basic com-
              piler information tests.

              Macro CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER has the following signature:

                 CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER(<compiler> <compiler-id>)

              It sets CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the given compiler and  the  cmake
              internal   variable  CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID  to  the  given  com-
              piler-id. It also bypasses the check for  working  compiler  and
              basic compiler information tests.

              Macro CMAKE_FORCE_Fortran_COMPILER has the following signature:

                 CMAKE_FORCE_Fortran_COMPILER(<compiler> <compiler-id>)

              It  sets  CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER  to  the given compiler and the
              cmake internal variable CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID to  the  given
              compiler-id. It also bypasses the check for working compiler and
              basic compiler information tests.

              So a simple toolchain file could look like this:

                 INCLUDE (CMakeForceCompiler)
                 SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic)
                 CMAKE_FORCE_C_COMPILER   (chc12 MetrowerksHicross)
                 CMAKE_FORCE_CXX_COMPILER (chc12 MetrowerksHicross)


              CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(<prefix>  <options>   <one_value_keywords>
              <multi_value_keywords> args...)

              CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS()  is  intended  to  be  used in macros or
              functions for parsing the arguments given to that macro or func-
              tion.  It processes the arguments and defines a set of variables
              which hold the values of the respective options.

              The <options> argument contains all options for  the  respective
              macro,  i.e.  keywords  which can be used when calling the macro
              without any value following, like e.g. the OPTIONAL  keyword  of
              the install() command.

              The <one_value_keywords> argument contains all keywords for this
              macro which are followed by one  value,  like  e.g.  DESTINATION
              keyword of the install() command.

              The  <multi_value_keywords>  argument  contains all keywords for
              this macro which can be followed by more than  one  value,  like
              e.g. the TARGETS or FILES keywords of the install() command.

              When done, CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS() will have defined for each of
              the  keywords  listed  in  <options>,  <one_value_keywords>  and
              <multi_value_keywords> a variable composed of the given <prefix>
              followed by "_" and the name of the  respective  keyword.  These
              variables  will then hold the respective value from the argument
              list. For the <options> keywords this will be TRUE or FALSE.

              All remaining  arguments  are  collected  in  a  variable  <pre-
              fix>_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS,  this  can be checked afterwards to see
              whether your macro was called with unrecognized parameters.

              As an example here a my_install()  macro,  which  takes  similar
              arguments as the real install() command:

                   set(options OPTIONAL FAST)
                   set(oneValueArgs DESTINATION RENAME)
                   set(multiValueArgs TARGETS CONFIGURATIONS)
                   cmake_parse_arguments(MY_INSTALL "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )

              Assume my_install() has been called like this:

                 my_install(TARGETS foo bar DESTINATION bin OPTIONAL blub)

              After  the  cmake_parse_arguments() call the macro will have set
              the following variables:

                 MY_INSTALL_OPTIONAL = TRUE
                 MY_INSTALL_FAST = FALSE (this option was not used when calling my_install()
                 MY_INSTALL_DESTINATION = "bin"
                 MY_INSTALL_RENAME = "" (was not used)
                 MY_INSTALL_TARGETS = "foo;bar"
                 MY_INSTALL_CONFIGURATIONS = "" (was not used)
                 MY_INSTALL_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS = "blub" (no value expected after "OPTIONAL"

              You can the continue and process these variables.

              Keywords terminate lists of values, e.g.  if  directly  after  a
              one_value_keyword  another  recognized  keyword follows, this is
              interpreted  as  the  beginning  of   the   new   option.   E.g.
              my_install(TARGETS  foo  DESTINATION  OPTIONAL)  would result in
              NATION  would  be  empty and MY_INSTALL_OPTIONAL would be set to
              TRUE therefor.

              print system information

              This file can be used for diagnostic purposes just include it in
              a project to see various internal CMake variables.


              This  module  defines  two  macros: CMAKE_PUSH_CHECK_STATE() and
              CMAKE_POP_CHECK_STATE() These two macros can be used to save and
              restore   the   state  of  the  variables  CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS,
              CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES  used  by the various Check-files coming
              with CMake, like e.g. check_function_exists() etc. The  variable
              contents  are  pushed on a stack, pushing multiple times is sup-
              ported. This is useful e.g.  when  executing  such  tests  in  a
              Find-module,  where they have to be set, but after the Find-mod-
              ule has been executed they should have the same  value  as  they
              had before.





              This script is used to verify that embeded manifests and side by
              side manifests for a project match.  To run this script, cd to a
              directory  and run the script with cmake -P. On the command line
              you can pass in versions that are OK even if not  found  in  the
              .manifest    files.    For    example,     cmake    -Dallow_ver-
              sions=8.0.50608.0 -PCmakeVerifyManifest.cmake could be  used  to
              allow an embeded manifest of 8.0.50608.0 to be used in a project
              even if that version was not found in the .manifest file.

       CPack  foreach generator, it then

              The CPack module generates binary and  source  installers  in  a
              variety  of  formats  using  the cpack program. Inclusion of the
              CPack module adds two new targets to  the  resulting  makefiles,
              package  and  package_source,  which build the binary and source
              installers, respectively. The generated binary  installers  con-
              tain  everything  installed via CMake's INSTALL command (and the

              For  certain kinds of binary installers (including the graphical
              installers on Mac OS X and Windows), CPack generates  installers
              that  allow users to select individual application components to
              install. See CPackComponent module for that.

              The CPACK_GENERATOR variable has different meanings in different
              contexts.  In  your  CMakeLists.txt  file,  CPACK_GENERATOR is a
              *list of generators*: when run with no  other  arguments,  CPack
              will  iterate  over  that  list and produce one package for each
              generator. In a CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE, though, CPACK_GENERA-
              TOR  is  a  *string  naming  a  single  generator*.  If you need
              per-cpack- generator logic to control  *other*  cpack  settings,
              then you need a CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE.

              The  CMake  source  tree  itself  contains  a CPACK_PROJECT_CON-
              FIG_FILE. See the top level file CMakeCPackOptions.cmake.in  for
              an example.

              If  set, the CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE is included automatically
              on a per-generator basis. It only need contain overrides.

              Here's how it works:

                   CPACK_GENERATOR list variable (unless told to use just a
                   specific one via -G on the command line...)

                 - sets CPACK_GENERATOR to the one currently being iterated
                 - includes the CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE
                 - produces the package for that generator

              This is the key: For each generator listed in CPACK_GENERATOR in
              CPackConfig.cmake, cpack will *reset* CPACK_GENERATOR internally
              to  *the  one  currently  being  used*  and  then  include   the

              Before  including this CPack module in your CMakeLists.txt file,
              there are a variety of variables that can be  set  to  customize
              the resulting installers. The most commonly-used variables are:

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME - The name of the package (or application). If
                 not specified, defaults to the project name.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR - The name of the package vendor (e.g.,

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR - Package major Version

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR - Package minor Version

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH - Package patch Version

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE - A text file used to describe the
                 project. Used, for example, the introduction screen of a
                 CPack-generated Windows installer to describe the project.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY - Short description of the
                 project (only a few words).

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME - The name of the package file to generate,
                 not including the extension. For example, cmake-2.6.1-Linux-i686.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY - Installation directory on the
                 target system, e.g., "CMake 2.5".

                 CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE - File included at cpack time, once per
                 generator after setting CPACK_GENERATOR to the actual generator
                 being used. Allows per-generator setting of CPACK_* variables at
                 cpack time.

                 CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE - License file for the project, which
                 will typically be displayed to the user (often with an explicit
                 "Accept" button, for graphical installers) prior to installation.

                 CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README - ReadMe file for the project, which
                 typically describes in some detail

                 CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_WELCOME - Welcome file for the project, which
                 welcomes users to this installer. Typically used in the graphical
                 installers on Windows and Mac OS X.

                 CPACK_MONOLITHIC_INSTALL - Disables the component-based
                 installation mechanism, so that all components are always installed.

                 CPACK_GENERATOR - List of CPack generators to use. If not
                 specified, CPack will create a set of options (e.g.,
                 CPACK_BINARY_NSIS) allowing the user to enable/disable individual

                 CPACK_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE - The name of the CPack configuration file
                 for binary installers that will be generated by the CPack
                 module. Defaults to CPackConfig.cmake.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES - Lists each of the executables along
                 with a text label, to be used to create Start Menu shortcuts on
                 Windows. For example, setting this to the list ccmake;CMake will
                 create a shortcut named "CMake" that will execute the installed
                 executable ccmake.

                 CPACK_STRIP_FILES - List of files to be stripped. Starting with
                 CMake 2.6.0 CPACK_STRIP_FILES will be a boolean variable which
                 enables stripping of all files (a list of files evaluates to TRUE
                 in CMake, so this change is compatible).

              The  following  CPack variables are specific to source packages,
              and  will not affect binary packages:

                 CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME - The name of the source package,
                 e.g., cmake-2.6.1

                 CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES - List of files in the source tree that
                 will be stripped. Starting with CMake 2.6.0
                 CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES will be a boolean variable which enables
                 stripping of all files (a list of files evaluates to TRUE in CMake,
                 so this change is compatible).

                 CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR - List of generators used for the source
                 packages. As with CPACK_GENERATOR, if this is not specified then
                 CPack will create a set of options (e.g., CPACK_SOURCE_ZIP)
                 allowing users to select which packages will be generated.

                 CPACK_SOURCE_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE - The name of the CPack
                 configuration file for source installers that will be generated by
                 the CPack module. Defaults to CPackSourceConfig.cmake.

                 CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES - Pattern of files in the source tree
                 that won't be packaged when building a source package. This is a
                 list of patterns, e.g., /CVS/;/\\.svn/;\\.swp$;\\.#;/#;.*~;cscope.*

              The following variables are specific to the DragNDrop installers
              built on Mac OS X:

                 CPACK_DMG_VOLUME_NAME - The volume name of the generated disk
                 image. Defaults to CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME.

                 CPACK_DMG_FORMAT - The disk image format. Common values are UDRO
                 (UDIF read-only), UDZO (UDIF zlib-compressed) or UDBZ (UDIF
                 bzip2-compressed). Refer to hdiutil(1) for more information on
                 other available formats.

                 CPACK_DMG_DS_STORE - Path to a custom .DS_Store file which e.g.
                 can be used to specify the Finder window position/geometry and
                 layout (such as hidden toolbars, placement of the icons etc.).
                 This file has to be generated by the Finder (either manually or
                 through OSA-script) using a normal folder from which the .DS_Store
                 file can then be extracted.

                 CPACK_DMG_BACKGROUND_IMAGE - Path to an image file which is to be
                 used as the background for the Finder Window when the disk image
                 is opened.  By default no background image is set. The background
                 image is applied after applying the custom .DS_Store file.

                 CPACK_COMMAND_HDIUTIL - Path to the hdiutil(1) command used to
                 operate on disk image files on Mac OS X. This variable can be used
                 to override the automatically detected command (or specify its
                 location if the auto-detection fails to find it.)

                 CPACK_COMMAND_SETFILE - Path to the SetFile(1) command used to set
                 extended attributes on files and directories on Mac OS X. This
                 variable can be used to override the automatically detected
                 command (or specify its location if the auto-detection fails to
                 find it.)

                 CPACK_COMMAND_REZ - Path to the Rez(1) command used to compile
                 resources on Mac OS X. This variable can be used to override the
                 automatically detected command (or specify its location if the
                 auto-detection fails to find it.)

              The following variable is specific to installers build on Mac OS
              X using PackageMaker:

                 CPACK_OSX_PACKAGE_VERSION - The version of Mac OS X that the
                 resulting PackageMaker archive should be compatible
                 with. Different versions of Mac OS X support different
                 features. For example, CPack can only build component-based
                 installers for Mac OS X 10.4 or newer, and can only build
                 installers that download component son-the-fly for Mac OS X 10.5
                 or newer. If left blank, this value will be set to the minimum
                 version of Mac OS X that supports the requested features. Set this
                 variable to some value (e.g., 10.4) only if you want to guarantee
                 that your installer will work on that version of Mac OS X, and
                 don't mind missing extra features available in the installer
                 shipping with later versions of Mac OS X.

              The following variables are for advanced uses of CPack:

                 CPACK_CMAKE_GENERATOR - What CMake generator should be used if the
                 project is CMake project. Defaults to the value of CMAKE_GENERATOR;
                 few users will want to change this setting.

                 CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS - List of four values that specify
                 what project to install. The four values are: Build directory,
                 Project Name, Project Component, Directory. If omitted, CPack will
                 build an installer that installers everything.

                 CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME - System name, defaults to the value of

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION - Package full version, used internally. By
                 default, this is built from CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR,

                 CPACK_TOPLEVEL_TAG - Directory for the installed files.

                 CPACK_INSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra commands to install components.

                 CPACK_INSTALLED_DIRECTORIES - Extra directories to install.

              CPack Bundle generator (Mac OS X) specific options

              Installers built on Mac OS X using the Bundle generator use  the
              aforementioned  DragNDrop  variables,  plus  the  following Bun-
              dle-specific parameters:

                 CPACK_BUNDLE_NAME - The name of the generated bundle.  This
                 appears in the OSX finder as the bundle name.  Required.

                 CPACK_BUNDLE_PLIST - Path to an OSX plist file that will be used
                 as the Info.plist for the generated bundle.  This assumes that
                 the caller has generated or specified their own Info.plist file.

                 CPACK_BUNDLE_ICON - Path to an OSX icns file that will be used as
                 the icon for the generated bundle.  This is the icon that appears
                 in the OSX finder for the bundle, and in the OSX dock when the
                 bundle is opened.  Required.

                 CPACK_BUNDLE_STARTUP_SCRIPT - Path to an executable or script that
                 will be run whenever an end-user double-clicks the generated bundle
                 in the OSX Finder.  Optional.

              Build binary and source package installers

              The CPackComponent module is the module which handles the compo-
              nent  part  of  CPack.  See CPack module for general information
              about CPack.

              For certain kinds of binary installers (including the  graphical
              installers  on Mac OS X and Windows), CPack generates installers
              that allow users to select individual application components  to
              install.  The  contents of each of the components are identified
              by the COMPONENT argument of CMake's INSTALL command. These com-
              ponents  can  be annotated with user-friendly names and descrip-
              tions, inter-component dependencies, etc., and grouped in  vari-
              ous   ways   to  customize  the  resulting  installer.  See  the
              cpack_add_* commands,  described  below,  for  more  information
              about component-specific installations.

              Component-specific  installation allows users to select specific
              sets of  components  to  install  during  the  install  process.
              Installation components are identified by the COMPONENT argument
              of CMake's INSTALL commands, and should be further described  by
              the following CPack commands:

                 cpack_add_component - Describes a CPack installation component
                 named by the COMPONENT argument to a CMake INSTALL command.

                                       [DISPLAY_NAME name]
                                       [DESCRIPTION description]
                                       [HIDDEN | REQUIRED | DISABLED ]
                                       [GROUP group]
                                       [DEPENDS comp1 comp2 ... ]
                                       [INSTALL_TYPES type1 type2 ... ]
                                       [ARCHIVE_FILE filename])

                 The cmake_add_component command describes an installation
                 component, which the user can opt to install or remove as part of
                 the graphical installation process. compname is the name of the
                 component, as provided to the COMPONENT argument of one or more
                 CMake INSTALL commands.

                 DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the component, used in
                 graphical installers to display the component name. This value can
                 be any string.

                 DESCRIPTION is an extended description of the component, used in
                 graphical installers to give the user additional information about
                 the component. Descriptions can span multiple lines using "\n" as
                 the line separator. Typically, these descriptions should be no
                 more than a few lines long.

                 HIDDEN indicates that this component will be hidden in the
                 graphical installer, so that the user cannot directly change
                 whether it is installed or not.

                 REQUIRED indicates that this component is required, and therefore
                 will always be installed. It will be visible in the graphical
                 installer, but it cannot be unselected. (Typically, required
                 components are shown greyed out).

                 DISABLED indicates that this component should be disabled
                 (unselected) by default. The user is free to select this component
                 for installation, unless it is also HIDDEN.

                 DEPENDS lists the components on which this component depends. If
                 this component is selected, then each of the components listed
                 must also be selected. The dependency information is encoded
                 within the installer itself, so that users cannot install
                 inconsitent sets of components.

                 GROUP names the component group of which this component is a
                 part. If not provided, the component will be a standalone
                 component, not part of any component group. Component groups are
                 described with the cpack_add_component_group command, detailed

                 INSTALL_TYPES lists the installation types of which this component
                 is a part. When one of these installations types is selected, this
                 component will automatically be selected. Installation types are
                 described with the cpack_add_install_type command, detailed below.

                 DOWNLOADED indicates that this component should be downloaded
                 on-the-fly by the installer, rather than packaged in with the
                 installer itself. For more information, see the cpack_configure_downloads

                 ARCHIVE_FILE provides a name for the archive file created by CPack
                 to be used for downloaded components. If not supplied, CPack will
                 create a file with some name based on CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME and
                 the name of the component. See cpack_configure_downloads for more

                 cpack_add_component_group - Describes a group of related CPack
                 installation components.

                                            [DISPLAY_NAME name]
                                            [DESCRIPTION description]
                                            [PARENT_GROUP parent]

                 The cpack_add_component_group describes a group of installation
                 components, which will be placed together within the listing of
                 options. Typically, component groups allow the user to
                 select/deselect all of the components within a single group via a
                 single group-level option. Use component groups to reduce the
                 complexity of installers with many options. groupname is an
                 arbitrary name used to identify the group in the GROUP argument of
                 the cpack_add_component command, which is used to place a
                 component in a group. The name of the group must not conflict with
                 the name of any component.

                 DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the component group, used in
                 graphical installers to display the component group name. This
                 value can be any string.

                 DESCRIPTION is an extended description of the component group,
                 used in graphical installers to give the user additional
                 information about the components within that group. Descriptions
                 can span multiple lines using "\n" as the line
                 separator. Typically, these descriptions should be no more than a
                 few lines long.

                 PARENT_GROUP, if supplied, names the parent group of this group.
                 Parent groups are used to establish a hierarchy of groups,
                 providing an arbitrary hierarchy of groups.

                 EXPANDED indicates that, by default, the group should show up as
                 "expanded", so that the user immediately sees all of the
                 components within the group. Otherwise, the group will initially
                 show up as a single entry.

                 BOLD_TITLE indicates that the group title should appear in bold,
                 to call the user's attention to the group.

                 cpack_add_install_type - Add a new installation type containing a
                 set of predefined component selections to the graphical installer.

                                          [DISPLAY_NAME name])

                 The cpack_add_install_type command identifies a set of preselected
                 components that represents a common use case for an
                 application. For example, a "Developer" install type might include
                 an application along with its header and library files, while an
                 "End user" install type might just include the application's
                 executable. Each component identifies itself with one or more
                 install types via the INSTALL_TYPES argument to

                 DISPLAY_NAME is the displayed name of the install type, which will
                 typically show up in a drop-down box within a graphical
                 installer. This value can be any string.

                 cpack_configure_downloads - Configure CPack to download selected
                 components on-the-fly as part of the installation process.

                                             [UPLOAD_DIRECTORY dirname]

                 The cpack_configure_downloads command configures installation-time
                 downloads of selected components. For each downloadable component,
                 CPack will create an archive containing the contents of that
                 component, which should be uploaded to the given site. When the
                 user selects that component for installation, the installer will
                 download and extract the component in place. This feature is
                 useful for creating small installers that only download the
                 requested components, saving bandwidth. Additionally, the
                 installers are small enough that they will be installed as part of
                 the normal installation process, and the "Change" button in
                 Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel will allow one to add or
                 remove parts of the application after the original
                 installation. On Windows, the downloaded-components functionality
                 requires the ZipDLL plug-in for NSIS, available at:


                 On Mac OS X, installers that download components on-the-fly can
                 only be built and installed on system using Mac OS X 10.5 or

                 The site argument is a URL where the archives for downloadable
                 components will reside, e.g., http://www.cmake.org/files/2.6.1/installer/
                 All of the archives produced by CPack should be uploaded to that location.

                 UPLOAD_DIRECTORY is the local directory where CPack will create the
                 various archives for each of the components. The contents of this
                 directory should be uploaded to a location accessible by the URL given
                 in the site argument. If omitted, CPack will use the directory
                 CPackUploads inside the CMake binary directory to store the generated

                 The ALL flag indicates that all components be downloaded. Otherwise, only
                 those components explicitly marked as DOWNLOADED or that have a specified
                 ARCHIVE_FILE will be downloaded. Additionally, the ALL option implies
                 ADD_REMOVE (unless NO_ADD_REMOVE is specified).

                 ADD_REMOVE indicates that CPack should install a copy of the installer
                 that can be called from Windows' Add/Remove Programs dialog (via the
                 "Modify" button) to change the set of installed components. NO_ADD_REMOVE
                 turns off this behavior. This option is ignored on Mac OS X.

              The builtin (binary) CPack Deb generator (Unix only)

              CPackDeb may be used to create Deb package using CPack. CPackDeb
              is a CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX  variables  used
              by  CPack  : http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackConfiguration.
              CPackDeb generator should work on any linux  host  but  it  will
              produce better deb package when Debian specific tools 'dpkg-xxx'
              are usable on the build system.

              CPackDeb has specific  features  which  are  controlled  by  the
              specifics  CPACK_DEBIAN_XXX  variables.You'll  find  a  detailed
              usage on the wiki:


              However as a handy reminder here  comes  the  list  of  specific


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME (lower case)
                   The debian package summary


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION
                   The debian package version


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : Output of dpkg --print-architecture (or i386 if dpkg is not found)
                   The debian package architecture


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set deb dependencies.


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT
                   The debian package maintainer


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY
                   The debian package description


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : 'devel'
                   The debian package section


                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : 'optional'
                   The debian package priority


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   The URL of the web site for this package


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : OFF
                   May be set to ON in order to use dpkg-shlibdeps to generate
                   better package dependency list.
                   You may need set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH toi appropriate value
                   if you use this feature, because if you don't dpkg-shlibdeps
                   may fail to find your own shared libs.
                   See http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be set when invoking cpack in order to trace debug information
                   during CPackDeb run.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   This field is like Depends, except that it also forces dpkg to complete installation of
                   the packages named before even starting the installation of the package which declares
                   the pre-dependency.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   This field is similar to Suggests but works in the opposite direction.
                   It is used to declare that a package can enhance the functionality of another package.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   When one binary package declares that it breaks another, dpkg will refuse to allow the
                   package which declares Breaks be installed unless the broken package is deconfigured first,
                   and it will refuse to allow the broken package to be reconfigured.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   When one binary package declares a conflict with another using a Conflicts field,
                   dpkg will refuse to allow them to be installed on the system at the same time.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   A virtual package is one which appears in the Provides control field of another package.


                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
                   Packages can declare in their control file that they should overwrite
                   files in certain other packages, or completely replace other packages.

              CPack NSIS generator specific options

              The following variables are specific to the graphical installers
              built on Windows using the Nullsoft Installation System.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY - Registry key used when
                 installing this project.

                 CPACK_NSIS_INSTALL_ROOT - The default installation directory presented
                 to the end user by the NSIS installer is under this root dir. The full
                 directory presented to the end user is:

                 CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON - The icon file (.ico) for the generated
                 install program.

                 CPACK_NSIS_MUI_UNIICON - The icon file (.ico) for the generated
                 uninstall program.

                 CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON - A branding image that will be displayed inside
                 the installer.

                 CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_INSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra NSIS commands that will
                 be added to the install Section.

                 CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_UNINSTALL_COMMANDS - Extra NSIS commands that will
                 be added to the uninstall Section.

                 CPACK_NSIS_COMPRESSOR - The arguments that will be passed to the
                 NSIS SetCompressor command.

                 CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH - If this is set to "ON", then an extra page
                 will appear in the installer that will allow the user to choose
                 whether the program directory should be added to the system PATH

                 CPACK_NSIS_DISPLAY_NAME - The display name string that appears in
                 the Windows Add/Remove Program control panel

                 CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME - The title displayed at the top of the

                 CPACK_NSIS_INSTALLED_ICON_NAME - A path to the executable that
                 contains the installer icon.

                 CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK - URL to a web site providing assistance in
                 installing your application.

                 CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT - URL to a web site providing more
                 information about your application.

                 CPACK_NSIS_CONTACT - Contact information for questions and comments
                 about the installation process.

                 CPACK_NSIS_CREATE_ICONS_EXTRA - Additional NSIS commands for
                 creating start menu shortcuts.

                 CPACK_NSIS_DELETE_ICONS_EXTRA -Additional NSIS commands to
                 uninstall start menu shortcuts.

                 CPACK_NSIS_EXECUTABLES_DIRECTORY - Creating NSIS start menu links
                 assumes that they are in 'bin' unless this variable is set.
                 For example, you would set this to 'exec' if your executables are
                 in an exec directory.

                 CPACK_NSIS_MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN - Specify an executable to add an option
                 to run on the finish page of the NSIS installer.

              The builtin (binary) CPack RPM generator (Unix only)

              CPackRPM may be used to create RPM package using CPack. CPackRPM
              is  a  CPack generator thus it uses the CPACK_XXX variables used
              by CPack : http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackConfiguration

              However CPackRPM has specific features which are  controlled  by
              the specifics CPACK_RPM_XXX variables. Usually those vars corre-
              spond to RPM spec file entities, one may find information  about
              spec  files  here  http://www.rpm.org/wiki/Docs.  You'll  find a
              detailed usage of CPackRPM on the wiki:


              However as a handy reminder here  comes  the  list  of  specific

                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY
                   The RPM package summary
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME
                   The RPM package name
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION
                   The RPM package version
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   The RPM package architecture. This may be set to "noarch" if you
                   know you are building a noarch package.
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : 1
                   The RPM package release. This is the numbering of the RPM package
                   itself, i.e. the version of the packaging and not the version of the
                   content (see CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION). One may change the default
                   value if the previous packaging was buggy and/or you want to put here
                   a fancy Linux distro specific numbering.
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : "unknown"
                   The RPM package license policy.
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : "unknown"
                   The RPM package group.
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR if set or "unknown"
                   The RPM package vendor.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   The projects URL.
                   Mandatory : YES
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE if set or "no package description available"
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to override RPM compression type to be used
                   to build the RPM. For example some Linux distribution now default
                   to lzma or xz compression whereas older cannot use such RPM.
                   Using this one can enforce compression type to be used.
                   Possible value are: lzma, xz, bzip2 and gzip.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set RPM dependencies (requires).
                   Note that you must enclose the complete requires string between quotes,
                   for example:
                   set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_REQUIRES "python >= 2.5.0, cmake >= 2.8")
                   The required package list of an RPM file could be printed with
                   rpm -qp --requires file.rpm
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set weak RPM dependencies (suggests).
                   Note that you must enclose the complete requires string between quotes.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set RPM dependencies (provides).
                   The provided package list of an RPM file could be printed with
                   rpm -qp --provides file.rpm
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set RPM packages that are obsoleted by this one.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : CPACK_PACKAGE_RELOCATABLE
                   If this variable is set to TRUE or ON CPackRPM will try
                   to build a relocatable RPM package. A relocatable RPM may
                   be installed using rpm --prefix or --relocate in order to
                   install it at an alternate place see rpm(8).
                   Note that currently this may fail if CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is set to ON.
                   If CPACK_SET_DESTDIR is set then you will get a warning message
                   but if there is file installed with absolute path you'll get
                   unexpected behavior.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to set an RPM post-install command inside the spec file.
                   For example setting it to "/bin/true" may be used to prevent
                   rpmbuild to strip binaries.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to add any %define lines to the generated spec file.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be set when invoking cpack in order to trace debug information
                   during CPack RPM run. For example you may launch CPack like this
                   cpack -D CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=1 -G RPM
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be set by the user in order to specify a USER binary spec file
                   to be used by CPackRPM instead of generating the file.
                   The specified file will be processed by CONFIGURE_FILE( @ONLY).
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   If set CPack will generate a template for USER specified binary
                   spec file and stop with an error. For example launch CPack like this
                   The user may then use this file in order to hand-craft is own
                   binary spec file which may be used with CPACK_RPM_USER_BINARY_SPECFILE.
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to embed a pre (un)installation script in the spec file.
                   The refered script file(s) will be read and directly
                   put after the %pre or %preun section
                   If CPACK_RPM_COMPONENT_INSTALL is set to ON the (un)install script for
                   each component can be overriden with
                   One may verify which scriptlet has been included with
                    rpm -qp --scripts  package.rpm
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to embed a post (un)installation script in the spec file.
                   The refered script file(s) will be read and directly
                   put after the %post or %postun section
                   If CPACK_RPM_COMPONENT_INSTALL is set to ON the (un)install script for
                   each component can be overriden with
                   One may verify which scriptlet has been included with
                    rpm -qp --scripts  package.rpm
                   Mandatory : NO
                   Default   : -
                   May be used to embed a changelog in the spec file.
                   The refered file will be read and directly  put after the %changelog

       CTest  Configure a project for testing with CTest/CDash

              Include  this module in the top CMakeLists.txt file of a project
              to enable testing with CTest and dashboard submissions to CDash:


              The module automatically creates  a  BUILD_TESTING  option  that
              selects  whether  to  enable  testing  support  (ON by default).
              After including the module, use code like

                   # ... CMake code to create tests ...

              to creating tests when testing is enabled.

              To enable submissions to a  CDash  server,  create  a  CTestCon-
              fig.cmake file at the top of the project with content such as

                 set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "MyProject")
                 set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME "01:00:00 UTC")
                 set(CTEST_DROP_METHOD "http")
                 set(CTEST_DROP_SITE "my.cdash.org")
                 set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/submit.php?project=MyProject")
                 set(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE)

              (the  CDash server can provide the file to a project administra-
              tor who configures 'MyProject'). Settings in the config file are
              shared  by  both  this  CTest  module and the CTest command-line
              tool's dashboard script mode (ctest -S).

              While building a project for submission to  CDash,  CTest  scans
              the  build  output for errors and warnings and reports them with
              surrounding context from the build log.  This  generic  approach
              works  for  all build tools, but does not give details about the
              command invocation that produced a given problem.  One  may  get
              more detailed reports by adding

                 set(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS 1)

              to the CTestConfig.cmake file.  When this option is enabled, the
              CTest module tells CMake's Makefile generators to  invoke  every
              command  in  the generated build system through a CTest launcher
              program.  (Currently the CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS option  is  ignored
              on   non-Makefile  generators.)   During  a  manual  build  each
              launcher transparently runs the  command  it  wraps.   During  a
              CTest-driven build for submission to CDash each launcher reports
              detailed information when its command fails or  warns.  (Setting
              CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS in CTestConfig.cmake is convenient, but also
              adds the launcher overhead even  for  manual  builds.   One  may
              instead  set  it  in  a CTest dashboard script and add it to the
              CMake cache for the build tree.)


              This file is read by ctest in script mode (-S)

              Check whether the C compiler supports a given flag.

              CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG(<flag> <var>)

                <flag> - the compiler flag
                <var>  - variable to store the result

              This internally calls  the  check_c_source_compiles  macro.  See
              help  for  CheckCSourceCompiles  for a listing of variables that
              can modify the build.

              Check if given C source compiles and links into an executable

              CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(<code> <var> [FAIL_REGEX <fail-regex>])

                <code>       - source code to try to compile, must define 'main'
                <var>        - variable to store whether the source code compiled
                <fail-regex> - fail if test output matches this regex

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check if the given C source code compiles and runs.

              CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS(<code> <var>)

                <code>   - source code to try to compile
                <var>    - variable to store the result
                           (1 for success, empty for failure)

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check whether the CXX compiler supports a given flag.

              CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(<flag> <var>)

                <flag> - the compiler flag
                <var>  - variable to store the result

              This internally calls the check_cxx_source_compiles macro.   See
              help  for CheckCXXSourceCompiles for a listing of variables that
              can modify the build.

              Check if given C++ source compiles and links into an executable

              CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(<code>        <var>        [FAIL_REGEX

                <code>       - source code to try to compile, must define 'main'
                <var>        - variable to store whether the source code compiled
                <fail-regex> - fail if test output matches this regex

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check if the given C++ source code compiles and runs.

              CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(<code> <var>)

                <code>   - source code to try to compile
                <var>    - variable to store the result
                           (1 for success, empty for failure)

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check  if  a  symbol exists as a function, variable, or macro in

              CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS(<symbol> <files> <variable>)

              Check that the  <symbol>  is  available  after  including  given
              header  <files>  and  store the result in a <variable>.  Specify
              the list of files in one argument as a semicolon-separated list.
              CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS()  can be used to check in C++ files, as
              opposed to CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(), which works only for C.

              If the header files define the symbol as a macro it  is  consid-
              ered available and assumed to work.  If the header files declare
              the symbol as a function or variable then the symbol  must  also
              be available for linking.  If the symbol is a type or enum value
              it will not  be  recognized  (consider  using  CheckTypeSize  or

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              macro which checks if the Fortran function exists


                FUNCTION - the name of the Fortran function
                VARIABLE - variable to store the result

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check if a C function can be linked

              CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(<function> <variable>)

              Check that the <function> is provided by libraries on the system
              and store the result in a <variable>.  This does not verify that
              any  system  header file declares the function, only that it can
              be found at link time (considure using CheckSymbolExists).

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              macro which checks the include file exists.


                INCLUDE  - name of include file
                VARIABLE - variable to return result

              an  optional  third argument is the CFlags to add to the compile
              line  or you can use CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories

              Check if the include file exists.


                INCLUDE  - name of include file
                VARIABLE - variable to return result

              An  optional  third argument is the CFlags to add to the compile
              line  or you can use CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS.

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories

              Check if the files can be included


                INCLUDE  - list of files to include
                VARIABLE - variable to return result

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories

              Check if the function exists.


                LIBRARY  - the name of the library you are looking for
                FUNCTION - the name of the function
                LOCATION - location where the library should be found
                VARIABLE - variable to store the result

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check if the protoype we expect is correct.

              check_prototype_definition(FUNCTION   PROTOTYPE   RETURN  HEADER

                FUNCTION - The name of the function (used to check if prototype exists)
                PROTOTYPE- The prototype to check.
                RETURN - The return value of the function.
                HEADER - The header files required.
                VARIABLE - The variable to store the result.


                 "struct passwd *getpwent_r(struct passwd *src, char *buf, int buflen)"

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check  if  the  given  struct  or class has the specified member


                STRUCT - the name of the struct or class you are interested in
                MEMBER - the member which existence you want to check
                HEADER - the header(s) where the prototype should be declared
                VARIABLE - variable to store the result

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories

              Example:    CHECK_STRUCT_HAS_MEMBER("struct    timeval"   tv_sec
              sys/select.h HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_SEC)

              Check if a symbol exists as a function, variable, or macro

              CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(<symbol> <files> <variable>)

              Check that the  <symbol>  is  available  after  including  given
              header  <files>  and  store the result in a <variable>.  Specify
              the list of files in one argument as a semicolon-separated list.

              If the header files define the symbol as a macro it  is  consid-
              ered available and assumed to work.  If the header files declare
              the symbol as a function or variable then the symbol  must  also
              be available for linking.  If the symbol is a type or enum value
              it will not  be  recognized  (consider  using  CheckTypeSize  or
              CheckCSourceCompiles).  If  the  check  needs to be done in C++,
              consider using CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS(), which does the same as
              CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(), but in C++.

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

              Check sizeof a type


              Check if the type exists and  determine  its  size.  On  return,
              "HAVE_${VARIABLE}" holds the existence of the type, and "${VARI-
              ABLE}" holds one of the following:

                 <size> = type has non-zero size <size>
                 "0"    = type has arch-dependent size (see below)
                 ""     = type does not exist

              Furthermore, the variable "${VARIABLE}_CODE" holds C  preproces-
              sor  code  to  define the macro "${VARIABLE}" to the size of the
              type, or leave the macro undefined if the type does not exist.

              The variable "${VARIABLE}" may be "0"  when  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITEC-
              TURES  has  multiple  architectures  for building OS X universal
              binaries. This indicates that the type size varies across archi-
              tectures.  In this case "${VARIABLE}_CODE" contains C preproces-
              sor tests mapping from each architecture  macro  to  the  corre-
              sponding type size. The list of architecture macros is stored in
              "${VARIABLE}_KEYS", and the value for  each  key  is  stored  in

              If  the BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY option is not given, the macro checks
              for headers <sys/types.h>, <stdint.h>, and <stddef.h>, and saves
              results  in  HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H, HAVE_STDINT_H, and HAVE_STDDEF_H.
              The type size check automatically includes the  available  head-
              ers, thus supporting checks of types defined in the headers.

              The  following variables may be set before calling this macro to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES = list of include directories
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link
                CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES = list of extra headers to include

              Check if the variable exists.


                VAR      - the name of the variable
                VARIABLE - variable to store the result

              This macro is only for C variables.

              The following variables may be set before calling this macro  to
              modify the way the check is run:

                CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS = string of compile command line flags
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS = list of macros to define (-DFOO=bar)
                CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES = list of libraries to link

       Dart   Configure  a  project  for  testing  with  CTest or old Dart Tcl

              This file is the backwards-compatibility version  of  the  CTest
              module.  It supports using the old Dart 1 Tcl client for driving
              dashboard submissions as well as testing with CTest.  This  mod-
              ule  should be included in the CMakeLists.txt file at the top of
              a project.  Typical usage:

                  # ... testing related CMake code ...

              The BUILD_TESTING option is created by the Dart module to deter-
              mine  whether testing support should be enabled.  The default is


              This file provides support for the VTK documentation  framework.
              It relies on several tools (Doxygen, Perl, etc).

              Create custom targets to build projects in external trees

              The  'ExternalProject_Add'  function  creates a custom target to
              drive download, update/patch, configure, build, install and test
              steps of an external project:

                ExternalProject_Add(<name>    # Name for custom target
                  [DEPENDS projects...]       # Targets on which the project depends
                  [PREFIX dir]                # Root dir for entire project
                  [LIST_SEPARATOR sep]        # Sep to be replaced by ; in cmd lines
                  [TMP_DIR dir]               # Directory to store temporary files
                  [STAMP_DIR dir]             # Directory to store step timestamps
                 #--Download step--------------
                  [DOWNLOAD_DIR dir]          # Directory to store downloaded files
                  [DOWNLOAD_COMMAND cmd...]   # Command to download source tree
                  [CVS_REPOSITORY cvsroot]    # CVSROOT of CVS repository
                  [CVS_MODULE mod]            # Module to checkout from CVS repo
                  [CVS_TAG tag]               # Tag to checkout from CVS repo
                  [SVN_REPOSITORY url]        # URL of Subversion repo
                  [SVN_REVISION rev]          # Revision to checkout from Subversion repo
                  [SVN_USERNAME john ]        # Username for Subversion checkout and update
                  [SVN_PASSWORD doe ]         # Password for Subversion checkout and update
                  [SVN_TRUST_CERT 1 ]         # Trust the Subversion server site certificate
                  [GIT_REPOSITORY url]        # URL of git repo
                  [GIT_TAG tag]               # Git branch name, commit id or tag
                  [URL /.../src.tgz]          # Full path or URL of source
                  [URL_MD5 md5]               # MD5 checksum of file at URL
                  [TIMEOUT seconds]           # Time allowed for file download operations
                 #--Update/Patch step----------
                  [UPDATE_COMMAND cmd...]     # Source work-tree update command
                  [PATCH_COMMAND cmd...]      # Command to patch downloaded source
                 #--Configure step-------------
                  [SOURCE_DIR dir]            # Source dir to be used for build
                  [CONFIGURE_COMMAND cmd...]  # Build tree configuration command
                  [CMAKE_COMMAND /.../cmake]  # Specify alternative cmake executable
                  [CMAKE_GENERATOR gen]       # Specify generator for native build
                  [CMAKE_ARGS args...]        # Arguments to CMake command line
                  [CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS args...]  # Initial cache arguments, of the form -Dvar:string=on
                 #--Build step-----------------
                  [BINARY_DIR dir]            # Specify build dir location
                  [BUILD_COMMAND cmd...]      # Command to drive the native build
                  [BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1]         # Use source dir for build dir
                 #--Install step---------------
                  [INSTALL_DIR dir]           # Installation prefix
                  [INSTALL_COMMAND cmd...]    # Command to drive install after build
                 #--Test step------------------
                  [TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL 1]     # Add test step executed before install step
                  [TEST_AFTER_INSTALL 1]      # Add test step executed after install step
                  [TEST_COMMAND cmd...]       # Command to drive test
                 #--Output logging-------------
                  [LOG_DOWNLOAD 1]            # Wrap download in script to log output
                  [LOG_UPDATE 1]              # Wrap update in script to log output
                  [LOG_CONFIGURE 1]           # Wrap configure in script to log output
                  [LOG_BUILD 1]               # Wrap build in script to log output
                  [LOG_TEST 1]                # Wrap test in script to log output
                  [LOG_INSTALL 1]             # Wrap install in script to log output
                 #--Custom targets-------------
                  [STEP_TARGETS st1 st2 ...]  # Generate custom targets for these steps

              The  *_DIR  options  specify  directories  for the project, with
              default directories computed as follows. If the PREFIX option is
              given  to ExternalProject_Add() or the EP_PREFIX directory prop-
              erty is set, then an external project  is  built  and  installed
              under the specified prefix:

                 TMP_DIR      = <prefix>/tmp
                 STAMP_DIR    = <prefix>/src/<name>-stamp
                 DOWNLOAD_DIR = <prefix>/src
                 SOURCE_DIR   = <prefix>/src/<name>
                 BINARY_DIR   = <prefix>/src/<name>-build
                 INSTALL_DIR  = <prefix>

              Otherwise,  if the EP_BASE directory property is set then compo-
              nents of an external project  are  stored  under  the  specified

                 TMP_DIR      = <base>/tmp/<name>
                 STAMP_DIR    = <base>/Stamp/<name>
                 DOWNLOAD_DIR = <base>/Download/<name>
                 SOURCE_DIR   = <base>/Source/<name>
                 BINARY_DIR   = <base>/Build/<name>
                 INSTALL_DIR  = <base>/Install/<name>

              If  no  PREFIX,  EP_PREFIX,  or  EP_BASE  is  specified then the
              default is to set PREFIX to "<name>-prefix". Relative paths  are
              interpreted with respect to the build directory corresponding to
              the source directory in which ExternalProject_Add is invoked.

              If SOURCE_DIR is explicitly set to  an  existing  directory  the
              project will be built from it. Otherwise a download step must be
              specified using one of the DOWNLOAD_COMMAND,  CVS_*,  SVN_*,  or
              URL  options. The URL option may refer locally to a directory or
              source  tarball,  or   refer   to   a   remote   tarball   (e.g.

              The 'ExternalProject_Add_Step' function adds a custom step to an
              external project:

                ExternalProject_Add_Step(<name> <step> # Names of project and custom step
                  [COMMAND cmd...]        # Command line invoked by this step
                  [COMMENT "text..."]     # Text printed when step executes
                  [DEPENDEES steps...]    # Steps on which this step depends
                  [DEPENDERS steps...]    # Steps that depend on this step
                  [DEPENDS files...]      # Files on which this step depends
                  [ALWAYS 1]              # No stamp file, step always runs
                  [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] # Working directory for command
                  [LOG 1]                 # Wrap step in script to log output

              The command line, comment, and working directory of every  stan-
              dard   and   custom   step   is   processed  to  replace  tokens
              <SOURCE_DIR>, <BINARY_DIR>, <INSTALL_DIR>,  and  <TMP_DIR>  with
              corresponding property values.

              The  'ExternalProject_Get_Property'  function retrieves external
              project target properties:

                ExternalProject_Get_Property(<name> [prop1 [prop2 [...]]])

              It stores property values in variables of the same  name.  Prop-
              erty  names  correspond to the keyword argument names of 'Exter-

              The 'ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets' function generates  custom
              targets for the steps listed:

                ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets(<name> [step1 [step2 [...]]])

              If  STEP_TARGETS  is set then ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets is
              automatically called at the end of matching calls  to  External-
              Project_Add_Step.  Pass  STEP_TARGETS  explicitly  to individual
              ExternalProject_Add calls, or  implicitly  to  all  ExternalPro-
              ject_Add  calls  by  setting the directory property EP_STEP_TAR-

              If STEP_TARGETS is not set,  clients  may  still  manually  call
              ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets   after   calling   ExternalPro-
              ject_Add or ExternalProject_Add_Step.

              This functionality is provided to make  it  easy  to  drive  the
              steps independently of each other by specifying targets on build
              command  lines.  For  example,  you  may  be  submitting  to   a
              sub-project based dashboard, where you want to drive the config-
              ure portion of the build, then submit to the dashboard, followed
              by  the build portion, followed by tests. If you invoke a custom
              target that depends on a step halfway through  the  step  depen-
              dency chain, then all the previous steps will also run to ensure
              everything is up to date.

              For example, to drive configure, build and test  steps  indepen-
              dently  for each ExternalProject_Add call in your project, write
              the following line prior to  any  ExternalProject_Add  calls  in
              your CMakeLists file:

                 set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_STEP_TARGETS configure build test)

              Macros for generating a summary of enabled/disabled features

              This  module  provides  the  macros feature_summary(), set_pack-
              age_properties() and add_feature_info().  For  compatibility  it
              also   still  provides  set_package_info(),  set_feature_info(),
              print_enabled_features() and print_disabled_features().

              These macros can be used to generate a summary  of  enabled  and
              disabled packages and/or feature for a build tree:

                  -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found:
                  LibXml2 (required version >= 2.4) , XML processing library. , <http://xmlsoft.org>
                     * Enables HTML-import in MyWordProcessor
                     * Enables odt-export in MyWordProcessor
                  PNG , A PNG image library. , <http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/>
                     * Enables saving screenshots
                  -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:
                  Lua51 , The Lua scripting language. , <http://www.lua.org>
                     * Enables macros in MyWordProcessor
                  Foo , Foo provides cool stuff.

                  FEATURE_SUMMARY( [FILENAME <file>]
                                   [VAR <variable_name>]
                                   [DESCRIPTION "Found packages:"]
                                   WHAT (ALL | PACKAGES_FOUND | PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND
                                        | ENABLED_FEATURES | DISABLED_FEATURES]

              The  FEATURE_SUMMARY()  macro  can  be used to print information
              about enabled or disabled packages or features of a project.  By
              default, only the names of the features/packages will be printed
              and their required version when one was specified. Use SET_PACK-
              AGE_PROPERTIES()  to  add  more  useful information, like e.g. a
              download URL for the respective package or their purpose in  the

              The  WHAT  option is the only mandatory option. Here you specify
              what information will be printed:

                  ALL: print everything
                  ENABLED_FEATURES: the list of all features which are enabled
                  DISABLED_FEATURES: the list of all features which are disabled
                  PACKAGES_FOUND: the list of all packages which have been found
                  PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND: the list of all packages which have not been found
                  OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_FOUND: only those packages which have been found which have the type OPTIONAL
                  OPTIONAL_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND: only those packages which have not been found which have the type OPTIONAL
                  RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_FOUND: only those packages which have been found which have the type RECOMMENDED
                  RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND: only those packages which have not been found which have the type RECOMMENDED
                  REQUIRED_PACKAGES_FOUND: only those packages which have been found which have the type REQUIRED
                  REQUIRED_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND: only those packages which have not been found which have the type REQUIRED
                  RUNTIME_PACKAGES_FOUND: only those packages which have been found which have the type RUNTIME
                  RUNTIME_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND: only those packages which have not been found which have the type RUNTIME

              If a FILENAME is given, the information  is  printed  into  this
              file.  If APPEND is used, it is appended to this file, otherwise
              the file is overwritten if it already existed. If the VAR option
              is  used,  the information is "printed" into the specified vari-
              able. If FILENAME is not used, the information is printed to the
              terminal. Using the DESCRIPTION option a description or headline
              can be set which will be printed above the  actual  content.  If
              INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES   is  given,  packages  which  have  been
              searched with find_package(... QUIET) will also  be  listed.  By
              default  they are skipped. If FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES
              is given, CMake will abort if  a  package  which  is  marked  as
              REQUIRED has not been found.

              Example 1, append everything to a file:

                 feature_summary(WHAT ALL
                                 FILENAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/all.log APPEND)

              Example 2, print the enabled features into the variable enabled-
              FeaturesText, including QUIET packages:

                 feature_summary(WHAT ENABLED_FEATURES
                                 DESCRIPTION "Enabled Features:"
                                 VAR enabledFeaturesText)
                 message(STATUS "${enabledFeaturesText}")

                  SET_PACKAGE_PROPERTIES(<name> PROPERTIES [ URL <url> ]
                                                           [ DESCRIPTION <description> ]
                                                           [ TYPE (RUNTIME|OPTIONAL|RECOMMENDED|REQUIRED) ]
                                                           [ PURPOSE <purpose> ]

              Use this macro to set up information about  the  named  package,
              which  can  then be displayed via FEATURE_SUMMARY(). This can be
              done either directly in the Find-module or in the project  which
              uses  the module after the FIND_PACKAGE() call. The features for
              which information can be set  are  added  automatically  by  the
              find_package() command.

              URL:  this  should  be the homepage of the package, or something
              similar. Ideally this is set already directly in  the  Find-mod-

              DESCRIPTION:  A  short description what that package is, at most
              one sentence. Ideally  this  is  set  already  directly  in  the

              TYPE:  What  type  of  dependency  has the using project on that
              package. Default is OPTIONAL. In this case it is a package which
              can  be  used by the project when available at buildtime, but it
              also work without. RECOMMENDED is similar to OPTIONAL, i.e.  the
              project  will build if the package is not present, but the func-
              tionality of the resulting binaries will be severly limited.  If
              a  REQUIRED  package  is not available at buildtime, the project
              may not even build. This can be combined with the FATAL_ON_MISS-
              ING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES  argument  for  feature_summary(). Last, a
              RUNTIME package is a package which is actually not used  at  all
              during the build, but which is required for actually running the
              resulting binaries. So if such a package is missing, the project
              can  still  be built, but it may not work later on. If set_pack-
              age_properties() is called multiple times for the  same  package
              with different TYPEs, the TYPE is only changed to higher TYPEs (
              RUNTIME < OPTIONAL < RECOMMENDED < REQUIRED ), lower  TYPEs  are
              ignored.  The TYPE property is project-specific, so it cannot be
              set by the Find-module, but must be set in the project.

              PURPOSE: This describes which features this package  enables  in
              the  project,  i.e. it tells the user what functionality he gets
              in the resulting binaries. If set_package_properties() is called
              multiple  times  for  a  package,  all  PURPOSE  properties  are
              appended to a list of purposes of the package in the project. As
              the  TYPE  property,  also  the PURPOSE property is project-spe-
              cific, so it cannot be set by the Find-module, but must  be  set
              in the project.

              Example for setting the info for a package:

                 set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A XML processing library."
                                                           URL "http://xmlsoft.org/")

                 set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED
                                                           PURPOSE "Enables HTML-import in MyWordProcessor")

                 set_package_properties(LibXml2 PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL
                                                           PURPOSE "Enables odt-export in MyWordProcessor")

                 set_package_properties(DBUS PROPERTIES TYPE RUNTIME
                                                           PURPOSE "Necessary to disable the screensaver during a presentation" )

                  ADD_FEATURE_INFO(<name> <enabled> <description>)

              Use this macro to add information about a feature with the given
              <name>. <enabled> contains whether this feature  is  enabled  or
              not,  <description> is a text describing the feature. The infor-
              mation can be displayed using feature_summary() for ENABLED_FEA-
              TURES and DISABLED_FEATURES respectively.

              Example for setting the info for a feature:

                 option(WITH_FOO "Help for foo" ON)
                 add_feature_info(Foo WITH_FOO "The Foo feature provides very cool stuff.")

              The  following macros are provided for compatibility with previ-
              ous CMake versions:

                  SET_PACKAGE_INFO(<name> <description> [<url> [<purpose>] ] )

              Use this macro to set up information about  the  named  package,
              which  can  then be displayed via FEATURE_SUMMARY(). This can be
              done either directly in the Find-module or in the project  which
              uses  the module after the FIND_PACKAGE() call. The features for
              which information can be set  are  added  automatically  by  the
              find_package() command.


              TION "Enabled features:")


              Does  the   same   as   FEATURE_SUMMARY(WHAT   DISABLED_FEATURES
              DESCRIPTION "Disabled features:")

                  SET_FEATURE_INFO(<name> <description> [<url>] )

              Does the same as SET_PACKAGE_INFO(<name> <description> <url> )

              Find alsa

              Find the alsa libraries (asound)

                This module defines the following variables:
                   ALSA_FOUND       - True if ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR & ALSA_LIBRARY are found
                   ALSA_LIBRARIES   - Set when ALSA_LIBRARY is found
                   ALSA_INCLUDE_DIRS - Set when ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR is found

                   ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find asoundlib.h, etc.
                   ALSA_LIBRARY     - the asound library

              Try to find ASPELL

              Once done this will define

                ASPELL_FOUND - system has ASPELL
                ASPELL_EXECUTABLE - the ASPELL executable
                ASPELL_INCLUDE_DIR - the ASPELL include directory
                ASPELL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use ASPELL
                ASPELL_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using ASPELL

              Locate AVIFILE library and include paths

              AVIFILE  (http://avifile.sourceforge.net/)is  a set of libraries
              for  i386 machines to use various AVI codecs. Support is limited
              beyond  Linux.  Windows  provides  native  AVI  support,  and so
              doesn't need this library. This module defines

                AVIFILE_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find avifile.h , etc.
                AVIFILE_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against
                AVIFILE_DEFINITIONS, definitions to use when compiling
                AVIFILE_FOUND, If false, don't try to use AVIFILE

              Find Armadillo

              Find the Armadillo C++ library

              Using Armadillo:

                find_package(Armadillo REQUIRED)
                add_executable(foo foo.cc)
                target_link_libraries(foo ${ARMADILLO_LIBRARIES})

              This module sets the following variables:

                ARMADILLO_FOUND - set to true if the library is found
                ARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIRS - list of required include directories
                ARMADILLO_LIBRARIES - list of libraries to be linked
                ARMADILLO_VERSION_MAJOR - major version number
                ARMADILLO_VERSION_MINOR - minor version number
                ARMADILLO_VERSION_PATCH - patch version number
                ARMADILLO_VERSION_STRING - version number as a string (ex: "1.0.4")
                ARMADILLO_VERSION_NAME - name of the version (ex: "Antipodean Antileech")

              Find bison executable and provides  macros  to  generate  custom
              build rules

              The module defines the following variables:

                BISON_EXECUTABLE - path to the bison program
                BISON_VERSION - version of bison
                BISON_FOUND - true if the program was found

              The minimum required version of bison can be specified using the
              standard CMake syntax, e.g. find_package(BISON 2.1.3)

              If bison is found, the module defines the macros:

                BISON_TARGET(<Name> <YaccInput> <CodeOutput> [VERBOSE <file>]
                            [COMPILE_FLAGS <string>])

              which will create  a custom rule to generate  a parser. <YaccIn-
              put>  is  the path to  a yacc file. <CodeOutput> is the name  of
              the source file generated by bison.  A header file is  also   be
              generated,  and  contains  the   token  list.  If  COMPILE_FLAGS
              option is  specified,  the  next  parameter  is   added  in  the
              bison  command line.  if  VERBOSE option is specified, <file> is
              created  and contains verbose descriptions of  the  grammar  and
              parser. The macro defines a set of variables:

                BISON_${Name}_DEFINED - true is the macro ran successfully
                BISON_${Name}_INPUT - The input source file, an alias for <YaccInput>
                BISON_${Name}_OUTPUT_SOURCE - The source file generated by bison
                BISON_${Name}_OUTPUT_HEADER - The header file generated by bison
                BISON_${Name}_OUTPUTS - The sources files generated by bison
                BISON_${Name}_COMPILE_FLAGS - Options used in the bison command line


                 BISON_TARGET(MyParser parser.y ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser.cpp)
                 add_executable(Foo main.cpp ${BISON_MyParser_OUTPUTS})

              Find BLAS library

              This  module  finds an installed fortran library that implements
              the       BLAS       linear-algebra        interface        (see
              http://www.netlib.org/blas/). The list of libraries searched for
              is taken from the autoconf macro file, acx_blas.m4  (distributed
              at http://ac-archive.sourceforge.net/ac-archive/acx_blas.html).

              This module sets the following variables:

                BLAS_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS interface
                  is found
                BLAS_LINKER_FLAGS - uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l
                  and -L).
                BLAS_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to
                  link against to use BLAS
                BLAS95_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name)
                  to link against to use BLAS95 interface
                BLAS95_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS f95 interface
                  is found
                BLA_STATIC  if set on this determines what kind of linkage we do (static)
                BLA_VENDOR  if set checks only the specified vendor, if not set checks
                   all the possibilities
                BLA_F95     if set on tries to find the f95 interfaces for BLAS/LAPACK

              ######### ## List of vendors (BLA_VENDOR) valid in this module #
              Goto,ATLAS                   PhiPACK,CXML,DXML,SunPerf,SCSL,SGI-
              MATH,IBMESSL,Intel10_32  (intel  mkl  v10  32  bit),Intel10_64lp
              (intel mkl v10 64 bit,lp thread model, lp64  model),  #   Intel(
              older     versions     of     mkl     32     and     64    bit),
              ACML,ACML_MP,ACML_GPU,Apple,  NAS,  Generic  C/CXX   should   be
              enabled to use Intel mkl

              Try to find BZip2

              Once done this will define

                BZIP2_FOUND - system has BZip2
                BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR - the BZip2 include directory
                BZIP2_LIBRARIES - Link these to use BZip2
                BZIP2_NEED_PREFIX - this is set if the functions are prefixed with BZ2_

              Try to find Boost include dirs and libraries

              Usage of this module as follows:

              NOTE: Take note of the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable below.
              Due to Boost naming conventions and limitations  in  CMake  this
              find  module  is  NOT  future safe with respect to Boost version
              numbers, and may break.

              == Using Header-Only libraries from within Boost: ==

                 find_package( Boost 1.36.0 )
                    add_executable(foo foo.cc)

              == Using actual libraries from within Boost: ==

                 set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS        ON)
                 set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED      ON)
                 set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME    OFF)
                 find_package( Boost 1.36.0 COMPONENTS date_time filesystem system ... )

                    add_executable(foo foo.cc)
                    target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

              The components list needs  to  contain  actual  names  of  boost
              libraries  only,  such  as "date_time" for "libboost_date_time".
              If you're using parts of Boost that contain  header  files  only
              (e.g. foreach) you do not need to specify COMPONENTS.

              You should provide a minimum version number that should be used.
              If you provide this version  number  and  specify  the  REQUIRED
              attribute,  this module will fail if it can't find the specified
              or a later version. If you specify  a  version  number  this  is
              automatically  put  into  the considered list of version numbers
              and thus  doesn't  need  to  be  specified  in  the  Boost_ADDI-
              TIONAL_VERSIONS variable (see below).

              NOTE for Visual Studio Users:

                   Automatic linking is used on MSVC & Borland compilers by default when
                   #including things in Boost.  It's important to note that setting
                   Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS to OFF is NOT enough to get you dynamic linking,
                   should you need this feature.  Automatic linking typically uses static
                   libraries with a few exceptions (Boost.Python is one).

                   Please see the section below near Boost_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFINITIONS for
                   more details.  Adding a TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES() as shown in the example
                   above appears to cause VS to link dynamically if Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS
                   gets set to OFF.  It is suggested you avoid automatic linking since it
                   will make your application less portable.

              ===========  The mess that is Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS (sorry?)

              OK, so the Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable  can  be  used  to
              specify  a  list  of  boost version numbers that should be taken
              into account when searching for Boost. Unfortunately boost  puts
              the  version  number into the actual filename for the libraries,
              so this variable will certainly be needed in the future when new
              Boost versions are released.

              Currently  this  module  searches for the following version num-
              bers: 1.33, 1.33.0, 1.33.1, 1.34, 1.34.0, 1.34.1, 1.35,  1.35.0,
              1.35.1,  1.36, 1.36.0, 1.36.1, 1.37, 1.37.0, 1.38, 1.38.0, 1.39,
              1.39.0, 1.40, 1.40.0, 1.41, 1.41.0, 1.42, 1.42.0, 1.43,  1.43.0,
              1.44, 1.44.0, 1.45, 1.45.0, 1.46, 1.46.0, 1.46.1

              NOTE:  If  you  add  a  new  major  1.x  version  in Boost_ADDI-
              TIONAL_VERSIONS you should add  both  1.x  and  1.x.0  as  shown
              above.   Official Boost include directories omit the 3rd version
              number from include paths if it is 0  although  not  all  binary
              Boost releases do so.

              set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.78" "1.78.0" "1.79" "1.79.0")

              =====================================              =============

              Variables used by this module, they can change the  default  be-
              haviour and need to be set before calling find_package:

                 Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED      Can be set to OFF to use the non-multithreaded
                                              boost libraries.  If not specified, defaults
                                              to ON.

                 Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS        Can be set to ON to force the use of the static
                                              boost libraries. Defaults to OFF.

                 Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS        Set to TRUE to suppress searching in system
                                              paths (or other locations outside of BOOST_ROOT
                                              or BOOST_INCLUDEDIR).  Useful when specifying
                                              BOOST_ROOT. Defaults to OFF.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

                 Boost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE         Do not do a find_package call in config mode
                                              before searching for a regular boost install.
                                              This will avoid finding boost-cmake installs.
                                              Defaults to OFF.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.6]

                 Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME     If enabled, searches for boost libraries
                                              linked against a static C++ standard library
                                              ('s' ABI tag). This option should be set to
                                              ON or OFF because the default behavior
                                              if not specified is platform dependent
                                              for backwards compatibility.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

                 Boost_USE_DEBUG_PYTHON       If enabled, searches for boost libraries
                                              compiled against a special debug build of
                                              Python ('y' ABI tag). Defaults to OFF.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

                 Boost_USE_STLPORT            If enabled, searches for boost libraries
                                              compiled against the STLPort standard
                                              library ('p' ABI tag). Defaults to OFF.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

                                              If enabled, searches for boost libraries
                                              compiled against the deprecated STLPort
                                              "native iostreams" feature ('n' ABI tag).
                                              Defaults to OFF.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

              Other Variables used by this module which you may want to set.

                 Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS    A list of version numbers to use for searching
                                              the boost include directory.  Please see
                                              the documentation above regarding this
                                              annoying, but necessary variable :(

                 Boost_DEBUG                  Set this to TRUE to enable debugging output
                                              of FindBoost.cmake if you are having problems.
                                              Please enable this before filing any bug

                 Boost_DETAILED_FAILURE_MSG   FindBoost doesn't output detailed information
                                              about why it failed or how to fix the problem
                                              unless this is set to TRUE or the REQUIRED
                                              keyword is specified in find_package().
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.0]

                 Boost_COMPILER               Set this to the compiler suffix used by Boost
                                              (e.g. "-gcc43") if FindBoost has problems finding
                                              the proper Boost installation

                 Boost_THREADAPI                When building boost.thread, sometimes the name of the
                                              library contains an additional "pthread" or "win32"
                                              string known as the threadapi.  This can happen when
                                              compiling against pthreads on Windows or win32 threads
                                              on Cygwin.  You may specify this variable and if set
                                              when FindBoost searches for the Boost threading library
                                              it will first try to match the threadapi you specify.
                                                For Example: libboost_thread_win32-mgw45-mt-1_43.a
                                              might be found if you specified "win32" here before
                                              falling back on libboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_43.a.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

                 Boost_REALPATH               Resolves symbolic links for discovered boost libraries
                                              to assist with packaging.  For example, instead of
                                              Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_RELEASE being resolved to
                                              "/usr/lib/libboost_system.so" it would be
                                              "/usr/lib/libboost_system.so.1.42.0" instead.
                                              This does not affect linking and should not be
                                              enabled unless the user needs this information.
                                                [Since CMake 2.8.3]

              Try to find the Bullet physics engine

                This module defines the following variables

                BULLET_FOUND - Was bullet found
                BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS - the Bullet include directories
                BULLET_LIBRARIES - Link to this, by default it includes
                                   all bullet components (Dynamics,
                                   Collision, LinearMath, & SoftBody)

                This module accepts the following variables

                BULLET_ROOT - Can be set to bullet install path or Windows build path

              Find CABLE

              This module finds if CABLE is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are.  This code sets  the  following

                CABLE             the path to the cable executable
                CABLE_TCL_LIBRARY the path to the Tcl wrapper library
                CABLE_INCLUDE_DIR the path to the include directory

              To build Tcl wrappers, you should add shared library and link it
              to    ${CABLE_TCL_LIBRARY}.      You     should     also     add
              ${CABLE_INCLUDE_DIR} as an include directory.

              Tools  for  building CUDA C files: libraries and build dependen-

              This script locates the NVIDIA CUDA C tools. It should  work  on
              linux, windows, and mac and should be reasonably up to date with
              CUDA C releases.

              This script makes use of the standard find_package arguments  of
              <VERSION>,  REQUIRED  and  QUIET.   CUDA_FOUND will report if an
              acceptable version of CUDA was found.

              The script will prompt the user to specify CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR
              if  the  prefix  cannot be determined by the location of nvcc in
              the system path and REQUIRED is specified to find_package().  To
              use  a  different installed version of the toolkit set the envi-
              ronment  variable  CUDA_BIN_PATH  before  running  cmake   (e.g.
              CUDA_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/cuda1.0    instead   of   the   default
              /usr/local/cuda) or set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR after configuring.
              If you change the value of CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR, various compo-
              nents that depend on the path will be relocated.

              It might be necessary to set CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR  manually  on
              certain platforms, or to use a cuda runtime not installed in the
              default location. In newer versions  of  the  toolkit  the  cuda
              library  is  included with the graphics driver- be sure that the
              driver version matches what is needed by the cuda  runtime  ver-

              The following variables affect the behavior of the macros in the
              script (in alphebetical order).  Note that any  of  these  flags
              can be changed multiple times in the same directory before call-

                CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE (Default matches host bit size)
                -- Set to ON to compile for 64 bit device code, OFF for 32 bit device code.
                   Note that making this different from the host code when generating object
                   or C files from CUDA code just won't work, because size_t gets defined by
                   nvcc in the generated source.  If you compile to PTX and then load the
                   file yourself, you can mix bit sizes between device and host.

                -- Set to ON if you want the custom build rule to be attached to the source
                   file in Visual Studio.  Turn OFF if you add the same cuda file to multiple

                   This allows the user to build the target from the CUDA file; however, bad
                   things can happen if the CUDA source file is added to multiple targets.
                   When performing parallel builds it is possible for the custom build
                   command to be run more than once and in parallel causing cryptic build
                   errors.  VS runs the rules for every source file in the target, and a
                   source can have only one rule no matter how many projects it is added to.
                   When the rule is run from multiple targets race conditions can occur on
                   the generated file.  Eventually everything will get built, but if the user
                   is unaware of this behavior, there may be confusion.  It would be nice if
                   this script could detect the reuse of source files across multiple targets
                   and turn the option off for the user, but no good solution could be found.

                CUDA_BUILD_CUBIN (Default OFF)
                -- Set to ON to enable and extra compilation pass with the -cubin option in
                   Device mode. The output is parsed and register, shared memory usage is
                   printed during build.

                CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION (Default OFF for device mode)
                -- Set to ON for Emulation mode. -D_DEVICEEMU is defined for CUDA C files
                   when CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION is TRUE.

                -- Set to the path you wish to have the generated files placed.  If it is
                   blank output files will be placed in CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
                   Intermediate files will always be placed in

                CUDA_HOST_COMPILATION_CPP (Default ON)
                -- Set to OFF for C compilation of host code.

                -- Additional NVCC command line arguments.  NOTE: multiple arguments must be
                   semi-colon delimited (e.g. --compiler-options;-Wall)

                CUDA_PROPAGATE_HOST_FLAGS (Default ON)
                -- Set to ON to propagate CMAKE_{C,CXX}_FLAGS and their configuration
                   dependent counterparts (e.g. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG) automatically to the
                   host compiler through nvcc's -Xcompiler flag.  This helps make the
                   generated host code match the rest of the system better.  Sometimes
                   certain flags give nvcc problems, and this will help you turn the flag
                   propagation off.  This does not affect the flags supplied directly to nvcc
                   via CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS or through the OPTION flags specified through
                   CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY, CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE, or CUDA_WRAP_SRCS.  Flags used for
                   shared library compilation are not affected by this flag.

                CUDA_VERBOSE_BUILD (Default OFF)
                -- Set to ON to see all the commands used when building the CUDA file.  When
                   using a Makefile generator the value defaults to VERBOSE (run make
                   VERBOSE=1 to see output), although setting CUDA_VERBOSE_BUILD to ON will
                   always print the output.

              The script creates the following macros (in alphebetical order):

                CUDA_ADD_CUFFT_TO_TARGET( cuda_target )
                -- Adds the cufft library to the target (can be any target).  Handles whether
                   you are in emulation mode or not.

                CUDA_ADD_CUBLAS_TO_TARGET( cuda_target )
                -- Adds the cublas library to the target (can be any target).  Handles
                   whether you are in emulation mode or not.

                CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE( cuda_target file0 file1 ...
                                     [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [OPTIONS ...] )
                -- Creates an executable "cuda_target" which is made up of the files
                   specified.  All of the non CUDA C files are compiled using the standard
                   build rules specified by CMAKE and the cuda files are compiled to object
                   files using nvcc and the host compiler.  In addition CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS is
                   added automatically to include_directories().  Some standard CMake target
                   calls can be used on the target after calling this macro
                   (e.g. set_target_properties and target_link_libraries), but setting
                   properties that adjust compilation flags will not affect code compiled by
                   nvcc.  Such flags should be modified before calling CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE,
                   CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY or CUDA_WRAP_SRCS.

                CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY( cuda_target file0 file1 ...
                                  [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [OPTIONS ...] )
                -- Same as CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE except that a library is created.

                -- Creates a convience target that deletes all the dependency files
                   generated.  You should make clean after running this target to ensure the
                   dependency files get regenerated.

                CUDA_COMPILE( generated_files file0 file1 ... [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
                              [OPTIONS ...] )
                -- Returns a list of generated files from the input source files to be used
                   with ADD_LIBRARY or ADD_EXECUTABLE.

                CUDA_COMPILE_PTX( generated_files file0 file1 ... [OPTIONS ...] )
                -- Returns a list of PTX files generated from the input source files.

                CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( path0 path1 ... )
                -- Sets the directories that should be passed to nvcc
                   (e.g. nvcc -Ipath0 -Ipath1 ... ). These paths usually contain other .cu

                CUDA_WRAP_SRCS ( cuda_target format generated_files file0 file1 ...
                                 [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] [OPTIONS ...] )
                -- This is where all the magic happens.  CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE,
                   CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY, CUDA_COMPILE, and CUDA_COMPILE_PTX all call this
                   function under the hood.

                   Given the list of files (file0 file1 ... fileN) this macro generates
                   custom commands that generate either PTX or linkable objects (use "PTX" or
                   "OBJ" for the format argument to switch).  Files that don't end with .cu
                   or have the HEADER_FILE_ONLY property are ignored.

                   The arguments passed in after OPTIONS are extra command line options to
                   give to nvcc.  You can also specify per configuration options by
                   specifying the name of the configuration followed by the options.  General
                   options must preceed configuration specific options.  Not all
                   configurations need to be specified, only the ones provided will be used.

                      OPTIONS -DFLAG=2 "-DFLAG_OTHER=space in flag"
                      DEBUG -g
                      RELEASE --use_fast_math
                      RELWITHDEBINFO --use_fast_math;-g
                      MINSIZEREL --use_fast_math

                   For certain configurations (namely VS generating object files with
                   CUDA_ATTACH_VS_BUILD_RULE_TO_CUDA_FILE set to ON), no generated file will
                   be produced for the given cuda file.  This is because when you add the
                   cuda file to Visual Studio it knows that this file produces an object file
                   and will link in the resulting object file automatically.

                   This script will also generate a separate cmake script that is used at
                   build time to invoke nvcc.  This is for several reasons.

                     1. nvcc can return negative numbers as return values which confuses
                     Visual Studio into thinking that the command succeeded.  The script now
                     checks the error codes and produces errors when there was a problem.

                     2. nvcc has been known to not delete incomplete results when it
                     encounters problems.  This confuses build systems into thinking the
                     target was generated when in fact an unusable file exists.  The script
                     now deletes the output files if there was an error.

                     3. By putting all the options that affect the build into a file and then
                     make the build rule dependent on the file, the output files will be
                     regenerated when the options change.

                   This script also looks at optional arguments STATIC, SHARED, or MODULE to
                   determine when to target the object compilation for a shared library.
                   BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is ignored in CUDA_WRAP_SRCS, but it is respected in
                   CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY.  On some systems special flags are added for building
                   objects intended for shared libraries.  A preprocessor macro,
                   <target_name>_EXPORTS is defined when a shared library compilation is

                   Flags passed into add_definitions with -D or /D are passed along to nvcc.

              The script defines the following variables:

                CUDA_VERSION_MAJOR    -- The major version of cuda as reported by nvcc.
                CUDA_VERSION_MINOR    -- The minor version.

                CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR -- Path to the CUDA Toolkit (defined if not set).
                CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR     -- Path to the CUDA SDK.  Use this to find files in the
                                         SDK.  This script will not directly support finding
                                         specific libraries or headers, as that isn't
                                         supported by NVIDIA.  If you want to change
                                         libraries when the path changes see the
                                         FindCUDA.cmake script for an example of how to clear
                                         these variables.  There are also examples of how to
                                         use the CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR to locate headers or
                                         libraries, if you so choose (at your own risk).
                CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS     -- Include directory for cuda headers.  Added automatically
                                         for CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE and CUDA_ADD_LIBRARY.
                CUDA_LIBRARIES        -- Cuda RT library.
                CUDA_CUFFT_LIBRARIES  -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda FFT
                                         implementation (alternative to:
                                         CUDA_ADD_CUFFT_TO_TARGET macro)
                CUDA_CUBLAS_LIBRARIES -- Device or emulation library for the Cuda BLAS
                                         implementation (alterative to:
                                         CUDA_ADD_CUBLAS_TO_TARGET macro).

                James Bigler, NVIDIA Corp (nvidia.com - jbigler)
                Abe Stephens, SCI Institute -- http://www.sci.utah.edu/~abe/FindCuda.html

                Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 NVIDIA Corporation.  All rights reserved.

                Copyright (c) 2007-2009
                Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah

                This code is licensed under the MIT License.  See the FindCUDA.cmake script
                for the text of the license.

              Find curl

              Find the native CURL headers and libraries.

                CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find curl/curl.h, etc.
                CURL_LIBRARIES    - List of libraries when using curl.
                CURL_FOUND        - True if curl found.


              The module defines the following variables:

                 CVS_EXECUTABLE - path to cvs command line client
                 CVS_FOUND - true if the command line client was found

              Example usage:

                   message("CVS found: ${CVS_EXECUTABLE}")

              Find Coin3D (Open Inventor)

              Coin3D  is  an  implementation of the Open Inventor API. It pro-
              vides  data  structures  and  algorithms  for  3D  visualization

              This module defines the following variables

                COIN3D_FOUND         - system has Coin3D - Open Inventor
                COIN3D_INCLUDE_DIRS  - where the Inventor include directory can be found
                COIN3D_LIBRARIES     - Link to this to use Coin3D

              Try to find the Cups printing system

              Once done this will define

                CUPS_FOUND - system has Cups
                CUPS_INCLUDE_DIR - the Cups include directory
                CUPS_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed to use Cups
                Set CUPS_REQUIRE_IPP_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE to TRUE if you need a version which
                features this function (i.e. at least 1.1.19)

              Find the curses include file and library

                CURSES_FOUND - system has Curses
                CURSES_INCLUDE_DIR - the Curses include directory
                CURSES_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Curses
                CURSES_HAVE_CURSES_H - true if curses.h is available
                CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_H - true if ncurses.h is available
                CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H - true if ncurses/ncurses.h is available
                CURSES_HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H - true if ncurses/curses.h is available
                CURSES_LIBRARY - set for backwards compatibility with 2.4 CMake

              Set  CURSES_NEED_NCURSES  to TRUE before the FIND_PACKAGE() com-
              mand if NCurses  functionality is required.

              Find CxxTest

              Find the CxxTest suite and declare a helper macro  for  creating
              unit  tests and integrating them with CTest. For more details on
              CxxTest see http://cxxtest.tigris.org

              INPUT Variables

                 CXXTEST_USE_PYTHON [deprecated since 1.3]
                     Only used in the case both Python & Perl
                     are detected on the system to control
                     which CxxTest code generator is used.

                     NOTE: In older versions of this Find Module,
                     this variable controlled if the Python test
                     generator was used instead of the Perl one,
                     regardless of which scripting language the
                     user had installed.

                 CXXTEST_TESTGEN_ARGS (since CMake 2.8.3)
                     Specify a list of options to pass to the CxxTest code
                     generator.  If not defined, --error-printer is

              OUTPUT Variables

                     True if the CxxTest framework was found
                     Where to find the CxxTest include directory
                     The perl-based test generator
                     The python-based test generator
                 CXXTEST_TESTGEN_EXECUTABLE (since CMake 2.8.3)
                     The test generator that is actually used (chosen using user preferences
                     and interpreters found in the system)
                 CXXTEST_TESTGEN_INTERPRETER (since CMake 2.8.3)
                     The full path to the Perl or Python executable on the system

              MACROS for optional use by CMake users:

                  CXXTEST_ADD_TEST(<test_name> <gen_source_file> <input_files_to_testgen...>)
                     Creates a CxxTest runner and adds it to the CTest testing suite
                         test_name               The name of the test
                         gen_source_file         The generated source filename to be
                                                 generated by CxxTest
                         input_files_to_testgen  The list of header files containing the
                                                 CxxTest::TestSuite's to be included in
                                                 this runner

                     Example Usage:


                             CXXTEST_ADD_TEST(unittest_foo foo_test.cc
                             target_link_libraries(unittest_foo foo) # as needed

                            This will (if CxxTest is found):
                            1. Invoke the testgen executable to autogenerate foo_test.cc in the
                               binary tree from "foo_test.h" in the current source directory.
                            2. Create an executable and test called unittest_foo.

                    Example foo_test.h:

                        #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

                        class MyTestSuite : public CxxTest::TestSuite
                           void testAddition( void )
                              TS_ASSERT( 1 + 1 > 1 );
                              TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 + 1, 2 );

              this module looks for Cygwin

              find DCMTK libraries and applications

              Find DART

              This module  looks  for  the  dart  testing  software  and  sets
              DART_ROOT to point to where it found it.


              This  module  locates the developer's image library. http://ope-

              This module sets: IL_LIBRARIES the name of the IL library. These
              include the full path to the core DevIL library. This one has to
              be linked into the application. ILU_LIBRARIES the  name  of  the
              ILU  library.  Again, the full path. This library is for filters
              and effects, not actual loading. It doesn't have to be linked if
              the  functionality  it  provides is not used. ILUT_LIBRARIES the
              name of the ILUT library. Full path. This part  of  the  library
              interfaces  with  OpenGL.  It is not strictly needed in applica-
              tions. IL_INCLUDE_DIR where to find the il.h, ilu.h  and  ilut.h
              files.  IL_FOUND  this is set to TRUE if all the above variables
              were set. This will be set to false  if  ILU  or  ILUT  are  not
              found,  even  if  they  are  not needed. In most systems, if one
              library is found all the others are as well. That's the way  the
              DevIL developers release it.

              This module looks for Doxygen and the path to Graphviz's dot

              Doxygen   is   a  documentation  generation  tool.   Please  see

              This module accepts the following optional variables:

                 DOXYGEN_SKIP_DOT       = If true this module will skip trying to find Dot
                                          (an optional component often used by Doxygen)

              This modules defines the following variables:

                 DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE     = The path to the doxygen command.
                 DOXYGEN_FOUND          = Was Doxygen found or not?

                 DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE = The path to the dot program used by doxygen.
                 DOXYGEN_DOT_FOUND      = Was Dot found or not?
                 DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH       = The path to dot not including the executable

              Find expat

              Find the native EXPAT headers and libraries.

                EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find expat.h, etc.
                EXPAT_LIBRARIES    - List of libraries when using expat.
                EXPAT_FOUND        - True if expat found.

              Find flex executable and provides a  macro  to  generate  custom
              build rules

              The module defines the following variables:

                FLEX_FOUND - true is flex executable is found
                FLEX_EXECUTABLE - the path to the flex executable
                FLEX_VERSION - the version of flex
                FLEX_LIBRARIES - The flex libraries
                FLEX_INCLUDE_DIRS - The path to the flex headers

              The  minimum required version of flex can be specified using the
              standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(FLEX 2.5.13)

              If flex is found on the system, the module provides the macro:

                FLEX_TARGET(Name FlexInput FlexOutput [COMPILE_FLAGS <string>])

              which creates a custom command   to  generate  the  <FlexOutput>
              file  from  the  <FlexInput>  file.  If  COMPILE_FLAGS option is
              specified, the next parameter is  added  to  the  flex   command
              line.  Name  is  an  alias  used to get  details of  this custom
              command.  Indeed the  macro defines  the following variables:

                FLEX_${Name}_DEFINED - true is the macro ran successfully
                FLEX_${Name}_OUTPUTS - the source file generated by the custom rule, an
                alias for FlexOutput
                FLEX_${Name}_INPUT - the flex source file, an alias for ${FlexInput}

              Flex scanners oftenly use tokens  defined  by  Bison:  the  code
              generated  by  Flex   depends of the header  generated by Bison.
              This module also defines a macro:

                ADD_FLEX_BISON_DEPENDENCY(FlexTarget BisonTarget)

              which  adds the  required dependency  between a  scanner and   a
              parser  where   <FlexTarget>  and <BisonTarget>  are  the  first
              parameters  of respectively FLEX_TARGET and BISON_TARGET macros.



                 BISON_TARGET(MyParser parser.y ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser.cpp)
                 FLEX_TARGET(MyScanner lexer.l  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lexer.cpp)
                 ADD_FLEX_BISON_DEPENDENCY(MyScanner MyParser)


              Find the native FLTK includes and library

              By default FindFLTK.cmake will search for all of the FLTK compo-
              nents and add them to the FLTK_LIBRARIES variable.

                 You can limit the components which get placed in FLTK_LIBRARIES by
                 defining one or more of the following three options:

                   FLTK_SKIP_OPENGL, set to true to disable searching for opengl and
                                     the FLTK GL library
                   FLTK_SKIP_FORMS, set to true to disable searching for fltk_forms
                   FLTK_SKIP_IMAGES, set to true to disable searching for fltk_images

                   FLTK_SKIP_FLUID, set to true if the fluid binary need not be present
                                    at build time

              The following variables will be defined:

                   FLTK_FOUND, True if all components not skipped were found
                   FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find include files
                   FLTK_LIBRARIES, list of fltk libraries you should link against
                   FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE, where to find the Fluid tool
                   FLTK_WRAP_UI, This enables the FLTK_WRAP_UI command

              The  following  cache  variables  are assigned but should not be
              used. See the FLTK_LIBRARIES variable instead.

                   FLTK_BASE_LIBRARY   = the full path to fltk.lib
                   FLTK_GL_LIBRARY     = the full path to fltk_gl.lib
                   FLTK_FORMS_LIBRARY  = the full path to fltk_forms.lib
                   FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk_images.lib

              Find the native FLTK2 includes and library

              The following settings are defined

                FLTK2_FLUID_EXECUTABLE, where to find the Fluid tool
                FLTK2_WRAP_UI, This enables the FLTK2_WRAP_UI command
                FLTK2_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find include files
                FLTK2_LIBRARIES, list of fltk2 libraries
                FLTK2_FOUND, Don't use FLTK2 if false.

              The following settings should not be used in general.

                FLTK2_BASE_LIBRARY   = the full path to fltk2.lib
                FLTK2_GL_LIBRARY     = the full path to fltk2_gl.lib
                FLTK2_IMAGES_LIBRARY = the full path to fltk2_images.lib

              Locate FreeType library

              This module defines

                FREETYPE_LIBRARIES, the library to link against
                FREETYPE_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to FREETYPE
                FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find headers.
                This is the concatenation of the paths:

              $FREETYPE_DIR is an environment variable that  would  correspond
              to  the  ./configure  --prefix=$FREETYPE_DIR  used  in  building

              Find the GCC-XML front-end executable.

              This module will define the following variables:

                GCCXML - the GCC-XML front-end executable.


              Locate gdal

              This module accepts the following environment variables:

                  GDAL_DIR or GDAL_ROOT - Specify the location of GDAL

              This module defines the following CMake variables:

                  GDAL_FOUND - True if libgdal is found
                  GDAL_LIBRARY - A variable pointing to the GDAL library
                  GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers


              This  module  searches  giflib  and  defines   GIF_LIBRARIES   -
              libraries to link to in order to use GIF GIF_FOUND, if false, do
              not try to link  GIF_INCLUDE_DIR,  where  to  find  the  headers
              GIF_VERSION,  reports  either  version  4  or  3 (for everything
              before version 4)

              The minimum required version of giflib can  be  specified  using
              the standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(GIF 4)

              $GIF_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$GIF_DIR

              try to find glut library and include files

                GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find GL/glut.h, etc.
                GLUT_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against
                GLUT_FOUND, If false, do not try to use GLUT.

              Also defined, but not for general use are:

                GLUT_glut_LIBRARY = the full path to the glut library.
                GLUT_Xmu_LIBRARY  = the full path to the Xmu library.
                GLUT_Xi_LIBRARY   = the full path to the Xi Library.

              try to find GTK (and glib) and GTKGLArea

                GTK_INCLUDE_DIR   - Directories to include to use GTK
                GTK_LIBRARIES     - Files to link against to use GTK
                GTK_FOUND         - GTK was found
                GTK_GL_FOUND      - GTK's GL features were found


              This module can find the GTK2 widget libraries  and  several  of
              its other optional components like gtkmm, glade, and glademm.

              NOTE:  If  you  intend  to  use version checking, CMake 2.6.2 or
              later is


              Specify one or more of the following components as you call this
              find module. See example below.


              The following variables will be defined for your use

                 GTK2_FOUND - Were all of your specified components found?
                 GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS - All include directories
                 GTK2_LIBRARIES - All libraries

                 GTK2_VERSION - The version of GTK2 found (x.y.z)
                 GTK2_MAJOR_VERSION - The major version of GTK2
                 GTK2_MINOR_VERSION - The minor version of GTK2
                 GTK2_PATCH_VERSION - The patch version of GTK2

              Optional variables you can define prior to calling this module:

                 GTK2_DEBUG - Enables verbose debugging of the module
                 GTK2_SKIP_MARK_AS_ADVANCED - Disable marking cache variables as advanced
                 GTK2_ADDITIONAL_SUFFIXES - Allows defining additional directories to
                                            search for include files

              ================= Example Usage:

                 Call find_package() once, here are some examples to pick from:

                 Require GTK 2.6 or later
                     find_package(GTK2 2.6 REQUIRED gtk)

                 Require GTK 2.10 or later and Glade
                     find_package(GTK2 2.10 REQUIRED gtk glade)

                 Search for GTK/GTKMM 2.8 or later
                     find_package(GTK2 2.8 COMPONENTS gtk gtkmm)

                    add_executable(mygui mygui.cc)
                    target_link_libraries(mygui ${GTK2_LIBRARIES})


              Locate the Google C++ Testing Framework.

              Defines the following variables:

                 GTEST_FOUND - Found the Google Testing framework
                 GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories

              Also  defines  the  library variables below as normal variables.
              These contain debug/optimized keywords when a debugging  library
              is found.

                 GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES - Both libgtest & libgtest-main
                 GTEST_LIBRARIES - libgtest
                 GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARIES - libgtest-main

              Accepts the following variables as input:

                 GTEST_ROOT - (as a CMake or environment variable)
                              The root directory of the gtest install prefix

                 GTEST_MSVC_SEARCH - If compiling with MSVC, this variable can be set to
                                     "MD" or "MT" to enable searching a GTest build tree
                                     (defaults: "MD")

              Example Usage:

                  find_package(GTest REQUIRED)

                  add_executable(foo foo.cc)
                  target_link_libraries(foo ${GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES})

                  add_test(AllTestsInFoo foo)

              If you would like each Google test to show up in CTest as a test
              you may use the following macro. NOTE: It will  slow  down  your
              tests  by  running an executable for each test and test fixture.
              You will also have to rerun CMake after adding or removing tests
              or test fixtures.

              GTEST_ADD_TESTS(executable extra_args ARGN)

                  executable = The path to the test executable
                  extra_args = Pass a list of extra arguments to be passed to
                               executable enclosed in quotes (or "" for none)
                  ARGN =       A list of source files to search for tests & test

                   set(FooTestArgs --foo 1 --bar 2)
                   add_executable(FooTest FooUnitTest.cc)
                   GTEST_ADD_TESTS(FooTest "${FooTestArgs}" FooUnitTest.cc)

              Find GNU gettext tools

              This module looks for the GNU gettext tools. This module defines
              the  following values:

                GETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgmerge tool.
                GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the msgfmt tool.
                GETTEXT_FOUND: True if gettext has been found.

              Additionally it  provides  the  following  macros:  GETTEXT_CRE-
              ATE_TRANSLATIONS ( outputFile [ALL] file1 ... fileN )

                  This will create a target "translations" which will convert the
                  given input po files into the binary output mo file. If the
                  ALL option is used, the translations will also be created when
                  building the default target.

              GETTEXT_PROCESS_POT( <potfile> [ALL] [INSTALL_DESTINATION <dest-
              dir>] LANGUAGES <lang1> <lang2> ... )

                   Process the given pot file to mo files.
                   If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will be created,
                   the language subdirectory will be taken into account (by default use share/locale/).
                   If ALL is specified, the pot file is processed when building the all traget.
                   It creates a custom target "potfile".

              <dir>] PO_FILES <po1> <po2> ... )

                   Process the given po files to mo files for the given language.
                   If INSTALL_DESTINATION is given then automatically install rules will be created,
                   the language subdirectory will be taken into account (by default use share/locale/).
                   If ALL is specified, the po files are processed when building the all traget.
                   It creates a custom target "pofiles".


              The module defines the following variables:

                 GIT_EXECUTABLE - path to git command line client
                 GIT_FOUND - true if the command line client was found

              Example usage:

                   message("git found: ${GIT_EXECUTABLE}")

              Try to find the GNU Transport Layer Security library (gnutls)

              Once done this will define

                GNUTLS_FOUND - System has gnutls
                GNUTLS_INCLUDE_DIR - The gnutls include directory
                GNUTLS_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use gnutls
                GNUTLS_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using gnutls

              this module looks for gnuplot

              Once done this will define

                GNUPLOT_FOUND - system has Gnuplot
                GNUPLOT_EXECUTABLE - the Gnuplot executable

              Find  HDF5,  a  library  for reading and writing self describing
              array data.

              This module invokes the HDF5 wrapper  compiler  that  should  be
              installed  alongside  HDF5.   Depending upon the HDF5 Configura-
              tion, the wrapper compiler is called either h5cc or  h5pcc.   If
              this  succeeds,  the module will then call the compiler with the
              -show argument to see what flags are used when compiling an HDF5
              client application.

              The  module  will optionally accept the COMPONENTS argument.  If
              no COMPONENTS are specified, then the find module  will  default
              to  finding  only the HDF5 C library.  If one or more COMPONENTS
              are specified, the module will  attempt  to  find  the  language
              bindings  for  the  specified components.  The only valid compo-
              nents are C, CXX, Fortran, HL, and Fortran_HL.   If  the  COMPO-
              NENTS  argument  is  not  given, the module will attempt to find
              only the C bindings.

              On  UNIX  systems,  this   module   will   read   the   variable
              HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES  to determine whether or not to prefer
              a static link to a dynamic link for HDF5 and all of it's  depen-
              dencies.    To   use   this   feature,   make   sure   that  the
              HDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES variable is set  before  the  call  to

              To  provide the module with a hint about where to find your HDF5
              installation, you can set the  environment  variable  HDF5_ROOT.
              The  Find  module will then look in this path when searching for
              HDF5 executables, paths, and libraries.

              In addition to finding the includes and  libraries  required  to
              compile  an  HDF5  client application, this module also makes an
              effort to find tools that come with the HDF5  distribution  that
              may be useful for regression testing.

              This module will define the following variables:

                HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the hdf5 includes
                HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR - Location of the hdf5 includes (deprecated)
                HDF5_DEFINITIONS - Required compiler definitions for HDF5
                HDF5_C_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C bindings.
                HDF5_CXX_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 C++ bindings
                HDF5_Fortran_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 Fortran bindings
                HDF5_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the HDF5 high level API
                HDF5_Fortran_HL_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for the high level Fortran
                HDF5_LIBRARIES - Required libraries for all requested bindings
                HDF5_FOUND - true if HDF5 was found on the system
                HDF5_LIBRARY_DIRS - the full set of library directories
                HDF5_IS_PARALLEL - Whether or not HDF5 was found with parallel IO support
                HDF5_C_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C wrapper compiler
                HDF5_CXX_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 C++ wrapper compiler
                HDF5_Fortran_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 Fortran wrapper compiler
                HDF5_DIFF_EXECUTABLE - the path to the HDF5 dataset comparison tool

              Try to find Hspell

              Once done this will define

                HSPELL_FOUND - system has Hspell
                HSPELL_INCLUDE_DIR - the Hspell include directory
                HSPELL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Hspell
                HSPELL_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using Hspell

                HSPELL_VERSION_STRING - The version of Hspell found (x.y)
                HSPELL_MAJOR_VERSION  - the major version of Hspell
                HSPELL_MINOR_VERSION  - The minor version of Hspell

              This module looks for Microsoft HTML Help Compiler

              It defines:

                 HTML_HELP_COMPILER     : full path to the Compiler (hhc.exe)
                 HTML_HELP_INCLUDE_PATH : include path to the API (htmlhelp.h)
                 HTML_HELP_LIBRARY      : full path to the library (htmlhelp.lib)

              Find an ITK installation or build tree.

              Find the ImageMagick binary suite.

              This module will search for a set of ImageMagick tools specified
              as components  in  the  FIND_PACKAGE  call.  Typical  components
              include,  but are not limited to (future versions of ImageMagick
              might have additional components not listed here):


              If no component is specified in the FIND_PACKAGE call,  then  it
              only  searches  for  the  ImageMagick executable directory. This
              code defines the following variables:

                ImageMagick_FOUND                  - TRUE if all components are found.
                ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR         - Full path to executables directory.
                ImageMagick_<component>_FOUND      - TRUE if <component> is found.
                ImageMagick_<component>_EXECUTABLE - Full path to <component> executable.

              There are also components for the following ImageMagick APIs:


              For these components the following variables are set:

                ImageMagick_FOUND                    - TRUE if all components are found.
                ImageMagick_INCLUDE_DIRS             - Full paths to all include dirs.
                ImageMagick_LIBRARIES                - Full paths to all libraries.
                ImageMagick_<component>_FOUND        - TRUE if <component> is found.
                ImageMagick_<component>_INCLUDE_DIRS - Full path to <component> include dirs.
                ImageMagick_<component>_LIBRARIES    - Full path to <component> libraries.

              Example Usages:

                FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS convert)
                FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS convert mogrify display)
                FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS Magick++)
                FIND_PACKAGE(ImageMagick COMPONENTS Magick++ convert)

              Note that  the  standard  FIND_PACKAGE  features  are  supported
              (i.e., QUIET, REQUIRED, etc.).

              Find JNI java libraries.

              This  module finds if Java is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. It  also  determines  what  the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS      = the include dirs to use
                JNI_LIBRARIES         = the libraries to use
                JNI_FOUND             = TRUE if JNI headers and libraries were found.
                JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY      = the path to the jawt library
                JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY      = the path to the jvm library
                JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH     = the include path to jni.h
                JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2    = the include path to jni_md.h
                JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH = the include path to jawt.h

              Find JPEG

              Find the native JPEG includes and library This module defines

                JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find jpeglib.h, etc.
                JPEG_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use JPEG.
                JPEG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use JPEG.

              also defined, but not for general use are

                JPEG_LIBRARY, where to find the JPEG library.

              Try to find the Jasper JPEG2000 library

              Once done this will define

                JASPER_FOUND - system has Jasper
                JASPER_INCLUDE_DIR - the Jasper include directory
                JASPER_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use Jasper

              Find Java

              This  module finds if Java is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. This code  sets  the  following

                Java_JAVA_EXECUTABLE    = the full path to the Java runtime
                Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE   = the full path to the Java compiler
                Java_JAVAH_EXECUTABLE   = the full path to the Java header generator
                Java_JAVADOC_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java documention generator
                Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE     = the full path to the Java archiver
                Java_VERSION_STRING     = Version of the package found (java version), eg. 1.6.0_12
                Java_VERSION_MAJOR      = The major version of the package found.
                Java_VERSION_MINOR      = The minor version of the package found.
                Java_VERSION_PATCH      = The patch version of the package found.
                Java_VERSION_TWEAK      = The tweak version of the package found (after '_')
                Java_VERSION            = This is set to: $major.$minor.$patch(.$tweak)

              The  minimum required version of Java can be specified using the
              standard CMake syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(Java 1.5)

              NOTE: ${Java_VERSION} and ${Java_VERSION_STRING} are not guaran-
              teed  to be identical. For example some java version may return:
              Java_VERSION_STRING  =  1.5.0_17   and   Java_VERSION          =

              another  example  is  the  Java OEM, with: Java_VERSION_STRING =
              1.6.0-oem and Java_VERSION        = 1.6.0

              For these components the following variables are set:

                Java_FOUND                    - TRUE if all components are found.
                Java_INCLUDE_DIRS             - Full paths to all include dirs.
                Java_LIBRARIES                - Full paths to all libraries.
                Java_<component>_FOUND        - TRUE if <component> is found.

              Example Usages:

                FIND_PACKAGE(Java COMPONENTS Runtime)
                FIND_PACKAGE(Java COMPONENTS Development)

              Find the KDE3 include and library dirs,  KDE  preprocessors  and
              define a some macros

              This module defines the following variables:

                KDE3_DEFINITIONS         - compiler definitions required for compiling KDE software
                KDE3_INCLUDE_DIR         - the KDE include directory
                KDE3_INCLUDE_DIRS        - the KDE and the Qt include directory, for use with INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES()
                KDE3_LIB_DIR             - the directory where the KDE libraries are installed, for use with LINK_DIRECTORIES()
                QT_AND_KDECORE_LIBS      - this contains both the Qt and the kdecore library
                KDE3_DCOPIDL_EXECUTABLE  - the dcopidl executable
                KDE3_DCOPIDL2CPP_EXECUTABLE - the dcopidl2cpp executable
                KDE3_KCFGC_EXECUTABLE    - the kconfig_compiler executable
                KDE3_FOUND               - set to TRUE if all of the above has been found

              The following user adjustable options are provided:

                KDE3_BUILD_TESTS - enable this to build KDE testcases

              It  also  adds  the  following  macros  (from  KDE3Macros.cmake)
              SRCS_VAR is always the  variable  which  contains  the  list  of
              source files for your application or library.

              KDE3_AUTOMOC(file1 ... fileN)

                  Call this if you want to have automatic moc file handling.
                  This means if you include "foo.moc" in the source file foo.cpp
                  a moc file for the header foo.h will be created automatically.
                  You can set the property SKIP_AUTOMAKE using SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES()
                  to exclude some files in the list from being processed.

              KDE3_ADD_MOC_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1 ... fileN )

                  If you don't use the KDE3_AUTOMOC() macro, for the files
                  listed here moc files will be created (named "foo.moc.cpp")

              KDE3_ADD_DCOP_SKELS(SRCS_VAR header1.h ... headerN.h )

                  Use this to generate DCOP skeletions from the listed headers.

              KDE3_ADD_DCOP_STUBS(SRCS_VAR header1.h ... headerN.h )

                   Use this to generate DCOP stubs from the listed headers.

              KDE3_ADD_UI_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1.ui ... fileN.ui )

                  Use this to add the Qt designer ui files to your application/library.

              KDE3_ADD_KCFG_FILES(SRCS_VAR file1.kcfgc ... fileN.kcfgc )

                  Use this to add KDE kconfig compiler files to your application/library.


                  This will create and install a simple libtool file for the given target.

              KDE3_ADD_EXECUTABLE(name file1 ... fileN )

                  Currently identical to ADD_EXECUTABLE(), may provide some advanced features in the future.

              KDE3_ADD_KPART(name [WITH_PREFIX] file1 ... fileN )

                  Create a KDE plugin (KPart, kioslave, etc.) from the given source files.
                  If WITH_PREFIX is given, the resulting plugin will have the prefix "lib", otherwise it won't.
                  It creates and installs an appropriate libtool la-file.

              KDE3_ADD_KDEINIT_EXECUTABLE(name file1 ... fileN )

                  Create a KDE application in the form of a module loadable via kdeinit.
                  A library named kdeinit_<name> will be created and a small executable which links to it.

              The option KDE3_ENABLE_FINAL to enable all-in-one compilation is
              no longer supported.

              Author: Alexander Neundorf <neundorf@kde.org>


              Find KDE4 and provide all necessary variables and macros to com-
              pile software for it. It looks for KDE 4 in the following direc-
              tories in the given order:


              Please look in FindKDE4Internal.cmake and  KDE4Macros.cmake  for
              more information. They are installed with the KDE 4 libraries in

              Author: Alexander Neundorf <neundorf@kde.org>

              Find LAPACK library

              This module finds an installed fortran library  that  implements
              the       LAPACK       linear-algebra       interface       (see

              The approach follows that taken for  the  autoconf  macro  file,
              acx_lapack.m4    (distributed    at    http://ac-archive.source-

              This module sets the following variables:

                LAPACK_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the LAPACK interface
                  is found
                LAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS - uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l
                  and -L).
                LAPACK_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to
                  link against to use LAPACK
                LAPACK95_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to
                  link against to use LAPACK95
                LAPACK95_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the LAPACK f95
                  interface is found
                BLA_STATIC  if set on this determines what kind of linkage we do (static)
                BLA_VENDOR  if set checks only the specified vendor, if not set checks
                   all the possibilities
                BLA_F95     if set on tries to find the f95 interfaces for BLAS/LAPACK

              ##  List  of  vendors  (BLA_VENDOR)  valid  in  this  module   #
              Intel(mkl), ACML,Apple, NAS, Generic

              Find Latex

              This module finds if Latex is installed and determines where the
              executables are. This code sets the following variables:

                LATEX_COMPILER:       path to the LaTeX compiler
                PDFLATEX_COMPILER:    path to the PdfLaTeX compiler
                BIBTEX_COMPILER:      path to the BibTeX compiler
                MAKEINDEX_COMPILER:   path to the MakeIndex compiler
                DVIPS_CONVERTER:      path to the DVIPS converter
                PS2PDF_CONVERTER:     path to the PS2PDF converter
                LATEX2HTML_CONVERTER: path to the LaTeX2Html converter

              Find libarchive library and headers

              The module defines the following variables:

                LibArchive_FOUND        - true if libarchive was found
                LibArchive_INCLUDE_DIRS - include search path
                LibArchive_LIBRARIES    - libraries to link
                LibArchive_VERSION      - libarchive 3-component version number

              Try to find the LibXml2 xml processing library

              Once done this will define

                LIBXML2_FOUND - System has LibXml2
                LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR - The LibXml2 include directory
                LIBXML2_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use LibXml2
                LIBXML2_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using LibXml2
                LIBXML2_XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE - The XML checking tool xmllint coming with LibXml2

              Try to find the LibXslt library

              Once done this will define

                LIBXSLT_FOUND - system has LibXslt
                LIBXSLT_INCLUDE_DIR - the LibXslt include directory
                LIBXSLT_LIBRARIES - Link these to LibXslt
                LIBXSLT_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using LibXslt


              Locate Lua library This module defines

                LUA50_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Lua
                LUA_LIBRARIES, both lua and lualib
                LUA_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find lua.h and lualib.h (and probably lauxlib.h)

              Note that the expected include convention is

                #include "lua.h"

              and not

                #include <lua/lua.h>

              This is because, the lua location is not  standardized  and  may
              exist in locations other than lua/


              Locate Lua library This module defines

                LUA51_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Lua
                LUA_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find lua.h

              Note that the expected include convention is

                #include "lua.h"

              and not

                #include <lua/lua.h>

              This  is  because,  the lua location is not standardized and may
              exist in locations other than lua/

              Find MFC on Windows

              Find the native MFC - i.e. decide if an application can link  to
              the MFC libraries.

                MFC_FOUND - Was MFC support found

              You don't need to include anything or link anything to use it.

              Find the native MPEG includes and library

              This module defines

                MPEG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find MPEG.h, etc.
                MPEG_LIBRARIES, the libraries required to use MPEG.
                MPEG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MPEG.

              also defined, but not for general use are

                MPEG_mpeg2_LIBRARY, where to find the MPEG library.
                MPEG_vo_LIBRARY, where to find the vo library.

              Find the native MPEG2 includes and library

              This module defines

                MPEG2_INCLUDE_DIR, path to mpeg2dec/mpeg2.h, etc.
                MPEG2_LIBRARIES, the libraries required to use MPEG2.
                MPEG2_FOUND, If false, do not try to use MPEG2.

              also defined, but not for general use are

                MPEG2_mpeg2_LIBRARY, where to find the MPEG2 library.
                MPEG2_vo_LIBRARY, where to find the vo library.

              Find a Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation

              The  Message  Passing Interface (MPI) is a library used to write
              high-performance distributed-memory parallel  applications,  and
              is  typically deployed on a cluster. MPI is a standard interface
              (defined by the MPI forum) for which  many  implementations  are
              available.  All  of  them have somewhat different include paths,
              libraries to link against, etc., and this module tries to smooth
              out those differences.

              === Variables ===

              This  module  will  set  the following variables per language in
              your project, where <lang> is one of C, CXX, or Fortran:

                 MPI_<lang>_FOUND           TRUE if FindMPI found MPI flags for <lang>
                 MPI_<lang>_COMPILER        MPI Compiler wrapper for <lang>
                 MPI_<lang>_COMPILE_FLAGS   Compilation flags for MPI programs
                 MPI_<lang>_INCLUDE_PATH    Include path(s) for MPI header
                 MPI_<lang>_LINK_FLAGS      Linking flags for MPI programs
                 MPI_<lang>_LIBRARIES       All libraries to link MPI programs against

              Additionally, FindMPI sets the following variables  for  running
              MPI programs from the command line:

                 MPIEXEC                    Executable for running MPI programs
                 MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG       Flag to pass to MPIEXEC before giving
                                            it the number of processors to run on
                 MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS           Flags to pass to MPIEXEC directly
                                            before the executable to run.
                 MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS          Flags to pass to MPIEXEC after other flags

              === Usage ===

              To  use  this  module, simply call FindMPI from a CMakeLists.txt
              file, or run find_package(MPI), then  run  CMake.   If  you  are
              happy  with  the auto- detected configuration for your language,
              then you're done.  If not, you have two options:

                 1. Set MPI_<lang>_COMPILER to the MPI wrapper (mpicc, etc.) of your
                    choice and reconfigure.  FindMPI will attempt to determine all the
                    necessary variables using THAT compiler's compile and link flags.
                 2. If this fails, or if your MPI implementation does not come with
                    a compiler wrapper, then set both MPI_<lang>_LIBRARIES and
                    MPI_<lang>_INCLUDE_PATH.  You may also set any other variables
                    listed above, but these two are required.  This will circumvent
                    autodetection entirely.

              When configuration is successful,  MPI_<lang>_COMPILER  will  be
              set  to  the  compiler  wrapper  for  <lang>,  if  it was found.
              MPI_<lang>_FOUND and other variables above will be  set  if  any
              MPI implementation was found for <lang>, regardless of whether a
              compiler was found.

              When using MPIEXEC to execute MPI applications, you should typi-
              cally use all of the MPIEXEC flags as follows:


              where  PROCS is the number of processors on which to execute the
              program, EXECUTABLE is the MPI program, and ARGS are  the  argu-
              ments to pass to the MPI program.

              === Backward Compatibility ===

              For backward compatibility with older versions of FindMPI, these
              variables are set, but deprecated:

                 MPI_FOUND           MPI_COMPILER        MPI_LIBRARY
                 MPI_LINK_FLAGS      MPI_LIBRARIES

              In new projects, please use the MPI_<lang>_XXX equivalents.

              this module looks for Matlab


                MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR: include path for mex.h, engine.h
                MATLAB_LIBRARIES:   required libraries: libmex, etc
                MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY: path to libmex.lib
                MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY:  path to libmx.lib
                MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY: path to libeng.lib

              Try to find Motif (or lesstif)

              Once done this will define:

                MOTIF_FOUND        - system has MOTIF
                MOTIF_INCLUDE_DIR  - include paths to use Motif
                MOTIF_LIBRARIES    - Link these to use Motif


              Locate OpenAL This module defines  OPENAL_LIBRARY  OPENAL_FOUND,
              if  false,  do  not  try  to link to OpenAL  OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR,
              where to find the headers

              $OPENALDIR is an environment variable that would  correspond  to
              the ./configure --prefix=$OPENALDIR used in building OpenAL.

              Created  by  Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake

              Try to find OpenGL

              Once done this will define

                OPENGL_FOUND        - system has OpenGL
                OPENGL_XMESA_FOUND  - system has XMESA
                OPENGL_GLU_FOUND    - system has GLU
                OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR  - the GL include directory
                OPENGL_LIBRARIES    - Link these to use OpenGL and GLU

              If you want to use just GL you can use these values

                OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY   - Path to OpenGL Library
                OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY  - Path to GLU Library

              On OSX default to using the framework version of  opengl  People
              will  have to change the cache values of OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY  and
              OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY to use OpenGL with X11 on OSX

              Finds OpenMP support

              This module can be used to detect OpenMP support in a  compiler.
              If  the  compiler supports OpenMP, the flags required to compile
              with openmp support are set.

              The following variables are set:

                 OpenMP_C_FLAGS - flags to add to the C compiler for OpenMP support
                 OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS - flags to add to the CXX compiler for OpenMP support
                 OPENMP_FOUND - true if openmp is detected

              Supported      compilers       can       be       found       at

              Try to find the OpenSSL encryption library

              Once done this will define

                OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR - Set this variable to the root installation of OpenSSL

              Read-Only variables:

                OPENSSL_FOUND - system has the OpenSSL library
                OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR - the OpenSSL include directory
                OPENSSL_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use OpenSSL
                OPENSSL_VERSION - This is set to $major.$minor.$revision (eg. 0.9.8)

              Find OpenSceneGraph

              This  module  searches for the OpenSceneGraph core "osg" library
              as well  as  OpenThreads,  and  whatever  additional  COMPONENTS
              (nodekits) that you specify.

                  See http://www.openscenegraph.org

              NOTE:  To  use  this  module effectively you must either require
              CMake >= 2.6.3  with  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION  2.6.3)  or
              download    and   place   FindOpenThreads.cmake,   Findosg_func-
              tions.cmake, Findosg.cmake, and Find<etc>.cmake files into  your


              This module accepts the following variables (note mixed case)

                  OpenSceneGraph_DEBUG - Enable debugging output

                  OpenSceneGraph_MARK_AS_ADVANCED - Mark cache variables as advanced

              The following environment variables are also respected for find-
              ing the OSG and it's various components.  CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH  can
              also be used for this (see find_library() CMake documentation).

                  <MODULE>_DIR (where MODULE is of the form "OSGVOLUME" and there is a FindosgVolume.cmake file)

              This module defines the following output variables:

                  OPENSCENEGRAPH_FOUND - Was the OSG and all of the specified components found?

                  OPENSCENEGRAPH_VERSION - The version of the OSG which was found

                  OPENSCENEGRAPH_INCLUDE_DIRS - Where to find the headers

                  OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIBRARIES - The OSG libraries

              ================================== Example Usage:

                find_package(OpenSceneGraph 2.0.0 REQUIRED osgDB osgUtil)
                    # libOpenThreads & libosg automatically searched

                add_executable(foo foo.cc)
                target_link_libraries(foo ${OPENSCENEGRAPH_LIBRARIES})


              OpenThreads  is a C++ based threading library. Its largest user-
              base  seems to OpenSceneGraph  so  you  might  notice  I  accept
              OSGDIR as an environment path. I consider this part of the Find-
              osg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph  components. Each  compo-
              nent is separate and you must opt in to each module.

              Locate   OpenThreads  This  module  defines  OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY
              OPENTHREADS_FOUND, if false, do not try to link  to  OpenThreads
              OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers

              $OPENTHREADS_DIR  is  an  environment variable that would corre-
              spond  to  the  ./configure  --prefix=$OPENTHREADS_DIR  used  in
              building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.

              Find PHP4

              This  module finds if PHP4 is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. It  also  determines  what  the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                PHP4_INCLUDE_PATH       = path to where php.h can be found
                PHP4_EXECUTABLE         = full path to the php4 binary

              Find the native PNG includes and library

              This module defines

                PNG_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find png.h, etc.
                PNG_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use PNG.
                PNG_DEFINITIONS - You should add_definitons(${PNG_DEFINITIONS}) before compiling code that includes png library files.
                PNG_FOUND, If false, do not try to use PNG.

              also defined, but not for general use are

                PNG_LIBRARY, where to find the PNG library.

              None  of  the above will be defined unles zlib can be found. PNG
              depends on Zlib


              FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(<name> ... )

              This function is intended to be used  in  FindXXX.cmake  modules
              files.  It handles the REQUIRED, QUIET and version-related argu-
              ments   to   FIND_PACKAGE().   It   also   sets   the    <UPPER-
              CASED_NAME>_FOUND  variable.  The package is considered found if
              all variables <var1>... listed contain valid results, e.g. valid

              There are two modes of this function. The first argument in both
              modes is the name of the Find-module  where  it  is  called  (in
              original casing).

              The first simple mode looks like this:

                  FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(<name> (DEFAULT_MSG|"Custom failure message") <var1>...<varN> )

              If  the  variables  <var1> to <varN> are all valid, then <UPPER-
              CASED_NAME>_FOUND will be set to TRUE. If DEFAULT_MSG  is  given
              as  second argument, then the function will generate itself use-
              ful success and error messages. You can  also  supply  a  custom
              error message for the failure case. This is not recommended.

              The  second  mode  is  more  powerful  and also supports version

                                                         [VERSION_VAR   <versionvar>
                                                         [FAIL_MESSAGE "Custom failure message"] )

              As above, if  <var1>  through  <varN>  are  all  valid,  <UPPER-
              CASED_NAME>_FOUND  will  be set to TRUE. After REQUIRED_VARS the
              variables which are required for this package are  listed.  Fol-
              lowing  VERSION_VAR  the  name  of the variable can be specified
              which holds the version of the package which has been found.  If
              this  is  done, this version will be checked against the (poten-
              tially) specified required version used  in  the  find_package()
              call.  The  EXACT  keyword is also handled. The default messages
              include information about the required version and  the  version
              which has been actually found, both if the version is ok or not.
              Use the option CONFIG_MODE if your  FindXXX.cmake  module  is  a
              wrapper for a find_package(... NO_MODULE) call, in this case all
              the information provided by the  config-mode  of  find_package()
              will be evaluated automatically. Via FAIL_MESSAGE a custom fail-
              ure message can be specified, if this is not used,  the  default
              message will be displayed.

              Example for mode 1:


              LibXml2  is  considered to be found, if both LIBXML2_LIBRARY and
              LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR are valid. Then also LIBXML2_FOUND is set to
              TRUE.  If  it  is not found and REQUIRED was used, it fails with
              FATAL_ERROR, independent whether QUIET was used or not. If it is
              found,  success  will  be  reported,  including  the  content of
              <var1>. On repeated  Cmake  runs,  the  same  message  won't  be
              printed again.

              Example for mode 2:

                                                           VERSION_VAR BISON_VERSION)

              In this case, BISON is considered to be found if the variable(s)
              listed after REQUIRED_VAR are all valid,  i.e.  BISON_EXECUTABLE
              in this case. Also the version of BISON will be checked by using
              the version contained in BISON_VERSION. Since no FAIL_MESSAGE is
              given, the default messages will be printed.

              Another example for mode 2:

                  FIND_PACKAGE(Automoc4 QUIET NO_MODULE HINTS /opt/automoc4)

              In  this  case,  FindAutmoc4.cmake  wraps  a  call to FIND_PACK-
              AGE(Automoc4 NO_MODULE) and adds an additional search  directory
              for  automoc4. The following FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS()
              call produces a proper success/error message.


              FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE(<name>  "message  for  user"  "find  result

              This  macro  is  intended  to  be  used in FindXXX.cmake modules
              files. It will print a message once for each unique find result.
              This  is  useful for telling the user where a package was found.
              The first argument specifies the name (XXX) of the package.  The
              second  argument  specifies  the  message  to display. The third
              argument lists details about the find result  so  that  if  they
              change the message will be displayed again. The macro also obeys
              the QUIET argument to the find_package command.


                  FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE(X11 "Found X11: ${X11_X11_LIB}"

              Find perl

              this module looks for Perl

                PERL_EXECUTABLE - the full path to perl
                PERL_FOUND      - If false, don't attempt to use perl.

              Find Perl libraries

              This module finds if PERL is installed and determines where  the
              include  files  and  libraries  are. It also determines what the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                PERLLIBS_FOUND    = True if perl.h & libperl were found
                PERL_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where perl.h is found
                PERL_LIBRARY      = path to libperl
                PERL_EXECUTABLE   = full path to the perl binary

              The minimum required version of Perl can be specified using  the
              standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(PerlLibs 6.0)

                The following variables are also available if needed
                (introduced after CMake 2.6.4)

                PERL_SITESEARCH    = path to the sitesearch install dir
                PERL_SITELIB       = path to the sitelib install directory
                PERL_VENDORARCH    = path to the vendor arch install directory
                PERL_VENDORLIB     = path to the vendor lib install directory
                PERL_ARCHLIB       = path to the arch lib install directory
                PERL_PRIVLIB       = path to the priv lib install directory
                PERL_EXTRA_C_FLAGS = Compilation flags used to build perl


              Locate  PhysFS  library  This module defines PHYSFS_LIBRARY, the
              name of the library to link against PHYSFS_FOUND, if  false,  do
              not  try  to  link  to  PHYSFS PHYSFS_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find

              $PHYSFSDIR is an environment variable that would  correspond  to
              the ./configure --prefix=$PHYSFSDIR used in building PHYSFS.

              Created by Eric Wing.

              Find Pike

              This  module finds if PIKE is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. It  also  determines  what  the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                PIKE_INCLUDE_PATH       = path to where program.h is found
                PIKE_EXECUTABLE         = full path to the pike binary

              a pkg-config module for CMake


                 pkg_check_modules(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET] <MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)
                   checks for all the given modules

                 pkg_search_module(<PREFIX> [REQUIRED] [QUIET] <MODULE> [<MODULE>]*)
                   checks for given modules and uses the first working one

              When  the  'REQUIRED' argument was set, macros will fail with an
              error when module(s) could not be found

              When the 'QUIET' argument is set, no  status  messages  will  be

              It sets the following variables:

                 PKG_CONFIG_FOUND         ... true if pkg-config works on the system
                 PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE    ... pathname of the pkg-config program
                 <PREFIX>_FOUND           ... set to 1 if module(s) exist

              For  the following variables two sets of values exist; first one
              is the common one and has the given PREFIX. The second set  con-
              tains  flags  which are given out when pkgconfig was called with
              the '--static' option.

                 <XPREFIX>_LIBRARIES      ... only the libraries (w/o the '-l')
                 <XPREFIX>_LIBRARY_DIRS   ... the paths of the libraries (w/o the '-L')
                 <XPREFIX>_LDFLAGS        ... all required linker flags
                 <XPREFIX>_LDFLAGS_OTHER  ... all other linker flags
                 <XPREFIX>_INCLUDE_DIRS   ... the '-I' preprocessor flags (w/o the '-I')
                 <XPREFIX>_CFLAGS         ... all required cflags
                 <XPREFIX>_CFLAGS_OTHER   ... the other compiler flags

                 <XPREFIX> = <PREFIX>        for common case
                 <XPREFIX> = <PREFIX>_STATIC for static linking

              There are some special variables whose  prefix  depends  on  the
              count  of given modules. When there is only one module, <PREFIX>
              stays unchanged. When there are  multiple  modules,  the  prefix
              will be changed to <PREFIX>_<MODNAME>:

                 <XPREFIX>_VERSION    ... version of the module
                 <XPREFIX>_PREFIX     ... prefix-directory of the module
                 <XPREFIX>_INCLUDEDIR ... include-dir of the module
                 <XPREFIX>_LIBDIR     ... lib-dir of the module

                 <XPREFIX> = <PREFIX>  when |MODULES| == 1, else
                 <XPREFIX> = <PREFIX>_<MODNAME>

              A <MODULE> parameter can have the following formats:

                 {MODNAME}            ... matches any version
                 {MODNAME}>={VERSION} ... at least version <VERSION> is required
                 {MODNAME}={VERSION}  ... exactly version <VERSION> is required
                 {MODNAME}<={VERSION} ... modules must not be newer than <VERSION>


                 pkg_check_modules (GLIB2   glib-2.0)

                 pkg_check_modules (GLIB2   glib-2.0>=2.10)
                   requires at least version 2.10 of glib2 and defines e.g.

                 pkg_check_modules (FOO     glib-2.0>=2.10 gtk+-2.0)
                   requires both glib2 and gtk2, and defines e.g.

                 pkg_check_modules (XRENDER REQUIRED xrender)
                   defines e.g.:

                 pkg_search_module (BAR     libxml-2.0 libxml2 libxml>=2)

              Find the PostgreSQL installation.

              Usage: In your CMakeLists.txt file do something like this: ... #
              PostgreSQL FIND_PACKAGE(PostgreSQL) ... if( PostgreSQL_FOUND )


              endif(  PostgreSQL_FOUND  )  ...  Remember  to  include  ${Post-
              greSQL_LIBRARIES} in the target_link_libraries() statement.

              In Windows, we make the assumption that, if the PostgreSQL files
              are  installed,  the  default  directory  will   be   C:\Program


              Though  Producer isn't directly part of OpenSceneGraph, its pri-
              mary user is OSG so I consider this part of the  Findosg*  suite
              used  to  find   OpenSceneGraph components. You'll notice that I
              accept OSGDIR as an environment path.

              Each component is separate and you must opt in to  each  module.
              You must  also opt into OpenGL (and OpenThreads?) as these  mod-
              ules won't do it for you. This is to allow you control over your
              own   system  piece by piece in case you need to opt out of cer-
              tain components or change the Find  behavior  for  a  particular
              module  (perhaps  because  the  default  FindOpenGL.cmake module
              doesn't work with your system as an example). If you want to use
              a more convenient module that includes everything, use the Find-
              OpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate  Producer  This  module  defines  PRODUCER_LIBRARY   PRO-
              DUCER_FOUND,  if  false,  do  not  try  to link to Producer PRO-
              DUCER_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers

              $PRODUCER_DIR is an environment variable that  would  correspond
              to the ./configure --prefix=$PRODUCER_DIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              Locate and configure the Google Protocol Buffers library.

              The following variables can be set and are optional:

                 PROTOBUF_SRC_ROOT_FOLDER - When compiling with MSVC, if this cache variable is set
                                            the protobuf-default VS project build locations
                                            (vsprojects/Debug & vsprojects/Release) will be searched
                                            for libraries and binaries.

              Defines the following variables:

                 PROTOBUF_FOUND - Found the Google Protocol Buffers library (libprotobuf & header files)
                 PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include directories for Google Protocol Buffers
                 PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES - The protobuf libraries

              [New in CMake 2.8.5]

                 PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARIES - The protoc libraries
                 PROTOBUF_LITE_LIBRARIES - The protobuf-lite libraries

              The following cache variables are also available to set or use:

                 PROTOBUF_LIBRARY - The protobuf library
                 PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARY   - The protoc library
                 PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR - The include directory for protocol buffers
                 PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE - The protoc compiler

              [New in CMake 2.8.5]

                 PROTOBUF_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The protobuf library (debug)
                 PROTOBUF_PROTOC_LIBRARY_DEBUG   - The protoc library (debug)
                 PROTOBUF_LITE_LIBRARY - The protobuf lite library
                 PROTOBUF_LITE_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The protobuf lite library (debug)


                 find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)

                 add_executable(bar bar.cc ${PROTO_SRCS} ${PROTO_HDRS})
                 target_link_libraries(bar ${PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES})

              NOTE:  You  may  need to link against pthreads, depending on the


              PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP (public function)

                 SRCS = Variable to define with autogenerated
                        source files
                 HDRS = Variable to define with autogenerated
                        header files
                 ARGN = proto files


              Find python interpreter

              This module finds if Python interpreter is installed and  deter-
              mines  where  the  executables are. This code sets the following

                PYTHONINTERP_FOUND         - Was the Python executable found
                PYTHON_EXECUTABLE          - path to the Python interpreter

                PYTHON_VERSION_STRING      - Python version found e.g. 2.5.2
                PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR       - Python major version found e.g. 2
                PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR       - Python minor version found e.g. 5
                PYTHON_VERSION_PATCH       - Python patch version found e.g. 2

                Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS - list of additional Python versions to search for

              Find python libraries

              This module finds if Python is installed  and  determines  where
              the include files and libraries are. It also determines what the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                PYTHONLIBS_FOUND           - have the Python libs been found
                PYTHON_LIBRARIES           - path to the python library
                PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH        - path to where Python.h is found (deprecated)
                PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS        - path to where Python.h is found
                PYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARIES     - path to the debug library
                Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS - list of additional Python versions to search for

       FindQt Searches for all installed versions of QT.

              This should only be used if your project can work with  multiple
              versions of QT.  If not, you should just directly use FindQt4 or
              FindQt3. If multiple versions of QT are found  on  the  machine,
              then The user must set the option DESIRED_QT_VERSION to the ver-
              sion they want to use.  If only one version of qt  is  found  on
              the  machine, then the DESIRED_QT_VERSION is set to that version
              and the  matching FindQt3 or FindQt4 module  is  included.  Once
              the  user  sets  DESIRED_QT_VERSION, then the FindQt3 or FindQt4
              module is included.

                QT_REQUIRED if this is set to TRUE then if CMake can
                            not find QT4 or QT3 an error is raised
                            and a message is sent to the user.

                DESIRED_QT_VERSION OPTION is created
                QT4_INSTALLED is set to TRUE if qt4 is found.
                QT3_INSTALLED is set to TRUE if qt3 is found.

              Locate Qt include paths and libraries

              This module defines:

                QT_INCLUDE_DIR - where to find qt.h, etc.
                QT_LIBRARIES   - the libraries to link against to use Qt.
                QT_DEFINITIONS - definitions to use when
                                 compiling code that uses Qt.
                QT_FOUND       - If false, don't try to use Qt.

              If you need the multithreaded version of Qt, set  QT_MT_REQUIRED
              to TRUE

              Also defined, but not for general use are:

                QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE, where to find the moc tool.
                QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE, where to find the uic tool.
                QT_QT_LIBRARY, where to find the Qt library.
                QT_QTMAIN_LIBRARY, where to find the qtmain
                 library. This is only required by Qt3 on Windows.

              Find QT 4

              This module can be used to find Qt4. The most important issue is
              that the Qt4 qmake is available via the system path. This  qmake
              is  then  used  to detect basically everything else. This module
              defines a number of key  variables  and  macros.   The  variable
              QT_USE_FILE is set which is the path to a CMake file that can be
              included  to compile Qt 4 applications and libraries.   It  sets
              up  the  compilation  environment  for include directories, pre-
              processor defines and populates a QT_LIBRARIES variable.

              Typical usage could be something like:

                 find_package(Qt4 4.4.3 REQUIRED QtCore QtGui QtXml)
                 add_executable(myexe main.cpp)
                 target_link_libraries(myexe ${QT_LIBRARIES})

              The minimum required version can be specified using the standard
              find_package()-syntax  (see  example  above).  For compatibility
              with older versions of FindQt4.cmake it is also possible to  set
              the  variable  QT_MIN_VERSION to the minimum required version of
              Qt4 before the  find_package(Qt4) command.  If  both  are  used,
              the version used in the find_package() command overrides the one
              from QT_MIN_VERSION.

              When using the components  argument,  QT_USE_QT*  variables  are
              automatically set for the QT_USE_FILE to pick up.  If one wishes
              to manually set them, the available ones to set include:


                      If this variable is set to TRUE, FindQt4.cmake will create imported
                      library targets for the various Qt libraries and set the
                      library variables like QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY to point at these imported
                      targets instead of the library file on disk. This provides much better
                      handling of the release and debug versions of the Qt libraries and is
                     also always backwards compatible, except for the case that dependencies
                     of libraries are exported, these will then also list the names of the
                     imported targets as dependency and not the file location on disk. This
                     is much more flexible, but requires that FindQt4.cmake is executed before
                     such an exported dependency file is processed.

              There are also some files that need processing by some Qt  tools
              such  as  moc and uic.  Listed below are macros that may be used
              to process those files.

                macro QT4_WRAP_CPP(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...)
                      create moc code from a list of files containing Qt class with
                      the Q_OBJECT declaration.  Per-direcotry preprocessor definitions
                      are also added.  Options may be given to moc, such as those found
                      when executing "moc -help".

                macro QT4_WRAP_UI(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...)
                      create code from a list of Qt designer ui files.
                      Options may be given to uic, such as those found
                      when executing "uic -help"

                macro QT4_ADD_RESOURCES(outfiles inputfile ... OPTIONS ...)
                      create code from a list of Qt resource files.
                      Options may be given to rcc, such as those found
                      when executing "rcc -help"

                macro QT4_GENERATE_MOC(inputfile outputfile )
                      creates a rule to run moc on infile and create outfile.
                      Use this if for some reason QT4_WRAP_CPP() isn't appropriate, e.g.
                      because you need a custom filename for the moc file or something similar.

                macro QT4_AUTOMOC(sourcefile1 sourcefile2 ... )
                      This macro is still experimental.
                      It can be used to have moc automatically handled.
                      So if you have the files foo.h and foo.cpp, and in foo.h a
                      a class uses the Q_OBJECT macro, moc has to run on it. If you don't
                      want to use QT4_WRAP_CPP() (which is reliable and mature), you can insert
                      #include "foo.moc"
                      in foo.cpp and then give foo.cpp as argument to QT4_AUTOMOC(). This will the
                      scan all listed files at cmake-time for such included moc files and if it finds
                      them cause a rule to be generated to run moc at build time on the
                      accompanying header file foo.h.
                      If a source file has the SKIP_AUTOMOC property set it will be ignored by this macro.

                macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_INTERFACE(outfiles interface basename)
                      create a the interface header and implementation files with the
                      given basename from the given interface xml file and add it to
                      the list of sources

                macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_INTERFACES(outfiles inputfile ... )
                      create the interface header and implementation files
                      for all listed interface xml files
                      the name will be automatically determined from the name of the xml file

                macro QT4_ADD_DBUS_ADAPTOR(outfiles xmlfile parentheader parentclassname [basename] [classname])
                      create a dbus adaptor (header and implementation file) from the xml file
                      describing the interface, and add it to the list of sources. The adaptor
                      forwards the calls to a parent class, defined in parentheader and named
                      parentclassname. The name of the generated files will be
                      <basename>adaptor.{cpp,h} where basename defaults to the basename of the xml file.
                      If <classname> is provided, then it will be used as the classname of the
                      adaptor itself.

                macro QT4_GENERATE_DBUS_INTERFACE( header [interfacename] OPTIONS ...)
                      generate the xml interface file from the given header.
                      If the optional argument interfacename is omitted, the name of the
                      interface file is constructed from the basename of the header with
                      the suffix .xml appended.
                      Options may be given to qdbuscpp2xml, such as those found when executing "qdbuscpp2xml --help"

                macro QT4_CREATE_TRANSLATION( qm_files directories ... sources ...
                                              ts_files ... OPTIONS ...)
                      out: qm_files
                      in:  directories sources ts_files
                      options: flags to pass to lupdate, such as -extensions to specify
                      extensions for a directory scan.
                      generates commands to create .ts (vie lupdate) and .qm
                      (via lrelease) - files from directories and/or sources. The ts files are
                      created and/or updated in the source tree (unless given with full paths).
                      The qm files are generated in the build tree.
                      Updating the translations can be done by adding the qm_files
                      to the source list of your library/executable, so they are
                      always updated, or by adding a custom target to control when
                      they get updated/generated.

                macro QT4_ADD_TRANSLATION( qm_files ts_files ... )
                      out: qm_files
                      in:  ts_files
                      generates commands to create .qm from .ts - files. The generated
                      filenames can be found in qm_files. The ts_files
                      must exists and are not updated in any way.

                Below is a detailed list of variables that FindQt4.cmake sets.
                QT_FOUND         If false, don't try to use Qt.
                QT4_FOUND        If false, don't try to use Qt 4.

                QT_VERSION_MAJOR The major version of Qt found.
                QT_VERSION_MINOR The minor version of Qt found.
                QT_VERSION_PATCH The patch version of Qt found.

                QT_EDITION               Set to the edition of Qt (i.e. DesktopLight)
                QT_EDITION_DESKTOPLIGHT  True if QT_EDITION == DesktopLight
                QT_QTCORE_FOUND          True if QtCore was found.
                QT_QTGUI_FOUND           True if QtGui was found.
                QT_QT3SUPPORT_FOUND      True if Qt3Support was found.
                QT_QTASSISTANT_FOUND     True if QtAssistant was found.
                QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_FOUND  True if QtAssistantClient was found.
                QT_QAXCONTAINER_FOUND    True if QAxContainer was found (Windows only).
                QT_QAXSERVER_FOUND       True if QAxServer was found (Windows only).
                QT_QTDBUS_FOUND          True if QtDBus was found.
                QT_QTDESIGNER_FOUND      True if QtDesigner was found.
                QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS  True if QtDesignerComponents was found.
                QT_QTHELP_FOUND          True if QtHelp was found.
                QT_QTMOTIF_FOUND         True if QtMotif was found.
                QT_QTMULTIMEDIA_FOUND    True if QtMultimedia was found (since Qt 4.6.0).
                QT_QTNETWORK_FOUND       True if QtNetwork was found.
                QT_QTNSPLUGIN_FOUND      True if QtNsPlugin was found.
                QT_QTOPENGL_FOUND        True if QtOpenGL was found.
                QT_QTSQL_FOUND           True if QtSql was found.
                QT_QTSVG_FOUND           True if QtSvg was found.
                QT_QTSCRIPT_FOUND        True if QtScript was found.
                QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_FOUND   True if QtScriptTools was found.
                QT_QTTEST_FOUND          True if QtTest was found.
                QT_QTUITOOLS_FOUND       True if QtUiTools was found.
                QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND        True if QtWebKit was found.
                QT_QTXML_FOUND           True if QtXml was found.
                QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_FOUND   True if QtXmlPatterns was found.
                QT_PHONON_FOUND          True if phonon was found.
                QT_QTDECLARATIVE_FOUND   True if QtDeclarative was found.

                QT_MAC_USE_COCOA    For Mac OS X, its whether Cocoa or Carbon is used.
                                    In general, this should not be used, but its useful
                                    when having platform specific code.

                QT_DEFINITIONS   Definitions to use when compiling code that uses Qt.
                                 You do not need to use this if you include QT_USE_FILE.
                                 The QT_USE_FILE will also define QT_DEBUG and QT_NO_DEBUG
                                 to fit your current build type.  Those are not contained
                                 in QT_DEFINITIONS.

                QT_INCLUDES      List of paths to all include directories of
                                 Qt4 QT_INCLUDE_DIR and QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR are
                                 always in this variable even if NOTFOUND,
                                 all other INCLUDE_DIRS are
                                 only added if they are found.
                                 You do not need to use this if you include QT_USE_FILE.

                Include directories for the Qt modules are listed here.
                You do not need to use these variables if you include QT_USE_FILE.

                QT_INCLUDE_DIR              Path to "include" of Qt4
                QT_QT3SUPPORT_INCLUDE_DIR   Path to "include/Qt3Support"
                QT_QTASSISTANT_INCLUDE_DIR  Path to "include/QtAssistant"
                QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtAssistant"
                QT_QAXCONTAINER_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/ActiveQt" (Windows only)
                QT_QAXSERVER_INCLUDE_DIR    Path to "include/ActiveQt" (Windows only)
                QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtCore"
                QT_QTDBUS_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtDBus"
                QT_QTDESIGNER_INCLUDE_DIR   Path to "include/QtDesigner"
                QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS_INCLUDE_DIR   Path to "include/QtDesigner"
                QT_QTGUI_INCLUDE_DIR        Path to "include/QtGui"
                QT_QTHELP_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtHelp"
                QT_QTMOTIF_INCLUDE_DIR      Path to "include/QtMotif"
                QT_QTMULTIMEDIA_INCLUDE_DIR Path to "include/QtMultimedia"
                QT_QTNETWORK_INCLUDE_DIR    Path to "include/QtNetwork"
                QT_QTNSPLUGIN_INCLUDE_DIR   Path to "include/QtNsPlugin"
                QT_QTOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR     Path to "include/QtOpenGL"
                QT_QTSCRIPT_INCLUDE_DIR     Path to "include/QtScript"
                QT_QTSQL_INCLUDE_DIR        Path to "include/QtSql"
                QT_QTSVG_INCLUDE_DIR        Path to "include/QtSvg"
                QT_QTTEST_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtTest"
                QT_QTWEBKIT_INCLUDE_DIR     Path to "include/QtWebKit"
                QT_QTXML_INCLUDE_DIR        Path to "include/QtXml"
                QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_INCLUDE_DIR  Path to "include/QtXmlPatterns"
                QT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/phonon"
                QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtScriptTools"
                QT_QTDECLARATIVE_INCLUDE_DIR       Path to "include/QtDeclarative"

                QT_BINARY_DIR               Path to "bin" of Qt4
                QT_LIBRARY_DIR              Path to "lib" of Qt4
                QT_PLUGINS_DIR              Path to "plugins" for Qt4
                QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR         Path to "translations" of Qt4
                QT_IMPORTS_DIR              Path to "imports" of Qt4
                QT_DOC_DIR                  Path to "doc" of Qt4
                QT_MKSPECS_DIR              Path to "mkspecs" of Qt4

              The Qt toolkit may contain both debug and release libraries.  In
              that  case,  the  following library variables will contain both.
              You  do  not  need  to  use  these  variables  if  you   include
              QT_USE_FILE, and use QT_LIBRARIES.

                QT_QT3SUPPORT_LIBRARY            The Qt3Support library
                QT_QTASSISTANT_LIBRARY           The QtAssistant library
                QT_QTASSISTANTCLIENT_LIBRARY     The QtAssistantClient library
                QT_QAXCONTAINER_LIBRARY           The QAxContainer library (Windows only)
                QT_QAXSERVER_LIBRARY                The QAxServer library (Windows only)
                QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY                The QtCore library
                QT_QTDBUS_LIBRARY                The QtDBus library
                QT_QTDESIGNER_LIBRARY            The QtDesigner library
                QT_QTDESIGNERCOMPONENTS_LIBRARY  The QtDesignerComponents library
                QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY                 The QtGui library
                QT_QTHELP_LIBRARY                The QtHelp library
                QT_QTMOTIF_LIBRARY               The QtMotif library
                QT_QTMULTIMEDIA_LIBRARY          The QtMultimedia library
                QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY             The QtNetwork library
                QT_QTNSPLUGIN_LIBRARY            The QtNsPLugin library
                QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY              The QtOpenGL library
                QT_QTSCRIPT_LIBRARY              The QtScript library
                QT_QTSQL_LIBRARY                 The QtSql library
                QT_QTSVG_LIBRARY                 The QtSvg library
                QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY                The QtTest library
                QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY             The QtUiTools library
                QT_QTWEBKIT_LIBRARY              The QtWebKit library
                QT_QTXML_LIBRARY                 The QtXml library
                QT_QTXMLPATTERNS_LIBRARY         The QtXmlPatterns library
                QT_QTMAIN_LIBRARY                The qtmain library for Windows
                QT_PHONON_LIBRARY                The phonon library
                QT_QTSCRIPTTOOLS_LIBRARY         The QtScriptTools library

              The QtDeclarative library:             QT_QTDECLARATIVE_LIBRARY

              also defined, but NOT for general use are

                QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE                   Where to find the moc tool.
                QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE                   Where to find the uic tool.
                QT_UIC3_EXECUTABLE                  Where to find the uic3 tool.
                QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE                   Where to find the rcc tool
                QT_DBUSCPP2XML_EXECUTABLE           Where to find the qdbuscpp2xml tool.
                QT_DBUSXML2CPP_EXECUTABLE           Where to find the qdbusxml2cpp tool.
                QT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE               Where to find the lupdate tool.
                QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE              Where to find the lrelease tool.
                QT_QCOLLECTIONGENERATOR_EXECUTABLE  Where to find the qcollectiongenerator tool.
                QT_DESIGNER_EXECUTABLE              Where to find the Qt designer tool.
                QT_LINGUIST_EXECUTABLE              Where to find the Qt linguist tool.

              These are around for backwards compatibility  they will be set

                QT_WRAP_CPP  Set true if QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE is found
                QT_WRAP_UI   Set true if QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE is found

              These  variables  do  _NOT_ have any effect anymore (compared to

                QT_MT_REQUIRED         Qt4 is now always multithreaded

              These variables are set  to  ""  Because  Qt  structure  changed
              (They make no sense in Qt4)

                QT_QT_LIBRARY        Qt-Library is now split


              Locate  QuickTime  This  module defines QUICKTIME_LIBRARY QUICK-
              TIME_FOUND, if false,  do  not  try  to  link  to  gdal   QUICK-
              TIME_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers

              $QUICKTIME_DIR  is an environment variable that would correspond
              to the ./configure --prefix=$QUICKTIME_DIR

              Created by Eric Wing.

              Try to find M&S HLA RTI libraries

              This module finds if any HLA RTI is installed  and  locates  the
              standard RTI include files and libraries.

              RTI  is  a  simulation  infrastructure  standardized by IEEE and
              SISO. It has a well defined C++ API that assures that simulation
              applications are independent on a particular RTI implementation.


              This code sets the following variables:

                RTI_INCLUDE_DIR = the directory where RTI includes file are found
                RTI_LIBRARIES = The libraries to link against to use RTI
                RTI_FOUND = Set to FALSE if any HLA RTI was not found

              Report problems to <certi-devel@nongnu.org>

              Find Ruby

              This  module finds if Ruby is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 are supported.

              The minimum required version of Ruby can be specified using  the
              standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(Ruby 1.8)

              It  also  determines  what the name of the library is. This code
              sets the following variables:

                RUBY_EXECUTABLE   = full path to the ruby binary
                RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS = include dirs to be used when using the ruby library
                RUBY_LIBRARY      = full path to the ruby library
                RUBY_VERSION      = the version of ruby which was found, e.g. "1.8.7"
                RUBY_FOUND        = set to true if ruby ws found successfully

                RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH = same as RUBY_INCLUDE_DIRS, only provided for compatibility reasons, don't use it


              Locate SDL library This module defines SDL_LIBRARY, the name  of
              the  library  to link against SDL_FOUND, if false, do not try to
              link to SDL SDL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL.h

              This module responds to the the  flag:  SDL_BUILDING_LIBRARY  If
              this  is  defined,  then  no  SDL_main will be linked in because
              only applications need main(). Otherwise, it is assumed you  are
              building  an  application and this module will attempt to locate
              and set the the proper  link  flags  as  part  of  the  returned
              SDL_LIBRARY variable.

              Don't forget to include SDLmain.h and SDLmain.m your project for
              the  OS X framework  based  version.  (Other  versions  link  to
              -lSDLmain  which  this  module will try to find on your behalf.)
              Also for OS X, this  module will automatically add  the  -frame-
              work Cocoa on your behalf.

              Additional  Note:  If  you see an empty SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP in your
              configuration and no SDL_LIBRARY, it means CMake  did  not  find
              your SDL library  (SDL.dll, libsdl.so, SDL.framework, etc).  Set
              SDL_LIBRARY_TEMP to point to your  SDL  library,  and  configure
              again.   Similarly,  if  you  see  an empty SDLMAIN_LIBRARY, you
              should set this value as appropriate. These values are  used  to
              generate  the  final SDL_LIBRARY variable, but when these values
              are unset, SDL_LIBRARY does not get created.

              $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure  --prefix=$SDLDIR  used  in  building SDL. l.e.galup

              Modified by Eric Wing.  Added  code  to  assist  with  automated
              building  by  using environmental variables and providing a more
              controlled/consistent search behavior. Added  new  modifications
              to  recognize  OS X frameworks and  additional Unix paths (Free-
              BSD, etc).  Also corrected the  header  search  path  to  follow
              "proper"  SDL  guidelines.  Added  a search for SDLmain which is
              needed by some platforms. Added a search for  threads  which  is
              needed  by  some  platforms.  Added  needed compile switches for

              On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if  found)  over
              others.  People will have to manually change the cache values of
              SDL_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the CMake environ-
              ment CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths.

              Note  that  the  header  path has changed from SDL/SDL.h to just
              SDL.h This needed to change because "proper" SDL  convention  is
              #include  "SDL.h", not <SDL/SDL.h>. This is done for portability
              reasons because not all systems place things in SDL/ (see  Free-


              Locate  SDL_image  library This module defines SDLIMAGE_LIBRARY,
              the name of the  library  to  link  against  SDLIMAGE_FOUND,  if
              false,  do not try to link to SDL SDLIMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR, where to
              find SDL/SDL.h

              $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL.

              Created  by  Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake
              module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks  and
              additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc).


              Locate  SDL_mixer  library This module defines SDLMIXER_LIBRARY,
              the name of the  library  to  link  against  SDLMIXER_FOUND,  if
              false,  do not try to link to SDL SDLMIXER_INCLUDE_DIR, where to
              find SDL/SDL.h

              $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL.

              Created  by  Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake
              module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks  and
              additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc).


              Locate  SDL_net  library This module defines SDLNET_LIBRARY, the
              name of the library to link against SDLNET_FOUND, if  false,  do
              not  try  to  link against SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the

              $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL.

              Created  by  Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake
              module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks  and
              additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc).


              Locates the SDL_sound library


              Locate  SDL_ttf  library This module defines SDLTTF_LIBRARY, the
              name of the library to link against SDLTTF_FOUND, if  false,  do
              not  try  to  link  to  SDL  SDLTTF_INCLUDE_DIR,  where  to find

              $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL.

              Created  by  Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake
              module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks  and
              additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc).

              Find SWIG

              This  module  finds  an  installed  SWIG.  It sets the following

                SWIG_FOUND - set to true if SWIG is found
                SWIG_DIR - the directory where swig is installed
                SWIG_EXECUTABLE - the path to the swig executable
                SWIG_VERSION   - the version number of the swig executable

              The minimum required version of SWIG can be specified using  the
              standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(SWIG 1.1)

              All  information  is  collected  from the SWIG_EXECUTABLE so the
              version to be found can be changed  from  the  command  line  by
              means of setting SWIG_EXECUTABLE

              Find upx

              This  module  looks  for some executable packers (i.e. softwares
              that  compress  executables  or  shared  libs  into   on-the-fly
              self-extracting executables or shared libs. Examples:

                UPX: http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/upx.html

              -- Typical Use

              This  module  can  be  used to find Squish (currently support is
              aimed at version 3).

                SQUISH_FOUND                    If false, don't try to use Squish

                SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR              The Squish installation directory (containing bin, lib, etc)
                SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE        The squishserver executable
                SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE        The squishrunner executable

                SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND        Was the install directory found?
                SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND  Was the server executable found?
                SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND  Was the client executable found?

              macro  SQUISH_ADD_TEST(testName  applicationUnderTest  testSuite

                IF (SQUISH_FOUND)
                  SQUISH_ADD_TEST(myTestName myApplication testSuiteName testCaseName)
                ENDIF (SQUISH_FOUND)

              Extract information from a subversion working copy

              The module defines the following variables:

                Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE - path to svn command line client
                Subversion_VERSION_SVN - version of svn command line client
                Subversion_FOUND - true if the command line client was found
                SUBVERSION_FOUND - same as Subversion_FOUND, set for compatiblity reasons

              The  minimum  required  version  of  Subversion can be specified
              using the standard syntax, e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(Subversion 1.4)

              If the command line client executable is found  two  macros  are

                Subversion_WC_INFO(<dir> <var-prefix>)
                Subversion_WC_LOG(<dir> <var-prefix>)

              Subversion_WC_INFO  extracts information of a subversion working
              copy at a given location. This macro defines the following vari-

                <var-prefix>_WC_URL - url of the repository (at <dir>)
                <var-prefix>_WC_ROOT - root url of the repository
                <var-prefix>_WC_REVISION - current revision
                <var-prefix>_WC_LAST_CHANGED_AUTHOR - author of last commit
                <var-prefix>_WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE - date of last commit
                <var-prefix>_WC_LAST_CHANGED_REV - revision of last commit
                <var-prefix>_WC_INFO - output of command `svn info <dir>'

              Subversion_WC_LOG retrieves the log message of the base revision
              of a subversion working copy at a  given  location.  This  macro
              defines the variable:

                <var-prefix>_LAST_CHANGED_LOG - last log of base revision

              Example usage:

                  Subversion_WC_INFO(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} Project)
                  MESSAGE("Current revision is ${Project_WC_REVISION}")
                  Subversion_WC_LOG(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} Project)
                  MESSAGE("Last changed log is ${Project_LAST_CHANGED_LOG}")

              TK_INTERNAL_PATH was removed.

              This  module  finds if Tcl is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. It  also  determines  what  the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                TCL_FOUND              = Tcl was found
                TK_FOUND               = Tk was found
                TCLTK_FOUND            = Tcl and Tk were found
                TCL_LIBRARY            = path to Tcl library (tcl tcl80)
                TCL_INCLUDE_PATH       = path to where tcl.h can be found
                TCL_TCLSH              = path to tclsh binary (tcl tcl80)
                TK_LIBRARY             = path to Tk library (tk tk80 etc)
                TK_INCLUDE_PATH        = path to where tk.h can be found
                TK_WISH                = full path to the wish executable

              In an effort to remove some clutter and clear up some issues for
              people who are not necessarily  Tcl/Tk  gurus/developpers,  some
              variables  were  moved or removed. Changes compared to CMake 2.4

                 => they were only useful for people writing Tcl/Tk extensions.
                 => these libs are not packaged by default with Tcl/Tk distributions.
                    Even when Tcl/Tk is built from source, several flavors of debug libs
                    are created and there is no real reason to pick a single one
                    specifically (say, amongst tcl84g, tcl84gs, or tcl84sgx).
                    Let's leave that choice to the user by allowing him to assign
                    TCL_LIBRARY to any Tcl library, debug or not.
                 => this ended up being only a Win32 variable, and there is a lot of
                    confusion regarding the location of this file in an installed Tcl/Tk
                    tree anyway (see 8.5 for example). If you need the internal path at
                    this point it is safer you ask directly where the *source* tree is
                    and dig from there.

              Find TIFF library

              Find the native TIFF includes and library This module defines

                TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find tiff.h, etc.
                TIFF_LIBRARIES, libraries to link against to use TIFF.
                TIFF_FOUND, If false, do not try to use TIFF.

              also defined, but not for general use are

                TIFF_LIBRARY, where to find the TIFF library.

              TCL_STUB_LIBRARY_DEBUG and TK_STUB_LIBRARY_DEBUG were removed.

              This module finds Tcl stub libraries. It first finds Tcl include
              files and libraries by calling FindTCL.cmake. How to Use the Tcl
              Stubs Library:


              Using Stub Libraries:


              This code sets the following variables:

                TCL_STUB_LIBRARY       = path to Tcl stub library
                TK_STUB_LIBRARY        = path to Tk stub library
                TTK_STUB_LIBRARY       = path to ttk stub library

              In an effort to remove some clutter and clear up some issues for
              people  who  are  not necessarily Tcl/Tk gurus/developpers, some
              variables were moved or removed. Changes compared to  CMake  2.4

                 => these libs are not packaged by default with Tcl/Tk distributions.
                    Even when Tcl/Tk is built from source, several flavors of debug libs
                    are created and there is no real reason to pick a single one
                    specifically (say, amongst tclstub84g, tclstub84gs, or tclstub84sgx).
                    Let's leave that choice to the user by allowing him to assign
                    TCL_STUB_LIBRARY to any Tcl library, debug or not.

              Find tclsh

              This  module  finds if TCL is installed and determines where the
              include files and libraries are. It  also  determines  what  the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                TCLSH_FOUND = TRUE if tclsh has been found
                TCL_TCLSH = the path to the tclsh executable

              In cygwin, look for the cygwin version first.  Don't look for it
              later to avoid finding the cygwin version on a Win32 build.

              This module determines the thread library of the system.

              The following variables are set

                CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT     - the thread library
                CMAKE_USE_SPROC_INIT       - are we using sproc?
                CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS_INIT - using WIN32 threads?
                CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT    - are we using pthreads
                CMAKE_HP_PTHREADS_INIT     - are we using hp pthreads

              For systems with multiple thread libraries, caller can set


              Find unix commands from cygwin

              This module looks for some usual Unix commands.

              Find a VTK installation or build tree.

              The following variables are set if VTK is found.  If VTK is  not
              found, VTK_FOUND is set to false.

                VTK_FOUND         - Set to true when VTK is found.
                VTK_USE_FILE      - CMake file to use VTK.
                VTK_MAJOR_VERSION - The VTK major version number.
                VTK_MINOR_VERSION - The VTK minor version number
                                     (odd non-release).
                VTK_BUILD_VERSION - The VTK patch level
                                     (meaningless for odd minor).
                VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS  - Include directories for VTK
                VTK_LIBRARY_DIRS  - Link directories for VTK libraries
                VTK_KITS          - List of VTK kits, in CAPS
                                    (COMMON,IO,) etc.
                VTK_LANGUAGES     - List of wrapped languages, in CAPS
                                    (TCL, PYHTON,) etc.

              The  following  cache  entries must be set by the user to locate

                VTK_DIR  - The directory containing VTKConfig.cmake.
                           This is either the root of the build tree,
                           or the lib/vtk directory.  This is the
                           only cache entry.

              The following variables are set for backward  compatibility  and
              should not be used in new code:

                USE_VTK_FILE - The full path to the UseVTK.cmake file.
                               This is provided for backward
                               compatibility.  Use VTK_USE_FILE

              Find wget

              This  module  looks for wget. This module defines the  following

                WGET_EXECUTABLE: the full path to the wget tool.
                WGET_FOUND: True if wget has been found.

              Find wish installation

              This module finds if TCL is installed and determines  where  the
              include  files  and  libraries  are. It also determines what the
              name of the library is. This code sets the following variables:

                TK_WISH = the path to the wish executable

              if UNIX is defined, then it will look  for  the  cygwin  version

              Find X11 installation

              Try  to  find  X11  on  UNIX  systems.  The following values are

                X11_FOUND        - True if X11 is available
                X11_INCLUDE_DIR  - include directories to use X11
                X11_LIBRARIES    - link against these to use X11

              and also the following  more  fine  grained  variables:  Include
              paths:        X11_ICE_INCLUDE_PATH,                 X11_ICE_LIB,

                              X11_SM_INCLUDE_PATH,           X11_SM_LIB,         X11_SM_FOUND
                              X11_X11_INCLUDE_PATH,          X11_X11_LIB
                              X11_Xaccessrules_INCLUDE_PATH,                     X11_Xaccess_FOUND
                              X11_Xaccessstr_INCLUDE_PATH,                       X11_Xaccess_FOUND
                              X11_Xau_INCLUDE_PATH,          X11_Xau_LIB,        X11_Xau_FOUND
                              X11_Xcomposite_INCLUDE_PATH,   X11_Xcomposite_LIB, X11_Xcomposite_FOUND
                              X11_Xcursor_INCLUDE_PATH,      X11_Xcursor_LIB,    X11_Xcursor_FOUND
                              X11_Xdamage_INCLUDE_PATH,      X11_Xdamage_LIB,    X11_Xdamage_FOUND
                              X11_Xdmcp_INCLUDE_PATH,        X11_Xdmcp_LIB,      X11_Xdmcp_FOUND
                                                             X11_Xext_LIB,       X11_Xext_FOUND
                              X11_dpms_INCLUDE_PATH,         (in X11_Xext_LIB),  X11_dpms_FOUND
                              X11_XShm_INCLUDE_PATH,         (in X11_Xext_LIB),  X11_XShm_FOUND
                              X11_Xshape_INCLUDE_PATH,       (in X11_Xext_LIB),  X11_Xshape_FOUND
                              X11_xf86misc_INCLUDE_PATH,     X11_Xxf86misc_LIB,  X11_xf86misc_FOUND
                              X11_xf86vmode_INCLUDE_PATH,                        X11_xf86vmode_FOUND
                              X11_Xfixes_INCLUDE_PATH,       X11_Xfixes_LIB,     X11_Xfixes_FOUND
                              X11_Xft_INCLUDE_PATH,          X11_Xft_LIB,        X11_Xft_FOUND
                              X11_Xi_INCLUDE_PATH,           X11_Xi_LIB,         X11_Xi_FOUND
                              X11_Xinerama_INCLUDE_PATH,     X11_Xinerama_LIB,   X11_Xinerama_FOUND
                              X11_Xinput_INCLUDE_PATH,       X11_Xinput_LIB,     X11_Xinput_FOUND
                              X11_Xkb_INCLUDE_PATH,                              X11_Xkb_FOUND
                              X11_Xkblib_INCLUDE_PATH,                           X11_Xkb_FOUND
                              X11_Xkbfile_INCLUDE_PATH,      X11_Xkbfile_LIB,    X11_Xkbfile_FOUND
                              X11_Xpm_INCLUDE_PATH,          X11_Xpm_LIB,        X11_Xpm_FOUND
                              X11_XTest_INCLUDE_PATH,        X11_XTest_LIB,      X11_XTest_FOUND
                              X11_Xrandr_INCLUDE_PATH,       X11_Xrandr_LIB,     X11_Xrandr_FOUND
                              X11_Xrender_INCLUDE_PATH,      X11_Xrender_LIB,    X11_Xrender_FOUND
                              X11_Xscreensaver_INCLUDE_PATH, X11_Xscreensaver_LIB, X11_Xscreensaver_FOUND
                              X11_Xt_INCLUDE_PATH,           X11_Xt_LIB,         X11_Xt_FOUND
                              X11_Xutil_INCLUDE_PATH,                            X11_Xutil_FOUND
                              X11_Xv_INCLUDE_PATH,           X11_Xv_LIB,         X11_Xv_FOUND
                              X11_XSync_INCLUDE_PATH,        (in X11_Xext_LIB),  X11_XSync_FOUND

              Find xmlrpc

              Find the native XMLRPC headers and libraries.

                XMLRPC_INCLUDE_DIRS      - where to find xmlrpc.h, etc.
                XMLRPC_LIBRARIES         - List of libraries when using xmlrpc.
                XMLRPC_FOUND             - True if xmlrpc found.

              XMLRPC modules may be specified as components for this find mod-
              ule.  Modules  may be listed by running "xmlrpc-c-config".  Mod-
              ules include:

                c++            C++ wrapper code
                libwww-client  libwww-based client
                cgi-server     CGI-based server
                abyss-server   ABYSS-based server

              Typical usage:

                FIND_PACKAGE(XMLRPC REQUIRED libwww-client)

              Find zlib

              Find the native ZLIB includes and library. Once done  this  will

                ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS   - where to find zlib.h, etc.
                ZLIB_LIBRARIES      - List of libraries when using zlib.
                ZLIB_FOUND          - True if zlib found.

                ZLIB_VERSION_STRING - The version of zlib found (x.y.z)
                ZLIB_VERSION_MAJOR  - The major version of zlib
                ZLIB_VERSION_MINOR  - The minor version of zlib
                ZLIB_VERSION_PATCH  - The patch version of zlib
                ZLIB_VERSION_TWEAK  - The tweak version of zlib

              The following variable are provided for backward compatibility

                ZLIB_MAJOR_VERSION  - The major version of zlib
                ZLIB_MINOR_VERSION  - The minor version of zlib
                ZLIB_PATCH_VERSION  - The patch version of zlib


              NOTE:  It  is  highly recommended that you use the new FindOpen-
              SceneGraph.cmake introduced in CMake 2.6.3 and not use this Find
              module directly.

              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osg This module defines

              OSG_FOUND  -  Was the Osg found? OSG_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find
              the headers OSG_LIBRARIES - The libraries to  link  against  for
              the OSG (use this)

              OSG_LIBRARY  - The OSG library OSG_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The OSG debug

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgAnimation This module defines

              OSGANIMATION_FOUND   -   Was   osgAnimation   found?   OSGANIMA-
              TION_INCLUDE_DIR  -  Where  to  find   the   headers   OSGANIMA-
              TION_LIBRARIES  - The libraries to link against for the OSG (use

              OSGANIMATION_LIBRARY    -    The    OSG    library     OSGANIMA-
              TION_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The OSG debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgDB This module defines

              OSGDB_FOUND - Was osgDB found? OSGDB_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find
              the  headers OSGDB_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for
              the osgDB (use this)

              OSGDB_LIBRARY - The  osgDB  library  OSGDB_LIBRARY_DEBUG  -  The
              osgDB debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgFX This module defines

              OSGFX_FOUND - Was osgFX found? OSGFX_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find
              the  headers OSGFX_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for
              the osgFX (use this)

              OSGFX_LIBRARY - The  osgFX  library  OSGFX_LIBRARY_DEBUG  -  The
              osgFX debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgGA This module defines

              OSGGA_FOUND - Was osgGA found? OSGGA_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find
              the  headers OSGGA_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link against for
              the osgGA (use this)

              OSGGA_LIBRARY - The  osgGA  library  OSGGA_LIBRARY_DEBUG  -  The
              osgGA debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgINTROSPECTION This module defines

              OSGINTROSPECTION_FOUND - Was osgIntrospection  found?  OSGINTRO-
              SPECTION_INCLUDE_DIR  -  Where to find the headers OSGINTROSPEC-
              TION_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgIntrospection (use

              OSGINTROSPECTION_LIBRARY  -  The osgIntrospection library OSGIN-
              TROSPECTION_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgIntrospection debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgManipulator This module defines

              OSGMANIPULATOR_FOUND  -  Was  osgManipulator found? OSGMANIPULA-
              TOR_INCLUDE_DIR  -  Where  to  find  the  headers   OSGMANIPULA-
              TOR_LIBRARIES  -  The  libraries to link for osgManipulator (use

              OSGMANIPULATOR_LIBRARY - The osgManipulator library OSGMANIPULA-
              TOR_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgManipulator debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgParticle This module defines

              OSGPARTICLE_FOUND   -   Was   osgParticle    found?    OSGPARTI-
              CLE_INCLUDE_DIR   -   Where   to   find  the  headers  OSGPARTI-
              CLE_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgParticle (use this)

              OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARY  -   The   osgParticle   library   OSGPARTI-
              CLE_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgParticle debug library

              $OSGDIR  is an environment variable that would correspond to the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This is part of the Findosg* suite used to  find  OpenSceneGraph
              components.  Each  component  is separate and you must opt in to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer  if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you. This
              is to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece  in
              case  you  need  to  opt out of certain components or change the
              Find behavior for  a  particular  module  (perhaps  because  the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an example). If you want to use a more  convenient  module  that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgProducer This module defines

              OSGPRODUCER_FOUND   -    Was    osgProducer    found?    OSGPRO-
              DUCER_INCLUDE_DIR   -   Where   to   find  the  headers  OSGPRO-
              DUCER_LIBRARIES - The libraries to  link  for  osgProducer  (use

              OSGPRODUCER_LIBRARY    -   The   osgProducer   library   OSGPRO-
              DUCER_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgProducer debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgShadow This module defines

              OSGSHADOW_FOUND  -  Was osgShadow found? OSGSHADOW_INCLUDE_DIR -
              Where to find the headers OSGSHADOW_LIBRARIES - The libraries to
              link for osgShadow (use this)

              OSGSHADOW_LIBRARY       -       The       osgShadow      library
              OSGSHADOW_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgShadow debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgSim This module defines

              OSGSIM_FOUND  -  Was osgSim found? OSGSIM_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to
              find the headers OSGSIM_LIBRARIES - The libraries  to  link  for
              osgSim (use this)

              OSGSIM_LIBRARY  -  The osgSim library OSGSIM_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The
              osgSim debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgTerrain This module defines

              OSGTERRAIN_FOUND  - Was osgTerrain found? OSGTERRAIN_INCLUDE_DIR
              - Where to find the headers OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARIES - The libraries
              to link for osgTerrain (use this)

              OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARY    -    The    osgTerrain   library   OSGTER-
              RAIN_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgTerrain debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgText This module defines

              OSGTEXT_FOUND  -  Was osgText found? OSGTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR - Where
              to find the headers OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES - The  libraries  to  link
              for osgText (use this)

              OSGTEXT_LIBRARY  -  The  osgText library OSGTEXT_LIBRARY_DEBUG -
              The osgText debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgUtil This module defines

              OSGUTIL_FOUND  -  Was osgUtil found? OSGUTIL_INCLUDE_DIR - Where
              to find the headers OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES - The  libraries  to  link
              for osgUtil (use this)

              OSGUTIL_LIBRARY  -  The  osgUtil library OSGUTIL_LIBRARY_DEBUG -
              The osgUtil debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgViewer This module defines

              OSGVIEWER_FOUND  -  Was osgViewer found? OSGVIEWER_INCLUDE_DIR -
              Where to find the headers OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES - The libraries to
              link for osgViewer (use this)

              OSGVIEWER_LIBRARY       -       The       osgViewer      library
              OSGVIEWER_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgViewer debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgVolume This module defines

              OSGVOLUME_FOUND  -  Was osgVolume found? OSGVOLUME_INCLUDE_DIR -
              Where to find the headers OSGVOLUME_LIBRARIES - The libraries to
              link for osgVolume (use this)

              OSGVOLUME_LIBRARY    -    The    osgVolume    library    OSGVOL-
              UME_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgVolume debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              Created by Eric Wing.


              This  is  part of the Findosg* suite used to find OpenSceneGraph
              components. Each component is separate and you must  opt  in  to
              each module. You must  also opt into OpenGL and OpenThreads (and
              Producer if needed) as these  modules won't do it for you.  This
              is  to allow you control over your own  system piece by piece in
              case you need to opt out of certain  components  or  change  the
              Find  behavior  for  a  particular  module  (perhaps because the
              default FindOpenGL.cmake module doesn't work with your system as
              an  example).  If  you want to use a more convenient module that
              includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of
              the Findosg*.cmake modules.

              Locate osgWidget This module defines

              OSGWIDGET_FOUND  -  Was osgWidget found? OSGWIDGET_INCLUDE_DIR -
              Where to find the headers OSGWIDGET_LIBRARIES - The libraries to
              link for osgWidget (use this)

              OSGWIDGET_LIBRARY    -    The    osgWidget    library    OSGWID-
              GET_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgWidget debug library

              $OSGDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to  the
              ./configure --prefix=$OSGDIR used in building osg.

              FindosgWidget.cmake  tweaked  from  Findosg* suite as created by
              Eric Wing.


              This CMake file contains two macros to assist with searching for
              OSG libraries and nodekits.

              Find a wxWidgets (a.k.a., wxWindows) installation.

              This  module  finds  if  wxWidgets  is  installed  and selects a
              default configuration to use. wxWidgets is a modular library. To
              specify  the modules that you will use, you need to name them as
              components to the package:

              FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets COMPONENTS core base ...)

              There are two search branches: a windows style and a unix style.
              For windows, the following variables are searched for and set to
              defaults in  case  of  multiple  choices.  Change  them  if  the
              defaults are not desired (i.e., these are the only variables you
              should change to select a configuration):

                wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR      - Base wxWidgets directory
                                          (e.g., C:/wxWidgets-2.6.3).
                wxWidgets_LIB_DIR       - Path to wxWidgets libraries
                                          (e.g., C:/wxWidgets-2.6.3/lib/vc_lib).
                wxWidgets_CONFIGURATION - Configuration to use
                                          (e.g., msw, mswd, mswu, mswunivud, etc.)
                                        - Set to TRUE to exclude linking of
                                          commonly required libs (e.g., png tiff
                                          jpeg zlib regex expat).

              For unix style it uses the wx-config  utility.  You  can  select
              between  debug/release,  unicode/ansi,  universal/non-universal,
              and static/shared in the QtDialog or ccmake interfaces by  turn-
              ing ON/OFF the following variables:


              There  is also a wxWidgets_CONFIG_OPTIONS variable for all other
              options that need to be passed to  the  wx-config  utility.  For
              example,  to  use the base toolkit found in the /usr/local path,
              set the variable (before calling the  FIND_PACKAGE  command)  as

                SET(wxWidgets_CONFIG_OPTIONS --toolkit=base --prefix=/usr)

              The  following  are set after the configuration is done for both
              windows and unix style:

                wxWidgets_FOUND            - Set to TRUE if wxWidgets was found.
                wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS     - Include directories for WIN32
                                             i.e., where to find "wx/wx.h" and
                                             "wx/setup.h"; possibly empty for unices.
                wxWidgets_LIBRARIES        - Path to the wxWidgets libraries.
                wxWidgets_LIBRARY_DIRS     - compile time link dirs, useful for
                                             rpath on UNIX. Typically an empty string
                                             in WIN32 environment.
                wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS      - Contains defines required to compile/link
                                             against WX, e.g. WXUSINGDLL
                wxWidgets_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG- Contains defines required to compile/link
                                             against WX debug builds, e.g. __WXDEBUG__
                wxWidgets_CXX_FLAGS        - Include dirs and compiler flags for
                                             unices, empty on WIN32. Essentially
                                             "`wx-config --cxxflags`".
                wxWidgets_USE_FILE         - Convenience include file.

              Sample usage:

                 # Note that for MinGW users the order of libs is important!
                 FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets COMPONENTS net gl core base)
                   # and for each of your dependent executable/library targets:
                   TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<YourTarget> ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})

              If wxWidgets is required (i.e., not an optional part):

                 FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets REQUIRED net gl core base)
                 # and for each of your dependent executable/library targets:
                 TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<YourTarget> ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})

              Find wxWindows (wxWidgets) installation

              This module finds if wxWindows/wxWidgets is installed and deter-
              mines  where the include files and libraries are. It also deter-
              mines what the name of the library is. Please note this file  is
              DEPRECATED  and  replaced by FindwxWidgets.cmake. This code sets
              the following variables:

                WXWINDOWS_FOUND     = system has WxWindows
                WXWINDOWS_LIBRARIES = path to the wxWindows libraries
                                      on Unix/Linux with additional
                                      linker flags from
                                      "wx-config --libs"
                CMAKE_WXWINDOWS_CXX_FLAGS  = Compiler flags for wxWindows,
                                             essentially "`wx-config --cxxflags`"
                                             on Linux
                WXWINDOWS_INCLUDE_DIR      = where to find "wx/wx.h" and "wx/setup.h"
                WXWINDOWS_LINK_DIRECTORIES = link directories, useful for rpath on
                WXWINDOWS_DEFINITIONS      = extra defines

              OPTIONS If you need OpenGL support please

                SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1)

              in your CMakeLists.txt *before* you include this file.

                HAVE_ISYSTEM      - true required to replace -I by -isystem on g++

              For convenience include Use_wxWindows.cmake  in  your  project's
              CMakeLists.txt using INCLUDE(Use_wxWindows).


                SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1)

              NOTES  wxWidgets  2.6.x  is supported for monolithic builds e.g.
              compiled  in wx/build/msw dir as:

                nmake -f makefile.vc BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 MONOLITHIC=1



              AUTHOR Jan  Woetzel  <http://www.mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~jw>

              Fortran/C Interface Detection

              This module automatically detects the API by which C and Fortran
              languages interact.   Variables  indicate  if  the  mangling  is

                 FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_FOUND = Global subroutines and functions
                 FortranCInterface_MODULE_FOUND = Module subroutines and functions
                                                  (declared by "MODULE PROCEDURE")

              A  function  is  provided to generate a C header file containing
              macros to mangle symbol names:

                                          [MACRO_NAMESPACE <macro-ns>]
                                          [SYMBOL_NAMESPACE <ns>]
                                          [SYMBOLS [<module>:]<function> ...])

              It generates in <file> definitions of the following macros:

                 #define FortranCInterface_GLOBAL (name,NAME) ...
                 #define FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_(name,NAME) ...
                 #define FortranCInterface_MODULE (mod,name, MOD,NAME) ...
                 #define FortranCInterface_MODULE_(mod,name, MOD,NAME) ...

              These macros mangle four categories of Fortran symbols,  respec-

                 - Global symbols without '_': call mysub()
                 - Global symbols with '_'   : call my_sub()
                 - Module symbols without '_': use mymod; call mysub()
                 - Module symbols with '_'   : use mymod; call my_sub()

              If mangling for a category is not known, its macro is left unde-
              fined. All macros require raw names in both lower case and upper
              case. The MACRO_NAMESPACE option replaces the default "FortranC-
              Interface_" prefix with a given namespace "<macro-ns>".

              The SYMBOLS option lists symbols to mangle automatically with  C
              preprocessor definitions:

                 <function>          ==> #define <ns><function> ...
                 <module>:<function> ==> #define <ns><module>_<function> ...

              If  the mangling for some symbol is not known then no preproces-
              sor definition is created, and a warning is displayed. The  SYM-
              BOL_NAMESPACE  option prefixes all preprocessor definitions gen-
              erated by the SYMBOLS option with a given namespace "<ns>".

              Example usage:

                 FortranCInterface_HEADER(FC.h MACRO_NAMESPACE "FC_")

              This creates  a  "FC.h"  header  that  defines  mangling  macros
              FC_GLOBAL(), FC_GLOBAL_(), FC_MODULE(), and FC_MODULE_().

              Example usage:

                                          MACRO_NAMESPACE "FC_"
                                          SYMBOL_NAMESPACE "FC_"
                                          SYMBOLS mysub mymod:my_sub)

              This  creates a "FCMangle.h" header that defines the same FC_*()
              mangling macros as the previous example plus  preprocessor  sym-
              bols FC_mysub and FC_mymod_my_sub.

              Another  function  is  provided  to  verify that the Fortran and
              C/C++ compilers work together:

                 FortranCInterface_VERIFY([CXX] [QUIET])

              It tests whether a simple test executable using  Fortran  and  C
              (and  C++  when the CXX option is given) compiles and links suc-
              cessfully. The result is stored in the cache  entry  FortranCIn-
              terface_VERIFIED_C  (or FortranCInterface_VERIFIED_CXX if CXX is
              given) as a boolean. If the check fails and QUIET is  not  given
              the  function  terminates  with a FATAL_ERROR message describing
              the problem.  The purpose of this check is to stop a build early
              for incompatible compiler combinations.

              FortranCInterface  is  aware  of possible GLOBAL and MODULE man-
              glings for many Fortran  compilers,  but  it  also  provides  an
              interface to specify new possible manglings.  Set the variables


              before  including  FortranCInterface to specify manglings of the
              symbols  "MySub",  "My_Sub",  "MyModule:MySub",   and   "My_Mod-
              ule:My_Sub". For example, the code:

                 set(FortranCInterface_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS mysub_ my_sub__ MYSUB_)
                   #                                  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^   ^^^^^
                     __mymodule_MOD_mysub __my_module_MOD_my_sub)
                   #   ^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^

              tells  FortranCInterface  to  try  given  GLOBAL and MODULE man-
              glings. (The carets point at raw symbol  names  for  clarity  in
              this example but are not needed.)

              Define GNU standard installation directories

              Provides  install  directory  variables as defined for GNU soft-


              Inclusion of this module defines the following variables:

                CMAKE_INSTALL_<dir>      - destination for files of a given type
                CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_<dir> - corresponding absolute path

              where <dir> is one of:

                BINDIR           - user executables (bin)
                SBINDIR          - system admin executables (sbin)
                LIBEXECDIR       - program executables (libexec)
                SYSCONFDIR       - read-only single-machine data (etc)
                SHAREDSTATEDIR   - modifiable architecture-independent data (com)
                LOCALSTATEDIR    - modifiable single-machine data (var)
                LIBDIR           - object code libraries (lib or lib64)
                INCLUDEDIR       - C header files (include)
                OLDINCLUDEDIR    - C header files for non-gcc (/usr/include)
                DATAROOTDIR      - read-only architecture-independent data root (share)
                DATADIR          - read-only architecture-independent data (DATAROOTDIR)
                INFODIR          - info documentation (DATAROOTDIR/info)
                LOCALEDIR        - locale-dependent data (DATAROOTDIR/locale)
                MANDIR           - man documentation (DATAROOTDIR/man)
                DOCDIR           - documentation root (DATAROOTDIR/doc/PROJECT_NAME)

              Each CMAKE_INSTALL_<dir> value may be passed to the  DESTINATION
              options  of  install() commands for the corresponding file type.
              If the includer does not define a value the above-shown  default
              will  be used and the value will appear in the cache for editing
              by the user. Each  CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_<dir>  value  contains  an
              absolute  path constructed from the corresponding destination by
              prepending (if necessary) the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

              Function for generation of export macros for libraries

              This module provides the function  GENERATE_EXPORT_HEADER()  and
              the accompanying ADD_COMPILER_EXPORT_FLAGS() function.

              The  GENERATE_EXPORT_HEADER  function  can be used to generate a
              file suitable for preprocessor inclusion which  contains  EXPORT
              macros to be used in library classes.


                           [BASE_NAME <base_name>]
                           [EXPORT_MACRO_NAME <export_macro_name>]
                           [EXPORT_FILE_NAME <export_file_name>]
                           [DEPRECATED_MACRO_NAME <deprecated_macro_name>]
                           [NO_EXPORT_MACRO_NAME <no_export_macro_name>]
                           [STATIC_DEFINE <static_define>]
                           [NO_DEPRECATED_MACRO_NAME <no_deprecated_macro_name>]
                           [PREFIX_NAME <prefix_name>]



              By  default  GENERATE_EXPORT_HEADER() generates macro names in a
              file name determined by the name of the  library.  The  ADD_COM-
              PILER_EXPORT_FLAGS    function   adds   -fvisibility=hidden   to
              CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS if supported, and is a no-op  on  Windows  which
              does  not  need  extra compiler flags for exporting support. You
              may   optionally   pass   a   single   argument   to    ADD_COM-
              PILER_EXPORT_FLAGS  that  will  be  populated  with the required
              CXX_FLAGS required to enable visibility  support  for  the  com-
              piler/architecture in use.

              This  means  that in the simplest case, users of these functions
              will be equivalent to:

                 add_library(somelib someclass.cpp)
                 install(TARGETS somelib DESTINATION ${LIBRARY_INSTALL_DIR})
                  ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/somelib_export.h DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}

              And in the ABI header files:

                 #include "somelib_export.h"
                 class SOMELIB_EXPORT SomeClass {

              The CMake fragment will generate  a  file  in  the  ${CMAKE_CUR-
              RENT_BUILD_DIR}  called  somelib_export.h  containing the macros
              resulting file should be installed with  other  headers  in  the

              The BASE_NAME argument can be used to override the file name and
              the names used for the macros

                 add_library(somelib someclass.cpp)
                   BASE_NAME other_name

              Generates  a  file  called  other_name_export.h  containing  the
              macros      OTHER_NAME_EXPORT,      OTHER_NAME_NO_EXPORT     and
              OTHER_NAME_DEPRECATED etc.

              The BASE_NAME may be overridden by specifiying other options  in
              the function. For example:

                 add_library(somelib someclass.cpp)

              creates  the  macro OTHER_NAME_EXPORT instead of SOMELIB_EXPORT,
              but other macros and the generated file name is as default.

                 add_library(somelib someclass.cpp)

              creates the macro KDE_DEPRECATED instead of SOMELIB_DEPRECATED.

              If LIBRARY_TARGET is a static library, macros are defined  with-
              out values.

              If  the  same  sources  are  used  to create both a shared and a
              static library, the uppercased symbol ${BASE_NAME}_STATIC_DEFINE
              should be used when building the static library

                 add_library(shared_variant SHARED ${lib_SRCS})
                 add_library(static_variant ${lib_SRCS})
                 generate_export_header(shared_variant BASE_NAME libshared_and_static)
                 set_target_properties(static_variant PROPERTIES

              This  will  cause  the  export  macros to expand to nothing when
              building the static library.

              If   DEFINE_NO_DEPRECATED   is   specified,   then    a    macro
              ${BASE_NAME}_NO_DEPRECATED  will  be  defined  This macro can be
              used to remove deprecated code from preprocessor output.

                 option(EXCLUDE_DEPRECATED "Exclude deprecated parts of the library" FALSE)
                 if (EXCLUDE_DEPRECATED)
                 generate_export_header(somelib ${NO_BUILD_DEPRECATED})

              And then in somelib:

                 class SOMELIB_EXPORT SomeClass
                 #ifndef SOMELIB_NO_DEPRECATED
                   SOMELIB_DEPRECATED void oldMethod();

                 #ifndef SOMELIB_NO_DEPRECATED
                 void SomeClass::oldMethod() {  }

              If PREFIX_NAME is specified, the argument will be used as a pre-
              fix to all generated macros.

              For example:

                 generate_export_header(somelib PREFIX_NAME VTK_)

              Generates the macros VTK_SOMELIB_EXPORT etc.

              Functions to analyze and list executable file prerequisites.

              This  module  provides functions to list the .dll, .dylib or .so
              files that an executable or shared library file depends on. (Its

              It  uses  various  tools  to  obtain the list of required shared
              library files:

                 dumpbin (Windows)
                 ldd (Linux/Unix)
                 otool (Mac OSX)

              The following functions are provided by this module:

                   (projects can override with gp_item_default_embedded_path_override)
                   (projects can override with gp_resolve_item_override)
                   (projects can override with gp_resolved_file_type_override)

              Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses  function,  break,
              return and PARENT_SCOPE.

                GET_PREREQUISITES(<target> <prerequisites_var> <exclude_system> <recurse>

              Get  the  list of shared library files required by <target>. The
              list in the variable named <prerequisites_var> should  be  empty
              on  first  entry  to this function. On exit, <prerequisites_var>
              will contain the list of required shared library files.

              <target> is the full path  to  an  executable  file.  <prerequi-
              sites_var>  is  the  name  of  a  CMake  variable to contain the
              results. <exclude_system> must be 0 or 1 indicating  whether  to
              include  or  exclude "system" prerequisites. If <recurse> is set
              to 1 all prerequisites will be found recursively, if  set  to  0
              only  direct  prerequisites are listed. <exepath> is the path to
              the top level executable used for @executable_path replacment on
              the  Mac.  <dirs>  is  a  list of paths where libraries might be
              found: these paths are searched first when a target without  any
              path  info  is  given.  Then  standard system locations are also
              searched: PATH, Framework locations, /usr/lib...

                LIST_PREREQUISITES(<target> [<recurse> [<exclude_system> [<verbose>]]])

              Print a message listing the prerequisites of <target>.

              <target> is the name of a shared library or executable target or
              the  full  path  to  a  shared  library  or  executable file. If
              <recurse> is set to 1 all prerequisites  will  be  found  recur-
              sively,  if  set  to  0  only  direct  prerequisites are listed.
              <exclude_system> must be 0 or 1 indicating whether to include or
              exclude "system" prerequisites. With <verbose> set to 0 only the
              full path names of the prerequisites are printed, set to 1 extra
              informatin will be displayed.

                LIST_PREREQUISITES_BY_GLOB(<glob_arg> <glob_exp>)

              Print  the  prerequisites of shared library and executable files
              matching a globbing pattern. <glob_arg> is GLOB or  GLOB_RECURSE
              and <glob_exp> is a globbing expression used with "file(GLOB" or
              "file(GLOB_RECURSE" to retrieve a list of matching files.  If  a
              matching file is executable, its prerequisites are listed.

              Any additional (optional) arguments provided are passed along as
              the optional arguments to the list_prerequisites calls.

                GP_APPEND_UNIQUE(<list_var> <value>)

              Append <value> to the list variable <list_var> only if the value
              is not already in the list.

                IS_FILE_EXECUTABLE(<file> <result_var>)

              Return  1  in  <result_var>  if <file> is a binary executable, 0

                GP_ITEM_DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_PATH(<item> <default_embedded_path_var>)

              Return the path that others should refer to the item by when the
              item is embedded inside a bundle.

              Override  on a per-project basis by providing a project-specific
              gp_item_default_embedded_path_override function.

                GP_RESOLVE_ITEM(<context> <item> <exepath> <dirs> <resolved_item_var>)

              Resolve an item into an existing full path file.

              Override on a per-project basis by providing a  project-specific
              gp_resolve_item_override function.

                GP_RESOLVED_FILE_TYPE(<original_file> <file> <exepath> <dirs> <type_var>)

              Return  the  type  of  <file>  with  respect to <original_file>.
              String describing type of prerequisite is returned  in  variable
              named <type_var>.

              Use  <exepath>  and  <dirs> if necessary to resolve non-absolute
              <file> values -- but only for non-embedded items.

              Possible types are:


              Override on a per-project basis by providing a  project-specific
              gp_resolved_file_type_override function.

                GP_FILE_TYPE(<original_file> <file> <type_var>)

              Return  the  type  of  <file>  with  respect to <original_file>.
              String describing type of prerequisite is returned  in  variable
              named <type_var>.

              Possible types are:



              By including this file, all library files listed in the variable
              CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS   will   be   installed   with
              INSTALL(PROGRAMS  ...) into bin for WIN32 and lib for non-WIN32.
              If CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_SKIP is set to TRUE  before
              including this file, then the INSTALL command is not called. The
              user can use the variable  CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS  to
              use a custom install command and install them however they want.
              If it  is  the  MSVC  compiler,  then  the  microsoft  run  time
              libraries   will   be  found  and  automatically  added  to  the
              CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS,     and     installed.     If
              CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES  is  set  and  it is the MSVC com-
              piler, then the debug libraries are installed when available. If
              CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES_ONLY  is  set  then only the debug
              libraries are installed when both debug and release  are  avail-
              able.  If  CMAKE_INSTALL_MFC_LIBRARIES  is  set then the MFC run
              time libraries are  installed  as  well  as  the  CRT  run  time
              libraries.  If  CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_DESTINATION  is set
              then the libraries are installed to that directory  rather  than
              NOT set, then this file warns about required files that  do  not
              exist.  You  can  set  this variable to ON before including this
              file to avoid  the  warning.  For  example,  the  Visual  Studio
              Express editions do not include the redistributable files, so if
              you include  this  file  on  a  machine  with  only  VS  Express
              installed, you'll get the warning.

              MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(<_file> depend_files...)

              Using  the  macro  MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES() is discouraged.
              There are usually better ways to specify the  correct  dependen-

              MACRO_ADD_FILE_DEPENDENCIES(<_file>  depend_files...)  is just a
              convenience  wrapper around the OBJECT_DEPENDS source file prop-
              erty.  You  can just use SET_PROPERTY(SOURCE <file> APPEND PROP-
              ERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS depend_files) instead.


              Determine the number  of  processors/cores  and  save  value  in

              Sets  the  variable named ${var} to the number of physical cores
              available on the machine if the information can  be  determined.
              Otherwise it is set to 0. Currently this functionality is imple-
              mented for AIX, cygwin, FreeBSD, HPUX, IRIX, Linux,  Mac  OS  X,
              QNX, Sun and Windows.

              This  function  is guaranteed to return a positive integer (>=1)
              if it succeeds. It returns 0 if there's  a  problem  determining
              the processor count.

              Example use, in a ctest -S dashboard script:

                 if(NOT N EQUAL 0)
                   set(CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS -j${N})
                   set(ctest_test_args ${ctest_test_args} PARALLEL_LEVEL ${N})

              This function is intended to offer an approximation of the value
              of the number of compute cores available on the current machine,
              such  that you may use that value for parallel building and par-
              allel testing. It is meant  to  help  utilize  as  much  of  the
              machine  as  seems reasonable. Of course, knowledge of what else
              might be running on the machine simultaneously  should  be  used
              when  deciding  whether to request a machine's full capacity all
              for yourself.


              This  file  is  included  by  FindQt4.cmake,  don't  include  it


              This  file  is  included  by  FindQt4.cmake,  don't  include  it


              select_library_configurations( basename )

              This macro takes a library base name as an  argument,  and  will
              choose  good  values  for  basename_LIBRARY, basename_LIBRARIES,
              basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG, and  basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE  depending
              on   what   has   been   found   and   set.    If   only   base-
              name_LIBRARY_RELEASE   is   defined,   basename_LIBRARY,   base-
              name_LIBRARY_DEBUG,  and basename_LIBRARY_RELEASE will be set to
              the release value.  If only basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG  is  defined,
              then    basename_LIBRARY,   basename_LIBRARY_DEBUG   and   base-
              name_LIBRARY_RELEASE will take the debug value.

              If  the  generator  supports  configuration  types,  then  base-
              name_LIBRARY  and  basename_LIBRARIES will be set with debug and
              optimized flags specifying the library to be used for the  given
              configuration.   If  no build type has been set or the generator
              in  use  does  not  support  configuration  types,  then   base-
              name_LIBRARY  and  basename_LIBRARIES will take only the release


              This script launches a GUI test using Squish.   You  should  not
              call  the script directly; instead, you should access it via the
              SQUISH_ADD_TEST macro that is defined in FindSquish.cmake.

              This script starts the Squish server, launches the test  on  the
              client,  and  finally  stops the squish server.  If any of these
              steps fail (including if the tests do not  pass)  then  a  fatal
              error is raised.

              Define macro to determine endian type

              Check if the system is big endian or little endian

                VARIABLE - variable to store the result to

              Test CXX compiler for a flag

              Check if the CXX compiler accepts a flag

                   checks if the function exists
                FLAGS - the flags to try
                VARIABLE - variable to store the result

              Check for ANSI for scope support

              Check  if the compiler restricts the scope of variables declared
              in a for-init-statement to the loop body.

                CMAKE_NO_ANSI_FOR_SCOPE - holds result

              Test for compiler support of ANSI stream headers iostream, etc.

              check if the compiler supports the standard ANSI iostream header
              (without the .h)

                CMAKE_NO_ANSI_STREAM_HEADERS - defined by the results

              Test for compiler support of ANSI sstream header

              check if the compiler supports the standard ANSI sstream header

                CMAKE_NO_ANSI_STRING_STREAM - defined by the results

              Test for std:: namespace support

              check if the compiler supports std:: on stl classes

                CMAKE_NO_STD_NAMESPACE - defined by the results

              This  module defines variables and macros required to build eCos

              This file contains the following macros: ECOS_ADD_INCLUDE_DIREC-
              TORIES()  -  add  the eCos include dirs ECOS_ADD_EXECUTABLE(name
              source1  ...   sourceN   )   -   create   an   eCos   executable
              ECOS_ADJUST_DIRECTORY(VAR  source1  ...  sourceN ) - adjusts the
              path of the source files and puts the result into VAR

              Macros for  selecting  the  toolchain:  ECOS_USE_ARM_ELF_TOOLS()
              -  enable  the  ARM  ELF toolchain for the directory where it is
              called ECOS_USE_I386_ELF_TOOLS()       -  enable  the  i386  ELF
              toolchain    for    the    directory    where   it   is   called
              ECOS_USE_PPC_EABI_TOOLS()      - enable  the  PowerPC  toolchain
              for the directory where it is called

              It  contains  the following variables: ECOS_DEFINITIONS ECOSCON-
              FIG_EXECUTABLE  ECOS_CONFIG_FILE                -  defaults   to
              ecos.ecc,  if your eCos configuration file has a different name,
              adjust this variable for internal use only:


              Use Module for Java

              This file provides functions for Java. It is assumed that  Find-
              Java.cmake  has  already  been  loaded.   See FindJava.cmake for
              information on how to load Java into your CMake project.

              add_jar(TARGET_NAME SRC1 SRC2 .. SRCN RCS1 RCS2 .. RCSN)

              This command creates a <TARGET_NAME>.jar. It compiles the  given
              source  files  (SRC)  and adds the given resource files (RCS) to
              the jar file. If only resource files are given then just  a  jar
              file is created.

              Additional instructions:

                 To add compile flags to the target you can set these flags with
                 the following variable:

                     set(CMAKE_JAVA_COMPILE_FLAGS -nowarn)

                 To add a path or a jar file to the class path you can do this
                 with the CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH variable.

                     set(CMAKE_JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/share/java/shibboleet.jar)

                 To use a different output name for the target you can set it with:

                     set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_OUTPUT_NAME shibboleet.jar)
                     add_jar(foobar foobar.java)

                 To add a VERSION to the target output name you can set it using
                 CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION. This will create a jar file with the name
                 shibboleet-1.0.0.jar and will create a symlink shibboleet.jar
                 pointing to the jar with the version information.

                     set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0)
                     add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java)

                  If the target is a JNI library, utilize the following commands to
                  create a JNI symbolic link:

                     set(CMAKE_JNI_TARGET TRUE)
                     set(CMAKE_JAVA_TARGET_VERSION 1.2.0)
                     add_jar(shibboleet shibbotleet.java)
                     install_jar(shibboleet ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/shibboleet)
                     install_jni_symlink(shibboleet ${JAVA_LIB_INSTALL_DIR})

                  If a single target needs to produce more than one jar from its
                  java source code, to prevent the accumulation of duplicate class
                  files in subsequent jars, set/reset CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX prior
                  to calling the add_jar() function:

                     set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/foo)
                     add_jar(foo foo.java)

                     set(CMAKE_JAR_CLASSES_PREFIX com/redhat/bar)
                     add_jar(bar bar.java)

              Target Properties:

                 The add_jar() functions sets some target properties. You can get these
                 properties with the
                    get_property(TARGET <target_name> PROPERTY <propery_name>)

                 INSTALL_FILES      The files which should be installed. This is used by
                 JNI_SYMLINK        The JNI symlink which should be installed.
                                    This is used by install_jni_symlink().
                 JAR_FILE           The location of the jar file so that you can include
                 CLASS_DIR          The directory where the class files can be found. For
                                    example to use them with javah.


                        name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                        [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
                        [VERSIONS version1 [version2]]
                        [DOC "cache documentation string"]

              This  command  is  used  to find a full path to the named jar. A
              cache entry named by <VAR> is created to stor the result of this
              command. If the full path to a jar is found the result is stored
              in the variable and the search  will  not  repeated  unless  the
              variable  is  cleared.  If  nothing is found, the result will be
              <VAR>-NOTFOUND, and the search will be attempted again next time
              find_jar is invoked with the same variable. The name of the full
              path to a file that is searched for is specified  by  the  names
              listed  after NAMES argument. Additional search locations can be
              specified after the PATHS argument. If  you  require  special  a
              version of a jar file you can specify it with the VERSIONS argu-
              ment. The argument after DOC will be used for the  documentation
              string in the cache.

              install_jar(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION)

              This  command installs the TARGET_NAME files to the given DESTI-
              NATION. It should be called in the same scope as add_jar() or it
              will fail.

              install_jni_symlink(TARGET_NAME DESTINATION)

              This  command installs the TARGET_NAME JNI symlinks to the given
              DESTINATION. It should be called in the same scope as  add_jar()
              or it will fail.


                              PACKAGES pkg1 [pkg2 ...]
                              [SOURCEPATH <sourcepath>]
                              [CLASSPATH <classpath>]
                              [INSTALLPATH <install path>]
                              [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"]
                              [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"]
                              [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE]
                              [USE TRUE|FALSE]
                              [VERSION TRUE|FALSE]

              Create  jave  documentation based on files or packages. For more
              details please read the javadoc manpage.

              There are two main signatures for create_javadoc. The first sig-
              nature works with package names on a path with source files:

                   PACKAGES com.exmaple.foo com.example.bar
                   WINDOWTITLE "My example"
                   DOCTITLE "<h1>My example</h1>"
                   AUTHOR TRUE
                   USE TRUE
                   VERSION TRUE

              The second signature for create_javadoc works on a given list of

                                FILES file1 [file2 ...]
                                [CLASSPATH <classpath>]
                                [INSTALLPATH <install path>]
                                [DOCTITLE "the documentation title"]
                                [WINDOWTITLE "the title of the document"]
                                [AUTHOR TRUE|FALSE]
                                [USE TRUE|FALSE]
                                [VERSION TRUE|FALSE]


                   FILES ${example_SRCS}
                   WINDOWTITLE "My example"
                   DOCTITLE "<h1>My example</h1>"
                   AUTHOR TRUE
                   USE TRUE
                   VERSION TRUE

              Both signatures share most of the options. These options are the
              same as what you can find in the javadoc manpage. Please look at
              the manpage for CLASSPATH, DOCTITLE,  WINDOWTITLE,  AUTHOR,  USE
              and VERSION.

              The documentation will be by default installed to


              if you don't set the INSTALLPATH.


              This  script  create  a  list of compiled Java class files to be
              added to a jar file. This avoids including cmake files which get
              created in the binary directory.


              Helper script for UseJava.cmake

              Obsolete pkg-config module for CMake, use FindPkgConfig instead.

              This module defines the following macro:

              PKGCONFIG(package includedir libdir linkflags cflags)

              Calling  PKGCONFIG  will fill the desired information into the 4
              given arguments,  e.g.  PKGCONFIG(libart-2.0  LIBART_INCLUDE_DIR
              was NOT found or the specified software package  doesn't  exist,
              the  variable will be empty when the function returns, otherwise
              they will contain the respective information

       UseQt4 Use Module for QT4

              Sets up C and C++ to use Qt 4.  It is assumed that  FindQt.cmake
              has  already  been  loaded.  See FindQt.cmake for information on
              how to load Qt 4 into your CMake project.

              SWIG module for CMake

              Defines the following macros:

                 SWIG_ADD_MODULE(name language [ files ])
                   - Define swig module with given name and specified language
                 SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES(name [ libraries ])
                   - Link libraries to swig module

              All other macros are for internal use only. To  get  the  actual
              name  of the swig module, use: ${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME}.
              Set Source files properties such as CPLUSPLUS and SWIG_FLAGS  to
              specify  special  behavior of SWIG. Also global CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS
              can be used to add special flags to all swig calls. Another spe-
              cial  variable  is  CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR,  it allows one to specify
              where to write all  the  swig  generated  module  (swig  -outdir
              option) The name-specific variable SWIG_MODULE_<name>_EXTRA_DEPS
              may be used to specify extra dependencies for the generated mod-
              ules.  If  the  source  file generated by swig need some special
              flag  you  can  use  SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(  ${swig_gener-

                      PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-bla")


              This convenience include finds if wxWindows is installed and set
              the appropriate libs, incdirs, flags etc. author Jan Woetzel <jw
              -at- mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de> (07/2003)


                 just include Use_wxWindows.cmake
                 in your projects CMakeLists.txt

              INCLUDE( ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/Use_wxWindows.cmake)

                 if you are sure you need GL then

              SET(WXWINDOWS_USE_GL 1)

                 *before* you include this file.

              Convenience include for using wxWidgets library.

              Determines if wxWidgets was FOUND and sets the appropriate libs,
              incdirs, flags, etc.  INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES  and  LINK_DIRECTORIES
              are called.


                # Note that for MinGW users the order of libs is important!
                FIND_PACKAGE(wxWidgets REQUIRED net gl core base)
                # and for each of your dependent executable/library targets:
                TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<YourTarget> ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})


                LINK_LIBRARIES is not called in favor of adding dependencies per target.


                Jan Woetzel <jw -at- mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de>


                WRITE_BASIC_CONFIG_VERSION_FILE( filename VERSION major.minor.patch COMPATIBILITY (AnyNewerVersion|SameMajorVersion) )

              Writes  a  file  for use as <package>ConfigVersion.cmake file to
              <filename>. See the documentation of FIND_PACKAGE() for  details
              on this.

                  filename is the output filename, it should be in the build tree.
                  major.minor.patch is the version number of the project to be installed

              The  COMPATIBILITY mode AnyNewerVersion means that the installed
              package version will be considered compatible if it is newer  or
              exactly  the  same as the requested version. If SameMajorVersion
              is used instead, then the behaviour differs from AnyNewerVersion
              in  that the major version number must be the same as requested,
              e.g. version 2.0 will not be considered  compatible  if  1.0  is
              requested.  If your project has more elaborated version matching
              rules, you  will  need  to  write  your  own  custom  ConfigVer-
              sion.cmake file instead of using this macro.


                                                   VERSION 1.2.3
                                                   COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion )
                   install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FooConfigVersion.cmake
                           DESTINATION lib/cmake/Foo )

              Internally,  this  macro executes configure_file() to create the
              resulting version file. Depending on  the  COMPATIBLITY,  either
              the  file BasicConfigVersion-SameMajorVersion.cmake.in or Basic-
              ConfigVersion-AnyNewerVersion.cmake.in is used. Please note that
              these  two  files  are internal to CMake and you should not call
              configure_file() on them yourself,  but  they  can  be  used  as
              starting  point  to  create  more sophisticted custom ConfigVer-
              sion.cmake files.

              A minimum required CMake version must be specified.

              CMake requires that projects specify the  version  of  CMake  to
              which they have been written.  This policy has been put in place
              so users trying to build the project may be told when they  need
              to  update  their  CMake.   Specifying  a version also helps the
              project build with CMake versions  newer  than  that  specified.
              Use  the  cmake_minimum_required command at the top of your main
              CMakeLists.txt file:

                cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <major>.<minor>)

              where "<major>.<minor>" is the version of CMake you want to sup-
              port (such as "2.6").  The command will ensure that at least the
              given version of CMake is running and  help  newer  versions  be
              compatible  with  the project.  See documentation of cmake_mini-
              mum_required for details.

              Note that the command  invocation  must  appear  in  the  CMake-
              Lists.txt  file itself; a call in an included file is not suffi-
              cient.  However, the cmake_policy command may be called  to  set
              policy  CMP0000  to  OLD  or  NEW  behavior explicitly.  The OLD
              behavior is to silently ignore the missing invocation.  The  NEW
              behavior is to issue an error instead of a warning.  An included
              file may set CMP0000 explicitly to affect  how  this  policy  is
              enforced for the main CMakeLists.txt file.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.

              CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY should no longer be used.

              The  OLD  behavior is to check CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY and
              present  it  to  the  user.   The  NEW  behavior  is  to  ignore
              CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY completely.

              In  CMake 2.4 and below the variable CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBIL-
              ITY was used to request compatibility with earlier  versions  of
              CMake.  In CMake 2.6 and above all compatibility issues are han-
              dled by policies and the cmake_policy command.   However,  CMake
              must  still  check  CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY  for  projects
              written for CMake 2.4 and below.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Logical target names must be globally unique.

              Targets  names  created  with  add_executable,  add_library,  or
              add_custom_target are logical build target names.  Logical  tar-
              get names must be globally unique because:

                - Unique names may be referenced unambiguously both in CMake
                  code and on make tool command lines.
                - Logical names are used by Xcode and VS IDE generators
                  to produce meaningful project names for the targets.

              The logical name of executable and library targets does not have
              to correspond to the physical file names built.  Consider  using
              the  OUTPUT_NAME  target property to create two targets with the
              same physical name while keeping logical names distinct.  Custom
              targets  must simply have globally unique names (unless one uses
              the global property ALLOW_DUPLICATE_CUSTOM_TARGETS with a  Make-
              files generator).

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              Libraries linked via full path no longer produce  linker  search

              This policy affects how libraries whose full paths are NOT known
              are found at link time, but was created due to a change  in  how
              CMake deals with libraries whose full paths are known.  Consider
              the code

                target_link_libraries(myexe /path/to/libA.so)

              CMake 2.4 and below implemented linking to libraries whose  full
              paths are known by splitting them on the link line into separate
              components consisting of the linker search path and the  library
              name.  The example code might have produced something like

                ... -L/path/to -lA ...

              in  order  to  link  to library A.  An analysis was performed to
              order multiple link directories such that the linker would  find
              library  A in the desired location, but there are cases in which
              this does not work.  CMake versions 2.6 and above use  the  more
              reliable approach of passing the full path to libraries directly
              to the linker in most cases.   The  example  code  now  produces
              something like

                ... /path/to/libA.so ....

              Unfortunately this change can break code like

                target_link_libraries(myexe /path/to/libA.so B)

              where  "B"  is  meant  to find "/path/to/libB.so".  This code is
              wrong because the user is asking the linker to  find  library  B
              but  has  not  provided a linker search path (which may be added
              with the link_directories command).  However, with the old link-
              ing  implementation the code would work accidentally because the
              linker search path added for library A allowed library B  to  be

              In  order  to  support projects depending on linker search paths
              added by linking to libraries with known  full  paths,  the  OLD
              behavior  for  this policy will add the linker search paths even
              though they are not needed for their own libraries.   When  this
              policy is set to OLD, CMake will produce a link line such as

                ... -L/path/to /path/to/libA.so -lB ...

              which  will  allow  library  B to be found as it was previously.
              When this policy is set to NEW, CMake will produce a  link  line
              such as

                ... /path/to/libA.so -lB ...

              which more accurately matches what the project specified.

              The  setting  for this policy used when generating the link line
              is that in effect when the target  is  created  by  an  add_exe-
              cutable  or  add_library  command.   For  the  example described
              above, the code

                cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 OLD) # or cmake_policy(VERSION 2.4)
                add_executable(myexe myexe.c)
                target_link_libraries(myexe /path/to/libA.so B)

              will work and suppress the warning for this policy.  It may also
              be updated to work with the corrected linking approach:

                cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) # or cmake_policy(VERSION 2.6)
                link_directories(/path/to) # needed to find library B
                add_executable(myexe myexe.c)
                target_link_libraries(myexe /path/to/libA.so B)

              Even better, library B may be specified with a full path:

                add_executable(myexe myexe.c)
                target_link_libraries(myexe /path/to/libA.so /path/to/libB.so)

              When  all items on the link line have known paths CMake does not
              check this policy so it has no effect.

              Note that the warning for this policy will be issued for at most
              one  target.  This avoids flooding users with messages for every
              target when setting the policy once will probably fix  all  tar-

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              Libraries linked may not have leading or trailing whitespace.

              CMake versions 2.4 and below silently removed leading and trail-
              ing whitespace from libraries linked with code like

                target_link_libraries(myexe " A ")

              This could lead to subtle errors in user projects.

              The  OLD  behavior for this policy is to silently remove leading
              and trailing whitespace.  The NEW behavior for this policy is to
              diagnose the existence of such whitespace as an error.  The set-
              ting for this policy used when checking  the  library  names  is
              that  in  effect when the target is created by an add_executable
              or add_library command.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Preprocessor definition values are now escaped automatically.

              This  policy  determines  whether  or  not CMake should generate
              escaped preprocessor definition  values  added  via  add_defini-
              tions.   CMake  versions 2.4 and below assumed that only trivial
              values would be given for macros in add_definitions  calls.   It
              did not attempt to escape non-trivial values such as string lit-
              erals in generated build rules.  CMake versions  2.6  and  above
              support  escaping of most values, but cannot assume the user has
              not added escapes already in an attempt to work  around  limita-
              tions in earlier versions.

              The  OLD  behavior for this policy is to place definition values
              given to add_definitions directly in the generated  build  rules
              without  attempting  to  escape  anything.  The NEW behavior for
              this policy is to generate correct escapes for all native  build
              tools  automatically.   See documentation of the COMPILE_DEFINI-
              TIONS target property for limitations of the escaping  implemen-

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              Installing MACOSX_BUNDLE targets requires a BUNDLE DESTINATION.

              This policy determines whether the install(TARGETS) command must
              be  given  a  BUNDLE  DESTINATION when asked to install a target
              with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property set.  CMake 2.4  and  below  did
              not distinguish application bundles from normal executables when
              installing targets.  CMake 2.6 provides a BUNDLE option  to  the
              install(TARGETS) command that specifies rules specific to appli-
              cation bundles on the Mac.  Projects should use this option when
              installing a target with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property set.

              The  OLD behavior for this policy is to fall back to the RUNTIME
              DESTINATION if a BUNDLE  DESTINATION  is  not  given.   The  NEW
              behavior for this policy is to produce an error if a bundle tar-
              get is installed without a BUNDLE DESTINATION.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              list command no longer ignores empty elements.

              This  policy  determines  whether  the  list command will ignore
              empty elements in the list. CMake 2.4 and  below  list  commands
              ignored  all  empty  elements  in the list.  For example, a;b;;c
              would have length 3 and not 4. The OLD behavior for this  policy
              is to ignore empty list elements. The NEW behavior for this pol-
              icy is to correctly count empty elements in a list.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Libraries  linked  by  full-path  must have a valid library file

              In CMake 2.4 and below it is possible to write code like

                target_link_libraries(myexe /full/path/to/somelib)

              where "somelib" is supposed to be a valid library file name such
              as  "libsomelib.a"  or  "somelib.lib".   For Makefile generators
              this produces an error at build time because the  dependency  on
              the  full path cannot be found.  For VS IDE and Xcode generators
              this used to work by accident because CMake would  always  split
              off  the  library directory and ask the linker to search for the
              library by name (-lsomelib or somelib.lib).  Despite the failure
              with Makefiles, some projects have code like this and build only
              with VS and/or Xcode.  This version of CMake prefers to pass the
              full  path directly to the native build tool, which will fail in
              this case because it does not name a valid library file.

              This policy determines what to do with full paths  that  do  not
              appear  to name a valid library file.  The OLD behavior for this
              policy is to split the library name from the path  and  ask  the
              linker to search for it.  The NEW behavior for this policy is to
              trust the given path and pass it directly to  the  native  build
              tool unchanged.

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.1.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              FILE GLOB_RECURSE calls should not follow symlinks by default.

              In CMake 2.6.1 and below, FILE GLOB_RECURSE calls  would  follow
              through  symlinks,  sometimes  coming up with unexpectedly large
              result sets because of symlinks to top  level  directories  that
              contain hundreds of thousands of files.

              This policy determines whether or not to follow symlinks encoun-
              tered during a FILE GLOB_RECURSE call. The OLD behavior for this
              policy is to follow the symlinks. The NEW behavior for this pol-
              icy is not to follow the symlinks by default, but only  if  FOL-
              LOW_SYMLINKS is given as an additional argument to the FILE com-

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.6.2.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Bad variable reference syntax is an error.

              In  CMake  2.6.2  and below, incorrect variable reference syntax
              such as a missing close-brace ("${FOO") was reported but did not
              stop processing of CMake code.  This policy determines whether a
              bad variable reference is an error.  The OLD behavior  for  this
              policy  is  to warn about the error, leave the string untouched,
              and continue. The NEW behavior for this policy is to  report  an

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.3.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              Included scripts do automatic cmake_policy PUSH and POP.

              In CMake 2.6.2 and  below,  CMake  Policy  settings  in  scripts
              loaded by the include() and find_package() commands would affect
              the includer.  Explicit invocations  of  cmake_policy(PUSH)  and
              cmake_policy(POP)  were  required  to isolate policy changes and
              protect the includer.  While some scripts intend to  affect  the
              policies  of  their  includer,  most do not.  In CMake 2.6.3 and
              above, include() and find_package() by default PUSH and  POP  an
              entry on the policy stack around an included script, but provide
              a NO_POLICY_SCOPE option to disable it.  This policy  determines
              whether  or not to imply NO_POLICY_SCOPE for compatibility.  The
              OLD behavior for this policy is  to  imply  NO_POLICY_SCOPE  for
              include()  and  find_package()  commands.   The NEW behavior for
              this policy is  to  allow  the  commands  to  do  their  default
              cmake_policy PUSH and POP.

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.6.3.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              if() recognizes numbers and boolean constants.

              In CMake versions 2.6.4 and lower the  if()  command  implicitly
              dereferenced  arguments  corresponding  to variables, even those
              named like numbers or boolean constants, except  for  0  and  1.
              Numbers  and boolean constants such as true, false, yes, no, on,
              off, y, n, notfound, ignore (all case insensitive)  were  recog-
              nized  in  some  cases  but  not  all.   For  example,  the code
              "if(TRUE)" might have evaluated as false.   Numbers  such  as  2
              were  recognized  only  in  boolean expressions like "if(NOT 2)"
              (leading to false) but not as  a  single-argument  like  "if(2)"
              (also leading to false). Later versions of CMake prefer to treat
              numbers and boolean constants literally, so they should  not  be
              used as variable names.

              The  OLD  behavior  for this policy is to implicitly dereference
              variables named like numbers  and  boolean  constants.  The  NEW
              behavior  for  this  policy  is to recognize numbers and boolean
              constants without dereferencing variables with such names.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.8.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Duplicate binary directories are not allowed.

              CMake  2.6.3  and  below  silently  permitted add_subdirectory()
              calls to create the same binary directory multiple times.   Dur-
              ing  build  system  generation  files  would be written and then
              overwritten in the build tree and could lead to  strange  behav-
              ior.   CMake  2.6.4 and above explicitly detect duplicate binary
              directories.  CMake 2.6.4 always considers this case  an  error.
              In  CMake  2.8.0 and above this policy determines whether or not
              the case is an error.  The OLD behavior for this  policy  is  to
              allow  duplicate  binary directories.  The NEW behavior for this
              policy is to  disallow  duplicate  binary  directories  with  an

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.8.0.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              Input directories must have CMakeLists.txt.

              CMake  versions  before  2.8  silently  ignored  missing  CMake-
              Lists.txt  files in directories referenced by add_subdirectory()
              or subdirs(), treating them as if present but empty.   In  CMake
              2.8.0  and  above this policy determines whether or not the case
              is an error.  The OLD behavior for this policy  is  to  silently
              ignore  the  problem.   The  NEW  behavior for this policy is to
              report an error.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.8.0.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              link_directories() treats paths relative to the source dir.

              In  CMake  2.8.0 and lower the link_directories() command passed
              relative paths unchanged to the  linker.   In  CMake  2.8.1  and
              above  the link_directories() command prefers to interpret rela-
              tive paths with respect to  CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR,  which  is
              consistent  with  include_directories() and other commands.  The
              OLD behavior for this policy is to use relative  paths  verbatim
              in  the  linker command.  The NEW behavior for this policy is to
              convert relative paths to absolute paths by appending the  rela-
              tive path to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.

              This  policy  was introduced in CMake version 2.8.1.  CMake ver-
              sion 2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD  behav-
              ior.   Use  the  cmake_policy  command  to  set it to OLD or NEW

              target_link_libraries() reports error if only argument is not  a

              In  CMake  2.8.2  and  lower the target_link_libraries() command
              silently ignored if it was called with only  one  argument,  and
              this argument wasn't a valid target. In CMake 2.8.3 and above it
              reports an error in this case.

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.8.3.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Prefer files from the CMake module directory when including from

              Starting with CMake 2.8.4, if a cmake-module shipped with  CMake
              (i.e.  located in the CMake module directory) calls include() or
              find_package(), the files located in the the CMake module direc-
              tory  are  preferred  over the files in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.  This
              makes sure that the modules belonging to CMake always get  those
              files  included  which  they expect, and against which they were
              developed and tested.  In call other cases, the files  found  in
              CMAKE_MODULE_PATH  still  take  precedence  over the ones in the
              CMake module directory.  The OLD behaviour is to  always  prefer
              files  from  CMAKE_MODULE_PATH over files from the CMake modules

              This policy was introduced in CMake version 2.8.4.   CMake  ver-
              sion  2.8.6 warns when the policy is not set and uses OLD behav-
              ior.  Use the cmake_policy command to  set  it  to  OLD  or  NEW

              Global  flag  to cause add_library to create shared libraries if

              If present and true, this will cause all libraries to  be  built
              shared  unless  the  library  was  explicitly  added as a static
              library.  This variable is often added to projects as an  OPTION
              so  that each user of a project can decide if they want to build
              the project using shared or static libraries.

              Version of cmake required to build project

              From the point of view of backwards compatibility,  this  speci-
              fies  what version of CMake should be supported. By default this
              value is the version number of CMake that you are  running.  You
              can  set this to an older version of CMake to support deprecated
              commands of CMake in projects that were  written  to  use  older
              versions  of  CMake.  This  can be set by the user or set at the
              beginning of a CMakeLists file.

              Specifies the build type for make based generators.

              This specifies what build type will be built in this tree.  Pos-
              sible  values are empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and Min-
              SizeRel. This variable is only supported for make based  genera-
              tors.  If  this variable is supported, then CMake will also pro-
              vide  initial  values  for   the   variables   with   the   name
              example, if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug, then  CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG
              will be added to the CMAKE_C_FLAGS.

              Enables color output when using the Makefile generator.

              When  enabled, the generated Makefiles will produce colored out-
              put. Default is ON.

              Specifies the available build types.

              This specifies what build types will be available such as Debug,
              Release,  RelWithDebInfo  etc.  This  has reasonable defaults on
              most platforms. But can  be  extended  to  provide  other  build
              types. See also CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.

              Variable for disabling find_package() calls.

              Every  non-REQUIRED find_package() call in a project can be dis-
              abled by setting the variable CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<Packa-
              geName>  to TRUE. This can be used to build a project without an
              optional package, although that package is installed.

              This switch should be used during the initial CMake run.  Other-
              wise  if  the package has already been found in a previous CMake
              run, the variables which have been  stored  in  the  cache  will
              still  be  there.  In  the  case it is recommended to remove the
              cache variables for this package from the cache using the  cache
              editor or cmake -U

              Prefixes to prepend when looking for libraries.

              This  specifies  what  prefixes to add to library names when the
              find_library command looks for libraries. On UNIX  systems  this
              is  typically  lib,  meaning  that  when  trying to find the foo
              library it will look for libfoo.

              Suffixes to append when looking for libraries.

              This specifies what suffixes to add to library  names  when  the
              find_library  command  looks  for  libraries. On Windows systems
              this is typically .lib and .dll, meaning  that  when  trying  to
              find the foo library it will look for foo.dll etc.

              Path to be ignored by FIND_XXX() commands.

              Specifies  directories  to  be ignored by searches in FIND_XXX()
              commands This is useful  in  cross-compiled  environments  where
              some  system directories contain incompatible but possibly link-
              able libraries. For example, on cross-compiled cluster  environ-
              ments,  this  allows  a  user  to  ignore directories containing
              libraries meant for the  front-end  machine  that  modules  like
              FindX11  (and  others) would normally search. By default this is
              empty; it is intended to  be  set  by  the  project.  Note  that
              CMAKE_IGNORE_PATH takes a list of directory names, NOT a list of
              prefixes. If you want  to  ignore  paths  under  prefixes  (bin,
              include, lib, etc.), you'll need to specify them explicitly. See

              Path used for searching by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH().

              Specifies  a  path  which  will  be used both by FIND_FILE() and
              FIND_PATH(). Both commands will  check  each  of  the  contained
              directories  for  the  existence  of the file which is currently
              searched. By default it is empty, it is intended to  be  set  by
              the  project.  See  also  CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH,  CMAKE_PRE-

              Install directory used by install.

              If "make install" is invoked or INSTALL is built, this directory
              is  pre-pended  onto  all  install  directories.  This  variable
              defaults to /usr/local on UNIX and c:/Program Files on Windows.

              Path used for searching by FIND_LIBRARY().

              Specifies  a  path  which  will  be  used   by   FIND_LIBRARY().
              FIND_LIBRARY()  will check each of the contained directories for
              the existence of the library which  is  currently  searched.  By
              default  it  is  empty, it is intended to be set by the project.

              Tell cmake to use MFC for an executable or dll.

              This can be set in a CMakeLists.txt file and will enable MFC  in
              the  application.   It  should be set to 1 for static the static
              MFC library, and 2 for the shared MFC library.  This is used  in
              visual  studio  6  and  7 project files.   The CMakeSetup dialog
              used MFC and the CMakeLists.txt looks like this:


              set(CMAKE_MFC_FLAG 2)

              add_executable(CMakeSetup WIN32 ${SRCS})

              List of directories to search for CMake modules.

              Commands like include() and find_package() search for  files  in
              directories  listed by this variable before checking the default
              modules that come with CMake.

              Skip _BUILD_TYPE flags if true.

              This is an internal flag used by the generators in CMake to tell
              CMake to skip the _BUILD_TYPE flags.

              Default  for  CMake  Policy  CMP<NNNN> when it is otherwise left

              Commands cmake_minimum_required(VERSION)  and  cmake_policy(VER-
              SION)  by default leave policies introduced after the given ver-
              sion unset.  Set CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN> to OLD or NEW to
              specify  the  default  for policy CMP<NNNN>, where <NNNN> is the
              policy number.

              This variable should not be set by a project in CMake code;  use
              cmake_policy(SET)  instead.   Users  running  CMake may set this
              variable     in      the      cache      (e.g.      -DCMAKE_POL-
              ICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN>=<OLD|NEW>)  to  set a policy not otherwise
              set by the project.  Set to OLD to quiet a policy warning  while
              using  old  behavior  or to NEW to try building the project with
              new behavior.

              Path used for searching by FIND_XXX(), with appropriate suffixes

              Specifies  a path which will be used by the FIND_XXX() commands.
              It contains the  "base"  directories,  the  FIND_XXX()  commands
              append  appropriate  subdirectories  to the base directories. So
              FIND_PROGRAM() adds /bin to each of the directories in the path,
              FIND_LIBRARY()  appends  /lib  to  each  of the directories, and
              FIND_PATH() and FIND_FILE() append /include . By default  it  is
              empty,  it  is  intended  to  be  set  by  the project. See also
              CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH,                    CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH,

              Path used for searching by FIND_PROGRAM().

              Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_PROGRAM(). FIND_PRO-
              GRAM() will check each of  the  contained  directories  for  the
              existence of the program which is currently searched. By default
              it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project.  See  also

              Don't make the install target depend on the all target.

              By  default,  the  "install" target depends on the "all" target.
              This has the effect, that when  "make  install"  is  invoked  or
              INSTALL  is  built,  first  the  "all" target is built, then the
              installation starts. If CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY is set
              to  TRUE,  this  dependency  is not created, so the installation
              process will start immediately,  independent  from  whether  the
              project has been completely built or not.

              Path to be ignored by FIND_XXX() commands.

              Specifies  directories  to  be ignored by searches in FIND_XXX()
              commands This is useful  in  cross-compiled  environments  where
              some  system directories contain incompatible but possibly link-
              able libraries. For example, on cross-compiled cluster  environ-
              ments,  this  allows  a  user  to  ignore directories containing
              libraries meant for the  front-end  machine  that  modules  like
              FindX11 (and others) would normally search. By default this con-
              tains a list of directories containing incompatible binaries for
              the  host  system. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_SYS-

              Path used for searching by FIND_FILE() and FIND_PATH().

              Specifies  a  path  which  will  be used both by FIND_FILE() and
              FIND_PATH(). Both commands will  check  each  of  the  contained
              directories  for  the  existence  of the file which is currently
              searched. By default it contains the  standard  directories  for
              the  current  system.  It  is NOT intended to be modified by the
              project, use CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH for this.  See  also  CMAKE_SYS-

              Path used for searching by FIND_LIBRARY().

              Specifies   a   path  which  will  be  used  by  FIND_LIBRARY().
              FIND_LIBRARY() will check each of the contained directories  for
              the  existence  of  the  library which is currently searched. By
              default it contains the standard  directories  for  the  current
              system.  It  is  NOT intended to be modified by the project, use
              CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.

              Path used for searching by FIND_XXX(), with appropriate suffixes

              Specifies  a path which will be used by the FIND_XXX() commands.
              It contains the  "base"  directories,  the  FIND_XXX()  commands
              append  appropriate  subdirectories  to the base directories. So
              FIND_PROGRAM() adds /bin to each of the directories in the path,
              FIND_LIBRARY()  appends  /lib  to  each  of the directories, and
              FIND_PATH() and FIND_FILE() append /include .  By  default  this
              contains  the standard directories for the current system. It is
              NOT intended to be  modified  by  the  project,  use  CMAKE_PRE-
              FIX_PATH   for   this.   See   also   CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH,

              Path used for searching by FIND_PROGRAM().

              Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_PROGRAM(). FIND_PRO-
              GRAM() will check each of  the  contained  directories  for  the
              existence of the program which is currently searched. By default
              it contains the standard directories for the current system.  It
              is  NOT  intended  to be modified by the project, use CMAKE_PRO-
              GRAM_PATH for this. See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH.

              Specify a CMake file that overrides platform information.

              CMake loads the specified file while enabling support  for  each
              language  from  either  the  project() or enable_language() com-
              mands.  It is loaded after CMake's builtin compiler and platform
              information  modules have been loaded but before the information
              is used.  The file may set  platform  information  variables  to
              override CMake's defaults.

              This  feature is intended for use only in overriding information
              variables that must be set before CMake builds  its  first  test
              project  to  check  that  the compiler for a language works.  It
              should not be used to  load  a  file  in  cases  that  a  normal
              include()  will work.  Use it only as a last resort for behavior
              that cannot be achieved any other way.  For example, one may set
              CMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT  to change the default value used to initial-
              ize CMAKE_C_FLAGS before it is cached.  The override file should
              NOT  be  used  to set anything that could be set after languages
              are enabled, such as variables like  CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIREC-
              TORY  that affect the placement of binaries.  Information set in
              the file will be used for try_compile and try_run builds too.

       APPLE  True if running on Mac OSX.

              Set to true on Mac OSX.

              True of the borland compiler is being used.

              This is set to true if the Borland compiler is being used.

              Using the 64 bit compiler from Microsoft

              Set to true when using the 64 bit cl compiler from Microsoft.

              Using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft

              Set to true when using the Visual Studio 2005 compiler from  Mi-

              True for Apple OSXoperating systems.

              Set to true when the host system is Apple OSX.

              Name of system cmake is being run on.

              The  same as CMAKE_SYSTEM but for the host system instead of the
              target system when cross compiling.

              Name of the OS CMake is running on.

              The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME but for the host system instead of
              the target system when cross compiling.

              The name of the CPU CMake is running on.

              The  same  as  CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR  but  for  the host system
              instead of the target system when cross compiling.

              OS version CMake is running on.

              The same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION but for the host system instead
              of the target system when cross compiling.

              True for UNIX and UNIX like operating systems.

              Set  to  true  when  the  host system is UNIX or UNIX like (i.e.
              APPLE and CYGWIN).

              True on windows systems, including win64.

              Set to true when the host system is Windows and on cygwin.

              Target architecture library directory name, if detected.

              This  is  the  value  of  CMAKE_<lang>_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE   as
              detected for one of the enabled languages.

              Regex  matching  possible  target architecture library directory

              This is used to  detect  CMAKE_<lang>_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  from
              the implicit linker search path by matching the <arch> name.

              Maximum  object  file  full-path  length allowed by native build

              CMake computes for every source file an object file name that is
              unique  to the source file and deterministic with respect to the
              full path to the source file.  This allows multiple source files
              in  a  target  to  share  the same name if they lie in different
              directories without rebuilding when one  is  added  or  removed.
              However, it can produce long full paths in a few cases, so CMake
              shortens the path using a hashing scheme when the full  path  to
              an  object file exceeds a limit.  CMake has a built-in limit for
              each platform that is sufficient  for  common  tools,  but  some
              native  tools  may have a lower limit.  This variable may be set
              to specify the limit explicitly.  The value must be  an  integer
              no less than 128.

              Name of system cmake is compiling for.

              This   variable   is  the  composite  of  CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME  and
              CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION,       like        this        ${CMAKE_SYS-
              not set, then CMAKE_SYSTEM is the same as CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME.

              Name of the OS CMake is building for.

              This is the name of the operating system on which CMake is  tar-
              geting.    On systems that have the uname command, this variable
              is set to the output of uname -s.  Linux, Windows,   and  Darwin
              for  Mac  OSX  are  the values found  on the big three operating

              The name of the CPU CMake is building for.

              On systems that support uname, this variable is set to the  out-
              put  of uname -p, on windows it is set to the value of the envi-
              ronment variable PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE

              OS version CMake is building for.

              A numeric version string for the system, on systems that support
              uname,  this variable is set to the output of uname -r. On other
              systems this is set to major-minor version numbers.

       CYGWIN True for cygwin.

              Set to true when using CYGWIN.

       MSVC   True when using Microsoft Visual C

              Set to true when the compiler is some version of Microsoft  Vis-
              ual C.

       MSVC80 True when using Microsoft Visual C 8.0

              Set to true when the compiler is version 8.0 of Microsoft Visual

              True when using the Microsoft Visual C IDE

              Set to true when the target platform is the Microsoft  Visual  C
              IDE, as opposed to the command line compiler.

              The version of Microsoft Visual C/C++ being used if any.

              Known version numbers are:

                1200 = VS  6.0
                1300 = VS  7.0
                1310 = VS  7.1
                1400 = VS  8.0
                1500 = VS  9.0
                1600 = VS 10.0

       UNIX   True for UNIX and UNIX like operating systems.

              Set  to  true  when the target system is UNIX or UNIX like (i.e.
              APPLE and CYGWIN).

       WIN32  True on windows systems, including win64.

              Set to true when the target system is Windows.

              Version of Xcode (Xcode generator only).

              Under the Xcode generator, this is the version of Xcode as spec-
              ified in "Xcode.app/Contents/version.plist" (such as "3.1.2").

              Rule variable to append to a static archive.

              This  is  a  rule  variable  that tells CMake how to append to a
              static archive.   It  is  used  in  place  of  CMAKE_<LANG>_CRE-
              ATE_STATIC_LIBRARY  on  some platforms in order to support large
              object  counts.   See   also   CMAKE_<LANG>_ARCHIVE_CREATE   and

              Rule variable to create a new static archive.

              This  is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a static
              archive.    It   is   used   in   place   of   CMAKE_<LANG>_CRE-
              ATE_STATIC_LIBRARY  on  some platforms in order to support large
              object  counts.   See   also   CMAKE_<LANG>_ARCHIVE_APPEND   and

              Rule variable to finish an existing static archive.

              This  is a rule variable that tells CMake how to finish a static
              archive.    It   is   used   in   place   of   CMAKE_<LANG>_CRE-
              ATE_STATIC_LIBRARY  on  some platforms in order to support large
              object  counts.   See   also   CMAKE_<LANG>_ARCHIVE_CREATE   and

              The full path to the compiler for LANG.

              This  is  the  command that will be used as the <LANG> compiler.
              Once set, you can not change this variable.

              An internal variable subject to change.

              This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is  subject  to

              An internal variable subject to change.

              This  is  used  in  determining  the  compiler and is subject to

              Defined to true if the language is enabled.

              When language <LANG> is  enabled  by  project()  or  enable_lan-
              guage() this variable is defined to 1.

              Rule variable to compile a single object file.

              This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to compile a single
              object file for for the language <LANG>.

              Rule variable to create a shared library.

              This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a  shared
              library for the language <LANG>.

              Rule variable to create a shared module.

              This  is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a shared
              library for the language <LANG>.

              Rule variable to create a static library.

              This is a rule variable that tells CMake how to create a  static
              library for the language <LANG>.

              Flags for Debug build type or configuration.

              <LANG> flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug.

              Flags for MinSizeRel build type or configuration.

              <LANG>  flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is MinSizeRel.Short for
              minimum size release.

              Flags for Release build type or configuration.

              <LANG> flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Release

              Flags for RelWithDebInfo type or configuration.

              <LANG> flags used when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is RelWithDebInfo. Short
              for Release With Debug Information.

              File extensions that should be ignored by the build.

              This  is a list of file extensions that may be part of a project
              for a given language but are not compiled.

              Directories implicitly  searched  by  the  compiler  for  header

              CMake  does not explicitly specify these directories on compiler
              command lines for language <LANG>.  This prevents system include
              directories  from  being  treated as user include directories on
              some compilers.

              Implicit linker search path detected for language <LANG>.

              Compilers typically pass directories containing language runtime
              libraries  and  default  library search paths when they invoke a
              linker.  These paths are implicit linker search directories  for
              the  compiler's  language.   CMake  automatically  detects these
              directories for each language and reports the  results  in  this

              Implicit link libraries and flags detected for language <LANG>.

              Compilers  typically  pass  language  runtime  library names and
              other flags when they invoke a linker.  These flags are implicit
              link  options  for the compiler's language.  CMake automatically
              detects these libraries and flags for each language and  reports
              the results in this variable.

              Target architecture library directory name detected for <lang>.

              If the <lang> compiler passes to the linker an architecture-spe-
              cific  system   library   search   directory   such   as   <pre-
              fix>/lib/<arch>  this  variable  contains  the <arch> name if/as
              detected by CMake.

              Preference value for linker language selection.

              The "linker language" for executable, shared library, and module
              targets  is  the language whose compiler will invoke the linker.
              The LINKER_LANGUAGE target property sets  the  language  explic-
              itly.  Otherwise, the linker language is that whose linker pref-
              erence value is highest among languages compiled and linked into
              the  target.  See also the CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREFERENCE_PROPA-
              GATES variable.

              True if CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREFERENCE  propagates  across  tar-

              This  is used when CMake selects a linker language for a target.
              Languages compiled directly into the target are  always  consid-
              ered.   A  language compiled into static libraries linked by the
              target is considered if this variable is true.

              Rule variable to link and executable.

              Rule variable to link and executable for the given language.

              Extension for the output of a compile for a single file.

              This is the extension for an object file for the  given  <LANG>.
              For example .obj for C on Windows.

              An internal variable subject to change.

              This  is  used  in  determining  the  platform and is subject to

              Size of pointer-to-data types for language <LANG>.

              This holds the size (in bytes) of pointer-to-data types  in  the
              target  platform  ABI.   It  is  defined for languages C and CXX

              Extensions of source files for the given language.

              This is the list of extensions  for  a  given  languages  source

              True if the compiler is GNU.

              If the selected <LANG> compiler is the GNU compiler then this is
              TRUE, if not it is FALSE.

              Fortran default module output directory.

              Most Fortran compilers write .mod files to the  current  working
              directory.   For  those that do not, this is set to "." and used
              when the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY target property is not set.

              Fortran flag for module output directory.

              This stores the flag needed  to  pass  the  value  of  the  For-
              tran_MODULE_DIRECTORY target property to the compiler.

              Fortran flag to enable module output.

              Most  Fortran  compilers  write  .mod files out by default.  For
              others, this stores the flag needed to enable module output.

              An internal variable subject to change.

              This is used in determining the compiler ABI and is  subject  to

              Specify  a  CMake  file  that overrides platform information for

              This      is      a      language-specific      version       of
              CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE  loaded  only  when enabling lan-
              guage <LANG>.

              Default filename postfix for libraries under configuration <CON-

              When  a  non-executable  target  is created its <CONFIG>_POSTFIX
              target property is initialized with the value of  this  variable
              if it is set.

              Where to put all the ARCHIVE targets when built.

              This variable is used to initialize the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
              property on all the targets. See that target property for  addi-
              tional information.

              Whether to handle moc automatically for Qt targets.

              This  variable is used to initialize the AUTOMOC property on all
              the targets. See that target property  for  additional  informa-

              Use the install path for the RPATH

              Normally  CMake  uses the build tree for the RPATH when building
              executables etc on systems that use RPATH. When the software  is
              installed  the executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the
              install RPATH. If this variable is set to true then the software
              is always built with the install path for the RPATH and does not
              need to be relinked when installed.

              See variable CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX.

              This variable is a special case of the more-general  CMAKE_<CON-
              FIG>_POSTFIX variable for the DEBUG configuration.

              Linker flags used to create executables.

              Flags used by the linker when creating an executable.

              Flag used when linking an executable.

              Same  as  CMAKE_C_FLAGS_*  but  used by the linker when creating

              Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

              This variable is used to initialize the Fortran_FORMAT  property
              on  all  the  targets.  See  that target property for additional

              Fortran module output directory.

              This variable is used to initialize the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY
              property  on all the targets. See that target property for addi-
              tional information.

              Automatically add the current source- and build  directories  to
              the include path.

              If  this  variable  is enabled, CMake automatically adds in each
              directory    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}    and     ${CMAKE_CUR-
              RENT_BINARY_DIR}  to  the include path for this directory. These
              additional include directories do not propagate down  to  subdi-
              rectories. This is useful mainly for out-of-source builds, where
              files generated into  the  build  tree  are  included  by  files
              located in the source tree.

              By default CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR is OFF.

              Mac OSX directory name for installed targets.

              CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR     is    used    to    initialize    the
              INSTALL_NAME_DIR property on all targets. See that target  prop-
              erty for more information.

              The rpath to use for installed targets.

              A  semicolon-separated  list  specifying  the  rpath  to  use in
              installed targets (for platforms that support it). This is  used
              to initialize the target property INSTALL_RPATH for all targets.

              Add paths to linker search and installed rpath.

              CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH  is  a  boolean that if set to
              true will append directories in the linker search path and  out-
              side  the project to the INSTALL_RPATH. This is used to initial-
              ize the target property INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH for all tar-

              Where to put all the LIBRARY targets when built.

              This variable is used to initialize the LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
              property on all the targets. See that target property for  addi-
              tional information.

              The flag used to add a library search path to a compiler.

              The flag used to specify a library directory to the compiler. On
              most compilers this is "-L".

              Linker flag used to specify a .def file for dll creation.

              The flag used to add a .def file when creating a dll on Windows,
              this is only defined on Windows.

              Flag used to link a library specified by a path to its file.

              The flag used before a library file path is given to the linker.
              This is needed only on very few platforms.

              Flag used to link a library into an executable.

              The flag used to specify a library to link to an executable.  On
              most compilers this is "-l".

              Do not use the builtin ELF editor to fix RPATHs on installation.

              When an ELF binary needs to have a different RPATH after instal-
              lation than it does in the build tree, CMake uses a builtin edi-
              tor to change the RPATH in the installed copy.  If this variable
              is set to true then CMake will relink the binary before  instal-
              lation instead of using its builtin editor.

              Where to put all the RUNTIME targets when built.

              This variable is used to initialize the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
              property on all the targets. See that target property for  addi-
              tional information.

              Do not include RPATHs in the build tree.

              Normally  CMake  uses the build tree for the RPATH when building
              executables etc on systems that use RPATH. When the software  is
              installed  the executables etc are relinked by CMake to have the
              install RPATH. If this variable is set to true then the software
              is always built with no RPATH.

              Build configuration used for try_compile and try_run projects.

              Projects  built  by  try_compile  and  try_run  are  built  syn-
              chronously during the CMake  configuration  step.   Therefore  a
              specific  build  configuration must be chosen even if the gener-
              ated build system supports multiple configurations.

              Use relative paths (May not work!).

              If this is set to TRUE, then the CMake will use  relative  paths
              between  the  source  and binary tree. This option does not work
              for more complicated projects, and relative paths are used  when
              possible.   In  general, it is not possible to move CMake gener-
              ated makefiles to a different location regardless of  the  value
              of this variable.

              Old executable location variable.

              The  target  property  RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY  supercedes this
              variable for a target if it is set.  Executable targets are oth-
              erwise placed in this directory.

              Old library location variable.

              The  target  properties  ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,  LIBRARY_OUT-
              PUT_DIRECTORY, and RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY supercede this vari-
              able  for  a target if they are set.  Library targets are other-
              wise placed in this directory.

       variables defined by cmake, that give information  about  the  project,
       and cmake

              Name of archiving tool for static libraries.

              This  specifies  name  of  the  program  that creates archive or
              static libraries.

              Number of command line arguments passed to CMake in script mode.

              When run in -P script mode, CMake sets this variable to the num-
              ber of command line arguments. See also CMAKE_ARGV0, 1, 2 ...

              Command line argument passed to CMake in script mode.

              When  run  in  -P  script  mode, CMake sets this variable to the
              first command line argument.  It  then  also  sets  CMAKE_ARGV1,
              CMAKE_ARGV2,  ...  and  so  on, up to the number of command line
              arguments given. See also CMAKE_ARGC.

              The path to the top level of the build tree.

              This is the full path to the top  level  of  the  current  CMake
              build  tree.  For  an in-source build, this would be the same as

              Tool used for the actual build process.

              This variable is set to the program that will be needed to build
              the output of CMake.   If the generator selected was Visual Stu-
              dio 6, the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM will be set  to  msdev,  for  Unix
              makefiles it will be set to make or gmake, and for Visual Studio
              7 it set to devenv.  For Nmake Makefiles  the  value  is  nmake.
              This  can  be useful for adding special flags and commands based
              on the final build environment.

              The directory with the CMakeCache.txt file.

              This is the full path to  the  directory  that  has  the  CMake-
              Cache.txt file in it.  This is the same as CMAKE_BINARY_DIR.

              Major version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

              This  is stores the major version of CMake used to write a CMake
              cache file. It is only different when  a  different  version  of
              CMake is run on a previously created cache file.

              Minor version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

              This  is stores the minor version of CMake used to write a CMake
              cache file. It is only different when  a  different  version  of
              CMake is run on a previously created cache file.

              Patch version of CMake used to create the CMakeCache.txt file

              This  is stores the patch version of CMake used to write a CMake
              cache file. It is only different when  a  different  version  of
              CMake is run on a previously created cache file.

              Build-time reference to per-configuration output subdirectory.

              For  native  build systems supporting multiple configurations in
              the build tree (such as Visual Studio and Xcode), the value is a
              reference  to  a  build-time variable specifying the name of the
              per-configuration output subdirectory.  On  Makefile  generators
              this evaluates to "." because there is only one configuration in
              a build tree.  Example values:

                $(IntDir)        = Visual Studio 6
                $(OutDir)        = Visual Studio 7, 8, 9
                $(Configuration) = Visual Studio 10
                $(CONFIGURATION) = Xcode
                .                = Make-based tools

              Since these values are evaluated by  the  native  build  system,
              this  variable  is  suitable  only for use in command lines that
              will be evaluated at build time.  Example of intended usage:

                add_executable(mytool mytool.c)
                  OUTPUT out.txt
                          ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt out.txt
                  DEPENDS mytool in.txt
                add_custom_target(drive ALL DEPENDS out.txt)

              Note that CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR is no longer necessary for this  pur-
              pose but has been left for compatibility with existing projects.
              Instead add_custom_command() recognizes executable target  names
              in      its      COMMAND      option,      so      "${CMAKE_CUR-
              RENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/mytool" can be replaced  by
              just "mytool".

              This  variable  is read-only.  Setting it is undefined behavior.
              In multi-configuration build systems the value of this  variable
              is  passed as the value of preprocessor symbol "CMAKE_INTDIR" to
              the compilation of all source files.

              The full path to the cmake executable.

              This is the full path to the CMake  executable  cmake  which  is
              useful from custom commands that want to use the cmake -E option
              for portable system commands. (e.g. /usr/local/bin/cmake

              Is CMake currently cross compiling.

              This variable will be set to true by CMake  if  CMake  is  cross
              compiling.  Specifically if the build platform is different from
              the target platform.

              Full path to ctest command installed with cmake.

              This is the full path to the CTest  executable  ctest  which  is
              useful  from  custom  commands  that  want   to use the cmake -E
              option for portable system commands.

              The path to the binary directory currently being processed.

              This the full path to the  build  directory  that  is  currently
              being processed by cmake.  Each directory added by add_subdirec-
              tory will create a binary directory in the build tree, and as it
              is  being  processed  this  variable  will be set. For in-source
              builds this is the current source directory being processed.

              Full directory of the listfile currently being processed.

              As CMake processes the listfiles in your project  this  variable
              will  always be set to the directory where the listfile which is
              currently being processed (CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE) is  located.
              The  value has dynamic scope.  When CMake starts processing com-
              mands in a source file it sets this variable  to  the  directory
              where this file is located.  When CMake finishes processing com-
              mands from the file it restores the previous  value.   Therefore
              the  value  of  the  variable  inside a macro or function is the
              directory of the file invoking the bottom-most entry on the call
              stack,  not  the  directory  of the file containing the macro or
              function definition.

              See also CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE.

              Full path to the listfile currently being processed.

              As CMake processes the listfiles in your project  this  variable
              will  always  be  set to the one currently being processed.  The
              value has dynamic scope.  When CMake starts processing  commands
              in  a  source  file it sets this variable to the location of the
              file.  When CMake finishes processing commands from the file  it
              restores  the  previous value.  Therefore the value of the vari-
              able inside a macro or function is the file  invoking  the  bot-
              tom-most  entry  on  the call stack, not the file containing the
              macro or function definition.

              See also CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE.

              The line number of the current file being processed.

              This is the line number of the file currently being processed by

              The path to the source directory currently being processed.

              This  the  full  path  to the source directory that is currently
              being processed by cmake.

              Name of library containing dlopen and dlcose.

              The name of the library that has dlopen and dlclose in it,  usu-
              ally -ldl on most UNIX machines.

              Full path to cmake-gui or ccmake.

              This  is  the full path to the CMake executable that can graphi-
              cally edit the cache.  For example, cmake-gui, ccmake, or  cmake

              The suffix for executables on this platform.

              The  suffix  to use for the end of an executable if any, .exe on

              CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX_<LANG>  overrides  this   for   language

              The extra generator used to build the project.

              When using the Eclipse, CodeBlocks or KDevelop generators, CMake
              generates Makefiles (CMAKE_GENERATOR) and  additionally  project
              files for the respective IDE. This IDE project file generator is
              stored in CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR (e.g. "Eclipse CDT4").

              Additional suffixes for shared libraries.

              Extensions for shared libraries other  than  that  specified  by
              CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX,  if any.  CMake uses this to recog-
              nize external shared library files during analysis of  libraries
              linked by a target.

              The generator used to build the project.

              The  name  of  the  generator that is being used to generate the
              build files.  (e.g. "Unix Makefiles", "Visual Studio 6", etc.)

              Path to top of source tree.

              This is the path to the top level of the source tree.

              The prefix for import libraries that you link to.

              The prefix to use for the name of an import library if  used  on
              this platform.

              CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG>  overrides  this for language

              The suffix for import  libraries that you link to.

              The suffix to use for the end of an import library  if  used  on
              this platform.

              CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG>  overrides  this for language

              The suffix for libraries that you link to.

              The suffix to use for the end of a library, .lib on Windows.

              The Major version of cmake (i.e. the 2 in 2.X.X)

              This specifies the major version of the CMake  executable  being

              See CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL.

              This   variable  is  around  for  backwards  compatibility,  see

              The Minor version of cmake (i.e. the 4 in X.4.X).

              This specifies the minor version of the CMake  executable  being

              Full path to the parent listfile of the one currently being pro-

              As CMake processes the listfiles in your project  this  variable
              will  always  be  set  to  the listfile that included or somehow
              invoked the one currently being processed. See  also  CMAKE_CUR-

              The patch version of cmake (i.e. the 3 in X.X.3).

              This  specifies  the patch version of the CMake executable being

              The name of the current project.

              This specifies name of the  current  project  from  the  closest
              inherited PROJECT command.

              Name of randomizing tool for static libraries.

              This  specifies name of the program that randomizes libraries on
              UNIX, not used on Windows, but may be present.

              Install directory for running cmake.

              This is the install root for the running CMake and  the  Modules
              directory  can be found here. This is commonly used in this for-
              mat: ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules

              Full path to the -P script file currently being processed.

              When run in -P script mode, CMake sets this variable to the full
              path  of the script file. When run to configure a CMakeLists.txt
              file, this variable is not set.

              The prefix for shared libraries that you link to.

              The prefix to use for the name of a shared library, lib on UNIX.

              CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this  for  language

              The suffix for shared libraries that you link to.

              The  suffix to use for the end of a shared library, .dll on Win-

              CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this  for  language

              The prefix for loadable modules that you link to.

              The  prefix  to  use  for  the name of a loadable module on this

              CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides  this  for  language

              The suffix for shared libraries that you link to.

              The suffix to use for the end of a loadable module on this plat-

              CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides  this  for  language

              Size of a void pointer.

              This  is  set  to  the  size of a pointer on the machine, and is
              determined by a try compile. If a 64 bit size is found, then the
              library  search  path  is  modified to look for 64 bit libraries

              If true, do not add run time path information.

              If this is set to TRUE, then the rpath information is not  added
              to  compiled  executables.  The default is to add rpath informa-
              tion if the platform supports it.This allows  for  easy  running
              from the build tree.

              The path to the top level of the source tree.

              This  is  the  full  path  to the top level of the current CMake
              source tree. For an in-source build, this would be the  same  as

              Libraries linked into every executable and shared library.

              This  is the list of libraries that are linked into all executa-
              bles and libraries.

              The prefix for static libraries that you link to.

              The prefix to use for the name of a static library, lib on UNIX.

              CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX_<LANG> overrides this  for  language

              The suffix for static libraries that you link to.

              The  suffix to use for the end of a static library, .lib on Win-

              CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX_<LANG> overrides this  for  language

              The tweak version of cmake (i.e. the 1 in X.X.X.1).

              This  specifies  the tweak version of the CMake executable being
              run.  Releases use tweak < 20000000 and development versions use
              the date format CCYYMMDD for the tweak level.

              True if free visual studio tools being used.

              This is set to true if the compiler is Visual Studio free tools.

              Create verbose makefiles if on.

              This  variable  defaults  to false. You can set this variable to
              true to make CMake produce verbose makefiles that show each com-
              mand line as it is used.

              The full version of cmake in major.minor.patch[.tweak[-id]] for-

              This specifies the full version of the  CMake  executable  being
              run.   This  variable  is  defined by versions 2.6.3 and higher.
              See    variables    CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION,    CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION,
              CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION, and CMAKE_TWEAK_VERSION for individual ver-
              sion components.  The [-id]  component  appears  in  non-release
              versions and may be arbitrary text.

              Full path to build directory for project.

              This is the binary directory of the most recent PROJECT command.

              Name of the project given to the project command.

              This is the name given to the most recent PROJECT command.

              Top level source directory for the current project.

              This is the source directory of the most recent PROJECT command.

       [Project name]_BINARY_DIR
              Top level binary directory for the named project.

              A variable is created with the name used in the PROJECT command,
              and is the binary directory for the project.   This can be  use-
              ful when SUBDIR is used to connect several projects.

       [Project name]_SOURCE_DIR
              Top level source directory for the named project.

              A variable is created with the name used in the PROJECT command,
              and is the source directory for the project.   This can be  use-
              ful when add_subdirectory is used to connect several projects.

       Copyright  2000-2009  Kitware,  Inc., Insight Software Consortium.  All
       rights reserved.

       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without mod-
       ification,  are  permitted  provided  that the following conditions are

       Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright  notice,
       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

       Redistributions  in  binary  form  must  reproduce  the above copyright
       notice, this list of conditions and the  following  disclaimer  in  the
       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

       Neither  the  names  of Kitware, Inc., the Insight Software Consortium,
       nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse  or  promote
       products derived from this software without specific prior written per-


       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/build/cmake |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted           |
       ccmake(1), cpack(1), ctest(1), cmakecommands(1), cmakecompat(1), cmake-
       modules(1), cmakeprops(1), cmakevars(1)

       The following resources are available to get help using CMake:

       Home Page

              The primary starting point for learning about CMake.

       Frequently Asked Questions

              A  Wiki is provided containing answers to frequently asked ques-

       Online Documentation

              Links to available documentation may be found on this web page.

       Mailing List

              For help and discussion about using cmake,  a  mailing  list  is
              provided  at  cmake@cmake.org.  The list is member-post-only but
              one may sign up on the CMake web page.  Please  first  read  the
              full  documentation at http://www.cmake.org before posting ques-
              tions to the list.

       Summary of helpful links:

         Home: http://www.cmake.org
         Docs: http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Documentation.html
         Mail: http://www.cmake.org/HTML/MailingLists.html
         FAQ:  http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ

       This manual page was generated by the "--help-man" option.

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.cmake.org/.

cmake 2.8.6                     August 19, 2015                       cmake(1)