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更新: 2016年12月6日

squidclient (1)


squidclient - A simple HTTP web client tool


squidclient   [  -aknNrsv  ]  [  --ping  [ping-options]  ]  [  --https]
[tls-options] [ -A string ] [ -h | --host remote host ] [ -H ' string '
] [ -i IMS ] [ -j ' Host header ' ] [ -l | --local host ] [ -m method ]
[ -p | --port port ] [ -P file ] [ -t count ] [ -T timeout ] [ -u  user
] [ -U user ] [ -V version ] [ -w password ] [ -W password ] url

Ping options: [ -g count ] [ -I interval ]

TLS  options:  [  --anonymous-tls ] [ --trusted-ca CA certificates file
...] [ --cert client X.509 certificate file ] [  --params  TLS  session
parameters ]


squidclient(1)              General Commands Manual             squidclient(1)

       squidclient - A simple HTTP web client tool

       squidclient   [  -aknNrsv  ]  [  --ping  [ping-options]  ]  [  --https]
       [tls-options] [ -A string ] [ -h | --host remote host ] [ -H ' string '
       ] [ -i IMS ] [ -j ' Host header ' ] [ -l | --local host ] [ -m method ]
       [ -p | --port port ] [ -P file ] [ -t count ] [ -T timeout ] [ -u  user
       ] [ -U user ] [ -V version ] [ -w password ] [ -W password ] url

       Ping options: [ -g count ] [ -I interval ]

       TLS  options:  [  --anonymous-tls ] [ --trusted-ca CA certificates file
       ...] [ --cert client X.509 certificate file ] [  --params  TLS  session
       parameters ]

       squidclient is a tool providing a command line interface for retrieving
       URLs.  Designed for testing any HTTP 0.9, 1.0, or  1.1  web  server  or
       proxy.   This  tool  can  be combined with scripts to perform any basic
       HTTP operation.  Some additional features for access to the squid proxy
       object cache and management information are provided.

       -a          Do NOT include Accept: header.

       -A 'string' Send  string as User-Agent: header. To omit the header com-
                   pletely set string to empty ('').

       -h | --host host
                   Retrieve URL from server host.  Default is localhost

       -H 'string' Extra headers to send. Use '0 for new lines.

       -i time     If-Modified-Since time (in Epoch seconds).

       -j hosthdr  Host header content

       -k          Keep the connection active.  Default  is  to  do  only  one
                   request then close.

       -l | --local host
                   Specify a local IP address to bind to.  Default is none.

       -m method   Request method, default is GET.  Squid also supports a non-
                   standard method called PURGE.  You can use that to purge  a
                   specific URL from the cache.  You need to have purge access
                   setup in squid.conf similar to manager access. Here  is  an
                   acl purge method PURGE
                   http_access deny purge !localhost

       -n          Proxy Negotiate(Kerberos) authentication.
                   Use kinit username@DOMAIN first to get initial TGS.

       -N          WWW Negotiate(Kerberos) authentication.
                   Use kinit username@DOMAIN first to get initial TGS.

       -p port     Port number of cache.  Default is 3128.

       -P file     Request body. Using the named file as data.

       -r          Force cache to reload URL.

       -s          Silent.  Do not print data to stdout.

       -t count    Trace count HTTP relay or proxy hops

       -T timeout  Timeout value (seconds) for read/write operations.

       -u user     Proxy authentication username

       -U user     WWW authentication username

       -v          Verbose. Print outgoing message to stderr.

       -V version  HTTP Version. Use '-' for HTTP/0.9 omitted case

       -w password Proxy authentication password

       -W password WWW authentication password

       --https     Use Transport Layer Security on the HTTP connection.

                   Use TLS with unauthenticated (anonymous) certificate.

       --cert file File  containing  client  X.509  certificate in PEM format.
                   May be repeated to load several client certificates.

       --trusted-ca file
                   File containing trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certifi-
                   cates in PEM format.  May be repeated to load any number of

       --params values
                   TLS library specific parameters for the communication  ses-
                   sion.   See  the library documentation for details on valid
                   parameters.          GnuTLS:         http://gnutls.org/man-
                   ual/html_node/Priority-Strings.html  If  repeated  only the
                   last value will have effect.

       --ping [options]
                   Enable ping mode. Optional -g and -I parameters must follow
                   immediately  if  used.  Repeated use resets to default ping

       -g count    Ping mode, perform.I count iterations (default is  to  loop
                   until interrupted).

       -I interval Ping interval in seconds (default 1 second).

       This  program  and  manual  was  written  by  Amos  Jeffries  <amosjef-

       Based on original code derived from Harvest and  further  developed  by
       numerous individuals from the internet community.

        *  Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contribu-
        * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
        * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
        * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.

       Questions on the usage of this program can be sent to the  Squid  Users
       mailing list <squid-users@squid-cache.org>

       See  http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/BugReporting  for  details of
       what you need to include with your bug report.

       Report bugs or bug fixes using http://bugs.squid-cache.org/

       Report serious security bugs to Squid Bugs <squid-bugs@squid-cache.org>

       Report ideas for new improvements to the Squid Developers mailing  list

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | web/proxy/squid  |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted      |
       squid(8), cachemgr.cgi(8)

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source    was    downloaded    from     http://www.squid-cache.org/Ver-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.squid-cache.org/.
